Kósa Géza - Mesterházy Zsolt
Conifer Treasury 8.0
of the World
A fenyők kincsestára 8.0
Fenyőnemesítők kézikönyve
7 Pinus muricata – Pinus yunnanensis
Flowering Pinus ponderosa ’Hi Desert’ Sam Pratt photo
A http://www.conifertreasury.org publication 2016 ©
Warning! This paper is published by the ConiferTreasury.org.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the permission of
the copyright owner.
PINUS Linnaeus 1753 PINACEAE
Pinus – Erdeifenyő - Pine
Pinus Linnaeus 1753
- Pinaceae – Fenyőfélék - Pines
D. Don Kr PG P
Pinus muricata D. Don 1837 - Püspökfenyő - Bishop pine
P. edgariana Hartw.
P. contorta Bolander non Dougl.
ssp. ANTHONYI /Lemm./Murray 1982
P. muricata var. anthonyi Lemm.
ssp. REMORATA /Mason/Murray
1982 KeI
var. BOREALIS Axelrod 1983
var. CEDROSENSIS J. T. Howell 1941
var. REMORATA Duffield 1952
P. remorata /Mason/Rushforth 1987
var. STANTONII Axelrod 1983
Cappuccino 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL
2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL
spectacular cultivar of the
Bishop Pine, discovered in a batch of blue muricata seedlings at our Nursery.
All the new season needle growth emerges a bright lemon-yellow. Best colour
displayed in the months of November-December, fading out quickly to the normal
grey blue of the ‘Blue Muricata’. Responds well to trimming which is desirable
to maintain shape and size so true beauty can be appreciated. Without trimming
would be
Matangi 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL
2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL
selection by Cedar Lodge. This one chosen for the outstanding blue colour.
Growth rate same as Pinus muricata (Blue Strain). Cedar Lodge
Nigra 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Righter & Stockwell Kr
1939 Eddy Arboretum, Placerville CA USA
P. contorta var. latifolia x P. banksiana
Pinus murraybanksiana x conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus murraybanksiana x Nate Cassell CO USA
Shaw Kr PM P
Pinus nelsonii Shaw 1904 – Nyelestobozú mandulafenyő – Nelson pine
nelsonii - Nelson Pinyon Pine. Apparently 1 needle but in
reality 3 needles joined together. Native of Mexico. A rare, bushy
species. We have this tree growing in our Nursery/Garden and its growth rate is
NEOSA Grovan.
Chabray 1845
Arnold Kr WCC
Pinus nigra Arnold 1785 - Feketefenyő - Black pine
Pinus nigra conifertreasury.org photo
f. HORNOTINA Beck 1890 N-AUT
f. LEUCODERMOIDES Fuk & Nikolic 1974 BAL
f. PYGMAEA Rauch ex Gord. 1858 ITA
f. PYRAMIDATA A. Acatay 1955 TUR
ssp. CALABRICA /Loud./Murray CRS KAL S-ITA
P. laricio var. calabrica /Loud./Schneider
ssp. CROATICA Lovril 1971 CRO
Laricio-corsican type
ssp. DALMATICA /Vis./Franco CRO W-BAL
Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
ssp. LARICIO /Poir./Maire 1804 S-ITA CRS
Laricio-corsican type
P. nigra var. calabrica /Loud./Schneider
P. nigra var. maritima /Ait./Melw. 1958
P. nigra var. corsicana /Loud./Hyl. 1953
P. altissima
ssp. MONSPELIENSIS /Koet./Murray 1983 MED
ssp. NIGRA The
type of the species M-EUR
P. nigra var. austriaca /Hoess/Badoux
Nigra-austriaca type
Pallasiana-crimean type
P. nigra var. caramanica /Loud./Rehd.
P. nigra var. pallasiana /Lamb./Asch. & Graebn.
ssp. SALZMANNII /Dunal/ Franco IBE S-FRA
Pinus nigra salzmannii conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra salzmannii conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Salzmannii-pyrenaica type
P. nigra var. cebennensis /Gord./Rehd.
var. AUSTRIACA /Hoess/Badoux 1910 AUT
Nigra-austriaca type
var. BALKANICA Fitschen 1930 BAL
var. BANATICA Georgescu & Ionescu 1936 BAL
var. BANATICA Schenk ex Kirchner 1864 BAL N-SER
var. CALABRICA /Loud./Schneider 1838 S-ITA CRS KAL
Laricio-corsican type
var. CARAMANICA /Loud./Rehder 1927 UKR CAU
Pallasiana-crimean type
var. CEBENNENSIS /Grenier & Gordon/Rehd. 1949 MED IBE S-FRA
var. CORSICANA /Loud./Hyl 1953 MED CRS
Pinus nigra ssp. corsicana ’WB’
Laricio-corsican type
var. MARITIMA /Ait./Melville 1958 MED
Laricio-corsican type
var. PALLASIANA /Lambert/Schneider KRI E-BAL
Pallasiana-crimean type
Pinus nigra pallasiana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra pallasiana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra pallasiana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra pallasiana conifertreasury.org photo
var. POIRETIANA Ant. 1840 MED
Laricio-corsican type
var. YALTIRIKIANA C. Ü. Alptekin 1986 TUR KeI
Pinus nigra broom Sam Pratt USA photo 2013 J
26 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus nigra ’26 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
27 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus nigra ’27 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
28 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus nigra ’28 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
30 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus nigra ’30 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
31 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus nigra ’31 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
32 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus nigra ’32 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
88 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus nigra ’88 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
102 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus nigra ’102 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
11 Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’# 11’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’# 11’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’# 11’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Adlerhorst 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Adlerhorst’, GPS 733 PNAHB XLI A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Nahe
Miesleitensteig, Kaiserbrunn, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 598, found on 5th June 2015.
Afrodité H 58 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
as a dense
GRE. Halda text.
hustý ježek, pr.
Aghes Meylan Pinus nigra ‘Aghes Meylan’
Agnes Bregeon Hort.
Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
Pinus nigra ’Agnes Bregeon’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ‘Agnes Bregeon’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ’Agnes Bregeon’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Agnes Bregeon’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus nigra ‘Agnes Bregeon’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ssp. austriaca ’Agnes Bregeon’
Akseki Hort. HUN
Pinus nigra ’Akseki’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra
Alexandrovich 452 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS
Pinus nigra ’Alexandrovich 452’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Anna 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
dark-green needles on this new Polish selection have a slight yellowish cast at
the needle tips. Brent Markus text.
Aris H 57 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
as a very dense
GRE. Halda text.
velmi hustá koule, pr.
Olymbos, Mytikas.
nigra ’Aris # 57’ Mesterházy &
Malík photo
nigra ’Aris # 57’ Mesterházy &
Malík photo
nigra ’Aris # 57’ Mesterházy &
Malík photo
nigra ’Aris # 57’ Mesterházy &
Malík photo
Globe Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Arnold Sentinel 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
An upright evergreen conifer
with ascending branches and a narrow form. Needles are bright green. Discovered
in Turkey and introduced by the Arnold Arboretum. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 8' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA
zone 4. Buchholz text.
Pinus nigra ’Arnold Sentinel’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus nigra ’Arnold Sentinel’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus nigra ’Arnold Sentinel’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Artemis H 60 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá placka, pr.
nigra ’Artemis # 60’ Mesterházy
& Etzelstorfer photo
Asterion H 46 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
ploché hnízdo, pr.
Asterix Hort.
Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
n. ssp. austriaca --.
Asterix – Frank Hort.
Pinus nigra ‘Asterix -Frank’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Atatürk 2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of garden of
in Korkuteli,
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
massive boughs. Sprouts stouth, buds mighty. Needles thick,
Original plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ’Atatürk’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Pinus nigra ’Atatürk’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Pinus nigra ’Atatürk’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Pinus nigra ’Atatürk’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Aubonne DCC
Dutch Conifer Collection 1996
Aurea Beissn. 1909
Before 1909 Ilsemann in Nyulas Forest, Dénesfa W-HUN
golden Austrian Pine. Leaves in spring are real yellow on green second year
stems. Color fades to a light green in summer. Grows
golden-yellow needles are very long on the thick branches of this upright tree.
The rich color is most noticeable on new growth, later darkening to greener
tones. Growth Rate: 8-10"
HxW@10yrs: 7.5'x3.5'. Brent Markus text.
P. nigra austriaca aurea Beissn.
Pinus nigra ‘Aurea’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ‘Aurea’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ’Aurea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ‘Aurea’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Aurea Litomyśl 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Aurea Procumbens 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Aureovariegata Hort.
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-4". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate: Auslese
Selektion Schwarzkiefer
Pinus nigra ‘Auslese Selektion Schwarzkiefer’
Baby 1995
Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1972 Barabits E. HUN
Balai de Sorciere Suisse Hort.
Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
P. n. ssp. austriaca --.--.
Pinus nigra ’Balais de Sorciere’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Balkanica Hort.
P. nigra var. balkanica /Beissn./Fitsch.
/Balanica/ L. C. Hatch 1988
Bambino 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
2008 Konieczko Nursery, Gogolin POL
Konieczko Nursery POL
Dwarf variety
with spherical habit. Stems thick, bright green needles. After 10 years of growing up to about
odmiana o pokroju kulistym. Pędy gęste, pokryte żywozielonymi igłami. Po 10
latach dorasta do około
Pinus nigra ’Bambino’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Bambino’ POL Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ‘Bambino’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
nigra ’Bambino’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus nigra ‘Bambino’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Bambola 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Kostelniček CZ
Kostelniček Gardens CZ
Pinus nigra ’Bambola’ Mesterházy & Horak photo
Pinus nigra ’Bambola’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-3" HxW@10yrs: 2'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Beetlebaum 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, thick, very green, 4x4’,
Campus, Utah. JM text.
nigra ’Beetlebaum #
Beggs 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, twisted needles. JM text.
nigra ’Beggs #
Beldyga Hort.
Pinus nigra ’Beldyga’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Beneš WB 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Johan CZ
Beran Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Bergen 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
G. Horstmann 1983
Bezdomovec 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Pinus nigra ’Bezdomovec’ Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Bílá Lhota 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
nigra ’Bila Lhota’ Mesterházy &
Valenta photo
nigra ’Bila Lhota’ Mesterházy &
Valenta photo
Pinus nigra ’Bila Lhota’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Biokovo 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Jursa CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Pinus nigra ‘Biokovo’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ’Biakovo’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Biokovo’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus nigra ‘Biokovo’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Birte 2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
1982 Günther Eschrich GER
2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom in GER, 70x40 cm.
gefunden in Deutschland, 70x40 cm.
Es ist bei den P. nigra eine sehr schöne Neuheit. Ein
Hexenbesen, der von Günther Eschrich - Recklinghausen auf einem Friedhof
gefunden wurde. Der Hexenbesen selbst ist schon uralt, hat einen Durchmesser
von ca.
Pinus nigra ’Birte’ Uwe Horstmann photo
Pinus nigra ’Birte’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus nigra ’Birte’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus nigra ’Birte’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Birte’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Pinus nigra ’Birte’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Birte’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Birte’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Birte’ Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012
Pinus nigra ‘Birte’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
de Sorciere Suisse/
Black Prince D. W. Hatch
Chantry Nurs. Honiton GBR
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
flattened-globose shape. Dark green needles are more short and thin than the
type. Features white buds which are particularly attractive in winter. Prefers
full sun in well-drained soil. 1.5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30
degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
Pinus nigra ’Black Prince’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Black Prince’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Black Prince’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus nigra ‘Black Prince’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Black Prince’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Bobby McGregor M. McGregor 1988
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Bobo 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Bobo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Bobo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Bobo’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Bobo’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ‘Bobo’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ‘Bobo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Bobo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus nigra ’Bobo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus nigra ’Bobo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus nigra ’Bobo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Bonsai Kalouš 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1979 Karel Kalouš CZ
Kalouš Gardens CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a seedling, growth rate up to
semenáč v roce 1979. V.-
Borken 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Borovany 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1997 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Borovany’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Borovany’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Borzas 1995
Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1976 Barabits E. HUN
P. nigra ssp. calabrica ‘Borzas’ Barabits
Pinus nigra ’Borzas’ conifertreasury.org photo
Botagabo 2012 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
1998 Günther Eschrich GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom in GER, 45x35 cm.
gefunden in Deutschland, 45x35 cm.
Břasy 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Pinus nigra ’Brasy’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Brepo 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Chub Harper
nigra ‘Breppo’ /Brepo/
at either
Herbst text.
A dwarf evergreen conifer with
soft, thin dark-green needles. This European selection has a flattened-globose
form. White buds are attractive in winter. Prefers full sun in well-drained
soil. 1.5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4.
Buchholz text.
Pinus nigra ‘Brepo’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ’Brepo’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Brepo’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Brepo’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus nigra ’Brepo’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Březina 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
Found as a 120x120 cm broom in Březina, growth rate
nálezu, obec Březina, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, rozměr
120 x
Pinus nigra ‘Březina’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Březina’
Březina 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2010 Zdeněk Jelínek & Michálek CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Found as a broom, partly dried in Chrast CZ
Chrást, CZ
Pinus nigra ’Brezina’ Zdeněk Jelínek photo
nigra ’Brezina’ Zdeněk Jelínek photo
Pinus nigra ’Brezina’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Brezina’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Bright Eyes The Int. Conifer Register 1983
1979 B. Reynolds at Horsell Common,Woking GBR
D. W. Hatch, Chantry Nurs. Honiton GBR
Pinus nigra ’Bright Eyes’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Bright Eyes’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Bright Eyes’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Bright Eyes’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Bright Eyes’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Buda 1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1975 Barabits E. HUN
Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN
Libo Nurs., Baexam HOL
A witch’s broom with regular globe-like habit,
found in a private garden in Budapest HUN.
Original plant in the Ágfalva Nurs., Sopron, HUN
budai Rezeda utcai magánkertben talált rügymutációjából
változat, amelyből kb.
gömb- formájú egyedek fejlődnek.
az ágfalvai csemetekertben található.
Pinus nigra ’Buda’ Nurga Puukol EST
Pinus nigra ’Buda’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Buda’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Buda’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Buda’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Buda’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Buda’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Buda’ conifertreasury.org photo
Bujotii Carr. 1867
1860 Bujot Nurs., Chateau Thierry FRA
P. nigra var. bujoti /Carr./Fitsch.
P. sylvestris bujoti Senecl.
Candlewood 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 Larry Stanley OR USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A variegated Austrian Pine. Each needle has two tan bands. When looked at in Spring, when needles are not fully out is beautiful. Later needles get bigger and washed out. Found at Stanley & Sons Nursery around 1980. Stanley text.
Pinus nigra ‘Candlewood’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Caperci 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
nigra ‘Caperci’s Golden Cream’
Caperci’s Golden Cream 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
pine has bright creamy-yellow variegated new growth. Quite a stocky, upright
tree with unique coloration! Growth Rate: 8-10" HxW@10yrs: 7.5'x3.5'. Brent Markus text.
nigra ‘Caperci’s Golden Cream’
Pinus nigra ’Caperci’s Gold Cream’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Caperci’s Golden Cream’
Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ‘Caperci’s Golden Cream’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Caperci’s Golden Cream’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Caprice 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Caramanica Fastigiata Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Carolin 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
2009 Piotr Konieczko POL
Cebennensis Nana Carr. 1855
Pinus nigra ‘Cebennensis Nana’
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Pinus nigra ’Cebennensis Nana’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Čerťák 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2004 Vrchota CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
dark-green needles are arranged in a cupped, orbicular pattern. Prominent buds
commonly borne in groups of four. Growth Rate: 3-6" HxW@10yrs: 2'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus nigra ‘Čerťák’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ’Certak’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Certak’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Čerťák’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Chemeketa 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Sam Pratt USA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
as a broom in a schoolyard in Oregon.
thick pine has long, dark-green needles of uniform length. It was found as a
witch's broom at Chemeketa Community College by Sam Pratt. Growth
Rate: 1.5-2" HxW@10yrs: 1'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus nigra ‘Chemeketa’ Sam Pratt photo 2014
Pinus nigra ‘Chemeketa’ Sam Pratt photo 2014
Pinus nigra ‘Chemeketa’ Sam Pratt photo 2014
Pinus nigra ’Chemeketa’ Sam Pratt USA photo
Pinus nigra ’Chemeketa’ Sam Pratt USA photo
Pinus nigra ’Chemeketa’ Sam Pratt USA photo
Pinus nigra ‘Chemeketa’ Milan Šimánek CZ photo
Pinus nigra ‘Chemeketa’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Chemeketa’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Chemeketa’ broom Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Chemeketa’ broom Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Chemeketa’ broom Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Chemeketa’ broom Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Chinto 1994 Pieter Zwijnenburg jr. Nurs., HOL
slow-growing, compact pine has fairly long, dark-green needles and prominent
grayish-white buds. A nice dwarf selection from Europe. Growth
Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 2.5'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Chramosta 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
nigra ’Chramosta’ Mesterházy &
Malík photo
nigra ’Chramosta’ Mesterházy &
Malík photo
Chrastava 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2003 Skála CZ
nigra ‘Chrastava’ Jiří Holata Nursery,
Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ‘Chrastava’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Select Clement
Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
Pinus nigra ssp. austriaca ’Cilo Select’
Columnaris 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Schwerin 1907
before 1907 Hartmann wild found in CYP
Comet Pinus
nigra ‘Komet’
Pinus nigra ’Comet’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Compacta Waldgold Hort.
Pinus nigra ’Compacta Waldgold’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Conica Beran 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Jan Beran CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
nález Korzica, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního
Contorta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Carr. 1855 USA
A slow-growing evergreen conifer
with an upright, fairly compact form. Green needles are twisted, revealing
lighter undersides. 'Contorta' provides a curious aspect to the landscape.
Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to
-30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
nigra ’Contorta’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus nigra ’Contorta’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Crapo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found in Crapo Park, Burlington, Iowa, large size, medium
height, flat form. Harper text.
An Austrian pine witches' broom originating in Burlington, Iowa.
Rich Eyre text.
Cristata Etz 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus nigra ’Cristata Etz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus nigra ’Cristata Etz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Dáblice 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1981 Hort. Školky Ďáblice CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
nigra ’Dablice’ Mesterházy &
Malík photo
nigra ’Dablice’ Mesterházy & Valenta
/Ďáblický Čarovĕník/
Dalmatica Rosso 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
2014 Martin Novák CZ
Martin Novák Collection, Evidence 2014
Found as a broom in
Čarověník, Pinus nigra ‘ssp. dalmatica’ ( Borovice černá – dalmátská) se vyskytuje v Chorvatsku na poloostrově
Pelješač, líší se od základní Pinus
nigra, nižším vzrůstem a kratší jehlicí. Místo nálezu
poloostrov Pelješac, Chorvatsko. Velikost při nálezu,
Pinus nigra ’Dalmatica Rosso’ Martin Novák photo 2014
Pinus nigra ’Dalmatica Rosso’ Martin Novák photo 2014
nigra ‘Dalmatica Rosso’
Dalmatica Trpanj 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
2014 Martin Novák CZ
Martin Novák Collection, Evidence 2014
Found as a broom in Croatia CRO,
growth rate
Čarověník, Pinus nigra ‘ssp. dalmatica’ ( Borovice černá – dalmátská) se vyskytuje v Chorvatsku na poloostrově
Pelješač, líší se od základní Pinus
nigra, nižším vzrůstem a kratší jehlicí. Místo nálezu
poloostrov Pelješac, Chorvatsko. Velikost při nálezu,
Pinus nigra ’Dalmatica Trpanj’ Martin Novák photo 2014
Pinus nigra ’Dalmatica Trpanj’ Martin Novák photo 2014
nigra ‘Dalmatica Trpanj’
De Gaulle 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Kostelniček CZ
Miroslav Kostelníček Gardens CZ
Pinus nigra ’De Gaulle’ Kostelníček photo
Pinus nigra ’De Gaulle’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’De Gaulle’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’De Gaulle’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’De Gaulle’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’De Gaulle’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Dendrologie 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Vanc CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Deska 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Desmond Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Dionysos H 53 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
velmi husté hnízdo, pr.
Agios Dionysos.
Dolde 2014 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 4.0
2013 Hódi Tóth József from sport of a plant in Korkuteli,
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Young plant with a Pinus pinea habit. Tallness equals flightiness /maybe 4-4 m/, crown a large globe. The needles lays oneself down on branchlets, flat, broad, curved, erect like a wire, gray-green. Buds pink-brown. Cones large /6-8 cm/. Boughs upward curved, the above end curved to inside of crown.
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Fiatal növény Pinus pineára emlékeztető habitussal. Magassága azonos a szélességgel /4-4 m/, a korona olyan, mint egy nagy gömb. A tűk ráfekszenek a hajtásokra, vastagok, szélesek, íveltek, merevek, mint a drót, szürkészöldek. A rügyek rózsaszín-barnák. Tobozai nagyok /6-8 cm/. Az ágak felfelé íveltek, felső végük a korona belseje felé íveltek. A növény utcai fasorokban elektromos vezetékek alá kitűnő.
Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ‘Dolde’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Dolde’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Dolde’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Dolde’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Dolde’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Dolde’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Dolde’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Dolde’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ’Dolde’
Dommelen Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Dr. Shake Hort.
Pinus nigra ’Dr. Shake’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
nigra ‘Dr. Shake’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ‘Dr. Shake’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Dresden Hort.
Šimánek Gardens CZ
Pinus nigra ’Dresden’ Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012
Dwarf Hort.
Ecset 2016 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 5.0
2014 Véglesi Péter HUN
Tóth Gyula Faiskola, Gödöllő HUN
White tipped, slow growing pine, doesn’t burn in summer.
Valamivel lassabb növésű, mint az alapfaj, de különlegességét az adja, hogy az adott évi tűleveleinek felső, kb. 1 cm-es része sárgásfehér színű. Ez a világos rész a napégésre nem érzékeny. Véglesi text.
Pinus nigra ‘Ecset’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Ecset’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Ecset’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Ecset’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
El Bosque 2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer &
Schneider in
Treasury of
2006 Jörg Kohout GER & Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Foxhollow Gardens GBR
A witches' broom
found by Jorg Kohout & Franz Etzelstorfer in
Spain Feb 2006. Grubb text.
Emmer Bonsai Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Erich 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Erich’, GPS 725 PNAHB XXXVI BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich in ca.
Schneider # 592, found on 4th June 2015.
Estia H 55 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
hustá placka,
Agios Dionysos.
Europa H 45 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
malý ježek, pr.
Eva 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus nigra austriaca
‘Eva’, GPS 729 PNAHB XL A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Niederösterreich,
ca. 1,2 x
Schneider # 596, found on 4th June 2015.
Pinus nigra
Evgeniy Tarasov 527 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Tarasov 2010 Evgeny Tarasov RUS in CZ
Vereshchak Gardens Moscow RUS
Pinus nigra ’Tarasov’ Evgeny Tarasov RUS in Brno CZ
Pinus nigra ’Evgeniy Tarasov 527’ Evgeniy Tarasov RUS photo
Exponiert 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Exponiert’, GPS 692 PNAHB XIV B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Großofen, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 567, found on 31st May 2015.
Falcata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Schelle 1909 GER
Fastigiata Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Fastigiata Broom Hort.
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Pinus nigra ’Fastigiata Broom’
Mesterhazy & Šimůnek photo 2012
Felek 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Artur Maj POL
long, dark-green needles protrude from each of the ascending branches, on this
dense, upright and narrow pine. A new selection from Poland! Growth
Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 4.5'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus nigra ‘Felek’ Artur Maj photo
Ferdl 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Ferdl‘, GPS 719 PNAHB XXXII A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 588, found on 4th June 2015.
Feuchterberg Hexe 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Feuchterberg Hexe’; GPS 806 PNAHB V A, Hexenbesen, sehr dicht,
ca. 2/3 braun, Durchmesser ca.
Schneider # 668, found on 26th August 2015.
Fledermaus 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Fledermaus’, Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 634, found on 22th July 2015.
Föhrenschirm 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Föhrenschirm’, GPS 639 PNA HB XXVII, AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Vordere Mandling, Niederösterreich,
in ca.
Schneider # 521, found on 10th May 2015.
Frank 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 Dennis Hermsen USA
Listed: Coenosium Gardens OR USA
Intr.: Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
A slow-growing, compact narrow conifer with short rich-green needles. A wonderful, vertical exclamation point for the small garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus nigra ’Frank’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Frank’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
nigra ’Frank’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus nigra ’Frank’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus nigra ‘Frank’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus nigra ‘Frank’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Franz 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a fastigiate broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus nigra ’Franz’ Mesterházy & Slama photo 2001
Pinus nigra ’Franz’ Mesterházy & Slama photo
Fred 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Fuchsbau 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Fuchsbau’, GPS 683 PNAHB VII A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Fuchslochgraben, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 560, found on 31st May 2015.
Fuller 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found on Rt. 140 Fuller residence, Bethalto, Illinois, small size,
low, compact, nice. Harper text.
Pinus nigra ‘Fuller’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus nigra ‘Fuller’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Gabi 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Gabi’, GPS 734 PNAHB XLII, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Miesleiten,
Kaiserbrunn, Niederösterreich, vom Weg – Wegpunkt, rechts 2 Pinus nigra austriaca,
links eine Larix decidua hindurch zum Grat,
Schneider # 599, found on 5th June 2015.
Gaelle Bregeon Hort.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
dwarf variety of Austrian Pine. Looks like the best mugo you have ever seen
with out having to prune. Grows 2-
Ganymedes H 50 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
husté hnízdo, pr.
Agios Dionysos.
Pinus nigra ’Ganymedes 50’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Geant de Suisse H. J. van de Laar 1981
in Botanic Garden, Geneva SWI
P. J. Kortmann Nurs., Boskoop HOL
Pinus nigra ‘Geant de Suisse’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ‘Geant de Suisse’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ’Geant de Suisse’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Georges Thonney Hort.
Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
n. ssp. austriaca --.--.
Globosa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
R. M. Nordine 1961
Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
1993 Stanley Nursery USA
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg into GER
A round evergreen conifer with
dark-green needles. Form is dense and it will eventually grow into a large
bush. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 3' wide in 10 years.
Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
Pinus nigra ‘Globosa’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
nigra ’Globosa’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus nigra ’Globosa’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Globosa Viridis Hort.
Globus 1995
Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1976 Barabits E. in Sopron Forest W-HUN
Found as a witch’s broom with globose habit.
Original plant in the Ágfalva Nurs., Sopron, HUN
a soproni erdőben talált
származó gömbforma.
az ágfalvai csemetekertben található.
Mini 1995 Mesterházy
Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1977 Barabits E. HUN
superb dwarf globe with
on the Budapest Castle Hill as a witch’s broom.
a budai várhegyről.
Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.
Pinus nigra ’Globus Mini’ conifertreasury.org photo
Golden Cream 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Golden Sunray 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Sławomir Skórka POl
needles on this Austrian pine are a golden color year-round. A new, Polish
selection, found by Artur Maj. Brent Markus text.
Pinus nigra ‘Golden Sunray’ Sławomir Skórka photo
Pinus nigra ‘Golden Sunray’ Sławomir Skórka photo
Goldfingers R. Watson 1990
Treborth Nurs., Bangor, Wales GBR
Treborth Nurs., Bangor, Wales GBR
are light green during the growing season, then gradually
gold from late August until new growth begins the following
(Stephen Grubb text)
Pinus nigra ‘Gold Fingers‘ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ‘Gold Fingers’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Grasse 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Pinus nigra ’Grasse’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Grasse’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Grasse’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Grasse’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Grasse’ Jiři Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Grasse’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Green Rocket Hort.
Pinus nigra ’Green Rocket’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Green Tower 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Zimmer GER
Piet Vergeldt Nursery, Lottum HOL
A slow-growing upright evergreen
conifer with a dense pillar-like form. Lush green needles in fascicles of two.
Provides a nice green exclamation point to the landscape. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 8' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA
zone 4. Buchholz text.
Pinus nigra ’Green Tower’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Green Tower’ conifertreasury.org photo
nigra ’Green Tower’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus nigra ‘Green Tower’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ‘Green Tower’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Green Tower’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Green Tower’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Green Tower’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Greenjoy 2010
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2005 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living in
Beysehir, TUR
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Curved upright lateral heads, strongly separated seasonal
growth /adding a storey/ and wreath of needles formed a
wristband around the axis. Lively green colour. Specialty.
Original plant /graft/ in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
ívesen magasba törő oldalvezéreken az egyes évek ágemeletei élesen
elkülönülnek, mintha a tűkoszorúk mandzsettaként vagy gallérként öveznék az
ágakat – mindezt élénkzöld színben. Különleges. A törökországi Beysehir-ből
az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ’Greenjoy’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Greenjoy’ conifertreasury.org photo
Greg Williams 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Greg Williams - "?? Most-likely one of the seedlings I grew from
Pinus nigra 'Globosa'." Greg Williams text.
Pinus nigra ’Greg Williams’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus nigra ’Greg Williams’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Grey Wolf 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 3.0
2012 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant in a public
Park in Budapest, HUN
Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN
grow, conical habit. Foliage conspiciously gray, needles slender, flexible,
tangled, bloomy, near silverly /!/, maybe
növekedésű, kúpos koronájú. Lombozata kifejezetten szürke, tűi vékonyak,
hajlékonyak, kuszák, hamvasak, majdnem ezüstösek /!/, 15 centi hosszúak. Nagy,
fehérbe hajló rügyei vannak. Tobozai 5-8 centi hosszúak, keskenyek,
halványbarnák, felnyílva oválisak, az umbók kerekdedek. Kérge szürkés barna,
feljebb vöröses barna, nagy táblákban hámlik.
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra pallasiana ’Grey Wolf’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus nigra pallasiana ’Grey Wolf’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus nigra pallasiana ’Grey Wolf’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus nigra pallasiana ’Grey Wolf’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana Grey Wolf
Grobian 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Grobian’; Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, in ca.
Schneider # 693, found on 25th October 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Grobian’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Grobian’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Groovy 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, on Dutch Ridge. JM text.
nigra ’Groovy #
Großofen 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Großofen’, GPS 685
PNAHB IX AA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Großofen, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 562, found on 31st May 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Großofen’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Großofen’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Großofen’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Großofen’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Großofen’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Großofen Hut 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Großofen Hut’, GPS 688 PNAHB XII BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Großofen, Niederösterreich, ca.
Schneider # 565, found on 31st May 2015.
Größenberg Kugel 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Größenberg Kugel’, GPS 662 PNAHB XLV A, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Größenberg, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 540, found on 16th May 2015.
Gyuszi 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2011 Matuš Bureš & Jiří Balatka SLK/CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
in HUN as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus nigra ’Gyuszi’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Haaberg 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Haaberg’; GPS 783 PNAHB XIII B, Hexenbesen, Durchmesser ca.
Schneider # 643, found on 25th July 2015.
Haabergkugel 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Haabergkugel’; GPS 804 PNAHB III A, Hexenbesen, schöne grüne Kugel, ca.
Schneider # 666, found on 26th August 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Haabergkugel’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Haabergkugel’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Haabergkugel’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Haabergkugel’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Haabergkugel’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Hádes H 20 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá placka,
Háj 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Haj’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Hängelampe 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Hängelampe’; GPS 805 PNAHB IV B, Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 667, found on 26th August 2015.
Hatchlands 1985 GBR
Windsor Great Park GBR
Häuptl 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Häuptl’, Hexenbesen, Fundort Höllental, beim 1. Wiener
Wasserleitungsweg, in ca.
Schneider # 694, found on 25th October 2015.
Hajduch 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Karel Kalous Gardens CZ
Pinus nigra ’Hajduch’ Mesterhazy & Kalous photo 2012
Hefaistos H 56 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a dense
GRE. Halda text.
husté hnízdo, pr.
Olymbos, Mytikas.
Pinus nigra ’Hefaistos # 56’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Heino Hort.
Pinus nigra ’Heino’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Heino’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Heino’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Heino’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus nigra ‘Heino’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Helena Hort.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus nigra ‘Helen’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ‘Helen’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ’Helen’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Helga 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Krüssmann 1983
1965 Dr. Simon, Marktheidenfeld GER
slow-growing dwarf upright form; short, fresh-green
and contrasting white buds. (Welch & Haddow text)
A dwarf evergreen conifer with
short, bright green needles and attractive white buds. Form is globose. Found
as a witch's broom in Germany. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x
2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
Pinus nigra ’Helga’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Helga’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Helga’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Pinus nigra ’Helga’ Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus nigra ‘Helga’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ‘Helga’ Iseli Nursery USA
Helmer’s Select 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Pinus nigra Selekt (Helmers) Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Help Me 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Help Me’, GPS 632 PNAHB XX A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Stampftal, Öd,
Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 514, found on 9th May 2015.
Herakles H 16 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef J. Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule,
Herk Oesterreich 1985 IRL
J. F. Kennedy Park, Wexford IRL
Hermes H 59 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a dense
GRE. Halda text.
kompaktní kulička, pr.
Olymbos, Mytikas.
Hertie 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Hertie’, GPS 727 PNAHB XXXVIII BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 594, found on 4th June 2015.
Hexenbesen No.1. Repens 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann GER
Hexenbesen Schweiz 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann GER
Hexengabel 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Hexengabel’, GPS 665 PNAHB XLVIII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Größenberg,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 543, found on 16th May 2015.
Hirschwang 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Hirschwang’, GPS 701 PNAHB XXII A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 575, found on 2nd June 2015.
Hochgang 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Hochgang’, Hexenbesen, ca. 80 x
Schneider # 632, found on 21st July 2015.
Hochgang Aussicht 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Hochgang Aussicht’; GPS
776 PNAHB VIII B, Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 637, found on 24th July 2015.
Hochweg 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Hochweg’; GPS 846 PNAHB III AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Hochgang,
Höllental, ca. 60 x
Schneider # 694a, found on 29th October 2015.
Holata 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
2001 Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního
přírůstku nad
Höllenbesen 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Höllenbesen’, GPS 700 PNAHB XXI AA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 574, found on 1st June 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Höllenbesen’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Höllenbesen’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Höllenbesen’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Höllenhexe 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Höllenhexe’, GPS 810 PNAHB VII A, Hexenbesen, Durchmesser 40 –
Schneider # 670, found on 27th August 2015.
Höllenkugel 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Höllenkugel’; GPS 790 PNAHB XXIII A, Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 652, found on 26th July 2015.
Höllenphantom 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Höllenphantom’; GPS PNAHB IX, Hexenbesen, Qual.?, ca. 50 –
Schneider # 672, found on 27th August 2015.
Höllental 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Höllental’, GPS 674 PNAHB LVI A, + GPS 705 PNAHB XXV von oberhalb, Hexenbesen,
Fundort: Höllental, Fuß des Schneeberges, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 551, found on 17th May 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Höllental’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Höllental’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Höllental’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Höllentalgnom 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Höllentalgnom’; GPS 815 PNAHB XII A, Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 675, found on 27th August 2015.
Höllentalriese 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Höllentalriese’, GPS 809 PNAHB B, Hexenbesen; ca.
Schneider # 655, found on 26th July 2015.
Höllentalzwerg 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Höllentalzwerg’, GPS 704 PNAHB XXV A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 578, found on 2nd June 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Höllentalzwerg’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Höllentalzwerg’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Höllentalzwerg’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Höllentalzwerg’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Höllentor 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Höllentor’, GPS 774 PNAHB IV 1A, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Hochgang, Höllental, Super HB, in 8 –
Schneider # 631, found on 21st July 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Höllentor’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Höllentor’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Höllentor’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Höllentor’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Höllentor’ & ‘Nano Höllentor’
Josef Schneider photo 2015
Höllenzwerg 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Höllenzwerg’; GPS 811 PNAHB VIII A, Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 671, found on 27th August 2015.
Horizont 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Topinka Gardens CZ
Pinus nigra ’Horizont’ František Topinka photo
Hornibrookiana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Slavin 1932
in Seneca Park, Rochester as witch’s broom NY USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with short, stiff, glossy green needles. Very dense with an irregular globose form. Discovered as a witch's broom in Seneca Park, Rochester, New York. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
P. nigra hornibrookiana Slavin
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus nigra ’Hornibrookiana’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus nigra ’Hornibrookiana’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ‘Hornibrookiana’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ‘Hornibrookiana’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Hornibrookiana WB 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2003 Jan Beran & Kisenbauer CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom in Průhonice, growth rate a year over
nález Dendrologická zahrada Průhonice.
Skupina výpĕstků podle ročního
přírůstku nad
Pinus nigra ‘Hornibrookiana W.B.’
Pinus nigra ’Hornibrookiana WB’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Hornibrookiana WB’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Hornibrookiana WB’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Hornobrookiana Compacta’
Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Horstmann’s Creeper 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1983 GER
Horstmann Nurs. GER
Hrino Hort.
Pinus nigra ’Hrino’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Hubert 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
dark-green needles on this globose pine are quite long. A nice slow-growing,
heavy-textured plant with an excellent dwarf form. Growth Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 1'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus nigra ’Hubert’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Hubert’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Hulsdonk Pinus
nigra ‘Hulsdonk’
Pinus nigra ’Hulsdonk’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Ida 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Ida’, GPS 718 PNAHB XXXI A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Niederösterreich,
in ca.
Schneider # 587, found on 4th June 2015.
Iris H 18 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule,
Irmasan 2010
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2005 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living on
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
In living area shrub-like, dense, without leading stem growing
plant. Relatively short needles, lively green, bright, straight,
dense branches. Twigs thin, flexible, lively red. Scarsely
remain a Pinus nigra.
Original plant /graft/ in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Taurusz-hegység magas régiójából való és viszonylag rövid – 5-8 centis – merev,
egyenes, élénkzöld, fényes, sűrűn álló tűk, tömött hajtásrendszer és -
élőhelyén – bokor termet jellemzi. Vesszői viszonylag vékonyak, hajlékonyak,
élénkvörösek. Szinte semmi nem emlékeztet rá, hogy feketefenyővel állunk
az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN
Irmi 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Irmi’, GPS 722 PNAHB XXXIII AAA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
in ca.
Schneider # 589, found on 4th June 2015.
Isaszeg 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
1980 Kiss Balázs found in Isaszeg HUN of seed
1984 Kiss Balázs Nursery, Pilismarót HUN
A slow growing seedling dwarf with a dense habit, looks
like a mushroom. Grows very slowly.
The original plant is living in Isaszeg around the Roman
Catholic church, her grafts got the name. Some of them are
living in the Kiss Balázs Collection, Dömös, HUN. Zone 4-5.
isaszegi római katolikus templom elé lett ültetve ez a feketefenyő (Pinus nigra),
valószínű magcsemeteként. Tömör, lassú növekedésű, gomba formájú tünemény.
Utódai Dömösön találhatóak Kiss Balázs birtokán.
Pinus nigra ’Isaszeg’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Isaszeg’ conifertreasury.org photo
Jacobsen G. Haddow 1988
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Jane Kluis Pinus
x Jane Kluis (densiflora x nigra) see Pinus densiflora
Jeddeloh 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Krüssmann 1979
1955 zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Pinus nigra ’Jeddeloh’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Jeddeloh’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Jegenye 2011 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant in a Budapest
Suburban public park, HUN
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
diameter maybe
pine. Cones little, red-brown, umbo no prickly but roundish.
Bark cracked, boards peel, grey.
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Legszélesebb átmérője talán másfél méter. Lombozata sűrű, tűi 15-
/oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ’Jegenye’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Jegenye’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Jegenye’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Jegenye’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Jegenye’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ssp. salzmannii ’Jegenye’
Jiskra 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1983 K. Jiskra CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
nález, Český Kras. Vzrůst kulovitý,
barva tmavě zelená. Balatka text.
Pinus nigra ’Jiskra’ Pinus nigra ’Jiskra’
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Jiskra’ Jiří Balatka photo
Josefov 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Joska 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Vladimír Joska CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus nigra ’Joska’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Joska’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Jouda 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
Topinka Gardens CZ
Pinus nigra ’Jouda’ František Topinka photo
Jude’s Gem Jim Boyko USA
Pinus nigra ’Jude’s Gem’ report
Named after Jim’s wife. Fincham text.
Juda 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Juda’ Vanc Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Juda’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus nigra ‘Juda’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Judy’s Gem Hort. USA
Pinus nigra ‘Judy’s Gem’ Will Fletcher photo 2013
Jula 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
2009 Piotr Konieczko
Very narrow
habit, slow growth, short needles, densely deposited
on standing upright stems. Pigmentation. Konieczko text.
sosny czarnej wychodowana w naszej szkłóce, charakteryzuje się bardzo wąskim
pokrojem,wolnym wzrostem, krótkimi igłami gęsto osadzonymi na pionowo stojących
pędach. Wybarwienie... Konieczko text.
Jursa 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Biokovo CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Jursa Biokovo’ Mesterházy & Valenta photo
Pinus nigra ’Jursa’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Jursa’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ‘Jursa’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Jursa 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jursa CZ
Sláma Gardens CZ
Pinus nigra ’Jursa’ Mesterházy & Slama photo
Pinus nigra ’Jursa’ Mesterházy & Slama photo
Jutta 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Jutta’, GPS 728 PNAHB XIL A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Niederösterreich,
Schneider # 595, found on 4th June 2015.
Kadmos H 44 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule, pr.
Pinus nigra ’Kadmos # 44’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Kadmos 44’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Kalouš 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Karel Kalouš CZ
Koniferensammlung AUT
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Karaca Ball Hayrettin Karaca TUR
Karaca Arboretum TUR
Pinus nigra ’Karaca Ball’ Mesterhazy photo
Pinus nigra ’Karaca Ball’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Karaca Ball’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Karaca Ball’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Karl der Grosse 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Karl der Grosse’, GPS 773 PNAHB VII, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Hochgang, Höllental, schöne, gesunde, kompakte Kugel,
Schneider # 635, found on 22th July 2015.
Keightley Broom Stephen Grubb GBR
Pinus nigra ’Keightley Broom’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Keightley Broom’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Keightley Broom’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Keightley Broom’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Kennedyville 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Kerjser Hort.
Pinus nigra ’Kerjser’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Kerpen 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Pinus nigra ’Kerpen’ Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER
Kerper 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Pinus nigra ’Kerper’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Kerper 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Geo Pacific Plant, Dubuque, Iowa, small size, low,
motherplant dead 1991. Harper text.
Pinus nigra ‘Kerper’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus nigra ‘Kerper’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Kienberg 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kienberg’, GPS 646 PNAHB XXXIII BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Zweierwald, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 528, found on 13th May 2015.
Killoran Hort.
Kisuoni Pinus
nigra ‘Kisuoni’
Turm Pinus
nigra ‘Kleiner Turm’
Kleio H 23 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule,
Knox 80 Variegated 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found on I-80/338 Junction, Knox, Pennsylvania, gold
variegated. Stupka text.
Bright gold color on this handsome pine will burn in full sun, especially when young. Some portions are partially green while others are solid gold. Introduced by Jerry Morris. Growth Rate: 4-8". Brent Markus text.
Koala 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Koala’, GPS 664 PNAHB XLVII A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Größenberg,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 542, found on 16th May 2015.
Kobald 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kobald’, GPS 703 PNAHB XXIV B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 577, found on 2nd June 2015.
Koekelare Herbignat 1953 FRA
Kohout 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus nigra ’Kohout’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Kolo Špaček 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
František Špaček CZ
Špaček Gardens CZ
Pinus nigra ’Kolo Špaček’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus nigra ’Kolo Špaček’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Komet Hort.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
columnar dwarf form of Austrian Pine. Leaves lime green, plant growing 2-
Pinus nigra ’Komet’ Mesterhazy & Krejci photo
Pinus nigra ’Komet’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ‘Komet’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ‘Komet’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Komodor 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2011 Matuš Bureš & Jiří Balatka SLK/CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
in HUN as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus nigra ’Komodor’ Mesterházy & Balatka photo
Korzika Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Kosimo 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kosimo’; GPS 814 PNAHB XI A, Hexenbesen, Durchmesser und Höhe
Schneider # 674, found on 27th August 2015.
Kosmas 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kosmas’; GPS 813 PNAHB X B, Hexenbesen, Durchmesser ca.
Schneider # 673, found on 27th August 2015.
Kosta 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kosta’, Hexenbesen, Durchmesser ca.
Schneider # 640, found on 25th July 2015.
Kostas 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kostas’; GPS 791 PNAHB XXV, Hexenbesen, nicht beurteilbar,
schlechte Sicht durch Fagus, ca.
Schneider # 654, found on 26th July 2015.
Kostja 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kostja’, GPS 802 PNAHB I B, Hexenbesen, ca. 60 x 80, max.
Schneider # 664, found on 26th August 2015.
Krejčí 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Koniferensammlung AUT
Kreuzbach 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Kriepitz 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Kohout GER
Koniferensammlung AUT
Krishna 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Krishna’; GPS 803 PNAHB II B, Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 665, found on 26th August 2015.
Kristata 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Krister 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Krister’; GPS 788 PNAHB XX BB, Hexenbesen, ca. 1,2 x
Schneider # 650, found on 26th July 2015.
Kristian 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kristian’; GPS 787 PNAHB XIX B, Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 649, found on 26th July 2015.
Kristo 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kristo’; GPS 786 PNAHB XVIII B, Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 648, found on 26th July 2015.
Kristof 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kristof’; GPS 785 PNAHB XVII B, Hexenbesen, Durchmesser ca.
Schneider # 647, found on 26th July 2015.
Kristoffer 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kristoffer’; GPS 789 PNAHB XXII, Hexenbesen; Durchmesser ca.
Schneider # 651, found on 26th July 2015.
Kroc 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1999 Kroc CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
vzrůst široce kuželovitý, barva výrazně
jehlice tuhá.
nigra ’Kroc’ Jiří Balatka photo
nigra ’Kroc’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Kroc WB Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Kronos 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kronos’; GPS 783 PNAHB XIII B, Hexenbesen, in ca.
Schneider # 644, found on 25th July 2015.
Kumi 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kumi’; GPS 781 PNAHB XII, Hexenbesen, ca. 60 Grad, aufwärts, Fundort:
Haaberg, Reichenau, Richtung Feuchterberg,
Schneider # 642, found on 25th July 2015.
Kuna 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
2014 Martin Novák CZ in CRO
Martin Novák Collection, Evidence 2014
Found as a broom in Croatia CRO, growth rate 3-
Čarověník, místo nálezu poloostrov Pelješac,
Chorvatsko. Pojmenován podle Chorvatské obce ‘Kuna’. Nalezen na základním druhu Pinus
nigra.Velikost při nálezu,
Pinus nigra ’Kuna’ Martin Novák photo 2014
Pinus nigra ’Kuna’ Martin Novák photo 2014
nigra ‘Kuna’
Kunibald 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kunibald’; GPS 780 PNAHB XI BB, Hexenbesen, ca, 2,5 x
Schneider # 641, found on 25th July 2015.
Kunibert 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kunibert’; GPS 779 PNAHB X B, Hexenbesen, Durchmesser ca.
Schneider # 639, found on 25th July 2015.
Kuno 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kuno’; GPS 777 PNAHB IX B, Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 638, found on 24th July 2015.
Kurt 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kurt’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Hochgang, Höllental, Riesen
Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 630, found on 21st July 2015.
Kuzih 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kuzih’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Hochgang, Höllental, ca.
Schneider # 629, found on 21st July 2015.
Kyrill 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Kyrill’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Hochgang, Höllental, ca.
Schneider # 628, found on 21st July 2015.
Laura 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Lesisko 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
nigra Lesisko HB (Tomszak)
Lhota Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Liberec 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Pinus nigra ’Liberec’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Litoměřice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
2007 Jan
Beran CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Loužil 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
František Špaček CZ
Špaček Gardens CZ
Pinus nigra ’Louzil’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus nigra ’Louzil’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus nigra ’Louzil’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ‘Loužil’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Lovely 2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of Antalya
Memorial Park of XVII. Worldcongress of Forestry 1997
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
heads. Foliage deep green. In all years 2-3 growth, the needles of
last only partially or not at all developes./Like a Pinus nigra
’Würstl’/ On peak several naked axises finish the year. The
brown, like a snakeskin. Whitish, conspicuous legumes of
bundles. Also conspicuous that cones erect, not hangs.
Original plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
méteres, szabályos kúpos koronájú fa, sudárral és oldalvezérekkel. Lombja
sötétzöld, tűi 8-10 centisek. Minden évben két-három növekménye van, az utolsón
csak részben vagy egyáltalán nem fejlődnek ki a tűk /hasonlóan, mint a P. nigra
’Würstl’-ön/. A csúcson néhány teljesen kopasz hajtással zárja az évet. A tűk
8-10 centisek, merevek, laposak, egyenesek. A hajtástengelyeken a kéreg
halványbarna, kígyóbőr mintázatú. Feltűnőek a fehéres tűnyaláb hüvelyek, és az,
hogy a tobozok nem lógnak, hanem felfelé állók. Anyatő /oltvány/ Arizonica
Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ’Lovely’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Pinus nigra ’Lovely’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Pinus nigra ’Lovely’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Pinus nigra ’Lovely’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Lucia 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ WB from Kremnica/Körmöcbánya SLK
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Lucie’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Lucia’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Lucja 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Hort. POL
Lusia WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus nigra ’Lusia WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
Magda Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Magda’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Magnifica 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Schwerin 1920
in City Park of Brunswick GER
Maja 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Artur Maj POL
narrow pine has a fairly slow growth rate and beautiful, dark-green foliage. It
forms a dense, dwarf pillar with age, making a remarkable landscape specimen. A
new selection from Artur Maj of Poland. Growth Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 3.5'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus nigra ‘Maja’ Artur Maj photo
Pinus nigra ‘Maja’ Artur Maj photo
Majela 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Mandling 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Mandling’; GPS 610 PNAHB I AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Mandling
bei Pernitz, Niederösterreich, ca. 40 x
Schneider # 492, found on 7th May 2015.
Mandling Hexe 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Mandling Hexe’, GPS 640 PNAHB XXVIII A, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Vordere Mandling, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 522, found on 10th May 2015.
Mandling Schirm 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Mandling Schirm’, GPS 618 PNAHB IX BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Vordere Mandling, Öd, Niederösterreich in ca.
Schneider # 500, found on 8th May 2015.
Mandling Superkugel’ 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Mandling Superkugel’, GPS 626 PNAHB XVI AAA, Hexenbesen,
Fundort: Vordere Mandling, Öd, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 508, found on 9th May 2015.
Marbergkugel 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Marie Bregeon Henri Bregeon SWI
After a huge success with BREPO®
variety, a breeder of pines from Switzerland Henri Bregeon comes up with
another dwarf pine variety, this time called Marie Bregeon. It is a result of
a controlled crossbreeding of pinus nigra and pinus densiflora, both of which
were H.Bregeon’s own selections. Surprisingly the new plant was kept with the
species name nigra irrespective of cross-breeding. It was patented in the USA
under PP13,870 in 2001. Marie
Bregeon is an elegant, dwarf pine
with long, soft green needles that are evergreen, somewhat spiraled, and
replaced with new ones only after 3-4 years which is twice as long time
compared to BREPO® variety. Its natural shape is rounded without any need for
trimming. The plant grows dense and compact, and makes only about 5-
Pinus nigra ’Marie Bregeon’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Marie Bregeon’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Marie Bregeon’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Maritima Pinus nigra ’Maritima’
Pinus nigra ‘Maritima’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ‘Maritima’ Plantsphotos.net
Sparkler 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
nigra ’Mark’s Sparkler’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus nigra ’Mark’s Sparkler’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Variegated 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
/Mark’s Sparkler/
Maroko Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Marquise 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Marsyas H 36 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule, pr.
Pinus nigra ’Marsyas 36’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Matěj 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 František Topinka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
Mea H 54 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
hustá kulička, pr.
Agios Dionysos.
Medúza H 24 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule,
Pinus nigra ’Medusa # 24’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Medusa # 24’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Merlier Clement
Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
n. ssp. austriaca ‘Merlier’
Meylan 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1983 GER
Horstmann Nurs. GER
Milený 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Pinus nigra ’Mileny’ Mesterházy & Valenta photo
Mini Zebra 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Minimini 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Minimini’, GPS 687 PNAHB XI AAA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Großofen, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 564, found on 31st May 2015.
Minoas H 49 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
husté hnízdo, pr.
Agios Dionysos.
Mittagstein 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘MITTAGSTEIN’, GPS 708 PNAHB XXVI, Fundort: Weg zum
Mittagstein, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 580, found on 3rd June 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Mittagstein’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Mittagstein’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Mittagstein’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Mittagstein’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Moires H 52 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of
Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
velmi hustá koule, pr.
Agios Dionysos.
Molett 1995
Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1972 Barabits E. HUN
Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute 1993
Pinus nigra ‘Molett’ Pinus nigra ‘Molette’
1990 Flora Nova Exhibition
Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN
A broad column seedling, winning Gold Prize of
Nova Flora 1990.
Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum
Sopron, HUN
szelektált széles oszlop alakú feketefenyő magonc.
Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.
Pinus nigra ’Molett’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Molett’ Courtesy by Lukács László
Pinus nigra ’Molett’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Molett’ conifertreasury.org photo
Monspeliensis 1986 USA
Monstrosa Carr. 1867
bef. 1867 1868 Seneclause Nurs. Bourg-Argental FRA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Weeping saguaro cactus-like monster. Large and dramatic.
Tree that demands attention. Rich Eyre text.
P. laricio monstrosa Carr.
Mont Moulin 2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
1971 Günther Eschrich GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom in SWI.
gefunden in der Schweiz.
Moran 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Moran’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Moran’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Moran’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Moran’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus nigra ’Moráň’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Moravský Jižní Kříž 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Kostelniček CZ
Miroslav Kostelníček Gardens CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
A dense, globose pine with dark-green foliage. Found as a witch's broom by P. Kostelníček in a part of the forest where he crossed another path. Growth Rate: 1.5-2". Brent Markus text.
Pinus nigra ’Moravsky Jizni Kriz’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Moravsky Jizni Kriz’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ‘Moravsky Jizni Kriz’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Mories # 52 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2002 Jan Beran CZ
Balatka Index 2013
Pinus nigra ’Mories # 52’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Morknio 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Morris WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2006 Dax Herbst in ACS database
Rich Eyre & Jerry Morris wild found in the Mts.
of Colorado USA as a WB
The Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection CO USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus nigra ’Morris’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Moseri Moser 1900
Moser Nurs., Versailles FRA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
form turning yellowish in winter. The yellow is best
Pinus nigra is used as understock. ACS text.
in summer, bright gold in winter. Globose when young, pyramidal with age. Has a
fantastic second push of needles contrasting larger hardened needles. This was
previously listed as Pinus sylvestris ‘Moseri’ but we have since identified it
as Pinus nigra ‘Moseri’. Markus text.
Pinus nigra ‘Moseri’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Moseri’ Will Fletcher USA photo
P. laricio var. moseri Moser
Mosovce Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Moulin Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Duci 2010 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN
2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN
2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN
Slow growing dark green broad column, with some stomack
növésű hasas oszlop alakú feketefenyő
Pinus nigra ’MPH Duci’ & ’MPH Vastag’
conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Duci’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Duci’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Duci’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Duci’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Duci’ Mesterházy photo 2015
MPH Enese Gömböc 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2
2011 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN
2012 Mesterházy Pinetum, Erdőtarcsa HUN
Globose giant dwarf, needles green, buds white, small cones.
among many other conifer seedlings.
óriástörpe, tűi zöldek, rügyei fehérek, tobozai kicsik. 20 évesen
Pinus nigra ’MPH Enese Gömböc’ Mesterházy Pinetum HUN
Pinus nigra ’MPH Enese Gömböc’ Mesterházy Pinetum HUN
Pinus nigra ’MPH Enese Gömböc’ Mesterházy Pinetum HUN
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Enese Gömböc’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Enese Gömböc’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Enese Gömböc’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Szellős 2010 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2009 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN
1987 Mesterházy Pinetum, Erdőtarcsa HUN
2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN
A dwarf clone from the Czech Republik to Barabits, who gave
it to Mesterházy in 1987. Has practically no side branchlets,
seems like a candelaber on the streets.
látványt nyújt e növény, melyet Barabits Elemér Csehországból kapott, de
továbbadta Mesterházy Zsoltnak. Alig vannak oldalhajtásai, emiatt bizarr,
karóféle kinézetű.
Pinus nigra ’MPH Szellős’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Szellõs’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Szellõs’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Szellõs’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Vastag 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2009 Mesterházy Zsolt in the cemetery of Pécs HUN
2010 Mesterházy Pinetum HUN
2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery Gödöllő, HUN
Grows higher and tighter, like his sister ’Duci’
nyulánk és karcsúbb testvére
Pinus nigra ’MPH Duci’ & ’MPH Vastag’
conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Vastag’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Vastag’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Vastag’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Vastag’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Vastag’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Vastag’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Vastag’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Vastag’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘MPH Vastag’ Mesterházy photo 2015
MŠ Plzeň 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2013 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jiří Michálek CZ
Found as a 60x60 cm broom in Pilsen,
growth rate
nálezu, mateřská školka,
Pinus nigra ‘MŠ Plzeň’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Mühlsteinweg 2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0
2014 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
# 250, found on 27th April 2014.
nigra austriaca „Mühlsteinweg“ GPS 303 PNA HB, Fundort: Nähe Miesenbach, NÖ.,
HB in ca. 8m Höhe, soweit von unten Erkennbar, nur mehr ein Teil grün, wegen
Mistelbefall, sehr dicht, ca. 70 x
Pinus nigra ’Mühlsteinweg’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Pinus nigra ‘Mühlsteinweg’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Mühlsteinweg’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Mühlsteinweg’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Mühlsteinweg’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Muthmannsdorf 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Na Horkách 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Špaček CZ
Špaček Gardens CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Na Horkach’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus nigra ’Na Horkach’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus nigra ’Na Horkach’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Na Horkach’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Na horkach’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus nigra ’Na horkach’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Na Horkach’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Na Horkach’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Nana Carr. 1855 /Cebennensis Nana/
Pinus nigra ´Nana´ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ’Nana’ Jiří Balatka photo
Nana Hornibrook 1939
H. J. Grootendorst in Wageningen HOL
Nana Krüssmann 1979 /Schovenhorst/
Pinus nigra ’Nana’ Jiří Balatka photo
Nana 1982 HOL /Strypenmonde/
Nana Compacta Scholz Hort.
Pinus nigra ‘Nana Compacta Scholz’
Pinus nigra ’Nana Compacta Scholz’ Jiří Balatka photo
Nana Globosa Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Nana Kalous /Kalous/
Koniferensammlung AUT
Type Suisse Clement
Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
n. ssp. austriaca ‘Nana Type Suisse’
Nana Würstle 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1990 GER /Würstle/
Nano 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 3.0
2012 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant in a public
park in Budapest, HUN
Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN
growth, conical crown. Light grayish-green foliage, relative thin, curved,rigid
and long needles, branchlets slender. Cones very little, before ripening just
növekedésű, kúpos koronát nevel. Lombja szürkés zöld, tűi viszonylag vékonyak,
csavarodottak, merevek és hosszúak, 12-15 centisek. Tobozai beérés előtt csak
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ’Nano’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus nigra ’Nano’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus nigra ’Nano’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana Nano
Nano Höllentor 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Nano Höllentor’, Hexenbesen, 1AA, Zuwachs max.
Schneider # 695, found on 29th October 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Höllentor’ & ‘Nano Höllentor’
Josef Schneider photo 2015
Natalia 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Krzysztof Wolski
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
NDR Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Nicolas 2011 Mesterházy & Anthoine in Conifer Treasury of Belgium 1.0
1986 Clément Anthoine BEL
Anthoine Pinetum, Jamioulx BEL
Medium size tree, habit of Pinus nigra, with new growth
pale yellow for some weeks.
Named for Clément’s son Nicolas. Anthoine text.
Pinus nigra ’Nicolas’ Clément Anthoine BEL
Pinus nigra ‘Nicolas’ Clément Anthoine photo
Niobé H 17 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef J. Halda CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule,
No.11 Halda 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Josef J. Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’# 11’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’# 11’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’# 11’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Nowak 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Obelisk 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Pinus nigra ’Obelisk’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus nigra ’Obelisk’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Oberschmidt Clement Anthoine,
Jamioulx BEL
P. n. ssp. austriaca ‘Oberschmidt’
O’Connor Hort.
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Semi-dwarf Austrian pine with traditional habit. Rich Eyre text.
Ofenmops 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Ofenmops’, GPS 693 PNAHB XV AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Großofen, Niederösterreich, Durchmesser und Höhe ca.
Schneider # 568, found on 31st May 2015.
Ofennest 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Ofennest’, GPS 686 PNAHB X A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Großofen, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 563, found on 31st May 2015.
Ola 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Jan Redyk
Pinus nigra ’Ola’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Ola’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Ola’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Ola’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Ola’ Dariusz Burdan photo
Pinus nigra ’Ola’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Ola’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Ola’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Ola’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ‘Ola’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Olešná 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus nigra ’Olesna’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Olesna’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Olympia 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
1996 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Oma 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Koniferensammlung AUT
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
In loving dedication to Rich's Grandmother. A broom with a weeping form. Rich Eyre text.
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a compact flattened-globe form. Long green needles in fascicles of two. Ornamental white buds add winter interest. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
I. Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Opa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus nigra ’Opa’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Opa’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Opa’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Opočno 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Opocno’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Opossum 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Opossum’, GPS 698 PNAHB XX AA, Hexenbesen, Fundort Höllental, Niederösterreich,
Schneider # 573, found on 1st June 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Opossum’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Opossum’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Opossum’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Opossum’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Oregon Cream 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Oregon Green 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Van Meter Nursery OR USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
selected form of Austrian Pine. Plant has very stiff and numerous needles that
are of dark green color. Plant grows about
Pinus nigra ’Oregon Green’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Oregon Green’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Oregon Green’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Oregon Green’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Oregon Green’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus nigra ‘Oregon Green’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Oregon Jade 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
A slow-growing evergreen conifer
with a broad pyramidal form. Rich green needles are especially attractive in
winter. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 4' wide in 10 years.
Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
Pinus nigra ’Oregon Jade’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Ores H 51 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule, pr.
Agios Dionysos.
Pinus nigra ’Ores 51’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Oriesok Hort. CZ
Koniferensammlung AUT
compact, globe-shaped pine was found as a witch's broom. Looks suspiciously
similar to Pinus sylvestris. Name means "little nut" in Czech, giving
nod to the small immature cones that appear at the branch tips. Growth
Rate: 1-3" HxW@10yrs: 2'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus nigra ’Oriesok’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Oriesok’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus nigra ‘Oriesok’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Oriesok’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Othmar 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Othmar’, GPS 723 PNAHB XXXIV B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 590, found on 4th June 2015.
Oval 2014 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 4.0
2013 Hódi Tóth József, HUN from sport of a plant in Korkuteli,
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Broader than tall /4 m and 3 m/, low trunk, robust boughs and trunk. Flat, wire-like, grayish green foliage, red-brown branchlets, leader short but side branchlets always longer than inner: curved will be wider and scarsely will be taller. Cones large, with very dull scales.
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Szélesebb, mint amilyen magas /
Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ‘Oval’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Oval’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Oval’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Oval’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Oval’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Oval’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Oval’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Oval’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Oval’ Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013
Pinus nigra ’Oval’
Öd Gnom 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus nigra austriaca
‘Öd Gnom’, GPS 622 PNAHB XIV A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Stampftal, Öd, Niederösterreich,
in ca.
Schneider # 505, found on 9th May 2015.
Öd Kugel 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Öd Kugel’, GPS 612 PNAHB III 1A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Öd, Niederösterreich,
kugelig, Durchmesser ca.
Schneider # 494, found on 8th May 2015.
Öd Troll 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Öd Troll’, GPS 629 PNAHB XVIII AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Stampftal, Öd, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 511, found on 9th May 2015.
Pagoda 2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of Antalya
Memorial Park of XVII. Worldcongress of Forestry 1997
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Likely origin Tavsanli forest, with many erect exemplars of the
with foliage in many floors, needles 10-
straigth, deep green. Breadth of plant almost on whole heigth
alike, only near peak narower. Like a Cephalotaxus
harringtoniana ’Fastigiata’ with longer, lighter green needles.
Original plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
a Tavsanli városa melletti , karcsú, felálló példányokból álló erdő
Pinus nigra ’Pagoda’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Paka 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus nigra austriaca ‘Paka’,
GPS 642 PNAHB XXIX B?, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Stampftal, Öd, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 524, found on 11th May 2015.
Palila 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Palila’, GPS 655 PNAHB XL AB; Hexenbesen, Fundort: Piestinger
Wald, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 535, found on 14th May 2015.
Pallasiana Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Pancha 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Pancha’; GPS 656 PNAHB XLI BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Piestinger
Wald, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 536, found on 14th May 2015.
Pandora 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Pandora’, GPS 671 PNAHB LII AA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Fuß des Schneeberges, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 550, found on 17th May 2015.
Panja 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Panja’, GPS 658 PNAHB XLII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Piestinger
Wald, Niederösterreich, in 12m Höhe, ca. 80 x
Schneider # 537, found on 15th May 2015.
Paola 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Paola’, GPS 663 PNAHB XLVI BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Größenberg,
Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 541, found on 16th May 2015.
Pat 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Pat’, GPS 661 PNAHB XLIV, BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Größenberg,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 539, found on 16th May 2015.
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-4". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pavia 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Pavia’, GPS 645 PNAHB XXXII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Zweierwald, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 527, found on 13th May 2015.
Pegas H 25 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule,
Peggy 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Peggy’, GPS 643 PNAHB XXX BC, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Stampftal, Öd,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 525, found on 11th May 2015.
Pendula Carr. 1855 FRA
P. laricio pendula Carr.
Pendula Wolski 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
nigra Pendula (Wolski)
Pepa 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Pepa’, GPS 651 PNAHB XXXVI BC, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Piestinger
Wald, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 531, found on 14th May 2015.
Pepita 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Pepita’, GPS 675 PNAHB LVII C, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Fuß des Schneeberges, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 552, found on 17th May 2015.
Pepsch 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Pepsch’, GPS 726 PNAHB XXXVII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 593, found on 4th June 2015.
Perdita 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Perdita’, GPS 620 PNAHB XII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Stampftal,
Öd, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 503, found on 9th May 2015.
Perdita 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Perdita’, GPS 652 PNAHB XXXVII, B, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Piestinger Wald, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 532, found on 14th May 2015.
Peri 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Peri’, GPS 623 PNAHB XV AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Stampftal, Öd,
Niederösterreich in ca.
Schneider # 506, found on 9th May 2015.
Pernštejn 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Koniferensammlung AUT
Peronella 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Peronella’, GPS 637 PNAHB XXV BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Vordere
Mandling, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 519, found on 10th May 2015.
Perry 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Perry’, GPS 654 PNAHB XXXIX AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Piestinger Wald, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 534, found on 14th May 2015.
Persefona H 21 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule,
Pinus nigra ’Persefona # 21’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Persefona # 21’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Petia 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Petia’, GPS 653 PNAHB XXXVIII AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Piestinger Wald, Niederösterreich, in 4m Höhe, ca. 30 x
Schneider # 533, found on 14th May 2015.
Petra 2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
1977 Günther Eschrich GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom in GER, 110x90 cm.
Hexenbesen, gefunden in Deutschland,
110x90 cm.
Pinus nigra ’Petra’ Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Petra’ Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Petra 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Petra’, GPS 628 PNAHB XVII AB?, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Stampftal, Öd, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 510, found on 9th May 2015.
Petra 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Petra’; GPS 633 PNAHB XXI A, Hexembesen, Fundort: zwischen Öd
und Waldegg, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 515, found on 10th May 2015.
Petrina 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Petrina’, GPS 636PNAHB XXIV BC, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Vordere
Mandling, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 518, found on 10th May 2015.
Petronelle 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Petronelle’, GPS 634 PNA XXII HB B, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
zwischen Öd und Waldegg, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 516, found on 10th May 2015.
Petronia 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Petronia’, GPS 631 PNAHB XIX BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Stampftal, Öd, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 513, found on 9th May 2015.
Petula 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Petula’, GPS 667 PNAHB L BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Größenberg, Niederösterreich,
in ca.
Schneider # 545, found on 16th May 2015.
Phoebe 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Phoebe’, GPS 668 PNAHB LI BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Größenberg,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 546, found on 16th May 2015.
Phyllis 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Phyllis’, GPS 617 PNAHB VIII BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Vordere
Mandling, Öd, Niederösterreich in ca.
Schneider # 499, found on 8th May 2015.
Pichounet Henri Bregeon SWI
Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
A miniature Austrian Pine. The smallest variety of Austrian Pine
ever seen. Stanley text.
Pinus nigra ’Pichounet’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Pichounet’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus nigra ’Pichounet’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Pichounet’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Pinus nigra ’Pichounet’ BEL Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ‘Pitchounet’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ’Pichounet’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
nigra ‘Pichounet’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ‘Pichounet’ Larry Stanley USA photo
n. ssp. austriaca ‘Pichounet’
Piera 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Piera’, GPS PNAHB X B?, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Vordere Mandling,
Öd, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 501, found on 8th May 2015.
Pierrick Bregeon H. J. van de Laar 1992
H. Bregeon, Renens SWI
Brepo® is a very decorative dwarf variety
of Austrian pine tree (witches broom). It comes from Switzerland, hence
its original French name Pierrick Brégeon, which was shortened to Brepo® - a
much easier version to remember. Brepo® has bright green, long needles just
like its parent pinus nigra (=austriaca) and a symmetrical rounded crown which
needs no trimming whatsoever. It grows very slowly. Ideal as a specimen plant
or mixed with other dwarfs. Havlis.cz text.
Pinus nigra ‘Pierrick Bregeon’
H. Bregeon, Renens SWI
Piesting 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Piesting’, GPS 649 XXXIV A?, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Piestinger
Wald, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 529, found on 14th May 2015.
Piesting Aussicht 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Pieting Aussicht’, GPS 659 PNAHB XLIII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Piestinger Wald, Niederösterreich,
in ca.
Schneider # 538, found on 15th May 2015.
Piesting Hexe 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Piesting Hexe’, GPS 650 PNAHB XXXV A, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Piestinger Wald, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 530, found on 14th May 2015.
Pikka 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Pikka’, GPS 611 PNAHB II AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Öd, Niederösterreich
Durchmesser ca.
Schneider # 493, found on 8th May 2015.
Pilenz Hort.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinc 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
nigra ’Pinc’ Mesterházy & Malík
nigra ’Pinc’ Mesterházy & Malík
nigra ’Pinc’ Mesterházy & Malík
nigra ’Pinc’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Pinc’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ‘Pinc’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ’Pinc’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus nigra ‘Pinc’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinea 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury
of Hungary 1.0
Szirti Csaba HUN
Füvészkert Budapest
Pinus nigra ’Pinea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Pinea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinehurst 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Broom discovered at Pinehurst golf course in Denver.
Cassell text.
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
2004 Denver Botanical Garden CO USA
as a broom, tiny, just starting. JM text.
Pinus nigra ’Pinehurst’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus nigra ’Pinehurst’ Nate Cassell CO USA
nigra ’Pinehurst #
Pinga 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Pinga’, GPS 619 PNAHB XI AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Stampftal, Öd,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 502, found on 9th May 2015.
Pinnacle 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL
nigra var. pyramidata ‘Pinnacle’
2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL
A specially
selected narrow form of Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana var. pyramidata
- Crimean Pine. Native of Turkey. Seeds of species taken from uniform
stands in 1955 and introduced into cultivation from West Germany. Similar to
Cupressus sempervirens in shape. Well worth planting for vertical accent in any
garden. Windy hardy, narrow, an excellent vertical accent tree.
Pipouniou Henri
Bregeon SWI
Pinus nigra ’Pipouniou’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Pipouniou’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Pipouniou’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Pipouniou’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Pinus nigra ’Pipouniou’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Pipouniou’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus nigra x densiflora ‘Pipouniou’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘Pipouniou’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ’Pipouniou’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus nigra ’Pipouniou’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus nigra ’Pipouniou’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pirin 1 Hort.
Pinus nigra ’Pirin’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Pinus nigra ’Pirin 1’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pirkko 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Pirkko’, GPS 613 PNAHB IV B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Öd, Niederösterreich
in ca.
Schneider # 495, found on 8th May 2015.
Piro 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Piro’, GPS 614 PNAHB V AB,
Hexenbesen, Fundort: Öd, Niederösterreich in ca.
Schneider # 496, found on 8th May 2015.
Plzeň 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
nigra ’Plzen’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pondenigra 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2006 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living in a
garden, Budakeszi, HUN
Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN
Broad, flated conical habit, trunk massive, bark grey, deep
framed. Needles mat deep green, slighty curved, stout, much
long likely a Pinus ponderosa /20-30 cm/. Buds big, stubby,
resinous. Drought tolerant and hardy, great ecological- and
plant /graft/ in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
hossza (20-
az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana ’Pondenigra’
Pinus nigra ’Pondenigra’ conifertreasury.org photo
Powsin Hort.
Prabuty 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pragense Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus nigra ’Pragense’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pragensis 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Navratil CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
dwarf variety of Austrian Pine. Nice symetric globose dwarf. Leaves bright
green. Plant grows
Pinus nigra ‘Pragensis’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ’Pragensis’ Jiří Balatka photo
Prickly 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2005 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living in
Beysehir, TUR
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Rigid, short, lively green, straight needles, likely a green
stings. Saesonal sprouts short, stiff, massive. Foliage dense,
bizarre. Slow growing.
plant /graft/ in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN Merev, rövid,
élénkzöld tűk, melyek egyenesek, mintha zöld tüskék meredeznének a tér minden
irányába. Az éves hajtások rövidek, merevek, vaskosak. Ettől a lombozat tömött
összhatású, bizarr. Beysehir-ből való.
az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ’Prickly’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Prickly’ conifertreasury.org photo
Prime Time 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in West High School, Iowa City, Iowa, medium size, low,
broken off 1997. Harper text.
Pinus nigra ‘Prime Time’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus nigra ‘Prime Time’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus nigra ‘Prime Time’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Prisca 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Prisca’, GPS 638, 640 PNAHB XXVI, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Vordere
Mandling, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 520, found on 10th May 2015.
Professor Provo
Jerry Morris selection from a tree growing on the BYU campus in Provo, tree has a excellent compact pyramidal form and thick dark green needles, grows at half the rate of a normal Austrian Pine. Growth rate: 6”-8”/year. Fieseler text.
Prostrata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Beissn. GER
P.laricio var. prostrata Beissn. 1903
Pinus nigra ’Prostrata’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pstra Hort.
Pinus nigra ‘Pstra’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pumila Hort.
Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT
Pinus nigra ’Pumila’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pumila Aurea 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Beissn. GER
P. laricio f. pumila aurea Beissn. 1891
Pygmaea /Carr./Rehd. 1855
dwarf variety of Austrian Pine. Needles smaller than species but same color.
Stems grow about
Pygmaea 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Beissn. 1891 GER
Pygmaea Hornibrook 1923 /Moseri/
Pyramidalis 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Slavin 1932
Durand-Eastman Park NY USA
Pinus nigra ‘Pyramidalis’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pyramidale Esveld
Nurs. Boskoop HOL
Pyramidata Carr. 1855 FRA
Pinus nigra ’Pyramidata’ FRA Jiří Balatka photo
Pyramis 1995
Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1972 Barabits E. HUN
Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN
A pyramid-like clone with short, dark needles,
resistent of snow.
Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum
Sopron, HUN
szelektált rövid, egyenes, sötétzöld tűjű, piramis
igen gyorsan növő változat, amelyet nem
a hónyomás.
Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.
Pinus nigra ’Pyramis’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Pyramis’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Pyramis’ conifertreasury.org photo
/Columnaris/ /Pyramidata/
Pýthie H 19 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
velmi hustá koule,
Quellberg Clement
Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
Pinus nigra ssp. austriaca Quellberg
Rand 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Rand Park, Keokuk, Iowa, medium size and height,
partly dead. Harper text.
Pinus nigra ’Rand Broom’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus nigra ’Rand Broom’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Recko Hort.
Pinus nigra ’Recko’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Reichenau 2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0
2014 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
# 325, found on 24th August 2014.
Pinus nigra austriaca „Reichenau“, GPS 397 PNN HB.
Fundort: Reichenau / Rax, Kugel mit ca.
Reichenau 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Reichenau’; GPS 783 PNAHB XIII B, Hexenbesen, ca. 40 x
Schneider # 645, found on 25th July 2015.
Reichental 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Reichental’, GPS 615 PNAHB VI B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Vordere
Mandling, Öd, Niederösterreich in
Schneider # 497, found on 8th May 2015.
Réka 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury
of Hungary 1.0
2008 Dlusztus Miklós, Egerág HUN
Dlusztus Nursery, Egerág HUN
Dense green column or egg.
oszlop vagy tojás alakú növény. Az anyanövény Pécsett áll a temető és egy
bevásárlóközpont közt. Ugyanezt a növényt Mesterházy Zsolt is megtalálta, és
Pinus nigra ’Vastag’ néven szaporította el.
Reni Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Ricany 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus nigra ’Ricany’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Richard Hort.
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
Pinus nigra ’Richard’ (USA) Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Richard Reuter 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Coenosium Gardens OR USA
Rock River Dwarf 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Brakemeyer Farm, Morrison, Illinois, small size, very
high, motherplant dead 1990. Harper text.
Pinus nigra ‘Rock River Dwarf’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus nigra ‘Rock River Dwarf’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Rockley WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stephen Grubb GBR
needles on this upright, pyramidal dwarf pine are quite long and have a sligh
twist at the tips. This cultivar was found as a witch's broom at the Rockley
Estate by Stephen Grubb. Growth Rate:
3-5" HxW@10yrs: 4'x3'. Brent
Markus text.
Pinus nigra ‘Rockley WB’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Rodope Mountains Hort.
Rondello Tånum Planteskole, Randers DEN
Pinus nigra ’Rondello’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ‘Rondello’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ’Rondello’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Rotoben Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus nigra pallasiana
Ruslan Mishustin 328 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №1-2
Pinus nigra ’1-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 331 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №2-2
Pinus nigra ’2-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus nigra ’2-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 333 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №3-2
Pinus nigra ’3-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 335 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №4-2
Pinus nigra ’4-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 337 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №5-2
Pinus nigra ’5-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 340 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №6-2
Pinus nigra ’6-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 341 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №8-2
Pinus nigra ’8-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 342 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №9-2-2010
Проблемка в
том, что он на
метрах в 10 от ствола.
Pinus nigra ’9-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 344 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №12-2
Pinus nigra ’Ruslan Mishustin 344’
Ruslan Mishustin 345 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №13-2
Pinus nigra ’13-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 347 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №14-2
Pinus nigra ’14-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 329 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
pallasiana №16-2
Pinus nigra ’16-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus nigra ’16-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Russell 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Russell residence, Davenport, Iowa, medium size, very
low, motherplant cut off 1996. Harper text.
Sádok 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Sečanský CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Salem Gold
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Salvina 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Salvina’, GPS 716 PNAHB XXX BC, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in ca. 12m Höhe, ca. 2,5 x
Schneider # 585, found on 3rd June 2015.
Saphane 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
Karaca TUR
Füvészkert Budapest HUN
Orlóci László introduced to HUN
Pinus nigra ’Saphane’ conifertreasury.org photo
Sarpinodas H 48 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
velmi hustá koule, pr.
Agios Dionysos.
Pinus nigra ’Sarpinodas # 48’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Scheer Index Alpengarten Belvedere Wien
Schneebergbesen 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Schneebergbesen’, GPS 672 PNAHB LIII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Fuß des
Schneeberges, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 548, found on 17th May 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Schneebergbesen’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Schneebergbesen’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Schneebergbesen’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Schneeberghexe 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Schneeberghexe’, GPS 673 PNAHB LIV AA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Fuß des Schneeberges, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 549, found on 17th May 2015.
Schneebergkugel 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Schneebergkugel, GPS 671 PNAHB LII AA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Fuß des
Schneeberges, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 547, found on 17th May 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Schneebergkugel’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Schneebergkugel’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Schneebergkugel’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Scholz mensi 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1970 (?) J. Scholz CZ
Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Hostynem CZ
1994 Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Host. CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Pinus nigra ‘Scholz’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
/Fastigiata Scholz I./
Scholz vetsi 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1970 (?) J. Scholz CZ
Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Hostynem CZ
1994 Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Host. CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Pinus nigra ‘Scholz II’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
/Fastigiata Scholz II./
Schovenhorst Welch 1979
in Schovenhorst Estate, Putten HOL
Schwarzenberg 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Select Green Hort.
Shake /Dr. Shake/
Silfid 1995
Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1972 Barabits E. HUN
Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute 1993
Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN
Superb narrow column with contorted needles,
resistent of snow.
Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum
Sopron, HUN
szelektált karcsú oszlop alakú, hónyomásnak
kissé csavart tűjű változat.
Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.
Pinus nigra ’Silfid’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Silfid’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Silfid’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Silfid’ Arboretum Honemann AUT
Sinclair 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found on Sinclair Road, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, medium size and
height, long needles. Harper text.
Pinus nigra ’Sinclair’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Sinfonia 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
Józsa Miklós, Szombathely HUN
Pinus nigra ’Sinfonia’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Sinfonia’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Sinfonia’ conifertreasury.org photo
Sirin 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Sirin’, GPS 677 PNAHB II B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Niederösterreich,
in ca.
Schneider # 554, found on 30th May 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Sirin’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Sirin’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Sirin’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Skyborn R. Watson 1987
Treborth Nurs., Bangor, Wales GBR
Úštěk 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2001 Frýdek CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus nigra ‘Slatinka Úštěk’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ’Slatinka Ustek’ Jiří Balatka photo
Slenderella HOL
1991 Esveld Nurs., Boskoop HOL
Ślizów 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Pinus nigra ’Ślizów’ Pinus nigra ‘Slizow’
Pinus nigra ’Ślizów’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Smaragd Hort.
A slow-growing pine with rich, bright green foliage. A newer introduction from Europe. Growth Rate: 1-3". Brent Markus text.
Pinus nigra ’Smaragd’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Smaragd’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Smaragd’ Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Smaragd’ Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Smaragd 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Smaragd’, GPS 644 PNAHB XXXI A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Reichental,
Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 526, found on 12th May 2015.
SN 01 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer
AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 02 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
Pinus nigra ’SN 02’ Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER
SN 03 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 04 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 05 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 06 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 07 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece
SN 08 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 09 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 10 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 11 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 12 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
Pinus nigra ’SN 12’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
SN 13 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg
Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 14 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 15 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
Pinus nigra ’SN-15’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus nigra ’SN 15’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
SN 16 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 17 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 18 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
Pinus nigra ’SN 18’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’SN 18’ Clément Anthoine BEL photo
SN 19 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
SN 20 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT &
Jörg Kohout GER in Greece
Nursery GER & Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Found as a
broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE
Pinus nigra ’SN 20’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Snakeskin 2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of Antalya
Memorial Park of XVII. Worldcongress of Forestry 1997
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
meter in height, like a little fortified castle. Short, 4-
needles but in some places only 1-
long, vast number of ramifications. Roundish buds, with vertical,
brown bands. Bark of twigs like a snakeskin.
Bizarre phenomenon.
Original plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ’Snakeskin’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Pinus nigra ’Snakeskin’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Pinus nigra ’Snakeskin’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Pinus nigra ’Snakeskin’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Sofronka Hort.
Koniferensammlung AUT
Sora 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Sora’, GPS 702 PNAHB XXIII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Niederösterreich,
Schneider # 576, found on 2nd June 2015.
Spatzerl 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Spatzerl’, GPS 724 PNAHB XXXV A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 591, found on 4th June 2015.
Spielberg 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1991 Böhlje Nurs. GER
Spielberg 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Pinus nigra ‘Spielberg’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Springarn 1985 GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Stampftal Zwerg 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Stampftal Zwerg’, GPS 621 PNAHB XIII A, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Stampftal, Öd, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 504, found on 9th May 2015.
Stanley Gold Hort.
Stanze 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Stanze’, GPS 712 PNA XXVII BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 581, found on 3rd June 2015.
Star Hort.
Pinus nigra ’Star’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Star’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Stasi 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Stasi’; GPS 697 PNAHB IXX B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 571, found on 1st June 2015.
Staszek 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Pawel Petertill POL
Miroslav Malík Nursery,
České Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus nigra ’Staszek’ POL Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Staszek’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus nigra ‘Staszek’ Pawel Petertill photo
Steilrinne 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Steilrinne’, Hexenbesen, Durchmesser ca.
Schneider # 633, found on 21st July 2015.
Steilwand 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Steilwand, GPS 678 PNAHB III AA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, ca.
Schneider # 555, found on 30th May 2015.
Steilwandtroll 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Steilwandtroll’; GPS 807 PNAHB VI A, Hexenbesen, Durchmesser
Schneider # 669, found on 26th August 2015.
Steinbach 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Stella 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Stella’, GPS 715 PNAHB IXXX, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Niederösterreich,
in ca.
Schneider # 584, found on 3rd June 2015.
Stilla 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Stilla’, GPS 694 PNAHB XVI BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 569, found on 1st June 2015.
Stollhof 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Storknest 2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of Antalya
Memorial Park of XVII. Worldcongress of Forestry 1997
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
lateral heads, boughs in broad curve, last years twigs near
Needles 15-
Original plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra f. seneceriana ’Storknest’
Pinus nigra ’Storknest’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Stosija 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Stosija’, GPS 695 PNAHB XVII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 570, found on 1st June 2015.
Stripemonde Welch 1979
Stripemonde Estate HOL
Trompenburg Arboretum, Rotterdam HOL
Pinus nigra ’Stripemonde’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ‘Strypemonde’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus nigra ’Stripenmonde’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Studná 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort CZ
Karel Kalouš Gardens CZ
Pinus nigra ’Studna’ Mesterhazy & Kalous photo 2012
Suenje 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Suenje’, GPS 696 PNAHB XVIII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 572, found on 1st June 2015.
Sunfinder 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0
2012 Hódi Tóth József from sport of a plant in a public park in
Budapest, HUN
Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN
growth, very slender habit. Foliage vivide green, boughs in regular storied and
stand near horizontal. Maybe
növésű, nagyon karcsú koronájú.Lombozata élénkzöld, ágai szabályos emeletekbe
rendeződnek és közel vízszintesek. A nagyjából
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana Sunfinder
Sunhild 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Sunhild, GPS 691 PNAHB XIII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Großofen, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 566, found on 31st May 2015.
Svane 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Svane’, GPS 681 PNAHB VI B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Niederösterreich,
in ca.
Schneider # 558, found on 31st May 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Svane’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Svane’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Svane’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Swana 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Swana’, GPS 684 PNAHB VIII A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Großofen, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 561, found on 31st May 2015.
Swante 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Swante’, GPS 680 PNAHB V B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Niederösterreich,
in ca.
Schneider # 557, found on 30th May 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Swante’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Swante’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Swante’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Swante’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Swante’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Sweet Temper 2011 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant in a Budapest
suburban public park, HUN
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Broadest diamater max
Under third of crown very dense, like a thick green carpet.
Cones very little, red-brown. Bark very cracked,
boards peel, grey-red.
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
/oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ’Sweet Temper’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Sweet Temper’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Sweet Temper’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Sweet Temper’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Sweet Temper’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ssp. salzmannii ’Sweet Temper’
Swinde 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Swinde’, GPS 679 PNAHB IV B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 556, found on 30th May 2015.
Pinus nigra ‘Swinde’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Swinde’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Swinde’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Pinus nigra ‘Swinde’ Josef Schneider photo 2015
Syców 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sęktas POL
in Arboretum Syców
Pinus nigra ‘Syców’ Pinus nigra ‘Sycow’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Forms a dense, more or less conical or globose dwarf with slow growth, needles shorter than of the species. Polish cultivar, found in Syców Forest District. Known in collections, occasionally cultivated. Worthy of wider promotion. Adam Maroš text.
gęsta, mniej lub bardziej stoźkowata (początkowo kulista), wzrost powolny, igły
krótsze niź u gatunku. Polska odmiana znaleziona w Nadleśnictwie Syców. Znana w
kolekcjach, sporadycznie uprawiana. Warta szerszego propagowania. Adam Marosz
nigra Syców (Rudna HB) (Sęktas)
Pinus nigra ’Sycow’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Sycow’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Sycow’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Sycow’ Dariusz Burdan photo
Pinus nigra ’Sycow’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ‘Syców’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ’Syców’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Sychrov 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1995 Josef Řádek & František Borovec CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus nigra ‘Sychrov’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ’Sychrov’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Sychrov’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus nigra ‘Sychrov’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus nigra ‘Sychrov’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ‘Sychrov’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Sylvit /Silfid/
Talland Bay G. Haddow 1988
found as a witch’s broom at Talland Bay GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Talos H 47 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
as a
Olymbos, Agios Dionysos GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule, pr.
Pinus nigra
Tarasov 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2010 Evgeny Tarasov RUS in CZ
Vereshchak Gardens Moscow RUS
Pinus nigra ’Tarasov’ Evgeny Tarasov RUS in Brno CZ
Pinus nigra ’Evgeniy Tarasov 527’ Evgeniy Tarasov RUS photo
Tender Giant 2011
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living in a
public park of a Budapest suburb, HUN
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
subtropic pine. Under third of crown very dense, like a green
carpet. Cones little, red-brown. Bark very cracked,
boards peel, grey-red.
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
hosszan kinyúló
oldalvezérekkel. Tűi 15-
/oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ’Tender Giant’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Tender Giant’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Tender Giant’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Tender Giant’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Tender Giant’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Tender Giant’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ’Tender Giant’ Arizonica Arboretum HUN
Pinus nigra ssp. salzmannii ’Tender Giant’
Tenuifolia 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Tomino 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Toscana Hort.
Milan Havlis Nursery CZ
Toscana je další krásná odrůda borovice černé. Má
pevné, vzpřímené, sytě zelené jehlice v svazcích po dvou. Roste středně pomalu
do hustého, zaobleného keře. Díky své kompaktnosti a pravidelnosti najde
uplatnění i v malých zahradách. Bude vypadat efektně v letně laděných zahradách
zamulčovaná světlými oblázky nebo pískem, čímž navodí atmosféru opravdového
Toskánska a přímořských letovisek.
Tower 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2005 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living in a
public park of Beysehir, TUR
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Structure of branches likely an Abies, lateral heads curved
upright, regular floors of saesonal growth. Broad conical
habit, crown in adult also well arranged. Foliage lively green.
Original plant /graft/ in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Beysehir egyik parkjában
különös megjelenésű feketefenyők állnak. Ez a klón szinte örvös hajtásrendszert
produkál, oldalágai szabályos ágemeletekben ívesen törnek a magasba.
Összességében széles kúpot alkotnak, mint egy Abies. A korona idős korban is
áttekinthető szerkezetű marad. Lombszíne élénkzöld, nem nyomasztó, mint a hazai
példányok többsége.
az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ’Tower’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus nigra ’Tower’ conifertreasury.org photo
Tristounet 2000 Clément Anthoine BEL
Anthoine Pinetum, Jamioulx BEL
A pendulous form, slender, with a leader.
Normal needles. Still in observation.
Pinus nigra ’Tristounet’ Clément Anthoine BEL
Pinus nigra ’Tristounet’ Dennis Dodge USA photo
Tritonas H 22 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule,
Trompenburg /Stripenmonde/
TRpe 2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Taurus-hegységben találtuk ezt a derűs zöld feketefenyő klónt, amely – ott
legalább is – a talajhoz simuló, idős kora ellenére csak
Truba 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
1993 Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus nigra ’Truba’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Truba’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Tritonas H 22 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule,
Pinus nigra ’Trytonas 22’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Turkish Delight 2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of Antalya
Memorial Park of XVII. Worldcongress of Forestry 1997
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
cm long, deep green. Lateral heads parallel but scarcely view
because of a rich foliage. Leader explicit. A handsome specimen.
Original plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
méteres, nagyon erősen megnyúlt tojásdad alakkal. 15-18 centis tűi mélyzöldek,
laposak, merevek. Oldalvezérei párhuzamosan nyúlnak felfelé, de alig látszanak
ki a gazdag lombozatból. Sudara kifejezett. Nagyon tetszetős növény.
Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus nigra ’Turkish Delight’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Pinus nigra ’Turkish Delight’ Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo
Turmstein 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Turmstein’, Hexenbesen, ca.
Schneider # 646, found on 26th July 2015.
Tyró H 26 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Josef Halda CZ
as a
GRE. Halda text.
hustá koule,
Uelzen Hort.
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
slow-growing pine was found as a witch's broom. Cushion-shaped with dark-green
needles and a globose form. Growth Rate:
2-3" HxW@10yrs: 2'x2'. Brent
Markus text.
Untertasse 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Untertasse’, GPS 714 PNAHB XXVII A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental,
Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 583, found on 3rd June 2015.
Yaffle Hill Welch 1979
on Yaffle Hill, in the garden of C.Carter,
Broadstone, Dorset GBR
V Háji 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek – Kotál CZ
Pinus nigra ‘V Háji’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus nigra ‘V Háji’
Valenta 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Vladimír Valenta CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
nigra ’Valenta’ Mesterházy &
Malík photo
nigra ’Valenta’ Mesterházy &
Valenta photo
nigra ’Valenta’ Mesterházy &
Valenta photo
nigra ’Valenta’ Mesterházy &
Etzelstorfer photo
nigra ’Valenta’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
nigra ’Valenta’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Vanc Variegata 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
Pavel Vanc CZ
as a variegated seedling in Bydžovská Lhotka.
Místo nálezu,
Bydžovská Lhotka. SDL. Žlutopestrá forma, zakrslejšího
vzrůstu. Podobná k Pinus nigra ’Loužil’. Balatka text.
Pinus nigra ‘Vanc Variegata’
Variegata Laws. ex Gord. GBR
variegation on this upright, pyramidal pine contrasts perfectly with the dark
green color. A lovely larger-growing tree that has fantastic color year-round.
Can burn in full sun, so some shade is helpful! Growth Rate: 4-8" HxW@10yrs: 7.5'x3.5'. Brent Markus text.
P. austriaca variegata Laws. ex Gord. 1858
Variegata Loužil
Vašula 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Breburda CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
nigra ’Vasula’ Mesterházy &
Etzelstorfer photo
nigra ’Vasula’ Mesterházy &
Etzelstorfer photo
nigra ’Vasula’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Vasula’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus nigra ’Vasula’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Vasulka’ Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Vasula’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Vasula’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus nigra ’Vasula’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Velvary 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
nigra ’Velvary’ Mesterházy &
Malík photo
nigra ’Velvary’ Mesterházy &
Malík photo
nigra ’Velvary’ Mesterházy &
Malík photo
nigra ‘Velvary’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
nigra ’Velvary’ Miroslav Malík photo
Broom Pinus
nigra ‘Velvet Broom’
Broom 2 Pinus
nigra ‘Velvet Broom 2’
Veselý 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Vision 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Vision’, GPS 676 PNAHB I A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Höllental, Niederösterreich,
Schneider # 553, found on 30th May 2015.
Vitalkugel 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Vitalkugel’, GPS 641 PNAHB XXVIII A, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
Stampftal, Öd, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 523, found on 11th May 2015.
Voltýřov 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Krejčí CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Pinus nigra ‘Voltýřov’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ’Voltyrov’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus nigra ’Voltyrov’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ’Voltyrov’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Vordere Mandling Ball 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Vordere Mandling Ball’, GPS 616 PNAHB VII A, Hexenbesen,
Fundort: Vordere Mandling, Öd, Niederösterreich in ca.
Schneider # 498, found on 8th May 2015.
Vsenory 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Koniferensammlung AUT
Wabito 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Waldegg 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Waldegg’, GPS 635 PNAHB XXIII AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort:
zwischen Öd und Waldegg, Niederösterreich, in
Schneider # 517, found on 10th May 2015.
Walter 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
dwarf broad conical plant. Leaves stiff, green on a plant growing 2-
Pinus nigra ’Walter’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus nigra ’Walter’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus nigra ‘Walter’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Wandzwerg 2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0
2014 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
# 210, found on 19th March 2014.
nigra austriaca „Wandzwerg“, Fundort: Hohe Wand, NÖ. Höhe ca.
Pinus nigra ’Wandzwerg’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Pinus nigra ’Wandzwerg’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Wasserleitungweg 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Wasserleitungweg’; GPS 790 PNAHB XXIII A, Hexenbesen, steht
in ca.
Schneider # 653, found on 26th July 2015.
Waterloo 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found on a private residence, Waterloo, Iowa, medium size and
height, compact. Harper text.
WB Beran Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
WB 1 Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
WB 2 Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Weis Blue
Whisper 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, small, tight, good color, thick twigs, in BYU
Campus, Utah. JM text.
nigra ’Whisper #
Wilhelmshöhe 2012 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
2004 Günther Eschrich GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom in GER.
gefunden in Deutschland.
Windswept 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Wild found in Santa Fe by High Country Gardens CO USA
'Windswept' is a
shapely, somewhat irregular, windswept shaped form of Austrian pine. With its
short, light green needles, it's also a slower grower and stays smaller than is
typical for Austrian pine. Nice for smaller yards. A High Country Gardens
introduction, the original parent tree is photographed here growing in a Santa
Fe, NM residential area. High Country Gardens text. David Salman.
Pinus nigra ’Windswept’ High Country Gardens NM USA
Winzendorf 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Wog Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Würstle 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1983 GER
Würstle Nurs., Munich GER
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense, globose form. Needles are glossy green, but accompanied by shorter tufts
of light green growth in summer. Overall the effect is soft. Prefers full sun
in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA
zone 4. Buchholz text.
Edwin Smits HOL
Pinus nigra ’Wurstle’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Wurstle’ Würstle Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus nigra ’Würstle’ GER Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus nigra ‘Würstle’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus nigra ‘Würstle’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ’Würstle’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Yaffle Hill Hort.
Yellow Marble 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Zatec Hort. CZ
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Zborovska 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1981 František Špaček CZ
Špaček Gardens CZ
Pinus nigra ’Zborovska’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus nigra ’Zborovska’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Zehra Hort.
Zimmer 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
Pinus nigra ‘Zimmer’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus nigra ‘Zimmer’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Zimmer 2 Hort.
P. n. var. caramanica ‘Zimmer’
Zlatiborica Adam. ex Beissn. 1909 CRO
1909 Adamovic, Serbia SER
ZOO Liberec 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
2014 Martin Novák CZ
Martin Novák Collection, Evidence 2014
Found as a broom in
Čarověník, místo nálezu ZOO
Pinus nigra ’ZOO Liberec’ Martin Novák photo 2014
Pinus nigra ’ZOO Liberec’ Martin Novák photo 2014
nigra ‘Zoo Liberec’
Zrican 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Zwartsenberg Hort.
Zwergheim 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
nigra austriaca ‘Zwergheim’, GPS 666
PNAHB IL A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Größenberg, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 544, found on 16th May 2015.
ex Carr. 1855
Landry KeI
P. flexilis
x P. strobiformis
Caravajal KeI,WCC
J. P. Perry KeI
nubicola J. P. Perry 1987 – Gvatemálai álselyemfenyő – Guatemala false silkpine
/Martinez/Mirov Kr PM P
oaxacana /Mart./Mirov 1956 – Oahakai álselyemfenyő – Oaxaca false silkpine
P. pseudostrobus var. oaxacana /Mirov/Harrison
Debreczy & Rácz PH
Pinus oaxacana var. diversiformis
Discovered on Februar 26, 1994 south of the village of
Ixtlán de Juarez, Oaxaca State MEX,
an altitude of
február 26-án fedezték fel 2000 méteres tengerszint
magasságban Ixtlán de Juarez falutól délre,
államban, MEX.
Swartz Kr PG P
Pinus occidentalis Schwartz 1788 – Dominikai fenyő – Hispaniola pine
P. wrightii Engelm.
var. BAORUCOENSIS Silba 1985
var. CUBENSIS /Garc. & Griseb./Silba 1984
Scheide ex Schlecht. Kr P
Pinus oocarpa Scheide ex Schlecht. 1909 – Tojástobozú fenyő – Eggcone
Pinus oocarpa Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus oocarpa Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus oocarpa GW eric9b USA photo
P. oocarpoides Lindl. ex Lindl. 1842
P. skinneri Hort.
P. tecumumani Schwertfeger
var. MANZANOI Martinez
var. UCHOTERENAI Martinez
ex Lindl. 1842
Mill. Kr PG P
Pinus palustris Mill. 1786 – Mocsárfenyő – Longleaf swamp pine
Pinus palustris Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus palustris Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus palustris Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus palustris Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus palustris Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus palustris Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
Pinus palustris Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
Pinus palustris Mesterházy photo 2015
P. australis Michx. 1810
P. georgica Hort.
P. ongifolia Salisb. non Roxb.
P. palmeri Manetti
P. serotina Hort.
2013 Adam
Black FL USA
I guess I had seen it many years ago, have an old photo and it has tripled in size since I last saw it. The branching was so dense it was very difficult to get the pole pruners into it to hook a piece, all while standing on my tip toes balancing on the edge of my truck’s bed. Adam Black text.
Pinus palustris ‘Roosemoor’ Adam Black photo 2013
Pinus palustris ‘Roosemoor’ Adam Black photo 2013
Pinus palustris ‘Roosemoor’ Adam Black photo 2013
Ishii ex P.Landry KeI
PAROLINII Visiani 1856
Sieb. & Zucc. Kr PG P
Pinus parviflora Sieb. & Zucc. 1844 – Japán fehérfenyő – Japanese
white pine
P. cembra Thunb. 1784 non L.
P. cembra var. japonica Nelson
P. parvifolia Hort.
f. LAEVIS Hayashi 1964
var. FENZELIANA Wu 1956
var. HIMEKOMATSU /Miyabe & Kudo/Makino S-JPN
P. himekomatsu Miyabe & Kudo
var. PENTAPHYLLA /Mayr/Henry 1890 N-JPN
Pinus parviflora var. pentaphylla
P. pentaphylla Mayr
Remark: japanese cultivar names used, listed or originated outside JPN may in some cases incorrect. It’s needed an authentic japanese source.
Pinus parviflora ’Hagoromo’ seedlings Edwin Smits HOL photo
# 20 Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’# 20’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’# 20’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
A. A. Special No.1. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
A. J. Fordham in Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
A. A. Special No.2. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Al Fordham/
Acto-goyo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. USA
Pinus parviflora ’Acto-goyo’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Acto-goyo’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Acto goyo’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus parviflora ’Acto-goyo’ Dax Herbst IL USA
parviflora ’Acto-goyo’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Acto-goyo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Acto-goyo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Acto-goyo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Atco-goyo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Adcock’s Dwarf C. R. Lancaster 1966
G. Adcock at Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR
Pinus parviflora ‘Adcock’s Dwarf’
Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR
A dwarf form of Japanese White Pine. Small needles on short stems. Needles are green with a little twist to the congested needles. Can be flat globe or a upright conical. Came from Hilliers Nursery in England around 1966. Stanley text.
Pinus parviflora ’Adcock’s Dwarf’
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Aija 1970 GBR
Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR
Aizu /Aizu-goyo/
Aizu-goyo Valavanis 1976 JPN
dwarf upright Japanese White Pine. Leaves are small, ½ inch on very
short annual growth of
Goyo = Five-needle pine
Local provenance: Fukushima Prefecture
Aka Ishi Goyo 1976 JPN
Mt. Akashi, Shikoku Island JPN
Alba Valavanis 1976
Al Fordham 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1989 USA
A. J. Fordham in Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
Plant somewhat like Adcocks Dwarf. Same growth pattern.
Leaves slightly different in size and compression. Stanley text.
Pinus parviflora ’Al Fordham’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Al Fordham’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Al Fordham’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Ama-no-gawa Valavanis 1976 JPN
Aoba-jo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 USA
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
A blue form of Japanese White Pine. A columnar tree with shorter than species leaves. Needles are curly and bright blue. This cultivar was first written about in the US in Mitsch Nursery catalog in 1988. Stanley text.
parviflora ’Aoba jo’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Aoi Valavanis 1976 JPN
A choice, dwarf evergreen
conifer with short blue needles. Form is compact and broadly pyramidal. One of
the most attractive of all dwarf pines. Aoi means "blue" in Japanese.
Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy
to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Aoi’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Aoi’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus parviflora ’Aoi’ Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Aoi’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
parviflora ’Aoi’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
parviflora ’Aoi’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Aoi’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus parviflora ’Aoi’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Aoi’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Aoi’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Aoi’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Arakawa Valavanis 1976 JPN
A slow-growing evergreen conifer
with a pyramidal form. Soft needles are blue-green in clumps of five. Noted for
fissured bark on older specimens. Wonderful for bonsai. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 5' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA
zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Arakawa’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Arakawa’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Arakawa’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Arakawa’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Armitage 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Arnold Arboretum Dwarf 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Talon Buchholz OR USA, named for Al Fordham
slow-growing dense conifer with a broad pyramidal habit. Needles are short and
colored blue-green. Selected at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University of
Glauca Nana. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2.5' tall x 2' wide in 10
years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm)
Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora
’Arnold Arboretum Dwarf’
Talon Buchholz photo
Pinus parviflora ’Arnold Arboretum’
Variegated 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’Arnold’s Variegated’
Pinus parviflora ’Arnold’s Variegated’
Asahi Zuro 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 USA
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
Asama-goyo 1976 JPN
Nagano Prefecture
Aurea 1976 JPN /Ogon-goyo/
Azatara-nishiki Hort.
Azuma-goyo 1976 JPN
Fukushima & Yamagata Prefecture
dwarf form of Japanese White Pine. Plant has some of the bluest needles we have
seen. Plant is a real dwarf, growing about 1-
Pinus parviflora ’Azuma-goyo’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
parviflora ’Azuma’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Azuma’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Pent Azuma’ Dax Herbst photo 2015
/Pentaphylla Aizu/
Azuma-ko-fuji Valavanis 1976 JPN
B. S. Teddy /Teddy/
Baasch’s Form 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA
/Brevifolia/Valavanis 1976
Baldwin 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA
J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA
Ban-dai 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA an Aizu-goyo clone
Barrie Bergman 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1975 Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Beran 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jan Beran CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
on this dwarf pine emerges a rich green color, later opening to a more blue
with green undertones. A fairly dense, naturally-sculptural pine that is
uncommonly seen in the trade! Growth Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 2.5'x2.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Beran’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Beran’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Beran’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Bergman 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Helene Bergman 1965
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
In spring, the bright, carmine-red pollen cones provide a dramatic contrast to the long, twisted, blue-green needles of this rare Japanese White Pine. Originally from Raraflora Nursery, Feasterville, Pennsylvania, the compact, rounded shrub or tree develops a wide, irregular, upright habit that makes a nice architectural accent. Iseli text.
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus parviflora ’Bergman’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Bergman’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus parviflora ’Bergman’s Mini’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Bergman’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Bergman’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Bergman’ Dax Herbst photo 2015
Bergman Aurea 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Bergman No.2. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Bergman Sun No.3. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Bergmannii 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Bergmani’ Iseli Nursery USA
Bergman’s Challenger 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1992 USA
Bergman’s Gold 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1978 USA
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
Bergman’s Gold Hort.
Bergman’s Select
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-4" HxW@10yrs: 2.5'x2.5'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Bergman’s US 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Betsy John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
blue-green needles are fairly long on this compact dwarf pine. The candles are
distinctive and accent the needles, especially in winter. Growth
Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 3'x2.5'. Brent Markus text.
parviflora ’FW-
Billie John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense pyramidal form. Short needles are light green, a nice change from the
silvery blue-green of most cultivars. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3'
tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
light, silver-green needles on this dwarf, pyramidal upright pine are soft to
the touch. Raised as a seedling by John Proudfoot of Scotland. Growth
Rate: 2-3" HxW@10yrs: 3'x2'. Brent Markus text.
parviflora ’Billie’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Billie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Billie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Billie’ (M-par 4) Larry Stanley USA photo
parviflora ’Mpar
Blauer Engel 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
Pinus parviflora ‘Blauer Engel’
Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER
A slow-growing, upright
evergreen conifer with silver blue needles. Has a lush, rich appearance in the
landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 2.5' wide in 10
years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ‘Blauer Engel’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Blauer Engel’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
parviflora ’Blauer Engel’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Blauer Engel’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Blauer Engel’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
/Blue Angel/ in the US
Blue Dreamer Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
miniature pine found as a witch's broom on 'Early Cones'. It has the beautiful
bright blue foliage of its parent and its phenomenal cone production, but it
grows only an inch or two each year! This new mini should be in every
collector's garden. Growth Rate:
1-3" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x2.5'.
Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ‘Blue Dreamer’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Blue Dwarf Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Blue Giant D. M. van Gelderen 1982
1975 van Vliet Brothers Nurs., HOL
A small evergreen tree with a
pyramidal form. Slightly curved needles are silvery gray-blue, and longer than
on most selections. Selected in Holland in the mid 1970's. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA
zone 5. Buchholz text.
parviflora ’Blue Giant’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Blue Giant’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Blue Lou John Proudfoot SCO
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Found as a dwarf seedling.
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense broad-upright form. Needles are very short and gray-blue. An excellent
choice for a rock garden or in a container. Prefers full sun in well-drained
soil. 24" tall x 20" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA
zone 5. Buchholz text.
parviflora ’Blue Lou’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Blue Lou’ Will Fletcher USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Blue Lou’ Will Fletcher USA four years report
Blue Twister
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
3-6" HxW@10yrs: 4.5'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Blue Wave 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Hort. USA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
irregular, pyramidal conifer with bright blue needles. Also known as 'Iseli
Select'. Growth Rate: 4-6"
HxW@10yrs: 4'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Outstandingsemi-upright form. Good blue color with wawy
branch habit. Also known as ’Iseli íselect’. Rich Eyre text.
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Blue Wave’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Bo-jyo Valavanis 1976 JPN
Bonne Bonny 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Bonnie Bergman 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1975 USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Bonnie Bergman’
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes into GBR
bright blue needles have a slight twist on the urpight branches of this
slow-growing pine. Many cones add to the color of this unique pine, which is not
be confused with the similar but wider 'Bergman'. Growth Rate: 4-8" HxW@10yrs: 6'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Bonnie Bergman’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus parviflora ’Bonnie Bergman’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus parviflora ’Bonnie Bergman’
Bonny Bergman 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Bonnie Bergman/
Bonsai 1975 HOL /Negishi/ in HOL
Brevifolia Beissn.
bef. 1900 Barbier & Sons Nurs., Orleans FRA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a broad upright form. Silvery blue-green needles are very short. A nice choice for a small space. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 30" tall x 24" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Brevifolia Mayr 1890 /Ha-tzumari/
P. parviflora var. himekomatsu selection
Brevifolia Mayr 1890
blue form of Japanese White Pine. Leaves are blue and green and radiate around
stem on a plant that is a very narrow upright. Cones and fruiting bodies are
prevalent most Springs. Introduced around
P. parviflora var. pentaphylla selection
Pinus parviflora ’Brevifolia’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Brevifolia’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Brevifolia’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Brevifolia Baasch’s Form 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Valavanis 1976
1970 Hillside Nurs., Leighton PA USA
Brevipetula 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Bunty John Proudfoot SCO
Betlehem Nursery USA
Found as a dwarf seedling.
green needles on this somewhat-spreading pine are relatively short and soft to
the touch. Growth Rate: 3-6"
HxW@10yrs: 2.5'x4'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Bunty’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus parviflora ’Bunty’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Bunty’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus parviflora ‘Bunty’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Burke’s # 2 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’Burke’s # 2’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Burke’s Bonsai 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1989 USA
Joe Burke USA
dwarf form of Japanese White Pine. Leaves are small and blue-green. Good plant
for Bonsai as name suggests. Will grow 4 to
parviflora ‘Burke’s Bonsai’
parviflora ’Burke’s # 2’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Burke’s Bonsai’
Catherine Elizabeth John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
blue-green needles adorn the branches of this attractive dwarf pine. Dense
bushy growth makes the plant even more appealing, while a windswept form gives
a Japanese aesthetic to the plant. Same as M-par 21. Growth Rate: 3-6" HxW@10yrs: 2'x3'. Brent Markus text.
parviflora ‘Catherine Elizabeth’
Pinus parviflora ’Catherine Elizabeth’
Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Catherine Elizabeth’
Will Fletcher USA photo in Coenosium Gardens
Pinus parviflora ‘Catherine Elisabeth’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Catherine Elizabeth’
Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Catherine Elizabeth’
Miroslav Malík photo 2013
parviflora ’Mpar
Cedar Lodge 1989 AUS
Ron Radford, Cedar Lodge Nurs., Sulphur Creek AUS
Chichibu-goyo 1976 JPN
Tochigi Prefecture
Chikuza-goten Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
parviflora ‘Chikuza-goten’
Cho-un Valavanis 1976 JPN
Cleary 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
A compact, slow-growing
evergreen conifer with dazzling silver-blue foliage. Still rare in the trade,
but one of the best of all conifers. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6'
tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Cleary’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus parviflora ’Cleary’ Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
parviflora ’Cleary’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Cleary’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Compacta Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A blue narrow form of Japanese White Pine. Leaves are bright blue and green with very colorful male and female stroboli. Needles are shorter than species. This cultivar is one of many yatsubusa types. Stanley text.
Corticosa 1976 /Nishiki-goyo/
Cuddles John Proudfoot SCO
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Betlehem Nursery USA
Found as a dwarf seedling.
dwarf, contorted form of Japanese White Pine. The blue-green needles have a
twisted little look to them. Plant grows
Pinus parviflora ’Cuddles’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Cuddles’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Cuddles’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Cuddles’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Cuddles’ Dax Herbst photo 2015
D-4 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
blue-green foliage on this dwarf pine has a silvery appearance. A fantastic
dwarf form that is uncommonly seen. Growth Rate: 1-3" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x2.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’D-4’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’D4’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Dai-ho Valavanis 1976 /Tai-ho/ JPN
Dai-mon-ji Valavanis 1976 JPN
Stunner 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst &
Cassell in
Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
2013 Dax Herbst USA
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
as a WB in Aledo Gardens IL in a Yatsubusa.
parviflora ‘Dax's Stunner‘ Dax
Herbst photo
parviflora ‘Dax's Stunner‘ Dax
Herbst photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Dax’s Stunner’ Edwin Smits photo NED
Pinus parviflora ’Dax’s Stunner’ Vladimír Valenta photo CZ
Debbie Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Dendo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus parviflora ’Dendo’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus parviflora ’Dendo’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus parviflora ’Dendo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Denisu-kuza Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’Denisu-kuza’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Diaset-susan G. Haddow 1986
H. G. Hillier GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
parviflora ’Diaset-susan’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Diaset-susan’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Diaset-susan’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Diaset-susan’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Diaset Susan’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Diaset Susan’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Diaset Susan’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Diaset Susan’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Dougal Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus parviflora ‘Dougal’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Dougal’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Dougal’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Dougal’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Dougal’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Dougal’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Dr. Landis Gold Hort.
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
parviflora ‘Dr. Landis Gold’
A slow-growing, irregular-shaped
evergreen conifer. Needles are blue-green and tipped in cream-yellow. A choice
little pine. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1.5' tall x 1' wide in 10
years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Landis Gold’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Landis Gold’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Dr Landis Gold’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Dr. Landis Gold’
Duháčova 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1981 František Špaček CZ
Špaček Gardens CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus parviflora ’Duchacova’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ’Ducháčová’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Ducháčová’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Duháčova Mini 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1993 František Špaček CZ
Špaček Gardens CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus parviflora ’Duhacova Mini’
Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus parviflora ’Duhacova Mini’
Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Duchov 4 Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’Duchov 4’ Edwin Smits photo
Dusty Blue Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Dwarf SDL #1 Hort.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Received plant from Mt. Si Bonsai. Stanley text.
Dwarf Blue 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Vineland Nurs. USA
Pinus parviflora ’Dwarf Blue’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
E-2 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
This obscure, slow-growing pine is a delightful selection for bonsai. Short, bright blue needles make this a colorful tree while the upright but slow growth rate give it a splendid form. Growth Rate: 1-3". Brent Markus text.
E #6 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus parviflora ’E #6’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’E #6’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’E #6’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘E - 6’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘E - 6’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘E # 6’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘E # 6’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’E # 6’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’E # 6’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’E # 6’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
8 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Dax Herbst IL USA
A slow-growing variety with short, bright green needles. Growth Rate: 2-4". Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’E 8’ Mesterhazy photo 2011
Early Cone 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1991 USA
Foxwillow Pines IL USA
form with very early coning characteristic. Rich Eyre text.
Eigoro-goyo Mayr 1890 JPN
Ei-ko Valavanis 1976 JPN
Ei-ko-nishiki Valavanis 1976 JPN
parviflora ‘Ei-ko-nishiki’
A dwarf, compact evergreen
conifer with short blue needles. Eventually will grow more tall than wide.
Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy
to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Ei-ko-nishiki’
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Ei-ryu Valavanis 1976 JPN
Eilidh John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Blue-green needles are accentuated by prominent orange-brown candles during the winter. "Eilidh" is the British spelling for the name "Ellie." Growth Rate: 2-4" Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Eilidh’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
parviflora ’FS-
Eleganz Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Emperor 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
1980 Vermeulen & Sons Nurs.,Neshanic Stat. NJ USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
F-16 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus parviflora ’F 16’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Fenja Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Filip’s Little Diamond Edwin Smits HOL
Pinus parviflora ’Filip’s Little Diamond’ Edwin Smits photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Filip’s Blue Diamond’
Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Filip’s Blue Diamond’
Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Filip’s Blue Diamond’
Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Filip’s Blue Diamond’
Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Filip’s Blue Diamond’
Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Filip’s Blue Diamond’
Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Filip’s Blue Diamond’ Edwin Smits photo
Floppy Joe 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
low-growing Japanese White Pine with dangling branches that have blue-green
needles. A very unique variety that grows fairly slowly. Growth
Rate: 3-5" HxW@10yrs: 2'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Floppy Joe’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Floppy Joe’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ’Floppy Joe’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Floppy Joe’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Frankenhof 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
2004 Wüstemeyer Baumsch., Schermbeck GER
Frick Estate 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Hort. USA
Selection made at the Frick Estate in Pennsylvania. Leaves blue
grows about
Stanley text.
FS # 2 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
FS # 3 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Pinus parviflora ’Linda’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
FS # 4 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
FS # 5 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
FS # 6 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
FS # 7 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Pinus parviflora ‘FS # 7’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Fubuke Nishiki 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 USA
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
Plant almost all yellow and white. Variegated variety of Japanese
Pine. Grows 4-
Pinus parviflora ’Fubuke Nishiki’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Fubuke-nishiki’
Pinus parviflora ‘Fubuke Nishiki’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Fubuke Nishiki’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Fubuke Nishiki’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Fuiri-goyo Kobayashi 1975 /Shimofuri-goyo/
Fukai G. Horstmann 1986
T. Lundell, Helsinborg SWE
Horstmann Nurs. GER
A dwarf upright evergreen conifer with blue-green needles variegated with light yellow. Best color if grown with plenty of sunlight. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Fukai’ SWE Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Fukai’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus parviflora ’Fukai’ Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA
parviflora ’Fukai’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
parviflora ’Fukai’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Fukai’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Fukai’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Fukai’ Dax Herbst photo 2015
Fukai Seedling G. Haddow
T. Lundell, Helsinborg SWE
Fukiju Hillier & Sons 1970 JPN
Fuku-ju-bi Valavanis 1976 JPN
/Fuku-zu-mi/ /Na-mori/
Fuku-no-kami Valavanis 1976 JPN
Fukushima-goyo 1976 JPN
Fukushima Prefecture
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
male and female cone production, as well as silver-blue and blue-green needles
make this cultivar a winner. Also 'Fuku
shima.' Growth Rate: 6-9"
HxW@10yrs: 7'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ‘Fukushima’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Fukusumi 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Fuku-zu-mi 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Valavanis 1976 JPN
Wansdyke Nursery GBR into Europe
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
low, dense table-top form. Short soft needles are silvery blue-green. Well
placed when planted next to a garden pool. Prefers full sun in well-drained
soil. 1' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5.
Buchholz text.
dwarf Japanese White Pine. Needles bluish and regular size. Plant tips one way
if not staked like its wind swept. Grows about 6" a year. First brought to
UK from Japan in 1976 by Wansdyke Nursery. Stanley text.
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus parviflora ’Fuku-zu-mi’ JPN Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Fuku-zu-mi’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus parviflora ‘Fukuzumi’ Iseli Nursery USA
parviflora ’Fukuzumi’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Fukuzumi’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Fuku-zu-mi’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Fukuzumi Moon
Rick Goodenough USA
branch mutation or sport found on Pinus parviflora 'Fukuzumi' by Rick
Goodenough. Brent Markus text.
Fu-shiro-goyo Valavanis 1976 JPN
Pinus parviflora ’Fu-shiro’ Edwin Smits photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Fu-shiro-goyo’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Futsumo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 USA
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
FW-1 SDL John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
FW-2 John Proudfoot SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
FW-3 John Proudfoot SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
FW-4 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Pinus parviflora ‘FW-4’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
FW-5 SDL John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
FW-6 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
FW-7 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Pinus parviflora ’FW-7’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus parviflora ’FW – 7’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’FW 7’ Karen Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Gan-seki-sho Valavanis 1976 JPN
Ge-Bo 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus parviflora ’Ge-Bo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Ge Bo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Ge-Bo’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Nana R-13 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Ideal den Ouden
on van Gimborn Estate, Doorn HOL
Pinus parviflora ‘Gimborn’s Ideal’
parviflora ‘Gimborns Ideal’
A slow-growing, upright
evergreen conifer with a pyramidal to columnar shape. Foliage is blue-green.
From the Gimborn Arboretum in Holland. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil.
6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz
Pinus parviflora ’Gimborn’s Ideal’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus parviflora ’Gimborn’s Ideal’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus parviflora ’Gimborn’s Ideal’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Gimborn’s Pyramide den Ouden 1965
on van Gimborn Estate, Doorn HOL
parviflora ‘Gimborn’s Pyramid’
A slow-growing, compact
evergreen conifer with a broad shape. Soft needles are blue-green. From the
Gimborn Arboretum in Holland. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x
3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Gimborn’s Pyramid’
Pinus parviflora ’Gimborn’s Pyramid’
Pinus parviflora ‘Gimborn’s Pyramid’
Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Gimborn’s Pyramid’
Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Gin-sho-chuba Kenwith
Nurs., GBR
Gin Yatsubusa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 USA
J.W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA
Gio Hamen Himi Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Gi-on Valavanis 1976 JPN
Nana R-13 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Glauca Beissn. 1909 JPN
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
parviflora ‘Pentaphylla Glauca’
Pinus parviflora 'Glauca' - A rather striking silver form, coning when small. Does not reach tree stature. Requires light well drained soil. Cedar Lodge text.
attractive layered look comes from this pine’s horizontally growing secondary
branches. The tiered effect is accentuated by heavy cone production, which
weighs down the ends of the branches and gives the tree an especially aged
look. Bluish needles have silver striations. Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Glauca’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Glauca’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Glauca’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus parviflora ’Glauca’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus parviflora ’Glauca’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Glauca Brevifolia 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Glauca Brevifolia’
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
This very showy pine has an open habit, similar to that of Pinus parviflora 'Glauca,' but its blue-green needles, in tight bundles, are shorter and have more of an upward curve to them. Many persistent cones decorate the tall, moderately narrow tree. Iseli text.
Pinus parviflora ’Glauca Brevifolia’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
/Brevifolia/ Mayr of var.pentaphylla
Glauca Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Glauca Compacta’
Stanley Nurs. USA
blue compact form of Japanese White Pine. Plant has blue and green large
needles on a plant growing
Glauca Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 J. W. Springarn USA
Dwarf upright narrow Japanese White Pine. Leaves are straight and blue. Plant's leaves are half species size. Plant was found by J.W. Spingarn of Long Island, New York around 1980. Stanley text.
Pinus parviflora ‘Glauca Nana’
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Pinus parviflora ’Glauca Nana’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus parviflora ’Glauca Nana’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus parviflora ’Glauca Nana # 5’
Nana # 5 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’Glauca Nana # 5’
Glauca Nana Bald 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs.,
Wellsville PA USA
Glauca Pendula 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1972 USA
Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square PA USA
Glauca Saemling 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann Nurs., GER
13 Iseli 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. Iseli
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
parviflora ‘GNSE 13’ Iseli
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
parviflora ‘GNSE 13’ Iseli
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
parviflora ‘GNSE 13’ Miroslav Malík
photo 2013
parviflora ‘GNSE 13’ Miroslav Malík
photo 2013
parviflora ’GNSE 5 Iseli’ Miroslav
Malík photo 2013
parviflora ’GNSE 5 Iseli’ Miroslav
Malík photo 2013
Go-gin 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1983 USA
Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA
semi-dwarf plant with stems of compressed needles of blue-green. Cones every
year. Light and airy plant growing about
Pinus parviflora ’Go-gin’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Go-ko-haku Valavanis 1976 JPN
Goldilocks 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Billy Swartz USA of JPN seed
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Billy Swartz’s seedling from Japan with gold variegation.
Rich Eyre text.
A naturally artistic, sweeping habit makes this rare pine a unique garden specimen. An overlay of soft, golden highlights contrast the silver undertones on the curved, green needles. For optimum color, seek a balance between sun and shade. Well-drained soil is required for this beauty to thrive. Iseli text.
parviflora ‘Goldilocks’ Pinus
parviflora ‘Goldilocks’
parviflora ’Goldilocks’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Goldilocks’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus parviflora ’Goldilocks’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Goldilocks’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus parviflora ’Goldilocks’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Goldilocks’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus parviflora ’Goldilocks’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Goldilocks’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus parviflora ‘Goldilocks’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Goldilocks’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Goldilocks’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Goldilocks’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Goldilocks’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Goldschmied 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Pinus parviflora ’Goldschmied’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Goldschmied’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Goldschmied’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Go-ryo-haku Valavanis 1976 JPN
Gotelli 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1992 USA
in Gotelli Collection, Washington DC.USA
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg into GER
Goykuri 1979 SWE
T. Lundell, Helsinborg SWE
A broad upright evergreen conifer with soft blue-green foliage. Forms a dense tree of size in a short time. Perfect for the larger landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Goy Kurl Mistake of /Goykuri/
Goyoku-sui 1986 GBR
Goyo Unkasai 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 USA
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
Green Monkey 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
parviflora ‘Green Monkey’
Pinus parviflora ’Green Monkey’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Shadow 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Gyok-kan Valavanis 1976 JPN
Gyokkasen Kobayashi 1975 JPN
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
parviflora ‘Gyokkasen Seedling’
parviflora ‘Goyku-ka-sen’
A miniature evergreen conifer with a dense flat-bun form. Tiny needles are light green. Very cute in the small garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8" tall x 15" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Goyo-kasen’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus parviflora ’Goyo-kasen’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus parviflora ’Gyokkasen’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
parviflora ’Gyokasen’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Gyokkasen’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Gyokkasen’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Gyokkasen’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Gyokkasen’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Gyokukasen Sämling 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann Nurs. GER
Pinus parviflora ‘Gyokkasen Mini’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Gyokkasen Mini’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
/Goykusen Seedling/
Gyokuri 1979 SWE
T. Lundell, Helsinborg SWE
parviflora ’Gyokuri’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Gyokuri’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Gyo-ku-sen Valavanis 1976 JPN
Pinus parviflora ’Gyo-ku-sen’ JPN Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ’Gyo-ku-sen’ Jiří Balatka photo
Gyoku-sho-hime Valavanis 1976 JPN
growth, an informal upright form and twisted silver-blue needles combine to
make this pine a beautiful addition to the landscape. In spring, light green
new growth adorned with light purple juvenile cones is fantastic. Also known as
'Gyoku sho hime.' Growth Rate:
6-9" HxW@10yrs: 7'x4'. Brent
Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Gyoku-sho-hime’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Gyoko sho hime’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Gyoko sho hime’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Gyoku-sho-hime’
Gyo-ku-sui Valavanis 1976 JPN
Hagoromo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 JPN
A dense, slow-growing evergreen
conifer with tiny blue-green needles. At maturity it will be much more wide
than tall. Hagoromo is Japanese for "angel's cloak." Prefers full sun
in well-drained soil. 10" tall x 18" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20
degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
miniature Japanese White Pine. Leaves are small 1/4 inch in a tight round bun.
Leaves are green. Sometimes main leader can grow
Pinus parviflora ’Hagoromo’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Hagoromo’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Hagoromo’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Hagoromo’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Hagoromo’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Hagoromo’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus parviflora ’Hagoromo’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Hagoromo Seedling 1979 SWE
T. Lundell, Helsinborg SWE
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
dense globose dwarf with blue-green needles that have a slight twist. The 'Hagoromo' and 'Hagoromo Seedling' we
have are identical. The correct name is
'Hagoromo Seedling.' Growth Rate:
1-3" HxW@10yrs: 1'x2'. Brent
Markus text.
Hakko Valavanis 1976 JPN
Mr. Kaneko, Saimata Prefecture JPN
cultivar has a nice windswept aesthetic. Its branches sweep upward, forming an
irregular pyramid of silver-blue needles. Growth Rate: 2-5" HxW@10yrs: 3'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Hakkodo-goyo /P. hakkodensis/ Makino
Handsworth 1985 GBR
Windsor Great Park GBR
Pinus parviflora ’Handsworth’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Hanni 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
informal upright with white needles at branch ends that prefers partial
shade. Most likely the same as 'Tanima
no uki' - both plants are fantastic variegated selections. Growth
Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 3'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Hanni’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
parviflora ’Hanni’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
parviflora ’Hanni’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Hanni’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Hanni’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Hanni’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Hanni’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Haru-ko-ro Valavanis 1976 JPN
Hatchichi G. Haddow 1992
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Pinus parviflora ’Hatchi Ichi’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus parviflora ’Hatchichi’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Hatchi Ichi’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Hatchichi’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Hatch Ichi’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Hatsumari-goyo see next record
Ha-tzumari-goyo Mayr 1890 JPN
medium size upright. Leaves are a blue color with white stomates. Male sex
parts are lavendar in spring ! Grows
Ha-zumari see previous record
Heavy Cone Hort.
Heidelberger Schloss 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
G. Horstmann 1983
Horstmann Nurs. GER
Pinus parviflora ‘Heidelberger Schloss’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Helen Brown John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Pinus parviflora ’Helen Brown M-par # 9’
Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus parviflora ’Helen Brown’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Helen Brown’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Helen Brown’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Helen Brown’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Helen Brown’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
parviflora ’Mpar
Pinus parviflora ’Henk’ (no name) Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Hereygers Jan Hereygers HOL
Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
.Een lage brede struik met blauw -groene naalden. Jaarlijkse groei ong.
Pinus parviflora ’Hereygers’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Hereygers’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Hereygers’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Hereygers’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Hereygers’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Hikari Valavanis 1976 JPN
Hillary 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Hillier 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA
dwarf evergreen conifer presumably from the Hillier Nursery in England. Its
form is upright and skinny with very short blue-green needles. 'Hillier' evokes
an "ancient" look at a young age. Prefers full sun in well-drained
soil. 4' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5.
Buchholz text.
parviflora ’Hillier’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Hillier’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Himburgii Hort.
Pinus parviflora ‘Himburgii’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Himburgii’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Hime goyo ma /Hime-goyo-matsu/
Hime-goyo-matsu Welch 1979 /Nana/ JPN
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Irregular upright pyramid. Rich Eyre text.
Himeko Janome 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
A slow-growing, dense evergreen
conifer which will eventually form an upright tree. Blue-green needles are
wildly variegated with bright gold. More colorful than 'Ogon janome'. Prefers
sun/partial shade (but less color in shade) in well-drained soil. 3' tall x
2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Himeko janome’
Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus parviflora ’Himeko janome’
Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
parviflora ’Himeko’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Himeko janome’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Hinoko Janome 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs., ML USA
Ho-ho Valavanis 1976 JPN
Ho-ju Valavanis 1976 JPN
Ho-ki Valavanis 1976 JPN
Hobbit Hort.
D 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus parviflora ’Hollie D’ Mesterhazy photo 2011
Probably /Nellie D/ ?
Horsford Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Horstmann Mini Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Ho-sho Valavanis 1976 JPN
Hyaku-man-goku Valavanis 1976 JPN
Hyuga-goyo Valavanis 1976 JPN
Fukushima Prefecture
Ibo-can Kobayashi 1976 JPN
A long needled form with
conspicuous rough warty bark, a dense branching habit and good greenish blue
color first seen in the west around 1976. Padit out to display the bones. Arrowhead
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus parviflora ’Ibo-can’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Ibo-can’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Ibo-can-nishiki Valavanis 1976 JPN
Ichi-no-se Valavanis 1976 JPN
Pinus parviflora ‘Ichi-no-se’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Ikari-goyo Mayr 1890 /Recurva/ JPN
Ikeda-sho Valavanis 1976 JPN
Mr. Ikeda JPN
Iona John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
very dwarf cultivar forms a cute little tight bun of blue-green needles. Growth
Rate: 2-3" HxW@10yrs: 1'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Iona’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ’Jona’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Iona’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Jona’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Iona’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Iona’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Iona’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Iri-fune Valavanis 1976 JPN
semi-dwarf shrub like plant. Leaves blue with white little flecks. Plant grows
Pinus parviflora ‘Iri-fune’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Iri-fune’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Iseli Select 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
An open pyramid with blue-green needles and heavy coning.
Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Iseli Select’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
/Blue Wawe/
Ishizuchi-goyo 1976 JPN
Mt. Ishizuki, Shikoku Island JPN
Pinus parviflora ‘Ishizuchi-goyo’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Iwasaki 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA
J-3 Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Jada Hort.
Janome 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs., ML USA
A pyramidal tree. Rich Eyre text.
Janome-ibokan-goyo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Jim Cross # 1 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jim’s Mini Curls 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
short, twisted needles are blue-green and fairly thick. A nice miniature pine
with unique color and texture! Growth Rate: 0.75-1" HxW@10yrs: 12"x10". Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Jim’s Mini Curls’
Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Jim’s Mini Curls’
Pinus parviflora ‘Jim’s Mini Curls’
Jiskra 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’Jiskra’ Jiří Balatka photo
Jo Burke 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
An upright plant with horizontal branches. Leaves are green with
stomates. Tree can reach
Joetsu-goyo 1976 JPN
Fukushima & Tochigi Prefectures
Jo-ho Valavanis 1976 JPN
Jona Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Jyu-ji-seki Valavanis 1976 JPN
Jyu-man-goku Valavanis 1976 JPN
A compact yatsubusa type. Leaves are green-blue and have short
Will reach
Jyu-roko-ra-kan Valavanis 1976 JPN
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus parviflora ‘Jyu-roko-ra-kan’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Ka-ho /Kahoo/
Kagami Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Kahoo Valavanis 1976 JPN
Kakonoe /Kokonoe/
Kamuro-goyo Mayr 1890 /Tortuosa/ JPN
Kane-ko Hillier & Sons 1970 GBR
Pinus parviflora ’Kane-ko’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Kan-zan Valavanis 1976 JPN
Kanrico 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA
A dwarf with bluish-green needles and layered branching.
Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ‘Kanrico’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Kanrico’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Karen John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Pinus parviflora ’Karen’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ’Karen’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Karen’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Karen’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Karen’ FW # 7 Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Karen’ FW # 7 Miroslav Malík photo 2013
parviflora ’FW-
Kenwith Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’Kenwith’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Kenwith’ conifertreasury.org photo
Kiki-sui Valavanis 1976 JPN
A compact yatsubusa type. Leaves are green and thick and
twist on the stem. Plant will reach
Kin-dai-shi Valavanis 1976 JPN
Kin-ka-cho 1976 USA
Kin-kaku Valavanis 1976 JPN
Kin-po Valavanis 1976 JPN
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
A dwarf variety of Japanese White Pine. Leaves blue-green with 1/2 inch cones dispersed throughout the plant. Very nice form and could be used for Bonsai. Stanley text.
Pinus parviflora ’Kin-po’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Kin-po’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Kinpo’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Kinpo’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Kinpo’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
parviflora ’Kin-po’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Kinpo’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus parviflora ’Kin-po’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Kin-po’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Kin-po’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Kin-po’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Kinpo’ Dax Herbst photo 2015
Kin-sho-chuba Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’Kin-sho-chuba’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Kiyomatsu 1986 Tage Lundell SWE
Horstmann Nurs. GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense rounded form. Soft foliage is light green. Kiyomatsu means "fresh pine" in Japanese. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA
Pinus parviflora ’Kiyomatsu’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Kiyomatsu Seedling Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Klamagame Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’Klamagame’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Kluis Seedling 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA
Koba-goyo Mayr 1890
Kobe G. Haddow 1986
from Kobe Arboretum JPN
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
very narrow shape. Needles are blue-green and short. Almost skeletal in
appearance. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 1.5' wide in 10
years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
dwarf variety of Japanese White Pine. Short, straight, thick needles no longer
than 1/2 to 3/4 in length and Blue green. Plant grows about 4-
Pinus parviflora ’Kobe’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Kobe’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Kobe’ JPN Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Kobe’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Kohout GNS SDL 1 Jörg Kohout GER
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Kohout GNS SDL 2 Jörg Kohout GER
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Kohouts Select 1 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Kokonde G. Haddow 1985
Windsor Great Park GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Koko-no-e Valavanis 1976 JPN
A dwarf upright evergreen conifer with a very narrow shape. Green needles are short and thin and radiate outwardly from the stems. Very curious in appearance. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Kokono-e’ JPN Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Koko-no-e’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
parviflora ’Kokonoe’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Koko-no-e’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Koko-no-e’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Koko-no-e’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Koko-no-e’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Kokonoye 1970 GBR
Hillier & Sons GBR
Kokuho Kobayashi 1975
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
round shape. Needles are light green and very soft. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 3' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA
zone 5. Buchholz text.
green dwarf vareity of Japanese White Pine. Leaves are green,
Pinus parviflora ’Kokuho’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus parviflora ’Koku-ho’ JPN Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Kokuho’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Kokuho’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Kokuho’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Koku ho’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Koku ho’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus parviflora ’Kokuho’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
/Koku-how/ /Kokuhow/
Kokuhow 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Kokusai Pinus parviflora ‘Kokusai’
Ko-raku Valavanis 1976 JPN
A dwarf evergreen conifer with
an open pyramidal form. Needles are short and silvery blue-green. Tends to
produce ornamental cones at a young age. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil.
5' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz
Koraku GBR /Ko-raku/
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
upright globe type Japanese White Pine. Leaves are a yellow-green with branches
horizontal. Plant grows
Yatsubusa /Ko-raku/
Pinus parviflora ‘Koraku Yatsubusa’
A dwarf form of Japanese White Pine. Used in Bonsai work.
Stanley text.
Korea 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.0
1997 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed of a plant living in
Ullung-do, toward Senginbong
South Korea S-KOR /leg. Rick Lewandowski,
Morris Arboretum, Philadelphia, USA/
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
A living evidence for a new discovery: Pinus parviflora lives
also on the continent. The expedition of Morris Arboretum
found in 1991 and gives a description.
Needles less silverly strips, shorter, middle-green. Buds colour
like a deer. Drought tolerant, hardy.
Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár
új felfedezés élő bizonyítéka: 1991-ben a philadelphiai Morris Arborétum
expedíciója talált rá Dél-Koreában. Addig a botanika úgy tudta, hogy a faj csak
Japánban él! Magcsere keretében kaptunk az élőhelyi magokból. A kontinensen élő
növény tűi ezüstös sávok nélküli középzöldek, rügyei viszonylag nagyok és
halvány őzbarnák. Szárazságtűrése fantasztikus, öntözve kétszer is beindul.
az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus parviflora ’Korea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Korea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Ko-rin Valavanis 1976 JPN
Koru 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A slow growing semi
dwarf pyramid with very dense foliage, newly emerging needles have a tendency
to clump. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Koru’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Kotohime Pinus parviflora ‘Kotohime’
Kroc Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’Kroc’ Jiří Balatka photo
Kruge Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Kumatsu /Kiyomatsu/
Kusu-dama Valavanis 1976 JPN
Pinus parviflora ‘Kusu Dama’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Kusu-dama’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Kyokko Hort.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc.
Boring, OR USA
Kyomatsu /Kiyomatsu/
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Landis’ Golden Gem 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Pinus parviflora ’Landis Golden Gem’
Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus parviflora ’Landis Golden Gem’
Mesterházy & Malík photo
Levy 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Linda John Proudfoot SCO
Betlehem Nursery USA
Found as a dwarf seedling.
dense, low-growing, globose selection of Japanese White Pine has phenomenal
silver-blue needles that are soft to the touch. One of the many introductions
from John Proudfoot of Scotland. Growth Rate: 1-3" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Linda’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Linda’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Linda’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
parviflora ’FS-
Little Hedgehog John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
A miniature evergreen conifer
with a flat-globe form. Thin needles are a medium green. Provides a soft look
in the small garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12" tall x
16" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
parviflora ‘Little Hedgehog’
Pinus parviflora ’Little Hedgehog’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Little Hedgehog’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Little Hedgehog’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Little Hedgehog’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Little Hedgehog’
Pinus parviflora ‘Little Hedgehog’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Little Hedgehog’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Little Hedgehog’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Little Hedgehog’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Little Hedgehog’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
parviflora ’Mpar
Lohman Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Lona /Iona/ Pinus
parviflora ‘Lona’
Lorraine John Proudfoot SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Short, light-green foliage on this dwarf pine is fairly soft. A delightful dwarf selection from Europe. Also known as FW-5. Growth Rate: 1-3". Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ‘Lorraine’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
M par 1 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 2 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 3 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 3 AZ John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 4 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus parviflora ’M par 4’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Pinus parviflora ’M-par # 4’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’M par # 4 Billie’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’M par # 4 Billie’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’M par 4’ Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’M-par # 4 Billie’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
M par 5 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 6 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
/Nellie D/
M par 7 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Pinus parviflora ’M par # 7’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
M par 8 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus parviflora ‘M par 8’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
M par 9 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
/Helen Brown/
M par 10 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 11 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 12 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 13 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 14 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 15 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 16 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 17 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 18 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 19 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
/Little Hedgehog/
M par 20 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Pinus parviflora ’M par # 20’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘M par 20’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’M par # 20’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
M par 23 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 30 John Proudfoot SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
M par 32 SDL John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par 36 John Proudfoot SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
M par 40 SDL John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
M par IRE 1 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par IRE 2 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
M par IRE 3 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Mai-tsuzumi Valavanis 1976 JPN
Magnificent Maggie 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Maribo 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’Maribo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Mariko’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora x flexilis ’Mariko’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Mat-ichi Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Matsumani Goyo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
plant used in Bonsai. Named after an are a province of Hiroshima. Plant a dwarf
with small needles. Grows about
Maxi Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Mayazina Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
MB #4 Hort.
Short, blue-green needles are densely set on the twigs of this semi-upright, pyramidal pine. An obscure variety that is actually quite ornamental. Growth Rate: 1-3". Brent Markus text.
Megan John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
needles on this dwarf pine have a slight twist at the tips. A beautiful pine
introduced by John Proudfoot. Growth Rate: 1-3" HxW@10yrs: 2'x2'. Brent Markus text.
parviflora ’RU-
Mei-ko Valavanis 1976 JPN
Pinus parviflora ‘Meiko’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Meiko’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Meiko’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Mei-o Valavanis 1976 JPN
MHH-2 John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Pinus parviflora ’MHH-2’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-3". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:MHH-8 John Proudfoot SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Short, silver-blue needles on this small pine make it shimmer. Its beautiful color and dwarf form make it a very attractive selection. Growth Rate: 1-2" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x1'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ‘MHH- 8’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘MHH- 8’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’MHH 8’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Michinoku 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’Michinoku’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Michinoku’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Michinoku’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Middeltip Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’Middeltip’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Middeltip’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Middeltip’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Mine-matsu Valavanis 1976 JPN
Mini Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus parviflora ’Mini’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Mini’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Mini’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Mini Dr. Cerveny Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Mini Ducháč Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
/Ducháčová Mini/
Mini Ducháčová /Ducháčová Mini/
Mini Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Minima 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Pinus parviflora ’Mini’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Miyajima Mayr 1890 JPN
A dwarf dense evergreen conifer
with a globose form. Bright blue-green needles are compressed on the shoots.
One of the most choice of the dwarf parvifloras. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA
zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Miyajima’ Dax Herbst IL USA
parviflora ’Miyajima’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Miyajima’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus parviflora ‘Miyajima’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Miyajima’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Miyajima’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Miyajima’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Miyajima-goyo 1975 JPN
Hiroshima Prefekture
Miyama-goyo 1975 JPN
Nagano Prefekture
A slow-growing evergreen conifer
with a broad pyramidal form. Needles are blue-green with silvery undersides.
One of the best of the medium-size parvifloras. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA
zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Miyama’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Miyoi 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense flattened-globe form. Foliage is silvery blue-green. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 30" tall x 36" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20
degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Miyoi’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Mizukami-goyo 1976 JPN
Nagano Prefekture
Mk Dwarf Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Momo-yama Valavanis 1976 JPN
Morris Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1972 USA
Watnong Nurs., NJ.USA
Mount Vernon 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2006 Dax Herbst in ACS database
Wells Nursery, Mount Vernon, WA USA
Wells Nursery, Mount Vernon, WA USA
upright-growing small tree with dense foliage. ACS text.
Muxany 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Myo-jo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense flat-bun shape. Needles are silvery blue-green. An excellent choice for
soft color in the small garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12"
tall x 18" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz
Pinus parviflora ‘Myo-jo’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
parviflora ’Myojo’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Myo-jo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Myo-jo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Myo-jo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Myo-jo’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Myo jo’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus parviflora ‘Myo-jo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Myo-jo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Myo-jo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Myo-jo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Na-mori 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA
/Fuku-ju-bi/ /Fuku-su-mi/
Nana Carr. 1867 FRA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Naru-to Valavanis 1976 JPN
Nashi 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA
Kristick Nurs.,
Wellsville PA USA
Nasu-goyo 1975 JPN
Tochigi Prefecture JPN
Iseli Nurs., OR into USA
This plant used in Bonsai. Named after a provenance of Nasu district in Tochigi. Leaves are silver-grey and new needles incurved. Stanley text.
Pinus parviflora ’Nasu-goyo’ JPN Jiří Balatka photo
Nasu Jurako 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA
A slow-growing somewhat upright pine with blue-green, twisted foliage that holds closely to the branches. A rare variety from Japan. Growth Rate: 2-4". Brent Markus text.
Nasu-musume Valavanis 1976 JPN
Negishi-goyo /Brevifolia/ Mayr 1890
Negishi Valavanis 1975 /Bonsai/ JPN
Negishi H. J. van de Laar 1975
1970 Spaaren Nurs. HOL imp. from JPN
A slow-growing upright evergreen
conifer with silver blue-green foliage. Needles have a slight twist, revealing
silvery undersides. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in
10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA
Pinus parviflora ’Negishi’ Mesterhazy photo
Pinus parviflora ’Negishi’ Mesterhazy photo
Pinus parviflora ’Negishi’ Mesterhazy photo
Pinus parviflora ’Negishi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Negishi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Negishi’ JPN Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ’Negishii’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
parviflora ’Negishi’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Negishi’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Nellie D John Proudfoot SCO
Found as a dwarf seedling.
very dense, blue-green cultivar of Pinus parviflora. It makes a cute little
dwarf with soft needles. Growth Rate:
2-2.5" HxW@10yrs: 2'x2'.
Brent Markus text.
/M par 6/
Pinus parviflora ’Nellie D’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Nellie D’ (M-par 6) Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Nellie D’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Nellie D’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
New Seedling Hort.
Nisbeth’s Gem 1985 GBR
Nishiki-goyo Valavanis 1976 /Corticosa/ JPN
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
No. 5 Pinus parviflora ‘No.5’
Noname Hort. Proudfoot
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus parviflora ’Noname’ (J.P.) Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Oculus-draconis Mayr 1890 /Jano-me/ JPN
Ogon-goyo Valavanis 1976 /Aurea/ JPN
A dwarf, broadly-pyramidal evergreen upright. Needles are cream yellow, but 'Ogon' withstands full sun with adequate moisture. At its best – it seems to glow – in the winter garden. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Ogon-goyo’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Ogon-goyo’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
parviflora ’Ogon’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Ogon’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Ogon-goyo’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
O-gon-janome 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA
Pinus parviflora ‘O-gon-janome’
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
An incredibly beautiful plant, this rare, mid-size, "Dragon's Eye" form of Japanese White Pine exhibits tasteful variegation, like yellow bands on the needles. After seeing a specimen of this pine, even those who typically prefer plants without variegation rave about it. Iseli text.
Pinus parviflora ’Ogon Janome’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus parviflora ’Ogon Janome’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus parviflora ’Ogon Janome’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus parviflora ’Ogon-janome’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus parviflora ’Ogon-janome’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus parviflora ’Ogon Janome’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
parviflora ’Ogon janome’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Ogon janome’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Ogon-janome’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Ogon-janome’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Ogon-janome’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Ogon Janome’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Ogon-janome’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Ogon-janome’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Ogon-janome’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus parviflora ‘Ogon-janome’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus parviflora ‘Ogon-janome’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Ogon Prostrata Hort.
