Mesterházy Zsolt


Conifer Treasury 5.0

of the World


A fenyők kincsestára 5.0

Fenyőnemesítők kézikönyve





1 Abies - Cupressocyparis




Conifer Treasury 4.0 2012, 37221 photos

Conifer Treasury of Austria 3.0 2013 - 857 cultivars

Conifer Treasury of Belgium 2.0 2013 - 72 cultivars

Conifer Treasury of Cesko 3.0 2013 - 5570 cultivars

Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0 2013 - 1719 cultivars

Conifer Treasury of Holland 2.0 2013 - 747 cultivars

Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0 2013 - 969 cultivars

Conifer Treasury of Latvia, Esthonia & Lithuania 1.0 2013 - 80 cultivars

Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0 2013 - 881 cultivars

Conifer Treasury of Sweden 1.0 2013 - 72 cultivars

Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 2.0 2013 - 6954 cultivars



A publication 2013 ©


Warning! This paper is published by the All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the permission of the copyright owner.











Mesterházy Zsolt


A fenyők kincsestára 5.0

Fenyőnemesítők kézikönyve


Conifer Treasury 5.0

of the World







Fenyők kincsestára 3.1 2011

25.090 fénykép

Jerry Morris életmű 2.0 2011

Greg Williams életmű 2011

Günther Eschrich életmű 2011

Cseh fenyők kincsestára 2.0 2012

Osztrák fenyők kincsestára 2.0 2012

Orosz fenyők kincsestára 1.0 2012

Szlovák fenyők kincsestára 1.0 2012



A publication 2012 ©


Warning! This paper is published by the All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the permission of the copyright owner.











Taxonomic Overwiev

Rendszertani áttekintés



XV. Gymnospermatophyta/Nyitvatermők


Lit.: Hortobágyi Tibor: Növényrendszertan 1979 Tankönyvkiadó Budapest


Literature of the bold printed genera:  R. K. Brummit, Royal Horticultural Society 1992

A vastagon szedett fajok R. K. Brummit, Royal Horticultural Society 1992 után


















Gingkoaceae Engl. 1897







Araucariaceae Henkel & W. Hochst. 1865




Phyllocladaceae /Pilg./Keng 1973


Podocarpaceae Endl. 1847



















Cephalotaxaceae Dumort. 1829  


Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl. 1830    






Cupressocyparis x



















Taxodiaceae Warm 1884











Abiataceae(Pinaceae Endl. 1836)







Hesperotsuga  x













Taxaceae Gray 1821









The Mentioned Genuses:

A tárgyalt fajok listája:


ABIES                                                PINACEAE

ACMOPYLE                                      PODOCARPACEAE

ACTINOSTROBUS                           CUPRESSACEAE

AFROCARPUS                                 PODOCARPACEAE

AGATHIS                                          ARAUCARIACEAE

AMENTOTAXUS                              TAXACEAE

ARAUCARIA                                     ARAUCARIACEAE

ATHROTAXIS                                               TAXODIACEAE

AUSTROCEDRUS                            CUPRESSACEAE

AUSTROTAXUS                               TAXACEAE


CALLITRIS                                        CUPRESSACEAE

CALOCEDRUS                                 CUPRESSACEAE

CATHAYA                                         PINACEAE

CEDRUS                                           PINACEAE

CEPHALOTAXUS                            CEPHALOTAXACEAE

CHAMAECYPARIS                           CUPRESSACEAE

CRYPTOMERIA                                TAXODIACEAE

CUNNINGHAMIA                            TAXODIACEAE



CUPRESSUS                                     CUPRESSACEAE

DACRYCARPUS                               PODOCARPACEAE

DACRYDIUM                                               PODOCARPACEAE


DISELMA                                          CUPRESSACEAE

DUCAMPOPINUS                           PINACEAE

FALCATIFOLIUM                            PODOCARPACEAE

FITZROYA                                        CUPRESSACEAE

FOKIENIA                                        CUPRESSACEAE


GINGKO                                           GINGKOACEAE

GLYPTOSTROBUS                          TAXODIACEAE

HALOCARPUS                                 PODOCARPACEAE

JUNIPERUS                                      CUPRESSACEAE

KETELEERIA                                               PINACEAE

LAGAROSTROBOS                          PODOCARPACEAE

LARIX                                                PINACEAE

LEPIDOTHAMNUS                          PODOCARPACEAE


LIBOCEDRUS                                  CUPRESSACEAE

METASEQUOIA                               TAXODIACEAE

MICROBIOTA                                   CUPRESSACEAE

MICROCACHRYS                            PODOCARPACEAE

MICROSTROBOS                             PODOCARPACEAE

NAGEIA                                            PODOCARPACEAE


NOTHOTSUGA                                PINACEAE

PAPUACEDRUS                              CUPRESSACEAE

PARASITAXUS                                 PODOCARPACEAE


PHYLLOCLADUS                            PODOCARPACEAE

PICEA                                                           PINACEAE


PINUS                                                           PINACEAE

PLATYCLADUS                                CUPRESSACEAE

PODOCARPUS                                PODOCARPACEAE

PSEUDOLARIX                                PINACEAE

PSEUDOTAXUS                               TAXACEAE

PSEUDOTSUGA                              PINACEAE

RETINOSPORA                                CUPRESSACEAE


RETROPHYLLUM                            PODOCARPACEAE

SABINA                                             CUPRESSACEAE

SAXEGOTHAEA                               PODOCARPACEAE

SCIADOPYTIS                                  TAXODIACEAE

SEQUIOA                                          TAXODIACEAE


SUNDACARPUS                              PODOCARPACEAE

TAIWANIA                                         TAXODIACEAE

TAXODIUM                                      TAXODIACEAE

TAXUS                                               TAXACEAE


TETRACLINIS                                   CUPRESSACEAE

THUJA                                              CUPRESSACEAE

THUJOPSIS                                      CUPRESSACEAE

TORREYA                                         TAXACEAE

TSUGA                                              PINACEAE

WIDDRINGTONIA                           CUPRESSACEAE

WOLLEMIA                                       ARAUCARIACEAE

XANTHOCYPARIS                           CUPRESSACEAE












                                                                                                          'Semper vireo''










            It seems daring now to write a summarising study about the taxonomy of Conifers and the naming of commercial entries, however, several researchers in interested countries are working on this task to update the knowledge on this botanical trait to build up more handy, more useful, more careful and more clear descriptions by using also the most recent results.

            The economically developed cultural areas breed a growing number of horticultural variants, ‘cultivars’. This generates the need to give them proper names founded taxonomically, to be differentiated from other existing taxonomical units.

            This need faces us with two important questions of modern taxonomy. The first is the naming of the genus, species, varietas, subspecies and forms with a validity for the whole world. The second is the clear, unambiguous description of the horticultural cultivars.

            I think that the answer for the first question is not my task as it would need an international co-operation of wide range between the experts of the coniferous taxonomists and would take a long time.

            We have a better prospect to answer the second question. Not only the national registration authorities (NRA) need a more solid basis for registration, but an international need is also there to make internationally accepted the work of NRA. It is not an accident that a great work was made by the Royal Horticultural Society, London. Experts of the great exporting nations are also working on different kinds  of plant registers. lists, indexes and data pools. Of course a well expressed economical need and interest  are behind this activity: the well marketable and successful new selections bring serious royalties and income for the breeders and countries and functions as a trade mark. As the decision of the originality is often questionable. There are no collections where all cultivars and forms of a given genus would be represented and now the possibility is there that plants with different names can not be differentiated. Therefore an international testing organisation would be needed based on existing institutions specialised to different taxons. They would serve the whole world. So the testing and identifying commercial cultivars would be possible and the originality of new commercial cultivars could be secured.

            When I have begun this taxonomy work, I had quite different ideas. I founded my own conifer collection in 1982, which was named later officially as Mesterházy Pinetum. At the beginning I consulted mostly the guide Krüssmann: Die Nadelhölze, but the answers were in many cases not found. I should stress, this is not the insufficiency of the work cited. Very often I found names that were not included here, because of later selections, and I felt so that I have to screen the literature to see what is the real situation. Of course, I had a strong interest to describe properly the many hundred entries (cultivars, forms) of my collection according to a solidly based taxonomic environment.

            This work as every such contribution is not perfect, but I hope that this paper will be consulted by many breeders, taxonomists and arboretum specialists, researchers in many countries. Their ideas will be highly appreciated and used to make this work increasingly complete to serve scientific and practical needs.

            This work aims not only assert the mean trends of the taxonomy, but also to make public the local results. During editing, based on available literature I have included also cultivars, of which taxonomic position has not bees secured (not legitime). I insisted to include them because I am convinced that also cultivars need listing that are existing now independently of the fact, whether they are formally described or not. By this way I would like to inform not only the taxonomy, but I intend to inform also practical breeders and  users.

            We have incredibly large undetected areas not being exploited taxonomically and commercially. Except the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, The Netherlands, generally Western Europe, nearly the all the Mid and South Americas are not researched well, the tropics are mostly unknown and the rest of Europe and Asia has also unknown materials that could be included. Every one who feels that could help me will be participated in this work. Please contact me:

            During the last 15 years changed the World. The World Wide Web gives new opportunities, that earlier never existed. As I dreamed in 1995, that I could make a book with 200.000 illustrations, now the dream realised and became a real fact.


April 1995.

January 2005.


I think now in 2010, we have to divide the conifering history to different ages.


The first conifer age existed from the botanical beginnings to 1959, I call it as Classical or Latin Conifer Age. The second age I state till 1993, the Welch book, who made a resume of what he found and collected. This age is speaking of Krüssmann - Horstmann – Grootendorst – Jeddeloh – Barabits – Iseli – Jerry Morris, who were working with a new system, and they found even 200 cultivars in their life. This is the Conifer Hero Age, when great persons were able to work, their names are well known overall the world. This age looks to be unfinished, the documentations are rather poor, even lost. That’s why even Welch couldn’t collect everything, he wanted. Despite all, he is a big hero of this age. He tried, but the technology was simply not enough developed to help him. We have to learn, save and develop further his achievements in detecting conifer cultivars.


And now we are living in the 3rd Conifer Age, which is based on computer technology. This age happens today with new heroes, Holata, Slama, Fincham, Smits, Grubb, Sampson, Kohout, Hodi Toth etc. who are working in a wide great area with multimedia and modern technology. The breeding technology is also changed dramatically. Year to year hunderds of witches brooms are harvested in the forests, alpinists are working with the breeders. I brought in 1995 Barabits with his Life Monument to this age, we have the possibility to bring Harper-Morris-Stanley-Fincham-Waxman-Rezek-Dyskra etc. to this age with their Life Monuments, if we write them. We dont need forgotten breeders, we need living breeders, who get light at 40, 50 or 60 of their age. We need living heroes to learn their secrets. We need botanists, who bring down the forests from the mountains to the people as likely dwarfs or any forms, colours. And we need to be informed about conifering news throughout the world as soon as possible.


The first 3rd Conifer Age experimental book is published by me about the Hungarian Conifer Treasury. More than 650 hungarian breeded cultivars with full documentation and full service is in. The author stays now in the middle, fully description, photos from the www, and the story, of course. As anybody is reading the book on a computer, will have all possible available informations about the subject.


After that the Conifer Treasury 3.0 I hope and guess, this book could be the first general documentation of the 3rd Conifer Age. 17 years after Welch we have about 4000 new conifer cultivars. I hope, this will be a successful document: 14800 cultivar records, 800 species with photo gallery, photos of 4600 cultivars by google connections, 1600 more (of 6000) photos from different sites, which are not available for google (ACS, Stanley, Holata, Edwin Smits, Kohout, Burdan, Daglezja and me), english common names vocabulary, and more and more textal descriptions. After that with partners I would like to publish more national Conifer Treasuries, because these are the future grounds of conifering. Simply to find the creating people, the conifer breeders.



Yours sincerely



Mesterházy, Zsolt










July 2010.








                                                                                                          Semper vireo’'










            Merész vállalkozásnak tűnhet összefoglaló tanulmányt készíteni a fenyőfélék rendszertani besorolásáról, ennek ellenére a világ több országában többen dolgoznak ma is azon, hogy minél teljesebb és minél alaposabb, áttekinthetőbb rendszerben foglalják össze a botanika napjainkig terjedő eredményeit.


            A gazdaságilag fejlett kultúrterületek egyre nagyobb számban produkálnak új és egyre újabb kertészeti változatokat /'cultivar'/. Ezek bevezetése feltételezi új, az eddigiektől különböző nevek adását annak érdekében, hogy növényeink a jövőben is megkülönböztethetőek legyenek. Komoly igény van  olyan kézikönyv iránt, amely a rendelkezésre álló, nagyon szétszórt információt összegyűjtené és hozzáférhetővé tenné mind a nemesítés, mind a felhasználók részére.


            Ezzel máris két fontos kérdéssel találjuk szemben magunkat. Nevezetesen az első: a genusok, speciesek, varietasok, subspeciesek, formák átfedések nélküli megnevezése az egész világra érvényesen; a második: a forgalomba kerülő kerti változatok névmeghatározásának szabatossága, mással össze nem téveszthetősége.


            Az első kérdésre való válaszadás nem lehet célja munkámnak, mert a taxonomia részleteinek egész világra érvényes tisztázása  sok éves munkát igényelne.


            A második kérdés körül már több bíztató jelet látni. Nemcsak a nemzeti minősítőintézetek munkája érvényesül itt erősebben, hanem nemzetközi nyilvántartásra való törekvés is van. Nagy részt vállalt magára Royal Horticultural Society, London, valamint a nagy növényexportőr és nemesítő nemzetek.


            Természetesen a háttérben jól felfogott gazdasági érdekek húzódnak meg: a piacképes, sikeres új szelekciók komoly fajtapénzt hoznak nemesítőjüknek. Mivel az eredetiség elbírálása sok esetben kérdéses, nincsenek olyan gyűjtemények ahol az adott genus minden változata rendelkezésre állna, előfordulhat, hogy a különböző fantázianév alatt forgalmazott változatok egymástól nem különböztethetőek meg. Ezért igen fontos lenne egy olyan nemzetközi vizsgáló hálózat létrehozása, amely a változatokat tudományos alapon vizsgálni tudná, enélkül ugyanis a két igényt nem lehet összhangba hozni.


            Amikor e munkához láttam egészen más indítékok vezettek. 1982-ben megalapítottam saját fenyőgyűjteményemet, amely a későbbi keresztségben nevet is nyert: Mesterházy Pinetum.

A kezdetben sűrűn forgatott Krüssmann: Die Nadelgehölze egyre többször nem igazított útba. Nem a saját hibájából. Mind több olyan név került elő, amelyek nem szerepeltek benne, így nem maradt más hátra, mint belefogni a szerkesztésbe. Természetesen nem csak ez a momentum indította el a munkát, hanem az az igény, hogy alaposan előkészített taxonomiai környezetbe ágyazva sorolja fel a fenyők kerti változatait, amelyeket a rendelkezésre álló irodalom segítségével fel tudtam találni. A mű befejezetlen, hiszen a feltárandó anyag állandó mozgásban van, de talán az első közreadás eljut majd olyan, számomra eddig ismeretlen nemesítőkhöz, arborétumokba, fel nem kutatott országokba is, ahonnét további hasznos információkat várhatok a további bővítés céljából.


            Ez a munka kísérletet tesz arra, hogy érvényre juttassa nemcsak a taxonomia fő irányait, hanem a flórát legjobban ismerő helyi eredményeket is közzétegye. A rendelkezésre álló irodalom alapján történt adatgyűjtés során olyan cultivarokat is átvettem, amelyekről nem bizonyos, hogy legitim elnevezések. Azt az elvet követtem, miszerint szükséges azokat a cultivarokat is megnevezni, amelyek már létrejöttek, elkerülendő az ismétlődéseket.


            Hatalmas üres foltok vannak még a begyűjtendő cultivarok anyagában. Az USA, Kanada Ausztrália, Új-Zéland, Japán, Németország, Hollandia kivételével szinte az egész Közép- és Dél-Amerika, a trópusok speciesei és valószínűleg Európában is van még fellelhető anyag szép számban. A cím, ahol közléseiket várom:


            Az elmúlt 15 évben alaposan megváltozott a világ. A világháló olyan új lehetőségeket nyújt, amelyek korábban sohasem léteztek. 1995-ös álmom most megvalósul egy olyan könyvről, amely 200.000 képi illusztrációt tartalmaz, és valósággá vált.


1995. április

2005. január




Ma, 2010-ben úgy vélem, hogy a fenyők történetét korszakolnunk kell.


Az első fenyőkor a botanika kezdeteitől 1959-ig tartott, melyet Klasszikus (vagy Latin) fenyőkornak nevezek. Addig latin nyelven kaptak nevet a növények, még a kerti változatok is. Utóbbiakat azonban ekkor kivonták a latin névadásból, sőt esetükben megtiltották a latin használatát. Később kiderült, ez serkentően hatott a kerti változatok nemesítésére.

A második fenyőkort 1993-ig tekintem H. J. Welch és G. Haddow: The World Chechlist of Conifers c. könyvének megjelenéséig, amelyben összefoglalták a megelőző idők fenyőnemesítéseinek eredményeit. E kor nagy egyéniségek ideje, mint Krüssmann - Horstmann – Grootendorst – Jeddeloh – Barabits – Iseli – Jerry Morris, akik új módszerekkel dolgoztak, és életükben akár 200 új fenyőfajtát is nemesítettek. Ezt nevezem Nemesítői hősi kornak, amikor olyan nagy tudású nemesítők működtek, akiknek az egész világ megtanulta a nevét. Kissé befejezetlennek tűnik ez az időszak, a dokumentációk helyenként szegényesek, néhol el is vesztek. Ma Welch is többre juthatott volna, de ő mégis kora nagytudású hőse, akit még nem segített az információs technológia. Életművét az utódok nemcsak megtanulják, és megőrzik, de tovább is fejlesztik, magam is ezt teszem.


Ma a Harmadik fenyőkorban élünk, mely az információs technológiára épül. Új hősöket ismertünk meg Holata, Slama, Fincham, Smits, Grubb, Sampson, Kohout, Hódi Tóth személyében, akik nemcsak kihasználják a széles informatikai lehetőségeket, de nemesítési módszereik is drámaian megváltoztak. Az erdőkben ipari méretekben folyik a bábaseprők „aratása” évi több százas nagyságrendben, alpinista segítőkkel kiegészítve a nemesítői kutatásokat. Remélem, hogy Barabits Elemér életművének 1995-ös kiadása áthozta őt az új korba, és sok más jelölt - Harper-Morris-Stanley-Fincham-Waxman-Rezek-Dyskra – megírandó életműve is segít majd munkásságuk eredményeinek frissen tartásában. Helyettük az általuk megalkotott növények világa szól eredményeikről. Nem elfelejtett, hanem élő nemesítőkre van szükségünk, akik 40, 50 vagy 60 éves korukban juthatnak elismeréshez. Élő hősökre van szükségünk, akiktől tanulni lehet. Olyan botanikusokra is szükségünk van, akik a távoli hegyvidékek növényeit lehozzák az emberek közé akár magukban, akár szerethető törpe vagy színes növényváltozatok képében. Természetesen azt is szeretnénk, hogy a növénynemesítés legújabb eredményeiről minél gyorsabban tudomást szerezzünk.


A dokumentálás módszereinek is alkalmazkodniuk kell a felgyorsult világhoz. A Harmadik fenyőkor első kísérleti könyvét magam írtam meg Magyar fenyők kincsestára címmel, melyben 650 magyar nemesítéső fenyőváltozat lehetőleg teljes leírására vállalkoztam. A középpontba a nemesítő kerül szerzőként, és minél teljesebb szöveges és képi anyag felvonultatása a cél. Ha valaki vezeték nélküli internettel ellátott számítógépen olvassa e könyvet, gyorsan a teljes információ birtokába kerülhet – még egy erdő közepén is. Ha egy nemesítő ilyen számítógéppel járja az erdőt, akár a helyszínen is megnézheti adatbázisát, hogy valóban új növényt talált-e?


E törekvések épültek be a Fenyők kincsestára 3.0 új kiadásába, amely reményeim szerint jól alkalmazkodhat felgyorsult technológiai elvárásainkhoz. Welch 1993-as utolsó könyve óta 4000 körüli az új fajták száma – amelyekről tudomásom van, - a fenyőfajták világméretű „gyártása” egyre gyorsuló ütemben folyik. A Fenyők kincsestára 3.0 800 fajról ad képgyűjteményt, 14800 fenyőfajta ismert, melyekből 4600 fajtáról van Google által gyűjtött képanyag, további 1600 fajtáról egyedi honlapok adnak képeket (a közreadott 6000 képből) olyan forrásokból, amelyeket a Google nem lát. Összességében a létező fenyőfajták 42 %-a már képpel illusztrált.


A jelentős további fejlődés alapját az aprómunkával felderített, nemesítőkig eljutó gyűjtéstől várom, mely egyes országok növényanyagára figyel. A cél az alkotó nemesítők megtalálása.




Tisztelettel köszöntöm az Olvasót




Mesterházy Zsolt






2010. július








Literature 1995-2005



American Conifer Society Bulletin 1990-2010

   ACS P. O. Box 314 Perry Hall MD 21128 USA                                                   ACS

Andersen Horticultural Library's Source List of Plants

   and Seeds, USA

W.J.Bean: Trees & Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles I.-V., 8th Edition

   VIII. Edition, Butler  & Tanner Ltd., Frome and London 1970-1989

Bonsai Catalogue of John Vermeulen & Son, Inc.

   Neshanic Station, N. J. USA

Catalogue of Adolf Alzen Nurseries 1985 Herbst/Fall

   5431 Hundsagen/Westerwald GER

Catalogue of Böhlje Pflanzenhandel Gmbh

   2910 Westerstede GER 1991/92

Catalogue of Draijer Nursery

   Zwaanshoek & Heemstede HOL 1981/82

Catalogue of Egzóta Nursery, Sopron HUN

   Dr.Barabits Elemér & Sons, 9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 5  1992

Catalogue of Fenyőkert Nursery Budapest HUN

   1023 Bogár utca 6/b , 1991/92

Catalogues of Firma C. Esveld Boomkwekerijen, Boskoop

   HOL 1982/83 and 1991/93

Catalogue of the Foxborough Nurseries Inc. 1990 USA

Catalogue of the Iseli Nurseries Inc. 1990, 1991 USA

Catalogue of zu Jeddeloh 1978

   2905 Jeddeloh in Oldenburg GER

Catalogue of the Karaca Arboretum, Turkey 1992

Catalogue of Hinrich Kordes Jungpflanzen Nurseries

   2081 Bilsen Mühlenweg 8 GER  1985/86

Catalogue of Michael & Janet Kristick Nurseries

   Wellsville PA USA 1991

Catalogue of Mitsch Nurseries USA 1981/82, 1990

Catalogue of Vannucci Piante 1993/94  Pistoia 51100 ITA

Catalogue of the Washington Evergreen Nurseries

   Leicester NC USA  1991, 1993/94

Catalogue of Pieter Zwijnenburg Jr.

   Boskoop HOL 1991/92, 1994/95

L. C. Chadwick & R. A. Keen: A Study of the Genus Taxus

   Ohio Agriculture Research & Development Center

   U. S. 250 Ohio 83 South, Wooster, Ohio, USA

Christophe Nugue: Cultivars of Metasequoia glyptostroboides in

   The Geobiology and Ecology of Metasequoia, edited by Ben A. LePage, Christopher J.

   Williams and Hong Yang, c Springer 2005. 361-366. p.

Collingridge Illustrated Encyclopedia of Gardening

   by Arthur Hellyer 1976  1983

   The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited

   84-88 The Centre Feltham Middlesex TW13 4BH

W.B.Critchfield, E.L.Little Jr.: Geographic Distribution of the Pines of the World

   US. Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service, February 1966                                      PW

S. K. Czerepanov: Plantae Vasculares URSS  Leningrad, 'Nauka' 1981                 Cz

Dictionary of Gardening of the New Royal Horticultural Society

   The Macmillan Press Ltd. London.  The Stockton Press, New York 1992            DG

Aljos Farjon: Pines

   1984 E.J.Brill - Dr. W. Backhuys, Leiden HOL                                                    P

Flora Koreana

   Editio Scientiarum R. P.  D. C. Phyongyang Korea 1979                                    FK

Guide of the Budafa Arboretum HUN 1983

Guide List to Plants in Strybing, Golden State Park

   San Francisco Ca. USA 1987

Handbook of Dwarf-Slow-growing & Rare Conifers

   The Wansdyke Nursery & The Pygmy Pinetum established by

   H. J. Welch in Devizes, Wiltshire England

Charles R. Harrison: Ornamental Conifers

   Hafner Press, New-Zealand - New York

S. G. Harrison & E. A. Dallimore: Handbook of Coniferae

   and Gingkoaceae

   First Pubihshed 1923 London GBR

Hieke, Karel: Prakticka Dendrologie   Praha 1978

The Hillier Catalogue 1991/1992

The Hillier Manual of Trees & Shrubs

   6th Edition 1991 GBR

Horstmann's Zwergkoniferenkatalog 1991

   3043 Schneverdingen GER

Horstmann Zwergkoniferen - Sammlung 1983

   3043 Schneverdingen GER

Hortobágyi Tibor: Növényrendszertan 1979 Tankönyvkiadó Budapest

Index Kewensis 1863 -1989  Clarendon Press Oxford England                              KeI

Index Plantarum II. Vácrátót HUN

   MTA Ökologiai és Botanikai Kutatóintézete

Index Seminum Alpengarten Belvedere Wien AUT 1991

The International Book of Trees by Hugh Johnson

   Mitchell Beazley Publishers Limited GBR 1973

J. Lewis: The International Conifer Register

   Part 1. & 2. 1987 London, The Royal Horticultural Society

Liu: A Monograph of the Genus Abies

Krüssmann, Gerd: Die Baume Europas

   2.Auflage, Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 1979

Krüssmann, Gerd: Die Nadelgehölze

   3.Auflage, Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 1979

Krüssmann, Gerd: Handbuch der Nadelgehölze

   Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 1972, 1983                                                  Kr

Krüssmann, Gerd: Handbuch der Laubgehölze, Registerband.

   Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 1978

L. J. Metcalf: The Cultivation of New Zealand Trees & Shrubs

   Reed Methuen Publishers Ltd. 1987

N.T.Mirov: The Genus Pinus

   The Ronald Press Company, New York 1967

Christophe Nugue: Cultivars of Metasequoia glyptostroboides in

   The Geobiology and Ecology of Metasequoia, edited by Ben A. LePage, Christopher J.

   Williams and Hong Yang, c Springer 2005. 361-366. p.

Mitchell, Alan: Die Wald- und Parkbaume Europas

   Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 2. Auflage 1979

Mitchell, Alan - Wilkinson, J.: Pareys Buch der Baume

   Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 1979

Plant Inventory of Arnold Arboretum of Harvard

   University, Jamaica Plain, MA USA 1990

Plant Inventory of the Mesterházy Pinetum Budapest / Erdőtarcsa HUN 1994-2010

Plant List of the Kámoni Arborétum Szombathely HUN 1990

The Plantfinder 1991/1992 Edition

   Moorland Publishing Co. Ltd. Ashbourne Derbyshire England

Rehder: Manual of Cultivated Trees &. Shrubs

G. R. Shaw: The Genus Pinus

   1914 Cambridge                                                                                                   PG

G. R. Shaw: The Pines of Mexico

   Publications of the Arnold Arboretum N. 1. 1909.                                                PM

Dr. Siro Kitamura & Gen. Murata: Coloured Illustrations

   of Woody Plants of Japan  vol. II. 1979                                                                KM

   Hoikusha Publishing Co. Ltd. Osaka JPN

G. B. Sudworth: Forest Trees of the Pazific Slope

   U. S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service 1908

Sylva Sinica

   Beijing CHN                                                                                                          SS

Van Gelderen, Van Hoey Smith: Conifers

   London 1986

H. J. Welch & G. Haddow: The World Checklist of Conifers                                  WCC

   The World Conifer Data Pool

   1993, The Landsmans Bookshop Ltd. Buchenhill, Bromyard GBR



Literature 2005-2010

Irodalom 2005-2010


Farjon, Aljos: World Checklist & Bibliography of Conifers 2001. 2nd edition.

Hieke, Karel: České šlechtĕní okrasných dřevin, 2004. Czech Nursery Society

Mesterházy, Zsolt: Conifer Treasury of the World 1995, 1st Edition, Budapest HUN

Mesterházy, Zsolt: Conifer Treasury 2.0 2005, 2nd, Digital Edition, Budapest, HUN


Full Digital Sources


Mesterházy, Zsolt & al.: Conifer Treasury of New Zealand & Australia 1.0, 2010 Budapest

Mesterházy, Zsolt: Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0,  2010 Budapest

Mesterházy, Zsolt & al.: Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0, 2010 Budapest

Mesterházy, Zsolt: Virtual World Pinetum 2010, Budapest, partly based on:

   Debreczy, Zsolt – Rácz, István: Fenyők a Föld körül – Conifers Around the World, 2000. in common naming of genuses and species

Gymnosperm Database                                                                                            GD

   Edited by Christopher J. Earle

International Dendrology Society                                                                            IDS


Sources of the available photos from the web collected by Google: more ten thousands of sites, which’s photos are seen by Google, all together 3,5 million conifer photos. Thanks to all organizations, education, nurseries and privats throughout the World, who cares conifer photos on their sites. Special thanks to the Gardenweb conifering sites, where the visitors collected in the last years thousands of their own high quality conifer photos – and most of them are high educated professional nurserymen, or enthusiast conifer friends with high quality photoing knowledge- but sorryfully they work with nicknames.


Sources of individual photos from famous nurseries, arboretums, organizations, which’s photos are not seen by Google



Sources of the World Conifer Gallery


Editor’s photos (blue links)                                       Subtotal          Total

Mesterházy Zsolt ( photos)         3350


Google links by the editor                                         5942                9292

Stored on the server

Daglezja Nuresry POL                                                648

Jerry Morris Gallery                                                    507

Malik1000                                                                   478

Sagalassos Expedition by Hódi Tóth                                      343

                                                                                  1976                11268


Nursery & photobucket orange links

Jiri Holata CZ                                    1021

ACS                                                     959

Edwin Smits HOL                               597

Dariusz Burdan POL                           472

Sylwester Tomszak POL                     600

Jörg Kohout GER                                566

Henk van Kempen HOL                     174

Clément Anthoine BEL                       228

Dax Herbst USA                               1542

David Stegmaier USA                           18

Nate Cassell USA                                  15

Leu Gardens USA                               144                6326                17594


Editor’s photos in 2011 May-June

CZ-AUT photos                                2163                                       19757

Valenta, Malík, Etzelstorfer


CZ photos                                            970                                       20727

Malik, Krejci, Mesterházy



Clément Anthoine                                 9

Editor’s photos                                    80

Šimánek Family CZ                             22

Edwin Smits HOL                             178

Szíjártó Péter HUN                               4





Mesterhazy 2011 September 

Etzelstorfer, Malik, +                         2070

Balatka                                                 240

Topinka                                                  40

Jan Veirauch, Pampeago Exp                            25

Fanda Borovec, Turrach Exp                 25                                       23420

Pavel Oralek                                          44                                       23464

Valenta RUS 27 Turrach4 10                            37                                       23501

Simanek Turrach 5                                 12

Balatka                                                   10

Musil                                                      20

Komárek                                                17

Kostelmicek                                           17

Simánek                                                   2

Balatka                                                   15

Zdenek Novák                                       18                111                  23612              2011 12 10

Balatka Index                                      100   

Balatka Index Abies-Picea abies           86   

Balatka Index             Pic abies            179   

Balatka Index                                        83               

Malik Abies concolor Kersko                45               

Balatka Index                                      151                644                  24256              2012 01 03

Balatka Index             0104                    41

Balatka Index             0105                    68

Balatka Index             0106                    44

Balatka Index             0118                  232                381                  24647              2012 01 18

Balatka international                            444                                       25091


Mesterházy 2012 June-July

In Cesko                                            3011

Hodi Toth                                            187

Igor Uspenskiy                                    280

Komárek, Kubát, Orálek                       16

Mesterházy                                            26

Jean Iseli                                              406

                                                                                  3826                28917              2012-08-15

Talon Buchholz                                    997

Mesterházy & Szewczyk 2012 Oct.    308                1305                30222              2012-10-12

Hodi Toth

Borovec, Simanek


Diverse sources 2012                         4986                                       35208              2012-12-31


2013 January-April                            2013                                       37221              2012-04-30



New Conifer Descriptions 2009 – 2013

Conifertreasury org


Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0 2013



                                               2013                2011                2010                           2010

                                               3.0                   1.2                   1.1                              1.0

Abies                                      40                    33                    33                               29

Calocedrus                               2                      2                      1                                 1

Cedrus                                               46                    35                    35                               17

Cephalotaxus                           3                      2                      2                               1

Chamaecyparis                       115                  99                    96                               86

Cryptomeria                             5                      4                      4                               4

Cunninghamia                                      6                      6                      6                               5

Cupressocyparis x                  10                    10                      7                               7

Cupressus                               129                  107                  105                             67

Ginkgo                                   14                    12                    12                               12

Juniperus                                156                  134                  134                             97

Larix                                       10                    10                    10                               9

Metasequoia                             1                      1                      1

Picea                                       103                  102                  97                               71

Pinus                                      133                  110                  110                             81

Platycladus                             40                    40                    40                               31

Pseudotsuga                           13                    13                    12                               8

Sequoia                                    1                      1                      1                               1

Sequoiadendron giganteum     4                      4                      3                               3

Taxodium                                 1                      2                      2                               1

Taxus                                      40                    40                    39                               28

Thuja                                      91                    91                    91                               54

Tsuga                                        3                      1                      1                               1

Xanthocyparis                                      3                      3                      3                               3         


24 genus                                 969                  865                  848                             664






                                               2010                2012                2013

                                               1793                5030                5570



Summary of Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0 2013



580 – 1.0 - 2010

777 – 9 November 2012

786 – 20 November 2012

871 – 2.0  - 10 March 2013


                                               2.0 2013

Abies                                        51

Chamaecyparis                         10

Cryptomeria                               2

Ginkgo                                       8

Juniperus                                  43

Larix                                         23

Metasequoia                               5

Microbiota                                  2

Picea                                       246

Pinus                                      364

Platycladus                               10

Pseudolarix                                1

Pseudotsuga                               6

Taxus                                        31

Thuja                                        76

Tsuga                                          1

Xanthocyparis                                        2





Conifer Treasury of Austria 2.0 2012


Species                                               Cultivars

                                                           2 0                   3 0

                                                           2012                2013


Abiea alba                                                                 1

Abies sibirica                                     8                      8

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana                2                      2

Chamaecyparis obtusa                       1                      1

Cupressus arizonica                           1                      1

Ginkgo biloba                                    2                      2

Juniperus chinensis                            5                      5

Juniperus communis                           1                      1

Juniperus sabina                                 1                      1

Larix decidua                                     7                      8

Larix sibirica                                      9                      9

Picea abies                                         72                    76

Picea engelmannii                              1                      1

Picea likiangensis                               1                      1

Picea mariana                                     1                      1

Picea obovata                                     7                      7

Picea omorika                                    1                      2

Picea pungens                                    7                      7

Picea sitchensis                                  1                      1

Pinus albicaulis                                  8                      8

Pinus aristata                                      24                    24

Pinus cembra                                      196                  223

Pinus cembroides                               5                      5

Pinus contorta                                    3                      3

Pinus flexilis                                      2                      2

Pinus heldreichii                                                        13

Pinus koraiensis                                 16                    16

Pinus longaeva                                   31                    31

Pinus monophylla                              15                    15

Pinus mugo +                                     205                  244

Pinus nigra                                         23                    23

Pinus peuce                                        1                      1

Pinus pumila                                      12                    12

Pinus sylvestris                                  5                      5

Pinus uncinata                                               102                  103

Platycladus orientalis                         2                      2

Taxus baccata                                    1                      1


Total                                                   769                  857



Conifer Treasury of Holland 2.0





                                               2011                2013

Abies                                        38                    57

Araucaria                                -                          2

Calocedrus                                 3                      4

Cedrus                                                 17                    17

Cephalotaxus                             2                      2

Chamaecyparis                       187                  187

Cryptomeria                             16                    26

Cupressocyparis x                      4                      5

Cupressus                                   7                      7

Ginkgo                                       4                      9

Juniperus                                  73                    88

Larix                                         11                    16

Metasequoia                               6                      9

Picea                                         46                    77

Pinus                                        82                  118

Platycladus                                 8                      8

Pseudotsuga                               7                    17

Sciadopitys                                4                      7

Sequoia                                  -                          2

Sequoiadendron                         3                      9

Taxodium                                   3                      5

Taxus                                        25                    30

Thuja                                        33                    38

Thujopsis                                    3                      2

Tsuga                                          3                      3

Xanthocyparis                                        4                      4

                                               591                  751




Summary                                Conifer Treasury of Belgium

                                               2.0 2013


Abies                                        4

Cedrus                                                 2

Chamaecyparis                       13

Cryptomeria                             1

Ginkgo                                     1

Juniperus                                  2

Larix                                         1

Picea                                       14

Pinus                                      17

Platycladus                               1

Pseudotsuga                             1

Sequoiadendron                       2

Taxodium                                 2

Taxus                                        6

Thuja                                        5






Conifer Treasury of  the USA & Canada




                                               1.0                   2.0

                                               2011                2013

Abies                                        295                  501

Calocedrus                                   7                    10

Cedrus                                                  105                  124

Cephalotaxus                               2                      8

Chamaecyparis                         329                  394

Cryptomeria                               25                    42

Cunninghamia                                          6                      9

Cupressocyparis x                        7                      7

Cupressus                                   24                    28

Ginkgo                                       57                    82

Juniperus                                  572                  626

Keteleeria                                     1                      1

Larix                                           60                    99

Metasequoia                               17                    32

Microbiota                              -                            2

Picea                                         717                1376

Pinus                                      1310                2354

Platycladus                                 18                    24

Pseudolarix                                  1                      1

Pseudotsuga                             134                  289

Sciadopitys                                25                    59

Sequoia                                      17                    23

Sequoiadendron                         14                    19

Taxodium                                   13                    19

Taxus                                        294                  299

Thuja                                        245                  265

Thujopsis                                      1                      1

Torreya                                         1                      1

Tsuga                                        483                  538

Xanthocyparis                                        13                    21

4795                               6959




Conifer Treasury of Latvia, Estonia & Lithuania





Abies                                        5

Chamaecyparis                         1

Juniperus                                  5

Picea                                       43

Pinus                                      21

Pseudotsuga                             1

Thuja                                        3

Taxus                                        1




Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0 2013



                                               1.0                              2.0

                                               2010                            2013


Abies                                                                         282

Araucaria                                                                       3

Calocedrus                                                                    6

Cedrus                                                                                     23

Cephalotaxus                                                                 2

Chamaecyparis                                                            98

Cryptomeria                                                                15

Cunninghamia                                                                           1

Cupressus                                                                      3

Dacrydium                                                                    1

Ginkgo                                                                          2

Juniperus                                                                     73

Larix                                                                            42

Metasequoia                                                                  2

Picea                                                                          309

Pinus                                                                          578

Platycladus                                                                    2

Pseudotsuga                                                                42

Sciadopitys                                                                  30

Sequoia                                                                          2

Sequoiadendron                                                          11

Taxodium                                                                      5

Taxus                                                                           50

Thuja                                                                           71

Thujopsis                                                                       4

Torreya                                                                          2

Tsuga                                                                           42

Xanthocyparis                                                                         16


                                               1455                           1719





New Conifer Descriptions Summary 2009 – 2013


                                   Total                           New conifers

Hungary                       969                             969

Cesko                         5570                           5570

Austria                                     857                             857

America & Canada     6959                           2400

Holland                        747                             156

Russia                           150                             150

Slovakia                        100                             100

Latvia & Estonia            80                               80

Poland                          881                             881

Belgium                          72                               72

Sweden                          72                               72

Australia & New Zealand

                                     300                             300

Germany                     1719                             264





Conifer Breeder Nations


USA                           6959                2013 2.0

Cesko                         5570                2013 3.0

Germany                     1719                2013 2.0

GBR                           1038                2010 1.0

Hungary                       969                2013 3.0

Poland                          881                2013 2.0

Austria                                     857                2013 3.0

Holland                        747                2013 2.0



Conifer Master Forum of           2013


Jerry Morris USA

Dax Herbst USA

Nate Cassell USA

Talon Buchholz USA

Gary Gee USA

Greg Williams USA

Sidney Waxman USA postumus

Chub Harper USA postumus

Dennis Hermsen USA

Joe Stupka USA

Randy Dykstra USA

Dave Horst USA

Tom Cox USA

Jean Iseli USA

Vladimir Valenta CZ

Miroslav Malik CZ

Jiri Balatka CZ

Ladislav Krejčí CZ

Jiri Holata CZ

Milan & Lenka Simánek CZ

Karel Kalouš CZ

Vitek Fritsche CZ

František Borovec CZ

František Topinka CZ

Vasek Vostrák CZ

Dusan Horák CZ

Radek Holub CZ

Jan Sláma CZ

Vacláv Verbín CZ

Zdenek Novák CZ

Miroslav Kostelníček CZ

Jiří Trojan CZ

Günther Eschrich GER

Jörg Kohout GER

Kósa, Géza HUN

Hódi Tóth, József HUN

Debreczy, Zsolt HUN

Rácz, István HUN

Janusz Szewczyk POL

Miroslaw Lewandowski POL

Slawomir Skórka POL

Sylvester Tomszak POL

Wieslaw Wnuk POL

Dariusz Burdan POL

Artur Maj POL

Wiktor Trochonowicz POL

Pawel Petertill POL

Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

Josef Schneider AUT

Juraj Tárnok György SLK

Clément Anthoine BEL

Ireena Rozkalna LAT






Summary of the Conifer Tresury 5.0 2013



Number of

known cultivars

Cultivars with

photo documentation





















































































































































































































































































































CT 5.0 2013- 1 Abies                        455

CT 5.0 2013- 2 Cupressus                 310

CT 5.0 2013- 3 Picea abies                365

CT 5.0 2013- 4 Picea                         275

CT 5.0 2013- 5 Pinus albicaulis         301

CT 5.0 2013- 6 Pinus mugo+             413

CT 5.0 2013- 7 Pinus muricata          353

CT 5.0 2013- 8 Platycladus               358


Total extend in printed pages                        2832




Statistics of the Conifer Tresury 4.0 2012



Google shots of the genus


Number of

known cultivars

Cultivars with

photo documentation









114 000


















1 050






41 300






1 420






120 000






1 960






4 010












5 240






8 610






4 170






76 700






8 480






54 000






33 800






9 550






10 800






55 900






1 730






3 940
























4 030






1 480






593 000






2 040












124 000






1 820












86 200






3 490












42 100






20 800


















1 380






























2 380






116 000






1 140






196 000






4 570






38 900






1 980






4 770












27 200


















1 120






6 770






1 340 000






19 800












3 580






38 500






111 000






3 440






96 600






8 080






15 200






36 700






1 130






5 430






1 000












3 527 289







Statistics of the Conifer Tresury 3.0 2010



Google shots of the genus


Species, ssp., var. with photos by Google

Number of known cultivars

Number of cultivars, which have Google shots

Number of












114 000



























1 050









41 300









1 420









120 000









1 960









4 010


















5 240









8 610









4 170









76 700









8 480









54 000









33 800









9 550









10 800









55 900









1 730









3 940




































4 030









1 480









593 000









2 040


















124 000









1 820


















86 200









3 490


















42 100









20 800



























1 380













































2 380









116 000









1 140









196 000









4 570









38 900









1 980









4 770


















27 200



























1 120









6 770









1 340 000









19 800


















3 580









38 500









111 000









3 440









96 600









8 080









15 200









36 700









1 130









5 430









1 000


















3 527 289
















LARIX [1]                                        L. [2]                                                  PINACEAE [3]

   DECIDUA [4]                               1768 [5]                      EUR [6]

                                                           Mill. [7]                                                                     Kr[31]

                                                           L. vulgaris [8] Fisch.[9]

                                                           L. sudetica [8] Domin[9]1930[10]

             f. ADENOCARPA [11]      /Borb./Fitsch. [12]                              AUT [13]

             ssp. POLONICA [14]          /Racib./Domin [12]

                                                           [15]Larix decidua var. carpathica Domin 1936 [16]

             var. POLONICA [17]         /Racib./Ostenf. & Syrach-Larsen [12]

                                                           [15] L. decidua x L. sibirica[18]

            Cervicornis [19]                    1909 AUT [20]


   POLONICA                                    Racib.                         POL                                      

                                                           /L. DECIDUA var. POLONICA/ [30]


                        Complete information about a record:

            Cervicornis                           Publicator of  Cultivars: Year, Person, Source (book)

                                                            Beissn.1891 [22]

                                                           Author and date

                                                           before 1909 Dr. Dieck on Mt. Semmering AUT [21]

                                                           Date of origin, founder, the place of origin

                                                           Photos collected by Google or stored by

                                                                                  Dr. Dieck, Zoeschen AUT [29]

                                                                                  Introducer or lister


                                                           Old synonyme cultivar names

                                                           Living synonyme cultivar name  /Fastigiata/

                                                           Photos linked from individual site sources


                        In case of uncomplete information the position of the datas show their meanings.


            Steinplatte [19]                      1991 Horstmann GER [21]

            Tortuosa [19]                        Booth ex Koch 1873 [22]

            Pesek [19]                              Horstmann GER [23]

            Puli [19]                                 HUN  [24]      /pend./  [25]

            Pyramidalis [19]                   /Fastigiata/ [26]

















[ 1] The name of the genus    Level 1.

[ 2] The name of the botanist, who described the genus

[ 3] Name of the family

[ 4] The name of the species   Level 2.

[ 5] The earliest date the species ever mentioned

[ 6] Area Code - see Geographical List below

[ 7] The name of the botanist, who described first the species

[ 8] Unvalid or synonym name for Level 2.

[ 9] Botanist of [ 8]

[10] Date of [ 8]

[11] "f." is the sign of "forma" of the species

[12] Author of [11],[14],[17]

[13] Geographical origin

[14] "ssp." is the sign of "subspecies"

[15] Additional line for more informations

[16] Unvalid or synonyme name for Level 3.:

"f.","ssp.","var." and "cv."

[17] "var." is the sign of "varietas"

[18] The parents of a hybride plant

[19] The name of the "cultivar" /"cv."/

[20] Origin of date and country

[21] Date,name,country of founder of a "cv."

[22] Botanist's name,date of a "cv." /Author/

[23] Name,country: usually a nursery, where the plant

is cultivated

[24] Country code of origin without more informations

[25] Type of the plant  /with small letters/

[26] Living synonyme cultivar name  /Fastigiata/

[27] Natural hybryd Species name with "X" behind the name

[28] "--." , "--.--." : Sign for replaceing a repetition

[29] Introduced or listed

[30] Synonym species showing the valid name

[31] Literature of the species






1. genus

2. species

3. varietas, subspecies, forma and "CULTIVARS"









Kezelési útmutató





LARIX [1]                                        L. [2]                                                  PINACEAE [3]

   DECIDUA [4]                               1768 [5]                      EUR [6]

                                                           Mill. [7]                                                                     Kr[31]

                                                           L. vulgaris [8] Fisch.[9]

                                                           L. sudetica [8] Domin[9]1930[10]

             f. ADENOCARPA [11]      /Borb./Fitsch. [12]                              AUT [13]

             ssp. POLONICA [14]          /Racib./Domin [12]

                                                           [15]  L .d. var. carpathica [16]

                                                           Domin 1936

             var. POLONICA [17]         /Racib./Ostenf. & Syrach-Larsen [12]

                                                           [15] L. decidua x L. sibirica[18]

            Cervicornis [19]                    1909 AUT [20]


   POLONICA                                    Racib.

                                                           /L. DECIDUA var. POLONICA/ [30]


                        Teljes információ a növényről:

            Cervicornis                            A leírás közzétételének ideje, kiadója, forrása (könyvben)

                                                           Beissn.1891 [22]

                                                           Leiró szerző és évszám

                                                           before 1909 Dr. Dieck on Mt. Semmering AUT [21]

                                                           A származás ideje, helye és a megtaláló személy neve

                                                           Google által látható képanyag

                                                                                  Dr. Dieck, Zoeschen AUT [29]

                                                                                  A bevezető, listázó személy neve

                                                           Növények leírása

                                                           Régi szinoním nevek sora

                                                           A kerti változat élő egyenértékű szinoním neve   /Fastigiata/

                                                           Egyedi honlapokról érkező egyedi képek


                        Természetesen ennyi adat nincs minden tételről, a közölt adatok pozíciója mindenképpen egyértelművé teszi annak jelentését.


            Steinplatte [19]                      1991 Horstmann GER [21]

            Tortuosa [19]                        Booth ex Koch 1873 [22]

            Pesek [19]                              Horstmann GER [23]

            Puli [19]                                 HUN  [24]      /pend./  [25]

            Pyramidalis [19]                   /Fastigiata/ [26]








[ 1] Nemzetségnév      1. szint: genus

[ 2] A nemzetséget leˇró botanikus neve

[ 3] Nemzetségnév

[ 4] Fajnév                  2. szint: species

[ 5] A faj leírásának évszáma


[ 6] Jellemző elterjedési terület kódja

            A kódlistát lásd a 21. oldalon

[ 7] A fajt először leíró botanikus neve

[ 8] Szinoním vagy érvénytelen név a 2. szinten

[ 9] A [ 8] leíró botanikusa

[10] A [ 8] leírásának évszáma

[11] Az "f." jelzés a fajta alakváltozatát jelöli            (forma)

[12] A [11], [14], [17] leíró botanikusa

[13] Földrajzi származás

[14] Az "ssp." jelzés a faj alfaját jelöli                       (subspecies)

[15] További sorok a szinonímák felsorolására

[16] Szinoním vagy érvénytelen név a 3. szinten

     "f.", "ssp.", "var.", "cv."

[17] A "var." jelzés a fajta változatát jelöli                (varietas)

[18] Hibrid fajok szülői

[19] Kerti változatok neve                                          (cultivar)

[20] Évszám és országnév vagy nemesítő neve a feltalálás idejére, helyére vagy személyre utal

[21] A kerti változat megtalálójának adatai: évszám, név, ország

[22] A kerti változat leírója

[23] Név vagy faiskola neve és országnév, ahol a kerti

változatot művelik vagy először forgalomba hozták

[24] Egyéb információ híján a származási ország neve

[25] A növény alakjára utaló zárójeles, kisbetűs megnevezés

[26] A kerti változat szinoním neve    /Fastigiata/

[27] Az "X" jelzés a természetes és mesterséges keresztezések megjelölésére szolgál

[28] Az ismétlések kiváltására alkalmazott jelzések:

     "--." és "--.--." mindig a szóbanforgó fajra, fajtára és harmadik szintű növényekre vonatkoznak

[29] Bevezető vagy forgalomba hozó személy vagy faiskola

[30] Szinoním név, zárójelben az érvényes névvel

[31] Irodalmi hivatkozás a speciesre






1. Nemzetség


2. Faj


3. Forma, alfaj, változat és kerti változat






Geographical Names

Földrajzi névmutató


            AA                   Alabama USA                        Alabama USA

            AB                   Alberta CAN                          Alberta CAN

            ABE                Abessynia                               Abesszínia/Etiópia

            AFEQ             Equatorial Africa                   Egyenlítői-Afrika

            AFG                Afganistan                              Afganisztán

            AFR                Africa                                     Afrika

            AL                   Alaska USA                            Alaszka USA

            ALB                Albania                                   Albánia

            ALG                Algeria                                   Algéria

            ALP                European Alps                       Európai Alpok

            AM                  Amur/ Russian Far East         Amur-vidék/Orosz Távol Kelet

            AN                  Anhui CHN                            Anhuj CHN

            ANA                Anatolia                                  Anatólia/Törökország

            ANN                Annam VIE                            Annam/Délkelet-Ázsia VIE

            ANT                Antillas                                   Antillák/Közép-Amerika

            APP                Appalache Mts. USA              Appalache-hegység USA

            AR                   Arizona USA                          Arizona USA

            ARG                Argentina                                Argentína

            ASI                  Asia                                        Ázsia

            ASM                Asia Minor                             Kisázsia

            ASS                 Assam                                     Asszám/Kelet-India

            AUS                Australia                                 Ausztrália

            AUT                Austria                                               Ausztria

            AZO                Azores                                                Azori-szigetek

            BAC                Baia California MEX             Kaliforniai-öböl MEX

            BAL                Balkan                                    Balkán

            BAR                Barbados                                Barbados szigete

            BC                  British Columbia CAN           Brit Kolumbia CAN

            BED                Beluchustan  ASI                    Beludzsisztán, Ázsia

            BEL                Belgium                                  Belgium

            BHU               Bhutan                                               Bhután

            BOL                Bolivia                                    Bolívia

            BOR                Borneo                                               Borneo/Indonézia

            BOS                Bosnia                                    Bosznia

            BRA                Brazil                                      Brazília

            BUR                Burma                                    Burma

            C-                    Central-                                  Közép-

            CA                  California USA                      Kalifornia USA

            CAL                Calabria ITA                          Kalábria, ITA

            CAM               Camerun                                Kamerun

            CAN                Canada                                  Kanada

            CAS                Cascades Mts. N-AME           Kaszkád-hegység N-AME

            CAU               Caucasus                                Kaukázus

            CE                  Zhejiang/Chekiang CHN       Csekiang/Csöcsiang CHN

            CEL                Celebes                                   Celebesz/Indonézia

            CH                  Chihuahua State MEX           Chihuahua Állam MEX         

            CHI                 Chile                                       Chile

            CHN               China                                     Kína

            CIR                 Circumpolar                           Cirkumpoláris

            CT                   Connecticut USA                    Connecticut USA

            CNR                Canari Isles ESP                    Kanári-szigetek ESP

            CO                  Colorado USA                                   Colorado USA

            COL                Columbia                               Kolumbia

            COR               Cordilleres S-AME                 Kordillerák

            COZ                Corsica FRA                          Korzika FRA

            CR                  Carolina USA /N-, S-,/           Carolina USA  /Észak- és Dél-/

            CRC                Costa Rica                              Costa Rica

            CRE                Crete GRE                             Kréta GRE

            CSR                Czech Republic                      Cseh Köztársaság

            CUB               Cuba                                      Kuba

            CYP                Cyprus                                               Ciprus

            DAH               Dahuria SIB RUS                  Dahuria SIB RUS

            DAL                Dalmatia,Croatie                   Dalmácia, Horvátország

            DOM              Dominica                               Dominika

            DU                  Durango State, MEX              Durango Állam  MEX           

            E-                    East                                        Kelet-

            E-N-                Eastern-North-                       Keleti Észak-

            EQU               Equador                                 Equador

            ESP                 Spain                                      Spanyolország

            EST                 Estonia                                   Észtoszág

            ETI                  Etiopia                                               Etiópia

            EUR                Europa                                   Európa

            FIJ                  Fiji                                          Fidzsi-szigetek

            FIN                 Finland                                   Finnország

            FL                   Florida USA                           Florida USA

            FRA                France                                               Franciaország

            FU                  Fujian CHN                           Fucsien CHN

            GA                  Georgia USA                         Georgia USA

            GBR                United Kingdom                     Nagy-Britannia

            GER                Germany                                Németország

            GH                  Guizhou CHN                        Kujcsou CHN

            GO                  Guerrero State MEX              Guerrero Állam MEX           

            GRE                Greece                                               Görögország

            GU                  Guangdong CHN                   Kuangtung CHN

            GUA               Guatemala                             Guatemala

            HA                  Hainan S-CHN                      Hainan S-CHN

            HAI                 Haiti                                       Haiti

            HE                  Henan CHN                           Honan CHN

            HI                   Hidalgo State MEX                Hidalgo Állam MEX             

            HIM                Himalaya                               Himalája

            HO                  Hondo JPN                            Hondo JPN

            HOK               Hokkaido JPN                                   Hokkaido JPN

            HOL               Holland                                  Hollandia

            HON               Honduras                               Honduras

            HS                   Xinjiang/Sinkiang CHN         Hszincsiang CHN

            HU                  Hunan CHN                           Hunan CHN

            HUD               Hudson Bay CAN                  Hudson-öböl CAN

            HUN               Hungary                                 Magyarország

            ICH                 Indo-China                             Indo-Kína/Délkelet-Ázsia

            ID                   Idaho USA                             Idaho USA

            IGV                 Isle Guadelupe MEX              Guadelupe-sziget MEX

            IL                    Illinois USA                            Illinois USA

            IN                    Indiana USA                          Indiana USA

            IND                 India                                       India

            INDO              Indonesia                                Indonézia

            INO                 West Indies /Occidentalis/      Kis- és Nagy-Antillák

            IRA                 Iran                                        Irán

            ITA                  Italia                                       Olaszország

            IW                   Iowa USA                               Iowa USA

            JAM                Jamaica                                  Jamaika

            JAW                Jawa                                       Jáwa/Indonézia

            JPN                 Japan                                     Japán

            KA                  Gansu CHN                           Kanszu CHN

            KAM               Kamtschatka RUS                  Kamcsatka RUS

            KAR                Karpat Mts. C-EUR               Kárpátok C-EUR

            KAS                Kashmir                                 Kasmír

            KEN                Kenya                                     Kenya

            KOR               Korea                                     Korea

            KRI                 Krim Peninsula UKR             Krím-félsziget UKR

            KS                   Kansas USA                           Kansas USA

            KUD               Kurdistan                               Kurdisztán

            KUR               Kuril Isles                               Kuril-szigetek

            KW                  Guangxi CHN                                    Kuanghszi Csuang CHN

            LAO                Laos                                       Laosz

            LAT                 Latvia                                     Lettország

            LEB                Lebanon                                 Libanon

            LIT                  Lithuania                                Litvánia

            LU                  Louisiana USA                       Louisiana USA

            MA                  Massachusetts USA                Massachusetts USA

            MAD               Madagascar                           Madagaszkár

            MAL                Malaysia                                 Malajzia

            MAN               Manshurica                            Mandzsúria

            MEC               Mendokino County CA USA  Mendokino megye CA USA

            MED               Mediterranum                        Mediterránum

            MEX               Mexico                                               Mexikó

            ML                  Maryland USA                       Maryland USA

            MLT                Malta                                      Málta

            MI                   Michigan USA                        MichiganUSA

            MN                  Maine USA                             Maine USA

            MO                 Montana USA                        Montana USA

            MOC               Monterrey County CA USA   Monterrey megye CA USA

            MOL               Moluccas                                Molukka

            MON               Mongolia                                Mongólia

            MOP               Monterrey Peninsula MEX     Monterrey-félsziget MEX

            MOR               Morocco                                 Marokkó

            MSH               Mount Shasta USA                 Shasta-hegy USA

            MT                  Manitoba CAN                       Manitoba CAN

            MTA                Mount Tassili ALG                 Tassili-hegység ALG

            MWH              Mount Whitney USA               Whitney-hegy USA

            N-                    North                                      Észak-

            NB                  Nebraska USA                       Nebraska USA

            NC                  North Carolina USA              Észak-Karolina USA

            NCA                New Caledonia                      Új-Kaledónia

            NCE                Newcastle AUS                      Newcastle AUS

            N-DA              North-Dakota USA                Észak-Dakota USA

            NE                  Nevada USA                          Nevada USA

            NE-                 Northeast-                              Északkelet-

            NEP                Nepal                                      Nepál

            NFO               New Foundland CAN            Új-Foundland CAN

            NGU               New Guinea                           Új-Guinea

            NH                  New Hampshire USA             New Hampshire USA

            NHE               New Hebrides GBR               Új-Hebridák GBR

            NIC                 Nicaragua                              Nicaragua

            NJ                   New Jersey USA                    New Jersey USA

            NM                  New Mexico USA                   Új-Mexikó USA

            NORF             Norfolk Isles                           Norfolk-szigetek

            NSC                Nova Scotia CAN                   Új-Skócia CAN

            NY                   New York State USA              New York állam USA

            NW-                Northwest-                              Északnyugat-

            NZL                New Zealand                          Új-Zéland

            OA                  Oaxacana MEX                     Oaxacana MEX

            OH                  Ohio USA                               Ohio USA

            OK                  Oklahoma USA                      Oklahoma USA

            OKI                 Okinawa JPN                         Okinawa JPN

            ONT                Ontario CAN                          Ontario CAN

            OR                  Oregon USA                          Oregon USA

            ORC               Orange County CA USA        Orange megye CA USA

            PA                   Pennsylvania USA                 Pennsylvania USA

            PAT                Patagonia                               Patagónia

            PAZ                Pacific                                    Csendes-óceániai

            PER                Peru                                       Peru

            PHI                 Philippines                             Fülöp-szigetek

            PNA                Polinesia                                Polinézia

            POL                Poland                                               Lengyelország

            POR                Portugal                                 Portugália

            PRI                 Puerto Rico                            Puerto Rico

            PSL                 Pacific Slope N-AME             Csendes-óceáni partvidék N-AME

            PYR                Pyrenes Mts.                           Pireneusok ESP-FRA

            QU                  Queensland AUS                    Queensland AUS

            ROC               Rocky Mts. USA                     Sziklás-hegység USA

            ROM               Romania                                 Románia

            RUS                Russia                                     Oroszország

            RYU                Ryukyu Isles                           Ryukyu-szigetek JPN

            S-                    South                                      Dél-

            SAH                Sahara                                               Szahara

            SAL                 Salvador                                 Salvador

            SCM                Santa Cruz Mts. CA USA       Santa Cruz-hegység CA USA

            SCO                Scotia GBR                            Skócia

            SD                   Shandong CHN                      Santung CHN

            S-DA               S-Dakota USA                                   Dél-Dakota USA

            SDC                San Diego County CA USA   San Diego megye CA USA

            SDO                Santo Domingo                      Santo Domingo

            SE                   Sichuan CHN                         Szecsuán CHN

            SE-                  Southeast-                               Délkelet-

            SER                 Serbia                                     Szerbia

            SH                   Shanxi CHN                           Sanhszi, Senszi CHN

            SHL                Sahalin                                   Szahalin

            SI                    Sinaloa State MEX                 Sinaloa Állam  MEX  

            SIB                  Siberia                                    Szibéria

            SIC                  Sicilia                                     Szicília

            SIK                  Sikkim                                     Szikkim

            SNC                Sierra Nevada CA USA         Sierra Nevada CA USA

            SO                   Sonora State MEX                  Sonora Állam  MEX  

            SOL                Solomon Isles                         Salamon szigetek

            STO                Sao Tome                               Sao Tome

            SUM               Sumatra                                  Szumátra/Indonézia

            SW-                 Southwest-                              Délnyugat-

            SWI                 Switzerland                             Svájc

            SYR                 Syria                                       Szíria

            TAN                Tanzania                                Tanzánia

            TAS                 Tasmania                               Tasmánia

            TAU                Toros Mts.TUR                      Taurusz hegység TUR

            TCA                Transcaucasus                       Transzkaukázus

            TE                   Texas USA                             Texas USA

            THA                Thailand                                 Thaiföld

            TIB                  Tibet/Xizang CHN                  Tibet/Hszizang CHN

            TIM                 Timor                                     Timor

            TIS                  Tian Shan Mts. C-ASI            Tien-San hegység C-ASI

            TN                   Tennessee USA                      Tennessee USA

            TNG                Tonga Isles                             Tonga-szigetek

            TON                Tonkin VIE                             Tonkin VIE

            TRI                  Trinidad                                 Trinidad

            TRS                 Transsylvania ROM               Erdély ROM

            TUN                Turkestan                               Turkesztán

            TUR                Turkey                                    Törökország

            TWN               Taiwan /Formosa/                  Tajvan  /Formoza/

            UGA               Uganda                                  Uganda

            UKR               Ukraina                                  Ukrajna

            URL                Ural Mts. RUS                       Ural-hegység RUS

            USA                United States of America        Amerikai Egyesült Államok

            UT                  Utah USA                               Utah USA

            VA                   Virginia USA                          Virginia USA

            VAN                Vanuatu                                  Vanuatu

            VT                   Vermont USA                         Vermont USA

            VEN                Venezuela                               Venezuela

            VIE                 Vietnam                                  Vietnam

            W-                   West-                                      Nyugat-

            W-N-               Western-North-                       Nyugati Észak-

            WA                  Washington USA                    Washington USA

            WY                  Wyoming USA                                   Wyoming USA

            YU                  Yunnan CHN                         Jünnan CHN















The Treasury


A kincsestár





ABIES                                            Miller 1766                                        PINACEAE


Abies - Jegenyefenyő - Fir 

Abies Miller 1766 – Pinaceae - Jegenyefenyők - Firs


   ACUTIFOLIA                                 Turrill 1925

                                                           /A. BORISII-REGIS/


   ALBA                                            1759                           EUR ALP

                                                           Mill.                                                                           Kr

Abies alba Mill. - Közönséges jegenyefenyő - European Silver Fir

                                                           Képek - Gallery

                                                           Abies alba photo

                                                           Abies alba photo

                                                           A. argentea  Chabray 1845

                                                           A. baldensis Zucc. ex Nyman 1878

                                                           A. candicans Fischer 1847

                                                           A. duplex Horm. ex Fitsch.1930

                                                           A. pectinata Lam. & DC. 1815

                                                           A. picea Lindl. 1838 not Mill.

                                                           A. taxifolia Desfontaine 1809

                                                           A. vulgaris Poir. 1804

             f. FLABELLATA               Beissn. 1910

             f. MICROCARPA              Nelson 1866

             f. RECURVA                      Senecl. 1868

             var. ACUTIFOLIA                Turrill 1925

                                                           /A. BORISII-REGIS/

             var. ALPINA                       /Svoboda 1953/Liu 1971

             var. APPENINA                 Svoboda 1953

             var. BREVIFOLIA             Hort. ex Dall.

             var. BULGARICA                 Svoboda 1960

                                                           /A. BORISII-REGIS/

             var. CALABRICA             Svoboda 1964

                                                           Abies nebrodensis var. calabrica /Lojac./Mattei 1908

             var. PARSONII                   Mattf. 1925

             var. PODOLICA                 Beissn. 1909

             var. POLONICA                 Svoboda 1953

             var. PUMILA                      Jaeger & Beissn. 1889

             var. SPINESCENS             Beck 1895


            Aargan                                  /Aargau/

            Aargau                                  2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1989 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in SWI, 125x150 cm.

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in der Schweiz, 125x150 cm.

                                                           Zwergform, breit konisch wachsend mit dunkelgrüner

                                                           Benadelung und intensiv silberner Nadelunterseite. Zuwachs pro

                                                           Jahr: 4 - 5cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: ca. 50 - 60cm, Breite in 10

                                                           Jahren: ca. 30cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies alba ‘Aargau’

                                                           Abies alba ’Aargau’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Aargau’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Aargau’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies alba ’Aargau’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’Aargau’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’Aargau’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Apennina                              Bill Barger in the ACS database

            Aurea                                    Nelson 1866                                       GBR

                                                           A. pectinata auricoma Carr. 1867

                                                           A. pectinata aurea Beissn. 1891

                                                           Abies alba ’Aurea’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

            Aureovariegata                     Seneclause 1868                                FRA

            Auricoma                              Carr. 1867                                          FRA


            Bad Wildungen                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann 1978

                                                           1978 Horstmann Nurs., GER

            Badenweiler                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies alba Badenweiler

                                                           Abies alba ’Badenweiler’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies alba ’Badenweiler’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Hexenbesen, flach breitwachsend mit gekrümmten, dunkelgrünen

                                                           Nadeln. Zuwachs pro Jahr: 4 - 5cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 20cm,

                                                           Breite in 10 Jahren: 50cm. Kohout text.


            Baldensis                               Zucc. ex Nyman 1878

            Balmach Sa                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Jiří & Marie Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Abies alba ’Balmach Sa’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Balmach Sa’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Balmach 1’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Barabits Spreader                /Barabits Spreading/

            Barabits Spreading              Barabits 1980

                                                           1965 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Hungarian Agricult.Quality Control Institute 1975

                                                           Abies alba ‘Barabits Spreader’

                                                                                   M. M. Böhmer Nurs., Zundert HOL

                                                           A dwarf spreading prostrate type with dark green

                                                           foliage, leaves are looking forward.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Laposan elfekvő mutáció az ágakon előrehúzó tűkkel.

                                                           Államilag elismert fajta.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Abies alba ’Barabits Spreading’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Barabits Star                        1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1965 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute 1975

                                                           Abies alba ‘Barabits Star’

                                                                                   Egzota Nursery of Mr. E. Barabits HUN

                                                           A witch’s broom with regular conical habit, 2 m.

                                                           high at age of 30 years. Yellow on the top.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Lassan növő, alig 2 méteres szabályos formájú rügymutáció,

                                                            amelynek vezérhajtása feltűnően sárga színű.

                                                           Államilag elismert fajta, a Mesterházy Fenyőgyűjteményben

                                                           minősített példánya áll.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Abies alba ’Barabits Star’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Barabits Star’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Barabits Star’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Barabitsii                               1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1965 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                   Egzota Nursery of Mr. E. Barabits HUN

                                                           Selection of an Abies alba  x  Abies nordmanniana

                                                           seedling population, leaves are long and looking

                                                           forward. 1.2 m.high at age of 30.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Egy Abies alba  x  Abies nordmanniana magpopulációból

                                                           származó hibrid, feltűnően hosszú, előreálló tűjű változat. Az

                                                            anyanövény 30 évesen 1,2 m.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Abies alba ’Barabitsii’  Arboretum Honemann AUT

            Běleč                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Betynka                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2006 Roman CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 300 cm up as a 50x10 cm

                                                           broom, spreading cushion.

                                                           Abies alba ’1164 Betynka’

            Blato                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0                                                  Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Boesger Pyramid                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                               A narrowly pyramidal form with excellent deep green foliage.

                                                           Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Bolehošť                                2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           1999 Vladimír Kalouš CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Bolehost’  Mesterházy & Hanuš photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Bolehost’  Mesterházy & Hanuš photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Bolehost’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Bolehost’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Bolehost’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ‘Bolehošť’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Borová Hora                         2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Brevifolia                              Carr. 1867

                                                           1861 Seneclause Nurs., Bourg-Argental FRA

            Brinar                                               Abies alba ‘Brinar’

                                                           Abies alba ’Brinar’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL


Abies alba Brzeźnica

            Brzeźnica                               2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                           Abies alba ‘Brzeźnica’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           A bronze-gold leaved compact European fir of seed.

                                                           Mesterházy text.

            Bystřička                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0                                                  1996 Rádl CZ in SLK

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Bystricka’  Abies alba Bystřička

                                                           Abies alba ’Bystricka 

                                                           Abies alba ‘Bystrička’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Bystricka’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies alba ’Bystricka’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Bystricka’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’Bystricka’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Hexenbesen, Miniform, flach und sehr dicht wachsend, alle Zweige leicht nach unten gekrümmt mit grüner Benadelung Zuwachs pro Jahr: 2 - 3cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 15cm, Breite in 10 Jahren: 25cm. Kohout text.

            Caanen                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


            Čado                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2003 Vinč & Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Cado’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Cado’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Cado’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Candicans                             Mast. 1892

            Čejkovice                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0                                                  Hort. CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Cejkovice’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’Cejkovice’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Černá Jezírka                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

            Černé Jezero                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Chrudimka                           2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           2001 František Borovec CZ in Chrudim

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Chuchvalec                            2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Chuchvalec’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’Chuchvalec’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

            Cinerea                                  Baumann 1835

            Citron                                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2007 Václav Král & Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies alba ‘Citron’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Citron’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Citron’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Citron’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Columnaris                           Carr. 1859

                                                           1855 on Mount Pila FRA

            Compacta                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Parsons 1887

                                                           1885 Parsons & Sons, Flushing NY USA

                                                           Abies alba ‘Compacta’

                                                           It is indeed compact, a fine plant from Parsons Nursery in New York way back in 1887 and now rare in cultivation. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies alba ’Compacta’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Compacta’  Will Fletcher USA photo

            Contorta                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies alba ‘Contorta’

                                                           Abies alba ‘Contorta’

            Cree’s Blue                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Cree Nurs. USA

            Dana                                      2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Dunovice                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2007 Václav Král & Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies alba ’Dunovice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Dunovice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Dunovice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ‘Dunovice’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Dunovice’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Dunovice’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Dunovice’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’Dunovice’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012


Abies alba Dzieslawice

            Dzieslawice                            2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                           Abies alba ‘Dzieslawice’  Abies alba ‘Dzieslawice’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           A nice little green witches broom, fresh green in spring, grows prostratous. In 10 years needs small place, no more, than half a meter. Mesterházy text.

            Elegans                                  Carr. 1867                                          FRA

                                                           Abies pectinata elegans Carr. 1867

            Esveld                                    2009 Esveld Nurs. HOL

                                                           Abies alba ’Esveld’ 

            Fastigiata                               Carr. 1855

                                                           in the forests of Grande Chartreuse FRA

                                                           Abies alba ‘Fastigiata’

                                                                                   1846 Seneclause FRA

                                                           Abies alba ’Fastigiata’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Fastigiata’ photo

            Flabellata                              Beissn. 1910

                                                           Insp. Funke near Erlangen GER 

            Foliis variegata                     Loud.1838                  /Variegata/      GBR

            Franta                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Sněžník CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

            Gelbbunt                               Horstmann 1978                                 GER

            Globosa                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

            Globus                                   /Scarabantia/

            Graciosa                                Krüssmann 1970

                                                           /A. arnoldiana x Graciosa/

            Green Spiral                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           Secrest Arboretum, Wooster OH USA

                                                           Abies alba ‘Green Spiral’

                                                           'Green Spiral' has dark green, glossy needles, on twisting stems

                                                           that spiral outward and down. Deep green, stylish habit and

                                                           moderate size make this an excellent focal point. Iseli text.

                                                           Different from Torulosa this originated at Secrest in 1979, it is pendulous with twisted branches. Arrowhead text.

                                                           A full-bodied, semi-pendulous conifer with glossy, rich green needles. Main leader wanders sideways providing a vertical visual interest and the reason for its name. Prefers sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Green Table                                                 Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Hana                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                                              2001 Jiří Holata CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies alba ’Hana’  x  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Hana’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Abies alba ‘Hana’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Hana’  Will Fletcher USA photo

            Hanka                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Havel                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2001 Jiří Havel near Senozat CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Havel WB’ 

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Havel’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Havel’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Havel’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Havel’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Havel’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Havel’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            HB-Kroc                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0


            Hedge                                                            Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies alba ‘Hedge’

                                                           Abies alba ’Hedge’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Hochstuckli                           Hort.

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Holden Arboretum               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           This attractive, slow-growing European White Fir has a distinctive horizontal habit with compact branches spreading out in low, dense layers. Shiny green needles with silvery undersides cloak the silver-barked branches and give the plant a refined, classy look. Originally found as a witch's broom at Holden Arboretum, in Kirkland, Ohio, this namesake forms a mound that stays wider than tall. Soft, new spring growth and dainty tan buds add to its year-round interest. Iseli text.

                                                           Abies alba ‘Holden Arboretum’

                                                           Abies alba ‘Holden Arboretum W.B.’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies alba ’Holden Arb WB’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           Abies alba ‘Holden Arboretum W.B.’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Holden Arb WB                   /Holden Arboretum/

                                                                                  2010 Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Holub                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Radek Holub CZ

                                                                                  Holub Miniarboretum CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Holub’  Mesterházy & Holub photo

            Hrabětice                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Hůrka                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                                       2004 Jiri Holata CZ

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Iberegg                                                          Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Irramosa                               Moreillon 1896 

                                                           1896 Dr.Coulon at Chaumont SWI

            Jeleňák                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2008 Václav Král & Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year up to 3 cm.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies alba ’Jelenak’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ‘Jeleňák’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Jery                                        2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Johann                                  Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Jura                                        2012 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1980 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in SWI, 125x150 cm.

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in der Schweiz, 125x150 cm.

            Kamenná Lhota                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2007 Szuma Ernő, Ipolynyék HUN/CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Kamenná Lhota’

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Kamenná Lotha’  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Kamenná Lhota                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2007 Václav Král & Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies alba ’Kamena Lhota’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Kamena Lhota’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Kamena Lhota’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Kamenna Lhota’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            King’s Dwarf                                   1983 GBR

                                                                                   King & Paton Nurs. SCO GBR

                                                           Abies alba ’King’s Dwarf’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies alba ’King’s Dwarf’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Kladská                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Kladsko                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1975 Fritsche CZ

                                                                                  Špaček Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies alba ’Kladsko’  Mesterházy & Špaček photo

                                                           Abies alba ‘Klasko’

                                                           Abies alba ’Kladsko’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ‘Kladsko’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Klasko                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Probably a mistake of /Kladsko/

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Král                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2007 Václav Král & Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies alba ’Kral’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Abies alba ‘Král’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Král’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Král’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Král’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Král’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Král’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies alba ’Král’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Križ                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2005 Kříž & V. Bažant at Slapske See/Vltava in CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Kříž’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Kříž’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Kříž’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Kriz’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Kroc                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Kroc CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies alba ’Kroc’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Kroc’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Kroc’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Krymlov                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                                              1996 Drahota CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies alba ’Krymlov’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Kuba                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 Milan Šimánek CZ in SLK

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Abies alba ’Kuba’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’Kuba’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

            Kubiczek                               2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Hort. POL

                                                                                  Sławomir Skórka Nursery POL

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                           It is characterized by irregular crown, increments in the range of 5-10 cm and short needles, dark green and glossy. Nice variety of "spiky" crown for small gardens.

Charakteryzuje się nieregularna korona, przyrostach w granicach 5-10 cm oraz igłach krótkich, ciemnozielonych i błyszczących. Ładna odmiana o "nastroszonej" koronie do małych ogrodów. Skórka text.

                                                           Abies alba ’Kubiczek’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Kubiczek’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Kubiczek’  Sławomir Skórka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Kubiczek’  Sławomir Skórka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Kubiczek’  Lenka Šimánková photo

            Laja                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2001 Jiří Simandl & Růženecký

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Syn. Abies alba ´SR/01’

            Le Feber                                                       Edwin Smits Nursery HOL

                                                           Abies alba ‘Le Feber’

            Lhotka malá                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Lhotka Malá’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Lhotky                                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                                              1997 Drahota CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies alba ‘Lhotky’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Lhotky’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

Hexenbesen, Miniform, sehr dicht kugelförmig wachsend, grüne Nadeln, alle leicht nach unten

gekrümmt Zuwachs pro Jahr: 2 - 3cm Höhe in 10 Jahren: 25cm, Breite in 10 Jahren : 20cm. Kohout text.

            Lísky                                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2001 Jozef Řádek & Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Loučany                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

            Loučím                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           1998 A. Papež CZ in Klátovy (WB) ‘Loučim’

                                                           Abies alba Loucim 

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Loučim’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Loucim’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Loucim’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Luboš                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Lucja                                     2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Madlin                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Madlin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Majka Verbín                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2007 Václav Verbín CZ

                                                                                  Václav Verbín Gardens CZ

                                                           Found in Zátluka CZ as a broom. Verbín text.

                                                           Abies alba ’Majka Verbin’  Mesterházy & Václav Verbín photo

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Maraton                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2006 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Maraton’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Maraton                                2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 V. Kolář CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 40 m up as a 70x70 cm

                                                           broom, 1,5 cm long needles, globose.

                                                           Abies alba ’Maraton’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Maraton’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’1131 Maraton’

            Marek                                                2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Mirosław Lewandowski POL

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Marek’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Marek’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Marek’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

            Mariánské Láznĕ                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ  ‘Marianské Lázně’

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Marianske Lazne’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Marie Verbín                                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Václav Verbín CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

            Massonii                                Beissn. 1884                                      GER

            Mastodont                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2009 Jiří Holata CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Mastodont’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Mastodont’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Metensis                                Senecl. 1846                                      FRA

            Metuje                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Michaela                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1999 Václav Verbín CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Michaela’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Michaela’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Michaela’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Microcarpa                           Nelson 1866                                       GBR

            Microphylla                          Carr. 1867

                                                           1790 in Dessau GER

                                                           A. microphylla Rafin.

            Minor                                    Mast. 1892                                         GBR

            Mirek                                     2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Mirosław Lewandowski POL

                                                           Abies alba ‘Mirek’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           A vital green dwarf witches broom.

                                                           Abies alba ’Mirek’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Mirek’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Mirek’  Mirek POL photo

            Mladá Boleslav                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1984 Veselí & Jan Beran CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Mlada Boleslav’

                                                                                   1992 Horstmann Nurs., GER

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           A dwarf form with small, curled green needles. Perfect for the rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Hexenbesen, Zwergform, flach und sehr dicht wachsend, im Alter leicht schirmförmig mit grüner Benadelung. Zuwachs pro Jahr: 4 - 5cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 30cm, Breite in 10 Jahren: 50cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies alba ‘Mladá Boleslav’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Mlada Boleslav’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies alba ’Mlada Boleslav’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Mlada Boleslav’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Mlada Boleslav’ photo

                                                           Abiea alba ’Mlada Boleslav’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abiea alba ’Mlada Boleslav’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Munsterland                                                Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Nana                                      /Barabits Star/

                                                           1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute 1975

                                                           Abies alba ’Nana’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Nana’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Nana’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Nana’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Nana                                      Knight & Perry 1850             GBR

            Nana Compacta                   Hort.               /Compacta/?

            Nana Globosa                       Hort.

            Nové Mĕsto                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Doktor CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 150 cm up as a 110x70 cm

                                                           broom, 3 cm long needles.

                                                           Abies alba ’1128 Nové Mesto’

            Orlík                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1996 Ladislav Krejčí CZ

                                                                                  Krejčí Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2002

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies alba ‘Orlík’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Orlik’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Orlik’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Pancíř                                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2004 Jiří Holata in Sumave CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Pancíř’   Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Peklo                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2006 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Pendula                                 /Carr./Asch. & Graebner

                                                           Abies alba ‘Pendula’

                                                           Abies alba f. pendula

            Pendula                                 Knight & Perry 1850

                                                           1835 Godefroy Nurs.,  Ville d’Avray FRA

                                               At one time known as Abies pectinata. This dates back to France around 1850, it has excellent green color. It weeps quite strongly but becomes almost contorted with age, plants tend to burn the first few years but largely outgrow this once their roots are well below frost line. Ours barely turned a needle last winter. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  2010 Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies alba ‘Pendula’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Pendula’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies alba ’Pendula’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Pendula’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Pendula’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Pendula’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Pendula’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Pendula’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Pendula’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Pendula’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Sehr schlank wachsende, baumförmige Hängeform, alle Seitentriebe senkrecht herabhängend, grüne Benadelung Zuwachs pro Jahr: 25 - 30cm Höhe in 10 Jahren: 2m Breite in 10 Jahren : 80cm. Kohout text.

            Pendula Ewa                         2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wiesław Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Abies alba ’Pendula Ewa’  Wiesław Wnuk photo

            Pendula Gracilis                   Senecl. 1868

                                                           1868 M. Masse FRA

            Prostrata                               Hort. ex Beissn. 1858

                                                           /Nana/Knight & Perry 1850

            Pumila                                   Beissn. 1889                                      GER

            Pusch                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

            Pygmy                                               Linssen 1990

            Pyramidalis                           Lawson 1851

                                                           1850 GBR                  /Pyramidalis Compacta/

                                                           Abies alba ‘Pyramidalis’

                                                           Quite columnar, about the only thing it has in common with the Egyptian ones is that both are equally effective they reach 6-8” specimen size. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A. alba f.pyramidalis Voss 1896

                                                           A. alba var. stricta Fitschen 1930

                                                           Abies alba ’Pyramidalis’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Pyramidalis’ photo

            Pyramidalis Linssen             Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Recurva                                 Senecl. 1868

                                                           on Mount Pila FRA

            Reversion                                                      Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Rokyta                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Rokyta’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Rokyta’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Roman                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2008 Jiří Holata CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Roman’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Roman’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Roman’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Roman’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Roman’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Samuel                                   2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           2013 Plísek, Trojan & Bureš CZ

                                                                                  Michal Plíšek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a broom.

                                                           Přírůstky kolem 7 cm, čarověník pojmenován po koníkoj z ranče Kovářov, ze kterého jsem wb našel při jízdě. Plíšek text.

            Savonlinna                            1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1991 Mesterházy HUN wild found in Savonlinna FIN

                                                           A gracilis type of the species

            Scarabantia                           1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1980 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Abies alba ‘Scarabantia’

                                                                                   1992 Horstmann GER

                                                           Abies alba ’Scarabantia’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Scarabantia’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Scarabantia’ photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Scarabantia’ photo

                                                           (Photo 2006 by Mesterházy in the Clément Anthoine Pinetum,

                                                           Jamioulx, BEL)

            Schwarzenberg                     Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Schwartzwald                       /Schwarzwald/

            Schwarzwald                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1986 Horstmann in Schwarzwald GER

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Schwarzwald’ (Badenweiler)

                                                           A dense, dwarf conifer with a tight flat-growing form. Glossy green foliage. Prefers sun in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies alba ‘Schwarzwald’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Schwarzwald’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Schwarzwald’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Schwarzwald’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Schwarzwald’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Schwarzwald’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Schwarzwald’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’Schwarzwald’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Intro as Badenweiler, later renamed. Edwin Smits text.

            Šejna                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Šejna’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Sejna’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Sejna’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Sejna’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Šestka                                     2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           2012 Zdeněk Pos CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 x 15 cm broom in Brdy CZ, growth rate 3-5 cm.

                                                           Místo nálezu. VVP Brdy, lokalita Vranovice (křižovatka), okres Příbram. Čarověník po sundání, tvar plochý, nepravidelný, šířka 50 cm x 50 cm,výška 15 cm, přírustek 3-5 cm, zelený. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies alba ’Šestka’  Zdeněk Pos CZ photo

                                                           Abies alba ‘Šestka’

            Šimi                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Simi’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’Simi’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

            Smilovice                               2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           2013 Miroslav Komárek CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom 27 m up, 1 m diameter, leaders growth rate 7-8

                                                           cm, side branches 3 cm, needles are radial sitting, vital, healthy.

                                                           Komárek text.

                                                           Čarověník, nalezeno ve výšce 27 m, 1 m průměr, přírustky terminální 7- 8 cm, boční přírustky 3 cm, jehlice radiální, vitální, zdravá. Komárek text.

                                                           Abies alba ’Smilovice’  Miroslav Komárek photo

            Sněžník                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2004 Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Sneznik’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Solnice                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2003 Jaroslav Serbousek CZ

                                                                                  Serbousek Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Solnice’  Mesterházy & Serbousek photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Solnice’  Mesterházy & Serbousek photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Solnice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Solnice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Solnice’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Spinescens                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Beck 1895

            Stín                                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 Milan Šimánek CZ in SLK

                                                                                  Šimánek Collection CZ

            Střela                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1995 P. Kuták CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Strela’

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Střela’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies alba ‘Střela’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Strela’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies alba ’Strela’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Strela’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Strela’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies alba ’Strela’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Stricta                                    Carr. 1867

            Suldvice                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Svatá Hora                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Svata Hora’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Svatá Hora’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Svoboda                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2004 Havel CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Svoboda’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Tenuifolia                              Loud.

                                                           1862 van Gaert in Arboretum Kalmthout BEL

            Tenuiorifolia                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1891

                                                           1790 Flottbeck Nurs., Hamburg GER

                                                           A. pectinata nana Hort.

                                                           A. pectinata prostrata Hort.

            Terči Dvůr                            2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           2012 Kubát & Orálek CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found in Sumava,

                                                           Místo nálezu. Šumava.

                                                           Abies alba ’Terci Dvur’  Kubát & Orálek photo

            Torulosa                                Abies alba ‘Torulosa’

            Umbraculifera                      Senecl. 1868

                                                           at the Loire FRA

            Variegata                              Forbes 1839

                                                           at Woburn GBR

                                                           Abies alba ‘Variegata’

                                                           A. alba var. variegata Zederbaur 1907

            Vašek                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Milan Šimánek CZ in SLK

                                                                                  Šimánek Collection CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Velehrad                               2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           2001 M. Kostelnicek CZ in Jalubí (WB)

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Velešín                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2008 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 150 cm up as a 110x70 cm

                                                           broom, 3 cm long needles.

                                                           Abies alba ’1330 Velesin’ 

                                                           Abies alba ’1330 Velešín’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Velesin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Velesin’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’Velesin’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’1330 Velešín’

            Verunka                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2009 Václav Verbín CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Verunka’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Verunka’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Veseli-Dáblice                       Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Veselý                                    2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Vetrník                                  2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           2012 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a broom 8 m up, 80 cm in Grosse Heide, Sandl, AUT

                                                           Abies alba ’Vetrnik’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Vetrnik’  Milan Šimánek photo

            Virgata                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Caspary 1883

                                                           1879 Elsass FRA and CSR

                                                           A. alba var. virgata Zederbaur

            Visely                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Abies alba ‘Visely’

            WB Kladsko                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           CZ /Kladsko/

                                                                                  Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            WB Mlada Boleslav              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           CZ /Mlada Boleslav/

                                                                                  Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Žába                                       2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           2001 M. Kostelnicek CZ in Jalubí (WB) – ‘Žaba’

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                           Abies alba ‘Žába’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Zaba’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Zaháj                                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1991 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies alba ’Zahaj’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Zahaj’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Abies alba ‘Zaháj’

                                                           Abies alba ‘Zaháj’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies alba ’Zahaj’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Zahaj’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Zahaj’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies alba ’Zahaj’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies alba ’Zahaj’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies alba ’Zahaj’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012


Abies alba x koreana ’Sämling # 1

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

Abies alba x koreana ’Sämling # 2

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

Abies alba x koreana ’Sämling # 3

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

Abies alba x koreana ’Sämling # 4

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

Abies alba x vilmoriniana ’Pendula

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ



   AMABILIS                                               1839                           USA CAN

                                                           Dougl. ex J. Forbes                                                   Kr

Abies amabilis Dougl. ex J. Forbes - Vöröstobozú v. szitka jegenyefenyő - Red Fir

                                                           A. grandis /Hook. 1840/ Hook. & Murray 1863

                                                           A. grandis var. densiflora Engelm.1878

                                                           Abies amabilis photo

                                                           Abies amabilis photo

            Compacta                              Hornibrook 1923

                                                                                   1893 Blandsfort IRL

            Fastigiata                                                      Edwin Smits Nursey, Volkel HOL

            Glauca                                   Hort.

            Hoyt HB                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Portland, OR USA

                                                           Abies amabilis ‘Hoyt HB’

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                               A very silver compact mounded plant from the Hoyt Arboretum in Portland it may in fact be a form of Abies lasiocarpa. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies amabilis ’Hoyt’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Indian Heaven                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A small evergreen tree with green and white variegated needles.

                                                           Discovered in the Indian Heaven Wilderness of Washington

                                                           state. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3'

                                                           wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5.

                                                           Discovered and introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection

                                                           of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies amabilis ’Indian Heaven’  Talon Buchholz photo

                                                           Abies amabilis ’Indian Heaven’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies amabilis ’Indian Heaven’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Procumbens                                                 Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           /Spreading Star/

            Spreading Star                     den Ouden 1965

                                                           1960 Pinetum Blijdenstein, Hilversum HOL

                                                           Abies amabilis ‘Spreading Star’

                                                           A dwarf, spreading evergreen conifer with rich blue-green needles. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           A. amabilis procumbens Hesse 1963


                                                           Abies amabilis ‘Spreading Star’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star’ photo

                                                           Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star’ photo

                                                           Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star’ photo

                                                           Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star’ photo

                                                           Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies amabilis ‘Spreading Star’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies amabilis ‘Spreading Star’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo


   APOLLINIS                                    Bornm. 1899

                                                           /A. BORNMUELLERIANA/

    APOLLINIS                                               Link. 1841

                                                           /A. CEPHALONICA var. APOLLINIS/

   ARGENTEA                                               Chabray 1845

                                                           /A. ALBA/

   ARIZONICA                                               Merr.

                                                           /A. LASIOCARPA var. ARIZONICA/


   ARNOLDIANA  X                       1969                           SWE

                                                           Nitz.                                                                          Kr

Abies arnoldiana x Nitzelius - Arnold hibrid jegenyefenyő - Arnold Fir

                                                           1953 Goteborg Botanic Garden SWE from

                                                           Arnold Arboretum USA seed

                                                           Abies koreana x Abies veitchii

                                                           Abies arnoldiana x photo

            Cyrille                                               Abies x arnoldiana ‘Cyrille’

            Graciosa                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1970                                GER

                                                           Abies x arnoldiana ‘Graciosa’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Hvožďany # 1                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1989 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 2                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1990 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 3                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1990 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 4                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1990 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 5                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1995 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 6                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1995 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 7                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1995 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 8                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1995 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 9                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 10                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 11                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 12                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 13                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                   Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 14                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 15                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 16                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 17                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 18                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 19                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies veitchii. Balatka text.

            Jadwiga                                 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Kurowski & Grabczewski POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                                                  Gabriel Tomzynski Nurs., Czestohowa POL

                                                           Abies arnoldiana x ’Jadwiga’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies arnoldiana x ’Jadwiga’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

            Jan Pawel II.                         2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Kurowski, Grabczewski & Seneta POL

                                                                                  Gabriel Tomzynski Nurs., Czestohowa POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                           Abies arnoldiana x ‘Jan Pawel II’

                                                           Honoured to John Paul II.

                                                           Large tree growing up to several meters in height and conical habit yellowish green-colored needles, from the bottom of the chalk-white. The new, valuable, Polish variety. It likes a sunny position. For use in larger gardens and parks. Kurowski text.

                                                            Duże drzewo dorastające do kilkunastu metrów wys. o pokroju stożkowatym i zielono-żółtawym zabarwieniu igieł, od spodu kredowo-białym. Nowa, cenna, polska odmiana. Lubi stanowiska słoneczne. Do zastosowania w większych ogrodach i parkach. Kurowscy text.

                                                           Duże drzewo, o wąskiej stoźkowatej koronie, iglach zielonkawoźółtych, od spodu kredowobiałych. Wyselekcjowana w Rogowie. Adam Marosz text.

