Mesterházy Zsolt & al.


Conifer Treasury

of New Zealand & Australia 1.0

Handbook of Pacific Breeders


Az újzélandi és ausztrál fenyők kincsestára 1.0

Fenyőnemesítők kézikönyve









Chief Editorial Board



Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

Noeline & Greg Sampson NZL

Leo Koelwyn AUS












Budapest – New Plymouth - Monbulk








Mesterházy Zsolt és társai


Az újzélandi és ausztrál fenyők kincsestára 1.0

Fenyőnemesítők kézikönyve


Conifer Treasury of New Zealand & Australia 1.0

Handbook of Pacific Conifer Breeders









Írta és szerkesztette



Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

Noeline & Greg Sampson NZL

Leo Koelwyn AUS














Budapest – New Plymouth - Monbulk




ABIES                                             Miller 1766                                         PINACEAE


Abies - Jegenyefenyő - Fir 

Abies Miller 1766 – Pinaceae - Jegenyefenyők - Firs



ACTINOSTROBUS                 Miguel & Lehmann 1845                     CUPRESSACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery

Actinostrobus - Kenguruboróka - Kangaroo Juniper

Actinostrobus Miquel 1845 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


   ACUMINATUS                             1862                           W-AUS

                                                           Parl.                                                                           Kr

Actinostrobus acuminatus Parl 1862 - Kenguruboróka - Kangaroo juniper


   ARENARIUS                                1964                           W-AUS

                                                           C. Gardn.                                                                   Kr

Actinostrobus arenarius C. Gardn. 1964 – Gyöngy kenguruboróka – Pearl kangaroo juniper

                                                           A. pyramidalis var. arenarius /Gardn./ Silba 1984


   PYRAMIDALIS                            1845                           W-AUS

                                                           Mig. & Lehm.                                                             Kr

Actinostrobus pyramidalis Miq. & Lehm. 1845 – Oszlopos kenguruboróka – Columnar kangaroo juniper

             var. ARENARIUS               /C. Gardn./ Silba 1984

                                                           A. arenarius C. Gardn.

            Glauca                                   1972 NZL


AGATHIS                                     Salisb. 1807                                        ARAUCARIACEAE


                                                           Dammara (Rumph.) Lambert 1822

                                                           Salisburyodendron A. V. Bobrov et Melikyan 2006              GD

                                                           Képek - Gallery

Agathis - Kaurifenyő - Kauripine

Agathis Salisb. 1807 - Araucariaceae – Délfenyőfélék – South Pines


Agathis rendszertan - Agathis Taxonomy


   ATROPURPUREA                       1878                           AUS

                                                           B. Hyland                                                                   DG

Agathis atropurpurea B. Hyland 1878 - Bíbor kaurifenyő – Purple Kauri pine


   AUSTRALIS                                  1840                           NZL

                                                           /D. Don/Salisb.                                                           Kr DG

Agathis australis (D. Don) Salisbury 1840 - Ausztrál kaurifenyő – Australian Kauri

                                                           Dammara australis Lamb. 1824


   BORNEENSIS                              1900                           BOR MAL SUM

                                                           Warb.                                                                         DG

                                                           A. beccari Warb. 1900

                                                           A. endertii Meijer Drees 1940

                                                           A. latifolia Meier Drees 1940

                                                           A. macrostachys Warb. 1900

                                                           A. rhomboidalis Warb.


   BROWNII                                     1933                           NCA

                                                           /Lemaire/Bailey                                                           KeI

Agathis brownii (Lemaire) Bailey 1933 - Újkaledóniai kaurifenyő – New Caledonian Kauri


   CORBASSONII                            1969                           NCA

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                    KeI GD

Agathis corbassonii de Labenfels 1969 - Corbasson kaurifenyő – Corbasson Kauri


   DAMMARA                                  1826                           MAL PNA

                                                           /Lamb./A. C. Rich.                                                     Kr DG

Agathis dammara (Lamb.) A. C. Rich. 1826 - Dammara kaurifenyő – Dammara Kauri


   ENDERTII                                    1940                           BOR

                                                           /Meyer Drees/Whitmore 1980 ex                                GD

                                                           de Laubf. 1979 & Silba 1984

Agathis endertii (Meier Drees 1940) Whitmore 1980 ex de Laubf. 1979 & Silba 1984 - Endert kaurifenyő – Endert Kauri


   FLAVESCENS                              1914                           MAL

                                                           /Ridley/Silba 1984                                                      KeI Kr

Agathis flavescens (Ridley 1914) Silba 1984 - Maléziai kaurifenyő – Malesian Kauri

                                                           A. dammara ssp.--./Ridley/Whitmore1980


   KINABULUENSIS                        1979

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                    KeI

Agathis kinabaluensis de Laubenfels 1979 - Kinabalu kaurifenyő – Kinabalu Kauri


   LABILLARDIERI             1900                           NGU

                                                           Warb.                                                                         Kr

Agathis labillardieri Warb. 1900 - Nyugat-újgíneai kauri – Western New Guinean Kauri


   LANCEOLATA                             1900                           NCA

                                                           /Pancher/Warb.                                                          DG

Agathis lanceolata (Pancher) Warb. 1900 - Széleslevelű kaurifenyő – Broadleaf Kauri

                                                           A. moorei /Lindl./Mast 1892


   LENTICULA                                 1979                          

                                                           /de Laubf. 1979/Whitmore 1980

Agathis lenticula (de Laubenfels 1979) Whitmore 1980 - Tengilan kaurifenyő – Tengilan Kauri


   MACROPHYLLA                         1892                           PNA NHE SOL

                                                           /Lindl./Mast.                                                               Kr DG

Agathis macrophylla (Lindl.) Mast. 1892 - Nagylevelű kaurifenyő – Bigleaf Kauri

                                                           A. longifolia Warb. 1900

                                                           A. obtusa Mast. 1892 non Morrison

                                                           A. vitiensis Bentham & Hook. 1880


   MICROSTACHYS                        1916                           AUS QU 

                                                           Bailey & White                                                           Kr DG

Agathis microstachys Bailey & White 1916 - Bikakauri - Bull or Atherton kauri


   MOOREI                                       1892                           NCA

                                                           /Lindl./Mast.                                                               Kr DG

Agathis moorei (Lindl.) Mast. 1892 - Moore kaurifenyő – Moore Kauri


   MONTANA                                   1969                          

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                    KeI

Agathis montana de Laubenfels 1969 - Hegyi kaurifenyő – Mountain Kauri


   ORBICULA                                   1979                          

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                    KeI

Agathis orbicula de Laubenfels 1979 - Borneói kaurifenyő – Borneo Kauri


   OVATA                                          1900                           S-NCA

                                                           /Vieillard/Warb.                                                          Kr DG

Agathis ovata (Vieillard) Warb. 1900 – Hegyi kaurifenyő – Mountain Scrab Kauri

                                                           A. hypoleuca /Henk. & Hochst./Warb.


   PALMERSTONII                         1891                           AUS QU

                                                           Muell.                                                                         Kr

Agathis palmerstonii Muell. 1891 - Palmerston kaurifenyő – Palmerston Kauri


   PHILIPPINENSIS                          /Warb./Whitmore 1980

                                                           /A. DAMMARA/

Agathis philippinensis Warb. 1900 – Indonéz kauri – Indonesian Kauri


   ROBUSTA                                     1883                           AUS QU 

                                                           /Moore ex F. Muell./Bailey                                         Kr DG

Agathis robusta (Moore ex F. Muell) Bailey 1883 - Queenslandi kaurifenyő – Queensland Kauri

                                                           A. palmerstonii /Muell./Bailey 1891

             ssp. NESOPHILA                Whitmore 1980

             ssp. ROBUSTA                    /Muell./Bailey 1883


   SILBAE                                          1987                           VAN

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                    KeI

Agathis silbae de Laubenfels 1987 - Silba kaurifenyő – Silba Kauri


   SPATHULATA                              1984                          

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                    KeI

Agathis spathulata de Laubenfels 1988 – Kelet-újgíneai kauri – Eastern New Guinean Kauri

                                                           A. robusta ssp. nesophila Whitm. 1980


   SPINULOSA                                  1900                          

                                                           Warb.                                                                         KeI


   VITIENSIS                                    1880                           FIJ

                                                           /Seem/Drake                                                              Kr

Agathis vitiensis (Seem) Drake 1880 - Fidzsi kaurifenyő – Fiji Kauri


ARAUCARIA                               Jussieu 1789                                       ARAUCARIACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery


Araucaria – Délfenyő – Southpine

Araucaria Jussieu 1789 - Araucariaceae – Délfenyőfélék - Southpines

Délfenyők - Southpines


   ANGUSTIFOLIA                          1893                           S-BRA ARG

                                                           /Bertolini/Kuntze                                                         Kr

Araucaria angustifolia (Bertolini) Kuntze 1893 - Parana délfenyő – Parana southpine

                                                           A. brasiliana Rich. 1842

                                                           A. chilensis /Lamarck/Mirb. 1825

                                                           A. lindleyana Hort.

             var. ELEGANS                     /A. ANGUSTIFOLIA Elegans/

            Elegans                                  Lawson 1852

                                                           A. angustifolia var. elegans /Laws./Bailey 1933

                                                           A. brasiliensis var. elegans Laws.

                                                           A. brasiliana var. gracilis Carr.

            Ridolfiana                              Gord. 1858

                                                           A. ribbiana Hort.

            Saviana                                  Parl. 1868

                                                           A. angustifolia var. saviana /Parl./ Dall. & Jacks.

                                                           A. brasiliensis var. saviana /Parl./Parl.

                                                           A. saviniana Parl. 1861


   ANITENSE                                    1845                           NHE



   ARAUCANA                                 1873                           CHI SW-ARG

                                                           /Molina/K. Koch                                                        Kr

Araucaria araucana (Molina) K. Koch 1873 - Csílei délfenyő – Chilean southpine


   BALANSAE                                   1868                           NCA

                                                           Brongn. & Griseb.                                                      Kr

Araucaria balansae Brongn. & Griseb. 1868 (A. subulata) - Keskenylevelű délfenyő – Narrow-leaved southpine

                                                           A. subulata Vieillard 1861


   BECCARI                                      1900                           NGU

                                                           Warb.                                                                         Kr

                                                           A. cunninghamii var. papuana Leuterbach 1913


   BERNIERI                                    1949                           NCA

                                                           Buchholz                                                                     Kr

Araucaria bernieri Buchholz 1949 - Bernier délfenyő – Bernier southpine


   BIDWILLII                                               1843                           AUS QU

                                                           Hook.                                                                         Kr SS

Araucaria bidwillii Hook. 1843 - Bunya bunya délfenyő – Bunya bunya southpine

                                                           A. bidwilliana Hort. ex Vilmorin 1895


   BIRAMULATA                             1949                           NCA

                                                           Buchholz                                                                     Kr

Araucaria biramulata Buchholz 1949 - Biramula délfenyő – Biramule southpine


   COLUMNARIS                            1952                           NCA PNA

                                                           /Forster/Hook.                                                            Kr

Araucaria columnaris (Forster) Hook. 1952 – Karcsú v. korall délfenyő – Narrow southpine

                                                           A. cookii R. Br. ex Endl. 1841

                                                           A. intermedia R. Br. ex Vieillard 1861


   CUNNINGHAMII                         1827                           AUS NGU

                                                           Sweet.                                                                        Kr

Araucaria cunninghamii Sweet 1827 - Moreton öböli délfenyő – Hoop southpine

            Glauca                                   /Antoine/Endl. 1847

                                                           Araucaria cunninghamii var. glauca

                                                           1840 Loddiges Nurs. GBR of seed from Moreton Bay

                                                           A. cunninghamii var. glauca /Antoine/Endl. 1847

                                                           A. glauca Lodd. ex Aut. 1840

Araucaria cunninghamii var. glauca - from Monte Cecilia NZL (an old Monastery in Auckland) It is not Araucaria heterophylla but is similar in habit & size for its age. One of the oldest Araucaria in Auckland. During the Symposium this tree was visited during a day tour and the general consensus was that it is a form of Araucaria cunninghamia - a very distinct form with a glaucus bloom on young seedlings. This theory has now been confirmed. A very large tree in time. Zone 9. Female cones forming at pollination time with last years cone developing in lower left corner (background)as shown in 3rd photo. 2nd photo are Male catkins maturing. Cedar Lodge text.


   DIOICA                                          1944                           BRA ARG


                                                           A. angustifolia /Bert./Kuntze 1893


   HETEROPHYLLA                        1952                           NORF

                                                           /Salisb./Franco                                                Kr

Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco 1952 - Szobafenyő, Norfolk-szigeti délfenyő – Norfolk southpine

                                                           A. excelsa /Lamb./R. Br. 1813


   HUMBOLDTENSIS                     1949                           NCA

                                                           Buchholz                                                                     Kr

Araucaria humboldtensis Buchholz 1949 - Humboldt délfenyő – Humboldt southpine


   HUNSTEINII                                1899                           NE-NGU

                                                           Schum. & Hollr.                                                          DG

Araucaria hunsteinii Schum. & Hollr. 1899 - Klinki délfenyő – Klinki southpine

                                                           A. schumanniana Warb.


   KLINKII                                        1913                           NE-NGU

                                                           Lauterbach ex Engler                                                  Kr

                                                           A. hunsteinii Schum. & Hollr. 1899

                                                           A. schumanniana Warb. 1900


   LAUBENFELSII                           1968                           NCA

                                                           Corbasson                                                                  KeI

Araucaria laubenfelsii Corbasson 1968 - De Laubenfels délfenyő – De Laubenfels southpine


   LUXURIANS                                 1970                           NCA

                                                           /Brongn. & Griseb./de Laubf. ex Gaussen                    Kr

Araucaria luxurians (Brongn. & Griseb.) de Laubenfels ex Gaussen 1970 - Tengerparti délfenyő – Coast southpine

                                                           A. cookii var. luxurians Brongn. & Griseb.


   MONTANA                                   1871                           NCA

                                                           Brongn. & Griseb.                                                      Kr

Araucaria montana Brongn. & Griseb. 1871 - Újkaledóniai hegyi délfenyő – Mountain southpine


   MUELLERI                                   1871                           NCA

                                                           /Carr./Brongn. & Griseb.                                            Kr

Araucaria muelleri (Carr.) Brongn. & Griseb. 1871 - Müller délfenyő - Müller southpine


   NEMOROSA                                1969                           NCA

                                                           de Laubf.

Araucaria nemorosa de Laubenfels 1969 - Újkaledóniai fövenydélfenyő – Port Boise southpine


   RULEI                                            1861                           NCA

                                                           Muell. ex Lindl.                                                           Kr

Araucaria rulei Muell. ex Lindl 1861 - Pókháló délfenyő – Spider southpine

            Elegans                                  Nichols. 1884                                     GBR

                                                           Araucaria rulei ‘Elegans’

            Goldieana                              /Moore/Mast. 1892                             GBR

            Intermedia                             Dall. & Jacks. 1923

                                                           A. rulei var. intermedia Dall. & Jacks. 1923

            Polymorpha                           /Carr. 1866/Bailey 1900                      FRA


   SCHMIDII                                    1969                           NCA

                                                           de Laubf.

Araucaria schmidii de Laubenfels 1986 – Schmid délfenyő – Schmid southpine


   SCOPULORUM                            1969                           NCA

                                                           de Laubf.

Araucaria scopulorum de Laubenfels 1969 - Újkaledóniai szikladélfenyő – Rock southpine


ATHROTAXIS                           D. Don 1839                                       TAXODIACEAE


Athrotaxis – Taszmánfenyő – Tasmanian cypresspine

Athrotaxis D. Don 1841 - Taxodiaceae – Óriásfenyőfélék - Giant Cypresses


   CUPRESSOIDES                          1839                           W-TAS

                                                           D. Don                                                                       Kr

Athrotaxis cupressoides D. Don 1839 - Ciprusképű Taszmánfenyő - Cypress-like Tasman pine

                                                           A. imbricata Carr. 1867

                                                           Cunninghamia cupressoides Zucc.