O-kan Valavanis 1976 JPN
Oi-kio-ho 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA
Oku-no-matsu Valavanis 1976 JPN
Oliver 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1982 USA
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Ooh la la
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
4-8". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pinus parviflora ‘Ooh La La’ Mike Davison photo 2014
Oritsuru Mayr 1890 /Ori-zuru/ JPN
O-sho 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1975 USA /Tai-kan-o-muri/
Blue 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’Osmaston Blue’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Osmaston Blue’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Ossorio Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
slow-growing pine has slightly twisted blue-green foliage that is quite short!
A unique dwarf that has beautiful color and texture. A rarely-seen variety from
the Ossorio collection of Long Island, NY. Growth Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 2'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Ossario Broom’
Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus parviflora ’Ossorio’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Ossorio Broom’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Ossorio Broom’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Ossorio Broom’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Ossorio’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus parviflora ‘Ossorio’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Otori Valavanis 1976 JPN
Pannonia 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
1975 Barabits E. HUN
Graft of an old specimen in Sopron Forestry
University Arboretum HUN. Not propagated.
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Azuma Pinus
parviflora ‘Pent Azuma’
Pentaphylla Glauca /Glauca/
Pinus parviflora ‘Pentaphylla Glauca’
Kanriko Stanley
& Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pentaphylla Nasu /Nasu-goyo/
Perdido John Proudfoot SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Found as a dwarf seedling.
Pinus parviflora ’Perdido’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Perdido’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Perdido’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Thick needle MHH2’
Pesek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’Pesek’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus parviflora ’Pesek’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus parviflora ’Pesek’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Pesek’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pest 1995
Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1977 Czanik Sándor, Budapest HUN from JPN seed
Barabits E. HUN
A very quick growing clone. Not propagated.
Czanik Sándor japán magból származó igen gyors
magonca kapta e nevet.
Pinus parviflora ’Pest’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus parviflora ’Pest’ conifertreasury.org photo
Peterson 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
parviflora ‘Peterson Seedling’
A dwarf, dense upright evergreen
conifer with a pyramidal form. Normal size needles are silvery blue-green.
Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to
-20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Peterson’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Peterson Seedling 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Hort. USA
Pinus parviflora ’Peterson Seedling’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Po-le 19 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Pumila 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
Pygmaea Daiyo Nishiki
1985 GBR /Dai-ho/
Pygmaea Hagoromo 1985 GBR /Hagoromo Seedling/
Pygmy Yatsubusa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1983 USA
Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA
parviflora ‘Pygmy Yatsubusa’
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense globose form. Needles are very short and green. Similar to, but more
dwarf than 'Adcock's Dwarf'. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 18"
tall x 18" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz
Pinus parviflora ’Pygmy Yatsubusa’ Edwin Smits photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Pygmy Yatsubusa’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pyramidata Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’Pyramidata’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Recurva Mayr 1890 /Oritsuru/ JPN
Regenhold 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Ron Regenhold OH USA
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
low spreading form. Needles are blue-green. Wonderful when planted next to a
garden pool. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 4' wide in 10
years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchhplz text.
Ron Regenhold of
Pinus parviflora ’Regenhold’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Regenhold’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
parviflora ’Regenhold’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Regenhold’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Regenhold’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Regenhold’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Ron’s Broom’ Will Fletcher USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Ron’s Broom’
Dax Herbst IL in Dykstra Gardens IA USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Regenhold’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Regenhold’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Regenhold’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Regenhold’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Regenhold’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Regenhold’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Regenhold’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Regenhold’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Regenhold’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Regenhold’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
/Ron’s Dwarf/ /Regenhold WB/
Rich 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Lee 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
John Proudfoot SCO
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
Betlehem Nursery USA
slow-growing pine has remarkable thick, twisted blue-green foliage. A unique
and slow-growing variety that is incredibly rare and quite difficult to
propagate. Growth Rate:
0.75-1.5" HxW@10yrs:
10"x12". Brent Markus text.
parviflora ‘Richard Lee’
Pinus parviflora ’Richard Lee’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Richard Lee’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Richard Lee’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Richard Lee’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus parviflora ’Richard Lee’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Richard Lee’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Richard Lee’ Mesterhazy & Borovec photo
Pinus parviflora ’Richard Lee’ Mesterhazy & Borovec photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Richard Lee’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Richard Lee’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Richard Lee’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Richard Lee’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Richard Lee’
Will Fletcher USA four years report
Pinus parviflora ’Richard Lee’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Richard Lee’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Rick 2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0
1997 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed of a plant living
Cheobu-ri, Ullung-do, toward Senginbong
South Korea S-KOR /leg. Rick Lewandowski,
Morris Arboretum, Philadelphia, USA/
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
The brother of Pinus parviflora ’Korea’. Needles very deep
green without silverly strips, shorter than the type and also
than the Korea. On branchlets long parts without needles.
Terminal buds cover the needles. Bizarre, sparse crown.
Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus parviflora Korea testvére. Tűi nagyon sötétzöldek, a típus ezüstös sávja
hiányzik róluk, rövidebbek, mint a típuséi és a Korea tűinél is. A hajtások
végrügyeit a tűk eltakarják. Bizarr, ritka korona jellemzi.
Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus parviflora ’Rick’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus parviflora ’Rick’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus parviflora ’Rick’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus parviflora ’Rick’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus parviflora ’Rick’
Rin-un Valavanis 1976 JPN
Roman 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1999 Jiří Holata CZ
Pinus parviflora ‘Roman’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
RU-2 John Proudfoot SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery,
České Budĕjovice CZ
dwarf variety of Pinus parviflora has incredibly short, blue-green needles. A
rare but distinctive selection. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’RU – 2’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘RU- 2’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘RU- 2’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘RU-2’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
RU-5 John Proudfoot SCO
Pinus parviflora ’RU – 5’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
RU-6 John Proudfoot SCO
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus parviflora ‘RU-6’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
RU-19 John Proudfoot SCO
Ryo-kuho Valavanis 1976 JPN
Ryo-ku-sui Valavanis 1976 JPN
Ryu-jin 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’Ryu-jin’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Ryu-ju Kobayashi 1975 JPN
Pinus parviflora ‘Ryu-ju’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Ryu-ju’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Ryu-ka Valavanis 1976 JPN
Ryu-roko-ra-kan Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’Ryu-roko-ra-kan’ Edwin Smits photo
Ryu-sen Valavanis 1976 JPN
Sa-dai-jin Kobayashi 1975 JPN
Sahra Jade Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Saki-shiro-goyo Valavanis 1976 JPN
San-bo Valavanis 1976 JPN
Saphir Draijer 1982
Draijer Nurs., Hemsteede HOL
Draijer Nurs., Hemsteede HOL
Sarita Jan Hereygers, Zundert HOL
Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
dwergvorm .Groene vrij lange naalden.Gevonden door
Hereygers uit Zundert. Hij heeft deze plant de naam van zijn
gegeven. Hulsdonk text.
Sawa WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus parviflora ’Sawa WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
Schoon’s Bonsai 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
E. A. Stockman 1983
Schoon’s Nurs. GER
Pinus parviflora ‘Schoon’s Bonsai’
Pinus parviflora ’Schoon’s Bonsai’ GER Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ’Schoon’s Bonsai’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Schoon’s Bonsai’
Pinus parviflora ‘Schoons Bonsai’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora SDL Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Seiryoden 1979 SWE
T. Lundell, Helsinborg SWE
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
Select Hort. USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Selektion Goteborg SWE
Pinus parviflora ’Semenáč’ (Amerika) Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Sen-ko Valavanis 1976 JPN
Seto Valavanis 1976 JPN
Setsu-gek-ka Valavanis 1976 /Setsugetsuka/ JPN
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Shiba-musume Valavanis 1976 JPN
Shi-ho Valavanis 1976 JPN
Shika-shima Valavanis 1976 JPN
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus parviflora ’Shika-shima’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Shika-shima’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Shika Shima’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Shikoken Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR
Shikoku /Shikoku-goyo/ ?
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Pinus parviflora ’Shikoku’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Pinus parviflora ’Shikoku’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Shikoku Island’
Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus parviflora ’Shikoku Island’
Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Shikoku-goyo 1976 JPN
Shikoku Island JPN
Shikura-goten Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’Shikura-goten’ conifertreasury.org photo
Shimane 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A green variegated form of Japanese White Pine. Plant has gray bark on strong leaders. Leaves a grass green with yellow variegation. Sometimes stem variegated. Grows about a foot a year. Stanley text.
Pinus parviflora ’Shimane’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Shimane’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Shimane’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Shimane’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Shimane’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Shimane’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Shimane’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Shimane’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Shimane’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Shimane’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Shimofuri Valavanis 1976 JPN
Shimofuri-goyo Mayr 1890 /Variegata/ JPN
Shinbacu Pinus parviflora ‘Shinbacu’
Shin-sen 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA
Pinus parviflora ’Shi-no-se’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Shi-no-se’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Shin-Seini’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Shi-no-se’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Shin-sho 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’Shin-sho’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Shiobara-goyo 1976 JPN
Tochigi Prefecture
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
blue-green variety with a broad pyramidal form that makes it looks as if it is
much older than it is. Can grow up to
Pinus parviflora ‘Shiobara-goyo’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Shi-on Valavanis 1976 JPN
A Yatsabusa selection
from ’Zao-goyo’, fairly fast growing with
needles. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
parviflora ’Shi-on’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Shi-on’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus parviflora ‘Shi-on’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Shin-sho Hort.
Shirobana 1970 GBR
Hillier & Son GBR
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
A vigorous, broad upright evergreen conifer. Foliage is lush blue-green. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ‘Shirobana’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Shirogawa HOL /Sirogana/ at P. Zwijnenburg jr. HOL
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
1991 Esveld Nurs., Boskoop HOL
Shiro-janome Valavanis 1976 JPN
A dwarf evergreen conifer with
an open pyramidal form. Needles are dark blue-green with dazzling white bands.
The name translates as "white dragon's eye." Prefers sun/partial
shade in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20
degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
parviflora ’Shiro janome’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Shiro-janome’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Shiro-janome’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Shiro Janome’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Shiro Janome’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Shiro Janome’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Shiro Janome’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Shiro-Janome’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Shiro-Janome’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Shiro-Janome’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Shizaka-goten 1976 GBR
Imp. from JPN by Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
deep blue-green needles are soft to the touch on this dwarf, upright pine.
Needles have a slight twist at the tips, making this pine even more attractive.
Growth Rate: 2-4"
HxW@10yrs: 5'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ‘Shizukagoten’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus parviflora ‘Shizaka-goten’ Dax Herbst photo 2015
Shizuki 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Špaček CZ
Pinus parviflora ’Shizuki’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ’Shizuki’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Sho-bi Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Shun-ko-ro 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA /Haru-ko-ro/
Shun-mei-kan Valavanis 1976 JPN
Shu-re Valavanis 1976 JPN
Shuna-kawa-nishiki 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA /Ibo-can-nishiki/
Skyr Bruck Hort.
Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
dwergvorm die uit Oostenrijk afkomstig is. Heeft opvallende
groene naalden. Hulsdonk text.
Smout 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Sole Survivor
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-4" HxW@10yrs: 2.5'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate: Szuma
Trumpet 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.0
Szuma Ernő, Ipolynyék HUN/CZ/SLK
Tai-ho 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA /Dai-ho/
Taiho-goyo 1976 JPN
Wakayama Prefecture
Tai-kan Valavanis 1976 JPN
Tai-kan/O-kanmuri 1976 JPN /O-sho/
Taizumi 1970 GBR
Hillier & Son GBR
Takane-goyo 1976 JPN
Nagano Prefecture
Takara-game Valavanis 1976 JPN
Narrow 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Tamay-shima Hort.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
blue-green variety of Japanese White Pine. Needles real fine and numerous, and
Tani-mano-uki 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1990 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
parviflora ‘Tani Mano Uki’
parviflora ‘Tani mano yuki’
Arguably the most spectacular of all and not easy. A semi dwarf pyramid, very slow to establish, the Japanese snow pine has white new growth arising from pink candles giving a tricolor effect. Arrowhead text.
A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a globose form. Needles are mostly white, or white at the tip of the blue-green needles. The name means "snow in the valley" in Japanese. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 18" tall x 18" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
and pink are two colors one would never expect in a pine, but this selection
produces candles with a cream-pink cast in spring, and the new growth can
appear almost pure white against the tree’s older gray-green foliage.
Colors are most prominent at the top of the plant, where it is growing quickly,
but can be seen throughout. Grows as much as
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-uki’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Tani mano uki’
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-uki’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-uki’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-uki’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Tani mano yuki’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-uki’
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-uki’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-uki’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-uki’
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-uki’
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-uki’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Tani-mano-uki’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Tani-mano-uki’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-yuki’
Dax Herbst photo in Dykstra garden IL USA
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-yuki’
Dax Herbst photo in Dykstra garden IL USA
Pinus parviflora ’Tani-mano-uki’
Will Fletcher USA four years report
Pinus parviflora ‘Tani-mano-yuki’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Tani-mano-yuki’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
/Tamina No Yuki/
Tayonishiki Hort.
dwarf variety of Pinus parviflora with blue-green needles. Brent Markus
Pinus parviflora ’Tayonishiki’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
parviflora ‘Tayo Nishiki’
Pinus parviflora ‘Tayonishiki’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus parviflora ’Tayo-nishiki’
Dax Herbst photo in Dykstra garden IL USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Tayonishiki’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Tayonishiki’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Tayonishiki’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
TC Broom Hort. USA
Foxhollow Gardens GBR
Teddy 2013 Mesterházy & Anthoine in Conifer Treasury of Belgium 2.0
2002 Clément Anthoine BEL
Anthoine Pinetum, Jamioulx BEL
W.B. on a plant in the Anthoine Pinetum, a Pinus
parviflora cultivar not well identified, probably
’Fuku-zu-mi’. First seen in 2002-2003. Very difficult to
progagate, globe, compact. Named after Clement’s
Pinus parviflora ’B. S. Teddy’ Clément Anthoine BEL
Pinus parviflora ’B. S. Teddy’ Clément Anthoine BEL
Pinus parviflora ’B. S. Teddy’ Clément Anthoine BEL
Pinus parviflora ’Teddy’ Mesterhazy & Borovec photo
Pinus parviflora ’Teddy’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus parviflora ’Teddy’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus parviflora ’Teddy’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Teddy’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Teddy’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Teddy’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Teddy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Teddy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Teddy’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Teddy’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ’Teddy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Teddy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
/B. S. Teddy/
Tempelhof Grootendorst 1969
1965 Gimborn Arboretum, Doorn HOL
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
A tree-like evergreen conifer
with sparkling blue foliage. Ornamental cones frequently appear at a young age.
'Tempelhof' originated in the Gimborn Arboretum in Holland. An excellent pine
for field production. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3.5'
wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Tenysu-kazu Hort.
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a low spreading form. Dark blue-green needles are variegated in gold, in fact the plant looks entirely gold from a distance. Prefers AM sun/PM shade in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Tenysu-kazu’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus parviflora ’Tenysu-kazu’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
parviflora ‘Tenysu-Kazu’
Pinus parviflora ’Tenysu-kazu’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
parviflora ’Tenysu-kazu’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
parviflora ’Tenysu-kazu’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus parviflora ‘Tenysu-kazu’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Thick Needle Hort.
Short, blue-green needles are clumped together, giving this dwarf pine the appearance of one really thick neeedle. A very distinctive and brand new cultivar. Growth Rate: 1-3" HxW@10yrs: 1'x1'. Brent Markus text.
Todo-hada-goyo 1976 JPN
Hokkaido & C-Honshu
Dwarf 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’Tokyo Dwarf’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Tone 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 USA
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
A dwarf, very narrow upright
evergreen conifer. Needles are short and green. 'Tone' has a curious, skeletal
look. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 1' wide in 10 years.
Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus parviflora ’Tone’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Tortuosa Mayr 1890 JPN
Tribune Hort.
Tsai Cheng 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 Hort.
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
Tsai’s Cushion 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
very slow-growing pine with soft, blue-green needles and a compact, bun-shaped
habit. Possibly the same as 'Tsai Cheng'. Growth Rate: 1-2" HxW@10yrs: 1'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus parviflora ’Tsais Cushion’ Mesterházy & Borovec photo
Pinus parviflora ’Tsai’s Cushion’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Tsai’s Cushion’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ’Tsai’s Cushion’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Tsai’s Cushion’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Tsai’s Cushion’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Tsai’s Cushion’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ‘Tsai’s Cushion’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Tsuma-jiro-goyo Mayr 1890 /Albo-terminata/ JPN
Tyonishi Hort.
Pinus parviflora ’Tyonishi’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
U-dai-jin Kobayashi 1975 JPN
Un-ryu Valavanis 1976 JPN
Pinus parviflora ‘Un-ryu’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
U Vrátek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Pinus parviflora ’U Vratek’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus parviflora ‘U Vratek’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Variegata Mayr 1890 JPN
Venus Grootendorst 1965
L. Konijn & Co. Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
A dwarf, compact evergreen conifer with a pyramidal form. Soft needles are silvery blue-green. One of the better mid-size parvifloras, often adorned with cones at a young age. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Gray-green needles with silver-blue highlights. Very clean
foliage and reliable cones which persist. Brent text.
Pinus parviflora ’Venus’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Via DD Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus parviflora ‘Via DD’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Via DD’ (GW) Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Via DD’ (GW) Miroslav Malík photo 2013
VT dwerg Pinus parviflora ‘VT dwerg’
Wabi Sabi 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Waby Saby’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Waby Saby’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus parviflora ’Waby Saby’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Wako 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1990 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Walker’s Dwarf Hort.
Watnong 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Smith USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
grower with short needles on an upright forn. Selected by
Smith. Rich Eyre text.
A slow-growing, compact
evergreen conifer with a flattened-globe form. Lush foliage is silvery
blue-green. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2.5' wide in 10
years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
/Watnong Dwarf/
Watson 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1976 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Waukan Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Pinus parviflora ’Witches Broom’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
WB SDL Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus parviflora ‘WB SDL’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Weeping 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1982 Iseli Nurs. OR USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Weeping’ (Pendula)
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Wells 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
E. A. Cope
Witchesbroom Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus parviflora ‘Witchesbroom’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Wy’east 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
database without author
Short green needles striated silver blue on
the undersides complement the open, upright branching structure on this
outstanding Japanese white pine. When young its growth is vigorous. As it
matures, it develops a denser fuller appearance which adds an Oriental element
to the garden. Wy’east is the Native American name for Mt. Hood. (Iseli Nursery
Ya-kumo Valavanis 1976 JPN
Yamato-goyo 1986 JPN
Nara Prefecture
Yatsubusa Hort.
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
dwarf form of Japanese White Pine. Plant grows very compact with shorter
internodes than species. Needles are blue and green and are slightly smaller
than species. Plant has a full look rather than shaggy pine. Excellent for
Bonsai ! Stanley text.
Pinus parviflora ’Yatsubusa’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus parviflora ‘Yatsubusa’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus parviflora ’Yatsubusa’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Yatsubusa Notter Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Yatsubusa Pygmy Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Yu-ho Valavanis 1976 JPN
Yuki-gon-en Hort.
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Pinus parviflora ‘Yuki-gon-en’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Yume-dono Valavanis 1976 JPN
Za-o Valavanis 1976 JPN
Zao-goyo 1976 JPN
Miyagi & Yamagata Prefecture
Zia-no-me 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1987 USA
Zui-ho Valavanis 1976 JPN
Zui-ko Valavanis 1976 JPN
Zui-sho Valavanis 1976 JPN
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Very small, dwarf Japanese White Pine. Upright with horizontal branches. Leaves very small and thin. Needles green. Used almost exclusively in Bonsai. Called a yatsubusa type.This plant was a seedling from `Nasu-goyo'. First written about in USA in 1976. Stanley text.
Pinus parviflora ‘Zuisho’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus parviflora ‘Zuisho’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Zuis-hou 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1990 Foxborough Nurs., ML USA
Pinus parviflora x flexilis ’Mariko’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Schlecht. & Cham. Kr PM PG P
Pinus patula Schlecht. & Cham. 1831 – Leányhajfenyő – Mexican
weeping pine
patula - Mexican Weeping Pine. Jelecote Pine. 3
needles. Highly ornamental weeping pine. Needles up to
Pinus patula Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus patula Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus patula Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus patula Mesterhazy photo
Pinus patula Mesterhazy photo
Pinus patula GW eric9b USA photo
P. subpatula Royle
ssp. TECUMUMANI /Eyuilez & Perry/Styles SE-MEX – NIC
var. JALISCANA /Perez/Silba 1985
P. jaliscana Perez
Loock ex Martinez 1948
P. oocarpa var. ochotereneri Martinez
Cascade 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL
2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL
A new introduction to our Nursery - yet to be evaluated.
Cedar Lodge text.
Dragon Eye 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL
2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL
new introduction to our Nursery yet to be evaluated. Weeping gold needles make
this a handsome tree for any garden. Protect from wind. Approx. height
IFG Gate 1933 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
UCB 1967-70 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Zebrina Dall. & Jacks. 1966
1948 Buenos Aires City ARG
var. HIMEKOMATSU /Miyabe & Kudo/Makino 1954
Griseb. Kr P
Pinus peuce Griseb. 1844 - Balkáni simafenyő – Macedonian silkpine
Pinus peuce conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus peuce conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus peuce conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus peuce conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus peuce conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus peuce conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Pinus peuce Igor Uspenskiy photo
P. excelsa Hook. 1865 non Wall. & D. Don
P. excelsa var. peuce /Griseb./Beissn.
Albanien 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Albanien’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus peuce ’Albanien’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Albanien’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Āris Auders 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0
2002 Āris Auders LAT
Auders Gardens LAT
An upright plant with all
5 needles in the fascicle fussed
appearing as one. Annual growth 10-
seedling of a cultivated specimen of Pinus peuce by Āris
augošs koks. Visas 5 skujasčemurā ir saaugušas kopā, veidojot vienu biezu skuju. Gada pieaugums 10-
Arnold Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
A dwarf, broadly-pyramidal
evergreen conifer from the Arnold Arboretum. Needles are soft, blue-green and
with a slight twist. A nice looking dwarf conifer. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA
zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus peuce ’Arnold Dwarf’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus peuce ‘Arnold Dwarf’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus peuce ’Arnold Dwarf’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus peuce ’Arnold Dwarf’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus peuce ’Arnold Dwarf’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Arnold Dwarf’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Arnold Dwarf’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Aurea 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Aureovariegata 1968 HOL
Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL
Pinus peuce ’Aureovariegata’ Edwin Smits photo
Pinus peuce ‘Aureovariegata’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Aureovariegata’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Aureovariegata’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Balkan 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Balkankugel 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Balkan Kugel’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus peuce ’Balkan Kugel’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Balkankugel’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Balkan Kugel’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Bandarica 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Banderica’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus peuce ’Banderica’ Mesterhazy & Balatka photo
Pinus peuce ’Banderica’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Banderica’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Banderica’ Milan Šimánek CZ photo
Bansko 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Bansko’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Bansko’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Bansko’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Bansko’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Bergfeuer 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ‘Bergfeuer’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Bergfeuer’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Bergfeuer’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Bergfeuer’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Bergfeuer’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Bergfeuer’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Bitola 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ‘Bitola’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Bitola’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus peuce ’Bitola’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Blue Mount Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Blue Tooth 2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0
1996 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed from a tree in Budakeszi
Arboretum, N-HUN 1993
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
very regular crown. Dense, relatively short needles on many,
branchlets in silvery blue color. Its more than
cones. Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
5 méteres fa, zárt, nagyon szabályos, felül kúpos, lejjebb tojásdad koronával.
Tűi viszonylag rövidek, sűrűn állnak a rengeteg erős hajtáson, ezüstös kék
színben. 15 centisnél hosszabb tobozai vannak. Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum,
Csákvár, HUN
Pinus peuce ’Blue Tooth’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus peuce ’Blue Tooth’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus peuce ’Blue Tooth’
Bulgare 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Bulgare’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Bulgare’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Bulgare’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Cesarini 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
/Mrs. Cesarini/
Chucky 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Herb Trautmann selected of seed in Franksville WY USA
compact dense growth. ACS text.
Compacta Hort.
Pinus peuce ’Compacta’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Crna Glava 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Daniel 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1985 V. Fritsche CZ as a WB in BUL
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterházy &
Etzelstorfer photo
peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterházy &
Etzelstorfer photo
peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterházy &
Etzelstorfer photo
peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterházy &
Etzelstorfer photo
peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterházy &
Etzelstorfer photo
peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterházy &
Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus peuce ’Daniel’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus peuce ‘Daniel’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus peuce ’Daniel’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Daniel’ Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Daniel’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Daniel’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Erbse 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Erbse’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Erbse’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Erbse’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Erbse’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Fulda Hort.
An upright, slender but pyramidal tree with very soft, blue-green foliage and unique cones. This variety is a hybrid between P. wallichiana, P. strobus, & P. peuce, being one of only a handful of trees that are "three-way" hybrids. Growth Rate: 3-5". Brent Markus text.
peuce x schwerinii ‘Fulda’
Glauca 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1979 GER
1982 Esveld Nurs., Boskoop HOL
Pinus peuce ’Glauca’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Glauca Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Krüssmann 1983
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Gosia 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Marczewski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Narrow, almost columnar
habit and moderate
growth. Found in the Botanic Garden of University
of Sciences in Powsin by Andrzej Marczewski. Rarely propagated. Adam Marosz
się wąskim, niemal kolumnowym pokrojem i umiarkowaną siłą wzrostu. Uzyskana w
Ogrodzie Botanycznym PAN w Powsinie, przez A. Marczewskiego. Poza kolekcjami
jeszcze rzadko spotykana. Adam Marosz text.
Harlequin Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus peuce ‘Harlequin’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
HB /HB Horstmann/
Henzei Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus peuce ‘Henzei’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Henzei’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Hexenbesen Horstmann 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
G. Horstmann GER
Pinus peuce ’Horstmann’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Hexenbesen’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Horstmann’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Horstmann HB’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Horstmann Zwerg 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
G. Horstmann GER
Horstmann Nurs. GER
Hristo Tsakov 61 2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich
in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org
1998 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS
peuce ’Hristo Tsakov
Irina Mersianova 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Irina Mersianova RUS
Pinus peuce ’Irina Mersianova’ Irina Mersianova RUS photo
Jacobsen Gelb Arne Jacobsen DEN
An evergreen conifer with an
open pyramidal form. Long, soft blue-green foliage is variegated with patches
of light yellow. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4'
wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
peuce ’Jacobsen Gelb’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus peuce ’Jacobsen Gelb’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Jeddeloh 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
zu Jeddeloh GER
An upright evergreen conifer
with ascending branches. Foliage is bright blue. Useful in the landscape
because of its narrow form. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3'
wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Jeli HUN
Johnson 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
A vigorous upright evergreen
conifer with a columnar crown. Long gray blue-green needles are soft to the
touch. A neat tree. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10' tall x 3' wide
in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Jugo 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Jugo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Jugo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Jugo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Jugo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Jugo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Jugo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
K 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Kleiner Hans 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus peuce ‘Kleiner Hans’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Kleiner Hans’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Kleiner Hans’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Kobold 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Kobold’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Kobold’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Kobold’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Kobold’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Kobold’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus peuce ’Kobold’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Latgale 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0
Hort. LAT
Arboretum LAT
Forest Research Station “Kalsnava”
employees found and rescued, meanwhile the original witch’s broom at Kalsnava
has died. Excellent dwarf with ball or slightly ovale habit, about
Mežu pētīšanas stacijas “Kalsnava” darbinieku atrasta un izglābta (oriģinālā Pinus
peuce raganu slota Krāslavā ir
bojā) izcila pundurforma ar lodveida vai nedaudz olveida
platāka, nekā augstāka. Skujas zilganzaļas..
Pinus peuce ’Latgale’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Pinus peuca ’Latgale’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Pinus peuce ’Latgale’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Pinus peuce ’Latgale’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Pinus peuce ’Latgale’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
peuce ‘Latgale’
priede (Maķedonijas priede) ‘Latgale’
Makedonien 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ‘Makedonien’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Makedonien’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Makedonien’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Makedonien’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Makedonien’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
narrow pyramid with soft needles that are extremely dark. A selection made at Drakes Crossing Nursery
in Silverton, OR. Growth Rate:
6-9" HxW@10yrs: 6'x2'. Brent
Markus text.
Pinus peuce ’Maxine’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Minidom Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
compact, pyramidal pine has soft, blue-green foliage. A handsome, nicely-shaped
selection that looks great and fits in any garden. Growth Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 4'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus peuce ’Mini’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Minidom’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Mini’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Mini’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus peuce ’Mini’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Mini’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Mrs. Cesarini 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Cesarini USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
miniature conical upright variety of Macedonian Pine. Plant only grows about
Pinus peuce ’Mrs. Cesarini’ Tom Joswick USA photo
Montenegro 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Montenegro’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1979 USA /Arnold Dwarf/
A miniature evergreen conifer with a broad columnar form. Soft needles are gray blue-green and very short. A perfect little gem for the small garden or in a container. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 18" tall x 12" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus peuce ’Nana’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus peuce ’Nana’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus peuce ’Nana’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Nana’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Nana’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Nana’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Nana’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Nana’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Nana’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Nana’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Nana Horstmann Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Nana Koeman Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Palister Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus peuce ’Palister’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Palister’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Palister’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pirin 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Pirin’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus peuce ’Pirin’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Pirin’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Piroschka Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus peuce ‘Piroschka’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Piroschka’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Piroschka’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Piroschka’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pitola /Bitola/
Pygmy Kenwith Nurs., GBR
Pinus peuce ’Pygmy’ Sami Saidi POL photo
Raubold Pinus
peuce ‘Raubold’
Selektion 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
Hort. Honemann Arboretum AUT
Skopje 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ‘Skopje’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Sonne von Montenegro 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Stern von Montenegro 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Thessalonica Broom Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus peuce ’Thessalonica Broom’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ‘Thessalonica Broom’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Thessalonica Broom’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Thessalonica Broom’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Tigerauge 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Todorka 69 2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich
in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org
1998 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS
peuce ’Тодорка
Vanc Variegata 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
Pavel Vanc CZ
as a seedling in Bydžovská Lhotka.
Místo nálezu,
Bydžovská Lhotka. SDL. Žlutopestrá variegátní mutace,
vzrůstu. Balatka text.
Pinus peuce ‘Vanc
Variegata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
dwarf, variegated cultivar of Macedonian Pine. Leaves grey-green with splashes
of yellow throughout. Grows about
Wageningen Hort. HOL
Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
pyramidaal, goede vorm, moederboom stond in
Wageningen. Hulsdonk text.
Westbury 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Westhur 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Wiesburg Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Wilhelm Garten Fructica Hort.
peuce ‘Wilhelm Garten Fructica’
Wintergold 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Growing about 2/3 the rate of the species. Leaves yellow, more attractive in winter. Plant is a slender conical upright . Stanley text.
Zart 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury
of Hungary 1.0
Józsa Miklós, Szombathely HUN
Pinus peuce ’Zart’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus peuce ’Zart’ conifertreasury.org photo
Zauberflöte 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Zauberflöte’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Zauberflöte’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus peuce ’Zauberflöte’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Zigauner 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2008 Jörg Kohout GER in Macedonia
2012 Kohout Baumschulen GER
2012 Etzelstorfer Baumschulen AUT
Pinus peuce ’Zigauner’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus peuce ’Zigauner’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus peuce ‘Zigauner’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ‘Zigauner’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus peuce ’Zigauner’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
non Ait.
Ait. Kr PG P
pinaster Loud. 1789 – Parti fenyő – Maritime pine
Pinus pinaster conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinaster conifertreasury.org photo
pinaster - Maritime Pine. 2 needles. Native of the
coast of central and western Mediterranean. Also along the Atlantic coast of
France, Spain and Portugal. Well suited to coastal growing. Likes light, sandy
soil. Has ornamental reddish-brown bark. Proven in our nursery/garden to
withstand salt laden wind very well.
P. escarena Risso
P. glomerata Salisb.
P. hamiltonii Tenore 1845
P. lemoniana Benth. 1835
P. maritima Poir. 1804
P. monspeliensis Hort.
P. neglecta Low.
P. nova-hollandica Lodd.
P. nova-zealandica Lodd.
P. sanctaehelenica Loud.
sylvestris Mill 1768 non L.
f. MAJOR Nicholson 1900
f. MICROCARPA Herre 1928 S-AFR
f. MINOR Loisel. 1812 Le Mans FRA
f. PROLIFERA Mottet 1896 FRA
ssp. ATLANTICA D. del Villar
ssp. PINASTER The type of the species
P. mesogeensis Fieschi & Gaussen
Aberdoniae Loud. 1839
1825 Earl of Aberdeen in ITA
Pinus pinaster ’Aberdoniae’ conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Pinus pinaster ’Aberdoniae’ conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Pinus pinaster ’Aberdoniae’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
P. pinaster var. escarina Risso ex Loud.1838
P. pinaster hamiltonii Ten.
Atlantica Dall. & Jacks. 1966 FRA
Screw 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2000 Hódi Tóth József from seed of a plant in Arboretum
of Corvinus University, Budapest HUN
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Broad conical habit, fast growing. Needles long, spreading,
twisted and intense yellow-green.
Original plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
kúp alakú korona, gyors növekedés. Tűi hosszúak, csavarodottak, intenzív
sárgászöldek. Anyatő az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár HUN
Pinus pinaster ’Blondy Screw’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinaster ’Blondy Screw’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinaster ’Blondy Screw’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinaster ’Blondy Screw’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinaster ’Blondy Screw’ conifertreasury.org photo
Drvenyk 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Pinus pinaster ’Drvenyk’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus pinaster ’Drvenyk’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Gargano Koláč 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Gargano Košík 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Gigantea Hort.
Isole Tremity 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Jericho 1983 AUS
Krysí Gargano 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Lemoniana Dall. & Jacks. 1923
P. pinaster var. lemoniana 1838
Long Drop WB SDL # 1 Hort.
Long Drop WB SDL # 2 Hort.
Long Drop WB SDL # 3 Hort.
Monophylla Nelson 1866 GBR
Nana Nelson 1866 GBR
Nana Hornibrook 1939
wild found at Mandelieu S-FRA
P. pinaster var. nana 1939
Pendula Nelson 1866 GBR
Springdale Hort.
Pinus pinaster ’Springdale’ Stephen Grubb GBR photo
Tortuosa Nelson 1866 GBR
Variegata Forb. 1939 GBR
Wrecking Ball
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-2" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:PINCEANA 1858 MEX
Gord. Kr PG P
Pinus pinceana Gord. 1858 – Szomorú diófenyő – Pince pinyon
P. cembroides Gord. not Zucc. 1846
P. latisquamea Engelm. 1883
L. Kr PG
Pinus pinea Linnaeus 1753 – Mandulafenyő – Almond pine
P. aracanensis Knight
P. arctica Hort.
P. domestica Matth.
P. festuosa Salisb.
P. maderensis Ten. 1854
P. sativa Lam. 1778
Pinus pinea ’Antalya’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Bachelor 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.2
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living
in a public park in Antalya, TUR
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
long needles, deeper green colour. Bark very cracked,
red-brown. Robust specimen.
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
6 méteres fiatal növény, de már jellegzetes, félgömbhöz közelítő koronával.
Lombozata sűrű, tűi az átlagosnál hosszabbak, erőteljesek, mélyzöld színűek. A
kéreg erősen repedezett, vörös-barna. Robusztus, impozáns.
/oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus pinea ’Bachelor’
Comeback 2010
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
1999 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed of a plant in
Botanical Garden of Buenos Aires, ARG
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Broad cylindrical habit, normal growing. Particular heads
strongly curved, nearly spiralish. Needles broad, twisted,
dull deep green.
Original plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Széles henger alakú korona, normál
növekedés. Az oldalvezérek erősen íveltek, majdnem spirálisan állnak a tengely
körül. A tűk szélesek, csavarodottak, matt mélyzöldek. Anyatő az Arizonica
Arborétumban, Csákvár HUN
Pinus pinea ’Comeback’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Comeback’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Comeback’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Comeback’ conifertreasury.org photo
Correvoniana Hornibrook 1932
Fragilis 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Krüssmann 1972 GER
Graciosa 2011
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living in an
Antalya public park, TUR
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
thiner than the type. Needles shorter and paler than the type.
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
5 méteres, széles, gömbös koronájú fa. Ágai és hajtásai íveltek, vékonyabbak és
rövidebbek, mint a típuséi. Tűi rövidebbek és halványabb zöldek, mint a típus.
Még nem terem.
/oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus pinea ’Graciosa’
Grandfather 2011
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2
2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living in a
public park in Antalya, TUR
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
than the type. Big cones. Bark grey-brown, cracked.
Very spectacular.
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
/oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus pinea ’Grandfather’
Hírös 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.0
Tóth Gyula, Gödöllő HUN from sport of a plant living in
Kecskemét, HUN
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő, HUN
Needles shorter, as usual, deep green, less bloomy as type,
less curved. Seasonal sprouts massive, buds big. Persistent,
approximately since 30 years lives in sandy soil, strong
radiational frost in winter.
Original plant /graft/ in Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő, HUN
homoktalajon, komoly kisugárzásos fagyokat elviselve él évtizedek óta. Tűi
valamivel rövidebbek, mélyzöldek, kevésbé hamvasak, mint a típus, kevésbé
csavarodnak. Éves hajtásai vaskosak. Rügyei nagyok. Szívós, értékes hazai fajta
válik belőle.
az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus pinea ’Hirös’ conifertreasury.org photo
Hunnia 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2006 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living in a
garden, Budapest, HUN
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
This one also lives since 30 years in Hungary. Never frost
damage. Long, curved, certain bloomy needles, small buds.
Original plant /graft/ in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
évtizede Magyarországon élő klón, koronája mostanra kezdi felvenni a
jellegzetes ernyő-alakot. A hideg soha nem károsította. Új helyen azért
célszerű az első években téli védelemmel /árnyékolás, talajtakarás/ kedveskedni
az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus pinea ’Hunnia’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Hunnia’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Hunnia’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Hunnia’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Hunnia’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Montreaux Hort.
Pinus pinea ‘Montreaux’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1990 GER
Queensway G. Haddow 1991
D. van Hoey Smith in Queensway, Exeter Univ. GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Rákóczi 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2007 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living in a
garden in Budapest, HUN / from seed of Istria, CRO
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
than 20 years old plant,
got any frost damage. Needles longer as usual, curved, deeper
green as type.
Original plant /graft/ in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
is itthon él, több mint két évtizede, és ehhez képest öt méter magas mutatós
fa. Magját Isztrián gyűjtötték tulajdonosai, akik eddig azt sem tudták, hogy
milyen fenyőjük van. Egy esőcsatorna kifolyója közelébe ültették, vízellátása
ezért mindig jó, néha túl jó, ennek ellenére hajtásai mindig beértek és soha nem
érte fagykár. Tűi az átlagnál hosszabbak, színe talán egy fokkal sötétebb.
Talán belőle lesz az igazán tűrőképes, széleskörűen elterjedő hazai klón.
az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus pinea ’Rákóczi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Rákóczi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Rákóczi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Rákóczi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Rákóczi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Rákóczi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Rákóczi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pinea ’Rákóczi’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus pinea ’Rákóczi’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus pinea ’Rákóczi’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Tousled Ball 2013 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0
2012 Hódi Tóth József from sport of a plant in a private garden
in Budapest, HUN
Arizonica Nursery, Csákvár, HUN
grow, very long needles in deep green colour. Just in young leader and ball formed
crown. Buds 5-
növekedésű, nagyon hosszú mélyzöld tűkkel. A sudár már fiatal korában is rövid,
ettől a korona kusza, kócos gömbbé alakul. Rügyei 5-8 centisra nyúlva telelnek.
Különleges szoliterré növekszik, Magyarországon teljesen télálló.
Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus pinea ’Tousled Ball’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus pinea ’Tousled Ball’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus pinea Tousled Ball
Stev. Kr Cz
Pinus pithyusa Stev.
1838 - Pikundafenyő - Pitsunda pine
Pinus pithyusa conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pithyusa conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pithyusa conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pithyusa Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus pithyusa Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
P. brutia var. pithyusa /Stev./Silba 1986
P. brutia ssp. pithyusa /Stev./Nahal
Dougl. Kr P
Pinus ponderosa Dougl. 1836 - Nyugati sárgafenyő - Ponderosa pine
Pinus ponderosa conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus ponderosa conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus ponderosa conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus ponderosa conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus ponderosa conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus ponderosa conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus ponderosa selection in Denver Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa Nate Cassell USA photo
P. apachea Lemm. 1894
P. beardsleyi A.Murr. 1855
P. benthamica Hartw. 1847
Pinus ponderosa var. benthamiana Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
P. brachyptera Engelm. 1848
P. craigiana A. Murr. 1855
mayriana Sudw. 1897
P. nootkatensis Manetti
P. parryana Gord. 1858
P. peninsularis Lem. 1900
P. resinosa Torr.
P. sinclairiana Carr.
P. sinclairii Hook. & Arn.
f. MAYRIANA Sarg.1897
P. engelmannii Shaw 1909 non Carr.
ssp. ARIZONICA /Engelm./Murray
Pinus ponderosa arizonica conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus ponderosa arizonica conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Pinus ponderosa arizonica conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Don/Murray 1982
ssp. JEFFREY /Balf./Murray
ssp. SCOPULORUM /Engelm./Murray 1982
Pinus ponderosa ssp. scopulorum
ssp. WASHOENSIS /Mason & Stockwell/Murray 1982
var. ARIZONICA /Engelm./Shaw
var. DEFLEXA Torr. 1859
var. JEFFREY Vasey 1875
var. MACROPHYLLA Shaw 1909
P. engelmannii Shaw 1909 auct. non Carr.
Pinus ponderosa dwarf Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa dwarf conifer Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa dwarf Nate Cassell photo in Denver
Pinus ponderosa broom Nate Cassell CO photo
Pinus ponderosa broom Nate Cassell CO photo
Pinus ponderosa broom Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa broom Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa broom in Cheyenne Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa broom in Cheyenne Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
A nice ponderosa broom Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
A nice ponderosa broom Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa broom Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
10 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
11 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus ponderosa ’11 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
12 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus ponderosa ’12 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
25 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus ponderosa ’25 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
29 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus ponderosa ’29 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
45 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
100 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus ponderosa ’100 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
4 SDL 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus ponderosa ’# 4 SDL’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
# 12 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, large, typical, in top, on north side of road to
east of Cherokee limber (Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’). JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 12 Broom’
# 13 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, typical, north of bridge toward Kitteridge
CO, above Idledale. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 13 Broom’
# 18 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, tall, narrow, north of Las Vegas NM, on the
way to Mora, on east side of Road. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 18 Broom’
# 19 Tree 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a tree, large, compact, somewhat narrow, north of
Guadalupia NM, on west side of road behind farm. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 19 Broom’
# 30 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Pinus ponderosa ’# 30 Broom’
# 32 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, medium, average, 25’-
Deckers and Woodland Park on east side of road. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 32 Broom’
# 33 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, small, 25 up,
Pinus ponderosa ’# 33 Broom’
# 34 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Pinus ponderosa ’# 34 Broom’
# 36 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
Country Club. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 36 Broom’
# 37 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, south of the Buffaloes, south of Como,
County 15, small, tall, narrow. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 37 Broom’
# 38 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, south of the Buffaloes, south of Como,
County 15, large, wide. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 38 Broom’
# 40 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Pinus ponderosa ’# 40 Broom’
# 41 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, large, high, west side of
miles down on north in large tree, 2/3 up, too average to fool
with. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 41 Broom’
# 42 Broom deleted
# 43 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
on left. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 43 Broom’
# 44 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, large, up Fall River road on right. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 44 Broom’
# 45 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, large, on west side of Grapevine before our
1946 house. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 45 Broom’
# 46 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
from Golden Gate broom, in Golden Gate canyon in Driveway.
JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 46 Broom’
# 53 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, low, very tight, small, Hogback North
Rooney cut. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 53 Broom’
# 58 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
hanging down. Near entrance of Weston Pass on west side of
north side of road on a lonesome tree. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 58 Broom’
# 71 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, tight, Denny and I found in Cherokee Park,
tightest. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 71 Broom’
# 81 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
found SW of # 80,
JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 81 Broom’
# 82 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
Pinus ponderosa ’# 82 Broom’
# 83 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, large,
tree is broom, south of # 80 on sidehill. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 83 Broom’
# 88 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, low on tree, full nice, north of Castro canyon
to Fence at Red canyon. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 88 Broom’
# 99 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
9 on north side of pass north of Tallahassie road on west side of
road – South Park. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 99 Broom’
# 103 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
#103 Hort.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc.
Boring, OR USA
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Found as a broom, globe, thick, 5’x5’, looks good. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 103 Broom’
# 104 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, low limb,
road to Wills road. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 104 Broom’
# 105 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Broom from Idaho, gone 6 grafts in 2002. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 105 Broom’
# 110 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Empty record, deleted.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 110 Broom’
# 122 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, on Ridge Road, first house east of church.
JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 122 Broom’
# 123 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, on Ridge Road, first house east of church.
JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 123 Broom’
# 124 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, Marcus home, Paradise Hills. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 124 Broom’
# 125 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, Marcus home, Paradise Hills. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 125 Broom’
# 126 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, Grants, New Mexico at lava flow. JM text
Pinus ponderosa ’# 126 Broom’
# 127 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, Grants, New Mexico at lava flow. JM text
Pinus ponderosa ’# 127 Broom’
# 128 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, up road to Braats home.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 128 Broom’
# 129 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, Montana. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 129 Broom’
# 130 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, to west side of Grapewine near Brown B
broom. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 130 Broom’
# 131 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a dwarf tree,
Pinus ponderosa ’# 131 Broom’
# 132 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a dwarf tree, below rocks, Vedauwoo. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 132 Broom’
# 133 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, at beginning of road up Cherokee Park.
JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 133 Broom’
# 134 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, at beginning of road up Cherokee Park.
JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 134 Broom’
# 135 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, at beginning of road up Cherokee Park.
JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 135 Broom’
# 136 Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, very small on largest pondy over on Big
Creek. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’# 136 Broom’
#434 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Pinus ponderosa ’# 99 Broom’
Nate Cassell USA
Pinus ponderosa ’#434’ Nate Cassell CO USA
2 Dot 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Clayton Berg USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A columnar Ponderosa Pine. This plant was found by Clayton
Berg. Stanley text.
Adášek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2002-2011 František Adášek CZ
Adášek Gardens CZ
Pinus ponderosa ’Adasek’ Mesterházy & Adášek photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Adasek’ Mesterházy & Adášek photo
Aga 1 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Agnieszka 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Janusz Szewczyk
Needles long, as the species, with two yellow lateral spots. Growth usual. Selected of seedlings in the nursery Maria and Janusz Szewczyk in Krzywaczka in 1997. Since 2001 successfully propagated. Reported to legal protection at the end of 2005. Yellow pine varieties in the world there is very rare. Adam Maroš text.
długie, jak u gatunku, z dwoma źółtymi poprzecznymi przebarwieniami. Siła
wzrostu, jak u gatunku. Wyselekcjonpowana pośród siewek tego gatunku w szkółce
Marii i Janusza Szewczyków w Krzywaczce, w 1997 roku. Od 2001 roku podjęte są
udane próby rozmnaźania. Zgłoszona do ochrony prawnej w końcu 2005 roku. Odmian
sosny źółtej na świecie jest bardzo mało, tym bardziej zasługuje ona na
szczególne wyróźnienie. Adam Marosz text.
Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Agnieszka’ Dariusz Burdan photo
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pinus ponderosa ’Agnieszka’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Agnieszka’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa ’Agnieszka’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
ponderosa Agnieszka (Szewczyk)
Almost Bluett
Ridge 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2011 Nate Cassell USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Antler Ridge’ Nate Cassell photo
Aunt Mae 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, low on
almost dead. South of Parker in German Ladies Yard. JM text.
ponderosa ’Aunt Mae #
Bábovka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Pinus ponderosa ’Bábovka’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Bábovka’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Doe 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2013 Nate Cassell CO USA
Found as a broom in Colorado, it's named after Elizabeth
Bonduel McCourt. Cassell text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Baby Doe’ Nate Cassell photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Baby Doe’ Nate Cassell photo
Pinus ponderosa ‘Baby Doe’ Milan Šimánek CZ photo
Pinus ponderosa ‘Baby Doe’ Milan Šimánek CZ photo
Pinus ponderosa subsp. scopulorum ’Baby Doe’
Bailey #3 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
hangs, near Bailey CO. JM text.
witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant is
spreading and flat. Almost a weeping broom. Plant grows
Pinus ponderosa ’Bailey #3’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus ponderosa ’Bailey’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Bailey’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Bailey’ Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Bailey’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
ponderosa ’Bailey #
Baxteri’s Left Side 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Baxteri’s Right Side 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Big Boomer #111 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
average broom, on road past Deekers. JM text.
witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant has large
green leaves
Pinus ponderosa ’Big Boomer #111’ Larry Stanley OR USA
ponderosa ’Big Boomer’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus ponderosa ‘Big Boomer #111’ Larry Stanley USA photo
ponderosa ’Big Boomer #
Blue 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2003 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA
Name: Pinus
ponderosa blue
Accession Date: 10 Jun 2003
Accession Number: 032088
Garden Location
Source: Morris
Botanic Garden access etc. to Pinus ponderosa
Brandonggs 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2007 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Brandon G.G.S.’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Name: Pinus
ponderosa Brandonggs
Accession Date: 12 Jun 2007
Accession Number: 071698
Garden Location
Code(s): GNUR
Source: Morris
Denver Botanic Garden access etc. to Pinus ponderosa
Braun 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
works. JM text.
ponderosa ’Braun #
Broom 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Bryce #72 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Found as a broom, near Pinus flexilis ’Navajo’ broom on north
of road. JM text.
A witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain
Collection. Plant has large green leaves 2 ½ inches long.
ponderosa ’Bryce #
Buckingham Park 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’Buckingham Park’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa subsp. scopulorum ’Buckingham Park’
Buffalo 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, west of Buffalo Pen on I-70, south side of
top of
ponderosa ’Buffalo #
Weeping 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus ponderosa ’Bush’s Weeping’
Pinus ponderosa ’Bush’s Weeping’
Canyon C 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
green, hangs underneath, much shaded. East road up canyon to
south from C. City. JM text.
A witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain
Plant has large green leaves
grows 2-
ponderosa ’Canyon C #
Canyon Ferry 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Arnold Arboretum 1972
wild found by C.V. Berg, Helena MO USA
Castlerock 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, on bottom south part of
railroad tracks, south of Castlerock CO. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Castlerock #
Chief Hosa 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a typical broom, about one block west of El Rancho.
M text.
ponderosa ’Chief Hosa #
Coal Creek 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’Coal Creek’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Columnar 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Cousin D. 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, large, low, good looking, Cherokee Park,
game & fish parking. JM text.
ponderosa ’Cousin D. #
Crispata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Schwerin 1919
Count Schwerin in Wendisch-Wilmendorf GER
P. ponderosa f. crispata Schwerin 1919
D. Dee 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
average, near the Devils camp area. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’D. Dee’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus ponderosa ’D. Dee’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus ponderosa ’D. Dee’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’D. Dee’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’D. Dee’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’D Dee’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’D. Dee #
D. Dees Delight # 107 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Found as a broom, low on tree, not tight, but lots of branching.
Jefferson area. JM text.
Number 107# A dwarf form of Ponderosa Pine. This plant is part of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Found in south Utah. Leaves are short and green on a very small broom. Stanley text.
Pinus ponderosa ’D Dees Delight’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
ponderosa ’D. Dees Delight #
Datil 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, on small
flat on top, 5-
ponderosa ’Datil #
Deflexa /var. DEFLEXA/
Dense Dude 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, extra tight,
ponderosa ’Dense Dude #
Dick Bush 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Dixie 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2007 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Stephen Grubb GBR
Found as a broom, large, low, compact, small twigs, short
needles, up road, west of Brice to north on right. JM text.
A dwarf form of Ponderosa Pine. This is a plant from the Jerry
Morris Rocky Mountain Conifer Collection. Plant has tight buds
and tight 2" needles with a green appearence. Forms a globose
plant. Stanley text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Larry Stanley OR USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Stephen Grubb GBR
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Dixie’ Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012
ponderosa ’Dixie #
Name: Pinus
ponderosa 'Dixie'
Accession Date: 27 Dec 2007
Accession Number: 072990
Garden Location
Code(s): GDCB
Source: Morris
Botanic Garden access etc. to Pinus ponderosa
Dokey 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
spreader, Denver Country Club by shops, to north. JM text.
ponderosa ’Dokey #
Doo Dad 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Nate Cassell USA
as a broom, tight, 6-
Pinus ponderosa ’Doo Dad’ Nate Cassell CO USA
ponderosa ’Doo Dad #
Double Dip 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, tight,
river by Doubale Dips to east, ¼ mile across river. JM text.
ponderosa ’Double Dip #
Double Down 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’Double Down’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Double Down’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus ponderosa subsp. scopulorum ’Double Down’
Dusty Blue 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Nate Cassell USA, Will Fletcher USA
A witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain
Plant has long blue needles
Grows 4-6 inchs a year. Stanley text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Dusty Blue’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Dusty Blue’ Will Fletcher USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Dusty Blue’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Dusty Blue’ Nate Cassell CO USA
ponderosa ’Dusty Blue #
El Rancho 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
1993 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Nate Cassell USA
as a broom,
Rancho CO on old hwy 40. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’El Rancho’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’El Rancho’ Nate Cassell CO USA
ponderosa ’El Rancho #
Elk Meadow 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
road at Elk Meadows road 179, Cherokee. JM text.
A witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain
Plant has large green leaves
Plant grows 1/2 inch a year. Stanley text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Elk Meadow’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus ponderosa ’Elk Meadow’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Elk Meadow #
Elkhorn 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
ponderosa ’Elkhorn #
Estes 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom on south edge of Estes Park on west side of
road, large. JM text.
ponderosa ’Estes #
Five Needle 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Flicker #92 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Found as a broom
A dwarf form of Ponderosa Pine. This plant is part of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Found near Medicine Bow, Wyoming. Needles are short with multiple buds per stem. Very congested on upright globe. Stanley text.
ponderosa ’Flicker #
Mat 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
As the name
would suggest, 'Floor Mat' is a Ponderosa broom that matures to a modestly flat
topped mound. Grafted forms of miniature and dwarf Ponderosa pine are very rare
and just now coming into the gardening world. They are sturdy, drought tolerant
pines perfect for any xeriscape or rock garden. Grafted on Ponderosa rootstock.
High Countrs Gardens text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Floor Mat’ High Country Gardens NM USA
Gallinas 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Wild found in Colorado.
Pinus ponderosa ’Gallinas’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Gallinas’ Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Gallinas’ Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012
Genesee 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
just after Idledale CO turn on I-70, on south side, about half way
to top of tree. JM text.
ponderosa ’Genesee #
Geyser Gold
is a golden yellow form of Pinus ponderosa found in a private yard along Hwy.
Gimmi 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
1998 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as an average broom, down road from Dixie, next to road
on west. JM text.
ponderosa ’Gimmi #
Globosa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 US National Arboretum Washington DC
Golden Gate 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
topped, at start of Golden Gate on left across creek,
3 to 4 turns up. JM text.
ponderosa ’Golden Gate #
Grapevine 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
1980 found by Jerry Morris USA, west of Denver
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Bob Fincham, Nate Cassell USA
as a broom, large,
road, near old Morris property, very green, dense. JM text.
A dense, dwarf, globose
plant that becomes broadly conical as it ages; grows 8-
Pinus ponderosa ’Grapevine’ Bob Fincham USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Grapevine’ Nate Cassell CO USA
ponderosa ’Grapevine #
Grapevine Broom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom on Grapevine.
ponderosa ’Grapevine Broom #
Green Ghost 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
ponderosa ’Green Ghost #
Grizly 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 František Topinka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
Drop 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Growth rate: 3-6”/year. Fieseler text.
A Laporte Ave. Nursery introduction that has a low mounding shape like a gumdrop. 'Gum Drop' is a
tidy growing broom of Ponderosa pine with a nice rounded shape as it matures.
Grafted forms of miniature and dwarf Ponderosa pine are very rare and just now
coming into the gardening world. They are sturdy, drought tolerant pines
perfect for any xeriscape or rock garden. Grafted on Ponderosa rootstock.
Pinus ponderosa ’Gum Drop’ High Country Gardens NM USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Gum Drop’ High Country Gardens NM USA
Haleys Heron 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, very tight, almost too tight, twigs small.
Collected by Mike Morris, located Heron Dam, New Mexico.
JM text.
ponderosa ’Haleys Heron #
Haltýř 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus ponderosa ’Haltyr’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus ponderosa ’Haltyr’ Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Heather 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom
clubhouse. JM text.
ponderosa ’Heather #
Heft Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Heike 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Pinus ponderosa ‘Heike’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Henny 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a dwarf tree,
road, west of road, near deer story. JM text.
ponderosa ’Henny #
Herbie 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
2013 Nate Cassell CO USA
Found as an aged broom in Colorado.
Pinus ponderosa ’Herbie’ Nate Cassell photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Herbie’ Nate Cassell photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Herbie’ Nate Cassell photo
Pinus ponderosa ‘Herbie’ Nate Cassell photo 2013
Hexenbesen 1. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann GER
Hexenbesen 2. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann GER
Hexenbesen H. 3. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann GER
Hi 9 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
Jefferson road to west to first route – in ¼- ½ mile on route.
JM text.
dwarf variety of Ponderosa Pine. This plant is part of the Jerry Morris Rocky
Mountain Collection. Leaves are light green blue and smaller than species.
Plant only grows about 2
ponderosa ’Hi 9 #
Hi Desert 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA Foothills near Bend, Oregon
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Nate Cassell USA
as a tree (?) or broom on ground,
branches at
Hi Desert Museum,
A Ponderosa Pine that has no central leader, is a bush form. This
is a plant from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Conifer
Grows 6 to
Pinus ponderosa ’Hi Desert’ Larry Stanley OR USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Hi Desert’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Hi Desert’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Hi Desert’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus ponderosa ‘Hi Desert’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa ‘Hi Desert’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa ‘Hi Desert’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa ‘Hi Desert’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
ponderosa ’Hi Desert #
Hickey 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
ponderosa ’Hickey #
Highway 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Pinus ponderosa ’Highway’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Highway’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Highway’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Highway’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ‘Highway’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa ‘Highway’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Hillsboro 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Hiwan 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
1993 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
1993 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA
Nate Cassell USA
as a special tree, about
JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Hiwan’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Hiwan’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Hiwan’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
ponderosa ’Hiwan #
Hot Dog 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
Limber ’Cherokee’ on route. (Pinus flexilis). JM text.
ponderosa ’Hot Dog #
Hulsdonk Weeping 2013 Mesterházy & Anthoine in Conifer Treasury of Belgium 2.0
1999 Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
in zaailingen in 1999. Iets kortere naalden, maar veel beter vertakkend en
beter treurend dan Pinus ponderosa 'Pendula', die minder vertakt is en waarvan
de takken meer horizontaal staan.
ponderosa ‘Hulsdonk Weeping’
Idaho 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Idaho Son 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant has large
green leaves 1 ½ inches long. Plant grows
Idledale 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
1993 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
1993 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA
Nate Cassell USA
as a broom,
Grapevine road, across Gulley to south, brands ends turn up.
JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Idledale’ Nate Cassell CO USA
ponderosa ’Idledale #
Itbeone 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, short needles, tight, thick, green, low
West of Marcia, Vedauwoo. JM text.
ponderosa ’Itbeone #
Itsgreat 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a tree,
branch goes at different angles, each is flat with many small
twigs. Wildwood recreation area, south of Buffalo. JM text.
ponderosa ’Itsgreat #
J. Lynn 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
„Vedauwoo road” in a group of PL & PP (Limber pine and
Ponderosa pine). JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’J. Lynn’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
ponderosa ’J. Lynn #
Jamie’s Joy # 89 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Found as a broom, tight, short needles, attrective, above
average, Vedauwoo, south of visitors center, low on tree.
JM text.
A dwarf form of Ponderosa Pine. This plant is part of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Found in southern Woyoming near Laramie. Leaves are species size on a tight round globe. Stanley text.
ponderosa ’Jamie’s Joy #
Janet Joy 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA
Jaspar 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
Hogback North of Rooney cut. JM text.
A witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain
Leaves are bottle-brush like on flat bun,
Plant grows 1 ½ inch a year. Stanley text.
Pinus ponderosa ‘Jaspar’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
ponderosa ’Jaspar #
Jaune Hort.
Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus ponderosa ‘Jaune’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Jeff 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom, large,
A witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain
Collection. Leaves are green and half size of species. Grows
ponderosa ’Jeff #
Jemez Falls 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Jörg 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Pinus ponderosa ‘Jörg’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Josef Halda 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Joyful #62 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
in Denver near Parker. JM text.
A witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain
Collection. Leaves 4 1/2 inches long and green. Plant is a ball,
ponderosa ’Joyful #
Jubilee 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
up, on route near limber broom. JM text.
ponderosa ’Jubilee #
K. Riley 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’K. Riley’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’K. Riley’ Mesterhazy photo
Karbatch 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Kelly T 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
to Targon Lake up by large rock. JM text.
ponderosa ’Kelly T #
Kelly Dahl 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’Kelly Dahl’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Kelly Dahl’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Kelly Dahl’ František Topinka photo
King Canyon 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
zu Jeddeloh GER in Sierra Nevada CA USA
King Cone 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
JM text.
A witches’ broom from the Jerry
Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant has large green leaves
Pinus ponderosa ’King Kone’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
ponderosa ’King Cone #
Klamath Falls Gold 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Found in California by Bill Wilson on vacation
& Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Koolhaas No. 1. 1955 HOL
1910 Koolhaas Nurs. HOL
P. ponderosa var. scopulorum Koolhaas
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
entrance Red Canyon. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’La Boca’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Pinus ponderosa ‘La Boca’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
ponderosa ’
Labe 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus ponderosa ’Labe’ Mesterházy & Valenta photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Labe’ Mesterházy & Valenta photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Labe’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus ponderosa ’Labe’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Laser # 1 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Pinus ponderosa ’Laser # 1’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Lawson 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
JM text.
ponderosa ’Lawson #
Lil Deer 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, large,
Cousin D. JM text.
ponderosa ’Lil Deer #
Lil Toe 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
south by main camp area, Vedauwoo. JM text.
ponderosa ’Lil Toe #
Joe 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
2012 Scott Skogerboe & Kirk Fieseler NM USA
2013 High Country Gardens NM USA
2012 David Salman, Santa Fe of HCG
Growth rate: 1-4”/year. Fieseler text.
A Laporte Ave. Nursery selection from a broom found in a tree near Horsetooth reservoir, tight dark green needles, very compact growth, broom has a low mounded shape. My buddies
Scott Skogerboe (head propagator of Ft. Collins Wholesale Nursery) and Kirk
Fieseler (Co-owner of rock garden nursery Laporte Avenue Nursery, Ft. Collins)
made a fantastic discovery as they were hiking in the foothills west of Ft.
Collins, CO this winter. They found a “broom” growing on a Ponderosa Pine. A
broom is a piece of congested growth on a conifer caused by a virus or
spontaneous mutation. Brooms are a very sought after source of miniature and
dwarf conifers.* These brooms are brought into the garden by grafting a small
branch from the broom onto a seedling plant of the same or similar species.
These grafted plants retain the characteristics of the mother broom creating a
slow, small growing conifer. Kirk, who is a master grafter,
harvested about 20 small branches (called “scion wood”) from this broom and
grafted them to seedling Ponderosa pines. He and Scott have decided to name their new discovery ‘Little Joe.’ Dwarf
Ponderosa pines are very sought after as there are very few named selections in
cultivation. Some of these plants will be ready for sale in spring of 2013.
David Salman text of High Country Nursery.
ponderosa ’Little Joe’ High Country
Gardens NM USA
ponderosa ’Little Joe’ High Country
Gardens NM USA
Little Naches
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-4" HxW@10yrs: 3'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pinus ponderosa ‘Little Naches’ Mike Davison photo 2014
Needle 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Large upright tree with extremely long needles. Rich Eyre text.
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Lookout 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a hanging broom on low branch,
wide, on Lookout mountain property. JM text.
ponderosa ’Lookout #
Loužil 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1995 Špaček CZ
Špaček Gardens CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus ponderosa ’Louzil’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Louzil’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Louzil’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Louzil’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Louzil’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Loužil’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Macrophylla /var. MACROPHYLLA/
Marcia 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a dwarf tree,
growth, very special, many buds. To east of west rocks in flats.
JM text.
A witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain
Leaves are a darker green
a year. Stanley text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Marcie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
ponderosa ’Marcia #
Margarita 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2003 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
The tree P. ponderosa Margaret is a dwarf tree probably 200-300+ years in southern Wyoming between Cheyenne and Laramie. I'd gladly take you there. This was what Jerry named it 15 years ago, he wanted to honor Mom whose legal name is Margarita which is the name on the Picea pungens I found 20 + years ago." Rich Eyrie text.
as a dwarf tree, very tight,
north road in Vedauwoo area. JM text.
witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant has large
green leaves
Dwarf tree, named after Rich Eyre's mother. Nate Cassell text.
incredibly dwarf Ponderosa pine! Found as a witch's broom with long needles but
short growth by Jerry Morris. Growth Rate: 1-3" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x1'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Margaret’ Jerry Morris CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Marguerite’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Margaret’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus ponderosa ’Margaret’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
ponderosa ’Margaret #
Mary Ann Heacock 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
early 1950’s Mary Ann Heacock USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Mary Ann Heacock’
Avenue Nursery USA
Of all the native conifers I’ve propagated, this is my
current favorite with the most ornamental potential from a nurseryman‘s point
of view. I’ve been grafting it on both Ponderosa pine and Austrian pine root
stocks with equal success. Original plant was found growing near Cherokee Park
(N.W. of Fort Collins) in the early 1950’s by Mary Ann Heacock and a group of
bonsai enthusiasts. They recognized this plant as a genetic dwarf and quickly
transplanted it to M.A. Heacock’s garden in Denver. There it stayed until the late
1990’s when Kelly Grummons (an avid horticulturist) transplanted it again to
his garden in west Denver. Today it stands six feet tall and puts out two inch
sprouts of tight congested growth, its needles are about half the length of
normal Ponderosa pines. Kelly says that it really hasn’t increased in size much
since it was collected from the wild. As a grafted plant it puts out four
inches of growth a year, has good dark green color, a bold chunky texture, and
an irregular globe shape. I suspect its growth rate will slow down as it ages
in the landscape. Picture Growth rate: 2-4”/year. Laporte Avenue
Nurs. text. Thanks!
ponderosa ’Mary Ann Heacock’
Country Gardens NM USA
ponderosa ’Mary Ann Heacock’
ponderosa ‘Mary Ann Haecock’
Cassell USA photo 2013
Mayriana /f. MAYRIANA/
McCoy 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, large, strong, few miles past McCoy to north
and on right side of road, high near power lines. JM text.
ponderosa ’McCoy #
McCoy 2 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a pincushion broom on same tree as # 16 McCoy.
JM text.
ponderosa ’McCoy 2 #
Michálek Bomba 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Pinus ponderosa ’Michalek Bomba’
Mesterházy & Valenta photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Michalek Bomba’
Mesterházy & Valenta photo
Mighty Mac 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
Nursery, by farm house McGowan. JM text.
ponderosa ’Mighty Mac #
Mill Creek 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Nate Cassell USA
as a broom,
Pinus ponderosa ’Mill Creek’ Nate Cassell CO USA
ponderosa ’Mill Creek #
Mosier Loop /WB Moiser Loop/
Morris WB 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2006 Dax Herbst in ACS database
Rich Eyre & Jerry Morris wild found in the Mts.
of Colorado USA as a WB
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Dax Herbst USA
witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Leaves are a
bright green and compact. Grows 4-
Pinus ponderosa ’Morris WB’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Morris WB’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Mt. Shasta 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Ševčík CZ in the USA
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
ponderosa ’Mt. Shasta’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
ponderosa ‘Mt. Shasta’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
ponderosa ‘Mt. Shasta’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
ponderosa ’Mt. Shasta’ Miroslav Malík
photo 2013
Obsidian 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’Obsidian’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa subsp. scopulorum ’Obsidian’
Overbroom 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
Overland Golf Course on southeast side next to Santa Fe drive.
JM text.
ponderosa ’Overbroom #
Parkview 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, same tree as ’Elkhorn #
ponderosa ’Parkview #
Peňáz 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
1973 Domschke (J. Peňáz) CZ of seed
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Kalouš, Vitek Fritsche CZ
An extremely vigorous, candelabre-like clon with few branches.
Waits some years to grow out the forest.
ponderosa ’Penaz’ Gardenweb publishing
Pinus ponderosa ‘Penaz’ /Pieniaż/
Pinus ponderosa ‘Peňáz’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Mesterházy & Valenta photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Mesterházy & Borovec photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Mesterházy & Verbín photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Mesterházy & Slama photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Mesterházy & Slama photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Mesterházy & Horak photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Mesterházy & Horak photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Penaz’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Peňáz’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa ’Peňáz’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pendula Sarg. 1878 GBR
Pinus ponderosa ’Pendula’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus ponderosa ‘Pendula’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus ponderosa ‘Pendula’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pendula Branch WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus ponderosa ’Pendula Branch WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
Pennock Pass Pincushion
Pinus ponderosa ‘Pennock Pass Pincushion’ A seedling
selected from seed collected on Pennock Pass which is about
Penny 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
Cherokee Park road, in 2nd canyon. JM text.
A dwarf variety of Ponderosa Pine. This plant is part of the
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Leaves are light green
blue and smaller than species. Plant only grows about 2 -3
inches a year. Stanley text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Penny’ Larry Stanley OR USA
Pinus ponderosa ‘Penny’ Larry Stanley USA photo
ponderosa ’Penny #
Pixie 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus ponderosa ’Pixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Pixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pondosa # 1 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Ševčík CZ in the USA
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus ponderosa ’Pondosa # 1’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pondosa # 2 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Ševčík CZ in the USA
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus ponderosa ’Pondosa # 2’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pondosa # 3 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Ševčík CZ in the USA
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus ponderosa ’Pondosa # 3’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pondosa # 4 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin
Ševčík CZ in the USA
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pondosa # 5 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Ševčík CZ in the USA
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus ponderosa ’Pondosa # 5’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pondosa # 6 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Ševčík CZ in the USA
Pondy 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Will Fletcher USA
dwarf variety of Ponderosa Pine. This plant is part of the Jerry Morris Rocky
Mountain Collection. Leaves are light green blue and smaller than species.
Plant only grows about 2
Pinus ponderosa ’Pondy’ Will Fletcher USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Pondy’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Pondy Pete 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, average, long needles, in lava flow south of
Grants, NM. JM text.
ponderosa ’Pondy Pete #
Poopsie 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
pyramidal form. Long shiny-green needles cover stout branches. A more
manageable size of ponderosa pine for today's smaller landscapes. Prefers full
sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees.
USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
ponderosa ’Poopsie’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
ponderosa ’Poopsie’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Poopsie’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Prize 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
Jefferson to D. Dee. JM text.
ponderosa ’Prize #
Quaker Ridge 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’Quaker Ridge’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ‘Quaker Ridge’ Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
Rainbow 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’Rainbow’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Rainbow’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus ponderosa subsp. scopulorum ’Rainbow’
Red Feather 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, west side of Red Feather area, large on
private property. JM text.
ponderosa ’Red Feather #
Red Rock 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
of Rooney Cut on Hogback. JM text.
ponderosa ’Red Rock #
Bush 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Side 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Ringer 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, low on tree, average. Jefferson area. JM text.
ponderosa ’Ringer #
Rob’s Blue
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
6-8". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:
S. Find 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA
Nate Cassell USA
Found as a broom, tight, its also # 33, hangs toward road, up
toward Woodland Park in Deckers area. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’S. Find’ Nate Cassell CO USA
ponderosa ’S. Find #
Sad 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0
2003 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed of a tree in Arboretum
Kál, N-HUN
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
A sparsely branched, bizarre tree there no have top leader.
With curved branchlets still slow grow, final shape undecided.
Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
elágazású, bizarr fa, amelynek nincs sudara. Hajlott, szabálytalan állású
hajtásaival nagyon lassan növekszik, Végleges alakja még kérdéses.
Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus ponderosa ’Sopron’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Sad’
2013 Nate Cassell CO USA
Cassell Gardens USA
Found as a broom in Colorado.
Pinus ponderosa ‘Salida’ Nate Casell photo 2013
Santa Maria 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
side of Santa Maria. Above Bailey, CO. JM text.
ponderosa ’Santa Maria #
Select Michał Kałuziński POL
Dendrofarma Nursery POL
as a seedling, slow growing cultivar with a dense, bushy initially, with
time conical habit. Needles are long, green, after many years of
growing up to
Odmiana własna Michała Kałuzińskiego ze
szkółki DENDROFARMA w Boczkach. Wolno rosnąca odmiana sosny żółtej o gęstym,
początkowo krzaczastym, z czasem stożkowatym pokroju. Igły długie, zielone,
zebrane po 3 w pęczku . Po wielu latach dorasta do
Pinus ponderosa ‘Select’ Dendrofarma POL photo
Sld. W.B. Nr 2 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Pinus ponderosa ‘Sld. W.B. Nr 2’
Slender Slim 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a tree,
past Ruby’s. JM text.
ponderosa ’Slender Slim #
Sopron Hódi
Tóth József HUN
Pinus ponderosa ’Sopron’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Spencer 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
Heights. JM text.
ponderosa ’Spencer #
Springer 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, small, low, short growth, north side of road,
low on tree facing road above Cimarron NM. JM text.
ponderosa ’Springer #
Stan Broom #1 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Stanleys Pondy 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, 7-
over pass from ’Hi 9 #
ponderosa ’Stanleys Pondy #
Steel Creek 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’Steel Creek’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Steel Creek’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa subsp. scopulorum ’Steel Creek’
Stoney 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a tree, special pine,
on hwy 73. JM text.
ponderosa Stoney #
Strybing Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Sugar Creek 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Found as a broom, nice, white buds. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ‘Sugar Creek’ Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
ponderosa Sugar Creek #
Sugarite 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’Sugarite’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Sugarite’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Sugarite’ František Topinka photo
Tasha 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2003 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Nate Cassell USA
as a broom,
look, east of Fork to south Vedauwoo. JM text.
A witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain
Collection. Plant is a dwarf mound growing 1inch a year.
Pinus ponderosa ’Tasha’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Tasha’ Will Fletcher USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Tasha’ Stephen Grubb GBR
Pinus ponderosa ’Tasha’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus ponderosa ’Tasha’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Tasha’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus ponderosa ’Tasha’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’Tasha’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
ponderosa ’Tasha #
Tass 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1998 Vojtech Holubec CZ as a WB near Colorado Springs USA
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Tattletail 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
to left by Trash company road. JM text.
ponderosa ’Tattletail #
The Sphinx 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
witches’ broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles
Pinus ponderosa ’The Sphinx’ Will Fletcher USA
Pinus ponderosa ’The Sphinx’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus ponderosa ’The Sphinx’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
One 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2012 Nate Cassell CO USA
Found as a broom.
Pinus ponderosa ‘Thing One’ Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa ‘Thing One’ Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa ‘Thing One’ Milan Šimánek CZ photo
Two 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2012 Nate Cassell CO USA
Found as a broom.
Pinus ponderosa ’Thing Two’ Nate Cassell USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Thing Two’ František Topinka photo
Pinus ponderosa ‘Thing Two’ Milan Šimánek CZ photo
Tiny P 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
toward Tiny Town,
JM text.
ponderosa ’Tiny P #
Tortuosa Carr. 1867 FRA
Truchas 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, end of limb hanging toward hiway, north of
Truchas NM, above the hwy on right going to east. JM text.
ponderosa ’Truchas #
Trumbull 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Found as a broom, short needles, very thick, low on tree, 4 ½
miles north of Trumbel. JM text.
ponderosa ’Trumbull #
Tuesday 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a dwarf tree, very tight, maybe a broom. At beginning
of Mt. Ewans road just past school up to route. JM text.
ponderosa ’Tuesday #
Twodot Columnar 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Arnold Arboretum 1969
wild found at Twodot, MO USA
Pinus ponderosa ‘Twodot Columnar’ Nate Cassell CO photo
Typ Wüstemeyer 2004 Hedis Hage Oslo NOR
Uncle Dave 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
hangs below, branch at
Found ina property, where horses raised special in Parker area.
JM text.
ponderosa ’Uncle Dave #
Unnamed Cultivar 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
2003 Jerry Morris USA wild found
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA
Van Bibber 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
1993 Jerry Morris USA
wild collected in Golden Gate Canyon, Golden, CO
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
1993 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA
Nate Cassell USA
as a broom, tight, very upright,
mile up from Crawford Gulch road on south side of Golden
Gate canyon. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Van Bibber’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Van Bibber’ Nate Cassell CO USA
ponderosa ’Van Bibber #
Vernon 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Larry Stanley in ACS Bulletin ACS
as a broom, tight,
Rooney cut, in group of four pines between two trails, start at
I-P70, go south. JM text.
ponderosa ’Vernon #
Wall Street 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’Wall Street’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus ponderosa subsp. scopulorum ’Wall Street’
Wash Park 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, small, tight, hanging,
park in group of Pondys near street. JM text.
ponderosa ’Wash Park #
WB Mosier Loop 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus ponderosa ‘WB’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
WB SDL #1 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
ponderosa ’WB SDL JM
SDL JM 2 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
ponderosa ’WB SDL JM
Pinus ponderosa ’WB SDL 2’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus ponderosa ’WB SDL 2 JM’ František Topinka photo
Pinus ponderosa ‘WB SDL Nr 2’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
WB SDL #3 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus ponderosa ’WB SDL #3’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus ponderosa ’WB SDL # 3’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus ponderosa ’WB SDL A’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus ponderosa ’WB SDL J.M. 3’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus ponderosa ’WB SDL JM 3’
SDL DD 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus ponderosa ’WB SDL DD’ Mesterhazy & Balatka photo
Pinus ponderosa ‘WB SDL D.D.’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
SDL JM 4 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
ponderosa ’WB SDL JM
Wild Tiger 2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org
2010 Nate Cassell CO USA
Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.
Pinus ponderosa ’Wild Tiger’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Wild Tiger’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus ponderosa subsp. scopulorum ’Wild Tiger’
Wills 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
pine, very thick. JM text.
ponderosa ’Wills #
Wheat 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus ponderosa ’Winter Wheat’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Winter Wheat’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus ponderosa ’Winter Wheat’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Wolski 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Wrap Around 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
road 179. JM text.
Pinus ponderosa ’Wrap Around’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
ponderosa ’Wrap Around #
Yedauwoo 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A witches broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain
Plant is a miniature growing
Zesty 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, average,
Woodland Park. JM text.
ponderosa ’Zesty #
Zuriah 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a dwarf tree,
– cone shape –
Canyon to left on first possible to top. JM text.
ponderosa ’Zuriah #
Styles & McVaugh DG
Shaw Kr PM PG
Pinus pringlei Shaw 1905 – Pringle-fenyő – Pringle’s pine
Lindl. Kr PM PG
Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. 1839 – Mexikói álselyemfenyő – Pacingo pine
Pinus pseudostrobus Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus pseudostrobus GW eric9b USA photo
P. antoineana Roezl
P. escandoniana Roezl
P. heteromorpha Roezl
P. hoseriana Roezl
P. orizabae Gord. 1846
P. prasiana Roezl
P. protuberans Roezl
P. regeliana Roezl
P. tenuifolia Bentham 1842
P. tzompoliana Roezl
ssp. APULCENSIS /Lindl./Stehd. 1909
P. apulcensis Lindl. 1839
var. APULCENSIS /Lindl./Shaw 1909
P. apulcensis Lindl. 1839
var. COATEPECENSIS /Martinez 1948/Gaussen 1960
var. ESTEVEZI Martinez 1948
var. OAXACANA /Mirov/Harrison 1966
var. TENUIFOLIA /Bentham/Shaw 1909
P. tenuifolia Bentham 1842
Oaxacana /var. OAXACANA/
/Pall./Regel Kr Cz
Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel 1859 – Törpe cirbolyafenyő - Japanese stone
P. cembra var. pumila Pall.
P. cembra var. pumila Loud.
P. cembra var.pygmaea Loud. 1838
P. mandschurica A.Murr.
P. pygmaea Fisch. 1847
var. YEZOALPINA Ishii & Kusaka JPN
Aizu-goyo 1890 JPN
Barguzin 64 2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich
in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2005 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS
Pinus pumila Баргузин 64 ВМ, БГЗ гора, 1900 м., л05, жив
Barmstedt 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Hachmann 1988
Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER
Blaukissen 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1988 GER
Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER
Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER
Blauspinne H. J. van de Laar 1988
Pinetum de Belten HOL
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus pumila ‘Blauspinne’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Blue Dwarf Hort.
Pinus pumila ’Blue Dwarf’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus pumila ‘Blue Dwarf’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus pumila ’Blue Dwarf’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus pumila ‘Blue Dwarf’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus pumila ‘Blue Dwarf’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Blue Lamp John Proudfoot SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
A slow-growing pine with excellent blue coloration. Not much is known about this obscure variety. Growth Rate: 1-3". Brent Markus text.
Pinus pumila ‘Blue Lamp’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ‘Blue Lamp’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Blue Lamp’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Blue Lamp’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Blue Mops D. M. van Gelderen 1983
Konijn & Co. Nurs., Ederveen HOL
Pinus pumila ‘Blue Mops’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus pumila ’Blue Mops’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ‘Blue Mops’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Blue Mops’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Blue Note John Proudfoot SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
needles in groups of five on this small cultivar of the Japanese Stone Pine
give the plant a soft texture. Originated as an intentional cross of the
cultivars 'Jeddeloh' with 'Globe' by John Proudfoot. Growth Rate: 1-2" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x1'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus pumila ’Blue Note’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Blue Note’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Blue Note’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Blue Note’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ‘Blue Note’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Blue Note’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Blue Note’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Blue Star 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1990 GER
Brevifolia Mayr 1890 /Aizu-goyo/ JPN
Buchanan G. Haddow 1990
W. Buchanan GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Cecilia Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Chlorocarpa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Beissn. 1909 GER
Pinus pumila ‘Chlorocarpa’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Chlorocarpa Hillier 1964 /Compacta/ GBR
Compacta Hillier 1971
Pinus pumila ’Compacta’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pumila ’Compacta’ conifertreasury.org photo
Dolina 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1992 J. Obdržálek CZ of seed from Kamchatka RUS
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Dolina Smith 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Draht H.J. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1989 Draht Nurs. GER
Wiel Linssen, Baexam HOL
Draijer’s Blue D. M. van Gelderen 1983 HOL
Draijer’s Dwarf Welch 1979
1954 Draijer Nurs., Heemstede HOL
silver-blue needles on this dwarf, mounding plant give it an ornamental
appearance. Growth Rate:
1-3" HxW@10yrs: 2'x1.5'.
Brent Markus text.
pumila ‘Draijer’s Dwarf’
Pinus pumila ’Draijer’s Dwarf’ HOL Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus pumila ‘Draijer’s Dwarf’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus pumila ’Draijer’s Dwarf’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus pumila ’Draijer’s Dwarf’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Draijer’s Dwarf’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus pumila ‘Draijer’s Dwarf’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Draijer’s Dwarf’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Dwarf Blue 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
den Ouden 1954
1950 H. A. Hesse Nurs., GER
H. den Ouden & Son, Boskoop HOL
A compact, slow-growing evergreen conifer with silvery-blue needles. Forms a spreading shrub, at least twice as wide as tall. Ornamented small cones can appear at a young age. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1.5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus pumila ‘Dwarf Blue’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus pumila ’Dwarf Blue’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
pumila ’Dwarf Blue’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
pumila ’Dwarf Blue’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus pumila ’Dwarf Blue’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Eisberg 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Pinus pumila ‘Eisberg’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ‘Eisberg’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Elektra Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus pumila ’Elektra’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ‘Elektra’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Eschrich 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL
Eso 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
pumila ’Eso’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
pumila ‘Eso’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
pumila ’Eso’ Miroslav Malík photo
Forster Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Glauca W. Hooftman 1943 HOL
A dwarf evergreen conifer with
an irregular upright form. Needles are blue with silvery undersides. Perfect in
a rock garden or for a small space. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4'
tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
Pinus pumila ’Glauca’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Glauca Compacta’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Glauca’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Glauca Drath Hort.
Glauca Erectus Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Glauca Stockman Hort.
Globe den Ouden 1949
in Gimborn Arboretum, Doorn HOL
L. Konijn & Co. Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL
1965 Draijer Nursery HOL
An upright globe. Very nice compact form. Leaves are blue with red cones on stems with age. All branches turn up and bend around plant. Stanley text.
groeiende bolvorm. Geselecteerd in het Gimborn Arboretum in Doorn. In de handel
gebracht door Draijer uit Heemstede in 1965. Hulsdonk text.
Pinus pumila ’Globe’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pumila ’Globe’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pumila ‘Globe’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus pumila ‘Globe’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Globe’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Globus 1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1975 Barabits E. HUN
Very dwarf globe.
Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum
Sopron, HUN
kisméretű kékes árnyalatú gömb, miniatűr kertek
Hahtzel 70 2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich
in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2009 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS
Pinus pumila Hahtzel 70 ВМ № 3, С.Байкал, л09
Hamar-Daban 62 2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich
in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org
1998 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS
Pinus pumila Хамар-Дабан 62 ВМ, Х-Д, 1900 м., 1998, жив
Hann Münden 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
1992 H. Münden GER
Pinus pumila ’Hann Münden’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Hann Münden’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Hanzel 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Hillside 1986 USA
Hooftman HOL
Horstmann 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann GER
Pinus pumila ’Horstmann’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ‘Horstmann’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ‘Horstmann’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Horstmann’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Horstmann’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Ikava 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Pinus pumila ’Ikava’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus pumila ’Ikava’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus pumila ’Ikava’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Ikava’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus pumila ‘Ikava’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ‘Ikava’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ‘Ikava’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ‘Ikava’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Ikava’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Jaermyns Hillier 1964 GBR
/P. cembra Jaermyns/
Jankus 68 2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich
in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2009 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS
Pinus pumila Янкус 68, ВМ, Н-Ан. Болото, Больш, в05;
она же ВМ №2, С. Байкал, л09
Japonica Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jeddeloh 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
zu Jeddeloh 1969
J. zu Jeddeloh in Gimborn Estate, Doorn HOL
spreading flat variety introduced by the Jeddeloh Nursery in Germany. Leaves
blue and more needles per stem than usual. Plant grows 4-
Pinus pumila ’Jeddeloh’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus pumila ’Jeddeloh’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Jeddeloh’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ‘Jeddeloh’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus pumila ’Jeddeloh’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-3". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:JEG-6
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-3". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate: Jeglo # 15 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
are unsure of the name on this odd variety. Blue-green foliage has a soft
texture. It could be a variety of Pinus pumila, not parviflora. Brent
Markus text.
Kamar 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Khamar Daban’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Khamar-Daban’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Kamčatka SDL 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Kikimora 80 2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich
in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2009 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS
Pinus pumila Кикимора 80 ВМ № 1, С.Байкал, л09
Klosterkoter 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1988 GER
Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER
Kluchevskaya 1 Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Kluchevskaya WB SDL # 96
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Knightshayes G. Haddow 1990
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Kohout Liliput 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Kohout Select 3 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Kohout SDL 3’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Kohout Select 4 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Kohout’s Gem 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Pinus pumila ’Kotek’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Luki Mirosław Lewandowski POL
Pinus pumila ‘Luki’ Mirosław Lewandowski photo 2014
M-CEM 2 Hort.
Macrocarpa 73 2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich
in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2009 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS
Pinus pumila Macrocarpa 73 С.Байкал, л09
NA 20397
globose form selected at the National Arboretum in Washington, DC. Silvery blue and green needles. Growth
Rate: 3-6" HxW@10yrs: 3'x2'. Brent Markus text.
NA 43536 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
dwarf evergreen conifer with a broad upright form. Short, soft needles are
silvery blue-green. A nice dwarf conifer selected at the National Arboretum.
Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2.5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy
to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
NA 43537 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
dwarf evergreen conifer with a broad upright form. Short, soft needles are
silvery blue-green. A nice dwarf conifer selected at the National Arboretum.
Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2.5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy
to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
A globose form selected at the National Arboretum in Washington, DC. Silvery blue and green needles. Growth Rate: 3-6" HxW@10yrs: 3'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus pumila ‘NA 43537’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Nana 1979 HOL
shrubby plant, not a dwarf. When this plant was considered to be a cultivar of
P. cembra, 'Nana' was an appropriate name; now that the cultivar is classified
with P.pumilla, the name 'Nana' is misplaced but cannot be changed. (Gelderen
& Smith text)
/P. cembra nana/
Pinus pumila ’Nana’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus pumila ’Nana’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus pumila ’Nana’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ‘Nana’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Nana’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ‘Nana’ Dax Herbst photo 2015
National Arboretum 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Natura 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Nisbet Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
No. 20397 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
US. National Arboretum USA
variety of Japanese Stone Pine is from the Washington National Aboretum, hence
the number. Plant is a dwarf flat-topped plant with blue leaves. Grows
No. 20796 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
US. National Arboretum USA
Oblachnaja Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Oliver Hort.
Oosthoek 1982 HOL /Glauca/
Park Pinus pumila ’Park’ Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL
Pinocchio 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1988 GER
Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER
Pipistrella 1986 HOL
Draijer Nurs., Heemstede HOL
H. J. van de Laar 1986
Polarstern 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Pinus pumila ’Polarstern’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus pumila ’Polarstern’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Polarstern’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Polarstern’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Prostrata Hillier 1964 GBR
A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a dense spreading form. Foliage is silvery gray-blue. Branches are stout and grow vertically. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 18" tall x 24" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
Pinus pumila ’Prostrata’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pygmaea Carr. 1855
Pinus pumila ’Pygmaea’ Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL
Rogów 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Säntis Draijer 1981
Draijer Nurs. HOL
Pinus pumila ’Säntis’ HOL Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus pumila ’Säntis’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Säntis’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Säntis’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Saphir Draijer 1982
/P. parviflora Saphir/
SDL # 1 Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus pumila ‘Selektion SDL 1’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’SDL Nr. 1’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
SDL # 2 Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus pumila ’SDL # 2’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus pumila ‘SDL 2’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’SDL Nr. 2’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
SDL Feld Canada Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus pumila ’SDL Feld Canada’
Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Serge # 1 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Pinus pumila ’Sergey # 1’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus pumila ’Sergey # 1’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus pumila ’Sergey # 1’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus pumila ’Serge 1’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Serge’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus pumila ‘Sergej’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus pumila ’Sergej # 1’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Sergej # 1’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Sergej’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Sergej’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Serge # 2 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Pinus pumila ‘Sergey # 2’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ‘Sergey 2’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Sergej # 2’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Sergej # 2’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Sergej # 2’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Sibirica 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1985 B. Kroc CZ of Siberia seed
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Silver Moon 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Silver Moon’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Silver Moon’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Springarn 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
Stata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Stockmann 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1988 Hachmann GER
Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER
Superball 71 2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich
in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2009 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS
Pinus pumila Superball 71 ВМ № 5, С.Байкал, л09
Super Ball 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Pinus pumila ’Superball’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus pumila ’Superball’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Superball’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Taiga Jäger 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Pinus pumila ’Taiga’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Tajga Jäger’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Tamm 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of
Tamm EST
Tamm Nursery EST
by Tönu Tamm of seeds, which he collected 25-30 years ago in
no seklam, kas savaktas 25-30 gadus atpakas Sahalinas sala (RUS). )oti kupls,
kompakts, ovalas formas. Skujas gaiši sudrabaini zilas, $oti garas, nedaudz
saverptas. Joprojam neveido ciekurus. Ap 2,5-
Pinus pumila ’Tamm’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Pinus pumila ’Tamm’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Timm Hort.
Tönu 2013
Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer
Treasury of
Tamm EST
Tamm Nursery EST
by Tönu Tamm 25-30 years ago in a Buryatia (RUS) forest. Propagated by
grafting. Very branchy, dense, spreading shrub. Wider than taller. Light
silvery-blue needles, shorter and more direct than the ‘Tamm’. Still do not
produce cones. Approximately
Tonu Tamm Burjatijas ( RUS) mežos 25-30 gadus atpaka. Pavairoja ar potzaru, oti
kupls, biezs izplests krums. Plataks neka augstaks. Skujas gaiši sudrabaini
zilas, isakas un taisnakas neka ‘Tamm’. Joprojam neražo ciekurus. Ap
Pinus pumila ’Tönu’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Pinus pumila ’Tönu’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Twisty 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Valenta 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Van den Hoogen Hort.
Vladivostok BZ SDL 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Vladivostok SDL 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia
Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition
Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus pumila ’Vladivostok’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus pumila ’Vladivostok’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Vladivostok’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Vladivostok SDL’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Wansdyke D. van Klaveren 1980
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
WB Larry Stanley in ACS Bulletin ACS
Acker Bonsai Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus pumila ‘Wilhelm Acker Bonsai’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Winton /P. koraiensis Winton/
Zwergform 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1983 Horstmann GER
Pinus pumila ’Zwergform U. H.’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Pinus pumila ’Zwergform’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ’Zwergform’ Horstmann
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus pumila ‘Zwergform’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ‘Zwergform Horstmann’ Milan Šimánek CZ photo
Pinus pumila ’Zwergform’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Zwergform’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Zwergform’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Zwergform’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Zwergform’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus pumila ’Zwergform’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Yes-alpina 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1982 Iseli Nurs., OR USA
PUMILIO Haenke 1791
Lamb. Kr PG P
Pinus pungens Lamb. 1805 – Szúrósfenyő – Table mountain pine
Pinus pungens conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pungens conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pungens conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus pungens conifertreasury.org photo
P. montana Noll. 1852 non Mill.
P. taeda Lamb. non L. 1803
Custer’s Locks
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-5". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Doughton Park 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
2012 Scott Antrim SC USA
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
as the first broom of the species in NW North
compact, globose pine with dark-green, long needles. Found as a witch's broom
by Scott Antrim in North Carolina. A unique species that is uncommon in
production! Growth Rate:
2-4" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x2'.
Brent Markus text.
Pinus pungens ‘Doughton Park’ Scott Antrim USA photo 2013
Pinus pungens ‘Doughton Park’ Scott Antrim USA photo 2013
Pinus pungens ‘Doughton Park’ Scott Antrim USA photo 2013
Pinus pungens ‘Doughton Park’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus pungens ‘Doughton Park’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Georgia Sunrise
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Pine 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Johnny 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2010 Johnny Withrow USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Wild found wintergold seedling.
Pinus pungens ’Johnny’ Johnny Withrow photo
Pinus pungens ’Johnny’ Johnny Withrow photo
Pinus pungens ’Johnny’ Johnny Withrow photo
Pinus pungens ’Johnny’ Johnny Withrow photo
Pinus pungens golden seedling report
Gold Strike 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2013 Johnny Withrow USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Wild found wintergold seedling.
of four new selections of Table Mountain Pine with beautiful butter-yellow
foliage. (#2) Growth Rate: 2-5". Brent
Markus text.
Pinus pungens golden seedling report
Pinus pungens ’Johnny’s Gold Strike’
Mesterházy & Withrow photo
Pinus pungens ’Johnny’s Gold Strike’
Mesterházy & Withrow photo
Gold 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2013 Johnny Withrow USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Wild found wintergold seedling.
Pinus pungens golden seedling report
Pinus pungens ’Mountain Gold’ Mesterházy & Withrow photo
Pinus pungens ’Mountain Gold’ Mesterházy & Withrow photo
Tom’s Yellowhammer
Johnny Withrow USA
Arboretum, Canton GA USA
by conifer collector Johnny Withrow and presented as a gift to Tom Cox. It is
one of four discoveries made by Johnny of Pinus pungens seedlings that turn
gold in the winter. 'Tom's Yellowhammer' has thicker needles than the type and
have a distinct curl. With the first onset of cold weather, it begins to turn
and by the time freezing temperatures arrive, it is a bright yellow which
rivals any conifer for intense winter color. Its habit is dense with a slight
bonsai appearance. Growth rate is moderate and we expect it to be no larger
Pinus pungens ’Tom’s Yellowhammer’ Tom Cox photo 2014
PYGMAEA Fisch. 1847
Parl. ex Sudw. Kr PW
Pinus quadrifolia Parl. ex Sudworth 1868 – Fourneedle nutpine
P. cembroides var. quadrifolia /Parl./ de
Laubf. 1984
D. Don Kr PG P
Pinus radiata D. Don 1836 – Monterey fenyő – Monterey pine
P. adunca Bosc.
P. insignis Dougl. ex Loud. 1838
P. californiana Loisel.
P. montereyensis Ranch.
P. sinclairi Hook. & Arn. 1841
P. tuberculata D.Don 1837
f. BINATA Engelm. ex Brewer & Watson USA CA
var. CEDROSENSIS /Howell/Axelrod 1947 NW-MEX
Aurea Henry 1910 NZL
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes into GBR
radiata 'Aurea' - 3 needles. This pine originally found in New Zealand
should be planted much more than it is, being most suitable for the average to
large garden in all areas, except it should be kept away from severe salt laden
winds. Most decorative. Sun almost all day brings out the best colour. Avoid
low lying areas that maybe damp. i.e. very free draining soil necessary.
P. radiata var. aurea Adams
Pinus radiata ‘Aurea’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus radiata ‘Aurea’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Bodnant Hort.
Cactus J. Emery 1989
1981 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS
Coleraine 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
1981 AUS
1981 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS
El Dorado 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Arnold Arboretum 1988
Int. for Genetics, Placeville CA USA
Fastigiate Hort.
Ferndown 2006 Stephen Grubb GBR
Foxhollow Garden GBR
Found as a broom in Ferndown, Dorset, GBR. Grubb text.
Pinus radiata ’Ferndown’ report
Fluffy 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
1993 AUS
1993 P. C.Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS
Freeway 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
P. C. Nitschke 1987
P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS at Stirling as a
witch’s broom
Globe J. Emery 1989
P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS
Drue Wholesale Nurs., AUS
Gold Nugget 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
1989 AUS
1989 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS
Golden Broom 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
Hort. AUS
Yamina Rare Plant Nurs. AUS
Compact golden bush. Yamina text.
Goldie 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
1993 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS
Horswood Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Isca Welch 1979
in Imperial Hotel Garden, Exeter GBR
Jacob’s Gem 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
1993 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS
Majestic Beauty 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
L. C. Hatch 1985
Marshwood G. Haddow 1990
Tauringature State Forest NZL
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford into GBR
Mayner WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Mortimer Bay J. Emery
1984 S. E. Hobart in TAS
Mt. Crawford Hort.
Nana Hort.
Nitschke 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
P. C. Nitschke 1987
wild found by P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS near
Littehampton S-AUS
Point Reyes Hort.
Pinus radiata ‘Point Reyes’ Vladimir Epiktetov photo 2012
Pontville Hort.
Ross P. C. Nitschke 1987
1983 R. Radford & P. C. Nitschke wild in TAS
Smithfield Hort.
UCD 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus radiata var. cedronensis ‘UCD’
Vanc Vanc CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Variegated 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
1989 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS
WB Hort. S-AFR
Reported from South Africa.
Pinus radiata ’WB’ SAfr Ronald Vermeulen HOL photo
Pinus radiata ’WB’ Ronald Vermeulen HOL photo
Pinus radiata ’WB’ Ronald Vermeulen HOL photo
Wee Willie 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS
1993 AUS
Pinus reflexa (Engelm.) Engelm. 1882
Pinus reflexa conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus reflexa conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus reflexa conifertreasury.org photo
P. ayacahuite var. strobiformis Lemm. 1892
flexilis x P. strobiformis
Pendula Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus reflexa ’Pendula’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus reflexa ’Pendula’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Southbridge Hort.
Pinus reflexa x ’Southbridge’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Pinus reflexa x ’Southbridge’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Mason KeI
/Little/Bailey & Hawks. KeI
/Hug. del Oiu./Gaussen KeI
Ait. Kr PG P
Pinus resinosa Ait. 1794 – Kanadai feketefenyő – Canadian blackpine
Pinus resinosa conifertreasury.org photo
P. rubra Michx. 1810
Aurea 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1972 USA
Bennett USA
Watnong Nurs., Morris Plains NJ USA
large tree with thick branches and foliage that is yellow green during the
summer becoming more yellow during the winter. The needles are very long and
slightly twisted around the branches. It will grow over 6' high in ten years.
(Fincham text)
An evergreen conifer with a
formal pyramidal form. Needles are two-toned: bright greenish at the base, and
golden-yellow at the tips. Bark on younger trunks is reddish-brown. Prefers
sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to
-50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
resinosa ’Aurea’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus resinosa ‘Aurea’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus resinosa ‘Aurea’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Bald Bluff 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Big River State Park, Keithsburg, Illinois, small size,
medium height, compact. Harper text.
Bennett’s Aurea 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Aurea/ Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Big River No. 1 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Big River State Forest, Keithsburg, Illinois, medium
size, high, dark green. Harper text.
Pinus resinosa ‘Big River’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus resinosa ‘Big River’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus resinosa ‘Big River’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus resinosa ‘Big River’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Big River No. 2 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Big River State Forest, Keithsburg, Illinois, large size,
high, flat growth. Harper text.
Bog Baby
Joe Braeu
Edelweiss Nursery MN USA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
0.75-1" HxW@10yrs: 12"x10". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pinus resinosa ‘Bog Baby’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus resinosa ‘Bog Baby’ Dax Herbst photo 2015
Broom 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Canal Shore 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found on a private residence, Riverdale, Iowa, medium size,
high, motherplant dead 1987. Harper text.
Caspian # 1
Dodge Ball 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
2014 Kevin
Fechke NH USA
Named in honor of Dennis Dodge.
The broom is smaller than a beach ball. The needles are lime green and not
nearly as stiff as your a typical resinosa. Broom cones.
Fechke text.
Pinus resinosa ‘Dodge Ball’ Kevin Fechke photo 2014
Pinus resinosa ‘Dodge Ball’ Kevin Fechke photo 2014
Pinus resinosa ‘Dodge Ball’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Salisbury 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Don Smith 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
R. L. Fincham 1984
J. L. Bailey in Mendham NJ USA as witch’s broom
Watnong Nurs., Morris Plains NJ USA
Dwarf, flat topped plant which bears cones at young age.
Beautiful dark green needles make an attractive specimen.
Rich Eyre text.
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus resinosa ’Don Smith’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Door 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in White Fish Bay Area, Door County, Wisconsin,
medium size and height, compact, good. Harper text.
Pinus resinosa ‘Door’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus resinosa ‘Door’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Duke 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus resinosa ’Duke’ Matt Dietz USA photo
Pinus resinosa ’Duke’ Matt Dietz USA photo
Edelweiss Gold Spot
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
6-9" HxW@10yrs: 7'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Edelweiss WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Elkins 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Emergency Stop
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-4" HxW@10yrs: 2'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Fastigiata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 Spaan USA
A columnar form of American Red Pine. Tree grows straight up with only vertical branches. Needles are army green. Plant found by Spaan around 1985. Stanley text.
Globosa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Rehd. 1922
1921 wild found in NH USA
P. resinosa var. globosa Rehd.
Gnome 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
2012 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA
Horky Gardens MN USA
An incredible dwarf tree found in central minnesota, this tree is
30-35 years old, and only 9' tall - 6' wide. Annual growth is
2"-3". The tree is a seedling planted along the edge of a Pinus
resinosa plantation. Horky text.
Gun Club Broom 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Pinus resinosa ‘Gun Club Broom’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus resinosa ‘Gun Club Broom’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Hansen Globe 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1975 USA
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
9-12". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Hoover Gold 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Hoover farm, Callemsburg, Pennsylvania, gold to
green. Stupka text.
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Hoover Upright 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as of seed
Found in Hoover farm, Callemsburg, Pennsylvania, very narrow
up. Stupka text.
Pinus resinosa ‘Hoover Upright’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus resinosa ‘Hoover Upright’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
I-80 Variegated 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Pinus resinosa ‘I-80 Variegated’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Jami Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus resinosa ’Jami’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Joel’s Broom GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Hains 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-3" HxW@10yrs: 2'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Kate Brook Broom /KBN Dwarf/
KBN Dwarf 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Kate Brook Broom & KBN Dwarf - "A bunch of these not sure
of this one." Greg Williams text.
A very dense upright shrubby bush with stiff green needles.
cultivar with long, dark-green needles originating as a witch's broom.
Introduced by Kate Brook Nursery. Growth Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 2'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus resinosa ‘Kate Brook Broom’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
KBN Variegated 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
KBN Variegated - "One of several ??" Greg Williams text.
upright, pyramidal pine with long, dark-green foliage and a bright yellow
variegation! Originated at Kate Brook Nursery in Vermont. Growth
Rate: 4-8" HxW@10yrs: 6'x4'. Brent Markus text.
Kohout Pillnitz 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Matt Broom 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
2012 Matt Dietz USA
Pinus strobus ’Joe Snow’ report
Monastery Gold
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Morel 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Bill Barger in ACS database
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Red pine with dense, globose form. Attractive all year, it makes a
great focal point in your garden Rich Eyre text.
Pinus resinosa ’Morel’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus resinosa ’Morel’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus resinosa ‘Morel’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus resinosa ‘Morel’ Robert Bednar USA photo 2015
Nana Hort.
Pinus resinosa ’Nana’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus resinosa ’Nana’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus resinosa ’Nana’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus resinosa ’Nana’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus resinosa ’Nana’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus resinosa ’Nana’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus resinosa ‘Nana’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Narrow Upright 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
New Shady 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Big River State Forest, Keithsburg, Illinois, very small,
low, new broom. Harper text.
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Nobska 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
in Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
Watnong Nurs., Morris Plains NJ USA
Pinus resinosa ’Nobska’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus resinosa ’Nobska’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus resinosa ’Nobska’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus resinosa ’Nobska’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Nova Nest
2001 William Journeay CAN
2011 RHS Int. Conifer Reg. UK in ACS CQ
as a broom in Halifax county, Nova Scotia, CAN. Very compact and dense,
nest-like appearance, with uniform shape. Growth rate 5-
One Shot 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pendula 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Piccolo Point
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Pillnitz Hort.
needles turn a slightly yellow color in winter. Brent Markus text.
/Kohout Pillnitz/
Pretty Compact Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Quinobequin 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
in Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
round form. Slender needles are olive-green. Very hardy and easy to grow.
Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to
-50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
resinosa ’Quinobequin’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus resinosa ’Quinobequin’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus resinosa ’Quinobequin’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus resinosa ‘Quinobequin’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus resinosa ‘Quinobequin’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Ragamuffin 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1990 Sidney Waxman USA
Richardson 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Richardson residence, Moline Illinois, small size, low,
motherplant cut down 1990. Harper text.
Route 5 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found near Route 5, Erie, Illinois, small size, low, motherplant
dead 1989. Harper text.
Pinus resinosa ‘Route 5 Broom’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Route 84 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as WB seedling
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found on Route 84-North, Fulton, Illinois, small size, high,
compact, tight. Harper text.
Pinus resinosa ‘Route 84’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Sand Ridge 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Gun Club, Thomson, Illinois, small size, low, weak.
Harper text.
Sandcastle 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1981 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
Sedlacek 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in a private residence, Marion, Iowa, small size, low,
typical. Harper text.
Pinus resinosa ’Sedlacek’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus resinosa ’Sedlacek’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Sency 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Spaan’s Fastigiate 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
L.C.Hatch 1985
Spaan’s Pillar 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
8-10". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Top Knot Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Thunderhead 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1981 Sidney Waxman USA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Long, dark-green needles and a mounding dwarf form make this slow-growing pine look like a thundercloud. A very handsome yet small pine. Growth Rate: 1-3". Brent Markus text.
Pinus resinosa ’Thunderhead’ Dax Herbst IL USA in Iowa GR
Pinus resinosa ’Thunderhead’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus resinosa ‘Thunderhead’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
University of Wisconsin 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Wasota 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Watnong 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
Don Smith in Watnong Nurs., Morris Plains NJ USA
/Witch’s Broom No.2$/ Don Smith
WB Adášek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
František Adášek CZ
Wissota 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Witchbroom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Pinus resinosa ’Witches Broom’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus resinosa ’Witches Broom’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus resinosa ’Witches Broom’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
X Dwarf D. M. van Gelderen HOL
Bruegger Kr
P. mugo x P. silvestris
Blue Globe Hort.
Cernolice 1990 USA /Karel Stivin/
Karel Stivin Welch 1979
in Cerndice State Alpin Nurs. CZ
Ruzena Hort.
Zieleniec 1 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
rhaetica x ‘Zieleniec 1’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
rhaetica Zieleniec 1 HB Sęktas
Zieleniec 2 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
rhaetica x ‘Zieleniec 2’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
rhaetica Zieleniec 2 Sęktas
Zieleniec 3 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
rhaetica x ‘Zieleniec 3’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
rhaetica Zieleniec 3 Sęktas
Zieleniec 4 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
rhaetica x ‘Zieleniec 4’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
rhaetica Zieleniec 4 Sęktas
Mill. Kr P
Pinus rigida Mill. 1768 - Szurkosfenyő - Pitch pine
P. fraseri Lodd.
P. loddigesii Loud.
f. GLOBOSA Allard 1940
var. SEROTINA /Michx./Loud.ex Hoopes 1898 SE-USA
serotina - Pond Pine. 3 needles. Native of
South east U.S.A. Restricted to coastal plain of South east U.S.A. It can occur
in wet places (and in swamps). Drying out in summer and not too wet in winter
but will tolerate some snow. A pine that likes to grow below
P. serotina Michx.
P. alopecuroides Hort.
Apricot 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus rigida ’Apricot’ # 5
Aurea 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Beissn. 1899
F. von Oheimb Nurs., near Woislowitz POL
foliage intensifies to a rich, golden color toward the needle tips, especially
in winter. A rare pine to find available! Growth Rate: 3-5" HxW@10yrs: 4'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Basin Cove
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-4". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Bear Mountain 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Hudson Highlands Nurs. USA
Ben Valet 2013 Mesterházy & Anthoine in Conifer Treasury of Belgium 2.0
Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
met een jaarlijkse groei van enkele centimeters. En
daarom goed geschikt voor de rotstuin. Hulsdonk text.
Pinus rigida ’Ben Valet’ Jiří Balatka photo
Betty Boop 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
Dennis Hermsen IA USA
Dennis Hermsen Gardens USA
Pinus rigida ’Betty Boop’ Hermsen Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus rigida ‘Betty Boop’ Dax Herbst photo 2015
Globosa /f. GLOBOSA/
H.B. Ben Walet 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Ben Valet/
Hillside Weeping 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1970 USA
E. A. Cope USA
Hulsdonk Little Needle 2013 Mesterházy & Anthoine in Conifer Treasury of Belgium 2.0
2002 Huldonk Nursery BEL
Eigen selectie met korte naalden van
Pinus rigida ‘Hulsdonk Little Needle’
Jumping Off Rock 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
compact pine with a fairly moderate, globose habit and long, green needles. A
rare variety of an uncommonly-cultivated species. Growth Rate: 3-6" HxW@10yrs: 4.5'x4.5'. Brent Markus text.
Junior 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Geo. Jr. Re. School, Grove City, Pennsylvania,
compact. Stupka text.
Pinus rigida ‘Junior’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
KBN Weeping
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Kiwi 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus rigida ’Kiwi’ # 6
Lewandowski 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer
Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Linwood 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Linwood Cemetery, Dubuque, Iowa, medium size,
high, flat. Harper text.
Pinus rigida ‘Linwood’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Little Giant 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Sherman Eddy/
Loop 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus rigida ’Loop’ # 2
Piękna Polka 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Księże Młyny POL,
diameter, green, flattened, rich coned. Trochonowicz text.
miotła Pinus rigida znaleziona przy ośrodku wypoczynkowym w miejscowości Księże
Młyny w 2012 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na
wysokości ok. 6 metrów. Kształt kulisto-spłaszczony o średnicy ok.
Pinus rigida ’Piekna Polka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus rigida ’Piekna Polka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus rigida ’Piekna Polka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus rigida ’Piekna Polka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus rigida ’Piekna Polka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus rigida ’Piekna Polka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus rigida ’Piekna Polka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus rigida ’Piekna Polka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Reform George 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Sand Beach 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Timm Steele USA
2004 Jardin de Jean-Pierre, St. Christine CAN
This low, wide-spreading form of Pitch Pine was found by
Timm Steele along the coast of Maine above a sandy beach. It has super-dense,
thick foliage that is light-to-medium-green, grows well in poor, sandy soils
and tolerates salt. Iseli text.
Pinus rigida ’Sand Beach’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Sherman Eddy 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
Sherman Eddy in Pocono Mts. USA
Weston Nurs., Hopkinton MA USA
Long, bright-green needles give this unique form of Pitch Pine an attractive, fluffy look. The compact, rounded, slow-growing plant was found in the Pocono Mountains and introduced by Weston Nursery, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. It tolerates poor, sandy soils and salt. Iseli text.
Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA
Sochor 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
2014 Martin Novák CZ
Martin Novák Collection, Evidence 2014
Found as a broom, growth rate 4-
Čarověník, místo nálezu Hamr na Jezeře,
okres Česká Lípa. U nás vzácně rostoucí borovice. Velikost při nálezu,
Pinus rigida ’Sochor’ Martin Novák photo 2014
Pinus rigida ’Sochor’ Martin Novák photo 2014
rigida ‘Sochor’
Szuma 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
Szuma Ernő, Ipolynyék HUN/CZ/SLK
Szumakoně 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Szuma Ernő HUN/CZ/SLK
Szuma Gardens CZ
Thin Mint 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Vanc 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
Pavel Vanc CZ
as a seedling in Chlumec nad Cidlinou,
growth rate
Místo nálezu,
Chlumec nad Cidlinou. Čarověník
vzrůstnější, přírustek až 15cm, typově podobný Pinus nigra Hornibrookiana. Balatka text.
WB Hort.
Pinus rigida ’WB’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
WB SDL Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus rigida ‘SDL WB’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Time 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Johnny Withrow GA USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA
Sarg. Kr PG P
Pinus roxburghii Sarg. 1897 – Himalájai hosszútűs fenyő – Chir pine
Pinus roxburghii Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus roxburghii Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus roxburghii Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus roxburghii Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus roxburghii GW eric9b USA photo
roxburghii - Chir Pine. Long Leafed Indian Pine. 3
needles. Native of Himalayas from Bhutan to North East Pakistan.
Very long needles approximately
P. longifolia Roxb. ex Lamb. 1803
P. serenogensis Madden
RUBRA Michx.
rudis Endl. 1847 – Öttűs szirti moktezumafenyő – Fiveneedle Montezuma pine
Pinus rudis conifertreasury.org photo
Madrigal & Caballero Kr
Pinus rzedowskii Madrigal & Caballero 1969 – Mexikói rókafarkfenyő – Mexican foxtailpine
Dougl. ex D. Don Kr P
Pinus sabiniana Dougl. ex D. Don 1833 – Szabinfenyő - Digger pine
Pinus sabiniana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sabiniana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sabiniana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sabiniana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sabiniana conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Pinus sabiniana conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Pinus sabiniana Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus sabiniana Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Germinating Pinus sabiniana seed Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
Isabela 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Mt. Diablo 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Variegata Carr. 1867
Carriere in Botanic Garden, Paris FRA
Rouy. KeI
P. halepensis x P. pinaster
SATIVA Lam. 1778
Fitschen Kr
Pinus x schwerinii Fitschen 1930
Pinus schwerini x conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus schwerini x conifertreasury.org photo
P. wallichiana x P. strobus
1931 Count Schwerin Estate, Wendisch-Wilmendorf
Pinus schwerinii x Wiethorst dwarf seedlings Edwin Smits HOL photo
Morton 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Prairie Giant 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2006 Dax Herbst in ACS database
1926 Morton Arboretum of Berlin BG seed,
named by Roy Klehm
Klehm’s Song Sparrow, WI USA
cultivar is fully hardy in zone 4 having been proven so by The Minnesota
Landscape Arboretum located in the city of Chaska. It's a very strong,
extremely quick grower with typical wallichiana-characteristics, having long
and soft to the touch, needles (Dax Herbst).This selection is considered a
hyrid between P. strobus and P. wallichiana.
Wiethorst 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Hort. GER
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
Pinus x schwerinii ‘Wiethorst’
A dwarf, upright evergreen
conifer with a broadly-pyramidal habit. Parents of this hybrid pine are P.
wallichiana x P. strobus. Long, fine green needles gives a soft appearance.
Famous for ornamental cones at a young age. Prefers full sun in most soils. 5'
tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus schwerinii x ’Wiethorst’ Dax Herbst IL USA
schwerinii x ’Wiethorst’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus schwerinii x ’Wiethorst’
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus schwerinii x ’Wiethorst’
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus schwerinii x ’Wiethorst’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus schwerinii x ‘Wiethorst’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus schwerinii x ’Wiethorst’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Wiethorst SDL Pinus x schwerinii ‘Wiethorst SDL’
/Engelm./Lemm. Kr
P. ponderosa ssp. scopulorum /Engelm./Wats.
Cultivars see under Pinus ponderosa
SEROTINA Michx. 1803
Tour 1803
Dwarf Form 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
Horstmann Nurs. GER
& Arn.
Chapman Kr
Pinus sondereggeri x Chapman 1922 – Sonderegger fenyő – Sonderegger pine
P. palustris x P. taeda
/Sukacz./Fomin Cz
Pinus stankewitzii (Sukacz.) Fomin – Ukrán erdeifenyő – Ukrainian pine
in the Conifer Treasury 3.0
P. strobus
x P. ayacahuite
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Eastern white pine and Mexican white pine hybrid with
long, blue-green needles. Soft textured needles with dense
Rich Eyre text.
Domingo 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
form with extremely dense habit. More wind
resistent than Pinus strobus. Rich Eyre text.
Pinus strobus x ayacahuite 'Domingo' Dax Herbst USA
Pinus strobus x ayacahuite ’Domingo’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus strobiayacahuite x ’Domingo’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Pinus strobiayacahuite x ‘Domingo’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Forest Sky 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2006 Dax Herbst in ACS database ACS
R. Jaynes & E. Cully / in ACS
plant originated in the Yale University Forest Research center as a result of
their hybrid pine research. In the late 1960's Earl Cully of Heritage Trees,
Jacksonville, IL was visiting the Center with Richard Jaynes of Hamden, CT and
secured scion wood from several outstanding specimens of the hybrid cross
between Pinus strobus x Pinus ayacahuite.
From these selections which were further
propagated the current cultivar was selected. Roy Klehm of the Chas. Klehm
& Son Nursery, South Barrington, IL was impressed with this selection he
elected to have it put into commercial production. He is the person that gave
this selection the name of 'Forest Sky'. It is now being marketed from his
Beaver Creek Nursery in Poplar Grove, IL and Song Sparrow Nursery in Avalon,
Creek Nursery catalog description: "Slower growing, tighter form, less
winter browning than Eastern White Pine. It has been totally hardy hybrid for
us out here on the prairie. Beautiful blue cast to the foliage. A big
improvement over Eastern White Pine in many applications. Size: 30-50'H x
15-20'W. ACS text.
Taxonomically I see the problems about the nameing, that the original crossing hasn’t got a name. I suggest a provisorical name as above, Pinus strobiayacahuite x Mesterházy 2010. The name Pinus x ’Forest Sky’ is no way correct, because we know the parents in the crossing. We need all before a correct botanical description of Pinus strobiayacahuite x, and if it needed, a botanically correct new name. Mesterházy text.
A dense, upright evergreen conifer resulting as a hybrid between P. strobus x P. ayacahuite. Foliage is soft blue-green. 'Forest Sky' is an attractive tree, often adorned with long ornamental cones. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobiayacahuite x ’Forest Sky’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobiayacahuite x ’Forest Sky’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobiayacahuite x ’Forest Sky’
Pinus strobiayacahuite x ’Forest Sky’
P. strobus x P. flexilis
Engelm. Kr DG P
Pinus strobiformis Engelm. 1848 – Délnyugati fehérfenyő - Southwestern
white pine
Pinus strobiformis Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus strobiformis Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus strobiformis Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus strobiformis Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
P. ayacahuite var. brachyptera Shaw
Apache Princess 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
High Country Gardens NM USA
A selected form,
'Apache Princess' matures as a densely branched, smoky blue colored specimen.
Originally from the Apache National Forest of AZ. A High Country Gardens
introduction. Grows 12"+ per year. Eventual size 40-80' Tall x 20-30' Wide
Zones 4-7. High Country Gardens
Coronado 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Moris Rocky Mountain Collection USA
2004 Denver Botanic Gardens USA
Nate Cassell USA
as a broom,
Alpine AZ on 666. JM text.
A Jerry Morris selection.
Collected from the Coronado Forest in eastern Arizona. Has a irregular or
contorted growth habit, a vigorous grower which puts out
A dwarf from
the Jerry Moris Rocky Mountain Collection. Bluish-green leaves on a plant
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus strobiformis ‘Coronado’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobiformis ’Coronado’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
strobiformis ’Coronado’ Laporte Avenue
Nursery USA
Pinus strobiformis ’Coronado’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus strobiformis ’Coronado’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus strobiformis ’Coronado’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobiformis ‘Coronado’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus strobiformis ’Coronado’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobiformis ’Coronado’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobiformis ’Coronado’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus strobiformis ‘Coronado’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobiformis ‘Coronado’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobiformis ‘Coronado’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
strobiformis ’Coronado #
Densata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A dwarf variety of Southwestern White Pine. Needles blue and come out perpendicular to stem. Lots of compressed leaves. Stanley text.
Foxtail 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
An outstanding new evergreen conifer with a compact
pyramidal habit. Soft needles are blue-green. Needles taper and shoot tips,
evoking a "fox-tail" look. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7'
tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
strobiformis ’Foxtail’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Glauca 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2005 Hort.
2005 Denver Botanic Gardens USA
Fast growing with superior blue color. Rich Eyre text.
Glauca Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
strobiformis ‘Glauca Compacta’
Loma Linda 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
1999 Jerry Morris USA
Pinus strobiformis ‘Loma Linda’
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
1999 Denver Botanic Gardens USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom,
Loma Linda ranch, near to
A dwarf form of ’Pino Enano’ Pine. Needles are a bluish-green and long. Plant grows in a globose form with multiple buds. This plant is a Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Stanley text.
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’ Larry Stanley OR USA
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’ Mesterhazy photo
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus strobiformis ‘Loma Linda’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobiformis ‘Loma Linda’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobiformis ‘Loma Linda’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobiformis ‘Loma Linda’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobiformis ‘Loma Linda’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobiformis ‘Loma Linda’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus strobiformis ’Loma Linda’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobiformis ‘Loma Linda’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus strobiformis ‘Loma Linda’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Listed first as Pinus flexilis # 32.
strobiformis ’Loma Linda #
Marshall Gulch
Telewski MI USA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-4" HxW@10yrs: 4'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pinus strobiformis ‘Marshall Gulch’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus strobiformis ‘Marshall Gulch’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobiformis ‘Marshall Gulch’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Mary Sweeny 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
dwarf variety of Southwestern White Pine. Leaves are green, thin and species
size. Grows about
strobus ’Mary Sweeny’ Mesterházy
& Etzelstorfer photo
Syn. Pinus strobiformis ´Mary
Mora Compact 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
narrow pyramidal form. Foliage is light blue. Especially showy in the winter
landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 2' wide in 10
years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobiformis ’Mora Compact’
Pendula 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
An evergreen conifer with a main
leader and weeping side branches. Narrow when young, becoming more broad at
maturity. Foliage is silvery blue-green. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil.
12' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz
Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA
Pinus strobiformis ‘Pendula’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus strobiformis ‘Pendula’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus strobiformis ‘Pendula’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pendula Helms Hort.
Strobi 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
2005 Denver Botanic Gardens USA
Duzy 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Undulata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
West Coast Weeper 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
STROBUS Buch.-Ham.
non L.
L. Kr PG P
Pinus strobus Linnaeus 1753 - Simafenyő - Weymouth pine
Pinus strobus conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus conifertreasury.org photo
P. alba var. canadensis Provancher 1862
P. canadensis var. quinquefolia Dutl.
P. nivea Booth ex Carr. 1855
P. tenuifolia Salisb.
P. weymouthiana Opiz.
f. BREVIFOLIA /Carr./Rehd. 1949
f. MINIMA /Hornibr./Welch 1979
f. MONOPHYLLA Tabeuf 1897 GER
Tabeuf 1897
Schreiber in Blankenburg GER
f. NANA /Hornibrook/Welch 1979
f. PROSTRATA /Beissn./Fernald & Weath. 1932
ssp. CHIAPENSIS /Martinez/Murray 1982 MEX GUA
ssp. MONTICOLA /D. Don/Murray 1982
P. strobus var. monticola D. Don
var. CHIAPENSIS Martinez 1940 MEX GUA
# 2 Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus strobus ’# 2’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
422/19 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Found in a private residence, Prospect, Pennsylvania, bun shape.
(422/528) Stupka text.
Pinus strobus ‘422-19’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘422-19’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Alba Loud. 1838 GBR
strobus ‘Alba’ (Nivea)
Foxwillow Pines IL USA
tree with new growth emerging white. Rich Eyre text.
opgaande vorm . los groeiend ,vooral de eerste jaren. Alle
hebben een witte schijn en witte punten aan het uit einde
de naald. Er is voor het eerst over geschreven in 1838. Is in
handel gebracht door de Botanische tuin van Dortmund .Liefst
zon. Hulsdonk text.
A white form of Eastern White Pine. On every long bluish needle there is a white patch to the ends. Plant grows upright in a conical habit. First written about in 1838. Stanley text.
P. strobus nivea R. Smith
P. strobus var. argentea Senecl.
P. strobus var. alba Loud.
Albospicata P. Lombarts 1941
Lombarts Nurs., Zundert HOL
Albopicta /Albospicata/
Aledo 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2010 Dax Herbst IL USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in a private residence, Aledo, Illinois, very large, very
high, huge top. Harper text.
Pinus strobus Aledo broom Dax Herbst photo
Pinus strobus Aledo broom Dax Herbst photo
Pinus strobus ’Aledo’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Aledo’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Aledo’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Alena 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2009 Musil CZ
2010 Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Alicia 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Amelia’s Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1985
1979 Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
A globosely pyramidal dwarf. Rich Eyre text.
strobus ‘Amelia’s Dwarf’
Pinus strobus ’Amelia’s Dwarf’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Amerlias Dwarf /Amelia’s Dwarf/
Angel Falls 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2006 Dax Herbst in ACS database
1981 Jean Iseli USA
Nursery OR USA
Wholesale Nursery and Hardscapes via an email sent from Iseli Nursery to
Bachman's: A stiking new selection from Iseli. 'Angel Falls' is a form of
weeping White Pine that is slower and is more dense than Pinus strobus
'Pendula'. Develops into a dense upright mound. Size depends on training. ACS
This selection of Pinus strobus 'Pendula' (Weeping White
Pine) demonstrated its refined characteristics early in the evaluation process
at Iseli Nursery. Started from seed in 1981, the slow-growing tree has very
long, very narrow, light green needles and a strong weeping habit. Its closely
held branches develop graceful draping forms that combine a tall, narrow
stature with a broad, flowing skirt. Named for the world's tallest waterfall
after 20 years of evaluation, the unique tree offers elegance and style. Iseli
Pinus strobus ’Angel Falls’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ‘Angel Falls’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus strobus ‘Angel Falls’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Angel Falls’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Angel Falls’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Anna Fiele 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Anna Fielding 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1988 USA
Pinus strobus ’Anna Fielding’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ’Anna Fiele’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus strobus ‘Anna Fiele’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Argentea Senecl. 1868 GBR
Aspen Grove 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Aspen Grove Cemetery, Burlington, Iowa, medium
size, very high, motherplant broken off 1993. Harper text.
Aspen Grove No. 2 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Aspen Grove Cemetery, Burlington, Iowa, medium
size, high, on trunk of tree. Harper text.
Aurea Elwes & Henry 1910 GBR
Pinus strobus ’Aurea’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Aureovariegata Senecl. 1986 FRA
Avant 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Ladislav Krejčí CZ
strobus ’Avant’ Miroslav Malík in 1000 WB
Pinus strobus ’Avant’ Mesterházy & Krejčí photo
Pinus strobus ’Avant’ Mesterházy & Krejčí photo
Pinus strobus ’Avant’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Baird Cutting Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Baldwin 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Barger’s Freind 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Hort. USA
Foxhollow Gardens GBR
/Ned’s Broom/
Bay de Noc
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
3-5" HxW@10yrs: 4'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Bayard 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1975 USA
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Beal’s Starry Night
Hort. USA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-3" HxW@10yrs: 2'x2.5'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pinus strobus ‘Beal’s Starry Night’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Beal’s Starry Night’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Beal’s Starry Night’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Beal’s Starry Night’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Bělečko 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Vladimír Valenta, Bělečko CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus strobus ’Belecko’ Mesterházy & Valenta photo
Pinus strobus ’Belecko’ Mesterházy & Valenta photo
Broom 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus strobus ’Ben’s Broom’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Bennett 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1990 USA
Foxborough Nurs., ML USA
Pinus strobus ’Bennett’ Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus strobus ’Bennett’ Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Bennett Broom 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Bennett Clump Leaf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
R. L. Fincham 1983
1960’s William Bennett USA
Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA
Seemingly thick needles of this vigorous White Pine are
actually clusters of five, fine, long, dark-green needles that stick together.
They give the large, open conifer a look reminiscent of Sciadopitys and produce
a dramatic contrast against the tree's silvery, smooth bark. In time, this
collector's curiosity pine, discovered in the 1960's by William Bennett,
Virginia, develops a soft, symmetrical structure. Iseli text.
Pinus strobus ‘Bennett’s Clumpleaf’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Bennett Contorted 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Arnold Arboretum 1967
Pinus strobus ‘Bennett Contorted’
W. W. Bennett, Christiansburg VA USA
contorted branches give this spreading mound an interesting, sculptural
quality. Its long, thin, blue green needles add softness to the impression.
Some confusion exists about the name: we have seen photos of 'Bennett
Contorted' in The Harper Dwarf & Rare Conifer Collection in Tipton, MI that
look nothing like the ones we grow. Our three 10-year old specimens have never
developed upright leaders, which we regard as a great feature. This form also
sold as 'Bergman Contorta.' Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ’Bennett Contorted’
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Bennett Dragon Eye 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1985 USA
Fastigiate 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
An upright evergreen conifer
with a narrowly-pyramidal, compact form. Ascending branches are adorned by soft
blue-green needles. Excellent vertical accent in the landscape. Prefers full
sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40
degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Bennett Fastigiate’
Pinus strobus ’Bennett Fastigiate’
Bennett Monophylla 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Bennett Clumpleaf/
2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1970 USA
Pinus strobus ‘Bennett Oculus Draconis’
Hillside Nurs. USA
bright yellow almost to the point of death, hence the name. Even the stems have
a gold look. Grows
Pinus strobus ’Bennett OD’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
/Bennett Dragon Eye/
Bennett Wierdo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1972 USA /Bennett’s Contorted/
Beran 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1975 Jan Beran CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a seedling in Brandýs nad Labem,
growth rate 3-
nález, Brandýs nad Labem, při nálezu byl přírustek
po naroubování přírustek 3-
A miniature evergreen conifer with a dense flat-globe form. Short slender needles are blue-green. Discovered in the Czech Republic. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12" tall x 16" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ‘Beran’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ’Beran’ Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA
strobus ’Beran’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Beran’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Beran Řečany 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Bergmann’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1970 USA
Bergmann’s Contorted Hort.
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Dwarf, prostrate, tends to have points along stems with clumps of
foliage. Foliage is gray green. Rich Eyre text.
Bergmann’s Mini 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1990 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a flat-globe shape. Foliage is silvery blue-green. Not a miniature as the name would suggest. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Bergman’s Mini’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Bergman’s Mini’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Bergman’s Mini’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Bergmann’s No.2.Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Bergmann’s Pendula Broom
2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Bergmann’s Sport of Prostrate
2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 USA
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Bergmann’s Variegated 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
R. L. Fincham 1983
Pinus strobus ‘Bergman’s Variegated’
Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA
A slow growing evergreen conifer
with a broadly conical form. Soft gray-green needles are streaked with cream
yellow, or occasionally entirely yellow. Nice color for the winter garden.
Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years.
Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
strobus 'Bergman's Variegated' is actually 'Bennett O. D.'. Bill was told he
couldn't use Oculus Draconis in a name so he used the abbreviation. Fincham
Pinus strobus ‘Bergman’s Variegated’
Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA
Pinus strobus ’Bergman’s Variegated’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus strobus ’Bergman’s Variegated’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus strobus ’Bergman’s Variegated’
Pinus strobus ’Bergman’s Variegated’
Beth WB 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
# 78 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus strobus ‘Bethel # 78’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Bethel # 78’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Bettendorf 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Bettendorf Library Park, Bettendorf, Iowa, narrow size,
normal height, fastigiate. Harper text.
Red 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Dave Horst USA
Pinus strobus ’Big Red’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Billaw 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli 1990
1990 Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Bird’s Nest Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley Nurs. USA
Blau 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann GER
Bloomer’s Dark Globe 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Vermeulen 1972
Pinus strobus ‘Bloomer’s Dark Globe’
Vermeulen & Sons Nurs., NJ USA
form with dark green foliage. Rich Eyre text.
Pinus strobus ‘Bloomer’s Dark Globe’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Bloomer’s Dark Globe’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Bloomer’s Dark Green’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Bloomer’s Globe 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Bloomer’s Dark Globe/
Clovers 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Jason Hupp USA
Named after
Chloe Hupp, my daughter. Her nick name is
Upright, full with very blue curly needles. Better than
mountain. Hupp text.
Pinus strobus ‘Blue Clovers’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Blue Eschrich 2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
Günther Eschrich GER
as a broom in deep blue colour, growth rate 5-
Zwergform mit besonders blauer Benadelung. Die Pflanze ist
gesund und macht Jahrestriebe von 5-7cm. Breit kugeliger
Uwe Horstmann text.
Pinus strobus ’Blue Eschrich’ Uwe Horstmann photo
Blue Fountain
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ‘Blue Fountain’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Blue Fountain’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Blue Jay 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1985 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1986 Summerhill Nurs., Madison CT USA
blue-gray needles on this dwarf, mounding pine are very distinctive. This
low-growing conifer was introduced by Sidney Waxman. Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ‘Blue Jay’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Blue Maltese
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Blue Mist 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1985
1980 Vermeulen & Sons, Neshanic Station NJ USA
Blue Mountain 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Bill Barger in ACS database
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Blue Petticoats
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ‘Blue Petticoats’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Blue Shag 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1978 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
blue green color and fine lacey foliage characterize this dwarf shrub like
conifer. This plant often steals the show when I’m showing visitors around my
garden. I graft in on Limber pine root stock so it should have more tolerance
to alkaline soil conditions, does well in the shade here in the sunny west. Growth rate: 2-6”/year.
Laporte Avenue Nursery text.
This sprightly dwarf cultivar of Eastern White Pine produces long, soft, blue-green foliage and an outstanding, compact, reliably rounded form. Its size, shape, color and texture make the seedling, grown and selected by Sydney Waxman, University of Connecticut, an excellent addition to many landscapes. Iseli text.
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Blue Shag’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Blue Shag’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Blue Shag’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ‘Blue Shag’ University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ‘Blue Shag’ Iseli Nursery USA
Blue Tresses
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Blue Twist 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
in Bickelhaupt Arboretum, Clinton, Iowa,
wavy needles. Harper text.
Blue Twister
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
blue foliage has a slight twist to each needle, giving the plant a somewhat
contorted appearance. Possibly a cultivar of Pinus parviflora. Markus text.
Pinus strobus ‘Blue Twister’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Bob’s Whiskers 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Robert Fincham USA
Coenosium Gardens USA
strict weeping pine with somewhat clumped needle formation named for Bob
Fincham and introduced along with 'Dianne's Soft Shoulders', a cultivar
commemorating his late wife. Found as a
seedling from 'Pendula'. Brent Markus text.
Boubelka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Boyko’s Blue Falls
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Boyko’s Diamond Weeping
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Brevifolia Carr. 1855 FRA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with
an irregular upright shape. Short silvery-blue needles are on stout branches.
Does not look like the typical dwarf strobus pine. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA
zone 3. Buchholz text.
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Brevifolia’ Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus strobus ’Brevifolia’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus strobus ‘Brevifolia’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Brevifolia /f. BREVIFOLIA/ /Carr./Rehd. 1949 EUR
Brevifolia Elf /Elf/
Densa Pinus strobus ‘Brevifolia Densa’
Pinus strobus ‘Brevifolia/Densa’ Iseli Nursery USA
Březiny 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2009 Ladislav Musil CZ
Musil Gardens CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
2010 Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to 3-
nalezen na předměstí Děčína, obec Březiny,
Pinus strobus ’Breziny’ Ladislav Musil photo
Brimfield 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Barger in ACS database
Brněnka 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2012 Kubát & Orálek CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Found in Řícmanice CZ
Místo nálezu. Lesní palouk u obce Řícmanice
na stejném palouku
nalezeny ještě tři čarověníky. Kubát text
Pinus strobus ’Brnenka’ Kubát & Orálek photo
Pinus strobus ’Brnenka’ Tomáš Kubát CZ photo
Pinus strobus ’Brnenka’ Tomáš Kubát CZ photo
Pinus strobus ’Brnenka’ Tomáš Kubát CZ photo
Pinus strobus ’Brnenka’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Brněnka
Bron 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus strobus ’Bron’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Broom AB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Broom AC 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Broom AD 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Bruce 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Brule 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
2012 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA
Horky Gardens MN USA
A beautiful mound forming broom found in Northern WI. This
is approximately
Horky text.
Pinus strobus ’Brule’ Josh Horky USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Brule’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Brule’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Brule’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Brule’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Brule’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Buck’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
Randy Dykstra USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Found near 4-mile Road, Thomson, Illinois, small size, medium
height, irregular. Harper text.
Found as a WB seedling in Thomson Illinois.
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus strobus ’Buck’s Broom’ Mesterhazy photo 2011
Pinus strobus ’Buck’s Broom’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Buck’s Broom’ + Pinus lambertiana
Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Buck’s Broom’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Burlington 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found at Rt. 34 Auto Dealer,Burlingon, Iowa, medium size, high,
compact, globe. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ‘Burlington’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Burlington’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Bušeranda 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2006 Hentschel CZ
strobus ‘Bušeranda’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Caboose 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Foxwillow Pines IL USA
mounded form. Rich Eyre text.
Canton 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Canton Cemetery, Canton, Iowa, large size, high,
irregular. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ‘Canton’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Canton’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Road 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus strobus ’Carey Road’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Cedar Ridge 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Chub Harper in ACS database
Mat Wingle of seed in NY USA
A dwarf weeper with medium green needles. ACS
Celebrity 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found on John Lippens farm, Petersville, Iowa, small size, high,
compact, globe. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ‘Celebrity’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Celebrity’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Černý Kříž 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
strobus ’Černý Kříž’ Miroslav Malík
photo 2013
Cesarini 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Joe Cesarini USA
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
Pinus strobus ‘Cesarini’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Chillier’s C. V. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Chippewa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Corn Hill Nurs. USA
Chippiannock 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Randy Dykstra & Chub Harper in Chippiannock
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Arboretum, Clinton IA USA
Found in Chippiannock Cemetery, Rock Island, Illinois, large
size, high, good blue. Harper text.
This witches' broom has average blue-green needles and grows as a broad globular plant. It is a prolific seed setter and produces abundant viable cones. Many unique seedlings have been produced from this broom. ACS text.
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus strobus ‘Chippiannock’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Chippiannock’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Chippiannock’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Chippiannock’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Chippiannock’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Chippiannock’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Chlum 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Chlum u Třeboně 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer
Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2010 Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Choratice 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Musil CZ
Clarence Towe 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Clinton 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Clinton Cemetery, Clinton, Michigan, medium size,
high, compact. Harper text.
Cockerton 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
1992 Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Found in a private residence, Cockerton, Pennsylvania, globe
shape. Stupka text.
Pinus strobus ‘Cockerton’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Cockerton Flat Top 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Chub Harper in ACS database
1992 Joe Stupka USA as a WB seedling
The Harper Collection, Tipton MI USA
Pinus strobus ’Cockerton Flat Top WB Seedling’
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Cockerton No. 1. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
1992 Joe Stupka USA as a WB seedling
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found as s broom seedling in Stupka Nursery, Pulaski,
Pennsylvania, variable. Stupka text.
Pinus strobus ‘Cockerton No.1 and No.2’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Cockerton No. 2. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
1992 Joe Stupka USA as a WB seedling
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found as a broom seedling in Stupka Nursery, Pulaski,
Pennsylvania, blue coloured. Stupka text.
Pinus strobus ‘Cockerton No.1 and No.2’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Cockerton No. 3. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1992 Joe Stupka USA as a WB seedling
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Cockerton No. 4. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1992 Joe Stupka USA as a WB seedling
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Cockerton No. 5. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1992 Joe Stupka USA as a WB seedling
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Cockerton Special 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling
Coffee Run 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling
1992 Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Found in a private residence, Lowellville, Ohio, round top.
Stupka text.
Collins Road 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found on Collins Road, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, medium size and
height, motherplant cut down 1988. Harper text.
Colrain Road 1989 AUS
Yamina Rare Plant Nurs. Monbulk AUS
Colson’s Nest 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli 1990
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Columnaris 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Masters 1896
Pinus strobus ’Compacta’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1970 USA
Hillside Nurs. USA
A densa, rounded, slow-growing type of compact Eastern white
pine. Rich Eyre text.
Compressa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Booth ex Loud. 1838 GER
Loddiges Cat.
Coney Island 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1989 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
A dwarf form of eastern white pine selected for its dense, rounded and shrubby form. Blue-green needles are relatively long, and numerous female cones are produced on very yourn plants. Iseli text.
Pinus strobus ’Coney Island’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus strobus ’Coney Island’ University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ‘Coney Island’ Iseli Nursery USA
Connecticut Slate 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1989 Sidney Waxman USA
strobus ‘Connecticut Slate’
University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ’Connecticut Slate’
Pinus strobus ‘Connecticut Slate’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Connecticut Slate’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Connecticut Slate’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Connell 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found on Connell residence, Clinton, Iowa, medium size, low,
motherplant dead 1988. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ‘Connell’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Connell’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Connell’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Connell’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Contorta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Slavin 1932
Seneca Park, Rochester NY USA
A large, open, pyramidal tree, this unusual cultivar displays distinctly twisted blue-green needles and slightly contorted, upright branches. Its soft foliage, attractive color and robust habit make it a bold addition to large gardens. Known since 1932, from Seneca Park, Rochester, New York. Iseli text.
Pinus strobus ’Contorta’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Contorta’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ’Contorta’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
/Torulosa/ /Tortuosa/ Rich Eyre text.
Contorta Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1972 USA
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Contorted Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
Broom 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Cortland 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found as a broom in Art Oslach Nursery, Simco, Ontario,
Canada. Stupka text.
Courtland Rose Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus strobus ’Cortland Rose’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus strobus ‘Courtland Rose’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Cortland Rose’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Cortland Rose’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Rose 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus strobus ’Courtney’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Courtney’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Courtney Rose’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Courtney Rose’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Courtney Rose’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Crawford 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
Crazy Form 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Crazy 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1988
1970 Vermuelen, Neshanic Station NJ USA
44 8 Shot 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Cunty Globe Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus strobus ’Cunty Globe’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Curley’s Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Curly # 1 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont
#1 slowest -> broad upright
Mini Twists - "Curly - Kurly #1" Greg Williams text.
Curly # 2 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont
#2 little faster -> broad upright
Curly # 3 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont
#3 globose
Curly Ice
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-4" HxW@10yrs: 3'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Curly Upright 1 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Curly Upright 1 - "A natural cross of Pinus strobus 'Contorta' & Pinus strobus 'Horsham' - I have selected (3) clones so far - seedlings. Fincham named it Curly - maybe spelled Kurly. Now I understand the Mini Twist I spread them groups as 1, 2, 3, -" Greg Williams text.
but upright pine also with blue green twisted needles also
Greg Williams in Vermont. All 3 of these pines are unique.
Dodge text.
Pinus strobus ’Curly Upright’ František Topinka photo
Curtis Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Ed Mezitt 1982
Weston Nurs., Hopkinton MA USA
Cyrus 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus strobus ‘Cyrus’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Cyrus’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Cyrus’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Cyrus’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Cyrus’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Dahl’s Green Ball 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Keith Guess USA
Pinus strobus ‘Dahl’s Green Ball’ Keith Guess photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Dahl’s Green Ball’ Keith Guess photo 2013
David 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1989 Sidney Waxman USA
strobus ‘David’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
David 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Ladislav Musil CZ
Musil Gardens CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom in Přípeř, growth rate up to 3-
nalezen u obce Přípeř, okres Děčín, přírustek 3-
jehlice sytě modrá,velice brzo plodí šišky,
šišek 3-
Pinus strobus ’David’ Ladislav Musil photo
Densa Mast. 1896 GBR
broad conical dwarf. Leaves are stiff and blue. Plant only
Pinus strobus ‘Densa’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Diablo 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Gary Gee MI USA
needles are soft to the touch on this slow-growing, globose pine. It was found
as a witch's broom at Gee Farms. Growth Rate: 1-2" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ‘Diablo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Diablo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Diablo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Diablo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Diablo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Diablo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Dianne’s Soft Shoulders 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Bob Fincham USA
Coenosium Gardens USA
Pinus strobus 'Dianne's Soft
Shoulders' is a prostrate seedling selection from 'Pendula' with a bluish cast
to its foliage. It will drape itself over a wall or down a slope. It was
originally named 'Soft Shoulders' but has never been introduced. I added
Dianne's name to it for a number of reasons. She came up with the original name
I expect to have some available spring, 2015 for sale. It will
only be available with Pinus strobus 'Bob's Whiskers' when I offer it. Fincham
Pinus strobus ’Dianne’s Soft Shoulders’
Bob Fincham USA photo
Modney 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Diggy 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Diggy - "Interesting Dwarf - found in Maine, USA."
Greg Williams text.
An upright dwarf with clumping growth and short needles found
by Greg williams from Vermont. Dennis Dodge text.
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a compact form. Short, thin green needles have a twist. A great addition for the small landscape as 'Diggy' never outgrows its place. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Diggy’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus strobus ’Diggy’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus strobus ’Diggy’ Henk van Kempen HOL photo
Pinus strobus ‘Diggy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Diggy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Diggy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Diggy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Diggy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Dobrák 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2011 Tomáš Kubát CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus strobus ’Dobrak’ Jiří Balatka photo
Dobšín 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus strobus ‘Dobsin’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Dodger #2 WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus strobus ’Dodger # 2 WB’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Dodger # 2 WB’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Dogder # 2’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Donnelly 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1988 USA
Doogle Stephen Grubb GBR
Foxhollow Gardens GBR
A selected seedling. Grubb text.
Door 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in White Fish Bay Area, Door County, Wisconsin,
medium size and height, compact globe. Harper text.
Dax Herbst photo in Dykstra garden IL USA
Pinus strobus ‘Door’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Door’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Dove’s Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1985
1970 Hillside Nurs., Leighton PA USA
A globose semi-dwarf from Hillside Nursery with beautiful dark
green foliage. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a flat-globe form. Older plants can be pruned to produce a multi-trunked small tree. Foliage is blue-green. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Downey High 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in L. Streets farm, Downey, Iowa, medium size, low, twin
brooms. Harper text.
Downey Low 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in L. Streets farm, Downey, Iowa, medium size, low, twin
brooms. Harper text.
Dragon Eye 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Dunn 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Pinus strobus ‘Dunn’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Dunn’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Dwarf WB SDL 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
SIdney Waxman USA
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Eagle’s Nest 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found as a broom in Clarence Towe, Walhalla, South Carolina.
Stupka text.
Broom 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Ed’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus strobus ‘Ed’s Broom’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Ed’s Broom’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Ed’s Broom’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Ed’s Broom’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Ed’s Broom’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Ed’s Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2010 Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Edel Hort.
2010 Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ‘Edel’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Edelweiss Zwerg Hort.