                                                           Abies arnoldiana x ’Jan Pawel II’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

            Kórnik                                   2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0

                                                           Arboretum Kórnik, POL

                                                           Abies arnoldiana ’Kornik’ 


Abies arnoldiana Lewandowski

            Lewandowski                                   2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Mirosław Lewandowski POL of seed in Arboretum Rogów POL

                                                           Abies arnoldiana ‘Lewandowski’

                                                           A perfect blue variety of Abies arnoldiana x

            Poulsen                                  1983 Poulsen Nurs., DEN

                                                           A low spreading conifer with bright green needles. Purple cones stand erect above the foliage. This wonderful garden selection is a hybrid between Abies koreana and Abies veitchii. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies arnoldiana x ’Poulsen’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

.           Rogów                                               2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Kurowski, Grabczewski & Seneta POL

                                                                                  Gabriel Tomzynski Nurs., Czestohowa POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                                                   Joanna & Bronislav Sznit, Ciechanów POL

                                                           Tree with narrow, conical habit. Needles are dark green, from the bottom of a narrow silvery white with a green stripe down the middle. Early starts coning. Selected by J. Grąbczewski, L. Kurowski and W. Senet in the Arboretum in Rogow. Rarely offered for sale. Adam Marosz text.

                                                           Drzewo a wąskim, stoźkowatym pokroju. Igły są z wierchu ciemnozielone i błyszczące, od spodu kredowobiałe z bardzo wąskim zielonym paskiem przez środek. Wcześnie zaczyna szyszkiwać. Wyselekcjonowana przez J. Grąbczewskiego, L. Kurowskiego i W. Senetę w Arboretum w Rogowie. Rzadko oferowana w sprzedaźy. Adam Marosz text.

                                                           Abies arnoldiana x ’Rogow’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies arnoldiana x ’Rogow’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

            Susanna                                 2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Sławomir Skórka POL

                                                                                  Sławomir Skórka Nursery POL

                                                           Abies arnoldiana x ’Susanna’  Sławomir Skórka photo

                                                           Abies arnoldiana x ’Susanna’  Sławomir Skórka photo

            Violet                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1972                                GER


   AROMATICA                                 Raf. 1832                   

                                                           /A. BALSAMEA/

   BALDENSIS                                               Zucc. ex Nyman 1878

                                                           /A. ALBA/


   BALSAMEA                                 1768                           USA CAN

                                                           /L./ Mill.                                                                    Kr

Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. - Balzsamfenyő - Balsam Fir

                                                           Képek - Gallery

Abies balsamea photo

Abies balsamea photo

                                                           A. aromatica Raf. 1832

                                                           A. balsamifera Michx. 1803

                                                           A. minor Du. ex Gord.

             ssp. FRASERI                     /Pursh/ Murray  1982             SE-USA

                                                           Abies fraseri /Pursh/Poir.

             ssp. PHANEROLEPIS       /Fernald/ Murray 1982                       CAN

                                                           Abies balsamea var. phanerolepis

                                                           Abies phanerolepis x  /Fernald/Liu    CAN

                                                           Tobozok - Cones

             var. ALBIDA                      Mey. 1914                                          GER

             var. BRACHYLEPIS         Willk. 1875                                        BAL

             var. HUDSONIA                 /Bosc ex Jacq./ Fernald & Weatherby 1829 CAN

             var. MACROCARPA        Sarg. 1892                                          N-AME

             var. PAUCIFOLIA             Sudw. 1927                                       FRA

             var. TENUIFOLIA             Carr. 1867

             var. TENUIS                       Mey. 1914


            94018                                     2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Plant from Nova scotia. Greg Williams text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’94018’ 

            #94078                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0


                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’41078 DD’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’41078 DD’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Hexenbesen, Miniform, flach und sehr dicht wachsend, kissenförmig mit graugrüner Benadelung. Zuwachs pro Jahr: 3 - 4cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 15cm, Breite in 10 Jahren: 30cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘# 94078’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’94078’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘94078’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            #961018                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0


                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Dense, flat top greygreen mini cushion. 10 x 30 cm in ten years.

                                                           Mesterházy text.

                                                           Hexenbesen, Miniform, flach und sehr dicht wachsend, kissenförmig mit graugrüner Benadelung. Zuwachs pro Jahr: 2 - 3cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 10cm Breite in 10 Jahren: 30cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘# 961018’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’961018’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ’961018’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            1                                             (WB)

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘# 1’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’# 1’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            2                                             (WB)

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘# 2’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            3                                             (WB)

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            4                                             (WB)

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Albicans                                Senecl.

                                                           1868 Seneclause Nurs., Bourg-Argental FRA

            Albida                                               A. balsamea var. albida Meyer 1924

            Andover                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Arnold Arboretum 1959

                                                           1957 Wyman USA 

            Angusta                                 /Angustata/

            Angustata                              Rehd. 1924                 /Angusta/

                                                           A. balsamea var. angustata Rehd.

            Argentea                               Beissn. 1891

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Argentea’

                                                           A. balsamea argentifolia Sudw. 1927

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Argentea’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Argenteovariegata                Schelle 1909               /Variegata/

            Argentifolia                           Sudw. 1927                /Argentea/

            Back From the Dead            Hort.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies balsamea var. phanerolepis = Abies canaan

            Bayfield                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                   Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bayfield’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bayfield’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bayfield’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bayfield’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bayfield’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bayfield’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Bear Swamp                          2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bear Swamp’

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           This witches broom was founded at Bear Swamp, New England.

                                                           Forms a dwarf cushion. Larch Cottage Nursery GBR text.

                                                           Dense greygreen globe dwarf WB. 30 x 30 cm in 10 years.

                                                           Mesterházy text.

                                                           Hexenbesen, Zwergform, kugelig und sehr dicht wachsend mit graugrüner Benadelung Zuwachs pro Jahr: 4 - 5cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 30cm, Breite in 10 Jahren: 30cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Bear Swamp: "This description sounds like another Balsam I do called 'Wolcott Pond' a broom". Greg Williams text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Bear Swamp’  Larch Cottage Nursery GBR

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bear Swamp’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bear Swamp’  

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bear Swamp’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bear Swamp’  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bear Swamp’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bear Swamp’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Bear Swamp’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Ben Blackburn                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1972 Gotelli Collection, South Orange NJ USA

            Bruce’s Variegated              2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Bruces Variegated: Greg writes: "From a tree in Nova Scotia.

                                                           Bottom 2 feet (2/3 M) normal, from there up colored."

                                                           Greg Williams text.

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer with rich, emerald-green needles variegated with cream-white. More colorful when grown in full sun. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bruce’s Variegated’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bruce’s Variegated’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bruces Variegated’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’KBN Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bruce’s Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bruce’s Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Bruce’s Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Caerula                                 /Coerula/

            Coerula                                 Carr. 1867                  /Caerula/

            Coerulescens                         Senecl. 1868

                                                           1865 Seneclause Nurs. Bourg-Argental FRA

            Columnaris                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Frahm 1936

                                                           1903 Frahm Nurs. Elmshorn GER

                                                           A. balsamea pyramidalis Hort.

            Compacta                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Mey. 1914

            Compacta Nana                   R. Freres                                            FRA

            Cree’s Blue                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. CAN

                                                                                   1991 L. C. Cree, Colebrook, New Hudson

            Cuprona Jewel                     Hort.

                                                           An extreme miniature dense greygreen globe, 10 x 15 cm in 10

                                                           years. Mesterházy text.

                                                           Hexenbesen, extreme Miniatur, kugelig und sehr dicht wachsend mit graugrüner Benadelung, empfindliche Pflanze, Rarität. Zuwachs pro Jahr: 1 - 2cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 10cm Breite in 10 Jahren: 15cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Cuprona Jewel’  

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Cuprona Jewel’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Cuprona Jewel’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Densa                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Densa’

            Denudata                              Pepin

                                                           1860 Cochet Nurs. Suynes FRA

            Dominika                               2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wiesław Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Dominika WN’  Wiesław Wnuk photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Dominika WN’

            Edelweiss Lakewood            Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Elegans                                  Senecl. 1868

                                                           1868 Seneclause Nurs. Bourg-Argental FRA

            Eugene Gold                         2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Eugene Gold’

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Eugene Gold: "Sport - one of the many yellow Balsam I have.

                                                           Better than some." Greg Williams text.

                                                           A dwarf spreading evergreen conifer with light yellow needles. Prefers AM sun/PM shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Eugene Gold’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Eugene Gold’  Coenosium Gardens WA USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Eugene Gold’  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Eugene Gold’  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Eugene Gold’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Eugene Gold’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Fastigiata                               H .J. van de Laar 1986                      HOL

                                                           Armintrout Nursery

                                               An upright columnar selection made by Armintrout Nursery, still

                                                           quite uncommon in collections. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Fernberg Trail                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2012 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA

                                                                                  Horky Gardens MN USA

                                                           Beautiful broom, 18”-24”, annual growth 1”, and pale blue green

                                                           color. Broom was collected near Ely, MN. Horky text.

            Foliis variegatis                     Knight & Perry 1850


            Fox Farm                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2011 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA

                                                                                  Horky Gardens MN USA

                                                           A very small broom that grows in a ball, hanging at the end of a

                                                           branch. Approximately 10"-12". Horky text.

            Frozen Fingers                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            Glauca                                   Beissn. 1899

                                                           A. fraseri glauca Carr.

            Globosa                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1884                                      GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Globosa’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Globosa                                 1986 USA

                                                           /Abies lasiocarpa Green Globe/

            Gold Ridge                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Gold Ridge’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Green Globe                                                Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Gretchen 09                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Gyoid                                    Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            HB-1                                      Abies balsamea ‘HB-1’

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            HB II                                      Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            HB III                                               Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Hemisphaerica                      Sudw. 1927                /Globosa/

            Henk’s Garden                     Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Henksgarden’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Henk’s Garden’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Henksgarden’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Hexe                                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Highway                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Hwy # 2                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Hwy #4                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Hwy #4 GI                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Hwy # 4 GI’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Hwy 61 4291                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Hwy Gretchen                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Hudsonia                               Welch 1966

                                                           1810 at White Mts. NE USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Hudsonia’

                                                                                  Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Hudsonia’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies balsamea var. hudsonia

            Hupp                                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Jamie                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jean Iseli USA

                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Kogelvormige groeiwijze. Zeer dichte en compacte

                                                           miniatuurvorm. Jaarlijkse groei slechts 2 tot 3 cm. Herkomst is

                                                           de kwekerij van Iseli in de USA. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Jamie’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Jamie’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Jamie Iseli’

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Jamie’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Jamie’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Jamy’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Probably the same as /Jamy/

            Jamy                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Petite needles on this diminutive Balsam Fir emerge light-green in spring and darken through the season. Prominent buds nestle among radiating, tightly layered needles that curve gently downward. Perfect for rock or trough gardens with other miniatures. Iseli text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Jamy’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Jana                                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Jana’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Jana’ Nana WB  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Johan                                     Hort.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Johan’  Jiří Balatka photo

            KBN 1                                               2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

            KBN # 1                                2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

            KBN Variegated                   2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

            Kiwi                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Baumschulen GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Kiwi’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Kiwi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Kiwi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Kiwi’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Krause                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           1972 Krause USA

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

            Lakewood                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Dense cushion WB, greygreen coloured. Growing 3-4 cm per year, 30*40 cm in 10 years on sunny sides. Kohout-Mesterházy text.

                                                           Hexenbesen, kissenförmig und dicht wachsend mit graugrüner Benadelung. Zuwachs pro Jahr: 3 - 4cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 30cm, Breite in 10 Jahren : 40cm. Standort: sonnig bis halbschattig. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Lakewood’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Lakewood’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Lakewood’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Lakewood 09                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                                                   Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           /Lakewood/ ?

            Larry’s Weeping                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Larry Stanley USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Larry’s Weeping’

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Weeping forms of balsam fir are few and far between, all the more reason to celebrate this weeping gem from Larry Stanley. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Larry’s Weeping’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Le Feber                                1993 HOL

                                                           Le Feber Nurs. HOL

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Le Feber’

                                                                                   K. A. Koemans, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Is in 1993 gevonden op de kwekerij van Le Feber in Boskoop en door Koemans in de handel gebracht. Zeer compacte dwergvorm. Groeit circa 2-3 cm. per jaar. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Le Feber’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Le Feber’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Light Reachning                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Light Reachning’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Little Caleigh                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           A miniature flat top dense cushion WB with green horizontal branchlets. 8 x 20 cm in ten years. Mesterházy text.

                                                           Hexenbesen, extreme Miniatur, flach kissenförmig und sehr dicht wachsend, alle Zweige waagerecht mit grüner Benadelung. Zuwachs pro Jahr: 1 - 2cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 8cm, Breite in 10 Jahren: 20cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Little Caleigh’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Little Caleigh’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies balsamea’ Little Caleigh’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Little Caleight’  

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Little Caleigh’

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Little Caleigh’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Little Caleigh’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Little Caleigh’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Little Caleigh’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Longifolia                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Lawson 1852

                                                           1836 Booth & Sons Nurs. Hamburg GER

            Lutescens                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                           1903 in Experim. Gardens of Diedorf, Bayern GER

            Macrocarpa                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Abies balsamea var. lutescens Sarg. 1892 USA

            Marginata                             Beissn.

                                                           1894 Schröder in Garden of Petrovskaia Akademia

                                                           Moscow RUS

            Midnight Steel                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                                                  Aledo Property IL USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Midnight Steel’  Dax Herbst IL USA photo

            Minaret                                                         Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Nana                                      Nelson 1866 in CAN

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Nana’

                                                           A dense flat-ball conifer with deep green foliage. Bright green new growth offers marvelous contrast in spring. Perfect for the rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

                                                           A. balsamea globosa nana Hornibrook 1938

                                                           A. balsamea hemisphaerica Sudw. 1927

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Nana’

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Nana’ photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Nana’ photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Nana’ photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Nana’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Nana’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Nana’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Nana WB 1                                                   Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           A WB of a dwarf: dense greygreen globe. 12 x 10 cm in 10 years.

                                                           Mesterházy text.

                                                           Hexenbesen, entstanden an einer Zwergform, extreme Miniatur, kugelig und sehr dicht wachsend mit graugrüner Benadelung, empfindliche Pflanze, Rarität Zuwachs pro Jahr: 1 - 2cm. Höhe in 10 Jahren: 12cm, Breite in 10 Jahren: 10cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Nana WB 1’  

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Nana WB 2                                                   Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           A WB of a dwarf: dense grey globe. 12 x 15 cm in 10 years.

                                                           Mesterházy text.

                                                           Hexenbesen, entstanden an einer Zwergform, Miniatur, kugelig und sehr dicht wachsend mit grauer Benadelung, empfindliche Pflanze, Rarität. Zuwachs pro Jahr: 2 - 3cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 12cm, Breite in 10 Jahren: 15cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Nana WB 2’  

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Nana WB 3                                                   Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           A WB of a dwarf: dense grey globe. 15 x 25 cm in 10 years.

                                                           Mesterházy text.

                                                           Hexenbesen, entstanden an einer Zwergform, Miniatur, kugelig und sehr dicht wachsend mit grauer Benadelung, Zuwachs pro Jahr: 2 - 3cm Höhe in 10 Jahren: 15cm Breite in 10 Jahren: 25cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Nana WB 3’  

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Nana WB 4                                                   Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           A WB of a dwarf: dense grey globe. 15 x 20 cm in 10 years.

                                                           Mesterházy text.

                                                           Hexenbesen, entstanden an einer Zwergform, Miniatur, kugelig und sehr dicht wachsend mit grüner Benadelung. Zuwachs pro Jahr: 2 - 3cm Höhe in 10 Jahren: 15cm Breite in 10 Jahren: 20cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Nana WB 4’  

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Nana Compacta                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

            Nana Globosa                       1965 den Ouden        /Nana/

            Nudicaulis                             Carr. 1867

                                                           A. Leroy in Angers FRA

                                                           A. balsamea nana globosa Hort.

            Old Ridge                              2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Old Ridge’

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           KBN 1, KBN # 1, KBN Variegated, Old Ridge: "Many of these

                                                           not many stable, but I try them all." Greg Williams text.

                                                           Growing about 1" per year, this selection develops into a squatly

                                                           conical, dense little bush. The new growth is pure white in the

                                                           spring and will burn if not shaded. Bob Fincham text.

                                                           A shrubby dwarf with creamy white colours in spring, later green. 30 x 20 cm in ten years, growth yearly 3-4 cm. Mesterházy text.

                                                           Zwergform, als kleiner Busch dicht wachsend mit im Frühling cremeweißen Maitrieb, über den Sommer vergrünend empfindliche Pflanze, Rarität. Zuwachs pro Jahr: 3 - 4cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 30cm, Breite in 10 Jahren : 20cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Old Ridge’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Old Ridge’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Old Ridge’  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Old Ridge’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Pat                                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Paucifolia                              Sudw. 1927                /Nudicaulis/

            Pedersen’s Globe                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1985                               USA   

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Pendula’

            Piccolo                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                           Erwin Carstens Nurs., Varel GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Piccolo’

                                                                                   1982 Erwin Carstens Nurs., Varel GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Geïntroduceerd door B. Carstens, Duitsland, in ± 1982. Miniatuur, kogelvormig groeiend. Hoogte 30 cm. x breedte 30 cm. Korte dichtgerangschikte twijgen. Donkergroene naalden, roodbruine knoppen. Zonnige standplaats op een vochthoudende grond. Geschikt voor de heide-, rots- en miniatuurtuin, alsook voor bonsai. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Piccolo’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Piccolo’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Piccolo’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Picolo                                     /Piccolo/

                                                                                   1991 G. Boehlje GER

            Prairie                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Prairie’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Prostrata                               Knight & Perry 1850

                                                           1838 GBR

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Prostrata’

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Prostrata’  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Pyramidalis                           /Columnaris/

            Quintin’s Spreader               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 CAN

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Quinton Spreader’

                                                                                   E. A. Cope CAN

            Quinton Spreader                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Probably a mistake of ‘Quintin’s Spreader’

                                                                                  Arrowhead Nurs., MA USA

            R. Stevens                              2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                           Abies balsamea R. Stevens

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           R. Stevens - "Named after local." Greg Williams text.                                                                   (must have been found on R. Stevens property, i.e.) Dax

                                                           Abies balsamea ’R. Stevens’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

            Renswoude                                                   Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Renswoude’

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Renswoude’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Renswoude’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Renswoude’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Renswoude’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Sedláček                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2009 Sedláček CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           found by Sedlacek as an Abies balsamea ’Nana’ sport

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Sedlacek’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Select                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                  zu Jeddeloh Baumschulen GER

            Shepard’s Crook                  Abies balsamea ‘Shepards Crook’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Sky Meadow                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Sinclair                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2010 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA

                                                                                  Horky Gardens MN USA

                                                                                  2012 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           A medium sized broom, 24” wide – 40” tall, it resembles a

                                                           perfect christmas tree. Needles are pailer green than the rest of

                                                           the tree. Horsky text.

            Stage Coach                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Stage Coach WB                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Tensa                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Three Heaven Dwarf           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Three Heaven Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Tower                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2011 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA

                                                                                  Horky Gardens MN USA

                                                           A tall and narrow broom, 12” wide – 48” tall, hence the name.

                                                           The needles are very dark with annual growth, approximately 4”

                                                           and side growth is 1”-2”. Horsky text.

            Tundra                                                         Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Tyler Blue                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Tyler Blue’

                                                           A compact, pyramidal conifer with distinctive blue foliage. Soft, lush, non-glittery appearance provides distinction and color throughout the year. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

                                                           Slow growing dense silvery blue clone. 120*80 cm in 10 years. Mesterházy text. Langsam wachsender, dichter Baum mit silberblauen Nadeln, sehr dekorativ

Zuwachs pro Jahr: 20 - 25cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 120 - 130cm, Breite in 10 Jahren: 80cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Tyler Blue’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Tyler Blue’

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Tylers Blue’  

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Tyler Blue’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Tyler Blue’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            USA                                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies balsamea ’USA’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’USA’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’USA’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Variegata                              Carr. 1855

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Variegata’

                                                           A. balsamea argenteovariegata Schelle

            Verkade’s Prostrate             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           1984 Verkade Nurs., Lincoln Park NJ USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Verkade’s Prostrate’

                                                                                   1984 Verkade Nurs., Lincoln Park NJ USA

                                                           A dwarf spreading evergreen conifer with deep emerald-green foliage. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1.5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Verkade’s Prostrate’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Verkade’s Prostrate’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Verkade’s Prostrate’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Verkade’s Prostrate’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Verkade’s Prostrate Variegated

                                                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Verkade USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Verkade’s Prostrate Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Verkade’s Spreader             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           /Verkade’s Prostrate/

            Versicolor                              Sudw. 1927                /Variegata/

            WB1                                      Probably the same as /1/ and /Nana WB 1/

                                                           Abies balsamea WB1 

                                                           Abies balsamea ’WB1’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’WB # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’WB # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’WB # 1’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            WB2                                      Probably the same as /2/ and /Nana WB 2/

                                                           Abies balsamea WB 2 Iseli 

                                                           Abies balsamea ’WB2 Iseli’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            WB3                                       /Jamie/

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’WB # 3’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’WB # 3’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Jamie WB # 3’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Jamie WB # 3’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            WB4                                      Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’WB # 4’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies balsamea ’WB # 4’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            WB 94018                                                     Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA


            Weeping Larry                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Weeping Larry’ > /Larry’s Weeping/

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Weeping Larry’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Weeping Larry’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Wild Child                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2012 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies balsamea var. phanerolepis = Abies canaan

                                                           Abies balsamea phanerolepis ’Wild Child’

            Wisconsin Broom # 1           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Wisconsin # 1                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Wisconsin # 1’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Wisconsin # 1’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Wolcott Pond                                    2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams VT USA in Vermont

                                                           Abies balsamea ‘Wolcott Pond’

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           A cushionlike dense flat top greygreen beauty. 20 * 35 cm in 10

                                                           years. Mesterházy text after Kohout.

                                                           Found in Vermont by Greg Williams, this

                                                           dense, dark green, globose selection grows

                                                           1"-2" per year (zone 3) Fincham text.

                                                           Hexenbesen, kissenförmig und dicht wachsend mit graugrüner Benadelung Zuwachs pro Jahr: 3 - 4cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 20cm, Breite in 10 Jahren: 35cm. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Wolcot Pond’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Wolcot Pond’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Wolcott Pond’  

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Wolcott Pond’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Wolcott Pond’  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Wolcott Pond’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Wolcott Pond’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Wüstemeyer                          2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Günther Wüstemeyer GER

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Wustemeyer’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies balsamea ’Wustemeyer’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Yellow Tip                             2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Yellow Tip - "Different from 'Bruce's Variegated."

                                                           Greg Williams text.

            Young’s Broom                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Zimmerman Road                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA


   BALSAMIFERA                              Michx. 1803

                                                           /A. BALSAMEA/

   BEISSNERIANA                             Rehd. & Wils. 1914  

                                                           /A. CHENSIENSIS var. ERNESTII/


   BESHANZUENSIS                      1976                           CHN AN

                                                           M. H. Wu                                                                  KeI, SS

Abies beshanzuensis Wu 1976 - Csöcsiangi jegenyefenyő - Baisanzhu fir


             var. ZIYUANENSIS           (L. K. Fu & S. L. Mo) L. K. Fu & Nan Li CHN GU

                                                           Abies ziyuanensis L. K. Fu & S. L. Mo 1980


   BIFOLIA                                         A. Murray 1863

                                                           /A. LASIOCARPA/


   BORISII-REGIS                          1925                           BAL

                                                           Mattf.                                                                        Kr

Abies borisii-regis Mattf. 1925 - Boris király v. macedón jegenyefenyő - King Boris Fir


                                                           A. alba var. acutifolia Turrill 1925

                                                           A. alba var. bulgarica Svoboda 1953

                                                           A. alba x A. cephalonica

             var. PUNGENTI-PILOSA

                                                           Vig. & Gaussen 1929

            Filonida H 14                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 30 cm dense globe broom on Pindhos, Smolikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, hustá koule, 30 cm, Řecko, Pindhos, Smolikas.

            J. K. Greece                          2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies borisii-regis ’Greece’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies borisii-regis ’J. K. Greece’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Pendula                                 Abies borisii-regis ‘Pendula’

            Spring Delight                      Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            WB                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies borisii-regis ’WB’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies borisii-regis ’HB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012


   BORNMUELLERIANA  X        1925                           TUR ANA

                                                           Mattf.                                                                        Kr

Abies bornmülleriana Mattf. 1925 - Bitűniai v. Bornmüller jegenyefenyő - Bornmüller fir

                                                           Abies bornmulleriana photo HTJ

                                                           Abies bornmülleriana photo

                                                           Abies bornmuelleriana  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies bornmuelleriana  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies bornmuelleriana  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           A. apollinis Bornm. 1899

                                                           A. cephalonica x A. nordmanniana

                                                           A. nordmanniana Bornm. 1894 not Spach

                                                           A. nordmanniana ssp. bornmuelleriana Coode & Cullen 1965

             var. LEIOCLADA              Steven 1838

                                                           A. leioclada pontica Svoboda 1953

             var. PONTICA                    A. leioclada pontica Svoboda 1953

            Archer                                   1991 Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Barney                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Ken Franke USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies bornmuelleriana ‘Barney’

                                                           A dwarf spreading evergreen conifer with short, dark green needles. As it matures its top branches become exposed; this gives the specimen an "ancient" look. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies bornmuelleriana ’Barney’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies bornmuelleriana ’Barney’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies bornmuelleriana ’Barney’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Compacta                              Abies bornmuelleriana ‘Compacta’

            Franke                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Ken Franke in Oregon, USA

                                                           Abies bornmülleriana ‘Franke’

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A dwarf flat round bun with rich green needles and large brown

                                                           buds. Found by Ken Franke at a Christmas tree yard in Oregon.

                                                           Stanley text.

                                                           The cultivar was renamed by Ken Franke before introduction.

                                                           Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Abies bornmuelleriana ’Franke’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo


            Fritsche                                                         Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Marne                                               Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Zwergform Gelb                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER


   BRACHYPHYLLA                          /Maxim./Parl.1868

                                                           /A. HOMOLEPIS/


   BRACTEATA                              1845                           USA CA

                                                           /D. Don/ D. Don ex Poit. 1845                                 Kr

Abies bracteata (D. Don) D. Don ex Poit. 1845 - Santa Lucia-jegenyefenyő - Santa Lucia fir

                                                           Abies bracteata photo

                                                           Abies bracteata photo

                                                           Abies bracteata photo HTJ

                                                           Abies bracteata photo HTJ

                                                           Abies bracteata  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies bracteata  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies bracteata  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           A. venusta /Dougl./K. Koch 1872

            Corbin                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Dr. Corbin OR USA, Talon Buchholz USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           I grew Abies bracteata beginning in the early 1980's, my start coming from plantsman Dr. Corbin of Portland, Oregon, and from then on I referred to it as Abies bracteata 'Corbin'. Propagating from an attractive tree in someone's garden doesn't really qualify for cultivar status; but again, I was just trying to keep my sources distinct. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies bracteata ’Corbin’  Buchholz photo

                                                           Abies bracteata ’Corbin’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Wilson                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Native in St. Lucis Mts.

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA


   CAMPYLOCARPA                         A. Murray 1860

                                                           /A. MAGNIFICA/

   CANDICANS                                  Fischer 1847

                                                           /A. ALBA/


   CEPHALONICA                         1838                           GRE

                                                           Loud.                                                                         Kr

Abies cephalonica Loud. 1838 - Görög jegenyefenyő - Greek Fir

                                                           Abies cephalonica’ photo

                                                           A. alba cephalonica Richter 1890

                                                           A. luscombeana /Loudon/Liu 1971

                                                           A. panachaica Heldr.

                                                           A. peloponnesiaca Heldr. 1860

                                                           A. reginae-amaliae Heldr. 1860

                                                           A. taxifolia pendula Koch 1873

             var. APOLLINIS                /Link./Beissn. 1887

                                                           A. apollinis Link. 1841                       GRE

             var. ARCADICA                /Henk. & Hochst. 1865/Svoboda 1953 GRE

             var. GRAECA                    /Fraas/Liu 1971                                  GRE

                                                           A. alba parnassica Svoboda 1953

                                                           A. cephalonica var. apollinis f. pseudocilicica

                                                           Guinier & Maire 1908

                                                           A. cephalonica var. parnassica Henk. & Hochst. 1865

                                                           A. pectinata var. graeca Fraas 1845

             var. PANACHAICA          Henk. & Hochst. 1865                       GRE

             var. PARNASSICA                        Henk. & Hochst. 1865                       GRE


            # 1                                          Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            # 5                                          Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            # 8                                          Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            # 41                                        Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            # 42                                        Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Acicularis                              Senecl.1868

                                                           1867 Seneclause Nurs. Bourg-Argental FRA

                                                           A. cephalonica acicularis Senecl.

                                                           A. acicularis Maxim. 1877

            Adonis H 10                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 cm globe broom on Parnassos, Giona

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, koule 40 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Giona.

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Adonis H 10’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Apollon H 1                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef  Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 cm globe broom on Parnassos, Gerontovrachos

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, koule 40 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Gerontovrachos.

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Apollon H 1’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Asklepios H 5                                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm cushion broom on Parnassos, Gavia

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, placka, d. 40 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Gavia.

            Ariadna H 11                                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 30 cm globe broom on Parnassos, Giona

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, koule, 30 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Giona.

            Aurea                                    Carr. 1867

                                                           Seneclause Nurs. Bourg-Argental FRA

            Aureovariegata                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1891

                                                           CSR                /Aurea/

            Barabits Gold                       1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1965 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Abies cephalonica ‘Barabits Gold’

                                                           Slow growing conical tree with yellowish leaves.

                                                           3 m. at age of 30 years. Grows first green, needles are changing

                                                           gold in the next winter, this shows like the tree is gold inside.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           30 évesen 3 m magasra növő sárgás tűjű kúpos változat. Zölden

                                                           hajt, majd télen aranyszínre vált, így belülről mutatja a színét.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           (Photo 2006 by Mesterházy in the Clément Anthoine Pinetum,

                                                           Jamioulx, BEL)

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Barabits Gold’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Bentham’s Blue                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Daphne H 2                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef J. Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm globe broom on Parnassos, Gerontovrachos

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, koule 50 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Gerontovrachos.

            Diona H 9                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm cushion broom on Parnassos, Kotrona

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, placka, 50 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Kotrona.

            Gaia H 40                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 cm dense broom on

                                                           Olymbos, Elios GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, drobná placka, pr. 40 cm, Řecko,

                                                           Olymbos, Elios.

            Greg’s Broom                       /H Broom/

            H. Broom                              2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                                                  2003 R. L. Fincham USA

                                                                                  2003 Coenosium Gardens USA

                                                                                   2006 Dax Herbst in the ACS database

Greg's Broom - "Should be 'H. Broom'. I found a total of seven brooms af the Hunnewell Arb - some now gone - two I couldn't reach with my 40' pole. I spread them around as "H." so no one would raid the place. I did show them to a few others." Greg Williams text.

                                                           This plant is dwarf and appears to be globose

                                                           with a growth rate of about 2” per year.

                                                           Probably the same as /W.B. Hunnewell/

                                                           Abies cephalonica ‘Greg W.B’

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies cephalonica ‘Greg’s Broom’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies cephalonica ‘Greg W.B’

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg WB’  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’ 

                                                                                  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Hunnewell WB’ 

                                                                                  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ‘Greg W.B’

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies cephalonica ‘Greg’s Broom’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies cephalonica ‘Greg W.B’

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg WB’  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Greg’s Broom’ 

                                                                                  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Hunnewell WB’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Hunnewell WB’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           W. B. Hunnewell       Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Hunnewell Broom                /H Broom/

            Ió H 42                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm dense globe broom on

                                                           Olymbos, Elios, GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, plochý ovál, pr. 50 cm, Řecko,

                                                           Olymbos, Elios.

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Io H 42’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Io H 42’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Kalliopé H 4                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 cm globe broom on Parnassos, Gavia

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, koule 40 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Gavia.

            Kassandra H 7                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 cm cushion broom on Parnassos, Liakoura

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, placka, 40 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Liakoura.

            Kohout’s Seedling                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Latifolia                                 Carr. 1867                                          FRA

            Litó H 43                               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 cm dense globe broom on

                                                           Olymbos, Elios, GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, ploché rozježené hnízdo, pr. 40 cm, Řecko,

                                                           Olymbos, Elios.

            Maia H 8                               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 30 cm cone form broom on Parnassos, Liakoura

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, šiška, v. 30 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Liakoura.

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Maia H 8’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Meyers Dwarf                      den Ouden 1965

                                                           Abies cephalonica ‘Meyer’s Dwarf’


                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Meyer’s Dwarf’ photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Meyer’s Dwarf’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ‘Meyer’s Dwarf’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                                                   Hillier Nurs. & L. Konijn Nurs. HOL

                                               Formerly known as ’Nana’ this dwarf leaderless form has been quite widely distributed in Europe by the Dutch. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Meyer’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies cephalonica ‘Meyer’s Dwarf’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Meyer’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Minityp                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Mitida H 39                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm small dense broom on

                                                           Olymbos, Elios GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, malá packa, pr. 50 cm, Řecko,

                                                           Olymbos, Elios.

            Nana                                      Meyer 1963

            Oinomaos H 12                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm cushion broom on Parnassos, Giona

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, placka, 50 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Giona.

            Orfeus H 3                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm globe broom on Parnassos, Gerontovrachos

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, koule, 50 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Gerontovrachos.

            Pendula                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Prometheus H 37                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Josef J. Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Greece GRE.

                                                           Čarovĕník, malá placka, pr. 50 cm, Řecko, Olymbos, Elias.

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Prometheus H 37’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Prometheus H 37’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Psamathi H 6                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef J. Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 60 cm cushion broom on Parnassos, Gavia

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, placka, 60 cm, Řecko, Parnassos, Gavia.

            Pyramidalis                           Zederbaur 1907

                                                           A. cephalonica var. pyramidalis Zederbaur

            Robusta                                 Carr. 1867                                          FRA 

                                                           A. cephalonica robusta Carr. 1867

            Rubiginosa                            Carr. 1867                                          FRA

            Stepkowski’s Weeper           Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Submutica                             Bailly 1888                                        FRA

            Tythie H 38                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef J. Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 cm broom in Greece GRE, Olymbos, Elias.

                                                           Čarovĕník, miniatura, pr. 40 cm, Řecko, Olymbos, Elias.

            Uranos H 41                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 cm dense mini cushion broom on

                                                           Olymbos, Elios, GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Čarovĕník, miniaturní placka, pr. 40 cm, Řecko,

                                                           Olymbos, Elios.

                                                           Abies cephalonica ’Uranos H 41’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            W. B. Hunnewell                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           /Hunnewell Broom/

            WB (GW)                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           /Greg’s Broom/

            WB USA                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

Abies cephalonica x pinsapo Vilmorinii

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT


   CHAYUENSIS                             1978                           CHN TIB

                                                           C. Y. Cheng & L. K. Fu                                           SS

                                                           A. fargesii var. faxoniana /Rehd. & Wils./Liu 1971


   CHENGII                                      1983                           CHN YU

                                                           Rushforth                                                                  KeI

             ssp. YULONGXUESHANENSIS

                                                           Rushforth 1984                                  CHN


   CHENSIENSIS                             1891                           W-CHN SH

                                                           Tiegh.                                                                        SS Kr

Abies chensiensis Tiegh. 1891 - Senszi jegenyefenyő - Shansi Fir


                                                           A. ernestii /Rehd. & Wils./Rehd. 1939, not Mottet 1902

                                                           A. firma Mast. 1902 not Sieb. & Zucc.

             ssp. SALOUENENSIS       /Bord.-Rey & Gaussen/Rushforth 1984 CHN TIB

                                                           Abies chensiensis var salouenensis photo

                                                           Abies chensiensis var salouenensis photo

                                                           Abies chensiensis var salouenensis photo

                                                           Abies chensiensis var salouenensis photo

                                                           A. chensiensis var. salouenensis /Bord.-Rey. &

                                                           Gaussen/Cheng & L. K. Fu 1978                              KeI

                                                           A. ernestii var. salouenensis /Bord.-Rey. &

                                                           Gaussen/Cheng & L. K. Fu 1978

                                                           A. saluenensis Bord.-Rey & Gaussen

             var. ERNESTII                      /Rehd./Liu 1972                                 CHN

                                                           A. beissneriana Rehd. & Wils. 1914

                                                           A. ernestii /Rehd. & Wils./Rehd. 1939, not Mottet 1902

                                                           /A. RECURVATA var. ERNESTII C. T. Kuang/

            Dax                                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2012 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Extreme dark green             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Gary Gee USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                               Scions from a plant growing along the stream in Gees front garden, this has the best winter color of any Fir. An amazing lush dark green even in winter, the parent plant is apparently an unnamed seedling. I have some questions about whether chinensis exists as a species however the parent plant is so distinct that for now I have to trust the label. Arrowhead text.


                                                                                  Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA

            Prostrata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA

            Prostrata Glauca                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA

                                                           Abies chensiensis ‘Prostrata Glauca’

            Rochester                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA


   CHILOENSIS                                 Hort. ex Carr.

                                                           /A. SPECTABILIS/


   CILICICA                                     1855                           TUR ASM TAU

                                                           /Antoine & Kotschy/ Carr.                                        Kr

Abies cilicica (Ant. & Kotschy) Carr. 1855 - Kilikiai v. tauruszi jegenyefenyő - Cilician Fir

                                                           Abies cilicica photo HTJ

                                                           Abies cilicica forest 1500 m  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Abies cilicica trunk  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Abies cilicica  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies cilicica  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies cilicica  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           A. kotschyana Tchich.1869

                                                           A. leioclada cilicica Svoboda 1953

                                                           A. selinusia Carr.1856

                                                           A. tsugatskoi La. ex Gord.

             var. ISAURICA                  Coode & Cullen 1965

             var. LEIOCLADA              Gord. 1858

                                                           A. leioclada Stev. ex Gord. 1858

            H Broom                                2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Abies cilicica Hunnewell Broom 

                                                           Abies cilicica ’Hunnewell Broom’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies cilicica WB  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies cilicica ’Greg’s Broom’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           Abies cilicica ’Hunnewell WB’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           Abies cilicica ’Hunnewell WB’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           Abies cilicica ’Greg’s Broom’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies cilica x nordmanniana /Hunnewell/     Gee

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Hunnewell WB                     /H Broom/

            Kostelec                                 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           1993 Jiří Holata CZ

                                                           Kostelec Arboretum CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies cilicica ’Kostelec’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies cilicica ‘Kostelec’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            MPH Aranyág                      2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                           Golden sport

                                                           Aranyos rügymutáció

            Spring Grove                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies cilicica ’Spring Grove’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies cilicica ’Spring Grove’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies cilicica ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies cilicica ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies cilicica ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012


   COAHUILENSIS                            1943                           MEX

                                                           Johnst.                                                                       Kr

                                                           /A. DURANGENSIS var. --./Johnst./Martinez 1963


   COLIMENSIS                              1984                           SW-MEX

                                                           Rushforth & Narave                                                  DG

Abies colimensis Rushforth & Narave 1984 – Kolima jegenyefenyő – Colima fir


   CONCOLOR                                1861                           USA MEX

                                                           /Gord. & Glend./Lindl. ex Hildebrand                     Kr

Abies concolor /Gord. & Glend./Lindl. ex Hildebrand 1861 - Kolorádói (szürke) jegenyefenyő - Colorado Fir                                    Jegenyefenyő változatok képei - Abies Gallery

                                                           Abies concolor photo

                                                           A. grandis var. concolor A. Murray 1875

             f. ATROVIOLACEAE      Tsinovskis 1974                     Baltikum

             ssp. LOWIANA                   /Gord./Murray 1983               SW-USA CA S-OR

                                                           A. concolor var. lasiocarpa Beissn. 1887

                                                           A. lasiocarpa Mast. 1880

                                                           A. lasiocarpa auct. 1855

                                                           A. lowiana Murray 1863

                                                           A. parsoniana McNab 1876

             var. ANGUSTATA            Sudw. 1927

             var. CONCOLOR               The type of the species

                                                           A. grandis var. concolor A. Murray 1875

             var. LASIOCARPA               Beissn. 1875

                                                           /A. CONCOLOR var. LOWIANA/

             var. LOWIANA                  /Gord./Lemm. 1862               SW-USA CA S-OR



Abies dwarf in Denver BG  Nate Cassell CO USA


Abies concolor dwarf from Jerry Morris  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

Abies concolor dwarf from Jerry Morris  Mesterhazy & Malik photo


Abies concolor noname fastigiate from USA  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

Abies concolor noname fastigiate from USA  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012


            # 2                                          Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            # 6                                          Hort.

                                                           Abies concolor ’#6’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’# 6’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Abby Baby                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Abey Baby                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Andy Dahl IA USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Presumably both are the same cultivars.

            Alameda                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Alameda’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Albospica                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schwerin 1920

                                                           A. concolor f. albospica Schwerin GER

            Angustata                              Sudw. 1927

            Anny’s Blue Magic                                      Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Anny’s Blue Magic’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Anny’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Archer’s Dwarf                    G. Haddow 1982

                                                           J. W. Archer, Farnham GBR

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Archers Dwarf’

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                                                  Abies concolor ‘Archer’s Dwarf’

                                               A conical dwarf plant with powder blue foliage that originated with J. W. Archer in Surrey. The needles are somewhat recurved and the branches tend to curl downwards. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                              Abies concolor ‘Archer’s Dwarf’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Archer’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Archer’s Dwarf’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Archer’s Dwarf’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Archer’s Dwarf’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Archer’s Dwarf’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Archer’s Dwarf’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Argentea                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Niemetz 1903             Temesvár, HUN, now ROM

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Argentea’

                                                           Abies concolor var. candicans Detrichee 1903

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Argentea’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Argentea’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Argentea’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Argentea Hexenbesen          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

            Asbury                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           1990’s Dennis Hermsen IA USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           I found this as a broom on Asbury road in Dubuque, Iowa in the

                                                           early 1990's. Hermsen text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Asbury’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Asbury’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Atroviolacea                          /Violacea/

            Aurea                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1906

                                                           1906 Ansorge Nurs. GER

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Aurea’

            Aureospica Špaček               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1993 Špaček CZ

                                                                                  Špaček Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Aureospica Špaček’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Špaček photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Aureospica Špaček’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Špaček photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Spacek’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           /Aureospica Špaček/

            Bella                                       1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1975 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           A nice conical dwarf blue selection.

                                                           Some specimen exported to Holland. See next record.

                                                           Kúpos kék törpe változat, idővel Hollandiába is került belőle.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bella’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bella’ photo

                                                           /Bjella/  /Biella/

            Biella                                      /Bjella/  /Bella/

                                                                                   1991 Zwijnenburg Nurs., HOL


                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Biella                                      /Bjella/  /Bella/

                                                                                   1991 Zwijnenburg Nurs., HOL

            Bierun                                               Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bierun’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Big Shot #14                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A white Fir form The Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles blue and smaller than species. Upright compact witches broom. Stanley text.

                                                           Found as a broom near Si!Si!

                                                           Abies concolor # 14

            Birthday Broom                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Rich Eyre, USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Birthday Broom’

                                                           Larry Stanley in ACS Bulletin          ACS

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           /Rich’s Birthday Broom/

                                                           Abies concolor ’Birthday Broom’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Birthday Broom’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Birthday Broom’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Blue Angel                            Hort.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Angel’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Angel’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Blue Ball                                Hort.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Blue Cloak                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Blue Cloak’

                                                           A dense, semi-pendulous conifer with thin, soft-blue needles. Forms its strong, upward leader surrounded by softly-weeping branches. Prefers sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                               A self-leadering pendant form nicely weeping with a good blue color, unless you turn on the cloaking device in which case it is invisible. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Cloak’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Cloak’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Cloak’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Cloak’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Blue Feathers                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Blue Rain                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Rain’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Blue Saphir                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found in the Malík Gardens, 600 cm up as a 50x50 cm

                                                           broom on an Abies concolor ’Violaceae’, 0,5 cm long needles.

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Blue Saphir’

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Blue Saphir’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Saphir’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Blue Saphir’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Saphir’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Saphir’ mother broom 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Safir’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Saphir’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Saphir’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Saphir’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Saphir’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Blue Saphir’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           /Violacea WB/

                                                           Abies concolor ’1086 Blue Safír’

            Blue Spreader                       Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Bjella                                     /Bella/

            Bogy Woogy                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, average, growth 3”, small 15” x 15”, 25’ up,

                                                           green, canyon south of C. City, across creek.

                                                           (hard to find). JM text..

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with a flat globose shape. Gray blue-green needles are short and slightly twisting. Wonderful in the rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8" tall x 15" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bugy Wugy’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bugy Wugy’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor # 16


82118709  81753890  


            Brady                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Hort. Jerry Morris ? USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Brady’

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           One of the newer concolor brooms, I think this originated with

                                                           Jerry Morris. Arrowhead text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Brady’  Arrowhead Nursery USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Brady’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Brady #1                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Brady #2                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Breburda                               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2002 V. Breburda CZ in Strašín

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Breburda’

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 150 cm up as a 110x70 cm

                                                           broom, 3 cm long needles.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Breburda’  Ján Sláma, Wbgarden CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Breburda’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Breburda’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Breburda’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Breburda’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Breburda’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Breburda’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Breburda’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Breburda’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’1102 Breburda’

            Brevifolia                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1907

                                                           1906 Ansorge Nurs., GER




            Bryce Canyon                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bryce Canyon’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Richard Arnott GBR

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bryce Canyon’  Richard Arnott GBR

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bryce Canyon’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bryce Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bryce Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Bryce Canyon’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bryce Canyon’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Bryce Canyon’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bryce Canyon’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Buechler’s Weeper               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           Seedling selection

            Bugy Wugy                           probably: /Boogie Woogie/ with unknown origin

                                                           Abies concolor Bugy Wugy 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bugy Wugy’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Bugy Wugy’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Butzii                                     Schwerin 1922

                                                           1900 Butz in a Kaliningrad Park RUS

            By Road                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Dave Horst USA

                                                                                  Randy Dykstra Gardens USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst Aledo Gardens IL USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

                                                           /Wyoming North # 2/ /Upper Road/

                                                           The true story of Abies concolor 'Lower Road' by Randy Dystra: "Dave Horst found it. Had only a couple scions each." Found in the Rockies. 'By Road' is the sister plant. Dax Herbst text.

            Canadensis                                                   Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Candicana Nana                                          Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA

                                                           /Candicans Pygmy?/

            Candicans                             Vig. & Gaussen 1929

                                                           1929 Les Barres Arboretum FRA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Candicans’

                                                           A silvery blue form selected in France in 1929. It is beautiful but we have yet to find a spot that it likes here, I am starting to think it may be on the tender side. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies candicans Endl. 1847

                                                           Abies concolor ’Candicans’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Candicans’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Candicans’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Candicans’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Candicans Nana                   /Candicans Pygmy/


            Candicans Pygmy                1972 R. Freres FRA

                                               A dwarf version of Candicans, color is exceptionally blue and the plants stay compact this is a better grower than Candicans, which tends to croak without warning for us. Arrowhead text as of Abies concolor ’Candicans Nana’.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Canion                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Jiříček CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            CC Broom                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA


Abies concolor Cernosice

            Černošice                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1988 First CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Cernosice’

                                                                                  Anthoine Pinetum, BEL

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Cernosice WB’

                                                           Abies concolor ’Cernosice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Cernosice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Cernosice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Broom Universe 98 - Last Find of 2011

                                                           Abies concolor ’Cernosice’ mother broom  Jirka Bagr photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Cernosice’  Jirka Bagr photo

            Černošice                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           K. Jiskra CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Cernosice WB’

            Černošice 1                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                    Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Čarověníky Abies concolor Černošice 1, Černošice 2, Černošice 3, mají každý jiný tip jehlic. Toto pozorování prováděl J. Beran a tak jsou od sebe rozlišovány. Skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad 3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Cernosice’

                                                           Abies concolor ´Černošice´ 

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Černošice 2                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Čarověníky Abies concolor Černošice 1, Černošice 2, Černošice 3, mají každý jiný tip jehlic. Toto pozorování prováděl J. Beran a tak jsou od sebe rozlišovány. Skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad 3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Cernosice WB’

            Černošice 3                            2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čarověníky Abies concolor Černošice 1, Černošice 2, Černošice 3, mají každý jiný tip jehlic. Toto pozorování prováděl J. Beran a tak jsou od sebe rozlišovány. Skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad 3 cm. Balatka text.

            Cesta                                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Cesta’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Cha Cha                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, very tight (too tight?), very blue,

                                                           canyon south of C. City. JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 15

            Charlie’s Broom                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ




            Charming Chub                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           2003 Clark Coe in Rock Garden Quarterly

                                                           Jerry Morris CO USA at Cuchara Pass, Colorado

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a large broom, 10’ wide, 8’ tall, fair blue, tight, all

                                                           ends go up, MM 24, Hwy 12, south of Cuchara Pass. JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 12

                                                           WB, a small miniature globe with silvery blue foliage

                                                           Discovered by Jerry Morris, of Denver, CO. The original broom was a large growing broom with tight upright-pointing branches. It was found and discovered in Cuchara Pass near Cuchara, CO in the San Isabel National Forest southwest of Walsenburg, CO. This plant was named for Justin "Chub" Harper past president of the American Conifer Society. ACS database text.

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Charming Chub’

                                                           Abies concolor ’Charming Chub’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Chlum            u Třebonĕ 2002        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2002 Krejčí CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Chlum’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Chlum Trebon’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Chlum u Třeboné 2004        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 V. Filip CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 900 cm up as a 40x50 cm

                                                           broom, 1 cm long needles.

                                                           Abies concolor ’1087 Chlum u Třebonĕ’

            Cihelna                                  2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           2012 Kubát & Orálek CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found in Brno - Soběšice

                                                           Místo nálezu. Brno - Soběšice

                                                           Abies concolor ’Cihelna’  Kubát & Orálek photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Cihelna’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Cimarron                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1985 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  The Harper Collection MI USA

                                                           Found as a broom, small, 30”, flat and round, 1/10 mile past

                                                           MM 292, north side of road, up past bridge across from east

                                                           bound sign. JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 8

            Clarence                                The Int. Conifer Register 1987

                                                           Abies concolor ’Clarence’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Clarence’ photo

            Commanche Cream             Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Compacta                              Hornibrook 1939                               GBR

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Compacta’

                                                           A dwarf irregular compact form with thick needles that goes back

                                                           to Hornibrook in 1939. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor f. violaceae compacta Beissn. 1891

                                                           Abies concolor compacta glauca Hillier

                                                           Abies concolor var. glauca compacta Hornibrook 1923

                                                           Abies concolor ’Compacta’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Compacta’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Compacta’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Compacta’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Compacta’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Compacta’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Compacta’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Compacta’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Compacta Glauca                                        Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Compacta Nana                   R. Freres FRA

            Conica                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Slavin 1932

                                                           1930 A. D. Slavin, Rochester N.Y. USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Conica’

            Conica Děčín                         2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Děčín’

            Conica WB                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Morton Arboretum IL USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies concolor 'Conica WB' was found at Morton Arboretum in Morton, IL and it was growing on Abies concolor 'Conica'. It was first named (Morton) but later this provisional name it was given, was later changed to 'Conica WB'. Dax Herbst text.

                                                           Miniature of /Conica/

            Conila W.B.                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies concolor ‘Conilla’

                                                           Probably a mistake of /Conica WB/

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Conila WB’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Conila WB’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Creamy                                 G. Haddow 1991

                                                           Kenwith Nurs. GBR

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Creamy’  Abies concolor var. lowiana ‘Creamy’

                                                           New cream colored growth in Spring, becoming variegated by

                                                           Fall, maintained throughout winter. Becomes more conical with

                                                           age. Stephen Grubb text in ACS database.

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Creamy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Cuchara                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1999 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, small, 30’ up, tight, blue green, west side of

                                                           Laveta Pass at west end of curve where pass creek road.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 7

            Cush                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Cvikov                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 J. Pospíšil CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 700 cm up as a 45x45 cm

                                                           broom, 1,5 cm long sky blue needles.

                                                           Abies concolor ’1098 Cvikov’

            Day Dream                           Hort.

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Daydreamer’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Dean’s Choice                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Dĕčín                                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1981 K. Kalouš CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Decin’

                                                           Abies concolor ’Conica Decin’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Decin’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Syn. Abies concolor ´Děčín´ WB

            Dobřichovice                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Domschke                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Domschke’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Nana Domschke’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Dr. Kochleinś SDL               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ


Abies concolor Dulko

            Dulko                                     2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Dulko’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Eagle Point                            Hort.

                                                                                   Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Eagle Point’

                                                           Abies concolor ’Eagle Point’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Eagle Point’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Eagle Point’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Eagle Point’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Eiselt                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Eiselt’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Eliza                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Eliza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Eliza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Elkin’s Dwarf                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Elkins’ Weeper                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           H. Elkins USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Elkin’s Weeping’

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Elkin’s Weeping’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Elkin’s Weeping’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Elkin’s Weeping                   /Elkins’ Weeper/

            Ephriam                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a blue broom, not real tight,

                                                           by Ephriam, Utah. JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 17

            Fagerhult                              Horstmann 1978

                                                           1933 T. Lundell in Fagerhult Nurs. SWE

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Fagerhult’

                                                                                   1977 Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

                                                           /Pendula Fagerhult/

                                                           Abies concolor ’Fagerhult’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Fagerhult’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Fagerhult’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Fagerhult’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Falcata                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1905 Niemetz, Temesvár HUN, now ROM

            Faller’s Nursery                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Fastigiata                               Charguerand

                                                           1889 Thibault & Keteleer Nurs., Sceaux FRA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Fastigiata’

                                                           Abies concolor ’Fastigiata’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Fastigiata’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Franke’s Seedlings               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Fresh                                     Hort. POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Fresh’  Dariusz Burdan POL

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Fresh’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Frosty                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2003 W. C. Snyder in ACS database

                                                           2000 Paul Surian and William C. Snyder in Kalamazoo, MI USA

                                                           Variegated yellow or gold.

                                                           New growth puts out lemon yellow in full sun. Underside of needles tends to develop a pale grey green look while top of needles (in sun) retains a pale yellow appearance throughout the year. Thus, on sunny days the reflection from bright light tends to mute the color but on overcast bright days, the tops of the needles glow brightly. Needles turn pale grey green if grown in partial shade. ACS text.

            Frýdek-Místek                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1994 Soukup CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Frydek Mistek’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Frýdek-Místek’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Frýdek-Místek’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            FWP Kinky                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Gable’s Weeping                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Arnold Arboretum 1970

                                                           1951 J. B. Gable, Stewartstown PA USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Gables Weeping’

                                                                                   Watnong Nurs., Morris Plains NY USA

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a spreading form. If staked, branches will nod at the tips. Needles are gray-green and thin. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 2' wide (if staked) in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Gable's Weeping’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Gable’s Weeping’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Gable’s Weeping’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Gable’s Weeping’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Gaker’s Ghost                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Gelbbunt                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           G. Horstmann GER

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Gelbbunt’  

                                                           ‘Gelbunt’ is misspelled, but the first plant is it

            Glauca                                   Silva Tarouca

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Glauca’

                                                           Abies concolor ’Glauca’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Glauca’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Glauca’ photo

                                                           A. concolor var. glauca Vig. & Gaussen 1929

            Glauca Compacta                Hornibrook 1923                               GBR

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Glauca Compacta’

                                                           /Compacta/ since 1939

                                                           A dwarf upright evergreen conifer with gray-blue needles. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Glauca Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Glauca Horstmann                                      Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ’Horstmann’s Glauca’ photo

            Glauca Nana                         /Compacta/

            Glenmore                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           R. E. More 1960

                                                           1955 The Glenmore Arboretum, Buffalo Park CO USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Glenmore’

                                                           Exceptionally pale bluish needles, to 3 ¼” long. ACS text.

            Globe                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Globe’

            Globosa                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1905 Niemetz, Temesvár HUN, now ROM

                                                           Abies concolor ’Globosa’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Globosa’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Globosa’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Globosa’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Globosa’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Globosa’ photo

            Golden Glow                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Göndör                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Lakatos László HUN

                                                                                  Lakatos Nursery, Kál HUN

            Grant’s Westwand               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Green Globe                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           Verkades Nurs. USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Green Globe’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa Green Globe

            Halina                                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Halina’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Heard                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                               If you have ever heard of this drop me a note and I’ll write a description for next year. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Heavenly Blue                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Herbst Short-Branch            2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering

                                                           2010 Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Dax Herbst.

                                                           At 20 meters every branch on this tree grows away from the

                                                           trunk at a 90-degree angle and is the same lenght all the way up

                                                           the tree. Herbst text.

            Hessei                                                            Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Hesse’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Hex                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Mistake of /Hexe/ ?

            Hexe                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann 1977

                                                           Horstmann Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Hexe’

                                                           /Hexenbesen Horstmann/

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hexe’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Hexe’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hexe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hexe’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Hibrid ½ Speed                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Hidden Lakes                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies concolor ‘HLG WB’ Hidden Lake Gardens

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hidden Lake’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hidden Lake’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hidden Lake’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Hillier’s Dwarf                      Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            HLG W.B.                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            HLG WB                              /Hidden Lake Gardens WB/ > /Hosta La Vista/

            Holman                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a concolor spreader, this is 8’ from # 3, looks good

                                                           and appears to have no upright tendencies. Might have a

                                                           spreader to try, green, 6’ wide x 30” tall. JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 4

            Horstmann’s Igel                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1984 Horstmann GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Horstmann’s Igel’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL


            Hosta La Vista                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                               The famous concolor broom from Hidden Lake Gardens, long admired by thousands of visitors and finally in cultivation. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hosta La Vista’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hosta La Vista’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Hulsdonk                               Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Hulsdonk’

                                                                                  2004 Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Een door ons geselecteerde helderblauwe Abies concolor. Opgaande groeiwijze, goed vertakkend. Mag gesnoeid worden om mooi dicht te krijgen. De eerste planten zijn in verkoop gekomen in 2004. Hulsdonk text.

            Husky Pup                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Arboretum of University Washington USA 1975

                                                           1973 N. Sizoo, Seattle WA USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Husky Pup’

                                                           Abies concolor ’Husky Pup’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Hutberg WB # 1                   Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hutberg WB # 1’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Hutberg 2                              Hort.               Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Hutberg 2’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hutberg WB # 2’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Hutberg 3                              Hort.

                                                                                   Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hutberg # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Hutberg # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Hvĕzda                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2008 Jaromír Pospíšil CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’1365 Hvezda’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’1365 Hvezda’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’1365 Hvĕzda’

            Igel                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Reuter 1984

                                                           Horstmann Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Igel’

                                                           Abies concolor ’Igel’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Igel’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Igel’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Imaculate Conception          Abies concolor ‘Imaculate Conception’

            Izabela                                   Hort. POL

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Izabella’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Jacobsen                                                       Anthoine Pinetum, BEL

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Jacobsen’

            Jarek                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

            Javorník                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Jeni Rae Broom                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies concolor Jeni Rae 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Jeni Rae’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Jeni Rae Broom’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Jeni Rae’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Jeni Rae’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Jeni Rae’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo




            Jerry Morris                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Dax Herbst USA

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ’Jerry Morris’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Jerry Morris’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor dwarf from Jerry Morris 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor dwarf from Jerry Morris’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Jerry Morris’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Kadaň                                                2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2011 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kadan’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kadan’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kadaň’  František Topinka photo

            Kalleberg’s Weeping Blue                           Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Kalouš                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           /Abies concolor Nana Kalouš/

            Kate Brook Dwarf               2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                           Kate Brook Dwarf - "Found here at the nursery."

                                                           Greg Williams text.

                                                           An irregular blue mound with soft blunt needles. 2-3in per year.

                                                           Cady’s Falls Nursery USA text.

            Kazbal                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kazbal’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Keith’s Blue                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2009 Dennis Hermsen IA USA

                                                                                  Dennis Hermsen IA USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell CO USA, Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           The broom was found in January of 2009. (It was 18 below zero the day I collected it). It is about 20 feet high in the tree and is starting to be shaded out. This why I really want get it going good in case the broom may dye out. The color is a good blue for a concolor. The broom grows in wide pyramidal shape. Broom size is 2' x 2'. Hermsen text.

Named after Keith Hermsen. Herbst text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Keiths Blue’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Kelleriis                                 1983 Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Kersko                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           29.12.2011 Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                           Broom Universe 98 - Last Find of 2011

                                                           Abies concolor Kersko mother tree  Jirka Bagr photo

                                                           Abies concolor Kersko  Jirka Bagr photo




            King’s Gap                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           2004 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst USA

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a flat globose shape. Needles are a vivid silvery-blue color. A choice new introduction for the small garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6" tall x 15" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kings Gap’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kings Gap’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’King’s Gap’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’King’s Gap’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’King’s Gap’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kings Gap’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’King’s Gap’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Kingsley                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2013 Rob Tudehope IA USA

                                                                                  Tudehope Gardens USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Found as a broom in western Iowa, USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kingsley’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kingsley’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kingsley’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kingsley’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kingsley’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kingsley’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kingsley’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

            Kinky                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1996 Rich Eyre in an Iowa cemetery, near Shelby, IA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Kinky’

                                                           A medium green dwarf cushion or bun shaped.

                                                           A compact, upright conifer. Marvelous contorted branches and thin, gray blue-green contorted needles. Prefers sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kinky’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kinky’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Klitschera                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Probably a mistake of /Kucera/

            Kobri                                     2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           Vörös Sándor HUN

                                                                                  Vörös Sándor Nursery, Zalaegerszeg HUN

                                                           Found as a seedling with extra long blue needles, broad

                                                           branchlets and a gently conical habit.

                                                           4 meters in 10 years, needs more place later.

                                                           Magágyból történt szelekció. Feltűnően hosszú kék tűk, széles hajtások, és arányos kúpos alak jellemzi. 10 évesen 4 méter, később sokkal több helyet igényel.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kobri’  Vörös Sándor Nursery HUN

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kobri’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kobri’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kobri’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kobri’  Vörös Sándor Nursery HUN

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kobri’  Vörös Sándor Nursery HUN

            Kochanovski                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Kochlens                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Kocourek                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0 

                                                           2004 Kocourek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory , 150 cm up as a 110x70 cm

                                                           broom, 3 cm long needles.

                                                           Abies concolor ’1101 Kocourek’

            Kohout´s Blauer Engel        Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Kojákovice 2002                   2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           2002 Krejčí CZ in Hrazany

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Kojákovice’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Kojákovice 2004                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 Lada Krejči CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 350 cm up as a 50x50 cm

                                                           broom, 1,5 cm long needles, globose.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kojakovice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kojakovice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’1088 Kojákovice’

            Komárek                               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                            2010 Miroslav Komárek CZ

                                                                                  Komárek Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Komarek’  Komarek photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Komarek’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ


Abies concolor Kopienica

            Kopienica                              2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Sławomir Skórka POL

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Kopienica’

                                                                                  Sławomir Skórka Nursery POL

                                                                                   Piotr Konieczko Nursery POL

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                           A seedling selection of monochromatic fir seedlings. It has a needle length of 1-2 cm (gray-green color), initially characterized by slow growth, then the growth rate typical for the genre. Through this, it has an extremely short needle is openwork crown, (annual growth in the range 10-20 cm). Interesting soliter for large gardens and parks. Skórka text.

Odmiana mojej selekcji wśród siewek jodły jednobarwnej. Posiada igły długości od 1-2 cm (barwy szarozielonej), początkowo charakteryzuje się wolnym wzrostem, później dynamika wzrostu typowa dla gatunku. Poprzez to, że posiada wyjątkowo krótkie igły korona jest ażurowa, wąskostożkowa (roczne przyrosty w granicach 10-20 cm). Ciekawostka dendrologiczna do dużych ogrodów i parków. Skórka text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kopienica’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kopienica’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kopienica’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kopienica’  Sławomir Skórka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kopienica’  Sławomir Skórka photo


            Kouty                                    Abies concolor Kouty 

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kouty’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Kralupy n/V                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kralupy N/V’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Křešiče                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1993 L. Musil CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kresice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kresice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Křešice’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ


Abies concolor Kuba Abies concolor Kuba (fot 2) LEWANDOWSKI

            Kuba                                      2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Mirosław Lewandowski POL

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Kuba’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Yellowing of young growth keeps in a long time.

Żółta barwa młodych przyrostów utrzymuję się długo, o wiele dłużej niż świerków kłujących. Lewandowski text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kuba’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kuba’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Abies concolor Kuba (fot 2) LEWANDOWSKI

            Kučera                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2000 Jiří Holata CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Kutschera’

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Kučera’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kucera’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kucera’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kucera’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Kucera’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Kügel                                     Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ


83996043  82792638  81620318  81499383


            La Veta                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1999 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘La Veta’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Larry Stanley, Will Fletcher USA

                                                           Found as a large broom, 10-15’ tall, 15-20’ awide on a very

                                                           large tree, compact, vigorous, good color,

                                                           north of La Veta Pass. JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 1

                                                           Part of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. A blue witches broom growing about 2” a year. Small, flat globe, blue form. Stanley text.

Another of the newer forms, this probably originated with Jerry Morris. Arrowhead text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’La Veta’  Jaro Franta CAN

                                                           Abies concolor ’La Veta’  Larry Stanley OR USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’La Veta’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’La Veta’  Will Fletcher USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’La Veta’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ‘La Veta’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’La Veta’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’La Veta’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’La Veta’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’La Veta’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            La Vita                                  /La Veta/

            Lareta                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1993 Suncrest Gardens, Mt. Holly Springs PA USA

            Ledziny                                  2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Gondro POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Ledziny’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Ledziny’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Ledziny’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

            Liberec                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 J. Pospíšil CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 800 cm up as a 40x30 cm

                                                           broom, 1 cm long green needles.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Liberec’  Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Liberec’  Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’1094 Liberec’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’1094 Liberec’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Liberec’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Liberec’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’1094 Liberec’

            Litomyšl                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Little Globe                           /A. lasiocarpa Little Globe/

            Lower Road                          Dave Horst USA

                                                                                  Randy Dykstra Gardens USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst Aledo Gardens IL USA

                                                           /Wyoming North # 6/

                                                           The true story of Abies concolor 'Lower Road' by Randy Dystra: "Dave Horst found it. Had only a couple scions each." Found in the Rockies. 'By Road' is the sister plant. Dax Herbst text.

            Lower Shaded                      /Wyoming North # 6/

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Lowiana Glauca                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Lowiana Pendula                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           A concolor var. lowiana pendula

            Lumy                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Lumy’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            LVBRT                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ


Abies concolor M 2

            M 2                                        2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0


                                                           Abies concolor ‘M 2’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Malík WB                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Malik’  Jirka Šourek photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Malik’  Jirka Šourek photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Malik’  Jirka Šourek photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Malík’  Ján Sláma, Wbgarden CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Malik WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Martin Sláma                        2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           2013 Martin Sláma CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Konopiště Castle Park, 6 m up, diameter 50

                                                           cm, blue, healthy. Malík text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Martin Slama’  Zděnek Novák photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Martin Slama’  Zděnek Novák photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Martin Slama’  Still up  Zděnek Novák photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Martin Slama’  Zděnek Novák photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Martin Slama’  Zděnek Novák photo

                                                           Expedition to Konopiste CZ 2013

            Masarykova                          2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           2012 Kubát & Orálek CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found in Brno - Masarykova čtvrť

                                                           Místo nálezu Brno - Masarykova čtvrť

                                                           Abies concolor ’Masarykova’  Kubát & Orálek photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Masarykova’  Tomáš Kubát CZ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Masarykova’  Tomáš Kubát CZ photo

            Masonic Broom                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. W. Springarn 1978

                                                           Ed Rezek USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Masonic Broom’

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                   1970 Hillside Gardens, Leighton PA USA

                                                           A dense, flatly-globose conifer. Blue needles appear on knuckled, tiny branches. Perfect for the rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3" tall x 8" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Masonic Broom’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Masonic Broom’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Masonic Broom’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Masonic Broom’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Masonic Broom’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Masonic Broom’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Mervekdice                           Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Mike Stern                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Mike Stern’

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mike Stern’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mike Stern’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mike´s Stern’  Ján Sláma, Wbgarden CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mike Stern’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Minima                                  Hort.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Minima’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Minima’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Minima’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Minima’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Mirek                                     2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Janusz Szewczyk POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mirek’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mirek’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mirek’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

            Moglii                                     2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Dariusz Burdan POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Moglii’  Dariusz Burdan POL




            Mora                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a blue concolor fir broom, tight, looks good, about

                                                           half mile on left, when you start up Athe Mtn., out of valley

                                                           Pasta Mora, 5’ tall x 8’ wide. JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 3

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mora’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mora’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mora’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mora’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Mora’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Morfia                                   Hort.

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Morris Broom                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. Jerry Morris (?)

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Morris Broom’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Morris’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Morris’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Morris for Ziff                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Morton                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Morton Broom                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Morton Broom’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Morton’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            MPH Hordó                          2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                           A dense upright blue dick clon, grows as usual

                                                           Sűrűágú kék, felfelé törő hasas jelenség, nagyra nő.

                                                           Abies concolor ’MPH Hordó’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’MPH Hordó’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’MPH Hordó’ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’MPH Hordó’ photo

            Nana                                      Hort.

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1978 Horstmann GER

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Nana’

            Nana Domschke                   Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ’Nana Domschke’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Nana Kalouš                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Karel Kalouš CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Nana Kalouš’           Nana Kalouš

                                                           Abies concolor ’Nana Kalous’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Nana Kalouš’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Nana Lüdemann                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1978 Horstmann GER

            Nana Tomske                        2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                           Abies concolor ’Nana Tomske’ 

            Nechyba                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 Václav Vostřák CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 750 cm up as a 80x80 cm

                                                           broom, 1,5 cm long yellowish needles.

                                                           Abies concolor ’1095 Nechyba’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Nechyba’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’1095 Nechyba’

            Nepomuk                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Nezvĕstice                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Nezvestice’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Nová                                      Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Nova’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Nová Hospoda                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2004 Ladislav Krejči CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 570 cm up as a 40x40 cm

                                                           broom, 1,5 cm long needles, dense.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Nova Hospoda’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Nova Hospoda’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Nová Hospoda

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Nová Hospoda’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Nova Hospoda’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Nová USA                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Kovalský CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Od Malého                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Od Malého’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Od Maleho’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Ogileus                                   2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0

                                                           Hort. LAT

                                                                                  Irēna Rožkalna Gardens LAT

                                               Very long needles, 2x longer then species.

                                                           Ļoti garas skujas, 2x garākas nekā pamatsugai.

                                                           Vienkrāsas baltegle ’Ogileus’ - Latvia

            Olcott                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           The Int. Conifer Register 1987

                                                           in Morton Arboretum, Lisle IL USA

            Old Punk                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2012 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant in a

                                                           public park in Budapest, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Broad conical, somewhat  entangled habit. Long  needles partly dead  or  fall, especially  on first years branchlets there shiny gray, dull, bloomy blue foliage, big conical buds. Trunk as a foot of an elephant, like an old Araucaria.

                                                           Széles kúp alakú, némileg kusza koronájú. Hosszú tűi részben visszaszáradnak, részben lehullanak, különösen az első éves hajtásokon, amelyek így kopaszok és fényes szürkék. Tűi fénytelen hamvas kékek, felettük nagy, kúpos rügyek vannak. A törzs mint egy elefánt lába, az idős Araucariákra emlékeztet.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Abies concolor ’Old Punk’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Old Punk’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Old Punk’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Old Punk’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies concolor Old Punk

            Olešná                                               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

            Oleszka                                  2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                                                  Piotr Konieczko Nursery POL

                                                           Odmiana jodły o ciekawym parasolowato zwisającymi gałęziami rosnąca średnio silnie, pionowo w górę z gałęziami zwisającymi jakby pod ciężarem śniegu. Wybarwienie... Konieczko text.

            Olson                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           Chub Harper USA

                                                                                  Bickelhaupt Arboretum, Clinton IA USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst Aledo Gardens IL USA

                                                           Found as a broom in Moline, IL USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Olson Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Olson Broom’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Olson Broom’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Olson Broom’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Olson Broom’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Olson Broom                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies concolor ‘Olson Broom’

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ


            Orku                                      2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           2012 Kubát & Orálek CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found in Brněnský park Lužánky

                                                           Místo nálezu. Brněnský park Lužánky

                                                           Abies concolor ’Orku’  Kubát & Orálek photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Orku’  Tomáš Kubát CZ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Orku’  Tomáš Kubát CZ photo

            Osecany                                 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           2012 Miroslav Komárek CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Osecany’  Komarek photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Osecany’  Milan Šimánek photo

            Osek Topinka                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Osek-Topinka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Osek Topinka’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           /Topinka Osek/

            Ostrov            nad Ohří                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1996 Hejtík CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Ostrov’

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Ostrov nad Ohri’

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Ostrov’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Ostrov nad Ohri’  

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Ostrov nad Ohri’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Ostrov nad Ohri’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Ostrov nad Ohri’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Ostrov nad Ohri’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Ostrov nad Ohri’  Jiří Balatka photo


            Pendens                                 Carr. 1890

                                                           Carriere in Bois de Boulogne, Paris FRA

                                                           A. lasiocarpa pendula Carr.

                                                           A. concolor var. pendula Fitschen1930

            Pendula                                 Beissn. 1896

                                                           Simon L. Freres Nurs., FRA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Pendula’

                                                           Abies concolor ’Pendula’ photo

            Pendula Fagerhult               /Fagerhult/

            Perks                                                             Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Perle                                      Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Picolo                                     Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Picolo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Picolo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Picolo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Picolo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Picolo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Picolo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo




            Piedra                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ wide x 8’ tall, 12’ up, pancake, blue. At

                                                           start of La Junta canyon on rt., budworm injured 1990. JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 5

                                                           Abies concolor ’Piedra’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Piedra’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Piedra’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Piedra’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Piedra’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Piggelmee                              H. J. van de Laar

                                                           1972 H. J. Draijer Nurs., Heemstede HOL

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Piggelmee’

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Small witch's broom from a Abies concolor 'Candicans'. Ideal for the rock garden or other small spaces. The densely packed needles are blue-grey in color, and very short. The plant is a low spreading mound, growing less than 1" per year. ACS text.

                                                           /Pigglemee/  /Pigomy/

                                                           Abies concolor ’Piggelmee’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Piggelmee’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Piggelmee’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Piggelmee’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Piggelmee’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Pigglemee                              /Piggelmee/

            Pigomy                                  /Piggelmee/

            Pineola Dwarf                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 Fincham USA

                                                                                   D. Smith, Watnong Nurs., NJ USA

            Polštář                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

            Pospíšil                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2008 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year up to 3 cm.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’1342 Pospisil’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’1342 Pospisil’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’1342 Pospisil’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Pospisil’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Pospisil’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’1342 Pospíšil’

            Pospíšil Loreta                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Pospisil’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Pride’s Select                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Wilmore Nursery USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Pride’s Select  Nate Cassell photo

            Procumbens                          The Int. Conifer Register 1987

            Prostrata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley Nurs. USA

            Purpurea                               Sudw. 1927                /Violaceae/

            Purpurea Compressa           Sudw. 1927

            Pyramidalis                           Lawson 1851                                     GBR

            Pyramidalis                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           in Whitnal Park, Chicago IL USA

            Recurva                                 Senecl. 1868

                                                           on Mount Pila FRA

            Recurva                                 Beissn.

                                                           1904 F. G. Grootendorst Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Rex # 1                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Rex # 2                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Rich’s Birthday Broom       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Birthday Broom/

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Rochester                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1996 A. L. Jacobson USA

                                                           1994 Girard Nurseries, OH USA

                                                           A very tight and robust wide pyramidal.

                                                           Good blue, exceptionally long needles. ACS text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Rochester Park’  Jaro Franta CAN

            Rockford                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1993 Dennis Hermsen in the Rockford cemetery IL USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Rockford’

                                                           Minature low mounding bun shaped WB with

                                                           short blue-green needles. ACS text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Rockford’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Sassy                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, short needles, green, 4’ x 3’, 20’ up at

                                                           curve below overlook Wheeler Park, Nevada. JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 11

            Saxana                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2011 František Topinka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního

                                                           přírůstku nad 3 cm. Balatka text.

            Schrammii                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                           1913 Schramm near Rostock GER

            Schubert                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Schubert’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ


83996046  81499384


            Scooter                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Scooter’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher USA

                                                           Broom, green, tight, good looking, on Emerald pass east of

                                                           Silver City, near top. (Assigned to Larry). JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 10

                                                           "Beautiful light yellow-green bun of a broom. Found in a tree at 9000 ft. on a pass east of Silver City, New Mexico. Very tight broom found very high in the tree." ACS text.

A dwarf witch’s broom of White Fir. This plant is part of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Leaves are a bright yellow green and 1/2 the size of the species. Plant makes a flat round bun with horizontal branches. Stanley text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Scooter’  Larry Stanley OR USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Scooter’  Will Fletcher USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Scooter’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Scooter’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Seedling #1                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Seedling #2                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Select Blue                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2006 /Barger/ Herbst in ACS database

                                                           1983 Vermeulen Nurs., Neshanic Station NJ USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Select’

            Shawn´s Con                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Shawn’s Con’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Sherwood Blue                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2008 Bill Barger in ACS database

                                                           Andy Sherwood USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sherwood Blue’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo




            Sidekick                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                           1996 Susan Eyre in the Shelby cemetery as a WB, IL USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Sidekick’

                                                           The original witches' broom was very large when discovered in a 100 year old tree. The orginial broom was about 8' off the ground and 8'H X 6'W. When grafted it becomes a small minature plant of interest and grows less than 1" per year. ACS text.

Part of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. A blue form of a compact witches’ broom. Grows 1 inch a year. Stanley text.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sidekick’  Daniel Wols USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sidekick’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Silver Blue                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA




            Sipapu                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 5’ x 5’, half way up  a very large, tall tree on

                                                           a steepm sidehill, across from Llarito campground, very

                                                           compact, tight, looks green. JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 9

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sipapu’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sipapu’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Si!Si!                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1999 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 20’ up, on limb, 24”, flat, thick, up road from C. City to

                                                           Silver Creek on left in first few concolor by road. JM text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sisi’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Si Si’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor # 13

            Skotsko                                  2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Sláma                                     2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           2002 Ján Sláma CZ in Ostrava

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Slama’

            Šourek Hexe                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2004 Jiří Šourek CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 700 cm up as a 35x35 cm

                                                           broom, 1 cm long needles, many buds.

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sourek Hexe’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sourek’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sourek’  Abies concolor ’Sourek’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sourek Hexe’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sourek Hexe’  Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’1091 Sourek Hexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Sourek Hexe’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’1091 Šourek Hexe’

            Špaček                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           František Špaček CZ              Špaček

                                                                                   Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Spacek’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Špaček’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Spacek’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           /Aureovariegata Špaček/

            Spala                                      2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Hort. POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Spaa’  Dariusz Burdan POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Spala WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Spala’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Spala’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Spala’  Pawel Peterhill photo

            Spálený Vrch                                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

            Spring Grove                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Randy Dykstra & Dr. West USA

                                                                                  Bickelhaupt Arboretum Clinton IA USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst Aledo Gardens IL USA

                                                           Found in the Springfield Cemetery, Cincinnati OH USA

            St. John                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’St. John’ 

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            St. John’s Broom                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           Randy Dykstra USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst Aledo Gardens IL USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ’St. John’s’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’St. John’s’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’St. John’s Broom’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            St. Patrick                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2010 Kevin Fechke USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Stanwood                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1995 David Horst in Stanwood IA USA as a WB

                                                                                  Dax Herbst Aledo Gardens IL USA

                                                           This is a very minature blue-green short needled plant.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Stanwood’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Stanwood’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Stanwood’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Stanwood WB                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies concolor ‘Stanwood WB’

                                                           Probably the same as /Stanwood/

            Strange Critter                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Strange Dude                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Šubrt                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Subrt’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Swift Silver                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                               Upright to 120’ it is an excellent silvery form, very neat growth perfect for Christmas trees and big landscapes. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Szuma                                               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 Ernest Szuma Ernő CZ/HUN/SLK

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 700 cm up as a 40x15 cm

                                                           broom, 2 cm long dark blue needles, cushion.

                                                           Abies concolor ’1093 Szuma’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Szuma’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Szuma’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’1093 Szuma’

            Toman                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2004 P. Toman CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 650 cm up as a 30x15 cm

                                                           broom, 2 cm long silvery needles.

                                                                                   Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’1096 Toman’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’1096 Toman’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Toman’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Toman’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Toman’  Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Toman’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’1096 Toman’

            Tomschike                                                    Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Topinka Hexe                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2008 František Topinka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního

                                                           přírůstku nad 3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Topinka Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Topinka photo

            Topinka Osek                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 Karel Kalouš CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 400 cm up as a 30x15 cm

                                                           broom, 1 cm long needles.

                                                           Abies concolor ’1090 Topinka Osek’

            Topinka Osek                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 František Topinka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního

                                                           přírůstku nad 3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Osek-Topinka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Třebon                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ                     ‘Třebon’

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Tubby                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies concolor ’Tubby’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Tubby’

            Tunka                                               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Upper Road                          /Wyoming North # 2/ /By Road/

            Vanilla Ice                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2002 W. C. Snyder in ACS database

                                                           2001 Paul Surian and William C. Snyder in Fennville, MI USA

                                                           2001 Paul Surian and William C. Snyder in Fennville, MI USA

            Varia                                     Sudw. 1927

            Variegata                              /Beissn./Fitschen

                                                           1891 Prince Lobkowitz’s Nurs., Eisenberg CSR

                                                           A. lowiana var. variegata /Beissn./Fitschen

            Verdener Dom                                             Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Probably a mistake of Abies koreana ‘Verdener Dom’

            Vereshchak                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           Alexander Vereshchak RUS in CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Vereshchak’ 

                                                                                  Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo in Ostrava CZ

            Vĕžičková                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found in Ploskovice CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Vezickova’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Vezickova’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Vezickova’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Violacea                                 Murray 1875 

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Violacea’

                                                           A. concolor purpurea Sudw. 1927

                                                           A. concolor glauca Silva Tar. 1924

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Violacea’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                           Abies concolor ’Violaceae’ photo HTJ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Violaceae’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

            Violacea HB                          Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Schubert                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


            Violacea Fastigiata               Beissn. 1909                                      AUT

            Violacea Prostrate                Hort.

            Viona                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Vostřák Hexe                                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 Václav Vostřák CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 200 cm up as a 10x10 cm

                                                           broom, 0,3 cm long needles, miniglobe.

                                                           Abies concolor ’1089 Vostřák Hexe’

            Wattezii                                 Wattez

                                                           1900 D. Wattez Nurs., HOL

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with long blue needles. In spring new growth is a fresh chartreuse color, contrasting nicely with the older blue needles. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wattezii’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Wattezii Prostrate                Welch & Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1966 Welch GBR

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Wattezi Prostrate’

                                                           New shoots emerge creamy and change to grayish green, it will

                                                           almost certainly leader with age. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Waukon                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Horstmann 1959

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            WB Sourek Hexe                  Abies concolor ‘WB Sourek Hexe’

            Wilsonii                                 Hort.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wilsonii’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Windy Hill Form                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Abies concolor ’Windy Hill Form’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Wintergold                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1959 G. Horstmann GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Winter Gold’

                                                           A Horstman introduction from 1979, insipid sickly green foliage in summer in the fashion of Picea abies Mountain Dew and a fairly nice gold color in winter. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A very garden-worthy evergreen conifer with a broad, dense shape. Butter-yellow needles can take full sun and are most spectacular in winter. Spring new growth is a lush chartreuse color. Prefers full sun in a well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Winter Gold’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Wintergold’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                                              Abies concolor ‘Winter Gold’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wintergold’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wintergold’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wintergold’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wintergold’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wintergold’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wintergold’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Winter Gold                          /Wintergold/

            Woodstock                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Kinky/            Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Wyndham                             2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.

                                                           A narrow compact type cylindrical selection.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wyndham’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Wyoming North                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris & Dave Horst USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Dave Horst USA

                                                           Found in South Wyoming 2 firs, that could be concolor, very

                                                           compact, green, but upright. North tree of two. JM text.

                                                           Gary Gee called Dave Horst who was there with Jerry Morris when this plant was found as a seedling. There were two simular seedlings found in the same area, Dave named them 'Upper Road' and 'Lower Road'. Jerry took also some scions home and named them 'Wyoming North' (#2) and 'Wyoming South' (#6). So both men gave it their own names. 'Lower Shaded' is just another name for 'Lower Road'... Edwin Smits text.

                                                           Abies concolor # 2

                                                           Abies concolor ’Upper Road’ by Dave Horst.

            Wyoming South                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris & Dave Horst USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Dave Horst USA

                                                           Concolor fir of different looks from typical upright, skirts turn

                                                           up and grow upward, south tree of two. JM text.

                                                           Gary Gee called Dave Horst who was there with Jerry Morris when this plant was found as a seedling. There were two simular seedlings found in the same area, Dave named them 'Upper Road' and 'Lower Road'. Jerry took also some scions home and named them 'Wyoming North' (#2) and 'Wyoming South' (#6). So both men gave it their own names. 'Lower Shaded' is just another name for 'Lower Road'... Edwin Smits text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wyoming South # 6’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo 2011

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wyoming South # 6’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wyoming South’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Wyoming South’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’#6’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies concolor # 6

                                                           Abies concolor ’Lower Road’ by Dave Horst.

            Zábělá syn. Spálený Vrch    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 500 cm up as a 35x45 cm

                                                           broom, 1,5 cm long needles, on the trunk.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Zabela’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Zabela’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Zabela’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’1092 Zábělá’ syn. ’Spálený Vrch’

            Židenice                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2011 Tomáš Kubát CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies concolor ’Zidenice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Zidenice’  Tomáš Kubát CZ photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Zidenice’  Tomáš Kubát CZ photo

            Zlín                                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1993 J. Rádl CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           Abies concolor ’Zlin’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Zlín’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies concolor ’Zlin’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Zlin’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies concolor ’Zlin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Zlin’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Z-mark                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2007 Dax Herbst in ACS database

                                                           Mark Zilis is Libertyville IL USA

                                                                                  2007 Rich’s Foxwillow Pines Nurs. USA

                                                           Abies concolor ‘Z-mark’

                                                           Abies concolor ’Z-Mark’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies concolor ’Z-Mark’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo


   DAYUANENSIS                          1988                           CHN HN

                                                           Q. X. Liu                                                                   KeI


   DELAVAYI                                  1899                           CHN YU

                                                           /van Tiegh./Franch.                                                    Kr

Abies delavayi (van Tiegh.) Franch. 1899 - Göngyölttűs Delavay jegenyefenyő - Delavay fir

                                                           A. minensis Bord.-Rey & Gaussen 1947

The nomenclature in this species follows Liu 1971. See also Abies fargesii.

             var. DELAVAYI                The type of the species

             var. FABRI                            /Mast./Hunt 1901                               CHN SE

                                                           Abies fabri /Mast./Craib. 1919

                                                           Keteleeria fabri Mast. 1902

                                                           Abies delavayi /Tiegh./Franch.

             var. FAXONIANA             /Rehd. & Wils./Liu 1971                   CHN NW-SE

                                                           Abies faxoniana A. B. Jacks. 1932

                                                           Abies fargesii var. faxoniana /Rehd. & Wils./Liu 1971

             var. FORRESTII                   /Rogers/Jacks. 1910                           CHN YU

                                                           Abies delavayi var. smithii /Vig. & Gaussen/Liu 1972

                                                           Abies forrestii Craib. 1919

             var. GEORGEI                   /Orr./Melville 1958                            W-CHN

                                                           Abies delavayi var. georgei

                                                           Abies georgei Orr. 1933

             var. MUTOENSIS              C. Y. Cheng 1975                              CHN

             var. SMITHII                      /Vig. & Gaussen/ Liu 1972                CHN

Abies delavayi var. smithii (Vig. & Gaussen) Liu 1972 - Göngyölttűs Smith jegenyefenyő - Smith Fir

                                                           Abies forrestii var. smithii Vig .& Gaussen 1929

                                                           Abies georgei var. smithii /Vig. & Gaussen/Cheng & L.K. Fu

                                                           Abies delavayi var. forrestii Jacks.1932

            # 1                                          Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            # 5                                          Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            # 8                                          Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            # 9                                          Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Buchanan                              /Buchanan’s Dwarf/

            Buchanan’s Dwarf               1972 Hillier GBR

                                                           Abies delavayi Buchanan’s Dwarf 

                                                           Abies delavayi ’Buchanan’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies delavayi ’Buchanan’  Sam Pratt USA photo

            Fargesii Prostrate                 1979 Welch GBR

            Green Giant                                                 Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Abies delavayi ‘Green Giant’

                                                           Abies delavayi ’Green Giant’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies delavayi ’Green Giant’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies delavayi ’Green Giant’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies delavayi ’Green Giant’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Headfort                                /A. fargesii Headfort/

            Major Neishe                        Rushforth 1987

                                                           in Hillier Nurs. GBR

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Midnight Blue                       Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Nana                                      1971 Hillier GBR

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies delavayi ‘Nana’

                                                           Abies delavayi ’Nana’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies delavayi ’Nana’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies delavayi ’Nana’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies delavayi ’Nana’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Nana Herdfort                      Mistake of /Headfort/

                                                           Abies delavayi ‘Nana Herdford’

            Nr. # 1                                               Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Numogne Hai                        2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                           Abies delavayi ’Numogne Hai’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Neuer Hexenbesen, Zwergform, dicht und flach, kissenrförmig wachsend mit blaugrünen Nadeln und silber glänzender Nadelunterseite, Zuwachs pro Jahr: 2 - 3cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 10cm, Breite in 10 Jahren : 30cm, Standort: sonnig bis halbschattig. Kohout text.

            Tauperle                                2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                           Abies delavayi ’Tauperle’  (#4) 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Zwergform, dicht und flach, kissenförmig wachsend mit grünen Nadeln und intensiv silber glänzender Nadelunterseite, Zuwachs pro Jahr: 3 - 4cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 20cm, Breite in 10 Jahren : 40cm, Standort: sonnig bis halbschattig. Kohout text.


   DENSA                                          1848                           IND E-NEP SIK BHU NW-ASS

                                                           Griffith                                                                      DG

Abies densa Griffith 1848 – Lengsan jegenyefenyő – Lengshan fir or Himalayan Alpine fir

                                                           Abies spectabilis var. densa /Griffith/Silba 1984


   DUPLEX                                        Horm.ex Fitschen1930

                                                           /A. ALBA/


   DURANGENSIS                          1942                           MEX

                                                           Martinez                                                                    Kr

Abies durangensis Martinez 1942 - Durangoi jegenyefenyő - Durango Fir

                                                           Abies durangensis photo

                                                           Abies durangensis photo

             var. COAHUILENSIS       /Johnston/Martinez 1963                   MEX


   EQUI-TROJANI                          1883                           ASM

                                                           Asch. & Sint.                                                             Kr

Abies equi-trojani Asch. & Sint. 1883 - Idahegyi v. trójai jegenyefenyő - Troian fir

                                                           Abies equi-trojani photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ssp. equi-trojani

                                                           /Asch. & Sint./Coode & Cullen 1965

                                                           Abies pectinata var. equi-trojani Boiss. 1884

                                                           Abies nordmanniana var. equi-trojani

                                                           /Asch. & Sint./Guinier & Maire 1908

                                                           Abies alba ssp. equi-trojani Asch. & Graebn. 1897

                                                           Abies leioclada equi-trojani Svoboda 1953


            Akseki                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2004 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of  Irmasan Gecidi,

                                                           1600 m Toros Mts., TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           A hardy, conical habited, well shaped, long needle clone.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                            Közel 4 centis tűk, nagyon szabályos ágállás . Hóviharos

                                                           teleket, száraz, forró mediterrán nyarakat kapott eddig 1600

                                                           méteres magasságban, biztos, hogy nálunk is mindent kibír.

                                                           Anyatő Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Abies equi-trojani ’Akseki’ photo

                                                           Abies equi-trojani ’Akseki’ photo


            Irmasan                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2004 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of Irmasan Gecidi in

                                                           Toros Mts., 1600 m, TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           A hardy, conical habited, bright darkgreen, long needle clone.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Az ’Akseki’-nél is hosszab tűi vannak. Sötét mélyzöld, fényes

                                                           lombú, a hegygerinc szélviharai ellenére hibátlan alakú.

                                                           Anyatő Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Abies equi-trojani ’Irmasan’ photo

                                                           Abies equi-trojani ’Irmasan’ photo


   ERNESTII                                       Rehd. 1939

                                                           /A. CHENSIENSIS var.ERNESTII/

   EXCELSIOR                                   Franco 1949

                                                           /A. GRANDIS/


   FABRI                                           1919                           CHN

                                                           /Mast./Craib                                                               SS

Abies fabri (Mast.) Craib. 1919 - Ome-hegyi v. jünnani jegenyefenyő - Yunnan Fir

                                                           Abies fabri photo

                                                           Abies fabri photo

             ssp. MINENSIS                   /Bord.-Rey & Gaussen/Rushforth 1987

                                                           A. minensis Bord.-Rey & Gaussen


   FALCATA                                       Raf. 1832

                                                           /A. GRANDIS/


   FANJINGSHANENSIS               1984                           CHN

                                                           Huang, Fu & Fang                                                    SS

Abies fanjingshanensis Huang, Fu & Fang 1984 - Fancsing-hegyi jegenyefenyő - Fanching fir


   FANSIPANENSIS                                   1997                           VIE

                                                           Q. P. Xiang                                                               DP

Abies fansipanensis Q. P. Xiang 1997 – Fansipan jegenyefenyő – Fansipan fir

                                                           Abies delavayi ssp. fansipanensis (Q. P. Xiang) Rushforth 1999


   FARGESII                                    1899                           W-CHN NW-HU E-SE

                                                           Franch.                                                                      SS

Abies fargesii Franch. 1899 - Kanszú kéktobozú jegenyefenyő - Kanshu Fir

                                                           A. fargesii var. tieghami Bord.-Rey & Gaussen1944

                                                           A. sutchuenensis /Franch./ Rehd. & Wils.

             var. FAXONIANA                 /Rehd. & Wils./ Liu 1972                  CHN YU SE KA

                                                           A. delavayi var. faxoniana A. B. Jacks.1932

                                                           A. faxoniana Rehd. & Wils. 1914

                                                           A. ferreana Bord.-Rey & Gaussen 1947

                                                           A. sutchuenensis Walker 1941 not Franch.

             var. SUTCHUENENSIS       Franch. 1899                                      CHN SE

                                                           A. delavayi var. delavayi /Tiegh./Franch.

                                                           A. kansuensis Bord.-Rey & Gaussen 1944

            Headfort                                H. G. Hillier 1964

                                                           in Headfort IRL


            Herdford                               /Headfort/


   FAXONIANA                                  A.B. Jacks. 1932

                                                           /A. DELAVAYI var. FAXONIANA/

                                                           /A. FARGESII var. FAXONIANA/


   FERREANA                                 1947                           CHN

                                                           Bord.-Rey & Gaussen                                               SS

Abies ferreana Bord.-Ray & Gaussen 1947 - Ferreana jegenyefenyő - Ferreana fir

             var. LONGIBRACTEATA           L. K. Fu & Nan Li 1980        NW-YU


   FINHONNOSKIANA                     Neumann

                                                           /A. HOMOLEPIS/

   FIRMA                                            Mast. 1902 not Sieb. & Zucc.