   DONIANA                                     1865                           TAS

                                                           Henk. & Hochst.                                                       


   LAXIFOLIA  X                              1843                           W-TAS

                                                           Hook.                                                                         Kr

Athrotaxis x laxifolia Hook. 1843 - Lazaágú Taszmánfenyő - Intermediate Tasman pine

                                                           A. doniana Henk. & Hochst. 1865

                                                           A. cupressoides  x  A.selaginoides


   SELAGINOIDES                          1839                           W-TAS

                                                           D. Don                                                                       Kr

Athrotaxis selaginoides D. Don 1839 - Óriás v. borókaképű Taszmánfenyő - Giant or juniper-like Tasman pine

                                                           A. alpina Hort.


AUSTROTAXUS                                   Compton 1922                                    TAXACEAE


Austrotaxus – Kaledóntiszafa – Caledonian yew 

Austrotaxus Compton 1922 – Taxaceae – Tiszafafélék - Yews


   SPICATA                                       1922                           C-, NE-NCA

                                                           Compton                                                                    Kr DG

Austrotaxus spicata Compton 1922 - Kaledóntiszafa - Caledonian yew


CALLITRIS                                 Ventenat 1808                         CUPRESSACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery


Callitris - Kenguruciprus- - Kangaroocypress 

Callitris Ventenat 1808 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses



   BAILEYI                                        1923                           AUS SE-QU NE-NSW

                                                           C. T. White                                                                Kr

Callitris baileyi C. White 1923 – Bailey kenguruciprus – Bailey kangaroocypress


   CANESCENS                                1959                           W-AUS

                                                           /Parl./Blake                                                                 Kr

Callitris canescens (Parl.) S.T. Blake 1959 – Borzas kenguruciprus – Scrubby kangaroocypress


   COLUMELLARIS                        1866                           AUS

                                                           Muell.                                                                         Kr

Callitris columellaris F. Muell. 1866 – Bribie-szigeti kenguruciprus – Bribie Island kangaroocypress

             var. CAMPESTRIS             Silba 1984

             var. COLUMELLARIS       The type of the species

             var. INTRATROPICA        /Baker/Silba 1984        AUS


   DRUMMONDII                           1882                           W-AUS

                                                           /Parl./Benth. & Hook.                                     Kr

Callitris drummondii /Parl./ Benth. & Hook. 1882 – Törpe kenguruciprus – Dwarf kangaroocypress


   ENDLICHERI                               1883                           E-AUS

                                                           /Parl./Bailey                                                                Kr

Callitris endlicheri (Parl.) Bailey 1883 – Fekete kenguruciprus – Black kangaroocypress


   GLAUCOPHYLLA                        1986                           AUS

                                                           J. Thompson & L. A. S. Johnst.                                  DG KeI

Callitris glaucophylla Thompson & Johnson 1986 – Fehér kenguruciprus – White kangaroocypress


   MACLEYANA                              1860                           AUS NC - QU

                                                           /Muell./Muell.                                                             Kr

Callitris macleayana (F. Muell) F. Muell. 1860 – Szálkáskérgű kenguruciprus - Stringybark kangaroocypress

                                                           C. parlatorei Muell.


   MONTICOLA                               1956                           AUS SE-QU - NE-NSW

                                                           Gard.                                                                          Kr

Callitris monticola J. Garden 1956 – Acélos kenguruciprus – Steelhead kangaroocypress


   MUELLERI                                   1882                           AUS NSW

                                                           /Parl./Muell.                                                                Kr

Callitris muelleri (Parl.) F. Muell. 1882 – Újdélwelszi kenguruciprus – New South Wales kangaroocypress


   NEO-CALEDONICA                    1914                           NCA

                                                           Duemmer                                                                    Kr

Callitris neocaledonica Dümmer 1914 – Újkaledóniai kenguruciprus – New Caledonian kangaroocypress

                                                           C. sulcata var. alpina Compton 1922 


   OBLONGA                                    1826                           TAS

                                                           A. & L. C. Rich.

Callitris oblonga A. Rich. & L. C. Rich. 1826 – Taszmán kenguruciprus – Tasman kangaroocypress

Callitris oblonga - Taszmán kenguruciprus - Tasman kangaroocypress

                                                           C. gunnii Hook f.


   PREISSII                                       1845                           AUS

                                                           Miq. ex Lehman                                                         Kr

Callitris preissii Miq. ex Lehmann 1845 – Murray kenguruciprus – Slender kangaroocypress

                                                           C. australis Sweet

             ssp. MURRAYENSIS         /Gard./Silba 1984                                S-AUS

             ssp. PREISSII                      Miq.                                                    S-AUS

                                                           C. gracilis Baker

                                                           C. robusta /A. Cunn. ex Parl./Bailey

                                                           C. popinqua R. Br. ex Endl.

             ssp. VERRUCOSA              /A. Cunn. ex Endl./Gard.                     S-AUS

                                                           C. verrucosa /A. Cunn. ex Endl./F. J. Muell.


   RHOMBOIDEA                                                              AUS NZL

                                                           R. Br. ex A. & L. C. Rich.                                          Kr

Callitris rhomboidea R. Brown ex A. Rich. & Rich. – Parti kenguruciprus – Dune kangaroocypress

                                                           C. cupressiformis Muell.

                                                           C. tasmanica /Benth./Baker & H. G. Smith

            Glauca                                   Hort.


   ROBUSTA                                                                        W-AUS

                                                           R. Br. ex Mirb.                                                          


   ROEI                                                                                 W-AUS

                                                           /Endl./Muell.                                                               Kr

Callitris roei (Endlicher) F. Mueller – Nyugat-ausztráliai kenguruciprus – Western Australian kangaroocypress

                                                           C. ventenati R. Br. & Miq.


   SULCATA                                                                         NCA

                                                           /Parl./Schlecht.                                                Kr

Callitris sulcata /Parl./ Schlecht. 1906 – Comboui kenguruciprus – Comboui kangaroocypress

             var. ALPINA                         Compton 1922

                                                           /C. NEO-CALEDONICA/


CALOCEDRUS                          Kurz 1873                                          CUPRESSACEAE



Calocedrus – Gyantásciprus – Resinouscypress

Calocedrus Kurz 1843 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


   DECURRENS                               1853                           USA  OR - CA NE

                                                           /Torrey/Florin                                                             Kr

Calocedrus decurrens (Torrey) Florin 1853 - Kaliforniai gyantásciprus – Resinouscypress

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL


            Berrima Gold             1986 AUS

                                                           Claude Crowe in Berrima Bridge Nurs. AUS

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Berrima Gold’

                                                                                   1987 Hillier & Son into GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens Berrima Gold 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Nana                                      Dall. & Jacks. 1923

                                                           Calocedrus decurrens ‘Nana’

                                                                                   Ornamental Conifers NZL


CEDRUS                                       Trew 1757                                          PINACEAE


Cedrus – Cédrus – Cedar

Cedrus Trew 1755 - Pinaceae – Fenyőfélék - Cedar


   ATLANTICA                                 1844                           MOR ALG

                                                           /Endl./Manetti ex Carr.                                    Kr

Cedrus atlantica (Endlicher) Manetti ex Carr. 1844 - Atlaszcédrus - Atlas cedar


            Glauca Aurea            1992 NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Distinctly different from ‘Aurea’. Not quite as bright a yellow. Does not suffer from ‘sun burn’. Planted in full sun has a yellow dusting over the blue foliage. 3 metres high x 3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Mount Saint Catherina         Don Teese 1985

                                                           1977 P. Taverna, Crafers S-AUS

                                                           Cedrus atlantica ‘Mt. Saint Catherine’

                                                                                   P. Taverna Nurs. S-AUS

            Silver Dust                            L. Sampson 1988

                                                           Ian Gordon NZL

            St. Catherina                         /Mount St. Catherina/

            Taverna                                 Welch 1992

                                                           1977 P. Taverna, Crafers AUS


   DEODARA                                    1831                           HIM NEP AFG

                                                           /D. Don/G. Don                                                          Kr

Cedrus deodara (D. Don) G. Don 1831 - Himalájai cédrus - Himalaya cedar


            Bewley’s Variegated            1991 Bill Bewley, Warrimo AUS

            Lime Glow                             Arnold Arboretum, 1980

                                                           1970 A. J. Teese, Yamina Rare Plants Nurs. AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Lime Glow’

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

Lime green foliage. A ‘witches broom’ of outstanding value. Low grafted plant; a feature in any garden. Great in rockery. A dwarf or slow growing dense weeper. 10 cm high x 50 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Mountain Beauty                  P. C. Nitschke 1989

                                                           Gordon Wilton in the Blue Mountains AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Mountain Beauty’

                                                                                   1985 Milton Nurs, Wentworth Falls AUS

                                                           A neat, spreading, compact, bushy form suitable for the

                                                           home garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Mylor                                     Don Teese 1985

                                                           wild found as a broom at Mylor AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Mylor’

                                                                                   Drue Wholesale Nurs., Berry AUS

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Blue grey. Arching & Spreading. Pruning can encourage unusual shape. Approx. 1.5 mtrs wide x 50 cm at highest point in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.


            Okawa                                    Hort. NZL

                                                                                   2004 Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A graceful slightly pendulous growth habit makes a fine well furnished pyramidal Golden ornamental. 15 feet high to any greater height in time. Cedar Lodge text.


            Raywood’s Contorted           Don Teese 1985

                                                           1978 Quinton Wollaston, Raywood Nurs. AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Raywood’s Contorted’

                                                                                   P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Raywood’s Contorted’ 

                                                                                  American Conifer Society

            Raywood’s Prostrate Dwarf

                                                           Hort. 1990                                          TAS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Raywood’s Prostrate’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Quite vigorous for a ground cover type plant. Needles quite blue. Spreading and arching. 50 cm high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.


            Samson                                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Samson’ - No need to stake this one, it will make its own trunk. Previously called Cedrus deodara ‘Pendula’. Once established is very fast growing with a very strong central leader. 6 metres high x 4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


            Scott                                       Don Teese 1985

                                                           1977 P. Taverna AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Scott’

                                                                                   Drue Wholesale Nurs. Berry AUS

                                                           A rounded bush with a golden sheen. No further information available at the moment. Cedar Lodge text.


            Vink’s Golden                       1985 TAS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Vink’s Golden’

                                                                                   Ron Radford, Cedar Lodge Nurs. TAS

                                                           A form of golden deodara superior to ‘Aurea’. Pyramidal shape, more compact and slower in growth than Cedrus deodara ‘Aurea’. Photographed in our nursery/garden. A lovely subject in any medium to large garden away from strong prevailing winds. 7 metres high x 4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Warrakilla                             1987 AUS

                                                           P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                                                   P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS


            Waverley Ridge                    Don Teese 1985

                                                           1979 P. Taverna, Crafers AUS

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Warvely Ridge’ (misspelled name)

                                                                                   P.C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Waverley Ridge’ - This plant has short needles and tight foliage. All branches compact and gracefully arching. Blue-grey colour. 1.5 metres high and wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.


            Wicky’s Delight                    2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cedrus deodara ‘Wicky’s Delight’ - This tree discovered in a batch of seedlings planted out to beautify farmland. Its beauty has been realised and so will be eventually described in more detail and be available to the public. 1 meter high (Staked) x 1 meter wide at base (this foliage lying on ground) in 7 years growing in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.



   LIBANI                                          1823                           LEB TUR

                                                           A. Richards                                                                Kr

Cedrus libani A. Richards 1823 - Libanoni cédrus - Lebanon cedar

            Gold Tip                                 1990 AUS

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Gold Tip’


            Hedgehog                              2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Hedgehog’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Found at Cedar Lodge amongst seedlings. Blue grey in colour. Great ornamental for any small garden. A slow, low growing mound - compact bun. Quite different. 25 cm high x 70 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Photo 2 is Cedrus libani ‘Hedgehog’ photographed in the U.S.A. Cedar Lodge text.


            Katere                                                2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Katere’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

            Kina                                       2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cedrus libani ‘Kina’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Another selected form found and developed at Cedar Lodge from same seed batch as Cedrus libani ‘Hedgehog’. A very desirable garden or rockery gem. Slow growing. A low & more spreading mound than Cedrus libani ‘Hedgehog’. 45 cm high x 1.3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.


CHAMAECYPARIS                 Spach 1842                                        CUPRESSACEAE


Chamaecyparis – Hamisciprus – Falsecypress 

Chamaecyparis Spach 1841 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


   LAWSONIANA                             1854                           USA SW-OR - NW-CA

                                                           /Murray/Parl.                                                              Kr

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl. 1854 - Oregoni hamisciprus - Oregon false cypress

            Argentea Compacta              1970

                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

            Argentea Waterer                 1864 GBR

            Armstrongii                           NZL

                                                                                   Blue Mountain Nurs. Tapanui NZL

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs.,PA into the USA

            Barker                                   1970 NZL

                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

            Barry’s Bright                       NZL

                                                           Roly Barry in South Taranaki Nurs. Hawera NZL

            Barry’s Gold                                                 Savill Garden  GBR

            Barry’s Silver                        1990 NZL

                                                           Roly Barry in South Taranaki Nurs. Hawera NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Barry’s Silver’

                                                           A mutation of /Silver Queen/

            Barry’s White                       NZL                /Barry’s Silver/

            B.D. Edginton                        NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘B.D. Edginton’ - Rich golden yellow. An upright, compact specimen. Old variety. Does not burn. Pyramidal. 5 metres high x 2 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 8. Cedar Lodge text.

            Blue Gem                              N. R. Barry 1970

                                                           1961 Roly Barry, South Taranaki Nurs. Hawera NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Blue Gem’ - A lovely blue form of ‘Ellwoodii’. Upright, compact, tidy bush. Needs very good drainage. 1.5 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

Cedar Lodge text.

            Chingii                                   1949 Millichamp & Sons Nurs.,Ashburton NZL

                                                                                   1963 Davies & Duncan Nurs., NZL

                                                                                   Duchy of Cornwall Nurs., in GBR

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Chingii’ - Another good old variety. Yellow. Upright growth. Compact, pyramidal. 3 metres high in 10 years .Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.


            Dalrimple                               2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Dalrimple’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           This tree originated on N.Z.’s State Highway 1 on Dalrimple’s property. Due to highway re-alignment the tree was destroyed. When this was noticeably imminent Mr. Ron Gordon took cuttings and grew his own as he felt it was spectacular enough to be saved. In due coarse we will have this for sale. Cedar Lodge text.


            Duncanii                                R. E. Harrison 1959

                                                           1953 Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Duncanii’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

Fine bluish-green thread-like foliage. Shaped like a bun.1 metre high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Duncanii 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            B. D. Edginton                       1963 NZL

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., NZL

            Fairfield Gold                                    1970 South Taranaki Nurs. Hawera NZL

            Fleckellwood                          C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Flekellwood’

                                                                                   1965 South Taranaki Nurs.,Hawera NZL

                                                                                   Hull Farm Nurs., GBR


            Fletcher’s Sunburst               Hughes, Blue Mountain Nurs., Tapanui NZL

            Fletcher’s White                   den Ouden 1965                                 NZL

                                                           /Fletcheri Variegata/

            Gillingham                             2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Gillingham’ - A very blue lawson found in the Gisborne area. Habit more weeping than most of its type. Very weeping tall column. 7 metres high x 4.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.


            Gold Splash                           C. R.Harrison 1975

                                                           Barry Blackman, Te Kuifi NZL

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford into GBR

            Green Globe                          C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                           1950 Palmers Nurs., Glen Eden NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Green Globe’

                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

                                                                                  Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Green Globe’

                                                           A real ‘mini’. A rich, deep green, dense conifer. One of the most compact globular dwarfs. Best on a dry, well drained site. 30 cm all around in 10 years. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.


            Hollard’s Gold                       2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Hollard’s Gold’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           (Formerly Cham. law. ‘Darleyensis’) Nice yellow colour without burning. Has graceful weeping branching with clusters of blue cones in autumn. Conical shape. 5 metres high x 4.2 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

            Hughesii                                Hughes 1939

                                                           1930 Stan Hughes, Blue Mountain Nurs.,Tapanui NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Hughesii’ - A N.Z .introduction from the South Island. Quite different from the usual colour. Green flecked with white giving a silver hew with a blue cast on reverse side. Holds its colour all year. Pyramidal. 4.5 metres high x 3.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.


            Imbiricata Pendula                R. E. Harrison 1959

                                                           R. E. Harrison Nurs., Palmerston NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Imbricata Pendula’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Foliage hangs down approximately 1 metre in a very graceful, weeping, cascading waterfall effect. Shelter desirable for best effect. Tall & narrow in time. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

            Jones                                     Duncan & Davies 1972

                                                           J. N. Anderson, Napier NZL

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Bright yellow. Suitable for shady or semi shady place as well as full sun as it holds colour well. Upright pyramidal habit. 2 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Juvenalis Stricta                   C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                           1930 at Rotorua NZL

                                                           Chamaeycparis lawsoniana ‘Juvenalis Stricta’

                                                           Retinospora leptoclada

            Minima Aurea Erecta           NZL

                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A good rockery or pebble garden shrub. Avoid drying out when young. Needs free draining soil. Conical dwarf. 50 cm high x 40 cm wide in 10 years. Zone 5. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Aurea Nana’ is a good substitute. Cedar Lodge text.