Pinus strobus ‘Edelweiss Zwerg’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Edelweiss Zwerg’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Egli 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Egon Ecker 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Elf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Ed Mezitt 1982
Weston Nurs., Hopkinton MA USA
branches on this dwarf pine have blue-green needles of irregular lengths, all
of them being shorter than the species. Growth Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 4'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ‘Elf’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Elf’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Elf’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Elf’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Elf’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Elkins Dwarf 1989 AUS
Yamina Rare Plant Nurs. Monbulk AUS
dense, globose pine with soft, blue-green foliage. Growth Rate: 2-3" HxW@10yrs: 2.5'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ’Elkin’s Dwarf’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ’Elkin’s Dwarf’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Elwood 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
Dykstra USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found at Old Elwood High School, Elwood, Iowa, medium size
and height, excellent green color. Harper text.
in Elmwood, Iowa USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
compact, broadly-pyramidal form. Ascending branches are clothed with light
gray-green needles. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 3' wide in
10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Elwood’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Reed 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Reed USA
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus strobus ’ER’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ’ER’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ‘Evan Reed’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Evan Reed’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Evan Reed’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Evan Reed’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Evan Reed’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Evan Reed’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Evan Reed’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Excitation 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Explosion 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Eyre USA
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
One of Rich Eyre’s witches’ broom selections from the south side of Milwaukee WI. Just look at that new growth. The broom resembles fireworks! Rich Eyre text.
dwarf round globe. Leaves green. Grows
Stanley text.
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Fastigiata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Beissn. 1884 GER
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A columnar form of Eastern White Pine. Needles blue green and in fasiclies of 5. Plant is very narrow and is a fast grower. Pine cones are 6' long. Found in Germany around 1884. Stanley text.
P. strobus var. pyramidalis Schneid. 1913
Pinus strobus ’Fastigiata’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Fastigiata’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Fastigiata’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ‘Fastigiata’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
strobus ’Fastigiata’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Fastigiata’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Devine 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
columnar form with gray blue-green needles.
Slower growth and better needle retention than 'Fastigiata' make this a
great selection. Growth Rate:
9-12" HxW@10yrs: 8'x2'.
Brent Markus text.
Filip’s Ice Dwarf Edwin Smits HOL
Pinus strobus ’Filip’s Ice Dwarf’ Edwin Smits photo
Flat Top 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1972 USA
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Flexilis Pendula 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Rockwell Nurs. USA
Forest Sky 2006 Dax Herbst in ACS database
Františkodol 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Fructata 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus strobus ‘Fructata WB’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
General Pulaski 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
1992 Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Rarafolia Nurs., Kintersville PA USA
Found in Stupka Nursery, Pulaski, Pennsylvania. Stupka text.
Georgie 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2010 Kevin Fechke USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Georgie’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Girard Contorted 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Chub Harper in ACS database
Pinus strobus ’Girard Contorted’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Nana 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
Glauca 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Beissn. 1893 GER
Glauca Compacta 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
A broad upright dwarf pine with medium growth and bluish cast
on foliage. Rich Eyre text.
Glauca Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley Nurs. USA
dwarf flat globe. Leaves are blue-green. Grows about
Globosa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1970 Hillside Nurs., Leighton PA USA
Compacta Guteborn
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Globus 1995
Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1976 Barabits E. in Balatonvilágos HUN
A dwarf globe clone from a witch’s broom.
Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum
Sopron, HUN
Balatonvilágoson talált, terméseket hozó rügymutáció
gömb alakú szaporítványa.
Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.
Pinus strobus ’Globus’ conifertreasury.org photo
Gold Painted 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A vigorous evergreen conifer
with a pyramidal form. Slender green needles are splashed with golden-orange.
Best if regularly candle-pruned to keep compact, so the colored foliage is
within eyesight. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12' tall x 6' wide in
10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
strobus ’Gold Painted’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Gold Painted’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Gold Painted’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Gold Painted’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Gold Weeper Hort.
Pinus strobus ‘Gold Weeper’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Golden Candles 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1989 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ‘Golden Candles’
Roslyn NurS USA
A 1985 Waxman selection
with golden candles and foliage forming an upright shrubby plant that is larger
than ’Goldie’. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
An upright evergreen conifer with a broad pyramidal form. Soft gray-green needles are occasionally streaked with light yellow. Most colorful in spring with attractive golden candles. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Golden Candles’ Henk van Kempen HOL photo
Pinus strobus ’Golden Candles’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Golden Candles’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Golden Candles’
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus strobus ‘Golden Candles’ University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ’Golden Candles’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
H409 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Golden Showers 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Pinus strobus ‘Golden Showers’
golden-yellow variegation is banded on the needles of this dwarf, upright pine.
Its beautiful, soft needles and dwarf form make it a splendid conifer for a
rock garden. Growth Rate:
2-4" HxW@10yrs: 2.5'x2'.
Brent Markus text.
Goldie 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1992 Sidney Waxman USA
and thin needles are variegated with a beautiful deep yellow banding. This
dense, upright conifer is similar to 'Golden Candles' but slower-growing. Part
of the Sidney Waxman Collection. Growth Rate: 4-6" HxW@10yrs: 5'x3'. Brent Markus text.
# 1 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
# 4 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Gracilis Viridis 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Beissn.1891 GER
Grange 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Chub Harper in ACS database
Found in Grange Hall, New Castle, Pennsylvania, flat growth.
Stupka text.
Green Curls 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Bickelhaupt Arboretum, Clinton, Iowa, small size, very
low, found on Pinus strobus ’Contorta’. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ’Green Curls’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus strobus ’Green Curls’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus strobus ’Green Curly’ František Topinka photo
Pinus strobus ’Green Curls’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus strobus ’Green Curly’ František Topinka photo
Lace 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Huge Wyckoff USA
Pinus strobus ’Green Lace’ Huge Wyckoff
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Green Shadow 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1989 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
A rounded to pyramidal shrub with multiple stems. Needles are
thick, long, and dark green in color. Rich Eyre text.
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus strobus ‘Green Shadow’ University of Connecticut USA
Green Twist 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1997 Dave Horst USA
Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
in Bickelhaupt Arboretum on ‘Contorta’. Dax Herbst text.
Pinus strobus ’Green Twist’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ’Green Twist’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ’Green Twist’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ‘Green Twist’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Green Twist’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Greenbrier 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Greenfield 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Kevin Fechke USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Greenfield’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Greenford 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in a private residence, Greenford, Ohio, flat oval.
Stupka text.
Greg 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
L. C. Hatch 1988
Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Greg - "50 years ago - I gave a flat of W.B. seedlings to someone
from Long Island, New York (who I don't remember) - he named
one after me”. Greg Williams text.
Superior dwarf, globe form named for Greg Williams. This
compact form offers a softer texture in any garden. ACS text.
A soft, feathery, tightly-branched mound of narrow, long, medium-green needles, this itty-bitty Eastern White Pine makes an elegant accent for small spaces. Its delicate, dense growth adds color, texture and form to courtyard, entry or container gardens. Found by Greg Williams of Vermont. Iseli text.
Pinus strobus ’Greg’ Tom
Joswick USA
Pinus strobus ’Greg’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus strobus ’Greg’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus strobus ‘Greg’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ’Greg’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus strobus ’Greg’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus strobus ’Greg’ Henk van Kempen HOL photo
Pinus strobus ’Greg’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Greg’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ’Greg’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ‘Greg’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus strobus ‘Greg’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Greg’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Greg’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Greg’s Form 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Williams, Vermont USA
Greg - "50 years ago - I gave a flat of W.B. seedlings to someone
from Long Island, New York (who I don't remember) - he named
one after me”. Greg Williams text.
Greg’s Seedling 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Williams, Vermont USA
Greg - "50 years ago - I gave a flat of W.B. seedlings to someone
from Long Island, New York (who I don't remember) - he named
one after me”. Greg Williams text.
Greg’s WB Seedling 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Williams, Vermont USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Greg - "50 years ago - I gave a flat of W.B. seedlings to someone
from Long Island, New York (who I don't remember) - he named
one after me”. Greg Williams text.
Greg’s Witch’s Broom 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Williams, Vermont USA
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Greg's Witch's Broom - "Most-likely one of the many W.B.
seedlings." Greg Williams text.
A very dwarf slow
growing broom much like minima with
green short needles. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
A miniature evergreen conifer
with a dense flat-bun form. Short slender needles are very dark blue-green.
Perfect in a rock garden or trough. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil.
12" tall x 16" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3.
Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Greg’s Witch’s Broom’
Gribenow 2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
1995 Günther Eschrich GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom in GER.
gefunden in Deutschland.
Hugger 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
low, spreading form of Pinus strobus has soft, bluish-green needles that
cascade gracefully across the ground, keeping this plant very dense and low. Growth
Rate: 4-8" HxW@10yrs: 2'x4.5'. Brent Markus text.
Haard 2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
1987 Günther Eschrich GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom in GER, 20x30 cm.
gefunden in Deutschland, 20x30 cm.
Hayden 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2010 Kevin Fechke USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus strobus ’Hayden WB’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Hayden’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Hazel’s Clumpy 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 USA
Watnong Nurs., Morris Plains NJ USA
Watnong Nurs., Morris Plains NJ USA
Helen 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1975 USA
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
/Hillside Winter Gold/ as of Don Howse
Helena Musil 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Hereford Dragon Hort.
Hershey 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
Hershey Estate PA USA as a WB
dwarf flat globe. Leaves blue, very stiff looking. Found as a witches' broom on
the Hershey Estate in Penn. Grows
High Top Hort.
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Hillside Gem 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
pyramidal, tight dwarf plant with all branches headed upward. Leaves are a
blue-grey. Leaves are very wiry and delicate. Grows about
Pinus strobus ’Hillside Gem’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
strobus ’Hillside Gem’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Hillside Gem’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Hillside Weeper 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
Hillside Wintergold 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Bill Barger in ACS database
1980 Hillside Gardens Leighton, PA USA
Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Hillside Winter Gold - "Found a hillside of (strobus) in New
York - The colder it gets the more yellow." Greg Williams text.
This narrow, upright pine has an open habit and outstanding
golden winter foliage. Warm spring weather changes the color to light green. A
big impact choice for limited garden spaces, it grows about 8" per year.
This selection was introduced by Hillside Nursery in Lehighton, Pennsylvania
about 1970. Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ‘Hillside Wintergold’
Pinus strobus ’Hillside Wintergold’
Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus strobus ‘Hillside Wintergold’
Pinus strobus ‘Hillside Wintergold’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
/Winter Gold/
Himmelblau 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
1980 GER
Pinus strobus ’Himmelblau’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Himmelblau’ conifertreasury.org photo
Historical House 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found at Historical House, Moline, Illnois, small size, medium
height, compact, globe. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ‘Historical House’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Historical House’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Holata 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Jiří Holata CZ
Pinus strobus ’Holata’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ’Holata’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ’Holata’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ‘Holata’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Holata’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Holata’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Holata’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Holata’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Holy Family 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Holy Family Cemetery, Dubuque, Iowa, large size,
medium height, upright, dark. Harper text.
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Honest Abe 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Horsford 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Welch 1979
1963 Bill Horsford VT USA
Pinus strobus ‘Horsford’ Pinus strobus
Pinus strobus ‘Horsford Dwarf’
Kate Brook Nurs., Wolcott VT USA
Horsford - "Found by Bill Horsford of Vermont 50 years ago - sent to me then in Pennsylvania - in a 1/2 bushel basket with a tag on it thru the US mail - not in a box
but as a potted plant." Greg Williams text.
compact irregular mound growing 2-
classic, dwarf white pine discovered near Charlotte, Vt. c. 1950.
Originally propagated and introduced to the trade by Greg
Williams. Cady’s Falls text.
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense flat-bun shape. Short thin needles are green. One of the best of the many dwarf pines. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
/Horsford Dwarf/
Pinus strobus ’Horsford’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus strobus ’Horsford’ Henk van Kempen HOL photo
Pinus strobus ’Horsford’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus strobus ’Horsford’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ‘Horsford’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ‘Horsford’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Horsford’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Horsford’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Horsford Dwarf /Horsford/
Greer Gardens USA
Horsford Dwarf - "Same as 'Horsford'." Greg Williams text.
‘Horsford’s Dwarf’ – A compact irregular
mound growing 2-
Horsford Sister 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Bill Horsford USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Horsford Sister - "A shorter needle form found by Bill Horsford."
Greg Williams text.
dwarf Eastern White Pine. Grows about
Horsham 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1985 USA
Pinus strobus ’Horsham’ x Pinus contorta
Dax Herbst photo in Dykstra garden IL USA
Dwarf globose form which bears cones at young age.
Rich Eyre text.
Horsham Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1970 USA /Horsham/
1970 Hillside Nurs., Leighton PA USA
Horstmann Mini Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Humna 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2008 Josef Řádek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Iablo Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Interstate 74 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
near I 74-
low, compact, nice. Harper text.
Inversa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1960 H. Rohrbach’s garden in Andover MA USA
Broom 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
pyramid. Rich Eyre text.
J 4 Compact 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Nursery WI USA
vigorous evergreen conifer with a compact pyramidal form. Foliage is soft and
silvery blue-green. From Johnson's Nursery in Wisconsin. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA
zone 3. Buchholz text.
J 4 Pyramid 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Nursery WI USA
Jamaican Curls 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Wiegand IL USA
Nursery USA, named by Dax Herbst
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
strobus ‘Jamaica Curls’ Miroslav
Malík photo 2013
strobus ‘Jamaica Curls’ Miroslav
Malík photo 2013
strobus ’Jamaica Curls’ Miroslav
Malík photo 2013
strobus ’Jamaica Curls’ Miroslav
Malík photo 2013
strobus ’Jamaica Curls’ Miroslav
Malík photo 2013
strobus ’Jamaica Curls’ Miroslav
Malík photo 2013
strobus ’Jamaica Curls’ Miroslav
Malík photo 2013
Jana 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 Krš CZ in Roudnice
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Pinus strobus ’Jana’ Jiří Balatka photo
J.D.L 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Kevin Fechke USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’J.D.L.’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Jericho 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
1959 Joe Cesarini on Long Island NY USA
Upright with thin stems
and yellowish green needles from a broom Joe Cesarini found on Long Island in
1959. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Jetřichovice 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
1965 V. Fritsche CZ
Pinus strobus ’Jetřichovice’ Dusan Horák photo
Jilemnice 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Szuma Ernő HUN/CZ
Pinus strobus ’Jilemnice’ Miroslav Malík in 1000 WB
Compact Pyramid 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Joe Libbie 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus strobus ‘Joe Libby’ Jarry Conrad photo 2013
Joe Snow 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
2012 Matt Dietz USA
Pinus strobus ’Joe Snow’ report
Volk Hort.
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
strobus ‘Joe Volk’ Miroslav Malík
photo 2013
strobus ‘Joe Volk’ Miroslav Malík
photo 2013
strobus ’Joe Volk’ Miroslav Malík
photo 2013
strobus ’Joe Volk’ Miroslav Malík
photo 2013
Joe’s Best Blue
Joe Braeu
Edelweiss Nursery MN USA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
foliage on this fairly large-growing selection of Pinus strobus is soft to the
touch. This plant was selected for its exceptional blue color by Josef Braeu of
Edelweiss Nursery in Duluth, MN. Markus text.
Pinus strobus ‘Joe’s Best Blue’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Joe’s Best Blue’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Joe’s Best Blue’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
WB SDL DD # 1 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
John’s Find 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Hort. USA
Josh’s Ornament 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
2012 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA
Horky Gardens MN USA
A great little broom found in Marquette, MI. This broom was
60'+ high in the tree and appeared dead when in the tree. Once
collected, it was very alive, growing 3/4"-1.5" annually.
Horky text.
Pinus strobus ’Josh’s Ornament’ Josh Horky USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Josh’s Ornament’ Josh Horky USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Josh’s Ornament’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Josh’s Ornament’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Julian Pott 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1992 USA
Mr. Pott USA
Pinus strobus ’Julian Pott’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Julian Pott’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus strobus ’Julian Pott’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus strobus ‘Julian Pott’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Julian Pott’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Julian Pott’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Julian Potts Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
1986 Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Julian Potts Nursery, Chesterland, Ohio, very dwarf.
Stupka text.
Pinus strobus ‘Julian Pott’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Kalous WB Pinus strobus ‘Kalous WB’
Kane 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
1992 Joe Stupka USA
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Rarafolia Nurs., Kintersville PA USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found on Main Street, Kane, Pennsylvania. Stupka text.
in Kane County Illinois USA. Dax Herbst text.
Pinus strobus ’Kane’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Kane’ Dax Herbst photo in Horst garden IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Kane’ Dax Herbst photo in Horst garden IA USA
Contorted 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Greg Williams VT USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
KBN Dwarf Weeping 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
KBN Dwarf Weeping & KBN Variegated "Most-likely some of
my un-named plants." Greg Williams text.
KBN Frosted
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
9-12" HxW@10yrs: 8'x4'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:KBN Variegated 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
KBN Dwarf Weeping & KBN Variegated "Most-likely some of
my un-named plants." Greg Williams text.
An upright pine with blue-green foliage and a prominent golden-yellow variegation. Introduced by Kate Brook Nursery in Vermont. Growth Rate: 12-15" HxW@10yrs: 10'x5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ‘KBN Variegated’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Kelsey 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1973 USA
Kelsey Nurs. USA /Nana Kelseyi/
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
A multi-stemmed shrub recommended for hedging.
Rich Eyre text.
Pit 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Koner 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Keith Guess & Dax Herbst USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Keokuk Koner’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Keokuk Koner’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Keokuk Koner’ Dax Herbst IL USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Keokuk Koner’ Dax Herbst IL USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Keokuk Koner’ Dax Herbst IL USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Keokuk Koner’ Keith Guess photo 2013
Kerry the One
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-2" HxW@10yrs: 1'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Kewanee 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in a private residence, Kewanee, Illnois, medium size,
high, upright, open. Harper text.
Kish 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in South Bridge Office area, Youngstown, Ohio,
variegated branches. Stupka text.
Klbava 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Klein 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus strobus ’Klein’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Knotman 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found on John Knotman farm, Clinton, Iowa, medium size, high,
weak shaded. Harper text.
Kohout 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Komárek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Komárek CZ
Komárek Gardens CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a broom
nalezený na mladém stromě, ve výšce
strobus ’Komarek’ Komarek photo
Pinus strobus ’Komárek’ František Topinka photo
Kozel 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Found as a 60x60 cm broom in Dolany,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Dolany, okres
Pinus strobus ’Kozel’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus strobus ’Kozel’ Jelinek Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus strobus ’Kozel’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus strobus ‘Kozel’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Kozel’
Kozel Sdl 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a broom seedling, growth
rate a year over
z výsevu sebraných šišek z čarověníku Pinus strobus
Roční přírůstek
Pinus strobus ‘Kozel Sdl’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Kozel Sdl’
Království 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
1995 František Borovec & Jiří Rádek CZ
Borovec Gardens CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Krapfls 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found on R. Krapfls farm Rt 136, Cascade, Iowa, large size, very
high, not unusual. Harper text.
Krause’s W.B. 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 USA
J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA
Křečkov 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad
Krüger’s Liliput 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Krüger 1982
1968 Krüger Nurs. GER
Pinus strobus ‘Krüger’s Liliput’
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
flattened-globose form. Short dark-green needles have silvery undersides. A
perfect gem for the rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1.5'
tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
mutation of Pinus strobus ’Radiata’ making a squat, globose plant. Stout
blue-grey needles about halfa s long as normal. Rich Eyre text.
Pinus strobus ’Krüger’s Liliput’
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus strobus ’Krüger’s Liliput’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus strobus ’Krüger’s Liliput’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus strobus ’Krüger’s Lilliput’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Krüger’s Lilliput’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Krüger’s Liliput’ GER Jiří Balatka photo
strobus ’Kruger’s Liliput’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Krüger’s Liliput’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Kubát 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2011 Tomáš Kubát CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus strobus ’Kubat’ Jiří Balatka photo
Kurly #2 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
‘Kurley #2’ – One of a group of slow growing,
contorted white pines, resulting from cross pollination
between Pinus
strobus ‘Contorta’ and an unnamed witches’ broom.
Both the needles and the branches are
twisted, creating a dense pyramidal plant
that is easily candled to maintain a handsome dwarf plant for
small spaces. A choice new plant from Greg
Williams at Kate Brook Nursery. 4-
Kurly #4 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
the same as #2 but the needles remain bundled together.
"#4 Columnar - only a few have this one." Greg Williams text.
Laird’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
1970 USA
1970 Hillside Nurs., Leighton PA USA
A dwarf globose form with dense branching and soft blue-green needles. Growth Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 2'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus strobus ’Laird’s Broom’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Laird’s Witch’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
/Laird’s Broom/
Lány 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1994 František Borovec CZ
Borovec Gardens CZ
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus strobus ’Lany’ Mesterházy & Borovec photo
Pinus strobus ‘Lany’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Lasting Beauty 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2005 Dax Herbst in ACS database as a WB
Jeff Rathje of Iowa, USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Lasting Beauty Nursery, McCausland, Iowa, small size
tree, intermediate. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ‘Lasting Beauty’
Lasting Beauty Nursery, Rathje USA
Pinus strobus ’Lasting Beauty WB’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Laura 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found at G. Course, Independence, Iowa, small size, low. Harper
Lędziny 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Gondro POL
Pinus strobus ’Ledziny’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus strobus ’Ledziny’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus strobus ’Ledziny’ Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012
Pinus strobus ’Ledziny’ Pawel Petertill Pol photo
Side 31 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Kevin Fechke USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Lenmore /Lenore/
Lenore 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Arnold Arboretum 1972
H. Vaughan-Eames NJ USA
Lilliput 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Krüger’s Lilliput/
Linwood 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Linwood Cemetery, Dubuque, Iowa, large size, high,
top. Harper text.
Linwood CR 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Linwood Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, medium size,
very high, compact, globe. Harper text.
Curls 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Giant 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Little Mac 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found as a dwarf seedling in Stupka Nursery, Pulaski,
Pennsylvania. Stupka text.
Little Miami 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Little Presque Isle
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-2". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Little Silver Blue
Suzy 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Little Tuck 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Steve Tuckerman USA ACS 2004
Little Twister
Growth rate: 3-6”/year. Fieseler text.
A selection made by Rod Ackerman who is a propagator for Bluebird Nursery in Nebraska. Twisting foliage and a shrub like growth habit characterize this plant.Lone Pine Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1970 USA
Long Bottom Ford 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found as a broom in Clarence Towe, Walhalla, South Carolina.
Stupka text.
Long Bottom Pond 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Louie 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont USA
Pinus strobus ‘Louie’ Pinus strobus ’Louie’
Kate Brook Nurs., Wolcott VT USA
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Louie - "Golden form - in a tree plantation - the best yellow I have so far." Greg Williams text.
A fast growing golden
form that holds its color all season long, although it stands out better in
winter and does not burn in full sun once it is established. Introduced by Greg
Williams, he considers it the best of the year round yellows, (at least so far,
he has some new stuff in trials). Arrowhead text.
full size white pine, with good yellow color year round. Especially effective
in winter against a dark background, hemlocks etc. Shear for compactness.
A new evergreen conifer with a
rounded form when young, eventually growing into a broad pyramid. Long soft
needles are colored in bright gold. A Greg Williams introduction from Vermont.
Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 3.5' tall x 3' wide in 10
years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
decorates this outstanding pine all year. In the cold of winter, the brilliant
golden hue is brightest at the needle tips. In summer, needles change to a
wonderful soft golden-green unlike other pines. Globose when young, the
medium-sized tree develops a beautiful conical form. Introduced by Greg
Williams at Kate Brook Nursery in Vermont. We love this variety. Brent Markus
Pinus strobus ’Louie’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus strobus ’Louie’ Henk van Kempen HOL photo
Pinus strobus ’Louie’ Henk van Kempen HOL photo
Pinus strobus ‘Louie’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus strobus ‘Louie’ Iseli Nursery USA
strobus ’Louie’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Louie’ Mesterházy & Philips CZ photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Louie’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Louis 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA
Lovable Fuzz Ball 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
dwarf round ball. Leaves are green. Plant only grows
a year. Great name for a broom. Stanley text.
Lucas 2013 Mesterházy & Anthoine in Conifer Treasury of Belgium 2.0
2005 Hort. BEL
Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
dichte konische opgaande vorm. Onstaan in Belgie en door
kweker uit Oudenbosch in
Hulsdonk text.
Lutescens 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
J. Váňka CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Macopin 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979 /Macopan/ /Macoprin/
W. Gotelli at Macopin NJ. USA
Exuberant cone production, even when young, distinguishes
this specimen from other White Pine cultivars. The mid-size tree develops an
open, irregular habit and broad branches with soft, blue-green foliage. Originated
as a witch's broom found by Wm. Gotelli and George Erhle at Macopin, New
Jersey. Iseli text.
Pinus strobus ’Macopin’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Macopin’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Macopin’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ‘Macopin’ Iseli Nursery USA
Malšovice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Mansky 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Marimack Sally 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
USA /Merrimack/
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Martin 2015
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0 2015
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-2". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Martin’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
1968 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Martin’s Minima 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Bill Barger in ACS database
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Marshy Hort. USA
Dax Herbst photo in Horst garden IA USA
Mary Butler 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 USA
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
A miniature evergreen conifer
with a flat-bun shape. Short slender needles are dark green. An excellent
choice for a small garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 18" tall
x 24" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ‘Mary Butler’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus strobus ‘Mary Butler’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus strobus ‘Mary Butler’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Mary Butler Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Mary Sweeny 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
One of the most choice of all dwarf conifers. 'Mary Sweeny' has a low, flat form and is very dense. Tiny green needles have silvery undersides. Excellent in a trough or rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8" tall x 16" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
dwarf variety of Southwestern White Pine. Leaves are green, thin and species
size. Grows about
strobus ’Mary Sweeny’ Mesterházy
& Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Mary Sweeny’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Mary Sweeney’ Jiří Balatka photo
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus strobus ’Mary Sweeney’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus strobus ’Mary Sweeny’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Mary Sweeny’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Mary Sweeny’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Mary Sweeny’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Mary Sweeny’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Mary Sweeny’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
4-8". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pinus strobus ‘Matchstick’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Max’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Merrimack 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
A choice dwarf introduced
by Al Fordham when he was at the Arnold Arboretum, midway between ’Hortsford’s
and ’Nana’ in growth rate with silvery blue leaves. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense flat-globe form. Soft needles are silvery blue-green. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA
zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Merrimack’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Merrimack’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Merrimack’ conifertreasury.org photo
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Merrimack’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Merrymack 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Micro WB
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-1.5" HxW@10yrs: 1'x1'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pinus strobus ‘Micro WB’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Micro’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Mike Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Mike Land
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-3" HxW@10yrs: 2'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Mill Race 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
1992 Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Rarafolia Nurs., Kintersville PA USA
Found in Pennsylvania. Stupka text.
Millstream 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1970 USA
Hillside Nurs., Leighton PA USA
Mini 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Mini Twists 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
The smallest of 3 dwarf seedlings of pinus Strobus contorta with
twisted blue green needles and silver undertones found by Greg
Williams in Vermont. Dennis Dodge text.
Mini Twists - "Curly - Kurly #1" Greg Williams text.
Tiny Curls - "Mini Twist I suppose." Greg Williams text.
Witches broom seedling from Pinus strobus ’Contorta’ that forms a small globe with twisting needles. Adds great texture for the small landscape and becomes a broad pyramid with time. Rich Eyre text.
A compact evergreen conifer with a globose shape when young, eventually growing into a broad pyramid. Short, soft blue-green needles have considerable twisting; overall a very pleasing selection for a small landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2.5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Mini Twists’ Tom
Joswick USA
Pinus strobus ’Mini Twists’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
strobus ’Mini Twists’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
strobus ’Mini Twists’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Mini Twists’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Mini Twists’ Sam Pratt photo 2014
Minima Hornibrook 1923 GBR
Pinus strobus ’Minima’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Minima’ conifertreasury.org photo
Minima Junior 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Minima Linssen Wiel Linssen HOL
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Minnie Waxman 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
Waxman USA
Fechke USA
Minto 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Minuta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
1980 J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA
A dense, rounded mound with blue-green needles that match
the diminutive scale of the plant, this very small, dwarf White Pine provides
an excellent splash of color and texture to a rock garden or small garden bed.
Iseli text.
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a flattened-globose form. 'Minuta' is densely branched and features soft green needles. Excellent in containers. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Minuta’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Minuta’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ‘Minuta’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Minuta’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Minuta’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Minuta’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Mirco WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Moonshine 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Mrač 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2012 Miroslav Komárek CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Found as a broom in Mráč, growth rate 8-
Čarověník, nálezený u obce Mráč, okres Benešov.Rostl u silnice pod vrcholem ve
výšce15 m. Na stromě vypadal dobře.Velmi ošiškovaný, řidký, po sundání
nevzhledný čarověník. Přírustky do 8-
Pinus strobus ’Mrač’ Komarek photo
Pinus strobus ‘Mrač’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Morta Waibroom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
B. 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Arboretum Iowa USA
in January
Pinus strobus ’Mr. B. Bickelhaupt’
Dax Herbst IL in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Mr. B. Bickelhaupt’
Dax Herbst IL in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Mr. B. Bickelhaupt’
Dax Herbst IL in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Mr. B.’ company
Dax Herbst IL in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA photo
Bill & company Dax Herbst IL USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Mr. B.’ Milan Šimánek CZ photo
Cesarini 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Cesarini USA
Mt. Carmel
Mt. Nebo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper in ACS database as a seedling
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Mt. Nebo Cemetery, Davenport, Iowa, normal size,
normal height, 2x needle count. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ‘Mt. Nebo’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Mt. St. Clare No. 1 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Mt. St. Clare College, Clinton, Iowa, large size, very
high, huge top. Harper text.
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Mt. St. Clare No. 2 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Mt. St. Clare College, Clinton, Iowa, small size, high, 2
brooms in same tree. Harper text.
Mt. Washington 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Mumu 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2008 Ladislav Musil CZ
Musil Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate up to 2-
nalezen u Zoo v Děčíně, přírustek 2,5-3cm, barva
délka jehlice 2,5-
strobus ‘Mumu’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ’Mumu’ Ladislav Musil photo
MW Přípeř 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Ladislav Musil CZ
Musil Gardens CZ
Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2011
as a seedling, growth rate up to
nalezen u obce Přípeř u Děčína, přírodní semenáč z
Pinus strobus David, vzrůst kulovitý, přírustek do
Pinus strobus ’MW Přípeř’ Ladislav Musil photo
Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Hort. ex Knight 1850
A slow-growing evergreen conifer
with a round form. Soft needles in bundles of five are a lush blue-green. A
common and very useful landscape plant. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil.
3' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz
The name includes
several clones, dwarf but not teeny tiny a globose type, nana can reach
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus strobus ’Nana’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Nana Bayard 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Nana Improved 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Nana Kelseyi 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Nana Kohout 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus strobus ’Nana Kohout’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Nana Macopin 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Nana Planting Fields 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Hort. USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Nana Secrest 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Nana Variegata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Jaeger 1884 GER
Nana Weiss 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1966 GER /Reinshaus/
National Life 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
National Life - "Yellow, normal..." Greg Williams text.
A slow-growing evergreen conifer
with a pyramidal form. Foliage is soft and golden. If grown in too much shade
it will be green. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2'
wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ‘National Life’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus strobus ‘National Life’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘National Life’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘National Life’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘National Life’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Ned’s Broom 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Gardens GBR
/Barger’s Freind/
New Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Niagara Falls 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1998 Mike & Ken Yeager USA
2010 Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
This handsome, cascading White Pine, chosen 2009
Collector's Conifer of the Year, was found as a sport of 'Pendula' and
demonstrates a distinct improvement over that familiar landscape tree. The
compact, weeping form boasts many draping branches and long, two-tone needles.
Every dense, wide specimen develops a unique character and flowing habit that
mimicks the action of a roaring Niagara Falls. Found by Mike and Ken Yeager of
Hickory Hollow Nursery in New York in 1998 while working on a landscape job,
this is a distinctive specimen for the discerning client. Iseli text.
Pinus strobus ’Niagara Falls’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
strobus ’Niagara Falls’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Niagara Falls’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus strobus ’Niagara Falls’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Nicolet’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1967 USA
J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA
Nivea Booth ex Knight 1850 GER
Pinus strobus ‘Alba’ (Nivea)
No. 1222 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in White Pine Hollow SP, Luxemberg, Iowa, medium
size, very high, short blue leaves. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ’No. 1222’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Northway 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2005 Dax Herbst in ACS database as a WB
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Probably the same as the next entry.
Northway Broom 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Welch 1979
Greg Williams, Hardwick VT USA
Northway Broom - "New York Northway Broom 50 years old –
makes a good bonsai." Greg Williams text.
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a flattened-globe shape. Soft blue-green needles in fascicles of five. Originated as a witch's broom on a Pinus strobus. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Northway Broom’ Nurga Nursery EST
Pinus strobus ’Northway Broom’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ’Northway Broom’
Pinus strobus ’Northway Broom’
Nova Loddiges 1836 /Brevifolia/ GBR
Novy Hradec Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
O. D. Bennett 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Bennett Oculus Dragonis/
Old Softie 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1990 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
Low, broad plant from a WB seedling. Rich Eyre text.
Pinus strobus ’Old Softie’ University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ‘Old Softie’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Old Softie’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Oliver Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli 1990
1990 Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ‘Oliver’s Dwarf’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
One Needle 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Ontario 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Nordine 1961
in Durand Eastman Park, Rochester NY USA
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
dwarf with layered, spreading habit and shorter needles.
Eyre text.
Pinus strobus ’Ontario’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus strobus ’Ontario’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ‘Ontario’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Ontario’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Ontario’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Ontario’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Ontario’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Ontario’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Opatovice 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2004 Vohryzek CZ
Ottawa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
The Int. Conifer Register 1984
D. Mackenzie at Muskegon MI USA
1985 Hortech, Springlake, MI USA
A peculiar weeping form with an unpredictable branch pattern. Fairly low-growing with rather pendulous branches. Found in Muskegon, Michigan. Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ’Ottawa’ Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Outreach 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
2003 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ’Outreach’ University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ’Outreach’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Outreach’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pacific Sunrise 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
An upright, pyramidal tree with yellow foliage, becoming more blue-green in shaded areas with brighter tips. Growth Rate: 8-10" HxW@10yrs: 7'x3.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ‘Pacific Sunrise’
Pacific Sunset 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
strobus ‘Pacific Sunset’
Palamino Contorted 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Paris 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Art Oslach Nursery, Simco, Ontario, Canada.
Stupka text.
Parvifolia Beissn. 1916
Paul Waxman 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1986 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
A dwarf-rounded form
with short curved needles often two toned
blue green and green needles on the same plant.
text. Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus strobus ‘Paul Waxman’ University of Connecticut USA
Paví Brk 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2008 František Topinka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
Pinus strobus ’Pavi’ Mesterházy & Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ‘Paví Brk’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pearson Broom 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in a private residence, Moline, Illinois, medium size, high,
upright growth. Harper text.
Peklov 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pendula Nelson 1866 GBR
A dwarf evergreen conifer,
usually grown with a staked leader and weeping side branches. Slender when
young, but at maturity it forms a broad mound. Foliage is silvery-green.
Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 3.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy
to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
weeping form of Eastern White Pine. Sometimes has to be staked to get leader to
go up. Blue needles on a plant that is weeping from every stem. Large plant in
time. Found around
Pinus strobus ’Pendula’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Pendula’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Pendula’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Pendula’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Pendula’ Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus strobus ’Pendula’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
strobus ’Pendula’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Pendula’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus strobus ‘Pendula’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ‘Pendula’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus strobus ’Pendula’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pendula Broom 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus strobus ’Pendula WB’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ’Pendula WB’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pendula Wüstemeyer /Wüstemeyer/
Phoenix 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Guy Sternberg USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Pictus 1992 HOL
Piggi Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus strobus ‘Piggi’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pine Acres 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Pitt’s Broom 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Piva 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus strobus ’Piva’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Broom 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Planting Field 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Porcupine 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus strobus ’Porcupine’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus
1980’s Charles Brotzman OH USA
Brotzman Nursery, Madison OH USA
do not unfold, but are stuck together, giving the appearance of one large,
single needle. A curiosity for the collector, introduced in early 1980. Height:
Pinus strobus ‘Porcupine’ Brotzman photo 2010
Pražská Zahrada 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Kazbal, Růženecký & Beran CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom in Praha-Modřany, growth rate up to
nalezen Praha-Modřany, v soukromé zahradě.
výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku do
Pinus strobus ’Prazska Zahrada’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus strobus ’Prazska Zahrada’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus strobus ’Prazka Zahrada’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Prazska Zahrada’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ’Prazska Zahrada’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ‘Pražska Zahrada’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus strobus ’Prazska Zahrada’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus strobus ’Prazska Zahrada’
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus strobus ’Prazska Zahrada’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus strobus ‘Prazska Zahrada’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Pražská Zahrada’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Pražská Zahrada’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Pražská Zahrada’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Pražská Zahrada’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Syn. Pinus strobus ´KPR 1/98´ WB
Prime Quarter 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Prime Carter Rest, Pinceton, Illinois, medium size,
high, on trunk of tree. Harper text.
Princess Kiara
William Journeay CAN
2011 RHS Int. Conifer Reg. UK in ACS CQ
along a forest road in Western Nova Scotia CAN. Named for the breeder’s
grand-daughter. Upright with single stem. Short, dense, soft, greyish green
needles. Slow to moderate growth, 15-
Přípeř 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2013 Trojan Jiří CZ
Jiří Gardens CZ
near Děčín in
CZ as a broom,
Nalezeno u Děčína v ČR ve
strobus ‘Přípeř’ Trojan Jiří CZ photo
Prostrata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Masters 1896
Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with
an extreme ground-hugging form. Soft needles are green, typical of the species.
Very effective when grown over a rock or down a wall. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 6" tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees.
USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Prostrata’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus strobus ’Prostrata’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pseudo-monophylla 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Ball 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2010 Kevin Fechke NH USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Puffer Ball’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Puffer Ball’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Puffer Ball’ Fechke Dax Herbst IL USA
Pumila Gordon 1875 GBR
Pinus strobus ’Pumila’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pumila 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Hort. USA
A green dwarf form of Eastern White Pine. Leaves are regular
size and green Plant grows in a flat dwarf bun. Stanley text.
Pumila Virite 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Pygmaea den Ouden 1965 HOL
/P. pumila Globe/
Pygmaea 1979 EUR
Arnold Arboretum, MA USA ?
Pygmaea 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Hort. USA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Low, spreading form with tight, delicate-looking bunches of
green-silver needles. Rich Eyre text.
Pyramidalis 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Silva Tarouca 1913 GER
Queen Curlis 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Pinus strobus ‘Queen Curlis’
yet available photos on the net
Quill Pig 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Reed USA
Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Quill Pig’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Quill Pig’ Mesterhazy photo 2011
Dax Herbst photo in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Quill Pig’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Quill Pig’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Quill Pig’ Mesterházy photo 2015
R. E. L. No. 3 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
W. Lancaster 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
& Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Radiata Hornibrook 1923 GBR
Princess Kiara
William Journeay CAN
2011 RHS Int. Conifer Reg. UK in ACS CQ
along a forest road in Western Nova Scotia CAN. Named for the breeder’s
grand-daughter. Upright with single stem. Short, dense, soft, greyish green
needles. Slow to moderate growth, 15-
P. strobus var. radiata Hornibrook 1923
Pinus strobus ’Radiata’ GBR Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ’Radiata’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Radiata Litomysl Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Raraflora Nana Glauca 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Redfield 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
slow-growing evergreen conifer with a dense formal-pyramidal shape. Looks pruned-to-shape,
but does so naturally. Needles are silvery blue-green. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 6' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA
zone 3. Buchholz text.
Reed’s Pit 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pit - "Interesting texture not like other 'dwarfs' with age.
of many seedlings found." Greg Williams text.
handsome round bush with long, soft, twisted needles and
tuffets on the ends of the branches. A Greg Williams
from a gravel pit in Wolcott, Vt.
Cady’s Falls
Nursery USA text.
Pinus strobus ’Reed’s Point’ Gary Gee photo
strobus ’Reed’s Pit’ Talon Buchholz OR
USA photo
Reed’s Point 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Reed's Point - "Most-likely 'Reed's Pit' - miss-spelled."
Greg Williams text.
Reinshaus 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
D. M. van Klaveren 1982
Pinus strobus ’Reinshaus’ GER Jiří Balatka photo
Republic 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Geo. Jr. Rep. Re. School, Grove City, Pennsylvania,
flat grower. Stupka text.
Pinus strobus ‘Republic’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Republic’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Rezek 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Ed Rezek USA
Pinus strobus ’Rezek WB’ Dax Herbst USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus strobus 'Rezek WB' Gardenweb photobucket
Pinus strobus ’Rezek’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Rezek’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Ridgemont Rosie
Ken Marek
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
6-8" HxW@10yrs: 6'x4'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pinus strobus ‘Ridgemont Rosie’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Ridgemont Rosie’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Ridgemont Rosie’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Riverview 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Riverview Cemetery, Sterling, Illinois, medium size
and height, motherplant cut off 1989. Harper text.
Rob's Halo 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
2012 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA
Horky Gardens MN USA
A seedling tree found by friends in Ontario. This tree turns lemon
yellow during the winter and returns to the normal green in the
spring/summer. Horky text.
Pinus strobus ‘Rob’s Halo’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Rob’s Halo’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Rob’s Halo’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Rob’s Halo’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Rockgards Hort.
Route 92 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in an abandoned farm, Jislin, Illinois, medium size and
height, irregular. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ‘Route 92’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Route 92’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Route 92’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Rowes Multineedle 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 USA
J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA
Rusalka 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Sand Castle 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1981 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ‘Sand Castle’ University of Connecticut USA
Sarah Rachel 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1992 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ‘Sarah Rachel’ University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ’Sarah Rachel’ Henk van Kempen HOL photo
Pinus strobus ‘Sarah Rachel’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Sayville 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
R. L. Fincham 1983
Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA
Schacht Haard 2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
1987 Günther Eschrich GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom in GER, 50x60 cm.
gefunden in Deutschland, 50x60 cm.
Sea Light 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Sea Urchin 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1978 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
An extremely dwarf bun,
from Sidney Waxman, with short
blue needles, it’s one of the best dwarf strobus.
Arrowhead text. Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense flat-globe form. Soft thin needles are silvery blue-green. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Sea Urchin’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Sea Urchin’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Sea Urchin’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus strobus ’Sea Urchin’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus strobus ’Sea Urchin’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ‘Sea Urchin’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ‘Sea Urchin’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus strobus ‘Sea Urchin’ University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ’Sea Urchin’ David Stegmaier USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
strobus ’Sea Urchin’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Sea Urchin’ Tom Cox USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Sea Urchin’ Tom Cox USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Sea Urchin’ Will Fletcher USA four years report
Pinus strobus ’Sea Urchin’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Secrest 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
natural dwarf of seed. (Mesterházy text)
Pinus strobus ’Secrest’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Sensei 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Pinus strobus ’Sensei’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Sensei’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Seven Ino Hort.
Pinus strobus ’Steven Ino’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Shaggy Dog 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1993 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
This spreading dwarf pine has long, blue-green needles that make the plant look like a shaggy dog lying on the ground. Growth Rate: 2-4" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ’Shaggy Dog’ University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ’Shaggy’ Henk van Kempen HOL photo
Pinus strobus ’Shaggy Dog’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Shaggy Dog’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Shaggy Dog’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Shirley 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Needle 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Skála 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2008 Josef Řádek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus strobus ‘Skala’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Skokovy 2013
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Martin Novák CZ
Gardens CZ
František Topinka Gardens CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Found as a broom in Skokovy, growth rate over
Místo nálezu. Lokalita Skokovy u Žďáru,
Český ráj, okres Mladá Boleslav.
Obrovský čarověník v průměru kolem1,5 m, délka jehlic
Pinus strobus ’Skokovy’ František Topinka photo
Pinus strobus ’Skokovy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
strobus ‘Skokovy‘
Slahol 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Ján Sláma & Jiří Holata CZ
Sláma Gardens CZ
Pinus strobus ’Slahol’ Mesterházy & Slama photo
Pinus strobus ’Slahol’ Mesterházy & Slama photo
Sláma 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Ján Sláma CZ
Sláma Gardens CZ
Pinus strobus ’Slama’ Mesterházy & Slama photo
Slim Jim 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Sněhurka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Soft Touch 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1985 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
Summerhill Nurs., Madison CT USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus strobus ‘Soft Touch’ University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ‘Soft Touch’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Sonia 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
2003 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
A dense, globose pine with fairly short, blue-green foliage. Growth Rate: 1-2". Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ’Sonia’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus strobus ’Sonia’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus strobus ‘Sonia’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Sonia’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Sonia’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Sonia’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Sonia’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Sonia’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Sonia’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
South Bridge 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper in ACS database
Joe Stupka PA wild found in Youngstown, OH USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in South Bridge Office Cp. Youngstown, Ohio, yellow
variegated. Stupka text.
Upright growing with yellow variegated
needles troughout the
Very striking yellow variegations. ACS text.
Southwestern 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Flickinger Nurs. USA
Spooky Hollow 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Art Oslach Nursery, Simco, Ontario, Canada as a
broom. Stupka text.
Sport of Horsford 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Springarn 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Squiggles 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Andy Duvall USA
2010 Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Found by Andy Duvall, a nice little globose form with bluish
twisted needles. Arrowhead text.
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
flat-globe form. Thin blue-green needles are twisted, resulting in a curious
feature in the landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 15" tall
x 24" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Squiggles’ Dax Herbst IL USA
strobus ’Squiggles’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
strobus ’Squiggles’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Squiggles’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Squiggles’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Squiggles’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Squiggles’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Squiggles’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Squiggles’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Squiggles’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Squirrel’s Nest 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
St. Elkin’s Dwarf 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA
St. Claire 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Randy Dykstra
Dax Herbst photo in Horst garden IA USA
State Game Land 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Found on State Game Land, Barkleyville, Pennsylvania, flat
form. Stupka text.
Štěkeň 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2005 Král CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
strobus ’Steken’ Jiří Balatka photo
Ino 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus strobus ’Steven Ino’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ‘Steven Ino’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Stoney Brook 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Stoney Brook - "(2) plants from the same root. A & B distinctly different should forget A. Graft B - results in same very low spreading plants. Some mound like - the weeping parent - unusual more umbrella like." Greg Williams text.
For outstanding drama, stake this prostrate, weeping form of White Pine, and enjoy its distinctive contorted branch work. Clusters of long, widely spaced needles decorate the ends of strongly draping branches, leaving the tree's open form and gorgeous silver bark on display. Selected by Greg Williams at Vermont's Kate Brook Nursery, the large pine is a handsome, ornamental accent or it cascades down and covers a bank beautifully. Iseli text.
Pinus strobus ’Stony Brook’ Iseli Nursery OR USA
Pinus strobus ‘Stony Brook’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus strobus ’Stoney Brook’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
A prostrate weeping form.
/Stoney Brook/
Column 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus strobus ’Stowe Columnar’
Stowe Hollow 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Stowe Pillar 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Found by Greg Williams in the snow country of the NE USA
Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Stowe Pillar - "one of two large forms again A & B.
Approximately 60' and 8' wide. Seems to hold up in our snow
loads." Greg Williams text.
A narrow columnar form.
A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a narrow columnar form. A welcome improvement over the old variety 'Fastigiata'. Thin needles are green. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Stowe Columnar’
strobus ’Stowe Pillar’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Stowe Pillar’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Strafford 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Strafford High School, Strafford, Montana, medium
size, low, motherplant broken out 1996. Harper text.
Strange Twist 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc.
Boring, OR USA
Strattanville 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
1992 Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Rarafolia Nurs., Kintersville PA USA
Found on Highway ROW, Strattanville, Pennsylvania, flat form.
Stupka text.
Stupka’s No. 1 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Stupka Nursery, Via Swanson, Pulaski, Pennsylvania.
Stupka text.
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Stvořidla 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2005 Jiří Holata CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
strobus ’Stvoridla’ Mesterházy &
Etzelstorfer photo
strobus ’Stvoridla’ Jiří Balatka
strobus ‘Stvořidla’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ‘Stvořidla’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ‘Stvořidla’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ’Stvoridla’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus strobus ’Stvoridla’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus strobus ‘Stvoridla’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Stvoridla’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Stvořidla’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Stvoridla’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Stvoridla’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Stvořidla’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Stvořidla’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Stvořidla’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
C. 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Swanson Dwarf 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Stupka Nursery, Via Swanson, Pulaski, Pennsylvania.
Stupka text.
Sweeny 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in 215 Sweeny – P res., Burlington, Iowa, medium size
and height, upright. Harper text.
Syd’s Fine 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1992 USA
Rarafolia Nurs., Kintersville PA USA
Sykes 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Dick Sykes residence, Clinton, Iowa, small size, low,
motherplant dead 1996. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ’Sykes’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ’Sykes’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Szuma 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
Szuma Ernő, Ipolynyék HUN/CZ
Szuma 23 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury
of Hungary 1.0
2009 Szuma Ernő, Ipolynyék/Sahy HUN/CZ
2010 Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Szuma Hebring 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Szuma Ernő, Ipolynyék/Sahy HUN/CZ
Pinus strobus ’Szuma u Jilemnice’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Trumpet 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.0
Szuma Ernő, Ipolynyék/Sahy HUN/CZ
Tabuliformis R. Smith 1964 GBR
Tecumseh WB 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Timberline 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Found in Clarence Towe, Walhalla, South Carolina. Stupka text.
Tiny Curls 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Tiny Curls - "Mini Twist I suppose." Greg Williams text.
A dwarf contorted plant.
A dwarf globe shaped slow growing dwarf with twisted needles.
Annual growth 1.5". Dennis Dodge text.
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense flat-globe form. Dark blue-green needles are twisted. More interesting than most of the numerous dwarf pines. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Pinus strobus ’Tiny Curls’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Tiny Curls’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ’Tiny Curls’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ’Tiny Curls’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ’Tiny Kurls’ Henk van Kempen HOL photo
Pinus strobus ‘Tiny Curls’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
strobus ’Tiny Curls’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
strobus ’Tiny Kurls’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ’Tiny Curls’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Tomino 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2012 Kubát & Orálek CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
in Útěchov CZ
Místo nálezu. U obce Útěchov
Pinus strobus ’Tomino’ Kubát & Orálek photo
Pinus strobus ’Tomino’ Tomáš Kubát CZ photo
Pinus strobus ’Tomino’ Tomáš Kubát CZ photo
Pinus strobus ’Tomino’ Tomáš Kubát CZ photo
Torch Light 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Found in Mike Burn Tree Farm, Hampton, Illinois, medium size,
low, motherplant cut off 2000. Harper text.
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Torulosa 1978 GBR
Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR
unique form and texture of this contorted Eastern white pine have an esoteric
appeal. Some people like it; others wonder what’s wrong with it. For admirers,
the very narrow form and severely twisted needles lend an interesting
sculptural accent to the small landscape. Short side branches, sparse branching
and low needle density produce a fluffy look. Growth Rate: 12-18" HxW@10yrs: 10'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ’Torulosa’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus strobus ’Torulosa’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus strobus ‘Torulosa’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus strobus ‘Torulosa’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘Torulosa’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Torulosa Pendula 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
WB 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus strobus ’Torulosa WB’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ’Torulosa WB’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ‘Torulosa WB’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Torulosa WB’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Torulosa WB’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Trautmann 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2005 Dax Herbst in ACS database
Chris Trautmann
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
dwarf vareity of Eastern White Pine. Leaves a green-blue. Branches grow about
A dwarf flat bun WB.
Pinus strobus ’Trautmann’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA
Pinus strobus ’Trautmann’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Trautmann’s WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Probably the same as /Trautmann/
Tremba 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Ken Church in ACS database as a WB
Harper Collection USA
Twisted Weeper 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Chub Harper in ACS database
Twombly’s Golden New Growth
2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
U vrátek Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Uconn 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1978 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Alumni of the University of Connecticut will appreciate the friendly moniker of this superior, intermediate-size Eastern White Pine. Selected by Sydney Waxman, at UConn, for slower growth and more dense stature than that of the species, it is a top choice for home landscapes, where it won't outgrow the site. The oldest plant in Iseli Nursery's display garden is about 18' tall and 11' wide with a rounded top after l5 years. A medium-big conifer, it provides dramatic structure, color and character. Iseli text.
Nice size round flat globe dwarf with bright green leaves.
Pinus strobus ‘UConn’ University of Connecticut USA
Uconn Gold 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1988 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Waxman hunted brooms and
raised a lot of seedlings from broom
must have found a gold one at some point. Arrowhead text.
Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus strobus ’Uconn Gold’ University of
Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ’Uconn Gold’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Uconn Gold’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Uconn WB SDL HR 2 Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Umbraculifera Hort. ex Knight 1850 FRA
dwarf blue variety of Eastern White Pine. Very old variety with blue- green
leaves. Gray bark with brown buds. Stanley text.
Hornibrook 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Umbraculifera Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA
Uncatena 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus strobus ‘Uncatena’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Bish 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Stuart 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
A slow-growing evergreen conifer
with a dense pyramidal shape. Old specimens appear to have been sheared to form
a perfect shape. Soft blue-green needles make it inviting to touch. Prefers
full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40
degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Van den Akker 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Vanderwolf’s Green Globe 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Vineland Nurs. USA
Variegata Nelson 1866 GBR
P. strobus var. variegata Nelson
P. strobus var. aurea Nelson
P. strobus var. aureovariegata Senecl.
Vercurve 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Greg Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
A sister seedling to 'Mini
Twists'. A compact evergreen conifer with a globose shape when young,
eventually growing into a broad pyramid. Short, soft blue-green needles have
considerable twisting. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2.5' tall x 3'
wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
intensely-twisted blue-green needles distinguish this globe-shaped Eastern
white pine. As it matures, the slow-growing conifer becomes broadly pyramidal.
A phenomenal medium-size pine for any size landscape! Brent text.
strobus ’Vercurve’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Vercurve’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Verkade 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Verkade’s Broom/
Verkade’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
R. L. Fincham 1983
Pinus strobus ‘Verkade’s Broom’
Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA
Dwarf Eastern white pine growing wider than tall. Light green in
color. Rich Eyre text.
Pinus strobus ’Verkade’s Broom’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus strobus ’Verkade’s Broom’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus strobus ’Verkade’s Broom’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus strobus ’Verkade’s Broom’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Verkade’s Special 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Chub Harper in ACS database
Pinus strobus ’Verkade’s Special’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Verkade’s Witch’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Verkade’s Broom/
Vermeulen’s Compact 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Chub Harper in ACS database
Pinus strobus ’Vermeulen’s Compact’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Witches’ Broom’
2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Chub Harper in ACS database
Villa Nova 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Villa Nova Cemetery, Charlotte, Iowa, medium size,
very high, motherplant broken off 1990. Harper text.
Pinus strobus ‘Villa Nova’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Villa Nova’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Villa Nova’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus strobus ‘Villa Nova’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Viridis Carr. 1867 FRA
Viridis Pendula 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Ordnung ex Beissn. 1909 CZ
Ordnung CZ
Vokšice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Pinus strobus ’Voksice’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Voksice’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Von Glen 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Von Glen farm, Brandon, Iowa, small size, low. Harper
Vosyka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pinus strobus ’Vosyka’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ‘Vosyka’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Vosyka’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Vosyka’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Walouszek 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
strobus ’Walouszek’ Zobacz zdjęcie
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Waterdam 2013 Mesterházy & Anthoine in Conifer Treasury of Belgium 2.0
2004 Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
Nieuwe cultivar die is ontstaan in een partij
zaailingen. Mooi gevormde kwasten op het eind van de takken. Gevonden in Hall
in Gelderland. Eerste planten zijn voor de verkoop gekomen op onze
'Verzamelaarsdag' in 2004. Hulsdonk text.
Pinus strobus ‘Waterdam’
Waxman SDL # 1 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
SDL # 2 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus strobus ’Waxman SDL # 2’
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Waxman SDL # 2’
Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus strobus ’Waxman SDL # 2’
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Wazlowie 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
WB 23 Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
WB Edelweiss Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus strobus ’WB Edelweiss’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’WB Edelweiss Zwerg’
Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’WB Edelweiss Zwerg’
Miroslav Malík photo 2013
SDL # 4 Waxman 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Weiss 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1985 GER /Reinshaus/
Wendy 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
branching on this dwarf, upright pine displays long, bright blue needles. The
needles are shorter at the tips, giving a varying texture throughout this pine.
Growth Rate: 3-5"
HxW@10yrs: 4'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus strobus ’Wendy’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus strobus ’Wendy Aurea’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus strobus ’Wendy Aurea’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Werner 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2006 Hentschel CZ
strobus ‘Werner’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus strobus ’Werner’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus strobus ‘Werner’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Werner’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Werner’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ’Werner’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Weston Elf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
This plant reminds of ‘Densa’, leaves blue on a conical upright.
A miniature evergreen conifer
with an irregular upright form. Tiny needles are silvery-blue. An excellent
choice for a rock garden or trough. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil.
18" tall x 18" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3.
Buchholz text.
White Mountain 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Ed Mezitt 1982
Weston Nurs., Hopkinton MA USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Very loose fast growing tree with the bluest needles.
A blue form of Eastern White Pine. Very loose fast growing tree with the bluest needles. Can be pruned to be tighter tree. First introduced by Westons Nursery around 1982. Stanley text.
Pinus strobus ‘White Mountain’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus strobus ‘White Mountain’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Whitney 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
2013 Josh & Whitney Horky MN USA
Horky Gardens MN USA
A broom found by Whitney Horky along a road in Northern
Wisconsin, it grows at eye level out the car window. Annual
is 2”
Whitstone 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
1992 Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Rarafolia Nurs., Kintersville PA USA
Found in Clarence Towe, Walhalla, South Carolina as a broom.
Stupka text.
Wierdo 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Dilworth Nursery, Oxford, Pennsylvania, variable
growth. Stupka text.
Wiggles 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2010 Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
A tight green ball with
twisted branches and needles, a very distinctive strobus brooms. Arrowhead
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus strobus ’Wiggles’ Dax Herbst IL USA
strobus ’Wiggles’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus strobus ‘Wiggles’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Windswept 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Rich Eyre USA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Witches’ broom selection by Rich Eyre in a Rockford IL cemetery. This dwarf’s habit makes a windswept effect. Rich Eyre text.
Pinus strobus ’Windswept’ Nate Cassell CO USA maybe JM.
Pinus strobus ’Windswept’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus strobus ’Windswept’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus strobus ’Windswept’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus strobus ’Windswept’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus strobus ‘Windswept’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Wingle’s Sleeping Beauty 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Chub Harper in ACS database
Mat Wingle of seed in NJ USA
Winter Gold 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1985 USA
/Hillside Winter Gold/
A vigorous evergreen conifer with an open pyramidal form.
Thin needles are a dull gold, but more colorful in winter. Best if
candle-pruned to keep more compact. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12'
tall x 6' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.
Witches-brew 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb
1989 Sidney Waxman USA
University of Connecticut USA
Pinus strobus ’Witches-brew’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Witches Broom # 1 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
ACS Bulletin USA
Witches’ Broom STA 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
strobus ‘Witches’ Broom STA’
Wüstemeyer 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Wüstemeyer ex Reuter 1984 GER
Pinus strobus ‘Wüstemeyer’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus strobus ‘Wüstemeijer’ (HOL)
Wyandanch L. C. Hatch 1988
Wycoff’s Green Lace 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
in Wycoff’s residence, Roanoke, Illinois,
possibly hybrid. Harper text.
Wyoming 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Wyoming Cemetery, Wyoming, Iowa, medium size,
high, flat growth. Harper text.
Yager Pendula WB Hort.
Foxhollow Gardens GBR
Yellow Dwarf Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Yoda 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A dwarf flat globe. Leaves green.
Zebrina Croux ex Bailly 1889
1874 Croux at Sceaux FRA
Žehrov 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
1995 Jaromír Pospíšil CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus strobus ’Zehrov’ Jiří Balatka photo
Zdobín 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Pekárek Vojtěch CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens, Varnsdorf CZ
Found as a broom in CZ.
Čaroveník, nalezeno v ČR.
Pinus strobus x Pinus ayacahuite
Pinus strobus x schwerinii ’Fulda’
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus stylesii Flickr, Sandy Rae photo /Pinus reflexa/
Pinus stylesii Frankis ex Businský 2008 – Styles cirbolyafenyő – Styles white pine
/Takenouchi/T. Wang & Cheng SS
1790 non L.
SYLVESTRIS Mill. 1768 non L.
non L. 1784
Pinus sylvestris Linnaeus 1753 - Erdeifenyő - Scotch pine
P. altissima Ledeb.
P. friesiana Wichura
sosnowskyi Nakai 1939
P. tatarica Mill.
f. ANNULATA Casparin 1882 GER POL
f. ARGENTEA Stev. 1838 CAU
f. AUREA Ottolander 1876
f. BAENITZ Baenitz
f. BONAPARTEI Seitz. 1926 Preussen GER
f. DIABOLICA Schwerin 1932 GER
f. DIVARICATA Wahlenb. 1814 EUR KAR
f. DIVARICATA Fitsch. 1930 GER
f. ERYTHRANTERA Sanio. 1871
f. FASTIGIATA Carr. 1867
f. FOMINII Kondratjuk 1950
f. FUNEBRIS Svoboda 1953
f. GIBBA Christ 1864
f. GIBBEROSA Kihlmann 1904
f. HAMATA Stev.
P. sosnowski Nakai
f. INTERMEDIA Loud. 1838
f. KAKATEIMOS Graebner 1899 Baltikum
f. KIENITZII Seitz. 1926
f. LAEVIGATA Schwerin 1911
f. LATIFOLIA Gord. 1858 CAU
f. LUBONII Staszkiewicz 1958 C-EUR
f. MACROCARPA Schröder 1894 Moscow RUS
f. MONTICOLA Schröder 1895
f. NANA Pallas 1784
f. PARVIFOLIA Heer 1862
P. brachyphylla Wittrock
f. PLICATA Schenk 1925
f. PYRAMIDATA Elwes & Henry 1908
f. SEITZII Schwerin 1926 GER
f. SPIRALIS Carr. 1859
P. sylvestris crispata Schwerin
f. TORTUOSA Don of Forfar 1852 GBR
f. TURFOSA Wörl. 1852 Baltikum
ssp. HAMATA /Steven/Pravdin 1964 CAU
ssp. KOCHIANA /Klotzsch./Elicin 1970
P. kochiana Klotzsch
ssp. PANNONICA /Schott/ Soó 1973 HUN
var. ALPINA Svoboda 1953
var. ALTAICA Ledeb. 1833 RUS
var. AQUITANIA Schott 1907 FRA
var. ARMENA /K. Koch/ Fitsch. 1930 TCA
P. armena K. Koch
var. BALCANICA Svoboda 1950 BAL
var. BALTICA Svoboda 1953 /var.BORUSSICA/ NE-GER
var. BASHKIRICA Svoboda 1953 RUS
var. BATAVA Schott 1907 GER
var. BOHEMICA Siman 1923 CZ
var. BOREALIS Svoboda 1953
P. borealis Salisb.
var. BORUSSICA Schott 1907 NE-GER
var. BOUGETII Flous 1933 ESP
var. CARPATHICA Klika 1934 C-E-EUR
var. CATALAUNICA Gaussen 1923 W-C-EUR
var. CAUSASICA Fischer ex Senecl. 1868 CAU
P. caucasica Fischer
var. CRETACEA Kalenitz 1934 RUS
var. ENGADENSIS Heer. 1862 W-AUT SWI
var. FENNICA Svoboda 1953 FIN
var. HAGUENENSIS Loud. 1838 GER
var. HAMATA Steven 1838 CAU
P. hamata /Stev./ Sosn.
var. HERCYNICA Muench. 1924 C-GER SWI
var. IBERICA Svoboda 1953 ESP FRA
var. ILLYRYCA Svoboda 1953 SE-EUR
var. IMERITANA Loud.1838
var. JACUTENSIS Svoboda 1953
var. KASATSCHSTANICA Svoboda 1953
var. KOCHIANA /Klotsch/Pravdin 1964
var. LAPPONICA Fries 1888 N-EUR ASI
var. MICROPHYLLA Beissn. 1891
var. MONGOLICA Litv. 1905 MON
Pinus sylvestris mongolica conifertreasury.org photo
var. NEVADENSIS Christ 1863 Sierra Nevada ESP
var. NORVEGICA Svoboda 1953 NOR
var. OBENSIS Svoboda 1953
var. PANNONICA Schott 1907 W-HUN
var. POLONICA Svoboda 1953 POL
var. PONTICA Svoboda 1953
var. PYRENAICA Svoboda 1953 C-EUR
var. RHODOPAEA Svoboda 1966 BUL
var. RIGENSIS /Desf./Asch. & Graeb. NE-EUR
P. rigensis Desf.
var. ROMANICA Svoboda 1950 ROM
var. ROSSICA Svoboda 1950 RUS
var. RUBRA /Mill./Reich. 1780 SCO
P. rubra Mill.
var. SARMATICA Zapal 1966 E-EUR
var. SCOTICA /Willd./Schott SCO
P. scotica Willd.
P. rubra Mill.
P. silvestris var. rubra /Mill./ Reichhard
var. SIBIRICA Ledeb. 1833 SIB
var. SUBILLYRICUM Corona 1955 ITA
var. SUPERRHENANA Schott 1907 W-GER
/Taken./Cheng & Hu 1987 CHN
P. sylvestriformis /Taken./Wang ex Chung
var. URALENSIS Fischer Ural Mts.RUS
var. VINDELICA Schott 1907 SWI AUT
var. VOCONTIANA Guinier & Gaussen 1966
Pinus sylvestris seedling 8 years Jerry Morris CO USA
Pinus sylvestris broom Sam Pratt USA photo 2013 J
6 Cest 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Maixner CZ
Václav Verbín Gardens CZ
Found in Maňovice CZ as a broom. Václav Verbín text.
sylvestris ’Šest cest’
Abergeldie Castle Hort.
Adirondack 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Mellinger’s Inc. USA
Aga 2014 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
Found as a broom in Nowa Wieś POL
in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Nowa Wieś w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 15
metrów. Kształt kulisto-spłaszczony o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Aga’ Wiktor Trochonowicz
POL photo
Aino 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Korzhavin RUS
sylvestris 'Aino' K.Korzhavin
Alba Loud. 1838 GBR
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg into GER
Alba Picta /Albospicata/
Albospicata den Ouden 1949
P. Lombarts, Zundert HOL
lightly-colored tips of the needles on this upright-growing tree add wonderful
contrast in spring but can burn in summer sun. A seedling selected in Germany
in 1924. Growth Rate: 9-12"
HxW@10yrs: 7'x4'. Brent Markus text.
Albyn 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Albyn’s Prostrate/
Albyn’s Prostrate 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
R. Nordine 1968
H. A. Albyn Nurs., Newark OH USA
sylvestris ‘Albyn’s Prostrate’
H. Kordes & zu Jeddeloh into GER
This vigorous spreader is an excellent groundcover that
spills over banks and rambles through garden beds. With maturity, layered
branches mound in the center and taper down to the edges. A blue cast adds
interest to the thick, green needles of this seedling selection from Albyn
Nursery, Newark, Ohio. Iseli text.
A low, spreading evergreen conifer with bright blue needles. Makes a wonderful groundcover, or cascading over a wall. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
/Albynn’s Prostrate/ /Albyn/
Pinus sylvestris ’Albyns’ Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Albyns’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Albyn’s Prostrate’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Albyn Prostrata’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus sylvestris’ Albynn’s Prostrate’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Albyn’s Prostrate’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Albyn’s Prostrate’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Alcide 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Skórka POL
This cultivar was found in Slovakia with a marked vertical growth. Grafted on the trunk grows strongly and horizontally. Needles typical for the species, dark green. Skórka text.
znaleziona na Słowacji o silnie zaznaczonym wertykalnym wzroście. Zaszczepiona
na pniu rośnie silnie i horyzontalnie. Igły typowe dla gatunku, ciemnozielone.
Pod nazwą roboczą 'Słowak". Skórka text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Alcide’ Sławomir Skórka photo
Alcoa 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found on Rt. 67 Alcoa Plant, Bettendorf, Iowa, medium size,
high, motherplant dead 1986. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Alcoa’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Alcoa’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Alcoa’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Alderly Egde Walker 1985
Walker’s Nurs., Doncaster GBR
Alena 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2002 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku
Alex 2006 Mike Murphy GBR
From a witches'
broom found at Burley in the New Forest by
Murphy. collected and propagated in 2006. Grubb text.
Pinus sylvestris
Alexander Dyadik 151 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Alexander Dyadik RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexander Dyadik 151’
Alexander Dyadik RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexander Dyadik 151’
Alexander Dyadik RUS photo
Aleksandrovich 1 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Aleksandrovich RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Aleksandrovich 1’ Aleksandrovich RUS photo
Aleksandrovich 2 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Aleksandrovich RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Aleksandrovich 2’ Aleksandrovich RUS photo
Aleksandrovich 3 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Aleksandrovich RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Aleksandrovich 3’ Aleksandrovich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Alexandrovich 409 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS
отличной, дай
думаю в лес
может метлу
увижу. Чесно
вм совсем
раньше их не
наблюдал, и
когда ехал,
то надежда
увидеть была
Какое же было
моё удивление,
свернув в лес
и пройдя не
больше ста
наткнулся на
это чудо... я её
сразу узнал)))
Она в моём
не взял,
поэтому всё
на мобильный(
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 409’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 409’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Alexandrovich 412 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS
до её
метра три
где-то, поэтому
судите о её
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 412’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 412’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Alexandrovich 414 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 414’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Alexandrovich 415 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS
своё уже
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 415’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Alexandrovich 416 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 416’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Alexandrovich 428 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 428’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 428’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 428’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 428’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Alexandrovich 447 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 445’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexandrovich 445’
Vladimir Alexandrovich RUS photo
Alexiy Sokolov 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Alexiy Sokolov RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Alexiy Sokolov’ Alexiy Sokolov RUS photo
Alhorn 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1989 GER
Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER
Altaica /var. ALTAICA/
Amisz 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
Found as a broom in
Leśnictwo POL forest
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Leśnictwo w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 6
metrów. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Amisz’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Andenken an Vater Böhlje
2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
G. Böhlje GER
C. Esveld, Boskoop HOL
Andorra 2002 Stephen Grubb in ACS database
1980 GBR
Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR
bun-shape with green leaves 10-
winter buds. Grubb text.
Andree 2006
Stephen Grubb GBR
From a witches'
broom found by me at St. Catherines Hill,
Dorset, 2006. Grubb text.
Anežka Česká 2012
Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
František Adášek CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
sylvestris ’Anezka Ceska’ Jiří
Balatka photo 2012
Angara 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Günther Eschrich GER
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Angara’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Angara’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Anička 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2012 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a
nálezu, obec Chrást, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Anička’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Anička’
Anguina Schröder 1899
P. sylvestris f. anguina Schröd. 1899
Anny’s Winter Sun Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
spectacular new variety from Europe has a glowing golden color in winter.
Shaded areas are more of a chartreuse color, making the color contrast
fantastic! Growth Rate: 3-5"
HxW@10yrs: 4.5'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Anny’s Winter Sun’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Anny’s Winter Sun’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Anny’s Winter Sun’
Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ‘Anny’s Winter Sun’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ’Anny’s Winter Sun’
Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Arctic 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Lawyer Nurs. USA
Argentea Edwin Hillier 1926 GBR
Argentea Hort.
Argentea Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Ordnung 1899
Pinus sylvestris ‘Argentea Compacta’
1987 H. A. Hesse Nurs., GER
Argentea Variegata 1990 Trompenburg Arb. HOL
Arnoltice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Pinus sylvestris ’Arnoltice’ Jiří Balatka photo
Arrowhead 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, tipped, but healthy, 5-
short needles, looks good, at Arrowhead Nursery in Denver,
near Parker. JM text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Arrowhead’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Arrowhead’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ’Arrowhead’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ’Arrowhead’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ’Arrowhead’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
sylvestris ’Arrowhead #
Aruno Didžioji 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Aurea Veitch 1900 GBR
Bright gold in winter, greening out in summer, this is an upright
form. Arrowhead text.
An upright evergreen conifer with a broad canopy. Needles are light green in summer, turning vivid gold in the winter. Wonderful when accompanied with blue-foliage plants. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Aurea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Aurea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Aurea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Aurea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Aurea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Aurea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Aurea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Aurea’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Aurea’ GBR Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Aurea’ Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER
Pinus sylvestris ‘Aurea’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Aurea Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Aurea Nisbet 1986 Trompenburg Arb. HOL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Aurea Nisbet’
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Pinus sylvestris ’Aurea Nisbet’
Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ‘Aurea Nisbet’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Aurea PG Hort.
Aureopicta 1868 Seneclause FRA
Austrian Hills 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1996 Lawyer Nurs. USA
1996 Denver Botanic Gardens USA
Lawyer Nurs. USA
Auvergne 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1996 Lawyer Nurs. USA
1996 Denver Botanic Gardens USA
Lawyer Nurs. USA
Avon Heath No. 1. 2005 Stephen Grubb GBR
From a witches'
broom, found by me on Avon Heath, near Hurn,
2005. Grubb text.
Avon Heath No. 2. 2005 Stephen Grubb GBR
From another
witches' broom found by me on Avon Heath, near
Christchurch, 2005. Grubb text.
Avondene 1992 GBR
M. Murphy in the New Forest GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Baba 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Pinus sylvestris ‘Baba’ Pinus sylvestris ‘Baba’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Baba’ Rispetto POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Baba’ Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
sylvestris Baba (Lewandowski)
Babička 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1999 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Babušík 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2013 Jan Babušík - Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 50x50 cm broom in Křenovy, growth rate
nálezu, obec Křenovy. Čaroveník, tvar kulovitý, rozmery
Pinus sylvestris ‘Babušík’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Babušik’
Bagration 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
Тсс, и её тоже
название . Профиль.
Pinus sylvestris 'Bagration'
(КМP - 012, 'Дынцин') M.Kelesh
2010 айдена
на шоссе
в70км от СПб. ривита
в мае этого
же года. Метла - http://vk.com/photo5253673_166146359
- http://vk.com/photo5253673_176530094 http://vk.com/photo5253673_267666163
Верещаку под
названием "Дынцин",
или нет не
Pinus sylvestris ’Bagration’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bagration’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bagration’ K 012 Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Bailey’s Upright 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2010 Evan
Reed USA
Herbst IL USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Bailey’s Upright’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Bailey’s Upright’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Bakony Barabits 1966
1955 Barabits E. in Fenyőfő HUN
Deutsche Baumschule 1966
Found as a witch’s broom with blue needles.
a globe, not taller than
Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum
Sopron, HUN
fenyőfői fenyvesben talált nagyméretű bábaseprő oltványait
ezen a néven.
Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.
Pinus sylvestris ’Bakony’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bakony’ conifertreasury.org photo
/Barabits Blue/
Balatka 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Pinus sylvestris ’Balatka’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Balenice 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Hort. CZ
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Balenice’ Larry Stanley USA photo
ball dwarf, leaves are blue-green.
Bałtyk 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom in Lustowie, near Nowa Wieś POL,
not coned. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze leśnej w Lubstowie w 2012 roku. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 5
metrów. Kształt rozpierzchło-stożkowaty, nieregularny o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Baltyk’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Bancjana 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7,5
metra. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Bancjana’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Banický Rytíř 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1997 J. Balatka & J. Pospíšil CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Barabits Aureovariegata Barabits E. HUN
Barabits Blue /Bakony/
Barabits Bonsai /Bonsai/
Pinus sylvestris ’Barabits Bonsai’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Barabits Bonsai’ conifertreasury.org photo
Barabits Compact Barabits HUN
Avasi Arborétum, Miskolc HUN
Pinus sylvestris ’Barabits Compact’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Barabits Compact’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Barabits Compact’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Barabits Compact’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Barabits Compact’ conifertreasury.org photo
Barabits Globus /Silver Globus/
Gumball Pinus sylvestris ‘Barney Gumball’
Barry Bergman 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
An irregular variegated
form, it is spectacular in spring just after
new growth emerges. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Barry Bergman’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Barrie Bergman’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Barry Bergman’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Barry Bergman’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Bartek 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Hort. POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Bartek’ Dariusz Burdan photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bartek’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Basa 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2004 Marie Balatková & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Baxel WB-SDL Baxel HOL
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bexel Seedling’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Baxel WB SDL’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Baxel WB SDL’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Baxel WB SDL’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Baxel WB SDL’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Baxel WB SDL’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Baxel’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ’Baxel’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Bayeri 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
A. Bayer CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Beacon Hill 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
T. G. Bentham 1981
W. Goddard in Beacon Hill Park CAN
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense flat-globe form. Short needles are blue-green. Originated as a witch's
broom mutation in Beacon Hill Park in British Columbia. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 2.5' tall x 3.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees.
USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
From a broom found by
Goddard in Beacon Hill Park in 1981, it forms a compact globular plant with
long sea green needles densely arranged on the branches. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Beacon Hill’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Beacon Hill’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Beata HB 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer
Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Beata HB (Białobok)
Beauvronensis Hort.
dense, broad globe with steely blue-green
Very attractive specimen when on standard.
Eyre text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Beauvronensis’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Beauvronensis’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Beuvronensis’ FRA Jiří Balatka photo
Bedgebury Gold Hort.
Bedgebury WB Hort. GBR
Pinus sylvestris ’Bedgebury
Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel
Beissneriana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Schwerin 1896 GER
Belchatow 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Belchatow (Marciniak)
Bělečko 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Beleznay 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2008 Dévay Péter HUN as a WB
2010 Kiss Balázs Nursery, Pilismarót HUN
The plant was wild found by Dévay Péter in a Pinus sylvestris
plantation near Bugyi HUN, which was 54 years old in 2010.
A perfect globose green form.
község határában Dévay Péter erdész találta egy 54 éves (2010-ben) erdei fenyő
gyérítés korú állományban. Szabályos gömbforma. Nevét a község egykori
földesuráról kapta, aki sokat tett a település érdekében.
Belgian 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1996 Lawyer Nurs. USA
1996 Denver Botanic Gardens USA
Lawyer Nurs. USA
Belle Aire 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found in Belle Aire Mansion, Galena, Illinois, small size,
medium height, motherplant dead 1992. Harper text.
Belmont 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Belmont Cemetery, Youngstown, Ohio. Stupka text.
Benátky 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1993 Jaromír Pospíšil CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Bennett Clumpleaf 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA
Bennett Compact 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
W. W. Bennett 1986
sylvestris ‘Bennett Compact’
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense flat-globe form. Short needles are silvery blue-green. Provides welcome
color in the winter landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x
3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
An excellent globular
form, relatively long bluish green needles with very short internodes not
friendly to grafters, if this were easier to propagate it would be immensely
popular. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bennett Compact’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bennett Compact’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bennett Compact’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Bennett Mini Leaf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1979 USA
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Bennett’s Short Leaf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1979 USA
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Beránek 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2007 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a broom in Nadryby, growth
nálezu, obec Nadryby, u Rokycan. Čaroveník, tvar
roční přírůstek do
Pinus sylvestris ‘Beránek’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Beránek’
Bergman 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979 USA
sylvestris ‘Barrie Bergman’ ?
Bergmann 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Jan Beran
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Bergmann’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bergmann’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bergmann’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Beskid 3 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Pinus sylvestris ‘Beskid 3’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Beskidy 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Bethel 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
2013 Rob Tudehope IA USA
Tudehope Gardens USA
Dax Herbst IL USA
Found as a broom in western Iowa, USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Bethel’ Rob Tudehope USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bethel’ Rob Tudehope USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bethel’ Rob Tudehope USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bethel’ Rob Tudehope USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bethel’ Rob Tudehope USA photo
Betty Lee 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in a private residence, Clinton, Iowa, small size, very low,
motherplant dead 1995. Harper text.
Beuvronensis Transon ex Beissn. 1891 FRA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Beauvronensis’
A dwarf round globose pine.
A dwarf round globose Scotch Pine. Needles are green with brown buds on a very compact globose plant. Takes good shearing of the candles to keep the outline smooth. Found in France about 1891. Very nice old form. Stanley text.
Bexel WB-SDL 2013 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Holland 2.0
Baxel HOL
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
miniature variety of Scots Pine. Nice green little needles on stems that grow
1/8 inch a year. Possibly the smallest form of Scotch pine avialble. Do not
over water like most pine need it a little dry. Watch for sunburn. Stanley
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bexel WB seedling’
Pinus sylvestris ’Bexel Seedling’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Baxel’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bexel Seedling’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Baxel WB SDL’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Bexel WB SDL’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bexel WB SDL’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
/Baxel WB SDL/
Białogon 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Polkowski POL
relatively fast-growing pine has beautiful creamy-white new growth in spring.
The color will eventually join that of previous years' growth with a dark green
tone by late spring. Growth Rate:
8-12" HxW@10yrs: 8'x4'.
Brent Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Bialogon’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Bialogon’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Białogon (Polkowski)
Pinus sylvestris ’Bialogon’ Rispetto POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bialogon’ Dariusz Burdan photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bialogon’ Edwin Smits photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bialogon’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bialogon’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Bialogon’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Big Boy 2006 Stephen Grubb GBR
Found as a
witches' broom by me, at St. Catherines Hill,
Dorset, 2006. Grubb text.
Black Money 1986 HOL
H. J. van de Laar 1986
Blanický Rytíř 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1997 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus sylvestris ’Blanicky Rytir’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris Blanický Rytíř
Blanik 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Pekárek Vojtěch CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens, Varnsdorf CZ
Found as a broom in CZ.
Čaroveník, nalezeno v ČR.
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Blatenka 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2000 Karel Malý CZ
Malý Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
A miniature globe.
Pinus sylvestris ’Blatenka’ Jiří Balatka photo
Blendmore Blond /Brentmoor Blonde/
Blue Angel
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
8-10" HxW@10yrs: 10'x4'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Blue Column 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Blue Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Blue Sky 1986 HOL
H. J. van de Laar 1986
Bluth 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found in the Bluth residence, Davenport, Iowa, medium size,
low, nice form. Harper text.
Blyth Jex 2003 Stephen Grubb GBR
Found by me as a
witches' broom in the grounds of Blyth-Jex
Norwich, Norfolk, 2003. Grubb text.
Bobo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury
of Hungary 1.0
Hort. HUN
Lukács Zoltán HUN
Bócsa 1 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury
of Hungary 1.0
Barna Tamás HUN
2010 Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN
Wild found WB while cutting an old forest. A very nice
compact green form. An optimistic bright green globose dwarf.
kitermelés során Bócsán talált bábaseprő, mely
fénylő zöld gömböc lesz.
Pinus sylvestris ’Bócsa 1’ (Bocsa 1) conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bócsa 1’ conifertreasury.org photo
Bócsa 2 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury
of Hungary 1.0
Barna Tamás HUN
2010 Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN
Wild found WB while cutting an old forest. A very nice
compact green form. An optimistic bright green globose dwarf.
Grows a little stronger, like /Bócsa 1/.
kitermelés során Bócsán talált bábaseprő, mely
fénylő zöld gömböc lesz.
erőteljesebb, mint a /Bócsa 1/
Pinus sylvestris ’Bócsa 2’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bócsa 2’ conifertreasury.org photo
Boersma The Int. Conifer Register 1982
1967 H. Boersma, Richmond BC.CAN
Bohutín 2013
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Zdeněk Pos CZ
Balatka Gardens CZ
as a 30 x
nálezu. VVP Brdy, lokalita Bohutín, okres Příbram. Čarověník po sundání,
tvar kulovitý, rozměry
sylvestris ‘Bohutín’
Bohy 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2007 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
Found as a 30x70 cm broom in Bohy,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Bohy, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bohy’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bohy’
Bolotnaya 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Mikhail Kelesh RUS
в 2011 г.
р-н, на болоте,
не далеко от
осенью 2011г., под
наблюдением. Метла
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh K-31’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh K-31’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris 'Bolotnaja' Kelesh (KMP-031) WB
Bomba 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2010 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Mogilno POL,
150 grafts in observation. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze leśnej w Mogilnie w 2010 r. Zmutowana gałąź była
na wysokości ok. 5 metrów. Rosła na słonecznym stanowisku. Kształt kulisty o
średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Bomba’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bomba’ 3 year old graft
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Bondareva 639 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Bondareva RUS
Сеянец Pinus sylvestris
Pinus sylvestris ’Bondareva 639’ Olga Bondareva RUS photo
Bonna 1990 HOL
Trompenburg Arboretum, Rotterdam HOL
The bluest form available.
An evergreen conifer with a broad crown. Needles are a deep gray-blue. Orange-brown exfoliating bark is ornamental on older specimens. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Bonna’ Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL
Bergman Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR
Bonsai 1995
Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1985 Barabits E. HUN
Alsótekeres Nurs. Siófok HUN
common name of 4 bonsai type clones.
Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum
Sopron, HUN
bonsai típusú szelekció közös neve.
Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.
Pinus sylvestris ’Barabits Bonsai’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Barabits Bonsai’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bonsai’ HUN Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Bonsai’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Bonzaj 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Bór 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Wrona POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Bor’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Bor’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Bor’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Bór (Wrona)
Borek 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2011 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Rożdżały POL,
Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona w środku lasu w
miejscowości Rożdżały w 2011 r.
Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 5 metrów. Kształt kulisto-wzniesiony
o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Borek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Borek’ 2 years old graft
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Borkovice 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Borny 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2011 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Borové Plato 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
2014 Martin Novák CZ
Martin Novák Collection, Evidence 2014
Found as a broom, growth rate 2-
Místo nálezu, Hamr na
Jezeře, okres Česká Lípa. Nádherný čarověník, malý polštářek, průměr
Pinus sylvestris ’Borové Plato’ Martin Novák photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Borové Plato’ Martin Novák photo 2014
sylvestris ‘Borové Plato’
Boroví 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
1998 Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Borovi’ Jiří Balatka photo
Borovsk 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Borovsk’ Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS photo
Brdo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1990 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
Krejčí Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2002
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Brdo’ Jiří Balatka photo
# 1 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1990 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
Krejčí Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2002
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Brdy 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1999 Karel Jiskra CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Brdy’ Jiří Balatka photo
Breburda 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1991 V. Breburda CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Blonde 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
sylvestris ‘Brentmoor Blonde’
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Brentmoor Blonde’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Brevifolia Heer 1862
1862 Heer SWI
Pinus sylvestris ‘Brevifolia’ Plantsphotos.net
Brevifolia 1975 R. Kaye, Waithman Nurs. GBR
Březí 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2006 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 60x60 cm broom in
Rychardov, growth rate
nálezu, Rychardov. Čarověník po schozu, tvar kulovitý, rozměr 60
Pinus sylvestris ‘Březí’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Březí’
Březnová 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2012 Trojan Jiří CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens CZ
Broadley 2007 Stephen Grubb GBR
Found as a
witches' broom by me, near Wootten in the New
Hampshire, 2007. Grubb text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Broadley’ report
Browsk 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Pinus sylvestris ‘Browsk’ Pinus sylvestris ‘Browsk’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Brugera 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
František Topinka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom in SWI, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
Brunka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jiri Holata CZ
Buchanan’s Gold G.Haddow 1985
Royal Bot. Gard. Edinburgh SCO GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense round shape, eventually forming a broad pyramid. Foliage is rich gold.
Best if candle-pruned to keep compact. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil.
3' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz
Pinus sylvestris ’Buchanan’s Gold’
Pinus sylvestris ’Buchanan’s Gold’
Pinus sylvestris ‘Buchanan’s Gold’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Bučily 2015
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
2013 Miroslav Komárek CZ
Miroslav Komárek Collection, Evidence 2013
as a broom, growth rate
Čarověník, nalezen v chatové oblasti u
Vltavy na Sedlčansku, okres Příbram. Rostl ve shluku několika koulí o průměru
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bučily’ Miroslav Komárek photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Bučily’ Miroslav Komárek photo 2014
Buddy 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2007 Zdeněk Jelínek – Miroslav Mareš CZ
Found as a 80x80 cm broom in Třemošná, growth rate
nálezu, obec Třemošná, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Buddy’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Buddy’
Budziszewice 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Budziszewice’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris 28 M181207 Budziszewice (Lewandowski)
Bugatti Jaeger 1865
Bujotii Senecl. 1868
Buka 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Reduchów w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3
metrów. Kształt płaski o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Buka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Bundle 2007 Stephen Grubb GBR
Found as a
witches' broom by me, Avon Heath, near Hurn
Christchurch, Dorset, 2007. Grubb text.
Burdan 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Burdan POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala
sylvestris (Burdan) 1
Pinus sylvestris Burdan select Dariusz Burdan photo
Burghfield 1985 GBR
C. Franklin, Reading GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
This globose pine develops a remarkable golden-yellow color that is prominent especially in winter. A nice substitute for the common Mugo Pine. (Pinus mugo var. pumilio) Growth Rate: 3-5" HxW@10yrs: 3.5'x3.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Burghfield’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Burgschleinitz 2014 Mesterházy,
Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Treasury of
Josef Schneider AUT in Straning, Eggenburg AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a partly dried broom, diameter
up to
Hexenbesen sah zunächst aus, als wäre er bereits abgestorben. An der Spitze ist
er jedoch grün und treibt. Länge ca.
# 63, found on 29 June
Pinus sylvestris ’Burgschleinitz’ Josef Schneider AUT photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Burgschleinitz’ Josef Schneider AUT photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Burgschleinitz’ Josef Schneider AUT photo
Burgund Paprocany 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
POL as a WB
sylvestris ‘Burgund Paprocany’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Burgund Paprocany HB
Bušovice 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 100x80 cm broom in Bušovice,
growth rate 6-
nálezu, obec Bušovice, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 100 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bušovice’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Bušovice’
Busz 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2011 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Raszelki POL,
sunny side, flat-top globe, dark green twisted
coned, gave 76 WB seedlings for observation in 2011.
Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze leśnej w
miejscowości Raszelki w 2011 r.
Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 16 metrów. Kształt
kulisto-spłaszczony-nieregularny o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Busz’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Busz’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Busz’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Busz’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Busz’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Busz’ 2 years old graft
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Busz’ seedlings Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Busz’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Bůžek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2004 Václav Král & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad
Bys WB # 2 Hort. USA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
New witches broom dwarf. Rich Eyre text.
Byst Witch’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Calle 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
A slow-growing globose pine with very short green needles. Growth Rate: 1-2" HxW@10yrs: 1'x1'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Calle’ David Stegmaier USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Calle’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Calle’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Calle’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ’Calle’ Will Fletcher USA four years report
Camp Aljaška 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2010 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus sylvestris ’Camp Aljaska’ Pavel Oralek photo
Candlelight 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
new growth on this upright, vigorous tree really makes it glow in spring. An
outstanding color contrast with the older, bluish-green needles. Growth
Rate: 8-10" HxW@10yrs: 10'x4'. Brent Markus text.
sylvestris ‘Candlelight’
Pinus sylvestris ’Candlelight’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Candlelight’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Částka 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
2014 Trojan Jiří, Bureš Jaroslav CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens CZ
near Varnsdorf as a broom,
ve Varnsdorfu ve výšce
Pinus sylvestris ‘Částka’ Jiří Trojan photo 2014
Čebínka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Čejkovky 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1990 Karel Malý CZ
Malý Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ
as a tree, growth rate up to
Transparentní rostliny, skupina
výpĕstků podle ročního
Čeladná 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Jiří
Šigut CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Celadna’ Jiří Balatka photo
Cementary Pond Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Cerik 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Sweden 1.0
Brita Johansson, Vargon, SWE
as a broom. Grubb text.
A miniature variety with
short, gray-green needles. Found as a witch's broom on a small mountain in
Sweden. Growth Rate: 1-2"
HxW@10yrs: 10"x12". Brent
Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Cerik’ Sam Pratt USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Cerik’ Sam Pratt USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Cerik’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Cerik’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Černá myt II 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Černá myt III 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Černá myt IV 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Černošice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 Miloslav Kalaš & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Čert WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Česká Lipa WB 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Fritsche CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
& Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Chantry Blue The Int. Conifer Register 1983
1972 B. Reynolds, Horsell Common, Woking GBR
Pinus sylvestris ‘Chantry Blue’
Barncroft Nurs. GBR
bright-blue needles on this small, slow-growing tree give it a fantastic color.
An outstanding selection from Chantry Nursery in Devon, UK. Growth
Rate: 4-6" HxW@10yrs: 4'x3'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Chantry Blue’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Chantry Blue’ Severnside photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Chantry Blue’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Chlum # 414 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1997 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Chlum I 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1997 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Chlum II 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1997 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Chlum IV 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Chlum V 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Chlumeček 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Chlumecek’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Chochoł 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom in Rossoszyca POL in
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3 metrów.
Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Chochoł’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Chotiná Eso 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2008 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a broom in Chotiná, growth
nálezu, obec Chotiná, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Chotiná Eso’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Chotiná Eso’
Chris’s Broom Christopher Grubb GBR
sylvestris ‘Chris’s Broom’
From a witches
broom noticed by my son Christopher, whilst we
out collecting the 'Broadley WB' Wooten,in the New Forest.
Chronos 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2012 Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS
Kalinovskiy Gardens, Pereslavl RUS
Found as a broom in Kupan, Pereslavl region RUS
Chybie 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
POL as a WB
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Chybie 01 HB (Tomszak)
Cíbek 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2012 Trojan Jiří CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens CZ
near Varnsdorf CZ as a broom,
Nalezeno ve
Varnsdorfu v ČR ve výšce
Pinus sylvestris ’Cibek’ Jiri Trojan CZ photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Cibek’ Jiri Trojan CZ photo
Clark Fill Up 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found near Route 422, Youngstown, Ohio, hanging type.
Stupka text.
Clumber Blue 1990 GBR
Walker Nurs., Blaxton GBR
Walker Nurs., Blaxton GBR
A dwarf spreading form of Scotch Pine. Leaves thick and green. Stems close and spreading. Very tight bunched plant. Stanley text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Clumber Blue’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Clumber Blue’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Clumber Blue’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Clumber Blue’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Clumber Hump /Clumber Blue/
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Columnaris Croux 1889 /var. FASTIGIATA/
Columnaris Compacta Croux 1889
Sceaux Nurs., Paris FRA
P. sylvestris var. columnaris compacta Croux 1889
Compact 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Compressa Carr. 1867 FRA
Conan 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Reduchów w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 15
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Conan’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 3.0
Barabits HUN
Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
smalle vorm met donker groene naalden. Herkomst is
Het tweede schot is kortnaaldig. Waardoor er bosjes
worden rondom de knoppen. Hulsdonk text.
Cordova 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in the Cordova Cemetery, Cordova, Iowa, medium size,
high, motherplant dead 1985. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Cordova’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Cordova’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Cordova’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Corley 1985 GBR
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense flat-bun shape. Short needles are blue-green. A nice addition to the rock garden or in a container. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1.5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Corley’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Country Club 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Conutry Club GC, Clinton, Iowa, medium size, low,
irregular. Harper text.
Cselőte 2016 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 5.0
2013 Véglesi Péter HUN
Tóth Gyula Faiskola, Gödöllő HUN
A spreading, irregular, bright green, slow growing broom.
Alakja szabálytalan, kissé szétterülő. Smaragdzöld színű, lassú növésű. Véglesi text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Cselőte’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Cselőte’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Cselőte’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Cselőte’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Cuha 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury
of Hungary 1.0
Józsa Miklós, Szombathely HUN
Perintkert Nursery, Gencsapáti HUN
Slow growing greygreen discus form WB. Wild found by
Józsa Miklós in Fenyőfő, HUN.
növekedésű szürkészöld levelű, korong alakú törpenövésű fenyő. Sziklakertbe,
kiskertbe érdemes ültetni. Józsa Miklós Fenyőfőn HUN találta bábaseprőként.
Pinus sylvestris ’Cuha’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Cuha’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Cuha’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Cuha’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Cuha’ Mesterhazy photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Cuha’ Mesterhazy photo
Cukavka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1988 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
Krejčí Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2002
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Cupcake 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
dwarf form of Scots Pine. Growing 2-
Sark 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Collector’s Nursery in Vancouver WA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Leaves blue and half of species size. A dwarf round bun.
/Pinus sylvestris ’Jensen’s Broom’
Ćwiklice 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer
Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Ćwiklice (fot. Biniaś)
Ćwirek 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Poznań w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 10
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Ćwirek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Dąbie 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2011 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Dąbie POL,
position, globose,
rarely coned without seeds. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze asfaltowej w miejscowości Dąbie w 2011 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Dabie’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dabie’ 2 years old graft
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Dąbrowa L 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Daglezja WB 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
Artur May POL
Daglezja Nursery POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Daglezja WB’
Mirosław Lewandowski photo 2014
Daisy 3 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Dalešice Gold 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1999 D. Horák CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Danbe 2007 Daniel Luscombe GBR
Foxhollow Gardens GBR
From a witches'
broom found by Daniel Luscombe in the forest
ajoining Bedgebury National Pinetum, Kent.2007.
Dancing Queen 2016 Irēna Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury 8.0
2013 Irēna Rožkalna LAT
Irēna Rožkalna Gardens LAT
Pinus sylvestris 'Dancing Queen' was founded by me in 2013... Photos are bad, because the weather was rainy and very dark... But I saw this Pinus this winter and it was very nice and fluffy, with nice dense habit. Long needles with a bit gold in the tips...contorted branches. It looks different from others and nice... Rožkalna text.
Pinus sylvestris Dancing Queen’ Irēna Rožkalna photo 2016
Pinus sylvestris Dancing Queen’ Irēna Rožkalna photo 2016
Pinus sylvestris Dancing Queen’ Irēna Rožkalna photo 2016
Pinus sylvestris Dancing Queen’ Irēna Rožkalna photo 2016
Pinus sylvestris Dancing Queen’ Irēna Rožkalna photo 2016
WB 2007 Daniel Luscombe GBR
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Broom found by
Daniel Luscombe at Bedgebury National
2007. Grubb text.
Dansai Hort.
Daria 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Dark Star Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Darob’s Sucha 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
Burdan POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Darob’s Sucha’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Darob’s WB #1 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Darob’s WB #2 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Darob’s WB #3 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Darová 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
Found as a 80x70 cm broom in Darová,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Darová, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 80 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Darová’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Darová’
Dasha Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Short, light-green needles are accented by the prominent resinous winter buds on this dwarf pine. Found as a witch's broom in the Czech Republic. Growth Rate: 0.75-1". Brent Markus text.
Beskydy Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Deblín 2013
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 3.0
Tomáš Kubát CZ
in Poblíž Tišnova near Brno CZ
nálezu. Poblíž Tišnova, okres
Pinus sylvestris ’Deblin’ Tomáš Kubát CZ photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Deblin’ Tomáš Kubát CZ photo
Dědkuv Mlýn 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2002 Kapitán & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku
281 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Boy 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
John Proudfoot SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Introduced by
John Proudfoot, Methven ,Perthshire, Scotland.
dwarf pine was propagated as a witch's broom seedling by John Proudfoot of
Scotland. Its compact form and attractive color make it a nice rock garden
selection. Growth Rate: 1-3"
HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Denny Boy’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ‘Denny Boy’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Denny Boy’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Denny Boy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ’Denny Boy’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Dereham 1979 GBR
1970 J. D. Hoste GBR
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
globose plant with short mid-green leaves. One of a group
dwarfs produced from WB seedlings. Grubb text.
Derék Törpe 2016 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 5.0
2014 Véglesi Péter HUN
Tóth Gyula Faiskola, Gödöllő HUN
Found as a thick, globose broom with strong leaders. Buds are resin free on upper third, bright bronze colour.
Szép zárt, gömb alakú, törpe növésű bábaseprű. Hosszúhajtásai erőteljesek. Rügyeinek felső harmada gyanta mentes, fényes, bronzos színű. Véglesi text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Derék Törpe’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Derék Törpe’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Derék Törpe’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Derék Törpe’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Derék Törpe’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Deyo 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Deyo farm, Emerson, Illinois, medium size, high,
globe, nice. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Deyo’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Deyo’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Dilworth Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Chub Harper in ACS database
Pinus sylvestris ’Dilworth Broom’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitrij Kalinovskiy’
Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 174 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
sylvestris - метла виде
шара (около 40
см в
диаметре), п. Талицы
(общий вид)
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 174’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 174’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 176 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
sylvestris - метла,
тип роста (40 см
высотой и
более 250 см в
диаметре) п.
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 176’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 180 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
sylvestris. Метла № 010 (3 из
3) шишка
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 180’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 180’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 180’ 010
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 359 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
sylvestris № 010 (детали
Kalinovskiy 010 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Kalinovskiy No 010’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kalinovskiy No 010’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kalinovskiy 010’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 183 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
015 Pinus sylvestris,
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 183’ 015
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 183’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 185 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
016 Pinus sylvestris Иголки
4-5 см,
волнистые с
прирост до 5-7
см, густое ветвление.
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 185’ 016
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 185’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 185’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 185’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 192 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
abies (Nina) 007
Pinus sylvestris
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 197 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
019 Pinus silvestris тип
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 197’ 019
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 198 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
024 Pinus silvestris. Очень
крона, побеги
плотно прижавшись
друг к другу. блестит,
из-за того,
что я ее от
грибка опрыскал.
Чистит не
смог, лапа не
но хоть
опрыскал, до
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 198’ 024
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 199 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
025 Pinus silvestris Не
(болото и лес
мешает, найти
ракурс, а с
сосны не
снимать), что
бы показать
что у нее
ветви, словно
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 199’ 025
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 205 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
028 Pinus sylvestris sv. Иголки
15-20 мм,
цвета, ед. хвоинки
на концах
достигают 40
мм. по
какое то доисторическое
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 205’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 205’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 352 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
sylvestris WB номер
не даю, так как
не знаю,
нужна ли она
вообще то =)
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 353 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
sylvestris WB
Pinus sylvestris
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 360 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
Kalinovskiy 25 Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Kalinovskiy No 25’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
025 Pinus silvestris надеюсь
покарю все же
эту коносную
метлу сосны -)
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 364 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
Kalinovskiy 67 Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS
sylvestris sv. № 067
зиму, побеги
1-годки, ярко
желтого года.
В том году
так же было.
Pinus sylvestris ’Kalinovskiy No 67’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kalinovskiy 67’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kalinovskiy 67’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 366 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
Kalinovskiy 68 Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS
sylvestris WB № 068
20 см высотой и 40
в диаметре.
Точнее от нее
остатки (что
отыскал в
снегу под
вчера это
Pinus sylvestris ’Kalinovskiy No 68’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kalinovskiy 68’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Dmitriy Kalinovskiy 375 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Dmitry Kalinovsky RUS
silvestris WB 058
кусочек, хвоя
короче чем у
Pinus sylvestris ’Dmitry Kalinovskiy 375’
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Dimitriy Krat 505 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Dimitriy Krat RUS
Dobbels 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found in Lanny Dobbels farm, Bishop Hill, Illinois, small size,
low, dark green globe. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Dobbels’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Dobbels’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Dobosz 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Miedźno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 9
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Dobosz’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Dobrá Voda 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1988 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
Krejčí Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2002
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus sylvestris ’Dobra Voda’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dobra Voda’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dobra Voda’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dobra Voda’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Dolní Lec 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
Hort. CZ
Stephen Grubb GBR
Paseky 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1999 Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Dolni Paseky 1’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris Dolní Paseky 1
Dolomiti 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2011 František Adášek CZ
Found as a broom in Pampeago, Italy
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
The Pampeago Expedition 2011 Italy
Pinus sylvestris ’Dolomiti’ Jan Veirauch photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dolomiti’ Jan Veirauch photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Dolomiti’ Jan Veirauch photo
Domaninský trpaslik 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Doone Valley H. G. Hillier 1971
W. B. Archer GBR
irregular upright conical plant. Leaves are blue and needles short. Have seen a
Pinus sylvestris ’Doone Valley’ GBR Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Doone Valley’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Doone Valley’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Doone Valley’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Doone Valley’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Doone Valley SDL 314 W. B. Archer GBR
Doubravčice 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Doubravcice’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Doubravcice’ Mesterhazy & Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Doubravčice’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Doubravčice’
Drahotín 1 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Drahotín’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Drahotín
Drahotín 2 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 70x70 cm broom in Zruč, growth rate
nálezu, obec Zruč, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Drahotín
Drake 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, tight, vigorous,
high, 52nd / Ward road in Arvada, Colorado. JM text.
sylvestris ’Drake #
Drath 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1987 GER
Dražice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1998 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Drops 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7,5
metra. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Drops’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Dubina 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1995 Jiří Balatka & Karel Gotvald CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Dubinka 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1995 Jiří Balatka & Karel Gotvald CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Dunice 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1997 Jiří Holata CZ
Bar Harbor 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Dvojník 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Dvorce # 1 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1995 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Dvorce # 2 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1995 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Dymokury 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1995 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Dymokury’ Jiří Balatka photo
Dwarf Strybing 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Dzerzhinsk 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Dzerzhinsk’ Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
East Anglia 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Evergreen Nurs. USA
Street 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2013 Nate Cassell CO USA
Cassell Gardens USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Easy Street’ Nate Cassell photo
Eden 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Nowa Wieś POL in
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Nowa Wieś w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 12
metrów. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Eden’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Edwin Hillier /Argentea/
The correct name for
this is now ’Argentea’ with silvery blue curved needles and reddish stems it
was introduced by Hillier in 1926. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
An evergreen conifer with a
broad crown. Needles are deep gray-blue, and especially stand out in the winter
landscape. From Hillier Nursery in England. Prefers full sun in well-drained
soil. 8' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2.
Buchholz text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Edwin Hillier’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Elí 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2010 Jan Beran & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Eliška Drusanová 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2012 Trojan Jiří CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens CZ
Elvina 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Ema Maňovice 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer
Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2008 Maixner CZ
Václav Verbín Gardens CZ
Found in Maňovice CZ as a broom. Václav Verbín text.
Pinus sylvestris
Epiktetov 103 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Vladimir Epiktetov KAZ
sylvestris обычная ВМ,
Pinus sylvestris ’Epiktetov 103’ Vladimir Epiktetov KAZ photo
Erecta Mouillefert ex Loud. 1838
Ērgļa Ligzda 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of
1990 Maris Ozolins LAT in Ogre LAT
Andrew NBG LAT
Nursery LAT
Saved in 1990th - from Ogre (Latvian
town) broken off and burned witches brooms. Found and reported by Maris
Ozolins, rescued by Svilans Andrew (Director of the National Botanic Gardens), propagated
and introduced by Aiija Kaškure -
“Kalsnava” Nursery. Rožkalna
in Latvian language please here.
sylvestris ‘Ērgļa Ligzda’
priede ‘Ērgļa Ligzda’ -
Erie 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Erie Cemetery, Erie, Illinois, medium size, high,
motherplant dead 1988. Harper text.
Erny 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Reed 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Evan Reed USA
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Fairy Nuff John Proudfoot SCO
slow-growing pine was bred by John Proudfoot of Scotland by hybridizing two
slow-growing varieties. It has fairly short, bright green needles and a dense,
globose habit. Growth Rate:
1-3" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x1.5'.
Brent Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Fairy Nuff’ report
Fastigiata Carr. 1856 GBR
A very narrow upright
form of Scotch Pine, growing in a pillar like shape; blue-green needles, it
tends to become bare and untidy with age. This dates to 1856 and originated in
the United Kingdom. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Fastigiata’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Fastigiata’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fastigiata’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
/Glauca Fastigiata/
Fastigiata Draht /Drath/
Fastigiata Dwarf Hort.
Fastigiata Glauca 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Schelle 1920 GER
Pinus sylvestris ’Glauca Fastigiata’
Fastigiata Gotellii 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
Index Alpengarten Belvedere Wien AUT
Feichtner 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
1997 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus sylvestris ’Feichtner’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Fichtner’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Felbabka 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0 2015
2014 Zdeněk Pos CZ
Zdeněk Pos Collection, Evidence 2014
Found as a broom in Felbabka,
growth rate 3-
Čarověník, nalezený u obce Felbabka okr Příbram.
přírůstek 3-
Pinus sylvestris ‘Felbabka’ Zdeněk Pos photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Felbabka’ Zdeněk Pos photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Felbabka’
Felix 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Skórka POL
Roślina znaleziona w młodniku charakteryzuję się licznie
występującymi szyszkami osadzonymi wzdłuż pnia i gałęzi. Podobna do wykazywanej
formy conglomerata. Pozostałe cechy tzn. budowa i barwa igieł, pąków oraz siła
wzrostu jak u gatunku. Skórka text.
Feuchtner Pinus
sylvestris ‘Feuchtner’
of /Feichtner/
Fido Kovář 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2006 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
as a 40x30 cm broom in Darová, growth rate
nálezu, obec Darová, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar kulovitý,
rozměr 40 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fido Kovář’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fido Kovář’
Filip 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Czerwonak
w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na
wysokości ok. 25 metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Filip’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Filip’s Blue Globe Edwin Smits HOL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Filip’s Blue Globe’ Edwin Smits photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Filip’s Blue Globe’
Filip’s Silver Surprise Edwin Smits NED
Pinus sylvestris ‘Filip’s Silver Surprise’ Edwin Smits photo
Filip’s Yellow Fellow
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
6-8" HxW@10yrs: 6'x4'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate: Smaller tufts of needles at each branch tip
gives the plant an appearance of stars around each bud. A very rare cultivar
recently found as a witch’s broom. Brent Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Filip’s Yellow Fellow’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Filip’s Yellow Fellow’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Filip’s Yellow Fellow’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Fjell-Teppich 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann GER in Skjäk NOR
Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Flying Saucer
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-3" HxW@10yrs: 1'x2.5'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pinus sylvestris ‘Flying Saucer’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Fortuna 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Police POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Police w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 6
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Fortuna’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
French 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Mellinger Inc. USA
French Blue 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Monrovia 1986
Flickingers Nurs.USA
French Dark Green 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Evergreen Nurs. USA
Frensham Wansdyke 1979
R. S. Corley on Frensham Common GBR
Pinus sylvestris ’Frensham’ GBR Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Frensham’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Friday 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, small, gone, good looking, cut off N.
McIntyre. JM text.
sylvestris ’Friday #
Fritham Mike Murphy GBR
From a witches'
broom found by Mike Murphy, at Fritham in the
Forest, Hampshire. Grubb text.
Fritsche 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Vitek Fritsche CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Fritsche’ Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Fritsche’ Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Fritsche’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Fritz Hort.
Pinus sylvestris var.lapponica ‘Fritz’
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
3-5". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Frühling’s Gold Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Fulton No. 1 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found in Fulton Cemetery, Fulton, Illinois, small size, low,
motherplant dead1992. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fulton No. 1’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fulton No. 1’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fulton No. 1’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Fulton No. 2 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found in Barnhart residence, Fulton, Illinois, small size, medium
height, flat, open. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fulton No. 2’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fulton No. 2’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Fulton No. 3 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found at US Post Office, Fulton, Illinois, small size, high,
disease broom? Harper text.
Fulton Weeper 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
Randy Dykstra USA in Fulton Iowa
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
on Route 84 North, Fulton, Illinois,
weeper. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Fulton Weeping’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fulton Weeper’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fulton Weeper’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fulton Weeper’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fulton Weeper’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fulton Weeper’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Fulton Weeper’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Gabi 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom in Mogilno POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7
metrów. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Gabi’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Gabi’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Gąbka 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near the town of Police POL in
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Police w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 2,5
metra Kształt kulisto-spłaszczony o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Gąbka’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Gaker’s Blue 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
very blue variety.
Galina Kolesnikova 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Galina Kolesnikova’
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Galina Kolesnikova’
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Galina Kolesnikova 2 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Galina Kolesnikova 2’
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Galina Kolesnikova 3 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Galina Kolesnikova 3’
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Galina Kolesnikova 3’
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Galina Vidovichenko 274 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Galina Vdovichenko RUS
на сосне
найденная в
области в
ноябре 2009 года
Pinus sylvestris ’Galina Vidovichenko 274’
Galina Vidovichenko RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Galina Vidovichenko 274’
Galina Vidovichenko RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Galina Vidovichenko 274’
Galina Vidovichenko RUS photo
Galkow 24 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris 24 M141207 Galkow (Lewandowski)
Galkow 32 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris 32 M1040108 Galkow Lewandowski
Galkow 33 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris 33 M2040108 Galkow Lewandowski
sylvestris Gronkow HB (Jan Gacek)
Gavrichkov 2 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2008 Alexey Gavrichkov RUS
живая метла
на сосне на
высоте 3 м. В сумерках
у меня не
нормально сфотографировать
Pinus sylvestris ’Gavrichkov 2’ Alexey Gavrichkov RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Gavrichkov 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2008 Alexey Gavrichkov RUS
по лесу,
ВМ сломаную
ветром две
недели назад.
состоит в
том, что
можно с ней
сейчас -
Pinus sylvestris ’Gavrichkov’ Alexey Gavrichkov RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Gavrichkov’ Alexey Gavrichkov RUS photo
Geneseo Broom 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found at I-80 East at mile 23,8, Geneseo, Illinois, medium size,
low, flat growing. Harper text.
Genevensis Beissn. 1898
Simon-Louis Nurs., Metz FRA
Genolier Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
dwarf, variegated variety of Scotch Pine. Stanley text.
1-3" HxW@10yrs: 2'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pinus sylvestris ’Genolier’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Pinus sylvestris ’Genolier’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ‘Genolier’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Genolier’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Girard Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Girard Fastigiate 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Girard’s Fastigiate 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Girard Pyramid 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Peter Girard Jr., USA of seed
Nursery, Geneva, OH USA
Girard Jr., raised a number of seedlings from Pinus sylvestris 'Watereri'. This
is one of the selections from this batch of seedlings. A narrow upright form,
growing like a pillar. Medium green foliage. ACS text.
Glauca 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1990 GER
Glauca Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Krüssmann 1979
H. A. Hesse Nurs., GER
Pinus sylvestris ’Glauca Compacta’
Glauca Draht 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Krüssmann 1979
Draht GER
Glauca Globosa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Glauca Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Glauca Nana’
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Rounded when young, 'Glauca Nana' slowly sprawls out and
matures to a wider-than-tall flattened form with age. To maintain a more
globe-like shape, candle prune in spring before needles break. This popular
Scotch Pine, green with blue undertones, has been in the trade for many years.
Iseli text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Glauca Nana’ Iseli Nursery USA
Glauca Pyramidalis 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Hook’s Nurs. USA
Globosa Hort. ex Lawson 1852 GBR
Globosa Aurea Pinus sylvestris ‘Globosa Aurea’
Globosa Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1989 USA
Globosa Variety Hort.
Globosa Viridis Beissn. 1900 (A mistake as of Welch)
Pinus sylvestris ‘Globosa Viridis’
A dense growing compact
form, it is rather common in the
trade and for good reason. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
/P. nigra Globosa Viridis/
Pinus sylvestris ‘Globosa Viridis’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Globosa Viridis’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Globosa Viridis’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Globosa Viridis’ conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Pinus sylvestris ’Globosa Viridis’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Globosa Viridis’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Globosa Viridis’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Globosa Viridis’
Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Globosa Viridis’ Jiří Balatka photo
Globus /Silver Globus/
Gold Coin Welch 1979
R. S. Corley GBR
Don Hatch, Chantry Nurs., Honiton GBR
Rare in cultivation this retains its gold in summer but positively glows in winter, this gem originated in the UK. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Gold Coin’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Gold Coin’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Gold Coin’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
sylvestris ’Gold Coin’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Gold Coin’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Gold Coin’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Gold Coin’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Gold Coin’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Gold Coin’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Gold Coin’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Gold Medal Welch 1979
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
A slow-growing upright evergreen conifer with rich golden needles. Color is most intense in winter, but it is still rather gold in summer as well. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
Pinus sylvestris ´Gold Medal´ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
sylvestris ’Gold Medal’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
sylvestris ’Gold Medal’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Gold Medal’ Will Fletcher USA photo
Will Fletcher USA four years report
Pinus sylvestris ‘Gold Medal’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Goliat 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Szubin POL,
needles green, 3-
no seeds in one cone. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze asfaltowej w Szubinie w 2012 roku. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 16
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Goliat’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Goliat’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Goliat’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Gorgon 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w
miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana
gałąź była na wysokości ok. 8 metrów. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Gorgon’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Granat 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
Found as a broom in
Mogilno POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na
wysokości ok. 8 metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Granat’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Grand Rapids 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Nordine 1961
C. E. Morris in Grand Rapids USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Grand Rapids’ Edwin Smits Nursery, HOL
Green Flare 2002 Stephen Grubb in ACS database
John Proudfoot, Methven SCO
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Green Flare’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Green Flare’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Green Flare’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Green Globe 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
Hort. HUN
Füvészkert Budapest HUN
Pinus sylvestris ’Green Globe’ conifertreasury.org photo
Green Penguin 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Green Penguin’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Green Penguin’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Green River 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, 14”x14”, good looking, short needles, by
Tamerisk restaurant in Green River, Utah. JM text.
sylvestris ’Green River #
Greg’s Friend 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Pinus sylvestris Greg's Friend - "Fincham named this one - from
Pennsylvania." Greg Williams text.
regular sized scotch pine with green leaves and creamy
variegations. Van Kempen text.
Greg’s Glauca 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
There is a variegated form of this as well and these may sport the
occasional creamy shoot, plants are upright and fast growing with
good glaucous blue color.
Greg’s Gold 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Greg's Gold & Greg's Variegated - "I've done several yellow or
variegated sylvestris." Greg Williams text.
Greg’s Variegated 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nursery VT USA
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
E. A. Cope USA
Greg's Gold & Greg's Variegated - "I've done several yellow or
variegated sylvestris." Greg Williams text.
regular size scotch pine with green leaves and creamy
varievations. Van Kempen text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Greg’s Variegated’
Pinus sylvestris ‘Greg’s Variegated’
Pinus sylvestris ‘Greg’s Variegated’
Pinus sylvestris ‘Greg’s Variegated’
Grešlovo mýto 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Grimi 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2006 František Adášek CZ
Adášek Gardens CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Grimi’ Mesterházy & Adášek photo
Gronkow HB 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer
Treasury of Poland 1.0
Gacek POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Grosik 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Miedźno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 10
metrów. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Grosik’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Groszek 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Szubin POL,
spreading, 1,5-2cm green needles, not coned. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze asfaltowej w miejscowości Szubin w 2012 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 4
metrów. Kształt płaski o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Groszek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Grysik 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Miedźno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 11
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Grysik’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Guadarama 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1975 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Gwiazdka 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Mogilno POL,
Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona w środku lasu w
miejscowości Mogilno w 2012 r. Zmutowana
gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7 metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Gwiazdka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Gwydyr Castle Kenwith
Nurs., GBR
Haguenan Variety /var. HAGUENENSIS/
Hajný 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury
of the Czech Republik 1.0
1997 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Halda 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Jan Beran
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Hale’s Prostrate 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Havránek 2012
Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
1996 Hort. CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Havranek’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Havranek’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
HB Burdan 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Burdan POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris HB (Burdan)
HB Kolodziej 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘HB Kolodziej’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris HB (Kolodziej)
HB Lewandowski 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland
sylvestris ‘HB Lewandowski’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris HB (Lewandowski)
Memory 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Randy Dykstra USA
Dax Herbst in the Dykstra Gardens USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Heartland Memory’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Heartland Memory’
Dax Herbst IL in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Heartland Memory’
Dax Herbst photo in Dykstra garden IL USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Heartland Memory’
Dax Herbst photo in Dykstra garden IL USA
Trunk 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Heit’s Pygmy 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1988
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Hejtman 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Helen Bergman 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
sylvestris ‘Helen Bergman’
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
A very dwarf, flat-bun evergreen conifer. Needles are short and deep green. Perfect for a rock garden or a small place in the landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Helen Bergman’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Helga 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1989 GER
Hachmann Nurs., Barmstedt GER
Helgen Hort.
Hella Hort.
Helms 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with
an open, upright form. Needles are very short and dark green. Appears as a
hardy survivor from a hostile environment. Prefers full sun in well-drained
soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2.
Buchholz text.
An irregular mounding
form with very short needles and an open contorted habit, easily transformed into
a natural bonsai that is perfect for rock gardens.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Helt 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Hensley’s Dwarf Barncroft Nurs. GBR
Herkules 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Nowa Wieś w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 19
metrów. Kształt płasko-kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Herkules’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Hersley Dwarf 2002 Stephen Grubb in ACS database as a WB
L. Walker 1984 /Hensley’s Dwarf/
Nursery, Blaxton, Doncaster, GBR
Hesley Hall 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
sylvestris ‘Hesley Hall’
Hett’s Pygmy 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Hexguld Brita Johansson SWE
Found as a golden broom in SWE. Smits text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Hexguld’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ‘Hexguld’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ’Hexguld’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Hexguld’ Sam Pratt photo 2014
Hexenbesen Diesteldorf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
Horstmann Nurs. GER
Hibernia /Hibernica/? Don
Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Hibernica zu Jeddeloh 1975
Pinus sylvestris ‘Hibernica’ Pinus sylvestris ‘Hibernia’
1962 J. zu Jeddeloh in IRL
dwarf globose plant. Leaves small and blue. Found by Jeddeloh in Ireland around
1962. Grows about
Hibernica Nana Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Hidden Treasure
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
Brent Markus text.
Hillside Creeper 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
sylvestris ‘Hillside Creeper’
This classy creeper spreads out and forms a flat mesa of
layered branches covered with thick, green needles. The vigorous, hardy Scotch
Pine, lighter-green in winter, makes an excellent groundcovering option for
banks or walls or tucked in and around boulders. Found as a seedling by Layne
Ziegenfuss of Hillside Gardens, Lehighton, Pennsylvania. Iseli text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Hillside Creeper’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Hillside Creeper’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Hillside Creeper’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Hillside Creeper’ USA Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Hillside Creeper’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Hillside Creeper’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Hillside Creeper’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Hillside Gem 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
dwarf globe. Leaves small and green. Plant grows
year. Stanley text.
Pride 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Hillside Weeper 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA /Hillside Weeping/
Hitschhiker 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Rich Eyre USA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Scots pine witches' broom from a tree near the
interstate I-
Rich Eyre text.
Hodina 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2006 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
as a 80x80 cm broom in Hodina, growth rate
nálezu, Hodina. Čarověník po schozu, tvar kulovitý, rozměr 80 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Hodina’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Hodina’
Hofman 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
Lukáš Hofman CZ
Gardens CZ
as a broom near Bohučovice, growth rate
Zuwachs cca
sylvestris ‘Hofman’ Lukáš Hofman
photo 2014
sylvestris ‘Hofman’ Lukáš Hofman
photo 2014
Holenice 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1994 P. Franĕk CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Holenice 3 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1994 P. Franĕk CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Pinus sylvestris ’Holenice 3 SA’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Holenice 3’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Holenice 3’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Holzbecher 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Holzbecher’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Holzbecher’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
sylvestris ’Holzbecher’
Syn. Pinus
rotundata ’Pepino’, Pinus uncinata ’Pepino’
Holzbecherii /J.
Homole 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1990 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
Krejčí Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2002
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Hora 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1995 Jiří Balatka & Karel Gotvald CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Horace Mann 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found at Horace Mann School, Moline, Illinois, medium size,
low, motherplant cut off 1987. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Horace Mann’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Horace Mann’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Horace Mann’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Horace Mann’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Horace Mann’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Horace Mann’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Horndal 1984 T. Lundell, Helsingborg SWE
Hrad 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Horní Hrad Seedling 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer
Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1996 Jiří Holata CZ in Kouty
Horstmann /Skogbygdi/
Hory 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ‘Hory’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Hošť 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2001 JiříHolata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Hoste Dwarf 1988 D. Hoste GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Hrabyně 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2001 Kalužník CZ
Hradec 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Hradiste 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Hradištko 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Komárek CZ
Komárek Gardens CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čarověník, nalezen v okolí obce Hradištko, u
Sedlčan, okres Příbram. Pojmenovaný podle obce ve které byl nalezen. Náhodný
nález při sběru jmelí. Tvar hřibovitý. Přírustek
Pinus sylvestris ‘Hradiško’ Miroslav Komárek photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Hradiško’ Miroslav Komárek photo 2014
Hranovnica 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Hrnčíře 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Hrncire’ Jiří Balatka photo
Hřeben 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Hroch WB 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A miniature flat bun. Leaves bright green. New selection , has
potiantial to be great plant. Grows
Stanley text.
Syn. Pinus
sylvestris ´Hrock WB´
Huba 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Jarosławiec POL,
Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze asfaltowej w miejscowości Jarosławiec w 2012
r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok.
5 metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Huba’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Hubbard 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in a private residence, Hubbard, Ohio, dark color.
Stupka text.
Hughes Dwarf 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
in D. Hughes Nursery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
upright, 21 years old. Harper text.
Humble Pie 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Humdinger 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Scots pine from a witches' broom. Rich Eyre text.
Hůrka 3 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Hůrka 7 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Hurn Forest # 2 2006 Stephen Grubb GBR
From a witches'
broom found by me at Hurn Forest near
Dorset 2006. Grubb text.
Husín 4 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Hvozďany 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Hvozdany’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Hvozdany’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Hvozdany’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Hydra 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
Found as a broom near Leśnictwo POL in
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Leśnictwo w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 6
metrów. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Hydra’ Wiktor Trochonowicz
Hydra Chuda 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
growth varies, light green needles, lengths
roczny różny. Kolor igieł był jasnozielony.
igieł wynosiła różnie.
sylvestris ’Hydra Chuda’
Trochonowicz POL photo
Hydra Duża 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
growth rate 10-
roczny ok. 10-
igieł wynosiła ok. 6-
Trochonowicz POL photo
Hydra Gruba 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
growth rate 3-
roczny ok. 3-
sylvestris ’Hydra Gruba’
Trochonowicz POL photo
Hydra Mała 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
growth rate 3-
roczny ok. 3-
igieł wynosiła ok. 2-
Trochonowicz POL photo
Hydra Średnia 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
growth rate about 5-
roczny ok. 5-
Długość igieł wynosiła ok. 2,5-
sylvestris ’Hydra Średnia’
Trochonowicz POL photo
Iceni Mercer & Hay 1953 GBR
Idefix 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Miedźno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 9
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Idefix’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris
Igor Uspenskiy 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2008 Igor Uspensky RUS
обл.Метла на
15 от земли.
Pinus sylvestris ’Igor Uspenskij’ Igor Uspenskij RUS photo
Igumnovo 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Alexander Vereshchak RUS
Nursery Moscow RUS
получены от
А. Верещака,
привиты М.Келеш
в 2010 г. Метла
- http://vk.com/photo-1297963_158360775
- http://vk.com/photo5253673_176531777
Pinus sylvestris ’Igumnovo’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
sylvestris 'Igumnovo' A.Vereshchak?
Pinus sylvestris
Ilja Cheremisov 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2008 Ilya Cheremisov
своими находками,
и пытливый
взгляд нет
нет да и
найдена под
выборгом не
знаю на счёт
её спасения
но для
Pinus sylvestris ’Ilja Cheremisov’ Ilja Cheremisov RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ilja Cheremisov’ Ilja Cheremisov RUS photo
Inna 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
golden sport
Inverleith Welch 1979
Royal Bot. Gard. Edinburgh SCO GBR
A variegated form that
originated at the RBG Edinburgh, it shows little variegation most of the year,
but is very nice even as a glaucous upright tree. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Inverleith’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Inops 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1980 GER
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Irchester Park Hort.
Irina Pyzhikova 420 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Irina Pyzhikova RUS
метров 12.Маленькая
Pinus sylvestris ’Irina Pyzhikova 420’
Irina Pyzhikova RUS photo
Isaszeg 1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1980 Kiss Balázs, Németh Rudolf and Varga Lajos forest
engineers wild found in the Isaszeg Forest,
near Budapest HUN as a natural seedling.
1984 Kiss Balázs Nursery, Pilismarót HUN
A /Viridis/ type dense, narrow columnar conical clone from a
common pine (Scots pine),
witch’s broom with green colour.
Original (grafted) plants in Dömös, Pilismarót and
Körösladány HUN. Zone 4.
Balázs, Németh Rudolf és Varga Lajos erdőmérnökök 1980-ban találták az isaszegi
erdőterületen vad magcsemeteként. Az anyanövényt később átültették, de
elpusztult, így oltványai maradtak fenn. Oszlopos növekedésű, sudár alkatú,
tömött változat. Kisebb kertek nagy fája lehet barátságos, kissé különös
megjelenésével. Parkokba ültetve kisebb csoportjai színesítik a tájat.
oltott példányai Dömösön, Pilismaróton, Körösladányban találhatóak.
Pinus sylvestris ’Isaszeg’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Isaszeg’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Isaszeg’ conifertreasury.org photo
Istvándi 1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1975 Barabits E. HUN
Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN
globe of
Original plant in the Barabits’s Lővér Pinetum
Sopron, HUN
gömbalakú törpe.
Barabits Elemér soproni Lővér kertjében található.
Pinus sylvestris ’Istvándi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Istvándi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Istvándi’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Istvándi’ conifertreasury.org photo
J. Holzbecher 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1970 R. Kořínek CZ
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Jacek 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom found near the town of Police POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Police w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Jacek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
sylvestris ’Jacek’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Jade 1980 GBR
Mutation of /Iceni/
Jakutsk 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Hort. RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Jakutsk’ Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER
Pinus sylvestris ’Jakutsk’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Jáma Kříše 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
Found as a 50x40 cm broom in Kříše, growth rate
nálezu, obec Kříše, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 50 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Jáma Křiše’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Jáma Kříše’
Jansen Witch 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
1990 USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Janssen Witch’
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
A perfect globe. Herbst text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Jansen Witch’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Jasiek 2014 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near the town of Police POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Police w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Jasiek’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Jaworzno A 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Jaworzno A HB (Tomszak)
Jaworzno B 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Jaworzno B HB (Tomszak)
Jaworzno C 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Jaworzno C HB (Tomszak)
Jaworzno D 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Jaworzno D HB (Tomszak) Oczyszczalnia
Jaworzno F 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvesrtis Jaworzno F HB (Tomszak)
Jaworzno G 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Jaworzno G HB (Tomszak)
Jaworzno H 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Jaworzno H HB (Tomszak)
Jaworzno I 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Jaworzno I HB (Tomszak)
Jaźwin 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Skórka POL
as a 3-
miotła w wierzchołkowej partii korony na egzemplarzu z drzewostanu
przeszłorębnego (gospodarczy-nasienny). Całość miała 3-
Na innym egzemplarzu
druga czarcia miotła, młodsza wiekowo. Skórka text.
sylvestris ’Jazwin’ Sławomir Skórka photo
sylvestris ’Jazwin’ Sławomir Skórka photo
sylvestris ’Jazwin’ Sławomir Skórka photo
sylvestris ’Jazwin’ Sławomir Skórka photo
sylvestris ’Jazwin’ Sławomir Skórka photo
sylvestris ’Jazwin’ Sławomir Skórka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Jazwin’ Sławomir Skórka photo
Jeleń 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Jeleń E
Jelení Vrch 2016 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek-Trojan
in Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 6.0
2015 Voldřich Jaroslav & Trojan Jiří CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens, Varnsdorf CZ
near Jelení vrch as a broom, 20m up, 35x35 cm size,
Nalezeno na Jelením vrchu ve výšce 20m,
velikost 35x35 cm,
Pinus sylvestris ‘Jelení Vrch’ Trojan Jiří photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Jelení Vrch’ Trojan Jiří photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Jelení Vrch’ Trojan Jiří photo 2015
Jelínek 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2003 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 40x40 cm broom in Chrást,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Chrást, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Jelínek’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Jelínek’
Broom /Cutty Sark/
Jeremy 1973 B. Reynolds at Wellingborough GBR
D. W. Hatch, Chantry Nurs. Honiton GBR
Propagated from a broom
found by Reynolds in 1973 at Wellingborough, it is a tiny low spreading mound
with short dark green needles and prominent buds.
Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Jeremy’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Jeremy’ GBR Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Jeremy’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Jeremy’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
sylvestris ’Jeremy’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Jeremy’ Maplegrover photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Jeremy’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Jiřánek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2010 Marie Balatková & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Jiroušek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Jiroušek CZ in Nýřany
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a WB seedling, growth rate over
z výsevu z čarověníku.
Skupina výpĕstků podle ročního
přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Jirousek’ Jiří Balatka photo
Jitro 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Jivka 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Jogeva 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0
Hort. EST
Up to
and slightly bluish needles. Rožkalna
Pinus sylvestris ’Jogeva’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Rožkalna photo in Andres Vaasa garden, Räpina, Estonia
Rožkalna photo in Andres Vaasa garden, Räpina, Estonia
Irēna Rožkalna photo in Andres Vaasa garden, Räpina, Estonia
sylvestris ‘Jogeva’; Harilik mänd ‘Jogeva’-
Johan 95 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
John Boy D. W. Hatch 1987
D. W. Hatch, Chantry Nurs. Honiton GBR
Jola 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Judy’s Gem 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA
Juto 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
J. Jursa
CZ & Sylwester Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Czech-Polish selection with a nice ball habit,
slow growth. Found near the Czech city
Pardubice J. Jursa
and Sylwester Tomszak. The name comes
from the first letters of the names
of both breeders. Adam Marosz
odmiana sosny, początkowo o ładnym kulistym pokroju, wzrost umiarkowany.
Znaleziona została niedaleko Pardubic przez czecha J. Jursę, zrazy pozyskał
Sylwester Tomszak, który równieź ją nazwał i rozmnaźa (nazwa pochodzi od
pierwszych liter nazwisk obydwu hodowców). Adam Marosz text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Juto’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Juto’ Sylwester Dera photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Juto’ Sylwester Dera photo
Kaabusmand 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0
Hort. EST
Relatively new and identifiable
breed. Rožkalna text.
Samērā jauna un izvērtējamā šķirne.
sylvestris ‘Kaabusmand’
mänd ‘Kaabusmand’ -
Kaczka 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Lubstówek POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Lubstówek w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była
na wysokości ok. 5 metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Kaczka’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
sylvestris ’Kaczka’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Kaftan Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Kalinow 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
2009 Piotr
Konieczko POL
Scots pine seedling
found in our school
districts comes from Strzelce Opolskie the
nursery in Kalinowie.
Differences in the characteristics of coloring.
sosny pospolitej znaleziona w naszej szkółce pochodząca z nadleśnictwa Strzelce
Opolskie ze szkółki leśnej w Kalinowie. Odmienność jej cech ubarwienia...
Konieczko text.
Kaltha Norwegen Hort.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Kaltha Norwegen’
Kámon Blue Krüssmann 1983
1965 Barabits HUN
Kárané 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Rudolf Dvořáček CZ
Karasy 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2008 František Topinka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
Pinus sylvestris ’Karasy’ Mesterházy & Topinka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Karasy’ Mesterházy & Topinka photo
Karatus Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Kartuzy 2010 Mesterházy in the
Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Kasia 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2010 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Mogilno POL,
globose, not coned. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona w środku lasu w miejscowości Mogilno w 2010 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3,5
metra pod koronami drzew w cienistym stanowisku. Kształt nieregularny o długości ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Kasia’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kasia’ 3 years old graft
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Kate Brook Gold /KBN Gold Sport/
Katrina 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Sabula Cemetery, Sabula, Iowa, medium size and
height, motherplant dead 1991. Harper text.
Katy 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Kazso Kámán Zsolt HUN
Found as a WB
sylvestris ’Kazso’
sylvestris ’Kazso’
Kazso 1 Kámán Zsolt HUN
Found as a WB
sylvestris ’Kazso 1’
KBN Gold Sport 2011 Mesterházy & al. in Greg Williams Life Monument
Greg Williams, Vermont USA
Kate Brook Nurs., Wolcott VT USA
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Kate Brook Gold & KBN Gold Sport:
KBN Gold Sport - "Yellow sport - cones. Yellow different than
lots of golds." Greg Williams text.
A slow-growing tree with bright yellow foliage where it is
exposed to the sun and dark green foliage in the shaded portions.
The bicolored effect is very distinctive and results in a very
attractive plant. It grows 6"-9" per year (zone 2) Fincham text.
Pinus sylvestris ’KBN Gold’ Henk van Kempen HOL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’KBN Gold Sport’ Will Fletcher WA USA
Pinus sylvestris ’KBN Gold Sport’
Pinus sylvestris ’KBN Gold’ Henk van Kempen HOL
sylvestris ’KBN Gold’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘KBN Gold’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
/Pinus sylvestris Kate Brook Gold/
Pinus sylvestris
Kelesh 252 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
Сосны об
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 252’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 253 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 253’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 254 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 254’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 255 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 255’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 255’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 258 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 258’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 258’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Kelesh 264 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
sylvestris № 57
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 264’ K 057 Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 264’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 264’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Kelesh 393 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
ВМ на Сосне
об., на самой
Осталось узнать
публики. 1-я за
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 393’ K 009 Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 393’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 393’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 397 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
2-я ВМ. Шарик на
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 397’ K 010 Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 397’ K 010 Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 397’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 400 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
3-я ВМ. На
дереве в виде
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 400’ K 011 Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 400’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 402 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
ВМ Наверное
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 402’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 403 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
5-я ВМ.
самая ценная,
на этомже
Пробовал достать
ее, не
находится на
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 403’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Kelesh 565 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
Нашел два
экз. самосева
сосны об с
желтой хвоей,
ничего, но
других сосен
с нормальной
окраской. Меня
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 565’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 566 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
экз с
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 566’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Kelesh 572 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2012 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
еще одна
хозяином из леса
в свое время...
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 572’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 572’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 579 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2011 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
ВМ на
Сосне об.
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 579’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 579’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 579’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 580 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2011 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 580’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 580’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 581 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2011 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 581’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 582 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2011 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
К-31 Нашел
сегодня. На
Kelesh 597 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2012 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 597’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelesh 613 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2012 Mikhail Kelesh RUS
Gardens RUS
Ну и под
завершение -
на сосне.
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelesh 613’ Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo
Kelly’s Variegated 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Kelpie 1990 Almondell Nurs. SCO GBR
Almondell Nurs. SCO GBR
A miniature evergreen conifer with a flattened-globose form. Short needles are deep green, and numerous orange-brown buds cover the dense plant. Excellent in the rock or trough garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelpie’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelpie’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelpie’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Kelpie’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
sylvestris ’Kelpie’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelpie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelpie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Kelpie’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Keloid /Kelpie/
Kenwith G. Haddow 1986
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Kešáda 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2005 František Adášek CZ
Adášek Gardens CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Kesada’ Mesterházy & Adášek photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kesada’ Mesterházy & Adášek photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kesada’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Kesada’ Milan Šimánek CZ photo
Khanashevich 267 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Natalya Khanashevich RUS
sylvestris №1 г. Дубна,
в центре города
на пятаке в 500
Pinus sylvestris ’Khanashevich 267’ No 1
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Khanashevich 268 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Natalya Khanashevich RUS
sylvestris №2 г. Дубна,
в центре
города на
пятаке в 500
Pinus sylvestris ’Khanashevich 268’ No 2
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Khanashevich 269 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Natalya Khanashevich RUS
sylvestris №3 г. Дубна,
в центре
города на
пятаке в 500
Pinus sylvestris ’Khanashevich 269’ No 3
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Khanashevich 270 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Natalya Khanashevich RUS
sylvestris №4 г.
в центре
города на
пятаке в 500
Pinus sylvestris ’Khanashevich 270’ No 4
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Khanashevich 271 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Natalya Khanashevich RUS
sylvestris №5 г.
в центре
города на
пятаке в 500
метров... и еще
штук пять не
Pinus sylvestris ’Khanashevich 271’ No 5
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Khanashevich 272 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Natalya Khanashevich RUS
sylvestris г. Дубна,
Сосна с
вся крона
такой плотности
Pinus sylvestris ’Khanashevich 272’
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Khanashevich 272’
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Kielcza 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Kirill 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Kirill’ Jiří Balatka photo
Kiwi 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 9
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Kiwi’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Klabava 1 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2006 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 60x40 cm broom in
Klabava, growth rate
nálezu, obec Klabava, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 60 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Klabava’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Klabava’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Klabava
Klabava 2 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2006 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 80x50 cm broom in
Klabava, growth rate
nálezu, obec Klabava, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 80 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Klabava
Kladska 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Klára 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2004 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Klatovy 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1995 Kapitán & 2002 Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku
Pinus sylvestris ’Klatovy’ Jiří Balatka photo
Klečkov 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Jaroslav Serbousek CZ
Serbousek Gardens CZ
Mesterházy & Serbousek photo
Mesterházy & Serbousek photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kleckov’ Jiří Balatka photo
Kleine Kanzel 2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0
2014 Ladislav Krejčí CZ in AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
sylvestris „Kleine Kanzel“, Fundort: Hohe Wand, NÖ. Finder: Krejci, Durchmesser
ca. 1m, Höhe ca.
Pinus sylvestris ’Kleine Kanzel’
Josef Schneider photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Kleine Kanzel’
Josef Schneider photo 2014
Kleine Kanzel II 2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0
2014 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
# 212, found on 19rd March 2014.
sylvestris „Kleine Kanzel II“, Fundort: Hohe Wand, NÖ. Durchmesser ca.
Pinus sylvestris ’Kleine Kanzel II’
Josef Schneider photo 2014
Klin 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 9
metrów. Kształt stożkowy o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Klin’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Klokočka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního
přírůstku nad
Klůček 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Kluis Pyramid 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA
Knop 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala
sylvestris Knop 141108 CHIMERA LEWANDOWSKI
Kňovice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
2004 Miroslav Komárek CZ
Komárek Gardens CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom
nalezen ve výšce
Balatka text.
Kobiór 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Kobiór 24 3
Koblih 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Kocanďák 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2004 František Adášek & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Koeman Hort.
Pinus sylvestris ’Koeman’ Rispetto POL photo
Kohout’s Paradekissen 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus sylvestris
Kokdjalay 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
метлы Сосны обыкн.
'Кокджеляу' 388
3-х метровая
прирост до 4
см. Хвоя
вдвое короче,
чем обычная.
В 2011 погибла,
Привита в 2008, в
Алматы есть 3
Pinus sylvestris ’Kokdzhelyay’ Vladimir Epiktetov KAZ photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kokdzhelyay’ Vladimir Epiktetov KAZ photo
Pinus sylvestris 'Kokdjalay' A.Malik&Epiktetov 2007 WB
Kolo 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2011 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Koło POL,
dark green needles, conical, not coned. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona w środku lasu w
miejscowości Koło w 2011 r. Zmutowana
gałąź była na wysokości ok. 4 metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Kolo’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kolo’ 2 years old graft
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Kontejner 2013
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Zdeněk Pos CZ
Balatka Gardens CZ
as a
nálezu. Lokalita Kamýk nad Vltavou, okres Příbram. Obří čarověník, po
sundání, tvar kulovitý, rozměry
sylvestris ´Kontejner´
Kopa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2002 Havel CZ
Kopáče 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Found as a broom, growth
rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Kopce 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2011 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Kopeček 2013
Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Josef Řádek CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2012
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Kopuła 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Nowa Wieś POL,
Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy łące w lesie w Lubstówku w 2012 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 15
metrów. Kształt kopulasty o średnicy ok. 1m. Rosła w stanowisku półcienistym.
Kolor igieł był zielony. Długość igieł wynosiła ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Kopuła’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Kopula’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Korek 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 15
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Korek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris
Korzhavin 126 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
в городском
парке г.
обл. Фото
прислал Юрий
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 126’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 501 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 34
Korzhavin 508 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 32
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 508’ Karelia 32
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 509 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 33
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 509’ Karelia 33
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Korzhavin 514 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Found in Caucasus Mountains RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 514’ Cau 01
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 514’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 516 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Found in Caucasus Mountains RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 516’ Cau 03
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Korzhavin 523 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 29a
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 523’ Karelia 29a
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 524 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 30
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 524’ Karelia 30
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Korzhavin 528 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 27
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 528’ Karelia 27
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 529 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 28
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 529’ Karelia 28
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 530 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 29
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 530’ Karelia 29
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 531 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Caucasus 7
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 531’ Cau 07
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 532 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Caucasus 8
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 532’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 533 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Caucasus 5
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 533’ Cau 05
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 534 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Caucasus 6
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 534’ Cau 06
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 535 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 7
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 535’ Karelia 07
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 536 2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 5
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 536’ Karelia 05
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 537 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 1
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 537’ Karelia 01
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 538 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 2
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 538’ Karelia 02
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 539 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Korzhavin Gardens RUS
Karelia 3
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 539’ Karelia 03
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 540 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 4
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 540’ Karelia 04
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 541 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 9
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 541’ Karelia 09
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 541’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 541’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 544 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 12
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 544’ Karelia 12
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 545 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 13
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 545’ Karelia 13
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 546 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 14
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 546’ Karelia 14
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 547 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 16
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 547’
Karelia 16 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 548 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 17
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 548’ Karelia 17
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 549 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 18
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 549’ Karelia 18
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 550 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 19
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 550’ Karelia 19
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 551 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 20
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 551’ Karelia 20
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 552 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 21
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 552’ Karelia 21
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 553 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Karelia 22
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 553’ Karelia 22
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 558 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Found as a broom in Vologda RUS
Korzhavin Vologda Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin Vologda’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 558’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 559 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Found as a broom in Vologda RUS
Korzhavin Vologda 1 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin Vologda 1’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 559’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 559’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Korzhavin 561 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Found as a broom in Vologda RUS
Korzhavin Vologda 2 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin Vologda 2’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 561’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 562 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Found as a broom in RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 562’ Karelia 26
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Korzhavin 80 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
обл. Вид
снизу на
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin 80’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Korzhavin Karelskiy 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Konstantin Korzhavin RUS
Gardens RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Korzhavin Karelskiy’
Konstantin Korzhavin RUS photo
Košice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
sylvestris ’Kosice’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Kóta 438 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2008 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
Found as a 50x40 cm broom, growth
nálezu, kóta 438. Čarověník po schozu, tvar kulovitý, rozměr 50 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Kota’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Kóta
Kowno Pyramidalis 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
sylvestris ’Kowno Pyramidalis’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Kozí Bouda 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Kozí Hory 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
2009 Miroslav Komárek CZ
Komárek Gardens CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus sylvestris ‘Kozí Hory’ Miroslav Komárek photo 2014
Kozlov 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1998 Svačina CZ
Kozov 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Körtvélyes 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0
1983 Kiss Balázs HUN found as a WB in the Dömös Forest
on a 96 years old Pinus sylvestris.
1988 Kiss Balázs Nursery, Pilismarót HUN
A dense, but irregular form
Kiss Balázs Dömös, Körtvélyes nevű helyén egy 96 éves (2010-ben) erdei fenyő
koronájában lévő bábaseprőként találta a növényt.
szabálytalan formájú törpe változat.
Középmály Kincse 2016 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 5.0
2012 Véglesi Péter HUN
Tóth Gyula Faiskola, Gödöllő HUN
Found as a broom with short needles.
Törpe növekedésű bábaseprű, tűlevelei rövidek. Véglesi text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Középmály Kincse’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Középmály Kincse’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Középmály Kincse’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Knusperhäuschen 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
sylvestris ‘Knusperhäuschen’, GPS 706 PSHB I BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Weg zum
Mittagstein, Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 579, found on 3rd June 2015.
Král 2013
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
K. Král CZ
Balatka Gardens CZ
as a 70 x
nálezu. VVP Brdy, lokalita Křešín, okres Příbram. Hustý čarověník, po sundání, tvar
kulovitý, rozměry
sylvestris ‘Král’
Králův Stolec 2010 Marie Balatková & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad
Krásná Louka 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer
Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2001 S. Holenka
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Krasna Louka’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Krásná Louka’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Krasna Louka’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Krasna Louka’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Krasna Louka’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Krążek 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2010 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Nowa Wieś POL,
Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze leśnej w Nowej Wsi w 2010 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 8
metrów. Rosła na stanowisku cienistym. Kształt spłaszczony, płaski o średnicy
Pinus sylvestris ’Krążek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Krążek’ 3 years old graft
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Krążek’ 3 years old graft
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Kremnica 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1996 Labanc CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Kremnica’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Kret 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Kret (Lewandowski)
Křetín 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2004 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Kristick’s Witches Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse
Farms OR USA
Krkavec 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Krkavec’ Jiří Balatka photo
Kroton 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Miedźno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 11
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Kroton’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Krubski Młyn 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Skórka POL
sylvestris ‘Krubski Młyn’
Pinus sylvestris ’Krupski Młyn’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Krupski Młyn’
Found a mutant branch of golden needles throughout the growing season. Colour particularly intense winter. It grows slowly and needles are not burnt by the sun. Skórka text.
jako zmutowana gałąź o złotożółtych igłach przez cały okres wegetacji. Barwa
szczególnie intensywna zimą. Rośnie wolno a igły nie są przypalane przez
sylvestris ’Krupski Mlyn’ Sławomir Skórka photo
sylvestris ’Krupski Mlyn’ Sławomir Skórka photo
sylvestris ’Krupski Mlyn’ Sławomir Skórka photo
sylvestris ’Krupski Mlyn’ Sławomir Skórka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Krupski Mlyn’ Sławomir Skórka photo
Krupá 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1998 Jaromír Pospíšil CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Krupski Młyn 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Krupski Młyn’
właścicelem odmiany jest Pan S. Skórka
Krystyna 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
needles are highlighted by a gorgeous golden-yellow variegation. This unique
pine was found by Krzysztof Wolski and named for his wife, Krystyna. Growth
Rate: 4-6" HxW@10yrs: 5'x3.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Krystyna’ Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Krystyna’ Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Krystyna’ Mirek POL photo
Krzysiek 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer
Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Ksawerów 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Skórka POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Cultivar is similar to 'Globosa Viridis', found as a seedling. The main feature that differs them are golden yellow needles in the winter (after the first frost). Grows a little stronger, creating a dense and narrow conical habit. Skórka text.
identyczna w typie budowy jak 'Globosa Viridis', powstała jako siewka.