                                                           /A. CHENSIENSIS/


   FIRMA                                          1842                           JPN

                                                           Sieb. & Zucc.                                                            Kr

Abies firma Sieb. & Zucc. 1842 - Momi jegenyefenyő - Momi Fir

                                                           Abies firma photo

                                                           A. bifida Sieb. & Zucc. 1842

                                                           A. chilrowensis Henk. & Hochst. 1865

                                                           A. firma var. momi Sieb. 1902

                                                           A. momi Sieb. 1830

                                                           A. peucoides  de Kirwan 1867

             f. OSHUMIENSIS              Kusaka 1958

             var. BIFIDA                        Mast. 1888

             var. HOLOPHYLLA          Mast. 1902

             var. TARDIVA                   Hort./Silva Tar. 1924/Mitch. 1972

            1455 – 1946                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Bedgebury                            1986 Horstmann GER

                                                           Abies firma ’Bedgebury’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Fastigiata                               Hort.

            Gee’s WB                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Gary Gee USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Golden Hue                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies firma ’Golden Hue’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies firma ’Golden Hue’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies firma ’Golden Hue’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies firma ’Golden Hue’  Dax Herbst USA photo

            Halgren                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           An evergreen conifer with a narrow form when young, becoming more broad at maturity. 'Halgren' was selected for robust growth and dark green needles. Momi fir is noteworthy for its ability to thrive in warm humid environments. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Buchholz text.

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies firma ’Halgren’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Juvenalis                               Hort.

            Nana Horizontalis                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a low spreading form. Needles are light green. Coming from hot, humid southern Japan, this species is less prone to root-rot. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to 0 degrees. USDA zone 7. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies firma ’Nana Horizontalis’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA

            Sol                                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1993 Suncrest Gardens, Mt .Holly Springs PA USA

            Tardina                                 Mitchell 1972

                                                           at Borde Hill GBR

            Variegata                              Abies firma var.--. /Hondo 1941 /Uehara 1959 


   FLINCKII                                                                        SW-MEX

                                                           Rushforth                                                                  DG

                                                           Abies flinckii Rushforth


   FORDEI                                        2007                           CHN TIB

                                                           Rushforth                                                                  IDS

                                                           International Dendrology Society


   FORRESTII                                    Coltman-Rogers ex Craib 1932                                SS

                                                           /A. DELAVAYI var. SMITHII/

             var. SMITHII                         Vig. & Gaussen

                                                           /GEORGEI var. SMITHII /Vig. & Gaussen/

                                                           Cheng & Fu 1975                                                      SS

                                                           Abies forrestii var. georgei  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Abies forrestii var. forrestii  Iseli Nursery USA


   FRASERI                                      1817                           SE-USA 

                                                           /Pursh/ Poir.                                                               Kr

Abies fraseri (Push.) Poir 1817 - Cseroki v. Fraser jegenyefenyő - Fraser Fir

                                                           A. balsamea ssp. fraseri Pursh1818

                                                           A. humilis La Pilaya 1826

                                                           A. husonia Bosc. & Jacq.

             f. PROSTRATA                 Rehd. 1928

             var. BRACHYPHYLLA    Maxim. 1866

            Blue Bonnett                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2003 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1987 Mat Wingle PA USA as a seedling

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           A slow-growing upright evergreen conifer with short bright-blue needles. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Blue Bonnet’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Blue Bonnet’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Blue Bonnet’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Blue Bonnett’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Blue Planet                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Blue Planet’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Brandon Recker                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Dennis Hermsen USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Brandon Recker’

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Brandon Recker’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Brandon Recker’

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Brandon Recker’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Brandon Recker’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Cedar Ridge Spreader         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Cline’s Dwarf                       /Klein’s Nest/  /Kline’s Nest/

            Coerula                                 Carr. 1867                  /Caerula/

            Compacta                              Bailey 1933

            Denny’s Doll                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            Dwarf Lord                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Ken Franke NJ USA

                                                                                  Dykstra Gardens IA USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Dwarf Lord’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL in Dykstra Gardens IA USA photo

            Elvira                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Elvira’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Fantasticooli                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Gary Gee USA

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Fantasticooli’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Gary scrounged this, I think from Piece of Mind, a cool looking plant with a great name that is very rare in gardens. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Fastigiata Compacta            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Rare Tree Nursery & Conifer Kingdom OR USA

                                                           Compact and columnar, this form of Fraser fir is a good choice for the small garden, where its short, horizontal branches and short, dense needles deliver an upright evergreen presence in little room. Abies fraseri ’Fastigiata Compacta’ Shiny, dark green needles are complemented by upright, resinous cones. Markus Brent text.

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Fastigiata Compacta’  Markus Brent USA photo

            Fefeber                                                          Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Flyns Frost                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Flyns Flash’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Flyns Flash’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Flyns Frost’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Flyns Frost’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Ford                                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Gardens AUT

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Ford’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Ford’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Ford’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Franklin                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1990 F. Dennis Hermsen in Manchester IA USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                   Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Franklin’

                                                           An upright narrow pyramid with medium-green foliage.

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Franklin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Franklin’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Franklin’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Franklin’

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Franklin’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Franklin’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Franklin’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Frederick                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2003 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1970 Don Frederick in Evergreen Gardens Nursery,

                                                           Blairsville PA USA

                                                           Tall narrow upright pyramid with dark green foliage.

                                                           A very unusual form for a Fraser Fir. ACS text.

            Gee Broom                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Gary Gee USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                               Gary found this years ago on one of the Christmas trees, it is a flat broom and quite congested. I believe the original tree was accidentally cut but fortunately some grafts were made first. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Gee’s W.B.                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Gee Broom/

            Hal’s                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2003 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1975 Hal USA

                                                           Intro by Julian Potts an early nurseryman from Chesterland, OH. The year was about 1975. Several cuttings of this plant were secured by Joe Stupka a nurseryman from Pulaski, PA from a collector by the name of 'Hal' who lived nearby the old Julian Potts nursery.

                                                           A very slow growing upright form of Fraser Fir with dark green foliage. A plant of this cultivar is in the Harper Collection, Hidden Lake Gardens, in Tipton, MI. The current plant is estimated to be about 14 years of age in 2004 and is about 18" wide and and about 30" high. ACS text.

            Hilltop Frost new 2002         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Horizontalis                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA

            Joes Dwarf                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Julian Potts                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database


            Ken Franke Prostrate          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Franke 1995

            Klein’s Nest                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

                                                           This dwarf conifer will have a compact spreading growth habit, reaching about 3 feet in height at maturity. The shrub-like nature of this specimen makes it a perfect fit for landscapes requiring a low-grower with a unique texture. Gary Gee text.

            Kline’s Nest                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1972 USA

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Kline’s Nest’

                                                                                   Raraflora Nurs. PA USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kostelec                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2004 Bažant CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Kostelec’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Kostelec’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Kostelec’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Kostelec’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Kostelec’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Kostelec’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Mt. Kisco WB (Yager)         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Nana                                      Gord. 1850

                                                           Abies fraseri var. hudsonia Knight & Perry 1850

            Old Glory                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Old Ridge                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies fraserii Old Ridgy 

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Old Ridge’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Palmeri                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Palmeri’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Palmeri’

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   1985 M. & J. Kristick Nurs. Wellsville PA USA

            Piglett                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Piglett’s’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Piglett’s WB’

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Pigglet’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Piglett’s WB’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Piglett’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Pine Glen                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Prostrata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1950 USA

                                                           1916 Seth. L. Kelsey MA USA

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Prostrata’

                                                           Abies fraseri var. prostrata Rehd. 1928

            Rauls                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a broad upright form. Fragrant foliage is glossy dark green with two white bands beneath the needles. Perfect for the rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Rawls’ (‘Raul’s’, ‘Raul’s Dwarf’, ‘Rauls W.B.’)

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Raul’s Dwarf’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Raul’s Dwarf’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Raul’s Dwarf’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Raul’s’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies fraseri ’Raul’s’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Recker No. 1.                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

            Reeseville                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            See’s Dwarf                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies fraseri ’See’s Dwarf’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Silver Christmas                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies fraseri ‘Silver Christmas’

            Stupka Broom                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           Joe Stupka, Pulaski PA USA as a WB

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Vashti                                    2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           /Ken Franke Prostrate/

            Verkade’s Prostrate             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1980 Verkade’s Nurs., USA

            WB                                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Wingle’s Blue Bonnet          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2003 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1987 Mat Wingle PA USA as a seedling

                                                           This a dwarf conical form with excellent blue color.

                                                           Annual growth is 2-4" per year.

                                                           /Blue Bonnet/

                                                           /Wingle’s Dwarf/

            Yager                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ


   GAMBLEI                                                                       NW-IND

                                                           Hickel                                                                        DG

Abies gamblei Hickel – Széleslevelű nyugathimalájai jegenyefenyő – Gamble’s fir

                                                           Abies gamblei photo

                                                           Abies gamblei photo

                                                           Abies gamblei photo

                                                           Abies gamblei photo

                                                           Abies gamblei photo

                                                           Abies gamblei photo

                                                           Abies gamblei photo


   GEORGEI                                      Orr. 1933                                W-CHN                      SS

                                                           Abies georgei photo

                                                           Abies georgei photo

                                                           /A. DELAVAYI var. GEORGEI/   

   GORDONIANA                              Carr. 1867

                                                           /A. GRANDIS/

    GRANDIS                                      /Hook. 1840/ Hook. & Murray 1863 non /Dougl./Lindl.

                                                           /A. AMABILIS/

   GRANDIS var. CONCOLOR         A. Murray 1875

                                                           /A. CONCOLOR/


   GRANDIS                                     1933                           USA OR - MO  PSL

                                                           /Dougl./Lindl.                                                Kr

Abies grandis (Dougl.) Lindl. 1933 - Óriás jegenyefenyő - Grand Fir

                                                           Abies grandis photo

                                                           Abies grandis photo

                                                           Abies grandis  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                           Abies grandis  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           A. excelsior Franco 1949 

                                                           A. falcata Raf. 1832

                                                           A. gordoniana Carr.1867

                                                           A. grandis var. oregona Beissn.

                                                           A.lasiocarpa Lindl. & Gord.1850, not Nutt. 1849

                                                           A. occidentalis Tsinovskis

                                                           A. oregona Vilmorin1872

                                                           A. parsonii Senecl. 1868

             f. OREGONA                      Hort. ex Fitschen 1930

            Aurea                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hesse ex Beissn.1891

                                                           Abies grandis ‘Aurea’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Aurifolia                                Dall. & Jacks. 1923                            GBR

            Broom #2                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Burgsteinfurt                                    2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           2000 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in GER, 20x30 cm.

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in Deutschland, 20x30 cm.

            By Home                               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, 70’ up, by home about 10 miles above

                                                           Bonovers. JM text.

                                                           Abies grandis ’By Home # 1’

            Chevreloup                           Hort. FRA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies grandis ’Chevreloup’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’Chevreloup’  Edwin Smits HOL photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’Chevreloup’  Edwin Smits HOL photo

            Compacta                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Parsons 1887

                                                           1885 Parsons & Sons Nurs. NY USA

            Compacta                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

                                                           1891 Hesse Nurs. GER

                                                           Abies grandis ‘Compacta’

                                                           Abies grandis ’Compacta’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Crassa                                               Mayr 1890

                                                           A. grandis var. crassa Mayr 1890

            Dr. Johnsen                          Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Erik’s Petite                           2013 Edwin Smits HOL

                                                           Abies grandis ’Erik’s Petite’ 

            Henksgarden WB                 Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies grandis ’Henksgarden WB’  Edwin Smits photo

            Johnsonii                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Matthews 1942

                                                           Abies grandis ‘Johnsonii’

                                                                                   Stanley Nurs. USA

                                                           A tall growing evergreen conifer with an extremely narrow form and ascending branches. Needles are dark glossy-green. A fantastic vertical accent to the garden! Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Buchholz text.

                                               A slow growing narrowly pyramidal form discovered in 1942.

                                                           Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Kootenai                                2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, green, 20” diameter, 40’ up, on road to

                                                           Kootenai Mts. Idaho. JM text.

                                                           Abies grandis ’Kootenai # 4’

            Libby                                     2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, green, very thick, tight, short way past west

                                                           of Libby, Montana. JM text.

                                                           Abies grandis ’Libby # 5’

            Little Treasure                      2013 Edwin Smits HOL

                                                           Abies grandis ’Little Treasure’ 

            Louňovice                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies grandis ‘Lounovice’

                                                           Abies grandis ’Lounovice’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’Lounovice’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’Lounovice’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’Lounovice’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’Lounovice’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies grandis ’Lounovice’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Meindersveen                       2013 Edwin Smits HOL

                                                           Abies grandis ’Meindersveen’ 

            Mlékosrby                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

            MPH Citromkoktél              2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1986 of seed by Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                           Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute 1995

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum, Erdőtarcsa HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Light lemon-green leaved, slow growing, 1,5 m in 23 years

                                                           Világos citromzöld levelű, lassan növő változat, 23 év alatt

                                                           másfél méterre nőtt.

                                                           A hollandiai Den Ouden cégtől vásárolt magból Mesterházy Zsolt által szelektált jegenyefenyő változat, amely 23 éves korában már közelíti a másfél métert. Ideális kisnövény, soha nem növi ki a kertet, színe az üdezöld és a könnyű citromos lehelet közt van. Ideális kerti karácsonyfa is, ha a nagyszoba ablakai elé ültetjük, hisz arányos alakja miatt a korára nem lehet tippelni. Mi már tudjuk, hogy 40 évig szolgálja majd tulajdonosát, aki még akkor is csak egy 3-4 méteres szépséget őriz a kertjében. 1995-ben OMMI minősítést kapott. Mesterházy text.

                                                           Abies grandis ’MPH Citromkoktél’ photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’MPH Citromkoktél’ photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’MPH Citromkoktél’ photo

            Nana                                      Zederbaur 1907          /Compacta/

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Spaeth 1896

                                                           1896 Spaeth Nurs. GER

                                                           Abies grandis ‘Pendula’

            Pinie Glen                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ


Abies grandis x’Leuteneggeri’ ( A. grandis x A. concolor)   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL


            Pumila                                   Carr. 1869

                                                           A. gordoniana pumila Carr. 1869

            Reggear                                 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found in Reggear’s property, ID USA

                                                           Abies grandis ’Reggear # 1’

            Seely Lake                             2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, 50’ up, on route going north past Seely

                                                           Lake Hiury. JM text.

                                                           Abies grandis ’Seely Lake # 3’

            Steigerwald                           Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies grandis ’Steigerwald’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Steinfürt                                2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Hort. GER

                                                           Abies grandis ’Steinfürt HB’  Edwin Smits photo

            Tucson                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies grandis ’Tucson’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’Tucson’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Van Dedem’s Dwarf                        HOL seedling

                                                           Abies grandis ‘Van Dedems Dwarf’

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with a round form and stout upright branches. Needles are glossy green above with two white bands beneath. A beautiful little gem for a small garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 12" tall x 12" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           /Van Dedem’s Dwarf/ in Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                           Abies grandis ’Van Dedem’s Dwarf’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’Van Dedem’s Dwarf’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’Van Dedem’s Dwarf’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies grandis ‘Van Dedem’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies grandis ’Van Dedem’s Dwarf’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Vanc                                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Vanc CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies grandis ’Vanc’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’Vanc’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies grandis ’Vanc’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Vonderhorst                         Hort. HOL

                                                           Abies grandis ’Vonderhorst’  Edwin Smits photo

            W. C. Gaffney                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Found in WA USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies grandis ’W. C. Gaffney’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Zaaling Zwerg                      Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Zwergform                            Abies grandis Zwergform 

                                                           Abies grandis ’Zwergform’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies grandis ’Zwerg’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo


Abies grandis x concolor ’Pendula’


   GUATEMALENSIS                    1939                           W-GUA

                                                           Rehd.                                                                         Kr

Abies guatemalensis Rehder 1939 - Gvatemálai jegenyefenyő - Guatemala Fir

                                                           A.religiosa Parl.

             var. JALISCANA               Martinez 1948

Abies guatemalensis var. jaliscana  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

             var. LONGIBRACTEATA          

                                                           Debreczy & Rácz 1995                      MEX GO        PH

                                                           Abies guatemalensis var. longibracteata

                                                           Discovered on January 10, 1994 in the area of Sierra

                                                           Madre del Sur near Yextla, Guerrero State MEX

                                                           at an altitude of 2400 m.

                                                           1994. január 10-én fedezték fel Sierra Madre del Sur

                                                           környékén, Yextla-hoz közel, Guerrero államban, MEX,

                                                           2400 méter tengerszint feletti magasságon

             var. TACANENSIS                        Lub 1932                                           MEX OA        Kr

                                                           Flous & Gaussen

                                                           A. oaxacana Martius 1943 not Martinez

             var. MACROCARPA        Martinez 1942                                    MEX


   HARRYANA                                               McNab

                                                           /A. HOMOLEPIS/


   HICKELII                                     1932                           MEX

                                                           Flous & Gaussen                                                       Kr

Abies hickeli Flous & Gaussen - Oahakai v. csinantek jegenyefenyő - Hickel fir



   HIDALGENSIS                            1995                           MEX E-HI

                                                           Debreczy, Rácz & Guízar                                         PH

Abies hidalgensis Debreczy, Rácz & Guizar 1995 - Hidalgoi jegenyefenyő - Hidalgo Fir


                                                           Discovered on April 3, 1994 at an elevation of 2350 m.,

                                                           3 miles above the village of Metepec E-Hidalgo MEX

                                                           1994. április 3-án fedezték fel 2350 méteres tengerszint feletti

                                                           magasságban 3 mérföldre Metepec falu felett Kelet-Hidalgo

                                                           államban MEX.


   HISPANICA                                               Chambray 1845

                                                           /A. PINSAPO/


   HOLOPHYLLA                           1866                           KOR MAN

                                                           Maxim.                                                                      Kr SS

Abies holophylla Maxim. 1866 - Mandzsu jegenyefenyő – Manshurian Fir

                                                           Abies holophylla photo


            Wilson                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                               Presumably named for the legendary E.H. Wilson, Manchurian Fir is rare in cultivation so much so that the world checklist of conifers lists not a single cultivar.

Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA


   HOMOLEPIS                               1842                           JPN

                                                           Sieb. & Zucc.                                                            Kr

Abies homolepis Sieb. & Zucc. 1842 - Nikkói jegenyefenyő - Nikko fir

                                                           Abies homolepis photo

                                                           A. brachyphylla /Maxim./Parl.1868

                                                           A. finhonnoskiana Neumann

                                                           A. firma var. brachyphylla Bertr.1871

                                                           A. harryana McNab

                                                           A. tschonoskiana Regel 1865

             f. FUJISHANENSIS           Hayashi 1969                         JPN

                                                           A. umbellata x Mayr 1890

             f. TOMOMI                         Rehd. 1909

                                                           in Arnold Arboretum USA

                                                           Abies homolepis ‘Tomomi’ 

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Tomomi’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies homolepis f. tomomi Rehd. 1909

                                               A dwarf form that dates to around 1908, it cones amazingly even

                                                           when relatively young. Arrowhead rext.

             var. TOKNIAE                      Carr. 1855

                                                           /A. SACHALINENSIS/

             var. UMBELLATA                /Mayr/Wils. 1916

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Umbellata’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           A. brachyphylla var. umbellata Dall. & Jacks.

                                                           A. firma  x  A. homolepis

                                                           A. homolepis f. umbilicata Schelle 1925

                                                           A. umbilicata Mayr 1894

                                                           /A. UMBELLATA/

             var. UMBELLATA var. IIDAENSIS 

                                                           A. firma var. --. Kusaka

            Aurea                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           zu Jeddeloh Nurs. GER

            Aureovariegata                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

                                                           Abies homolepis ‘Aureovariegata’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Auslese Veredlung                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

            Danuš                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2009 Bažant CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Fastigiata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           zu Jeddeloh Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            F. R. Newman                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2008 Dax Herbst in ACS database

                                                           Evan Reed as a WB on the Cornel U. plantation

                                                           Abies homolepis ’F.R. Newman’

                                                           This broom was found on the grounds of Cornel University's 'Plantations Arboretum' by Evan Reed of New York. Evan sent Dax Herbst the broom and it was distributed both among friends as well as for propagation at Gee Farms Nursery, MI; To Dennis Dodge of 'Bethlehem Nursery and to Rich Eyre of 'Rich's Foxwillow Pines' who forwarded scionwood to Joe Stupka. Bickelhaupt Arboretum received several - so did Everlasting Beauty Landscape (IA) and to Ontario, Canada nurseryman Darrren Heimbecker of Whistling Gardens, were several specimens given to; Brooms were also given to Cornell University as well to Evan Reed, the founder. In 2009 more scionwood was sent to Coenosium Gardens, WA. The grafting percentages were very high so this broom is on the easy side to propagate. 2"-3" per year was observed on the broom.

Previously the broom had been identified to be a King Boris fir (Abies x borisii-regis), however, further evaluations of cones proved the Mother Tree at Cornell University to be an incorrectly-labeled specimen. (Dax Herbst text)

                                                           Abies homolepis ’FR Newman’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’F. R. Newman WB’  Dax Herbst USA photo

            Havel                                      2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           2002 J. Havel CZ

                                                           Abies homolepis Havel 

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ‘Havel’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies homolepis ‘Havel’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Havel’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Kohout’s Mini                       2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                            Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kohout’s Select                     2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Malahide                               Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1971 in Malahide Gardens IRL

            Molenhill                               1993 HOL

                                                           L. Konijn Nurs. HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies homolepis ‘Molehill’

                                                                                   L. Konijn Nurs. HOL

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Molehill’  Clément Anthoine BEL photo

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 zu Jeddeloh Nurs. GER

            Nefrit                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2007 Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Nefrit’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Nefrit                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2007 Jiří Šourek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Nefrit Sourek’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Nefrit Sourek’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Nefrit’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’1240 Nefrit’

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

            Prostrata                               Hort.

                                                                                   1970 Vermeulen & Sons Nurs. NJ USA

                                               A nice low growing form distributed by Vermeulen’s, it has been around for quite a while but still is always scarce. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Prostrata’  Edwin Smits HOL photo

            Radka                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2004 Soukup CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Scottae                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           McFarlane 1932

                                                           1932 Scott in PA USA

            Shelter Island                        International Conifer Register 1981

                                                           1975 F. Crowe CA USA

            Tomomi                                 /A. HOMOLEPIS f. TOMOMI/

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer from Japan. Branching is open, "alpine-like." Needles are green and very short. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Tomomi’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Tomomi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Tomomi’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Variegated                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 USA

                                                           Abies homolepis ‘Variegated’

                                                                                  Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA

                                               A 1991 Mitch introduction with irregular white variegation, it has

                                                           been very slow for us. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Variegata’ photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Variegata’ photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Variegata’ photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Variegata’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Variegated’  Sam Pratt USA photo

                                                           Abies homolepis ’Variegated’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Winter Gold                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                               An interesting Nikko that turns gold in winter, scions from the plant in Gee’s collection. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA


   HUDSONIA                                               Pursh 1818

                                                           /A. FRASERI/

   HUMILIS                                        La Pilaya 1826

                                                           /A. FRASERI/


   INSIGNIS  X                                 1890                           FRA

                                                           Carr. ex Bailly                                                           Kr

Abies insignis x Carr. ex Bailey 1890 - Hibrid jegenyefenyő (A. nordmanniana x pinsapo)

                                                           1850 Renault Nurs. FRA

                                                           A. nordmanniana  x  A. pinsapo


            Andreana                              Mottet 1902

                                                           1878 Moser Nurs. FRA

            Beissneriana                          Mottet 1902

                                                           1878 Moser Nurs. FRA

            Kentiana                               Mottet 1902

                                                           1878 Moser Nurs. FRA

            Mastersiana                          Mottet 1902

                                                           1878 Moser Nurs. FRA

            Pendula                                 Franco 1950

                                                           1950 Amaral Franco in Sierra de Sinatra POR

            Speciosa                                 /Bail./Rehd

                                                           1871 Croux Nurs. FRA 

                                                           A. nordmanniana --. Bailly


   KAWAKAMII                              1909                           TWN

                                                           /Hayata/ Ito                                                               Kr SS

Abies kawakamii (Hayata) Ito 1909 - Tajvani jegenyefenyő - Taiwan fir

                                                           Abies kawakamii photo

                                                           Abies kawakamii photo

                                                           Abies kawakamii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           A. mariesii var. kawakamii Hayata 1908


   KOMABILIS  X                                                              CZ

                                                           Karel Malý

Abies koreana x amabilis


            Hvožďany # 1                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1989 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies komabilis x ’Hvozdany # 1’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

                                                           Abies komabilis x ’Hvozdany 1’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Hvožďany # 2                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1990 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 3                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1990 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 4                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1990 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 5                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1995 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star. Balatka text.

            Hvožďany # 6                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1995 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Abies koreana ’Compact

                                                           Dwarf x Abies amabilis ’Spreading Star. Balatka text.


   KOREANA                                               1920                           KOR

                                                           Wils.                                                                          Kr

Abies koreana Wilson 1920 - Koreai jegenyefenyő - Korea Fir

                                                           Abies koreana photo

                                                           Abies koreana photo

                                                           Abies koreana photo

                                                           Abies koreana  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies nephrolepis auct. non Maxim.

                                                           Abies veitchii Vilmorin 1920 non. Lindl.

             f. CHLOROCARPA          Wils.                                                   KOR

             f. NIGROCARPA              Hatashima 1934                                 KOR

             f. SIKOKIANA                   Nakai ex Vig. & Gaussen 1929         KOR

                                                           Abies veitchii var. sikokiana /Nakai/Kusaka 1954


            006318 USA                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL


Abies koreana A 2

            A 2                                         2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                           Abies koreana ’A 2’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Adelboden                             Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ’Adelboden’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Adelboden’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Adelboden’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Alpin Star                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ’Alpin Star’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Alpine Star’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Alpin Star’  Abies koreana ‘Alpine Star’

            Ara                                        Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Arbor’s Globe                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies koreana ‘Arbor’s Globe’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Arbor’s Hexe                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies koreana ‘Arbor’s Hexe’

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Arbor’s Hexe’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Arnold                                   Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Arnold’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Aurea                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           1956 E. H. Lohbrunner Nurs. BC CAN

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Aurea’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Lemon-yellow needles with glowing, silver-white undersides are displayed on the ascending branches of this outstanding specimen in spring. The yellow gradually softens as the season progresses, but complementary purple-blue cones add to the dramatic effect. Full sun produces the best color, but plants benefit from some protection if grown in scorching conditions. Over time, with staking, 'Aurea' becomes a large, pyramidal tree. Iseli text.

                                               Beautiful golden form of koreana, unstaked it will form a nest or it can be staked for a dense pyramid, very rich colored it will take full sun once established and a plant with cones is incredible. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Aurea’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Aurea’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Aurea’  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Aurea’  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Aurea’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Aurea’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Aurea’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Aurea’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Aurea Gem                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1995 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

            Aurea Jeddeloh Clone         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Aurea Kohout                      Hort.

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA


Abies koreana Aurea Sęktas

            Aurea Sektas                         2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Sęktas POL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Aurea Sęktas’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL


            Aureospica                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Auslese Veredlung                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER


Abies koreana B

            B                                             2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                           Abies koreana ’B’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Black Prince                         Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Blaue Einz                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blaue Einz’

            Blaue Kugel                          2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                           Abies koreana ’Blaue Kugel’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blaue Kugel’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Blaue Zwo                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           2007 Dax Herbst in ACS database

                                                           1984 Wüstemeyer GER

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blaue Zwo’

                                                           A dwarf upright conical plant. Leaves are gray-blue. Has small

                                                           little cones on plant. Grows 1 to 2 inches a year. (Stanley text)

                                                           A dense upright dwarf conifer. Bright, steel-blue foliage even outshines the cones. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blaue Zwo’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Blauer Dragoner                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

            Blauer Eskimo                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blauer Eskimo’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Eskimo’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blauer Eskimo’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Eskimo’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blauer Eskimo’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Eskimo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Eskimo’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Eskimo’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Eskimo’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Eskimo’  Stephen Grubb photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Eskimo’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Eskimo’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Blauer Pfiff                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blauer Pfiff’

                                                                                   1983 H.J. van de Laar

                                                                                  Abies koreana ‘Blauer Pfiff’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Pfiff’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Pfiff’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blauer Pfiff’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blauer Pfiff’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Blauer Pfiff Typ 4                2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Blauer Pfiff # 7                     2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Blinsham Gold                      Hort.

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blinsham Gold’

            Blue Cone                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database


            Blue Emperor                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blue Emperor’

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blue Emperor’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blue Emperor’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Emperor’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Emperor’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Blue Emporer                                                          Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Blue Hit                                 GBR               /Blauer Pfiff/

            Blue Magic                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blue Magic’

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blue Magic’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Magic’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Magic’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Magic’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Magic’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Blue Parabol                         Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana ´Blue Parabol´  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Blue Pearl                              Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Pearl’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Pearl’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Pearl’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Blue Silver                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Blue Standard                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1962 zu Jeddeloh GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Blue Standard’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Standard’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Standard’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Blue Standard’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Blue Star                               Hort.

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Bonanza                                2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2003 Don Howse USA

                                                           A dense witch's broom found on Abies koreana 'Silberlocke' in the gardens at Porterhowse Farms. It was first observed during the summer of 2003. It is flat and very dense, with very short (less than 1" annual growth from numverous buds). The recurved needles are very large and silvery, giving the entire cushion a bright silver appearance. We are still not sure it is a ligitimate broom, as it drops all its needles every September, and grows again the following spring. It has swollen stems below the place where the broom initiated its growth. There seems to be more than a single bud that mutated. This information makes me wonder if it is caused by some other vector, such as a mistletoe or virus. None found. It is only on a single branch on the parent tree, from multiple bud breaks. Don Howse text.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Bonanza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies koreana Bonanza 

                                                           Abies koreana ’Bonanza’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Bonanza’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Bonsai Blue                           Abies koreana ‘Bonsai Blue’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Bonsai Blue’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Bonsai Blue’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Bonsai Blue’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Brevifolia                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1965 zu Jeddeloh GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Brevifolia’

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a broad irregular-upright form. Needles are short and dark green. 'Brevifolia' has the appearance of an old tree growing in a harsh environment. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Brevifolia’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Brevifolia’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Brevifolia’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Brillant                                  Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana Brillant 

                                                           Abies koreana ’Brillant’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Brillant’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Budzów                                 2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Maksymilian Szewczyk POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Budzow’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Budzow’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Budzow’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

            Bultinck Dark                       BEL

                                                           Belgian Nurs. BEL

                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Growing like the species, but the foliage is dark green


Abies koreana C

            C                                            2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                           Abies koreana ’C’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Charlie                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1991 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

            Cis                                          1989 HOL

                                                           Roelvink Nurs. HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Cis’

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Cis’ és még sok más kép a fenyőkről

                                                           A miniature, flat ball, of dark glossy foliage. This Korean Fir grows about one inch a year. Leaves flat to stem with rounded ends. Very nice for rock garden, or trough plantings. Can use some afternoon shade. Introduced in Holland about 1989.

(Text: Stanley & Sons)

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Cis’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Cis’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Cis’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Cis’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Cis’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Cis’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Cis Sport RV 2006               Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Citron 1                                                        Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Citron 2                                                        Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Compacta                              /Compact Dwarf/

            Compact Dwarf                   den Ouden 1965

                                                           in Pinetum Blijdenstein, Hilversum HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Compact Dwarf’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Compact Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Compact Dwarf’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Compact Dwarf’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Compact Dwarf’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Compacta’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Compacta’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Compact Form                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA                     /Sherwood/

            Crystal Globe                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Czika WN                             2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wiesław Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Czika WN’  Wiesław Wnuk photo


Abies koreana D

            D                                            2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                           Abies koreana ’D’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Dark Hill                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Dark Hill’

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a compact spreading form. Tiny needles are very dark-green with silvery undersides. Perfect for a trough or rock garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 8" tall x 12" wide in ten years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Dark Hill’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Dark Hill’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Dark Hill’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Dark Hill’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Degrest                                  Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Dennis                                                Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Dennis’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Dennis’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Dennis’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Dennis’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Dennis’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Dennis’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Dennis’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Dennis’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Diskus                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Diskus’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Discus’  Stephen Grubb photo

            Doni Tajusho                                    /Grübele/

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Doni Tajuso’ /Grübele/

                                                           Miniature form. Leaves dark green on a flat round plant.

                                                           Text: Stanley & Sons

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Doni Tajuso’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Doni Tajuso’ (‘Grübele’)

            Doni Tjuso                            Probably a mistake of /Doni Tajusho/

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Dor                                        Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Dor’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Dor’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Dwarf Prostrate                                          1991 Esveld Nurs., into HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Dwarf Prostrate’ = Abies koreana ‘Prostrate Beauty’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

            Eisregen                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Eisregen’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Eisregen’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Fastigiata                               Abies koreana ‘Fastigiata’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Fastigiata’  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Felderbach                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Felderbach’

            Festival                                  Abies koreana ’Festival 

                                                           Abies koreana ’Festival’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Festival’  (64.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Festival’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Fincham’s Seedling              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Bob Fincham USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            Flava                                      2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Browicz 1956

                                                           1933 Kornik Arboretum POL

                                                           A. koreana var. flava Browicz

            Fliegende Untertasse            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1991 GER

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Fliegende Untertasse’

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Fliegende Untertasse’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Fliegende Untertasse’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Fliegende Untertasse’ 

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Fliegender Untertasse’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Frankenburg                        2012 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Frankenburg Arboretum AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ’Frankenburg’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Frankenburg’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Frankenburg’  Milan Šimánek photo

            Freudenberg                         Hort.

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A dwarf, broadly upright evergreen conifer with green needles. A beautiful lush plant, perfect for a small place. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Freudenberg’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Frosty                                    1990 HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Frosty’

                                                                                   Libo Nurs. Baexam HOL

            Frühlingsgold                       Hort.

                                                                                   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Gait                                        1990 HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Gait’

                                                                                   Roelvink Nurs. Groningen HOL

                                                           A slow-growing upright evergreen conifer with lush, rich green needles. This selection produces numerous ornamental cones, even at a young age. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Gait’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Gait’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Gait’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Gait’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Gelbbunt                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1978 GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Gelbbunt’

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs., GER

                                               A Horstman introduction with greeny-yellow leaves it looks

                                                           better than my description. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a cone-shaped form. Dark green needles display varying amounts of yellow variegation. Very pretty in the winter landscape. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Gelbbunt’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo


            Glauca                                   Kromhout HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Glauca’

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer with bright blue needles. Foliage is soft and friendly compared with the prickly spruces. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Gnom                                    Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Gold                                       Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Golden Beskid                      2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           1994 Janusz Szewczyk POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                           Conical tree growing more slowly than the species, the increase in the height of about 20 cm per year. Bright green needles in the winter turn to nicely lime color. The cultivar was found as a seedling in the nursery of Marian and Janusz Szewczyk in Krzywaczka about 1994. Adam Marosz text.

                                                           Stoźkowate drzewo rosnące nieco wolniej niź gatunek, przyrost na wysokość wynosi około 20 cm rocznie. Igły jasnozielone, zimą ładnie się przebarwiają na kolor źółtocytrynowy.  Odmiana znalezione jako siewka w szkółce Marii i Janusza Szewczyków w Krzywaczce okolo 1994 roku. Adam Marosz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Golden Beskid’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Golden Beskid’  Dariusz Burdan photo

            Golden Cluis                         Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Golden Dream                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1988 GER

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Golden Dream’

                                                           Abies koreana Goldener Traum 

                                                           A fast-growing, dense dwarf conifer with orange-gold needles. Color intensifies in cold weather. Name means "golden dream" in German. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 4' wide at base in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Goldener Traum’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Goldener Traum’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Goldener Traum’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Goldener Traum’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Goldener Traum’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           /Goldener Traum/

            Golden Gio                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Golden Glow                        1990 HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Golden Glow’

                                                                                   L. Konijn & Co. Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

                                               A compact yellowish orange needled form from Konijn Nursery

                                                           in Holland in 1990. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Golden Glow’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Golden Glow’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Golden Selection                   Abies koreana ‘Golden Selection’

            Golden Traum                                             Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA

                                                           /Golden Dream/

                                                           Abies koreana Goldener Traum

                                                           Abies koreana ’Goldener Traum’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Golden Wonder                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

            Goldherz                               1992 HOL

                                                           De Belten Pinetum, Vorden HOL

            Goldner Traum                    Probably a mistake of /Golden Dream/ or /Goldener Traum/

            Grazil                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Wittbold-Müller in Verden GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Grazil’

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Grazil’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Grazil’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Grazil’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

            Green Ball                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies koreana Green Ball

                                                           Abies koreana ’Green Ball’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Green Ball’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Green Carpet                       1980 De Driespong Nursery HOL

                                                                                   1985 L. Konijn & Co. Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Green Carpet’

                                                           Als zaailing gevonden bij boomkwekerij 'De Driesprong', te Wekerom, Nederland, ± 1980. Geïntroduceerd door L. Konijn en Co, te Ederveen, Nederland, ± 1985. Breed spreidende groeiwijze. In 10 jaar 160 cm. breed, in het midden 50 cm. hoog. Ongewone groeiwijze, sierlijk en opvallend. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           A slow-growing conifer with dark green needles. Forms a marvelous dense groundcover. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 3' wide 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buczhholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Green Carpet’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Green Carpet’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Green Carpet’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Green Carpet’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Green Carpet’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Green Gold                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Green Survival                                            2004 C. Esveld Nurs. Boskoop HOL

            Green ’n Cream                   Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Gruebele                               /Grübele/

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Grüne Spinner                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

                                                           /Gruene Spinner/

            Grübele                                 Dan Hoog HOL

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana Grübele 

                                               An extremely tight green ball introduced by Dan Hoog. My Dutch is shaky but I think it says 40cm in 10 years. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Grübele’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Grübele’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Grubele’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Henk’s Garden Yellow                                Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Henksgarden Yellow’  Edwin Smits HOL photo

            Hexe                                       Jan Herijgers HOL

                                                                                   Jan Herijgers Nursery, Zundert HOL

                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Een heksebezem uit de tuin van Jan Herijgers uit Zundert. Wat de

                                                           herkomst is,is mij niet bekend. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Hexe’

            Hexenbesen Eberts               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


            Hexenbesen Horstmann

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1983 Horstmann GER

                                                           /Silberperl/  /Horstmann/

            Hexenbesen Wüstemeyer 

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1984 Wüstemeyer GER

                                                           /Silberkugel/  /Silver Globe/

            Holata                                    Jiří Holata CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Holub                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Radek Holub CZ

                                                                                  Holub Miniarboretum CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Holub’  Mesterházy & Holub photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Holub’  Mesterházy & Holub photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Holub’  Mesterházy & Holub photo

                                                           Abies koreana Holub

                                                           Abies koreana ’Holub’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Horstmann                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1986 Horstmann GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Horstmann’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Horstmann’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           /Hexenbesen Horstmann/ 1983-1986

            Horstmann’s Silberlocke     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1983 Horstmann GER

                                                           /Silver Curls/  /Horstmann Silverlock/in USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Horstmanns Silberlocke’ 


                                                           Abies koreana ’Horstmann Silberlocke’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Houtmeyer                            Abies koreana ‘Houtmeyer’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Houtmeyer’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Hrbitov                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení

                                                           2002 Jiri Holata CZ

            Hulsdonk                               Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Hulsdonk’

                                                                                  2004 Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Een door ons geselecteerde blauwgrijze Abies koreana. Opgaande groeiwijze, goed vertakkend. Mag gesnoeid worden om mooi dicht te krijgen. De eerste planten zijn in verkoop gekomen in 2004. Hulsdonk text.

            Hvožďany Compact             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1994 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

            Ice Breaker                           2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Ice Breaker’

                                                           Abies koreana Silberlocke WB 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with a spreading habit. Dense foliage is silvery-blue due to the undersides of recurved needles. Originated as a witch's broom from 'Silberlocke' in Germany. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8" tall x 12" wide 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Zweifach mit Medallien ausgezeichneter Hexenbesen, Zwergform, sehr dicht und kissenförmig wachsend mit eissilbernen, gelockten Nadeln, Schönheit, Zuwachs pro Jahr: 3 - 4cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 30cm, Breite in 10 Jahren : 50cm, Standort: sonnig bis halbschattig. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Ice Breaker’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Ice Breaker’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Ice Breaker’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Ice Breaker’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Ice Breaker’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Ice Breaker’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Ice Breaker’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Ichenform Weston               Hort.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Inga                                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Inge                                        Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Inga’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Inverleith                               G. Haddow 1985

                                                           in Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh GBR

            Jane Platt                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Janouch                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Julian Potts                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies koreana ‘Julian Potts’

            K WB                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Karsten                                 Abies koreana Karsten

                                                           Abies koreana ’Karsten’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Kenwith                                                        Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Kings Select                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Kleiner Prinz                        Abies koreana ‘Kleiner Prinz’

            Knospenkönigin                                           Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Knospenkönigin’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Knospenkonigin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Knospenkonigin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Ko-silberlocke WB               Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Kobolt                                               2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Hort. POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kobolt’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kobolt’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kobolt’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kobolt’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Koemann                              Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Koemans’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Kohout                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Kohout’

                                                           Abies koreana Kohout 

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Kohout’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Kohout WB                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Kohout WB’

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kohout’s Hexe’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kohout’s Hexe’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Kohouts Hexe                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                                                   2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kohout’s Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Kohout’s Hexe’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kohout Hexe’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kohout Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Kohout’s Icebreaker            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Kohout’s Icebreaker’

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana Silberlocke WB 

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kohout’s Icebreaker’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Ice Breaker’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           /Ice Breaker/ /Silberlocke W.B./

            Koliber                                  2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wiesław Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Koliber WN’  Wiesław Wnuk photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Koliber’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL


Abies koreana Kopienica

            Kopienica                              2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                           Abies koreana ‘Kopienica’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Kórnik                                   2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                                                  2004 Szkólka Kulas, Pisarzowice POL

            Kral                                       Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kral’ 

            Kristalkugel                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                   Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Kristallkugel’  (Abies koreana ‘Kristalkugel’)

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with a low domed form. Very dense with tiny green needles. A cute little gem for the small garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 10" tall x 15" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Probably the same as /Crystal Ball/

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kristallkugel’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Kristallkugel’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kristallkugel’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kristallkugel’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Kristall Kugel’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Kristallkugel’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012


Abies koreana Krzemień

            Krzemień                               2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Jarosław Krzemień POL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Krzemień’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Krzemien’  Sylwestr POL photo


Abies koreana Kubiczek (siewka)

            Kubiczek                               2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           K. Kubiczek POL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Kubiczek’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Spreading or ovoid seedling form of Polish origin, found in the nursery of K. Kubiczek in Pisarzowiach. Grows moderately strong. Nice plant for small gardens. Adam Marosz text.

                                                           Kulista lub jajowatokulista forma o polskim rodowodzie, uzyskana w szkółkach K. Kubiczka w Pisarzowiach. Wzrost umiarkowanie silny. Dobra roślina do zestawień pokrojowych. Adam Maros text.

                                                           Abies koreana Kubiczek (siewka)

            Kučera                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2000 Jiří Holata CZ in Kouty

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

            Kurznadel                             Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Le Feber                                Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Le Feber’

            Leia                                                               Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Lippetal                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Wüstemeyer 1989

                                                           Wüstemeyer Nurs. Schermbeck GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Lippetal’

                                                           A dwarf spreading evergreen conifer with lush green foliage. Perfect for a small place in the garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Little Gem                             /Tundra/

            Little Sonja                           Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Lorea                                     Abies koreana ‘Lorea’

            Lucy                                       2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení

                                                           1999 Dusán Horák CZ in Bystrice pod Hostinem

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Lucy’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Luis Houtmeyers                  Abies koreana ‘Louis Houtmeyers’

            Luminetta                             1990 HOL

                                                           L. Konijn & Co. Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Luminetta’

                                                                                  Abies koreana ‘Luminetta’

                                                           /Lutea/ 1977-1990

                                                           Abies koreana ’Luminetta’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Luminetta’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Luminetta’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Luminetta’ = Aurea 

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Luminetta’  Stephen Grubb photo

            Lutea                                     1977 HOL


            Lüneburg                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Werner Wüstemeyer in Schermbeck GER

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Abies koreana  x  Abies lasiocarpa

            Magic Blue                            Abies koreana ’Magic Blue’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Magic Blue’  Mesterhazy photo

            Maj                                        2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Pawel Petertill POL

                                                                                  Hanutkowo Nursery POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Maj’  Pawel Peterhill photo

            Miriam                                  Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Miriam’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Molli                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                  Helmers Nurs., GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Molli’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Molli’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Mondschein                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


            Moravian Dwarf                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1999 Dušan Horák CZ in Bystrice pod Hostinem

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           Found 1999 in Arboretum Nový Dvůr u Opavy. SDL

            Müller-Wittbold                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                  Horstmann Nurs., GER

            N Degrees                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’N Degrees’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Nadelkissen                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Nadelkissen’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Nadelkissen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Nadelkissen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Nadelkissen’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Nadelkissen’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Nana                                      H.G. Hillier 1964

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Nana’

                                                           /Compact Dwarf/ 

            Nana                                      Hort.

            Nanaimo                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           1991 USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Rare Tree Nursery & Conifer Kingdom OR USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Nanaimo’  Abies koreana ‘Naniamo’

                                                           A compact, narrow-pyramidal conifer. Produces marvelous purple cones annually. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                               A compact form with spectacular purple cones produced freely

                                                           even when young. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Nanaimo’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Nanaimo’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Nanaimo’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Nanaimo’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Nanaimo’  Markus Brent USA photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Nanaimo’  Markus Brent USA photo

            Neuheit 2                               Hort.

                                                                                   Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Nigrans                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Nigrans’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Nigrans’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Nisbet                                    G. Haddow 1983

                                                           A. H. Nisbet GBR

                                                           Don Hatch Nurs. GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Nr. 006313                             Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Nr. 006313’

            Oberon                                  Hort.

                                                                                   1994 Pieter Zwijnenburg jr. Nurs. HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Oberon’

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Oberon’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Oberon’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Oberon’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Oberon’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Oberon’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Oberon’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Oberon’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Oberon’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           /Stolwijk No. 2/

            Olhtacca                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Orange Glow                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Orange Glow’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Ottostrasse                             2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Ottostraße’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Ottostrasse’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Ottostrasse’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Pancake                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies koreana ’Pancake’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Pendula                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Petit                                       Hort.

                                                                                   Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Petite’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Petite’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Petite’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Piccolo                                   Welch 1979

                                                           1968 van Klaverem, Konjin Nurs. HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Piccolo’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Piccolo’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Piccolo’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Pinocchio                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1981 GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Pinocchio’

                                                                                   E.Carsten Nurs., Varel GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Pinocchio’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Pinocchio’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Pinocchio’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Pompon                                 Welch 1990


            Procumbens                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           GER               /Taija/

            Prostrata                               Hort.

            Prostrate Beauty                  den Ouden 1965

                                                           Arnold Arboretum, MA USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Prostrate Beauty’

                                               A low growing form that cones freely, plants are not flat to the

                                                           ground but are much wider than tall. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a low spreading form. Needles are light green and the horizontal branches are boney gray. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Prostrate Beauty’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                           Abies koreana prostrata Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Prostrate Beauty’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Pygmy                                                2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1973 J. Janous CZ in Kladno

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           /Pygmy Janous WB/

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Pygmy’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Renault’s Dwarf                   Hort.

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

            Repens Hvožďany                2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1987 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                  Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiří Balatka CZ

            Ry                                          Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Scherenbach                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Scherenbach’

            Schillerlocke                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                   2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

            Schneestern                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Schneestern’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Schneestern’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Schneestern’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Schneestern’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Schneverdingen                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1987 Horstmann GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Schneverdingen’

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Schneewalzer                                    Hort.

                                                                                   Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Schwartzwald                       Mistake of /Schwarzwald/

            Schwarzwald                         Hort.

                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Schwedenkönig                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Schwedenkonig’

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Schwedenkönig’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Schwenden König                /Schwedenkönig/ /Schwedenkoning/

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Seestern                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                   Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Seestern’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ


Abies koreana Sęktas

            Sęktas                                    2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Sęktas POL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Sęktas’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Selection W.M.                     Hort.

                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Shorty                                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies koreana ’Shorty’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Silber Star                             2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silber Star’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silber Star’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Silberglanz                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1986 GER

                                                           Dierks Nurs. GER

            Silbergrau                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                  Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Silbergrau Wüstemeyer

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Wüstemeyer GER

            Silberkrause                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberkrause’ Probably a mistake of /Silbergrau/?

            Silberkugel                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1986 Wüstemeyer Nurs. GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberkugel’

                                                           /Hexenbesen Wüstemeyer/

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberkugel’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberkugel’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberkugel’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberkugel’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberkugel’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Silberlade                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1986 GER

                                                                                   H.J. van de Laar HOL

            Silberlocke                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           /Horstmann’s Silberlocke/ Abies koreana ‘Silberlocke’

                                                                              A pyramidal conifer. Every deep-green needle curls backward to reveal pale, silvery undersides. A marvelous two-tone effect in the garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                                               Abies koreana ‘Silberlocke’

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberlocke’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberlocke’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Silberlocke Seedling             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           An evergreen conifer with the famous Abies koreana ‘Silberlocke’ as a parent. All of our selected seedlings show recurved needles, revealing the bright silver undersides. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. Height and width unknown. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Silberlocke WB                     /Ice Breaker/   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies koreana Silberlocke WB 

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke Kohout WB’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke Kohout WB’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke WB’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ x veitchii

                                                           2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Janusz Szewczyk POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ x veitchii 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ x veitchii 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ x veitchii 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ x veitchii 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ x veitchii 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberlocke’ x veitchii 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

            Silbermavers                         1989 Van Hoey Smith

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silbermavers’

                                                                                   J. R. P. van Hoey Smith

                                                           Zilvergroene compacte dwergvorm. Groeit circa 2,5 cm. per jaar.

                                                           Onderkant van de naalden is zilverkleurig. Geïntroduceerd door

                                                           van Hoey-Smith, Nederland, in 1989. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           A very dwarf clone with silvery backed greenish needles, this globular form is not as tight as ’Silberkugel’. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silbermaver’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silbermavers’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silbermavers’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silbermavers’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Silberperle                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1986 Horstmann GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberperl’

                                               Perhaps even tighter than 'Silberkugel but not as regular and spherical forming a plant that is considerably wider than high with small silver backed leaves, this was formerly listed as Hexenbessen Horstman No. 1 when it was first offered in 1986. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           /Hexenbesen Horstmann/

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberperl’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberperle’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberperle’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberperl’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberperle’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberperle’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberperle’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberperle’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberperl’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberperl’  Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberperle’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Silberreif                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hachmann 1982

                                                           Hachmann Nurs. Barmstedt GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Silberschmeltzer                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Silberzwerg                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           zu Jeddeloh 1989

                                                           zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberzwerg’

                                                           A small, round miniature conifer with spectacular curled silver needles. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberzwerg’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberzwerg’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silberzwerg’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silverzwerg’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberzwerg’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberzwerg’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silberzwerg’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Silver Curls                           /Horstmann’s Silberlocke/

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

            Silver Hoar                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Silver Magic                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silver Magic’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Silver Mavers                        1989 Van Hoey Smith

                                                                                   J. R. P. van Hoey Smith

            Silver Seedling                                              Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Silver Show                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           H. J. Grootendorst 1977

                                                           1969 Wittboldt-Müller GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silver Show’

                                                           Pyramidal conifer similar to Abies. k. 'Silberlocke' but brighter in hue and more dwarf. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silver Show’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silver Show’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silver Show’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Silver Shower                                               Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Silver Snow                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies koreana ’Silver Snow’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Silvershow WB                     /Silver Show WB/

            Silver Show WB                                           Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Silver Star                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silver Star’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silber Star’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Silber Star’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silver Star’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Silver Star’

            Skinner                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Sonia WN                              2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wiesław Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Sonia WN’  Wiesław Wnuk photo

            Sport Gait                             Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Starker’s Dwarf                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1960 Starker USA/CAN

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Starker’s Dwarf’

                                                           Dwarf, conical, slow growing, blue and green needles.

                                                           (Dax Herbst text)

                                                           Abies koreana ’Starker’s Dwarf’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Starker’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Starker’s Dwarf’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Starker’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Stolwijk No.2.                       1986 Stolwijk Nurs. HOL

            Taiga                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hachmann 1984

                                                           Hachmann Nurs. Barmstedt GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ’Taiga’ 


                                                           Abies koreana ‘Taiga’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Taiga’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies koreana ’Taiga’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Taija                                      /Procumbens/

            True Blue                              Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana ‘True Blue’

                                                           A slow growing evergreen conifer with dazzling blue foliage and a compact habit. A new introduction from Europe. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Tundra                                  1986 Korner Nurs. HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Tundra’

                                                           A miniature spreading evergreen conifer with green needles. A rock garden gem. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Tundra’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Tundra’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Tundra’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Tundra’ photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Tundra’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Tundra’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Tundra’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Tundra’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Tundra’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Tundra’  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Tundra’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Typ                                        Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Typ’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Unnamed Prostrate              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Sidney Waxman (?)

                                                           Reported by Kevin Fechke USA

                                                           Unnamed Prostrate  Kevin Fechke USA photo

            Upright                                  Abies koreana ‘Upright’

            Variegata                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies koreana ’Variegata’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Variegata’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Vengl                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Verdener Dom                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Verdener Dom’

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Verdener Dom’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Verdener Dom’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Verdener Dom’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Verdner Dom                       /Verdener Dom/

            Violacea Prostrata                Holden Clough Nurs. GBR

            Waldgeuze                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           K. Wittbold-Müller Nurs. GER

                                                           A. koreana x A. lasiocarpa

            Waldgrunz                            Probably a mistake of /Waldgeuze/ or /Waldgrenze/

            WB 606315 (WM)                                        Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Wellenseind                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Wellenseind’

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Wellenseind’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wellenseind’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wellenseind’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wellenseind’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wellenseind’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wellenseind’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Wengels                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wengels’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            White Beauty                                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2002 Jiří Holata CZ in Arboretum Nový Dvůr u Opavy.

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           Abies koreana ’White Beauty’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Wiki                                       2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Jarosław Krzemień POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wiki’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wiki’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wiki’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wiki’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies koreana ’Krzemień’

            Winter Gold Tip                                          Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Wüstemeyer                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                           Abies koreana ‘Wüstemeyer’

                                                           A dwarf, irregular upright evergreen conifer with green needles. Originated as a witch's broom. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wüstemeyer’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wüstemeyer’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Zipfelmütze                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies koreana x A. pinsapo’Zipfelmütze’

            Zwergform                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

            Zwergform Horstmann       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Zwergform Horstmann’ > /Horstmann/

            Zwergform Wüstemeyer     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1984 Wüstemeyer GER

                                                           Abies koreana ’Zwerg Wüstemeyer’

                                                           Abies koreana ‘Zwerg Wüstemeyer’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies koreana ’Wüstemeyer’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Yellow Dom                                                  Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT




            Fastigiate SDL # 1                Abies koreana x alba ’Fastigiate SDL # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo


   KOREANA  x  FIRMA                                       Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL



            KOREOCARPA X

                                                           An upright, dense evergreen conifer with blue-green needles. Shows characteristics of both parents. From Germany. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies koreocarpa x

                                                           Abies koreocarpa x photo

                                                           Abies koreocarpa x photo

                                                           Abies koreocarpa x photo

                                                           Abies koreocarpa x  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies koreocarpa x  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            # 110                                      Abies koreocarpa x ’#110’ 

                                                           Abies koreocarpa ’#110’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Böhmerwald Zwoo               Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies koreocarpa ’Böhmer Zwoo’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Diskus                                               Abies koreocarpa x ‘Diskus’

                                                           Abies koreocarpa x ‘Discus’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies koreocarpa ’Discus’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies koreocarpa ’Discus’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Feldmark                              Hort.

                                                           Abies koreocarpa ’Feldmark’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Festival                                  Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Fürstenberg                          Hort.

                                                                                   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies koreocarpa x’Fürstenberg’ (A. koreana x A. lasiocarpa)

            Glauca                                   Hort.

                                                           Abies koreana x lasiocarpa ’Glauca’) ’Waldgrenze’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Abies koreana x lasiocarpa ’Glauca’) ’Waldgrenze’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

            Grosseri                                 Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Hobbytime                            Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Hurricane Blue                     Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Waldgrenze                           Hort.

                                                                                   Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT



            Glauca                                                          Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT


   KOTSCHYANA                              Tchihat.1869 

                                                           /A. CILICICA/

   LASIOCARPA                                Auct.1855

                                                           /A. CONCOLOR ssp. LOWIANA/

   LASIOCARPA                                Lindl. & Gord.1850, not Nutt. 1849

                                                           /A. GRANDIS/


   LASIOCARPA                             1863                           W-N-AME

                                                           /Hook./Nutt.                                                              Kr

Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. 1863 - Szikláshegységi jegenyefenyő - Subalpine Fir

                                                           Képek - Gallery

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa  Dax Herbst IL USA


                                                           Abies bifolia A. Murray 1863

                                                           Abies subalpina Engelm. 1876

             ssp. ARIZONICA               /Merr./Murray 1982

                                                           Abies arizonica Merr.

                                                           Abies balsamea var. arizonica Boivin 1959

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa arizonica photo

             var. ALPINA                       Schelle 1909

             var. ARIZONICA               /Merr./Lemm.1898

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

             var. FALLAX                     Franco 1950

                                                           Abies fallax Parde 1906

                                                           Abies subalpina fallax Engelm. 1878

             var. LASIOCARPA                       The type of the species

                                                           Abies bifolia A. Murray 1863


83595373 Abies lasiocarpa dwarf selection

Abies lasiocarpa dwarf selection  Nate Cassell CO USA


Abies lasiocarpa cultivar  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

Abies lasiocarpa cultivar  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

Abies lasiocarpa cultivar  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012


            # 7 Broom                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, healthy, 15’ up, 30” wide x 36” tall,

                                                           9/0 mile north of Fork in road 1 to Quimby and 1 to south, north

                                                           side of road. Fastigiate on a 6-8’ tree. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 7

            # 8 Broom                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom up road from Craig to Slater in top of tree. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 8

            # 14 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, in tree top, very upright, tight, thick, good

                                                           green colour, 5/10 mile up Fish Creek road from top on right at

                                                           a curve, Buffalo Pass. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 14

            # 15 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 15’ tall, odd foliage, strong growth terminals

                                                           – 6-8”, about 35’ up, Buffalo Pass road. JM text. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 15

            # 22 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found south of Alpine Beauty, fastigiate. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 22

            # 23 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Another find south of Alpine Beauty 25’ up on southern side

                                                           of tree. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 23

            # 24 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found about Parsons Draw on 8” tree 15’ up, good one. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 24

            # 25 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found on tree top 30-40’ up, good looking, on road from

                                                           Craig to Slater. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 25

            # 26 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found 40-50’ up, tight, fastigiate, a beauty on gore. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 26

            # 27 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found on Hiway 90, exit 10. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 27

            # 30 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Good looking, short needles, compact, conical. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 30

            Alba                                       1972 Renault Freres Nurs. Gorron FRA

            Alpina                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909                                      GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica alpina


84205770  82792639  82118712  81753891  81499385


            Alpine Beauty                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           2003 Brightman in ACS database

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Alpine Beauty’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Bob Fincham, Larry Stanley, Will Fletcher USA

                                                           Found as a broom 30 feet up, very tight, green, 36” tall x 30”

                                                           wide, not fastigiate, close to road to right on tree top, Blackhall,

                                                           first one south of Prickly Pete. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 13

                                                           A miniature Alpine fir from the Jerry Morris Collection. Leaves are blue and ¼ inch long. Yearly growth is ½ inch. Little blue round ball on a stick. Stanley text.

A congested ball of blue foliage growing 1/2 inch a year. Betlehem text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’  Will Fletcher USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’  Bob Fincham WA USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’  Will Fletcher USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’  Jim Singer USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’  Larry Stanley OR USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Alpine Beauty’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’  Will Fletcher USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Alpine Beauty’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Argentea                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           /Andre/Henkel 1900

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Argentea’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica argentea Andre 1901

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Argentea’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Argentea’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Argentea’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Arizonica Argentea              /Argentea/

            Arizonica Compact              Welch 1979

                                                           1927 J. Boer HOL

                                                           /Compacta/ Hornibrook 1939

                                                           Abies arizonica glauca compacta Hort.

                                                           Abies arizonica compacta Grootendorst

            Arizonica Glauca                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Vilmorin 1906

                                                                                   Stanley Nurs.USA

            Arizonica Pendula                Schelle 1909

            Auweiler                                Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Azur                                      Hort.

                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Slow growing globe at first, becomes conical with a leader.

                                                           Thin and azur leaves.

            Bean’s Broom                       Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Beissneri                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hornibrook 1923

                                                           1901 H. A. Hesse Nurs., GER

                                                           A. subalpina var. beissneri Hesse

            Bentham A (Elaine)              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Bentham B                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Beth Mini                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Beth Mini’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Beth Mini’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Blue Cone                              Hort.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Blue Cone’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Blue Cone’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Blue Nut                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Blue Spiral                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Boner 2                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Boner’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Boner’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Buffalo Pass # 28                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a vigorous broom, half mile south of top of the pass.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa Buffalo Pass # 28

            Buttenschön                          Hort.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Buttenschön’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Buttenschön’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Child’s Court                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Childs White Bud                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Coerulescens                         Fröbel ex Beissn.1891

                                                           Fröbel in Zürich SWI

                                                           A. subalpina var. coerulescens Fröbel ex Beissn.

            Compacta                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1900

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Compacta’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                                              Abies lasiocarpa ‘Compacta’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Compacta’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Compacta’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Compacta’ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Compacta’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa arizonica ’Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa arizonica ’Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa arizonica ’Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica ’Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

            Compacta Glauca                Hort.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa arizonica ‘Glauca Compacta’

                                                           /Arizonica Compacta/  /Glauca Compacta/

            Compacta Prostrata             Hillier 1970

                                                           P. Palomino ITA

            Conica                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hornibrook 1923

                                                           1873 in Arnold Arboretum of CO USA seed

                                                           A. lasiocarpa var. --. Hornibrook

            Cvikov                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Cvikov’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Cvikov’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Cvikov’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Cvikov’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Cvikov’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Cvikov’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Cvikov’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Cvikov’ 

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Cvikov’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Cvikov’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Cvikov’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Cvikov’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Day Creek                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1983 Hort. USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Day Creek’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Day Creek’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Day Creek’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Day Creek’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Day Creek’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Day Creek’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Day Creek’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Du Flon                                 The Int. Conifer Register 1987

            Duflon                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1976 USA

                                                           1954 E. H. Lohbrunner in the garden of the Duflon’s

                                                           Seattle, WA USA

                                                           Collectors of micro-mini conifers will love this extremely slow-growing fir, which puts on less than ½ inch of new growth per year. Medium green needles densely cover the tight globe. Discovered near Lake Sushman, Washington. Iseli text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Duflon’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Duflon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Duflon’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Duflon’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Duflon’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Duflon’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Duflon’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Duflon’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Duflon’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Duflon’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Duflon’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           /Du Flon/

            Elaine                                    1988 GBR

                                                           H. J. Welch, Combe Martin GBR

            Elk Mtn # 29                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom near Saratoga, on road to northeast of top,

                                                           low on tree. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa Elk Mtn # 29

            Feldmark                              Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Flat Top                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

            Florin                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1998 Hódi Tóth József HUN of seed of Sheffield’s Seed, USA

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Quite slow growing, blueish foliage, regular conical habit.

                                                           White-gray bark, soft cork. Drought tolerant, needs place in a

                                                           greater rock-garden.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Nagyon lassú növésű, kék lombú, szárazságtűrő fajta az

                                                           amerikai Sheffield’s Seedtől vásárolt magból.

                                                           Szabályos kúp alakú korona, szinte fehér, parás kéreg,

                                                           borzas rügyek.

                                                           Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Florin’ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Florin’ photo

            Glacier                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Glacier’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Glacier’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Glacier’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Glacier’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Glauca                                   Vilmorin 1906                                    FRA

                                                           A. subalpina arizonica glauca Vilmorin 1906 


            Glauca                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1972 GER

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs. GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Glauca’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Glauca’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Glauca’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

            Glauca Compacta                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica ‘Glauca Compacta’

                                                           A dwarf compact upright conifer. Foliage is a marvelous powder blue. Nice contrast in the garden. Prefers sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica ’Glauca Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Glauca Compacta’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Glauca Compacta’ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Glauca Compacta’ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Glauca Compacta’ photo

                                                           /Compacta Glauca/

            Globe                                                             Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Globosa                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Gonzaga                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA



            Gore Pass                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x 4’, 50’ up, upright average tight, first

                                                           alpine fir on route from the south on Gore Pass. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 3

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Gore Pass’  Jerry Morris CO USA

            Green Globe                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Green Globe’

                                                                                   Verkades Nurs. USA

                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a dense round shape. At maturity it forms a stock pyramid. Short needles are gray-green. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 30" tall x 30" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Globosus as a young plant, may become slightly conical

                                                           habit with age. Thin and light green leaves.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Green Globe’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Green Globe’ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Green Globe’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Green Globe’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Green Globe’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Green Globe’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Grek Bark                            Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Griz                                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a vrey low broom (18” up), 30” x 30”, green, very

                                                           tight, branch ends are shaped like a fan, near trail going up to

                                                           Carlton Ridge, uphill from trail up to clear erea. JM Text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Griz’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 9

            H.B.                                                               Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           /Hexenbesen/ Horstmann GER

                                                           /Logan Pass/

                                                           /A. lasiocarpa var. arizonica ‘H.B.

            Hans Christa                         2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Neuer Hexenbesen, Zwergform, sehr dicht und flach trichterförmig wachsend mit kurzen, graugrünen Nadeln, Zuwachs pro Jahr: 2 - 3cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 20cm, Breite in 10 Jahren : 35cm, Standort: sonnig bis halbschattig. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Hans Christa’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Hans Christa’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Hans Christa’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Hans Christa’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Hans Christa’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Hawes Broom                       Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Heike                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as an upright broom, high in top, north of road on

                                                           Squaw Pass. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa Heike # 21

            Hexe                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Hexe’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Hexenbesen                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

                                                                                   1990 Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA

            Hobby Time                          Abies lasiocarpa ‘Hobby Time’

            Hoyt WB                               Abies magnifica ’Hoyt WB’

                                                           By some opinions it is an Abies lasiocarpa cultivar.

            Hurricane Blue                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a formal, dense pyramidal shape. Foliage is a stunning silver-blue. A wonderful focal point in the winter landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Hurricane Blue’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Jade Sky                                2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jade Sky’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jade Sky’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jade Sky’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jade Sky’  Dax Herbst photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jade Sky’  Dax Herbst USA photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jade Sky’  Mesterhazy photo 2011

            JM WB SDL                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jerry Morris Broom Seedling’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Jim’s Seedling WB               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Joe’s Alpine                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris & Joe Stupka USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 4’ x 4’, 70’ up in top of tree, tight and very

                                                           upright, north of Fischer Park in bottom of canyon found by

                                                           Joe Stupka. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Joe’s Alpine’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa Joe’s Alpine 

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Joe’s Alpine’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 4

            Joes Alpine                            /Joe’s Alpine/ 

            Jörg                                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER in the USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jörg’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Jörg’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jorg’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jorg’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jorg’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Jörg’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Kenwith Blue                                   The Int. Conifer Register 1978

                                                           Don Hatch Nurs. GBR

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Kenwith Blue’

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kenwith Blue’ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kenwith Blue’ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kenwith Blue’ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kenwith Blue’ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kenwith Blue’ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kenwith Blue’ photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kenwith Blue’  Stephen Grubb photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kenwith’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            King’s Blue                           GBR

            Kinzle Pass                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kinzle Pass’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Kyles Alpine                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, silver blue, above homestead, Parsons.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kyle’s Alpine’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kyles Alpine’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kyles Alpine’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kyle’s Alpine’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kyle’s Alpine’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kyle’s Alpine’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kylie’s Alpine’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kylie’s alpine’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Kyle’s Alpine’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 2. JM text.

            Little Nell                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom west of Encampment, WY on east side of

                                                           pass about 30’ up. Pole pruner, ladder and extensions might

                                                           work to retrieve this sample, very upright and compact, good

                                                           deep colour, 5’ tall x 3’ wide. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 1

            Logan Pass                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Horstmann 1976 found in the USA

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Logan Pass’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Logan Pass’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Logan Pass’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Logan Pass’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Logan Pass’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Logan Pass’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Logan Pass’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Logan Pass’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Logan Pass’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           /Horstmann Hexenbesen/

            Lolo Mtn # 32                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           30” globe, growth 1” or less, prettiest yet. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa Lolo Mtn # 32

            Lopalpun                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Lopalpun’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Lopalpun’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Lopalpun’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Lopalpun’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Lopalpun’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Lopalpun’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Lost Joe                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Joe Stupka & Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a small tree about 4’, short needles and short growth.

                                                           Joe Stupka found it near Homestead. 7’ tall, very special

                                                           compact, peculiar growth. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 5

            Low Limb # 31                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in a mine area. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa Low Limb # 31

            Malík                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Martha’s Vineyard              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1959 at Longwood Gardens USA                            ACS 2004

                                                           1995 Polly Hill

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Martha’s Vineyard’

                                                                                  1993 Polly Hill

            Meyer                                    Hort.

                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Meyer’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Mikolas                                  Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Mikolas’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Mikolas’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Myeri                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Mulligan’s Dwarf                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979                                        USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Mulligan’s Dwarf’

                                                                                   The Int. Conifer Register 1987

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with an irregular upright form. Foliage is dark blue-green. Perfect for a rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 30" tall x 30" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Noble 1951

                                                           1935 J. Noble CA USA

            Pendula                                 Beissn. 1909

                                                           Ordnung Nurs. CZ

                                                           A. subalpina pendula Ordnung

            Porky                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, fastigiate, lots of dead, live looks good, up

                                                           Beaver Creek near Bristlecone ’Betwixt’. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 11


81753892  81753893  81499386


            Prickly Pete                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Prickley Pete’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Bob Fincham USA

                                                           Found as a broom. Fastigiate, tight vigorous, 20’ up, 15” wide x

                                                           7’ tall. 3/10 mile north on Dufunny on downhill side of road, if

                                                           going north, Blackhall road. JM text.

                                                           A columnar dwarf form of Rocky Mountain Fir. This plant is a part of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles are blue and pointed sharp on a fastigiata plant. Found in southern Wyoming. Grows tight, short growth. Stanley text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Prickly Pete’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Prickly Pete’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Prickly Pete’  Bob Fincham WA USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Prickly Pete’  Bob Fincham WA USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Prickly Pete’  Larry Stanley OR USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Prickly Pete’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Prickly Pete’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Prickly Pete’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Prickly Pete’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 6

            Rat                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Rhumpa                                2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Kleine, kompakte Pyramidenform,sehr gut für Einzelstellung geeignet, sehr dicht, Nadeln sehr dekorativ, hellblau und silber bereift Zuwachs pro Jahr: 7- 10cm, Höhe in 10 Jahren: 1m, Breite in 10 Jahren : 50cm, Standort: sonnig bis halbschattig. Kohout text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Rhumpa’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Roger Watson                       Welch 1979

                                                           1959 Watson GBR

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Roger Watson’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Roger Watson’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Roger Watson’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Roger Watson’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Sachstenors                           Probably a mistake of Abies lasiocarpa var. shastensis

            Sardoc                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found in Aspen. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa Sardoc # 18

            Schneider                              Hort.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Schneider’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Schneider’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Shaalyn                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 15” x 15”, 50 foot up, very tight, almost

                                                           round, but a little more upright. Short way east of Echo Lake

                                                           lodge around past sharp curve on left. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 12

            Shamrock Sky                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Shamrock Sky’  Nate Cassell CO USA



            Siskiyou                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Will Fletcher USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Siskiyou’  Will Fletcher USA

            Siskyou                                  Abies lasiocarpa ‘Siskyou’


            Smokejumper                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

            Sonderfeld                             2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                                                   2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Stanley K.                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found with # 19 together. Top broom, blue. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa Stanley K. # 20

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Stanley K.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Stanley’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Stanley K.’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Stanley K.’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Stanley K’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Stanley K. (Kohout) 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Stanley’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Stanley K.’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Steven Blue                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found with # 20 together on same tree, blue. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa Steven Blue # 19

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Steven Blue # 20’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Steven Blue’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Steven Blue’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Steven Blue’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Steven Blue’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Steven Blue’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Steven Blue’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Steven Blue’ Abies lasiocarpa ‘Steven’s Blue’

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Steven Blue’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Steven Blue’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Steven Blue’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Steven Blue’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Sunderfeld                            Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Sunderfeld’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Tioga Pass                             Hort.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Tioga Pass’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Tönis-Meyer                         Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with a dense broad form and stout upright branches. Needles are shiny gray-blue. A delightful plant for the rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12" tall x 12" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Tönis Meyer’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo


            Tönisvorst                             2002 G. Haddow GBR

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Tonisvorst’ Abies lasiocarpa ‘Toenisvorst’

                                                                                  Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                           (syn. Abies lasiocarpa 'Tönis Mayer') Gevonden als heksenbezem in een 6-jarige zaailing van A. lasiocarpa in 1978. Intussen, 2002, heeft de originele heksenbezem een hoogte van 50 cm. en een breedte van 40 cm. Naaden donkergroen. Bolvormige groeiwijze. Opvallend dikke bruine eindknoppen in najaar en winter. Voor de kleine tuin en rotstuin. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Toenisvorst’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Toenisvorst’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Tönisvorst’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Tönisvorst’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Toenisvorst’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012


82792641  82118714  81753894


            Utah                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1996 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ‘Utah’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Bob Fincham, Will Fletcher USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 4’ x 4’, 10’ up, tight, good colour, in Utah on

                                                           Hwy 40 at mile 32-33, 12 miles south of Hwy 189.

                                                           Broom is gone. JM text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa # 10

One of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Leaves are light green on stems that grow ½ inch a year. Flat round mound. 6 in. wide in 4 years. Stanley text.

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Bob Fincham WA USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Will Fletcher USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies lasiocarpa ’Utah’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Wolbeck                                Abies lasiocarpa ‘Wolbeck’

            WB                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            WB SDL Beano Broom       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Zwergform                            Horstmann GER 


   LEIOCLADA                                  Stev. ex Gord. 1858

                                                           /A. CILICICA var. LEIOCLADA/

Abies x leuteneggeri Abies grandis x ‘Leuteneggeri’ ( A. grandis x A. concolor)


   LOWIANA                                      Murr. 1863

                                                           /A. CONCOLOR ssp. LOWIANA/

                                                           Abies lowiana photo

                                                           Abies lowiana photo

                                                           Abies lowiana photo

                                                           Abies lowiana photo

                                                           Abies lowiana photo

                                                           Abies lowiana photo

                                                           Abies lowiana  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL


   LOWIANA                                      /Gord./A. Murray                               SW-USA CA S-OR

Abies lowiana (Gord.) A. Murr - Szierrai szürke jegenyefenyő - Sierra grey fir

                                                           A. LOWIANA should be considered as thecontinental

                                                            Vicariant” of the Pacific species A. GRANDIS by

                                                           Debreczy & Rácz 1995 in PH.

                                                           Debreczy & Rácz szerint

                                                           (Phytologia, Texas, USA, 1995 április, 78 (4) 217-243)

                                                           az A. LOWIANA az USA Csendes-óceáni partvidéki

                                                           elterjedésű A. GRANDIS fajta „szárazföldi változatának”


                                                           Abies lowiana  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

             var. VIRIDULA                  Debreczy & Rácz 1995,                     MEX CH        PH

                                                           Abies lowiana var. viridiula

                                                           Discovered on May 6, 1994 in the area of Sierra

                                                           Madre Occidental, near Ciudad Madera, Chihuahua State,

                                                           MEX, at an altitude of 2700 m.

                                                           1994. május 6-án fedezték fel 2700 méteres tengerszint feletti

                                                           magasságban a Sierra Madre Occidental környékén, Ciudad

                                                           Madera-hoz közel, Chihuahua államban, MEX.


   LUSCOMBEANA                           /Loudon/Liu 1971

                                                           /A. CEPHALONICA/

   LUSCOMBEANA                           Vig. & Gaussen 1929

                                                           /A. PINSAPO/


   MAGNIFICA                               1863                           USA OR - CA

                                                           A. Murray                                                                  Kr

Abies magnifica A. Murray 1863 - Óriástobozú jegenyefenyő - California red fir

                                                           Abies magnifica photo

                                                           Abies magnifica photo

                                                           Abies magnifica photo

                                                           Abies amabilis var. magnifica Lav. 1877

                                                           Abies amabilis Vasey 1876 not Forbes 1839

                                                           Abies campylocarpa A. Murray 1860

                                                           Abies nobilis var. magnifica Kellogg 1882

                                                           Abies nobilis magnifica Mast.

             var. SHASTENSIS                 Lemm. 1890                                       USA PSL

                                                           Abies magnifica ’Shastensis’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies magnifica shastensis  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies magnifica shastensis  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies magnifica shastensis  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies nobilis var.robusta Mast. 1885

                                                           Abies shastensis  x  /Lemm./Liu 1971

                                                           /A. SHASTENSIS  X/

                                                           Abies magnifica  x  A. procera

             var. XANTHOCARPA      Lemm. 1890                                       USA MSH MWH SNC

                                                           Abies magnifica  f. xanthocarpa den Ouden & B. 1965

            Argentea                               Schelle 1909

            Cyanea                                  Sudw. 1897                /Glauca/

            Glauca                                   Beissn.1891                /Cyanea/

            Glauca Pendula                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           zu Jeddeloh GER

            Glauca Prostrata                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

            Hexenbesen Horstmann       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1986 Horstmann GER on an A. magnifica var.

                                                           shastensis, found in the USA

                                                           Abies magnifica var. shastensis ‘Hexenbesen’

            Horstmann                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           /Hexenbesen Horstmann/

                                                           A. lasiocarpa x shastensis /Horstmann/

            Macrocarpa                          Lavallee 1877

            Mt. Si                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           A miniature spreading evergreen conifer with short gray-blue needles. Very showy in a rock garden setting. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10" tall x 15" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Introduced by the Flora Wonder™ Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies magnifica ‘Mt Si’

                                                           Abies magnifica ‘Mt. Si’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies magnifica ’Mt. Si’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies magnifica ’Mt. Si’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies magnifica ’Mt. Si’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           H. G. Hillier 1964

                                                           in Gotelli Collection USA

                                                           Abies magnifica ‘Nana’

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A dwarf upright evergreen conifer with small gray-blue needles. Much slower than the type which comes from north and central California. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies magnifica ’Nana’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies magnifica ’Nana’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Prostrata                               Beissn. 1904

                                                           Jurissen Nurs. Bussum HOL

                                                           Abies magnifica ‘Prostrata’

                                                           Abies magnifica ’Prostrata’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Shastensis Blue                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies magnifica ‘Shastensis Blue’

            WB                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies magnifica shastensis ’WB’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies magnifica shastensis ’WB’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies magnifica var. shastensis W.B. 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies magnifica shastensis ’WB’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies magnifica shastensis ’WB’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies magnifica ’WB’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies magnifica ’WB’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012


   MARIESII                                     1897                           C-JPN

                                                           Mast.                                                                         Kr

Abies mariesii Mast. 1897 - Maries v. tohokui jegenyefenyő - Maries or Tohoku fir


             f. HAYACHINENSIS        Hayashi 1955

             var. KAWAKAMII                 Hayata 1908                                      JPN

                                                           Abies kawakamii /Hayata/Ito 1909

                                                           /A. KAWAKAMII/

            Dr. Fricks                              Hort.

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Abies mariesii ’Dr. Fricks’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo


   MAROCANA                                  Trab. 1906                                                                 Kr

                                                           /A. PINSAPO ssp. MAROCANA/

                                                           Abies marocana photo

                                                           Abies marocana photo

                                                           Abies marocana photo

                                                           Abies marocana  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies marocana  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies marocana  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo


   MAYRIANA                                    /Miyabe & Kudo/Miyabe & Kudo 1929

                                                           /A. SACHALINENSIS var. MAYRIANA/

   MEXICANA                                    Martinez 1962

                                                           /A. VEJARI var. MEXICANA/

   MINENSIS                                      Bord.-Rey & Gaussen 1947

                                                           /A. FABRI ssp. MINENSIS/

                                                           Abies minensis photo

                                                           Abies minensis photo


   MINOR                                           Du. ex Gord.

                                                           /A. BALSAMEA/


   NEBRODENSIS                           1908                           ITA N-SIC

                                                           /Lojac./ Mattei                                                           Kr

Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei 1908 - Szicíliai jegenyefenyő - Sicilian fir

                                                           Abies nebrodensis photo

                                                           Abies nebrodensis photo

                                                           Abies nebrodensis photo

                                                           Abies nebrodensis photo

                                                           Abies nebrodensis photo

                                                           Abies nebrodensis photo

                                                           Abies nebrodensis  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies pectinata Gilib. var. nebrodensis Lojac. 1907

                                                           Abies alba Mill. ssp. nebrodensis /Lojac./Nitz. 1969

                                                           Abies alba Mill. var. nebrodensis (Lojac.) Svoboda 1964

                                                           Abies alba var. calabrica Svoboda

                                                           Abies pectinata Guss. 1844 non Gilib.1792

             var. CALABRICA                 Svoboda 1953

                                                           /A. ALBA var. CALABRICA/

            French Hybrid                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Sicilian Gold                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA



                                                           Abies nebrodensis x umbellata 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA


   NEODURANGENSIS                 1995                           MEX SW-DU

                                                           Debreczy, Rácz & Salazar                                        PH

Abies neodurangensis Debreczy, Rácz & Salazar 1995 - Új durangói v. totorami jegenyefenyő - Totorami fir

                                                           Discovered on May 13, 1994 in the area of El Salto,

                                                           SW-Durango State MEX at an altitude of 2500 m.

                                                           1994. május 13-án fedezték fel 2500 méteres tengerszint feletti

                                                           magasságban El Salto környékén,

                                                           dél-nyugat Durango államban, MEX.


   NEPHROLEPIS                           1866                           E-SIB KOR N-CHN

                                                           /Trautv./ Maxim.                                                        Kr

Abies nephrolepis (Trautv.) Maxim 1866 - Amúri v. burját jegenyefenyő - Amur or buriatian fir

                                                           Abies sibirica var. nephrolepis Trautv. 1859

                                                           Abies gracilis Komarov 1901

                                                           Abies veitchii var. nephrolepis Mast. 1881 not Lindl.

                                                           Abies sachalinensis gracilis Berg.1949

                                                           Abies sibirica var.gracilis Patschke 1913

                                                           Abies sibirica Kirsch. non Ledeb.

                                                           Abies nephrolepis photo

                                                           Abies nephrolepis photo

                                                           Abies nephrolepis photo

                                                           Abies nephrolepis  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA


             f. CHLOROCARPA          Wils. 1918                                          KOR

             f. NIGRICARPA                Hatus 1904                                        KOR

             var. LEPTOCLADA          A. picea leptoclada Lindl. & Gord. 1850

            Elegans                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909

            Nada                                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2009 Vladimír Valenta CZ in Siberia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies nephrolepis ’Nadia’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies nephrolepis ’Nada’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies nephrolepis ’Nadia’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nephrolepis ’Nadia’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Variegated                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA


   NOBILIS                                         /Dougl. & Lamb./ Lindl. 1833

                                                           /A. PROCERA/

   NORDMANNIANA                        Bornm. 1894 not /Stev./Spach

                                                           /A. BORNMUELLERIANA/


   NORDICA X                                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0


                                                           Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a garden in

                                                           Budapest, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           A fast growing clone between two parents with gray shoots

                                                           and very deep green needles, nearly around the axis, very little

                                                           buds. A. nordmanniana x A. pinsapo

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Minden bizonnyal az A. nordmanniana és az A. numidica hibridje. Fenséges, robusztus habitusát, sima szürke vesszőit a kaukázusitól, nagyon mélyzöld, vaskos, a hajtástengelyt majdnem körülölelő tűit és sima, kicsi, kerekded rügyeit, oldalvezéreinek és másod-, harmadrendű hajtásainak állását a numidiai jegenyefenyőtől örökölte. A növény  Budapesten a Rákosi úton egy házikertben áll, 2010-ben 6 m magas. Tulajdonosa nem tudja a fa eredetét, a fa még nem terem. Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban található, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Abies nordica x photo

                                                           Abies nordica x photo

                                                           Abies nordica x photo

                                                           Abies nordica x photo

                                                           Abies nordica x photo

                                                           Abies nordica x photo

                                                           Abies nordica x photo

                                                           Abies nordica x photo

                                                           Abies nordica x photo

                                                           Mother plant / Anyanövény:


   NORDMANNIANA                     1842                           CAU

                                                           /Stev./ Spach.                                                            Kr

Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach. 1842 - Kaukázusi jegenyefenyő – Caucasian fir

             f. MACROLEPIS               Vig. & Gaussen 1929

             var. CAUCASICA              Svoboda 1953

                                                           A. leioclada caucasica Svoboda 1953

            Aargau                                  Abies nordmanniana ‘Aargau’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Albospicata                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1898

                                                           1891 Gebbers Nurs. Wiesenburg-Mark GER

            Ambrolauri                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1984 H.Kordes GER

            Arne’s Dwarf                                   Hort. DEN

                                                                                   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           /Höjby/  /Saerling/ by Nurga

            Aurea                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1891

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Aurea’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana f. aurea Beissn. & Rehd. 1949

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Aurea’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Aurea’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Aurea Beran                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Selekce z výsevu, nažloutlá po celý rok., v zimě žlutá

                                                           výraznější, atraktivní. Skupina výpĕstků podle

                                                           ročního přírůstku nad 3 cm. Balatka text.

            Aurea Nana                          /Golden Spreader/

            Aureospica                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1891 

                                                           1891 H.A. Hesse Nurs., GER

            Aureovariegata                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schwerin 1903

                                                           1903 Ganghofer in Forest Station Diedorf GER

            Aureovariegata Beran         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2004 Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Selekce z výsevu, velice atraktivní. Balatka text.

            Barabits Compact                1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1965 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Barabits Compact’

                                                                                  H. J. van de Laar 1990

                                                                                  M. M. Böhmer Nurs., Zundert HOL

                                                           A dense regular dwarf. 1,5 m. at age of 30 years.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Szabályos, tömött ágrendszerű magszelekció, 1,5 m 30 évesen.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Barabits Compact’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Barabits Compact’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Barabits Gold                       /A. cephalonica Barabits Gold/

            Barabits Golden                   /Barabits Gold/

            Barney                                   Abies nordmanniana ‘Barney’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ssp. equi-trojani ‘Barney’

            Beran SDL                            Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Berlin                                     2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1989 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in GER.

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in Deutschland.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Berlin’

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with a dense nest shape. Tiny needles are bright green. Originated as a witch's broom in Germany. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10" tall x 15" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Berlin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Berlin-Dahlem’

                                                           /H.B. Berlin/  /Berlin HB. Eschrich/ /Berlin-Dahlem/

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Berlin’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Berlin’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Berlin-Dahlhem’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Bethlehem                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Dennis Dodge USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            Brandt                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           H. J. Hohman 1970

                                                           Kingsville Nurs. USA

                                               A low spreading clone with thick dark green needles introduced

                                                           by Kingsville nurseries back in 1970. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A dwarf, broadly upright evergreen conifer with rich green needles. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Branklyn                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Brevifolia                              Carr. 1867                                          FRA

            Broom                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           F. Bergman 1970

                                                                                   Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Broom’  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Broom’  Henk van Kempen HOL photo

            Coerulescens                         Beissn. 1891

                                                           A. eichleri Hort.1903

            Compacta                              den Ouden 1965

                                                           1867 Senecl. FRA

                                                           A. nordmanniana nana compacta Laval.1877

            Cosfeld                                                          2004 Hedis Hage Oslo NOR

            Creamy                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jason Hupp USA

                                                                                  Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Creamy’  Jason Hupp USA photo

            Dahlheim                               Abies nordmanniana ´Dahlheim´  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           /Berlin-Dahlem/ /Berlin/

            Dobřichovice                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Jiří Holata CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Dobrichovice W.B.’

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Dobřichovice’ 

                                                                                   Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Dobrichovice’ 

                                                                                   Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Dobrichovice’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Dobrichovice’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Dobrovice                              Abies nordmanniana ‘Dobrovice WB’

                                                           Probably a mistake of /Dobrihovice/

            Durham Dwarf                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Durham Dwarf’

            Eifel                                       Hort.

                                                                                   2004 Hedis Hage Oslo NOR

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Eifel’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Eifel’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Emerald Pearl                      H. J. van de Laar 1990

                                                                                   Libo Nurs., Baexam HOL

                                                           A vigorous evergreen conifer with a pyramidal form. Needles are glossy green. The Caucasian fir is one of the best species to tolerate heat and humidity. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Erecta                                    Beissn. 1907

                                                           F. Pittet Lausanne SWI

            Filip’s Goldheart                  Edwin Smits HOL

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Filip’s Goldheart’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits HOL photo

            Filip’s Perfect Column         Edwin Smits HOL

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Filip’s Perfect Column’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits HOL photo

            Filip’s Twisted                      Edwin Smits HOL

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Filip’s Twisted’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits HOL photo

            Franke                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Franke’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Frank’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Frank’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Frank’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies borisii-regis ’Franke’

            Frankenhof                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                  2004 Wüstemeyer Baumsch., Schermbeck GER

            Fritsche                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1978 V. Fritsche CZ in Arboretum Mlýňany/Malonya

                                                                                   2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                                                  1999 J. Cerveny in

                                                                                  Katalogu zakrslých českých konifer

            Glauca                                   Beissn. 1891

            Gold Spear                            1987 Hort.

            Golden Spreader                  den Ouden 1965

                                                           1961 S. N. Schoots’ Nurs. HOL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Golden Spreader’

                                                                                   L. Konijn & Co. Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

                                                           A dwarf, spreading conifer. Rich, bright yellow needles in sun, soft yellow-green if in shade. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           /Aurea Nana/ 

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Golden Spreader’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Golden Spreader’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Golden Spreader’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Golden Spreader’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Golden Spreader’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Golden Spreader’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Goldschein                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                  Horstmann Nurs., GER

            H. Broom                              2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

Greg's Broom - "Should be 'H. Broom'. I found a total of seven brooms af the Hunnewell Arb - some now gone - two I couldn't reach with my 40' pole. I spread them around as "H." so no one would raid the place. I did show them to a few others." Greg Williams text.

"Abies nordmanniana 'KBNG WB' - not sure where this name comes from- Hunnewell W.B. - Hunnewell Broom + Abies nordmanniana Broom H are the same- I used Abies nordmanniana Broom H (was) the name I used when I shared the broom with others-" Greg Williams text

Abies nordmanniana 'KBNG W.B.' does have several synonyms like: 'Broom H', W.B. Hunnewell' and 'Hunnewell Broom' Edwin Smits text.

I believe this broom was found at the Hunnewell Estate in Mass. by Greg. He sent me scions over 20 years ago and I have offered it for sale at various times. I wouldn't be surprised if the plants in your collection can be traced back to me as the American source. Greg has explored the Hunnewell Estate in the past and knows the plants and has found a couple of fir brooms there. Bob Fincham text.

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense flattened-globe form. Green needles are smaller than the species. An excellent (and easy to grow) rock garden plant. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12" tall x 18" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘H. Broom’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘KBNG WB’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Hunnewell’  /’KBNG Broom’, ’Broom H’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Hunnewell’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘H. Broom’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’KBNG WB’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’KBNG WB’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’KBNG WB’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’KBNG WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’KBNG WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’KBNG’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’KBNG’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Broom H’  Will Fletcher photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Broom H’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’KBNG WB’ 

                                                                                   Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’KBNG’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’KBNG’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Broom H’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Broom H’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Broom H’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana Broom H 

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Hunnewell’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Hunnewell’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Hunnewell’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Hunnewell’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Hunnewell’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Hájek                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Hajek’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Hexenbesen Jacobsen                                  Horstmann Nurs., GER

            Horizontalis                           Carr. 1887

                                                           Voudrey-Evrard Nurs.FRA

            Höjby                                                             Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           /Arne’s Dwarf/

            Hradec Králové                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Hunnebrun                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Hunnebrun’

            Hunnewell                             /H. Broom/

            Hupp’s Perfect Pillar           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jason Hupp USA

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Hupp’s Perfect Pillar’  Dax Herbst IL USA

            Jadwiga                                 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Grabczewscy POL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Jadwiga’

                                                                                  Grabczewscy Nursery POL

            Jacobsen                                Horstmann 1991

                                                           Arne Jacobsen DEN

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Zeer kleine dwergvorm. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Jacobsen’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Jacobsen’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Jacobsen’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Jakobsen WB                       /Jacobsen/?