            Reefton                                  1972 NZL

                                                           a tree in Reefton NZL

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

            Snow Flurry                           C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Southern Gold                       Duncan & Davies 1972

                                                           Ken Burns, Timaru NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Southern Gold’ ?

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Slow growing, lemon colour. Looks best in semi or dappled to almost full shade. Does not like salt wind. Pyramidal. 2 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.

            Waitomo                                Barry Blackman Nurs., Te Kuiti NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Waitomo’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A NZL cultivar derived from a sport on Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Duncanii’. Significant white splashes throughout the plant. Slower in growth than parent plant. Ideal for shady or semi shady places. Will also grow in full sun. A round ball. 80 cm high x 70 cm wide in 10 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.


            Wallis Gold                            Duncan & Davies 1972

                                                           Wallis Nurs., Dunedin NZL

            Warenga                                2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A Chamaecyparis lawsoniana seedling selection. A wonderful lime green colour in semi shade. Do not plant in full sun as it will burn. Early morning sun or late afternoon sun only, permanent dappled shade or full but light shade will give a lovely colour. Conical shape. 1.5 metres high x 1 metre wide in 5 years. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.


   OBTUSA                                        1847                           JPN

                                                           /Sieb. & Zucc./Endl.                                                   Kr

Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. & Zucc.) Endl. 1847 - Hinoki hamisciprus - Hinoki false cypress


            Brigitt                                     Sampson 1990

                                                           Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A coralliformis sport found at Cedar Lodge Nurseries. Similar in growth habit and shape. Deep green with flat fasciated pieces developing on many parts of plant. Slower growing than parent. Slightly flattened ball. 50 cm high x 75 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


            Brigitt’s Beehive                   Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Brigitt’s Beehive’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           This plant, also found at our Nursery is a neat form of the above. The shape is that of a true beehive with the same deep green flat fasciated pieces of foliage. Very slow growing. 80 cm high x 60 cm wide in 7 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


            Chicane                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Plain green sport from Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Albovariegata’. Very impressive dark green. Wonderful curled foliage typical of the obtusa family i.e. ‘Tempelhof’. This plant has real character in that it twists and turns in various ways. Great for a Japanese garden or for Bonsai. It is quite fast growing and unlike any other obtusa we are growing. Informal and irregular. 1.5 metres high x 80 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


            Chileab                                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Chileab’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new addition to our collection. Selected from a batch of seedlings. A very distinct slow growing dwarf with small layered, tufted clusters of bright green foliage. Ideal for miniature gardens. 45 cm high x 40 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. The year 2000 was the first year of sale. Cedar Lodge text.


            Confucius                               1984 NZL

                                                           Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Confucius’

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR into the USA

A compliment to any garden. Informal, compact bush. Has the typical curled foliage of the obtusa family with impressive golden yellow colour. Approx. 1.6 metres high x 1.6 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


            Fern Gold                              1990 AUS

                                                                                   Yamina Rare Plants Nurs., Monbulk AUS

            Fernspray Gold                     C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Fernspray Gold’

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   1990 Foxborough Nurs. into the USA

                                                           Bright yellow foliage with shape reminiscent of a fern frond.

                                                           Text: ACS database

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Fernspray Gold’ 

                                                                                  American Conifer Society

            Gold Lace                              Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gold Lace’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA

                                                           A sport from Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Youngii’. Found at Cedar Lodge Nursery. Very attractive bright gold dwarf shrub. Foliage swirls open lacey pattern. Needs full sun for best yellow colour. 1.5 metres high x 1.3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


            Hannah                                  2000 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Hannah’

                                                                                  2000 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new addition to our collection, selected from a batch of seedlings. ‘Hannah’ is a small, distinct bush with green foliage held in tight clusters all of which are weeping at the tips. 1.1 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. The year 2000 is the first year of sale. Cedar Lodge text.

            Hillock                                   D. & N. Sampson 1991

                                                           Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Hillock’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Parent, an obtusa seedling. One of the tightest obtusa dwarf cultivars we have seen. A very odd shaped compact plant. 35 cm high x 35 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


            Kojolco Hiba                         Welch 1979

                                                           Hort. NZL

            Lenny Star                             2000 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Lenny’ Star’

                                                                                  2000 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new addition to our collection, selected from a batch of seedlings. ‘Lenny’s Star’ is a very dwarf Golden Hinoki Cypress of upright habit. Full sun brings out the colour in the compact irregular tufted foliage. This lovely Conifer would be ideal for the narrow border garden. 80 cm high x 40 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. The year 2000 is the first year of sale. Cedar Lodge text.

            Marble Mountain                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Marble Mountain’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new addition to our collection, selected from a batch of seedlings. ‘Marble Mountain’ is a very narrow upright form of the Dwarf Hinoki Cypress. Has the typical rounded obtuse foliage with a lovely dark green colour. An ideal companion plant in a narrow border for Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Lenny’s Star’. 1 metre high x 50 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


            Mariesii                                 Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Mariesii’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A very attractive slow growing bush. Will develop into a conical bush with milk white variegation in the foliage. Variegation turning yellowish in winter. Looks great in sun or shade. 1 metres high x 60 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


            Raraflora                               USA

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Whorled branchlets of lovely dark green, upright habit, with character and charm. 60 cm high x 50 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


            Sunspray                                1992 Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Sunspray’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Very attractive upright, informal pyramidal habit. Bright creamy golden swirled sprays. Similar to Cham. obtusa ‘Confucious’ but seems to be slower growing. 1.6 metres high x 1.7 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


            Takaka                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Takaka’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new addition to our collection, selected from a batch of seedlings. A most unusual slow growing bush. Very small tufted clusters of bright green foliage. 45 cm high x 40 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. The year 2000 is the first year of sale. Cedar Lodge text.


   PISIFERA                                      1847                            JPN

                                                           /Sieb. & Zucc./Endl.                                                   Kr

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Sieb. & Zucc.) Endlicher 1847 – Szavára hamisciprus – Sawara false cypress


            Boulevard Dwarf                   J. Emery 1989                         AUS

            Boulevard Variegata            1986 NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

            Evening Glow             2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A sport from Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Squarrosa Dumosa’. Delicate lacy foliage. Greenish lemon in summer deepening to a lovely ‘evening glow’ gold during the colder weather. Forms a small pyramid. Needs full sun all year for best colour. Ideal for the smaller garden or rockery. 2 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


            Gold Globe                             Hort.

                                                                                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A very tight ground hugging bun. Very yellow, intensifying with winter cold. Provide plenty of water in the first two establishment years. 40 cm high x 60 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Golden Chimes                      1984 NZL

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

            Iceberg                                  David & Noeline Sampson 1991, Cedar Lodge Nurs., NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Iceberg’

                                                                                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A salt wind hardy shrub showing white tipping on bluish green foliage. Does not sun burn. 75 cm high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Mace                                     AUS

                                                                                   1989 Yamina Nurs., Monbulk AUS

            Milton Park                           1989 AUS

                                                                                   Drue Wholesale Nurs., Berry AUS

            Nana Combination                1989 AUS                   /Milton Park/

            Nana Gold Globe                  1992 NZL

            Plumosa Riverlea                  Riverlea Nursery, Wanganui NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A plant from the nursery by the same name at Wanganui. Foliage an attractive open lace-like frond. Good yellow colour. Growth rate similar to ‘Rogersii’. Conical, 1.5 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Te Kuiti                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Sport from Chamaecyparis pisifera Nana Aureovariegata’. This plant has a small white fleck in it. Growth rate the same as parent plant. 50 cm high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


            True Blue                              NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘True Blue’

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring OR USA


   THYOIDES                                    1888                           S-E-USA

                                                           /L./B. S. & P.                                                             Kr

Chamaecyparis thyoides (Linnaeus) B. S. & P. 1888 – Mocsári hamisciprus – Atlantic false cypress


CRYPTOMERIA                      D. Don 1841                                       TAXODIACEAE


Cryptomeria – Japán ciprus – Sugi cypresspine

Cryptomeria D. Don 1841 - Taxodiaceae – Óriásfenyőfélék - Giant Cypresses

Cryptomeria Képek - Gallery


   FORTUNEI                                     1853                           CHN

                                                           Hooibr. ex Otto & Dietr.                                           KeI

                                                           /C. JAPONICA var. SINENSIS/


   JAPONICA                        1842                           JPN CHN

                                                           D. Don                                                                       Kr

Cryptomeria japonica D. Don 1842 - Japánciprus v. szugifenyő - Japanese cypresspine


            Antique Gold                         1988 NZL

                                                                                   1988 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                           A selection that has soft juvenile foliage. This cultivar is yellowish green in summer and a most unusual burnished ‘antique’ gold in winter. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially high rainfall areas that are well drained. Dislikes salt laden winds. Quick growing. 5.5 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

            Atawhai                                  Cedar Logde Nurs. NZL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Atawhai’

                                                                                   1988 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Another unusual seedlings found by Cedar Lodge locally in 1989. Dark green irregular fine foliage forming a clustered loose pyramidal plant. Similar to Cryptomeria japonica ‘Bandai sugi’ but much finer branching. 1.3 metre high x 1.1metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Beaumont Dwarf                   NZL 1972

                                                           1972 R. Blackman, Te Kaiti NZL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Beaumonts’

                                                                                   1984 Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes GBR

            Cambridge                             Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   1988 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                           Very similar to Cryptomeria japonica ’Egmont’ but smaller- slower growing with a narrow upright growth habit. Used as a shelter or hedging tree or a medium to large specimen. 10 year height approximately 5 metres. Cedar Lodge text.

            Egmont                                  Cedar Logde Nurs. NZL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Egmont’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           This form was selected for its outstanding qualities. The plant showed exceptional form, branching, vigor and hardiness. Cedar Lodge text.

            Elegans Aurea                       R. E. Harrison 1959

                                                           1935 Duncan & Davies Ltd. NZL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans Aurea’

            Elegans Gracilis                    1937 Kemp’s Nurs. NZL

            Elegans Plumosa                   R. E. Harrison 1959                            NZL


                                                                                   1988 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                           A very unusual seedling that resembles gorse. A pale yellowish

                                                           - green. Quite prickly - a collectors item. 1 metre high and

                                                           wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. (Cedar Lodge text)

            Haggo                                    1991 NZL

                                                                                  1988 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                           Attractively coloured lightly purple and green during summer and turning metallic bronze/purple during winter. Can be trimmed to shape and required size. Lovely upright cone. 4.5 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Lemonade                              2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cryptomeria japonica ‘Lemonade’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new selection by Cedar Lodge. A large specimen tree of typical Cryptomeria japonica form. It is distinguished by pale lemon foliage. The colour is enhanced with colder temperatures i.e. brilliant winter colour. Quick growing. 7 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Plumosa                                 NZL

                                                                                   1953 Duncan & Davies Nurs., NZL

            Pouakai                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR to USA

                                                           A smaller growing clone of Japanese Cedar found by Cedar Lodge and deemed commendable as a medium growth rate plant. Bushy habit, round top with only a slight colour change in winter. An ideal garden specimen or hedge. Stands all extremes of growing conditions-especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Oval shape. 3 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Tokonui                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A very very tall tree with very pendulous branches. This tree is very narrow for its height. We are trialling it now and in time it may prove excellent as a narrow shelter belt - trimming being unnecessary. Stands all extremes of growing conditions but especially good in high rainfall areas that are well drained. Cedar Lodge text.


CUNNINGHAMIA                    R. Br. ex Rich. 1826                           TAXODIACEAE


Cunninghamia – Csodafenyő – Wonder cypresspine 

Cunninghamia R. Br. ex Rich. 1826 - Taxodiaceae – Óriásfenyőfélék – Giant Cypresses


   KONISHII                                     1908                           TWN

                                                           Hayata                                                            Kr

Cunninghamia konishii Hayata 1908 - Tajvani csodafenyő – Formosan wonderpine


                                                           C. kawakamii Hayata

            Coolwijn’s Compact              2002 Gordon Haddow GBR

                                                           Cunninghamia konishii ‘Koelyn Dwarf’

                                                           Cunninghamia konishii ‘Coolwyn Compact’

/Coolwin’s Dwarf/  /Koolwyn’s Dwarf/

            Little Leo                               2002 Gordon Haddow GBR

                                                           Cunninghamia konishii ‘Little Leo’


CUPRESSOCYPARIS  X      Dall. 1977                                           CUPRESSACEAE


Cupressocyparis x – Leyland ciprus – Leyland semicypress

Cupressocyparis x - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


   ARILOSA                                      /Hort. NZL/Welch 1993                                             WCC

                                                           Crop Res. Div. Lincoln NZL as clone No. 850/329

                                                           Cupressus arizonica x Xanthocyparis nootkatensis


   LEYLANDII                                  1938                           GBR

                                                           /Dall. & Jacks./Dall.                                                    Kr

                                                           1911 J. M. Naylor in Leighton Hall, Welshpool GBR

Cupressocyparis x leylandii (Dall. & Jacks.) Dall. 1977. - Leyland félciprus - Leyland semicypress


            Rua                                        1960 NZL

                                                           Miss Pat Bates, Ruakura NZL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii x ’Rua’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Rua’ - (Cupressus macrocarpa x Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) - A NZL raised cultivar. Typical leylandii form distinguished by it’s flattened type leaf spray. If enough were propagated at any one time this cultivar could be used as a shelter line also. Free draining situation necessary. 7 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.


            Silver Dust                            Hort. NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’ - (syn. Gold Dust) (Cupressus macrocarpa x Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) - A sport from ‘Leighton’s Green’. Salt wind hardy tree of rapid growth rate. Creamy white colour in patches throughout tree. Needs a free draining site. 6 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.


            Superl                                    Hort. NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Superl’ - (Cupressus macrocarpa x Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) x Cupressocyparis leylandii ’Superl’ is a hybrid showing considerable promise in trials at F.R.I. Rangiora. 7 metres high x 4 metres wide in 10 years. Cedar Lodge text.


   NOTABILIS  X                             1972                           GBR

                                                           Mitchell                                                                      Kr

Cupressocyparis x notabilis Mitchell 1972 – Leighton Hall félciprus – Leighton Hall semicypress

                                                           Cupressus glabra x Xanthocyparis nootkatensis

                                                           in Leighton Hall, Welshpool GBR

            Arilosa                                   1948 Lindsay Prior, Canberra NZL


CUPRESSUS                               L. 1753                                               CUPRESSACEAE


Cupressus – Ciprus – Cypress

Cupressus Linneaus 1753 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


   ARIZONICA                                 1882                           USA TE - C-AR S-CA N-MEX

                                                           Greene                                                                       Kr

Cupressus arizonica Greene 1882 - Arizonai ciprus - Arizona cypress


            Angaston                               P. C. Nitschke 1989

                                                           1980 in Barossa Valley AUS

                                                           Cupressus arizonica ‘Angaston’

            Arctic                                     1984 NZL

                                                           Cupressus arizonica ‘Arctic’

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Open upright specimen. Growing tips white in spring and summer very attractive at this time. Quite rapid growth. 4 metres high x 3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden.  Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cupressus arizonica glabra ’Arctic’


            Arthur Greene                       Adelaide Botanic Garden AUS

            Aurea                                     Kemp 1957

                                                           1956 J. Canny AUS

                                                                                   1957 Kemp’s Nurs., Aldgate AUS

                                                                                   Barncroft Nurs. into GBR

            Blue Beauty                          1992 NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A cultivar from South Island, New Zealand. A very good blue, very fast growing. Could be used in quantity as shelter or as a single garden specimen. Graceful. Conical. 6 metres high x 4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


            Blue Column                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Cupressus arizonica montana ‘Blue Column’

                                                           Cupressus arizonica var. montana Blue Column

            Blue Ice                                 1984 NZL

                                                           Cupressus arizonica ‘Blue Ice’

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. into the USA

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A compact form. Very blue. Drought resistant. Will stand wind and is semi coastal. Sometimes used as a shelter belt or screen. Broad cylinder. 4 metres high x 2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden.  Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cupressus arizonica glabra ’Blue Ice’

            Blue Pyramid                         1972 Ken Burns, Timaru NZL

                                                           Cupressus arizonica ‘Blue Pyramid’

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   1990 Foxborough Nurs. into the USA

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Blue-grey foliage, upright weeping habit. Will stand some wind but not severe salt wind. 5 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cupressus arizonica glabra ’Blue Pyramid’

            Blue Spire                              1979 AUS

                                                           P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                           Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Spire’

                                                                                   1979 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Blue Streak                           Harrison 1975                         NZL

                                                           Cupressus arizonica ‘Blue Streak’

            Blue Streak                           J. Emery 1989                         AUS

                                                           Cupressus arizonica ‘Blue Streak’