Podstawową cechą różniącą je są złotożółte igły zimą (po pierwszych
przymrozkach). Rośnie odrobinę silniej, tworząc gęsty i wąski stożek. Skórka
sylvestris ’Ksawerow’ Sławomir Skórka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ksawerow’ Sławomir Skórka photo
Księżna Anhalt 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Księżna Anhalt’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Księżna Anhalt Hb 2
KTZGI03 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom in Lubstowie POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w Lubstowie w 2013 r.
Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 15 metrów. Kształt płaski o
Trochonowicz POL photo
Kuchelbeker Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Kulfon 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3
metrów. Kształt płaski o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Kulfon’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Kuna 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 16,5
metra. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Kuna’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Kuřidlo 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2006 Václav Král & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Kurznadelig 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
1992 Horstmann Nurs. GER
Kužel 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2006 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 30x80 cm broom in
Radnice, growth rate
nálezu, obec Radnice, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kuželovitý, úzký, rozměr 30 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Kužel’
Kvenangen Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Łabędź 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 6
metrów. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Łabędż’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
sylvestris ’Łabędż’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Łabędź’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Łabędź’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Lake Superior Blue 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Western Maine Nurs. USA
Lake Wood Park No. 1 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found on Route 422 West, New Castle, Pennsylvania,
Lake Wood Park No. 2 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found on Route 422 West, New Castle, Pennsylvania,
Lakeside Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1990 Walker Nurs., Blaxton GBR
Walker Nurs., Blaxton GBR
Laňar 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
P. Laňar CZ
Laponica 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Laponum od Rybníčka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
2001 Jan Beran CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a mini broom, growth rate a year 2-
Miniatůrní čarověník, vzrůst kulovitý, barva zelená, přírustek
2-3cm. Balatka text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Lapponum’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Lapponum’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Laponum od Rybníčka 2 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Jan Beran CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Laponum Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Old Rybn #2 Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Ols Rybnick Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Laponum Schuch Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Previous 4 records are misspelled /Laponum od Rybníčka/
Lapponica 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0
Hort. LAT
Nursery LAT
At “Kalsnava” nursery vegetatively
- very slow growing miniature pine tree (height of
Rožkalna text.
“Kalsnava” kokaudzētavā veģetatīvi vairots Lapzemes
priedes klons -
ļoti lēni augošs miniatūrs koks (augstums ap
horizontāli atstāvošiem zariem..
sylvestris var. lapponica ‘Lapponica’
priede var. lapponica ‘Lapponica’-
Larchwood 1992 GBR
Windsor Great Park GBR
Leclaire 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
Randy Dyskra USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Dax Herbst IL USA
Found in Phillips residence, Leclaire, Iowa, medium size, low,
motherplant dead 1990. Harper text.
This witches' broom was first observed growing on a Scots Pine in a residential yard in Leclaire, Iowa in 1990. Scion wood was taken from this broom for several years following and grafted. In about 1998 the mother tree was afflicted with Pine Wilt Disease and removed. ACS text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Leclaire’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Leclaire’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Leclaire’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Leclaire’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Leclaire’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Ledce 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
1997 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus sylvestris ’Ledce’ Jiří Balatka photo
Lelek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2004 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Lelek’ Pavel Oralek photo
Leningrad 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Lawyer Nurs. USA
Lettland Pinus sylvestris ‘Lettland’
Lewandowski 1 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Lewandowski 1’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Watereri Lewandowski (siewka 1)
Lewandowski 2 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Lewandowski 2’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
by Lewandowski POL as a Pinus sylvestris ‘Watereri’ seedling. A fresh green, slow
growing plant, nice in small gardens. The deep brown buds are giving a view of
having many brown eyes to this excellent selection. Mesterházy text.
sylvestris Watereri Lewandowski (siewka 2)
Lewandowski 13 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland
sylvestris ‘Lewandowski 13’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Lewandowski 16 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland
sylvestris ‘Lewandowski 16’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Lewandowski 27 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland
sylvestris ‘Lewandowski 27’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris 27 TM181207 (Lewandowski)
sylvestris ‘Lewandowski 39 M’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Lewandowski Fastigiate 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer
Treasury of Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Lewandowski Fastigiate’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Fastigiata Lewandowski (siewka)
Lewandowski HB 2 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Lewandowski HB’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris HB Lewandowski
Lewandowski M 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland
sylvestris ‘Lewandowski M’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pinus sylvestris M 220108 Lewandowski
Lhota 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1988 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
Krejčí Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2002
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Lhota I 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad
Lhota II 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Lhota III 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Lhota IV 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního
přírůstku nad
Lhota V 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Libotenice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
Ján Sláma CZ
Sláma Gardens CZ
Found as a WB. Grubb text.
Licibořice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
2011 Michal Plíšek CZ
Michal Plíšek Alpine Gardens, CZ
as a broom near Licibořice CZ,
cm, growth rate 2-
15 years.
nalezen nedaleko Licibořic, výška nálezu
35 x
přírůstky do 2-3 cm. Plíšek text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Liciborice’ Michal Plíšek photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Liciborice’ Michal Plíšek photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Liciborice’ Michal Plíšek photo
1 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer
Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2000 Beneš CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Lipetsk 1’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Lipetsk 3 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
V. Beneš CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Lipetsk 4 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
V. Beneš CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Lipník 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1995 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ‘Lipník’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Lipnik’ Jiří Balatka photo
Lithuanica 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Lawyer Nurs. USA
Little Ann 1988 GBR
D. Hoste, Manchester GBR
D. Hoste, Manchester GBR
A witches broom seedling
the original plant is in Rosemoor Gardens in Devon, compact growing bun with
short needles, it is an excellent compact plant, still relatively uncommon in
collections. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Little Ann’ Sam Pratt USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Little Ann’ Sam Pratt USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Little Ann’ Sam Pratt USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Little Ann’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Little Ann’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Little Ann’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Little Ann’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Little Brolly 1989 GBR
John Proudfoot SCO
Almondell Nurs. SCO GBR
Pinus sylvestris ‘Little Brolly’
Almondell Nurs. SCO GBR
A miniature evergreen conifer with a low mounding form. Needles are light green, slightly contorted and borne on thin wiry stems. Overall appearance is neat and cute. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10" tall x 18" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Little Brolly’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Little Brolly’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Little Brolly’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Little Brolly’ GBR Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Little Broll’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Little Brolly’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ’Little Brolly’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Little Orphan 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1972 E. F. Johnston CAN
Litwa HB 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Lodge Hill D. Hatch 1981
in Roundstone GBR as a witch’s broom
Chantry Nurs. Honiton GBR
Pinus sylvestris ’Lodge Hill’ Severnside photo
Longmoor 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
D. Hatch 1982
sylvestris ‘Longmore’ /Longmoor/
Pinus sylvestris ’Longmoor’ Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL
Longmoore 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Miloslav & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom on broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník na
čarověníku, skupina výpĕstků podle
přírůstku nad
Los 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2011 Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS
Kalinovskiy Gardens, Pereslavl RUS
as a 10 x
Pereslavl region RUS
08.09.10 г у поселка
Лось, привита
август 2011 г. WB
метлы 10-12 см
высота 30 см ширина),
побеги до 4-5 см.
Kalinovskiy text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Los’ Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
sylvestris 'Los..' (KDV- 089) (Лось) D.Kalinovskiy
Los Verdes 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
2004 Denver Botanic Gardens USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Los Verdes’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Los Verdes’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Los Verdes’ Nate Cassell CO USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Los Verdes’ Nate Cassell photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Los Verdes’ Nate Cassell photo
Loučeň 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1995 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Lupie Dos Hort.
Luxtorpeda 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 2
metrów. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Luxtorpeda’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Lvová 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2012 Trojan Jiří CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens CZ
Łysek 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Nowa Wieś POL,
Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona w środku lasu w
miejscowości Nowa wieś w 2012 r.
Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3 metrów. Kształt spłaszczony o
średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Łysek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris
Lyudmila Bystrova 381 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Lyudmila Bystrova RUS
совсем метла,
но за
лучшего попробую
поработать с
Pinus sylvestris ’Lyudmila Bystrova 381’
Lyudmila Bystrova RUS photo
Lyudmila Bystrova 382 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Lyudmila Bystrova RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Lyudmila Bystrova 381’
Lyudmila Bystrova RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Lyudmila Bystrova 381’
Lyudmila Bystrova RUS photo
Machát 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2006 Machát & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Maćko 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Księże Młyny POL,
globose, 5-
light coned, seedlings are dwarf. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona w środku lasu w
miejscowości Księże Młyny w 2012 r.
Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3 metrów. Kształt kulisty o
średnicy ok.
Maczuga 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Police w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 10
metrów. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Maczuga’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Makový vrch I 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1998 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Makový vrch II 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Makový vrch III 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Makový vrch IV 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Makow 22 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris 22 M1 121207 Makow (Lewandowski)
Makow 23 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Maks HB Hort.
Malý 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1989 Karel Malý CZ
Malý Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník vysev, skupina výpĕstků podle
Manschurian 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Lawyer Nurs. USA
Maple Grove 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found on Maple Grove Road, Lanark, Illinois, medium size and
height, compact, flat. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Maple Grove’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Maple Grove’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris
Margarita Sayapova 163 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Margarita Sayapova RUS
В 20 км от
по дороге на
Pinus sylvestris ’Margarita Sayapova 163’
Margarita Sayapova RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Margarita Sayapova 163’
Margarita Sayapova RUS photo
Margarita Sayapova 165 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Margarita Sayapova RUS
метла растет
примерно в 15-30
метрах от предыдущей.
в ней гораздо
Pinus sylvestris ’Margarita Sayapova 165’
Margarita Sayapova RUS photo
Maria Pinus sylvestris ‘Maria’ Pinus sylvestris ‘Maria’
Pinus sylvestris ‘Maria’ Plantsphotos.net
Pinus sylvestris
Maria Nikonova 140 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Maria Nikonova RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Maria Nikonova 140’
Maria Nikonova RUS photo
Maria Nikonova 147 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Maria Nikonova RUS
у дома, дубль 2,
чуть больше
мяча, минимум
20 лет.
Pinus sylvestris ’Maria Nikonova 147’
Maria Nikonova RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Maria Nikonova 147’
Maria Nikonova RUS photo
Marina Bakulina 510 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Marina Bakulina RUS
Found on Kola Peninsula RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Marina Bakulina 510’
Marina Bakulina RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Marina Bakulina 510’
Marina Bakulina RUS photo
Markéta 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Pekárek Vojtěch CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens, Varnsdorf CZ
Found as a broom in CZ.
Čaroveník, nalezeno v ČR.
Marosz Hort.
Mars 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 13,5
metra. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Mars’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Marshall 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Marshall Park, Dubuque, Iowa, medium size, low,
compact, silver. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Marshall Broom’
Pinus sylvestris ‘Marshall’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Marshall’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Marshall’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Marshall’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Marshall’ Dax Herbst photo 2015
Marshall Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Martham Welch 1977
J. D. Hoste GBR as a WB seedling
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
Martin 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2002 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku
Pinus sylvestris ’Martin’ Jiří Balatka photo
Martina 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2006 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Matčina Hora 1 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2008 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
Found as a 60x60 cm broom in Třebnuška, growth rate
nálezu, obec Třebnuška, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 60 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Matčina
Matějka 2013
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Matějka CZ
Balatka Gardens CZ
as a 70 x
nálezu. Lokalita Kamýk nad Vltavou, okres Příbram. Čarověník po sundání,
tvar ploše kulovitý, nepravidelný rozměry, šíře
sylvestris ‘Matějka’
McScot 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
Found as a broom, average, in Cherry Hills, found by McNeely.
JM text.
sylvestris ’McScot #
Mećek 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
krótko igielna czarcia miotła sosny pospolitej dorastająca do 1m i najczęściej
szczepiona na wysokości, na pieńku co podnosi jej walory dekoracyjne. Konieczko
sylvestris ’Mecek’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Mecek’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Mech 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 9
metrów. Kształt płasko-kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Mech’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Meduza 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Osiek Wielki
POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Osiek Wielki w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź
była na wysokości ok. 3 metrów. Kształt kulisto-płaczący o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Meduza’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Meffengold 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
needles on this dwarf pine have a color that intensifies in the winter. Forms a
nice spreading bush with time, keeping a low form with bright yellow needles as
it ages. Growth Rate: 2-4"
HxW@10yrs: 1'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Meffengowd’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Meffengowd’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Meg Short Needle Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Melaga 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2003 Václav Verbín CZ
Václav Verbín Gardens CZ
Found in Vojice CZ as a broom. Václav Verbín text.
Melechov 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Memory 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Memory Gardens, Iowa City, Iowa, small size, low,
motherplant dead 1994. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Memory’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Memory’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Merfeld 2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
1999 Günther Eschrich & Disteldorf GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom, 30x30 cm.
30x30 cm.
Metelská Hora 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1999 Zdeněk Jukl CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Metelska Hora’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Metelska Hora’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Meteor 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Nowa Wieś POL in
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Nowa Wieś w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3,5
metra. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Meteor’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Mętków 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Mętków Bagno 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Mętków Bagno’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Mętków Bagno HB
MHS Broom 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Moline High School, Moline, Illinois, medium size,
low, flat, thin growth. Harper text.
Miba Piet Vergeldt HOL
Michałkowski 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Michałkowski’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Michałkowski HB
Microphylla /var. MICROPHYLLA/ Beissn.
Milan 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1976 Špaček CZ
Špaček Gardens CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Milan’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Milan’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Milan’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Milan’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Milenecká Alej 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
1995 Jiří Balatka & Karel Gotvald CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
Found as a
broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Milenecka Alej’ Jiří Balatka photo
Milín 2013
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Balatka Gardens CZ
as a broom in Brdy CZ.
nálezu. VVP Brdy, lokalita Bohutín, okres Příbram. Čarověník po sundání,
tvar kulovitý, rozměry
sylvestris ‘Milín’
Mini Globe 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Minima 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Pinus sylvestris ‘Minima’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Minima’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Minima Kohout 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Pinus sylvestris ’Minima Kohout’ GER Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Minima Kohout’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Minotaur 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 12
metrów. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Minotaur’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Mirek 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Lewandowski POL
broom grows much slower after propagation as before. It was found with
W pierwszym roku po
szczepieniu dostala "kopa', dość długą (
Pinus sylvestris ’Mirek’ Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Mirek’ Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
Misha 010 Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Mitsch’s Weeping 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1985
1965 John Mitsch USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Mitsch’s Weeping’
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
Unique, attractive forms result when this otherwise
prostrate weeping form is staked, so it is often seen trained to waist height
or taller, which allows the dark green foliage to drape and cascade toward the
ground. A dense mature specimen will have exposed trunk and branching that show
off copper, brown and orange plated bark. Discovered as a seedling at Mitsch
Nursery in
Pinus sylvestris ‘Mitsch’s Weeper’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Mitsch Weeping’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Mitsch’s Weeping’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Mitsch’s Weeping’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Mitsch’s Weeping’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Močál 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Mogilno 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2011 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Mogilno POL,
miotła znaleziona w środku lasu w
miejscowości Mogilno w 2011 r. Zmutowana
gałąź była na wysokości ok. 9 metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Mogilno’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Mogilno’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Mokra Wloszka WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Mokra Wloszka WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
Mölln 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1969 GER
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Mongolia Mallet Court Nurs. GBR
/var. MONGOLICA/ Litv. 1905
Monophylla Hort.
Mop 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Mogilno POL,
miotła znaleziona w środku lasu w
miejscowości Mogilno w 2012 r. Zmutowana
gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3 metrów. Kształt płaczący o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Mop’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Moro 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Koszary POL,
light coned, many dwarf seedlings. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze asfaltowej w miejscowości Koszary w 2012 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 1,5
metra. Kształt kulisto-spłaszczony o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Moro’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Moseri Moser 1890
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense, broad pyramidal form. Needles are yellowish-green. Tips of branchlets
have an additional puff of shorter needles. Prefers full sun in well-drained
soil. 4' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2.
Buchholz text.
golden form of Globosa Viridis. Leaves are a light green in summer but golden
in winter. Upright conical plant. Grows
/P. nigra Moseri/
Pinus sylvestris ’Moseri’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Moseri’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Moseri’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Moseri’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Moseri’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
sylvestris ’Moseri’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Moseri’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Moseri’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Moseri’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Mossen 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Brita Johansson, Vargon, SWE
Found as a WB. Grubb text.
Mosty 2 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Mosty 2’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Mount Vernon Blue Hort.
/Mt. Vernon Blue/
MPH Darány 1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
Hungarian Agricult. Quality Control Institute 1995
1989 Mesterházy Zsolt wild found in Darány SW-HUN
1990 Orlóci László, Fenyőkert Nurs. HUN
1992 Mesterházy Pinetum, Erdőtarcsa HUN
A flat top, broad dense blue clone. Giant for alpengardens,
age of 20 is
kék féltörpe, kissé szertelen növény.
óriás a törpék közt.
Zsolt 1989 decemberében a Barcsi Ősborókásban bukkant egy idős erdeifenyőre,
amely alakjában a Badacsony hegyére emlékeztette.
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Darány’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Darány’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘MPH Darány’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘MPH Darány’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘MPH Darány’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘MPH Darány’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Zala Alfa 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 3.0
2013 Mesterházy Zsolt & Hódi Tóth József HUN
Found as a broom in Zala county, HUN
Bábaseprő Zala megyéből
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala Alfa’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala Alfa’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala Alfa’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala Alfa’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Broom Universe 218 - Sweet Trunky
Zala Béta 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 3.0
2013 Mesterházy Zsolt & Hódi Tóth József HUN
Found as a broom in Zala county, HUN
Bábaseprő Zala megyéből
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala Beta’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Broom Universe 218 - Sweet Trunky
Zala Delta 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 3.0
2013 Mesterházy Zsolt & Hódi Tóth József HUN
Found as a broom in Zala county, HUN
Bábaseprő Zala megyéből
Pinus sylvestris ’MPH Zala Delta’ Mesterházy Zsolt photo
Broom Universe 218 - Sweet Trunky
Mrzkovice 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2000 CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
1 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2000 Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Mstislavice 2 2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Mt. Vernon 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Mt. Vernon Blue/
& Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Mt. Vernon Blue 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg into GER
Munches Blue Kenwith Nurs., GBR
Murphy 2013
Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Jan Sláma CZ
Gardens CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Murphy’ Jan Slama photo
Nadezhda Burkova 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2008 Nadezhda Burkova RUS
что только
Pinus sylvestris ’Nadezhda Burkova’
Nadezhda Burkova RUS photo
Nadryby 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 60x60 cm broom in
Nadryby, growth rate
nálezu, obec Nadryby, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Nadryby’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Nadryby’
Naftobaza 1 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Naftobaza 1’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Naftobaza 1 HB
Naftobaza 2 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Naftobaza 2’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Naftobaza 2 HB
Naftobaza 3 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Naftobaza 3’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Naftobaza 3 HB
Naftobaza 4 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Naftobaza 4’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Naftobaza 4 HB
Naftobaza 5 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Naftobaza 5’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Naftobaza 5 HB
Naftobaza 6 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Naftobaza 6’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Naftobaza 6 HB
Nalezenec 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Maixner CZ
Václav Verbín Gardens CZ
Found in Poličany CZ as a broom. Verbín text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Nalezenec’ Jiří Balatka photo
Nana Carr.1855
P. sylvestris pygmaea
Pinus sylvestris ’Nana’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Nana’ Jiří Balatka photo
Nana Knight 1851
Nana Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Nana Compressa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Nana Glauca 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1987 CAN
T. J. Cole USA
Michaud Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Nana WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Pinus sylvestris
Natalya Khanashevich 84 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Natalya Khanashevich RUS
на сосне обыкновенной
в чертЕ города
Дубна (МО).
Растет на
высоте около
10-12 м от земли.
Pinus sylvestris ’Natalya Khanashevich 84’
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Natalya Khanashevich 84’
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Natalya Khanashevich 84’
Natalya Khanashevich RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Natalya Lambrova 461 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Natalya Lambrova RUS
Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS photo
на сосне в
поселке Умба Находка
Pinus sylvestris
Natalya Zarucheyskaya 487
2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS
а это по
словам Мити -
Чупа-Чупс:)) А
мне кажется
это только
коробка с
ними - уж очень
Pinus sylvestris ’Natalya Zarucheyskaya 487’
Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS photo
Nate’s Surprise
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-2". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Navratil 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Neaost Pinus
sylvestris ‘Neaost’
Nejlepší 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1991 J. Svačina CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Nesbitt /Nisbet/?
Nidiformis 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Nietoperz 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7,5
metra. Kształt płaski o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Nietoperz’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Nigra Pygmy 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1990 USA
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Nigrescens 1989 IRL
National Botanic Garden Dublin IRL
Níhov 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Nihov’ Pavel Oralek photo
Pinus sylvestris
Nina Kishkina 224 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Nina Kishkina RUS
метла ( Томск)
Pinus sylvestris ’Nina Kishkina 224’ Nina Kishkina RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Nina Kishkina 224’ Nina Kishkina RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Nina Kishkina 224’ Nina Kishkina RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Nina Kishkina 224’ Nina Kishkina RUS photo
Nineva 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
Nisbet Aurea A. H. Nisbet GBR
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a compact pyramidal form. Greenish-yellow summer foliage changes to dramatic gold in winter. Awesome in the winter landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
brilliant golden-yellow winter foliage of this compact pyramidal pine lends a
dramatic glow to the winter landscape. Much more heavily branched than other
golden Scots pine selections, including 'Gold Coin,' 'Gold Medal,' 'Aurea,' and
'KBN Gold,' its summer needles are very light aqua-blue-green, becoming bright
golden-yellow at the tips. Considerable name confusion resulted from the
nomenclature rule of 1957 that Latin cannot be used for cultivar names. Had
been known as 'Nisbet's Aurea' and 'Nirbeth's Aurea’ to acknowledge A.H. Nisbet
of Hampshire, England who found it. Bob Fincham, Coenosium Gardens, Eatonville,
Washington, changed the name to ‘Nisbet's Gold’ when he introduced it to the
U.S. Tough and adaptable, it likes dry to average moisture. Brent Markus
sylvestris ‘Nisbet Aurea’
sylvestris ‘Nirbeth’s Aurea’
Pinus sylvestris ’Nisbet Aurea’ Dax Herbst IL USA
sylvestris ’Nisbet Aurea’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Nisbet Aurea’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Nisbet Aurea’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Nisbet Aurea’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
a misspelling of /Nisbet’s Gem/ ?
Nisbet’s Gem Welch 1979
Wisley Gardens GBR
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg into GER
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense upright form. Tiny needles become bright gold in winter. Even though a
small plant, it is too colorful to miss. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil.
4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz
Pinus sylvestris ’Nisbet’s Gem’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Nisbet’s Gold A. H. Nisbet GBR
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
brilliant golden-yellow winter foliage of this compact pyramidal pine lends a
dramatic glow to the winter landscape. Much more heavily branched than other
golden Scots pine selections, including ‘Gold Coin,’ ‘Gold Medal,’ ‘Aurea,’ and
‘KBN Gold,’ its summer needles are very light aqua-blue-green, becoming bright
golden-yellow at the tips. Considerable name confusion resulted from the
nomenclature rule of 1957 that Latin cannot be used for cultivar names. Had
been known as ‘Nisbet’s Aurea’ and ‘Nirbeth’s Aurea’ to acknowledge A.H. Nisbet
of Hampshire, England who found it. Bob Fincham, Coenosium Gardens, Eatonville,
Washington, changed the name to ‘Nisbet’s Gold’ when he introduced it to the
U.S. Tough and adaptable, it likes dry to average moisture. Markus text.
Aurea/ in Europe
Pinus sylvestris ‘Nisbet’s Gold’ Brent Markus photo 2014
Nivea 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1906 Count Schwerin, Wendisch-Wilmwndorf GER
Norge 2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
1982 Günther Eschrich GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom in NOR, 20x40 cm.
gefunden in Norwegen, 20x40 cm.
Norske Roth
Pflanzen AG, Kesswil SWI
Northern Spike
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
3-8" HxW@10yrs: 5'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate: Notecka 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
sylvestris ’Notecka’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Nova WB Hort.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Nova WB’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Nowa WB’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Nowa WB’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Novaja 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Nowa Wieś 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2010 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Nowa Wieś POL,
seedlings. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy łące w Nowej Wsi w 2010 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 9
metrów. Rosła w półcienistym stanowisku. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok. 1m.
Kolor igieł jasnozielony. Długość igieł wynosiła ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Nowa Wieś’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Nowa Wieś’ 3 years old graft
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Nowa Wieś’ 3 years old graft
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Nowa Wies’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Nowa Wies’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Mitrovice 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Nymans 1985 GBR
Windsor Great Park GBR
Oak Hill No. 1 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Oak Hill Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, medium size
and height, motherplant dead 1989. Harper text.
Oak Hill No. 2 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Oak Hill Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, medium size
high, motherplant dead 1989. Harper text.
Oak Hill No. 3 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Oak Hill Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, medium size
and height, motherplant dead 1989. Harper text.
Obelisk 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2008 František Topinka
Oberbozen 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
Horstmann Nurs. GER
Obĕšák 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus sylvestris ’Obesak’ Jiří Balatka photo
Od Branky 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Od Branky’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Od Branky’ Jiří Balatka photo
D. Branky Pinus
sylvestris ‘O.D. Branky’
Od Marka
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
3-5" HxW@10yrs: 4'x2'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Oden WB SDL 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
sylvestris ‘Oden WB SDL’
Pinus sylvestris ‘Oden’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Oedegard Oedegard DEN
Old Duffer
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-4". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Oleni 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS
Gardens RUS
as a 30 x 35-
06.10.09 г , привита
август 2011 г
метлы 30 см
высота 35-40 см
побеги до 5 см.
Pinus sylvestris ’Oleni’ KDV 27 Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris 'Oleni' (KDV-027) D.Kalinovskiy
Pinus sylvestris
Olga Bondareva 518 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Olga Bondareva RUS
Found as a broom in Lagonaki, Caucasus RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Olga Bondareva 518’ Lagonaki
Olga Bondareva RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Olga Molchanova 468 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Olga Molchanova RUS
сосна растет
районе Ленобласти,
в 2-х минутах
ходьбы от
моего участка.
А заметила я
её только
дней назад.
Pinus sylvestris ’Olga Molchanova 468’
Olga Molchanova RUS photo
Onderstam Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
dense round form. Thin needles are a bright grass-green. Provides a soft but
glowing presence in the landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2'
tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Onderstam’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Oppdal 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1986 GER
Orálek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1995 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Oralek’ Pavel Orálek photo
Orange Sun
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
3-7" HxW@10yrs: 4'x1'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate: Orlov 2013
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Zdeněk Pos CZ
Balatka Gardens CZ
as a 30 x
nálezu. Lokalita Orlov, okres Příbram. Čarověník po sundání,
tvar kulovitý, rozměry
sylvestris ‘Orlov’
Orlov 1 2013
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Zdeněk Pos CZ
Balatka Gardens CZ
as a 20 x
nálezu. Lokalita Orlov, okres Příbram. Čarověník po sundání,
tvar kulovitý, rozměry
sylvestris ‘Orlov
Osa 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Hort. K. W. POL
Lewandowski POL
Pinus sylvestris Osa Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris Osa Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris Osa Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris Osa Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
Ostrata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Ostrov 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2003 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Otavožaty 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Havel CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Otradovice 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2006 František Adášek CZ
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
3-5". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate: Ovčáry 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1998 J. Červený CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Pinus sylvestris
Oxana Petruk 488 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Oxana Petruk RUS
на штамб
метлы в
матушки природы.
она же в
виде. Северная
Снято с воды,
поэтому ближе
не удалось
Pinus sylvestris ’Oxana Petruk 488’
Oxana Petruk RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Oxana Petruk 488’
Oxana Petruk RUS photo
Öd 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
sylvestris ‘Öd’, GPS 627 PSHB I BC, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Stampftal, Öd, Niederösterreich,
in ca.
Schneider # 509, found on 9th May 2015.
Pačejov 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Pacejov’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pacific Crest
Padrť 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1999 Vopava, Kazbal, Simandl &
Růženecký CZ
Syn. Pinus
sylvestris ´KSR 1/99´ WB
Pająk 2014 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź
była na wysokości ok. 3,5 metrów. Kształt płaczący-rozpierzchły o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Pająk’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Pancernik 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 15
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Pancernik’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Pandora 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Reduchów w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 12
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Pandora’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Papaj 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Nowa Wieś w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 19
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Papaj’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Paprotnia 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Lewandowski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Paprotnia’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Paprotnia’ Mirek POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Paprotnia’ Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Paprotnia’ Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Paprotnia’ Dariusz Burdan photo
Parasol 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Leśnictwo POL in
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Leśnictwo w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3,5 metra. Kształt
płaski o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Parasol’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Pardubice 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pasfield 1985 GBR
Pinus sylvestris ‘Parsfield’ Pinus sylvestris ‘Pasfield’
Windsor Great Park GBR
Patrolka 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Nowa Wieś POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Nowa Wieś przy patrolce leśnej w 2013 r.
Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 9 metrów. Kształt rozpierzchło-spłaszczony
o długości ok.
sylvestris ’Patrolka’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Pavlíkov 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2000 Pavelka & Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ‘Pavlíkov’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pavlina 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
0.75-1.5". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pchełka 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7,5
metra. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Pchełka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Pecka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 František Topinka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
Peklo 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Kapitán CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
& Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Peklo’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pelnik 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pelnik 1998 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ’Pelnik 1998’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pelnik 1999 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ’Pelnik 1999’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pelnik HB 2001 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ’Pelnik HB 2001’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pendula Lawson 1852 GBR
Pendula Rapina 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Pendula Rapina’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Pendula Rapina’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Pendula WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Pendula WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
Pepíno 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. POL
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Pepino’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Pepino’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Pepino’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Pepino’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Pepino’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pepino Hort.
Pinus sylvestris ’Pepino’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Perkeo 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
J. Carl 1973
Pforzheimer Alpengarten AUT
Pešek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Found as a
broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Pesek’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Pesek 3’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pestka 2014 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Pestka’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Pestka Duża 2014 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
growth rate 4,5-
Przyrost roczny wynosił ok. 4,5-
ok. 4-
Pestka Mała 2014 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
growth rate 2,5-
Przyrost roczny wynosił ok. 2,5-
ok. 2,5-
Pete’s Original Dwarf 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Peter Girard USA
Rich Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Pete Girard's selection that makes a large
globe. Rich Eyre text.
Peter Hearne Hort.
Petr 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1987 Petr Franěk CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a seedling, growth rate a year over
semenáč z lesa, Holenice, okres Semily.
výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Petr’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pevé Hamert Piet Vergeldt HOL
sylvestris ‘Pevé Hamert’
Pinus sylvestris ’Pevé Hamert’
Pevé Miba Piet Vergeldt HOL
Hill 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Piasek 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Piasek XXIII 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Piasek XXIII’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Piask Gorka 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Piask Gorka’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Piask Gorka M251107 (Lewandowski)
Pierson’s Ridge 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Pigmej 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Reduchów w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Pigmej’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Pinďa 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2006 Václav Král & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Found as a broom, growth rate a year
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Glen 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
1 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2001 Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
2 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2001 Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pisklak 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 16,5
metra. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Pisklak’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Piskowitz 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
sylvestris ’Piskowitz’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Piskowitz’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pivovárek 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2012 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
Found as a 50x50 cm broom in Liblín,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Liblín, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 50 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Pivovárek’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Pivovárek’
Piwko 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris PIWKO nr 4a
Pixie G. Haddow 1983
D. Hatch at Chantry Nurs. GBR
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
green dwarf form of Scotch Pine. Plant has needles half again as much as
species. Green needles on stems that grow anywhere from 1-
Pinus sylvestris ’Pixie’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Pixie’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Pixie’ Sam Pratt USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Pixie’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Pixie’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Placek 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Lubstówek w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 13,5
metra. Kształt płaski o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Placek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Plainfield 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1992 R. Dykstra IL USA as a WB
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
slow growing form of Scots pine. ACS text.
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-3" HxW@10yrs: 1'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate: Plíšek 2013
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2013 Plísek, Trojan & Bureš CZ
Michal Plíšek Gardens CZ
as a broom, growth rate
Běžně čarověníky na sylvestrikách nesbírám,
ale tomuhle jsem nemohl odolat. Přírůstky kolem
Počepice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
2008 Miroslav Komárek CZ
Komárek Gardens CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom,
nalezen ve výšce
roubováno na mugo, přírustek 2cm. Balatka text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Počepice’ Miroslav Komárek photo 2014
Podmoky 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Pinus sylvestris ’Podmoky’ Jiří Balatka photo
Polesie 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Polesie LEWANDOWSKI
Polo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
Randy Dykstra & Ted Krueger USA in Polo, Illinois
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Bickelhaupt Arboretum, Clinton IA USA
Found on Pines Road, East of Polo, Illinois, small size, medium
height, compact, nice. Harper text.
Scots pine witches' broom from Polo, IL found by Ted
Krueger. Rich Eyre text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Polo’ Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Polo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Polo’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Polo’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Polonskaya 617 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Polonskaya RUS
Pinus sylvestris f. aurea,
то, что рядом
растут и
жёлтые, и обычные
наблюдаю уже
лет. Остаются
отличаясь от
Костя пробовал
прививать с
них черенки,
но привитые
они не
Pinus sylvestris ’Polonskaya 617’
Svetlana Polonskaya EST photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Polonskaya 617’
Svetlana Polonskaya EST photo
Polonskaya 642 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
Polonskaya RUS
Pinus sylvestris f. Dwarf
Pinus sylvestris ’Polonskaya 642’
Svetlana Polonskaya EST photo
Pinus sylvestris
Polotnov 555 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Mikhail Polotnov RUS
Found as a broom in Moscow RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Polotnov 555’ Mikhail Polotnov RUS photo
Polotnov 556 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Mikhail Polotnov RUS
Found as a broom in Moscow RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Polotnov 556’ Mikhail Polotnov RUS photo
Pom Pom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Poodle Pine 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
pine seedling pruned in the poodle technique.
Must be pruned to maintain shape. Rich Eyre text.
sylvestris ‘Poodle Pine’
Popov Lug 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2011 Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS
Kalinovskiy Gardens, Pereslavl RUS
Found as a broom in Popov Lug, Pereslavl region RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Popov Lug’ Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo
Pořešín 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
Porešín # 1 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1990 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
Krejčí Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2002
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Porešín # 2 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1990 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
Krejčí Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2002
as a broom, growth rate over
skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad
Poter 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3 metrów. Kształt
płasko-kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Poter’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Prairie Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
on Xmas Tree Planting, Riverview, Illnois,
motherplant cut off 1992. Harper text.
A miniature evergreen conifer
with a dense flat-globe form. Very tiny needles are dark green. Originated as a
witch's broom mutation. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 2'
wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Prairie Dwarf WB’
Prairie Dwarf Seedling 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
R. Dykstra IL USA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
selection dwarf from a witches' broom seedling by
Randy Dykstra. Rich Eyre text.
Pravčická Brána 2016 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek-Trojan
in Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 6.0
2015 Voldřich Jaroslav & Trojan Jiří CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens, Varnsdorf CZ
near Pravčická brána as a broom, 4m up, 50x20 cm size,
Nalezeno v Jizerských horách ve výšce 4m,
velikost 50x20 cm,
Pinus sylvestris ‘Pravčická Brána’ Trojan Jiří photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Pravčická Brána’ Trojan Jiří photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Pravčická Brána’ Trojan Jiří photo 2015
Předonín 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Přehrada 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Prehrada’ Pavel Oralek photo
Příčky 1 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2007 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
Found as a 80x80 cm broom in
Kozojedy, growth rate
nálezu, obec Kozojedy, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Příčka’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Příčka’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Příčky
Příčky 2 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2007 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Příčky
Příčky 3 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2007 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 80x80 cm broom in
Kozojedy, growth rate
nálezu, obec Kozojedy, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Příčky
Příkosov 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2002 Jiří Holata CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
sylvestris ’Prikosov’ Daglezja
Nursery, Ryki POL
sylvestris ’Prikasov’ Mesterházy
& Malík photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Prikosov’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Prikosov’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Prostrata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1967 USA
Raraflora Nurs. PA USA
Průhonice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1996 CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Pruhonice’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Pruhonice’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Przemek 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Police POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Police w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7 metrów. Kształt
kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Przemek’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Pulham Welch 1979
J. D. Hoste GBR
1977 Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
Pumila Beissn. 1891 /Watereri/
Pinus sylvestris ’Pumila’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Pumila’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Pumila’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pygmaea Beissn. 1909
P. sylvestris nana Beissn. 1891
Pygmaea Microphylla Senecl. 1868
1868 wild found by Seneclause FRA
Pyra 2014 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Nowa Wieś POL in
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Nowa Wieś w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 9 metrów. Kształt
kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Pyra’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz POL photo
Pyramidalis Compacta Hornibrook 1923
Simon-Louise Nurs at Metz FRA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Longer dark blue-green needles with a dwarf pyramidal form. Discovered in a group of fastigiate Scots pines. Rich Eyre text.
Pyramidalis Glauca Beissn. 1891 HOL
Queens Park 2006 Stephen Grubb GBR
From a witches' broom found by me on Queens Park
golf course,
Dorset, 2006. Grubb text.
Raabe 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2003 František Adášek CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate up to
vzrůst kulovitý, přírustek
Pinus sylvestris ’Raabe’ Mesterházy & Adášek photo
Rabštejn 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Rachel 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Raczek 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 4
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Raczek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Radava 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního
přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Radava’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Radava’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Radenice 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1999 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Radošice 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1984 Karel Malý CZ
Malý Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Radostín 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Radotice 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Rakolusky 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2012 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
Found as a 60x50 cm broom in
Rakolusky, growth rate
nálezu, obec Rakolusky, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Rakolusky’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Rakolusky’
Ralf Hort.
Pinus sylvestris var.lapponica ‘Ralf’
Ramapo Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Raraflora Brevifolia 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1967 Raraflora Nurs. PA USA
Raraflora Seedling 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1967 Raraflora Nurs. PA USA
House 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2001 Sládek CZ
Reedham Welch 1979
J. D. Hoste GBR
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
Reflexa Heer 1962 SWI
Rejčkov 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2000 Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Repanda 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Krüssmann 1983
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Pinus sylvestris ’Repanda’ GER Jiří Balatka photo
Repandens Pinus
sylvestris ‘Repandens’
Repens 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
Verkade, Skylands Farm NJ USA
1980 J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg into GER
A miniature evergreen conifer
with a low, dense form. Needles are gray-blue and white buds add a sparkling
look. Perfect for the rock garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil.
12" tall x 18" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2.
Buchholz text.
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Repens’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Repens’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Repens’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Repens’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Riga 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
West Wisconsin Nurs. USA
Riška 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 František Riška & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Riska’ Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Risoul 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Kostelníček CZ
Miroslav Kostelníček Gardens CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Risoul’ Kostelníček photo
Rita 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury
of Hungary 1.0
1998 Tóth Gyula, Gödöllő HUN
2006 Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN
Wild found a vigorous green witches broom on an old Pinus
sylvestris in Gödöllő, HUN. The graftings became the name
Dense small conical habit, will be 1-
years. Original plant in the Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN
Gyula 1998-ban Gödöllőn egy idős erdeifenyőn talált bábaseprőt, ennek oltványai
kapták a ’Rita’ nevet. Sűrű kúp alakú növény, 10 éves korára 1-
Tóth Gyula faiskolájában található.
Pinus sylvestris ’Rita’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Rita’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Rita’ conifertreasury.org photo
Riverside Gem 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Krüssmann 1972
B. Harkness in Riverside Cemetery, Rochester NY
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Plant is a strong growing blue globe. Needs pruning on candles to keep a tight plant. Plant found as a witches' Broom in Rockchester, NY by B. Harkness in Riverside Cemetery. More buds on terminals then most dwarfs. Stanley text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Riverside Gem’
Gem Sport 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Riverview 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Riverview Cemetery, Sterling, Illinois, size, high,
compact, nice. Harper text.
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Rockton 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Ted Krueger USA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
broom selection with green coloration on a narrow form
found by Ted Krueger in a campground in Rockton IL.
Rich Eyre text.
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Doger 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
A dense evergreen conifer with a
pyramidal form. Foliage is blue-green. Makes an excellent container plant.
Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to
-50 degrees. USDA zone 2.
Rogów 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Pinus sylvestris ‘Rogów’ Pinus sylvestris ’Rogów HB’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Rogów’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Rohožka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1998 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Ronald Corley Hort.
Rossa 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2010 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL,
not coned. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze asfaltowej w Rossoszycy w 2010 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 6
metrów. Rosła na stanowisku słonecznym. Kształt nieregularny o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Rossa’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Rossa’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Rotkiw 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2011 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Mogilno POL,
not coned. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze leśnej w
miejscowości Mogilno w 2011 r. Zmutowana
gałąź była na wysokości ok. 13 metrów. Kształt kulisto-spłaszczony o średnicy
Pinus sylvestris ’Rotkiw’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Rotkiw’ 3 years old graft Wiktor
Trochonowicz POL photo
Route 6 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
1980 wild found WB along the route 6 near Quad City IL USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found on Route 6, Moline, Illinois, medium size and height,
motherplant dead 1984. Harper text.
The original broom was a very dark green but the grafts are a medium green. The original mother tree planted in the 1930's by PWA employees is now dead, a victim of herbicide damage. ACS text.
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 6’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 6’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 6’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 6’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 6’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 6’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 6’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 6’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 6’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 6’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Route 64 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in a Private farm, Brookville, Illinois, medium size, high,
motherplant dead 1992. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 64’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Route 64’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Rowe’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 USA
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
Rozdrojovice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2004 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Rożek 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Święte POL,
dwarfs among seedlings. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze leśnej w miejscowości Święte w 2012 roku. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 6
metrów. Kształt stożkowaty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Rożek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Rozhledna 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
1997 Vladimír Šrámek CZ
Found as a broom in
Brdy, growth rate over
Místo nálezu Brdy, lokalita Drahlín, okres Příbram.
skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris
RT 11-67 Hort. USA
Foxhollow Gardens GBR
Rudna Góra 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Rudna Góra K
Rudyho 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2004 Modrý & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Ruine Dürnstein 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Short needles are a deep, dusky yellow color which comes on late in autumn. The color transformation begins sooner than many other golden Scots Pines. This unique tree's Finnish name means "autumn colors," and it was found and named by Growth Rate: 6-9" HxW@10yrs: 7'x4'. Brent Markus text.
Ruslan Mishustin 281 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
4.01.2010г Олешковские
пески. Украина,
обл. Pinus sylvestris №1
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 281’ No 1
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 281’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 283 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
пески. Украина,
обл. Pinus sylvestris
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 283’ No 2
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 283’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 285 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №3
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 3’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 285’ No 3
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 285’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 287 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №4
sylvestris ’Mishustin 4’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 287’ No 4
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 287’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 289 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
пески. Украина,
обл. Pinus sylvestris №5
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 5’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 289’ No 5
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 290 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №8
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 8’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 290’ No 8
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 290’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 292 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №9
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 9’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 292’ No 9
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 294 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №10
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 10’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 294’ No 10
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 295 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №12
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 12’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 12-2’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 295’ No 12
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 296 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №13
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 13’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 296’ No 13
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 297 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №15
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 15’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 297’ No 15
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 298 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №16
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 16’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 298’ No 16
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 302 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №17
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 17’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 302’ No 17
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 303 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №18
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 18’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 303’ No 18
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 305 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №19
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 19’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 305’ No 19
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 306 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №20
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 20’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 306’ No 20
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 308 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №21
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 21’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 309 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №22
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 22’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 309’ No 22
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 310 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №23
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 310’ No 23
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 312 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №24
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 24’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 312’ No 24
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 313 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №25
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 25’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 313’ No 25
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 313’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 315 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №26
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 26’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 315’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 315’ No 26
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 317 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №27
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 27’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 317’ No 27
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 318 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №28
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 28’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 318’ No 28
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 319 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №30
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 30’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 319’ No 30
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 319’
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 321 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №31
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 31’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 322 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №32
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 32’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Ruslan Mishustin 322’ No 32
Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 323 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №33
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 33’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 324 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №34
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 34’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 34’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Ruslan Mishustin 326 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Ruslan Mishustin RUS
sylvestris №38
Pinus sylvestris ’Mishustin 38’ Ruslan Mishustin RUS photo
Rustica 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
G. Bentham 1985
W. Goddard USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Růžový Hřeben 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Musil Ladislav CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens, Varnsdorf CZ
Topinka Gardens CZ
Found as a broom in CZ.
Čaroveník, nalezeno v ČR.
Pinus sylvestris ’Růžový Hřeben’ František Topinka photo
Rydarz 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Hort. POL
Ryś 2014 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 6 metrów. Kształt
nieregularny o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Ryś’ Wiktor Trochonowicz
POL photo
Sahara 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2006 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Saidi 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Saidi (siewka)
Salina 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, tight, growth 2-
diameter, near Salina, Kansas. JM text.
sylvestris ’Salina #
Sand Prairie 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Sand Prairie Reserve, Fulton, Illinois, tiny size, low,
motherplant burned 1987. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sand Prairie’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sand Prairie’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sand Prairie’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Sandringham Welch 1979
J. D. Hoste GBR
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sandringham’
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sandringham’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Šárka 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Satyr 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 4
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Satyr’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Saxatilis Carr. 1867
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Blue-green, flat topped, sparsely branched. Rich Eyre text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Saxatilis’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Saxatilis 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
1970 Layne Ziegenfuss PA USA
Hillside Nursery, Leighton PA USA
Very slow growing dwarf. Plant flat with few branches. Leaves green. Found in 1970 at Hillside Nursery in Lehighton, PA. Stanley text.
Dwarf and slow growing
forming a flat-topped bun without a leader, this is the hillside clone and
probably not the same as the Carriére plant. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Sayville 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1974 USA
Johnson Ave Nurs., Sayville NY USA
Scotland 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/var. SCOTICA/?
West Wisconsin Nurs. USA
Scotland Spey Valley 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Flickingers Nurs. USA
Scott Park 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Scott County Park, Parkside, Iowa, small size, low,
motherplant dead 1995. Harper text.
Scott’s Dwarf GBR /Nisbet’s Gem/
Scrubby L. Walker 1985
Walkers Nurs., Blaxton GBR
Walkers Nurs., Blaxton GBR
Sé 1995
Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1955 Bánó I. & Barabits E. HUN
Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN
An extraordinary blue clone with long, contorted
needles. Found by Bánó István and Barabits Elemér.
Incredible, but this selection is a by-product: there was
looking after a high resin-producing pine that time in
and this one produced
kék szinű, hosszú csavart tűjű, magas gyantatartalmú változat, Bánó István és
Barabits Elemér 1955-ben együtt találták. Hihetetlen, mégis igaz, ez a szép
növény melléktermék, ugyanis magas gyantatermelő képességű erdeifenyők
szelektálása közben találtak rá, évi
/Sei/ in GBR
/Kámon Blue/
Pinus sylvestris ’Sé’ Courtesy of Lukács Zoltán
Pinus sylvestris ’Sé’ Courtesy of Lukács Zoltán
Pinus sylvestris ’Sé’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Sé’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Sé’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Sé’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Sé’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Sé’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Sé’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Sé’ The Plant Hunter
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sé’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Sedlice 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1998 Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Séi /Sé/ /Séi Kék/
Seitzii /f. SEITZII/
Sękacz 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Nowa Wieś POL,
irregular, 5-
rich coned, dwarf seedlings. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy łące w lesie w Lubstówku w 2012 roku. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 5
metrów. Kształt nieregularnie-płaczący o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Sękacz’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Sentinel 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
G. Bentham 1981
W. Goddard USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Sentinel’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Shandringham /Sandringham/
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sandringham’
Pinus sylvestris ’Sandringham’
Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL
Shaped 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Sherburn Gap Hort.
Sherwood 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database
1985 /Sherwoodii/
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Dark green, medium growth dwarf. Rich Eyre text.
Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA
Šibenice 2016 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek-Trojan
in Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 6.0
2015 Voldřich Jaroslav & Trojan Jiří CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens, Varnsdorf CZ
near Šibeniční vrch as a broom, 8m up, 60x35 cm size,
Nalezeno na Šibeničním vrchu ve výšce 8m,
velikost 60x35 cm,
Pinus sylvestris ‘Šibenice’ Trojan Jiří photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Šibenice’ Trojan Jiří photo 2015
Siegert 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found in 7th Street Medical Clinic, Moline Illinois, small size,
low, thin growth. Harper text.
Silver Column 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2006 Dax Herbst in ACS database
Bickelhaupt Arboretum, Clinton IL USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Silver Column’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Silver Column’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Globus 1995
Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury
1955 Barabits E. in Fenyőfő HUN
Egzota Nurs. of Mr.Barabits, Sopron HUN
Alsótekeres Nurs., Siófok HUN
Found as a witch’s broom on the same tree, like
/Bakony/, but another smaller, extra blue one.
Original plant in the Ágfalva Nurs. Sopron, HUN
fa másik bábaseprőjének utódai, amelyen a /Bakony/
is találták. Kisebb és még kékebb szinű változat.
az ágfalvai csemetekertben található.
Pinus sylvestris ’Silver Globus’ conifertreasury.org photo
Single Malt
Don Howse OR USA
This is an understock seedling that was far too small to put a scion onto it when I was grafting in the mid- 1990’s. It has grown to a dense prostrate mound, (3" high and 6" across) in about 10 years. The needles are light green, and are about 3" in length. Howse text.
Skalice 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2012 Trojan Jiří CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens CZ
Skalka Chlum 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
as a 50x40 cm broom in Pilsen-Chlum, growth rate
nálezu, obec Plzeň-Chlum. Čarověník po schozu, tvar kulovitý,
rozměr 50 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Skalka Chlum’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Skalka Chlum’
Skaza 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Reduchów w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 12
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Skaza’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Skiabloba 1986 Windsor Great Park GBR
Skjak 1 G. Haddow 1984
T. Lundell, Helsingborg SWE
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Pinus sylvestris ’Skjak’ SWE Jiří Balatka photo
Skjak 2 G. Haddow 1984
T. Lundell, Helsingborg SWE
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Pinus sylvestris ’Skyak II’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Skjak 11 2002 Stephen Grubb in ACS database as a WB
T. Lundell, Helsingborg SWE
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Skjak Flach
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-2" HxW@10yrs: 1'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Skogbygdi Horstmann 1986
A clone of scandinavian origin.
2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Školka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2010 Jan Beran & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Skoupý 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
2004 Miroslav Komárek CZ
Komárek Gardens CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Sláma 2 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
Ján Sláma CZ
Fowhollow Gardens GBR
Slatina 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2004 Václav Král & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Jim 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Bachman’s Landscaping Nursery MN USA
Jardin de Jean-Pierre, St. Christine CAN
Slim Jim Scotch Pine has attractive dark
green foliage which emerges light green in spring. The twisted needles are
ornamentally significant but remain dark green through the winter. Neither the
flowers nor the fruit are ornamentally significant. The shaggy orange bark is
extremely showy and adds significant winter interest. Bachman text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Slim Jim’ Bachman’s Landscaping USA
Pinus sylvestris ‘Slim Jim’ Iseli Nursery USA
Slimkin Hort.
Pinus sylvetris
Slobodskoy Moskva 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2008 Sergey Slobodskoy RUS
ВМ, вероятно,
из себя не
Такие метлы
не редкость в
Бору (Москва)
и, вероятно,
тем, кто
метел не
видел. Если
дам координаты.
Pinus sylvestris ’Slobodskoy Moskva’
Sergey Slobodskoy RUS photo
Slota 324 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0
Hort. LAT
Nursery LAT
sylvestris ‘Slota
Slotwiny 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Lewandowski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Slotwiny (Lewandowski)
Slotwiny 2 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Lewandowski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Slotwiny 2 (Lewandowski)
Slotwiny 3 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Lewandowski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Slotwiny 3 (Lewandowski)
Slotwiny 4 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Lewandowski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Slotwiny 4 (Lewandowski)
Slotwiny 5 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Lewandowski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Slotwiny 5 (Lewandowski)
Slotwiny 6 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Lewandowski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Slotwiny 6 (Lewandowski)
Slotwiny 7 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Lewandowski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Slotwiny 7 (Lewandowski)
Slovanské údolí 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1996 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Smoła 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Leśnictwo POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Leśnictwo w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 2,5 metra. Kształt
płasko-kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Smoła’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Snow Tower 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Artur Maj POL
stout, incredibly-narrow Scots Pine will withstand a fair amount of snow,
without the branches bending down from their acute angles to the trunk. Its rich,
dark-green color and fantastic form make it an excellent new introduction. Growth
Rate: 4-6" HxW@10yrs: 5'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Snow Tower’ Artur Maj photo
Soják 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Sojovice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1998 J. Balatka & J. Pospíšil CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Sokolka 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
2014 Martin Novák CZ
Martin Novák Collection, Evidence 2014
Found as a broom, growth rate 2-
Čarověník, místo nálezu, Branžež, Český Ráj. Malý polštářek, průměr
Pinus sylvestris ’Sokolka’ Martin Novák photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Sokolka’ Martin Novák photo 2014
sylvestris ‘Sokolka
Sonny WB Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Sonny WB’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Sonny WB’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Sopley 2006 Stephen Grubb GBR
Foxhollow Gardens GBR
From a witches'
broom found by me at Sopley Common,
Dorset, 2006. Grubb text.
Sopron 2011 Mesterházy
Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1
Barabits E. HUN
Avasi Arborétum, Miskolc HUN
broad semidwarf,
széles féltörpe,
Pinus sylvestris ’Sopron’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Sopron’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Sopron’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Sopron’ conifertreasury.org photo
Sorek 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Lubstowie POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w Lubstowie w 2013
r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 15 metrów. Kształt płasko-płaczący o
sylvestris ’Sorek’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Sosnowski 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1973 GER
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Sosní 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2001 Krejčí CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Sosni’ Jiří Balatka photo
Sosnová 2 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Musil Ladislav CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens, Varnsdorf CZ
Found as a broom in CZ.
Čaroveník, nalezeno v ČR.
South Gilpin 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom, 50-6-’ up,
1187 South Gilpin St., Denver. JM text.
sylvestris ’South Gilpin #
Soutok Chrást 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 60x60 cm broom in Chrást,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Chrást. Čarověník po schozu, tvar kulovitý, rozměr
60 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Soutok Chrást’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Soutok Chrást’
Sovony Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Spaan’s Fastigiate 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Jardin de Jean-Pierre, St. Christine CAN
Spaan’s Slow Column 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
R. L. Fincham 1984
J. Spaan OR USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a narrow pillar-like form. Foliage is blue-green. A more dwarf and compact tree than its seed parent, 'Glauca Fastigiata'. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Spaan’s Slow Column’
Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Spaan’s Slow Column’
Will Fletcher USA four years report
Spanish 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Mellinger Inc. USA
Spec Pinus sylvestris ’Spec’ Ján Sláma, Wbgarden CZ
Spiralis Carr. 1859 FRA
Spodek 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Osiek Wielki POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Osiek Wielki w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3 metrów. Kształt
spłaszczony o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Spodek’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Sport of Riverside Gem 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1990 USA
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Springbrook 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in Cornelius farm, Springbrook, Iowa, medium size, high,
compact. Harper text.
Sq. Rg. 4 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Sruby 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2006 Marie Balatková & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Pinus sylvestris ’St. George’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’St. George’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’St. George’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’St. George’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’St. George’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ’St. George’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
St. Johns 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in St. John’s Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, small size,
medium height, motherplant dead 1989. Harper text.
Ståle Sørensen H.B. Ståle Sørensen DEN (?)
sylvestris ‘Ståle Sørensen H.B.’
Stampftal 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0
2015 Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
sylvestris ‘Stampftal’, GPS 630 PSHB II AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Stampftal, Öd,
Niederösterreich, in ca.
Schneider # 512, found on 9th May 2015.
Stáňa 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2002 Vladimír Šrámek CZ
Found as a broom in
Brdy, growth rate over
Místo nálezu Brdy, lokalita Drahlín, n/m.v.710 m, okres Příbram.
skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ‘Stáňa’
Staré Splavy 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 Martin Novák & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Stasiak 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Štěpánovice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
A. Papež CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Stepanovice’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Stepanovice’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Stoderzinken 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
1999 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
Střapeček 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2012 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
Found as a 50x50 cm broom in Liblín,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Liblín, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 50 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Střapeček’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Střapeček’
Straver 2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
1971 Günther Eschrich & Wüstemeyer GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
W. Linssen, Baexam HOL
Found as a broom in FRA.
gefunden in Frankreich.
Pinus sylvestris ’Straver’ Clément Anthoine BEL photo
1 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1995 Labanc CZ
2 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1995 Labanc CZ
Strong Hollander Broom Edwin Smits HOL
Pinus sylvestris ’Strong Hollander Broom’
Struhy 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Struż 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Nowa Wieś POL,
rich coned, dwarf seedlings. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy łące w lesie w Lubstówku w 2012 roku. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 14
metrów. Kształt kulisto-rozpierzchły o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Struż’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Strych 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Strych HB (Maj)
Studce 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus sylvestris ’Studce’ Jiří Balatka photo
Student 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 11 metrów. Kształt
płasko-kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Student’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Studzienice 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Studzienice’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Studzienice I 2
Stvořidla 2 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1999 Jiří Holata CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Stylik 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Koziegłowy POL in 2013.
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Koziegłowy w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 4 metrów. Kształt
nieregularny o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Stylik’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Suchdolák 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus sylvestris ’Suchdolak’ Jiří Balatka photo
Suhak 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 13,5
metra. Kształt płasko-kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Suhak’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Bizzaro 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Supergold 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
Horstmann Nurs. GER
Suz Hort.
Pinus sylvestris WB ‘Suz’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Suz 2’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Svaty Kopecek 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
Hort. CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Svaty Kopecek’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Svéd Agostyán Arboretum HUN
Swan Oy 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Pinus sylvestris ‘S’wan Oyl’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Świerczyniec 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Świerczyniec’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Świerczyniec P
Szerencse 2016 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 5.0
2012 Véglesi Péter HUN
Tóth Gyula Faiskola, Gödöllő HUN
as a first broom of mine. Growth rate 2-
Legelső bábaseprűmként bukkantam rá.
Növekedése miniatűr, évente mindössze 2-
Pinus sylvestris ‘Szerencse’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Szerencse’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Szerencse’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Szomszéd 2016 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 5.0
2014 Véglesi Péter HUN
Tóth Gyula Faiskola, Gödöllő HUN
as a globose broom
Gömb alakú bábaseprű, a P. s. ‘Szerencse’ fajta lelőhelyétől kb. 70 m-re találtam, így lett a neve Szomszéd. Miniatűr növésű, sűrű, világoszöld, rügyei narancssárgásak. Véglesi text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Szomszéd’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Szomszéd’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Szomszéd’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Sződi 2016 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 5.0
2014 Véglesi Péter HUN
Tóth Gyula Faiskola, Gödöllő HUN
Found as a depressed globe broom, needles as usual.
Lapított gömb alakú bábaseprű. Növekedése törpe. Tűi az alapfajhoz hasonló hosszúságúak. Véglesi text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sződi’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sződi’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sződi’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sződi’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Sződi’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Szpon 2014 Mesterházy & al. in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7 metrów. Kształt
kulisty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Szpon’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Szutowicz HB 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of
Poland 1.0
sylvestris ‘Szutowicz HB’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris HB (Szutowicz)
Szyszka 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Nowa Wieś POL,
flat-top globose, 3-
rich coned, dwarf seedlings. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona przy drodze leśnej w Lubstowie w 2012 roku. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 2 metrów.
Kształt kulisto-spłaszczony o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Szyszka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Szyszka’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Tábor 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
2010 Jan
Beran CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Tabuliformis 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Barron 1875 USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Tabuliformis’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Pinus sylvestris ’Tabuliformis’
Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA
Tafla 2014 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Police POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Police w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7 metrów. Kształt
płaski, nieregularny o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Tafla’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Tage G. Haddow 1988
T. Lundell, Helsingborg SWE
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR
Tajná 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1996 Labanc CZ
Tanya Kenwith Nurs., GBR
Pinus sylvestris ’Tanya’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Tatyana Ignatenko 490 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Tatyana Ignatenko RUS
Found as a broom near Moscow RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Tatjana Ignatenko 490’
Tatjana Ignatenko RUS photo
Tatyana Ignatenko 491 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Tatyana Ignatenko RUS
Found as a broom near Moscow RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Tatjana Ignatenko 491’
Tatjana Ignatenko RUS photo
Tatyana Ignatenko 492 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Tatyana Ignatenko RUS
Found as a broom near Moscow RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Tatjana Ignatenko 492’
Tatjana Ignatenko RUS photo
Terešovská Huť 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2011 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím Lídl CZ
Found as a 80x80 cm broom in Terešov,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Terešov, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 80 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Terešovská Hut’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Terešovská Huť’
Terra Cotta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
Ted Krueger, Rich Eyre & Randy Dykstra USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found on Route 176, Terra Cotta Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois,
large size, low, largest to date. Harper text.
Ten year old dwarf, dense globes from a witches' broom in Crystal Lake IL found independently by Ted Krueger, Rich Eyre, and Randy Dykstra. Rich Eyre text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Terra Cotta’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Terra Cotta’
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Tesar WB 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Tide’s Mulligan
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
1-3". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Tilhead R. Watson 1988
R. Watson GBR
Treborth Nurs., Bangor, Wales GBR
Tilshead Hort.
Kenwith Nurs., GBR
Probably the same as the previous entry.
Tīnūžu Slota 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of
Hort. LAT
sylvestris ‘Tīnūžu slota’
priede ‘Tīnūžu slota’ -
TM21 WB Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’TM 21 WB’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Tinsdal Hort.
Točilka 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2001 Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Todd No. 1 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Todd Cemetery, Youngstown, Ohio, dark globe.
Stupka text.
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Todd No. 2 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
Found in Todd Cemetery, Youngstown, Ohio, tight. Stupka text.
Tom Ján Sláma CZ
Foxhollow Gardens GBR
Tomino 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2011 Tomáš Kubát CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus sylvestris ’Tomino’ Jiří Balatka photo
Tomszak 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Tomszak (siewka)
Top Hat Hort.
Topinka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2006 František Topinka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom in SWI, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
Pinus sylvestris ’Topinka’ Mesterházy & Topinka photo
Tor 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Alexander Vereshchak RUS
Vereshchak Nursery RUS
Found as a double-broom with two different habit.
метла на
Найдена в 2004
году. А.
дано за тороидальное
Pinus sylvestris ’Tor’ Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
sylvestris 'Tor' (AV C-03) A.Vereshchak WB 2004
Tortuosa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Don of Forfar ex Lawson 1852
in a forest in Saxony GER
Tortuosa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1980 CAN
Floravista Gard. BC CAN
Treasure 1990 GBR Wansdyke Nurs.GBR
Trefrew Qarry Hort.
Trefrid Hort.
Tremba 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Joe Stupka USA
2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found in Pennsylvania. Stupka text.
Trenton Pendula 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Trenton Weeping/
Trenton Weeping 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1971 Vermeulen Nurs., Neshanic Station NJ USA
/Trenton Pendula/ until 1971
Tři prsty 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
2009 Michal Plíšek CZ
Michal Plíšek Alpine Gardens, CZ
as a broom in Chrudim CZ,
rate 2-
age 10 years.
nalezen v Chrudimi, výška nálezu
25 x
přírůstky do 2-3 cm. Plíšek text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Tri prsty’ Michal Plíšek photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Tri prsty’ Michal Plíšek photo
Tristis Barabits HUN
Trnová 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Trojan 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2012 Trojan Jiří CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Trojan’ Jiri Trojan CZ photo
Trol 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2011 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Rożdżały POL,
light coned, no seeds. Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona w środku lasu w
miejscowości Rożdżały w 2011 r.
Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 8 metrów. Kształt
kulisto-spłaszczony o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Trol’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Trol’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Troll 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann GER in Skjäk NOR
2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Pinus sylvestris ’Troll’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Trollguld Brita
Johansson SWE
as a golden seedling in SWE. Smits text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Trollguld’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Trollguld’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Trollguld’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Trollguld’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Trollguld’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Trollguld’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Trollguld’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ’Trollguld’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Trooper 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as
a WB
Found in State Police Headquarters, Sterling, Illinois, medium
size, low, compact. Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Trooper’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Trooper’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Truba 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Truba 3 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Truba 11 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Tualipessa 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0
Hort. EST
A compact variety. Wreath rounded.
needles. Rožkalna text.
Kompakta šķirne. Vainags noapaļots.
sylvestris ‘Tualipessa’; Harilik mänd ‘Tualipessa’ -
Tulsfelder Zwerg 1992 HOL
W. Linssen, Baexam HOL
Turkey 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
West Wisconsin Nurs. USA
Tůrová 2012 Mesterházy-Balatka-Tárnok
in Conifer Treasury of Slovakia 1.0
1996 Labanc SLK
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Found in Arboretum Borová Hora, SLK as a broom,
rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního
přírůstku nad
Turracher See 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2011 František Adášek CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Pampeago, Italy
The Pampeago Expedition 2011 Italy
Pinus sylvestris ’Turracher See’ Jan Veirauch photo
Typ Słowacja Płoźąca 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Norske 2004
Jungpflanzen Jelten, Wiesmoor GER
Twiggy 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1986 USA
Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA
Tyskre 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Tyskre’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Tyskre’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Tytan 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Lubstówek w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 16,5
metra. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Tytan’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
U Branky 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1982 J. Hroch. CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
U Čamka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Václav Král & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
U Chalupy 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Radek Holub CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’U Chalupy’ x
Mesterházy & Holub photo
Pinus sylvestris ’U Chalupy’ Mesterházy & Holub photo
U jezirka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
U Kříže 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1988 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
Krejčí Gardens CZ
2001 Jiří Balatka CZ, Evidence 2002
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
U Silnice 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2006 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 80x60 cm broom in Darová,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Darová, okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 80 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘U Silnice’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘U Silnice’
Ubuku 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2010 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Ubuku’ Pavel Oralek photo
Ufoludek 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Lubstów w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 13,5
metra. Kształt kulisto-płaczący o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Ufoludek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Ufoludek’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Ukrainian 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Lawyer Nurs. USA
Ude Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Ulan Ude’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Umbraculifera Carr. 1855 FRA
Umbrella 1992 GBR
Windsor Great Park GBR
Understock 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2003 James Wick in ACS database
2001 James Wick of seed USA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines Nursery USA
Pine with extremely short needles with good blue color.
characteristics same as species. Wick text.
Unknown 2013 Mesterházy & Rožkalna in Conifer Treasury of Latvia 1.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Unknown’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Unknown’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Unknown’ Irēna Rožkalna photo
Glade 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2008 Jiří Holata CZ
sylvestris ‘Upper Glade’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
sylvestris ‘Upper Glade’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Uranos 2014 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom in Lubstowie POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w Lubstowie w 2013
r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 20 metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy
sylvestris ’Uranos’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Uranos’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
UZPW 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2011 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Raszelki POL,
miotła znaleziona przy drodze leśnej w
miejscowości Raszelki w 2011 r.
Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 3 metrów. Kształt
kulisto-nieregularny o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’UZPW’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Pinus sylvestris ’UZPW’ 2 years old graft
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Valdšejn # 2 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1981 J. Šimůnek CZ
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Valdstejn 2’ Jiří Balatka photo
Valdšejn # 3 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1993 Jaromír Pospíšil CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Valdšejn # 4 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1996 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ’Valdstejn 4’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Valdstejn 4’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Valeš 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Václav Verbín CZ
Václav Verbín Gardens CZ
Found along Doubrava River CZ as a broom. Verbín text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Vales’ Jiří Balatka photo
Vandal Gold
A golden seedling that occured among seedlings raised at the University of Idaho Arboretum. The seed came form northern Russia, near latitude 50. Howse text.
Vanilla Sky 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
William Snyder in ACS database
Snyder & Surian found as a sport in Kalamazoo, MI USA
William Snyder and Paul Surian discovered the
sport in a row of Scotch Pines in Kalamazoo, Michigan in June of 2001. Paul
Surian successfully grafted a number of cuttings in 2002. Tree puts out as a
mix of shoots which vary from being solid yellow, yellow and green, or all
green. Color fades to a vanilla cream which remains throughout the year.
Variegated portions burn in sun. Snyder text.
012 Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vanja’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Vargguld Brita Johansson
as a golden seedling in SWE. Smits text.
Variegata Carr. 1855 FRA
Variegated Witches Broom Hort.
Vartemberk 2016 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek-Trojan
in Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 6.0
2015 Voldřich Jaroslav & Trojan Jiří CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens CZ
near Stráž pod Ralskem as a broom,
Nalezeno ve Stráži pod Ralskem ve výšce
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vartemberk’ Trojan Jiří photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vartemberk’ Trojan Jiří photo 2015
Vcelin 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Vcelin’ Mesterhazy & Šimánek photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Vcelin’ Mesterhazy & Šimánek photo 2012
Vendulka Balatka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus sylvestris ’Vendulka Balatka’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Vendulka Balatka’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Vera Hayward 1985 GBR
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
Pinus sylvestris
Veresh 115 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Alexander Vereshchak
Pinus sylvestris ’Veresh 115’ Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Veresh 116 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Alexander Vereshchak RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Veresh 116’ Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Veresh 146 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Alexander Vereshchak
по дороге - а
тут такое!
Pinus sylvestris ’Veresh 146’ Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Vereshchak 389 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Alexander Vereshchak
обл. фото
2008 г : http://vkontakte.ru/photo-1297963_119398656
Pinus sylvestris ’Vereshchak 389’
Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Vereshchak 389’
Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Vereshchak 389’
Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Veresh 493 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Alexander Vereshchak RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Veresh 493’ Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Veresh 497 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2004 Alexander Vereshchak RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Veresh 497’ Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Veresh 79 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2009 Alexander Vereshchak
г. Дзержинск
Pinus sylvestris ’Veresh 79’ Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris
Vereshchak Nizhniy 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2008 Alexander Vereshchak
сосенке. Из
сосновых 18-я
по счету за
сегодня. 350 км
от Москвы на
Pinus sylvestris ’Vereshchak Nizhniy’
Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo
Verunka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2006 Vladimír Mourek & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Vezér 2016 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 5.0
2014 Véglesi Péter HUN
Tóth Gyula Faiskola, Gödöllő HUN
Forms a silvery conical upright tree. Véglesi text.
Az átlagos erdeifenyőhöz képest, ez egyenes és határozott vezérhajtást növeszt, így megjelenése kúp alakú.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vezér’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vezér’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vezér’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vezér’ Véglesi Péter photo 2015
Vikancice Hort.
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2007 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jiří Michálek CZ
Found as a 30x30 cm broom in Nová
Hut’, growth rate
nálezu, obec Nová Huť. Čarověník po schozu, tvar kulovitý, rozměr
30 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vila Anna’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vila Anna
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2007 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jiří Michálek CZ
Found as a 60x50 cm broom in Nová
Hut’, growth rate
nálezu, obec Nová Huť. Čarověník po schozu, tvar kulovitý, rozměr
60 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vila Anna’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vila Anna
Vilémovice 1 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Vilémovice 2 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jiří Holata CZ
sylvestris ‘Vilemovice 2’
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vilémovice 2’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Vimperk 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Ján Sláma CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Vimperk’ Clément Anthoine BEL photo
Ridge Stephen Grubb GBR
Garden GBR
as a broom in GBR.
sylvestris ‘Vinney Ridge’
Pinus sylvestris ’Vinney
Ridge’ report
Virgata 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
Caspary 1882
1882 wild in Tirol AUT
Viridis Compacta Hornibrook 1923 GBR
Pinus sylvestris ‘Viridis Compacta’
Višňovka I 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Višňovka II 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Višňovka III 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Vlkančice 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1984 Jaroslav Kazbal CZ
W. Linssen, Baexam HOL
Voldřich 2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 5.0
2014 Trojan Jiří, Voldřich Jaroslav CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens CZ
near Stráž pod Ralskem as a broom,
ve Stráži pod Ralskem ve výšce
Pinus sylvestris ‘Voldřich’ Jiří Trojan photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Voldřich’ Jiří Trojan photo 2014
Voznice 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2004 Jan Beran & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Vršek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Jiří Holata CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Všenice 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2004 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Pinus sylvestris ‘Všenice’
Vytáhlá Liblín 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2005 Zdeněk Jelínek – Jerolím LídlCZ
Found as a 40x80 cm broom in Liblín,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Liblín okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
velký polštář, rozměr 40 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vytáhlá Liblín’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Vytáhlá Liblín’
W & M 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Wadsworth 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst
in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org
2004 Jerry Morris USA
Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection
as a broom,
thick foliage, located in southwest Loop of 6th Avenue at
Wadsworth Interchange. JM text.
sylvestris ’Wadsworth #
Walkers Unnamed 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Wandschirm 2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Treasury of
Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
as a 180x80 x
Pinus silvestris „Wandschirm“, Fundort: Hohe
Wand, Hexenbesen, ca. 180 x
# 208, found on 12th March 2014.
Pinus sylvestris ’Wandschirm’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Wandschirm’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Wandschirm’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Wandschirm’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Wandschirm’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Wandschirm ’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Wandzwergerl 2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer &
Schneider in
Treasury of
Josef Schneider AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
as a
Pinus sylvestris „Wandzwergerl“, Fundort:
Hohe Wand, Hexenbesen? Durchmesser ca.