            Jensen                                               den Ouden 1965

                                                           1944 A. M. Jensen Nurs. Holmstrup DEN

                                                           A. nordmanniana pendula Jensen

            Kamenná Lhota                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2006 Jaromír Pospíšil CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 150 cm up as a 110x70 cm

                                                           broom, 3 cm long needles.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’1190 Kamenna Lhota’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’1190 Kamenna Lhota’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’1190 Kamenna Lhota’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Kamenna Lhota’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’1190 Kamenná Lhota’

            KBNG WB                            /H. Broom/

                                                           KBNG WB - "Broom 'H' Same story as other Hunnewell

                                                           Brooms." Greg Williams text.

            Kendra                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Kilian                                     Abies nordmanniana ’Kilian’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Kolumnowa                          2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Sławomir Skórka POL

                                                                                  Sławomir Skórka Nursery POL

                                                           Columnar cultivar with dark green color needles. An interesting variety for large gardens because of the potentially large size. Skórka text.

Odmiana o szerokokolumnowej, wzniesionej koronie i igłach barwy ciemnozielonej. Ciekawa odmiana do dużych ogrodów ze względu na potencjalnie duże rozmiary. Skórka text.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Kolumnowa’  Sławomir Skórka photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Kolumnowa’  Sławomir Skórka photo

            Lennartz                                Hort.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Lennartz’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Lennartz’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Lime Lights                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                                                  Aledo Dax Herbst Gardens IL USA

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Lime Lights’  Dax Herbst IL USA photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Lime Lights’  Dax Herbst IL USA photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Lime Lights’  Dax Herbst IL USA photo

            Midwinter Gold                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Midwinter Gold’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Midwinter Gold’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Midwinter Gold’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Midwinter Gold’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Mlýňany                                2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Mlynany’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Mlyňany’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            MPH Kecses                         2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt & Vörös Sándor HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN

                                                           Found in the Vörös Sándor Nursery, Zalaegerszeg HUN.

                                                           A gracilis type seedling, short leaved in bright green

                                                           colour, grows to big.

                                                           Vörös Sándor ültetvényén talált finom, harsány zöld rövidtűs változat, mely nagy fává nő.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’MPH Kecses’ photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’MPH Kecses’ photo

            MPH Morcos                        2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt & Vörös Sándor HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN

                                                           Found in the Vörös Sándor Nursery, Zalaegerszeg HUN.

                                                           A deep green forward looking leaved find with great energies to become a great fir. Remains more to nordmanniana as ’Kecses’. Indentfying through the buds could be successful, grows to big.

                                                           Vörös Sándor ültetvényén talált sötétzöld, előre néző tűkkel rendelkező változat, mely nagy fává nő. A ’Kecses’-sel ellentétben ez sokkal többet örökölt a kaukázusi jegenyefenyő jelleméből. Azonosításuk idegen környezetben rügyeik segítségével történhet.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’MPH Morcos’ photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’MPH Morcos’ photo


Abies nordmanniana ’MPH Üveghegy’  Mesterházy photo

Abies nordmanniana ’MPH Üveghegy’  Mesterházy photo

            Munsterland                         /Münsterland/

            Münsterland                          2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1986 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a 50x60 cm broom in GER.

                                                           A miniature flat round bun. Leaves are light green with needles

                                                           quite close together. Grows an inch a year.

                                                           (John Fertig text in ACS database)

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in Deutschland, 50x60 cm.

Die herrliche Benadelung der Nordmanns-Tanne hat auch dieser Hexenbesen. Die Pflanze wächst etwas flach. In 10 Jahren etwa 20 cm hoch und 40 cm breit. Zu Jeddeloh text.

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with a low, dense flat-topped form. Tiny needles are bright green. A wonderful new European selection. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 10" tall x 24" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Münsterland’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Münsterland’  zu Jeddeloh photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Münsterland’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana Münsterland 

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Münsterland’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Münsterland’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Munsterland’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Nana Compacta                   Senecl. 1868

                                                           1867 Seneclause Nurs. FRA

            NCSU Broom                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Peli                                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Pelikan CZ

                                                                                  Dusan Horak Gardens CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Peli’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Peli’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

            Pendula                                 Young 1874

                                                           Youngs Nurs. Milford GBR

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Pendula’

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with gracefully drooping branches. Leader is staked when young to create a narrow weeping tree. Needles are bright green and soft to the touch. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Pendula’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Pendula’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Petra                                      2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           1998 Jiří Holata CZ in Pruhonice

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Petra’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Petra’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Petra’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Petra’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Pevé Hasselt                          Pieter Vergeldt (PV) HOL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Peve Hasselt’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Pevé Hasselt’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Peve Hasselt’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Piet Vereyken                       Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Pospisil                                   2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0

                                                           2012 Jaromír Pospišíl CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Pospisil’  Jaromír Pospišíl photo

            Procumbens                          2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Browicz & Bugala 1958

                                                           1934 Kornik Arboretum POL

            Prostrata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1984 Iseli USA

                                                           Abies nordmanniana Prostrate 

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Prostrate’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Prostrata Nana                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Rádl                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2005 Rádl CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Rako                                      Abies nordmanniana Rako 

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Rako’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Refracta                                Carr. 1867

                                                           1866 Seneclause Nurs. FRA

            Robusta                                 (Carr. 1867) 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           1866 Seneclause Nurs. FRA

                                                           1880 J. Vaňka of E. Ordnung Nursery CZ

                                                                                   2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Robusta’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Robusta’ photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Robusta’ photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Robusta’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Robusta’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Robusta Nana’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Robusta Pendula                  Kalouš CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Rustica                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Särling                                   /Arne’s Dwarf/ Hort.

                                                                                   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Saerling’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Saerling’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Saerling’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Saerling’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Schwarzgrün                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Schwarzgrün’

            Select                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Select’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Sell                                         Hort.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Sell’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Silberspitze                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Silberspitze’

            Sláma                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2007 Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Slama’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Snĕžná                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Vitek Fritsche CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Snezna’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Snezna’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Spindlerův Mlyn                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2009 Josef Řádek CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year up to 3 cm.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Spindleruv Mlyn’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Radek photo 2012

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Spindleruv Mlyn’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Radek photo 2012

            Starkers Dwarf                    Abies nordmanniana ’Starkers Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Stiff Needle                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Sunychl                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ


Abies nordmaniana Szmit

            Szmit                                      2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Bronisław Szmit POL

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Szmit’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Tortifolia                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bailey 1923

                                                           1920 W. B. Cuttery NY USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Fast-growing conifer with attractive deep-green needles that twist inward. An older specimen attracts the eye with its gentle visual rhythm. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 10' tall x 6' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Tortifolia’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Tortifolia’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Tortifolia’ 

                                                                                   Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Tortifolia’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Tortifolia’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Tortifolia’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Tortifolia’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Trautmann                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Chris Trautmann

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Trautmann’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Trautmann’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Variegata                              Zederbaur 1907

            Verkade’s Prostrate             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘Verkade’s Prostrate’

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’Verkade’s Prostrate’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            WB                                        Hort.

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ’WB’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            WB-D.D                                Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies nordmanniana ‘WB-D.D’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            W. B. Hunnewell                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           /KBNG WB/

            Witch’s Broom                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1972 Hohman USA


   NUKIANGENSIS                         1975                           CHN

                                                           (C.Y. Cheng & L.K. Fu) Farjon 1990                       SS

Abies nukiangensis C. Y. Chenk & L. K. Fu 1975 - Nukiangi jegenyefenyő - Nukiang fir


                                                           A. delavayi ssp. --./Cheng & Fu/Rushforth 1987

                                                           A. nukiangensis C.Y. Cheng & L.K. Fu 1975


   NUMIDICA                                  1866                           E-ALG MOR

                                                           De Lannoy ex Carr.                                                   Kr

Abies numidica De Lannoy ex Carr. 1866 - Numidiai jegenyefenyő - Numidian fir

                                                           Abies numidica photo

                                                           Abies numidica photo

                                                           Abies numidica photo

                                                           Abies numidica photo HTJ

                                                           Abies numidica photo HTJ

                                                           A. pinsapo ssp. numidica /Murray/Salom. 1884

                                                           A. baborensis Cosson 1861

                                                           A. baboriensis Carr. 1886

                                                           A. pinsapo numidica Svoboda 1953

            Anthoine                               Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Aurea                                    Blaringham ex Vig. & Gaussen 1929

            Baron Nagel                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies numidica ’Baron Nagel’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Compacta                              Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Delikado                                HOL

                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Slow growing, prostrate clone.

            Draht                                     2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                           Abies numidica ‘Drath’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies numidica ’Drath’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Glauca                                   Beissn. 1900

                                                           1909 Parde in Arboretum Les Barres FRA

                                                           Abies numidica ’Glauca’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies numidica ’Glauca’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies numidica ’Glauca’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Abies numidica ’Glauca’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Glauca Pendula                    H. G. Hillier 1970

                                                           1965 Arboretum Les Barres FRA

            Lawrenceville                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. Vermeulen 1972

                                                           in Skylands Arboretum NJ USA

            Lawrenceville                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1969 zu Jeddeloh Nurs. GER

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1980 zu Jeddeloh GER

                                                           Abies numidica ‘Nana’

                                                           Abies numidica ’Nana’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Pendula                                 H. G. Hillier 1971

                                                           1907 Arboretum Les Barres FRA

                                                           Abies numidica ‘Pendula’

                                                           Abies numidica ’Pendula’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies numidica ’Pendula’  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Abies numidica ’Pendula’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies numidica ´Pendula´  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies numidica ’Pendula’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Prostrate                               Abies numidica Prostrate

                                                           Abies numidica ’Prostrate’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Select                                     Abies numidica ‘Select’

            Schwarzwald                                               Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Trautmann                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Zwergform                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1978 Horstmann GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT



   OAXACANA                                1948                           MEX

                                                           Martinez                                                                    Kr

Abies oaxacana Martinez 1948 - Oahaka jegenyefenyő - Oaxaca fir


   OCCIDENTALIS                            Tsinovskis

                                                           /A. GRANDIS/

   OREGONA                                     Vilmorin 1872

                                                           /A. GRANDIS/

   PANACHAICA                               Heldr.

                                                           /A. CEPHALONICA/


   PARDEI                                        1929                           FRA

                                                           Gaussen                                                                     Kr

Abies pardei Gaussen 1929 - Pardé jegenyefenyő - Parde fir

                                                           Abies pardei photo HTJ

                                                           Abies pardei x photo

                                                           Abies pardei x photo

                                                           Abies pardei  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           1912 Parde in Arboretum Les Barres FRA

                                                           A. numidica Hort. ex Parde 1914, not Carr. 1866,

                                                           but Liu 1971

            Holden Arb                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA


   PARSONIANA                                McNab 1876 

                                                           /A. CONCOLOR ssp. LOWIANA/

   PARSONII                                      Senecl. 1868

                                                           /A. GRANDIS/

   PECTINATA                                   Lam. & DC. 1815

                                                           /A. ALBA/

   PELOPONNESIACA                     Heldr. 1860

                                                           /A. CEPHALONICA/


   PHANEROLEPIS  X                   1971                           USA CAN


                                                           A. balsamea  x  A. fraseri

                                                           A. balsamea var. phanerolepis Fernald 1909

                                                           A. intermedia Fulling 1936 not Sapota 1882

                                                           A. balsamea f. phanerolepis Rehd.1960

             var. AURAYANA              A. balsamea f. aurayana Boivin 1959

            Canaan Fir                                                   Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA


   PICEA                                            Lindl. 1838 not Mill.

                                                           /A. ALBA/


   PINDROW                                    1836                           W-HIM

                                                           /Lambert/Royle                                                         Kr

Abies pindrow (Lambert) Royle 1836 - Himalájai jegenyefenyő - Himalaya fir

                                                           A. webbiana var. pindrow Brandis 1874

             var. BREVIFOLIA             Dall. & Jacks. 1923                            HIM

                                                           A. gamblei Hickel 1929

             var. INTERMEDIA                       Elwes & Henry 1909                         GBR

                                                           A. intermedia Hort.

                                                           1972 Eastnor Castle GBR

            Aureomarginata                   /Variegata/

            Aureovariegata                     Senecl. 1868                                      FRA


            Variegata                              Carr. 1867

                                                           1867 Seneclause Nurs. FRA



   PINSAPO                                      1838                           S-ESP

                                                           Boiss.                                                                         Kr

Abies pinsapo Boiss. 1838 - Spanyol v. andalúziai jegenyefenyő - Spanish fir

                                                           Abies pinsapo photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo photo

                                                           A. hispanica Chambray 1845

                                                           A. luscombeana Vig. & Gaussen 1929

             ssp. NUMIDICA                   /De Lannoy ex Carr./Murray  E-ALG MOR

                                                           A. numidica De Lannoy ex Carr.

                                                           /A. NUMIDICA/

             var. CONCOLOR               Lavallee 1877

             var. MAROCANA                 /Trab./Ceballos & Balenos     MOR

                                                           /A. MAROCANA/

                                                           Abies pinsapo var. marocana

                                                           Abies marocana photo

                                                           Abies marocana photo

                                                           Abies marocana photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo marocana  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

             var. TAZAOTANA            /Cozar ex Villar/Pourtet & Turpin 1954 MOR

                                                           Abies pinsapo var. tazaotana

                                                           A. tazaotana Cozar ex Villar

                                                           Abies tazaotana photo

                                                           Abies tazaotana photo

                                                           Abies tazaotana photo

                                                           Abies tazaotana photo

            Argentea                               Nelson 1866

            Atlas                                       2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Atlas’

                                                           Found as a broom in Marocco MOR.

                                                           Gefunden in Marokko als ein Hexenbesen.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’ WB # 2  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Atlas’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Atlas’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo var. marocana ’Atlas’ WB # 2

            Aurea Nana                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Aurea                                    Senecl. 1868   Abies pinsapo ‘Aurea’

                                                                              Abies pinsapo ‘Aurea’

                                                           1868 Seneclause Nurs., Bourg-Argental FRA

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Aurea’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Aurea’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Aurea’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Aurea’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Aurea’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Aurea’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Aurea’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Aurea’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Aurea Wilkins                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Barabits                                 /Horstmann/

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Barabits’ photo

            Barbara’s Dwarf                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Bell                                         2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2004 Hódi Tóth József from sport in Pesthidegkút, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           A regular habit with quite long, soft needles, deep green with a

                                                           blueish „touch”, slow growing.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Szabályos, örvös korona, lassú növekedés jellemzi. Tűi a tipus

átlagánál némileg hosszabbak és puhábbak, mélyzöldek, kékes „érintéssel”.

                                                           Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Bell’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Bell’ photo

            Blaubar                                 Abies pinsapo ’Blaubar’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

            Bois                                                               Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Clarke                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1949 USA

                                                           1929 W. B. Clarke Nurs., CA USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a narrow pyramidal form. Short prickly needles are silver-blue. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.


            Delbert’s Dwarf                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Enrice                                    Hort.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Enrice’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Espania # 1                            2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1995 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a dwarf seedling.

                                                           Gefunden als Sämlingzwerg.

Eine Zwergform, die bei Günther Eschrich in Recklinghausen als Sämling entstanden ist. Sehr unregelmäßig wachsend. Dunkelgrün, rund benadelte sehr seltene Neuheit. Uwe Horstmann text.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Espania # 1’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Espania # 1’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Espania # 1’  Uwe Horstmann photo

            Espania # 2                            2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1995 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a dwarf seedling.

                                                           Gefunden als Sämlingzwerg.

            Espania # 3                            2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1995 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                   Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a dwarf seedling.

                                                           Gefunden als Sämlingzwerg.

            Espania # 4                            2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1995 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a dwarf seedling.

                                                           Gefunden als Sämlingzwerg.

            Espania # 5                            2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1995 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a dwarf seedling.

                                                           Gefunden als Sämlingzwerg.

            Fastigiata                               Senecl. 1868

                                                           1868 Seneclause Nurs., Bourg-Argental FRA

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Fastigiata’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Fastigiata’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Fastigiata’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Fastigiata’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Fatima                                    2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                           Found as a broom in Marocco MOR.

                                                           Gefunden in Marokko als ein Hexenbesen.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’# 1’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Fatima’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Fatima‘  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’WB #1’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’WB 1 

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’WB #1’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Fatima’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Fatima’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Fatima’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Fatima’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Fatima’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies pinsapo var. marocana ’Fatima’ WB # 1

            Fiesta SDL                            Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Foliis variegatis                     Lawson 1850


            Glauca                                   Carr. 1867

                                                           1867 Desfossee & Thuillier Nurs., Orleans FRA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A fast-growing, narrow conifer when young, broadening at maturity. Short, stiff needles are silver-blue and make a striking accent in a landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Glauca’

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Glauca’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Glauca’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Glauca’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Glauca’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Glauca’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Glauca’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Glauca’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Glauca’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Glauca Compacta                Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Glauca Prostrata                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

            Guek Silber                           Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Hammondii                           Veitch 1881    /Hamondii/

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Hammondii’

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           An irregular, dwarf evergreen conifer with short blue needles. Originally selected as a slow-growing spreader, but it can also form a leader. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Hammondii’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Hammondii’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Hammondii’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Horcajo                                  Hort.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Horcajo’

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Horcayo’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Horcayo’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Horstmann                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann 1978

                                                           /Horstmann’s Nana/

                                                           A compact, broad dwarf conifer with striking silvery blue-green needles. Marvelous addition to the rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Horstmann’

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Horstmann’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Horstmann’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Horstmann’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Horstmann’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Horstmann ’Nana’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Horstmann’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Horstmann’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Horstmann’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Horstmann’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Horstmann’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Horstmann’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Horstmann’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Hybride 2.                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

            Hybride 8.                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

            Kelleriis                                 Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1920 D. T. Poulsen Nurs., DEN

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Kelleris’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Kelleris’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Kelleris’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Kelleris’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Kelleriis’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Kilmacurragh                       1962 De Belten Pinetum, Vorden HOL

            La Sierra SDL 1                   Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            La Sierra SDL 2                   Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Marokko                                2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1998 Günther Eschrich & Uwe Horstmann GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                           Found as a broom in Rif Mts. MOR, 15x20 cm.

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in Marokko, 15x20 cm.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Marokko’

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Marokko’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Marokko WB # 3’  

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Marokko’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Marokko’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Marokko’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Marokko’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’WB 3 

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘WB 3’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’WB #3’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Marokko WB # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Marokko’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies pinsapo var. marocana ’Marokko’ WB # 3

            Monte Jaque                         2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Montejaque’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            MPH Janus Pannonius        2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           Silvery giant dwarf globe

                                                           Ezüstös gömböc óriástörpe

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’MPH Janus Pannonius’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’MPH Janus Pannonius’ photo

            MPH Tudor                          2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN

                                                           A compact dwarf type deep green plant,

                                                           3 meters in 40 years.

                                                           Kisnövésű sötétzöld törpe növény, 40 évesen 3 méter.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’MPH Tudor’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’MPH Tudor’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’MPH Tudor’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’MPH Tudor’ photo

            MPH Zrínyi Ilona                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1983 received as a seedling by Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                           Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute 1995

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum, Erdőtarcsa HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           A lemon shaded blue conical compact fir, 2,5 m in 23 years

                                                           Citromos-krémes árnyalatú kék növény, lassan nő.

                                                           23 év alatt 2,5 méter magas.

                                                           A Mesterházy Fenyőgyűjtemény törzskönyvében Kiss Balázs erdőmérnök szerepel a növény származási helyeként. Az eredeti növény elpusztult, amelyet Mesterházy Zsolt azonnal pótolt. A kőbányai Éles-saroknál üzemelő faiskolában történt a vásárlás. Egy már az ágyásból kitett növényre esett a választás, amely különbözött a többitől, nem fejlődött, a színe sem tetszett az árudát kezelőknek. 27 év elteltével a növény már közelít a 3 m-es magassághoz, sűrű, tömött ágrendszerű, kékes színű, időnként citromosba hajló árnyalattal bír. Az elemekkel és az elvárásokkal – hogy pótolja egy normál Abies pinsapo-t - dacoló növény végül megállapodott a féltörpe állapotában, amelyben a Zrínyi Ilona nevet kapta. Kerti karácsonyfaként is szolgálhat. 1995-ben OMMI minősítést kapott.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’MPH Zrínyi Ilona’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’MPH Zrínyi Ilona’ photo

            Nana                                      /Clarke/

            Nana Glauca                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1976 GER

                                                                                   M. G. Eiselt

            Névtelen                                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2004 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a garden in

                                                           Pesthidegkút, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           A regular habit with quite long needles, fast growing,


                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Az Abies insignis tűhossza és színe jellemzi, rendkívül

                                                           szabályos koronájú, gyorsan nő, szárazságra, hidegre

                                                           érzéketlen. Egy pesthidegkúti kertben áll.

                                                           Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Névtelen’ photo

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1891                                      GER

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Pendula’

                                                           Abies pinsapo var. pendula Silva Tar. 1913

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Pendula’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Pendula Glauca                    The Int. Conifer Register 1987 GBR

            Prostrata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Zederbaur 1907

            Pygmaea                                Senecl. 1868

                                                           1868 Seneclause Nurs. Bourg-Argental FRA

            Pyramidalis Compacta        /Pyramidalis/

            Pyramidalis Glauca              1972 Detrichee FRA

            Pyramidata                           Carr. 1867                                          FRA

                                                           /Pyramidalis Compacta/

            Quicksilver                            1984 GBR

                                                                                   Don Hatch Nurs., GBR

            Quick Silver                          /Quicksilver/

            Ronda-Holubec                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1999 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Ronda Mt.                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Uwe Horstmann GER as a WB in ESP

                                                                                  Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘Ronda Mt.’ Abies pinsapo ’Ronda Mt.’

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Ronda Mt.’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Ronda Mt.’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Ronda Mt’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Ronda Mount’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Roquelle                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Roquelle’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Roquelle’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Roquelle’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Roquelle’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Roquelle’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Roosemoor                            A. pinsapo x cephalonica /Roosemoor/

                                                           Abies pinsapo x cephalonica ’Rosemore’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Rosemoor Form                                           Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                           A. pinsapo x cephalonica – probably the same as before

            San Diego Creeper               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1981 F. J. Crowe CA USA 

            San Fernando                       2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                           Abies pinsapo ’San Fernando’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’San Fernando’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’San Fernando’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            San Petro                               2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                           Abies pinsapo ’San Petro’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’San Pedro’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’San Petro’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’San Pedro’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            San Rogue                             2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’San Rogue’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’San Rogue’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’San Rogue’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Serenado SDL                      Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Soltan                                                            Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Soltau                                    Hort. GER

                                                                                   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           A dense, full, conical conifer with deep blue-green foliage. Originally from Germany. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Soltau’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Soltau’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Probably the same as /Soltan/

            Tuareg                                   2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                           Found as a broom in Marocco MOR.

                                                           Gefunden in Marokko als ein Hexenbesen.

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Tuareg’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Tuareg’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Turek’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Tuareg’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies pinsapo var. marocana ’Tuareg’ WB # 4

            Turek                                     /Tuareg/

            Ubrique                                 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Ubrique’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Ubrique’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Ubrique’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Ubrique’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Ubrique’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Ubrique’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Variegata                              Gord. 1858

            Variegata                              Henk. & Hochst.1865

            Vax                                        2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2004 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a public park in

                                                           Budakeszi, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           ’Glauca’-like, however short and tight needles, slow growing.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Színe közel az Abies pinsapo’Glauca’, de rövid, keskeny tűkkel,

                                                           ez nem „kolbász”, hanem „virslifenyő”. Lassan növekszik,

                                                           szabályos kúp.

                                                           Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Vax’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Vax’ photo

            WB #1                                               Abies pinsapo WB 1 

                                                           Abies veitchii ’WB‘  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’WB #1’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            WB #2                                                                       Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            WB #3                                               Abies pinsapo WB 3 

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies pinsapo ‘WB 3’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’WB #3’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            WB #4                                                                       Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Weeping Blue                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1984 USA

            Zöldike                                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2004 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a public park in

                                                           Budakeszi, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           1 cm long grassgreen needles, bright, green-yellow  buds,

                                                           growth as usual.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Alig 1 cm-es tűi fűzöldek- bizarr látvány az örvös elrendezésű

                                                           hajtásrendszeren a fényes, zöldessárga rügyekkel. Budakeszi

                                                           egyik közparkjában ültették a hetvenes években.

                                                           Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Zöldike’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Zöldike’ photo

                                                           Abies pinsapo ’Zöldike’ photo


Abies pinsapo x cephalonica ’Rosemore’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER



   PROCERA                                               1833                           CAN CAS - USA CA

                                                           Rehd.                                                                         Kr

Abies procera Rehd. 1833 - Nemes jegenyefenyő - Noble fir

                                                           Abies procera  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo 2012

                                                           A. nobilis /Dougl. & Lamb./ Lindl. 1833

            Argentea                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Freundenburg 1886

                                                           A. nobilis var. argentea /Freund./Beissn.

                                                           Abies procera ‘Argentea’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies procera ’Argentea’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Argentea’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Argentea Nellemann                        1987 GBR

            Argentea Wattezii                Hort. 1901

            Aurea                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1948 USA

                                                           1933 Sherwood Nurs., OR USA

                                                           Abies procera ‘Aurea’ /Sherwoodii/ /Sherwood Gold/

                                               Introduced by Sherwood nurseries as aurea in Aurea in 1948, the name being changed due to nomenclature rules preventing latinized cultivars, which makes little sense given the vast number of old latinized names. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Aurea                                    Hort. ex Rushforth 1987

            Baby Blue                             /Hupp’s Blue/

            Balatka                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1991 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           Found as a prostrate form, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Prostr. forma, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku

                                                           nad 3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies procera ’Balatka Prostrata’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Balatka’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Bizarro                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Uwe Horstmann’s seedling GER

                                                           Abies procera ‘Bizarro’

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Abies procera ’Bizarro’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Bizarro’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies procera ’Bizarro’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Blaue Hex                              Mistake of /Blaue Hexe/

            Blaue Hexe                            Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1965 C. D. Böhlje Nurs. DEN

                                                           Abies procera ‘Blaue Hexe’

                                                                                   C. D. Böhlje Nurs. DEN

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with short blue needles. A perfect addition for a rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6" tall x 12" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies procera ’Blaue Hexe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Blaue Hexe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Blaue Hexe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Blaue Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’Blaue Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’Blaue Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’Blaue Hexe’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Blaue Hexe’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ‘Blaue Hexe’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies procera ’Blaue Hexe’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies procera ’Blaue Hexe’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Blaue Hexe’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Blue Spiral                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1976 Stanley & Sons Nurs.

                                                           Abies procera ‘Blue Spiral’   

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Blue Spire                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                   Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           An upright, columnar evergreen conifer with gray-blue needles. Its dense narrow habit makes it a wonderful vertical accent in the garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies procera ’Blue Spire’  Henk van Kempen HOL

            Blue Wonder                         Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies procera ’Blue Wonder’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ‘Blue Wonder’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Bump’s Broom                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with a flattened-globe shape. Tiny needles are gray-blue. Discovered as a witch's broom mutation on a Noble Fir. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10" tall x 12" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies procera ’Bumps Broom’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Compacta                              Dallimore 1932                      /Prostrata/

            Delbar Cascade                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Barbara and Delbert Hupp in Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                  Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Abies procera ’DelBar’s Cascade’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Abies procera ’Delbar’s Cascade’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA

                                                           Abies procera ’Delbar Cascade’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies procera ‘Delbar’s Cascade’

                                                           Abies procera ‘Hupp’s Weeping’

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           /Hupp’s Weeping’

            Fastigiata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Stanley Nurs., USA

                                                           Abies procera ‘Fastigiata’

                                                           Abies procera ’Fastigiata’  Henk van Kempen HOL

            Franken                                1993 HOL

            Frijsenborg                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           DEN seedling

                                                                                  2004 River Rock Nursery OR USA

            Glauca                                   Ravenscroft 1863                              GBR

                                                           Abies procera ‘Glauca’

                                                           A. nobilis glauca Carr. 1867

                                                           A. nobilis var. glauca Mast. 1886

                                                           A. nobilis f. glauca Voss 1896

                                                           A. procera f. glauca Rehd. 1940

                                                           A. nobilis glaucifolia Sudw. 1898

                                                           An elegant evergreen conifer with a narrow pyramidal form. Stout needles are silver-blue. Magnificent erect cones can appear, even on young trees. Wonderful as a Christmas tree. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies procera ’Glauca’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Glauca’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Glauca’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Glauca’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Glauca’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Abies procera ‘Glauca’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                           Abies procera ’Glauca’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies procera ’Glauca’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Glauca’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Glauca’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Glauca Nana                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Stanley Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           An irregular spreading evergreen conifer with bright blue needles. In some cases the plant will develop a leader. A standout in the winter garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies procera ’Glauca Nana’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Glauca Nana’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Glauca Nobel                                    /Noble’s Dwarf/  /Nana Nobel/

            Glauca Prostrata                  H. G. Hillier 1928

                                                           1895 Hillier’s Shroner Wood Nurs., GBR

                                                           Abies procera ‘Glauca Prostrata’


                                                           Abies procera ‘Glauca Prostrata’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies procera ‘Glauca Prostrata’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Glauca Prostrata                  Hort.

            Glauca Prostrara Hupp       /Hupp’s Prostrate/

            Glaucifolia                            /Glauca/

                                                           A. nobilis glaucifolia Sudw. 1898

            Golden Needles                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies procera ’Golden Needles’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Graciosa                                Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           /La Graciosa/

            HB Siskiyou                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Henk’s Garden                     Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Found as a WB.

                                                           Abies procera ‘Henk’s Garden’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Hexenbesen                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           G. Horstmann GER 

            Hexenbesen Jeddeloh           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                           zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER


            Hunnewell Nana                   Hort.

                                                           Abies procera ’Hunnewell Nana’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           /Nana/ ?

            Hupp’s Blue                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2002 Jason Hupp in ACS database

                                                           1995 Barbara Hupp in Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                  Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

                                                           /Baby Blue/

            Hupp’s Christmas Tree       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Barbara and Delbert Hupp in Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Hupp’s Compact                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Barbara and Delbert Hupp in Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                           Abies procera ‘Hupp’s Compact’

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Compact’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA

            Hupp’s Dwarf                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Barbara and Delbert Hupp in Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Dwarf’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Dwarf’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Dwarf’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Dwarf’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Hupp’s Prostrate                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Barbara and Delbert Hupp in Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           A miniature, spreading conifer with lovely gray-blue needles. Perfect for the small, or rock, garden. Discovered in a Christmas tree farm in Oregon. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8" tall x 18" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Prostrate’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Prostrate’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           /Glauca Prostrata Hupp/

            Hupp’s Single Snake            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Barbara and Delbert Hupp in Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                           Abies procera Hupp’s Single Snake 

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Single Snake’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Single Snake’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’Hupp’s Single Snake’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           /Hupp’s Snake/ Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Hupp’s Special                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Barbara and Delbert Hupp in Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                           /Glauca Nana/ type

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Hupp’s Weeping                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Barbara and Delbert Hupp in Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies procera ‘Hupp’s Weeping’

            Jeddeloh                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1960 zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                                           Abies procera ‘Jeddeloh’

                                                           Abies procera ’Jeddeloh’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Jeddeloh’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’Jeddeloh’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’Jeddeloh’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies procera ‘Jeddeloh’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Johnson                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Barger in ACS database

            La Graciosa                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1988 Evans Nursery USA

                                                           Abies procera ‘La Graciosa’

                                                                                   Evans Farm Nurs., OR USA

                                               A green prostrate form grown from seed at Evans Farm Nurseries in 1980. It was 1.5m wide by 75cm high after seven years. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A slow-growing pendulous conifer with soft gray blue-green foliage. Can grow with a mounding habit or develop a leader and grow more erect. Garden-worthy either way. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years as a mound. Taller if leader develops. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies procera ’La Graciosa’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’La Graciosa’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies procera ’La Graciosa’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Abies procera ‘La Graciosa’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies procera ’La Graciosa’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies procera ’La Graciosa’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’La Graciosa’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’La Graciosa’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Masonic Broom                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with blue needles. Originated as a witch's broom in an Abies procera 'Glauca' at a Masonic home in Pennsylvania, USA. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6" tall x 12" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Mount Hood                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1989 Iseli Nurs., OR USA

            Mount Seattle                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies procera ’Mount Seattle’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Mount Seattle’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Mt. Sii                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           Abies procera ‘Mt. Si’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Nana                                      Hort.

                                                           Abies procera ’Nana’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Nana’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Nana Nobel                           /Noble’s Dwarf/

            Nobel                                     Krüssmann 1979

                                                           /Noble’s Dwarf/

            Noble’s Dwarf                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1991

                                                           James Noble Collection, San Francisco USA

                                                           Abies procera ’Nobilis’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

            Obrighofen                           Abies procera ‘Obrighofen’

                                                           Abies procera ’Obrighofen’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies procera ’Obrighofen’  Stephen Grubb photo

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies procera ‘Pendula’

                                                           Abies procera ’Pendula’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies procera ’Prostrata’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

            Pešek                                     /Procumbens Pešek/

                                                           /Procumbens Pesek/

            Pospíšil                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2001 Jaromír Pospíšil CZ in Mladá Boleslav

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                   2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Abies procera ’Pospisil’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Pospisil’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Pospisil’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Pospisil’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Pospisil’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Pospisil’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ‘Pospíšil’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies procera ’Pospisil’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies procera ’Pospisil’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies procera ’Pospisil’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Procumbens                          1981 Bloom HOL                  /Prostrata/

                                                           Abies procera ‘Procumbens’

                                                           Abies procera ’Procumbens’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Procumbens’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Procumbens’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Procumbens’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies procera ’Procumbens’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Procumbens’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Procumbens’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Procumbens Nana                Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies procera ’Procumbens Nana’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Procumbens Pešek               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1991 Jiří Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                   2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                           Abies procera ’Pesek’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ‘Pesek’

                                                           Abies procera ‘Procumbens Pesek’

                                                           Abies procera ’Pesek’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies procera ’Pesek’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Prostrata                               E. Hillier 1890                                   GBR

            Prostrata                               Hort.

                                                           1932 Fletcher’s Nurs. GBR

                                                           A. nobilis compacta Hort.

            Prostrata Typ I                     Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Prostrata Typ II.                  Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Rat                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2002 Jason Hupp in ACS database

                                                           1985 Barbara Hupp in Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Drakes Crossing Nurs. OR USA

                                                           Abies procera ‘Radtail’ Abies procera ‘Rat Tail’

                                                           Abies procera ‘Rat’

                                                           Abies procera ’Rat’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Abies procera ’Rat’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Rat’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Rat’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Abies procera ’Rat’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies procera ’Rat’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Rat Tail                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Rat/                Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Rick’s Foxtail                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            Robenek                                2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Uwe Horstmann GER

                                                           Abies procera ‘Robenek’

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Abies procera ’Robenek’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies procera ‘Robenek’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies procera ’Robenek Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies procera ‘Robenek’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Robusta                                 Beissn.

                                                           A. nobilis f. robusta Beissn. 1923/

                                                           A. nobilis robustifolia Sudw. 1927

            Robustifolia                          /Robusta/

            Rogui Benspeter                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Abies procera ’Rogui Benspeter’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Seattle Mountain                  2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1984 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Baumschulen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA, 10x15 cm.

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in der USA, 10x15 cm.

                                                           Abies procera ’Mount Seattle’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ‘Seattle Mountain’

                                                           Abies procera ‘Seattle’

            Seestern                                 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies procera ’Seestern’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Sherwoodii                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1948 USA

                                                           1933 Sherwood Nurs., OR USA

                                                           Abies procera ‘Sherwoodii’

                                                           An evergreen conifer with a broad pyramidal form. Blue-green foliage is thoroughly frosted with butter yellow. Can tolerate full sun without burning. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.


                                                           Abies procera ’Sherwoodi’ photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Sherwoodi’ photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Sherwoodii’ photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Sherwoodii’ photo

                                                           Abies procera ‘Sherwoodii’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies procera ’Sherwood Compact’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Sherwoodii Seedling             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Silver                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer with stunning silver-blue needles.

                                                           Rivals any blue conifer for dramatic color. Prefers full sun in

                                                           well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20

                                                           degrees. USDA zone 5. Discovered and introduced by the Flora

                                                           Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies procera ’Silver’  Talon Buchholz photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Silver’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Silver’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Silver’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Siskiyou                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Stanley’s Select                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Stanley Nurs., OR USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Tolines Farm ’WB Top       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            WB Nana Prostrata             Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies procera ’WB Nana Prostrata’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’WB Nana Prostrata’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Windsor                                                        Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                           Abies procera ’Windsor’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies procera ’Windsor’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Yellow Needle                       Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT


Abies procera x Abies lasiocarpa

Abies procera x lasiocarpa photo

Abies procera x lasiocarpa photo


Abies x procekor (Abies procera x Abies koreana)



   RECURVATA                             1906                           CHN W-SE

                                                           Mast.                                                                         Kr

Abies recurvata Mast. 1906 - Szecsuáni v. görbetűs jegenyefenyő - Sichuan fir

                                                           Abies recurvata photo

                                                           Abies recurvata  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Abies recurvata  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

             var. ERNESTII                   /Rehd./Rushforth 1984

                                                           A. ernestii Rehd. 1939

             var. ERNESTII                   /Rehd./C.T. Kuan 1983                                             KeI

                                                           A. ernestii Rehd. 1939

             var. SALOUNENSIS          /Bord.-Rey & Gaussen/C.T. Kuan 1983                   KeI

                                                           A. chensiensis var. salouenensis /Bord.-Rey. &

                                                           Gaussen/Cheng & L.K. Fu 1978                               KeI


   REGINAE-AMALIAE                     Heldr. 1860

                                                           /A. CEPHALONICA/

   RELIGIOSA                                               Parl. 1868

                                                           /A. GUATEMALENSIS/


   RELIGIOSA                                 1830                           MEX GUA

                                                           /Humboldt, Bonpland, Kunth/Schlecht.                   Kr

Abies religiosa /Humboldt, Bonpland, Kunth/Schlecht. 1830 - Azték v. szent jegenyefenyő - Aztec or Holy fir


                                                           A. glauca Roezl ex Gord.

                                                           A. glaucescens Roezl

                                                           A. hirtella Lindl. 1832 

                                                           A. lindleyana Roezl ex Gord. 1867

                                                           A. tlapaccatuda Roezl

             var. GLAUCESCENS       /Gord./Carr.                                       MEX

                                                           A. glaucescens Gord. 


   ROLII                                            1948                           CHN YU 

                                                           Bord.-Rey & Gaussen                                               Kr

                                                           A. eichleri Lauche 1882

                                                           A. forrestii Coltman-Rogers ex Craib


   SACHALINENSIS                                  1879                           SHL N-JPN KUR

                                                           /Schmidt/Mast.                                                          Kr

Abies sachalinensis (Schmidt) Mast. 1879 - Szahalini jegenyefenyő - Sachalin fir

                                                           Abies sachalinensis photo

                                                           Abies sachalinensis photo

                                                           Abies sachalinensis photo

                                                           Abies sachalinensis  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           A. akatodo Miyabe ex Sarg.

                                                           A. gracilis Komarov

                                                           A. homolepis tokunaiae Carr. 1855

                                                           A. veitchii var. sachalinensis Schmidt 1868

                                                           A. wilsoni Miyabe & Kudo 1919

             var. CORTICOSA              Tatewaki 1935                                   JPN

                                                           A. sachalinensis  f. corticosa Hayashi 1960

             var. MAYRIANA               Miyabe & Kudo                                 JPN HO

                                                           A. mayriana Miyabe & Kudo            

            Abies sachalinensis var. maryriana Miyabe & Kudo

                                                           Abies sachalinensis var mayriana 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Abies sachalinensis var mayriana 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Abies sachalinensis var mayriana 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

             var. NEMORENSIS           Mayr 1890                                         JPN

                                                           A. wilsoni Miyabe & Kudo

                                                           A. nemorensis/Mayr/Miyabe & Kudo 1915

             var. SACHALINENSIS     Harada & Yanagizawa 1941

            Gedreht                                 Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Manabe Column                  Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers


   SALUENENSIS                               Bord.-Rey & Gaussen

                                                           /A. CHENSIENSIS/

   SELINUSIA                                    Carr. 1856

                                                           /A. CILICICA/

   SAVONLINNENSIS X                1991                                                               CT 2.0 2005

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0


                                                           Abies alba x Abies lasiocarpa

                                                           Abies alba ’Savonlinna’ Mesterházy 2005 in Conifer Treasury

                                                           1991 wild found of seed in Savonlinna FIN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum, Erdőtarcsa HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           A short leaved narrow, conical tree, 2 m in 18 years.

                                                           Mesterházy Zsolt 1991 nyarán a finnországi Savonlinna városában találta a Hotel Kylpylä közelében magoncként. A csemetéről gyanítani lehetett, hogy az Abies alba tipikus jegyeit viseli, de nem volt egyértelmű. A növény 18 év elteltével alig 2 méteres, tűi feltűnően rövidek, így arra kezdett gyanakodni, hogy egy hibridről lehet szó. A növényt 2002-ben megkísérelte minősíttetni, de az OMMI alapfajként engedélyezte a felvételt későbbi időpontban. A növény újabb vizsgálata szükséges a hibridizáció megállapítására. A felvetés indokolt, mert Finnországban jelentős Abies lasiocarpa állományokat telepítettek, amelyek jól tűrik a klímát. A kérdés eldöntéséhez jó támpont lehet a tobozok jövőbeni megjelenése. Kerti karácsonyfaként is kiváló arányos megjelenése miatt.

                                                           Abies savonlinnensis x photo

                                                           Abies savonlinnensis x photo

                                                           Abies savonlinnensis x  Nate Cassell CO USA


   SEMENOVII                                1898                           SIB

                                                           B. Fedtschenko                                                         Cz

                                                           Abies semenovii photo

                                                           Abies semenovii photo

                                                           A. sibirica var. semenovii /Fedtsch./ Liu


   SHASTENSIS  X                          1971                           N-AME

                                                           /Lemmon/Liu                                                             Kr

                                                           A. magnifica  x  A. procera

                                                           A. nobilis robusta Mast.


   SIBIRICA                                     1833                           E-SIB, MAN - TUN - KAM

                                                           Ledeb.                                                                       Cz Kr

Abies sibirica Ledeb. 1833 - Szibériai jegenyefenyő - Siberian fir

                                                           Abies sibirica photo

                                                           Abies sibirica photo

                                                           Abies sibirica photo

                                                           A. pichta Forbes 1839

                                                           A. heterophylla C. Koch 1849

                                                           A. pichta sibirica Svoboda 1953

             var. ARAUCAROIDES     Vig. & Gaussen1929

             var. ARGENTEA               Romanyuk

             var. COLUMNARIS          Beissn. 1914


             var. CONICA                      Beissn. 1914

             var. GRACILIS                  Patschke 1913

                                                           A. nephrolepis /Trautv./Maxim. 1866

             var. HYBRIDA                   Beissn. 1914

             var. KIRKHIZORUM        A. picta kirkhizorum Svoboda 1953

             var. LONGIFOLIA                        Beissn. 1914

             var. MARITIMA                Beissn. 1914


             var. NEPHROLEPIS                        Trautv. 1859

                                                           /A. NEPHROLEPIS/

             var. SEMENOVII                  /Fedtsch./Liu 1972

                                                           /A. SEMENOVII/

             var. SIBIRICA                    A. pichta mongolica Svoboda 1963

             var. VIRIDIS                       Beissn. 1914


            Alba                                       Carr. 1855

                                                           1853 N-RUS

                                                           A. sibirica var. alba Fitschen 1930

            Ardo                                      Sergej Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Ardo’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Ardo’  Sami Saidi POL photo

            Austerlitz 04                          Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Austerlitz’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Austerlitz’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Baikal                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Bajkal’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Bajkal’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Baltika                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Baltika’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Candelabrum                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schröder ex Beissn. 1894

                                                           in Moscow RUS

            Clayton Berg                                                Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Columnaris                           Beissn. 1914

                                                           /var. COLUMNARIS/

            Compacta Glauca                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1908

                                                           1908 Crenzow Forest Nurs. GER

            Conica                                   A. sibirica var. conica Beissn. 1914

            Elegans                                  Beissn. 1891

                                                           1891 Lobkowitz Nurs. CSR

            Glauca                                   Schröder 1894

                                                           Schröder in Petrovskaya Academia, Moscow RUS

            Gubino                                  Hort. 2004

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Gubino 02’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            HB                                         Hort.

                                                                                   Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Hoyt                                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2012 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Jeri                                        2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0

                                                           Hort. LAT

                                                                                  Irēna Rožkalna Gardens LAT

                                               Slow growing, dwarf conifer.

                                                           Lēni augošs punduris.

                                                           Abies sibirica ‘Jeri’; Sibīrijas baltegle ‘Jeri’

            Jörg                                       2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Jörg’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Jörg’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Karagay                                Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Katerina                                2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Sergej Goroshkevich RUS in Siberia

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Katuscha                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Katusha’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Kolac Hexe                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Kolac Hexe’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Kolář Hexe’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Kolac Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Kolac Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Hoyt                                       Hort.               Gardenweb

            Liptovský Hrádok                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0


                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies sibirica ‘Liptovsky Hradec’

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Liptovsky Hradec’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies sibirica ‘Liptovský Hrádok’ 

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Liptovsky Hradek’ 

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Liptovsky Hradok’  Clément Anthoine BEL photo


Abies sibirica Łukasz (Potrzebowski)

            Łukasz                                   2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Andrzej Potrzebowski POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                           Conical habit, very dense and compact (similar to Picea glauca 'Conica'). Branches grow from the trunk with an acute angle to the top and are densely deposited on the shot. The needles are very thin and delicate, typical for this species. This is yet another example of a fir tree with Polish origin. Selected by Andrzej Potrzebowski. Adam Marosz text

                                                           Pokrój ma stoźkowaty, bardzo gęsty i zwarty (podobny do Picea glauca ’Conica’). Gałązki od pnia wyrastają pod ostrym kątem do góry i są gęsto osadzone na strzale. Igły są bardzo cienkie i delikatne, typowe dla tego gatunku. Jest to jeszcze jeden przykład jodły o polskim rodowodzie. Wyselekcjonowana przez Andrzeja Potrzebowskiego. Adam Marosz text.

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Lukasz’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Lukasz’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Lukasz’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Lukasz’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Lukasz’  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Abies sibirica ‘Łukasz’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Lukasz’  Sami Saidi POL photo

                                                           Abies sibirica ‘Lukasz’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies sibirica Łukasz (Potrzebowski)

            Macroconica                         Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Mischa                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

            Monstrosa                             /Schröder 1894/Beissn. 1909

                                                           Schröder in Petrovskaya Academia, Moscow RUS

            Nana                                      Schröder ex Beissn.1894 /Pumila/ 

            Nordlicht                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Nordlicht’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Parvula                                  Schröder ex Beissn.1894

                                                           Schröder in Petrovskaya Academia, Moscow RUS

            Pendula                                 Schröder 1894

                                                           1881 Regel & Kesselring Nurs. RUS

            Pumila                                   Schröder 1894                                   RUS 

            Pyramidalis                           Schröder 1894                                   RUS

            Sascha                                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

            Sergey # 2                              Sergej Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Sergey # 2’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Serko 02                                Hort. RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Shapovalov                           Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Siberian Beauty                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Sergej Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Siberian Beauty’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Siberian Beauty’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Siberian Beauty’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Suncrest                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Syktyvkar                             Lawyer Nurs. USA

            Taiga                                     Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Taiga’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies sibirica ’Taiga’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies sibirica ‘Taiga’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Variegata                              Schröder ex Beissn. 1899

            Vietalva                                 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0

                                                           Hort. LAT

                                                                                  Irēna Rožkalna Gardens LAT

                                               Small dwarf, blue needles.

                                                           Neliels punduris ar zilām skujām.

                                                           Abies sibirica ‘Vietalva’ ; Sibīrijas baltegle ‘Vietalva’

            Viridis                                               Beissn. 1914

            WB 02                                               Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT


   SIBIRICO-NEPHROLEPIS  X  1957                           CHN

                                                           Takenouchi & Chien                                     

                                                           A. sibirica  x  A. nephrolepis


   SMITHII                                          1929                           CHN

                                                           /Vig. & Gaussen/Flous 1929                         SS

                                                           A. georgei Orr. var. smithii /Vig. & Gaussen/ Cheng & L.K.Fu


   SPECTABILIS                             1824                           HIM SIK BHU

                                                           /D. Don/Spach.                                                          SS Kr

Abies spectabilis (D. Don) Spach 1824 - Pompás himalájai óriástobozú jegenyefenyő - East-Himalayan fir

                                                           Abies spectabilis photo

                                                           Abies spectabilis photo

                                                           A. chiloensis Carr. 1867

                                                           A. chilrowensis Hort. ex Parl.

                                                           A. webbiana Lindl. 1833

             var. BREVIFOLIA             /Henry/Rehd. 1919                NW-HIM

                                                           Abies spectabilis var. brevifolia

                                                           A. brevifolia Henry 1929

                                                           A. webbiana var. brevifolia

             var. DENSA                           /Griff./Silba 1984

                                                           /A. DENSA/

                                                           Abies spectabilis var. densa

             var. INTERMEDIA                       Henry

                                                           A. pindrow var. intermedia Henry 1870

             var. SPECTABILIS                       Liu 1971

            Affinis                                               Carr.

                                                           A. webbiana affinis Carr. 1867

            Obovata                                 Nicholson 1900


   SQUAMATA                                1906                           CHN W-SE 

                                                           Mast.                                                                         SS Kr

Abies squamata Mast 1906 - Papírkérgű jegenyefenyő – Flaky fir

                                                           Abies squamata  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies squamata  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies squamata  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies squamata  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies squamata  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Abies squamata  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies squamata  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Flakey                                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           An upright conifer with dark blue-green needles with silvery

                                                           undersides. Marvelous erect velvety-purple cones. Brown

                                                           exfoliating bark offers winter interest. Originally from China and

                                                           very rare. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4' wide in

                                                           10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Introduced by the

                                                           Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery.

                                                           Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies squamata ’Flakey’  Talon Buchholz photo

                                                           Abies squamata ’Flakey’  Talon Buchholz photo


   SUBALPINA                                   Engelm. 1876

                                                           /A. LASIOCARPA/


   SUTCHUENENSIS                      1899                           W-CHN  

                                                           /Franch./Rehd. & Wils. 1925 not Walker 1941         Kr

                                                           A. kansouensis Bord.-Rey & Gaussen 1944

Abies sutchuenensis /Franch./Rehd. & Wils. 1925 not Walker 1941 - Szecsuáni jegenyefenyő - Sichuan fir


   TAZAOTANA                                 Cozar ex Villar 1947

                                                           /A. PINSAPO var. TAZAOTANA/


   UMBELLATA X                         1971

                                                           /Mayr/Liu                                                                  WCC

                                                           A. firma  x  A. homolepis

                                                           A. umbilicata Mayr 1894

Abies umbellata x (Mayr 1890) Liu 1971


             f. FUJISHANENSIS           Hayashi 1969

             var. IIDAENSIS                  Kusaka 1952

                                                           A. firma var. iidaensis Kusaka


   UMBILICATA                                Mayr 1894

                                                           /A. UMBELLATA/


   TACANENSIS                             1940                           MEX

                                                           Lundell                                                                      Kr

                                                           A. guatemalensis var. tacanensis Martinez 1963

                                                           Abies tacanensis Lundell 1940


   TAXIFOLIA                                    Desfontaine 1809

                                                           /A. ALBA/

   TSCHONOSKIANA                                   Regel 1865

                                                           /A. HOMOLEPIS/

   TSUGATSKOI                                La. ex Gord.

                                                           /A. CILICICA/


   VASCONCELLOSIANA  X       1945                           POR

                                                           Franco                                                                       Kr

                                                           A. pidrow  x  A. pinsapo

Abies vasconcellosiana x Hibrid jegenyefenyő


            Amaral Franco                     Meyer 1961

                                                           in Pena Park, Sintra POR


   VEITCHII                                     1861                           C-, S-JPN

                                                           Lindl.                                                                         Kr

Abies veitchii Lindl. 1861 - Kéktobozú Veitch jegenyefenyő - Veitch fir

                                                           A. eichleri Lanche 1882

                                                           A. japonica Parsons ex Sarg. 1893

                                                           A. veitchii var. reflexa Koidz. 1916

             f. OLIVACEAE                  /Shiras./Binovskis 1974

                                                           A. veitchii var. olivaceae Shiras. 1913

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Olivaceae’ 

             var. KOMAGATAGENSIS

                                                           Hayashi 1952

             var. SIKOKIANA               /Nakai/Kusaka 1954

                                                           A. koreana f. sikokiana Nakai ex Vig. & Gaussen 1929

                                                           A. sikokiana Nakai 1928

                                                           A. sikokiana /Nakai/Kusaka 1954

             var. NIKKOENSIS             Mayr 1890

            Afterleiter                             Hort.

            Aurea                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA


            Breit                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Backhus Nurs. GER

            Delekta WN                          2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wiesław Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Delekta WN’  Wiesław Wnuk photo

            Den Langhen                                    Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Drevenack                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Wüstemeyer GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Drevenack’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Dwarf WB Sdl.                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Ein                                         Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Ein’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Ein’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Fritsche                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Vítek Fritsche CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Fritsche’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Fritsche’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Geelvaal                                                        Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Gelbbunt                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

            Glauca                                   1968 Esveld Nurs. HOL

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Glauca’

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Glauca’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Glauca’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Glauca on B                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Golden                                                           Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Grama                                   Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Haltern                                   2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1992 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in GER, 60x70 cm.

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in Deutschland, 60x70 cm.

Dieser Hexenbesen ist von Günther Eschrich gefunden worden. Die sehr schöne blaue Benadelung und die auffallend weiße Unterseite macht die Pflanze sehr eindrucksvoll. Sie wächst flach und macht einen jährlichen Zuwachs von 3-4 cm. Zu Jeddeloh text.

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Haltern’

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Haltern’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Haltern’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Haltern’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Haltern’ 

                                                                                   Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Haltern’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Heddergott                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                           1986 K. Wüstemeyer Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Hedergott’

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Hedergott WB’

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heddergott’ photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heddergott’ photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heddergott’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heddergott’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heddergott’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Heddergott’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heddergott’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Hedergott’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Hedersott                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA

                                                           /Heddergott/ ?

            Hedi                                                               2004 Hedis Hage Oslo NOR

            Heine                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                           1991 K. Wüstemeyer Nurs., GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Heine’

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heine’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heine’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heine’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Heine’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heine’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heine’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Heine’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Hexenbesen                           /Heddergott/

            Horstmann                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Horstmann’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Horstmann’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Horstmann’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Horstmann’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Ko-2001 WB                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘KO 2001’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘KO 2001’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Ko 2001’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Kohout Seedling                   Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Kohout’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Kramer                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Kramer’

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Kramer’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Kramer’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Maruschka                            Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Minima                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1991 GER

                                                           Backhus Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Minima’        

                                                                                  1991 zu Jeddeloh Nurs. GER

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Minima’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Minima’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Octandra                               Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Olivaceae Seed(ling)             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Otevenack                             Abies veitchii ‘Otevenack’

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Otevenack’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Pendula                                 zu Jeddeloh 1991

                                                           1965 zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Pendula’

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Pendula’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Pendula                                 Hachmann

                                                           Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER

            Rako                                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2005 Miloslav Kalaš CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Rako’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Rako’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Rako’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Rako’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Rako’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Rako’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Rumburch                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nursery Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Rumburg spelling?               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Rumburk                               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1967 Fritsche CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Rumburk’

                                                                                   2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění

                                                                                  2001 Hachmann Nursery, Barmstedt GER

                                                           This 3 last entrys are probably the same.

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Rumburk’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Rumburk’  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Rumburk’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Rumburk’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Rumburk’ photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Rumburk’ photo

            Schneverdingen                    Abies veitchii ’Schneverdingen’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Secrest                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Secrest’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Van Dedem’s Dwarf                                               Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies veitchii ‘Van Dedem’s Dwarf’

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Van Dedem’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Viridis                                               Kusaka

                                                           A. veitchii var. sikokiana f. --. Kusaka 1952

            Vizovice                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2003 Rádl CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Vizovice’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Abies veitchii ’Vizovice’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            WB                                        Abies veitchii ‘WB’

            WBK                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Bethlehem Nursery, Bethlehem, CT USA

            Westermann                         Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            HB. Wüstemeyer                                          Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL


   VEJARI                                         1942                           MEX

                                                           Martinez                                                                    Kr

Abies vejari Martinez 1942 - Monterrey v. vejar jegenyefenyő - Monterrey fir

                                                           Abies vejari photo

                                                           Abies vejari photo

             var. MACROCARPA        Martinez 1948 

             var. MEXICANA               /Martinez/Liu 1975

                                                           A. mexicana Martinez 1942


            Mountain Blue                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A wonderful upright conifer with short blue needles. A vigorous tree that shapes up like a perfect christmas tree. From high elevations in the mountains of Mexico. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. Discovered and introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Abies vejari ’Mountain Blue’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies vejari ’Mountain Blue’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Abies vejari ’Mountain Blue’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           Abies vejari ’Mountain Blue’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           Abies vejari ’Mountain Blue’  Talon Buchholz photo

            Serpent                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1975 F. J. Crowe CA USA


   VENUSTA                                      /Dougl./K. Koch 1872

                                                           /A. BRACTEATA/


   VILMORINII  X                          1868                           FRA

                                                           Mast.                                                                         Kr

                                                           A. cephalonica  x  A. pinsapo

Abies vilmorinii x Hibrid jegenyefenyő - Vilmorin fir

            Pendula                                                         Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Abies vilmorinii (x)’Pendula’ (A. pinsapo x A.cephalonica)

            Rosemoor Form                   Hort.

                                                           2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers


   VULGARIS                                     Poir. 1804

                                                           /A. ALBA/

   WEBBIANA                                                Lindl.1833

                                                           /A. SPACTABILIS/


   ZAPOTEKENSIS                        1995                           MEX OA

                                                           Debreczy, Rácz & Ramírez                                       PH

Abies zapotekensis Debreczy, Rácz & Ramírez 1995 - Zapoték jegenyfenyő - Zapotec fir


                                                           Discovered on June 30, 1994 in the area of Sierra de

                                                           Juárez, near Portillo Oaxaca State MEX,

                                                           at an altitude of 2700 m.

                                                           1994. június 30-án fedezték fel 2700 méteres tengerszint feletti

                                                           magasságban a Sierra de Juárez környékén Portillo-hoz közel

                                                           Oaxaca államban, MEX.


   ZIYUANENSIS                            1980                           CHN YU SW-HU

                                                           L. K. Fu & S. L. Mo                                                 SS KeI

Abies ziyuanensis L. K. Fu & S. L. Mo 1980 - Ziyuani jegenyefenyő - Ziyuan fir


   YUANA                                         1948                           CHN YU

                                                           Bord.-Rey & Gaussen                                               Kr

Abies yuana Bord.-Rey & Gaussen 1948 - Jünnani jegenyefenyő - Yunnan fir


   YUANPAOSHANENSIS            1980                           CHN

                                                           Y. T. Lu & L. K. Fu                                                  SS KeI

Abies yuanbaoshanensis Y. T. Lu & L. K. Fu 1980 - Yuanbaohegyi jegenyefenyő - Yuanbao Hill fir


CT 4.0 2012 - 1552 cultivar records, 665 ot them with photo

CT 5.0 2013 – 1677 cultivar records, 790 of them with photo



ACMOPYLE                               Pilg. 1903                                           PODOCARPACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery

Acmopyle – Akmopile - Acmopyle

Acmopyle Pilger 1926 – Podocarpaceae – Kőtiszafafélék – Stone Yews


   ALBA                                            1949                           NCA

                                                           Buchholz                                                                   Kr

                                                           A. pancheri /Brongn.& Griseb./Pilg.


   PANCHERI                                  1903                           NCA

                                                           /Brongn. & Griseb./ Pilg.                                           Kr

Acmopyle pancheri – Ezüstös akmopile - Silver acmopyle


   SAHNIANA                                  1947                           FIJ

                                                           Buchholz & Gray                                                      Kr

Acmophyle sahniana – Fidzsi akmopile – Fiji acmopyle




ACTINOSTROBUS                 Miguel & Lehmann 1845                   CUPRESSACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery

Actinostrobus - Kenguruboróka - Kangaroo Juniper

Actinostrobus Miquel 1845 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses




   ACUMINATUS                            1862                           W-AUS

                                                           Parl.                                                                           Kr

Actinostrobus acuminatus Parl 1862 - Kenguruboróka - Kangaroo juniper


   ARENARIUS                               1964                           W-AUS

                                                           C. Gardn.                                                                  Kr

Actinostrobus arenarius C. Gardn. 1964 – Gyöngy kenguruboróka – Pearl kangaroo juniper

                                                           A. pyramidalis var. arenarius /Gardn./ Silba 1984


   PYRAMIDALIS                           1845                           W-AUS

                                                           Mig. & Lehm.                                                            Kr

Actinostrobus pyramidalis Miq. & Lehm. 1845 – Oszlopos kenguruboróka – Columnar kangaroo juniper

             var. ARENARIUS              /C. Gardn./ Silba 1984

                                                           A. arenarius C. Gardn.

            Glauca                                   1972 NZL



AGATHIS                                     Salisb. 1807                                       ARAUCARIACEAE


                                                           Dammara (Rumph.) Lambert 1822

                                                           Salisburyodendron A. V. Bobrov et Melikyan 2006              GD

Agathis - Kaurifenyő - Kauripine

Agathis Salisb. 1807 - Araucariaceae – Délfenyőfélék – South Pines


Agathis rendszertan - Agathis Taxonomy


   ALBA                                              /Bl./Foxworthy 1909

                                                           /A. DAMMARA/


   ATROPURPUREA                     1878                           AUS

                                                           B. Hyland                                                                  DG

Agathis atropurpurea B. Hyland 1878 - Bíbor kaurifenyő – Purple Kauri pine


   AUSTRALIS                                1840                           NZL

                                                           /D. Don/Salisb.                                                          Kr DG

Agathis australis (D. Don) Salisbury 1840 - Ausztrál kaurifenyő – Australian Kauri

                                                           Dammara australis Lamb. 1824


   BECCARI                                       Warb. 1900

                                                           /A. BORNEENSIS/

   BECKINGII                                    Meier Drees 1940

                                                           /A. DAMMARA/


   BORNEENSIS                              1900                           BOR MAL SUM

                                                           Warb.                                                                         DG GD

Agathis borneensis Warb. 1900 – Bindang kauri – Bindang Kauri

                                                           A. beccari Warb. 1900

                                                           A. endertii Meijer Drees 1940

                                                           A. latifolia Meier Drees 1940

                                                           A. macrostachys Warb. 1900

                                                           A. rhomboidalis Warb.


   BROWNII                                     1933                           NCA

                                                           /Lemaire/Bailey                                                         KeI

Agathis brownii (Lemaire) Bailey 1933 - Újkaledóniai kaurifenyő – New Caledonian Kauri


   CELEBICA                                     /Koorders/Warb. 1900 

                                                           /A. DAMMARA/


   CORBASSONII                            1969                           NCA

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                   KeI GD

Agathis corbassonii de Labenfels 1969 - Corbasson kaurifenyő – Corbasson Kauri


   CRASSIFOLIA                               Knight & Perry 1850 

                                                           /A. DAMMARA/


   DAMMARA                                 1826                           MAL PNA

                                                           /Lamb./A. C. Rich.                                                    Kr DG

Agathis dammara (Lamb.) A. C. Rich. 1826 - Dammara kaurifenyő – Dammara Kauri

                                                           A. alba /Bl./Foxworthy 1909

                                                           A. beckingii Meier Drees 1940

                                                           A. celebica /Koorders/Warb. 1900

                                                           A. crassifolia Knight & Perry 1850

                                                           A. hamii Meyer Drees 1940

                                                           A. loranthifolia Salisb. 1807

                                                           A. orienthalis /D. Don/Hook. 1824

                                                           A. philippinensis /Warb./Whitmore 1980

                                                           A. regia Warb. 1900

                                                           A. rumphii Presl. 1851

                                                           Dammara alba Hasskarl 1842

                                                           Synonymy (Farjon 1998):                                         GD

                                                           Pinus dammara Lambert 1803

                                                           Agathis loranthifolia Salisbury 1807

                                                           Abies dammara (Lambert) Poir. 1817

                                                           Dammara loranthifolia (Salisb.) Link 1822

                                                           Dammara orientalis Lambert 1824

                                                           Abies sumatrana Desf. 1829

                                                           Dammara alba Rumphius 1842

                                                           Dammara rumphii Presl 1851

                                                           Dammara orientalis Lambert var. palens Carrière 1855

                                                           Dammara orientalis Lambert var. alba Knight 1865

                                                           Dammara alba var. celebica Hassk. 1866

                                                           Dammara celebica Koord. 1898

                                                           Agathis beccarii Warburg 1900

                                                           Agathis celebica Warburg 1900

                                                           Agathis macrostachys Warburg 1900

                                                           Agathis philippinensis Warburg 1900

                                                           Agathis regia Warburg 1900

                                                           Agathis rhomboidalis Warburg 1900

                                                           Agathis alba Jeffrey 1906, nom. inval.

                                                           Agathis beckingii Meijer Drees 1940

                                                           Agathis hamii Meijer Drees 1940

                                                           Agathis latifolia Meijer Drees 1940


   ENDERTII                                               1940                           BOR

                                                           /Meyer Drees/Whitmore 1980 ex                              GD

                                                           de Laubf. 1979 & Silba 1984

Agathis endertii (Meier Drees 1940) Whitmore 1980 ex de Laubf. 1979 & Silba 1984 - Endert kaurifenyő – Endert Kauri


   HAMII                                             Meyer Drees 1940

                                                           /A. DAMMARA/

   HYPOLEUCA                                /Henk. & Hochst./Warb.

                                                           /A. OVATA/


   FLAVESCENS                             1914                           MAL

                                                           /Ridley/Silba 1984                                                     KeI Kr

Agathis flavescens (Ridley 1914) Silba 1984 - Maléziai kaurifenyő – Malesian Kauri

                                                           A. dammara ssp.--./Ridley/Whitmore1980


   KINABULUENSIS                      1979

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                   KeI

Agathis kinabaluensis de Laubenfels 1979 - Kinabalu kaurifenyő – Kinabalu Kauri


   LABILLARDIERI                                   1900                           NGU

                                                           Warb.                                                                         Kr

Agathis labillardieri Warb. 1900 - Nyugat-újgíneai kauri – Western New Guinean Kauri


   LANCEOLATA                           1900                           NCA

                                                           /Pancher/Warb.                                                          GD

Agathis lanceolata (Pancher) Warb. 1900 - Széleslevelű kaurifenyő – Broadleaf Kauri

                                                           A. moorei /Lindl./Mast 1892


   LATIFOLIA                                    Meyer Drees 1940

                                                           /A. BORNEENSIS/


   LENTICULA                               1979                                                                          GD

                                                           /de Laubf. 1979/Whitmore 1980

Agathis lenticula (de Laubenfels 1979) Whitmore 1980 - Tengilan kaurifenyő – Tengilan Kauri


   LONGIFOLIA                                Mast. 1892

                                                           /A. MACROPHYLLA/

   LORANTHIFOLIA                         Salisb. 1807

                                                           /A. DAMMARA/


   MACROPHYLLA                                   1892                           PNA NHE SOL

                                                           /Lindl./Mast.                                                              Kr DG

Agathis macrophylla (Lindl.) Mast. 1892 - Melanéz kauri – Melanesian Kauri

                                                           A. longifolia Warb. 1900

                                                           A. obtusa Mast. 1892 non Morrison

                                                           A. vitiensis Bentham & Hook. 1880


   MACROSTACHYS                          Warb. 1900 

                                                           /A. BORNEENSIS/


   MICROSTACHYA                      1916                           AUS QU

                                                           Bailey & White                                                         Kr DG GD

Agathis microstachya Bailey & White 1916 - Bikakauri - Bull or Atherton kauri


   MOOREI                                       1892                           NCA

                                                           /Lindl./Mast.                                                              Kr DG

Agathis moorei (Lindl.) Mast. 1892 - Moore kaurifenyő – Moore Kauri

                                                           Dammara moorei Lindl. 1854

                                                           Dammara lanceolata Vieill. 1862


   MONTANA                                  1969                          

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                   KeI

Agathis montana de Laubenfels 1969 - Hegyi kaurifenyő – Mountain Kauri


   OBTUSA                                         Mast. 1892                                                                 Kr

                                                           /A. MACROPHYLLA/


   ORBICULA                                  1979                          

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                   KeI

Agathis orbicula de Laubenfels 1979 - Borneói kaurifenyő – Borneo Kauri


   ORIENTALIS                                  /D. Don/Hook. 1824

                                                           /A. DAMMARA/


   OVATA                                         1900                           S-NCA

                                                           /Vieillard/Warb.                                                         Kr DG GD

Agathis ovata (Vieillard) Warb. 1900 – Hegyi kaurifenyő – Mountain Scrab Kauri

                                                           A. hypoleuca /Henk. & Hochst./Warb.


   PALMERSTONII                        1891                           AUS QU

                                                           Muell.                                                                        Kr

Agathis palmerstonii Muell. 1891 - Palmerston kaurifenyő – Palmerston Kauri


   PHILIPPINENSIS                          /Warb./Whitmore 1980

                                                           /A. DAMMARA/

Agathis philippinensis Warb. 1900 – Indonéz kauri – Indonesian Kauri


   REGIA                                            Warb. 1900

                                                           /A. DAMMARA/

   RHOMBOIDALES                         Warb.

                                                           /A. BORNEENSIS/

   RHOMBOIDALIS                          Warb. 1900                             MAL N-SUM

                                                           /A. BORNEENSIS/                                                  Kr


   ROBUSTA                                    1883                           AUS QU 

                                                           /Moore ex F. Muell./Bailey                                       Kr DG

Agathis robusta (Moore ex F. Muell) Bailey 1883 - Queenslandi kaurifenyő – Queensland Kauri

                                                           Agathis robusta  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Agathis robusta  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Agathis robusta  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           A. palmerstonii /Muell./Bailey 1891

             ssp. NESOPHILA               Whitmore 1980

             ssp. ROBUSTA                   /Muell./Bailey 1883


   RUMPII                                          Presl. 1851

                                                           /A. DAMMARA/


   SILBAE                                         1987                           VAN

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                   KeI

Agathis silbae de Laubenfels 1987 - Silba kaurifenyő – Silba Kauri


   SPATHULATA                            1984                          

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                   KeI

Agathis spathulata de Laubenfels 1988 – Kelet-újgíneai kauri – Eastern New Guinean Kauri

                                                           A. robusta ssp. nesophila Whitm. 1980


   SPINULOSA                                 1900                          

                                                           Warb.                                                                         KeI


   VITIENSIS                                               1880                           FIJ

                                                           /Seem/Drake                                                              Kr

Agathis vitiensis (Seem) Drake 1880 - Fidzsi kaurifenyő – Fiji Kauri


   VITIENSIS                                      Bentham & Hook. f. 1880 non /Seem/Drake

                                                           /A. MACROPHYLLA/





AMENTOTAXUS                     Pilger 1916                                         TAXACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery

Amentotaxus – Fürtöstiszafa – Cluster yew

Amentotaxus Pilger - Taxaceae – Tiszafafélék – Yews


   ARGOTAENIA                            1916                           CHN KW 

                                                           /Hance/Pilg.                                                               Kr SS

Amentotaxus argotaenia (Hance) Pilg. 1916 - Kínai kislevelű fürtöstiszafa - Chinese small leaved cluster yew

Amentotaxus argotaenia  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Podocarpus argotaenia Hance 1883

                                                           A . cathayensis Li 1952

             var. BREVIFOLIA             Lan & Zhuang 1984


   ASSAMICA                                  1984                           ASS 

                                                           Ferg.                                                                          DG

Amentotaxus assamica Ferg. 1984 - Asszámi fürtöstiszafa - Assam cluster yew


   CATHAYENSIS                           1952                           CHN HU 

                                                           Li                                                                               Kr

Amentotaxus cathayensis Li 1952 – Hupehi fürtöstiszafa – Hupeh cluster yew

                                                           A. argotaenia /Hance/Pilg.


   FORMOSANA                             1952                           CHN TWN

                                                           Li                                                                               Kr SS

Amentotaxus formosana Li 1952 - Tajvani fürtöstiszafa - Formosan cluster yew


   YUNNANENSIS                          1952                           CHN YU 

                                                           Li                                                                               Kr SS

Amentotaxus yunnanensis Li 1952 - Nagylevelű v. jünnani fürtöstiszafa - Yunnan cluster yew

                                                           A. formosana Li 1952

             var. ASSAMICA                 /Ferg./Silba                                                    ASS    DG

             var. FORMOSANA                        /Li/Silba                                                         TWN   DG




ARAUCARIA                             Jussieu 1789                                       ARAUCARIACEAE



                                                           Képek - Gallery


Araucaria – Délfenyő – Southpine

Araucaria Jussieu 1789 - Araucariaceae – Délfenyőfélék - Southpines

Délfenyők - Southpines


Araucaria x..... ..Kruising (ismeretlen eredetű hibridváltozat)


   ANGUSTIFOLIA                        1893                           S-BRA ARG

                                                           /Bertolini/Kuntze                                                       Kr

Araucaria angustifolia (Bertolini) Kuntze 1893 - Parana délfenyő – Parana southpine

                                                           Araucaria angustifolia  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria angustifolia  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria angustifolia  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria angustifolia  Stephen Grubb photo

                                                           A. brasiliana Rich. 1842

                                                           A. chilensis /Lamarck/Mirb. 1825

                                                           A. lindleyana Hort.

             var. ELEGANS                     /A. ANGUSTIFOLIA Elegans/

            Elegans                                  Lawson 1852

                                                           A. angustifolia var. elegans /Laws./Bailey 1933

                                                           A. brasiliensis var. elegans Laws.

                                                           A. brasiliana var. gracilis Carr.

            Ridolfiana                             Gord. 1858

                                                           A. ribbiana Hort.

            Saviana                                  Parl. 1868

                                                           A. angustifolia var. saviana /Parl./ Dall. & Jacks.

                                                           A. brasiliensis var. saviana /Parl./Parl.

                                                           A. saviniana Parl. 1861


   ANITENSE                                               1845                           NHE



   ARAUCANA                                1873                           CHI SW-ARG

                                                           /Molina/K. Koch                                                       Kr

Araucaria araucana (Molina) K. Koch 1873 - Csílei délfenyő – Chilean southpine

                                                           Araucaria araucana  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Araucaria araucana photo

                                                           Araucaria araucana photo

                                                           Araucaria araucana photo

                                                           Araucaria araucana photo

                                                           Araucaria araucana photo

                                                           A. imbricata Pavon 1979

                                                           A. dombeyi A. Rich. 1812

            Andenzwerg                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           H. Neulen GER of seed, collected in the Andes CHI

            Angustifolia                          Dall. & Jacks.

                                                           A. araucana var. angustifolia Dall. & Jacks. 1948

            Aurea                                    Dall. & Jacks. 1923

                                                           1855 Taylor, Castle Kennedy GBR

                                                                                   W. Barron & Sons, Barrowash GBR

            Aurea Variegata                   Carr. 1867

            Aureovariegata                     Barron 1875

                                                           1855 Fowler GBR

            Auslese                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann 1983

                                                           G. Horstmann GER of S-W-ARG seed

Araucaria araucana ’Conguillio’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

            Densa                                     Carr. 1867

            Denudata                              Carr. 1867

                                                           Leroy Nurs. Angers FRA

                                                           /Virgata/ 1927

            Distans                                   Carr. 1867

            Kurt Sachs                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979                                GER

            Platyfolia                               Nicholson 1901

                                                           A. Leroy Nurs., Angers FRA

            Striata                                               Carr. 1867

                                                           1858 A. Leroy Nurs., Angers FRA


            Tenue                                    Lawson 1871

            Variegata                              Gord. 1858

                                                           1858 Glendinning's Nurs. GBR

            Variegata                              Hort. ex Carr. 1867

                                                           Araucaria araucana ‘Variegata’ - Foltos csílei délfenyő


            Virgata                                  Schwerin 1927



   BALANSAE                                 1868                           NCA

                                                           Brongn. & Griseb.                                                     Kr

Araucaria balansae Brongn. & Griseb. 1868 (A. subulata) - Keskenylevelű délfenyő – Narrow-leaved southpine

                                                           A. subulata Vieillard 1861


   BECCARI                                     1900                           NGU

                                                           Warb.                                                                         Kr

                                                           A. cunninghamii var. papuana Leuterbach 1913


   BERNIERI                                               1949                           NCA

                                                           Buchholz                                                                   Kr

Araucaria bernieri Buchholz 1949 - Bernier délfenyő – Bernier southpine


   BIDWILLII                                              1843                           AUS QU

                                                           Hook.                                                                        Kr SS

Araucaria bidwillii Hook. 1843 - Bunya bunya délfenyő – Bunya bunya southpine

                                                           Araucaria bidwillii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           A. bidwilliana Hort. ex Vilmorin 1895


   BIRAMULATA                           1949                           NCA

                                                           Buchholz                                                                   Kr

Araucaria biramulata Buchholz 1949 - Biramula délfenyő – Biramule southpine


   BRASILIANA                                  Rich. 1842

                                                           /A. ANGUSTIFOLIA/

   CHILENSIS                                    /Lam./Mirb. 1825

                                                           /A. ANGUSTIFOLIA/


   COLUMNARIS                            1952                           NCA PNA

                                                           /Forster/Hook.                                                                       Kr

Araucaria columnaris (Forster) Hook. 1952 – Karcsú v. korall délfenyő – Narrow southpine

                                                           Araucaria columnaris  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria columnaris  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria columnaris  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           A. cookii R. Br. ex Endl. 1841

                                                           A. intermedia R. Br. ex Vieillard 1861


   COOKII                                          R. Br. ex Endl. 1841

                                                           /A. COLUMNARIS/


   CUNNINGHAMII                                    1827                           AUS NGU

                                                           Sweet.                                                                       Kr

Araucaria cunninghamii Sweet 1827 - Moreton öböli délfenyő – Hoop southpine

                                                           Araucaria cunninghamii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria cunninghamii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria cunninghamii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria cunninghamii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

             var. PAPUANA                  Lauterbach 1913

                                                           A. beccari Warb. 1900

            Glauca                                   /Antoine/Endl. 1847

                                                           Araucaria cunninghamii var. glauca

                                                           1840 Loddiges Nurs. GBR of seed from Moreton Bay

                                                           A. cunninghamii var. glauca /Antoine/Endl. 1847

                                                           A. glauca Lodd. ex Aut. 1840

            Longifolia                              Antoine 1840

            Pendula                                 Carr. 1867                                          FRA

            Taxifolia                                Carr. 1867                                          FRA


   DIOICA                                         1944                           BRA ARG


                                                           A. angustifolia /Bert./Kuntze 1893


   DOMBEYI                                      A. Rich 1812

                                                           /A. ARAUCANA/


   ELEGANS                                      1895                           NCA


                                                           A. angustifolia var. elegans Lawson


   EXCELSA                                       /Lamb./R. Br. 1813

                                                           /A. HETEROPHYLLA/


   GOLDIEANA                                 Moore 1877

                                                           /A. RULEI/


   HETEROPHYLLA                      1952                           NORF

                                                           /Salisb./Franco                                                           Kr

Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco 1952 - Szobafenyő, Norfolk-szigeti délfenyő – Norfolk southpine

                                                           Araucaria heterophylla  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria heterophylla  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           A. excelsa /Lamb./R. Br. 1813

            Albospica                              den Ouden 1965

                                                           A. excelsior variegata alba Carr. 1867

                                                           A. excelsior Silver Star Bail. & Raff. 1914

            Aurea Variegata                   Carr.1867

                                                           /Variegata/ Gord. 1875

            Compacta                              Baur 1891

            Glauca                                   Carr. 1855                                          FRA

                                                           /Joseph Napoleon Baumann/ Madelaine 1873

                                                           Araucaria heterophylla ’Glauca’

            Gracilis                                  Dall. & Jacks. 1923

                                                           A. excelsa var. gracilis Dall. & Jacks. 1923

            Leopoldii                               Dall. & Jacks. 1923

                                                           A. excelsa var. leopoldii Dall. & Jacks. 1923

            Monia                                    Monrovia

                                                                                  2004 Monrovia Nurs., Azusa CA USA

            Monstrosa                             Carr. 1867                                          FRA

            Mülleri                                   Dall. & Jacks. 1923                            GBR

            Pendula                                 1972 USA

            Robusta                                 Veitch 1881                                       GBR

                                                           A. goldieana Hort

                                                           A. sanderiana Hort.

            Speciosissima                        Carr. 1874

                                                           1847 Rougier FRA

            Variegata                              Gord. 1875                 /Aurea Variegata/

            Variegata Alba                     Carr. 1867                  /Albospica/

            Virgata                                  Schwerin

                                                           1906 in Palermo ITA

            Viridis Glauca                      1972 de Belten Pinetum HOL

            Wartellii Astrid                     1972 de Belten Pinetum HOL


   HUMBOLDTENSIS                    1949                           NCA

                                                           Buchholz                                                                   Kr

Araucaria humboldtensis Buchholz 1949 - Humboldt délfenyő – Humboldt southpine


   HUNSTEINII                                1899                           NE-NGU

                                                           Schum. & Hollr.                                                        DG

Araucaria hunsteinii Schum. & Hollr. 1899 - Klinki délfenyő – Klinki southpine

                                                           Araucaria hunsteinii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria hunsteinii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria hunsteinii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Araucaria hunsteinii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           A. schumanniana Warb.


   IMBRICATA                                   Pavon 1979

                                                           /A. ARAUCANA/


   INTERMEDIA                                R. Br. ex Vieill. 1861

                                                           /A. COLUMNARIS/


   KLINKII                                       1913                           NE-NGU

                                                           Lauterbach ex Engler                                                Kr

                                                           A. hunsteinii Schum. & Hollr. 1899

                                                           A. schumanniana Warb. 1900


   LAUBENFELSII                         1968                           NCA

                                                           Corbasson                                                                  KeI

Araucaria laubenfelsii Corbasson 1968 - De Laubenfels délfenyő – De Laubenfels southpine


   LINDLEYANA                                Hort.

                                                           /A. ANGUSTIFOLIA/


   LUXURIANS                               1970                           NCA

                                                           /Brongn. & Griseb./de Laubf. ex Gaussen                Kr

Araucaria luxurians (Brongn. & Griseb.) de Laubenfels ex Gaussen 1970 - Tengerparti délfenyő – Coast southpine

                                                           A. cookii var. luxurians Brongn. & Griseb.


   MONTANA                                   1871                           NCA

                                                           Brongn. & Griseb.                                                     Kr

Araucaria montana Brongn. & Griseb. 1871 - Újkaledóniai hegyi délfenyő – Mountain southpine


   MUELLERI                                  1871                           NCA

                                                           /Carr./Brongn. & Griseb.                                           Kr

Araucaria muelleri (Carr.) Brongn. & Griseb. 1871 - Müller délfenyő - Müller southpine


   NEMOROSA                                1969                           NCA

                                                           de Laubf.

Araucaria nemorosa de Laubenfels 1969 - Újkaledóniai fövenydélfenyő – Port Boise southpine


   NIEPRATSCHKII                           Baumann ex Pynaert 1905

                                                           /A. RULEI/


   RULEI                                           1861                           NCA

                                                           Muell. ex Lindl.                                                         Kr

Araucaria rulei Muell. ex Lindl 1861 - Pókháló délfenyő – Spider southpine

                                                           A. goldieana Moore 1877

                                                           A. van-gaertii Hort. ex Dall. 1923

                                                           A. niepratschkii Baumann ex Pynaert 1905

            Elegans                                  Nichols. 1884                                     GBR

                                                           Araucaria rulei ‘Elegans’

            Goldieana                              /Moore/Mast. 1892                            GBR

            Intermedia                            Dall. & Jacks. 1923

                                                           A. rulei var. intermedia Dall. & Jacks. 1923

            Polymorpha                          /Carr. 1866/Bailey 1900                     FRA


   SCHMIDII                                    1969                           NCA

                                                           de Laubf.

Araucaria schmidii de Laubenfels 1986 – Schmid délfenyő – Schmid southpine


   SCHUMANNIANA                         Warb.  1900                NGU

                                                           /A. HUNSTEINI/


   SCOPULORUM                           1969                           NCA

                                                           de Laubf.

Araucaria scopulorum de Laubenfels 1969 - Újkaledóniai szikladélfenyő – Rock southpine


   SUBULATA                                    Vieillard 1861

                                                           /A. BALANSAE/


   VAN-GAERTII                                Hort. ex. Dall. 1923

                                                           /A. RULEI/



ATHROTAXIS                          D. Don 1839                                      TAXODIACEAE


Athrotaxis – Taszmánfenyő – Tasmanian cypresspine

Athrotaxis D. Don 1841 - Taxodiaceae – Óriásfenyőfélék - Giant Cypresses


   CUPRESSOIDES                         1839                           W-TAS

                                                           D. Don                                                                                  Kr

Athrotaxis cupressoides D. Don 1839 - Ciprusképű Taszmánfenyő - Cypress-like Tasman pine

                                                           Athrotaxis cupressoides  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Athrotaxis cupressoides  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           A. imbricata Carr. 1867

                                                           Cunninghamia cupressoides Zucc.


   DONIANA                                    1865                           TAS

                                                           Henk. & Hochst.                                                      


   LAXIFOLIA  X                            1843                           W-TAS

                                                           Hook.                                                                        Kr

Athrotaxis x laxifolia Hook. 1843 - Lazaágú Taszmánfenyő - Intermediate Tasman pine

                                                           Athrotaxis laxifolia  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Athrotaxis laxifolia  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           A. doniana Henk. & Hochst. 1865

                                                           A. cupressoides  x  A.selaginoides


   SELAGINOIDES                         1839                           W-TAS

                                                           D. Don                                                                                  Kr

Athrotaxis selaginoides D. Don 1839 - Óriás v. borókaképű Taszmánfenyő - Giant or juniper-like Tasman pine

                                                           A. alpina Hort.



AUSTROCEDRUS                   Florin & Boutelje 1954                      CUPRESSACEAE

Austrocedrus – Délciprus – Southcypress

Austrocedrus (D. Don) Florin & Boutelje 1954 – Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


   CHILENSIS                                  1847                           CHI

                                                           /D. Don/Florin & Boutelje                                        Kr DG

Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Florin & Boutelje 1847 - Csílei délciprus - Chilean southcypress

                                                           Libocedrus chilensis /D. Don/Endl.

                                                           Austrocedrus chilensis  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Austrocedrus chilensis  Edwin Smits photo


             var. VIRIDIS                       Harrison 1966                        FRA

                                                           /Viridis/ Hort. ex Carr. 1867

            Argentea                               Senecl. 1868

                                                           1868 Seneclause Nurs., Bourg-Argental FRA

            ECEH 00027                                                Heronswood Nursery, Kingston, WA USA

            Thornhayes Ghost               Thornhayes Nursery GBR

                                                                                  Gardenweb sources

            Viridis Compacta                 Senecl. 1868

                                                           Seneclause Nurs., Bourg-Argental FRA



AUSTROTAXUS                                  Compton 1922                                   TAXACEAE


Austrotaxus – Kaledóntiszafa – Caledonian yew 

Austrotaxus Compton 1922 – Taxaceae – Tiszafafélék - Yews


   SPICATA                                      1922                           C-, NE-NCA

                                                           Compton                                                                   Kr DG

Austrotaxus spicata Compton 1922 - Kaledóntiszafa - Caledonian yew



CALLITRIS                                 Ventenat 1808                                   CUPRESSACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery


Callitris - Kenguruciprus- - Kangaroocypress 

Callitris Ventenat 1808 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


   ARENOSA                                      A. Cunn. ex Baker & Smith 1919

                                                           /C. COLUMELLARIS/

   AUSTRALIS                                               Sweet

                                                           /C. PREISSII/ 


   BAILEYI                                       1923                           AUS SE-QU NE-NSW

                                                           C. T. White                                                                Kr

Callitris baileyi C. White 1923 – Bailey kenguruciprus – Bailey kangaroocypress


   BALANSAE                                    /Brongn. & Griseb./Schlechter 1906

                                                           /C. SULCATA/

   CALCARATA                                 /A. Cunn. ex Mirb./F. Muell. 1882

                                                           /C. ENDLICHERI/


   CANESCENS                               1959                           W-AUS

                                                           /Parl./Blake                                                                Kr

Callitris canescens (Parl.) S.T. Blake 1959 – Borzas kenguruciprus – Scrubby kangaroocypress

                                                           C. morrisonii Baker 1907

                                                           Frenela canescens Parl. 1868


   COLUMELLARIS                      1866                           AUS

                                                           Muell.                                                                        Kr

Callitris columellaris F. Muell. 1866 – Bribie-szigeti kenguruciprus – Bribie Island kangaroocypress

                                                           C. arenosa A. Cunn. ex Baker & Smith 1919,

                                                           non Frenela arenosa Endl. 1847

                                                           C. glauca R. Br. ex Baker & H . G. Smith

                                                           C. hugelii Knight non Frenela hugelii Carr.

             var. CAMPESTRIS                       Silba 1984

             var. COLUMELLARIS     The type of the species

             var. INTRATROPICA      /Baker/Silba 1984                              AUS

                                                           C. intratropica Baker & H. G. Smith


   CUPRESSIFORMIS                       Muell.

                                                           /C. RHOMBOIDAE/


   DRUMMONDII                           1882                           W-AUS

                                                           /Parl./Benth. & Hook.                                               Kr

Callitris drummondii /Parl./ Benth. & Hook. 1882 – Törpe kenguruciprus – Dwarf kangaroocypress


   ENDLICHERI                              1883                           E-AUS

                                                           /Parl./Bailey                                                               Kr

Callitris endlicheri (Parl.) Bailey 1883 – Fekete kenguruciprus – Black kangaroocypress

                                                           C. calcarata /A. Cunn. ex Mirb./F. Muell. 1882

                                                           Frenela calcarata A. Cunn. ex Mirb.


   GLAUCA                                        R. Br. ex Baker & H. G. Smith

                                                           /C. COLUMELLARIS/


   GLAUCOPHYLLA                     1986                           AUS

                                                           J. Thompson & L. A. S. Johnst.                                DG KeI

Callitris glaucophylla Thompson & Johnson 1986 – Fehér kenguruciprus – White kangaroocypress

                                                           Callitris glaucophylla  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Callitris glaucophylla  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA


   GRACILIS                                      Baker

                                                           /C. PREISSII ssp. PREISSII/

   GUNNII                                          Hook.f.

                                                           /C. OBLONGA/

   HUGELII                                        Knight

                                                           /C. COLUMELLARIS/

   INTRATROPICA                            Baker & H. G. Smith                                                 DG

                                                           /C. COLUMELLARIS var. INTRATROPICA/


   MACLEAYANA                          1860                           AUS NC - QU

                                                           /Muell./Muell.                                                            Kr

Callitris macleayana (F. Muell) F. Muell. 1860 – Szálkáskérgű kenguruciprus - Stringybark kangaroocypress

                                                           C. parlatorei Muell.


   MONTICOLA                              1956                           AUS SE-QU - NE-NSW

                                                           Gard.                                                                         Kr

Callitris monticola J. Garden 1956 – Acélos kenguruciprus – Steelhead kangaroocypress


   MORRISONII                                 Baker 1907

                                                           /C. CANESCENS/


   MUELLERI                                  1882                           AUS NSW

                                                           /Parl./Muell.                                                               Kr

Callitris muelleri (Parl.) F. Muell. 1882 – Újdélwelszi kenguruciprus – New South Wales kangaroocypress


   NEO-CALEDONICA                  1914                           NCA

                                                           Duemmer                                                                   Kr

Callitris neocaledonica Dümmer 1914 – Újkaledóniai kenguruciprus – New Caledonian kangaroocypress

                                                           C. sulcata var. alpina Compton 1922 


   OBLONGA                                               1826                           TAS

                                                           A. & L. C. Rich.

Callitris oblonga A. Rich. & L. C. Rich. 1826 – Taszmán kenguruciprus – Tasman kangaroocypress

Callitris oblonga - Taszmán kenguruciprus - Tasman kangaroocypress

                                                           C. gunnii Hook f.


   PARLATOREI                                Muell.

                                                           /C. MACLEYANA/

   POPINQUA                                               R. Br. ex Endl.

                                                           /C. PREISSII ssp. PREISSII/


   PREISSII                                       1845                           AUS

                                                           Miq. ex Lehman                                                        Kr

Callitris preissii Miq. ex Lehmann 1845 – Murray kenguruciprus – Slender kangaroocypress

                                                           C. australis Sweet

             ssp. MURRAYENSIS        /Gard./Silba 1984                               S-AUS

             ssp. PREISSII                      Miq.                                                   S-AUS

                                                           C. gracilis Baker

                                                           C. robusta /A. Cunn. ex Parl./Bailey

                                                           C. popinqua R. Br. ex Endl.

             ssp. VERRUCOSA             /A. Cunn. ex Endl./Gard.                  S-AUS

                                                           C. verrucosa /A. Cunn. ex Endl./F. J. Muell.


   QUADRIVALVIS                            Vent.              