                                                                                   Leveys Nurs., Beaudesert AUS

            Canny                                    T. R. N. Lothian 1967

                                                           1956 J. Canny AUS

                                                                                   1967 Woods & Forest. Dept. Adelaide AUS

            Caroline Sapphire                 The Int. Conifer Register 1987

                                                           Cupressus arizonica ‘Caroline Sapphire’

                                                                                   Dept. Forestry of Clemson University,

                                                                                   S-CR USA

            Catt’s Dwarf                          J. Emery 1989

                                                           Graeme Catt in Catt’s Nurs., Carlingford AUS

                                                                                   Catt’s Nurs., Carlingford AUS

            Chaparral                              J. Emery 1989

                                                           John Emery AUS

                                                           Cupressus arizonica ‘Chaparral’

                                                                                   1988 Drue Nurs., Berry AUS

            Dinsdale                                2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           This form is definitely different from Cup. glabra ‘Arctic’, which it was named when purchased. It has fine foliage and an open weeping habit. 4.5 metres high x 3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. (Cedar Lodge text)

                                                           Cupressus arizonica glabra ‘Dinsdale’

            Drue Blue                              J. Emery 1989

                                                           Drue Nurs., Berry AUS

            Glauca                                   1950 AUS

                                                           in Canberra AUS

            Golden Pyramid                    1972 NZL

                                                           R. Levy, Brisbane NZL

                                                           Cupressus arizonica ‘Golden Pyramid’

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressus glabra ‘Gold Pyramid’ - Heavy foliage. Gold rather than yellow. Fast growing. A very pleasant foliage form. An asset to any large garden. Wind and salt wind hardy. Ovoid shape. 6 metres high x 2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Gold Pyramid/

            Gray Lodge                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressus glabra ‘Gray Lodge’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A very recent Cedar Lodge selection from a batch of seedlings. Grey-green dense foliage. Formal, upright habit. Impressive measurements of 4 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 7 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cupressus arizonica glabra ‘Gray Lodge’

            Greyangold                            J. Emery 1989

                                                                                   F. D. Catt Wholesale Nurs., Sydney AUS

            Hodginsii                               E. E. Lord 1948

                                                           Hodgins Nurs., Essendon Melbourne AUS


            Lemon Spire                          2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A tall narrow vertical accent tree. Branches haphazardly pointing horizontally, carrying creamy gold colour maximized by the amount of sun available each day. A wonderful tree for a back drop in a large gardens or would make a spectacular screen or hedge. 5 metres high x 2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                                              Cupressus arizonica glabra ‘Lemon Spire’

            Raywood Weeping                J. Emery 1989

                                                           Quentin Woolaston AUS

                                                           Cupressus glabra ‘Raywoods Weeping’

                                                                                   Raywood Nurs., Delamere AUS

            Silver Smoke                         1984 NZL

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. into the USA

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Blue grey, narrow to medium width, fast growing tree with open branch habit, tips weeping. 3 - 4 metres high x 2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden.  Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cupressus arizonica glabra ’Silver Smoke’

            Summertown                          J. Emery 1989

                                                           Thomsons Nurs., Summertown AUS


   CASHMERIANA                          1867                           TIB KAS

                                                           Royle ex Carr.                                                            Kr GD

Cupressus cashmeriana Royle ex Carr. 1867 - Kasmír ciprus - Kashmir cypress


            Glauca                                   NZL

                                                           Cupressus cashmeriana ‘Glauca’

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL


   LUSITANICA                                1768                           C-AME  MEX - HON

                                                           Mill.                                                                            Kr

Cupressus lusitanica Mill. 1768 - Mexikói ciprus - Mexican cypress


            Blue Swirl                              J. Emery 1989

                                                           P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                           Cupressus lusitanica ‘Blue Swirl’

            Cascade                                 2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Very blue weeping conifer, quite different to ‘Mangamahoe’ in shape and colour. Irregular habit but quite beautiful. For large garden. This is not a solid tree but has beautiful arching branch habit. 8.5 metres high x 6 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden.  Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Geenty’s Choice                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A grey blue form chosen by plantsman, the late Mike Geenty

                                                           of Hamilton, New Zealand. Fast growing and very weeping.

                                                           Growth rate not known yet. Cedar Lodge text.

            Mangamahoe                        1992 Brian Rapley NZL

                                                                                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A very beautiful weeping form. Very fast growing. Does not stand salt wind. Needs to be away from sea to show its best form. 6 metres high x 5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Cupressus lusitanica var. benthamii ‘Mangamahoe’

            Mangatawhiri                        2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2010 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           We are still developing this conifer. Found in the remains of an old farm roadside shelter belt growing in an area in south Auckland named ‘Mangatawhiri’. It is an interesting dinosaur shaped tree looking like a giraffe with a neck and head. Weeping habit. We will be planting this out and watching its development for possible use in the trade. Cedar Lodge text.

            Mossvale                               P. C. Nitschke 1987

                                                           1982 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS at Mossvale AUS

            Torbay Cascade                    2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2010 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressus lusitanica ‘Torbay Cascade’ - A new selection found in New Plymouth. No description as yet. Cedar Lodge text.

   MACROCARPA                           1920                           USA CA

                                                           Hartw. ex Gord.                                                         Kr

Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw. ex Gord. 1920 - Monterey ciprus - Monterey cypress


            Antarctic                                1984 NZL

                                                           E. B. Perrett, Taniba Nurs., Pukeatua NZL

            Arctic                                     1984 NZL

                                                           E. B. Perrett, Taniba Nurs., Pukeatua NZL

            Aurea                                     1972 AUS                   /Berrigold/  /Berri Strain/

            Aurea Saligna                        E. E. Lord 1948                                              AUS

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A wonderful specimen tree but it must have plenty of room. Has long slender weeping branchlets of golden yellow. Can grow up to 1 metre per year in the early years. 8 metres high x 5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Approximate 20 year size is 10 metres high (30 feet) by 8 metres wide (24 feet) in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Coneybearii Aurea/  /Saligna Aurea/

            Barnham Gold                       GBR

            Beaufront                              P. C. Nitschke 1989

                                                           1983 P.C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS in Midlands TAS

                                                           Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Beaufront’

            Berrigold                               1972 AUS

                                                           1930’s at Dept. of Agric. Stat. Nurs., Berri AUS

            Bower Bank                          Quentin Wollaston, Raywood Nurs., Delamere AUS

            Brighton                                 1989 AUS

                                                           P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Brunniana                              /Brunniana Aurea/

            Brunniana Aurea                   R. E. Harrison 1959

                                                           1915 G. Brunnings & Sons Nurs., Ripponlea AUS

                                                                                   G. Brunnings & Sons Nurs., Ripponlea AUS

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth to NZL

                                                           Bright yellow foliage especially on the sunny side. Not as wide as some other golden macrocarpa. Excellent specimen or shelter tree. Can be trimmed. Care must be taken not to trim back too hard. Will tolerate dry sites once established. Upright conical, compact. Fast growing. 5 metres high x 3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Brunnings Variegated           1989 AUS

                                                           Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Brunnianna Variegated’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

            Cascade                                 D. & N. Sampson 1988

                                                           Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Cascade’

                                                                                   1988 Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Introduced by Cedar Lodge in 1988. A grafted plant resembling Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Imbricata Pendula’ very closely, but with a wider spreading habit. Growth is rapid like all macrocarpa once is has been rooted. Persistent salt wind spoils the shape so shelter is recommended for windy sites. Usually grafted. 10 metres high x 6 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Chandleri                               P. C. Nitschke 1989

                                                           Chandlers Nurs., Hobart TAS

                                                           Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Chandleri’

            Coneybearii Aurea                Hazlewood 1933

                                                           1920’s Dr. Coneybear to Woolich Nurs., Olinda AUS

                                                           Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Coneybearii Aurea’

                                                                                   Hazlewood Bros. Nurs., Epping AUS

            Dudley                                   2001 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                                                  2001 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A sport found in New Zealand. Foliage much finer than all other golden macrocarpa. In full sun in New Zealand this conifer is so yellow it gets burnt. The ideal situation is to grow it in semi-shade where it is the most attractive pale gold to bright yellow. Growth rate approx. 6 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years. First release by Cedar Lodge 2001. Cedar Lodge text.

            Erecta Aurea                         R. E. Harrison 1959

                                                           1950 Hazlewood Nurs., Sydney AUS

            Evandale                                P. C. Nitschke 1983                           AUS

            Filipendula                             J. Emery 1989                         AUS

            Fine Gold                               1972 NZL

                                                           Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Finegold’

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

            Gold Pillar                             NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth to NZL

                                                           Yellow. A most desirable form for all but the smallest gardens. Stands salt wind. Can be lightly trimmed. Very compact, oval shape, lovely yellow colour in full sun. 2.5 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Gold Spread                          R. Barry 1973


                                                                                   South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

                                                                                   Hull Farm Nurs. in GBR

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth to NZL

                                                           An excellent low spreading tree. Slightly hollow in centre with raised branches. (No central leader). Stands wind and salt wind very well. Needs a lot of room. Ideal for farm corners or parks. Broad flat topped tree. 1 metre high x 3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Golden Halo                          1984 NZL

                                                                                   D. J. Liddle, Waikanae NZL

            Golden Pillar                         Welch 1979                                        GBR

                                                           Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Golden Pillar’

                                                                                   G. Jackman Nurs., Woking GBR

            Greenstead Emerald             J. Emery 1989

                                                                                   Drue Wholesale Nurs., Berry AUS

            Greenstead Magnifica          AUS                /Greenstead Magnificent/

            Greenstead Magnificent      Welch 1979

                                                           R. Hall AUS

                                                           Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Greenstead Magnificent’

                                                                                   Newman & Sons Nurs., Tea Tree Gully AUS

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth to NZL

                                                           Low, dense, wide spreading. Used as ground cover. Blue-grey colour. Very attractive indeed. Slow growing. 80 cm high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Greenstead Magnificent Variegated

                                                           J. Emery 1989

                                                           Drue Wholesale Nurs., Berry AUS

            Hagley                                   1983 AUS

            Hatch’s Sport of Sulphur Tip

                                                           /Sulpur Cushion/

            Hodginsii                               E. E. Lord 1948

                                                           1940 Hodgins Nurs., Essendom AUS

            Horizontalis                           Brunning 1898

                                                           1873 Brunning’s Nurs., St. Kilda, Melbourne AUS

                                                                                   1898 Brunning’s Nurs., St. Kilda, AUS

                                                           Cupressus lambertiana Gord. horizontalis Brunning

            Horizontalis Aurea                Brunning 1898

                                                           1873 Brunning’s Nurs., St. Kilda, Melbourne AUS

                                                                                   1898 Brunning’s Nurs., St. Kilda, AUS

                                                                                   Hull Farm Nurs. in GBR

                                                           Golden Monterey Cypress. Also known as Cupressus macrocarpa Lambertiana Aurea’. An excellent conifer for LARGE lawns, background planting or farm beautification. Very salt wind hardy. A lovely bright yellow. Most sought after. 5 metres high x 3 - 4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Horizontalis Aurea                Hort. AUS

                                                           The plant without a leader takes an other habit.

            Horizontalis Hodginsii           R. E. Harrison 1959                            AUS


            Lambertiana                          Lord 1948                                          AUS


            Lambertiana Aurea               AUS                /Horizontalis Aurea/

            Mangalore                             1986 AUS

            MacLaren Vale                     P. C. Nitschke 1987

                                                           1982 P. C. Nitschke, in MacLaren Vale AUS

            Mortlake                               1986 AUS

                                                           P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Oteha                                     2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2010 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A very narrow form of Cupressus macrocarpa found as a mutant sport on the parent tree. Still under trial. 1.8 metres high x 20 cm wide in 3 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Pendula Aurea                       AUS

            Ragamuffin                            1993 AUS

                                                           1983 John Emery, Drue Wholesale Nurs. AUS

                                                                                   Drue Wholesale Nurs. AUS

            Ross                                       P. C. Nitschke 1989

                                                           1985 P. C. Nitschke & R. Radford at Ross TAS

            Saligna Aurea                        AUS

                                                           Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Saligna Aurea’

                                                                                  1991 Zwijnenburg Nurs. in HOL

                                                           /Aurea Saligna/ /Coneybearii Aurea/

            Snowstorm                             NZL

            South Road                            P. C. Nitschke 1989

                                                           1982 P. C. Nitschke in Adelaide AUS

            Sunshine                                R. E. Harrison 1972

                                                                                   Harrison Nurs., Palmerston NZL

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs. in the USA

                                                           Semi weeping. Fast growing. Bright golden yellow all year round. Stands dry poor soils like all of the previously mentioned macrocarpa. Tolerant of moderate salt laden winds. A really nice large tree for garden or farm planting. 7 metres high x 4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            White Lightning                    J. Emery 1989                         AUS


   SEMPERVIRENS                        1753                           MED

                                                           L.                                                                               Kr

Cupressus sempervirens Linnaeus 1753 - Európai valódi ciprus - European cypress


            Gold Rocket                          NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressus sempervirens ‘Gold Rocket’ - Same as Cup. semp. ‘Swanes Golden’ in all respects but a more intense pale gold at certain times of the year. We have decided not to carry this line as it is too confusing - most cannot distinguish this plant from Cup. semp. ‘Swanes Golden’ . 2.5 metres high x 40 cm wide in 10 years. Cedar Lodge text.

            Gracilis                                  NZL

                                                                                   Hull Farm Nurs. in GBR

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Thread-like foliage, fresh green colour. This form is often seen to be tied up with twine. In its native habitat (dry climate) this would be unnecessary. We have found that Cypress Canker is affecting the branches that fall out and the best way to care for the tree is to cut out the affected branch at the base and spray the tree with copper monthly. Tall, slender narrow and formal. 3 metres high x 70 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Karoonda                               J. Emery 1989

                                                           Quentin Wollaston, Raywood Nurs., Delamere AUS

                                                                                   P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Stricta Aurea                         R. E. Harrison 1959                            NZL

                                                           Cupressus sempervirens ‘Stricta Aurea’

                                                                                   Hull Farm Nurs. in GBR

            Swane’s Golden                    R. E. Harrison 1959

                                                           1944 Swane Bros. Nurs., Erarington, Sydney AUS

                                                           Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swane’s Golden’

                                                                                   1956 Swane Bros. Nurs., Sydney AUS

                                                                                   Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester in GBR

                                                           Golden yellow. Holds some colour in shade. Likes dry, well drained sites. Does not like extreme salt wind. Tall & slender. 2.5 metres high x 50 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Swaine’s Gold/  /Swanes Gold/

            Totem                                     Cupressus sempervirens ‘Totem’

                                                                                  2004 C. Esveld Nurs. Boskoop HOL

                                                                                  Cupressus sempervirens ‘Totem’

                                                                              Similar to Cupressus sempervirens ‘Gracilis’ but foliage more course and a darker green. As narrow as ‘Swanes’. Likes dry well drained conditions. Tall & slender. 4 metres high x 50 cm wide in 10 years, 8 metres high x 1 metre wide at base in 20 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           /Totem Pole/

            Totem Pole                            1984 NZL

                                                           Trevor Davies & Cyril Watson, Eastwood Hill NZL

                                                           Cupressus sempervirens ‘Totem’

                                                                                   Hull Farm Nurs. in GBR



   TORULOSA                                  1824                           W-HIM CHN W-SE 

                                                           D. Don                                                                       Kr

Cupressus torulosa D. Don. 1824 - Himalájai ciprus - Himalaya cypress

                                                           C. nepalensis Loud.

            Arctic Green                          Levey 1972

                                                           1965 Vic Levey’s Nurs., Beaudesert AUS

                                                                                   1972 Vic Levey’s Nurs., Beaudesert AUS

            Aurea                                     NZL

                                                           Bruce Hago, Dawn Nurs., Te Atatu, Auckland NZL

                                                           Cupressus torulosa ‘Aurea’

                                                           Open weeping yellow form. Very nice attractive tree. Has a delicate look about it. 3.5 metres high x 2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Aurea                                     Duncan & Davies

                                                           Lumsden in Northfield Gardens, Methven NZL

            Aurea                                     Hort. NZL

            Battley’s                                Sampson 1992

                                                           Mr. Battley, NZL

                                                           Cupressus torulosa ‘Battley’s

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A very good narrow form. Pale green. Attractive foliage. Slightly weeping. Fast growing. Could be used as shelter with no trimming. Narrow, pyramidal habit. This Conifer is becoming more and more popular. It is so versatile. 7 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Dorlin                                     Wild found in Carterton NZL

                                                           Cupressus torulosa ‘Dorlin’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Found in a Shelter Belt line grown from Seedlings on Macdonald’s Farm, Carterton. This plant is a beautiful yellow - a very compact tree and will make a fine garden specimen. 2.3 metres high x 1.8 metres wide in 7 years in our Nursery/Garden. (Cedar Lodge text)

            Fernside                                 NZL

                                                           Cupressus torulosa ‘Fernside’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Attractive lacy green cultivar obtained from South Island, New Zealand. Not hardy to extreme salt wind. 3 metres high x 2.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. This measurement has been affected by wind. (should be taller) Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

            Glauca                                    NZL

                                                                                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A rare conifer with upright growth and weeping tips. Requires well-drained soil. This tree looks similar to cashmeriana but is far more wind hardy. If one cannot grow a nice Cupressus cashmeriana then this plant is worth while trying. 5.5 metres high x 4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.