# 209, found on 12th March 2014.
Pinus sylvestris ’Wandzwergerl’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Wandzwergerl’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Wartham 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Watereri /Hort. ex Bail./Beissn. 1891
Slow-growing, dense, broad pyramidal form with steel blue-green needles. Superior orange bark! 7' specimens are over 20 years old. Rich Eyre text.
Pinus sylvestris ’Watereri’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
P. sylvestris var. watereri
/Nana/ /Pumila/ /Watereriana/
Watereri HB 2010 Mesterházy in
the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
sylvestris ’Watereri HB’
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Watereri WB 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Kořínek CZ
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
sylvestris ’Watereri WB’ Jiří
Balatka photo 2012
Wathol 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2012 Jiří Holata CZ
Found as a broom on Pinus sylvestris ’Watereri’.
Wawerly 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB
Found in a private residence, Wawerly, Iowa, medium
size, low, compact. Harper text.
WB SDL 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Lewandowski POL
Pinus sylvestris eight-year
WB seedling. In the wild, interesting looks like on
the photo. And yet the topic phytoplasma, which
supposedly have cause fairy brooms. Unless
that changes the
genome, because the seeds do not
Ośmioletnia siewka P. silv.z nasion z WB. W naturze
ciekawiej wygląda jak na fotce. I jeszcze w temacie fitoplazm, które jakoby
mają powodować powstawanie czarcich mioteł. No chyba że zmieniają genom, bo z
nasionami się nie przenoszą. Lewandowski text.
Pinus sylvestris ’WB SDL’ Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
WB SDL 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
WB Seedling Hort. USA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
Dwarf Scots pine from a witches' broom seedling.
Weitsicht 2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in
Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0
2014 Josef Schneider AUT in CZ
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
# 424, found on 24th December 2014.
sylvestris „Weitsicht“ GPS 549 PSHB I A.
HB, A, Fundort: Strazny Moor, Durchmesser ca.
Pinus sylvestris ’Weitsicht’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Weitsicht’ Josef Schneider photo 2014
Westonbirt 1985 GBR
1985 H. J. Welch in Westonbirt Arb., Tetbury GBR
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
Pinus sylvestris ’Westonbirt’ Severnside photo
Wielkanocna Hort.
Pinus sylvestris ’Wielkanocna’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Wielkanocna’
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Wiewiór 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Nowa Wieś
w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na
wysokości ok. 19,5 metra. Kształt kulisto-płaczący o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Wiewiór’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Wiga 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2012 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
as a broom near Zakrzewek POL,
miotła znaleziona przy drodze asfaltowej w miejscowości Zakrzewek w 2012 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 5
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Wiga’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Wikłacz 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 1,5
metra. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Wikłacz’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Pinus sylvestris ’Wikłacz’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Hair 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Wilson 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found on Tipton Highway North, Tipton, Michigan, medium size
and height, rounded form. Harper text.
Windsor Hillier 1971 GBR
Pinus sylvestris ’Windsor’ GBR Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Windsor’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Wintergold Grootendorst 1977 HOL
Wittichenau Hort.
Pinus sylvestris ’Wittichenau’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Władek 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
as a broom.
Wolf Gold Kenwith
Nurs., GBR
Wojak 2014
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Police POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Police w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 2,5 metra Kształt
kulisto-spłaszczony o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Wojak’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Wojak’ Mirosław Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Wojak’ Mirosław Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Wojak’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo
Wolski HB 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Wolski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris HB (Wolski)
Wolski HB2 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Wolski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris HB2 (Wolski)
Woltings Gold 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
type compact tree.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Wolting’s Gold’ C. K. Choo CAN photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Woltings Gold’
Davidtree Whistling Gardens photo report
Woods Creek Gold
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
4-8". Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Wright 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Chub Harper Heritage USA
2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List
Found in the Wright farm at Route M50, Tecumseh, Michigan,
medium size and height, motherplant broken off 1997.
Harper text.
Pinus sylvestris ‘Wright’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Pinus sylvestris ‘Wright’ Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014
Wroclaw 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
as a very old witches broom in the Wroclaw cemetery,
has a globose form. A dense globe in graftings, specially
on high grafts. Mesterházy text.
sylvestris Wroclaw HB
Wykno 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Mirosław Lewandowski POL
Pinus sylvestris ‘Wykno’ Mirosław Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris ‘Wykno’ Mirosław Lewandowski photo
Wyrki I 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Pinus sylvestris ’Wyrki 1’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Wyry 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Wyry III HB
Xavery 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Piotr Rosenberg, Ksawerów POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Xawery’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Xawery’ Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Xawery’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
1 Pinus
sylvestris ‘Xaweryi 1’
Yin i Yang 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Lewandowski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Pinus sylvestris ’Yin’ & ’Yang’ Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Yin’ & ’Yang’ Miroslaw Lewandowski photo
sylvestris Yin i Yang (Lewandowski)
Yola 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Bright yellow foliage on short, thick needles make this tree really glow, especially in winter. A new selection from Poland. Growth Rate: 2-3". Brent Markus text.
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Yury Nesin 422 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2010 Yury Nesin RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Yury Nesin 422’ Yury Nesin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Yury Nesin 422’ Yury Nesin RUS photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Yury Nesin 422’ Yury Nesin RUS photo
Ząbek 2014 Mesterházy &
al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0
Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Mogilno POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Mogilno w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 7 metrów. Kształt
rombowaty o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Ząbek’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Zábĕlá I 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Zábĕlá II 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Pavel Kovalsky CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Zabor 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Hort. CZ
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
/Záborčí 2/ ?
Záborčí 2 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Pinus sylvestris ‘Záborčí 2’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Zaborci’ Jiří Balatka photo
Żakowice 1 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Żakowice HB 1
Żakowice 2 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Żakowice HB 2
Żakowice 3 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Żakowice HB 3
Záluží 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2006 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 60x60 cm broom in Liblín,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Liblín okres Rokycany. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 60 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Záluží’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Záluží’
Zarucheyskaya Poklov 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2008 Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS
под Покровом
- скорее
грибного происхождения
- их
несколько и
рядом, при это
в одной( или
двух) видны
верщинки сосны...
Zarucheyskaya Poklov 2 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2008 Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS
- видно
вершинку -
или как
Zarucheyskaya Poklov 3 2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0
2008 Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS
Pinus sylvestris ’Zarucheyskaya Poklov 3’
Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS photo
Žatec 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Hort. CZ
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
dwarf form of Scotch Pine found in Czechoslovokia. Plant grows in a squatty
conical habit. Grows 1-
Pinus sylvestris ‘Zatec’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Zátiší 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 Karel Gotvald CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Závrtek 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2007 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 80x80 cm broom in Chrást,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Chrást, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Závrtek’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Závrtek’
Zbraslav 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2000 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Žďár 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2008 Zdeněk Jelínek – Miroslav Mareš CZ
Found as a 80x80 cm broom in
Rokycany, growth rate
nálezu, u obchodního domu v Rokycanech. Čarověník po schozu, tvar
kulovitý, rozměr 80 x
Pinus sylvestris ‘Žďár’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Žďár’
Źdźbło 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Mogilno w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na
wysokości ok. 7,5 metra. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Źdźbło’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Žebrákov 2013
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Treasury of Cesko/ České
šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Zdeněk Pos CZ
Balatka Gardens CZ
as a 40 x
nálezu. Lokalita Kamýk n.Vltavou, okres Příbram. Čarověník po sundání,
řídký, tvar, ploše kulovitý, rozměry, šíře
sylvestris ‘Žebrákov’
Žehrov 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2008 Jaromír Pospíšil & Jiří Balatka CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Żgajek 2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Poland 3.0
2013 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Gardens POL
as a broom near Rossoszyca POL in 2013.
Czarcia miotła znaleziona w miejscowości
Rossoszyca w 2013 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 8 metrów. Kształt
nieregularny o średnicy ok.
sylvestris ’Żgajek’ Wiktor
Trochonowicz photo
Žichlice Cíp 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2006 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 60x60 cm broom in Žichlice,
growth rate
nálezu, obec Žichlice, okres
Pinus sylvestris ‘Žichlice Cíp’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Žichlice Cíp’
Ziemniak 2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in
Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0
2014 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Gardens POL
miotła znaleziona w miejscowości Lubstówek w 2014 r. Zmutowana gałąź była na wysokości ok. 15
metrów. Kształt kulisty o średnicy ok.
Pinus sylvestris ’Ziemniak’ Wiktor Trochonowicz photo 2014
Źieźmauka 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Zoelen Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus sylvestris ’Zoelen WB’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Zoelen WB’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus sylvestris ’Zoelen’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus sylvestris ’Zoelen’ (Longmor) Malík photo 2013
Zrůbek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Beneš CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2001
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtění
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Zruč 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2004 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Found as a 50x20 cm broom in Zruč, growth rate
nálezu, obec Zruč. Čarověník po schozu, tvar kulovitý, rozměr 50
Pinus sylvestris ‘Zruč’ Zděnek Jelínek photo 2013
Pinus sylvestris ‘Zruč’
Żwaków 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
sylvestris Żwaków XXVII 2
Liang KeI
non Carr.
Carr. SS Mi PG P Kr
Pinus tabuliformis Carr. 1867 – Kínai táblásfenyő – Chinese table pine
Pinus tabuliformis conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus tabuliformis conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus tabuliformis conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus tabuliformis conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus tabuliformis conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus tabuliformis conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus tabuliformis conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus tabuliformis conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
P. cavendishiana Carr.
P. densiflora var. tabuliformis Fort. 1902
P. leucosperma Maxim. 1881
P. prominens Mast. 1906
P. sinensis Lamb.
f. UMBRACULIFERA /Liou & Wang/Q. L. Wang 1988
P. tabuliformis var. umbraculifera Liou & Wang
var. DENSATA /Mast./Rehd.1923 W-CHN W-SE
var. HENRYI /Mast./C. T. Kuan 1983 KeI
P. henryi Mast. 1902
var. LEUCOSPERMA /Mast./Wu 1947 CHN W-KA
var. MUKDENSIS Uyeki 1916 NE-CHN
P. mukdensis Uyeki 1916
Pinus tabuliformis var. mukdensis Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Wu 1947
var. RUBESCENS Uyeki 1947
var. UMBRACULIFERA Liou & Wang
P. wilsonii Shaw 1911
var. YUNNANENSIS /Franch./Shaw 1914 CHN YU
Jiuzhaigou Valley Hort.
Thin, very dark green foliage on this globose pine give it a very shaggy appearance. A rare species from China. Growth Rate: 1-3". Brent Markus text.
Pinus tabuliformis ’Jiuzhaigou Valley’ Sami Saidi POL photo
Morton Hort. USA
Morton Arboretum USA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
green than species with heavy thick needles from Tibet.
The mother-tree is in Morton Arboretum. Rich Eyre text.
Rowe 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Shenyang Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus tabuleaformis ‘Shenyang’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Sister 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Rich Eyre USA
Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA
selection by Rich Eyre. Young plants have twisting
branches. Eyre text.
Pinus tabuliformis ’Twisted Sister’
Pinus tabuliformis ’Twisted Sister’
Pinus tabuliformis ‘Twisted Sister’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
non L. 1803
TAEDA var. ECHINATA /Mill./Cast.
L. Kr PG P
Pinus taeda Linnaeus 1753 – Keleti sárgafenyő – Loblolly pine
Pinus taeda Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
P. heterophylla Small 1903
P. lutea Walt. 1788
Pinus taeda broom Nate Cassell photo
Pinus taeda broom Nate Cassell photo
2-Needle 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
2013 John Allen USA
Sam Pratt USA
This cultivar originated as a witch's broom discovered by John Allen of Shiloh Nursery. Some needles have mutated into fascicles of two needles rather than the typical 3-needle fascicles. Growth Rate: 1-2". Brent Markus text.
Pinus taeda ’Bella’s Surprise’
Surprise 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2013 Hort. Alleycat in Maryland, USA
Pinus taeda ’Bella’s Surprise’
Cochran 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1988
N. Carolina State Univ. USA
Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
Dover 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
& Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Dixie 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1988
N. Carolina State Univ. USA
Filip’s Emerald Broom 2013 Edwin Smits HOL
Pinus taeda ’Filip’s Emerald Broom’
JC Raulston 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Hort. USA
JC Raulston Arb USA
In the early
1950's the USDA Agricultural Research Service at Beltsville, Maryland offered
seed of a witches' broom (a mutation that results from damage to the tree that
usually manifests itself in being compact) to NCSU Horticulture Research
Station at Raleigh, North Carolina. Later that station became the JC Raulston
Arboretum. The seedlings were planted out at the station for evaluation. In the
late 1980's JC Raulston distributed a few grafted plants from the most handsome
tree. We were one of those lucky recipients. Since all of our trees originated
from the same tree we have decided to name this fine selection in his honor. It
was selected for its vigor and compact habit and for its long dark-green
needles. This is the most beautiful pine you can grow in the south. We have a
limited number of JC's dwarf loblollies for sale. They are grafted onto 3'
standards. Normally we do not ship plants that are this tall but we had to in
order to make the graft compatible. YuccaDo Nursery text.
Pinus taeda ‘J. C. Raulston’ Treelore photo 2013
Pinus taeda ‘J. C. Raulston’ Treelore photo 2013
Little Albert 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Hort. USA
JC Raulston Arb USA
Pinus taeda ’Bella’s Surprise’
Pinus taeda ‘Little Albert’ Treelore photo 2013
Pinus taeda ‘Little Albert’ Treelore photo 2013
Little Bear 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Pinus taeda ’Little Bear’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
JC Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
ACS Bulletin USA
Pinus taeda ’Nana’ Tom Cox USA photo in
Cox Arboretum, Canton, Georgia USA
Pinus taeda ‘Nana’ Scott Antrim USA photo 2013
Pendula 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
Shiloh Shotgun 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
2013 John Allen USA
Sam Pratt USA
This witch's broom was discovered by John Allen of Shiloh Nursery. A shotgun was used to knock scions down from the original broom, giving this plant its name. Long, dark-green needles really do look like the bristles on a broom. Growth Rate: 1-3". Brent Markus text.
Pinus taeda ’Bella’s Surprise’
Hu & Yao Mi
P. tabulaeformis var. taihanshanensis Yai 1936
Hayata Kr P SS
Pinus taiwanensis Hayata 1911 – Tajvani táblásfenyő – Taiwanese table
Pinus taiwanensis Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus taiwanensis Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus taiwanensis Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA
Pinus taiwanensis GW eric9b USA photo
P. hwangshanensis Hsia SS
Cheng, Cheng & Fu 1975
Nakai SS
Schwerdtfeger KeI
Schlechtend. & Cham. Kr PM P
Pinus teocote Schlecht. & Cham. 1830 – Mexikói erdeifenyő –
Mexican twistedleaf pine
P. beissneriana Roezl
P. microcarpa Roezl
P. mulleriana Roezl
P. vilmoriniana Roezl
var. MACROCARPA Shaw 1914 S-MEX
Shaw PG
P. tropicalis Morelet 1851
Parl. PG P
Pinus thunbergii Parl. 1868 – Japán feketefenyő – Japanese Blackpine
Pinus thunbergii Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
P. massoniana Sieb. & Zucc. non Lamb.
P. pinaster Loud. non Ait.
P. sylvestris Thunb. non L. 1784
P. tabulaeformis Hort. non Carr.
P. thunbergiana Franco 1949
f. MULTICAULIS Uyeki 1938
var CORTICOSA T. Makino 1940
var.GLOBOSA Mayr 1890
var.MONOPHYLLA Mayr 1890
Mayr 1890
var.PECTINATA Mayr 1890
var.PENDULA Mayr 1890
var.TIGRINA Mayr 1890
var.TORTUOSA Mayr 1890
var.VARIEGATA Mayr 1890
Pinus thunbergii variegated Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus thunbergii variegated Sam Pratt USA photo 2013 J
Agnieszka Hort. POL
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Akame 1976 JPN
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes into GBR
A cork bark variety of Japanese Black Pine. Used in Bonsai, this variety is one of the corticosa cultivars. Will start showing bark at an early age. Stanley text.
Albovariegata /Variegata/
variegated cultivar of Japanese Black Pine. Leaves are long and green with
splashes of white here and there. Grows
Angelika’s Thunderhead 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1991 Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Aocha Matsu L. C. Hatch 1985 JPN
variegated cultivar of Japanese Black Pine. Leaves are long and green with
splashes of yellow. Rare and nice! Grows
Pinus thunbergii ‘Aocha Matsu’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus thunbergii ‘Aocha’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus thunbergii ’Aocha Matsu’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Arakawa-sho Welch 1979 JPN
Aurea Fitschen 1930 JPN
Aureovariegata 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Awaji Kenwith Nurs., GBR
Baker Street Broom 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in
Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0
Keith Guess USA
Found in the street of Keith’s parents.
Pinus thunbergii ‘Baker Street Broom’ Keith Guess photo 2013
Pinus thunbergii ‘Baker Street Broom’ Keith Guess photo 2013
Banshosho Valavanis 1975 JPN
Lime green needles set
off the white multiple buds; it looks like
improved mugo with a bit of shearing. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus thunbergii ’Ban Sho Sho’ conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Pinus thunbergii ’Banshosho’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus thunbergii ‘Banshosho’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
thunbergii ’Banshosho’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Banshosho’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Banshosho’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Bedgebury WB Hort.
Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel
Beni-janome Welch 1979 JPN
Beni-kujaku R. L. Fincham 1989 JPN
wind swept to one side. Leaves are green with gold rings. Very much a
variegated plant. Grows
Pinus thunbergii ‘Beni-kujaku’
Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA
Pinus thunbergiana ’Beni-kujaku’
Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus thunbergiana ’Beni-kujaku’
Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Beni Kusawaku JPN
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Branchaho 2003
Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Brocade Pinus thunbergii ‘Brocade’
Chase’s Yellow 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1991 USA
Rarafolia Nurs., Kintersville PA USA
Compacta 1980 GBR
Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR
Corticata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Corticosa Hort.
Pinus thunbergiana ’Corticosa’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus thunbergii ’Corticosa’ Jiří Balatka photo
Corticosa Pendula 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Corticosa Tuskasa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Dai-nagon JPN
1992 Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes into GBR
Eechee-nee 1975 JPN
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Kenwith Nursery GBR
Elmwood’s Witch’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Emery’s Dwarf John Emery NZL
Yamina Rare Plants Nurs. AUS
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Slow, dense, compact dwarf with dark green needles and white
buds. Yamina text.
miniature Japanese Black Pine. Leaves a light yellow-green. Stems do not grow
more than
Pinus thunbergii ’Emery’s Dwarf’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Emery’s Dwarf’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Emery’s Dwarf’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus thunbergiana ‘Emery’s Dwarf’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus thunbergii ‘Emery’s Dwarf’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Frosty Patches 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
variegated cultivar of Japanese Black Pine. Leaves are long and green with
splashes of white here and there. Grows
thunbergii ‘Frosty Patches’
Fuji 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Ganseki-matsu Welch 1979 JPN
Gan-seki-sho 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 USA
Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
dwarfish, globose shrub of Japanese Black Pine. Bark of plant has a rock pebble
effect. Plant is used in Bonsai frequently. Grows about
Girard Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1985
Hort. USA
Girard Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
/Girard Dwarf/
Gnom 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer
Treasury of Hungary 1.0
2000 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed of a plant living in
the Budapest Zoo
Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN
Half long needles as type stand dense, slower growing, short,
broad white buds.
Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN
alapfajtól rövid, sűrűn álló tűi, féltörpe növekedése, sűrűn álló hajtásai
különböztetik meg. Nagyobb sziklakertbe
alkalmas vagy kisméretű kertek szép szoliterje lehet.
az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN
Pinus thunbergii ’Gnom’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Gnom’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Gnom’ conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Pinus thunbergii ’Gnom’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Green Elf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Joe Grassl OR USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
compact mounding form. Foliage is a rich green. Adds glowing color to the
winter landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 18" tall x
30" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
dwarf mound. Leaves are a shamrock green. Shear to keep compact. Found by Joe
Grassl of Sandy, Ore. Grows
Gyokko 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
windswept type form of Japanese Black Pine. Leaves are green and
Hakuho 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Hardy Form 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA
A short-needled hardy
form, our scions came from a tree that was formerly in John Mitch’s collection
and now resides in Gee’s arboretum, undamaged despite several hard winters. Arrowhead
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Hayabusa JPN
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes into GBR
Henry’s Dwarf 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s
Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Kelly Dwarf 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus thunbergii ‘Herb Kelly’s Dwarf’
Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus thunbergii ‘Herb Kelly’s Dwarf’
Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Hito Bano-matzu Mayr 1890 JPN
newer variety from Japan with dark-green needles extremely thick appearing as
one jumbo needle per fascicle instead of two. Growth Rate: 9-12" HxW@10yrs: 9'x5'. Brent Markus text.
Hitotsuba 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Dave Dewire USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
New plant from Dave Dewire, a bonsai man for 30 years. Will have new descriptions next year for this cultivar. Plant from Japan as Bonsai. Stanley text.
Hoko 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Gardens, Amesbury MA USA
Ichyo 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1988 USA
1991 Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
Iihara 1976 JPN
Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
Ippon-matzu Mayr 1890 JPN
Iseli Golden 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli 1990
1990 Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Iwai Welch 1979 JPN
Janome-matzu Mayr 1890 /Oculus-Draconis/ JPN
Kashima-matsu Welch 1979
Katasoge-matzu Mayr 1890 /Katsuga/? JPN
Katsuga 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1975 Dave Dewire USA
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
New plant from Dave Dewire, a bonsai man for 30 years. Will have new descriptions next year for this cultivar. Plant from Japan as Bonsai. Stanley text.
Kikko-sho Welch 1979 JPN
Koko Nishiki 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Kokuho Hort.
Kotobuki 1976 JPN
A dwarf, full, upright conifer
with lush emerald green needles. Often used for bonsai, or perfect for the
small garden. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 2' wide in 10
years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus thunbergii ’Kotobuki’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Kotobuki’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Kotobuki’ conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Pinus thunbergii ’Kotobuki’ JPN Jiří Balatka photo
thunbergii ’Kotobuki’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Kotobuki’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Kotobuki’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Kotomatsu Yatsubusa Hort.
Koyosho R. L. Fincham 1989 JPN
1990 Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
slow growing upright globe. Leaves green. Grows
Stanley text.
Pinus thunbergii ’Koyosho’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Kujacku Matsu 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Kujaku 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
L. C. Hatch 1988 USA
A slightly variegated form of Japanese Black Pine. Stems go all which ways. Leaves large and long green with supposedly pink variegation. We have only seen slight yellow or cream on some leaves. Good Luck! Stanley text.
Kuro-bandaisho Mayr 1890 JPN
Kuro-fuiri-matzu Mayr 1890 JPN
Kuro-semmosho Mayr 1890 JPN
Kyokko /Kikko-sho/? /Koko/?
Kyokko Yatsubusa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Riverband Gardens, Amesbury MA USA
dwarf, cork-bark variety of Japanese Black Pine. Leaves rich green about
Pinus thunbergiana ‘Kyokko Yatsubusa’
Larry Stanley USA photo
Kyushu Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Luteo Lineata Hort.
thunbergii ‘Luteo Lineata’
Maijima 1990 HOL
Trompenburg Arboretum, Rotterdam HOL
Pinus thunbergii ‘Maijima’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Majestic Beauty 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Monrovia 1986
Monrovia Nurs., Azusa CA USA
Malinka 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Matsu Stripes Hort.
Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
Mi Nishiki 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Mia Kuyaku 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Mikawa /Mikawa-matzu/
Mikawa-matzu Welch 1979 JPN
Mini Mounds 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1987 Princeton Nurs. N.J. USA
Vermuelen Nurs.,Neshanic Station NJ USA
dwarf mound. Leaves are dark green with white buds. Prune candles to keep plant
compact. Grows about
Miyajima Kenwith Nurs., GBR
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
globose form. Needles are rich dark-green. Makes an excellent container or rock
garden plant. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 3' wide in 10
years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Monina /Majestic Beauty/
Morkrid 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Mt. Hood 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
prostrate spreading plant. Leaves long and green. Plant found at Mt. Hood
Community College in Gresham, Ore.. Grows
Mt. Hood Prostrate 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Iseli 1990
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
ground-hugging form. Foliage is dark green. White candles are ornamental in
early spring. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 4' wide in 10
years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus thunbergii ’Mt. Hood Prostrate’
Nagata 1975 JPN
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Nana /Compacta/
Nee 1975 JPN
Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA
Nishiki Eechee Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Pinus thunbergii ’Nishiki Eechee’ Jiří Balatka photo
Nishiki Matsu Hort.
1991 Iseli Nurs., OR USA
A Japanese Black Pine. This variety used in Bonsai. Trunk will
cork up in time. Stanley text.
Pinus thunbergii ’Nishiki Matsu’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus thunbergii ‘Nishiki Matsu’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Nishiki Matsu Yatsubusa Hort.
Riverband Gardens, Amesbury MA USA
Nishiki Nee Hort.
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
slow growing dwarf shrub with bark splitting up and down the trunk. Grows 6 to
Nishiki Okinakadu M. & J .Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Nishiki Tsukasa Kenwith
Nurs., GBR
Large growing wind swept plant. Bark on this tree cork up.
Pinus thunbergii ’Nishiki Tsukasa’
Oculus Draconis /var. OCULUS-DRACONIS/
The dragons-eye Japanese Black Pine. Plant throws large leader with side stems of large green leaves that have yellow in close to the inside bundle. Looked at from the end, it looks like a large eye. Good for sculpture work. Stanley text.
Pinus thunbergii ‘Oculus Draconis’
Pinus thunbergii ‘Oculus-draconis’
Oculus Draconis Tortuosa Mayr 1890 JPN
Ogi Matzu JPN
1988 Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA
An irregular evergreen conifer
with dark green needles. Plant produces cockscombs, or fasciations, on
portions of the tree. A very curious conifer. Ogi means "fan" in
Japanese. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years.
Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
miniature Japanese Black Pine. Needles are dark green on short stems that
fasciate at the buds. Buds can be
thunbergii ’Ogi-matsu’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Ogi-matsu’ Mesterhazy & Balatka photo 2012
Pinus thunbergii ‘Ogi Matsu’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus thunbergii ‘Ogi Matsu’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus thunbergii ‘Ogi Matsu’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus thunbergii ’Ogi Matsu’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus thunbergii ’Ogi Matsu’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus thunbergii ’Ogi Matsu’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus thunbergii ‘Ogi-matsu’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus thunbergii ‘Ogi-matsu’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus thunbergii ‘Ogi-matsu’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus thunbergii ‘Ogi Matzu’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus thunbergii ‘Ogi Matzu’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus thunbergii ’Ogi Matsu’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Ogon 1986 JPN /Aurea/
1990 Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
A slow-growing evergreen conifer
with a broad-upright form. Needles are a rich golden color, and must be grown
in sun for color. Ogon is "gold" in Japanese. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 4' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA
zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus thunbergii ’Ogon’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus thunbergii ‘Ogon’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus thunbergii ‘Ogon’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus thunbergii ’Ogon’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus thunbergiana ‘Ogon’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Ogon’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Okinakabu JPN
1975 into USA
New plant from Dave Dewire, a bonsai man for 30 years. Will have new descriptions next year for this cultivar. Plant from Japan as Bonsai. Stanley text.
Ondai Dave Dewire into the USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
New plant from Dave Dewire, a bonsai man for 30 years. Will have new descriptions next year for this cultivar. Plant from Japan as Bonsai. Stanlex text.
Pinus thunbergiana ‘Ondai’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus thunbergii ‘Ondai’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Porky 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
A dwarf evergreen conifer with
an irregular upright form. Foliage is dark gray-green and borne on stout
branches. Buds are unusually large and pointed. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 5' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA
zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus thunbergii ’Porky’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Porky’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Porky’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Porky’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Prostrata 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
Pygmaea 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1990 USA
Iseli Nurs., OR USA
Pinus thunbergiana ’Pygmaea’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Red Janome 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Dave Dewire into the USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
New plant from Dave Dewire. Bonsai man for 30 years. Will have new descriptions next year for this cultivar. Plant from Japan as Bonsai.
Rezek 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Ed Rezek USA
An evergreen conifer with a
pyramidal form. Green needles are dusted with yellow. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. Height and width unknown. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5.
Buchholz text.
Pinus thunbergii ’Rezek’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Sanryu 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Sayonara H. J. van de Laar 1976
Kenwith Nurs., Bideford into GBR
Pinus thunbergii ’Sayonara’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus thunbergii ‘Sayonara’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Section 16 Pinus thunbergii ‘Section 16’
Senryu 1985 GBR /Sanryu/
Shidare-matsu Welch 1979 JPN
Shimo-fuiri-matsu Mayr 1890 JPN
Shioguro G. Haddow 1990 JPN
Shiragamatzu Mayr 1890 JPN
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Shirofume-matzu Mayr 1890 JPN
Shirome Janome R. L. Fincham 1989 JPN
Pinus thunbergii ‘Shirome Janome’
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
An upright evergreen conifer with a pyramidal form. Exciting needles are dark green with dazzling golden bands. One of the best of all variegated conifers. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus thunbergii ’Shirome Janome’
Pinus thunbergii ’Shirome janome’
Suiken R. L. Fincham 1989 JPN
1990 Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
irregular fast growing plant. Leaves light lima bean green. Leaves thick,
contorted like stems. Grows
Sunsho 1973 JPN
Dr. Rokuyo JPN to Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
cultivar of Japanese Black Pine used in Bonsai. Very thick stems with thick
needles that are stuck together like. Very irregular and stumpy growth. Leaves
light green color. Plant grows about
Taihei 1976 JPN
Aritaki Arboretum to Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR
Black Pine for Bonsai! Bark actually makes fans that are spun 90 degrees of
each other. Light green leaves. Dwarf, growing about
Pinus thunbergiana ‘Taihei’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus thunbergii ‘Taihei’ (left)
Thorabu Matsu /Torafumatsu/
Thorabu Matsu Torafu /Torafumatsu/
Thunderhead 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1987 USA
Vermeulen & Sons Nurs., Neshanic Station NJ USA
Especially during winter, the eye-catching, brilliant-white candles of this popular selection of Japanese Black Pine create a striking contrast to the thick, glossy, green needles. 'Thunderhead' develops a dense, billowy, cloud-like form that may mature to a form as wide as tall. Iseli text.
Pinus thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’
A dwarf evergreen conifer with a
broadly pyramidal form. Needles are large and deep green. Contrasting white
buds are particularly ornamental in winter. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil.
5' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz
Pinus thunbergii ’Thunderhead’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Thunderhead’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Thunderhead’ conifertreasury.org photo HTJ
Pinus thunbergii ’Thunderhead’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus thunbergii ’Thunderhead’ Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’
Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus thunbergiana ‘Thunderhead’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Thunderhead Sport
Tigriane /var. TIGRINA/
/Tiger Vane/ sic!
Torafu /Torafumatsu/
Torafumatsu Mayr 1890 JPN
An upright evergreen conifer
with an open, pyramidal form. Deep green needles have flecks of gold,
especially at needle tips. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3'
wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus thunbergii ’Torafumatsu’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Tsukasa Valavanis 1975
Tsukasa Nishiki Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
Tura-ku-kuromatsu 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA /Tora-fu-matsu/
Variegata /var. VARIEGATA/
Watnong Hort.
Whisky Hill Thundercloud 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0
Hort. USA
Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA
White Band Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Witch’s Broom Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Yamato 1976 JPN
Yatsubusa Wansdyke 1976
A slow-growing evergreen conifer
with a flat-globe form. Leaves are gray green. Older specimens are attractive
when inner growth is pruned out, revealing multiple trunks. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 3' tall x 4' wide. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5.
Buchholz text.
Pinus thunbergiana ’Yatsubusa’ Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus thunbergii ’Yatsubusa’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Yatsubusa Watnong Hort.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A dwarf mound. Prune candles for more compact form. Leaves
green. Plant grows
Ye-i-kan 1980 SWE
T. Lundell, Helsingborg SWE
Yochio 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
dwarf form of Japanese Black Pine. Leaves are 2 1/2 inches long and a
yellow-green in color. Plant grows in a ball shape like a `Banshoho' type. Used
extensively in Bonsai. After time bark is fissured. Grows
Yoshimura 1992 JPN
plant from Dave Dewire, a bonsai man for 30 years. Will have new descriptions
next year for this cultivar. Plant from Japan as Bonsai. Stanley text.
Pinus thunbergii ’Yoshimura’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Yoshimura’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus thunbergii ’Yoshimura’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus thunbergii ’Yoshimura’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
/Yoshimura Nishiki/
Yumaki 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1989 USA
Coenosium Gardens, Leighton PA USA
A dwarf upright form of Japanese Black Pine. Amost columnar plant with medium leaves that are dark green. Listed by Coenosium Gardens, Eatonville, Washington. Stanley text.
Parry ex Carr. Kr P
Pinus torreyana Parry ex Carr. 1855 – Szandiégói mandulafenyő – Torrey or San Diego almond pine
torreyana - Torrey pine. Soledad pine. 5
needles. Native to a very restricted range in southern California,
confined to low coastal bluffs flanking the Soledad Valley north of San Diego.
P. lophosperma Lindl. 1860
ssp. INSULARIS Haller KeI
Broom noname 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Tom Cox of Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA
Pinus torreyana ’WB noname’ Tom Cox GA USA photo
Pinus torreyana broom Sara Malone photo 2015
Pinus torreyana broom Sara Malone photo 2015
TROPICALIS Morelet 1851
not D. Don 1849
Mill. Kr P
uncinata Mill. 1806 – Kampósfenyő – Hooked alpine pine
Pinus uncinata conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus uncinata conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus uncinata conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus uncinata conifertreasury.org photo
P. montana var. uncinata /DC./Heere
P. mugo var. arborea /Tubeuf/Hylander
P. mugo var. rostrata /Ant./Gord.
P. pumilio rostrata Carr.
P. sanguieana Lapey.
var. ROSTRATA /Ant./Gord. 1858
var. ROTUNDATA /Link./Ant.
P. uliginosa Neumann
P. uncinata Link.
1 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus uncinata ’1 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
Pinus uncinata ’1 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
2 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
9 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
10 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus uncinata ’10 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
102 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
# 12 Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
# 28 Hachmann Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
# 65 Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Abarth 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 J. Hečka CZ
2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Pinus uncinata ’1247 Abarth’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’1247 Abarth’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’1247 Abarth’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’Abart’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
in Italy
broom, long needles.
Pinus uncinata ’1247 Abarth’
Abel Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Abel’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Adam 2010 Mesterházy
in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Alf Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Altair 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Ares 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Ares’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Arti 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Arti’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Arti’ Jiři Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Arti’ AUT Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Arti’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Aureovariegata Schelle 1909
Baby Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Ball 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2005 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
on Ofenpass SWI as a globe broom
diameter. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Ball’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Ball’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Ball’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Ball’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Ball’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Ball’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ‘Ball’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus uncinata ’Ball’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Bambi 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Batole Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Beni 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom
year. Needles somewhat contorted. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Beni’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Beran Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Beskidy 2010
Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
& Tomszak POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
& Tomszak POL found this fresh green dwarf WB in Beskidy Mts. CZ, which is
a superb plant grafted high. Seems to be a globose selection, but some
branchlets are going to leave the globe. An interesting and dazzling cultivar
for small gardens. Mesterházy text.
uncinata Beskidy 3 HB (Gola & Tomszak) (Czechy)
Birkhahn 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Birkhahn’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Birkhahn’ Jiří Balatka photo
Blanka 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1987 Karel Kalouš CZ
Kalouš Gardens CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
2004 Karel Hieke in České šlechtení
as a seedling, growth rate up to
Nahodilý semenáč ježatého růstu, netvoří
některé roky jehlice a
zůstávají téměř holé. Získává tak exotického vzhledu.
10-ti letech V.-30cm, Š.-
Pinus uncinata ’Blanka’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Blanka’ Jiři Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Blanka’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Blanka’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Blanka’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Blanka WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus uncinata ’Blanka WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
Bobek Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Bobek’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Bobik 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Bobik’ Mesterhazy & Kalous photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Bobik’ Mesterhazy & Kalous photo 2012
Bonbonek Pinus
uncinata ‘Bonbonek’
Pinus uncinata ’Bonbonek’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Boris 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom on the ground, 100-
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Boris’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Borkovice Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus uncinata ’Borkovice’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Borkovice 7 Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Borkovice 8 Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Borkowice 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury
of Poland 1.0
Pinus uncinata ‘Borkowice’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus uncinata ‘Borkowice’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Bormio 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2005 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as broom
Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Bormio’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Bormio’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Bormio’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ‘Bormio’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ’Bormio’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Borowice 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Hort. POL
Bouchnik Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Boží dar 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Dusan Horak CZ
Burli 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Burli’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Burli’ AUT Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Burli’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
C-8 Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Cäsar 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Caesar’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Caesar’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Caesar’ Larry Stanley USA photo
Pinus uncinata ’Caesar’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Caesar /Cäsar/ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Camberg Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Chacholice 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2005 Ladislav Vohryzek & František Borovec CZ
Jiří Balatka Index 2013
uncinata (ps. pumilio ) Chacholice našel 13. 4. 2005 na rašeliništi Oceán
přítel Ladislav Vohryzek na společné expedici s Františkem Borovcem. Hezký
čarověník měl průměr
Pinus uncinata ’Chacholice’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Cleopatra 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Cleopatra’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Club Hort.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A dwarf flat bun of Mountain Pine. These are selections that
were made in Europe.Very miniature and all differing slightly.
Compacta Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Compacta’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Compacta’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Compacta’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Conicus 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom, 50 x
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Conicus’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Conicus’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Conicus’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
David Pinus uncinata ‘David’
Dieter 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom, 30 x
Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Dieter’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Dieter’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Dieter’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Dom 2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0
1986 Günther Eschrich GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom in SWI, 80x40 cm.
gefunden in der Schweiz, 80x40 cm.
Dospíšil Brno 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus uncinata ’Dospisil Brno’ Pavel Oralek photo
Drussetcha 1992 HOL
Trompenburg Arboretum, Rotterdam HOL
Echiniformis Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
dwarf flat bun of Mountain Pine. These are selections that were made in
Europe.Very miniature and all differing slightly.
Edelweiss WB Joe Braeu of Edelweiss Landscaping of Duluth MN USA
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Found by Joe Braeu of Edelweiss
Nursery of Wisconsin, a tight mound growing only an inch or so a year. Arrowhead
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Edi 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Edi’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Eishöhle 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2005 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Found as a broom. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus mugo ’Eishöhle’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus mugo ’Eishöhle’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus mugo ’Eishöhle’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus mugo ’Eishöhle’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus mugo ’Eishöhle’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus mugo ’Eishöhle’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Emi 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2003 Frantisek Borovec CZ in AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom on the ground, 40 x
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Emi’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Emi’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Emi’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Emi’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Emi’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Emi’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Erwin 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Erwin’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Erwin’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Erwin’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Erwin’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Erwin’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Erwin’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Erwin’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Erzgebirge 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1983 GER
Horstmann Nurs. GER
WB Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR
Etschtal 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann 1983
G. Horstmann Nurs. GER in AUT
Pinus uncinata ‘Etschtal’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Etschtal’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Etschtal’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Etschtal’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Etschtal’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Etschtal’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Etz 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom
Pinus uncinata ’Etz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Etz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Etz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Etzelstorfer Hexe 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Miroslav Malík CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1425 Etzelstorfer Hexe’
Fanda 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2003 Frantisek Borovec CZ
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Fanda’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Fanda’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Fanda’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Fanda’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ‘Fanda’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Fastigiata 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Zdeněk Novák CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1430 Fastigiata’
Filip Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Filip’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Franz 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Franz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Franz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Franz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Franz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Franz’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Franz’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus uncinata ’Franz’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Fred Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Frieda 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus uncinata ’Frieda’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Fritsche 1992 Vitek Fritsche CZ
G. Horstmann Nurs. GER
Fructata Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Pinus uncinata ’Fructata’ Jiří Balatka photo
Fussball 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
G. Horstmann Nurs. GER
Gabi 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as broom
Etzelstorfer text.
Gangl 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
General 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2005 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
on Ofenpass SWI
rate. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’General’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Georgenfeld Hort.
Pinus uncinata witch's brooms look relatively similar, but this particular one
has blunt-tipped candles and peculiarly-twisted needles. Its unique appearance
distinguishes this cultivar from the others. Growth Rate: 1-2" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x2'. Brent Markus
Pinus uncinata ’Georgenfeld’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Georgenfeld’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Globosa Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Globus 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1998 Karel Kalouš CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus uncinata ’Globus’ Jiři Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Globus’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Globus Kalous’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Gloria 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1993 Uwe Horstmann GER
Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Glüss (Glüβ) 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Uwe Horstmann GER
2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Pinus uncinata ‘Glüss’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Glüss’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus uncinata ‘Glüss’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ‘Glüß’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus uncinata ’Glüss’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Goldesel 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
G. Horstmann Nurs. GER
Görlitz 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 V. Kolář CZ
2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found in Italy as a broom.
Pinus uncinata ’1252 Görlitz’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’Görlitz’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ’Görlitz’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ’1252 Görlitz’
Gringo 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Gringo’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Gringo’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Gringo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Gringo’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ‘Gringo’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus uncinata ‘Gringo’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus uncinata ’Gringo’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Grüne Welle 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Horstmann 1983 GER
A dwarf irregular plant
from a 1989 Horstman plant formerly
as uncinata #9. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus uncinata ’Grüne Welle’ GER Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Grüne Welle’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Grüne Welle’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus uncinata ‘Grüne Welle’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
/HB. No. 9./
Hackman Hort.
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
miniature flat bun of Mountain Pine. These are selections that were made in
Europe.Very miniature and all differing slightly.
Hades 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Hades’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Hana 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus uncinata ’Hana’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Hana’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Hana 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
Hanibal 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Hanibal’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Hannibal’ AUT Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Hanibal’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
93-3 Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’HB 93-3’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’HB 93-3’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Horstmann H.B. 93-3’
Pinus uncinata ’HB 93-3’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’HB 93-3’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Hegeš 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Heideperle Hort.
Pinus uncinata ‘Heideperle’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Hektor 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Hektor’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Hexe Konieczko
Nursery, Gogolin POL
Hexenkissen 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Hexenkissen’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Hexenkissen’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Hexenkissen’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Hexenkissen’ Jiří Balatka photo
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Hirschalm 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
Etzelstorfer AUT
Pinus uncinata ’Hirschalm’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Hirschalm’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Hirschau 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Hnizdo 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
1994 Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Host. CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Hnizdo’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Holzi 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom on the ground, 60 x
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Holzi’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Horní 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1406 Horní’
Hvozdany 3 Pinus uncinata ‘Hvozdany 3’
Iglú Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Inntal 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
G. Horstmann Nurs. GER
Jeseník 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2013 Pavel Orálek CZ
Pinus uncinata
Jezek Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Hostynem CZ
1994 Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Host. CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Jezek’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Jezek’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Jezek’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Jezek’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Jezek’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Jezek’ Henk van Kempen HOL
Pinus uncinata ‘Ježek’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Pinus uncinata ’Ježek’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ’Ježek’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ’Ježek’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus rotundata ’ Ježek’ ?
Jezerka 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Jezerka’ Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Jezerka’ Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Jirka Sourek 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Pinus uncinata ‘Jirka Sourek’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ‘Jirka Sourek’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Jiskra Pinus uncinata ‘Jiskra’
Jitka 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Karel Kalouš CZ
Kalouš Gardens CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate up to
světle šedozelená forma s krátkými lehce načechranými jehlicemi délky
Pinus uncinata ’Jitka’ Jiří Balatka photo
Johan Ricany
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
0.75-1" HxW@10yrs: 1'x1'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Pinus uncinata ‘Johan Ricany’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Jones Broom Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Jones Broom’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Joska 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
Pinus uncinata ’Joska’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Kája 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a 10x10 cm broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1409 Kája’
Kalous Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Karlstift 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Karlstift’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Kladsko 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Kladsko 1 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Kladsko #2 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Pinus uncinata ’Kladsko # 2’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Kladsko 3 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Klára 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1999 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku do
Pinus uncinata ’Klara’ Jiří Balatka photo
Syn. Pinus uncinata ´Sierra Nevada 1´ WB
Kleiner Heider 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Uwe Horstmann GER
2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Pinus uncinata ’Kleiner Heider’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Kleiner Heider’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinara ’Kleiner Heider’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Kleiner Heider’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Kleiner Wimbachii 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Pinus uncinata Kleiner Wimbachii
Pinus uncinata ’Kleiner Wimbachii’
Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus uncinata ‘Kleiner Wimbachii’
Kleofáš 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Valha CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1412 Kleofás’
Klubicko Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Klubicko’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Koleno 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kompost 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Jiři Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
Found as a
broom, growth rate a year over
Čarověník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus uncinata ’Kompost’ Jiří Balatka photo
Kostel 481 (Kostelnicek?) 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kostelnicek Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Pinus uncinata ’Kostelnicek’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus uncinata ’Kostelníček’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata var. rotundata /Kostelnicek/
Kristofovy Hamry 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kristofovy Hamry # 2 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kristofovy Hamry # 3 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kristofovy Hamry # 4 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kristofovy Hamry # 5 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kristofovy Hamry # 6 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kristofovy Hamry # 7 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kristofovy Hamry # 8 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kristofovy Hamry # 9 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kristofovy Hamry # 10 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kristofovy Hamry # 11 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kristofovy Hamry # 12 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Krystofovy Hamry # 12’
Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Krystofovy Hamry # 12’
Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Krkavec 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Kugel 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Kugel’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Kvača 3 Pinus mugo Kvača 3
Pinus uncinata ’Kvaca 3’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Kvaca 3’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
8 Pinus uncinata ‘Kvaca 8’
Lacabaňas 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
1975 Jan
Beran & Jiří Obdržálek
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate a year over
přivezen, stát Španělsko, pro Botanickou
Průhonice. Má mohutné pupeny.
Skupina výpĕstků podle ročního
přírůstku nad
Ladisco 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1983 GER
G. Horstmann Nurs. GER
Lapacik Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
LBC 1 Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Lenka Šimánková Lenka Šimánková CZ
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Leuko Like 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
G. Horstmann 1983
G. Horstmann Nurs. GER
Pinus uncinata ’Leuko Like’ GER Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Leucolike’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Leuco-like’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Libra 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Miroslav Malík CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1426 Libra’
Liebenstein 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Lili Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Linssen Wiel Linssen HOL
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Lira 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Milan Šimánek CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1416 Lira’
Lisa Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Lisa’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Lišta 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Milan Šimánek CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1419 Lišia’
Litomysl 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Hort. CZ
Pinus uncinata ‘Litomysl’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Livanec 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Lod 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Zdeněk Novák CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1423 Lod’
Loucky 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Hostynem CZ
1994 Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Host. CZ
Luto 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Zdeněk Novák CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1414 Luto’
Madla 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1987 Karel Kalouš CZ
Kalouš Gardens CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
ploše rostoucí čarověník s krátkými tmavozelenými jehlicemi do 20-ti mm. Pupeny
světle prosvítající, hladké, velmi uhlazená forma. Čaroveník, skupina
výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku do
Pinus uncinata ’Madla’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Madla’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Majice CZ
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Malina 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1410 Malina’
Maly Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Marabela Hort.
Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA
Maria 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Maria’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Matte 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
J. zu Jeddeloh 1990 GER
Max 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Zdeněk Novák CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1422 Max’
Mazice Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Medenec 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Měděnec 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Pekárek Vojtěch CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens, Varnsdorf CZ
Found as a broom in CZ.
Čaroveník, nalezeno v ČR.
Mercedes Hort.
Michael 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
Mikrus 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
2011 Wiktor Trochonowicz POL
Trochonowicz Nursery POL
Found as a broom on Pinus uncinata ’Grüne Welle’, bought in a
center near Nowa Wieś POL, globose,
Trochonowicz text.
miotła znaleziona na odmianie Pinus unciniata ‘Grune Welle’, zakupiona w
centrum ogrodniczym w 2011 r. Zmutowana
gałąź mieści się w centralnej części korony. Kształt kulisty o średnicy
Pinus uncinata ’Mikrus’ Wiktor Trochonowicz POL photo
Jezek Pinus
uncinata ‘Mini Jezek’
Minima 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as broom
Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Minima’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Minima’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Minima’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Míša 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Valha CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1413 Míša’
Miserable 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Miserable’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Mona 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
Pinus uncinata ’Mona’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Mondschein 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Mondschein’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Mondschein’ AUT Jiří Balatka photo
Monika 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Pinus uncinata ’Monika’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Monika’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Monika’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ‘Monika’ Zděnek Novák CZ photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Monika’ Zděnek Novák CZ photo
Moorauge 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Moorauge’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Moorkugel 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom,
a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Moorkugel’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorkugel’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorkugel’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorkugel’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Moorkugel’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Moorsonne 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus mugo ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus mugo ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Moorsonne’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ AUT Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ’Moorsonne’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Moorwolke 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
Pinus uncinata ’Moorwolke’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Morak 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Hort. CZ
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Moskito 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2004 František Borovec CZ in Austria
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom
Pinus uncinata ’Moskito’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer digit. Photo
Pinus uncinata ’Moskito’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ‘Moskyt’ Jiři Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Moskyt /Moskito/ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Mountain Muffin Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Tight green cow plop,
interplant with meadow muffin for greater
Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
MPH Bag 2011 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1
2010 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN
2011 Tóth Gyula Nursery, Gödöllő HUN
Wild found globose seedling, bright green, dense habit,
cutted hedge.
talált gömb alakú magcsemete, fényesszöld, korán termő, sűrű ágrendszerrel. 30
Pinus uncinata ’MPH Bag’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus uncinata ’MPH Bag’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus uncinata ’MPH Bag’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus uncinata ’MPH Bag’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus uncinata ’MPH Bag’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus uncinata ’MPH Bag’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus uncinata ’MPH Bag’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus uncinata ‘MPH Bag’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ‘MPH Bag’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ‘MPH Bag’ Mesterházy photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ‘MPH Bag’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus uncinata ‘MPH Bag’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus uncinata ‘MPH Bag’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Mtn. Muffin 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Mutacion 2 Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Mutacion 2’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Mutation’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Nana 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Natur 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2004 František Borovec CZ in Austria
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a 70 x
Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Natur’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Natur’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Nebel 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2011 Pavel Orálek CZ
Jiří Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus uncinata ’Nebel’ Pavel Oralek photo
Pinus uncinata ’Nebel’ Pavel Oralek photo
Nero 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Nero’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Nervi 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Nervi’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Nicol 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 J. Hečka CZ
2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
in Italy
Pinus uncinata ’1250 Nicol’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’1250 Nicol’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’Nicol’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Nicol’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Nicol’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Nicol’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Nicol’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ’1250 Nicol’
No. 65 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1988 GER
G. Horstmann Nurs. GER
Nova Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Pinus uncinata ’Nova’ Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo
Novak Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Pinus uncinata var. rotundata /Novak/
Novák Hexe 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Zdeněk Novák CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’Novak’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’1415 Novák Hexe’
Nový dvůr 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Dusan Horak CZ
Obrázek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Milan Šimánek CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1420 Obrázek’
Ödensee 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a seedling, 60-80 x
Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Ödensee’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Odense’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Ofenpass 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
G. Horstmann 1983
G. Horstmann in AUT /Hexenbesen Horstmann/
A witches broom found by
Horstman in 1983 at Ofenpass,
listed as #17. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus uncinata ‘Ofenpass’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Ofenpass’ Jiří Balatka photo
Ostružina 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1411 Ostružina’
Pallas 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Pallas’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Pallas’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Pallas’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Pallas’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pan Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Papež 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1407 Papež’
Paprsek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Zdeněk Novák CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1429 Paprsek’
Paradekissen 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
G. Horstmann 1983
G. Horstmann at Graubünden SWI
A fantastic plant,
discovered in 1983 by Horstman on an exposed gravely slope near Graubünden
Switzerland, the original plant was 50cm high by
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus uncinata ’Paradekissen’ GER Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Paradekissen’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus uncinata ’Paradekissen’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus uncinata ’Paradekissen’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Paradescussen Mistake
of /Paradekissen/
Patschi 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Patschi’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Patschi’ AUT Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Patschi’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pepíno 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2001 J.Červený CZ
Miroslav Malík, České Budějovice CZ
Petr 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1981 František Špaček CZ
Špaček Gardens CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Petr’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Pinus uncinata ’Petr’ Mesterházy & Špaček photo
Phönix 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom,
a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Phönix’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pigi WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus uncinata ’Pigi WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
Pinokio 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 František Borovec CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Pinus uncinata ’1255 Pinokio’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’1255 Pinokio’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’1255 Pinokio’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus pseudopumilio ’1255 Pinokio’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’Pinokio’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Pinokio’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ’Pinokio’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
in Italy
Pinus uncinata ’1255 Pinokio’
Pirkl 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Pirkl’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Pirkl’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Pirkl’ AUT Jiří Balatka photo
Pisa 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom,
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Pisa’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pixie 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Hort. CZ
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A miniature round bun of Mountain Pine. Leaves green and 1/4 inch long. The plant is a miniature ball growing 1/2 inch a year. Found in Czechia. One of the best of the series for miniature. Stanley text.
Pinus uncinata ’Pixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Pixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Pixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Pixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Pixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Pixie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Pixie’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Plamínek 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1408 Plamínek’
Pod Klinovcem 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
J. Šimůnek CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Pomelo 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Miroslav Malík, České
Budějovice CZ
Pralinka Hort.
Překvápení 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Valha CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1429 Překvápení’
Radka 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
Karel Kalouš CZ
Kalouš Gardens CZ
Gardens CZ
as a broom, growth rate up to
tmavá ploše kulovitá forma s vystouplými pupeny šedohnědé barvy. Jehlice pevné
tmavé 20-
uncinata ’Radka’ Mesterházy &
Kostelníček photo
uncinata ’Radka’ Jiří Balatka photo
Ram 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Milan Šimánek CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1417 Ram’
Rejviz Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Rejviz’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Rejviz’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Rejviz 4’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Rejviz 9’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Rejviz 9’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Romulus 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
cm growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Romulus’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Rosenhof Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Rosen Pass 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 V. Kolář CZ
2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Pinus uncinata ’1248 Rosen Pass’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’1248 Rosen Pass’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’Rosen Pass’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
in Italy
Pinus uncinata ’1248 Rosen Pass’
Rozhledna 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Milan Šimánek CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1418 Rozhledna’
Rumänien 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
G. Horstmann GER
Pinus uncinata ’Rumanien’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Růžička 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Conifer Treasury of
Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 2.0
2009 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
in Tannenmoor, Austria
Tannenmoor, Rakousko. Výška nález.
25x25 cm WB, velikost jehlic
Pinus uncinata ’1274 Ruzicka’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’1274 Ruzicka’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’Růžička’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus uncinata ’1405 Růžička’
Salamandra WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus uncinata ’Salamandra WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
San Sebastian 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer
Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Hort. CZ
Savojské Alpy 1 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Pinus uncinata ’Savojske Alpy 1’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Savojské Alpy 1’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Savoyske Alpy 1’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Savojské Alpy 2 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Pinus uncinata ’Savojske Alpy 2’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Savojske Alpy 2’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Schneebesen 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
Pinus uncinata ’Schneebesen’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Schneebesen’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Schneebesen’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Schneebesen’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Schneebesen’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus uncinata ’Schneebesen’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Schneebesen’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Scholz 2010
Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Hostynem CZ
1994 Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Host. CZ
Pinus uncinata ’Scholz’ Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL
Schönberg Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Schweiz 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2005 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
on Ofenpass SWI as a 50 x
Pinus uncinata ’Schweiz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Schweiz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Schweiz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Schweiz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Schweiz’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012
Seladon 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
1998 Pavel Orálek CZ
Pinus uncinata
Senta Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Sepp 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Etzelstorfer AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
Pinus uncinata ’Sepp’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Sepp’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
September 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2005 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
on Ofenpass SWI
diameter. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’September’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’September’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Shorty Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Silver Candle 2010 Mesterházy in
Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
A nice dwarf selection
noted for the prominent new candles, it is irresistible when it is breaking
into new spring growth. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus uncinata ’Silver Candle’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Silver Candles’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Slatinné Zlato 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Valha CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1431 Slatiné Zlato’
Dom Pinus
uncinata ‘Slezky Dom’
Sonderherkunfte 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
G. Horstmann 1983
G. Horstmann Nurs. GER
Sonneberg WB Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Sonneberg’ Mesterhazy & Kalous photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Sonneberg’ Mesterhazy & Kalous photo 2012
Špunt 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
2004 František Borovec CZ
Borovec Gardens CZ
Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus uncinata ’Spunt’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus pseudopumilio x ’Špunt’
St. Benedikt 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 J. Hečka CZ
2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Pinus uncinata ’1254 St. Benedikt’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’St. Benedikt’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
in Italy
Pinus uncinata ’1254 St. Benedikt’
St. Maria 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Pinus uncinata ’1253 St. Maria’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’St. Maria’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’St. Maria’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Found in Italy as a 100x100 cm broom.
Pinus uncinata ’1253 St. Maria’
St. Niclas 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2005 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as broom
Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’St. Niclas’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’St. Niclas’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
St. Valentino 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Tresury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 J. Hečka CZ
2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Pinus uncinata ’1259 St. Valentino’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
in Italy
Pinus uncinata ’1259 St. Valentino’
Starý Pes 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 František Borovec CZ
2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Pinus uncinata ’1249 Stary Pes’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’1249 Stary Pes’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
in Italy
Pinus uncinata ’1249 Starý Pes’
Stilfersjoch 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2005 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
on Ofenpass SWI as a 50 x
rate. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Stilfersjoch’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Stilfersjoch’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Střihlý 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Ladislav Krejčí CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1427 Střihlú’
Strizi 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Strizi’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Strizi’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’Strizi’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Susse Perl Kenwith
Nurs., GBR
Süβe Perle 2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Probably identish with /Susse Perl/
Pinus uncinata ’Süsse Perl’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Tajga 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Dusan Horak CZ
Tajga 2 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Pinus uncinata ’Taiga’ Jiří Balatka photo
Tajga 4 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Pinus uncinata ’Tajga 4’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Tanner 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Tanner’ AUT Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Tanner’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Tannermoor Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Tercie Hort.
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Tinka 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2003 Frantisek Borovec CZ
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom,
a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Tinka’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
1 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0
Pinus uncinata ’Tip 1’ Jiří Balatka photo
Titus 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom on the ground,
rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Titus’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Togo 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Togo’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Togo’ Mesterhazy & Krejci photo
Pinus uncinata ’Togo’ Mesterhazy & Krejci photo
Pinus uncinata ’Togo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus uncinata ’Togo’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Triumpf Hort.
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Twenty 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Hort. CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Uli 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom,
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Uli’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Uli’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Uli’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Uranos 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Uranos’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Uranus /Uranos/ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Uschi Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Uschi’ Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL
Pinus uncinata ’Uschi’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Valchava 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2007 V. Kolář CZ
2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
in Italy
Pinus uncinata ’Valchava’ Mesterházy & Malík photo
Pinus uncinata ’1250 Valchava’
Valha Hexe 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Miroslav Malík CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1424 Valha Hexe’
Valenta Filigran Vladimir Valenta CZ > Pinus mugo
Vanc Jemný SDL Vanc CZ > Pinus mugo
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České
Budĕjovice CZ
Venus 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Venus’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Venus’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Venus’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Venus’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Vĕra 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1999 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus uncinata ’Vera’ Jiří Balatka photo
Věžka 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
2012 Zdeněk Jelínek CZ
Pinus uncinata ‘Věžka’
Vojta 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
1999 Vojtech Holubec CZ
Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ
as a broom, growth rate over
Čaroveník, skupina výpĕstků podle
ročního přírůstku nad
Pinus uncinata ’Vojta’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Vojta’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Syn. Pinus uncinata
´Sierra Nevada 2´ WB
Vzdušný Chodec 2014
Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 4.0
1998 Pavel Orálek CZ
Pinus uncinata ‘Vzdušný Chodec’
Wiel 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
Miroslav Malík Nursery, České Budĕjovice CZ
as a broom,
a year. Named to Wiel Linssen. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Will’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Wiel’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus uncinata ’Wiel’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Wolfi 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Jiri Balatka in Evidence
as a broom,
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Wolfi’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Wolke 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2005 Frieda Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
on Ofenpass SWI
found by the wife of Franz. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Wolke’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ‘Wolke’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Září 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in
Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění
jehličin 2.0
2009 Zdeněk Novák CZ
2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”
Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.
Tannenmoor, Rakousko.
Pinus uncinata ’1421 Září’
Zauberflöte 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0
2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
as a broom,
growth rate a year. Etzelstorfer text.
Pinus uncinata ’Zauberflöte’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Pinus uncinata ’Zauberflöte’ Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo
Zernez 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1983 Uwe Horstmann in SWI
2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER
Žižka 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in
Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ České šlechtění jehličin 3.0
Pekárek Vojtěch CZ
2012 Šimůnek Gardens Index CZ
Trojan Jiří Gardens, Varnsdorf CZ
Found as a broom in CZ.
Čaroveník, nalezeno v ČR.
Pinus uncinata ’Zizka’ Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Pinus uncinata ’Zizka’ Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012
Zlatuse Hort.
Pinus uncinata ’Zlatuše’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus mugo rotundata Zlatuse
Mill. Kr PG P
Pinus virginiana Mill. 1768 – Virginiai fenyő – Virginia scrub pine
P. inops Ait. 1789
P. ruthenica Hort.
P. turbinata Bosc
Al’s Irish Drift 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Herbst Gardens IL USA
Pinus virginiana ’Al’s Irish Drift’ Dax Herbst USA photo
Wonders 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Bernie 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Bernheim Arboretum in Clairmont, Kentucky USA
Cox Arboretum, Canton, GA USA
Found as a broom Bernheim Arboretum in Clairmont, Kentucky
Pinus virginiana ’Bernie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus virginiana ’Bernie’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Tom Cox USA photo, grandson Colt in picture
taken at Cox Arboretum, Canton, GA USA
Chauga 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
& Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Creeping 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
Driscoll 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Characterized by a unique, bright, light green color, this compact, rounded mound takes on golden tones in winter. Its somewhat irregular, globose habit fits well in a range of garden situations, but its ability to grow well in poor, dry soils where other pines won't, makes it an excellent choice for challenging, sunny sites. An American native from the East Coast, it has twisted, substantial needles, outstretched branches and reddish purple young stems. Iseli text.
Pinus virginiana ’Driscol’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus virginiana ‘Driscoll’ Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus virginiana ‘Driscoll’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus virginiana ’Driscoll’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus virginiana ’Driscoll’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus virginiana ’Driscoll’ Dax Herbst IL USA
Pinus virginiana ’Driscoll’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Ed’s Broom 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA
Pinus virginiana ’Ed’s Broom’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus virginiana ’Ed’s Broom’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus virginiana ‘Ed’s Broom’ Jiří Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ
Pinus virginiana ‘Ed’s Broom’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Fanfare 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
A dense upright tree with multiple branches. Leaves bright green
Pinus virginiana ’Fanfare’ Edwin Smits photo
Fluffy Cloud
Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA
2-3" HxW@10yrs: 2'x2.5'. Brent Markus text.
Growth Rate:Hexenbesen 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1992 GER
Id’s Broom /Ed’s Broom/
Issaqueena 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
a broad conical, almost flat shrub. Leaves are bright green and
Pinus virginiana ‘Issaqueena’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus virginiana ‘Issaqueena’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus virginiana ’Issaqueen’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Manor 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1990 USA
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
Q 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Pinus virginiana ‘Marietta Q’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Pinus virginiana ’Mariton’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Nashawena 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979
A. J. Fordham at Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
Pocono 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Welch 1979 USA
A. J. Fordham at Arnold Arboretum, MA USA
Saluda 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Sunset 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
large, globose pine has glabrous, purplish twigs typical of the species and
light-green foliage that is said to turn more yellow in the winter. An uncommon
variety of a nice species! Growth Rate:
3-5" HxW@10yrs: 4'x4'. Brent
Markus text.
Pinus virginiana ‘Sunset’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus virginiana ‘Sunset’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Topknot 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
dwarf variety of Scrub Pine. Leaves are a nice green and about
Pinus virginiana ’Top Knot’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus virginiana ’Top Knot’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus virginiana ’Top Knot’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus virginiana ’Top Knot’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus virginiana ’Top Knot’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo
Pinus virginiana ’Top Knot’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012
Pinus virginiana ’Top Knot’ Jiří Balatka photo 2012
Pinus virginiana ‘Top Knot’ Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013
Tyler 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
compact, globe-shaped pine with short, bright green needles. Growth
Rate: 1-3" HxW@10yrs: 1.5'x2.5'. Brent Markus text.
Pinus virginiana ’Tyler’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus virginiana ’Tyler’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus virginiana ’Tyler’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Pinus virginiana ’Tyler’ Mesterhazy & Valenta photo
Wate’s Golden 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1960’s by William Bennett VA USA
Pinus virginiana ‘Wate’s Golden’
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
One of my favorite gold
conifers, it greens out in summer;when fully colored up it glows. Arrowhead
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
A broad, upright evergreen conifer with light green needles. In winter and early spring the needles turn to a vivid gold. A striking presence in the winter landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 6' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.
Pinus virginiana ’Wate’s Golden’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus virginiana ’Wate’s Golden’
Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA
Pinus virginiana ’Wate’s Golden’
Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA
Pinus virginiana ‘Wate’s Golden’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus virginiana ‘Wate’s Golden’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Pinus virginiana ‘Wate’s Golden’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Golden WB 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
A dwarf irregular mounding form of Virginia Pine, that was found as a Broom on ‘Wate’s Golden’. Like it’s parent it turn yellow during the winter months. Howse text.
Weeping Form 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1990 USA
Foxborough Nurs. ML USA
White’s Gold 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA
Broom Seedling 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus virginiana ’WB’ Miroslav Malík photo 2013
Pinus wallardii x 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Skórka POL
In spring 2004 pollen P.wallichiana 'Densa Hill' (♂) inflorescenced
P.armandii (♀). In September 2005, collected 18 cones with seeds have signed up for
Wiosną 2004 roku zapylono pyłkiem P.wallichiana
'Densa Hill' (♂) kwiatostany P.armandii (♀). We wrześniu 2005 roku
zebrano 18 szyszek z których pozyskałem 1239 nasion. W 2007 roku wysadzono w
doniczki 816 siewek. Krzyżówkę cechuje silny wzrost (heterozja), z przewagą
cech sosny Armanda. Igły od 7-
A. B. Jacks. Kr PG P
Pinus wallichiana A. B. Jacks. 1938 - Himalájai selyemfenyő – Himalaya
Pinus wallichiana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus wallichiana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus wallichiana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus wallichiana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus wallichiana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus wallichiana conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus wallichiana Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
P. chylla Lodd.
P. dicksonii Hort.
P. excelsa Wall. ex Lamb. 1824
P. griffithii McClelland 1854
P. nepalensis De Chabray 1845
P. strobus Buch.-Ham. non L.
var. DALATENSIS /Ferre/Silba 1984
P. dalatensis Ferre
var. MANANGENSIS H. Ohba & M. Suzuki 1988 NEP KeI
var. MONOPHYLLA Carr. 1867 FRA
1 WN 2013
Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0
Wnuk POL
Wiesław Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL
Pinus wallichiana ’1 WN’ Wiesław Wnuk photo
Bergman’s Variegated 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
Pinus wallichiana ‘Bergman’s Variegata’
Compaca 1985 GBR
Densa 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Krüssmann 1983
1969 zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Densa Hill 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1990 GER
wallichiana ‘Densa Hill’
An upright evergreen conifer
with a narrow pyramidal form. Soft blue-green needles are borne in ascending
branches. Very useful in a landscape with limited space. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 8' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA
zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus wallichiana ’Densa Hill’ Mesterhazy photo
Pinus wallichiana ’Densa Hill’ Mesterhazy photo
Pinus wallichiana ’Densa Hill’ Igor Uspenskiy photo
Pinus wallichiana ‘Densa Hill’ Nate Cassell USA photo 2013
Filip’s Golden Eye Edwin Smits HOL
Edwin Smits Nursery HOL
Pinus wallichiana ’Filip’s Golden Eye’ report
Pinus wallichiana ’Filip’s White Stripes’ Edwin Smits photo
Frosty 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1985 USA
Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA
An upright evergreen conifer
with a broad canopy. Long green needles have cream-yellow banding. Long cones
are particularly attractive in winter. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil.
8' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz
wallichiana ’Frosty’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Pinus wallichiana ’Frosty’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Glauca 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Krüssmann 1983
Pinus wallichiana ’Glauca’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus wallichiana ’Glauca’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus wallichiana ’Glauca’ conifertreasury.org photo
Glauca Compacta 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
1979 GER
Globosa Mayr 1890 JPN
Himmelsblue Hort.
Kohouts Select 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Jörg Kohout GER
Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT
Monophylla Hort.
Morton 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0
1992 Morton Arboretum IL USA
Foxwillow Pines IL USA
pine with attractive long, blue-green needles from Morton Arboretum. Hardy 50+
years in Midwest. May be Pinus x schwerinii, a hybrid of Pinus strobus x Pinus
wallichiana. Also sold as Pinus x schwerinii 'Prairie Giant'. Rich Eyre text.
An upright broad crowned
form that has proven hardy at
Arb. Arrowhead text.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA
Nana R. Smith 1872 GBR
A slow-growing evergreen conifer
with a broad-upright form. Needles are a silky blue-green color. Provides a
soft appearance in the landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3.5'
tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus wallichiana ’Nana’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus wallichiana ’Nana’ conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus wallichiana ‘Nana’ Iseli Nursery USA
Pinus wallichiana ‘Nana’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus wallichiana ‘Nana’ Mesterházy photo 2015
Pinus wallichiana ‘Nana’ Sam Pratt photo 2015
Paktia 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0
Horstmann 1992
zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER
Prairie Giant see /Pinus schwerinii x Prairie Giant/
A vigorous evergreen conifer
with a conical crown when young, becoming more broad with age. Wonderful soft
blue-green needles appear on stout branches. Proven hardy in the midwest.
Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12' tall x 6' wide in 10 years. Hardy to
-20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.
Rumburk Stanley & Sons Nurs.
Inc. Boring, OR USA
Silver Star 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0
Krüssmann 1983
A. Plattner GER
Solberger 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
Pinus wallichiana ’Solberger’ Talon Buchholz OR USA photo
Umbraculifera Carr. 1867 FRA
Vernisson Krüssmann 1983
in Les Barres Arboretum FRA
Wiktoria 2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0
Wolski POL
Sylw. Tomszak Nurs.,
Bielsko-Biala POL
wallichiana (Wiktoria) (Wolski)
Winter Light 2013 Mesterházy & Anthoine in Conifer Treasury of Belgium 2.0
1990 Clément Anthoine BEL
Anthoine Pinetum
2 plants at this time. A little slower than the species, he turns a
good yellow in winter. Anthoine text.
Pinus wallichiana ’Winter Light’ Clément Anthoine photo
Pinus wallichiana ‘Winter Light’ Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL
Zebrina Croux 1889
Croux Nurs., Sceaux FRA
An upright evergreen conifer
with a broad-pyramidal form. Long, thin green needles are banded with gold.
Lovely in the landscape, especially with a dark background. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. 6' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA
zone 5. Buchholz text.
Pinus wallichiana ’Zebrina’ Jiří Balatka photo
Pinus wallichiana ’Zebrina’ Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL
Pinus wallichiana ‘Zebrina’ Sam Pratt USA photo 2013
Hu & Cheng SS PW
Pinus wangii Hu & Cheng 1948 – Wang fenyő – Wang pine
Mason & Stockwell Kr P
Pinus washoensis Mason & Stockwell 1945 – Washofenyő – Washo pine
Pinus washoensis conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus washoensis conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus washoensis conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus washoensis conifertreasury.org photo
Pinus washoensis Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Pinus washoensis Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo
Anthoine and Tóth, Gyula in taking scionwood, 2006
P. ponderosa ssp. washoensis /Mason & Stockwell./Silba 1984
Goliath 2013
Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of
USA & CAN 2.0
2013 Scott Antrim’s parents USA
Found as a giant broom.
Although I can't claim to have
found this one, my parents out in Nevada can. I haven't seen this one in person
yet, but I have every reason to believe that it is likely Pinus washoensis due
to the smaller size of its cones versus neighboring pines and its location
where washoensis is also found. Wood was collected today . Name we decided on
was 'Galena Goliath'. Scott Antrim text.
Pinus washoensis broom report
Fritsch WCC
P. mugo x P. nigra
Debreczy & Rácz PH
Pinus yecoreensis Debreczy & Rácz 1995 - Szonorai jekóra-fenyő –
Sonora yecorepine
on May 9,
State, MEX at an altitude of
május 9-én fedezték fel 1800 méteres tengerszint feletti
Yécora környékén,
Sonora államban, MEX.
Debreczy & Rácz PH
on May 9,
State, MEX, at an altitude of
május 9-én fedezték fel 1200 méteres tengerszint feletti
Capilla Textla környékén, Közép-Sinaloa
Franch. SS
Pinus yunnanensis Franch. 1899 – Jünnani erdeifenyő – Yunnan pine
P. insularis var. yunnanensis /Franch./Silba 1984
P. sinensis var. yunnanensis Shaw
var. PYGMAEA /Hsueh/Hsueh 1978
P. densata var. pygmaea
var. TENUIFOLIA Cheng & Law ex Cheng, Cheng & Fu 1975
Elly’s Weeper 2013 Mesterházy & Anthoine in Conifer Treasury of Belgium 2.0
Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
Hulsdonk Nursery BEL
plant heb ik hier op onze kwekerij tussen een partij zaailingen gevonden. Viel
mij erg op door de sterk afhangende takken. Wij zullen de plant in de volle
uitplanten, om sneller wat griffels te hebben, zodat we over een paar jaar een
opvallende nieuwe treurvorm erbij hebben. Hulsdonk text.
CT 4.0 2012 – 2904 cultivars, 1276 of them with photos
Pines total 7039 cultivars, 3365 of them with photos
CT 5.0 2013 – 3286 cultivar records, 1481 of them with photos
Pines total 7745, 4081 of them with photos
CT 6.0 2014 – 3846 cultivar records, 1731 with photos
Pines total 8633, 4636 with photos