                                                           /TETRACLINIS ARTICULATA/


   RHOMBOIDEA                                                              AUS NZL

                                                           R. Br. ex A. & L. C. Rich.                                        Kr

Callitris rhomboidea R. Brown ex A. Rich. & Rich. – Parti kenguruciprus – Dune kangaroocypress

                                                           C. cupressiformis Muell.

                                                           C. tasmanica /Benth./Baker & H. G. Smith

            Glauca                                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS



   ROBUSTA                                      /A. Cunn.ex Parl./Bailey

                                                           /C. PREISSII ssp. PREISSII/


   ROBUSTA                                                                       W-AUS

                                                           R. Br. ex Mirb.                                                         


   ROEI                                                                                 W-AUS

                                                           /Endl./Muell.                                                             Kr

Callitris roei (Endlicher) F. Mueller – Nyugat-ausztráliai kenguruciprus – Western Australian kangaroocypress

                                                           C. ventenati R. Br. & Miq.


   SULCATA                                                                       NCA

                                                           /Parl./Schlecht.                                                          Kr

Callitris sulcata /Parl./ Schlecht. 1906 – Comboui kenguruciprus – Comboui kangaroocypress

                                                           C. balansae /Brongn. & Griseb./Schlechter 1906

                                                           C. tuberculata R. Br.

                                                           C. verrucosa R. Br. ex Mirb.

                                                           Frenela balansae Brongn. & Griseb 1869

             var. ALPINA                          Compton 1922

                                                           /C. NEO-CALEDONICA/


   TASMANICA                                  /Benth./Baker & H. G. Smith

                                                           /C. RHOMBOIDAE/

   TUBERCULATA                            R. Br.

                                                           /C. SULCATA/

   VENTENATI                                   R. Br. & Miq.

                                                           /C. ROEI/

   VERRUCOSA                                 /A. Cunn. ex Endl./F. J. Muell.

                                                           /C. PREISSII ssp. VERRUCOSA/



CALOCEDRUS                         Kurz 1873                                          CUPRESSACEAE



Calocedrus – Gyantásciprus – Resinouscypress

Calocedrus Kurz 1843 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


   DECURRENS                              1853                           USA  OR - CA NE

                                                           /Torrey/Florin                                                            Kr

Calocedrus decurrens (Torrey) Florin 1853 - Kaliforniai gyantásciprus – Resinouscypress

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens photo

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens photo

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens photo

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens photo

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           C. californica Kurz. 1873

                                                           Libocedrus craigiana Law 1862

                                                           Libocedrus decurrens Torr.

                                                           Heyderia decurrens /Torr./K. Koch

            Aureovariegata                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1904


                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Aureovariegata’

                                                           /Variegata Aurea/

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Aureovariegata’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Beck                                                              Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Berrima Gold                       1986 AUS

                                                           Claude Crowe in Berrima Bridge Nurs. AUS

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Berrima Gold’

                                                                                   1987 Hillier & Son into GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’Berrima Gold’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Burgholz                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                  2004 Wüstemeyer Baumsch., Schermbeck GER

            Burning Gold                                               1991 Esveld Nurs., into HOL

            Burwanda Gold                   1991 HOL

            Ced                                                                Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Columnaris                           Beissn. 1884


            Compacta                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1891                                      GER

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Compacta’

            Compacta                              Welch 1966

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Compacta’


                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Corner Post                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Dave Helm Washington DC USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Depressa                                Scott ex Gord. 1975

                                                           Scott Nurs. Merriott GBR

            El Dorado                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Fastigiata                               H. G. Hillier 1971                             

            Full Circle                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Dave Helm Washington DC USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Glauca                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                            Beissn. 1884

            Green Pillar                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1991 Böhlje GER

            Greenspire                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   1966 Konijn Nurs.HOL

            Hillier’s Compact                 Calocedrus decurrens ‘Hillier’s Compact’

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’Hillier’s Compact’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Horizontalis                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1909

                                                           1891 Spaeth Nurs. Berlin GER

            Intricata                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           H. G. Hillier 1964

                                                           1938 J. R. Noble CA USA

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Intricata’

                                                                                   A. H. Nisbet GBR


                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’Intricata’

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Maupin Glow                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Greg Rigby in Maupin OR USA

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Maupin Glow’

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer with a full, dense form; at maturity it will form a narrow pillar. Foliage is a rich lemon-green, bronzing somewhat in winter. Discovered in the wild near Maupin, Oregon. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6.  Talon Buchholz text.

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’Maupin Glow’ 

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            MPH Aranyos Citromlé      2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Szekszárd HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           A goldi-lemon sport, grows as usual

                                                           Mesterházy Zsolt 2009 decemberében a szekszárdi temetőben bukkant egy 60-70 éves gyantásciprusra, melynek egyik ága rügymutáció folytán aranyos színű. Az erről készített oltványok kapták az ’Aranyos Citromlé’ nevet.

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’MPH Aranyos Citromlé’ 


                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’MPH Aranyos Citromlé’ 


            MPH Dömös                         2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  2011 Vörös Sándor Nursery HUN

                                                           Bright deep green conical broad giant – 15 meters in 30 years, and 7 meters in diameter. Trunk is 0,6 meters. The motherplant was planted by Kiss Balázs in 1980 of seed. A handsome selection to great gardens or as a „ruler” to smaller ones.

                                                           Hatalmas mélyzöld lombú kúpos fává növő változat. 30 évesen 15 méter magas, 7 méter széles, törzse 60 cm. Kiss Balázs ültette 1980-ban. Nagy parkokba való, vagy kisebb gyűjteményekbe „főnök”-nek.

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’MPH Dömös’ photo

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’MPH Dömös’ photo

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’MPH Dömös’ photo

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’MPH Dömös’ photo

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’MPH Dömös’ photo

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’MPH Dömös’ photo

            Nana                                      Dall. & Jacks. 1923

                                                                                  1891 Westonbirt Arboretum GBR

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Nana’

                                                                                   Ornamental Conifers NZL

                                                           Dwergvorm. Waarschijnlijk het zelfde als 'Compacta'. Kleine

                                                           bolvorm. Bekend sinds 1891. Herkomst het Westonbirt

                                                           Arboretum in Engeland. Hulsdonk text.

            Pilaris                                    /Pillar/

                                                                                   1966 Konijn Nurs.HOL

            Pillar                                      1968 HOL

                                                                                   1972 Renault Nurs., FRA

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Pillar’

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Pillar’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

            Pioneer Sentry                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2003 Brightman in ACS database

                                                           Found in a Portland OR cemetery

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Pygmaea                                1968 HOL

            Riet                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           H. G. Hillier 1971

                                                           1988 J. R. P van Hoey-Smith in Bear Basin USA OR


            Ruby Jayne #1                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’Ruby Jayne #1’  Sławomir Skórka photo

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ’Ruby Jayne #1’ 

                                                                                  Sławomir Skórka photo (USA?)

            Variegata                              1968 L. C. Hatch GBR

            Variegata Aurea                   ITA                 /Aureomarginata/


   FORMOSANA                             1930                           TWN

                                                           /Florin/Florin                                                  Kr SS

Calocedrus formosana (Florin) Florin 1930 - Tajvani gyantásciprus – Formosan resinous cypress

                                                           C. macrolepis var.--./Florin/Cheng & Fu 1978

                                                           Heyderia formosana /Florin/Li

                                                           Libocedrus formosana Florin


   MACROLEPIS                            1873                           CHN S-YU HA BUR

                                                           Kurz.                                                                          Kr SS

Calocedrus macrolepis Kurz 1873 - Kínai gyantásciprus – Chinese resinous cypress

                                                           Heyderia macrolepis /Kurz./ Li 1953

                                                           Libocedrus macrolepis /Kurz./Bentham & Hook. 1880

             var. FORMOSANA                        /Florin/Cheng & L. K. Fu 1978         TWN               SS

                                                           C. formosana Florin




CATHAYA                                              Chun & Kuang 1958              PINACEAE


Cathaya - Ezüstkataja - Silvercathaya 

Cathaya Chun & Kuang 1955 - Pinaceae - Fenyőfélék


   ARGYROPHYLLA                     1958                           CHN KW SE

                                                           Chun & Kuang                                                          Kr SS

Cathaya argyrophylla Chun & Kuang 1958 - Kínai ezüstkataja - Chinese silver cathaya

                                                           Cathaya argyrophylla  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           C. nanchuensis Chun & Kuang 1955

                                                           Tsuga argyrophylla /Chun & Kuang/de Laubf. & Silba 1984




CEDRUS                                       Trew 1757                                          PINACEAE


Cedrus – Cédrus – Cedar

Cedrus Trew 1755 - Pinaceae – Fenyőfélék - Cedar


   ATLANTICA                               1844                           MOR ALG

                                                           /Endl./Manetti ex Carr.                                             Kr

Cedrus atlantica (Endlicher) Manetti ex Carr. 1844 - Atlaszcédrus - Atlas cedar

                                                           Cedrus atlantica photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica photo

                                                           C. africana A. Murray 1867

                                                           C. atlantica /Endl./Carr. 1855

                                                           C. libani africana A. Murray 1867

                                                           C. libani ssp. atlantica /Endl./Battand. & Trabut

                                                           C. libani var. atlantica /Endl./Hooker 1862

                                                           Cedrus atlantica = Cedrus libani ssp. atlantica  (Esveld)

             f. FASTIGIATA                 /Car./Rehd. 1949

             f. GLAUCA                         Beissn.                                               GER

            Albospica                              Senecl. 1868                           FRA


            Argentea                               /Renou/A. Murray 1867         GBR

            Argentea Fastigiata              1961 Hillier GBR

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Argentea Fastigiata’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Arneson’s Dwarf                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

            Atlas                                       2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2009 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of of big plant in a

                                                           garden in Budapest, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Totally regular, conical habit without leaders and very dense

                                                           silverly blue foliage. Long, dense, rigid needles like a Cedrus

                                                           libani, 10 m tall. Without cones.

                                                           Azoknak való, akik nem kedvelik a cédrusok bizarr, a széles oldalvezérek miatt sokszor „rendezetlen”, „kusza” koronaformáit. Ez a fajta sem ágemeleteket, sem észrevehető oldalvezéreket nem nevel, hanem zárt, egyöntetű, rengeteg egyenlő hosszúságú elágazása miatt sűrű, palástszerű lombozatot formál, melynek színe vetekszik a legszebb „Glauca formákkal. Az anyanövény 12 méteres magasságához talajszinten 4-5 méteres korona átmérő társul, szabályos, talpig lombos, ezüstös-kék torony. Lélegzetelállító, mert tűi gyakran vetekszenek a C. libani tűhosszával.

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Atlas’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Atlas’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Atlas’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Atlas’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Atlas’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Atlas’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Atlas’ photo

            Aurea                                    Kent 1900

                                                           Boskoop HOL ?

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Aurea’

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Aurea’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Aurea’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Aurea’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Aurea’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ´Aurea´  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Aurea Pendula                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Aurea Prostrata                   HOL

                                                                                   Esveld Nurs., 1982 into HOL

            Aurea Robusta                     den Ouden 1937

                                                           1932 den Ouden Nurs. HOL

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Aurea Robusta’

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Aurea Robusta’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Aureovariegata                     Senecl. 1868


            Bábaseprü                                                    Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Bergkristal                            Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Blue Cascade                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Twombly Nurs. USA

            Cheltenham                          D. Sampson 1990


                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Cheltenham’

                                                                                   Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

            Cinerea                                  Senecl. 1868

                                                                                   1868 Seneclause Nurs., FRA


            Cinerescens                           1875 W. Barron & Sons GBR

            Coerula                                 Hort.

            Columnaris                           Otin ex Beissn.1889                          FRA


            Compact Gem                      1993 HOL

            Compacta                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Compacta’

            Contorta                                1985

                                                           /Cedrus deodara Raywood’s Contorted/

            Csontvári                              1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1970 Barabits HUN

                                                           Grafted from an old blue-greyish coloured

                                                           specimen with horizontal branchlets in a garden

                                                           of Pinnye W-HUN.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Not propagated.

                                                           Rendkívül ellenálló, vízszintes ágelrendezésű, kékesszürke,

                                                           egyenes törzsű, gyors növekedésű, erdészetileg is jelentős

                                                           változat. 1970-ben a pinnyei idős példányról oltott változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Emerald Weeper                  Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Fastigiata                               Carr. 1890

                                                           1890 Lalande, Nantes FRA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Fastigata’

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Fastigiata’  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL  

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Fastigiata’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Fastigiata’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Fastigiata Glauca                 1972 FRA

                                                                                   Renault Freres Nurs. Gorron FRA

            Fez                                         1985 GBR

                                                           M. Mason, Talbot Manor GBR

            Giant Baby                            2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2009 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of  an old plant in a

                                                           public park in a Budapest suburb, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           15 m tall plant with limited very long straight side leaders,

                                                           a lot of long hanged second-rate buds. Needles vaxed

                                                           deep green, 3-4 cm long, dense on shoots. Little cones, strong

                                                           trunk with a diameter of 0,4 meters.

                                                           Nagyon erőteljes növésű, szélesen kifelé törekvő, ágemeleteket formáló oldalvezérek, hosszú, szinte Cedrus libani küllemű, mélyzöld tűk jellemzik. Az anyanövény négy évtizede Magyarországon él, ezalatt 15 méteres magasságot, talajszinten 40 centis törzsátmérőt produkált.

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Giant Baby’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Giant Baby’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Giant Baby’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Giant Baby’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Giant Baby’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Giant Baby’ photo

            Glauca                                   Carr. 1867                                          FRA

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’

                                                           C. argentea Carr. 1855

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Glauca’ photo

            Glauca Aurea                       2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1992 NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Distinctly different from ‘Aurea’. Not quite as bright a yellow. Does not suffer from ‘sun burn’. Planted in full sun has a yellow dusting over the blue foliage. 3 metres high x 3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Glauca Fastigiata                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1972 USA

                                                           Wells Nurs., Mount Vernon WA USA

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Glauca Horizontalis             Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1977 in Nantes Botanic Garden, Nantes FRA

            Glauca Hoyt                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Glauca Pendula                    Paillet ex Beissn. 1900

                                                           1900 Paillet Nurs., Chatenay FRA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca Pendula’

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Glauca Pendula’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Glauca Pendula’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Glauca Pendula’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Glauca Pendula’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Glauca Pendula’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Glauca Pendula Contorta

                                                           1976 FRA

                                                           /Pendula Contorta/?

            Globus                                   1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1970 Barabits HUN

                                                           Dwarf, globe-like plant,70 cm at age of 24 years.

                                                           Original plants in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN and Ágfalva Nurs., Sopron HUN

                                                           1970-ben szelektált törpe növésű, gömb alakú, ma 70 cm

                                                           átmérőjű növény.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében és az ágfalvai

                                                           kertészetben található.

            Granny Louise                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Barger in ACS database

                                                                                  Bloom River Gardens OR USA

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Granny Louise’

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Granny Louise’

                                                                                  Bloom River Gardens OR USA

            Green Vase                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Barger in ACS database

            Hillier’s HB                           Hillier Nurs. GBR

            Hillsboro                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Wilson in Hillsboro, OR USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Homepark                             A WB from GBR

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Horstmann                                                   Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Horstmann’

            Horstmann’s Silberspitz      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Horstmann’

            J. F. Wilson                           Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kelly Leonard’s Gold          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Kondor                                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2009 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of an old plant in a

                                                           garden in a Budapest suburb, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Nearly 20 meters tall plant like than a condor in Andes with

                                                           limited and very long arched side-leaders. 2-4 cm long, mat

                                                           deep green needles, very small cones. Bizarre giant.

                                                           Named by suggestion of Mesterházy Zsolt.

                                                           A közel húsz méteres növény az Andok kondorkeselyűjére emlékeztet kevés számú, nagyon hosszú oldalvezérével. 2-4 cm-es tűi matt zöldek, tobozai kicsik. Bizarr óriás. Nevét Mesterházy Zsolt javaslatára kapta.

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Kondor’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Kondor’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Kondor’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Kondor’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Kondor’ photo

            Kruaus Twisted                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Lilliput                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Morocco                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Iseli 1986

                                                           W. Goddard in Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Mount Saint Catherina        Don Teese 1985

                                                           1977 P. Taverna, Crafers S-AUS

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Mt. Saint Catherine’

                                                                                   P. Taverna Nurs. S-AUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Mt. Saint Catherine’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’Mt. Saint Catherine’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’St. Catharin’  Jiří Balatka photo

            MPH Ezüstkék                     2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN

                                                           A colourful compact egglike giant silvery-light-blue

                                                           cedar, 12 meters in 50 years, and opens new horizons in

                                                           cedar conifering.

                                                           Színpompás látványt nyújt e sűrűágú, tojásszerű ezüstös-kékes színű óriástörpe atlaszcédrus. 50 évesen 12 méter magas, e jelenség bizonyára új távlatokat nyit a cédrusok művelésében.

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’MPH Ezüstkék’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’MPH Ezüstkék’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’MPH Ezüstkék’ photo

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ’MPH Ezüstkék’ photo

            Nana                                      den Ouden 1949

            Nivea                                     Hort. ex Carr. 1967

            Őrs                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Folly Gyula HUN

                                                                                  Folly Arboretum, Badacsonyőrs HUN

            Pendula                                 Moreau ex Carr. 1875

                                                           1875 Moreau Nurs., Fontenay-aux-Roses FRA

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Pendula’

            Pendula Contorta                 FRA

            Pendula Glauca                    /Glauca Pendula/

            Pyramidalis                           Paillet 1889

                                                           1889 Paillet Nurs., Chatenay FRA

            Raywood’s Contorted          /C. deodara Raywood’s Contorted/

            Robusta Aurea                     Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Robusta Green                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1984 GER

                                                                                   Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER

            Rustic                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           1962 Monrovia Nurs., Azusa CA USA

                                                           /Rustica/  /Glauca Rustic/

            Sahara Frost                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Opgaande vorm. Geselecteerd uit een partij zaailingen. De groei is 2 x zo snel als de zuster zaailing 'Sahara Ice'. De nieuwe groei ijzig wit in de lente en de zomer, overgaand in grijs-groen met witte toppen in de winter. Hulsdonk text.

            Sahara Ice                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Sander’s Blue Weeper         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Saphir Nymph                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Pat McCraken TE USA

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Saphir Nymphe’

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Short Needled Form             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

            Silberspitz                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Silberspitz’

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Horstmann’

                                                           /Horstmann’s Silberspitz/

            Silver Dust                            L. Sampson 1988

                                                           Ian Gordon NZL

            St. Catherina                        /Mount St. Catherina/

            Swan Island                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Taurus                                   Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Taverna                                 Welch 1992

                                                           1977 P. Taverna, Crafers AUS

            Turkish Baby                       Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Turkish Delight                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Uwe                                        2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           1966 Günther Horstmann GER, named after his son, Uwe

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Uwe’

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Uwe’

            Variegata                              Carr.

                                                           1867 Seneclause Nurs., FRA

            Viridis                                               Senecl. 1868

            WB                                                                Larry Stanley in ACS Bulletin

            Wilkman                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1984 USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           /Wilkman’s Green/ ?


   BREVIFOLIA                              1879                           CYP

                                                           /Hook. f./Henry                                                         Kr

Cedrus brevifolia (Hook. f. ) Henry 1879 - Ciprusi cédrus - Cyprus Cedar

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia photo

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia photo

                                                           C. libani ssp. brevifolia /Hook.f./Henry

                                                           C. libani var. brevifolia Hook.f. 1880

            Bergman                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Iseli 1985                                           USA

                                                           /Bergmann/  /Bergmani

            Blau                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

            Bodrog                                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2005 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport

                                                           1986 Liptai István from seed of Forest Service of Turkey

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Short, dense fat needles, slow growing, conical habit. Drought

                                                           tolerant and hardy in Z6.

                                                           Original plant in Liptai Collection in Tokaj, HUN

                                                           Liptai István nevelte Tokajban a Török Erdészeti Szolgálattól

                                                           származó magból. Lassan nő, rövid tűi sűrűn állnak, széles

                                                           kúpot formál. Nagyon szárazságtűrő és teljesen télálló.

                                                           Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ’Bodrog’ photo

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ’Bodrog’ photo

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ’Bodrog’ photo

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ’Bodrog’ photo

            Compacta                              Dall. & Jacks. 1966                            GBR

            Compacta                              1964 Hillier GBR

                                                           /Hillier Compact/

            Epstein                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           H. Epstein NY USA

            Epsteinianum                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Iseli Nurs. USA

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ‘Epsteinianum’


            Gracilis                                  Senecl. 1868

                                                           1868 Seneclause Nurs. Bourg-Argental FRA

            Hillier Compact                    den Ouden 1965

                                                           J. W. Archer GBR

            Horizon                                 den Ouden 1965

                                                           Sir Harold Hillier GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Horizontalis                           /Horizon/

            Horizontalis                           USA

            Kenwith                                The Int. Conifer Register 1992

                                                           Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ‘Kenwith’

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ’Kenwith’ photo

            Rosemoor                              1983 GBR

                                                           found at Rosemoor, Toddington GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs. GBR

            Tokaj                                     2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2005 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport

                                                           1986 Liptai István from seed of Forest Service of Turkey

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Short, bright green needles, conical habit, fast growing,

                                                           drought tolerant and hardy in Z6.

                                                           Original plant in Liptai Collection in Tokaj, HUN

                                                           Liptai István nevelte Tokajban a Török Erdészeti Szolgálattól

                                                           származó magból. Gyors növésű, rövid fényes zöld tűi

                                                           vannak. Hallatlanul szárazságtűrő és teljesen télálló.

                                                           Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ’Tokaj’ photo

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ’Tokaj’ photo

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ’Tokaj’ photo

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ’Tokaj’ photo

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ’Tokaj’ photo

                                                           Cedrus brevifolia ’Tokaj’ photo

            Treveron                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1984 CAN

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                                                   1984 Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            True Form                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA


   DEODARA                                               1831                           HIM NEP AFG

                                                           /D. Don/G. Don                                                        Kr

Cedrus deodara (D. Don) G. Don 1831 - Himalájai cédrus - Himalaya cedar

                                                           Cedrus deodara photo

                                                           C. deodara /Roxburgh/ G.Don


            Albospica                              /Annesley/Henry 1908                       N-IRL GBR

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Albospica’

                                                           C. deodara var. --. Annesley 1899


            Anny’s Dwarf                                              Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Anny’s Dwarf’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Anny’s Dwarf’  Henk van Kempen HOL

            Argentea                               Nelson 1866

                                                                                   Minier Nurs. FRA

                                                           C. deodara f. argentea Beissn. 1867

            Argenteovariegata                de Vos 1887                                      FRA


            Aurea                                    Nelson 1866

                                                           Arboretum Les Barres FRA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Aurea’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Aurea’  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                                              Cedrus deodara ’Aurea’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Aurea’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Aurea’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Aurea’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Aurea Pendula                     1960 Hilling Nurs., GBR

            Aurea Pendula                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1966 USA

                                                                                   Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA

            Aurea Prostrata                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2006 Dax Herbst in ACS database

                                                                                  US National Arboretum/ Gotelli Collection

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Aurea Prostrata’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Aurea Well’s                         1972 Wells Nurs., GBR

                                                           /Well’s Golden/

            Aureospica                            1972 de Belten Pinetum HOL

            Beaverton                              A columnar clone

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Bergman’s Golden Prostrate

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Bewley’s Variegated             2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1991 Bill Bewley, Warrimo AUS

            Bill’s Blue                              Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Blau Fuchs                                                   2004 Hedis Hage Oslo NOR

            Blue Angel                            Cedrus deodara ‘Blue Angel’

            Blue Ball                                1983 G. Huizer HOL of seed

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Blue Ball’

                                                                                  Larry Stanley in ACS Bulletin          ACS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Blue Ball’  Henk van Kempen HOL

            Blue Dwarf                           H. J. van de Laar 1983

                                                           G. Huizer, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Blue Dwarf’

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Blue Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Blue Gem                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            Blue Glacier                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Cedar Rim Nurs., BC CAN

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Blue Glacier’

            Blue Mountain Broom         Hort.

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Blue Mountain WB              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           /Blue Mount/

            Blue Pygmaea                       Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Blue Snake                            H. J. van de Laar 1990

                                                           1962 P. Vergeldt, Vottum HOL of seed

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Blue Snake’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Blue Snake’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Blue Snake’  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Blue Snake’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Blue Surprise                                    2009 Jon Tate, Lime Cross Nursery, W-Sussex, GBR of seed

                                                                                  Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Flushes white and holds onto the colour for quite a while,

                                                           normal foliage colour is blue-green to blue.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Blue Surprise’

            Blue Triumph                       1993 HOL

            Blue Velvet                            Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Bold Dwarf                           1990

                                                           /Blue Dwarf/

            Bonte Sport                           Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Brackens Best Cedar           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Bracken’s Select                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Bush’s Electra                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Bushes Electra’

            Cheltenham                          Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Clarke                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           den Ouden 1965

                                                           W.B. Clarke Nurs. CA USA

            Compacta                              Carr. 1867                                          FRA

            Contorta                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Raywood’s Contorted/

                                                                                   Stanley Nurs. OR USA

            Contorted Growth               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            Crassifolia                             Knight 1850


            Crassifolia                             Carr. 1855                                          FRA

            Cream Puff                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           G. Bentham 1981

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN of seed

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Cream Puff’

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Cream Puff’

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Crystal Falls                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Decanso Dwarf                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA

                                                           Mistake of /Descancio Dwarf/

            Deep Cove                             G. Bentham 1981       /Deepcove/?

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Deep Cove’

            Deepcove                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

            Descancio Dwarf                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Mitsch 1977

                                                           Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

                                                           /Derancio Dwarf/  /Descanso Dwarf/

            Devinely Blue                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Divine ML USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Divinely Blue’

                                                                                  Lone Elder Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           A dense, spreading, dwarf conifer with slate-blue needles. If left natural will grow more wide than tall, or if staked will develop as a broad pyramid. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. Staked form: 4' tall x 3' wide at the base in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cedrus deodora ’Devinely Blue’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Divinily Blue                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Probably the same as /Divinily Blue/

            Droop Tip                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Ed Lohbrunner                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Eisregen                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1983

                                                           Horstmann GER of seed from Paktia AFG

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Eisregen’

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Eisregen’  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Eisregen’  Dax Herbst IL USA

            Eiswinter                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1983

                                                           Horstmann GER of seed from Paktia AFG

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

            Elektra                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Dick Bush USA discovery.

                                                                                  Bloom River Gardens, OR USA

                                                           Fabulous blue hues on new growth.  Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Electra’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Electra’  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Electra Blue’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Electric Blue                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

                                                           A dense, pyramidal, compact upright with intense glittering-blue needles. Prefers sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Electra Blue’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Emerald Falls                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Emerald Falls’

            Emerald Spire                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Emerald Spreader                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 Harold Wells WA USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

                                                           A prostrate dwarf conifer. Pretty rich-green foliage graces this groundcover. Prefers sun in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           /Well’s Prostrate/  /Viridis Prostrata/

            Erecta                                    Cripps ex Gord. 1875

                                                           1875 Cripps Nurs., Hunbridge Wells GBR

            Fallout                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Fallout’

            Fancy                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2012 Hódi Tóth József from sport of a plant  in a private garden

                                                           in Budapest, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Irregular, robust, add slim conical habit, very quickly grow. Boughs horizontal, branchlets relative short, strong. Very long /4-5 cm/ dense, shiny dark green needles. Bark a very long time smooth, gray, later cracked. Cones  barrell shaped, big, first pale green, later light brown and scales red-brown when ripen. Good hardy and very dramatic phaenomen.

                                                           Szabálytalan, robusztus, összességében keskeny kúpos koronát nevel. Ágai vízszintesen terjeszkednek, hajtásai viszonylag rövidek, erőteljesek. Nagyon hosszú, /4-5 cm/ sűrűn álló, fényes mélyzöld tűi vannak. Kérge nagyon hosszú ideig sima szürke, később megrepedezik. Tobozai nagyok, hordó alakúak, először halványzöldek, később barnák, a tobozpikkelyek vörösbarnák, amikor beérik és szétesik. Jó télálló és drámai jelenség.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Fancy’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Fancy’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara Fancy

            Fastigiata                               Carr. 1867

                                                           1867 Dr. Turrell near Toulouse FRA


            Feelin’ Blue                           H. J. van de Laar 1987

                                                           H. C. Trimp & Sons Nurs. Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Feelin Blue’

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Feelin Blue’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Feelin Blue’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            First Snow                             JPN of seed    Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘First Snow’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’First Snow’

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Flava                                      Carr. 1867

                                                           A. Leroy FRA

            Fontinalis                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1884                                      GER

            Fructolineata                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Gigantea                                /Robusta/

            Girards Weeper                   Cedrus deodara ‘Girards Weeper’

            Girard Weeping                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Glacial Blue                          Cedrus deodara ‘Glacial Blue’

            Glacier Blue                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           A dense, spreading dwarf conifer with lush gray-blue foliage. Perfect for the small garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Glauca                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909                                      GER

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Glauca’

            Glauca Pendula                    Cedrus deodara ‘Glauca Pendula’

            Gold Cascade                       AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Gold Cascade’

                                                                                  Coenosium Gardens, OR USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Gold Cascade’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Gold Cone                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           G. Bentham 1981

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Gold Cone’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Golden-yellow, outer needles and blue-green, inner needles on the pendulous branches of this large, graceful, pyramidal selection of Himalayan Cedar produces a big, bright accent in the landscape. A relatively fast grower, 'Gold Cone' becomes a large tree, similar to the species, but with a more upright habit and a smaller footprint. Found at Wm. Goodard Nursery, Victoria, B.C. Iseli text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Gold Cone’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Gold Gowa                           1992 HOL

            Gold Mound                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Gold Mound’

            Gold Nugget                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Gold Nugget’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Gold Nugget’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Gold Rush                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Gold Strike                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Iseli 1986

                                                           1986 W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                                                   1982 Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Gold Tip                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Dwarf, upright bush with thin needles, pale gold, creamy

                                                           to white at the end.

            Golden Horizon                    H. J. van de Laar 1975

                                                           1975 Van Vliet Brothers, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Golden Horizon’

                                                                                   1975 Van Vliet Brothers  Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Golden Horizon’ photo

            Golden Jubilee                      H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                                                   Bridgemere Nurs., GBR

            Gracilis                                  Senecl. 1868                                      FRA

            Harvest Gold                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1989 USA

                                                           Coenosium Gardens OR USA

                                                           A fast-growing, conical, upright conifer with intense golden yellow foliage that holds throughout the year. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12' tall x 6' wide in 10 years. Hardy to –20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Harvest Gold’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Harvest Gold’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Hesse                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hesse ex Meyer

                                                           1963 H. A. Hesse Nurs. GER

            Hibernal                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           R. L. Fincham 1983

                                                           Coenosium Gardens OR USA

                                                           A green upright tree, hardy selection of deodara.

                                                           While not of particularly unusual color, shape or texture,

                                                           a welcome addition to geographical areas long devoid of

                                                           the graceful deodaras. (Fincham text in ACS database)

                                                                                  Coenosium Gardens OR USA

            Hillier’s WB                          Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Hollandia                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1989 Coenosium Gardens OR USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Hollandia’

                                                           Short needled greenish-blue color with a somewhat bulbous

                                                           mounding habit. (ACS database text)

                                                           A slow-growing, conical, upright conifer with beautiful gray-blue foliage that holds throughout the year. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Home Park                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Ibridio                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Ibridio’

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

            Inversa Pendula                   Exbury Trees Nurs. GBR

            Karl Fuchs                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           Horstmann Nurs. GER

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Karl Fuchs’

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Karl Fuchs’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Karl Fuchs’ photo HTJ

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Karl Fuchs’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

            Kashmir                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Arnold Arboretum, 1968

                                                           1934 J. F. Styer Nurs. Concordville PA USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Improved winter hardiness and long, blue-green needles distinguish this noteworthy cultivar of Deodar Cedar. Elegantly arching, pendulous branches with softly textured foliage add strength and character to large landscapes. Propagated from a seedling at J. Franklin Styer Nursery in Pennsylvania. Iseli text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Kashmir’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Kashmir’ 

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Kékes                                     2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           Vörös Sándor HUN

                                                                                  Vörös Sándor Nursery, Zalaegerszeg HUN

                                                           Found as a seedling. Deep blue needles, narrow, but irregular

                                                           form with horizontal, hanging leaders. Picturesque selection.

                                                           Magágyi szelekció, mélykék tűkkel, karcsú, de kissé szertelen forma, vízszintes ágak bókoló csúcshajtásokkal. Festői látvány.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Kékes’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Kékes’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Kékes’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Kékes’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Kékes’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Kékes’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Kékes’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Kékes’ photo

            Kelly’s Gold                          Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Kenwith                                Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Kingsville                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   E. A. Cope USA

            Klondike                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           G. Bentham 1981

                                                           1986 W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Klondike’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA


            Lakeview                               Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Lime Glow                            Arnold Arboretum, 1980

                                                           1970 A. J. Teese, Yamina Rare Plants Nurs. AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Lime Glow’

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

Lime green foliage. A ‘witches broom’ of outstanding value. Low grafted plant; a feature in any garden. Great in rockery. A dwarf or slow growing dense weeper. 10 cm high x 50 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Limeglow’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Limelight                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Iseli 1985

                                                           Light green, drooping branches with lime/white new growth;

                                                           pyramid form. (ACS database text)

            Little Fatso                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bushnell Gardens CA USA

            Lohbrunner’s Weeper         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

            Macpenny’s Seedling           1993 Macpenny’s Nurs. GBR

            Maxima Pendula                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1966 USA

                                                                                   Raraflora Nurs. Feasterville PA USA

            Miles High                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Miles High’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Miles High’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Monstrose Veil                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Montros Veil’

            Montana Verdea                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Mountain Aire                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Mountain Beauty                 P. C. Nitschke 1989

                                                           Gordon Wilton in the Blue Mountains AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Mountain Beauty’

                                                                                   1985 Milton Nurs, Wentworth Falls AUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           A neat, spreading, compact, bushy form suitable for the

                                                           home garden. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Mountain Beauty’  Will Fletcher USA photo

            Mt. Buffalo                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Mt Buffalo’

            Mutabilis                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1884                                      GER

            Mylor                                     Don Teese 1985

                                                           wild found as a broom at Mylor AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Mylor’

                                                                                   Drue Wholesale Nurs., Berry AUS

                                                                                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Blue grey. Arching & Spreading. Pruning can encourage unusual shape. Approx. 1.5 mtrs wide x 50 cm at highest point in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.


            Mystic Ice                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Nana                                      Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1934 Kew Gardens GBR

            Nana Aurea                          1988 Blooms of Blessingham Nurs., GBR 

            Nivea                                     Annesley

                                                           1899 Annesley in Castlewellan N-IRL GBR

            Nugget                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  1981 W.Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

            Okawa                                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Hort. NZL

                                                                                   2004 Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A graceful slightly pendulous growth habit makes a fine well furnished pyramidal Golden ornamental. 15 feet high to any greater height in time. Cedar Lodge text.

            Paktia                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           K. Fuchs in Paktia AFG

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Paktia’  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Paktia’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Paktia’ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Paktia’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

            Pannonia                               1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1955 Barabits HUN

                                                           Wild found in Iharosberény, Somogy county SW-HUN

                                                           Short and green needles, normal habit with

                                                           unusual great hardiness.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Iharosberényben talált idős növény oltványa. Rövid zöld

                                                           tűi vannak, jellemző habitusú és szokatlanul fagytűrő.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1900

                                                           In GER of seed          Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Pendula’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Pendula’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Pendula                                 Krüssmann 1979

                                                           Moreau in Fontenay-aux-Roses FRA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Pendula’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Pendula Hopper Select        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

                                                           Gardenweb 2258

            Pendula Seattle                     Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Polarwinter                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1983

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Polar Winter’

                                                                                   1983 Horstmann GER

            Procumbens                          1972 FRA

            Prospect Prostrate                Cedrus deodara ‘Prospect Prostrate’

            Prostrata                               Nelson 1866

                                                           A GBR seedling selection     Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Prostrata’

            Prostrata                               H. G. Hillier 1964

                                                           Sir Harold Hillier in W. B. Archer’s Garden GBR

            Prostrate Beauty                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2006 Bill Barger in ACS database

                                                           1979 Jean Iseli USA

                                                                                  1985 Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Prostrate Beauty’

                                                           This unique beauty is a real eye catcher. A true blue in color,

                                                           this spreading slow grower is nearly flat when young, developing

                                                           a leader with age, if not pruned. New growth is light green-blue.

                                                           Its soft featherly look and distinctive color and shape make it

                                                           destined to be a classic among cedars. (ACS database text)

                                                           This unique beauty combines a spreading, horizontal habit with distinctive, blue foliage. The mid-size conifer is nearly flat when young but eventually develops a leader with age, unless pruned to keep it low. New blue-green needles keep their soft, feathery look as they mature. Found at Iseli Nursery in 1979, this form's superior qualities will define it as a classic among cedars. Iseli text.


                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Prostrate Beauty’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Pygmaea                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Gotelli 1960

                                                           1943 J. Noble to W. Gotelli in 1958 USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Pygmaea’

                                                           Very slow-growing, steel-blue, congested bun. Short branches

                                                           and radiating needles give a pin-cushion effect. New growth

                                                           is green changing to blue as the season progresses.

                                                           Needles are shorter than the species. (ACS database text)

            Pygmy                                               den Ouden 1965

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Pygmy’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Pygmy’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           C. deodara pygmaea Hill. 1943

            Quick Silver                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Raraflora Gold Prostrate    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   E. A. Cope USA

            Raywood’s Contorted          Don Teese 1985

                                                           1978 Quinton Wollaston, Raywood Nurs. AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Raywood’s Contorted’

                                                                                   P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer with blue-green needles on contorted branches. Will eventually form a full-bodied but very curious tree. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Raywood’s Prostrate Dwarf

                                                           2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Hort. 1990                                         TAS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Raywood’s Prostrate’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Quite vigorous for a ground cover type plant. Needles quite blue. Spreading and arching. 50 cm high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Raywood’s Prostrate Dwarf’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Repandens                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1930 Clarke, San Jose CA USA of seed

                                                           Deze vorm van Cedrus deodara heeft een opgaande groeiwijze en uitspreidende takken met lange grijsachtig-groene naalden. Lijkt veel op Cedrus deodara 'Pendula'. Mooi als solitair. Herkomst The Clarke Nursery in San Jose Californie U.S.A.,1930. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Repandens’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Repandens’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Repens                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   E. A. Cope USA

            Robusta                                 Lawson 1852

                                                           1850 FRA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Robusta’

                                                           C. deodara gigantea Hort.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Robusta’

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Robusta Glauca                    FRA

            Sampson                                Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Samson                                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Samson’ - No need to stake this one, it will make its own trunk. Previously called Cedrus deodara ‘Pendula’. Once established is very fast growing with a very strong central leader. 6 metres high x 4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Sander’s Blue                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Scarabantia                           1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1986 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Hardy clone in C-EUR.

            Scott                                       Don Teese 1985

                                                           1977 P. Taverna AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Scott’

                                                                                   Drue Wholesale Nurs. Berry AUS

                                                           A rounded bush with a golden sheen. No further information available at the moment. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Scott’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Scott’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Select                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                  zu Jeddeloh Baumschulen GER

            Shalimar                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1989 Holden Arb. USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Shalimar’

                                                                                   Coenosium Gardens OR USA

                                                           A vigorous, large, narrow conifer. Blue-green needles and overall form create marvelous opportunities for framing any large structure. Introduced by the Arnold Arboretum. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Shalimar’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Sharp’s Golden Weeping    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   1984 Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Shimla Blue                           2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2011 Hódi Tóth József HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Seedling from Shimla Pass, Himachal Pradesh, India

                                                           Forest Service. Very hardy, quick growth, regular conical

                                                           habit. 3-4 cm long, dense, smooth and very blue needles.

                                                           Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Az indiai Shimla hágón az ottani Erdészeti Szolgálat által gyűjtött magokból több száz magoncot nevelt a Dendológiai Atlasz Projekt. Ez a fajta a legkékebb, 3-4 centis, puha tűjű, nagyon jó télállóságú egyed oltványa. Gyors növésű, szabályos kúpos koronát nevel. HTJ text.

                                                           Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Shimla Blue’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Shimla Blue’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Shimla Blue’

            Silver Mist                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           G. Bentham 1981

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Silver Mist’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Silver Spring                                                2004 C. Esveld Nurs. Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Silver Spring’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Silver Spring’ 

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Silver Spring’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Silver Spring’  Mesterhazy photo

            Snow Sprite                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           G. Bentham 1981

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Snow Sprite’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           This irregularly mounding, compact conifer sends out ivory-white new growth that turns creamy-yellow. The unique, mid-size plant develops a leader with age, but stays small and compact compared to the species. It is best grown in part shade where the bright foliage will practically "glow in the dark". Iseli text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Snow Sprite’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Snow Sprite’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Swan Creek                          Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Tenuifolium                          Knight & Perry 1850             GBR

            Trevoren                                                       Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Trevoren’

            Tristis                                    Carr. 1855

                                                           C. deodara gracilis Senecl. 1868 

            Twisted Growth                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                   1999 Peace of Mind Nursery OR USA

                                                                                   Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

                                                           Opgaande vorm, blauwgroen van kleur. De takken zijn enigszins gekronkeld en groeien wat grillig. Een vrij zelden voorkomende plant. Vermeerderd door Peace of Mind nursery in Oregon. Verspreidt in 1999. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer with blue-green needles on contorted branches. Will eventually form a full-bodied but very curious tree. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Twisted Growth’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Twisted Growth’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Twisted Weeper                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            Uncinata                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Zederbaur 1907                                 GER

            Upright                                  Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Uwe                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Vaneta                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           A low, spreading dwarf conifer with lovely light green foliage. If staked, will form a small weeping tree. Originated as a witch's broom. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Vaneta’  Talon Buchholz photo

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Vaneta’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Variegata                              Carr. 1867

                                                           C. deodara argenteovariegata de Vos 1887

            Variegata Alba                     Senecl. 1868                                      FRA

            Variegated                            1989 John Emery at Gerringong AUS

            Veronica                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           H. J. van de Laar 1986                      GER

            Verticillata                            de Vos 1887

                                                           Arboretum La Maulevrie, Angers FRA

            Verticillata Glauca               R. Smith 1867                                    FRA

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Verticillata Glauca’ 

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Victoria                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1984 W.Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Vink’s Golden                       2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1985 TAS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Vink’s Golden’

                                                                                   Ron Radford, Cedar Lodge Nurs. TAS

                                                           A form of golden deodara superior to ‘Aurea’. Pyramidal shape, more compact and slower in growth than Cedrus deodara ‘Aurea’. Photographed in our nursery/garden. A lovely subject in any medium to large garden away from strong prevailing winds. 7 metres high x 4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Deze gouden vorm van Cedrus deodara is traaggroeiend en wordt een compacte dichte pyramidale boom. Groeit tot 30-40 cm. per jaar. Geel loof met grijze ondertoon. De plant werd geselecteerd als een heksenbezem door Ron Radford van Cedar Lodge Nursery in Tasmanië. Hulsdonk text.

            Viridis                                               Lawson 1853                                     FRA

                                                           C. deodara tenuifolia Hort.

            Viridis Prostrata                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1966 Harold W. Wells Nurs. WA USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Warrakilla                             2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1987 AUS

                                                           P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                                                   P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS


            Waverley Ridge                    Don Teese 1985

                                                           1979 P. Taverna, Crafers AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Waverley Ridge’

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Warvely Ridge’ (misspelled name)

                                                                                   P.C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Waverley Ridge’ - This plant has short needles and tight foliage. All branches compact and gracefully arching. Blue-grey colour. 1.5 metres high and wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cedrus deodara ’Waverley Ridge’  Henk van Kempen HOL

            Well’s Golden                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1978 Well’s Nurs., WA USA

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs. OR USA

            Well’s Prostrate                    Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            White Imp                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 CAN

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘White Imp’

                                                                                   1982 Iseli Nurs. OR USA

                                                           A slow-growing, mounded conifer; this very compact dwarf has marvelous white variegated new growth. Perfect for the small garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Wicky’s Delight                    2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Wicky’s Delight’ - This tree discovered in a batch of seedlings planted out to beautify farmland. Its beauty has been realised and so will be eventually described in more detail and be available to the public. 1 meter high (Staked) x 1 meter wide at base (this foliage lying on ground) in 7 years growing in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Wiesemanni                          P. Moll 1936

                                                           1933 P. Moll Nurs., Heisterbacherott GER

            Wyndimere                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA


   IBRIDIO  X                                                                      Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Cedrus deodara x Cedrus libani ’Glauca’


   INTERMEDIA                             1868                           RUS


                                                           C. deodara x C. libani

                                                           1836 St. Petersburg Botanic Garden RUS


   LIBANI                                          1823                           LEB TUR

                                                           A. Richards                                                               Kr

Cedrus libani A. Richards 1823 - Libanoni cédrus - Lebanon cedar

                                                           Cedrus libani  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Cedrus libani  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Cedrus libani  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           Bekaa Valley Cedrus libani  Liptai Istvan photo

                                                           C. cedrus Huth 1893

                                                           C. elegans Knight 1850

                                                           C. indica Chambr.

                                                           C. libanensis Juss. ex Mirb. 1825

                                                           C. libanitica Trew ex Pilg. 1926

                                                           C. libanotica Link. 1831

                                                           C. patula Koch 1873

             f. FUSIFORMIS                 Carr. 1859                                          FRA

             f. MICROCARPA              Carr. 1859                                          FRA

             var. BREVIFOLIA                /Hook. f./Henry & Elwes 1908           CYP

                                                           /C. BREVIFOLIA/

             var. STENOCOMA                        /Schwarz/Davis 1949             TUR

                                                           C. libani ssp. stenocoma Schwarz 1944

Cedrus libani subspecies (ssp.) stenocoma - Tauruszi libanon-cédrus - Taurus Lebanon cedar


            528 WRA                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Aglasun                                  2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of  Ak Dag, over

                                                           Sagalassos  1700 m, TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           A young plant in zone  where in January  the average of

                                                           temperature is -5,8 C and minimum temperature is below

                                                           -30 Celsius. Conical, regular habit, short, bright green

                                                           needles, like a Cedrus brevifolia. Without cones. Bark

                                                           dull grey, twigs are thin, red-brown. Original plant /graft/

                                                           Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Fiatal növény abban a zónában, ahol a januári középhőmérséklet -5,8 C, a minimum hőmérséklet pedig -30 C alatt van. Szabályos, kúpos korona jellemzi, kérge matt szürke. Tűi rövidek, fényes zöldek, a Cedrus brevifolia-ra emlékeztetnek. Hajtásai vékonyak, vöröses-barnák. Tobozok nélkül. Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN


            Agora                                     2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of Ak Dag, over

                                                           Sagalassos 1700 m, TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           60-100  years old plant in zone -30 C minimum temperature. Bright, medium  green, 2-3 cm long needles, red-brown twigs. Slow growing, regular, conical habit, because from NE cold winds boughs on those site are shorter. No cones. Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Lassú növésű, 60-100 év körüli növény abból a zónából,

ahol a minimum hőmérséklet -30 C alatt van. Szabályos kúp alakú koronáján az északkeleti hideg szelek miatt rövidebbek az ágak. Tűi 2-3 centisek, középzöldek, fényesek, hajtásai vöröses-barnák. Tobozok nincsenek. Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN.


            Ak Dag                                  2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of Ak Dag, NE

                                                           from Sagalassos, 1850 m, TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Very limited  plants endured from original forest in this

                                                           altitude after devastation in roman age in ancient times.

                                                           This relict in all January tolerates -30 -35 C and all years

                                                           in 7 months occurs frost /subalpin climate in middle of

                                                           Mediterraneum/. Slow growing, stubby figure. Bright-

                                                           green, 2-3 cm long needles, short, thin twigs in

                                                           redbrown. The bark nearly black, rough. It may 50 or 90

                                                           years old. No cones. Original plant /graft/ Arizonica

                                                           Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Lassú növekedés, zömök termet jellemzi – abban a zónában él, ahol minden januárban -30 -35 C –ot visel el és minden évben hét hónapban fordul elő fagy. Fényes zöld, 2-3 centis tűi, vörös-barna rövid hajtásai vannak. Kérge szinte fekete, durva felületű, hámló. Éppúgy lehet 50, mint 90 éves. Tobozok nem láthatók.

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN


            Aksakal                                 2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN wild found on the Irmasan

                                                           Gecidi Pass TUR, 1600 m

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           An ornamental, broad, regular globose crown, massive

                                                           trunk. Quick silver foliage, 3-4 cm long needles, barrel

                                                           like 8-10 cm long cones. Blizzards and lower as -20 C

                                                           winter winds trained. Original plant /graft/ in Arizonica

                                                           Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Hatalmas, széles, kerekded korona, sötétszürke, ripacsos, erőteljes törzs jellemzi. Lombja ezüstös, tűi 3-4 centisek, tobozai 8-10 centis hordók. Hóviharok és – 20 fok alatti hidegek edzik. Anyatő /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Aksakal’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Aksakal’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Aksakal’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Aksakal’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Aksakal’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

            Alibaba                                  Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Alibaba’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Antonius                                2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of Ak Dag, NE

                                                           from Sagalassos 1850 m, TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           An other plant from relictum-zone, out of subalpin climate.

                                                           Young – between 30 and 60, slow. Trunk by foot surprising

                                                           bulky. Twigs are thin, red-brown, needles  bright-green, rigid,

                                                           short. Named after Antonius Pius, ceasar of the Roman Empire in

                                                           the 2nd century. No cones.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Az ókorban lerabolt erdők maradványzónájának egy másik növénye. 30-60 év közötti korú, lassú növésű. A szubalpin klímában  törzse a talajszinten meglepően vaskos. A hajtások vékonyak, vörös-barnák, tűi fényes-zöldek, merevek, tobozok nincsenek. Anyatő /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

            Argentea                               Loud. ex Gord. 1858             GBR

            Aurea                                    Senecl. 1868                                      FRA

                                                           C. libani prostrata aurea Hort.

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Aurea’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Aurea Prostrata                   Hillier 1964

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Aurea Prostrata’

                                                           /Golden Dwarf/

            Aurea Robusta                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Beacon Hill                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Beacon Hill’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           A low, spreading conifer with soft, emerald-green needles that grows as a groundcover if left natural. If staked, can form a dense, narrow weeping tree. Prefers sun in well-drained soil. If staked, 8' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Beacon Hill’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Beacon Hill’  David Olszyn USA photo

            Beneš                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom in Corsica, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čarověník, přivezl a zavedl do kultůry Jan Beran,

                                                           nález Korzica. Skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Bergkristall                           Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Bergkristall’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Bergkristall’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Blue Angel                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Andy Sherwood, Gresham OR USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           A narrow upright evergreen conifer with powder blue foliage. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Blue Angel’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Blue Mast                              2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN wild found on the Irmasan

                                                           Gecidi Pass TUR, 1600 m TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           To 20 meters height straight trunk, tight crown with horizontal,

                                                           short  boughs. Bright silver foliage, long needles. In living area

                                                           five months winters, strong winds and too mutch snow. Original

                                                           plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Húsz méteres magasságig szálfa-egyenes törzs, keskeny

korona rövid, vízszintes ágakkal.  Fényes ezüstös lombozatú, tűi hosszúak. Élőhelyén öt hónaposak a telek, erős szelekkel, sok hóval. Anyatő /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Blue Mast’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Blue Mast’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Blue Mast’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Blue Mast’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Blue Mast’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

            Blue Snake                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           from Talon Buchholz to the

                                                                                  Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA

            Brevifolia                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Forest Farm Oregon USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Brevifolia Epsteinianum      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

            Budaörs                                 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           Hódi Tóth József HUN

                                                           Budaörs üdülőövezetében magasodik, mélyzöld, hosszú tűi, robusztus növekedése a silány talajon tiszteletet érdemel.

            Camie                                    2012 Clément Anthoine BEL

                                                                                  Anthoine Pinetum, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Found as a broom in Jamioulx, BEL

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Camie’  Clément Anthoine photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Camie’  Clément Anthoine photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Camie’  Clément Anthoine photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Camie’  Clément Anthoine photo

            Candelabrum                       Carr. 1859                                          FRA

            Cenk                                      2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2005 Dlusztus Miklós, Egerág HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Wild found in a Kőszeg HUN city park this majestic habit


                                                           Dlusztus Miklós egy kőszegi közparkban találta e fenséges

                                                           habitusú fajtát.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Cenk’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Cenk’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Cenk’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Cenk’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Cenk’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

            Columnaris                           1993 HOL

            Comte de Dijon                    Barbier 1908

                                                           1908 Barbier Nurs., Orleans FRA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Comte de Dijon’

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Comte de Dijon’ 

                                                                                   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Conica Nana                         1993 HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           /Nana Pyramidata/

            Darky                                    2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2005 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport on Irmasan Gecidi,

                                                           Taurus Mts., TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Dark, dull and long needles, robust growth, vigorous. On the

                                                           Irmasan Gecidi Pass (1600 m) we have 5 month snow, then 5

                                                           months dry heat, and the „soil” is rough rock.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Sötét, fénytelen zöld, hosszú tűk, robusztus növekedés jellemzi a törökországi Taurus hegységben gyűjtött klónt. A zárt erdőségeket alkotó „stenocoma” élőhelye ez – de valójában nincs két egyforma egyed! Az 1600 méter magas hágón /Irmasan Gecidi/ 5 hónapig áll a hó, másik 5 hónapig csak száraz forróság van, és nyers szikla a „talaj”.

                                                           Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Darky’ photo

            Decidua                                 Senecl. ex Carr. 1867

                                                           1851 Seneclause Nurs. FRA

            Denudata                              Carr. 1856

                                                           1840 Jaquemont-Bonnefond Nurs. in Annonay FRA

            Don Caster                            Hort.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Don Caster’  František Topinka photo

            Elmali                                    2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2004 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed near Elmali, Arismasi

                                                           Sedir Orman, Toros Mts., TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           In juvenile also blueish-bloomy needles, fast growing, great

                                                           drought tolerant and hardiness.Very regular, conical habit.

                                                           A Taurus hegység egyik védett cédrus erdősége van Elmali városa közelében 1300-1400 méteres magasságtól egészen a fahatárig, nagyjából 2400 méterig, ez az „Arismasi Sedir Orman”. Az itt gyűjtött magból nevelt növények talán még szívósabbak, mint az „Irmasan Gecidi”-n élő testvéreik, kékes-hamvasak, de magoncaik zöme tompazöld, többnyire hosszú tűs. Ez azonban már fiatalon is hamvas-ezüstös.

                                                           Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Elmali’ photo

            Elmali Beauty                       2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2011 Hódi Tóth József HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           From seed of Ciglikara Nature Reserve, southeast of Elmali,

                                                           TUR 2006. Slow growing, regular, conical habit. Leaders slighty

                                                           ascending, in first year bright gray. On  young plant  branches

                                                           stand sparsely. Needles long /3-4 cm/, rigid, bloomy,

                                                           grayish-blue. Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Törökország talán legidősebb cédrusai élnek a Ciglikara Nature Reserve területén. Az ősi állomány egyik, több száz éves példányáról szedett magvakból szelektált az „Elmali” fajta-sorozat. Jelen fajta lassú növésű, szabályos kúp alakú koronát nevel. Oldalvezérei enyhén emelkedők, az első évben fényes szürkék. A fiatal növényen a hajtások ritkásan állnak. Tűi hosszúak, 3-4 centisek, merevek, szürkés kékek.

                                                           Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Elmali Beauty’

            Elmali Blue                            2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2011 Hódi Tóth József HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           From seed of Ciglikara Nature Reserve, southeast of Elmali,

                                                           TUR 2006. Usual growing, regular, conical habit. Leaders

                                                           horizontal, just  in young dense branches. Needles 2-3 cm long, very

                                                           blue also in semishade.

                                                           Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Átlagos növekedésű, szabályos, kúpos koronát nevel. Oldalvezérei vízszintesek, már fiatalon sűrűn sorakozó oldalhajtásokkal. 2-3 centis tűi kékek, még részleges árnyékban is. Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani Elmali Blue

            Elmali Obelisk                       2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2011 Hódi Tóth József HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           From seed of Ciglikara Nature Reserve, southeast of Elmali,

                                                           TUR 2006. Fast growing, bizarre, slender conical habit. Leaders

                                                           short, horizontal, limited short braches. Needles 2-3 cm long,

                                                           rigid, bloomy and blue.Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum,

                                                           Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Gyors növésű, bizarr, karcsú kúpos koronát nevel. Az oldalvezérek rövidek, vízszintesek, kevés és rövid oldalhajtással. 2-3 centis tűi  merevek, hamvas-kékek. Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Elmali Obelisk’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Elmali Obelisk’

            Elmali Sky                             2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2011 Hódi Tóth József HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           From seed of Ciglikara Nature Reserve, southeast of Elmali,

                                                           TUR 2006. Usual growing, regular, conical habit. Leaders curved

                                                           downward, evenly spread in space, bright gray. Needles 3-4 cm

                                                           long, rigid, light curved, bloomy and blue. Mother plant Arizonica

                                                           Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Átlagos növekedés, szabályos, kúpos korona jellemzi. Oldalvezérei lefelé íveltek, egyenletesen helyezkednek el a tengelyen, fényes szürkék. 3-4 centis tűi merevek, enyhén hajlottak, hamvasak, kékek. Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Elmali Sky’

            Elmali Tower                                    2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2011 Hódi Tóth József HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           From seed of Ciglikara Nature Reserve, southeast of Elmali,

                                                           TUR 2006. Rapidly growing, robust still bizarre habit. Leaders

                                                           horizontal, very short, scarsely branches. Needles 3-4 cm long,

                                                           slighty curved, rigid, very blue.

                                                           Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Gyors növekedésű, robusztus de bizarr habitust alakít ki. Az oldalvezérek nagyon rövidek, egyenesek, oldalhajtás évekig alig nő rajtuk. 3-4 centis tűi enyhén hajlottak, merevek, átható kékek. Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Elmali Tower’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Elmali Tower’

            Elysabeth                                                      1994 Pieter Zwijnenburg jr. Nurs. HOL

            Eugene                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Fastigiata                                                      Esveld Nurs. HOL

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Fastigiata’

            Fedák                                     2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2009 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of an old plant in a

                                                           garden of Sári Fedák in Budapest, actress in the first half of the

                                                           XXth century.

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           The older than 100 years old plant is 15 m tall and crown shaped

                                                           as a storknest. Deep greenish steel-blue needles stand dense on

                                                           vigorous grey twigs. Relatively little barrel-shaped cones.

                                                           A XX. század első felének híres budapesti színésznőjének, Fedák Sárinak a kertjében álló idő növény oltványa. A villa kertjében 100 évesnél idősebb, már ernyős koronájú, tömött, mélyzöld-acélkék libanoni cédrus áll, védett példány. Épp ideje, hogy oltványai révén a hazai kertek szép lakója legyen. A fényes mélyzöld alapon acélkék tűk sűrű állásúak, erőteljes szürke kérgű hajtásokon ülnek. Viszonylag kicsi hordó alakú tobozai vannak.

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

            Fontaine                                Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Fontaine’  Edwin Smits photo

            Fy                                           2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1997 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed of Folly Arboretum

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Fy’

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Bloomy needles, shoots in budding pendulous, later stiff and

                                                           frequently stand V-branch, fast dense, fast growth.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Folly Gyula arborétumában élő növény magonca, saját szelekció. 40 centis kora óta nyílt fekvésben, szélben-fagyban él károsodás nélkül, tíz év múltán közel 7 méteres. Tűi ezüstösen deresek, hajtásai kihajtásban bókolók, később merevek. Oldalvezérei gyakran V-elágazást produkálnak, ezért gyorsan sűrűsödik.

                                                           Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Fy’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Fy’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Fy’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Fy’ photo

            Glauca                                   Carr. 1895

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Glauca’

                                                           C. libani argentea Lodd.ex Gord

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Glauca’

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Glauca Karaca                     Karaca TUR

            Glauca Pendula                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Glauca Pendula’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           This irregular, upright Lebanon Cedar produces a graceful, vertical form with long, pendulous branches covered with long, stiff, dark green needles. The slow-growing tree develops an impressive stature, with a large trunk, wide, spreading branches and a flat-topped crown. Occasional, random horizontal branches look like an arm or leg. Barrel-shaped cones add interest. Iseli text.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Glauca Pendula’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Glauca Pendula’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Glauca Pendula’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Gold Tip                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979                                        USA

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Gold Tip’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Gold Tip’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Gold Tip                                2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1990 AUS

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Gold Tip’

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Gold Tip’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Golden Dwarf                      den Ouden 1965

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Golden Dwarf’

                                                           C. libani /Prostrata/ Krüssmann

                                                           C. libani /Aurea Prostrata/ Hillier

            Green Knight                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1981 USA

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Green Knight’

            Green Prince                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Green Prince’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           A dwarf conifer with bright-green new growth, contrasting nicely with short, dark green needles of older growth. One of the nicest dwarf conifers available. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Green Prince’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Green Prince’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Green Prince’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Green White                         Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Green White’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            HB Fachschule Melnik                                Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘H.B. Fachschule Melnik’

            Hedgehog                              2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Hedgehog’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found at Cedar Lodge amongst seedlings. Blue grey in colour. Great ornamental for any small garden. A slow, low growing mound - compact bun. Quite different. 25 cm high x 70 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Photo 2 is Cedrus libani ‘Hedgehog’ photographed in the U.S.A. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Hedgehog’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Hedgehog’

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Hedgehog’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Heemstede                             H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                           1981 Draijer Nurs., Zwaanshoek & Heemstede HOL

            Hilliers HB                            Hillier GBR

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                   Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Hillier’s WB’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Hilliers HB’

            Home Park                            Hort.

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Homepark’

                                                           Een heksenbezem uit Engeland. Heeft groene naalden. Onregelmatig groeiende dwergvorm. Zeldzaam. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Home Park’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Hulsdonk                               Hulsdonk Nurs. BEL

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Hulsdonk’

            Irmasan                                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2004 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed on Irmasan Gecidi

                                                           Pass, Toros Mts., TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Bright, grassgreen, long and slender needles, massive shoots,

                                                           on base of branches strikingly belts, fast growing.

                                                           A törökországi Taurus hegységben gyűjtött magból nevelt magcsemete. Az 1700 méteres magasságban, ahonnan hoztuk, nagyon szigorú a tél, nagyon kegyetlen a nyár: ezek a növények biztosan „golyóállók”. Fűzöld, fényes, hosszú, vékony tűk, vaskos vesszők, az elágazások tövében erőteljes, gyűrűs vastagodások, gyors növekedés jellemzik.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Irmasan’ photo

            Jacoba                                                          2004 C. Esveld Nurs. Boskoop HOL

            Jakl                                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2001 Jaromír Pospíšil CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Jakl’  Jiří Balatka photo

            Katere                                                2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Katere’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Katere’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Katere’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Kenwith                                 Gordon Haddow GBR

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Kenwith’

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Kenwith’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Kina                                       2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Kina’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Another selected form found and developed at Cedar Lodge from same seed batch as Cedrus libani ‘Hedgehog’. A very desirable garden or rockery gem. Slow growing. A low & more spreading mound than Cedrus libani ‘Hedgehog’. 45 cm high x 1.3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Long Sting                             2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Of seed from Irmasan Gecidi Pass, TUR, 1600 m collected in

                                                           2006 a possible 200 year old specimen, that has very long,

                                                           cylindrical cones. Very quick growing, robust habit and thick

                                                           leaders, dense branchlets, 3-4 cm long, bright green needles,

                                                           very rigid, relative thick. Full hardy, drought tolerant.

                                                           Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           A Taurus hegységi Irmasan Gecidi hágón 2006-ban gyűjtött magból, amely egy 200 év körüli , 15 centinél hosszabb tobozú egyedről származott. Nagyon gyors növésű, robusztus, vastag oldalvezérekkel, sűrű hajtásokkal. Tűi 3-4 centi hosszúak, merevek, viszonylag vastagok. Teljesen télálló, szárazságtűrő. Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár,


                                                           Cedrus libani ’Long Sting’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Long Sting’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Long Sting’

            Martyr                                   2011 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2011 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant in a public

                                                           park in Budapest.

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Irregular conical habit and arched side leaders. Under part of

                                                           crown definitely pendulous. Long, silverly blue dense needles,

                                                           bark smouth grey almost white.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           8 m körüli, groteszk külsejű növény ívesen álló oldalvezérekkel, szabálytalan kúpos koronával. Az alsó részeken kifejezetten függöny szerűen lógó, festői hajtásain hosszú, sűrűn álló, ezüstösen kék tűk tömege díszíti. Kérge sima, világosszürke, majdnem fehér.

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Martyr’  Arizonica Arboretum HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Martyr’  Arizonica Arboretum HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Martyr’  Arizonica Arboretum HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Martyr’  Arizonica Arboretum HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Martyr’  Arizonica Arboretum HUN

            May                                       Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Midnight                                2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2005 Hódi Tóth József HUN as a sport on Irmasan Gecidi

                                                           Pass, Toros Mts., 1600 m TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Dark, blueish green, dull, long needles, robust growth, conical

                                                           habit, great hardiness.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Kékeszöld, 3-5 centis, matt tűk, robusztus termet, nagyon szabályos korona – akár egy Cedrus deodara. A Darky „szomszédja” volt a Taurus hegységben, a hóviharok és a szárazság váltakozásában élő csodálatos egyed.

                                                           Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Midnight’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Midnight’ photo

            Minuta                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Iseli Nurs. OR USA

                                                           /Green Knight/

            Mousevest                              2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN wild found in suburban Korkuteli

                                                           TUR 1050 m

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           A young plant with regular, conical habit, soft green foliage with

                                                           bloomy touch and on twigs and boughs foggy brown-pink touch.

                                                           Long needles, strong growing. Original plant /graft/ Arizonica

                                                           Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Fiatal növény nagyon szabályos, kúpos koronával, lombozata halványzöld alapon hamvas „érintéssel”. Hajtásai, ágai halványbarna-rózsaszínes árnyalatúak. Hosszú tűk, erős növekedés jellemzi. Anyatő /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Mousevest’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Mousevest’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Mousevest’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

            Mount Tryplos                                             1994 Pieter Zwijnenburg jr. Nurs. HOL

            MPH Szent Erzsébet            2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           Bright goldhaired prinzessin

                                                           Aranyhajú királyleány, népmeséink hősnője is. Hihetetlen lelet, de mégis igaz. A pécsi temetőben áll egy sűrűágú, lassan növekvő libanoni cédrus, amely zöld szeretne lenni. Van egy aranyos ága, több ezüstös, a többi zöld. Árpádházi szentjeink nevét kapták e fenséges jellemű cédruscsodák.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Szent Erzsébet’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Szent Erzsébet’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Szent Erzsébet’ photo

            MPH Szent Imre                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           Bright green prince

                                                           Zöld herceg

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Szent Imre’ photo

            MPH Szent László                2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           A compactous dense cedar in bright silvery shine,

                                                           just like a hero king.

                                                           Egy ezüstvértű erőteljes lovag, királyi megjelenéssel.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Szent László’ photo

            MPH Tűzföld                        2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1985 bought as a seedling by Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum, Erdőtarcsa HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           A bright green, very hardy clone (-28C), grows 1 m a year.

                                                           Incredible vigorous, needs place.

                                                           A növényt Mesterházy Zsolt 1985-ben a csehországi Litomyslben vásárolta. Mára 15 méter körüli energikus jelenséggé fejlődött, amely akkor is kármentes és üde zöld maradt, amikor mellette a kék atlaszcédrusok barnára égtek a 28 fokos fagytól. Kiválóan tűri a szárazságot is úgy, hogy közben nem korcsosul, mint a ciprusi vad állományok. Növekedési hajlandósága hihetetlen, ma már évente az egy méter körül van. Egy szép reményekre jogosító növény kerülhet új távlatok elé nemcsak megjelenésével, de parkjaink, sőt erdeink uralkodójává is válhat. Itteni tapasztalataink alapján még a Tűzföld zord klímáját is kibírná. 1993-ban OMMI minősítést kapott.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Tűzföld’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Tűzföld’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Tűzföld’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Tűzföld’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Tűzföld’ Tuzfold photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Tűzföld’ Tuzfold photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’MPH Tűzföld’ photo

            Mt. Saint Catherine             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Gardenweb 2258

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Mt. Saint Catherine’

            Multicaulis                            Senecl. 1868

                                                           Audibert Nurs., Tonelle FRA

            Nádor                                    2011 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           1996 Hódi Tóth József  HUN from seed of a 280 years old plant

                                                           developed from the Palatine Joseph of Hungary in 1831 on a hill

                                                           in Alcsút Arboretum, Hungary.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nádor’ 

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Found near the mother plant on 23. October 1996. as a very

                                                           young seedling /cca 20 cm high/. Regular, conical habit, flat

                                                           green 2-3 cm long needles. Twigs mostly short, tubby, relatively

                                                           thick and grey. Slow growing, very hardy.

                                                           Original plant /seedling/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           József nádor 1831-ben ültetett alcsúti cédrusa alatt 20 centis korában, 1996. október 23-án talált magonc. Szabályos, kúpos alakú, mattzöld, 2-3 centis tűkkel. Hajtásai többnyire rövidek, zömökek, viszonylag vastagok, szürkék. Lassan növekszik, teljesen télálló.

                                                           Anyanövény /magonc/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nádor’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nádor’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nádor’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

            Nana                                      Loud. 1838                                        GBR

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Nana’

                                                           C. lebanotica var. nana Bail.

            Nana Green Prince              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Greer Gardens OR USA

                                                           /Green Prince/

            Nana Pyramidata                 Carr. 1855

                                                           1827 Seneclause Nurs. FRA

            Nemrut Dagi                         2011 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           1991 Liptai István, Tokaj HUN

                                                                                  1991 Liptai István Collection, Tokaj HUN

                                                                                  1997 Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                                                  Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           Liptai István collected seeds above the Lake Van in eastern Turkey on the slope of the Mount Nemrud in an area of one square kilometer (250 acres). The forest there lives in incredible circumstances with z4-5 frosts, big snow in winter, dry summers in a vaste rocky area mostly without any soil. The collected population was planted at an age of 3-4 years old in Tokaj, HUN with cca. 150 cedars, as a little forest far of his area. The Liptai Collection is on a wild south-eastern slope along the river Bodrog, where the cedars near to the river has grown a trunk of 40 centimeter (16 inch) in 16 years, 50 meters higher usually 25-30 cm (10-12 inch), and bringing quite good seeds yet. About 10 % ot the forest brings never powdering male cones, just female cones, a little more brings only male cones. Most of them seems to be usual with both kind of cones, as usual as we learned before. Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ seems to be an imported genetic wonder, and this unique little forest will be the fathers and mothers of the z4 cedars in the frosty boreal regions of the world. Could have a nice future in reforesting semideserts or even boreal taigas. Grows to unexpected measures in milder climate, needs unusual very much place. (20 meters in diameter!) Majestic soliters to great parks, but no more than 2 or 3. Ideal understock for other cedars planted in less than z6. A gift of Gods, his name comes from the ancient King Nemrud, the famous scythian ruler. Royal names to royal cedars.

                                                           Liptai István a Van tó környékén a Nimród-hegy közelében egy km2 területen gyűjtött magot. Az erdő hihetetlen körülmények közt él, télen -30 C, nyáron több hónapos aszály, és a sziklás talaj alig kínál valamit. A felgyűjtött magoncok 3-4 éves korukban kerültek kiültetésre Tokajban, kb. 150 növény, melyek egy kis erdőt alkotnak. A Liptai Gyűjtemény a Bodrog partjáról szalad fel meredeken. A folyóparti részen az árvizek ellenére 40 cm körüli törzsátmérőket mutat, a meredek oldalon 25-30 cm 16 év alatt, miközben már teremnek a fák. A fák egy része csak tobozt nevel, míg más részük porzósnak tűnik, túlnyomó többségük azonban a szokásos rend szerint éli életét. A Nimród-hegyi libanoni cédrus behozott genetikai csodának tűnik, és szokatlan tulajdonságai révén könnyen későbbi cédrusnemzedékek ősapjai és ősanyjai lehetnek úgy a száraz, mint a fagyos boreális területeken. Kedvezőbb körülmények közé kerülve eddig nem feltételezett méreteket érhet el, akár 20 m átmérővel. Nagy parkok fenséges szolitere lehet nyílt helyeken. Z4-re mutató fagytűrése miatt javíthatja a nála érzékenyebb cédrusfajták télállóságát a Z6-nál szigorúbb helyeken. A Nemrut Dagi az istenek ajándéka, nevét Nimród hegyéről kapta. Isteni nevet az isteni libanoni cédrusnak.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Nemrut Dagi’  Mesterházy photo

            Neuberk                                2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           1998 Jan Beran + Jaroslav Kazbal CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Čarověník, nález Zahradnická Škola Mělník-Neuberk

                                                           Skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad 3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Jakl’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Syn. Cedrus libani Jakl

            Niksartyp                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1985 Kordes Nurs., GER

            Örs                                         2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2011 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of an individual specimen

                                                           in Budaörs, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Maybe 8 m tall with broad, regular, conical habit in a private

                                                           garden. Leaders light descending, dense branchlets. Needles

                                                           straight, short, just 1,5 – 2 cm, shiny green. Hardy.

                                                           Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Egy magánkertben áll a 8 méter körüli fa, amelynek széles, szabályos kúp alakú koronája van. Oldalvezérei enyhén ereszkedők, sűrűn berakodva hajtásokkal. Tűi rövidek, csak 1,5 – 2 centisek, fényes zöldek. Télálló. Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Örs’

            Pendula                                 Knight & Perry 1850             GBR

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Pendula’

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Pendula’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Purdue Hardy                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           The Int. Conifer Register 1988

                                                                                   Indiana Assoc. of Nurserymen, USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Purdue Hardy #1                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Pudrue Hardy #2                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Prostrata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Golden Dwarf/

            Rime                                      2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of suburban

                                                           Korkuteli 1050 m, TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           A young plant with regular, conical crown, bright whitish grey

                                                           bark. Powerful, bulky boughs, by ramifications charakteristic

                                                           rings. Long, „hedgegog” needles with light bloom.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Fiatal növény szabályos, kúpos koronával feltűnően fehéresszürke kéreggel. Erőteljes, vaskos ágak és hajtások, az elágazásoknál jellegzetes gyűrűkkel. Hosszú, sprőd tűk jellemzik, halvány hamvassággal fedik a derűs zöld alapszínt. Anyatő /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Rime’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Rime’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Rime’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Rime’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

            Rosemoor                              Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Sagalassos                              2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of Ak Dag NE

                                                           of Sagalassos 1850 m, TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           From highest place collected plant in area, but higher also lives

                                                           some ’living deads’. Maybe 100 years old, through the could

                                                           winds battered, without leader. Short, bright green needles, very

                                                           thin twigs. Boughs horizontal or light down. Trunk strong, bulky,

                                                           rough, near black. He /or she?/ is a real hero!

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           A legmagasabb helyről gyűjtött növény – bár néhány „élő halott” még feljebb is található. 100 év körüli lehet, a hideg szelek megtépték, csúcsa már nincs. Rövid, fényes zöld tűi vannak, nagyon vékony hajtásai. Oldalágai vagy vízszintesen vagy enyhén lefelé állnak. Törzse erős, vaskos, durva felületű, szinte fekete. Ez a növény valóságos hős! Anyatő /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Sagalassos’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Sagalassos’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Sagalassos’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Sagalassos’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

            Saphire Nymph                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Saphire Nymph’

            Sargentii                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hornibrook 1923  (Sargenti)

                                                           1919 Arnold Arboretum, MA USA

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Sargentii’

                                                           C. libani var. pendula sargentii Hornibr.

            Sargentii Glauca                                          Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Silberspritz                            Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Silver Dream                         2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2004 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport on Irmasan Gecidi

                                                           Pass, Toros Mts., TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Bloomy blueish needles, fast and robust growing, crown like

                                                           a Cedrus deodara wherever stifter habit. Excellent soliter.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Ezüstös libanoni cédrus . A legszebb ezüstfenyő vagy Arizona-ciprus színével vetekszik. Gyors növésű, 3-4 centis tűjű fajta, amely szoliterként álomszép. Koronája a C. deodara-ra emlékeztet, de merevebb, drámaibb annál.

                                                           Anyatő /oltvány/ az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Silver Dream’ photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Silver Dream’ photo

            Stricta                                    Carr. 1859                                          FRA

            Stricta Glauca                                              Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Taurus                                   H. J. van de Laar 1988

                                                           A. A. M. Vergeer, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Taurus’

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Taurus’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Taurus’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Tortuosa                                Henry 1908

                                                           1903 in Dulwich GBR

            Tree to Heaven                     2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN wild found on the Irmasan

                                                           Gecidi Pass TUR, 1600 m

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Stands near ’Blue Mast’, possible are descendantses one and the

                                                           same plant’s. 20-25 meters in height, straight as a mast. Slenderer

                                                           crown than „own brother/sister”. Bright silver foliage, long

                                                           needles, medium size cones.

                                                           Original plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           A ’Blue Mast’ közelében áll, lehet, hogy ugyanazon növény utódai. 20-25 méter magas, törzse oly magas és egyenes, mint a hajóárboc – az ókorban valószínűleg ki is szemelnék erre a célra. Sziluettje még keskenyebb, karcsúbb, mint „testvéréé”, fénylő ezüstös tűk özönéből áll össze. Tobozai közepes méretűek.

                                                           Anyatő Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Tree to Heaven’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Tree to Heaven’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Tree to Heaven’, Abies cilicica 

                                                                                  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

            Turkish Delight                                            Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Turkish Delight’

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Turkish Delight’  Henk van Kempen HOL

            Viridis                                               Carr. 1867                                          FRA

            Uwe                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                  Gardenweb 2258

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Uwe’

                                                           Probably the same as Cedrus atlantica ’Uwe’

            Whitehouse WB                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Cedrus libani ’Whitehouse WB’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Wormleybury                       1970 GBR

                                                                                   Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR


CT 4.0 2012 - 358 cultivar records, 144 of them with photo

CT 5.0 2013 – 384 cultivar records, 154 of them with photo



CEPHALOTAXUS                   Sieb. & Zucc. 1842                CEPHALOTAXACEAE


Cephalotaxus – Kínai áltiszafa – Chinese falseyew

Cephalotaxus Sieb. & Zucc. 1842 - Cephalotaxaceae – Áltiszafa – False Yew


   ALPINA                                        1984                            CHN

                                                           /Li 1953/Fu                                                                WCC

                                                           C. fortunei var. alpina Li


   FORTUNEI                                  1848                           C-, SW-CHN

                                                           Hook.f.                                                                      Kr SS

Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook. f. 1848 - Kínai hosszúlevelú áltiszafa - Chinese false yew

             var. ALPINA                         Li 1953                                              CHN NW-YU

                                                           /C. ALPINA/

             var. CONCOLOR               Franch. 1899                                      CHN SE

            Brevifolia                              Dall. & Jacks. 1948                            GBR

            Grandis                                 1928 Hillier GBR

            Lion's Plume                         Blackburn 1972                                 JPN

            Longifolia                              Dall. & Jacks. 1948                            JPN

            Pendula                                 Nelson 1866                                       GBR

            Prostrata                               Hillier 1964

                                                           1914 Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR

                                                           /Prostrate Spreader/

            Prostrate Spreader               den Ouden 1965

                                                                                   Savill Garden, Hillier GBR

            Robusta                                 Carr. 1867                                          FRA


   GRIFFITHII                                 1888                           ASS

                                                           Hook. f.                                                                     Kr


   GRIFFITHII                                   Oliv. non Hook.f.

                                                           /C. OLIVERI/


   HAINANENSIS                            1953                           CHN HA

                                                           Li                                                                               Kr SS


   HARRINGTONIA                       1829                           JPN KOR

                                                           /Knight ex Forbes/K. Koch.                                      Kr

Cephalotaxus harringtonia (Knight ex Forbes) K. Koch 1829 - Mandzsu v. japán áltiszafa - Japanese false yew                                                           C. pedunculata Sieb. & Zucc.

                                                           C. drupacea var. pedunculata /Sieb. & Zucc./Miq. 1867

                                                           C. drupacea var. harringtonia /Forbes/Pilg. 1903

                                                           Taxus harringtonia Knight & Forbes

                                                           Taxus harringtonii Knight ex J. Forbes 1839            GD

                                                           C. drupacea Sieb. & Zucc. 1846

                                                           C. pedunculata Siebold & Zucc. 1846

                                                           C. drupacea var. harringtonii (Knight ex Forbes) Pilger 1903

                                                           C. harringtonii var. drupacea (Sieb. & Zucc.) Koidz. 1930.

             f. DRUPACEA                   /Sieb. & Zucc./Kitamura 1974           JPN W-CHN

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. drupacea

             var. CORAIANA                Koidz. 1930                                       KOR

             var. DRUPACEA               /Sieb. & Zucc./Koidz.                                    JPN W-CHN

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. drupacea

                                                           C. drupacea Sieb. & Zucc.1846

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia drupacea

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

             var. KOREANA                 /Nakai/Rehder 1941                           KOR

                                                           C. koreana Nakai

                                                           A small evergreen conifer shrub or tree. More hardy than similar forms and performs nicely in partial shade. Deer resistant. Prefers AM sun/PM shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. koreana  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

             var. NANA                          /Nakai/Rehder                                    N-,C-JPN

Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. Nana - Törpe japán áltiszafa - Dwarf Japan false yew

                                                           C. nana Nakai 1916

                                                           C. harringtonia ssp. nana /Nakai/Kitagawa

                                                           C. drupacea var. nana compacta Froebel 1916

             var. SINENSIS                      /Rehd. & Wils./Li 1953

                                                           /C. SINENSIS/

             var. WILSONIANA           /Hayata/Kitamura 1974

Cephalotaxus wilsoniana Hayata 1974 - Tajvani áltiszafa - Taiwan false yew

                                                           C. wilsoniana Hayata

            Arnold Arboretum form     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Arnold Arboretum USA

                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Brooklyn Botanical Garden form

                                                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Brooklyn Botanical Garden USA

                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Duke Garde                                                  1991 Esveld Nurs., HOL

                                                           /Duke Gardens/

            Duke Gardens                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1958 R. D. F Illimore at Sarah P. Duke Gardens USA

                                                           A dense, low-spreading evergreen conifer with rich, dark green foliage that holds color well, even in full sun. Wonderful in spring when the bright green new growth contrasts with the older foliage. Deer resistant. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonii ‘Duke Gardens’

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Garden'

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Duke Gardens’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Duke Gardens’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Fastigiata                               /Carr./ Schneider 1913                       JPN

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonii ‘Fastigiata’

                                                           C. buergeri Miq.

                                                           C. drupacea f. fastigiata Pilg. 

                                                           C. harringtonia var. koraiana /Endl./Koidz.

                                                           C. harringtonia var. fastigiata /Carr./Rehd.

                                                           C. koraiana Hort. ex Gord.

                                                           C. pedunculata var. fastigiata Carr.

                                                           Podocarpus koraiana Endl.

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Fastigiata’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Fastigiata’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Fastigiata’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Fastigiata’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Fastigiata’ 

                                                           Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Fastigiata’  Mesterházy HUN

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Fastigiata’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Fastigiata Aurea                   de Vos 1874                                      HOL

            Fastigiata Aureovariegata   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn 1891                         GER

            Fritz Huber                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Raulston Arboretum

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonii ‘Fritz Huber’

            Fujinami Yellow                   Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Gimborn's Pillow                 H. J. van de Laar 1987

                                                           in Arboretum Gimborn HOL

                                                                                   L. Konijn & Co. Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

            Glauca                                   Nelson 1866                                       GBR

            Globosa                                 Rehd. & Wils. 1914


            Gnome                                   Hillier 1971

                                                           Hillier & Sons Nurs.,  GBR as mutation of


            HC 970357                                                    Heronswood Nursery, Kingston, WA USA

            Kools                                     Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Korean Gold                         B. Klinger 1984


                                                                                   1977 Yinger, Brookside Gardens MD USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           A dense, columnar evergreen conifer; this diminutive form has short, lemon yellow needles on a compact pillar. Marvelous for the smaller landscape. Deer resistant. Prefers AM sun/PM shade in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonii ‘Korean Gold’

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Korean Gold’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Lad                                        1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1965 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonii ‘Lad’

                                                           Found in Lad Arboretum SW-HUN in 1965 of witch’s

                                                           broom. Dwarf with horizontal branchlets.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Not yet propagated.

                                                           1965-ben Ladon talált vízszintes ágelrendeződésű

                                                           rügymutáció. Rendkívül lassan nő.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Lad’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Lad’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Lad’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Lad’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Lad’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Lad’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Lad’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Lad’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Lad’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Lad’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Lad’ photo

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. drupacea Lad

            McCorkie                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            MPH Friss                             2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2011 Mesterházy HUN as a sport

                                                                                  Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                           Freshgreen-lime sport found on a Cephalotaxus harringtonia

                                                           ’Fastigiata’ in the Kecskemét Arboretum HUN.

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Fastigiata’  Mesterházy HUN

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’MPH Friss’  Mesterházy HUN

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’MPH Friss’  Mesterházy HUN

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’MPH Friss’  Mesterházy HUN

            MPH Lapos                          2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2011 Mesterházy HUN as a mutation (reversion?)

                                                                                  Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                           A spreading reversion found on a Cephalotaxus harringtonia

                                                           ’Fastigiata’ in the Kecskemét Arboretum HUN.

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Fastigiata’  Mesterházy HUN

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’MPH Lapos’  Mesterházy HUN

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’MPH Lapos’  Mesterházy HUN

            Nana                                      /var. NANA/

                                                                                   Mallet Court Nurs., GBR

            Nana Compacta                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Fitschen in Beissn. 1930

                                                                                   Fröbel Nurs., GER

            Norris Johnson                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Ogon Chosen Maki              JPN

                                                           /Korean Gold/


                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonii ‘Pedunculata’

            Prostrata                               Hillier ex Hornibrook 1923

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonii ‘Prostrata’

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Prostrata’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Prostrata’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           C. drupacea var. pedunculata prostrata Hillier

            Prostrate Spreader

            Scott Wallace                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Sphaeralis                             /Mast./Schneider 1913

                                                           C. pedunculata var. sphaeralis Mast.

            Variegated                            Hort.

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonia ’Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Watnong                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                                                  Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA

                                                           Cephalotaxus harringtonii 'Watnong'


   LANCEOLATA                           1975                           CHN YU

                                                           /Feng & Cheng/ Cheng & Fu                                    SS

Cephalotaxus lanceolata /Feng & Cheng/ Cheng & Fu 1975 - Jünnani áltiszafa - Yunnan false yew


   LATIFOLIA                                 1984                           CHN

                                                           /Cheng, Cheng & Fu/Fu                                            KeI

Cephalotaxus latifolia /Cheng, Cheng & Fu/ Fu 1984 – Hosszúlevelű áltiszafa – Longleaf false yew

                                                           C. sinensis var. latifolia Cheng & L. K. Fu 1975


   MANNII                                        1886                            IND                           

                                                           Hook. f. ex Hook.                                                     Kr SS

Cephalotaxus mannii Hook.f. ex Hook. 1886 – Hainani áltiszafa – Hainan false yew


   OLIVERI                                      1898                           CHN SE W-HU

                                                           Mast.                                                                         Kr SS

Cephalotaxus oliveri Mast. 1898 – Bizisan áltiszafa – Bizisan false yew

                                                           Cephalotaxus oliveri  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

Cephalotaxus oliveri  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           C. griffithii Oliv. non Hook.f.


   PEDUNCULATA                           Sieb. & Zucc.

                                                           /C. HARRINGTONIA/


   SINENSIS                                     1953                           C-, W- CHN

                                                           /Rehd. & Wils./Li                                                      Kr SS

Cephalotaxus sinensis (Rehd. & Wils.) H. L. Li - Szecsuáni áltiszafa - Sichuan false yew

                                                           C. drupacea var. sinensis Rehd. & Wils.

                                                           C. harringtonia var. sinensis /Rehd. & Wils./Rehd.

             f. GLOBOSA                       Li                                            CHN W-HU

             var. LATIFOLIA                Cheng & L. K. Fu 1975                     CHN  


   WILSONIANA                                Hayata 1914                          TWN                           Kr SS

                                                           /C. HARRINGTONIA var. WILSONIANA/

Cephalotaxus wilsoniana Hayata 1974 - Tajvani áltiszafa - Taiwan false yew




CHAMAECYPARIS                Spach 1842                                        CUPRESSACEAE


Chamaecyparis – Hamisciprus – Falsecypress 

Chamaecyparis Spach 1841 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


   FORMOSANA                                /Hayata/Rehd.

                                                           /C. OBTUSA var. FORMOSANA/


   FORMOSENSIS                           1901                           TWN

                                                           Matsum.                                                                    Kr

Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum. 1901 - Tajvani szavára hamisciprus - Taiwan false cypress


   FUNEBRIS                                               1847                           CHN

                                                           /Endl./Franco                                                             Kr

Chamaecyparis funebris (Endl.) Franco 1847 - Könnyező hamisciprus – Weeping cypress

Cupressus funebris – Könnyező ciprus – Weeping cypress

                                                           Chamaecyparis funebris  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis funebris  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cupressus funebris Endl.

            Aurea                                    Chamaecyparis funebris ‘Aurea’

            Gracilis                                  Carr. 1867                                          FRA

                                                           Cupressus funebris var. gracilis

                                                           Cupressus funebris var. gracilis Carr.

            Viridis                                               Senecl. 1868                                      FRA

                                                           Cupressus funebris var. viridis Senecl.


   HENRYAE                                      Li 1968                       USA FL AL                           KeI

                                                           /Ch. THYOIDES var. HENRYAE/


   LAWSONIANA                           1854                           USA SW-OR - NW-CA

                                                           /Murray/Parl.                                                             Kr

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl. 1854 - Oregoni hamisciprus - Oregon false cypress

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana photo

                                                           Ch. boursieri Carr. 1867

                                                           In most cases C. lawsoniana cultivars are short-lived in the United States. They suffer from root rot and most (some worse than others) eventually die. At Buchholz Nursery, every cultivar listed is produced by grafting onto Chamaecyparis lawsoniana DR™, a disease resistant rootstock. We feel it is irresponsible to produce Lawson Cypress cultivars on their own roots. The public can't be expected to know the risk. Buchholz text.

             f. GLAUCA                         /Jaeger/ Beissn. 1887


Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 17 Siewka (Lewandowski)

            17 Siewka                              2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Mirosław Lewandowski POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’17 Siewka’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 17 Siewka (Lewandowski)

            Aff van Pelts                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Kay & Gary Gee USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Cuttings from Kay and Gary's private garden at Gee Farms. This is the most incredible powder blue plant with a broad columnar habit; it looks spray-painted. Better still, it survived the two -29 winters from hell without a scratch, unheard of for a lawsoniana. Everyone, who saw it fell in love, alas there was only the single plant, which was not for sale. The name given to Gary was Van Pelts so naturally, he scoured the West Coast looking for more but alas, they are not the same. Arrowhead text.

            Alba Keessen                        1972 FRA                  /Erecta Alba/

            Alba Nana                             R. Smith 1867                        /Nana Albospica/

            Alba Pendula                                    Hort. ex Beissn. 1891 /Pendula Alba/

            Alba-spica                             R. Smith 1867                                    GBR

            Alba Spica                             Young ex Lawson 1875

                                                           Young’s Nurs. Milford GBR

                                                           /Young’s Variety/

            Alba-spica Nana                   R. Smith 1867            /Nana Albospica/Hornibr.

            Alba-spica Variegata           R. Smith 1867            /Argenteovariegata/

            Alba Variegata                     Gord. 1875

                                                           Lawson’s Nurs., Edinburgh SCO GBR

            Albomaculata                       Mast. 1896                                         GBR

            Albopicta                               Mast. 1896                                         GBR

            Albospica                              1875 Young Nurs., GBR       /Alba-spica/

            Albospicata                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1909            GER

            Albovariegata                       Veitch 1881

                                                           1881 James Veitch & Sons in Coombe Wood Nurs. GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Albovariegata’

                                                           C. lawsoniana f. albomaculata Schnd.

                                                           C. lawsoniana albopicta Schnd.

            Albrechii                               1959 Notcutts Nurs., Woodridge GBR


            Allonii                                    1963 GBR

                                                                                   1963 Jackmans & Son Nurs. GBR

            Alumigold                             P. de Vogel 1966

                                                           J. Maks Nurs., Dedemsvaart HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Alumigold’

                                                           /Alumii Aurea/ in GBR

            Alumii                                               Beissn. 1891

                                                           1870 R. Smith & Co. Nurs. GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Alumii’

            Alumii Aurea                                                           Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Alumii Magnifica                 Krüssmann 1979                                FRA

            Alumii Nana Compacta

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                                                   1975 Minier Nurs., FRA

            Annesleyana                         1985 Castlewellan National Arboretum IRL

            Aranka                                  1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1981 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           Dwarf about 1 meter, gold, courious branchlets.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           1981-ben szelektált különös tűeltendezésű, aranysárga tűjű

                                                           alig méteres törpe.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Aranyeső                               1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1982 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Pendulous, yellow, slow growing dwarf, 2 meters tall.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           1982-ben szelektált csüngő ágú, sárga színű szomorú változat.