            Gold Spangle                         Welch 1979

                                                           R. Barry, South Taranaki Nurs., Hawera NZL

            Hill’s Golden                         John Emery in a private garden AUS

            Pendula Glauca                     R. E. Harrison 1959                            NZL

            Silversplash                           J. Emery 1989                                     AUS

            Tinty’s Pencil             AUS

            Yatton                                    2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Cupressus torulosa ‘Yatton’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           An outstanding Cupressus torulosa planted in the early years of the development of Yatton Park in Tauranga. A large magnificent specimen. Other details available after some years growing in our garden. Cedar Lodge text.


DACRYCARPUS                                  /Endl./de Laubf. 1969              PODOCARPACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery


Dacrycarpus – Csuklyásciprus – Hooded cypress

Dacrycarpus (Endl.) de Laubenfels 1969 Podocarpaceae – Kőtiszafafélék – Stone Yews


   DACRYDIOIDES                         1969                           N-NZL

                                                           /Rich./de Laubf.                                                          KeI

Dacrycarpus dacrydioides /Rich./de Laubf. 1969 – Kahikatea csuklyásciprus – Kahikatea hooded cypress



DACRYDIUM                             Solander ex Forster 1786                    PODOCARPACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery

Dacrydium – Fátyolfenyő – Veil stonecypress

Dacrydium Solander ex Forster 1786 - Podocarpaceae – Kőtiszafafélék – Stone Yews


   BIDWILLII                                       1878                           NZL

                                                           /Hook. f. ex  Kirk./Quinn                                            Kr

Dacrydium bidwillii (Hook. ex Kirk.) Quinn 1878

                                                           Halocarpus bidwillii

            Copper Glow                         1985 NZL


   BIFORME                                       1903                           NZL

                                                           /Hook./Pilg.                                                                Kr GD

Dacrydium biforme /Hook./Pilg. 1903  see: Halocarpus biformis /Hook./Quinn 1982

                                                           D. colensoi Kirk. non Hook.

                                                           Podocarpus biformis ? Hook.

                                                           Halocarpus biformis /Hook./Quinn 1982


   COLENSOI                                     1843                           NZL

                                                           Hook.                                                                         Kr GD

Dacrydium colensoi Hook. 1843 - > Lagarostrobos colensoi

                                                           D. westlandicum Kirk. 1843

                                                           Lagarostrobos colensoi /Hook./ Quinn 1982


   CUPRESSINUM                           1786                           NZL

                                                           Sol. ex Lambert                                                          KeI

Dacrydium cupressinum Sol. ex Lambert 1786 – Rimu fátyolfenyő – Rimu veil stonecypress

                                                           D. cupressiforme Carr. 1855

                                                           D. lobbii Hort.

            Charisma                               2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Dacrydium cupressinum ‘Charisma’

                                                           A brand new bronzy golden wonder of Cedar Lodge. This is the first cultivar of the Rimu veil stonecypress (Dacrydium cupressinum). Description later.


   FRANKLINII                                  1845                           TAS

                                                           Hook. f.                                                                      Kr GD

Dacrydium franklinii Hook. f. 1845  Huon Pine - > Lagarostrobos franklinii

                                                           D. huonensae Cunn. ex Carr. 1855

                                                           Lagarostobos franklinii Hook. f.

                                                                                  Dacrydium franklinii


            Roosevelt                              1990 AUS



   INTERMEDIUM                             1878                           NZL

                                                           T. Kirk.                                                                      Kr GD

Dacrydium intermedium T. Kirk. 1878  - > Lepidothamnus intermedius

                                                           Lepidothamnus intermedium T. Kirk

            Gracilis                                  1972 NZL

            Green Cascade                     Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA


   KIRKII                                                                                NZL

                                                           F. Muell. ex Parl.                                                        Kr GD

                                                           Halocarpus kirkii /F. Muell. ex Parl./Quinn 1982

Dacrydium kirkii F. Muell. ex Parl.


   LAXIFOLIUM                                1845                           NZL

                                                           Hook. f.                                                                      Kr GD

Dacrydium laxifolium Hook. f. 1845  - > Lepidothamnus laxifolius

                                                           Lepidothamnus laxifolius /Hook./Quinn 1982

            Blue                                       NZL                /Blue Gem/

            Blue Form                              NZL                /Blue Gem/

            Blue Gem                              Welch 1979

                                                           Otari Native Plant Museum, Wellington NZL

            Blue Pygmy                           NZL                /Blue Gem/

            Green Cascade                     1991 wild found by W. Brockie, NZL

                                                           Ray Mole, Otari Native Plant Museum, Well. NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Lepidothamnus laxifolius x intermedius ‘Green Cascade’

                                                           Formerly Dacrydium laxifolium x intermedium ‘Green Cascade’. Found at Arthur’s Pass N.Z. by W. Brockie of the Otari Plant Museum. This plant is much more vigorous than the laxifolium species. Flat and spreading. 15 cm high x 1.2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden.  Zone 8. Cedar Lodge text.

            Homers Tunnel                     1970 GBR       /Blue Gem/


DISELMA                                     Hooker f. 1857                                   CUPRESSACEAE


Diselma – Taszmánboróka – Tasmanjuniper 

Diselma Hooker. f. 1907 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


Diselma archeri Hook. 1910 – Közönséges taszmánboróka - Tasman cypress


   ARCHERI                                     1910                           TAS

                                                           Hook.                                                                         Kr


FALCATIFOLIUM                   de Laubenfels 1969                             PODOCARPACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery


Falcatifolium – Sarlóstiszafa – Sickle yew

Falcatifolium de Laubenfels - Podocarpaceae – Kőtiszafafélék – Stone Yews


   ANGUSTUM                                 1969                           BOR

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                    KeI

Falcatifolium angustum de Laubenfels 1969 - Borneói sarlóstiszafa – Borneo sickle yew


   FALCIFORMIS                            1969                           FIJ BOR

                                                           /Parl./de Laubf.                                                           KeI

Falcatifolium falciformis (Parl.) de Laubenfels 1969 - Fidzsi sarlóstiszafa – Fiji sickle yew

                                                           Podocarpus falciformis Parl. 

                                                           Nageia falciformis /Parl./Kuntze 1891

                                                           Dacrydium falciformis /Parl./Pilg. 1903


   GRUEZOI                                      1984

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                    KeI

Falcatifolium gruezoi de Laubenfels 1984


   PAPUANUM                                 1969                           NGU

                                                           de Laubf.                                                                    KeI

Falcatifolium papuanum de Laubenfels 1969 - Pápua sarlóstiszafa – Papua sickle yew


   TAXOIDES                                               1969                           NCA

                                                           /Brongn. & Griseb./de Laubf.                          KeI

Falcatifolium taxoides /Brongn. & Griseb./ de Laubenfels 1969 – Sarlóstiszafa – Sickle yew

                                                           Nageia taxoides /Brongn.& Griseb./Kuntze

                                                           Podocarpus taxodioides var. gracilis Carr.


GINGKO                                       Linnaeus 1771             GINGKOACEAE


Gingko - Páfrányfenyő – Gingko 

Gingko Linnaeus 1771 - Gingkoaceae – Páfrányfenyőfélék


   BILOBA                                         1771                           CHN CE Tien Mu Shan

                                                           Linnaeus                                                                                 Kr

Gingko biloba Linnaeus 1771 - Páfrányfenyő - Gingko tree


            Selected Form                       2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Ginkgo biloba - yet to be named - Selected form. Brilliant yellow autumn foliage - very narrow habit. Thrives in most soils and conditions. Rather slow growing. Upright slender habit. 1 metre high x 40 cm wide in 3 years in our Nursery/Garden. Ultimately 5 metres high. Cedar Lodge text.

            Snow Flake                            2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Ginkgo biloba ‘Snow Flake’ - A variegated form. Ideal for a shady or semi-shady spot. Production underway soon. No further information available yet. Cedar Lodge text.



HALOCARPUS                          Quinn 1982                                         PODOCARPACEAE


Halocarpus – Magköpenyboróka – Seedjuniper 

Halocarpus Quinn 1982 Podocarpaceae – Kőtiszafafélék - Stone Yews


   BIDWILLII                                   1982                           NZL

                                                           /J. D. Hooker ex T. Kirk./Quinn                                  KeI WCC

Halocarpus bidwillii /J.D. Hooker ex T. Kirk./ Quinn 1982 - Újzélandi havasi magköpenyboróka – Alpine seedjuniper

                                                           Dacrydium bidwillii Hooker ex T. Kirk 1878

            Copper Glow                         1985 NZL

                                                           Dacrydium bidwillii ‘Copper Glow’

            Erecta                                    1972 NZL

                                                                                   J. W. Goodwin, New Plymouth NZL

            Reclinata                               1972 NZL

                                                                                   J. W. Goodwin, New Plymouth NZL


   BIFORMIS                                               1982                           NZL

                                                           /Hook./Quinn                                                              KeI WCC

Halocarpus biformis (Hook.) Quinn 1982 – Sárga magköpenyboróka – Yellow seedjuniper

                                                           Podocarpus biformis Hook.

                                                           Dacrydium biforme /W. J. Hooker/Pilg. 1905


   KIRKII                                           1982                           NZL

                                                           /Muell. ex Parl./Quinn                                      KeI WCC

Halocarpus kirkii (Muell. ex Parl.) Quinn 1982 – Manoao magköpenyboróka – Manoao seedjuniper

Monoao. Not to be confused with another native New Zealand podocarp, Manoao, or with a New Zealand flowering shrub, manoao. Source

                                                           Dacrydium kirkii Muell. ex Parl.1869


JUNIPERUS                                Linnaeus 1753                         CUPRESSACEAE


Juniperus - Boróka – Juniper

Juniperus Linnaeus 1753 - Cupressaceae – Borókafélék – Junipers – Cypresses - Junipers

Boróka képtár - Juniper Gallery of 19600 (2005) – 178000 in 2009


   CHINENSIS                                  1771                           CHN MON

                                                           L.                                                                               Kr

Juniperus chinensis Linnaeus 1771 - Kínai boróka – Chinese juniper

            *                                             = Juniperus media x cultivars


            *Aorangi Gold                       1993 NZL as a sport of /Mint Julep/

                                                           Found by Plantorama in South Canterbury NZL

                                                                                   2004 Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

            *Dandelight                           N. M. Sampson 1989

                                                           1987 Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Juniperus media x ‘Dandelight’

                                                                                   1992 Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A valuable Conifer proudly developed by Cedar Lodge and released to the N. Z market autumn 1992. ‘Dandelight’ is very adaptable and will perform well in any free draining position. Full sun or partial shade. Bright lemon-yellow during spring and summer turning light golden in winter. Compact, low spreading ground cover. Very hardy, including coastal winds. 50 cm high x 1.4 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            *Evergold                              1993 AUS

                                                           J. Emery, Drue Wholesale Nurs. AUS

                                                                                   Drue Wholesale Nurs. AUS

            Greysport                              1989 AUS

                                                           Ross Conifers, Terana AUS

            Kuriwao Gold            H. J. van de Laar 1984

                                                           Ross Stewart, Clinton, South Otago NZL

                                                           Juniperus chinensis ‘Kuriwao Gold’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs. OR into the USA

                                                                                  Juniperus chinensis Kuriwao Gold

                                                                              Juniperus media ‘Kuriwao Gold’ = Juniperus chinensis ‘Kuriwao Gold’

            Kuriwao Mist            NZL

                                                           Ross Stewart, Clinton, South Otago NZL

            Kuriwao Sunbeam                 NZL

                                                           Ross Stewart, Clinton, South Otago NZL

                                                                                   Holden Clough Nurs. in the GBR

            Shimpaku Gold                      NZL

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

            Silver Shower             2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Juniperus chinensis ‘Silver Shower’ - A variegated sport of ‘Spartan’. Silver and green foliage. Upright and pyramidal. Not wind hardy. Plant in shade or semi-shade. 2.5 metres high x 70 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            *Tiverton                               Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth, NZL

                                                           Juniperus media x ‘Tiverton’

                                                                                  1999 Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A sport from Juniperus x media ‘Pfitzeriana Glauca’ found in New Plymouth and proudly developed by Cedar Lodge. ‘Tiverton’ is very adaptable and will perform well in any free draining position. Full sun or partial shade is desirable. Bright lemon-yellow during all seasons. Compact, low spreading ground cover, ideally suited to the very small garden. Very hardy. Released to the N.Z. market in 1999. 40 cm high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


   COMMUNIS                                 1753                           CIR

                                                           L.                                                                               Kr

Juniperus communis Linnaeus 1753 - Közönséges boróka - Common juniper


            McKay’s Weeper                 Hort. NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A grey-green semi ground cover. Too soon to give accurate measurements but in 4 years this plant is 50 cm high x 1 metre wide. Zone 2. Cedar Lodge text.


   CONFERTA                                  1863                           JPN SHL

                                                           Parl.                                                                            Cz Kr

Juniperus conferta Parl. 1863 – Fövenyboróka – Japanese shore juniper


            Emerald Ruffles                    1991 Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                   Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

            Horrid Mat                                                    2004 Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

            Horridus                                1991 NZL


   DEPPEANA                                   1840                           SW-USA

                                                           Steud.                                                                         Kr

Juniperus deppeana Steud. 1840 - Sivatagi boróka – Desert juniper


            Conspicua                              Barbier 1909

                                                           Juniperus deppeana ‘Conspicua’

                                                                                   Ornamental Conifers NZL


   HORIZONTALIS                          1794                           N-AME BC - NSC 

                                                           Moench                                                                      Kr

Juniperus horizontalis Moench. 1794 - Henye boróka – Prostrate juniper


            Kaniere Gold                         Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Very flat ground cover. Yellow turning deep gold in winter. Very slow growing. 8 cm high x 70 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


   SCOPULORUM                            1839                           W-N-AME TE - OR - BC

                                                           Sargent                                                                       Kr

Juniperus scopulorum Sargent 1839 - Sziklás-hegységi boróka - Rocky Mountains juniper


            Blue Sabre                             2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Sabre’

                                                           Another very nice tall narrow blue column. Seems more suitable to N.Z. conditions. 2.5 metres high x 80 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 3. Cedar Lodge text.

            Gold Flash                             NZL

                                                                                   Blackman NZL

            Hilborn’s Silver Globe          2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Juniperus scopulorum Hilborn’s Silver Globe

                                                           Slow growing shrub. Blue in colour. Ideal for the smaller garden. Conical shape. 7 - 10 cm growth per year. 80 cm high x 80 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 3. Cedar Lodge text.

            Laser Light                            2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Upright, erect, compact. Branchlets upward pointing. Colour is Blue. A sport or mutation from Juniperus scopulorum ‘Moonglow’. Found at Cedar Lodge Nurseries. Trialed for some years. Present plant is 25 cm wide x 90 cm high in 1 year from planting in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


   SQUAMATA                                 1824                           AFG - CHN - TWN

                                                           D. Don                                                                       Kr

Juniperus squamata D. Don 1824 – Himalájai törpeboróka – Lying Himalaya juniper


            Gold Flash                             1986 NZL

                                                                                   Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

            Ron                                        2009 Cedar Lodge Nursery, New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Juniperus squamata ‘Meyerii’ x recurva var. coxii ‘RON’- The parent of ‘Ron’ occurred in private garden in South Island. Rather unusual plants grown from the above seedling proved to be male and female. The two plants, when introduced were not identified as either male or female positively but were named by their growth rate. ‘Ron’ proved to be the smaller growing plant and ‘Audrey’ a more vigorous plant of greater 10 year height. We decided to stay with growing ‘Ron’. 75 cm high x 2 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.

            Spence’s Silver                     1992 NZL

                                                           Juniperus squamata ‘Spence’s Silver’


LAGAROSTROBOS               Quinn 1982                                         PODOCARPACEAE


See also under DACRYDIUM, now MANOAO


Lagarostrobos - Magköpenyciprus – Manoao 

Lagarostrobos Quinn 1982 - Podocarpaceae – Kőtiszafafélék - Stone Yews


   COLENSOI                                   1982                           NZL

                                                           /Hook./ Quinn                                                             KeI

                                                           Dacrydium colensoi Hook.