                                                           Lassan növő törpe, alig 2 méter magas.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Argentea                               Lawson ex Gordon 1862                   GBR

                                                           /Alba Variegata/ 1875

            Argentea                               R. Smith 1867

                                                           1866 James Smith & Sons, Darley Dale Nurs. GBR

            Argentea Compacta             2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS


                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

            Argentea Nana                     1964 GBR

            Argentea Nova                     Schelle 1909

            Argentea Smith                    R. Smith 1867                        /Argentea/

            Argentea Superba                1987

                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

            Argentea Waterer                1864 GBR

                                                           Anthony Waterer Nurs., Knap Hill GBR

            Argenteovariegata                Fraser 1875

                                                           1862 Lawson Nurs., Edinburgh SCO GBR

            Argenteovariegata Nova      de Vos 1887

                                                           1887 C. G. Overeynder Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Armstrongii                           2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS


                                                                                   Blue Mountain Nurs. Tapanui NZL

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs.,PA into the USA

            Ashton Gold                         Krüssmann 1979


                                                                                   1968 Jan Spek Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Atrovirens                             Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

            Aurea                                    Waterer ex Gordon. 1862

                                                           J. Waterer Nurs. Bagshot GBR

            Aurea                                    Hort. A common name of yellow clones

            Aurea Compacta                  Plantables Nurs. GBR

            Aurea Densa                         Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1930 W. H. Rogers in Red Lodge Nurs., GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Aurea Densa’

                                                                                   1930 W. H. Rogers in Red Lodge Nurs., GBR

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Aurea             Dømmesmoen                                   Tromøy Planteskole, FÆRVIK DEN

            Aurea Globosa                     1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Kámoni Arb. HUN

            Aurea Kelleriis                     /Kelleriis Gold/

            Aurea Nova                          van der Elst 1895

                                                           1893 van der Elst in Tottenham Nurs. Dedemsvaart, HOL

            Aurea Rogersii                     /Minima Aurea/

            Aurea Romana                     /Romana/                                            HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Aurea Romana’

            Aurea Variegata                   R. Smith 1867                        /Aureovariegata/

            Aureospica                            Jurissen ex Beissn. 1891

                                                           1887 J. Jurissen & Sons Nurs., Naarden HOL

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana var. aureospicata Jurissen 

            Aureovariegata                     Waterer ex Senecl. 1868

                                                           1861 J. Waterer Nurs. Bagshot GBR

            Aurescens                              1968 HOL

            Azurea                                   D. Wyman 1962

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

            Backhouse Silver                  /Pygmaea Argentea/

            Backhousiana                       1969 GBR

                                                                                   Geo Hackman Nurs., Woking GBR

            Barabits Compact                1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1978 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           Narrow columnar dwarf, blue-grey coloured.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           1978-ban szelektált 1 méterre növő keskeny oszlop alakú,

                                                           kékesszürle változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Barabits Extra Gold            1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1975 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                           Narrow, superb yellow, regular growth,

                                                           hardy in C-EUR

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           1975-ben szelektált rendkívül karcsú, világossárga normál

                                                           méretű növény. Télálló, napra nem érzékeny.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Barabits Extra Gold’ 

                                                                                  Arboretum Honemann AUT

                                                           /Columnaris Aurea/Barabits

            Barabits Gold                       1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1982 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                           Narrow, pyramidal, dense, gold, hardy clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Agfalva Nurs. Sopron, HUN

                                                           Keskeny oszlopos növekedésű tömött, aranyszínű, télálló


                                                           Anyatő az ágfalvai kertészetben található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Barabits Gold’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Barabits Gold’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Barabits Gold’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Barabits Gold’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Barabits Gold’ 


            Barabits Tarka                     1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1976 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           White variegated clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Fehérfoltos változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.


            Barabits’s Globe                   1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Barabits 1965

                                                           1952 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Barabits Globe’


            Barabits Glauca                   /Lővér/

            Barabits Lutea                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           Barabits Elemér HUN

                                                                                  Bíró László, Vörös Sándor HUN

                                                           A little bit pale golden variety, similar to /Barabits Gold/,

                                                           grows more intensive with pendulous leader. Barabits Gold

                                                           shows only in rush growing periods the pendulous leader.

                                                           A Barabits Lutea-t nem  Barabits Elemértől vettem, hanem Bíró Lászlótól, azt hiszem. Abban különbözik a ’Barabits Gold’-tól, hogy gyorsabban nő, ezáltal ritkább és szétesőbb, de csak egy árnyalattal. Színre ugyanaz. Gyakorlott szem simán észreveszi a különbséget, főleg ha egymás mellett van a két növény. A ’Barabits Gold’ csak akkor bókol, ha nagyon intenzíven nő. Míg a ’Barabits Lutea’ mindig bókol, csak akkor jobban, ha intenzíven nő. Levélszerkezetre is szinte ugyanaz. Összefoglalva a ’Barabits Gold’ lényegesen piacképesebb növény. Vörös Sándor leírása.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Barabits Lutea’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Barabits Lutea’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Barabits Lutea’ 


            Barker                                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1970 NZL

                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

            Barry’s Bright                      2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS


                                                           Roly Barry in South Taranaki Nurs. Hawera NZL

            Barry’s Gold                         2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                                                  Savill Garden GBR

            Barry’s Silver                        2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1990 NZL

                                                           Roly Barry in South Taranaki Nurs. Hawera NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Barry’s Silver’

                                                                                   Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A spectacular dwarf evergreen conifer with bright silver-white foliage. Grows broadly upright. Prefers AM sun/PM shade in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Barry’s Silver’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           A mutation of /Silver Queen/

            Barry’s White                       2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           NZL                /Barry’s Silver/

            Bautchensis                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                                                   Szkółka "CYPRYS", Urszula i Krzysztof Kłoda

                                                                                  Czaplinek POL

            B.D. Edginton                       2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS


                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘B.D. Edginton’ - Rich golden yellow. An upright, compact specimen. Old variety. Does not burn. Pyramidal. 5 metres high x 2 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 8. Cedar Lodge text.

            Beissneriana                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           P. Smith ex Beissn. 1891

                                                                                   P. Smith Nurs., Bergedorf GER

            Beskidy                                  2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Beskid’ 

                                                                                  Szkółka "CYPRYS", Urszula i Krzysztof Kłoda

                                                                                  Czaplinek POL

            Billwoodiana                         Dall. & Jacks. 1948                            GBR

            Blauer Bautzener                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                  Saemann Baumschulen, Bautzen GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Blaue Bautzener’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Blaue Bautzener’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Blaue Silomla                        Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Bleu Nantais                         Renault 1971

                                                           1967 Renault Nurs. Gorron FRA

                                                           /Blue Nantais/  /Bleu de Nantes/ /Bleu de Doulon/

            Blom                                      den Ouden 1949

                                                           1930 A. Blom Nurs. Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaeycparis lawsoniana ‘Blom’

                                                                                   1942 A. Blom Nurs. Boskoop HOL

                                                           Ch.lawsoniana Erecta Blom den Ouden

            Blonde                                   2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2000 Vörös Sándor HUN

                                                                                   Vörös Sándor Nursery, Zalaegerszeg HUN

                                                           Selected from a Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Ellwood’s Gold’

                                                           A blondy pale gold sport, grows slower. In Zone 6 could have

                                                           problems of frosts. Found and first propagated in 2000.

                                                           Alacsonyabb mint az Ellwood’s Gold, de lombtömegre megközelíti. Kicsit világosabb sárga. Ugyanolyan fagyérzékeny mint az Ellwoodii Glauca. 2000-ben szaporítottam el, egy Ellwood’s Gold mellékágából, amely mutációval keletkezett. Vörös Sándor leírása

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Blonde’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Blonde’  Photo: Vörös Sándor

            Blue Dance                            Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Blue Dance’

            Blue Empire                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Blue Gem                              2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           N. R. Barry 1970

                                                           1961 Roly Barry, South Taranaki Nurs. Hawera NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Blue Gem’ - A lovely blue form of ‘Ellwoodii’. Upright, compact, tidy bush. Needs very good drainage. 1.5 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

Cedar Lodge text.

            Blue Gown                            den Ouden 1965

                                                           1935 J. Hogger Nurs. Felbridge GBR

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana Hogger den Ouden

                                                           /Hogger’s Blue Gown/  /Hoggeri/

            Blue Jacket                           W. Dallimore

                                                           1932 M. Young Nurs. Milford GBR

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana Milford Blue Jacket Dall. & Jacks.

            Blue Nantais                                                 Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                           /Bleu Nantais/

            Blue Plume                            den Ouden 1965

                                                           in Orleans and Isola Madre, Lago Maggiore ITA

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana /Plumosa Glauca/

            Blue Ribbon                          /Dart’s Blue Ribbon/

            Blue Scarb                            Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Blue Scarb’

            Blue Surprise                                    P. J. de Vogel

                                                           P. J. de Beer, Tilburg HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Blue Surprise’

            Blue Tinks                             Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Blue Weeper                         1986 NZL

            Boeri                                      den Ouden 1937

                                                           1937 Jan de Boer & Sons., Boskoop HOL

            Boissieri                                 Hort.

            Booth                                     den Ouden 1965

                                                                                   1963 M. Koster & Sons Nurs., HOL

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana Glauca Booth F.G.Meyer

            Borealis Pendula                                          Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Borzas                                               1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Barabits E. HUN

            Bowleri                                  Webster 1896

                                                           1883 James Smith & Sons, Darley Dale Nurs., GBR

            Boy Blue                                1987 GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Brabant                                 Hort.

            Bransgore                             Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Bregeon                                 H. J. van de Laar 1989

                                                           1988 H.Bregeon SWI

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Brégeon’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Bregeon’  Jiří Balatka photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Bregeon’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ´Bregeon´ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Bregeon’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Bregeon Jaume                     Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Brillance                                1992 NZL

            Brillantissima                        1989 National Botanic Gardens IRL

            Broomhill Gold                     Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1972 Stewart’s Ferndown Nurs.,Broomhill GBR

                                                                                   1975 Stewart’s Ferndown Nurs.

                                                                                   1975 Darthuizer Nurs., HOL

            Bruinii                                   den Ouden 1937

                                                           1928 W. de Bruin Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Buckland Gold                     1988 GBR

                                                                                   1991 Don Hatch Nurs., Honiton GBR

            Budafa                                  1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1975 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           A strong growing green clone, selected for forestry use.

                                                           Erős növésű, erdészeti célra szelektált zöld színű változat.

            Burkwood’s Blue                 Barncroft Nurs. GBR 


            Casuarinifolia                       Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

                                                           1891 Prinz Lobkowitz Nurs. CSR

            Casuarinifolia Aureovariegata


                                                           1904 Prinz Lobkowitz Nurs. CSR

            Caudata                                Hornibrook 1934

                                                           1934 Goudkade Bros. Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Cedar Lodge                         Hort. USA

            Chantry Gold                       1985 GBR

                                                           Seedling of /Yellow Transparent/

                                                                                   Don Hatch in Chantry Nurs., GBR

            Chief                                                             Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Chilworth Silver                   Hillier 1971

                                                           Hillier & Sons Nurs. GBR


            Chingii                                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1949 Millichamp & Sons Nurs.,Ashburton NZL

                                                                                   1963 Davies & Duncan Nurs., NZL

                                                                                   Duchy of Cornwall Nurs., in GBR

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Chingii’ - Another good old variety. Yellow. Upright growth. Compact, pyramidal. 3 metres high in 10 years .Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Clean Leaf                            H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                           J. van de Veldon, Bakelse Brug HOL

            Coerula                                 Gord. 1875

                                                           1860 A. van Leeuwen Senior, head gardener of G. J.

                                                           Alberts Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Coerula Erecta                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909                                      GER

            Coerulescens                         Carr. 1873

                                                           1873 Thibault & Keteleer Nurs., Sceaux FRA

            Columnaris                           Spek ex den Ouden 1949

                                                           1940 Jan Spek Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Columnaris’

            Columnaris Aurea               Hort. HOL                 /Golden Spire/

            Columnaris Aurea               /Barabits Extra Gold/

            Columnaris Glauca              1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1955 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Columnaris Glauca’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Columnaris Glauca’ 



            Columnaris Viridis               /Transsylvania/

            Comet                                                           Kámoni Arboretum into HUN

            Compacta                              R. Smith 1867

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana compacta nana de Vos

            Compacta Elegans               de Vos 1887                                      HOL

            Compacta Nova                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn.1891             GER

            Conica                                   Hornibrook 1939        /Wisselii/

            Cooperi                                 Lombarts 1906

                                                                                   1906 Lombarts Nurs., Zundert HOL

            Cream Crackers                   1983 GBR

                                                                                   Kelvin Lawrence Nurs., Farnham GBR

            Cream Glow                                                Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Cream Globe’ ?

            Crispa                                               Coninck 1889

                                                           A. M. J. Jongkindt Coninck, Tottenham Nurs.,

                                                           Dedemsvaart HOL

            Cristata                                 Hort. ex Beissn. 1909

                                                           1888 Tottenham Nurs., Dedemsvaart HOL

            Croftway                               Krüssmann 1983


                                                           /Variety/  /Crostway/  /Croftway Green/

            Cypress Glove                      1989 National Botanic Garden, Dublin IRL

            D.R.                                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer with sprays of blue-green foliage. Can be grown as a medium-size tree or used as a disease resistant rootstock for other Lawson cultivars. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’D.R.’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Dalrimple                              2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Dalrimple’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           This tree originated on N.Z.’s State Highway 1 on Dalrimple’s property. Due to highway re-alignment the tree was destroyed. When this was noticeably imminent Mr. Ron Gordon took cuttings and grew his own as he felt it was spectacular enough to be saved. In due coarse we will have this for sale. Cedar Lodge text.

            Darleyensis                            J. Smith 1874

                                                           1874 J. Smith & Son Nurs., Darley Dale GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Hollard’s Gold’ 

                                                           (Formerly Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Darleyensis’)

                                                           Cupressus lawsoniana darleyensis /Smith’s New


            Dart’s Blue Ribbon              1989 HOL

                                                                                   Darthuizer Nurs., Leersum HOL

                                                           /Dark Blue Ribbon/ must be a mistake

            Dart’s Globe                         H. J. van de Laar

                                                           1986 Darthuizer Nurs., Leersum HOL

            Dawn Gem                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


            Delorme                                 H. J. Grootendorst 1969

                                                           1965 Minier Nurs., Angers FRA

            Densa                                     R. Smith 1875

                                                                                   R. Smith Nurs., Worchester GBR

            Densa Aurea                         /Aurea Densa/

            Depkenii                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1906

                                                           1901 S.W. Depken, Bremen-Oberneuland GER

            Derbyshire Dwarf                Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1938 J.Smith & Son Nurs., Darley Dale GBR

            Derbyshire Weeping                        1987 GBR

                                                                                   Weasdale Nurs., Kirkby Stephen GBR

            Deres                                      1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Barabits E. HUN

                                                           A clone with white spots on the growing buds.

                                                           Fehér hajtáscsúcsota növelő fajta.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Deres’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Deres’ photo

            Dick’s Weeping                    H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Dik’s Weeping’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Dik’s Weeping’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Doki                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Doktorics Imre HUN

                                                                                  Lukács Zoltán HUN

            Doone Valley                        The Int. Conifer Register 1981

                                                           J. W. Archer, Bagshot GBR

                                                           /Fletcheri/  x  /Wisselii/

            Dore de Croux                      Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1968 Croux Nurs. Versailles FRA

                                                                                   L. Konijn Nurs. & Reeuwijk Nurs. HOL

            Dow’s Gem                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           den Ouden 1965

                                                           Dow’s Nurs., Oakdean CA USA

                                                           /Dow’s Variety/ /Nobles Variety/

            Draht Hexe                           2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury 5.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A slow-growing miniature conifer. Marvelous twisting and turning blue-green foliage with eye-catching small cockscombs provide unique visual appeal. A new selection from Europe. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Draht Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Draht Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Drummondii                         den Ouden 1949


            Duncanii                                2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           R. E. Harrison 1959

                                                           1953 Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Duncanii’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Fine bluish-green thread-like foliage. Shaped like a bun.1 metre high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Duncanii 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Duperoux                              /New Duperoux/

            Dutch Gold                           1986 HOL

                                                                                   Blooms of Blessingham Nurs., GBR 

                                                                                   Fred Barcock, Bury St. Edmunds GBR

            Dwarf Blue                           /Pick’s Dwarf Blue/

                                                                                   Marwood Hill Gardens GBR

            Dzintra                                  2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0

                                                            Hort. LAT

                                                                                  Baltezers Nursery LAT

                                                           One of the hardiest varieties (for Latvia) with yellow needles. Height - over 4 meters, width of 1.5 m, pyramidal shape. Golden yellow needles. Obtained in the Salaspils National Botanic Garden from the cultivar ‘Hollandia’ seeds. Propagated in the Baltezers Nursery LAT. Rožkalna text.

                                                           Viena no izturīgākajām dzelteno skuju šķirnēm (Latvijas                                                                apstākļos). Augstums – pāri 4 m, platums - 1,5 m, piramidāla                                                        forma. Skuhas zelta dzeltenas. Iegūta Salaspils Nacionālajā                                                           botāniskajā dārzā no šķirnes Hollandia sēklām. Pavairota                                                         kokaudzētavā "Baltezers".

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Dzintra’  Irēna Rožkalna photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Dzintra’  Irēna Rožkalna photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Dzintra’  Irēna Rožkalna photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Dzintra’  Irēna Rožkalna photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Dzintra’  Irēna Rožkalna photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Dzintra’  Irēna Rožkalna photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Dzintra’  Irēna Rožkalna photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Dzintra’

                                                           Losona paciprese ‘Dzintra’- Latvia

            Eclipse                                   G. Haddow 1987

                                                           1978 A. Cassels, Markins GBR

            B. D. Edginton                      2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1963 NZL

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., NZL

            Eig. Slg. Gelb                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

            Elegant Pearl                        H. J. van de Laar 1986

            Elegantissima                        R. Smith 1872

                                                           1875 W.Barron & Son Nrs. Barrowash GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Elegantissima’

            Elegantissima                        Hillier 1928

                                                           Hillier & Sons Nrs. GBR

            Elegantissima Variegata      Senecl. 1868                                      FRA

            Elfin                                       W.B. Archer GBR

                                                                                   1986 Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Ellwoodii                               Hornibrook 1929

                                                           in Swanmore Park, Bishop’s Waltham GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ellwoodii’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Ellwoodii’ 


            Ellwoodii Compacta             Hort.

            Ellwoodii Glauca                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

            Ellwood’s Aurea                                          Van Vloten Nurseries CAN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ellwood’s Aurea’

            Ellwood’s Empire                 H. J. van de Laar 1986  /Empire/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ellwood’s Empire’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Ellwood’s Empire’ 


                                                                                   Bridgemere Nurs., GBR

            Ellwood’s Gold                     R. S. Corley 1968

                                                           A. P. Hillier Nurs., GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ellwood’s Gold’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Ellwood’s Gold’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Ellwood’s Gold’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Ellwood’s Gold’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Ellwood’s Gold’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           /Elwood’s Aurea/

            Ellwood’s Goldflake                                    Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Ellwood’s Improved             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           USA               Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

            Ellwood’s Gold Pillar

                                                           1990 Evergreen Nurs., Leighton Buzzard GBR

            Ellwood’s Nymph                 G. Haddow 1983

                                                           Douglas Loundes in MacPenny’s Nurs., Branscore GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Nymph’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ellwood’s Nymph’

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense pillar-like shape. Foliage is gray blue-green. Excellent for the rock garden or in a container. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 24" tall x 10" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Elwood’s Nymph’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Elwood’s Nymph’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Ellwood’s Pillar                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           H. J. Grootendorst 1977

                                                           from USA?

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ellwood’s Pillar’

                                                                                  1977 Kromhout & Zonen, Hazerwoude HOL

            Ellwood’s Pygmy                  Welch 1964

                                                                                   Wansdyde Nurs. Devizes GBR

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana Ellwoodii Nana Hort.

            Ellwood’s Silver                    Hort.               Roses & Shrubs Ltd. GBR

            Ellwood’s Splashed              1993 HOL

            Ellwood’s Sport                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Washington Evergreen Nurs., USA

            Ellwood’s Variegated           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs., USA

            Ellwood’s White                   den Ouden 1965

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ellwood’s White’

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana Ellwoodi Variegata Hort.

            Emerald                                Hort.

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Emerald Green                     1985 IRL

                                                           J. F. Kennedy Park Wexford IRL

            Emerald Spire                      GBR

                                                                                   Macpenny’s Nurs., GBR

            Empire                                  /Ellwood’s Empire/

            Empire’s Gold                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Endsleigh                              Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Epacroides                            Ordnung ex Beissn. 1904

                                                           Ordnung Nurs. CSR

            Erecta                                    R. Smith 1867

            Erecta Alba                           Beissn. 1891

                                                                                   1882 W. Keesen & Son, Aalsmeer HOL

                                                           /Alba Keessen/ 1972 FRA

            Erecta Argenteovariegata   de Vos 1876

                                                           1874 Koster Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Erecta Aurea                        de Vos 1876                                      HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Erecta Aurea’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Erecta Aurea’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Erecta Aurea’ 


            Erecta Aurea Nana              Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Erecta Aureospica                de Vos 1874

                                                                                   1884 C.G. Overeynder Nurs.,Boskoop HOL

            Erecta Blom                          /Blom/

            Erecta Coerula Glauca        Schelle 1909

                                                                                   H. A. Hesse Nurs., GER

            Erecta Fastigiata                  Hort.

            Erecta Filiformis                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1896

                                                           1896 R.Neumann, Saxonia/Sachsen GER

                                                           /Masonii/  /Filiformis Erecta/

            Erecta Filiformis Compacta

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1988 USA

                                                                                   E. A. Cope USA

            Erecta Glauca                       R. Smith 1872                                    GBR

            Erecta Glaucescens              Sieb. ex Otto 1868

                                                           Cupressus lawsoniana erecta glauca de Vos

                                                           /Erecta Glauca/

            Erecta Jackman’s Variety   Hort. GBR 1907

                                                                                   1964 Geo Jackman & Son, Woking GBR

            Erecta Lutea                         Lawson 1874

            Erecta Viridis                       R. Smith 1867

                                                           1850 A. Waterer in Knap Hill Nurs., GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Erecta Viridis’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                                              Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Erecta Viridis’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Erica                                      1975 D. W. Hatch, Chantry Nurs., Honiton GBR

                                                                                   Savill Garden GBR

            Ericifolia                               Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Ericoides                               Nicholson 1884                                             GBR

            Erzsike                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Hort. HUN

                                                                                  Lukács Zoltán HUN

            Fairfield Gold                       2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                                                  1970 South Taranaki Nurs. Hawera NZL

            Falcata                                   Ordnung ex Beissn. 1904

                                                           Ordnung Nurs., CSR 

            Fantail                                   1992 Windsor Great Park GBR

                                                                                   Waterperry Gardens GBR

            Fascination                            H. J. van de Laar 1986

            Fastigiata                               Senecl. 1868

                                                           Seneclause Nurs. FRA

            Felix                                       Felix & Dijkhuis 1941

                                                           1937 Felix & Dijkhuis Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana glauca Felix

            Filicaule                                 Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Filicifolia Pendula Nana      Krüssmann 1979

                                                                                   1930 Orleans FRA

            Filifera                                   de Vos 1877                                      HOL

            Filifera Glauca                     de Vos 1887

                                                           de Vos Nurs. HOL

                                                                                   K. Wezelenburg Nurs., Hazerwoude HOL

            Filiformis                               Fillot 1877                                         BEL

            Filiformis Compacta            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana globosa filiformis Hort.

            Filiformis Glauca Compacta

                                                           /Globosa Filiformis/

            Filiformis Glauca                 Beissn. 1891

                                                           1886 K. Wezelenburg, Hazerwoude HOL

            Filigran                                  1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1985 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                           A globose habit clone of /Filiformis/, hardy in C-EUR

                                                           Original plant in the Ágfalva Nurs. Sopron, HUN

                                                           Gömb alakú /Filiformis/ magonc szelekció.

                                                           Anyatő az ágfalvai kertészetben található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Filigran’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Filigran’ photo

            Filip’s Golden Tears            1997 Hort. in Brabant HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Filip’s Golden Tears’

                                                                                  2007 Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           A hybrid seedling of a Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

                                                           ‘Dick’s Weeping’ and ‘Stewartii’

                                                           Zeer slanke treurvorm met opvallend geel uiterlijk. Sinds dit jaar (2007) te koop. In volle zon voor een goede gele kleur. Heeft de groeiwijze van Cham. 'Dik's Weeping' Na 5 jaar ongeveer 4 meter hoog en 60 cm. breed. Is bij een Brabantse kweker gevonden. Is ter keuring aangeboden op 'Groot Groen' in Zundert. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Filip’s Golden Tears’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Filip’s Golden Tears’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Filip’s Golden Tears’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits photo

            Filip’s Tearfull                      1997 Edwin Smits HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Filip’s Tearfull’

                                                                                  2008 Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Dick’s Weeping’ seedling

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Filip’s Tearfull’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Flava                                      Cripps 1867                /Flavescens/

            Flavescens                             den Ouden 1965

                                                           1867 Cripps Nurs., Tunbridge Wells GBR

                                                           Cupressus lawsoniana lutea flavescens Cripps

            Fleckellwood                         2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Flekellwood’

                                                                                   1965 South Taranaki Nurs.,Hawera NZL

                                                                                   Hull Farm Nurs., GBR


            Fleeti                                      Webster 1896                                     GBR

            Fletcheri                                Hornibrook 1923

                                                           1911 Fletcher Bros. Nurs., Chertsey GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Fletcheri’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Fletcheri’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Fletcheri’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Fletcheri’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Fletcheri Aurea                    /Fletcher’s Gold/

            Fletcheri Drozd                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           2002 Jiri Holata in List of Cultivated Plants

                                                           2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení

                                                           2002 J. Drozd CZ as a golden WB

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Fletcheri Drozd’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Fletcheri Drozd’ 

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Fletcheri Nana                      Hornibrook 1939                               GBR

            Fletcher’s Compact              den Ouden 1965                                HOL

            Fletcher’s Gold                     H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                           1985 HOL

            Fletcher’s Gold Splash         /Gold Splash/

            Fletcher’s Nana                    /Fletcheri Nana/

            Fletcher’s Pillar                    Krüssmann 1983

            Fletcher’s Sunburst              2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Hughes, Blue Mountain Nurs., Tapanui NZL

            Fletcher’s White                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           den Ouden 1965                                NZL

                                                           /Fletcheri Variegata/

            Fletcher’s Yellow Transparent                   /Yellow Transparent/

            Flolar                                     Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Flying Saucer                        den Ouden 1965

                                                           1952 N. T. Bosman Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Forsteckensis                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1891

                                                           in a nursery of Forsteck, Kiel GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Forsteckensis’


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Forsteckensis’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Forsteckensis Aurea             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                  The Conifer Garden Nurs., GBR

            Forsteckensis Glauca           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           /Tharandtensis Caesia/

            Forsteckensis Variegata       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909                                      GER

            Forsteckiana                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

            Four Seasons                        H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                           A. Mauritz & Sons Nurs., Bussum HOL

                                                                                   G. E. F. Bolwijn, Putten HOL

            Fragrans                               Standish ex Gord. 1875

                                                           Standish Nurs., Bagshot GBR

            Fragrans Argentea               Hort. Kew ex Beissn. 1875

                                                           Kew Gardens GBR

            Fragrans Conica                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

                                                           Gebber Nurs. Weisenburg GER

            Fraseri                                   Beissn. 1887

                                                                                   Lombart’s Nurs. Zundert HOL

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana fraseri glauca Lombarts

            Fraser’s Gold                        H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                           1985 HOL

            Frettinghamii                        1989 IRL

                                                           National Botanic Garden, Dublin IRL

            Friesia                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Uphof 1911                                       GER

            Gail’s Gold                            G. Haddow 1991

                                                           Kenwith Nurs. GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs. GBR

            Gillingham                            2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Gillingham’ - A very blue lawson found in the Gisborne area. Habit more weeping than most of its type. Very weeping tall column. 7 metres high x 4.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Gillingham Blue                                           Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Gilt Edge                               1988 Andrew Cassels, Markinch GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Gimbornii                             Hornibrook 1939

                                                           in the Park of Gimborn, Doorn HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Gimbornii’

                                                                                   1937 den Ouden HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Gimbornii’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Glauca                                   1882 Lawson, Edinborough SCO GBR

            Glauca                                   Jaeger 1865

            Glauca Argentea                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hesse 1913

                                                           1913 H. A. Hesse Nurs. GER

            Glauca Booth                                   /Booth/

            Glauca Elegans                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909                                      GER

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana robusta glauca Hort.

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana robusta elegans Hort.

            Glauca Felix                          /Felix/

            Glauca Globus                      /Barabits 1966/Krüssmann 1972

                                                           1952 Barabits E. HUN 

                                                                                  Deutsche Baumschulen1965

                                                           Original plant in the Dortmund Brüninghausen

                                                           Botanic Garden GER


            Glauca Hogger                     /Hogger/

            Glauca Kooy                         /Kooy/

            Glauca Lombartsii               Lombarts 1925

                                                           1910 Lombarts Nurs. Zundert HOL

                                                                                   1929 Lombarts Nurs., Zundert HOL

            Glauca Pendula                    Hort.

            Glauca Spek                         /Spek/

            Glauca Tarka                       /Barabits Tarka/  /Tarka/

            Glauca Veitch                       Veitch ex den Ouden 1937

                                                           Veitch Nurs., Combewood GBR

            Glaucescens                          Otto 1865

                                                           /Erecta Glaucescens/

            Globe                                     /Barabits Globe/  /Globus/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Globe’ (Globus)

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Globe’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Globus’

            Globeria                                                        Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Globosa                                 de Vos 1876                                      HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Globosa’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Globus                                   1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute 1975

                                                           not Welch 1979

                                                           1952 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Superb clone with regular globe habit, a /Triomp van

                                                           Boskoop/ seedling.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN and see /Glauca Globus/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Barabits Globe’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Globe’ (Globus)

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Globus’

                                                                                   Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                   Silvanus Nurs., HUN shows Mr. Barabits

                                                                                  standing behind his ‘Globus’.

                                                           /Barabits’s Globe/:in GBR & HOL

                                                           /Globira/ in HOL via Draijer Nurs.

                                                           /Glauca Globus/  /Globe/

                                                           Seedling of a /Triomp van Boskoop/

                                                           Original plant in the Dortmund Botanic Garden GER

                                                           /Glauca Globus/

                                                           Szabályos gömb alakú változat, a /Triomp van Boskoop/

                                                           magonca. 1975-ben /Glauca Globus/ néven államilag elismert

                                                           fajta lett. Európa több országában különböző neveken

                                                           forgalmazzák.             Államilag elismert fajta, a Mesterházy

                                                           Fenyőgyűjteményben 1999-ben minősített példánya áll.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Globus’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Globus’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Globus’ photo

            Globus Aurea                       1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Bilik József, Szombathely HUN

            Globus Glauca                      /Silver Globus/  /Kék Globus/

            Globus Gold                         1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1985 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Globus Gold’

                                                           A bright yellow clone of /Globus/, the parents are:a gold

                                                           /Globus/ clone and the original /Globus/.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Élénksárga /Globus/ keresztezés, amelynek szülői az 1985-ben

                                                           szelektált aranyszínű változat és az eredeti /Globus/.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Globus Hegyes                      1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1984 Barabits E. HUN 

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok, HUN

                                                           The same like /Globus/, but has a leader.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           /Hegyes Globus/

                                                           Ugyanaz, mint a /Globus/, de vezérhajtást fejleszt.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Globus Hegyes’ 


            Globus Hógolyó                    1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1982 Barabits E. HUN 

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Schneeball’

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                  M. M.Böhmer Nurs., Zundert HOL

                                                           White spotted witch’s broom of /Mini Globus/.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN


                                                           A /Mini Globus/ fehértarka rügymutációja.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Globus Hógolyó’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Globus Hógolyó’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Globus Hógolyó’ 


                                                           /Hógolyó/  /Globus Hógolyó/

                                                           /Schneeball/ /Snowball/

            Globus Mini                          1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1970 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Globus Mini’

                                                           Of seed of /Globus/, dwarf globe, about 1 meter tall.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Introduced in HOL as /Miniglobe/

                                                           1970-ben a /Globus/ magvetéséből szelektált igen lassú növésű

                                                           változat, amely 25 év alatt sem nőtt 1 méter nagyságúra.

                                                           Hollandiában /Miniglobe/ néven forgalmazzák.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           /Mini Globus/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Mini Globus’

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Mini Globus’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Globus Mini’ 


            Globus Silver                        1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1985 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Globus Silver’

                                                                                   Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                   Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok, HUN

                                                           The most blue clone of the series /Globus/

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           A /Globus/ szelekció legkékebb változata.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           /Silver Globus/   /Kék Globus/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Globus Silver’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Globus Silver’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Globus Silver’ 


            Gnome                                   Corley 1970

                                                           1950 W. Hart in Warnham Court, Horsham GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Gnome’

                                                                                   D. W. Hatch, Heath End Nurs. Farnham GBR

            Gold Finger                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Gold Flake                            1968 HOL

                                                                                   L. Konijn Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

                                                           /Ellwoodii Aureovariegata/

            Gold Flame                                                   Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Gold Lace                             1992 GBR

                                                           Windsor Great Park GBR

            Gold Pyramid                       G. Haddow 1989

                                                           Kenwith Nurs. GBR

                                                           /Pyramidalis Lutea/

            Gold Splash                          C. R.Harrison 1975

                                                           Barry Blackman, Te Kuifi NZL

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford into GBR

            Gold Star                              1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1978 Barabits E. HUN, not Hort.HOL

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                  1988 H.J.van de Laar into HOL

                                                           A wide, gold-yellow, hardy clone

                                                           with regular habit.

                                                           Original plant in the Ágfalva Nurs. Sopron, HUN

                                                           Széles, aranysárga, normál növekedésű télálló változat.

                                                           Anyatő az ágfalvai kertészetben található.

            Golden                                   Hort. USA

            Golden Alumii                      /Alumigold/

            Golden Columnaris              Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Golden Columnaris’

            Golden Dwarf                      Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Golden Feather                    Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Golden Guinea                     1983 GBR

            Golden Globe                       Hort.

            Golden King                         Wezelenburg 1931

                                                           of seed of /Triomp van Boskoop/ in

                                                           K. Wezelenburg & Son Nurs. HOL

            Golden Lace                         1983 GBR

            Golden Light                        The Int. Conifer Register 1974

                                                           R. J. Belding, Woking GBR

            Golden Pot                            The Int. Conifer Register 1983

                                                           1986 M. Newman, Old Cherry Nurs., Hadlow Down GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Golden Pot’

                                                           /Pot of Gold/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Golden Pot’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Golden Pot’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Golden Pot’  Edwin Smits photo 

            Golden Prince                       Krüssmann 1983

                                                           1978 W. J. Hooftman Nurs. Boskoop HOL

            Golden Pyramid                   Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Golden Pyrawel                                           2004 C. Esveld Nurs. Boskoop HOL

            Golden Reger                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Golden Queen                       AUS

                                                                                   Dr. J. Smart, Marwood Hill into the GBR

                                                           /Yellow Queen/

            Golden Shower                     1984 GBR

                                                                                   Kew Gardens GBR

            Golden Showers                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Mitsch 1976

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Golden Showers’

                                                                                   1980 D.W.Hatch, Chantry Nurs. USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Golden Showers’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Golden Spire                         Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1971 G. E. F. Bolwijn, Putten HOL

                                                                                   1972 Darthuizer Nurs. HOL

            Golden Splendor                                          Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Golden Surprise                                          Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Golden Treasure                  1972 GBR

            Golden Triumph                  Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1972 Mauritz Nurs. HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Golden Triumph’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Golden Weeping                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Golden Wonder                    1955 N. T. Bosman, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Golden Wonder’

                                                                                   1963 Spek Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Golden Wonder’ 

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Goldgreen                             1993 GBR

            Goldregen                                                     Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Goldspire                              1983 GBR

            Goldsworth Gold                 1985 IRL

                                                           on Mount Congreve, Waterford IRL

            Gombolyag                           2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2000 Vörös Sándor HUN

                                                                                  Vörös Sándor Nursery, Zalaegerszeg HUN

                                                           Mutation found on an old Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

                                                           ’Filiformis’, much smaller, dense, closed dwarf selection.

                                                           For small gardens with care.

                                                           Egy idős fonalas oregoni hamisciprus mutánsa, sokkal kisebb, tömött, zárt törpe növény. Gondozást igénylő kiskertek növénye.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Gombolyag’ 

                                                                                  Vörös Sándor Nursery HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Gombolyag’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Gombolyag’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Gombolyag’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Gombolyag’ 


            Gracilis                                  Nelson 1866

                                                           A. Waterer Nurs., Knap Hill GBR

            Gracilis Aurea                      Davis 1894

                                                           1894 Davis, Hillsborough Nurs. IRL

            Gracilis Aurea Pygmaea      Dall. & Jacks. 1948                            GBR

            Gracilis Glauca                     den Ouden 1949

                                                           1925 W. Wezelenburg Nurs. Hazerwoude HOL

            Gracilis Nana                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

            Gracilis Nova                                    den Ouden 1949                                HOL

            Gracilis Pendula                   Veitch 1881

                                                           1881 W. Barron in Elvaston Nurs., Barrowash GBR

            Gracillima                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1884                                      GER

            Grandii                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1950 Clarke & Co. Nurs. CA USA

            Grandii Pygmaea                 Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Grant’s Golden                    1992 GBR

                                                           Windsor Great Park GBR

            Gray’s Golden                      Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Graycone                                                      Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Grayswood Bronze              1992 GBR

                                                           Windsor Great Park GBR

                                                                                   Savill Garden GBR

            Grayswood Feather             GBR

                                                           Grayswood Hill, Hazlemere GBR

                                                           Chamaeycparis lawsoniana ‘Grayswood Feather’

                                                                                   1982 D. Hatch,Chantry Nurs. Honiton GBR

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. into the USA

            Grayswood Gold                  GBR

                                                           Grayswood Hill, Hazlemere GBR

                                                                                   1982 D. W. Hatch,Chantry Nurs.Honiton GBR

            Grayswood Pillar                 H. G. Hillier 1971

                                                           Grayswood Hill, Hazlemere GBR

                                                                                   1982 D. W. Hatch,Chantry Nurs.Honiton GBR

            Green Arrow                                    Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Green Globe                         C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                           1950 Palmers Nurs., Glen Eden NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Green Globe’

                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Green Globe’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           A real ‘mini’. A rich, deep green, dense conifer. One of the most compact globular dwarfs. Best on a dry, well drained site. 30 cm all around in 10 years. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

            Green Hedger                       Jackman 1949

                                                           1939 Jackmans Nurs. Woking GBR

                                                           /Jackman’s Green Hedger/

            Green Monarch                    Hort. 1988

            Green Pillar                          den Ouden 1965

                                                           1940 Hogger’s Nurs., Feldbridge GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Green Pillar’

            Green Spire                          GBR

                                                           1947 Jackman, Woking GBR

                                                           C. lawsoniana erecta Jackman’s Variety Jackman

            Green Star                            1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1975 Barabits E. HUN 

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                           A hardier clone in C-EUR like /Erecta Viridis/

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Az /Erecta Viridis/ - nél jóval ellenállóbb változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Green Survival                     HOL 1986

                                                           A. Moritz & Sons Nurs., Bussum HOL

                                                                                   1975 G. E. F. Bolwign, Putten HOL

            Green Wall                           H. J. Grootendorst 1979

                                                           1978 Tromp Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Grey Column                                   HOL

                                                                                   1986 H. J. van de Laar HOL

            Grey Cone                            G. Haddow 1982

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Greycoat                               J. Lewis 1992

            Grisette                                  1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute 1990

                                                           1955 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs., Siófok HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           Of seed of /Triomp van Boskoop/. Hardy in C-EUR,

                                                           lime-resistent, branchlets hanging, needles greyish.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           1955-ben keletkezett /Triomp van Boskoop/ magonc.

                                                           Igen ellenálló, rendkívül mésztűrő, csüngő ágú, szürkés tűjű.

                                                           Államilag elismert fajta a Mesterházy Fenyőgyűjteményben

                                                           minősített példánya áll.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Grüne Welle                                                 Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Handcross Park                    /Aureovariegata/

            Handsworth Park                Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Harkin                                   den Ouden 1965

                                                           1896 Branksome Nurs. Bournemouth GBR

                                                           Cupressus lawsoniana Harkin’s Variety

                                                           /Haskin’s Variety/

            Harlow Car                           1992 GBR

                                                           Windsor Great Park GBR

            Haskin’s Variety                   Webster 1896


            Headfort                                H. G. Hillier 1971

                                                           1930 IRL

            Henri Smits                           H. J. van de Laar 1982

                                                           Smits Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Henry Dinger                        1968 HOL

                                                           H. Dinger, Lunteren HOL

            Hillieri                                    H. G. Hillier 1928

                                                           1910 Hillier’s Nurs. GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Hillieri’

                                                           Cupressus hillieri Hillier

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Hillieri’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Hodgers Blue Gown             /Blue Gown/

                                                                                   Ben Reid & Co. GBR

            Hogan                                    /Oregon Blue/

            Hogger                                   den Ouden 1965

                                                                                   Grugapark, Essen GER


            Hogger’s Gold                      1987 GBR

                                                                                   Marwood Hill Gardens GBR

            Hogger’s Green Pillar          /Green Pillar/

            Hohenmoor                           Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Holden Gold                         Holden Clough Nurs., Clitheroe GBR

            Hollandia                               Bailey 1933

                                                           1895 Koster & Co. Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Hollard’s Gold                      2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Hollard’s Gold’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           (Formerly Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Darleyensis’) Nice yellow colour without burning. Has graceful weeping branching with clusters of blue cones in autumn. Conical shape. 5 metres high x 4.2 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

            Höpken’s Silberstar             /Silberstar/

                                                                                  zu Jeddeloh Baumschulen GER

            Howarth’s Gold                    H. J. van de Laar 1969                      GBR

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           /Howards’s Gold/

            Hughesii                                Hughes 1939

                                                           1930 Stan Hughes, Blue Mountain Nurs.,Tapanui NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Hughesii’ - A N.Z .introduction from the South Island. Quite different from the usual colour. Green flecked with white giving a silver hew with a blue cast on reverse side. Holds its colour all year. Pyramidal. 4.5 metres high x 3.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Hungaria                               1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1965 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           A pale green-gold, hardy in C-EUR, lime-resistent

                                                           vigorous clone.

                                                           1965-ben szelektált zárt, halvány zöldessárga színű, rendkívül

                                                           ellenálló, mésztűrő, jó növekedésű változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.


            Hybrida                                 /Nidiformis/

            Ilona                                                              2004 C. Esveld Nurs. Boskoop HOL

            Imbiricata Pendula              R. E. Harrison 1959

                                                           R. E. Harrison Nurs., Palmerston NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Imbricata Pendula’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Foliage hangs down approximately 1 metre in a very graceful, weeping, cascading waterfall effect. Shelter desirable for best effect. Tall & narrow in time. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Imbricata Pendula’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Imbricata Pendula’ 


            Imbric’ Weeping                  /Imbiricata Pendula/

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A stunning thread leafed weeping form a bit reminiscent of

                                                           Dacrydium cupressinum; this will need a protected site.

                                                           Arrowhead text.

            Intertexta                              R. Smith 1872

                                                           1869 Lawson Nurs., Edinburgh SCO GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Intertexta’

                                                                                   R. Smith Nurs., Worchester GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Intertexta’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Intertexta Atrovirens           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909                                      GER

            Intertexta Pendula                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1983

                                                           in Mount Usher Gardens IRL

            Irish Gold                              1976 HOL

                                                                                   Darthuizer Nurs., Leersum HOL

            Ivánc Lutea                           1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1955 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           A yellowish clone, not very hardy in C-EUR,

                                                           rich of cones.

                                                           Original plant in the Arboretum of the Sopron

                                                           Forestry University, Sopron HUN

                                                           Aranyszínű, Közép-Európában kissé fagyérzékeny, bőtermő

                                                            változat. A Kámoni Arborétum e néven szereplő növénye

                                                           valójában a /Semiaurea/.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Ivánc Lutea’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Ivánc Lutea’ 



            Ivonne                                               H. J. van de Laar 1981

                                                           J. van der Nieuwendijk Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ivonne’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ivonne’

            Ivoriel                                     Hort. BEL

                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Zaailing van de 'Aurea Densa'. Ontstaan in een arboratum in het zuiden van Belgie. Wat we terug hebben gekregen, is een smal opgaande conifeer die van blauwachtig in de zomer, later in het jaar weer terug keert naar het zwavel geel en dit tijdens de winter behoudt. Hulsdonk text.

                                                                               Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ivoriel’

            Jackman’s Erecta                 Jackman GBR

            Jackman’s Green Hedger    /Green Hedger/

                                                                                   Aberconwy Nurs. GBR

            Jackman’s Lutea                  1987 GBR

                                                           Jackman GBR

            Jackman’s Triumph            1984 GBR

                                                           Kew Gardens GBR

            Jackman’s Variety               /Green Pillar/

            Jeanette                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Jeanette’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Jolanda                                  H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                           1982 J. van der Nieuwendijk Nurs.,Reeuwijk HOL

            Jones                                      2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Duncan & Davies 1972

                                                           J. N. Anderson, Napier NZL

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Bright yellow. Suitable for shady or semi shady place as well as full sun as it holds colour well. Upright pyramidal habit. 2 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Juniperina                             Lawson 1875

                                                           Lawson Nurs., Edinburgh SCO GBR

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana var. juniperoides Hornibr. 1923

                                                           Cupressus lawsoniana var. juniperina Kent.

            Juniperoides                         Hornibrook 1923        /Juniperina/

            Junivers Stricta                    1993 HOL

            Juvenalis Stricta                   C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                           1930 at Rotorua NZL

                                                           Chamaeycparis lawsoniana ‘Juvenalis Stricta’

                                                           Retinospora leptoclada

            Kámon Gold                                                Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Karaca                                  Heyreddin Karaca TUR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Karaca’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Karaca’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Karaca’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo


Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Kazuarifolia) CHIMERA

            Kazuarifolia Chimera          2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Kazuarifolia Chimera’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Kazuarifolia) CHIMERA

            Keessen                                 /Erecta Alba/

            Kék Hordó                            1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1975 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                   Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           /Silber Fassl/

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           Dwarf, juvenil, broad, dense, blue clone, 1 meter high.

                                                           a /Fletcheri/ seedling.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Törpe, fiatalkori jellegű, széles, tömött, kékes színű, alig egy

                                                           méterre növő változat, /Fletcheri/ magoncszelekció.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Kék Hordó’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Kék Hordó’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Kék Hordó’ 


                                                           /Silber Fassl/

            Kék Silvania                         /Silvania Blue/

            Kelleriis                                 den Ouden 1965

                                                           1938 D. T. Poulsen Nurs., Kelleriis DEN

                                                                                   1944 D. T. Poulsen Nurs. DEN

            Kelleriis Gold                        H. J. Grootendorst 1969

                                                           1938 D. T. Poulsen Nurs., Kelleriis DEN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Kelleriis Gold’

                                                                                   1944 D. T. Poulsen Nurs. DEN

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana aurea Kelleriis Poulsen

            Kelleriis Lutea                      /Kelleriis Gold/  /Kelleriis Aurea/

            Keston Variety                     1935 GBR

            Kestonensis                           1920 Reuthe Nurs., Keston GBR

            Kilboggett Gold                    Donard N. 1972

                                                           Watson Nurs., Killiney IRL

                                                                                   Watson Nurs., Killiney IRL

            Killiney                                  H. J. Watson 1947

                                                           Watson Nurs., Killiney IRL

                                                           /Killiney Variety/

            Killiney Gold                        Donard N. 1972

                                                           Watson Nurs., Killiney IRL

            Kilmacurragh                       Donard N. 1942

                                                           in Kilmacurragh, Rathdrum IRL

                                                                                   1951 Hillier in GBR 

                                                           /Kilmacurragh Variety/

            Kilworth Column                 Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Kingswood                            H. J. van de Laar 1992

                                                           J. H. J. Geilen-Timmermann, Koningsbosch HOL

            Kloosterhuis                          den Ouden 1949

                                                           1910 E. Kloosterhuis, Veendam HOL

            Knowefieldensis                   Beissn. 1911

                                                           1911 Little & Ballantyne Nurs.,Carlisle GBR

                                                           Cupressus lawsoniana knowefieldensis Hort.

                                                           /Knowefieldensis Glauca/

            Konijn’s Silver                      H.J. van de Laar 1986            HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Konijn Silver’

            Kooy                                      den Ouden 1965

                                                           1925 G. Kooy & Sons Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana glauca Kooy Valk. Suring.

            Kooy Gelbbunt                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs., GER

            Krameri                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1887                                      GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Krameri’

            Krameri Variegated             H. G. Hillier 1971                              GBR

            Lakatos                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Lakatos László HUN

                                                                                  Lakatos Nursery, Kál HUN

                                                           A deepgreen columnar form of seed

                                                           Mélyzöld oszlopos alakú magszelekció

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lakatos’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lakatos’ photo

            Lakatos Fehértarka             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Lakatos László HUN

                                                                                  Lakatos Nursery, Kál HUN

                                                           White variegated slow growing selection

                                                           Fehértarka, kisnövésű fajta

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lakatos Tarka’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lakatos Tarka’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lakatos Tarka’ 


            Lakatos Aranytarka                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Lakatos László HUN

                                                                                  Lakatos Nursery, Kál HUN

                                                           Yellow variegated semidwarf globe

                                                           Sárgafoltos féltörpe gömb

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lakatos Tarka’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lakatos Tarka’ 


            Lane                                      den Ouden 1949

                                                           1938 Lane’s Nurs., Berkhamsted GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Lane’

                                                           /Lane’s Aurea/  /Lanei/

            Laxa                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hoopes 1868                                      GER

            Lemon Pillar                         Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Lemon Pillar’

            Lemon Queen                       1983 GBR

                                                                                   Hull Farm Nurs. GBR

            Lennei                                               1985 on Mount Congrave, Kilmeadon IRL

            Leonard Ropner                  1970 GBR

                                                                                   Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR

            Lilla                                       1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1984 Barabits Miklós, Sopron HUN

                                                           Hungarian Agricult.Quality Control Institute 1984

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           A clone of scanty branchlets, silver coloured

                                                           turning violet in the autumn and pendulous habit.

                                                           Rendkívül feltűnő, laza ezüstszínű, később tömörebbé váló

                                                           csüngő  ágú változat. Ősszel lilás elszíneződést mutat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Miklós soproni gyűjteményében található.


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lilla’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lilla’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lilla’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lilla’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lilla’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lilla’ photo

            Limelight                               GBR

                                                           Phil Wood in L. Walker Nurs., Doncaster GBR

                                                                                   L. Walker Nurs., Doncaster GBR

            Little’ Christmas Decor       P. L. Little in Beaverdam VA USA                         ACS 2004

                                                           2002 P. L. Little

            Little Spire                            D. W. Hatch 1972

                                                           J. W. Archer, Farnham GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Little Spire’

                                                                                   D. W. Hatch, Chantry Nurs.,Honiton GBR

                                                           /Fletcheri/ x /Wisseli/

            Lővér                                     1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Hungarian Agricult.Quality Control Institute 1982

                                                           1955 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Columnaris Glauca’

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           Narrow, columnar, silver-blue clone

                                                           Original plants in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           1955-ben szelektált kék színű, karcsú, oszlopos növésű


                                                           1982-ben államilag törzskönyvezték. Mész- és szárazságtűrő.

                                                           Sok faiskolában szaporítják. A Mesterházy

                                                           Fenyőgyűjteményben 1999-ben minősített példánya áll.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           /Barabits Glauca/  /Columnaris Glauca/Barabits

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lővér’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Lővér’ photo

                                                           Hungarian Agricult.Quality Control Institute 1982

                                                           1955 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs., Siófok HUN

                                                           /Barabits Glauca/  /Columnaris Glauca/Barabits

            Lombartsii                            Lombarts 1915

                                                           1904 P.Lombarts Nurs. Zundert HOL

            Luna                                      H. J. van de Laar 1983

                                                           A. Blanken, Boskoop HOL

            Luna                                      Hort. EST

            Lutea                                     R. Smith 1867

                                                           1867 G. & W. Rollison Nurs., London GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Lutea’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Lutea Flavescens                  Cripps ex Gordon 1875


            Lutea Nana                           den Ouden 1965

                                                           1930 W.H. Rogers & Son, Eastleigh GBR

            Lutea Smithii                        J. Smith 1898

                                                           J. Smith & Son, Darley Dale Nurs., Matlock GBR

            Luteocompacta                     Hornibrook 1939

                                                           on van Gimborn Estate, Doorn HOL

                                                                                   1938 den Ouden Nurs.,Boskoop HOL

            Luteogracilis                         den Ouden 1949                                HOL

            Lutescens                              van Gaert 1875

                                                           1875 van Houtte Nurs. Gent BEL

            Lycopodioides                       van der Elst 1875

                                                           van der Elst, Tottenham Nurs., Dedemsvaart HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Lycopodioides’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Lycopodioides’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Lycopodioides Aurea           Ch. obtusa --.

            Lynn’s Golden                      Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Maas                                      P. Lombarts

                                                                                   1957 P. Lombarts, Zundert HOL

            MacPenny’s Gold                 1989 MacPenny’s Nurs., Branscore GBR

            Magnifica Aurea                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

            Marianne                              1986 HOL                  /Jolanda/

            Márovics                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1997 Márovics Attila, Bagod HUN

                                                                                  Márovics Attila Nursery, Bagod, HUN

                                                           A sport of a Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Ellwoodii’, a dense

                                                           semidwarf blue selection.

                                                           Tömött lombú kék féltörpe növény, mely egy Chamaecyparis

                                                           lawsoniana ’Ellwoodii’ példányon keletkezett rügymutáció


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Márovics’ photo

            Marrini’s Sulphur                Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Marsden                                1993                           /Marsdonii/ 1979

            Marsonii                                Dall. & Jacks. 1948

                                                           1932 GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Marsonii’ 

                                                           Een zeldzame dwergconifeer, die op zeer oude leeftijd toch nog een behoorlijke omvang kan krijgen. Het is mij niet bekent hoe oud dit exemplaar is. Hulsdonk text.

            Mason’s Erect                       GBR                           /Filiformis Erecta/?

            Mason’s Orange                   1974 GBR

                                                           in Greyswood Hill, Naslemere GBR

            Mattersburg                          Hort. AUT

            Medlar Gold                         1988 J. Lucassen, Vorden HOL

            Melfard                                 Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1937 Melfard DEN

                                                                                   1973 Boer Nurs.,Boskoop HOL

            Melrose                                  Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Melrose’

            Merrist Wood                       R. H. S. Journ.1972

                                                           in Agric. Coll., Merrist Wood, GBR

            Micky                                    1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1975 Barabits Miklós HUN, named by Barabits Elemér

                                                           Dwarf, max. 50 cm. tall, slim, green clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Loever Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Not yet propagated.

                                                           1975-ben szelektált, karcsú, alig 50 cm-re növő zöldes

                                                           árnyalatú törpe hamisciprus. Nem került még forgalomba.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           /Barabits Pygmy/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Micky / Sárga Csipke’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Micky / Sárga Csipke’  


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Micky / Sárga Csipke’ & ’Lilla’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Miki’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Miki’  ACS database

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Miki’  ACS database

            Milford Blue Jacket             Dall. & Jacks. 1948

                                                           /Blue Jacket/

            Milfordensis                          Hornibrook 1923                               GBR

            Mini Globus                          /Miniglobe/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Mini Globus’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                                              Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Mini Globus’


                                                           /Mini Globus/  /Globus Mini/  /Barabits’s Globe/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Mini Globus’

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Mini Nova                             1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1985 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Mini Nova’

                                                           /Nova Mini/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Mininova’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                                              Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Mini Nova’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Mini Silvania                         1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1986 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                   Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                   Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           /Silvania Mini/

            Miniglobe                              1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1970 Barabits E. HUN


                                                           /Mini Globus/  /Globus Mini/  /Barabits’s Globe/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Mini Globus’

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Minima                                  R. Smith 1874                                    GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Minima’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Minima’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Minima Argenteovariegata

                                                           Beissn. 1872               /Pygmaea Argentea/

            Minima Aurea                      Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1929 W. H. Rogers, Red Lodge Nurs.,Eastleigh GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Minima Aurea’

                                                           dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense conical form. Ascending sprays of lush yellow foliage give it year-round appeal. Must have a good amount of sun to show yellow color. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2.5' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Minima Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Minima Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cupressus lawsoniana minima aurea rogersii Rogers

            Minima Aurea Erecta          2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS


                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A good rockery or pebble garden shrub. Avoid drying out when young. Needs free draining soil. Conical dwarf. 50 cm high x 40 cm wide in 10 years. Zone 5. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Aurea Nana’ is a good substitute. Cedar Lodge text.

            Minima Densa                                              Aberconwy Nurs. GBR

            Minima Glauca                     R. Smith 1867                                    GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Minima Glauca’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Minima Glauca’ 


            Minima Gracilis                    1989 IRL

                                                           National Botanic Garden, Dublin IRL

            Modonga Park                     Hort.

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Moerheimii                            den Ouden 1965

                                                           1934 B. Ruys in Moerheim Nurs., Dedemsvaart HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Moerheimi’

            Monumentalis                       de Vos 1875

                                                           1873 C. de Vos, Hazerwoude HOL

            Monumentalis Aurea           Poulsen 1944

                                                           Poulsen Nurs.,Kelleriis DEN

            Monumentalis Glauca          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn.1891             GER

            Monumentalis Nova             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn.1891             GER

            Moonlight                              H. J. Watson 1963

                                                           Watson Nurs., Killiney IRL

                                                                                   1975 J. F. Schupper Nurs.,Hazerswoude HOL

            Moonshine                            GBR

                                                                                   Bressingham Nurs.,Norfolk GBR

            Moonsprite                            Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Moonsprite’

            Moor Leys Gold                   Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            MPH Cirmos                        2011 Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  2012 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2012 Vörös Sándor Nursery HUN

                                                           Goldtipped globose mainly green selection.

                                                           Very optimistic in sight to smaller gardens.

                                                           Aranyos hajtáscsúcsokkal rendelkező zöld gömböc. Vidám jelenség kisebb kertekbe, parkokba.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Cirmos’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Cirmos’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Cirmos’ 


            MPH Citromos Globus        2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN

                                                           Lemonade sports found on a Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

                                                           ’Globus’ hedge in Budapest. Keeps his globose form in a

                                                           surprising colour: more than freshgreen and less than

                                                           gold. This is the shaped lemonade, more intensive in

                                                           sunny sides.

                                                           Citromos hajtásokról szaporítva egy ’Globus’ sövényről Budapesten. Gömbölyű formáját tartja a frisszöldnél élénkebb, az aranyosnál fakóbb árnyalatban, mely napos oldalon erősebben érvényesül.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Citromos Globus’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Citromos Globus’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Citromos Globus’ 


            MPH Ezüsthajú Nagyanyó 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Szekszárd HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           A dense, broad silvery clon, grows slowly

                                                           Mesterházy Zsolt 2009 decemberében a szekszárdi temetőben bukkant egy 30 éves ezüstös, széles, de kompakt hamisciprusra, amely őt egy ősz nagymamára emlékeztette. A növény alig magasabb 2 méternél.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Ezüsthajú Nagyanyó’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Ezüsthajú Nagyanyó’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Ezüsthajú Nagyanyó’ 


            MPH Kincsestár                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           Bright gold also in winter, grows as usual

                                                           Télen is szép aranyszínű mutáció, normál növekedésű

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Kincsestár’ 


            MPH Málom                         2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           Great conical habit, grey-silvery sport of an old Chamaecyparis

                                                           lawsoniana ’Triomp van Boskoop’

                                                           Fakó ezüstös nagy kúp, egy idős ’Triomp van Boskoop’


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Málom’ 


            MPH Misina                          2011 Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2012 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2012 Vörös Sándor Nursery HUN

                                                           Gold-tipped green semidwarf selection for small gardens.

                                                           3 meters in 30 years.

                                                           Aranyos csúcshajtásokkal színesített zöld féltörpe típus a kiskertekbe. 30 évesen 3 méter magas.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Misina’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Misina’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Misina’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Misina’ 


            MPH Pendula Nóra                         1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1995 Mesterházy HUN of seed in Alsótekeres HUN

                                                           Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute 1995

                                                                                  Mesterházy Pinetum, Erdőtarcsa HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           A Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Pendula’ seedling, collected by

                                                           Mesterházy Zsolt & Orlóci László in 1990. A broad habit

                                                           hanging form in bluish colour.

                                                           Az alsótekeresi faiskolában lévő Schricker-féle Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Pendula magonca, melynek magját Orlóci László és Mesterházy Zsolt gyűjtötte 1990-ben. Széles, bókoló ágrendszerű növény enyhén kékes színnel, ma 4 m magas. 1995-ben OMMI minősítést kapott.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Pendula Nóra’ 


            MPH Thököly                       2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           Blue column with lemonade on the tops, looks like bicolor

                                                           Kék oszlop citromos hajtáscsúccsal, kettős színű

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Thököly’ 


            MPH Zengő                           2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           Bright gold also in winter, grows as usual

                                                           Télen is szép aranyszínű mutáció, normál növekedésű

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Zengő’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Zengő’ 


            MPH Zrínyi                           2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                           Bright deep green column

                                                           Intenzív mélyzöld oszlop

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Zrínyi’ 


            MPH Zsolnay Eozin             2011 Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2012 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2012 Vörös Sándor Nursery HUN

                                                           An intensive greeny-lemonade sport of a young Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Columnaris Glauca’, grows to a conical column.

                                                           A Zsolnay manufaktúra eozinfestéséhez hasonló színű zöldesaranyos mutáció egy Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Columnaris Glauca’ növényen. A sárga hajtáscsúcsok a krémes zöld környezetben szép külsőt, és önálló jellemet kölcsönöznek a növénynek.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Zsolnay Eozin’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Zsolnay Eozin’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’MPH Zsolnay Eozin’ 


            Naberi                                               den Ouden 1949

                                                           1929 Naber & Co. Nurs., Gouda HOL

            Nagykanizsa                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Hort. HUN

                                                                                  Lukács Zoltán HUN

            Nana                                      Pepin 1864

                                                           1861 Dauvesse Nurs. FRA

            Nana Alba                             Veitch 1881                /Nana Albospica/

            Nana Alba Maculata            Hort.

            Nana Albospica                    Beissn. ex Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1874 GBR

                                                           Cupressus lawsoniana alba spica nana Barron

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana alba nana /R.Smith/Nich.

            Nana Albovariegata             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

            Nana Argentea                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1884                           GER

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana minima argentea Hornibrook

            Nana Argenteovariegata     de Vos 1887                           HOL

                                                           /Albo-variegata Elegans/  /Nana Variegata/

            Nana Aureovariegata          1988 GBR

            Nana Compacta                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

            Nana Densa                          /Nana/

            Nana Glauca                         Veitch 1881                           GBR

            Nana Glauca Rogersii          /Rogersii/

            Nana Rogersii                       /Rogersii/

            Nestoides                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Nestoides’

                                                           J. Manton, Vancouver BC CAN

                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Slow growing spreading cultivar with flat blue green foliage.

                                                           Grows wide. Girard text.

                                                           Heel traag groeiend . Breed en met overhangende takken die elkaar mooi overlappen .Blauw-groen van kleur maar in het voorjaar zilver-blauw uitlopend nieuw schot. Gevonden door J. Manten ,Vancouver B.C. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Nestoides’  Girard photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Nestoides’ 

                                                                                  Girard Nursery USA photo

            New Duperuox                     1986 FRA

                                                                                   1982 J. Smits Nurs., Boskoop into HOL

            New Golden                          Lombarts 1957

                                                                                   1957 P. Lombarts Nurs., Zundert HOL

            New Silver                             A. C. Mitchell 1972

                                                           1915 J. Smith Nurs., Matlock GBR

            Nicole                                     Don Hatch GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Nicole’

            Nidiformis                             Beissn. 1901

                                                           1890 Rovelli Bros. Nurs., Pallanza ITA

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Nidiformis’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana nidifera /Nichols./Hornibr.

            Nidiformis Compacta          Hort.

            Nivea                                     van Geert 1862

                                                           1862 van Geert Nurs., Antwerpen BEL

            Nivea Glauca                        1984 GBR

                                                           Kew Gardens GBR

            Nova                                      1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Hungarian Agricult.Quality Control Institute 1972

                                                           1969 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Bright yellow, hardy in C-EUR over 2 meters,

                                                           narrow conical clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Feltűnően sárga, Közép-Európában 2 méteres méret felett

                                                           télálló, karcsú, kúpos formájú változat.

                                                           Államilag elismert fajta, a Mesterházy Fenyőgyűjteményben

                                                           minősített példánya áll.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Nova’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Nova’  Courtesy of Lukács Zoltán

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Nova’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Nova’ photo

            Nova Mini                             1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1985 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Mini Nova’

                                                                                   Egzota Nurs. of Mr. Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                   Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Nova Mini’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Nova Mini’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Mininova’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           Dwarf, about 1 meter, bright gold, of /Nova/ seed

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Ragyogó arany színű, kb. 1 méter magas törpe /Nova/ magonc.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           /Mini Nova/

            Nyewoods                              Webbs Garden Centres Ltd. GBR

                                                           /Chilworth Silver/

            Nymans                                 1987 HOL                  /Aureovariegata/

            Nymph                                  1986 HOL                  /Ellwood’s Nymph/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Nymph’

            Ochroleuca                            Mast. 1896                                         GBR

            Olbrichii                                Beissn. 1904

                                                           Fröbel Nurs., Zurich SWI                  /Albrechii/

            Oliver Slocock                       1984 GBR

                                                           Kew Gardens, GBR

            Opál                                       1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1990 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Dense, conical, greyish, narrow clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Sűrű ágrendszerű, kúpos, szürkésszínű, karcsú változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Ophir                                     1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1990 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Narrow, gold coloured conical, vigorous and resistent clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Karcsú, aranyszínű, kúpos alakú, erőteljes növekedésű és

                                                           ellenálló változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.


            Oregon Blue                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Mitsch 1978

                                                           Arneson Nurs., Canby OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Oregon Blue’

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., OR USA

            Orlóci Arany                         1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1984 Orlóci László, head-gardener in Univ. Bot.

                                                           Gard. Budapest HUN. Selected of seed.

                                                           A golden yellow hybrid of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

                                                           ’Stewartii’ x ’Tekeres’ from the old Schricker Collection in

                                                           Alsótekeres HUN. Slow growing, fine leaved clone with small

                                                           cones, sunburst makes no damage in.

                                                           Orlóci László 1984-ben állította elő magvetésből Alsótekeresen a Schricker-féle régi törzsültetvényben lévő Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Stewartii’ és ’Tekeres’ hibridjeként. Lassú növekedésű, finom levélzetű, apró tobozú aranyossárga növény, mely tűző napon sem károsodik.

                                                           /Orlóci Gold/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Orlóci Arany’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Orlóci Arany’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Orlóci Arany’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Orlóci Arany’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Orlóci Arany’  


            Oro                                        Krüssmann 1979 ex Welch & Haddow

                                                           A. & W. Hoogendorn Boskoop HOL

                                                                                   1970 Felix & Dijkhuis Nurs. HOL

            Overeynderi                          Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

                                                                                   Kalmthout Arb. BEL

            Pagoda                                  Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Parr’s Gold                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           K. Parr 1994 as a seedling of /Stewartii/       ACS 2004

                                                           2003 D. P. Spicer

                                                                                  2003 D. P. Spicer

            Parsons                                  den Ouden 1965

                                                           Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Parsons’

                                                                                   1964 Hillier & Sons Nurs.Winchester GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Parsons’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Patula                                    R. Smith 1872                                    GBR

            Pearl Nova                            HOL

            Pelt’s Blue                             Kordes 1984


                                                                                   Hinrich Kordes Nurs., Bilsen GER

                                                           /van Pelt’s Blue/

            Pembury Blue                       Jackman 1968

                                                           1965 Baggesen Nurs., Kent GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Pembury Blue’

                                                                                   G. Jackman Nurs., Woking GBR

                                                           An upright, erect conifer shrub considered to be the finest of the Blue Lawson Cypress. Silvery-blue foliage glows on this impressive column. Can make a stunning, dense hedge. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Pembury Blue’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Pembury Blue’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Pembury Blue’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Pena Park                             F. G. Meyer 1961

                                                           Fred G. Meyer in a park of Sintra POR

            Pendula                                 Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Pendula’

            Pendula Alba                                    R. Smith

                                                           1869 W. Paul & Son Nurs. GBR

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana alba pendula Beissn.

            Pendula Aurea                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909                                      GER

            Pendula Glauca                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Pendula Krejčí                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0

                                                           Ladislav Krejčí CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Pendula Nova                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909

            Pendula Vera                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hesse 1890

                                                           Hermann A. Hesse Nurs. GER

            Phil’s Flurries                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with an upright pyramidal form. Sprays of green foliage are variegated with cream-white. Originated as a mutation of 'Green Globe'. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Discovered and introduced by the Flora Wonder™ Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Phil’s Flurries’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz photo

            Pick’s Dwarf Blue                1986 GBR

                                                                                   Walker’s Nurs., Doncaster GBR

            Picta Argentea                      Lawson 1875

                                                                                   Lawson Nurs., Edinburgh GBR

            Pina Colada                          Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Pina Colada’

            Pioneer                                  /Erecta Viridis/?

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Pixie                                       H. J. van de Laar 1977

                                                           1975 T. Streng Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Pixie’

            Plumosa                                 Lieb 1901

                                                           E. Lieb, Partenit, Krim UKR

            Plumosa Glauca                   Krüssmann 1960

                                                                                   1914 R. Chenault, Orleans FRA

            Pot of Gold                           /Golden Pot/

            Pottenii                                  Dall. & Jacks. 1923

                                                           1910 Potten Nurs., Cranbrook GBR

                                                           Cupressus lawsoniana var. pottenii Dall. & Jacks.

                                                           Cupressus lawsoniana pottenii Hillier

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Pottenii’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            President Roosevelt              Krüssmann 1983

                                                           Hogger’s Nurs., Felbridge GBR

                                                                                   1945 Hogger’s Nurs., Felbridge GBR

            Procumbens                          Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1939 James Backhouse & Son Nurs., York GBR

            Prostrata Glauca                  Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

                                                           1891 Ordnung in Prince Lobkowitz’s Nurs. CSR

            Pulcherrima                          Beissn. 1909               /Pyramidalis Alba/

            Pulverulente                          Lieb ex Beissn. 1903

                                                           E. Lieb Nurs., Partenet, Krim UKR

            Pygmaea                                W. Barron 1875                                 GBR

            Pygmaea Argentea               Hort. ex Beissn. 1887

                                                           Backhouse Nurs., York GBR

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Pygmaea Argentea’

                                                           A dwarf upright evergreen conifer with sprays of blue-green foliage. Branch tips are a dazzling cream-white. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2.5' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           /Backhouse Silver/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Pygmaea Argentea’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Pygmaea Argentea’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Pygmaea Argentea’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Pygmaea Aurea                    Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Pygmaea Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Pygmy                                               G. Jackman 1968                               GBR

            Pyramidalis                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           de Vos 1867

                                                           P. Smith Nurs., Bergedorf GER

            Pyramidalis Alba                  de Vos 1887                                      HOL

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana f. pulcherrima Beissn.

            Pyramidalis Alba Nana       Pynaert 1878                                      BEL

            Pyramidalis Glauca              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909                                      GER

            Pyramidalis Lutea                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891                        GER

            Pyramidalis Lutea Gracilis  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891                        GER

            Queen Anne                          GBR

            Rabbit’s Gold                       1986 HOL

                                                           L. Konijn Nurs. HOL

                                                                                   H. J. van de Laar

            Raievskyana                         Lieb

                                                           1901 E. Lieb, Partenit, Krim UKR

            Ralf HB                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Reefton                                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1972 NZL

                                                           a tree in Reefton NZL

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

            Rehers Findling                    Hort.

            Reid’s Own                           Ben Reid & Co. GBR

            Rena                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           zu Jeddeloh 1990                               GER

            Rijnhof                                  H. J. Grootendorst 1978

                                                           K. van Rijn Nurs., Hazerswoude HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Rijnhof’

            Ringelaar                                                      Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Rimpelaar                             Hort. HOL

                                                                                   Helmers Nurs., GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Rimpelaar’

                                                           A miniature conifer with marvelous blue juvenile foliage. Perfect for a rock garden or trough. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Probably the same as /Ringelaar/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ´Rimpelar´ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Rimpelaar’  Edwin Smits photo 

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Rimpelaar’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Rimpelaar’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Rimpelaar’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Rimpelaar’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Robusta                                 Coninck 1884

                                                           1847 Jongkindt Coninck, Tottenham Nurs., HOL

            Robusta Argentea                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891                        GER

            Robusta Aurea                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891                        GER

            Robusta Glauca                    Hort.               /Glauca Elegans/

            Robusta Glauca                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891                        GER

            Robusta Glauca Kámon      1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Kámoni Arboretum HUN of a witch’s broom

            Robusta Szombathely          2005 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury 2.0

                                                                                  Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Probably /Robusta Glauca Kámon/

            Rock Gold                                                    Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Rogersii                                 den Ouden 1965

                                                           1930 W. R. Rogers & Sons GBR

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana nana rogersii Rogers

                                                           /Nana Rogersii/  /Nana Glauca Rogersii/

            Rogersii Aurea                     /Minima Aurea/

            Rogersii Nana                       /Rogersii/

            Romana                                 H. J. van de Laar 1986                      ITA

                                                                                   1980 Vuyk van Nes Nurs. in HOL

                                                                                   Bridgemere Nurs. in GBR

                                                           /Aurea Romana/

            Rosenthalii                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           P. Smith ex Beissn. 1891

                                                                                   1884 P. Smith, Bergedorf GER

            Royal Gold                            The Int. Conifer Register 1975

                                                           in a Taunton garden GBR

                                                           J. F. B. Schupper, Hazerswoude HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Royal Gold’

            Sabján                                   1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1988 Sabján László, Keszthely-Cserszegtomaj W-HUN

                                                           A clone of seed.

                                                           Original plant in Sabján Pinetum, Keszthely W-HUN

            Sandy                                                            Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Sandy’

            Sárga Csipke                         2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1984 Barabits Miklós, Sopron HUN

                                                                                  Barabits Miklós Nurs., Sopron HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Sárga Csipke’ 



            Sargentea                              1989 IRL

                                                           National Botanic Garden, Dublin IRL

            Scarabantia                           1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Slow growing, not taller than 1,5 meters,

                                                           blue-grey clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Lassan növő, másfél méternél nem magasabb szürkéskék


                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Scarabantia’ 


            Schneeball                             1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1982 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Schneeball’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Schneeball’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           (‘Hógolyó’ of Barabits)

                                                           /Globus Hógolyó/

            Schongariana                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Pfitzer ex Beissn. 1909

                                                           1909 W. Pfitzer, Stuttgart GER

            Semiaurea                             /Hungaria/

            Sendy                                     2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Uwe Horstmann GER

                                                                                  Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Heksenbezem uit Cham.l.'Columnaris'. Gevonden door Uwe Horstmann. Nog niets bekend over de uiteindelijke groeiwijze. Regelmatig verwijderen van takjes die willen doorgroeien is aan te bevelen om een compacte vorm te behouden. Hulsdonk text.

            Shawii                                               Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Silberfassl                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 Windsor Great Park GBR

            Silberstar                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           The Int. Conifer Register 1985

                                                           1962 H. J. Hopken, Petersfehn GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silberstar’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Silvania                                  1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute 1986

                                                           1980 Barabits E. HUN 

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Silvania’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                                                   M. M. Böhmer Nurs., Zundert HOL

                                                           Found in Kámoni Arboretum, Szombathely W-HUN as a

                                                           witch’s broom of an old Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

                                                           /Casuarinifolia/. Branchlets shell-like, about

                                                           3 m. tall, dark-green, hardy clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           1980-ban a Kámoni Arborétumban lévő idős Chamaecyparis

                                                           lawsoniana /Casuarinifolia/ példányon talált rügymutáció

                                                           oltványa. 1986-ban államilag elismert fajtaminősítést szerzett.

                                                           Kagylós ágállású, 3 méternél nem nagyobb, feltűnően

                                                           mélyzöld, tömött, nagyon ellenálló szelekció. Ausztriában

                                                           /Wiener Wald/, Hollandiában egyéb neveken forgalmazzák.

                                                           Államilag elismert fajta, a Mesterházy Fenyőgyűjteményben

                                                           minősített példánya áll.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           /Wiener Wald/ in AUT & HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silvania’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silvania’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silvania’ photo

            Silvania Blue                         1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1982 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           Branchlets shell-like, silvery, regular growth,

                                                           hardy in C-EUR, similar to /Silvania/ of habit.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Kagylós ágállású, ezüstös színű, télálló, a /Silvania/ - hoz

                                                           hasonló növekedésű és habitusú változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silvania Blue’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silvania Blue’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silvania Blue’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Kék Silvania’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Kék Silvania’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Kék Silvania’ 


                                                           /Kék Silvania/

            Silvania Mini                         1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1986 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                  Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                                                  Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           Of seed of /Silvania/, low growing, compact clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           1986-ban a /Silvania/ magvetéséből szelektált lassú növésű,

                                                           másfél méterre növő, szülőjére egyébként teljesen hasonlító


                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           /Mini Silvania/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silvania Mini’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silvania Mini’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silvania Mini’ 


            Silvanus                                 1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1986 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Hybrid of /Silvania/  x  /Globus/

                                                           Dwarf, globe habit clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Ágfalva Nurs. Sopron, HUN

                                                           A /Silvania/ és a /Globus/  hibridje, zöld, gömbalakú magonc,

                                                           lassú növekedésű változat. Magas törzsre oltva is szaporítják.

                                                           Anyatő az ágfalvai kertészetben található.

            Silver Ball                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Silver Ball’

                                                                                   E. A. Cope USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Silver Ball’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Silver Dome                          1983 GBR

            Silver Gem                            Krüssmann 1979                                FRA

            Silver Moon                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   Hull Farm Nurs. in GBR

            Silver Queen                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Silver Queen’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Silver Queen’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silver Queen’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Silver Star                                                     Kikuta Flower Academy JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Silver Star’

            Silver Threads                      The Int. Conifer Register 1983

                                                           Kelwin Lawrence Nurs., Farnham GBR

                                                                                   D. W. Hatch, Chantry Nurs., Honiton GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Silver Threads’

                                                           A slow-growing columnar conifer. Foliage is yellow green with silvery white variegation. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silver Threads’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Silver Threads’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Silver Tips                             1968 HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Silver Tip’

                                                                                   J. Konijn & Son Nurs., Ederveen HOL

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. in the USA

            Slocockiana                           1989 GBR

                                                                                   Kelwin Lawrence Nurs., Farnham GBR


            Smaragd                                1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1990 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                   Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                           Emerald coloured, dense conical habit.

                                                           Original plant in the Ágfalva Nurs. Sopron, HUN

                                                           A Thuja occidentalis /Smaragd/ változathoz formájában és

                                                            színében hasonló, tömött, kúpalakú változat.

                                                           Anyatő az ágfalvai kertészetben található.

            Smithii                                   Dall. & Jacks. 1948

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Smithii’


            Smithii                                   den Ouden 1965

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Smithii’

                                                                                   1898 J. Smith & Son, Darley Dale GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Smithii' - This tree is well worth growing as, with age, it is a beauty. It is not unduly affected with salt wind in our garden and has not succumbed to cypress canker either. Colour is pale cream. For the large garden. Pyramidal. Weeping foliage. 2 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana lutea Smith den Ouden 

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana darleyensis Beissn.

            Smithii Aurea                       /Lutea Smithii/

            Smith’s New Silver               /Darleyensis/

                        The cultivars /Smithii/ should be the same ones, possibly. /Krüssmann/

            Snow Flurry                         C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Snow Queen                          2003 Brightman in ACS database

                                                                                  M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Snow White                          GBR

                                                           1983 R. Murray in Allandale Nurs., Willerby GBR

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Snow White’

            Somerford Spine                  1992 GBR

                                                           Windsor Great Park GBR

            Somerset                                Scott 1967

                                                           Scott Nurs., Merriott GBR

                                                           /Fletcheri Somerset/

            Sopron                                   1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Barabits 1965                         HUN

            Southern Gold                      Duncan & Davies 1972

                                                           Ken Burns, Timaru NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Southern Gold’ ?

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Slow growing, lemon colour. Looks best in semi or dappled to almost full shade. Does not like salt wind. Pyramidal. 2 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Southern Gold                      Krüssmann 1979

                                                           Southern Nurs. GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Southern Gold’ ?

                                                                                   Darthuizer Nurs. Leersum HOL

            Souvenir de Leide                de Vos 1887

                                                           1877 C. de Vos Nurs., Hazerswoude HOL

            Spangles                                Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Spek                                       den Ouden 1949

                                                           1940 Jan Spek Nurs.,Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Spek’  (‘Glauca Spek’)

                                                                                   1942 Jan Spek Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana glauca Spek den Ouden

            Spiegelenberg                       H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                           1983 M. G. Spiegelenberg, Varden HOL

            Spiralis                                  Beissn. 1909

                                                           1909 Ordnung in Prince Lobkowitz Nurs., CSR

            Spring Cream                       HOL

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Spring Showers                    1985 USA

                                                                                   L. C. Hatch

            Spring Time                          HOL

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Squarrosa                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Mayr 1906

                                                           1906 Prof. Dr. Heinrich Mayr of Munich GER of seed

                                                           An original plant in Kőszeg Arboretum HUN

            Stardust                                 P. de Vogel 1966

                                                           1965 L. C. Langenberg Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Stardust’

            Stewartii                                Schelle 1920

                                                           1900 Stewart & Son., Bournemouth GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Stewartii’

            Stewartii Stricta                                           Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Stilton                                    1979 GBR

                                                                                   D. W. Hatch, Chantry Nurs., Honiton GBR

            Stilton Cheese                       1992 GBR

                                                           Windsor Great Park GBR

                                                                                   Barncroft Nurs. GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Stilton Cheese’ 

                                                                                  Girard Nursery USA photo

            Stricta                                    Gord. 1875                                        GBR

            Stricta                                    Burvenich 1888

                                                           J. Waterer & Son., Bagshot GBR

            Stricta Aurea                        Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1930 Barbier Nurs., Orleans FRA

            Stricta Coerula                     Parde 1906

                                                           Arboretum Les Barres, FRA

            Stricta Excelsa                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909                                      GER

            Stricta Glauca                       den Ouden 1949

                                                           1937 BEL

            Stricta Viridis                        de Vos 1887                                      HOL

            Suffolk Belle                         1987 GBR

            Sullivan                                 Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Sullivan’

            Sulphur Spire                       Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Sulphurea                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909                                      GER

            Summerford                         1989 GBR

            Summer Gold                       GBR

            Summer Green                     1993 GBR

            Summer Snow                      Harraways Nurs., Warminster GBR

                                                                                   1965 Harraways Nurs., Warminster GBR

            Summertime                         H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                                                   G. E. F.Bolwijn, Putten HOL

            Summerset                                                   2004 C. Esveld Nurs. Boskoop HOL

            Sunkist                                  1980 HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Sunkist’

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs. in GBR 

            Super Nova                           1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1985 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                   Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           Hardy, narrow conical, yellow clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Ágfalva Nurs. Sopron, HUN

                                                           1985-ben szelektált télálló, világossárga, keskeny kúpalakú


                                                           Anyatő az ágfalvai kertészetben található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Supernova’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Supernova                             /Super Nova/

            Susan                                     2004 Brightman in ACS database

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Susan’

            Sylvina’s Gold                      Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Szeleste                                  1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1975 Heinz Hetych AUT in Szeleste W-HUN

                                                                                  Hetych Garden AUT

                                                           A creamy gold plant, grows to a big conical beauty

                                                           Heinz Hetych, Wien, former director of the Schönbrunn Gärten

            Tabuliformis                         H. G. Hillier 1971                              GBR

                                                                                   Kristick PA into USA

            Tall Gold                               1972 FRA

            Tamariscifolia                       Hornibrook 1923

                                                           1923 J. Smith & Son Nurs., Darley Dale GBR

            Tarka                                    1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           /Barabits Tarka/

            Tata                                       1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1960 Barabits E. HUN 

                                                           A superb vigorous, extraordinary quick growing

                                                           clone, selected for forestry use.

                                                           Original plant in the Agostyán Forestry Pinetum


                                                           1960-ban szelektált kékes árnyalatú hihetetlen erélyesen növő,

                                                           fatermelés céljára szelektált erdészeti jelentőségű változat.

                                                           Anyatő az Agostyáni Erdészeti Arborétumban található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Tata’ photo

            Tekeres                                  1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1985 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                   Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                           A /Pendula/ clone, hardy about -30 Celsius 

                                                           degrees, pendulous, seems to be better in C-EUR

                                                           than Cham. nootkatensis Pendula

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Az alsótekeresi kert idős  /Pendula/ oltványai kapták e nevet,

                                                           mert az eredeti növény hazánkban fagyérzékeny, de a fenti

                                                           változat a 30 fokos hideget is tűri a meszes, löszös talajon.

                                                           A helyi körülmények között többet várhatunk tőle, mint a

                                                           Chamaecyparis nootkatensis /Pendula/ -tól.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Tekeres’ photo

            Temple’s White                    G. Haddow 1991

                                                           in Pencarrow, Cornwall GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Tharandtensis                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Buettner 1931

                                                           1890 in a forest at Tharandt GER

            Tharandtensis Caesia          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                           Buettner 1931

                                                           in a forest at Tharandt GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Tharandtensis Caesia’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Tharandtensis Caesia’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Tharandtensis Caesia’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Tharandtensis Caesia Gelbbunt

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Horstmann GER

            The Four Seasons                 GBR               /Four Seasons/

            Tilford                                   1980 GBR

                                                                                   Kelvin Lawrence Nurs., Tilford GBR

                                                                                   Hull Farm Nurs. GBR

            Tilgate                                   Reuthe 1965

                                                           Tilgate Plant Research Station GBR

                                                                                   Reuthe Nurs., Kent GBR

            Tilgate                                   P. de Vogel 1969 HOL

            Tortuosa                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1891                                      GER

            Toxward Gold                      1988 GBR

            Transsylvania                       1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1985 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                   Egzota Nurs. of Mr. Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                           Of seed of /Silvania/, a vigorous, green, incredible narrow

                                                            - about 50 cm. - clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           /Sylvania/ magvetésből származó, hihetetlen karcsú - alig 50

                                                           cm - gyorsan növő zöld oszlop. Az 1995 előtt ezen a néven

                                                           forgalomba került növények valójában /Green Star/


                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           /Columnaris Viridis/

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Transsylvania’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Transsylvania’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Transsylvania’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Transsylvania’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Transsylvania’ 


            Treasure                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           G. Bentham 1970

                                                           Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Treasure’

                                                                                   1980 Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs. into GBR

                                                           A sport of /Ellwoodii/ with golden shots

            Treasure Island                    Wiel Linssen in S-HOL

                                                           Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Slow growing dwarf cultivar comparable to the Ellwood series.

                                                           Arrowhead text.

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with a dense, broadly upright form. Compressed foliage is a wonderful golden-yellow. Discovered in Holland. Prefers AM sun/PM shade in well-drained soil. 15" tall x 7" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Treasure Island’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Treasure Island’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Trentham Gold                    Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Triomp van Barabits           1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1982 Barabits Miklós HUN, named by Barabits Elemér

                                                                                   Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           A compact dense clone of /Triomp van Boskoop/, closed,

                                                           conical, hardy, blue selection of seed.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           1982-ben a /Triomp van Boskoop/ magvetéséből keletkezett,

                                                           ennek dugványai szerepelnek e néven. Színe a /Triomp van

                                                           Boskoop/ -ra hasonlít, de zárt, kúpalakú, lassabban növő

                                                           kisebb változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Triomp van Barabits’ 

                                                                                  Coenosium Gardens OR USA

            Triomp van Boskoop           Beissn. 1898

                                                           1890 F. J. Grootendorst & Sons Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Triompf van Boskoop’

                                                           /Triomphe van Boskoop/  /Triopf van Boskoop/ etc.

            Triomp van Lombarts         Lombarts

                                                           1940 Lombarts’s Nurs., Zundert HOL

            Tromp Globe                                    Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Tromp Globe’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Tromp Globe’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Van der Sande                      H. J. van de Laar 1986                      HOL

            Van Eck                                den Ouden 1965

                                                           1934 G. van Eck Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                                                   1934 G. van Eck Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Van Oploo’s White               1992 van Oploo HOL

            Van Pelt’s Blue                     H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Van Pelt’s Blue’

                                                           A vigorous evergreen conifer with a narrow pyramidal form. Sprays of blue foliage are among the best of all the Lawson Cypress. Introduced from Germany in the 1980's. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Van Pelt’s Blue’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Van Pelt’s Blue’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           /Pelt’s Blue/

            Van Tol                                 den Ouden 1965

                                                           1946 P. van Tol, Boskoop HOL

            Variegata                              R. Smith 1864                                    GBR

            Veitch                                    /Glauca Veitch/

            Vein’s Yellow                                                           1990 Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

                                                           /Ven’s Yellow/

            Ven’s Yellow                         1986 Harry van der Ven, Toolonga AUS

                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Versicolor                              Coninck ex Beissn. 1891

                                                           1882 C. J. Coninck,Tottenham Nurs., Dedemsvaart HOL

            Viner’s Gold                         Krüssmann 1979

                                                           Waterer, Sons & Crisp Nurs., Bagshot GBR

                                                                                   Darthuizer Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Viridissima                            Hort.

            Waitomo                                2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Barry Blackman Nurs., Te Kuiti NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Waitomo’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A NZL cultivar derived from a sport on Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Duncanii’. Significant white splashes throughout the plant. Slower in growth than parent plant. Ideal for shady or semi shady places. Will also grow in full sun. A round ball. 80 cm high x 70 cm wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Wallis Gold                           Duncan & Davies 1972

                                                           Wallis Nurs., Dunedin NZL

            Wansdyke Gold                                            Washington Evergreen Nurs., USA

            Wansdyke Miniature           Welch 1979

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

                                                           /Wansdyke Dwarf/

            Wansdyke Silver                  /Thuja occidentalis Wansdyke Silver/

            Warenga                                2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A Chamaecyparis lawsoniana seedling selection. A wonderful lime green colour in semi shade. Do not plant in full sun as it will burn. Early morning sun or late afternoon sun only, permanent dappled shade or full but light shade will give a lovely colour. Conical shape. 1.5 metres high x 1 metre wide in 5 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Watereri                                1972 IRL

                                                                                   Slieve Donard Nurs., Newcastle IRL

            Waterfall                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Waterfall’

            Weisseana                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1890

                                                           J. Hansen, Pinneburg GER

                                                                                   W. Weiss Nurs., Kamenz GER

            Westermannii                       van Hulle ex Beissn. 1890

                                                           1880 J. Jurissen & Son, Naarden HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Westermannii’

                                                           Distinct from other lawsons by its colour and flexible tips that project out and downwards in a most graceful semi weeping fashion. A beautiful yellow, does not burn. 3 - 4 metres high x 3 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

            Westermannii Aureovariegata

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909                                      GER

            White Spot                            Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1943 D. T. Poulsen, Kelleriis DEN

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘White Spot’

            Whitewater                           Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            White Wonder                      1989 HOL

                                                                                   H. J. van de Laar HOL

            Winston Churchill                den Ouden 1965

                                                           J. Hogger GBR

                                                                                   1945 J. Hogger’s Nurs. GBR

            Wisselii                                  van der Wissel ex White 1893

                                                           1885 F. van der Wissel Nurs., Epe HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Wisselii’

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Wisseli’ photo

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana fragrans conice Beissn.

                                                           Ch. lawsoniana conica Gebbers

            Wisselii Nana                        Hornibrook 1939                               GBR

            Wissel’s Saguero                   H. J. van de Laar 1987

                                                           1962 J. B. A. Dekker, Mijdrecht HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Wissel’s Saguaro’

                                                                                   K. A. Koemans Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           An intriguing upright evergreen conifer with sprays of deep blue-green foliage. Trunk and branches can twist and produce arms like the Saguaro cactus. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Wissel’s Saguaro’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Wissel’s Saguaro’ 

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Witzeliana                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           den Ouden 1965

                                                                                   1934 Spaeth Nurs., Berlin GER

                                                           /Erecta Witzeliana/  /Witzel/

            Worlei                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           P. Smith ex. Beissn. 1891

                                                           P. Smith Nurs., Bergedorf GER

            Wyevale Silver                      1989 Wyewale Nurs., Hereford GBR

            Yellow Queen                       AUS               /Golden Queen/

            Yellow Success                      1976 HOL

                                                                                   Darthuizer Nurs., Leersum HOL

                                                                                   Hull Farm Nurs., in GBR

            Yellow Transparent             den Ouden 1965

                                                           1955 H. van’t Hof, Boskoop HOL

            Yellow Weeping                   1993 HOL

            Youngii                                  Kent in Veitch 1900

                                                           Maurice Young, Milford GBR

                                                                                   1874 Milford Nurs., Godalming GBR

                                                           /Young’s Variety/

            Young’s Variety                   /Albospica/

            Yvonne                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1980 USA

                                                           Jean Iseli, Boring OR USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

                                                                                   Bridgemere Nurs. in GBR

            Zephir                                               1990 Barabits E. HUN



Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Złotówka (Kałuziński)

            Złotówka                               2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Michał Kałuziński POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Zlotowka’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Zlotowka’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Złotówka’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Złotówka (Kałuziński)

CT 4.0 2012 - 731 cultivar records

CT 5.0 2013 – 770 cultivar records, 181 with photos


   OBTUSA                                       1847                           JPN

                                                           /Sieb. & Zucc./Endl.                                                  Kr

Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. & Zucc.) Endl. 1847 - Hinoki hamisciprus - Hinoki false cypress


             var. BREVIRAMEA          /Maxim./Regel 1883               JPN

                                                           Ch. breviramea Maxim. 1883


             var. FORMOSANA                        /Hayata/Rehd. 1914                           TWN

                                                           Ch. taiwanensis Masamune & Suzuki.


            22 Karat                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘22 Karat’

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with a dense flattened-globe form. Unusual foliage is bright yellow on the inside with bronze green on the outside. The contrast makes it look "glowing" from the inside. Prefers AM sun/PM shade in well-drained soil. 8" tall x 12" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’22 Karat’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            20819                                     Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            80205                                     Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Adera Nana                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Alaska                                               Koemans 1992

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Alaska’

                                                                                   K. A. Koemans Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Albospica                              Nicholson 1874

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Albospicata’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Albovariegata                       Beissn. 1884

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Albovariegata’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Albovariegata' - Slow growing. Semi open habit. Irregular splashes of creamy white. Does well in many different situations. Conical shape. 1 metre high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Andorra                                                       Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Aonokujahiba                       Hort. ex Beissn.                                 JPN

            Argentea                               Fortune ex Gord. 1862

                                                           1860 imported by R.Fortune JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Argentea’

                                                           Ch. obtusa argenteovariegata Schelle

            Arneson’s Compact              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 Arneson Nurs. OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Arneson’s Compact’

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

            Arthur Menzies                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Barger in ACS database

            Aurea                                    Fortune ex Gord. 1862

                                                           1860 imported by R. Fortune                        JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Aurea’

                                                                                   Standish & Noble Nurs., in GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Aurea’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Aurea’  Girard Nursery USA photo

            Aurea Conspicua                 1992 GBR

                                                           Windsor Great Park GBR

                                                                                   Saville Gardens GBR

            Aurea Crippsi                       /Crippsii/

            Aurea Nana                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                                                  Girard Nurs., USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Aurea Nana’

                                                           A dense and slow growing dwarf with twisted fan shaped golden branchlets. I admit to confusion with Nana aurea, if there is a difference it is hard to see in young plants. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Aurea Nana’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           /Nana Aurea/

            Aurea Youngii                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Nash ex Bail. 1925                            USA

            Aureospicata                         /Goldspire/

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Aureospicata’

            Aurescens                              1981 National Botanic Gardens, Dublin IRL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Aurescens’

            Aurescens Nana                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs., ML USA

            Aurora                                  H. J. van de Laar 1984

                                                           1940 M. Koster & Sons Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Aurora’

                                                           A narrow, pyramidal miniature conifer. Refined, lemon-yellow foliage makes this a choice addition to the small garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Aurora’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Aurora’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Aurora’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Aurora’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Autumn Gold                       1989

                                                                                   Barncroft Nurs., GBR

            Baldwin Variegated             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1966 USA

                                                           J. W. Springarn USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           This variegated sport of the popular 'Nana Gracilis' displays creamy-white foliage in random arrangements. On one plant, some of the thick, cupped sprays of foliage will be entirely creamy, and some will be completely green; others will be dusted with flecks of white. With such unusual coloration and the distinctive Hinoki form, this small, slow-growing tree makes a striking garden feature. Grow in moist, well-drained soil with protection from harsh afternoon sun. Selected by Joel Spingarn from Baldwin, Long Island, New York. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Baldwin Variegated’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Baldwin Variegated’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Baldwin’s Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Bambi                                    G. Haddow 1991

                                                           C. Franklin, Reading GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Bambi’

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Barabitsi                                1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1990 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           A very decorative, pendulous, hardy clone.

                                                           Mutation on /Gnome/

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           1990-ben szelektált /Gnome/ mutáció, csüngő ágú szabályos

                                                           télen kissé megbarnuló, normál növekedésű télálló változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Barabits Fastigiata               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Barabits HUN postumus clone

                                                                                  Németh Gábor, Szombathely HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Barabits Fastigiata’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Barabits Fastigiata’ 


            Barkenny                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1983 USA

                                                           Joseph Reis NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Barkenny’

                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Barronii                                 Rehd. 1945                 /Tetragona/

            Bartley                                   H. G. Hillier 1976                                                     WCC

                                                           1910 W. Gardiner, Rogers Nurs., Chandlers Ford, GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Bartley’

                                                           of seed of a /Nana Gracilis/, together with dwarf

                                                           clones like /Caespitosa/, /Juniperoides/,

                                                           /Tetragona Minima/, /Minima/, /Flabelliformis/,

                                                           /Juniperoides Compacta/, /Laxa/, /Spiralis/,

                                                           /Bassett/, /Chilworth/, /Stoneham/, /Verdonii/,

                                                           as of The World Checklist of Conifers by Welch &

                                                           Haddow, 1993.

            Bassett                                   Welch 1966

                                                           Red Lodge Nurs., Chandlers Ford, GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Bassett’

                                                                                   1860 Rogers Nurs. GBR

                                                           /Nana Bassett/

            Beehive                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           T. J. Cole 1986                                   CAN

            Bess                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           R. Fincham 1983

                                                           Joseph Reis, NY USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                   Cummins Garden USA

                                                           Dwarf Hinoki 'Bess' bears graceful green fans of tightly clustered, upright foliage. The slender columnar stature of 'Bess' fits in a tighter space than 'Nana Gracilis,' which it otherwise resembles. This compact selection is named for the wife of Joe Reis of Long Island, New York, whose extensive work with Chamaecyparis obtusa cultivars created several superior selections. An excellent choice for rock garden, large container or narrow garden site. Iseli.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Bess’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Bess’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Bill                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Bill’

            Blizzard                                 Stanley & Sons Nurs. as a sport of /Snowflake/

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Blue Feathers                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Ivan’s Column/

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Blue Feathers’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

                                                           This plant is soft in form as well as texture. Tiers of feathery downy-looking foliage on an upright broad habit give a "warm fuzzy" feeling to the garden. Typical obtusa juvenile growth is a muted blue. With age, however, adult foliage begins to appear at the ends of the branches. This piece of art deserves a prominent place in the landscape. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Blue Feathers’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Blue Feathers’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Blue Globe                            Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Bob Lougheed                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Barger in ACS database


            Boier Ball                              Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Bozos                                     Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Breviramea                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Breviramea’

                                                                                   Cummins Garden USA

                                                           A compact, narrow dwarf conifer. Fine dark green foliage graces this slow-growing shrub. Provides an "aged" appearance to a new garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Breviramea Aurea               Onuma ex Beissn. 1900                     JPN

            Brian                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Brian’  Nielsen Baumschule 

            Brigitt                                    Sampson 1990

                                                           Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A coralliformis sport found at Cedar Lodge Nurseries. Similar in growth habit and shape. Deep green with flat fasciated pieces developing on many parts of plant. Slower growing than parent. Slightly flattened ball. 50 cm high x 75 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Brigitt’s Beehive                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Brigitt’s Beehive’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           This plant, also found at our Nursery is a neat form of the above. The shape is that of a true beehive with the same deep green flat fasciated pieces of foliage. Very slow growing. 80 cm high x 60 cm wide in 7 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Bronze Elegance                   1980

                                                                                   W. E. T. Ingwersen Ltd., Gravetye GBR

            Bronze Pygmy                      1989 HOL

                                                           K. W. van Klaveren, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Bronze Pygmy’

                                                           Dwergvorm. Lage brede struik. De jaarlijkse groei is ongeveer 8 tot 15 cm. Schubben in de zomer bronsgeel. In de handel gebracht door K.W. van Klaveren, Boskoop. Hulsdonk text.

            Butterball                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Butter Ball’

                                                           Bright, lemony yellow tips on tightly congested foliage give this small, globose Hinoki a fresh, cheery look. The vivid coloring contrasts beautifully with naturally darker inner foliage. A consistently rounded habit and very slow growth distinguish this selection as superior to others. Prefers moist, well-drained soil. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Butterball’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Butterball’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Butter Ball’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Butterball’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Buttonball                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           R. Fincham 1983

                                                           Joseph Reis, NY USA

                                                           Buttonball or Butterball? A misspelling?

            Caespitosa                             Hornibrook 1923

                                                           W. H. Rogers, Red Lodge Nurs.,Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Caespitosa’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Caespitosa' - One of the tiniest and slowest growing of all conifers. Forms very tight, dense bun. 15 cm high x 20 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Nana Caespitosa/

            Carmen                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 USA

            Casahiba                               Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Caydata                                 1992 HOL

            Chabo-hiba                           Hort.

                                                           Windsor Great Park GBR                 /Chamo-miba/

            Chabo-yadori                        H. G. Hillier 1971                              JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Chabo Yadori’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Charbo Yadori' - Formerly known a Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Ericoides'. Green juvenile foliage with branchlets here and there carrying adult obtusa foliage. Dense growth but irregular. Rather unusual. 1.5 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Chabo-yadori’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo


            Chicane                                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Plain green sport from Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Albovariegata’. Very impressive dark green. Wonderful curled foliage typical of the obtusa family i.e. ‘Tempelhof’. This plant has real character in that it twists and turns in various ways. Great for a Japanese garden or for Bonsai. It is quite fast growing and unlike any other obtusa we are growing. Informal and irregular. 1.5 metres high x 80 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Chileab                                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Chileab’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new addition to our collection. Selected from a batch of seedlings. A very distinct slow growing dwarf with small layered, tufted clusters of bright green foliage. Ideal for miniature gardens. 45 cm high x 40 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. The year 2000 was the first year of sale. Cedar Lodge text.

            Chilworth                              Welch 1966

                                                           1930 W. H. Rogers, Red Lodge Nurs. Chandlers Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Chilworth’

                                                           Mr. Rogers van Red Lodge Nursery in Engeland introduceerde deze selectie. Het is een compacte, rechtopgaande dwergvorm met een ronde top. Hoogte circa 50 cm. Het loof is donkergroen en dicht. Geschikt voor de rotstuin. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Chilworth’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Chilworth’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Chimaani-hiba                      1967                                                   JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Chimaani-hiba’

                                                                                   Michaud & Co., Alpenglow Gardens BC CAN

                                                                                   Bridgemere Nurs. in GBR

                                                           Een gele dwergvorm die rond het jaar 2000 pas naar Amerika is

gebracht. Hoe lang deze plant in Europa in omloop is, is mij niet bekend. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           /Chimo-hiba/  /Kamaani-hiba/ /Pygmaea Densa/

            Chirimen                               D. Sampson 1991

                                                           Hort. JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Chirimen’

                                                                                   Oakdene Nurs., Heathfield GBR

                                                           A dwarf upright evergreen conifer with very fine gray-green foliage. Very curious and delicate in appearance, but easy to grow. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1.5' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Chirimen’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Chirimen’  David Stegmaier USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Chirimen’  David Stegmaier USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Chirimen’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Chirimen’  František Topinka photo

            Clarke’s Seedling                 1985 Windsor Great Park GBR

            Cloud Nine                            Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Cloud Nine’

            Columnaris                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           USA               /Green Diamond/

            Compact Fernspray             R.S. Corley 1964

                                                           Ch. obtusa Filicoides Compacta Hillier 1969

                                                           Ch. obtusa Filicoid Dwarf den Ouden/Boom 1965

                                                           /Compacta/  /Pygmy Filicoides/

                                                           /Pygmy Fernspray/

            Compact Pyramid                den Ouden 1965

                                                                                   den Ouden Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           /Compacta/ den Ouden

            Compacta                              Gord. 1875                                        GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Compacta’

                                                           A broad, conical conifer with rich green foliage that provides a wonderful texture to the winter garden. Can have an irregular form. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Compact’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Compacta Nana                   /Nana Compacta/

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

            Compressa                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   E. A. Cope USA

                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Confucius                              2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1984 NZL

                                                           Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Confucius’

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR into the USA

                                                           A compliment to any garden. Informal, compact bush. Has the typical curled foliage of the obtusa family with impressive golden yellow colour. Approx. 1.6 metres high x 1.6 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Confucius’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Confucius’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Contorta                                den Ouden 1949

                                                           den Ouden Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Contorta’

                                                                                   1945 den Ouden Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Contorta' - A slow growing plant. Twiglets twisted. Very desirable for small garden. Conical dwarf form. 40 cm high x 30 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Contorta’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Contorta’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Contorta’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Contorta Minima                 HOL

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Coralliformis                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1909                                      GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Coralliformis’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Coralliformis' - Contorted threadlike growth. Slowly builds into a bush which looks great among rocks. 70 cm each way in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Coralliformis’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Ch. obtusa torulosa Hort. 1962

            Coralliformis Glauca           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Coralliformis Dwarf                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Siskiyou Rare Plant Nurs. USA

            Coralliformis Mutation        Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Coralliformis Nana              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           /Coralliformis Dwarf/

            Cream Tart                           Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Cream Tart’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Crippsii                                 Rehd. 1901

                                                           1901 T. Cripps & Sons, Thunbridge Wells GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Crippsii’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Crippsii' - Golden Hinoki Cypress. Deep golden -yellow. Graceful. A very popular garden subject. Informal habit and semi weeping. Zone 4. 3 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. This is a good species for a hedge. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Crippsii Aurea/

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Crippsii’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Crippsii’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Crippsii’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Crippsii’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Crippsii’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Crippsii’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Crippsii’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Crippsii Johnson’s Form     NZL


            Crippsii Globosa                                          Mammos Nurs. GRE

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Crippsii Globosa’

            Cyanoviridis                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Iseli Nurs., OR USA

            Dainty Doll                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1966 J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Dainty Doll’

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                   Miniature Plant Kingdom USA

                                                           This charming, slow-growing dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress sports rich green foliage and a low, rounded habit when young. As it matures, the plant spreads into an intriguing, irregular form that becomes wider than tall. Lacy foliage and unique character make 'Dainty Doll' an excellent option for highlighting small spaces, including rock gardens and containers, where its character can show. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Dainty Doll’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Dainty Doll’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Danny’s Spiral                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Dana Nicolette                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Roslyn Nurs. NY USA

            Delight                                   Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Den Ouden                            H. den Ouden 1926

                                                           /Compact Pyramid/  /Compacta Den Ouden/

            Densa                                     Hornibrook 1923

                                                           W. H. Rogers, Red Lodge Nurs.,Chandlers Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Densa’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Densa' - Very small, very slow. Ideal for troughs / tubs. A very tight little bun. 10 cm high x 20 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Densa’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           /Nana Densa/

            Devine’s Sport                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Devine’s Sport’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Diane Verkade                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Dilatush                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 USA

                                                           Varenachtige struikvorm tot circa 1,5 meter hoog. Wordt verondersteld genoemd te zijn naar naaldboomdeskundige, Tom Dilatush. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Dilatush’

            Douglasii                               1991 HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Douglas’

                                                                                   W. Linssen. Baexem HOL

            Draht                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Grootendorst 1969

                                                           1960 H. J. Draht GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Draht’

                                                                                  Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Drath’

                                                           Donker groen loof ,en dichte vorm, geschikt voor rotstuin, zon/halfschaduw, hoogte tot 1 m. De plant die je op de foto ziet is ongeveer 15 jaar oud. Hulsdonk text.

            Draht Hexe                            2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1990 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom in GER, 40x50 cm.

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in Deutschland, 40x50 cm.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Drath Hex’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Draht Hexe’

            Draht Variegated                                         Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA


Chamaecyparis obtusa Drath -mutacja (Wolski)

            Drath Wolski                        2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Wolski POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Drath Wolski’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           A golden variegated selection.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa Drath -mutacja (Wolski)

            Dwarf Fernspray                 /Compact Fernspray/

            E1 Iseli Evaluator                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 Iseli USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Selected and propagated from 50,000 'Nana Gracilis' seedlings in 1982, these bright green micro-miniature balls of foliage grow exceptionally slowly. If not the smallest conifers we have ever grown, they are at the extreme limit of possibilities for miniaturized conifers. Too small and slow to be commercially viable, these unnamed micro-minis will be cherished by conifer devotees for their tight, alpine-like habits. Truly one-of-a kinds. Iseli text.

            Eddie Jr.                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Elf                                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1966 J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Elf’

                                                                                   Miniature Plant Kingdom USA

                                                           A slightly-flattened, globose, miniature conifer. This tiny green bun is perfect for containers or a small garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Elf Sport                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Ellie B.                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1980 USA

                                                           J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Ellie B’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

                                                           This miniature Hinoki boasts tightly congested clusters of dense, dark-green foliage that take on distinctive bronzy tones in winter, making it a tasty garden treat accented with cinnamon-brown stems. Similar to 'Nana,' but with a more upright habit and a slightly smaller scale, the outstanding performance and very slow growth of 'Ellie B.' make it a desirable addition to rock garden, trough or container plantings. This seedling selection was raised by Joel Spingarn of Baldwin, Long Island, New York. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Ellie B.’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Elmwood Gold                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2007 Dax Herbst in ACS database

                                                                                   2006 US National Arboretum

                                                                                  Mountain Meadows Nursery NC USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Elmwood Gold’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Elmwood Gold’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Elmwood Gold’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Emelie                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2006 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           2005 L. Stanley USA

                                                                                  2005 Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. OR USA

                                                           Miniature variety. Has nice green minature foliage on a small

                                                           bun shaped plant. Honored to Emelie Snyder, wife of the late

                                                           ACS-president, Marvin Snyder.

            Erecta                                    Waterer 1884

                                                           Waterer & Son Nurs., Bagshot GBR

                                                                                   1870 Waterer & Son Nurs., Bagshot GBR

            Ericifolia                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Ericifolia’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Ericifolia' - Blue-green juvenile foliage. Neat, compact shrub. 1.3 metres high x 90 cm wide in 10 years. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Ericoides                               Beissn. 1904                                      JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Ericoides’

                                                                                   1899 L. Bohmer Nurs. GER

                                                           Thuja orientalis ‘Sanderi’ Gough & Welch 1978

            Ericoides                               /Chabo-yadori/

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Ericoides’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Ericoides' Now known as Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Chabo Yadori'. Cedar lodge text.

            Ericoides Variegated            Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Erika                                     The Int. Conifer Register 1983

                                                           W. E. T. Ingwersen Ltd. Gravetye GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Erica’

                                                                                   1975 D. W. Hatch,Chantry Nurs.Honiton GBR

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a broad pyramidal form. Dense juvenile foliage is gray-blue. An attractive "feathery" appearance. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2.5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Fantasy                                  Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Fern Gold                              2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1990 AUS

                                                                                   Yamina Rare Plants Nurs., Monbulk AUS

            Fernspray Gold                    2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Fernspray Gold’

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   1990 Foxborough Nurs. into the USA

                                                           Bright yellow foliage with shape reminiscent of a fern frond.

                                                           Text: ACS database

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Fernspray Gold' - Golden Fernspray Cypress. Bright gold fern like foliage. Arching, slightly weeping sprays. A little shade can be an advantage. 2 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Fernspray Gold’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Fernspray Gold’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Fernspray Gold’  Iseli Nursery USA

                Fernspray Green                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Roslyn Nurs. NY USA

            Filicoid Dwarf                      /Compacta Fernspray/

            Filicoides                               R. Smith 1867                                    JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Filicoides’

                                                           1860 by Siebold, 1861 by Veitch to EUR imported

            Filicoides Aurea                    Kent 1900                  /Fernspray Gold/

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Filicoides Aurea’

            Filicoides Compacta             Hillier 1969

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Filicoides Compacta’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Filicoides Compacta’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Filicoides Compacta’ 

                                                                                   Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           /Compact Fernspray/

            Filicoides Graciosa               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   E. A. Cope USA

            Filifera                                   Gord. 1881                                        GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Filifera’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Filiformis                               Beissn. 1900

                                                           1865 Maximowicz in a Tokyo garden JPN

                                                                                   1902 H. A. Hesse Nurs. in GER

                                                           Ch.pendula Maxim.

            Filiformis Aurea                   Onuma ex Beissn. 1900                     JPN

            Flabelliformis                        Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1939 W. H. Rogers, Chandlers Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Flabelliformis’

                                                                                   W. H. Rogers, Chandlers Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Flabelliformis' - Whorled fans of deep green. Attractively uneven. Very slow growing. A delightful pointed squat pyramid. 35 cm high and wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Flabelliformis’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Flabelliformis’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           /Nana Flabelliformis/

                                                           /Flabiliformis/ is a mistake

            Fontana                                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           Barabits HUN

                                                                                  ELTE Füvészkert Budapest HUN

                                                           A widely upright selection with strong sidebranchlets, mainly

                                                           green, but in heat becomes bluish foliage. 5 meters in 25 years.

                                                           Széles, szellős, közepesen felfelé álló zöldes lombú fajta, melegebb időkben kékes hatású. 25 évesen 5 méter magas.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Fontana’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Fontana’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Fontana’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Fontana’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Fontana’ photo

            Fontana                                 H. J. van de Laar 1971

                                                           1970 van den C. Verboom, Boskoop HOL

                                                                                   van den C. Verboom, Boskoop HOL

            Fuiri Tsukumo                     Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Fuiri Tsukomo’

            Gazebo                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Gemstone                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jean Iseli USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gem Stone’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Dense and dramatic, this fantastic new cultivar, selected at Iseli Nursery from thousands of 'Nana Gracilis' seedlings, displays an unusual blend of color and texture. Its tightly layered, green fans are alive with darker and lighter shades, and plants are so dense that a single specimen can lend extraordinary character to a small space. This garden nugget, a must-have for conifer connoisseurs, establishes an irregular upright form as it matures very slowly. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gemstone’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Georg Holzer                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Hort.               Honemann Arboretum AUT

            Gerda von Gimborn Dietz  1972 HOL

                                                           /Gimborn Beauty/

            Gimborn Dietz                      Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gimborn Dietz’

            Gimborn’s Beauty                J. van Hoey-Smith 1982

                                                           in Gimborn Arboretum HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gimborn Beauty’

                                                                                   1987 Esveld Nurs. HOL

                                                           A dwarf, broad evergreen conifer with deep blue juvenile foliage. Occasionally sprays of adult blue foliage will be present. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gimborn Beauty’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Gimborn’s Fairy                                          Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Gitte                                       2002 Peter Schrauwen HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gitte’

                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           It's found as a coarser branch mutation on a 'Tsatsumi Gold' by my good Dutch friend and collegue nurseryman Peter Schrauwen. Edwin Smits text.

                                                           In 2002 gevonden op een kwekerij in West- Brabant, en genoemd naar de kleindochter van de kweker. Is gevonden in de ‘Tsatsumi Gold'. Heeft draadvormige twijgjes, groeit platter en vertakt beter waardoor hij eerder gevuld is dan de ‘Tsatsumi Gold'. In 5 jaar ong 0.40 cm. hoog. Kan in de volle zon en geeft geen verbranding. Hulsdonk text.

            Globosa Variegata               Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Gnome                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1966 J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gnome’

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           The rich, deep green foliage on this elfin Hinoki is so dense and congested that the familiar fan-like growth seems more like knuckles, making the plant look like a smooth, rounded rock. Extremely slow growth assures that this tiny gem will not outgrow even the smallest spaces in rock garden, trough or container. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gnome’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Gold Drop                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gold Drop’

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           A round, dense dwarf conifer with creamy, yellow-green foliage. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

            Gold Fern                             1980 John Emery AUS

                                               A mutation of Fernspray gold with mostly juvenile

                                                           foliage found by John Emery.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           /Fern Gold/ /Golden Fern/

            Gold Filament                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Golden Filament/

                                                                                    M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Gold Lace                              2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gold Lace’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           A sport from Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Youngii’. Found at Cedar Lodge Nursery. Very attractive bright gold dwarf shrub. Foliage swirls open lacey pattern. Needs full sun for best yellow colour. 1.5 metres high x 1.3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Gold Shadow                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            Golden Ceramic                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           T. J. Cole 1986                                   CAN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Ceramic’

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. into USA

            Golden Christmas Tree       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Golden Ceramic/

            Golden Egg                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2000 Kiss Marcell, Rédics HUN

                                                                                  Kiss Marcell Nurs., Rédics HUN

                                                           A Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Crippsii’ seedling, dense conical

                                                           dwarf with bright yellow colour, the summer sun doesn’t burn.

                                                           A Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Crippsii’ magpopulációjából szelektált, sűrű, kistermetű, széles kúpalakú, élénk aranysárga növény, napégésre csak enyhén érzékeny, kevésbé mint a Crippsii.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Egg’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Egg’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Egg’ photo

            Golden Fairy                        Welch 1979

                                                           1966 J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Fairy’

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                                                   Miniature Plant Kingdom USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Fairy’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Golden Fastigiate                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Fastigate’

            Golden Fern                         1989 AUS

                                                           1980 John Emery in AUS

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Fern’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Fern’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Fern’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Golden Filament                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1966 J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                                                   Miniature Plant Kingdom USA

                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with an upright form. Loose sprays of yellow foliage are rich and attractive. Can be grown in shade but will be more yellow-green. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Filament’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Golden Grape                       Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Golden Hage                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Found by Leo Gambradella, Albany OR USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Hage’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Golden Nymph                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1966 J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Nymph’

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                                                   Miniature Plant Kingdom USA

                                                           Reminiscent of the irregular, open habit of dwarf Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Contorta', this choice selection displays cupped, cheery yellow foliage and a breezy upright stature. Plants are quite narrow and consistently compact with a look that suggests a sculpture made of sunlit clouds. Yellow tips become rich bronze in winter. Selected as a seedling by Henry Weissenberger. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Nymph’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Nymph’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Nymph’  Iseli Nursery USA

                Golden Pillar                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Roslyn Nurs. NY USA

                                                           A dwarf, upright evergreen conifer with sprays of rich yellow foliage. Growth habit is dense, compact and very narrow. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Pillar’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Golden Pincushion               Hort. USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Pincushion’  Dax Herbst IL USA

            Golden Pygmy                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Pygmy’

            Golden Sands                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Golden Sensation                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 USA

            Golden Showers                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

            Golden Spangle                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Daystar Nurs. USA

            Golden Sprite                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1966 J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Sprite’

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                                                   Miniature Plant Kingdom USA

                                                           Our smallest golden Hinoki, this true miniature grows very slowly into a tight, somewhat irregular dome of congested foliage over many years. Closely-held fans develop bright yellow tips, with brighter color in sunnier positions, although trees will tolerate some shade. Perfect for rock garden, trough or other container for close-up viewing. Prefers moist, well-drained soil. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Golden Sprite' - A golden tennis ball. Very tight and very small. Needs protection from sun in early years. 4 cm high x11 cm wide in 2 years. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Sprite’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Sprite’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Sprite’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Sprite’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Golden Xmas Tree               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Kristick Nurs. PA USA

            Golden Whorl                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Whorl’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Golden Whorl’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Goldilocks                             H. J. Grootendorst 1979

                                                           1978 F. J. Grootendorst & Sons Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Goldilocks’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Goldilocks’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Goldspire                              den Ouden 1965

                                                           1963 in Pinetum Blijdenstein, Hilversum HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Goldspire’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Aureospicata’

                                                           Ch. obtusa aureospicata Hort.

            Gracilis                                  Sieb. 1868                                          JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gracilis’

                                                           1862 by Siebold to EUR imported

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer with rich dark-green foliage. Attractive bronzing in winter. Very popular for its narrow habit and "oriental" look. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Gracilis’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Gracilis’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Gracilis’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Gracilis Aurea                      Veitch ex Gord. 1875

                                                           1875 J. Veitch & Sons, Coombewood Nurs., GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gracilis Aurea’

            Gracilis Compacta                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 USA

                                                                                   Weston Nurs., Hopkinton MA USA

                                                                                   Daystar Nurs., USA 

            Gracilis Nana                        /Nana Gracilis/

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gracilis Nana’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Gracilis Nana’ 

                                                                                  Girard Nursery USA photo

            Gracilis Nana Compacta     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs., ML USA

            Gracilis No.2.                                    Hort.

            Gracilis Slender                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  2004 Plants Unlimited Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gracilis Slender’

            Gracillima                             Fitschen 1930             /Gracilis Nana/

            Graciosa                                den Ouden 1965

                                                           1935 Konijn Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Graciosa’

                                                                                   Konijn Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Graciosa' - (seedling) A "gracious" sport of 'Nana Gracilis'. A bright green conifer, with loose habit. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Graciosa’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Graciosa’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Graciosa’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo


            Graciosa HB                         2012 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1990 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Grandi Pygmaea                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs., ML USA

            Grayswood Bronze              D. W. Hatch

                                                           D. W. Hatch, Chantry Nurs., Honiton GBR

            Green Cushion                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1981 USA

                                                           Verkade’s Nurs., Wayne NJ USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Green Cushion’

                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Green Cushion’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Green Cushion’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Green Diamond                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           1965 USA as /Columnaris/ to Konijn & Co. Nurs. HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Green Diamond’

            Green Mound                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                   L. C. Hatch

            Green Pencil                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Green Plata                           Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Green Wawe                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Green Wave’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Green Wave' - Irregular open sprays of lighter green. Dainty foliage forming upright, informal, mounded, dwarf bush. Not as dense as other 'Nana' forms. Ideal for courtyard or rockery. 1 metre each way in 10 years. Cedar Lodge text.

            H-135                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

            Habari                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Hage                                      den Ouden 1949

                                                           1928 W. Hage & Co. Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Hage’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Hage' - Very dwarf form similar to 'Nana' but more dense and more globose. 40 cm high x 40 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Hage’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Hage’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Hannah                                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2000 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Hannah’

                                                                                  2000 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new addition to our collection, selected from a batch of seedlings. ‘Hannah’ is a small, distinct bush with green foliage held in tight clusters all of which are weeping at the tips. 1.1 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. The year 2000 is the first year of sale. Cedar Lodge text.

            Hartekamp                            H. J. van de Laar 1989                      HOL

            Harumi                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

                                                           A dwarf, broadly-globose conifer with creamy-white variegation on twisted, narrow green foliage. Name means "spring beauty" in Japanese. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Discovered and introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Harumi’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Heavy Textured                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Miniature Plant Kingdom USA

                                                           A dwarf upright evergreen conifer with rich deep-green foliage. Branches are unusually compact and sturdy, hence its name. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Hillock                                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           David & Noeline Sampson 1991

                                                           Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Hillock’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Parent, an obtusa seedling. One of the tightest obtusa dwarf cultivars we have seen. A very odd shaped compact plant. 35 cm high x 35 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Hinoki                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Iseli Nurs. OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Hinoki’

            Hinoki Aurea                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Iseli Nurs. OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Hinoki Aurea’

            Hinoki Gracilis Nana           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Hinoki Junior                       /Junior/

            Hinoki King                           Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Hinrich                                                          Biagini Nurs. ITA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Hinrich’

            Hiriori JR                              Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Hoersholm                             1992

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs., GER

            Hohman’s Upright               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                   L. C. Hatch

            Hornibrookiana                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1970 USA

                                                           H. J. Honman, Kingsville Nurs., USA

                                                           /Hornibrook Nana/

            Hoseri                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   E.A. Cope USA

            Howse Golden                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


            Hypnoides Nana                   GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Intermedia                            den Ouden 1937

                                                           1930 W. H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandlers Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Intermedia’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Intermedia’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Intermedia’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Ivan’s Column                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1990 USA

                                                           1979 Ivan Arneson, Canby OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Ivan’s Column’

                                                                                   Timothy Kasch Nurs. Gresham OR USA

            J. R.                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Joe Reis USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           The rich green sprays of foliage on this seedling selection introduced and named for Joe Reis of Long Island, New York, are so tiny, dense and congested that the plant resembles a smooth, green rock. It grows extremely slowly into a rounded, slightly upright form that spreads out with age, ultimately becoming wider than tall. Sometimes mispronounced "Junior", 'J.R.' is a tiny gem that will not outgrow even the smallest space in rock garden, trough or container. Very similar to Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gnome'. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘J.R.’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘J.R.’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Jade                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Jade’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           This elegant, full-size tree is a significantly improved form of Chamaecyparis obtusa. In addition to fuller fans, thicker adult scales and a brighter green hue, it is more consistent, tapering into an attractive, conical tree that will lend sophistication to many garden settings. The full, fan-like sprays of ruffled green foliage cloak the trunk and stems, contributing to the superiority of this sturdy selection. Grow in moist, well-drained soil in full sun or light shade. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Jade’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Jan Dekker                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Jan Dekker’

            Jan Verkade                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Janneke                                 Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Jaune                                     Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Jean Iseli                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Oliver 1988                                        USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Jean Iseli’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Sculptural, superfine, and fun. This charming miniature Hinoki is an appropriate namesake for dwarf conifer pioneer Jean Iseli. Its tightly pressed fans of foliage swirl and dance into an elegant upright sculpture that packs big impact into a tiny package. The refined, true green foliage and measured growth pay tribute to the character and vision of the early conifer aficionado. This selection, named in memory of Iseli by John Oliver, originated from 'Nana Gracilis' seed given to Oliver Nursery in 1981. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Jean Iseli’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Jeffery                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Joan-o                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           R. Fincham 1983

                                                           Joseph Reis, NY USA

            Joel Springarn                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 USA

            John Verkade                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            J.R.                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Junior                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           R. Fincham 1983

                                                           Joseph Reis, NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Junior’

                                                                                   Coenosium Gardens, Aurora OR USA

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a broadly pyramidal form. Juvenile foliage is light gray-blue. Provides an unusual texture in the small garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2.5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Junior’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Juniperoides                         Rogers ex Hornibrook 1923

                                                           1923 W. H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Juniperoides’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Juniperoides' - Dark foliage in fan shaped sprays. A very low mound. Rare. Very dwarf globose conifer. 25 cm high x 35 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Juniperoides’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Juniperoides’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Juniperoides’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           /Nana Juniperoides/

            Juniperoides Compacta       den Ouden 1937

                                                           1923 W. H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Juniperoides Compacta’

                                                                                   W. H. Rogers Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Juniperoides Compacta' - Smaller in all respects than the previous form. Lower, more dense. Foliage yellow green. 20 cm high x 25 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Juniperoides Haddow # 2    Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Just Dandy                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Just Dandy’

                                                           1981 Jean Iseli USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           This remarkable little Hinoki, selected from amoung thousands of seedlings of Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Gracilis' in 1981, is the best of the best. Compact sprays of dense, finely textured foliage decorate the branches of the low, rounded, spreading plants. Such tight foliage is usually associated with miniature selections that have extremely slow growth, but this superior cultivar grows comparatively faster. It will reach the size of a beach ball within years instead of decades. Ultimately wider than tall, 'Just Dandy' contributes unparalleled grace and beauty to small spaces throughout the year. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Just Dandy’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Kamakura Hiba                   Onuma ex Beissn. 1900                     JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kamakurahiba’

                                                                                   A. Ungar into GER

            Kamaeni Hiba                      Mistake of /Kamani Hiba/

            Kamani Hiba                        Hort. JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kamaeni Hiba’

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a round, congested form. Tiny golden twigs are thread-like and twisted. Very pretty in the small landscape. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kamaani Hiba’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kanaami Hiba’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kamani Hiba’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Kamarachiba                                    Hort. JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kamarachiha’

                                                                                   Dortmund Botanic Garden GER

                                                           A dwarf evergreen spreading conifer with fine light green foliage. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1.5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kamarachiba’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kamarachiba’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kamarachiba’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Kanaami Hiba                      Onuma ex Beissn. 1900                     JPN

                                                                                   1900 in GER

                                                           /Kimaani Hiba/  /Kamani Hiba/

            Kerdalo                                 H. J. van de Laar 1990                      FRA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kerdalo’

                                                                                   1991 Esveld Nurs., into HOL

                                                           An irregular, broad spreading dwarf conifer with light golden foliage. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Zeer breed pyramidale tot bolvormige dichte groeiwijze met overhangende twijgtoppen. Na 8 jaar 80 x 100 cm. Goudgeel loof, sport van C. o. 'Crippsii'. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kerdalo’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Keteleeri                                R. Smith 1867

                                                           1860 Keteleer Nurs. BEL

            Kimanihiba                           1990 HOL

            Kófic                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2000 Kiss Marcell, Rédics HUN

                                                                                  Kiss Marcell Nurs., Rédics HUN

                                                           Born as a seedling of Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Gracilis’,

                                                           smaller and more dense like the mother, good for dry areas.

                                                           A Chamaecyparis obtusa Nana Gracilis magpopulációjából szelektált, annál kisebb, sűrűbb, és kiváló szárazságtűrő.

            Kogokol hiba                                               1991 Esveld Nurs., into HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kojokol Hiba’

                                                                                  Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kojokol hiba’

            Kojolco Hiba                         Welch 1979                                        NZL

                                                           A dwarf evergreen spreading conifer with fine light-green foliage. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1.5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kojolcohiba’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Koralliformis                        /Coralliformis/

            Koster Sport                                                 Stanley Nurs. USA

            Kosteri                                   Hornibrook 1939                               HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kosteri’

                                                           1915 M. Koster & Son Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kosterii' - A delightfully informal habit with curiously twisted lush green foliage. Distinctive. A most attractive form. 80 cm high and wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kosteri’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kosteri’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kosteri’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kosteri’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kosteri Fast Form’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Kosteri Fast Form                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           A dwarf upright conifer with a dense habit. Foliage consists of flattened sprays of bright green, with slight bronzing in winter. Year-around interest for the small garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in a well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Kosteri Fast Form’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Kosteri Nana                        1934 GBR

                                                           Kew Gardens GBR

            Kugel                                                            Helmers Nurs., GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kugel’

            Lacy                                                              Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Upright and open growing with fine textured adult foliage and refreshingly little media coverage. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Laxa                                      Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1939 W. H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Laxa’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Laxa’  Henk van Kempen HOL

            Lemon Lime                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Lemon Twist                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           A dwarf, dense conifer featuring twisted, turning thread-like golden foliage. At times the branchlets end with a small fasciation. Very curious but easy to grow and tolerates heat well. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Discovered and introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           You gotta love 'Lemon Twist', Its unusual, kinky foliage displays zesty yellow tips, producing a striking effect against the red bark of the stems. Some of the short, twisted branch tips become cristate, eventually developing flattened, curved cockscombs that spiral back on themselves. The somewhat open, rounded form grows as wide as tall. This colorful sport of 'Tsatsumi' was selected at Bucholz & Bucholz in Gaston, Oregon. Prefers moist, well-drained soil with afternoon shade in the summer. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Lemon Twist’  Talon Buchholz photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Lemon Twist’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Lemon Twist’

            Lenny’s Star                          2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2000 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Lenny’s Star’

                                                                                  2000 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new addition to our collection, selected from a batch of seedlings. ‘Lenny’s Star’ is a very dwarf Golden Hinoki Cypress of upright habit. Full sun brings out the colour in the compact irregular tufted foliage. This lovely Conifer would be ideal for the narrow border garden. 80 cm high x 40 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. The year 2000 is the first year of sale. Cedar Lodge text.

            Leprechaun                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1966 J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Leprechaun’

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                                                   Miniature Plant Kingdom USA

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer bun with delightful compressed sprays of rich green foliage. Great for containers or the rock garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 8" tall x 10" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Leprechaun’  Henk van Kempen HOL

            Levine’s Tabletop                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Roslyn Nurs. NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Levine’s Tabletop’

            Limerick                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Roslyn Nurs. NY USA

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer with rich lemon-yellow foliage. Forms a compact small tree and can withstand full sun in most locations without burning. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Limerick’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Little Ami                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   1991 Esveld Nurs., HOL

                                                           /Little Ann/?

            Little Ann                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Joseph Reis, NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Little Ann’

                                                                                   1982 Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           Swirling, upright fans of dark green foliage are similar to those of the irregularly globose, renowned 'Nana Gracilis', But 'Little Ann' maintains a more narrow habit, making it an excellent choice for fitting into a tighter space, such as a corner, in the garden or landscape. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Little Ann’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Little Ann’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Little John                             Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Little Marky                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1983 J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Little Marky’

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs. PA into the USA

                                                                                   1988 Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                           /Little Markey/

            Little Spire                            1992 HOL

            Lorent                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                   L. C. Hatch USA

            Lougheed                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   Vineland Nurs. USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Lougheed’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           /Loughead/  /Loucheed/

            Lowry                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

            Lucas                                     Hort.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Lucas’

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer with fine butter-yellow foliage. Appears delicate but is quite easy to grow. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Lucas’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Lucas’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Lucas’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Lucas’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Lunik                                     Hort.               /Graciosa/  /Loenik/

            Lutea Nana                           Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Lutea Nova                           Beissn. 1904

                                                           1904 J. van der Kraats, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Lutea Nova’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Lutea Nova' - More lacy looking than Ch. obtusa 'Crippsii' but similar, with open habit of growth. A very bright yellow which is rather sensitive to sun when very young. Suggest planting with shade for its early years then cut shade out. It is then an outstanding tree. Also excellent in semi shade to brighten the area. Height in 10 years depends on whether planted in sun or shade. 2-4 metres high x 2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Luteocompacta                                            Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Lycopodioides                       Standish ex Gord. 1862                     JPN

                                                           1861 imported from JPN by Siebold to Royal Nurs.,

                                                           Bagshot GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Lycopodioides’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Lycopodioides' - Haphazardly clothed in clusters of rich green cord like foliage. Irregular, informal shape adding character to any garden. 2 metres high x 1.3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Lycopodioides’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA


            Lycopodioides Aurea           Beissn. 1906

                                                           1890 Yokohama Nurs. JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Lycopodioides Aurea’

                                                                                   Imported to EUR via GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Lycopodioides Aurea' - A colour variation of the preceding cultivar. The lemon yellow colour not all that bright until spring when the whole plant facing the sun brightens on the tips. 2 metres high x 1 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


Chamaecyparis obtusa Lycopodioides Aurea

            Lycopodioides Aurea Tomszak

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0

                                                           Tomszak POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Lycopodioides Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa Lycopodioides Aurea           new name

            Lycopodioides Gelbbunt     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                                                   Horstmann GER

            Lycopoides                                                    Washington Evergreen Nurs., USA


            Lynn’s Golden                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs., USA

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with golden foliage. No two are alike - some spread, some grow upright. Attractive orange cast in winter. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1.5' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Lynn’s Golden’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Lynn’s Golden Ceramic      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Magnifica                              Hort. ex R. Smith 1867          GBR

            Magnifica Aurea                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

            Magnifica Compacta           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Cummins Garden USA

            Marble Mountain                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Marble Mountain’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new addition to our collection, selected from a batch of seedlings. ‘Marble Mountain’ is a very narrow upright form of the Dwarf Hinoki Cypress. Has the typical rounded obtuse foliage with a lovely dark green colour. An ideal companion plant in a narrow border for Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Lenny’s Star’. 1 metre high x 50 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Marchant                               Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Marian                                  HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Marian’

                                                                                   1991 Esveld Nurs., HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Marian’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Marian’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Marian’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Maries Gold                          1985 USA

                                                                                   L.C. Hatch USA

            Mariesii                                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Kent in Veitch 1900                          GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Mariesii’

                                                           Ch. obtusa nana-albovariegata Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A very attractive slow growing bush. Will develop into a conical bush with milk white variegation in the foliage. Variegation turning yellowish in winter. Looks great in sun or shade. 1 metres high x 60 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Mariesii’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Mariesii’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Mariesii Bergmann’s Sport

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                       Kristick Nurs. PA USA

            Mariesii Gold Tip                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs., USA

            Market                                  Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Marvin’s Variegated            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                   L. C. Hatch USA

            Mastin                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   1982 Iseli Nurs. OR USA, G. Bentham

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with green foliage flecked with creamy-white. Eventually forms a dense cone. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Mastin’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Maureen                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1978 Eddie Rezek USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Maureen’

                                                           A diminutive evergreen conifer with a flat globose shape. Dense foliage is dark green with a fine texture. Perfect for the rock garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 4" tall x 6" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Een zaailing die in 1978 werd gevonden door Dhr. E. Rezek uit Malverne, USA, en in1993 door hem is geïntroduceerd. De plant is genoemd naar zijn echtgenote. Gedrongen enigszins kegelvormige groeiwijze, 60 x 50 cm. Frisgroen loof, in de winter bronskleurig. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Maureen’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Melance HB                          2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1990 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Eschrich Nursery, Recklinghausen GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Melody                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Rare Tree Nursery & Conifer Kingdom OR USA

                                                           An outstanding dwarf evergreen conifer. Refined lemon-yellow foliage can take full sun in most locations. Compact, upright growth habit. One of the most attractive of all conifers. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           We grow very few Hinoki Cypress, only the best. This is the BEST yellow-foliage form. Interior light green contrasts brilliant cream-yellow, making this variety effectively "Glow." Markus Brent text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Melody’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Melody’  Markus Brent USA photo

            Menzies’ Sport                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   1988 A. Menzies in Mitsch Nurs., OR USA

            Meroke                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           R. Fincham 1983

                                                           Joseph Reis NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Meroke’

                                                                                   Cummins Garden USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Meroke’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Meroke’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Meroke Sport                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Meroke Twin                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Little Markey/

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Meroke Twin’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

                                                           Cool cups of foliage lend movement and individual character to this narrow, upright golden Hinoki. Bright gold-over-green foliage is especially showy in the winter garden, but striking and useful throughout the year. Use in tighter landscape spots where plants will get some sun to promote the lighter tips and get some shade to filter the harshest rays of summer. Prefers moist, well-drained soil. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Meroke Twin’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Meroke Twin’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Meroke Twin’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Mhondoro                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Mhondoro’

                                                           The name means "spirit of the land" in Swahili, a reference to the cultural significance of forest trees around the world, including in Oregon, where this cultivar was discovered. Unique, finely textured, filament-like foliage creates an open, airy quality distinct from other small cultivars. The elegant, rounded tree grows very slowly and stays low and small. Use in container, trough or small setting where the refined beauty and strong spirit will grace the garden in every season. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Mhondoro’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Minima                                  Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1923 W.H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Minima’

                                                           /Nana Minima/

            Minima Aurea                                              Castle Alpines Nurs., GBR

            Miriam                                  Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Misiki                                     Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Mitsch’s Selection                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., OR USA

            Monstrosa                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Moonlight Lace                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jean Iseli USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Moonlight Lace’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Lacy sprays of foliage on this sport of 'Graciosa' display a light dusting of creamy-white variegation. Discovered at Iseli Nursery, 'Moonlight Lace' becomes a compact, conical tree with an open, layered habit. Beautiful texture and restrained variegation contribute a Japanese aesthetic and a bit of bright. Grow in moist, well-drained soil in full sun or light shade. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Moonlight Lace’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Moonshine                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A miniature conifer featuring tiny dark-green foliage speckled with creamy-white variegation. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1.5' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Discovered and introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Moonshine’  Talon Buchholz photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Moonshine’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Nana                                      Hort. ex Carr. 1867                            JPN

                                                           Retinospora obtusa nana Hort.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana' - A much sought after dwarf conifer, making a shrub more broad than high. 45 cm x 60 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Nana                                      Hort. now means dwarf cultivars in the trade

            Nana Albo-Variegata           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891 /Mariesii/

            Nana Argentea                     Hornibrook 1939

                                                                                   1909 Veitch Nurs., GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Argentea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Nana Aurea                          Carr. 1867

                                                           1867 imported from JPN to EUR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Aurea’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Aurea' - Bright golden yellow in spring and summer. Bronzy gold in cold winters. Broadly conical. 80 cm high x 80 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Aurea’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Aurea’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Aurea’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Nana Bartley                        /Bartley/

            Nana Compacta                    Barron in Gordon 1875                     GBR

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs., into the USA

            Nana Contorta                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Will Fletcher Gardens USA

                                                                                    Stanley Nurs. USA

            Nana Densa                           Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Nana Gracilis                        R. Smith 1867

                                                           W. H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Gracilis’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Gracilis' - A very attractive, dense growing, bush with rich lustrous green, healthy looking foliage and a rugged, picturesque outline. Pyramidal. 1 metre high x 70 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Nana/  /Nana Compacta/

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Gracilis’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Gracilis’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Gracilis’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Nana Gracilis Aurea                        Hort.

            Nana Lutea                           Welch 1966

                                                           J. Spek Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Lutea’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Lutea' - Very compact like Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana'. A much brighter yellow all year around, than Cham. obtusa 'Nana Aurea'. Keeps good colour in semi shade. Slow growing dwarf. 90 cm high x 80 cm wide in 10 yrs in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Lutea’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Lutea’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Lutea’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Lutea’  Will Fletcher USA photo

            Nana Nikoletta                     Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Nana Prostrata                     Hort.

            Nana Pyramidalis                 Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1905 den Ouden Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                                                   1934 den Ouden Nurs., Boskoop HOL


Chamaecyparis obtusa Nana pyramidalis Rewersja (fot. Saidi)

            Nana Pyramidalis Rewersja

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Pyramidalis Rewersja’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa Nana pyramidalis Rewersja (fot. Saidi)

            Nana Repens                                                Cummins Garden USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Repens’

            Nana Rigida                          /Rigid Dwarf/

            Nana Sport                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

            Nana Tempelhof                  Hort.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Tempelhof’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Tempelhof’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Nana Tonia                           Hort.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Tonia’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Tonia’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Nana Two-foliage                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

            Nana Variegata                    /Mariesii/

            Nana Verdonii                      Hort.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Verdonii' - Upright, compact habit but very slow growing. Deep gold winter colour. 65 cm high x 70 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Narrow Yellow                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery USA

            Nicky                                      Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            No. 1000                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Huldonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Deze plant heeft nog geen naam en is voorlopig uitgebracht onder een nummer. Een zeer compacte dichte vorm. Groeiwijze min of meer bolvormig. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘No. 1000’

            Nyewood                               1970 GBR

                                                           W. H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                                                   Watnong Nurs. Morris Plains NJ USA

            Nyewood No.1.                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Nyewood No.2.                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Opaal                                     Krüssmann 1960

                                                           Konijn Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Opaal’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Opaal’  Edwin Smits Nursery, HOL

            Oregon Crested                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1989 USA

                                                           Mitsch Nurs. OR USA

            Ougonchabohiba                                         Hanacobo Conifer Shop JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Ougonchabohiba’

            Pagoda                                  1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1985 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           A witch’s broom of /Kosteri/ with pagode habit.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           1985-ben a /Kosteri/ rügymutációjaként szelektált pagoda

                                                           formájú változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Pagoda’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Pagoda’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Pagoda’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Pagoda’ photo

            Pasadena                               2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Johnson NZL

                                                                                  Johnson Nursery, Pasadena, Auckland NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Crippsii' - (Johnson's Form). This Conifer has now been renamed - Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Pasadena'. Pasadena is a suburb in Auckland where Mr. Johnson had his Nursery. In discussion with a current staff member of Totara Grove Nurseries who worked with Mr. Johnson, it was decided to call this wonderful cultivar after that area still known to some in the Auckland region. For further description and sizes see Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Pasadena'. (Formally Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Crippsii' - 'Johnson's Form'. Has heavier foliage than 'Crippsii'. Needs full sun to bring out best colour. Has graceful, informal semi weeping habit. A very unusual tree that can add character to any garden. Should be planted much more often than it is. Approx 2 - 3 metres high x 1.5 metres wide (if not trimmed) in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Patsunami Hiba                    Onuma ex Beissn. 1900                     JPN

            Paul’s Select                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   1990 Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            Pendula                                 Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

                                                           1891 Prince Lobkowitz’s Nurs., CSR

            Pixie                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

            Plumosa                                 Carr. 1867

                                                           Ch. pisifera plumosa Carr. 1867

            Pompton Lakes                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Poodled Cypress                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA 

            Prostrata                               Hornibrook 1923

                                                           A spreading evergreen conifer with loose sprays of green foliage. Attractive bronze tint in winter. Usually staked to form a small weeping tree. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. If staked, 7' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Pygmaea                                Gord. 1862                                        JPN

                                                           1861 imported by R. Fortune to Royal Nurs., GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Pygmaea' -A distinct attractive form with flat, fan-shaped sprays lying closely, one above the other. Stems are orange brown with plant turning bronze green in winter. 1 .2 metres high x 90 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Pygmaea’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Pygmaea’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Pygmaea’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Pygmaea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Pygmaea Aureovariegata    Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

            Pygmaea Aurescens             Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1935 K. Wezelenburg Nurs., Hazerswoude HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea Aurescens’

                                                           A spreading evergreen conifer with a compact habit. Foliage is gray-green, but with a cast of bronze-gold on the surface, especially prominent in winter. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea Aurescens’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Pygmaea Aurescens’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea Aurescens’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Pygmaea Aurescens’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Pygmaea Chimo Hiba          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Pygmaea Densa                    GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea Densa’

                                                                                   Hillier Nurs. GBR

            Pygmaea Haage                    /Hage/

            Pygmaea Variegated            1992 AUS                  /Pygmy White Fleck/

            Pygmy Fernspray                 /Compact Fernspray/

            Pygmy Filicoides                   Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Pygmy White Fleck              1993, new name of /Pygmaea Variegated/

            Pyramidalis Nana                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   1970 Watnong Nurs. NJ USA

                                                           A distinctive selection of dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress, 'Pyramidalis Nana' develops a unique irregular form that suggests sculptural art in the garden. Congested tufts of dark green foliage twist and turn on short, upright branches. Characteristic blue criss-crosses on foliage undersides lend extra visual interest. Each plant develops a one-of-a-kind personality that provides striking impact in small garden spaces. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pyramidalis Nana’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           /Nana Pyramidalis/

            Rachel’s Golden                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Rainbow                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. le Conte                                          USA

                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

                                                                                   Fred Bergman USA

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with an irregular upright form. Foliage is butter yellow in spring and summer, then turns to bronze gold in winter. Wonderful in containers or troughs. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 12" tall x 10" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Rainbow’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Rainbow’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Raraflora                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Raraflora’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Raraflora' - Whorled branchlets of lovely dark green, upright habit, with character and charm. 60 cm high x 50 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Ranch                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Hobb’s Nurs., USA, Kristick USA

            Rashahiba                             Onuma ex Beissn. 1909                     JPN

                                                           A dwarf upright evergreen conifer with dark brown-green foliage that twists and turns. Some branch tips feature interesting cockscombs. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Rashahiba’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Rashahiba’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Rashahiba’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Rashashiba’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Rashashiba’ photo


            Rashahiba Variegated         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Reger                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Regina’s Gold                       Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Reis Dwarf                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           Joseph Reis, NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Reis Dwarf’

                                                                                   Miniature Plant Kingdom USA

                                                           Branches of 'Reis Dwarf' emerge as long, kinky tendrils that resemble those of Chamaecyparis obtusa. They gradually fill out through spring and summer, taking on sculptural forms that look like crooked, upstretched arms, each one adorned with compact, medium green fans of foliage. This selection responds well to selective pruning to accentuate its artistic shape. Selected by Joe Reis, Long Island, New York. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Reis Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Reis Dwarf’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Reis’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Reis Dwarf’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           /Reisii/  /Reese Dwarf/

            Reisii                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Iseli Nurs., OR USA  /Reis Dwarf/

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

            Repens                                   den Ouden 1949

                                                           W. Hage & Co., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Repens’

                                                                                   1949 W. Hage & Co., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Een sport uit 'Nana Gracilis', gevonden door William Hage.

                                                           Hulsdonk text.

            Rezek                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Ed Rezek USA

                                                                                   1970 H. G. Hillier     

                                                           A pyramid-shaped miniature conifer with rich, dark-green foliage. Perfect for a rock garden or the smaller landscape. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Rezek’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           /Rezek Dwarf/

            Rigid Dwarf                          den Ouden 1965                                GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Rigid Dwarf’

                                                                                   Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Rigid Dwarf ' - Previously known as Cham. obtusa 'Nana Rigida'. This is a distinct form, of dense upright growth and stiff rigid appearance. Dark green foliage. 30 cm high x 35 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Nana Rigida/  /Rigida/

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Rigid Dwarf’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Rigid Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Rigid Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Rigid Dwarf’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Rigida                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Foxborough Nurs., ML USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Rigid’  Girard Nursery USA photo

            Sanderi                                  Thuja orientalis Sanderi

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Sanderi’

            Saphron Spray                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Saffron Spray’

                                                           An excellent sport of „Chabo-Yaderi with feathery green juvenile foliage and splashes of bright golden yellow adult foliage neatly interspersed creating a lovely two tone effect. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Saphron Spray’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Saphron Spray’ 

                                                                                   Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Saffron Spray’ photo

            Sarah Verkade                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           T. J. Cole 1986                                              CAN

            Siuryu-hiba                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Siuryu-hiba’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Siuryu-hiba’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Snider                                    G. Bentham 1981                              CAN

            Shamohiba                            Onuma ex Beissn. 1900                     JPN

            Shogun’s Gold                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Siuryu-hiba                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           A small evergreen conifer with a compact dense form. Green thread-like branchlets twist and turn. Green color in spring and summer turns brown-green in fall. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Siuryu-hiba’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Slim Jim                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Snider                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           G. Bentham 1981                              CAN

            Snow Blast                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           An upright irregular pyramid with bright green foliage variegated with white. Originated as a sport mutation on a Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Snowkist'. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Discovered and introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Snow Blast’  Talon Buchholz photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Snow Blast’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Snow Blast’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Snowflake                             J. Emery 1989

                                                           Drue Wholesale Nurs., Berry AUS

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Snowflake’

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs. into the USA

            Snowkist                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1981 CAN

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens, Vancouver BC CAN

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. in the USA

                                                           Touches of creamy white variegation, like frost, appear where the sun hits this otherwise dark green Hinoki. The attractive dwarf selection exhibits the superior qualities of 'Nana Gracilis', but it grows more slowly and stays lower. Site 'Snowkist' where it will get plenty of sun and ample moisture for the richest color, but use caution in hot climates, where scorching afternoon sun may be too much. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Snowkist’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Snowkist’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Snowkist’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            South Shore                           Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Sparkles                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with green foliage dotted with cream-yellow. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. UDSA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Sparkles’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Sparkles’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Special Variegated                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer that really lives up to its name. Loose sprays of green foliage are covered with a glaze of cream white. Easy to grow, it will not burn in full sun once established. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 7’ tall x 3’ wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. UDSA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Special Variegated’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Special Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Spiralis                                  Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1930 W. H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Spiralis’

                                                           An upright conifer with a narrow, congested form, featuring very unusual spiraling branches. Prefers sun/partial shade in well drained soil. 4' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. UDSA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Spiralis’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Spiralis’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           /Contorta/  /Nana Spiralis/ Hillier

                                                           /Nana Contorta/ Hort. ex Hillier

            Spirited                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Spirited’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Split Rock                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1983 Split Rock Nurs., NJ USA

                                                                                  Girard Nursery USA

                                                           Slow growing cypress, blue green foliage in both juvenile and

                                                           adult form. Upright right growing habit. Girard text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Split Rock’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Split Rock’  Girard Nursery USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Split Rock’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Split Rock’  Girard Nursery USA photo

            Springarn Dwarf                 Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Stephen                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 USA

            Stephen Weisenberg             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Stephen Weisenberger         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Stoneham                              den Ouden 1965

                                                           W. H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Stoneham’

                                                           A miniature, flattened globe conifer with deep-green foliage. Perfect for a rock garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 6" tall x 8" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                            Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Stoneham’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Stoneham’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Stoneham’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Ch. obtusa nana Stoneham Hillier

            Strangman                            1985 Strangman, Kent GBR

                                                                                   Saville Gardens GBR

                                                                                   Windsor Great Park GBR

            Sudworth Gold                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Suecica Aurea                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Suiroya Hiba                         JPN

                                                           Dr. Rokujo JPN  to R. S. Corley USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           /Suirova Hiba/  /Suiryhiba/

            Summer Snowflake              This hinoki cypress only grows to 6 ft. high with juvenile

                                                           foliage of light green with cream speckles


            Sunburst                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Sundance                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

                                                           This bright yellow dwarf with soft juvenile foliage is a sport of 'Nana Lutea'. Shear to maintain the characteristic juvenile foliage of 'Sundance'. Best color in full sun. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Sundance’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Sunflower                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2000 Kiss Marcell, Rédics HUN

                                                                                  2008 Gergely Nursery, Gödöllő HUN

                                                                                  Kiss Marcell Nurs., Rédics HUN

                                                           A Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Crippsii’ seedling, looks like the

                                                           mother with bright yellow colour, the summer sun doesn’t


                                                           A Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Crippsii’ magpopulációjából szelektált, ahhoz hasonló alakú és színű, de napégésre nem érzékeny növény.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Sunflower’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Sunflower’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Sunflower’ photo

            Sunny Swirl                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jean Iseli USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Sunny Swirl’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

                                                           Bold texture and colorful foliage distinguish this narrow, upright, golden selection. Stiff, contorted branches with mahogany red bark contrast dramatically with the twisting, threadlike foliage, which displays shades that vary from yellow to gold and even chartreuse toward the interior. Unusual cockscombs occasionally develop at the tips and add to the striking texture. Found at Iseli Nursery as a sport on Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Torulosa'. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Sunny Swirl’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Sunproof Dwarf                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Cummins Garden USA 

            Sunshine                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A pyramidal upright conifer. Dwarf form with green, curved foliage variegated with creamy-yellow. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Discovered and introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Sunshine’  Talon Buchholz photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Sunshine’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Sunspray                               2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1992 Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Sunspray’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Very attractive upright, informal pyramidal habit. Bright creamy golden swirled sprays. Similar to Cham. obtusa ‘Confucious’ but seems to be slower growing. 1.6 metres high x 1.7 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Sunspray’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Sunspray’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Sunspray’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Sunspray’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Tabuliformis                         H. G. Hillier 1970

            Takaka                                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2000 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Takaka’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new addition to our collection, selected from a batch of seedlings. A most unusual slow growing bush. Very small tufted clusters of bright green foliage. 45 cm high x 40 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. The year 2000 is the first year of sale. Cedar Lodge text.

            Tarka                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1995 Orlóci László HUN

                                                           A gold variegated clone of Chamaecyparis obtusa

                                                           ’Coralliformis’. 50 cm high in 15 years, works good in waste

                                                           soil, in high summer could have sunburst in dry periods.

                                                           A Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Coralliformis’ aranytarka mutációja, mely 15 év után alig fél méter magas növény. Jól tűri a homokos talajt, nyáron száraz időben hajlamos napégésre. Párás, mezofita parkokba, kiskertekbe való.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Coralliformis Tarka’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Coralliformis Variegata’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Coralliformis Variegata’ 


            Tatsumi                                 /Tsatsumi/

            Teddy Bear                           /Ch. pisifera Teddy Bear/

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Teddy Bear’

                                                                                   1991/93 Esveld Nurs., HOL

                                               A pretty good plant despite the far to cute name, it’s a bit reminiscent of Fernspray, it has been a high priced item the last few years, however, in all fairness it does elicit a lot of favorable comment in the garden. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Teddy Bear’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Tempelhof                             den Ouden 1965

                                                           1964 L. Konijn Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tempelhof’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Tempelhof - Dark rich green with brownish tinge in winter. Eventually builds into a dense conical bush. 1.2 metres high x 1 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Tempelhof’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Tempelhof’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Nana Tempelhof’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Templehoff                           Mistake of /Tempelhof/

            Tetragona                             Hornibrook 1923

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tetragona’

                                                                                   Sylva Sinica CHN

            Tetragona Aurea                  Barron in Gord. 1875             JPN

                                                           1870 JPN to W.Barron Nurs., Barrowash, GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tetragona Aurea’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Tetragona Aurea' - Golden moss-like tufted branches pointing upwards. Well clothed and slow growing. Very ornamental. 2 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Tetragona Aurea’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Tetragona Aurea’  Dax Herbst IL USA

            Tetragona Intermedia          /Intermedia/

            Tetragona Minima               Hornibrook 1923        /Minima/

            Tigida                                    /Rigida/

            Tilgate                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Timothy                                 1987 Douglas Loundes, MacPenny’s Nurs. GBR

                                                                                   MacPenny’s Nurs., Branscore GBR

            Tiny Tot                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           R. Fincham 1983

                                                           Joseph Reis, NY USA

            Tonia                                     den Ouden 1949

                                                           1928 W. Hage & Co. Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tonia’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Tonia' - Similar to Cham. obtusa 'Nana' with white flecks on some tips. Just as slow growing. Can add a little colour to a semi shady situation. Full sun preferable. 50 cm both ways in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tonia’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tonia’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Tonia’  Girard Nursery USA photo

            Topsy                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Topsy’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Torulosa                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   1962 Gotelli Collection USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Torulosa’

                                                           /Dwarf Form/  /Coralliformis/

            Torulosa Nana                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   1962 Gotelli Collection USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Torulosa Nana’

            Torulosa Dwarf                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Torulosa Dwarf’

            Troubetzkoyana                   Rovelli ex Mast. 1890

                                                           1890 in Prince Troubetzkoy’s Pallanza garden ITA

            Tsatsumi                                Slavin 1932                                        JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tsatsumi’

                                                                                   1919 Elm City Nurs.

                                               An old cultivar from Japan with dark green tufted and twisted foliage. Elm City Nurseries once listed tsatsunami, which is probably the same plant. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA


            Tsatsumi Aurea                    Hort. JPN

                                                           /Tsatsumi Gold/ H.J. van de Laar 1990

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tsatsumigold’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tsatsumi Gold’

                                                                               Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Tsatsumi Aurea’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Tsatsumi Aurea’ 


            Tsatsunami                           /Tsatsumi/

            Tsukumo                               Hort.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Tsukumo’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Typ Böhlje                           

            Two Twins                            L. Walker 1989

                                                                                   Walker Nurs., Blaxton GBR

            Unryo                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Unryo’  Dax Herbst IL USA

            Uprising Gold                       Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Van Nes                                 Konijn 1968

                                                           J. Konijn Nurs. Reeuwijk HOL

                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

                                                           /Van Ness/

            Variegata                              Nicholson 1884                                  GBR

            Verbanensis                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1978 GER

            Verdon                                  Welch 1966

                                                           W. H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Verdoni’

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with deep yellow foliage. This choice European selection can withstand full sun when established. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Verdon’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Verdon’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Verdon’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Verdoni’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Verdoni’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Verdon’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Verdon’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Verduni Gold                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

            Verkade’s Golden                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Roslyn Nurs. NY USA

            Verkade’s Golden Winter   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1981 USA

                                                           Verkade’s Nurs. NJ USA

                                                                                   G. Bentham BC CAN

            Verkade’s Green Cushion   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  /Green Cushion/

            Verkade’s Sunburst             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Vivl                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Vokel’s Upright                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                  Talon Buchholz USA

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Another new one from Talon. There once was a yokel named Vokel, whose tool… now I think its time to preserve the mystery, and my remaining shreds of decency. Arrowhead text.

                                                           A dwarf, narrow, upright conifer with fine dark-green compact foliage. Perfect for the small garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Vokel’s Upright’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Walker’s Pillar                     Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Watchii                                  1989 Cott’s Nurs., Sydney AUS

                                                           /Watch 1/

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Watchii’

            Well’s                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Miniature Plant Kingdom USA

            Well’s Form                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Teufel Nurs. USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Wells Form’

            Well’s Nana Select                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley Nurs., USA

            Well’s Special                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1977 USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Wells Special’

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., OR USA

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs.USA

            White Imp                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1983 E. Rezek USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            White Tip                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1981 USA

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., OR USA

            Willamette Elegance             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Wilmont                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ’Wilmont’  Girard Nursery USA photo

            Winter Gold                          GBR

                                                           W.H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           /Verdoni/ 1987 Esveld HOL

                                                           /Verdun/ Hort. HOL

            White Imp                             1983 E. Rezek USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

            White Tip                              1981 USA

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., OR USA

            Winter Gold                          GBR

                                                           W. H. Rogers & Son Nurs., Chandler Ford GBR

                                                                                   W. H. Rogers Nurs. Chandler Ford GBR

            Wissel                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           1990 zu Jeddeloh Nurs. GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Wissel’

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Wissel’s Saguaro                                          2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

            Wyckoff                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Wyckoff’

                                                                                   Coenosium Gardens, Leighton, PA USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Is it a shrub or is it a tree? You decide.

Either way, it fills the in-between space in the landscape with graceful sprays of lively green foliage. A classy, open habit changes with age, starting out quite rounded and ending up more upright broad. Grow this choice selection in moist, well-drained soil in full sun or light shade. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Wyckoff’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Wyckoff No.1.                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA

            Wyckoff No.2.                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA

            Yellowtip                               den Ouden 1965

                                                           1945 C. A. van den Akker Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Yellowtip’

            Youngii                                  Rehd. 1923

                                                           1919 Young’s Nurs., Milford GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Youngii’

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Youngii' - Similar to Cham. obtusa 'Nana Aurea' but developes on a more grand scale. A very attractive plant. 2.5 metres high x 2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Zog                                         Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

CT 4.0 2012 - 416 cultivar records

CT 5.0 2013 – 461 cultivar records,



                                                                                  Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT


   PISIFERA                                     1847                           JPN

                                                           /Sieb. & Zucc./Endl.                                                  Kr

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Sieb. & Zucc.) Endlicher 1847 – Szavára hamisciprus – Sawara false cypress


             f. FILIFERA                                   /Endl./Rehd. 1949

             f. LEPTOCLADA              /Endl./Rehd. 1949

             f. NANA                               Beissn. 1891

             f. PLUMOSA                       /Carr./Beissn. 1887

             f. SQUARROSA                 /Zucc./Beissn. 1887


            Abel                                       H. J. van de Laar 1989

                                                           A. Kammings, Augustinusga HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Abel’

            Albo-picta                             Hort. GBR

            Albospicata                           Hort.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Albospica’

            Albovariegata                       /Argenteovariegata/

            Albovariegata Nana             Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Allen                                      1985 USA

            Argentea                               Fortune ex Gord. 1862                      GBR


            Argentea                               Carr. 1867

                                                           /Plumosa Argentea/

            Argentea Lutea                    Hort.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Argenteo Lutea’  Dax Herbst IL USA

            Argentea Nana                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Girard Nurs., USA

            Argentea Pygmaea               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           H. Bergman 1965                              USA

                                                           /Squarrosa Pygmaea/

            Argentea Variegata Nana   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Girard Nurs. USA

            Argenteovariegata                Nicholson 1884                                  JPN

                                                           1861 imported by R.Fortune from JPN to EUR,

                                                           Royal Nurs., Bagshot GBR

                                                           Ch.pisifera argentea Fort.

            Arnhem                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Arnhem’

            Aurea                                    /Gord./Rehd. 1949

                                                           1861 imported by R. Fortune from JPN to EUR,

                                                           Royal Nurs., Bagshot GBR

            Aurea Compacta Nana        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 USA

                                                                                   Weston Nurs., Hopkinton MA USA

            Aurea Nana                          Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Aurea Nana’

                                                           Ch. pisifera nana fretsii Hornibr.

                                                           Ch. pisifera aurea nana Beissn.

            Aurea Pendula                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Girard Nurs., USA

            Aurea Variegata                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Girard Nurs., USA

            Aureovariegata                     /Ottolander/Beissn. 1891                   HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Aureovariegata’

            Avenue                                  1979 GBR

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

            Baby Blue                             AUS

                                                           Andrews Nurs., Sydney AUS

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Baby Blue’

                                                           /Boulevard Dwarf/     since 1993 /Baby Blue/

                                                           Een sport uit C. p. 'Boulevard', maar op alle onderdelen dwergachtig. Als jonge plant een kleine dichte kegel, later meer pyramidaal en meer open, 100 x 60 cm. Loof lichtblauw van kleur. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Baby Blue’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Baby Blue’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Baby Blue’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Baby Blue Ice                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1998 Larry Stanley USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           A dwarf conifer with dense, silvery-blue foliage. An eye-catching gem for the small garden. It will form an upright habit with age, or can be pruned to any shape. Prefers full sun in a well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Baby Blue Ice’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Baby Blue’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Barabits Glauca                   /Barabits Silver/

            Barabits Gold                       1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1985 Barabits E. HUN 

                                                           An upright, conical, yellow, slow growing clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Mereven felálló ágrendszerű, laza kúpalakú, sárga tűjű, lassan

                                                           növő változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Barabits Green                     /Pici/   

            Barabits Silver                      1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Barabits E. HUN

                                                           A witch’s broom of /Boulevard/

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           A /Boulevard/ kékes árnyalatú, lassan növő mutációja.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           /Barabits Glauca/

            Blue Globe                            1988

                                                           Windsor Great Park GBR

                                                           /Tama Himuro/  /Tamu-Himuro/

            Blue Tower                           1992 GBR

                                                           Windsor Great Park GBR

            Bókoló                                   1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Barabits in Deutsche Baumschule 1965 as /Kócos/

                                                           1965 Barabits E. HUN 

                                                           A /Filifera/ clone with short branchlets, green

                                                           colour, not taller than 1,5 meters

                                                           Original plant in the Arboretum of the Sopron

                                                           Forestry University, HUN

                                                           1965-ben szelektált rövid ízközű zöld /Filifera/ változat,

                                                           amely nem nő másfél méternél magasabbra.

                                                           Anyatő a Soproni Erdészeti Egyetem Arborétumában található.

                                                           /Kócos/  /Filifera Kócos/  /Filifera Kokos/

            Boulevard                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           den Ouden 1965

                                                           1934 Boulevard Nurs., Newport USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Boulevard’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' - Deep glaucous blue, feathery, upright, compact, graceful. Can be trimmed. Will do well in shade with good annual rainfall. 2 metres high x 1 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera cyanoviridis Hort.

                                                           Retinospora squarrosa K. & C.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Boulevard’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Boulevard’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Boulevard Dwarf                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           J. Emery 1989                        AUS

            Boulevard Variegata            2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1986 NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

            Bowland                                1987 Holden Clugh Nurs. GBR

            Brabaham                             GBR

                                                                                   R. S. Corley to Windsor Great Park GBR

            Brackenwood                                   GBR

                                                                                   R. S. Corley to Windsor Great Park GBR

            Bright Gold                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

            Cannon Ball                          /Spaan’s Cannonball/

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Cleary’s Variegated             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1983 USA

                                                                                   1983 Iseli Nurs., OR USA

            Clouded Sky                         den Ouden 1965

                                                           L. Konijn & Co. Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

            Cloverlea                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Columnaris                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1907

                                                           Ansorge Nurs., Klein Flottbeck GER

            Compacta                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hartweg & Ruemplar 1875    GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Compacta Fastigiata            Hort.

            Compacta Nana                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA

            Compacta Silver Lode         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

            Compacta Variegata            Hornibrook 1939                               GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Compacta Variegata’

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. in the USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Compacta Variegata' - Excellent dwarf rockery conifer. Tolerant of shade but more open when grown in that situation. Compact, low growing habit. Tolerates good rainfall all year round. 40 cm high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Nana Aureovariegata/

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Compacta Variegata’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Compressa Aurea Nana                                                                 GBR

                                                                                   Daystar Nurs. into the USA

                                                           /Plumosa Compressa Nana/

            Compressa Lutea                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs., ML USA

            Concolor                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1909                                      GER

            Cornish Blue                         GBR               /Boulevard/

            Cream Ball                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1985

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Cream Ball’

                                                           The unique color of this compact ball, neither white nor yellow, is truly cream, a soft, rich shade that will complement many landscapes. A close look at the foliage shows that a range of colors and textures, including bluish needles and green scales that are tipped with blond, contribute to the glowing effect. The well-mannered, easy-to-grow conifer maintains a uniform globe shape without shearing and makes a dressy accent or, lined up, an attractive border edge. More sun produces a brighter look. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Cream Ball’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Cresta                                    1985 IRL

                                                           J.F. Kennedy Park IRL

            Cristata                                                         Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Cumulus                                Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Cumulus’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Cumulus’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Curley Tops                          1989 AUS

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Curley Tops’

                                                                                   Yamina Nurs., Monbulk AUS

                                                           A dwarf conifer with dazzling silver-blue twisted foliage. A standout in the garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Curly Tops’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Curly Tops’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Cyano-viridis                         /Boulevard/

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Cyanoviridis’

            Devon Cream                       1983 GBR

                                                                                   D. W. Hatch, Chantry Nurs., Honiton GBR

                                                           A dwarf conifer that develops an upright cone shape. New growth is tipped white with curled foliage. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Devon Cream’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Douglasii                               Bill Barger in ACS database

            Dow Whiting                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2004 Dow Whiting USA

                                                                                  2009 Spring ACS Quarterly

                                                                                  Spring Meadow Nursery USA

            Dumosa                                 Hort. FRA                  /Squarrosa Dumosa/

            Dwarf Blue                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1938 H.A. Hesse Nurs., GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Dwarf Blue’

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs. PA into the USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Dwarf Blue’ 

                                                                                   Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Erecta                                    Hort. ex R.Smith 1867                      GBR

            Ericoides                               Regel 1883                                         RUS

            Evening Glow                       2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A sport from Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa Dumosa’. Delicate lacy foliage. Greenish lemon in summer deepening to a lovely ‘evening glow’ gold during the colder weather. Forms a small pyramid. Needs full sun all year for best colour. Ideal for the smaller garden or rockery. 2 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Filifera                                   Hort. ex R.Smith 1867                      JPN

                                                           1861 imported by R. Faber to Royal Nurs., Bagshot GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filifera’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Filifera Argenteovariegata  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

            Filifera Aurea                       Veitch 1889                                       GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Aurea’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Aurea' - Becoming dense with time. Lime green in shade or semi-shade, where it will build height. This plant is a very bright yellow in full sun and tends to stay lower. Is tolerant of wind and moderate salt winds. Can be pruned very easily. Enjoys good annual rainfall. 1 metre high x 1.3 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filifera Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filifera Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filifera Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Filifera Aurea Nana             Hort.               /Sungold/  /Golden Mop/

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Aurea Nana’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filifera Aurea Nana’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA


Chamaecyparis pisifera Filifera Aurea Nana LEWANDOWSKI (siewka)

            Filifera Aurea Nana Lewandowski

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Mirosław Lewandowski POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filifera Aurea Nana Lewandowski’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera Filifera Aurea Nana Lewandowski

            Filifera Aurea Pendula        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Girard Nurs. USA

            Filifera Aureomarginata     Hort. GBR

                                                                                   Barncroft Nurs. GBR

            Filifera Aureovariegata       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER


                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense, broadly pyramidal form. Green thread-like foliage is liberally specked with cream-yellow. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filifera Aureovariegata’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Aureovariegata’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Aureovariegata’ 

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

            Filifera Aureovariegata Nana

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Rice Creek Gardens USA

            Filifera Bright Gold             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Bright Gold’

            Filifera Compacta                FRA                /Filifera Nana/?

            Filifera Cream Ball                                      Stecks Nursery

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Cream Ball

            Filifera Crispa                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1897

                                                           1897 Neder Nurs. Frankfurt GER

            Filifera Elegans                    Hort. IRL

                                                           National Botanic Garden, Dublin IRL

            Filifera Flava                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schelle 1909

                                                           1909 Schelle in Univ. Bot. Garden, Tuebingen GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filifera Flava’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Filip’s Happy Day                2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Holland 1.0

                                                           2000 Edwin Smits HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filip’s Happy Day’

                                                                                  2006 Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Of seed a Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Plumosa Compressa’

                                                           Compacte bolvormige groeiwijze, lichtgroen van kleur

                                                           met in het voorjaar crèmekleurige nieuwe scheuten.

                                                           Ball-like compact plant, freshgreen, creamy in spring

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filip’s Happy Day’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Filifera Glauca                     de Vos 1887

            Filifera Globosa                    Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Globosa’

            Filifera Gold Spangle           /Gold Spangle/

            Filifera Golden Mops           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Golden Mop/

                                                                                   Stanley Nurs., USA

                                                           A dwarf, bright gold threadbranch cypress. Very colorful for the small garden. Prefers morning sun/afternoon shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

            Filifera Golden Sunset         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 GER

                                                                                   1985 Horstmann Nurs., GER

            Filifera Gracilis                    Gord. 1891

                                                           1875 GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Gracilis’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filifera Gracilis’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Filifera Gracilis                    Welch 1966

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Gracilis’

            Filifera Kócos                       /Bókoló/ Barabits

            Filifera Kokos                       incorrect name, see: /Bókoló/ Barabits

            Filifera Mops                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Golden Mop/

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs., ML USA

            Filifera Nana                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1897

                                                           Forestry Nurs., Tharandt GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Nana’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Nana' - Thread like, graceful, weeping. Attractive rockery plant. Has a place in any garden. Any out of character vigorous growths should be cut out. Likes adequate rainfall all year round. 50 cm high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filifera Nana’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filifera Nana’ photo

            Filifera Nana Aurea             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Filifera Aurea Nana/

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs., USA

                                                           /Golden Mop/

            Filifera Nana Variegata       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs., USA

            Filifera Pendula                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1962 USA

                                                           Gotelli Collection NJ USA

            Filifera Sherwood Reversion

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                  M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Filifera Sungold                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1983

                                                           zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Sungold’

            Filifera Törpe                       /Törpe/

            Filifera Variegata                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Foxborough Nurs., ML USA

                                                           /Filifera Aureovariegata/

                                                           /Filifera Aureovariegata/

            Filiformis                               Hort. ex R. Smith 1867                     GBR

            Filip’s Happy Day                2000 Edwin Smits HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filip’s Happy Day’

                                                                                  2006 Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Of seed a Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Plumosa Compressa’

                                                           Compacte bolvormige groeiwijze, lichtgroen van kleur

                                                           met in het voorjaar crèmekleurige nieuwe scheuten.

                                                           Ball-like compact plant, freshgreen, creamy in spring

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Filip’s Happy Day’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Flava                                      2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL and AUS

                                                           2010 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2010 Cedar Lodge Nursery NZL

                                                           Recently introduced into our Nursery. Yet to be evaluated.

                                                           Cedar Lodge text.

            Flavescens                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                  Carr. 1867                                          GER

            Flavescens Nana                   1984 GBR

                                                           Kew Gardens GBR

                                                                                   Carroll Gardens in the USA

            Floral Arts                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Fuiri-tsukumo                       1993 HOL                  /Tsukumo/

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Fuiri-tsukomo’

            Gekira Hiba                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 GER

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs., GER

            Gekko                                               L. C. Hatch 1985

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Gekkohiba’

            Girard’s Albovariegated     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Glauca Compacta Nana      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   1982 Weston Nurs., Hopkinton MA USA

            Glauca Nana                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

            Globosa                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   E. A. Cope USA

            Gnome                                   Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Gold Cushion                       G. Haddow 1987

                                                           1987 Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Gold Dust                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista BC CAN

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Gold Dust’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR in the USA

            Gold France                                                  Mammos Nurs. GRE

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Gold France’

            Gold Globe                            2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS


                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Gold Globe’

                                                                                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A very tight ground hugging bun. Very yellow, intensifying with winter cold. Provide plenty of water in the first two establishment years. 40 cm high x 60 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Gold Spangle                         den Ouden 1937

                                                           1900 Koster & Sons Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Gold Spangle’

                                                                                   Mesman Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Spangle' - Low bun, bright yellow when grown in full sun. This plant has been produced to be taller for growing in semi shade - will develop into tree. Tall, conical and weeping when grown in semi shade. Provide good rainfall each year. 1.5 metres high x 1 - 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Gold Spangle’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Gold Thread                         Hort. USA

            Golden Charm                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Golden Chimes                     2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1984 NZL

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

            Golden Cushion                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Golden Pincushion/

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Golden Cushion’ 


                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Golden Cushion’ 


            Golden Dwarf                      1985 GBR

            Golden Girl                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           An evergreen conifer with a dense, flattened globe shape. Foliage is rich yellow and branchlets are thread-like. Originated as a sport on 'Plumosa Compressa Aurea'. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Discovered and introduced by the Flora Wonder™ Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

            Golden Mop                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1966

                                                           1960 Carroll Gardens USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Golden Mop’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Mops’

                                                           The finely textured, sunny foliage of this winning "threadbranch" cypress develops vibrant new spring growth that retains its brilliance and shines in the garden all year. Well-behaved, compact and hardy, the low, mounding conifer makes a versatile addition to border, bank or foundation. It produces best color in full sun and performs even in areas challenged by heat and humidity. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Golden Mop’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Golden Mop’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Golden Mop’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Golden Mop’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Golden Pincushion               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch & Haddow 1993

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista BC CAN

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Golden Pin Cushion’

                                                                                   1982 Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           For a handsome bit of color in the rock garden or other small space, this dense, golden cypress delivers. Prized as a close-up accent, especially to add an Asian aesthetic, each plant will spread slowly into a low, irregular mound that suggests moss. Where exposed to more sun, the foliage turns brighter yellow. Easy, resilient and hardy. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Golden Pincushion’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Golden Pincushion’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Golden Pincushion’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Golden Pin Cushion’ 

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

            Golden Pyramid                                          2004 C. Esveld Nurs. Boskoop HOL

            Golden Sands                       NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Golden Sands’

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Sands' - A plant similar in habit to the more well known Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Plumosa Rogersii' but definitely of slower growth. Yellow with tiny white specks. Most attractive. A dwarf plant of merit. Will tolerate high rainfall areas. 80 cm high x 50 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Goldzwerg                             Hort.

                                                                                   2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Golf Ball                                R. Critz 1985                                    

            Gospangles                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   1985 Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           /Gold Spangle/?

            Gracilis                                  Hort. ex Gord. 1875                          GBR

            Green Mound                       Welch 1992

                                                           Welch in Everton Nurs., Lymington GBR

            Green Velvet                         Welch 1979

            Greg                                       2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

            Greg’s Green Upright         2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                                                   L. C. Hatch 1988

            Greg’s Sport                         2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument

                                                           Greg Williams, Vermont USA

                                                                                  Kate Brook Nursery VT USA

                                                                                   Vineland Nurs. USA

            Hakko-hiba                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

            Hakko-hiba                                                  Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

            Harvard Gold                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with intense golden foliage. New from the noted plantsman, John Mitsch, from Oregon, USA. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Harvard Gold’  Talon Buchholz photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Harvard Gold’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Harvard Gold’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Havas                                     1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1980 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Witch’s broom of /Snow/, albovariegate type.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           A /Snow/ rügymutációjaként keletkezett fehértarka változat.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Hime Himuro                        1986 JPN

            Hime-sawara                         JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Hime sawara’

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford in the GBR

            Home Bush                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Iceberg                                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           David & Noeline Sampson 1991, Cedar Lodge Nurs., NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Iceberg’

                                                                                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A salt wind hardy shrub showing white tipping on bluish green foliage. Does not sun burn. 75 cm high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Ivánc                                      /Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Ivánc Lutea/ Barabits

            Indent                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2006 Dax Herbst in ACS database

                                                                                  US National Arboretum DC USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Indent’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Indent’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Indent’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Intermedia                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA

            Intermedia Raraflora          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   M. & J. Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Jubileum                                1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1986 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                  Egzóta Nurs. of Mr. Barabits, Sopron HUN

                                                           A clone with upright branchlets.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Laza, merev, felálló ágú növény.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Juniperoides                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Juniperoides’

                                                                                   Siskiyou Rare Plant Nurs. USA

            Juniperoides Aurea              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

                                                           /Plumosa Juniperoides/

            King’s Gold                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Renegade Gardener

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘King’s Gold’

            Kingin Hiba                          Hort.

                                                           Windsor Great Park GBR

            Kócos                                     Barabits 1965             /Bókoló/

            Laetevirens                           Carr. 1873

                                                           in Jardin des Plantes, Paris FRA

            Lemon Thread                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1988

                                                           Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Lemon Thread’

                                                           A slow growing, golden conifer. Rounded dome-shaped plant with thread-like foliage. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Lemon Thread’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Lemon Thread’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Lemon Thread’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Lemon Thread Sport           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Leptoclada                            Hort.

            Lime Ice                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

            Lime Pie                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

            Lime Tart                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Little Kean                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Szkólkarstvo Nursery POL

                                                           Als sport ontstaan in C. p. 'Baby Blue'. Bolvormige groeiwijze met een compacte habitus. Zachte grijsblauwe naalden. Verlangt een voedzame, voldoende vochtige standplaats. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Little Kean’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Little Kean’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Lombarts                              /Squarrosa Lombarts/  /Lombards/

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Lombarts’

            Lutea                                     Beissn. 1909

                                                           Chamaecyperis pisifera ’Lutea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

            Lutescens                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

            Mace                                      2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS


                                                                                   1989 Yamina Nurs., Monbulk AUS

            Margaret                                                      Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Memento                               1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1982 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Witch’s broom of /Filifera/, a pale yellow-green

                                                           pendulous clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Ágfalva Nurs. Sopron, HUN

                                                           A /Filifera/ mutánsaként keletkezett halvány sárgászöld színű

                                                           szomorú változat.

                                                           Anyatő az ágfalvai kertészetben található.

            Mici                                        1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1970 Barabits HUN

                                                           A slow growing juvenile,pale blue,conical clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Lassan növő fiatalkori hajtású, halványkék, kúpos alakú


                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

                                                           /Squarrosa Mici/

            Mikko                                     Hort.

                                                           A flattened globe conifer. Bright, shiny-white foliage makes this small beauty a must in any garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           /Snow/  /Miko/

            Mikko Revert                       Hort.

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Mikko Snow                         /Snow/

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA

            Milton Park                           2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1989 AUS

                                                                                   Drue Wholesale Nurs., Berry AUS

            Minima                                  Dall. & Jacks. 1948                /Squarrosa Minima/

            Minima Aurea                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Girard Nurs. USA

            Minima Gold Dust                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           USA               /Gold Dust/

            Minima Silver Lode              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           USA               /Silver Lode/

            Minima Variegata                Welch 1979                                        GBR

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. in the USA

            Monstrosa                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           USA 1962

                                                           Gotelli Collection, NJ USA

            Monstrosa Nana                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1992 HOL

            Monstrough                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           USA               /Monstrosa/?

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA

            Moody                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2004 James Wick in ACS database

                                                           1996 James Wick in Peach Grove Nurs., Martin, TN USA

                                                                                  1996 Peach Grove Nurs., Martin, TN USA

                                                           Fast growing large Chamaecyparis with golden color (color more intense in winter). Sport from C. pisifera ’Filifera Aurea’. (ACS database text)

            Mops                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           USA               /Golden Mop/

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Mops’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

            MPH Aranyszőrű Bárány   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2013 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  Gergely Faiskola, Gödöllő HUN

                                                           Found as a dense egg-like goldie seedling of (possible) Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Plumosa Aurea Nana’ in the cemetery of Szekszárd HUN. A unique plant of small gardens.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’MPH Aranyszőrű Bárány’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy Zsolt photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’MPH Aranyszőrű Bárány’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy Zsolt photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’MPH Aranyszőrű Bárány’ 

                                                                                   Mesterházy Zsolt photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’MPH Aranyszőrű Bárány’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy Zsolt photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’MPH Aranyszőrű Bárány’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy Zsolt photo

            Murphy’s Blue                     Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Nana’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Nana’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Nana Albovariegata             Welch 1966                                        GBR

                                                           Ch. pisifera nana variegata Carr. 1867

            Nana Argentea                     Hort.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Nana Argentea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Nana Aurea                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Aurea Nana/

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Nana Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Nana Aureovariegata          Hornibrook 1939


                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Nana Aureovariegata’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Nana Aureovariegata' - This form having a variegation which is not prominent. During spring and summer it has an overall golden sheen. This colour tends to brighten considerably during winter. A ground hugging bun. 50 cm high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Nana Aurescens                   Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Nana Bergs                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Nana Bergh’s’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Nana Bergs’

            Nana Combination               2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1989 AUS                  /Milton Park/

            Nana Compacta                   Hort. ?

                                                                                   Macpenny’s Nurs. GBR

            Nana Compressa                                         Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Nana Gold Globe                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1992 NZL

            Nana Variegata                    Carr. 1867

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Nana Variegata’

            Obelisk                                  /Juniperus virginiana Barabits Obelisk/

            Parslorii                                 H. G. Hillier 1971

                                                           1968 D. M. Thompson,Summertown AUS to GBR

                                                           /Nana Parslorii/

            Parson                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Paul's Gold                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

            Philips Little Mop                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Pici                                         1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Barabits 1965

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Pici’

                                                           A slow growing juvenile, pale green, conical clone.

                                                           Original plant in Ivánc Pinetum, HUN and in the

                                                           Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum Sopron, HUN

                                                           /Squarrosa Pici/

                                                           1955-ben szelektált, kezdetben juvenilis, majd átmeneti

                                                           tűformájú lassan növő halványzöld színű, kúpalakú törpefenyő.

                                                           Anyatő Iváncon és Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében


                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Pici’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Pincushion                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           W.Goddard, Floravista BC CAN

            Plumosa                                 Carr. 1867                                          JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Plumosa’

                                                                                  1861 imported by J.G.Veitch to GBR

            Plumosa Alba                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

            Plumosa Albopicta               /Veitch/Nicholson 1884                     JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Plumosa Albopicta’

            Plumosa Argentea                Senecl. 1868

                                                           Seneclause Nurs., Bourg-Argental FRA

            Plumosa Argentea                Kent 1900                                          JPN

                                                           1861 imported by R. Fortune to GBR

            Plumosa Argentea Nana      1964 GBR

                                                           Kew Gardens GBR

            Plumosa Aurea                     Senecl. 1868

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Plumosa Aurea’

                                                                                  1861 imported by R. Fortune to EUR

            Plumosa Aurea Compacta  Hort. ex Beissn. 1909 /Plumosa Aurea Nana/

            Plumosa Aurea Nana           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Plumosa Aurea Nana’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Plumosa Aurea Nana' - A variation of Chamaecyparis pisifera ' Plumosa Aurea'. A more suitable small garden plant. Keeps its bright yellow colour in winter. 1.5 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Plumosa Aurea Nana Compacta

                                                                                   Macpenny’s Nurs. GBR

            Plumosa Aurea Pumila        R. Smith 1867                                    GBR

            Plumosa Aurea Pygmaea    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1962 USA

                                                           Gotelli Collection NJ USA

            Plumosa Aurea Rogersii      1930 GBR

                                                                                   1930 W. H. Rogers Nurs.,Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           /Plumosa Rogersii/

            Plumosa Aurea Variegata   1964 GBR

                                                                                   Ingwersen Nurs., E.Grinstead GBR

            Plumosa Aurea Variegata Compacta

                                                                                   Macpenny’s Nurs. GBR

            Plumosa Aureovariegata     /Plumosa Aurea Variegata/?