   FRANKLINII                                1982                           TAS

                                                           /Hook./ Quinn                                                             KeI

Lagarostrobos franklinii (Hook.) Quinn 1982 - Taszmán magköpenyciprus – Manoao seedjuniper

                                                           Dacrydium franklinii Hook.

            Pendulum                               Hort.                                                                          DG

                                                           Lagarostrobos franklinii ‘Pendula’


LARIX                                            Mill. 1754                                           PINACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery

Larix – Vörösfenyő – Larch

Larix Miller 1754 - Pinaceae – Fenyőfélék - Pines


   DECIDUA                                      1754                           EUR KAR ALP

                                                           Mill.                                                                            Kr Cz

Larix decidua Mill. 1754 - Európai vörösfenyő - European larch


            Julian’s Weeper                    1990 AUS

                                                           Larix decidua ‘Julian’s Weeper’

                                                                                   1982 Yamina Rare Plants Nurs., USA

                                                                                   Monbulk AUS

                                                           Larix decidua ‘Julian’s Weeper’  American Conifer Society

            Little Bogle                           1990 AUS

                                                           1990 Yamina Rare Plant Nurs. Monbulk AUS

                                                           Larix decidua ‘Little Bogle’

                                                                                   Yamina Rare Plant Nurs. Monbulk AUS

            Tumblin                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A chance seedling found at Cedar Lodge Nurseries

            Wakanui                                2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs., New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Larix decidua ‘Wakanui’ - A dwarf Larch found in New Zealand. Description at a later date. Both our stock plants died. We will try to graft onto more suitable stock. Cedar Lodge text.


MANOAO                             (Hook.) Molloy 1995                          PODOCARPACEAE

New monotypic genus, earlier DACRYDIUM and LAGAROSTROBOS


Manoao – Kiviciprus – Kiwicypress

Manoao (Hook.) Molloy 1995 - Podocarpaceae – Kőtiszafafélék - Stone Yews


Manoao képek - Gallery


   COLENSOI                                   1995                           NZL

                                                           /Hook. 1982/ Molloy                                                  KeI

Manoao colensoi (Hook.) Molloy 1995 - Újzélandi kiviciprus - New Zealand kiwicypress

                                                           Manoao colensoi 


METASEQUOIA                                   Hu & Cheng 1948                               TAXODIACEAE


Metasequoia – Kínai mamutfenyő – Chinese / Dawn redwood

Metasequoia Hu & Cheng 1948 - Taxodiaceae – Óriásfenyőfélék - Giant Cypresses


   GLYPTOSTROBOIDES              1948                           CHN E-SE W-HU

                                                           Miki ex Hu & Cheng                                       Kr

Metasequoia glyptostroboides Miki ex Hu & Cheng 1948 Kínai mamutfenyő v. ősfenyő - Dawn redwood


            Nitschke Cream                    AUS

                                                           P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS


MICROCACHRYS                   Hook. 1845                                        PODOCARPACEAE


Microcachrys – Szederciprus – Blackberry cypress

Microcachrys Hooker 1845 - Podocarpaceae – Kőtiszafafélék - Stone Yews


   TETRAGONA                               1845                           W-TAS

                                                           /W. S. Hooker/J. D. Hooker                                       Kr

Microcachrys tetragona (W. S. Hooker) J. D. Hooker 1845 - Taszmán szederciprus – Tasmanian blackberry cypress



MICROSTROBOS                   Gard. & Johns. 1951               PODOCARPACEAE


Microstrobos – Törpeciprus – Dwarfcypress

Microstrobos Gard. & Johns. 1951 - Podocarpaceae – Kőtiszafafélék – Stone Yews


   FITZGERALDII                            1951                           AUS NSW

                                                           /Muell./ Garden & Johnson                                         Kr

Microstrobos fitzgeraldii (Muell.) Garden & Johnson 1951 - Ausztrál törpeciprus – Australian dwarfcypress

                                                           Microstrobus fitzgeraldii


   NIPHOPHILUS                             1951                           TAS

                                                           Garden & Johnson                                                      Kr

Microstrobos niphophilus Garden & Johnson 1951 - Taszmán törpeciprus – Tasmanian dwarfcypress


PHYLLOCLADUS                    C. & A. Rich.                                      PHYLLOCLADACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery


Phyllocladus – Fodorkafenyő – Frillpine

Phyllocladus C. & A. Rich - Podocarpaceae – Kőtiszafafélék - Stone Yews


   ALPINUS                                       1853                            NZL

                                                           Hook.                                                                         Kr

Phyllocladus alpinus Hook. 1853 - Havasi fodorkafenyő – Alpine frillpine

                                                           Ph. trichomanoides var. alpina Parl.

                                                           Phyllocladus trichomanoides var. alpinus

                                                           Phyllocladus asplenifolius var. alpinus

            Blue Haze                              Phyllocladus asplenifolius var. alpinus ‘Blue Haze’

            Cockayne’s Blue                   N. Sampson 1992

                                                           1992 Omahanui Nurs. NZL

                                                           Phyllocladus asplenifolius var. alpinus ‘Cockaynes Blue’

            Silver Blades                         H. G. Hillier 1971


   ASPLENIFOLIUS                         1825                           TAS

                                                           /Labill./Hook.                                                             Kr

Phyllocladus asplenifolius (Labill.) Hook. 1825 – Taszmán fodorkafenyő – Tasmanian frillpine

Phyllocladus asplenifolius var. alpinus

Phyllocladus asplenifolius var. alpinus ‘Blue Haze’

Phyllocladus asplenifolius var. alpinus ‘Cockaynes Blue’

                                                           Ph. rhomboidales L. C. & A. Rich.

                                                           Ph. billardieri Mirb.

                                                           Ph. serratifolius Nois. ex Carr.


   GLAUCUS                                     1867                           NZL

                                                           Carr.                                                                          Kr

Phyllocladus glaucus Carr. 1867 - Hamvas fodorkafenyő – Blue frillpine

                                                           Ph. trichomanoides var. glaucus Parl.


   HYPOPHYLLUS                                                              NGU BOR PHI INDO

                                                           Hook.                                                                         Kr

Phyllocladus hypophyllus Hook. – Szundaföldi fodorkafenyő – Sundaland frillpine

                                                           Ph. prostratus /Warburg/Pilg.

                                                           Ph. major Pilg.


   TOATOA                                       1996                           NW-NZL


Phyllocladus toatoa Molloy 1996 – Kékzeller fodorkafenyő – Blue celery frillpine

                                                           Ph. glauca Kirk 1869 non Carriere 1855 (Farjon 1998).


   TRICHOMANOIDES                                                     NZL

                                                           D. Don                                                                       KeI

Phyllocladus trichomanoides D. Don – Újzélandi fodorkafenyő – New Zealand frillpine

                                                           Ph. cunninghamii Hort.

                                                           Phyllocladus trichomanoides var. alpinus


            Blue Haze                              Hort. AUS

                                                           Phyllocladus trichomanoides ‘Bleu Haze’


PICEA                                            A. Dietrich 1824                                 PINACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery


Picea – Luc – Spruce

Picea A. Dietrich 1824 - Pinaceae – Fenyőfélék - Pines


   SMITHIANA                                 1884                           W-HIM NEP AFG

                                                           /Wall./Boiss.                                                               Kr SS

Picea smithiana (Wall.) Boiss. 1884 - Himalájai hosszútűs luc - Himalayan long-leaved spruce

            Ballarat                                  1993 AUS

                                                           1993 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                           Picea smithiana ‘Ballarat’

                                                                                   John Emery, Drue Wholesale Nurs., AUS

            Skardu                                                           Cedar Lodge Nursery NZL

                                                           Picea smithiana ‘Skardu’


PINUS                                             Linnaeus 1753                                     PINACEAE

                                                           Képek - Gallery


Pinus – Erdeifenyő - Pine

Pinus Linnaeus 1753 - Pinaceae – Fenyőfélék - Pines


   CANARIENSIS                             1825                           CNR

                                                           C. Smith ex DC. Pl.                                                    Kr P

Pinus canariensis C. Smith ex DC. Pl. 1825 - Kanári hosszútűs fenyő – Canary Island pine

            Jericho                                   1993 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Pete’s Pygmy                        1993 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Zulu                                        1993 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS


   HALEPENSIS                               1768                           POR - MED - ASM - AFG

                                                           Mill.                                                                            Kr P

Pinus halepensis Mill. 1768 - Aleppófenyő - Aleppo pine

            Kapunda                                1979 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                                                   P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Cedar’s Lemon’                    1983 Cedar Lodge NZL

                                                           Pinus halepensis ‘Cedar’s Lemon’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Found in a batch of seedlings grown at our nursery in 1983. Lemon stripe on needles. Colour stronger in a cooler climate. A very attractive pine that would be a talking point in any garden. Conditions for growth same as the species. Salt wind hardy. Approx. 3 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Round to oval bush. Zone 8 - 9. Cedar Lodge text.


   MONTEZUMAE                           1832                           MEX GUA

                                                           Lamb.                                                                         Kr PM

Pinus montezumae Lamb. 1832 - Azték v. Montezuma fenyő – Montezuma pine


            Seedling                                 2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A seedling mutation much like a bundle of long grass. 4 to 5 needles which are 25 cm long. Found amongst Pinus montezumae seedlings at Cedar Lodge. A mid green colour held in tufts on the ends of short stubby branches which themselves are 15 cm long. 60 cm high x 1 metres wide in 8 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


   MURICATA                                  1837                           USA CA - NW-MEX

                                                           D. Don                                                                       Kr PG P

Pinus muricata D. Don 1837 - Püspökfenyő - Bishop pine


            Cappuccino                            2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A spectacular cultivar of the Bishop Pine, discovered in a batch of blue muricata seedlings at our Nursery. All the new season needle growth emerges a bright lemon-yellow. Best colour displayed in the months of November-December, fading out quickly to the normal grey blue of the ‘Blue Muricata’. Responds well to trimming which is desirable to maintain shape and size so true beauty can be appreciated. Without trimming would be 5 metres high x 3 metres wide in 8 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 8. Cedar Lodge text.


            Matangi                                 2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Another selection by Cedar Lodge. This one chosen for the outstanding blue colour. Growth rate same as Pinus muricata (Blue Strain). Cedar Lodge text.


   MUGO                                           1764                           ALP BAL

                                                           Turra                                                                          Kr P

Pinus mugo Turra 1764 - Törpe erdeifenyő – Dwarf alpine pine


            Pincushion                             1990 AUS

                                                           1990 Yamina Rare Plant Nurs., Monbulk AUS

            Winter Sun                            1990 AUS

                                                           1990 Yamina Rare Plant Nurs. Monbulk AUS

                                                           Pinus mugo ‘Winter Sun’


   NIGRA                                           1785                           S-, SW-,SE-EUR MED ASM UKR

                                                           Arnold                                                                        Kr WCC

Pinus nigra Arnold 1785 - Feketefenyő - Black pine


            Pinnacle                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Pinus nigra ‘Pinnacle’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A specially selected narrow form of Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana var. pyramidata - Crimean Pine. Native of Turkey. Seeds of species taken from uniform stands in 1955 and introduced into cultivation from West Germany. Similar to Cupressus sempervirens in shape. Well worth planting for vertical accent in any garden. Windy hardy, narrow, an excellent vertical accent tree. 3 metres high x 1 metre wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


   PATULA                                         1831                           C-, E-MEX

                                                           Schlecht. & Cham.                                          Kr PM PG P

Pinus patula Schlecht. & Cham. 1831 – Leányhajfenyő – Mexican weeping pine


            Cascade                                 2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new introduction to our Nursery - yet to be evaluated.

                                                           Cedar Lodge text.


            Dragon Eye                            2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new introduction to our Nursery yet to be evaluated. Weeping gold needles make this a handsome tree for any garden. Protect from wind. Approx. height 3 metres - our information did not say how long it takes to get to 3 metres. Cedar Lodge text.


   RADIATA                                      1836                           USA CA MEX MOP

                                                           D. Don                                                                       Kr PG P

Pinus radiata D. Don 1836 – Monterey fenyő – Monterey pine

            Aurea                                     Henry 1910                                         NZL

                                                           Pinus radiata ‘Aurea’

                                                                                   Wansdyke Nurs., Devizes into GBR

                                                           P. radiata var. aurea Adams

                                                           Pinus radiata Aurea Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Cactus                                               J. Emery 1989

                                                           1981 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Coleraine                               1981 AUS

                                                           1981 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            El Dorado                              Arnold Arboretum 1988

                                                           Int. for Genetics, Placeville CA USA

            Fluffy                                     1993 AUS

                                                           1993 P. C.Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Freeway                                 P. C. Nitschke 1987

                                                           P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS at Stirling as a

                                                           witch’s broom

            Globe                                     J. Emery 1989

                                                           P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                                                   Drue Wholesale Nurs., AUS

            Gold Nugget                          1989 AUS

                                                           1989 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Golden Broom                       Hort. AUS

                                                           Pinus radiata ‘Golden Broom’

            Goldie                                    1993 1993

                                                           P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Jacob’s Gem                         1993 AUS

                                                           1993 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Marshwood                           G. Haddow 1990

                                                           Tauringature State Forest NZL

                                                           Pinus radiata ‘Marshwood’

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford into GBR

                                                           Pinus radiata Marshwood 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Mortimer Bay                       J. Emery

                                                           1984 S. E. Hobart in TAS

            Nitschke                                P. C. Nitschke 1987

                                                           wild found by P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS near

                                                           Littehampton S-AUS 

            Ross                                       P. C. Nitschke 1987

                                                           1983 R. Radford & P. C. Nitschke wild in TAS

            UCD                                                               Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus radiata var. cedronensis ‘UCD’

            Variegated                             1989 AUS

                                                           1989 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Wee Willie                             1993 AUS

            Wilson’s Creeper                                          Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA



PLATYCLADUS                                    Spach 1842                                        CUPRESSACEAE


Platycladus – Keleti életfa – Eastern arborvitae

Platycladus Spach 1842 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses

   ORIENTALIS                               /L. 1753/Franco 1949                         CHN JPN MAN KOR

                                                           /THUJA ORIENTALIS L. 1753/

Platycladus orientalis (Linnaeus 1753) Franco 1949 - Keletfa v. keleti életfa - Eastern arborvitae


            Cedar Lodge                         1989 Yamina Nurs. AUS

            Flash                                      1993 Ferny Creek Nurs. Victoria AUS

            Golden Ball                           Duncan & Davies 1984

                                                           Roly Barry in South Taranaki Nurs. NZL

                                                           Thuja orientalis ‘Golden Ball’

                                                                                   Bridgemere Nurs. GBR in GBR

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs. NZL in NZL

            Green Cone                           1985 Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                                                   Aldridge Nurs. in USA

            Laureli                                   Laurels Nurs. AUS

            Morgan                                  J. Emery 1989                                     AUS

                                                           Platycladus orientalis ‘Morgan’

            Shirl’s Supreme                     J. Emery 1989                                     AUS

            Spire                                      1987 NZL

                                                                                   Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

            Wainiui Petite                        1988 Bayley’s Nurs. NZL of /Beverleyensis/ seed

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Fine pale lemon green foliage, turning much brighter in spring and summer. Dwarf egg shaped plant. 30 cm high x 20 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


            Kaitake                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Platycladus orientalis ‘Kaitake’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A new Platycladus (Thuja) discovered by a staff member at Cedar Lodge. Beautiful pyramidal shape. Foliage bright yellow in sun, lime green in shade. Foliage held in compact upright planes. This conifer looks to have great promise in adding to the range for average size garden plants. 1.6 metres high x 70 cm wide in 5 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


PODOCARPUS                          L’Herit. ex Pers. 1807             PODOCARPACEAE


Podocarpus – Kőtiszafa – Stone-yew 

Podocarpus L Herit. ex Pers. 1807 – Podocarpaceae - Stone Yews

Kőtiszafa képtár - Stone yew gallery

Podocarpus rendszertan – Podocarpus taxonomy


   ACUTIFOLIUS                              1873                           NZL

                                                           Kirk                                                                           Kr

Podocarpus acutifolius Kirk. 1873 - Újzélandi árlevelű kőtiszafa – New Zealand needle stone yew

Podocarpus acutifolius


   ALPINUS                                       1825                           SW-AUS TAS

                                                           R. Br. ex Mirb.                                                           Kr

Podocarpus alpinus R. Br. ex Mirb. 1825 - Ausztrál alpi kőtiszafa – Australian alpine stone yew

            Blue Gem                                                      Lincluden Nurs. GBR

                                                           Podocarpus alpinus ‘Blue Gem’

            Bluey                                                             Lincluden Nurs. GBR

            Country Park Fire                                         Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Podocarpus alpinus ‘County Park Fire’

            Red Tip                                                          Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Podocarpus alpinus ‘Red Tip’


   AMARUS                                                                          AUS SUM JAW PHI

                                                           Bl.                                                                              Kr

Podocarpus amarus Bl. > Sundacarpus amarus (Blume) C.N. Page 1989


   CUNNINGHAMII                        1844


Podocarpus cunninghamii Colenso 1884, Kirk 1889 (as P. hallii) – Ruapehu-hegyi maori kőtiszafa – Mt Ruapehu maori stone yew


   DACRYDIOIDES                         1862                           NZL

                                                           A. Rich.                                                                      Kr

                                                           Dacrycarpus dacrydioides /A. Rich./de Laubf.