            Plumosa Aurescens              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1909            GER

            Plumosa Compacta              den Ouden 1949

                                                           in a nursery in HOL

            Plumosa Compacta Argentea

                                                           1964 GBR

                                                                                   Ingwersen Nurs., E.Grinstead GBR

            Plumosa Compressa             Hornibrook 1939

                                                           Koster & Sons. Nurs. Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Plumosa Compressa’

                                                                                   1929 C. B. van Nes & Son Nurs.Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Plumosa Compressa' - Cream tipped in spring and summer fading to brownish green in winter. Compact rounded rockery bun. 40 cm high x 80 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Plumosa Compressa’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Plumosa Compressa’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Plumosa Compressa’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Plumosa Compressa Aurea

                                                           H. G. Hillier 1971                              GBR

            Plumosa Creamball              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA 

                                                           /Cream Ball/

            Plumosa Cristata                  Onuma ex Beissn. 1900                     JPN

                                                                                   H. A. Hesse Nurs., GER

            Plumosa Decussata               den Ouden 1965

                                                                                   1952 F. C. Hetz & Sons, Fairview PA USA

            Plumosa Flavescens              de Vos 1874                                      JPN

                                                                                  1866 imported by Siebold to HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Plumosa Flavescens’  

                                                           (‘Cream Ball’, Silver Surprise’) Edwin Smits Nursery, HOL

            Plumosa Glauca                   Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Plumosa Glauca’

            Plumosa Juniperoides          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bergman 1965                                   USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Plumosa Juniperoides’

                                                           This outstanding compact cultivar stays bright all year long and makes a bold statement in the landscape. Beautiful feathery branches of creamy yellow foliage grow slowly and develop into teardrop-shaped trees that make great golden hedges, screens and central features. Bright new spring growth gradually softens to warm gold in winter. A reliable, resilient choice for full sun. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Plumosa Juniperoides’ 

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

            Plumosa Juniperoides Aurea

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Greer Gardens USA

                                                           /Plumosa Juniperoides/

            Plumosa Lovettii                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                   L. C. Hatch 1985

            Plumosa Lutescens               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           USA               /Lutescens/

            Plumosa Lutescens Compacta

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1984 GER

                                                                                   Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER

            Plumosa Michelle                 2010 Mesterházy & Anthoine in Conifer Treasury of Belgium

                                                           2004 Clément Anthoine BEL

                                                                                  2008 Anthoine Pinetum, Jamioulx BEL

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Found this WB some years ago (2004-2005) in a private garden in a Chamaecyparis pisifera Plumosa Aurea. 3 years long no cuttings and grafts were made with success. Finally in the 4th year 2 good grafts (of 40) survived, and also Edwin Smits HOL with some good cuttings. The same year the original plant was cutted back by the proprietor of the garden. Named Michelle in honor of Clement’s wife . She helped in collecting work, and spent so many time.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Plumosa Michelle’ 

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine BEL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Plumosa Michelle’ 

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine BEL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Plumosa Michelle’ 

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine BEL

            Plumosa Mikko                    /Snow/

            Plumosa Minima                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1962 USA

                                                           Gotelli Collection NJ USA

            Plumosa Minima Variegata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   E. A. Cope USA

            Plumosa Nana                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Herre 1931

                                                           M. Herre Nurs., Worlitz GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Plumosa Nana’

                                                                                   Camellia Forest Nursery in the USA

            Plumosa Nana Aurea           Hornibrook 1923                               GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Plumosa Nana Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Plumosa Purple Dome         /Purple Dome/

                                                                                   Barncroft Nurs. GBR

            Plumosa Pygmaea                1959 IRL

                                                           Glasnevin National Botanic Garden, Dublin IRL

            Plumosa Pygmaea Aurea    /Plumosa Pygmaea/

            Plumosa Riverlea                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1992 Riverlea Nursery, Wanganui NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A plant from the nursery by the same name at Wanganui. Foliage an attractive open lace-like frond. Good yellow colour. Growth rate similar to ‘Rogersii’. Conical, 1.5 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


            Plumosa Rogersii                  Hornibrook 1939

                                                           1930 W.H. Rogers Nurs.,Chandler Ford GBR

                                                           /Plumosa Aurea Rogersii/  /Rogersii/

            Plumosa Teddy Bear           GBR

                                                                                   Croftway Nurs. GBR

                                                           /Teddy Bear/

            Plumosa Variegata               GBR

                                                           The Wisley Royal Horticult. Society Gardens GBR

            Plumosa Vera                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1904                                      GER

            Plumosa Zan Zetsu               /Zan Zetsu/

            Purple Dome                         1990 GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Purple Dome’

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

                                                           A round dwarf conifer with a compact form and gray-green foliage in summer and striking purple in winter. A great addition to the winter garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

            Pygmaea                                H. G. Hillier 1971

                                                           /Plumosa Pygmaea/

            Pygmaea Glauca                  Hort.

            Pygmaea Variegata              Hort.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Pygmea Variegata’

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Pygmy                                               R. S. Corley 1970                              JPN

            Repens                                   1992 HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Repens’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Repens’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Riverlea                                 /Plumosa Riverlea/

            Rheingold                                                      Camellia Forest Nursery USA

            Rogersii                                                         2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER


Chamaecyparis pisifera 34 Rogów ARB (Lewandowski)

            Rogów Arb                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Mirosław Lewandowski POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Rogów Arb’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 34 Rogów ARB (Lewandowski)

            Ruck’s Globe                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           W. Ruck, Merrick, NY USA

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

            Silver & Gold                        1987 GBR

                                                                                   1984 Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

            Silver Lode                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1985

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista BC CAN

                                                           /Minima Silver Lode/  /Minima Silberlade/

            Silver Surprise                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Silver Surprise’

            Snow                                      H. G. Hillier 1971                              JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Snow’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Snow' - A good garden subject best grown in partial shade. A little more open in semi shade but very attractive. White tips all year. Carries a bronzy hew in winter. Compact, bun shaped. 50 cm high x 80 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Squarrosa Snow/ /Mikko/ /Miko/ /Snowflake/

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Snow’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Snowflake’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Snowflake’  Dax Herbst IL USA

            Snow Reversion                    Hort.

                                                                                   Joy Creek Nursery OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Snow Reversion’

            Snow Sport                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Snow Sport’

            Soft Serve                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Solar Flare                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

            Sopron                                   1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Barabits 1966

                                                           1965 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                  Deutsche Baumschule 1966


            Spaan’s Cannonball             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Spaan’s Canonball’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Spaan’s Cannonball’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Spaan’s Cannonball’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Squarrosa                             Sieb. & Zucc. 1844                            JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa’

                                                                                   1843 imported by Siebold to BEL

            Squarrosa Albospica            Hornibrook 1923                               GBR

            Squarrosa Argentea             Endl. 1847

                                                                                  1843 imported by Siebold to BEL

                                                           Ch. pisifera ‘Squarrosa Argentea Compacta’ Hort.

            Squarrosa Argentea Nana                          Vineland Nurs. USA

            Squarrosa Argentea Compacta

                                                           Hort. 1966

            Squarrosa Argentea Pygmaea

                                                           Hort. GBR

            Squarrosa Aurea                  Nelson 1866                                       GBR

            Squarrosa Aurea Nana       1971 GBR

                                                                                   Hillier GBR    /Squarrosa Lutea/

            Squarrosa Aurea Pygmaea 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1972 USA     

                                                                                  Foxborough Nurs. USA

                                                           /Squarrosa Lutea/

            Squarrosa Baby Blue           1990 HOL                  /Baby Blue/

            Squarrosa Blue Globe         1988 GBR      Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                           /Blue Globe/

            Squarrosa Bowland             1987 GBR

                                                                                   1991 Zwijnenburg Nurs. HOL

            Squarrosa Comes Oswald Thun

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                           2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení

                                                           1929 in Pruhonice Catalogue CZ

                                                           /Chamaecyparis pisifera Plumosa Oswald Thun-Salm/ 1941

            Squarrosa Cristata               /Plumosa Cristata/

            Squarrosa Cyanoviridis       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Appalachian Gardens USA

            Squarrosa Dumosa               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1891

                                                           1890 Berlin Botanic Garden GER

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa Dumosa’

            Squarrosa Globus                1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1980 Barabits HUN

                                                           A juvenile, green ball-like clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

                                                           Juvenilis, zöld gömbalakú növény.

                                                           Anyatő Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.

            Squarrosa Greg’s Sport      /Greg’s Green Upright/

            Squarrosa Intermedia          Hornibrook 1923                               GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa Intermedia’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa Intermedia Nana’

                                                           The most popular of the squarrosa forms we offer, it makes a wonderful bonsai with a bit of shearing, calipering up quickly to a head of soft fine textured blue foliage. We offer the juvenile form of intermedia which is also known as Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa Pygmaea. There is also a widely grown reversion with whip-like branches that are tufted with compressed juvenile foliage. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa Intermedia’ 

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           /Squarrosa Minima/  /Squarrosa Pygmaea/

            Squarrosa Intermedia Blue Mound

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Squarrosa Intermedia Variegated Sport

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Squarrosa Juniperoides       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Daystar Nurs. USA

            Squarrosa Lombarts            Welch 1979                                        FRA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa Lombarts’

                                                                                   L. Konijn HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa Lombarts' - Bluish, turning purple in winter. Compact and very attractive, reasonably fast growing therefore great for the established look in a new garden. 1.5 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Squarrosa Lutea                  den Ouden 1949

                                                           Koster & Son Nurs. Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa Lutea’

            Squarrosa Mici                     1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1970 Barabits E. HUN                      /Mici/

            Squarrosa Mini Gold           1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1970 Barabits HUN

                                                           A very dwarf, ball-like, gold coloured clone.

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum

                                                           Sopron, HUN

            Squarrosa Minima               Hornibrook 1923                               GBR

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. in the USA

                                                           /Squarrosa Pygmaea/

            Squarrosa Monstrosa          /Monstrosa/

            Squarrosa Monstrosa Nana

                                                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  1990 Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

                                                           /Monstrosa Nana/

            Squarrosa Nana                   1984 GBR

                                                           Kew Gardens GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa Nana’

            Squarrosa Pici                      1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1955 Barabits HUN

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Pici’

                                                           Known as /Pici/ in GBR at Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Squarrosa Pici                      /Pici/ in GBR at Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Squarrosa Pygmaea             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hornibrook 1923

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

                                                           /Squarrosa Intermedia/

            Squarrosa Pygmaea             Hornibrook 1932

                                                           /Squarrosa Minima/

            Squarrosa Sieboldii              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bail. 1933                                          USA

            Squarrosa Snow                   /Snow/

            Squarrosa Sulphurea           Nicholson 1900

                                                           Koster & Sons Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa Sulphurea’

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa Sulphurea’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa Sulphurea' - Foliage overlaid with soft sulphur yellow giving a powdered effect especially in spring. Most attractive. A little slower than 'Squarrosa'. 2 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Squarrosa Variegata            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Squarrosa Veitchii                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Vineland Nurs. USA


            Standishii                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

            Stark’s Very Dwarf             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 USA

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA

            Steel Wool                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Strathmore                            C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                           /Aurea Nana/ 

            Stricta                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            GER

            Srticta Lutescens                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891             GER

            Sulphurea                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Kent in Veitch 1900

                                                           H. A. Hesse Nurs., GER

            Sulphurea Nana                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Girard Nurs. USA

            Summer Snow                      /Snow/

            Sungold                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           H. J. Grootendorst 1969

                                                           W. Goddard, Floravista BC CAN

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Sungold’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. in the USA

                                                                                   H. J. Grootendorst Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense flattened-globe form. Thread-like foliage is golden in spring and summer, becoming somewhat bronze-gold in winter. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Sungold' - Filifera mutation. Is more hardy to cold than 'Filifera Aurea'. Does not sunburn. Does need full sun ALL day to get best effect. 70 cm high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Sungold’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Sungold’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Sungold’ photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Sungold’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Sungold’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Sungold’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Sungold’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Sungold’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Sunproof                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1988 USA

                                                                                   L. C. Hatch USA

            Süveg                                     /Pici/

            Tamu Himura                       H. J. van de Laar 1990                      JPN

                                                           /Tama Himiro/

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Tama himuro’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Tamarawardiana                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1979 USA

                                                           Arnold Arboretum USA

            Tatsunami Hiba                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Tatsunami Hiba’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Te Kuiti                                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Sport from Chamaecyparis pisifera Nana Aureovariegata’. This plant has a small white fleck in it. Growth rate the same as parent plant. 50 cm high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Teddy Bear                           Windsor Great Park GBR

            Törpe                                     1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           Barabits 1965                         HUN

            True Blue                              2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS


                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘True Blue’

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘True Blue’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Tsukumo                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1967 Springarn USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Tsukumo’

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Tsukumo' - Very dwarf. Green all year. Very compact yet fast to develop. As wide as it is high. 45 cm high x 60 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           For the smallest site, this tight, rounded bun almost doubles as a mossy green rock. It has dense, finely textured green foliage and grows so slowly that it won't outsize a trough or rock garden. The compact cushion, which is hardy, tough and resilient, is wider than it is tall. Occasionally, short feathery plumes will sprout out among the fine foliage, adding character and dimension to the tiny mound. Iseli text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’Tsukumo’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ´Tsukumo´ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Tsukumo’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Variegata                              Hort.

            Variegated Alba Nana         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Girard Nurs. USA

            Veitchii                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Princeton Nurseries USA

            Villa Taranto                        ITA

                                                                                   1991 Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Vintage Gold                                                Variegated Foliage Nursery

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Vintage Gold’

            Viridis                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1909                                      GER

            Wahokuhiba                         Onuma ex Beissn. 1900                     JPN

            Westermannii                       /Ch. lawsoniana Westermannii/

            White Beauty                                    1990 HOL

                                                           Libo Nurs., Baexam HOL

                                                                                   Libo Nurs., Baexam HOL

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs. into the GBR

                                                           Een soort van C. p. 'Snow' gevonden in 1983. Dikker en grover loof dan 'Snow', van binnenuit grijsgroen, toppen crèmewit, vooral in het voorjaar opvallend. Losse groeiwijze, vandaar ieder jaar terugsnoeien in augustus. In 14 jaar (jaarlijks geknipt) 60 cm. hoog en 110 cm. breed. Verbrandt niet in de volle zon. Hulsdonk text.

            White Brocade                                              Macpenny’s Nurs. GBR

            White Pygmy                        R. S. Corley 1970                              JPN

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘White Pygmy’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘White Pygmy’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ’White Pygmy’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Winter Gold                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Ziegenfuss USA

                                                                                   1970 Hillside Nurs.

            Yadkin                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                           2004 Ken Church in ACS database

                                                                                  2004 Dawes Arboretum USA

                                                           /Yadkin Gold/ ?

            Zan Zetsu                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   1980 Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville USA

CT 4.0 2012 - 330 cultivar records

CT 5.0 2013 – 350 cultivar records,


   TAIWANICOLA                         Matsum in Iconogr. C. Sinicorum     TWN


   THYOIDES                                   1888                           S-E-USA

                                                           /L./B. S. & P.                                                             Kr

Chamaecyparis thyoides (Linnaeus) B. S. & P. 1888 – Mocsári hamisciprus – Atlantic false cypress

                                                           Ch. sphaeroidae /Spreng./ Spach. 1842

             var. HENRYAE                  /Li/Murray 1982

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides var. henryae

                                                           Ch. henryae Li

                                                           Ch. thyoides var. henryae /Li/Little 1966

             var. THYOIDES                 The type of the species

            Andelyensis                           Carr. 1867

                                                           1850 Cauchois Nurs., Les Andelys FRA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Andelyensis’


            Andelyensis Appal                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Andelyensis Aurea               Meyer 1963

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Andelyensis Nana’

                                                           /Andelys Yellow/

                                                           Ch. sphaeroidea andelyensis Carr. 1867

            Andelyensis Conica              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. 1968


                                                                                   Miniature Plant Kingdom USA

            Andelyensis Meth Dwarf     /Meth Dwarf/

            Andelyensis Nana                 Hornibrook 1939

                                                           Detrichee Nurs. FRA

                                                           /Leptoclada Nana/

            Andelys Yellow                     den Ouden 1965                                HOL

            Aquavelva                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Atrovirens                             Lawson 1852                                     GBR

            Aurea                                    Ottolander 1874

                                                           1872 N. Gaujard Nurs., Ghent BEL

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Aurea’

            Baldwin County                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Baldwin County’

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Batsto                                     Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Bergman’s Variegated         Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Blue Broom                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 USA

            Blue Rock                              Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Blue Sport                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Blue Sport’

            Broom DV.                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

            Compacta                              van Gaert 1862                                  HOL

            Compacta Glauca                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Conica                                   den Ouden 1949

                                                           1940 L.Konijn Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

            Dilworth Variegated                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Mountain Meadows Nursery NC USA

            Dirr #1                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Dirr #2                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Dodd Form                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Emily                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Emily’

            Ericoides                               Carr. 1867

                                                           1840 Bergeot Nurs., Le Mans FRA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Ericoides’

                                                           Chamaecyparis ericoides Carr.

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Ericoides’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Ericoides’ 

                                                                                  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

            Ericoides Glauca                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1900                                      GER

            Ericoides Kámon                  The plant does not exist, earlier publishings are mistakes.

            Excellent Point                                             Baumschule Hoekert Nurs. Wezep HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Excellent Point’

            Fanfare                                  Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Fastigiata                               Nelson 1866                                       GBR

            Fastigiata Glauca                 Senecl. 1868

                                                           Seneclause Nurs., Bourg-Argental FRA

            Georgia Form                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Glauca                                   Endl. 1852

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Glauca’

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Glauca' - Rather slow growing. Is a grey blue colour with the thread like foliage of the species. Needs a free draining soil and cool root zone. 2.5 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 3. Cedar Lodge text.


            Glauca Pendula                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1990 USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Glauca Pendula’

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

            Gold Twig                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Vineland Nurs. USA

            Golden Twig                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1988

                                                           1980 G.Bentham CAN

                                                           /Gold Twig/

            Heather Bun                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Heatherbun’

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Purple Heather’ ?

                                                                                   Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

                                                           Unique winter color and fluffy texture distinguish this dense, compact shrub. Its fine, feathery foliage is heathery green during summer, but when winter hits, the charming, round-topped plant takes on intense tones of plum. The small, delicate bun responds well to regular shearing and thrives in wet sites, even tolerating less-than-perfect drainage. Iseli text.


                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Heatherbun’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Heatherbun’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Heatherbun’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Holata                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1982 Jiří Holata CZ

                                                                                  Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001

                                                           Found as a seedling, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Semenáč, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Hopkinton                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1988

                                                           1982 Weston Nurs., Hopkinton MA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Hopkinton’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Hopkinton’  Dax Herbst IL USA

            Hoveyi                                   Veitch 1881                                       GBR

            Janii                                                              2004 Hedis Hage Oslo NOR

            Kewensis                               Knight & Perry 1850             GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Glauca’


            Little Jamie                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Cummins Garden USA

                                                           /Little Jamey/

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Little Jamie’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Little Jamie’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Meth Dwarf                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1988

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Meth Dwarf’

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs. USA

            Mobile Bay                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Nana                                      Loud. 1842                                        GBR

            Northern Skies                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Okefenokee Compact          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Pendula                                 Nelson 1866                                       GBR

            Planting Fields #1                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Planting Fields #2                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Purple Heather                     Hillier 1981                                        GBR

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Purple Heather’

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Heatherbun’

                                                           /Heather Bun/?

            Pygmaea                                Carr. 1867

                                                           Seneclause Nurs. Bourg-Argental FRA

            Pyramidata                           Carr. 1867                                          FRA

            Qiana                                     ACS Bulletin 1994

            Rachel                                               Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Rachel’

            Raraflora                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1966 USA

            Raulston Form                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Red Star                                HOL & NZL 1984

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Red Star’

                                                                                   1991/93 Esveld Nurs. in HOL

                                               By far my favorite thyoides, with very unusual dense juvenile foliage. It is the quintessential great looking, crappy growing clone, notorious for dropping dead at the slightest disturbance. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Red Star’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012


            Red Velvet                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. FL USA

                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Red Velvet’  Tom Cox USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Red Velvet’  Tom Cox USA photo

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Red Velvet’  Tom Cox USA photo

            Rezek Dwarf                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 E. Rezek USA

                                                                                   1990 Foxborough Nurs. ML USA

            Rubicon                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. Lewis 1972

                                                           H. J. Welch in Tennessee Valley Nurs. USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Rubicon’

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

                                                           /Red Star/

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Rubicon’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

            Schumaker’s Dwarf Blue    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1978 Schumaker Nurs. USA

                                                                                   Schumaker Nurs. USA

            Select Trees Narr                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Select Trees Open                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Shiva                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Shiva’

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Shiva’  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

            Summer Hill Nursery           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Taylor County ABG                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Taylor County’

            Taylor County BWC           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Taylor County’

            Top Point                              1992 HOL

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Top Point’

                                                                                   Libo Nurs., Baexem HOL

                                                           Een dwergvorm met een smal zuilvormige groeiwijze. Sterk vertakte, opgaande twijgen. Blauwgroene naalden in de zomer, in de winter naar purper verkleurend. Coniferenspecialist Leen Konijn (Ederveen) verklaart Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Top Point' in 1985 op zijn kwekerij te hebben gevonden. 'Top Point' is volgens hem een sport van Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Andelyensis'. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ’Top Point’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Top Point’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Twombly Blue                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Variegata                              Carr. 1855

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Variegata’

                                                                                   1831 IRL

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Variegata' - Sparsely clothed when young. Becoming dense in a short time. Unusual and attractive with variegations throughout. Can be trimmed. 2 metres high x 1.2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 3. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           A dwarf upright evergreen conifer with fine blue-green foliage variegated with cream white. Variegation is even and attractive, like miniature stars. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Viridis                                               Senecl. 1868                                      FRA

            Webb Gold                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Michael Dirr USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Whitewater                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Lazy S’S Nursery VA USA

                                                           Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Whitewater’

CT 4.0 2012 - 72 cultivar records

CT 4.0 2012 - Chamaecyparis 1549, 482 cultivars with photos

CT 5.0 2013 – 76 cultivar records

CT 5.0 2013 – Chamaecyparis 1657,  521 of them with photos


CRYPTOMERIA                      D. Don 1841                                      TAXODIACEAE


Cryptomeria – Japán ciprus – Sugi cypresspine

Cryptomeria D. Don 1841 - Taxodiaceae – Óriásfenyőfélék - Giant Cypresses


   FORTUNEI                                    1853                           CHN

                                                           Hooibr. ex Otto & Dietr.                                           KeI

                                                           /C. JAPONICA var. SINENSIS/


   JAPONICA                                   1842                           JPN CHN

                                                           D. Don                                                                                  Kr

Cryptomeria japonica D. Don 1842 - Japánciprus v. szugifenyő - Japanese cypresspine

                                                           C. fortunei Hooibr. ex Otto & Dietr.

                                                           C. kawai Hayata 1917

                                                           C. lobbiana Bill. 

                                                           C. nigricans Carr.

                                                           C. generalis Krause 1906

             f. ARAUCAROIDES         /Henk. & Hochst./Beissn. 1887

             f. BEN-SUGI                       /Mayr/Beissn. 1930

             f. ELONGATA                   Regel ex Gord. 1875

             f. GENERALIS                  Krause 1906

             f. HUBERIANA                  Carr. 1867

             f. KURO-SUGI                   /Mayr/Beissn. 1909

             f. UNCINATA                    Sieb. & Zucc. 1842

             var. JAPONICA                 The type of the species

             var. KAWAI                                   Fitschen ex Beissn. 1930                   TWN

             var. RADICANS                 Nakai              /Dai-sugi/, /Ashio-sugi/

             var. SINENSIS                    Sieb. & Zucc. 1844                            CHN YU

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensis

                                                           C. fortunei Hooibr.

                                                           C. mairei /Lev./Nakai 1937

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensis - (fortunii) Native of Yunnan China. Tree, growth more open than the type, branches more slender, more nodding, needle longer and thinner. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensis 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

             var. VERA                           Dall. & Jacks. 1923

            Alba Variegata                     Young in Gord. 1874             GBR


            Albospica                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           de Vos 1887

                                                           1887 Hellemann Nurs., Moorende GER

                                                           C. japonica argenteospicata Beissn.

            Albovariegata                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hort. ex Beissn. 1891


            Alfred Hupp                          2012 Mesterhazy in Günther Eschrich Life Monument

                                                           2006 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in GER.

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in Deutschland.

            Alpina                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 GER

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Antique Gold                                    2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1988 NZL

                                                                                   1988 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                           A selection that has soft juvenile foliage. This cultivar is yellowish green in summer and a most unusual burnished ‘antique’ gold in winter. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially high rainfall areas that are well drained. Dislikes salt laden winds. Quick growing. 5.5 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

            Atlanta Bot Garden fastigiate form

                                                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Araucarioides                       Sieb. & Zucc. 1844                            JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Araucarioides’

                                                                                  1859 imported by Siebold to HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Araucarioides' - A horticultural curiosity that begins life as a single stem. In a few years the plant produces clusters of branchlets on its branch tips. Where growth is slower than at our nursery, it is a very attractive but unusual bush. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. 1.3 metres high x 1.4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.


            Araucarioides                       Hort. Araucaroides

                                                           Common name

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Araucarioides’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Araucaroides’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Araucaroides’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Araucaroides’ 

                                                                                  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

            Archer’s Greenbush                        Welch 1991                                        GBR

                                                           /Nana/ sensu Welch 1966, 1979

            Archer’s Redbush                Welch 1991                                        GBR

                                                           /Pygmaea/ sensu Welch 1966, 1979

            Argenteospicata                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1909

            Argenteovariegata                Senecl. 1868

            Aritaki                                   1985 JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Aritaki’

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with compressed green foliage. Attractive in a container or small garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1.5' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Ashio-sugi                             Krüssmann 1972


            Atawhai                                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Cedar Logde Nurs. NZL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Atawhai’

                                                                                   1988 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Another unusual seedlings found by Cedar Lodge locally in 1989. Dark green irregular fine foliage forming a clustered loose pyramidal plant. Similar to Cryptomeria japonica ‘Bandai sugi’ but much finer branching. 1.3 metre high x 1.1metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Athrotaxoides                       Senecl. 1868

                                                           1868 Seneclause Nurs. Bourg-Argental FRA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Athrotaxoides’ 

                                                                                  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

            Aurea                                    Hort. ex Beissn. 1891            JPN


            Aureovariegata                     Senecl. 1868 

                                                           1868 Seneclause Nurs. Bourg-Argental FRA

            Aurescens                              den Ouden 1949

                                                           1937 Pinetum Blijdenstein, Hilversum HOL

                                                           Pyramidale boom met een open structuur .De kleur is geelgroen door de verspreide gele naalden die in de zomer haast gelijk zijn als in de winter maar is minder geel dan C. j. 'Sekkan. Is wel zeer winterhard. In 1937 is deze cultivar spontaan uit zaad ontstaan in het Pinetum 'Blijdenstein' te Hilversum. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Aurescens’

                                                           C. japonica aurescens den Ouden 1949

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Aurescens’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Aya-sugi                                Hort. JPN

                                                           1892 Yokohama Gardeners Ass. JPN

            Bandai-shira                                                Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Bandai-sugi                           Hornibrook 1939                               JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Bandai’

                                                                                  1934 imported from JPN to EUR

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Bandai’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Bandai-Sugi' - Deep green, irregular branching. A charming artistic rockery plant. Foliage slightly tinged with brown in winter. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Irregular, a natural Bonsai.1 metres high x 60 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                                              Cryptomeria japonica ‘Bandai-sugi’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Bandai sugi’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Bandai sugi’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Bandai sugi’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Bandai-Tongi                                   1992 GBR

            Barabits                                 1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1975 Barabits E. HUN

            Barabits Compact                1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1967 Barabits E. HUN

                                                                                   Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Barabits Compact’ 


                                                           /C. j. elegans Barabits Compacta/

            Barabits Gold                       1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1967 Barabits E. HUN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Hungarian Gold’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Barabits Gold’

                                                                                   /Hungarian Gold/

                                                                                   Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN

                                                                                   W. Linssen, Beaxem HOL

                                                                                   in Windsor Great Park GBR as

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Barabits Gold’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Barabits Gold’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Barabits Gold’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Beaumont Dwarf                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           NZL 1972

                                                           1972 R. Blackman, Te Kaiti NZL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Beaumonts’

                                                                                   1984 Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Beaumonts' - A very fine leafed form of the species. Light green in summer turning a slight fawn colour in winter. A slow growing shrub. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. 2 metres high x 1.8 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

            Beni-sugi                               /Mayr/Fitschen 1930

                                                           /f. BENI-SUGI/ /Mayr/Fitschen 1930

            Benjamin Franklin               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1985                               USA

            Bennie’s Best                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Benjamin Franklin/

            Birodo-sugi                           1909 Hort. JPN                      /Nana/ Beissn.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Birodo’

            Birodo-sugi                           1987 Hort. JPN                      /Compressa/ Kruse

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Birodo’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Birodo-sugi’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Birodo’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Black Dragon                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Iseli 1984                                           USA

                                                           Plants grow vigorously in youth, until they attain a height of 4-6'; then the growth rate slows and plants fill in with more compact foliage and branches. The light-green, new growth ages to a deep, dark-green and in winter maintains the darkest green–almost black–of all Cryptomerias, hence the name. Iseli text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Black Dragon’

                                                           A densely upright conical plant with light green nodding new growth that ages to a very deep green. Buchholz considers it one of the best dwarf cultivars. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Black Dragon’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Black Dragon’ 

                                                                                  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Black Dragon’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensis Black Dragon’

            Bloomer’s WB                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Bloomer’s Witches Broom’

            Broom                                               J. P. Kortmann 1987                          JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Broom’

                                                                                  1968 imported by Minier Nurs., Angers FRA

                                                           Breed piramidaal en tot 2-3 m hoog.Compact door de vele korte Bolvormig tot breed piramidaal , twijgjes van 5 tot 10 cm lang. In Bolvormig tot breed piramidaal ,in de zomer lichtgroen en in de winter groen met lichtbruin Wordt tot 2-3 m hoog .In 1978 door J.b.b. Tromp uit Frankrijk geimporteerd. De plant werd op bescheiden schaal gekweekt door H.G. Benckhuysen en Zonen te Boskoop. Is gevonden in 1968 in Frankrijk door S.A. Minier uit Angers Fr.  Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Broom’  Edwin Smits photo

            Buckiscope                            J. P. Kortmann 1987

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Buckiscope’

                                                                                   K. A. Koemans Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Brede piramidale boom.Deze snel groeiende cultivar is grijsgroen en de topjes zijn gebogen en hebben de vorm van kleine kegeltjes, die afhankelijk van het seizoen, bruin zijn gekleurd. Kas Koemans had deze onder de naam C.j.'Jindai'. Maar toen deze is onderscheide, is gekozen voor de naam 'Buckiscope' en dit is de oude naam van Boskoop. Hulsdonk text.

            Caespitosa                             Sugimoto 1978                                  JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Caespitosa’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo


            Cambridge                            2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   1988 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                           Very similar to Cryptomeria japonica ’Egmont’ but smaller- slower growing with a narrow upright growth habit. Used as a shelter or hedging tree or a medium to large specimen. 10 year height approximately 5 metres. Cedar Lodge text.

            Carmel                                   Hort.

                                                                                  HulsdonkNursery BEL

                                                           Compacte dichte eivorm. Groen loof, in de winter met een bruine gloed. Na 10 jaar circa 2 meter hoog en 1.5 meter doorsnee. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Carmel’

            Chabo-sugi                            Sugimoto 1978                                  JPN

                                                           /Nana/?  /Archer’s Greenbush/?  /Chiabo-sugi/

            Chapel View                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Clark’s Mossy                       1968 GBR                  /Fasciata/

            Compacta                              Carr. 1878

                                                           1877 Thibault & Keteleer Nurs., Sceaux FRA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Compacta’

                                                           C. japonica lobbii compacta Hort.

                                                           C. compacta Hort.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Compacta’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Compacta                              A. C. Mitchell 1972

                                                           Wakehurst Place GBR

            Compacta Alba-spica           Hort.

                                                                                   Chez Nous Nurs. GBR

                                                           /Nana Albospica/

            Compacta Nana                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1891                                      GER

            Compacta Nana                   Hort. NZL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Compacta Nana' - Origin Eastwood Hill, Gisborne. An historic plant growing to 4 - 5 metres high with a width of 3 metres. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Considered a dwarf form in its early years, broadly conical with rounded apex. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

            Compacta Nana Glauca      Rovelli 1913

                                                           Rovelli Nurs., Pallanza ITA

            Compactoglobosa                 Cheng & L. K. Fu 1978 in Sylva Sinica CHN

            Compressa                            den Ouden 1949                                            JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Compressa’

                                                                                   1942 Blauuw Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Compressa' - Similar to but smaller and softer than 'Vilmoriniana'. This cultivar has an even rounded appearance. 'Compressa' is more purple in winter. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Round to Oval shape. 65 cm high x 60 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden.  Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Compressa’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Congested                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Conica                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Conica’

            Crassifolia                             Senecl. 1868                                      FRA

            Cristata                                 Beissn. 1901

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Cristata’

                                                                                  1900 imported by L. Unger from

                                                                                  Yokohama Nurs. JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Cristata’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Cristata' - Yet another curiosity, characterised by curious cockscomb-like growths that appear in otherwise normal foliage. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Develops into a conical tree. 2 metres high x 1.2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.


                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Cristata’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Cristata’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Cristata’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Cristata’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Cristata Falcata                    /Spiraliter Falcata/


Cryptomeria japonica Cristata


            Cristata Tomszak                 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Tomszak POL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Cristata Tomszak’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica Cristata Tomszak

            Cristata Variegated              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Cristata Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Cupressa                               1972 Hohman USA   /Compressa/?

            Dacrydioides                         Carr. 1867                                          JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Dracrydioides’

                                                           /Sennin-sugi/ Hort.     /Dacryoides/

                                                           C. japonica var. pendulata Bronsart 1914

                                                           C. japonica var. pendula Leroy ex Dall. & Jacks. 1948

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Dacrydioides’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Dai-sugi                                 Krüssmann 1972

            Decalut                                                           Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Dense Jade                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer with rich jade-green foliage. Forms a broad, dense small tree. Attractive bronzing in winter. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Dense Jade’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Dense Jade’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Determan's weeping form   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Dinger                                               Hort. HOL

                                                                                  2004 Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Nieuwe heksenbezem uit Cryptomeria arucarioides. Gevonden in een pinetum in Nederland. De plant is venoemd naar de vinder van deze heksen bezem. In 2004 zijn de eerste planten in omloop gekomen. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Dinger’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Dinger’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Douglasii                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1985                               USA

            Dutch Discovery                   J. P. Kortmann 1987

                                                           1987 C. G. Kuijf Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Compacte, zuilvormige tot piramidale boom met rechte stam, zeer regelmatig vertakt,topjes meestal recht overeind, uiteinden op kegeltjes gelijkend. Is al jaren bij Kuijf te Boskoop in cultuur onder de naam 'Jindai' Vermoedelijk is deze hieruit als sport ontstaan. In 1987 kreeg hij de naam. Een erg op gelijkende cultivar is 'Buckiscope'. Hulsdonk text.

            Egmont                                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Cedar Logde Nurs. NZL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Egmont’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           This form was selected for its outstanding qualities. The plant showed exceptional form, branching, vigor and hardiness. Cryptomeria japonica 'Egmont'® - Japanese Cedar. Clonal selection by Cedar Lodge shows superior form, wind hardiness and growth rate. Hardy to all but severe coastal conditions. Grows well in a wide variety of situations including great tolerance of high rainfall areas. Will thrive in good rich loams, but will also tolerate a wide range of soils even in high rainfall areas as long as there is reasonable drainage. Cryptomeria will stand strong winds and severe cold. Performs particularly well on the higher, colder, wetter country close to Mt. Egmont (& other similar sites). It trims very well. Growth rate is moderately fast, it is disease resistant and stable (Toppling). A tall narrow tree. Approx. 10 year height 7 metres growing in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Egmont’

            Eizan-sugi                             Hort. JPN                   /Eisan-sugi/

            Elegans                                  Nelson 1866

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans’

                                                                                  1854 imported by T. Lobb to

                                                                                  Veitch Nurs. from JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans' - Dense bronze-green in summer turning rich purple in winter. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Upright, bushy, as an older tree - often leaning one way. 4 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.


                                                           C. elegans Makoy 1864

                                                           C. elongata Regel ex Gord. 1875

                                                           C. gracilis Hort. not Li

                                                           C. japonica f. elegans /Makoy/Beissn. 1887

                                                           C. japonica elegans/Makoy/Mast. 1881

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans’

            Elegans Aurea                      R. E. Harrison 1959

                                                           1935 Duncan & Davies Ltd. NZL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans Aurea’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans Aurea' - Dense light green foliage. In cold climates this foliage turns yellowish in winter. Very beautiful soft foliage with weeping tips. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Erect bushy habit. 2.5 metres high x 1.4 metres wide in 5 years. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Elegans Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Elegans Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Elegans Compacta               Dall. & Jacks. 1948

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans Compacta’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans Compacta’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans Compacta' - A smaller version of Crypt. jap. 'Elegans'. Turns brownish in winter rather than purple. Reasonably fast growth. More suitable for average sized garden. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Grows straight. 6 metres high x 3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           C. japonica elegans nana /Veitch/Nich. 1881

                                                           C. japonica var. -- -- Dall. & Jacks. 1948

            Elegans Compacta               Sensu Welch 1966

                                                           /Elegans Nana/

            Elegans Gracilis                    1937 Kemp’s Nurs. NZL

            Elegans Nana                                   /Veitch/Nicholson 1881                     CHN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans Nana’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans Nana' - Very compact shrub. Green in summer, brownish red in winter. Growth even but with very small stiff protrusions on it. This cultivar is not in any reference book. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Very compact, squat cushion shape. 80 cm high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica elegans nana Veitch 1881

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica var. elegans nana Beissn. 1899

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Elegans Nana’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans Nana’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Elegans Nana                                   Sensu Welch 1966

            Elegans Nana Variegated    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Elegans Plumosa                  R. E. Harrison 1959                           NZL

            Elegans Variegata                de Vos 1887                                      FRA

                                                                                   1887 van Gaert BEL

            Elegans Viridis                     Hornibrook 1939                               HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans Viridis’

                                                           C. japonica var. -- -- Hornibrook 1939

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Elegans Viridis’ 


                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Elegans Viridis’ 


                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans Viridis’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Elegantissima                        1988 GBR

            Elongata                                /Elegans/

            Enko-sugi                              Beissn. 1909                                      JPN

                                                           /Araucaroides/  /Yenko-sugi/

            Ericoides                               1972 FRA

            Fasciata                                 Dall. & Jacks. 1948                            GBR

                                                           /Nywood Form/  /Clark’s Mossy/

                                                           /Nyewood’s Form/

            Fi-sugi                                               Hort.                                                  JPN

                                                           C. japonica nana? Gord. 1875

            Filifera                                   Magrini 1967

                                                           Park E. Mosca, Biella ITA

            Fuiri-banda-sugi                   Krüssmann 1972        /Argenteovariegata/?

            Georgia Moon                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Tom Cox GA USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Georgia Moon' named by Tom Cox from a

                                                           seedling selection found at Moon Tree Farm in Loganville,

                                                           Georgia, USA. Cox text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Georgia Moon’  Tom Cox GA USA photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Georgia Moon’  Tom Cox GA USA photo

            Gigantea                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Beissn. 1891                                      GER

            Giokomo-sugi                       Hort.                                                  JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Giokomo’

                                                           Een compacte smal opgaande boom. Aanvankelijk een dwergvorm later hoger met opeengehoopte twijgjes Blijft ook in de winter een mooie groene kleur houden ,soms een beetje bronskleurig. Korte stevige twijgen. In 1978 naar Nederland gehaald maar was in Japan al langer bekend. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           /Giokomo/  Gyokruyu/  Giokuro/  /Gyokruya/

            Giokumo                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2011 Hort. USA

                                                                                  2012 American Conifer Society Quarterly

                                                           This densely pyramidal Japanese cedar vigorously grows to a mature height of 8-10 feet tall by about 5-6 feet wide and sports decorative male and female cones one-half inch long. Laufer text.

            Globosa                                 den Ouden 1949

                                                           1942 P. Lombarts Nurs., Zundert HOL

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A dense, dome-shaped evergreen conifer with short, interesting whip-like green branchlets. Foliage has an attractive bronze-red blush in winter. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Globosa’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Globosa Compacta Nana    1971 ITA

            Globosa Nana                       Hornibrook 1923                               HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Globosa Nana’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana' - Rich green foliage. Clothed right to ground level. Slow to develop its true beauty. Worthy of planting in any garden but preferably where it can stay past its 10 year size as it is such a wonderful plant. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Beautiful rounded compact bush. 1 m all around in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden.  Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.


                                                           C. japonica var. clathrata Hort. JPN

                                                           C. japonica var. globosa nana Hornibrook 1923

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Globosa Nana’ 

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Globosa Nana’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Globosa Nana’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Globosa Nana’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Globosa Nana’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Globosa Nana’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Gold                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann                                         GER

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Gold Tip                                T. J. Cole 1986                                              CAN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Golden Fasciation’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Golden Fascination              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Golden Fasciation’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Golden Promise                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Golden Promise’

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with short, light yellow foliage. In Oregon foliage becomes practically white when humidless temperatures reach 100 degrees. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Golden Promise’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Gorse                                     2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                                                   1988 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                           A very unusual seedling that resembles gorse. A pale yellowish

                                                           - green. Quite prickly - a collectors item. 1 metre high and

                                                           wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Gracilis                                  Siebold 1861                                      JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Gracilis’

                                                                                  1859 imported by Siebold to Leyden HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Gracilis’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Gracilis’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Gracilis                                  Krüssmann 1972

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Gracilis’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Granny’s Ringlets                /Spiralis/

            Green Grizzly                       Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensisGreen Grizzly’

            Gruga Park                           Hort.

                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           In de volle zon gele twijgen. Heel opvallend . Is zeker geen dwerg, maar door te snoeien is deze plant compact te houden. De plant is iets minder geel dan b.v. C. j. Barabits Gold, maar heeft ook minder last van verbranden. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Gruga Park’

            Gyokruya                              Hort.                                                  JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Gyokruya’

                                                           GBR: /Giokuro/

                                                           USA: /Gyokuro/

                                                           A unique, broad upright evergreen conifer with tufts of dense green foliage along stems. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 6' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Gyoku-ryu’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Gyoku-ryu’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Haggo                                    2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1991 NZL

                                                                                  1988 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                           Attractively coloured lightly purple and green during summer and turning metallic bronze/purple during winter. Can be trimmed to shape and required size. Lovely upright cone. 4.5 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Hao-sugi                                Dall. & Jacks. 1923                            JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Ha-o-sugi’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           /Hoo-o-sugi/  /Hor-sugi/

            Hedges Midget                                             2004 Plants Unlimited Boring OR USA

            Hime-ikari-sugi                     Hort.                                                  JPN

                                                                                   Wansdyde Nurs. in GBR 


            Hime-sugi                              Hort.                                                  JPN

                                                           /Elegans/ Beissn.

            Hino-sugi                               1967 GBR

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Hino-sugi’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Hino-sugi’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Hino’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Hoo-sugi                                /Mayr/Fitschen 1930, Welch 1979     JPN

            Howo-sugi                             1892 JPN

                                                                                   Yokohama Gardener’s Ass. JPN


            Hungarian Gold                   /Barabits Gold/

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Hungarian Gold’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Hungarian Gold’

            Husari-sugi                            Dall. & Jacks. 1948                            JPN

            Ikan-sugi                               /Ikari-sugi/

            Ikari                                       J. P. Kortmann 1987                          JPN

                                                                                   1974 Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

                                                           /Hime-ikari-sugi/  /Ikan-sugi/

            Ikari-sugi                               Krüssmann 1972

                                                           1966 HOL


            Ito-sugi                                  Krüssmann 1972

                                                           G. Isa, Kyoto JPN

            Jakob                                     Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Jindai-sugi                             Hornibrook 1939                               JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Jindai sugi’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Jindai’

                                                                                  1932 imported from JPN to EUR

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Jindai’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Jindai-Sugi' - A pleasant shrub, retaining its green colour throughout most of the year. May turn brownish in winter. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Oval. 1.5 m high x 80 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden.  Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Jindai’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Jinday Liam                          Hort. HOL

                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Jinday Liam is als heksenbezem gevonden in de Jinday. De hoogte is na 10 jaar ongeveer 60 en 50-60 cm breed. De plant is benaamd door de collectie houder uit Boskoop. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Jinday Liam’

            Jindai Top Gold                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Jindai Top Gold’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            June’s wp Long                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            June’s wp Short                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Juvenile                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1983 GER

            Kamasan                               Hort.

                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Kamasan’

                                                           Als heksenbezem gevonden ,maar is zeker geen super dwerg.

                                                           Beschrijving volgt later. Hulsdonk text.

            Karl Fuchs                            Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Keidel                                    Hort. GER, Wolfgang Keidel

                                                           Deze plant is ontstaan in Duitsland' als zaailing van C j, Gracilis.

De eerste griffels werden mij in 2006 toegestuurd, met het verzoek om de planten te vermeerderen. In de zomer en winter lichtgroen tot geelgroene naalden. Smaller en alle takken sterk omhoog gericht, en is minder scherp van naald dan C.j. Gracilis. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Keidel’

            Kelly’s Fastigiate                                         Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Kewensis                               Hornibrook 1939

                                                           Kew Gardens GBR

            Kilmacurragh                       Welch 1966

                                                           Kilmacurragh IRL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Kilmacurragh’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Kilmacurragh’

                                       A dwarf cristate form it looks like a broom of cristata but finer textured, this originated in Ireland around 1966. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Kilmacurragh’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Kitayama-dai                                    J. P. Kortmann 1987

                                                           1979 JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Kitayama’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Kitayama-sugi                      /Tara/

            Knaptonensis                                    Lyttel 1934

                                                           1923 Hornibrook in Isola Madre, Lago Maggiore ITA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Knaptonensis’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Knaptonensis' - Congested creamy white foliage. A true miniature. A real collectors item. Must be grown in complete shade and shelter, otherwise it will sunburn. Especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. 35 cm high x 30 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Knaptonensis’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Knaptonensis’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Kohuo                                               J. P. Kortmann 1987                          JPN

                                                           /Kohui-yatsubusa/  /Kohui/

                                                           Een cultivar met een dwergvormige groeiwijze. De plant is uit Japan geinporteerd in 1984 en is in cultuur bij L Konijn te Ederveen onder de naam 'Kohui-yatsubusa' De juiste naam is 'Kohui'. In Japan is deze cultivar al langer bekend. Hulsdonk text.

            Kokuryu                               J. P. Kortmann 1987                          JPN

                                                                                  1974 imported by Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes

                                                                                  into the GBR

                                                           /Kokuryuw/  /Kokuriyu/  /Kokurua/

            Komodo Dragon                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Hawksridge Farms in Hickory NC USA

                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

                                                           Original plant came from at sport on 'Black Dragon' growing at

                                                           Hawksridge Farms in Hickory, North Carolina. Cox text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Komodo Dragon’ 

                                                                                  Tom Cox GA USA photo

            Konijn Yatsubusa                                       Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Koshiji                                   /Koshiji-sugi/

            Koshiji-sugi                           1973 JPN

                                                                                   Nakamura Nurs., Nippa, Yokohama JPN

                                                                                   Raraflora Nurs. in the USA


            Koshyi                                   JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Koshyi’

                                                                                   1991/93 Esveld in HOL

                                                           A slow-growing dense evergreen conifer with a broadly-pyramidal form. Foliage is dark olive-green with slight bronzing in winter. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Koshyi’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Kowby                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 GER

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Koyo-sugi                              1892 JPN

                                                                                   Yokohama Gardeners Ass. JPN

            Kuro-sugi                              /Mayr/Fitschen 1930

                                                           /f. KURO-SUGI/

            Kusari-sugi                           Dall. & Jacks. 1923                            JPN

                                                           /Spiraliter Falcata/  /Spiralis/

            Kyoto-ito-sugi                       Welch 1979                                        JPN

                                                           Prof. G. Isa in Kyoto University JPN of Ito-sugi

                                                                                   1974 Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

            Lemonade                             2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Lemonade’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new selection by Cedar Lodge. A large specimen tree of typical Cryptomeria japonica form. It is distinguished by pale lemon foliage. The colour is enhanced with colder temperatures i.e. brilliant winter colour. Quick growing. 7 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Liam O.                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Liam O.’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Little Champion                   Wout Huizer HOL

                                                           A WB of /Gracilis/

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Little Champion’

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Ontstaan als heksenbezem in C. j. 'Gracilis'. Gevonden door Wout Huizer te Boskoop, Nederland, en in 1992 door hem in de handel gebracht. Lage bolvormige plant met frisgroen loof. In 10 jaar 60-70 cm. breed en ± 60 cm. hoog. Ook in de winter mooi groen. Geschikt voor de kleine tuin, heide- of rotstuin. Ook geschikt om op een stam te kweken. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense, compact round form. Foliage is gray-green and very compressed. A new selection from Europe. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Little Champion’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Little Champion’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Little Diamond                     H. J. van de Laar 1990

                                                           L. Konijn Nurs., Ederveen HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Little Diamond’

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer selected in Holland. Foliage is soft and bright green and has a neat look. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Little Diamond’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Little Diamond’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Little Diamond’

            Little Globe                           1992 HOL

                                                                                   W.Linssen, Baexem HOL

            Little Gnome                         /Littleworth Gnome/

            Little Sonja                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Little Sonja WB’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Little Sonja’

            Littleworth Dwarf                Welch 1991

                                                           1980 J. W. Archer & H. J. Welch at Littleworth GBR

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Littleworth Gnom’

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Littleworth Dwarf' - Found by H.J. Welch in England. Green all year. Moderate growth rate. Not a dwarf in N.Z. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Conical form. 3.5 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden.  Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

            Littleworth Gem                                          Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Littleworth Gnom                /Littleworth Dwarf/

            Lobbii                                    Carr. 1855                                          INDO

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Lobbii’

                                                                                  1853 imported by T. Lobb from Jawa to GBR

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Lobbii' - Slower growing than the species and dense, more compact foliage. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Ideal for a large hedge or slow growing shelter belt. A conical, symmetrical tree. Very neat. 4.5 metres high x 2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           C. lobbiana Bill. 1853

            Lobbii Compacta                 Hort. GBR                 /Nana/

            Lobbii Compacta                 Hort. HOL                 /Compacta/

            Lobbii Nana                          Dall. & Jacks. 1923, 1966

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Lobbii Nana’

                                               A plant of muddled nomenclature the name 'Lobbii Nana' which is in general use is considered invalid by Welch. Apparently there is more than one „compacta nana or whatever circulating, ours forms a medium sized ball with pincushion new growth. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA


            Lobbii Nana                          Hort. EUR                  /Compacta/  /Globosa Nana/

            Lobbii Nana                          Hillier 1964     /Globosa Nana/

            Lycopodiiformis                   Hort. ex Beissn. 1891

                                                           /Lycopodioides/ 1909

            Lycopodioides                       /Carr. 1855/Carr. 1875                       JPN

                                                                                  Imported by M. Mazel, Montsauve Nurs.,

                                                                                  Anduza FRA

                                                           /Ikari-sugi/  /Kusari-sugi/

            Lycopodioides                       Hort.

            Lynn’s Ringlets                    J. P. Kortmann 1987

                                                           1983 G.Huizer Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Is ontstaan in 1985 uit een doorgeschoten tak in de Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiraliter Falcata'. Het is een losse grillige groeier die op zeer jonge leeftijd massa's kegels draagd welke heel goed geschikt zijn om te gebruiken bij bloemschikken. Is benaamd door de Boskoopse collectie houder. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Lynn’s Ringlets’

            Macrocarpa                          Senecl. 1868                                      FRA

            Macrocephala                       Carr. 1867

                                                           in Hyeres, Alpes Maritimes FRA

                                                           C. japonica huberiana Hort.

            Majiro-sugi                           1967 CAN

                                                                                   Alpenglow Gardens, BC CAN

                                                           /Majero/  /Mejero/  /Mejiro/  /Meyero-sugi/

            Manhish(m)i-sugi                                         1970 Iseli USA

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA


            Mankichi-sugi                       JPN

                                                                                   1974 Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes into GBR

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Manhishi-sugi’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Mankichi-sugi’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           C. japonica mankitiana Hort. JPN

                                                           C. japonica monstrosa compacta Hort. HOL

                                                           C. japonica ‘Monstrosa Nana’ Hornibrook

            Mankitiana                           /Mankochi-sugi/

            Marj                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                   L. C. Hatch USA

            Meyero-sugi                          /Majiro-sugi/

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs. USA

            Midare                                   H. G. Hillier 1971                              JPN

            Midori                                   JPN

            Mignone                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Ed Rezek USA in Mignone Gardens

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Mignone’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Tightly held needles on numerous branchlets give this broad, upright conifer a dense appearance that stays green throughout the year. Propagated and named by Ed Rezek from a witch's broom on a tree in Mr. Mignone's garden. Iseli text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Mignone’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Mitama-sugi                          JPN                 /Globosa Nana/

            Miyazima                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 USA

                                                                                   Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA

            Monstrosa                             Beissn. 1909                                      JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Monstrosa’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Monstrosa’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Monstrosa’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Monstrosa Compacta           /Monstrosa Nana/

            Monstrosa Nana                   Hornibrook 1939                               HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Monstrosa Nana’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Monstrosa Nana' - Irregular bunches of congested foliage. Turns bronze/purple in winter. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Compact round bush. 1 metre all around in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Monstrosa Compacta/  /Mankichi-sugi/

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Monstrosa Nana’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Mucronata                            Koenig ex Senecl. 1868                     FRA

            Mure-sugi                              JPN

                                                           /Caespitosa/ Kruse 1973

            Mushroom                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. AUS

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A dwarf, mounding conifer with soft bright green foliage that becomes bronze in cold weather. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Ontstaan als zaailing in Australië. Langzame groeier met een paddestoelachtige groeiwijze. In 10 jaar 80-100 cm. breed en 60-80 cm. hoog. Loof groen met bruine zweem, in de winter roodbruin tot lila getint. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Mushroom’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Mushroom’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Nana                                      Knight & Perry 1850             JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Nana’

                                                                                  1846 imported by R. Fortune from CHN


            Nana                                      Welch 1966

                                                           /Archer’s Greenbush/

            Nana Albospica                    den Ouden 1965

                                                           /Okina-sugi/  /Griesenhaupt-sugi/

                                                           C. japonica albovariegata Hort. ex Hillier

                                                           C. japonica var. argenteovariegata Senecl. 

            Nana Albospicata                 Beissn. 1901

            Nankin-sugi                          CHN

            Negire-/sugi/                          J. P. Kortmann 1987                          JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Negire’

                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Mooi boompje met fris groene naalden die in de winter bijna niet naar brons verkleuren . Heeft zeer korte naaldjes en geeft vele zijtakjes die erg verspreid staan met op elk takje een mooi rond toefje met naaldjes. De boom heeft een doorzichtige structuur. Herkomst is Japan. De plant is sinds 1980 in Nederland in cultuur. Hulsdonk text.



            Nigata                                    Cryptomeria japonica ‘Nigata’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Nigricans                               Carr. 1870                                          FRA

                                                           1866 in Jardin des Plantes FRA

            Nochide                                 /J. P. Kortmann/H. J. van de Laar 1987

                                                           Botanic Garden, Hiroshima JPN

            Nyewoods Form                   1966 GBR                  /Fasciata/

            Ogon-sugi                              JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Ogon’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Crypromeria japonica ’Ogon’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           /Aurea/  /Oogon-sugi/  /Wogon-sugi/

            Okina-sugi                             JPN

                                                           /Nana Albospica/   USA: /Okina/

            Osaka-tama-sugi                   JPN

                                                                                   1974 Wansdyke N.GBR

                                                           A broad, pyramidal, dwarf conifer with gray-green, refined foliage which turns a lovely soft bronze purple in winter. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.


            Pendula                                 Leroy ex Dall. & Jacks. 1923

            Pendulata                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Bronsart 1914                        GER


            Pevé Ten                                Piet Vergeldt HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Pevé Ten’

                                                           Mutant uit C. j. 'Tenzan' maar met een grovere en meer grillige groeiwijze. Ook mooi compact groeiend. Geschikt voor de rotstuin. Hulsdonk text.

            Phoenix                                 1896 JPN

                                                                                   Tokyo Nurs., Tokyo JPN


            Pickard’s Gold                     M. Forrest & E. Nelson 1985

                                                           on Mount Congreave, IRL

            Pipo                                       1990 HOL

                                                           L. Konijin & Co. Ederveen HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Pipo’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Pipo’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Pipo’  Goodstav BRA photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Pipo’  Goodstav BRA photo

            Plumosa                                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS


                                                                                   1953 Duncan & Davies Nurs., NZL

            Pom Pom                               Hort.

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A dwarf conifer with light green, refined foliage. ‘Pom Pom’ displays a rounded habit when young, but will eventually form a leader. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2’ tall x 2’ wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Pouakai                                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR to USA

                                                           A smaller growing clone of Japanese Cedar found by Cedar Lodge and deemed commendable as a medium growth rate plant. Bushy habit, round top with only a slight colour change in winter. An ideal garden specimen or hedge. Stands all extremes of growing conditions-especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Oval shape. 3 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Pungens                                 Carr. 1867                                          CHN JPN

                                                                                  1861 imported by R. Fortune from CHN

                                                           C. japonica pungens Carr.

            Pungens Rubiginosa            Carr. 1873                                          FRA

                                                           of JPN seed

            Pygmaea                                Baxter ex Loud. 1850

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Pygmaea’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Pygmaea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Pygmaea                                Knight & Perry 1850             /Nana/

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Pygmaea’

                                                           This may well be the plant long grown as „nana, a flat-topped bush with congested „Tansu like foliage with very short annual growth. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Pygmaea’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Pygmaea                                Hornibrook 1939

            Pygmaea                                Sensu Welch 1966                 /Archer’s Dwarf/

            Pyramidalis                           1987 HOL

                                                                                   Esveld Nurs., Boskoop HOL


            Pyramidata                           Carr. 1891

                                                           L. Paillet Nurs., Chataneu-les-Sceaux FRA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Pyramidata’

                                                           An upright, vigorous conifer with narrow, thread-like green foliage. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Quarryhill form Yakushima Island          

                                                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Radicans                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Rasen-sugi                             H. J. Grootendorst 1977                    JPN

                                                           1970 Le Feber Nurs. HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Rasen-sugi’

                                                           An upright, fast-growing conifer with wonderful, spiraling, twisted green foliage. A marvelous accent plant for the garden. Rasen means "barber-pole" in Japanese. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           /Spiraliter Falcata/  /Rasen/

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Rasen’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Rasen-sugi’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Rasen-sugi’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Rein’s Dense Jade                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Rein’s Dense Jade’

                                                                                   1977 Vermeulen Nurs. USA

                                                           The unusual texture and rich jade-green of the needles give this handsome form of the species a compelling look during the growing season. Its tightly held foliage, which turns striking purple-bronze in winter, gives branches a well-defined, formal appearance. Iseli text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Rein’s Dense Jade’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Rezek WB                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Rezek W.B.’

            Rosanne                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Het is een bossige compacte plant, goed vertakkende met hele dunne twijgjes. Na 10 jaar ongeveer 60 cm. hoog. De plant is als onbenaamde cultivar uit Deviezes (Eng.)gekomen,en wel uit de collectie van H.J. Welsh. En is toen door de Nederlandse Collectie houder uit Boskoop, op naam gezet. Hulsdonk text.

            Rubiginosa                            Nicholson 1900                                  GBR

            Ryokogu coyokyu                Hort.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Ryokogu coyokyu’

                                               A dwarf, flattened bun growing twice as wide as it is high,

                                                           perfect in a trough. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Ryoku                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1988 USA

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs. OR USA

            Ryoku Gyoku                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           A dwarf conifer with fine dark-green foliage and congested growth habit. The name means "green ball" in Japanese. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Ryoku Gyoku’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Sandersii                               Nicholson 1900                                  GBR

            Satsomanka                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1970 USA

                                                                                   Watnong Nurs., Morris Plains NJ USA

            Scarabantia                           1985 Barabits E. HUN

            Sekka-sugi                             Fitsch. in Beissn. 1930                       JPN

                                                           /Cristata/  /Sekkwa-sugi/  /Sekkvia-sugi/

            Sekkan                                  1970 JPN

                                                                                   Hillside Nurs., Leighton PA USA


                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Sekkan’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Sekkan Dwarf                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                   L. C.Hatch 1985

            Sekkan-sugi                          Krüssmann 1983                                JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Sekkan’ (Sekkan-sugi)

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Sekkan Sugi' - An outstanding specimen. Semi pendulous branches. Foliage light cream almost white especially in spring and early summer. Slightly bronzed in winter. Needs full sun - very rarely burns in sunny conditions. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Oval. 3.5 metres high x 2.3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Sekkan’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Sekkan-sugi’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Sekkan-sugi’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Sekkan-sugi’  Jiří Balatka photo 2012

            Sekkan-sugi WB                   Cryptomeria japonica ‘Sekkan H.B.’ (Sekkan-sugi WB)

            Sekkwia-sugi                         Dall. & Jacks. 1923                            JPN

            Selaginoides                          Dall. & Jacks. 1923

                                                                                   1913 Rovelli Nurs., Pallanza ITA

            Sennin-sugi                           Beissn. 1909                                      JPN


            Shima-sugi                            Hort.

            Shishi-gashira                       1972 JPN

                                                                                   1974 Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

            Spiralis                                  Sieb. ex Sieb. & Zucc. 1844

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Spiralis’

                                                                                  1861 imported by Siebold from JPN to HOL

                                                           A broad evergreen conifer eventually forming a dense upright tree. Soft green leaves spiral around the stems. Curious but very garden worthy; introduced from Japan in 1860. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           /Granny’s Ringlets/

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Spiralis’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Spiralis’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Spiralis’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Spiralis’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Spiraliter Falcata                  /Sieb. 1844/Carr.1876                        JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Spiraliter Falcata’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiraliter Falcater' - Dwarf form. Finer foliage than 'Spiralis'. Growth rate medium. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Round ball. 1.8 metres high x 1.7 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Spiraliter Falcata’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           /Kusari-sugi/  /Spiralis Elongata/  /Rasen-sugi/


            Sungold                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Swedica                                 Hort.

                                                                                  2006 Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Swedica’

            Taisho-tama                          J. P. Kortmann 1974                          JPN

                                                           Aritaki Arboretum JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Taisho-tama’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Tashio Tama’

                                                           /Taisho-tama sugi/

            Tansu                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Tansu’

                                                                                   1981 Iseli Nurs. OR USA

                                               This has superior, fine textured foliage, small enough for troughs and exceptionally hardy. The irregular upright habit is especially well suited for bonsai reaching 15" after a great many years. It was originally introduced by Iseli in 1982 as ’Yatsubusa’. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Tansu’  Iseli Nursery USA


            Tansu Sport                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1988 USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Tansu Sport’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Tansu Yellow Sport’

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., OR USA

            Tara                                       Sugimoto 1987                                  JPN


            Tarheel Blue                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Tashi                                      J. P. Kortmann 1987

                                                           1982 JPN                    /Tashi-sugi/

            Tatejama                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Tatayama’

                                                                                   Goteborg Botanic Garden SWE

            Tenuifolia                              Carr. 1867                                          FRA

                                                           C. japonica var. gracilis Hort.

            Tenzan                                  /Tenzan-sugi/

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Tenzan’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Tensan' - One of the tightest conifers we have seen. A real miniature. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Shaped like a flattened stone. 20 cm high x 35 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Tensan’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Tenzan Yatsubusa               Cryptomeria japonica ‘Tenzan Yatsubusa’

            Tenzan-sugi                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  1981 Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Tensan’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Tilford Cream                      1992 Windsor Great Park GBR

            Tilford Gold                          Welch 1993

                                                           1990 Kelvin Lawrence Nurs., Farnham GBR

                                                           Flat topped, globose, dense congested foliage, new growth pale

                                                           cream fading to yellow green by fall, rusty red tints in winter.

                                                           (Stephen Grubb text)

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Tilford Gold’ 

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

            To-sugi                                  Fitschen 1930                         JPN


            Toda                                                             Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Tokonui                                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A very very tall tree with very pendulous branches. This tree is very narrow for its height. We are trialling it now and in time it may prove excellent as a narrow shelter belt - trimming being unnecessary. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Cedar Lodge text.

            Topgold                                 Van den Top HOL

                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Mutant uit 'Jindai' met dezelfde habitis, maar deze cultivar heeft gele toppen, vooral in de winter. Het loof verkleurd in de winter roodbruin wat een mooi effect geeft met de gele toppen. Gevonden door kwekerij van den Top uit Barneveld. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Top Gold’

            Torta                                     Krüssmann 1983                                JPN

            Tsatsumi                                1970 GBR

            Typica                                               Dall. & Jacks. 1923                            GBR

            Uncinata                                Sugimoto 1978                                  GBR


            Unryu                                    JPN

                                                           /Untya/  /Loud Dragon/

            Variegata                              van Gaert 1862

                                                           van Gaert Nurs., Kalmthout BEL

            Vera                                       Young 1874    /Pungens/ Boom 1965

            Villa Krügel                           2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           2006 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in GER.

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in Deutschland.

            Vilmorin Gold                      G. Haddow 1986

                                                           Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Vilmorin Gold’

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Vilmorin Gold’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Vilmorin Gold’  Mesterhazy photo

            Vilmorin Variegated            1992 P. W. Plants Nurs. GBR

            Vilmoriniana                         JPN

                                                           Crypromeria japonica ‘Vilmoriniana’

                                                                                  1890 imported by P. de Vilmorin

                                                                                  from JPN to FRA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica 'Vilmoriniana' - One of the most popular rock garden subjects. Neat, compact, dense. Turns purplish in winter. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. 40 cm high x 50 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.


                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Vilmoriniana’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Vilmoriniana’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Vilmoriniana’ photo

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Vilmoriniana’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Vilmoriniana’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Viminalis                               Fitschen ex Beissn. 1930                   JPN


            Virgata                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Mayr 1906                                         GER

            Viridis                                               Nelson 1866                                       GBR


            Vitellina                                 GBR

                                                           1984 Kew Gardens GBR

            Winter Bronze                      J. P. Kortmann 1987

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Winter Bronze’

                                                                                   1987 Huizer Nurs., Boskoop HOL

            Wogon                                   JPN

                                                           /Aurea/  /Ogon-sugi/  /Wogon-sugi/

            Wogon-sugi                           /Wogon/

            Wood’s Dwarf                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2003 Bill Barger in ACS database


                                                           'Wood's Dwarf' is an exciting new introduction with foliage that looks similar to 'Tansu'. A slow growing broad upright plant with a clumping, congested habit that makes a wonderful natural garden sculpture. (ACS text)

            Yaku-sugi                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1972 Gotelli Collection N. J. USA

            Yamamoto                            J. P. Kortmann 1987

                                                           1974 Aritaki Arboretum, Koshigaya JPN

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes into GBR

            Yatsubusa-sugi                     1974 EUR                  /Yokohama/

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Yatsubusa’ 

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

            Yatsubusa Michinoku          Cryptomeria japonica ‘Yatsubusa Michinoku’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Yawara-sugi                         Beissn. 1909

                                                           /Elegans/  /Yawa-sugi/

            Yellow Top                          

            Yellow Twigg                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Yellow Twig’

                                                           The new twigs of this dwarf Japanese Cedar are brushed lightly with yellow in spring; then they change to and stay bright green the rest of the year, without bronzing in winter. Short, finely textured foliage, gathered randomly in clusters at the crown, make the upright, pyramidal bush dense with age. Protect from drying winds. Iseli text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Yellow Twigg’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Yenko-sugi                            Dall. & Jacks. 1923

                                                                                   1896 Tokyo Nurs. Tokyo JPN

                                                           /Enko-sugi/ Krüssmann

            Yessica                                   Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ

            Yeuko-sugi                                                   Savill Garden GBR


            Yokohama                            H. J. van de Laar 1983                      JPN

                                                           Aritaki Arboretum, Koshigaya JPN

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Yokohama’

                                                                                   1974 Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes into GBR

                                                           A miniature conifer with fine, light-green foliage and congested growth habit. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Yokohama’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL


            Yore-sugi                               Krüssmann 1972

                                                           1876 JPN

                                                           C. japonica spiralis elongata Hort.

                                                           C. japonica spiraliter falcata Carr.

                                                           C. japonica f. torta Makino

            Yoshino                                 Yoshino 1928

                                                           Yokohama Nurs. JPN

                                                           A conical, upright conifer with bright green summer foliage that becomes slightly bronze-green in cold weather. Grows as fast as any Japanese Cedar. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 12' tall x 6' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           (Japan, ingevoerd voor 1968) Werd in 1976 vanuit het National Arboretum Washington D.C. geïmporteerd door F.J. Grootendorst. Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Yoshino’

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Yoshino’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Yoshino’  

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Yoshino’  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ’Yoshino’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Yuantouliusha                      Cheng & Fu 1978

                                                                                   Sylva Sinica CHN

            Zindai                                    Sugimoto 1978                                  JPN

            Zwerg Form                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 GER

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Zwierowicz                            2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Zwierowicz’  

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica Zwierowicz

CT 4.0 2012 - 279 cultivar records, 96 of them with photos

CT 5.0 2013 – 295 cultivar records, 113 of them with photos


CUNNINGHAMIA                   R. Br. ex Rich. 1826                          TAXODIACEAE


Cunninghamia – Csodafenyő – Wonder cypresspine 

Cunninghamia R. Br. ex Rich. 1826 - Taxodiaceae – Óriásfenyőfélék – Giant Cypresses


   JACULIFOLIA                               Druce 1917

                                                           /C. LANCEOLATA/


   KAWAKAMII                                  1915                           TWN

                                                           Hayata                                                                       Kr

                                                           /C. KONISHII/


   KONISHII                                     1908                           TWN

                                                           Hayata                                                                       Kr

Cunninghamia konishii Hayata 1908 - Tajvani csodafenyő – Formosan wonderpine

                                                           C. kawakamii Hayata

                                                           Cunninghamia konishii - Formosan cunninghamia. Native of Taiwan. (Formosa.) A large tree. Not hardy to harsh salt wind. Known to like hot dry summers and very cold winters. Moderately tall tree. Bark reddish brown and scented. Growing well here. 6 metres high x 4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 8. Cedar Lodge text.

            Atlanta Bot Garden blue form      

                                                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

            Coolwijn’s Compact            2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2001 Leo Koelwyn, Monbulk AUS

                                                                                   2002 Gordon Haddow, Kenwith Nurs. GBR

                                                           Cunninghamia konishii ‘Koelyn Dwarf’

                                                           True dwarf, bun-shaped to globose, very short internodes. Might be confused with a pygmy Cryptomeria from a distance. Needles very reduced to .60-1.0cm long. You'll note one possibly reverting shoot on the photo above. Gordon Haddow text, UK 2002

                                                           Cunninghamia konishii ‘Coolwyn Compact’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Cunninghamia konishii ‘Coolwyn Compact’

                                                           /Coolwin’s Dwarf/  /Koolwyn’s Dwarf/

            Little Leo                               2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2001 Leo Koelwyn, Monbulk AUS

                                                                                   2002 Gordon Haddow, Kenwith Nurs. GBR

                                                           Cunninghamia konishii ‘Little Leo’

                                                           Globose to bun-shaped, dwarf, 1.5 in. growth per year.

                                                           Gordon Haddow text, UK 2002

                                                           Cunninghamia konishii ‘Little Leo’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Cunninghamia konishii ’Leo’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Orlóci Selection                     2011 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Orlóci László HUN

                                                                                  2000 ELTE Füvészkert Budapest HUN

                                                           Selected for Zone 6 hardy, naming later

                                                           A Z6 klímára szelektált tajvani csodafenyő, névadás később.

                                                           Cunninghamia konishii ’Orlóci Selection’ 


                                                           Cunninghamia konishii ’Orlóci Selection’ 



LANCEOLATA                              1827                           S-CHN

                                                           /Lamb./Hook.                                                Kr

Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. 1827 - Kínai csodafenyő v. szúrósfenyő – Chinese wonderpine

                                                           C. sinensis L. C. Rich.1826

                                                           C. jaculifolia Druce 1917

                                                           C. unicanaliculata Wang & Liu 1982

                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata - China Fir. A tall graceful tree of character that would serve well as a lawn specimen. A native of Southern China. Also likes hot dry summers and very cold winters. Does well here out of the worst salt laden winds. 7.5 metres high x 3.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 8. Cedar Lodge text.


            Aurea                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  1983 Iseli Nurs. USA

            Bánó                                      Evi B. Loeb 1988

                                                           1955 Bánó István, Kámoni Arboretum HUN

                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata ‘Bánó’


                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata ’Bánó’  The Plant Hunter

                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata ‘Bánó’

                                                                                  (old syn.: Cunninghamia lanceolata ‘Compacta’)

                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata ’Bánó’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Chason’s Gift                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Specialty Ornamentals Nurs., GA USA

            Compacta                              Barabits 1966

                                                           1955 Bánó István, Kámoni Arboretum HUN

                                                                                  Deutsche Baumschule 1966

                                                           /Bánó/ is the valid name

            Dwarf                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1999 Woodlanders Nurs., Aiken USA

            Glauca                                   Knight & Perry 1850             GBR

                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata ‘Glauca’

                                                                                   1855 H. A. Hesse Nurs. in GER

                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata 'Glauca' - Blue China Fir. Tall graceful tree. Serves well as lawn specimen. A beautiful blue. 'Glauca' is said to be more hardy to cold than the species. It seems to stand the salt wind better too. Approx. 4 metres high x 3 metres wide at base in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 8. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           C. sinensis var. glauca Knight & Perry

                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata ’Glauca’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata ’Glauca’  Edwin Smits photo

            Glauca Pendula                    Dall. & Jackson 1931             GBR

            Globus                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

            Greer’s Dwarf                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  2002 Stanley & Sons Nurs. OR USA

            Jókék                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Orlóci László HUN

                                                                                  Fenyőkert Nursery Budapest HUN

                                                           A very blue selection of seed.

                                                           Magvetésből szelektált kék egyed.

                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata ’Jókék’ photo

                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata ’Jókék’ photo

            Lemon Lime                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  2002 Stanley & Sons Nurs. OR USA

            Mollifolia                               Cheng & L. K. Fu 1978

                                                                                   Sylva Sinica CHN

            Nana                                      GBR

            Nelli                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2005 Kiss Marcell, Rédics HUN

                                                                                  Kiss Marcell Nurs., Rédics HUN

                                                           Flat top hardy (Zone 6) dwarf seedling.

                                                           Igazi törpe növésű , lapított alakú magonc szelekció, több mint 10 éves, eddig fagykár nem érte (takaratlanul ).

            Prostrate Blue Form                        Hort.

                                                           A flat growing plant with exquisite powder blue wickedly armed foliage. It is the focal point of our big tufa garden and so far has shown no inclination to leader. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Raraflora                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1966 USA

            Samurai                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                  Specialty Ornamentals Nurs., GA USA

            Sopronhorpács                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Orlóci László HUN

                                                                                  Fenyőkert Nursery Budapest HUN

                                                           Survived the extreme strong winter in 1929,

                                                           a very hardy green clone.

                                                           A sopronhorpácsi Széchenyi kastély kertjében álló idős

                                                           példány szaporítványa, mely az 1929-es kemény telet is túlélte.

                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata ’Sopronhorpács’ 


                                                           Cunninghamia lanceolata ’Sopronhorpács’ 


            Starling's Dwarf                   G. Haddow 1992

                                                           B. N. Starling GBR of CHN seed

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Tom Dodd                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           A broom with rather short deep green needles and irregular growth. This is much more irregular and larger growing than „Little Leo, there is a good photo in the Raulston slide collection. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA


   SINENSIS                                       R. Br. ex Rich.                                                                       WCC

                                                           /C. LANCEOLATA/


   UNICANICULATA                    1982                           CHN

                                                           Wang & Liu                                                              WCC


CT 4.0 2012 - 23 cultivars, 7 of them with photo

CT 5.0 2013 – 24 cultivars, 7 of them with photo


CUPRESSOCYPARIS  X      Dall. 1977                                          CUPRESSACEAE


Cupressocyparis x – Leyland ciprus – Leyland semicypress

Cupressocyparis x - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


   ARILOSA                                     /Hort. NZL/Welch 1993                                            WCC

                                                           Crop Res. Div. Lincoln NZL as clone No. 850/329

                                                           Cupressus arizonica x Xanthocyparis nootkatensis


   LEYLANDII                                 1938                           GBR

                                                           /Dall. & Jacks./Dall.                                                  Kr

                                                           1911 J. M. Naylor in Leighton Hall, Welshpool GBR

Cupressocyparis x leylandii (Dall. & Jacks.) Dall. 1977. - Leyland félciprus - Leyland semicypress

                                                           Cupressus macrocarpa x Xanthocyparis nootkatensis

                                                           Cupressus leylandii Dall. & Jacks.

                                                           A natural hybrid found in:

                                                             1./ 1888 C. J. Leyland, Leighton Hall GBR,

                                                             2./ Haggerston Castle, GBR,

                                                             3./ 1940 M. Barthelemy, Stapehill GBR


            2001                                        Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Barden’s Gold                      1986 GBR                  /Castlewellan Gold/

            Belvoir Castle                       /Robinson’s Gold/

            Blue Jeans                             2001 P. van den Dool, Waddinxveen HOL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Blue Jeans’

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Blue Jeans’

                                                                                  Plantipp HOL

                                                                                  Sapho Nurs. La Ménitré FRA

                                                           Der Wuchs dieses neuen Klons ist buschig und breit.

                                                           ‘Blue Jeans’ wächst auf mehreren Austrieben, verzweigt

                                                           sich gut und kann Jungblattwerk an seiner Basis zeigen.

                                                           Das Wachstum ist schnell. Bei Containerkultur sind

                                                           keine Tutoren nötig. Die Sorte besitzt eine originelle

                                                           blaugrüne Färbung. Ihre Kälteresistenz ist in den

                                                           Niederlanden bewiesen.

            Castlewellan Gold                L. S. Slinger 1973

                                                           1963 John Keown in Castlewellan Forest Park IRL

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’

                                                                                   Slieve Donard Nurs., Newcastle IRL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Castlewellan Gold' - (Cupressus macrocarpa x Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ) - A garden specimen as well as a shelter tree. A very strong grower. Needs free draining situation. A fast growing lemon-gold evergreen, foliage fern-like. A reasonably narrow upright form. Will stand strong moderately salt laden winds. Responds well to trimming but care must be taken not to trim back too hard. A very desirable decorative shelter. 6 metres high x 3.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cupressus macrocarpa Keownii


                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

            Castlewellan Gold Ponpon  Hort.

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Castlewellan Gold Ponpon’

                                                                                  Mesterhazy photo

            Clon No. 1                             /Green Spire/

            Clon No. 2                             /Haggerston Grey/  /Haggerston/

            C 4                                         Hort. GBR

                                                           A 'Haggerston Grey' testvére, hozzá nagyon hasonlít, de nála lényegesen erősebben növő klón (az angol kertészek réme). Orlóci text.

            Clon No.10                            /Naylor’s Blue/  /Naylor/

            Clon No.11                            /Leighton Green/ /Leighton/

            Clun                                       A. F. Mitchell 1985

                                                           in Clun, Shropshire GBR

            Contorta                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1965 USA                  /Picturesque/

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Contorta’

            Excalibur Gold                     Deeping Gate Nurs. GBR

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii ’Excalibur Gold’

                                                                                  Plantipp HOL

            Ferndown                             J. Jobling 1984

                                                           M. Barthelemy Nurs., Stapehill GBR

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Fern Gold’

            Filip’s Starfighter                 Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Fota                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Orlóci László HUN

                                                                                  Fenyőkert Nursery Budapest HUN

                                                           Silvergrey pendulous clone, brings many male cones year to


                                                           Mother plant in Fota Arboretum IRL, shown as ’Pendula’

                                                           Ezüstösszürke szomorú, sok porzótobozt fejlesztő fajta. Anyanövénye a Fota Arborétumban IRL ’Pendula’ néven bemutatott.

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Fota’ photo

            Galway Gold                        /Castlewellan Gold/

            Golconda                               The Int. Conifer Register 1977

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Golconda’

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Golconda’ (2)

                                                                                   D. F. Wyant, Wyboston GBR

                                                                                   Madrona Nurs. GBR

                                               A sport of Haggerston Grey with lemon foliage, found in the U.K. in 1977 it holds its color well forming a golden obelisk that tapers little until very near the top.

Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandi ‘Golconda’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Golconda’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Gold Cup                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                   L. C. Hatch 1985

            Gold Nugget                          Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Gold Rider                            H. J. van de Laar 1985                      HOL

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Gold Rider’

                                                           /Golden Rider/

                                               A surprisingly hardy gold form that was introduced from Holland in 1985, it is moderately slow growing and considered the best by Van Hoey Smith.

Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Ragyogó sárga lombozatával és fiatalon is sűrű növekedésével hívja fel magára figyelmünket. Ezt a sárga színt a téli napsugárzás sem perzseli meg. Az alapfajnál viszonylag lassabb növekedésű, de annál igényesebb és fagyérzékenyebb is. A hibridciprusok fagyérzékenysége elsősorban a vesszők őszi beérésétől függ, ezért mindig napos szabad állásba és szárazabb nem fagyzugos helyre ültessük. Saját honosítású holland fajta. Orlóci text.

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Rider’

            Golden Rider                                                           Hull Farm Nurs. GBR

                                                           /Gold Rider/

            Golden Sun                           A. F. Mitchell 1985

                                                           1966 Barnham Nurs., Bognor Regis GBR

            Goldness                                The Int. Conifer Register 1976

                                                                                   Ness Nurs., Londonderry IRL

            Green Rocket                       Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Green Spire                          1888 Leighton Hall, Welshpool GBR

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Greenspire’

                                                           /Clon No.1./ till 1964

                                                           A 'Leighton Green' helyettesítésére a leginkább ajánlott fajta. Erős növekedésű, zárt koronájú, oszlopos alakú, világoszöld lombozatú fajta. Hajtásai erősen növők és gyengén spirális állásúak. Fiatalon lazább, de idősödve besűrűsödő koronát nevel. Jó télálló és a szárazságot is elviselő fajta. Saját honosítású fajta. Orlóci text.

            Grey Cone                            /Haggerston Grey/?

            Haggerston Grey                  Ovens, Bight & Mitchell 1964

                                                           1888 Leighton Hall, Welshpool, GBR

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Haggerston Grey’

                                                           Az 1970-es években hazánkba elsőként bekerült változat. Mára az egyik legelterjedtebb sövénynövényünké vált. Ez elsősorban gyors növekedésének és igénytelenségének köszönhető. Lombozata szürkészöld, ágrendszere gyengén csavarodó, a korona szélesebb tojás alakú. Idősebb korában a csúcs ellaposodó. Túlnyomóan tobozt hozó változat, így túlzott allergén pollentermelésétől nem kell tartanunk. Az egyik legigénytelenebb legtöbbet tűrő fajta, de csak napos helyen érzi jól magát. Szabad állásba, kisebb csoportba vagy sövénynek ültessük. Saját honosítású fajta. Orlóci text.

                                                           /Clon No.2./ till 1964


            Hareknoll                               Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Harlequin                              A. F. Mitchell 1985

                                                           1975 Lord Bradford, Weston Park, Shipner GBR

                                                                                   Marwood Hill Gardens GBR

            Herculea                                Minivier Nurs., FRA

                                                                                  1993 HOL

            Hillspire                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                   L.C. Hatch, USA

            Hyde Hall                              The Int. Conifer Register 1976

                                                           R. H. M. Robinson at Hyde Hall, GBR

                                               This originated as a witches broom found growing at Hyde Hall in 1979, it forms a slow growing conical bush. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Hyde Hall’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Jubilee                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR as a mutation

            Kyloe                                     1984 Kew Gardens GBR

                                                           Az első hibridciprusok egyike. Hagyományos növekedésű, szürkészöld lombozatú változat. Orlóci text.

            Leighton Green                    Ovens, Bight & Mitchell 1964

                                                           1911 Leighton Hall, Welshpool, GBR

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Leighton Green’

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Leighton's Green' - (Cupressus macrocarpa x Chamaecyparis nootkatensis)- Extremely fast growing tall green tree. Usually planted as a shelter line but can be very useful as a hardy accent tree. Salt wind hardy. Must have a well drained situation. Broad spreading columnar habit, but early pruning appreciably reduces the ultimate width. Hardy to frost, cold and winds. 7 metres high x 4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden.  Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Clon No.11./ till 1964,  /Leighton/

            Manor Farm                         Hort.

            Mellow Yellow                      /Robinson’s Gold/

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Mellow Yellow’

            Minier                                               S. A. Minier FRA

                                                           Lassú növekedésű, fűzöld lombozatú francia fajta. Alacsony sövénynek kiváló. Orlóci text.

            MPH Aranka                                    2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN

                                                                                  2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN

                                                           Bright gold also in winter, grows as usual

                                                           Télen is szép aranyszínű mutáció, normál növekedésű

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’MPH Aranka’ 


                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’MPH Aranka’ 


            MPH Boglár                         2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN

                                                           This selection comes from the illustrated mother plant below as a goldie sport in winter. Keeps the freshgreen-lemon of the mother, and turns to gold in winters. 4 meters in 25 years with a coherent, dense habit in optimistic fresh colours.

                                                           Ez az új fajta az alanti anyanövény télen aranyos színű mutánsa. Évközben tartja az anyanövény friss színeit, majd télen aranyos leplet ölt. 25 évesen 4 méter magas sűrű, összetartó ágrendszerű tünemény.

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’MPH Boglár’ 


                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’MPH Boglár’ 


            MPH Dobogó                                   2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2011 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  2011 Vörös Sándor Nursery HUN

                                                           Selected of winter gold coloured Leyland cypress sports,

                                                           found in Dömös HUN from a hedge on the street. Grows

                                                           to a lemonade-goldie coloured tree.

                                                           Télen aranyos színt mutató, közepes növekedésű változat, mely Dömösön talált sövényről való.

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’MPH Dobogó’ 


                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’MPH Dobogó’ 


            MPH Krémes                        2011 Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2010 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  2012 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                                                  2012 Vörös Sándor Nursery HUN

                                                           Selected for winter creamy-lemonade colour from sport.

                                                           Grows as usual, gives a nice look in the garden.

                                                           Téli változat, mely krémes-citromos színű hajtásokról készült. Nagy növésű, szép látvány a kertben.

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’MPH Krémes’ 


                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’MPH Krémes’ 


                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’MPH Krémes’ 


                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’MPH Krémes’ 


            MPH Mátyás Király            2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2011 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                  2011 Vörös Sándor Nursery HUN

                                                           Selected of winter gold coloured Leyland cypress sports,

                                                           found in Visegrád HUN from a hedge. Strong growing

                                                           rustic goldie coloured big tree.

                                                           Télen aranyos színt mutató, erőteljes növekedésű változat, mely Visegrádon talált sövényről való. Nagy fává nő, sok helyet kér, és nem való sövénynek.

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’MPH Mátyás Király’ 


            Murray                                  Hort.

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Murray’ 

                                                                                  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

            Naylor’s Blue                                    Ovens, Bight & Mitchell 1964

                                                           1911 Leighton Hall, Welshpool, GBR

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Naylor’s Blue’

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Naylor's Blue' - (Cupressus macrocarpa x Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) - Foliage grey-blue. Branches more open than 'Leighton's Green'. The more open growth habit allows greater permeability. A very graceful tree. Mostly used as Shelter Line, but would make a good garden specimen (large garden). Salt wind hardy and in need of free draining soil. 10 metres high x 5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Kékes lombszínével egyike a legszebb Leyland-ciprusoknak. Kúp alakú, kezdetben lassú, később gyors növekedésű, koronája kissé laza. Saját honosítású fajta. Orlóci text.

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Naylor’s Blue’ 

                                                                         photo HTJ

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Naylor’s Blue’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Naylor’s Blue’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Naylor’s Blue’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy photo 2011

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Naylor’s Blue’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy photo 2011

                                                           /Clon No. 10./ till 1964

            Netherton Gold                    1987 GBR                  /Barden’s Gold/

            New Ornament                     H. J. van de Laar 1987


                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘New Ornament’

                                                                                   L. Konijn Nurs., Ederveen HOL

            Pendula                                                         Malahide Gardens IRL

            Picturesque                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           The Int. Conifer Register 1988          USA

            Relax Reco                            2001 P. van den Dool, Waddinxveen HOL

                                                                                  Plantipp HOL

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Relax Reco’

            Robertson’s Gold                 1987 Esveld Nurs. HOL

                                                           /Robinson’s Gold/?

            Robinson                                                       Westonbirt Arb. Tetbury GBR

                                                           /Robinson’s Gold/

            Robinson’s Gold                   The Int. Conifer Register 1977

                                                           1962 G. Robinson in Belvoir Castle, Belfast N-IRL

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Robinson’s Gold’

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Mellow Yellow’

                                                                                   1978 Green Leaf Nurs., Belfast N-IRL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Robinson’s Gold’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Robinson's Gold' - (Formerly 'Mellow Yellow') (Cupressus macrocarpa x Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) - Similar to x Cup. ley. 'Leighton's Green' but with soft yellow foliage and slightly slower growth rate. An upright conical tree. Once again needs free draining situation. 7 metres high x 3.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Rostrevor                              A. F. Mitchell 1985

                                                           1870 in Rostrevor N-IRL

            Rua                                        2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1960 NZL

                                                           Miss Pat Bates, Ruakura NZL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Rua’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Rua’ - (Cupressus macrocarpa x Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) - A NZL raised cultivar. Typical leylandii form distinguished by it’s flattened type leaf spray. If enough were propagated at any one time this cultivar could be used as a shelter line also. Free draining situation necessary. 7 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Silver Dust                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           The Int. Conifer Register 1976

                                                           1960 in US National Arboretum, Washington DC USA

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Silver Dust’

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’

                                                                                  Esveld Nursery, Boskoop HOL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’ - (syn. Gold Dust) (Cupressus macrocarpa x Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) - A sport from ‘Leighton’s Green’. Salt wind hardy tree of rapid growth rate. Creamy white colour in patches throughout tree. Needs a free draining site. 6 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Sirebo                                    1992 HOL

                                                           Stichting Siertedt Regio, Boskoop HOL

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Sirebo’

            Skinner’s Green                   Hort.

                                                           Strong growing dense green column.

                                                           Erős növekedésű, zárt koronájú, oszlopos alakú, zöld lombszínű

                                                           fajta. Orlóci text.

            Smits’s Gold                          /Spring Gold/

            Sparkler                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   L. C. Hatch 1985

            Spotted Dick                          Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Spring Gold                          A. F. Mitchell 1985

                                                           1984 Steven Smith, Pickering GBR

                                                                                   Westonbirt Arb. Tetbury GBR

                                                           Gyenge növekedésű, oszlopos alakú, zárt koronájú, sárga lombszínű fajta. Orlóci text.

            Stapehill                                Ovens, Bight & Mitchell 1984

                                                           1940 M. Barthelemy Nurs., Stapehill, Wimborne GBR

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Stapehill’

                                                           possibly as a hybrid of Cupressus macrocarpa x

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

                                                           /Stapehill 20/ Ovens, Bight & Mitchell 1964

            Stapehill 20                           Ovens, Bight & Mitchell 1964

                                                                                   Westonbirt Arb. Tetbury GBR


            Stapehill 21                           Ovens, Bight & Mitchell 1964

                                                                                   Westonbirt Arb. Tetbury GBR


            Star Wars                              Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Star Wars’

            Superl                                    2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           Hort. NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Superl’ - (Cupressus macrocarpa x Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) x Cupressocyparis leylandii ’Superl’ is a hybrid showing considerable promise in trials at F.R.I. Rangiora. 7 metres high x 4 metres wide in 10 years. Cedar Lodge text.

            Tortuosa                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1981                /Picturesque/

            Trompenburg                                              2004 C. Esveld Nurs. Boskoop HOL

            Tweeduizendéén                   Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers


            Variegata                                                      Barncroft Nurs. GBR

                                                           Cupressocyparis x leylandii ‘Variegata’



   NOTABILIS  X                            1972                           GBR

                                                           Mitchell                                                                     Kr

Cupressocyparis x notabilis Mitchell 1972 – Leighton Hall félciprus – Leighton Hall semicypress

                                                           Cupressus glabra x Xanthocyparis nootkatensis

                                                           in Leighton Hall, Welshpool GBR

            Arilosa                                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1948 Lindsay Prior, Canberra NZL

                                                           Cupressocyparis notabilis x ’Arilosa’ 

                                                                                   Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Cupressocyparis notabilis x ’Arilosa’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Brookhill                               The Int. Conifer Register 1990

                                                           1985 B. J. Ireland, Brookhill, IRL

                                                                                   B. J. Ireland, Brookhill, IRL

                                                                                   Seaforde Gardens in GBR

            Márta                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1994 Tóth Gyula & Orlóci László, Gödöllő HUN

                                                                                  Orlóci László HUN

                                                                                  2010 Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           This hybrid was found in a Cupressus glabra ’Glauca’ seedbed.

                                                           The seeds came from the Gödöllő Arboretum, where near the

                                                           Cupressus glabra stands a strong powdering group of

                                                           Xanthocyparis nootkatensis. The plant has conical habit, a

                                                           powdered blue-grey colour, hardier as Cupressocyparis

                                                           leylandii x. She is a strong grower, at age of 10 arrives 6-8

                                                           meters. Needs place.

                                                           Original plant in the Tóth Gyula Collection, HUN

                                                           Tóth Gyula 1994-ben Cupressus glabra ’Glauca’ magvetésben találta a hibrid növényt. A Cupressus anyanövény (Gödöllői Arborétum 1994) közelében egy erősen porzó Xanthocyparis nootkatensis csoport van, így jött létre a kereszteződés. Kúp alakú, hamvas-szürkészöld színű, télállósága a Leyland-ciprusokénál jobb. 10 éves korára 6-8 m magas lesz.

                                                           Anyatő Tóth Gyula faiskolájában és Pomázon látható.

                                                           Cupressocyparis notabilis x ’Márta’ photo

                                                           Cupressocyparis notabilis x ’Márta’ photo

                                                           Cupressocyparis notabilis x ’Márta’ (Marta) 


                                                           Cupressocyparis notabilis x ’Márta’ photo

                                                           Cupressocyparis notabilis x ’Marta’  Mesterhazy photo

            Typ                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Orlóci László HUN

                                                                                  Budai Arborétum, Kertészeti Egyetem HUN

                                                                                  Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute

                                                           Grey clone from GBR

                                                           Orlóci László Angliából hozta e szürkés változatot, mely eltér a régebben elterjedt hazai fajtától. Magyarországon minősített fajta.


   OVENSII  X                                  1972                           GBR

                                                           Mitchell                                                                     Kr

Cupressocyparis x ovensii Mitchell 1972 – Oven félciprus – Oven semicypress

                                                           Cupressocyparis ovensii x photo

                                                           Cupressocyparis ovensii x photo HTJ

                                                           Cupressocyparis ovensii x  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Cupressus lusitanica x Xanthocyparis nootkatensis

                                                           1961 from Westonbirt Arb. Tetbury GBR seed by

                                                           Oven’s Nurs., Talybont GBR

Cupressocyparis ovensii - (Cupressus lusitanica x Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) - Developed in England. Fast growing shelter tree. The lusitanica parentage means only moderately salt wind resistant. Approx. 10 year height 7 metres, in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Típus                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Orlóci László HUN

                                                                                  Fenyőkert Nursery Budapest HUN

                                                           Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute

                                                           A new clone from the Bedgebury Pinetum GBR. More blueish

                                                           and more dense, like ’Typ’.

                                                           Orlóci László a Bedgebury Fenyőarborétumból hozta e kékes,

                                                           sűrű ágállású változatot. Magyarországon minősített fajta.


CT 4.0 2012 - 71 cultivar records, 31 of them with photos

CT 5.0 2013 – 78 cultivar records, 31 of them with photos