   DISPERMUS                                1933                           AUS QU

                                                           White                                                                         Kr GD

Podocarpus dispermus C.T. White 1933 – Kajewski kőtiszafa – Kajewski stone yew


   DROUYNIANUS                           1864                           W-AUS

                                                           Muell.                                                                         Kr GD

Podocarpus drouynianus F. Muell. 1864 – Warren törpekőtiszafa – Warren dwarf stone yew


   ELATUS                                                                            E-AUS

                                                           R. Br. ex Mirb.                                                           Kr GD

Podocarpus elatus R. Br. ex Mirb. – Barna kőtiszafa – Brown stone yew


   FERRUGINEUS                            1832                           NZL

                                                           G. Benn. ex D. Don.                                                   Kr

Podocarpus ferrugineus G. Benn ex D. Don 1832 – Miro kőtiszafa – Miro stone yew

                                                           Prumnopitys ferruginea /D. Don/ de Laubf. 1978

            Golden Dwarf                        Merlin Rooted Cuttings GBR


   HALLII                                            Kirk 1889                   NZL                                        Kr GD

                                                           /P. CUNNINGHAMII/

Podocarpus hallii Kirk 1889 – Hall totara kőtiszafa – Hall’s totara stone yew

Podocarpus cunninghamii Colenso 1884, Kirk 1889 (as P. hallii) – Ruapehu-hegyi maori kőtiszafa – Mt Ruapehu maori stone yew

                                                           P. totara var. hallii /Kirk./Pilg.

            Aureus                                   1974 GBR

            Pendulus                                G. Hutchins, Country Park Nurs., Hornchurch GBR

            Roro                                       G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           G. Hutchins, Country Park Nurs., Hornchurch GBR


   LADEI                                            1905                           AUS

                                                           Bailey                                                                         Kr

                                                           Prumnopitys ladei /Bailey/de Laubf. 1978


   LAWRENCEI                                1845                           SE-AUS

                                                           Hook. f. ex Hook.                                                      WCC GD

Podocarpus lawrencei Hook. f. 1845 - Ausztrál-alpi kőtiszafa – Australian alpine stone yew

                                                           P. alpinus R. Br.

                                                           P. alpinus R. Br. ex Mirbel (Harden 1990)

                                                           P. acutifolius (Silba 1986). Basionym for

                                                           Podocarpus alpinus var. lawrencei (J. D. Hook.) J. D. Hook.

            Alpine Lass                           G. Hutchins 1991                                GBR

            Blue Gem                              van Klaveren 1983                              TAS

                                                           Podocarpus lawrencei ‘Blue Gem’

            Bluey                                                             2004 Holden Clough Nurs., Clitheroe GBR

            Purple King                           1990 NZL

                                                           Podocarpus lawrencei ‘Purple King’

            Red Tip                                  Hort. NZL

                                                           Podocarpus lawrencei ‘Red Tip’


   LAWRENCEI X ACUTIFOLIUS                                                                                   WCC

            Autumn Shades                     G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           G. Hutchins, Country Park Nurs., Hornchurch GBR


   LAWRENCEI X NIVALIS           G. Hutchins                                                                 WCC

            Blaze                                      G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           G. Hutchins, Country Park Nurs., Hornchurch GBR

                                                           /Flame/ ?

                                                           Podocarpus lawrencei x nivalis ‘Blaze’

                                                            Podocarpus x Blaze (P. lawrencei x P. nivalis)

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Podocarpus lawrencei x P. nivalis Blaze

            Country Park Fire                 G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           G. Hutchins, Country Park Nurs., Hornchurch GBR

            Spring Sunshine                    G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           G. Hutchins, Country Park Nurs., Hornchurch GBR

            Young Rusty                          G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           G. Hutchins, Country Park Nurs., Hornchurch GBR


   NIVALIS                                        1843                           NZL

                                                           Hook.                                                             Kr WCC GD

Podocarpus nivalis Hook. 1843 - Újzélandi havasi kőtiszafa – Alpine totara

Podocarpus nivalis

                                                           P. montanus Col. 1895

                                                           P. montanus Colenso 1895 non Britton 1889

                                                           P. nivalis var. erectus Cockayne 1916 (Farjon 1998).

             var. ERECTUS                    Cockayne 1916                                  NZL

            Aureus                                   1971 GBR

                                                           Podocarpus nivalis ‘Aureus’

                                                                                   Esveld Nurs., Boskoop into HOL

            Birch View                             2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus x nivalis - From Birch View, South Island, New Zealand. Mid green. 70 cm high x 1.3 m wide 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Bronze                                   Welch 1966                                        NZL

                                                           Podocarpus nivalis ‘Bronze’

            Clarence                                G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           1981 G. Hutchins of Country Park Nurs. GBR

            Erecta                                    Cockayne GBR in NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus x nivalis ‘Erecta’ - An upright form found in N.Z. by Cockayne. Bun shaped when growing in shade. 60 cm high x 1.1 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Green Queen                         G. Hutchins 1993                   

                                                           1977 at Lake Tennyson NZL

            Jack’s Pass                           Welch 1979

                                                           1977 Campana Nurs., at Jack’s Pass NZL

                                                           Podocarpus nivalis ‘Jack’s Pass’

            Kilworth Cream                     Hort. NZL

                                                           Podocarpus nivalis ‘Kilworth Cream’

            Kralingen                                                       Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Podocarpus nivalis ‘Kralingen’

            Little Lady                             G. Hutchins 1991

                                                           G. Hutchins on Mt. Princess NZL

                                                           Podocarpus nivalis ‘Little Lady’

            Livingstone                            G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           1985 of Livingstone Range NZL

            Lodestone                              G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           1990 on Mt. Arthur NZL

                                                           Podocarpus nivalis ‘Lode Stone’

            Maori Prince                         Hort. NZL

                                                           Podocarpus nivalis x ‘Maori Prince’

            Moffatt                                  G. Hutchins 1993


            Mt. Hutt                                2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus nivalis ‘Mt. Hutt’ - From an area bearing same name in the South Island of New Zealand. 30 cm high x 90 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Otari                                      Harrison 1975

                                                           Otari Native Plant Museum, Wellington NZL

            Park Cover                            G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           1981 of Mt. Southey NZL

            Pink Tip                                                         Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Podocarpus nivalis ‘Pink Tip’

            Princess                                 G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           1981 of Mt. Princess NZL

            Prostrate                                NZL

                                                           1981 of Mt. Southey

            Rockery Gem                                                Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Ruapehu                                G. Hutchins 1993

                                                           1990 of Mt. Ruapehu NZL

            Trompenburg                                    2004 C. Esveld Nurs. Boskoop HOL

                                                           Podocarpus nivalis ‘Trompenburg’


   PSEUDOBRACTEATUS              1980                           NGU

                                                           De Laubf.                                                                   GD

Podocarpus pseudobracteatus de Laubenfels 1980 – Kaip kőtiszafa – Kaip stone yew

                                                           P. archboldii var. crassiramosus N. E. Gray 1958    GD

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus pseudobracteatus - Collected from the wild in New Guinea approx. 1957. A very attractive tree with new growth being orange-brown. This growth gradually hardens to pale lime green then onto dark green. The leaves are sickle-shaped and 13 cm long. Will only stand light frosts. Growing well and measured in our Nursery/Garden at 2.5 metres high x 1.8 metres wide in 10 years. Cedar Lodge text.


   RUMPHII                                      1947                           MOL BOR NGU SOL TWA

                                                           Bl.                                                                              Kr GD

Podocarpus rumphii Blume 1947 – Hengchun kőtiszafa – Hengchun stone yew

                                                           Nageia rumphii (Blume) Kuntze

                                                           P. koordersii Pilger ex Koord. & Valeton

                                                           P. philippinensis Foxworthy 1911 (de Laubenfels 1985).

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus rumphii - Rumphius Podoberry. Native of New Guinea, Borneo, Moluccas & other Islands, near sea level. Small or medium size tree. Seeds germinated and grown for 2 years without frost protection in our nursery. New growth deep brick red. 3 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years. Cedar Lodge text.


   SPICATUS                                     1825                           NZL

                                                           R. Br. ex Mirb.                                                           Kr

                                                           Podocarpus spicatus R. Br. ex Mirb. 1825


   SPINULOSUS                               1810                           AUS NSW

                                                           /Smith/R. Brown.                                                        Kr GD

Podocarpus spinulosus (Smith) R. Brown 1810 – Kékhegyi kőtiszafa – Blue Mountain stone yew

                                                           P. excelsa Lodd.

                                                           P. pungens D. Don

                                                           Taxus spinulosa Smith (Gray 1958, de Laubenfels 1985)

                                                           Syn: Podocarpus pungens D. Don

                                                           Podocarpus bidwillii Endl. (Silba 1986)

                                                           Podocarpus ensifolia R. Br. ex Carrière (de Laubenfels 1985)


   TOTARA                                        1832                           NZL

                                                           G. Benn. ex D. Don                                                    Kr GD

Podocarpus totara G. Benn. ex D. Don 1832 - Keskenylevelű maori kőtiszafa - Maori totara

                                                           P. bidwillii Hoibrenk in Endl.

                                                           P. totara D. Don ex Hook. 1842

                                                           Nageia totara (G. Benn. ex D. Don) F. Muell. 1876

                                                           Podocarpus totara G. Benn. ex D. Don

                                                            var. waihoensis Wardle 1972 (Farjon 1998)

             var. HALLII                         /Kirk/Plig. 1889

                                                           Podocarpus totara var. hallii

                                                           P. cunninghamii Colenso

            Albany Gold                          NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Albany Gold’

                                                           A special selection showing more intense winter colour than ‘Aureus’. Podocarpus totara ‘Albany Gold’ is a female plant. A more comprehensive description will be forthcoming in the future. 4 metres high x 2 metres wide in 7 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


            Aureus                                   Harrison 1975

                                                           1945 Duncan & Davis Nurseries NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Aurea’

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Aureus’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Aureus’ - Golden Totara. N.Z. native. Same as the species in the wild but foliage a pale green in spring gradually hardening off to yellow then a brilliant deep gold in winter. The golden form is a male plant. Because this plant is slower growing than the species it can be grown in the smallest of gardens and trimmed to any shape. It is becoming more and more popular each year especially for farm shelter. Stock have no desire to eat the prickly foliage unless really forced to and with trimming it stays clothed right to the ground. Responds extra well to heavy trimming therefore Podocarpus totara ‘Aureus’ can be kept to almost any size or shape required. Eventually developes into a particularly spectacular shelter tree. Arguably N.Z’s most under-rated tree. Dislikes wet sites. Where there are animals, double fencing is still essential. 3.5 metres high x 3.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Photo 2 shows a cut hedge. Photo 3 trimmed as a Pillar. Photo 4 a street planting. Cedar Lodge text by Greg Sampson.


            Fastigiata                               Hort. NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Fastigiata’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL


            Greenhill                                Hort. NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Greenhill’ - This is a weeping plant similar to Podocarpus totara ‘Pendula’. Pale green in colour. We would appreciate any further information on this plant to be forwarded to us. Cedar Lodge text.

            Matapouri Blue                     Hort. NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Matapouri Blue’ - A really stunning rich blue that only a Totara can have. Not the powder blue of the Picea group. Spring foliage is lime green. Easily pruned. Suitable for a hedge. Full sun, rich soil. 2.5 metres high x 1.5 metres in 3 years from planting. No further information available at this time. Cedar Lodge text.


            Oldbarry Gold                       Hort. NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Oldbarry Gold’

            Pendula                                  NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Pendula’

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Pendulus’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Pendula’ - Weeping Totara. Green-gold foliage. Pendulous branches. No leader and very wide spreading. Hardy. 3.5 m high x 4 m wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


            Pouakani                                2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Pouakani’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Pouakani’ - Cuttings from Giant Totara tree in Pureora Forest. A very definite blue colour. 1.5 metres high x 80 cm wide in 2 years in our Nursery/Garden. "Pouakani" is by general consensus the biggest totara in New Zealand, situated in a small reserve west of Lake Taupo. The tree was discovered in 1947 by Forest Service rangers. When measured in about 1978 its diameter at breast height was 363 cm and its height was 39 metres. No doubt it has continued to add girth. Cedar Lodge texts.


            Silver Falls                             Hort. NZL

                                                           Podocarpus totara ‘Silver Falls’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL



PSEUDOTSUGA                                   Carr. 1867                                          PINACEAE


Pseudotsuga – Orsóluc – Spindlespruce

Pseudotsuga Carriere 1867 - Pinaceae – Fenyőfélék - Pines

   MENZIESII                                   1792                           USA OR - CA

                                                           /Mirb./Franco                                                             Kr

Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco 1792 – Duglász orsóluc - Douglas spindlespruce


            Wicky’s Pinnacle                   2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A very interesting very weeping seedling. This plant is still being bulked up for future sales. 2 metres high x 60 cm wide in 4 years in our Nursery/Garden. Young plants will be available in a year or two. Cedar Lodge text.


SEQUOIA                                     Endl. 1847                                          TAXODIACEAE


Sequoia – Parti mamutfenyő – Redwood

Sequoia Endlicher 1847 - Taxodiaceae – Óriásfenyőfélék - Giant Cypresses



   SEMPERVIRENS                        1847                           USA SW-OR - S-CA

                                                           /D. Don/Endl.                                                             Kr

Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endlicher 1847 - Parti mamutfenyő - Coastal redwood

            Aptos                                     1984 NZL                   /Aptos Blue/

                                                           Sequoia sempervirens ‘Aptos Blue’

                                                                                   Duncan & Davies Nurs., New Plymouth NZL


SEQUOIADENDRON             Buchholz 1939                        TAXODIACEAE


Sequoiadendron – Hegyi mamutfenyő – Giant Sequoia

Sequoiadendron Buchholz 1939 - Taxodiaceae – Óriásfenyőfélék - Giant Cypresses

Cultivar overview by Royal Horticultural Society


   GIGANTEUM                               1853                           USA CA

                                                           /Lindl./Buchholz                                                          Kr

Sequoiadendron giganteum - Hegyi mamutfenyő - Giant Sequoia


            Cream Tower             2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Sequoiadendron giganteum ‘Cream Tower’ Same growth habit as the species but being a lemon colour probably slower growing. Further information in due course after some years of observation. Cedar Lodge text.


            Dolimore                                2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Sequoiadendron giganteum ‘Dolimore’ - A selection made in the South Island of New Zealand. This one very much more compact than the Sequoiadendron giganteum ‘Pendulum’ form. We are still evaluating this but it does seem a very neat compact form suitable for a small garden. 5.5 metres high x 70 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


TAXODIUM                                Rich. 1810                                          TAXODIACEAE


Taxodium – Mocsárciprus – Swamp cypresspine 

Taxodium Rich. 1810 – Taxodiaceae - Óriásfenyőfélék – Giant Cypresses

   DISTICHUM                                 1810                           SE-USA

                                                           /L./Rich.                                                                     Kr

Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich 1810 – Mocsárciprus – Swamp cypress


            Cascade Falls                                    Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

                                                           Taxodium distichum ‘Cascade Falls’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A weeping swamp cypress developed by Cedar Lodge. ‘Cascade Falls’ can be trained up a stake to the desired height and then left to arch downward to the ground. Beautiful soft green cascading foliage in early spring - Autumn colour before leaf fall in winter. (Does not need to grow near water.) Cedar Lodge text.


TAXUS                                           L. 1753                                               TAXACEAE

                                                           Taxus Gallery


Taxus – Tiszafa – Yew 

Taxus Linnaeus 1753 - Taxaceae – Tiszafafélék - Yews

   BACCATA                                     1753                           EUR N-AFR ASM CAU

                                                           L.                                                                               Kr

Taxus baccata Linnaeus 1753 - Közönséges tiszafa – Common yew


            Mt. Peel                                 2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Taxus baccata ‘Mt. Peel’ - Found in the South Island of New Zealand. A handsome specimen tree. Growth is upright and attractive and ideal for a very neat hedge needing less trimming than Taxus baccata. Cedar Lodge text.


            Silver Spire                            2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Taxus baccata ‘Silver Spire’ - Silver edge to leaf. This colour is most attractive when the plant is in a shady situation. Winter bringing out the brightest silver effect. Very dwarf, upright growth. 2.2 metres high x 40 cm wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 6. Cedar Lodge text.


THUJA                                           L. 1753                                               CUPRESSACEAE


Thuja – Tuja – Arborvitae 

Thuja Linnaeus 1753 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses

   OCCIDENTALIS                          1753                           N-AME

                                                           L.                                                                               Kr

Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus 1753 – Nyugati életfa – Western arborvitae


            Columbia                               Hort. NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Rich green tipped on all extremities with creamy-white new growth. Broadly pyramidal. 2.5 metres high x 1.2 metres wide at base in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 2. Cedar Lodge text.


            Minimee                                 2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A fresh mid green seedling found at Cedar Lodge. Very compact and dainty turning brown in winter.25 cm high x 20 cm wide in 3 years from planting in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.


   PLICATA                                       1824                           W- N-AME ROC - CA 

                                                           J. Donn ex D. Don                                                      Kr

Thuja plicata J. Donn ex D. Don 1824 - Óriástuja - Giant arborvitae


            Aurea                                     Senecl. 1897                                       NZL

                                                           Thuja plicata ‘Aurea’

                                                           T. plicata var. aurea /Senecl./Dall. & Jacks.

                                                           T. lobbii aurea Senecl.

            Bronze Prince                        1987 NZL

                                                                                   Cedar Lodge Nurs. NZL

            Cancan                                   NZL

                                                           Blue Mountain Nurs. NZL

                                                           Thuja plicata ‘Can Can’

            Old Gold                                C. R. Harrison 1975

                                                           Millichamps Nurs. NZL


TSUGA                                           Carriere 1855                                     PINACEAE


Tsuga – Hemlok – Hemlock

Tsuga Carriere 1855 - Pinaceae – Fenyőfélék – Pines


   CANADENSIS                              /1736/1855                 N-AME

                                                           /L./Carr.                                                                     Kr

Tsuga canadensis (L. 1736) Carr. 1855 - Kanadai hemlokfenyő - Canadian hemlock


            Golden Beacon                      Hort. NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A rare golden form of the Eastern or Canadian hemlock. Graceful upright habit with arching branches. Semi shade is best for this cultivar so it will keep its very pleasant golden colour. In full sun this beautiful Tsuga shows considerable damage from sun burn. Annual growth rate 30 cm. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.


   DIVERSIFOLIA                           1861                           JPN

                                                           /Maxim./Mast.                                                            Kr

Tsuga diversifolia (Maxim.) Mast. 1861 – Észak-Japán vegyeslevelű hemlokfenyő – North Japanese mixedleaf hemlock

            Gotelli                                    Welch in Swartley 1984

                                                           Thompson Nurs. NZL

                                                                                   US National Arb., Gotelli Collection


WOLLEMIA                                1995                                       ARAUCARIACEAE

                                                           Jones et al.


Wollemia – Wollemi délfenyő – Dragon pine 

Wollemia Jones et al. 1999 - Araucariaceae – Délfenyőfélék - South Pines


   NOBILIS                                       Jones, Hill & Allen       AUS

Wollemia nobilis Jones, Hill & Allen 1999 - Sárkányfenyő v. Wollemi fenyő - Dragon or Wollemi Pine


XANTHOCYPARIS                Farjon 2002                            CUPRESSACEAE


Xanthocyparis – Aranyciprus – Yellow cypress

Xanthocyparis Farjon 2002 - Cupressaceae – Ciprusfélék - Cypresses


Some authorities are introducing newly the Callitropsis name as a new genus, dividing species from Xanthocyparis and Cupressus.


   NOOTKATENSIS                         2002                           W-N-AME

                                                           (D. Don)Farjon & Hiep

Xanthocyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Farjon & Hiep 2002 - Nutka aranyciprus - Nootka yellow cypress Xanthocyparis nootkatensis

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis - korábbi néven - an earlier name


            Torwood                                 Ian McKean NZL

                                                           Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Torwood’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           This spectacular weeping form was selected by the late Ian McKean. It is the best weeping form we have seen in New Zealand. Jade Green & pyramidal. 8 metres high x 8 metres wide at the base in 10 years. Zone 4. Cedar Lodge text.




Editing of 1.0 closed on 30th April 2010.

There are 373 conifer cultivars living in New Zealand & Australia.

134 of all are available on the web by Google.




Mesterházy, Zsolt & al. ©

Conifer taxonomist

00 36 30 665 3625

1082 Budapest

Baross utca 109. I. 6.





List of New Zealand & Australian conifer cultivars on the web



Araucaria cunninghamii var. glauca

Calocedrus decurrens ‘Berrima Gold’

Calocedrus decurrens ‘Nana’

Cedrus atlantica ‘Mt. Saint Catherine’

Cedrus deodara ‘Lime Glow’

Cedrus deodara ‘Mountain Beauty’

Cedrus deodara ‘Mylor’

Cedrus deodara ‘Raywood’s Contorted’

Cedrus deodara ‘Scott’

Cedrus deodara ‘Vink’s Golden’

Cedrus deodara ‘Warvely Ridge’

Cedrus deodara ‘Raywood’s Prostrate’

Cedrus libani ‘Gold Tip’

Cedrus libani ‘Katere’

Cedrus libani ‘Hedgehog’

Cedrus libani ‘Kina’

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Barry’s Silver’

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Barry’s Silver’

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Dalrimple’

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Duncanii’

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Flekellwood’

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Green Globe’

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Imbricata Pendula’

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Southern Gold’ ?

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Waitomo’

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Hollard’s Gold’

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Torwood’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Brigitt’s Beehive’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Brigitt’s Beehive’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Confucius’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Fernspray Gold’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Gold Lace’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Hillock’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Chileab’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Chileab’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Hannah’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Hannah’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Lenny’ Star’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Marble Mountain’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Mariesii’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Takaka’

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘True Blue’

Chamaeycparis lawsoniana ‘Juvenalis Stricta’

Cryptomeria japonica ‘Atawhai’

Cryptomeria japonica ‘Beaumonts’

Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans Aurea’

Cryptomeria japonica ‘Lemonade’

Cryptomeria japonica ‘Egmont’

Cunninghamia konishii ‘Koelyn Dwarf’

Cunninghamia konishii ‘Little Leo’

Cupressus arizonica ‘Angaston’

Cupressus arizonica ‘Arctic’

Cupressus arizonica ‘Blue Ice’

Cupressus arizonica ‘Blue Pyramid’

Cupressus arizonica ‘Blue Streak’

Cupressus arizonica ‘Caroline Sapphire’

Cupressus arizonica ‘Chaparral’

Cupressus arizonica ‘Golden Pyramid’

Cupressus arizonica montana ‘Blue Column’

Cupressus cashmeriana ‘Glauca’

Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Spire’

Cupressus glabra ‘Gray Lodge’

Cupressus glabra ‘Raywoods Weeping’

Cupressus lusitanica ‘Blue Swirl’

Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Beaufront’

Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Brunnianna Variegated’

Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Cascade’

Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Chandleri’

Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Coneybearii Aurea’

Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Finegold’

Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Golden Pillar’

Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Greenstead Magnificent’

Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Saligna Aurea’

Cupressus sempervirens ‘Stricta Aurea’

Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swane’s Golden’

Cupressus sempervirens ‘Totem’

Cupressus torulosa ‘Aurea’

Cupressus torulosa ‘Battley’s

Cupressus torulosa ‘Dorlin’

Cupressus torulosa ‘Yatton’

Dacrydium cupressinum ‘Charisma’

Juniperus chinensis ‘Kuriwao Gold’

Juniperus deppeana ‘Conspicua’

Juniperus media x ‘Dandelight’

Juniperus media x ‘Tiverton’

Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Sabre’

Juniperus scopulorum Hilborn’s Silver Globe

Juniperus squamata ‘Spence’s Silver’

Lagarostrobos franklinii ‘Pendula’

Larix decidua ‘Julian’s Weeper’

Larix decidua ‘Little Bogle’

Lepidothamnus laxifolius x intermedius ‘Green Cascade’

Phyllocladus asplenifolius var. alpinus

Phyllocladus asplenifolius var. alpinus ‘Blue Haze’

Phyllocladus asplenifolius var. alpinus ‘Cockaynes Blue’

Phyllocladus trichomanoides ‘Blue Haze’

Picea smithiana ‘Ballarat’

Picea smithiana ‘Skardu’

Pinus halepensis ‘Cedar’s Lemon’

Pinus mugo ‘Winter Sun’

Pinus nigra ‘Pinnacle’

Pinus radiata ‘Aurea’

Pinus radiata ‘Golden Broom’

Pinus radiata ‘Marshwood’

Platycladus orientalis ‘Morgan’

Platycladus orientalis ‘Kaitake’

Podocarpus alpinus ‘Blue Gem’

Podocarpus alpinus ‘County Park Fire’

Podocarpus alpinus ‘Red Tip’

Podocarpus lawrencei ‘Blue Gem’

Podocarpus lawrencei ‘Purple King’

Podocarpus lawrencei ‘Red Tip’

Podocarpus nivalis ‘Aureus’

Podocarpus nivalis ‘Bronze’

Podocarpus nivalis ‘Jack’s Pass’

Podocarpus nivalis ‘Kilworth Cream’

Podocarpus nivalis ‘Kralingen’

Podocarpus nivalis ‘Little Lady’

Podocarpus nivalis ‘Lode Stone’

Podocarpus nivalis ‘Pink Tip’

Podocarpus nivalis ‘Trompenburg’

Podocarpus nivalis x ‘Maori Prince’

Podocarpus totara ‘Albany Gold’

Podocarpus totara ‘Aurea’

Podocarpus totara ‘Aureus’

Podocarpus totara ‘Fastigiata’

Podocarpus totara ‘Oldbarry Gold’

Podocarpus totara ‘Pendula’

Podocarpus totara ‘Pendulus’

Podocarpus totara ‘Pouakani’

Podocarpus totara ‘Silver Falls’

Sequoia sempervirens ‘Aptos Blue’

Taxodium distichum ‘Cascade Falls’

Thuja orientalis ‘Golden Ball’

Thuja plicata ‘Aurea’

Thuja plicata ‘Can Can’

134 cultivars




Appendix - Függelék


Literature 1995-2005



American Conifer Society Bulletin 1990-2004

   ACS P. O. Box 314 Perry Hall MD 21128 USA                                                   ACS

Andersen Horticultural Library's Source List of Plants

   and Seeds, USA

W.J.Bean: Trees & Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles I.-V., 8th Edition

   VIII. Edition, Butler  & Tanner Ltd., Frome and London 1970-1989

Bonsai Catalogue of John Vermeulen & Son, Inc.

   Neshanic Station, N. J. USA

Catalogue of Adolf Alzen Nurseries 1985 Herbst/Fall

   5431 Hundsagen/Westerwald GER

Catalogue of Böhlje Pflanzenhandel Gmbh

   2910 Westerstede GER 1991/92

Catalogue of Draijer Nursery

   Zwaanshoek & Heemstede HOL 1981/82

Catalogue of Egzóta Nursery, Sopron HUN

   Dr.Barabits Elemér & Sons, 9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 5  1992

Catalogue of Fenyőkert Nursery Budapest HUN

   1023 Bogár utca 6/b , 1991/92

Catalogues of Firma C. Esveld Boomkwekerijen, Boskoop

   HOL 1982/83 and 1991/93

Catalogue of the Foxborough Nurseries Inc. 1990 USA

Catalogue of the Iseli Nurseries Inc. 1990, 1991 USA

Catalogue of zu Jeddeloh 1978

   2905 Jeddeloh in Oldenburg GER

Catalogue of the Karaca Arboretum, Turkey 1992

Catalogue of Hinrich Kordes Jungpflanzen Nurseries

   2081 Bilsen Mühlenweg 8 GER  1985/86

Catalogue of Michael & Janet Kristick Nurseries

   Wellsville PA USA 1991

Catalogue of Mitsch Nurseries USA 1981/82, 1990

Catalogue of Vannucci Piante 1993/94  Pistoia 51100 ITA

Catalogue of the Washington Evergreen Nurseries

   Leicester NC USA  1991, 1993/94

Catalogue of Pieter Zwijnenburg Jr.

   Boskoop HOL 1991/92, 1994/95

L. C. Chadwick & R. A. Keen: A Study of the Genus Taxus

   Ohio Agriculture Research & Development Center

   U. S. 250 Ohio 83 South, Wooster, Ohio, USA

Collingridge Illustrated Encyclopedia of Gardening

   by Arthur Hellyer 1976  1983

   The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited

   84-88 The Centre Feltham Middlesex TW13 4BH

W.B.Critchfield, E.L.Little Jr.: Geographic Distribution of the Pines of the World

   US. Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service, February 1966                                     PW

S. K. Czerepanov: Plantae Vasculares URSS  Leningrad, 'Nauka' 1981                Cz

Dictionary of Gardening of the New Royal Horticultural Society

   The Macmillan Press Ltd. London.  The Stockton Press, New York 1992           DG

Aljos Farjon: Pines

   1984 E.J.Brill - Dr. W. Backhuys, Leiden HOL                                                     P

Flora Koreana

   Editio Scientiarum R. P.  D. C. Phyongyang Korea 1979                                    FK

Guide of the Budafa Arboretum HUN 1983

Guide List to Plants in Strybing, Golden State Park

   San Francisco Ca. USA 1987

Handbook of Dwarf-Slow-growing & Rare Conifers

   The Wansdyke Nursery & The Pygmy Pinetum established by

   H. J. Welch in Devizes, Wiltshire England

Charles R. Harrison: Ornamental Conifers

   Hafner Press, New-Zealand - New York

S. G. Harrison & E. A. Dallimore: Handbook of Coniferae

   and Gingkoaceae

   First Pubihshed 1923 London GBR

Hieke, Karel: Prakticka Dendrologie   Praha 1978

The Hillier Catalogue 1991/1992

The Hillier Manual of Trees & Shrubs

   6th Edition 1991 GBR

Horstmann's Zwergkoniferenkatalog 1991

   3043 Schneverdingen GER

Horstmann Zwergkoniferen - Sammlung 1983

   3043 Schneverdingen GER

Hortobágyi Tibor: Növényrendszertan 1979 Tankönyvkiadó Budapest

Index Kewensis 1863 -1989  Clarendon Press Oxford England                             KeI

Index Plantarum II. Vácrátót HUN

   MTA Ökologiai és Botanikai Kutatóintézete

Index Seminum Alpengarten Belvedere Wien AUT 1991

The International Book of Trees by Hugh Johnson

   Mitchell Beazley Publishers Limited GBR 1973

J. Lewis: The International Conifer Register

   Part 1. & 2. 1987 London, The Royal Horticultural Society

Liu: A Monograph of the Genus Abies

Krüssmann, Gerd: Die Baume Europas

   2.Auflage, Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 1979

Krüssmann, Gerd: Die Nadelgehölze

   3.Auflage, Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 1979

Krüssmann, Gerd: Handbuch der Nadelgehölze

   Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 1972, 1983                                                   Kr

Krüssmann, Gerd: Handbuch der Laubgehölze, Registerband.

   Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 1978

L. J. Metcalf: The Cultivation of New Zealand Trees & Shrubs

   Reed Methuen Publishers Ltd. 1987

N.T.Mirov: The Genus Pinus

   The Ronald Press Company, New York 1967

Mitchell, Alan: Die Wald- und Parkbaume Europas

   Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 2. Auflage 1979

Mitchell, Alan - Wilkinson, J.: Pareys Buch der Baume

   Paul Parey Verlag Berlin-Hamburg 1979

Plant Inventory of Arnold Arboretum of Harvard

   University, Jamaica Plain, MA USA 1990

Plant Inventory of the Mesterházy Pinetum Budapest / Erdőtarcsa HUN 1994-2010

Plant List of the Kámoni Arborétum Szombathely HUN 1990

The Plantfinder 1991/1992 Edition

   Moorland Publishing Co. Ltd. Ashbourne Derbyshire England

Rehder: Manual of Cultivated Trees &. Shrubs

G.R.Shaw: The Genus Pinus

   1914 Cambridge                                                                                                   PG

G.R.Shaw: The Pines of Mexico

   Publications of the Arnold Arboretum N. 1. 1909.                                                           PM

Dr. Siro Kitamura & Gen. Murata: Coloured Illustrations

   of Woody Plants of Japan  vol. II. 1979                                                               KM

   Hoikusha Publishing Co. Ltd. Osaka JPN

G. B. Sudworth: Forest Trees of the Pazific Slope

   U. S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service 1908

Sylva Sinica

   Beijing CHN                                                                                                          SS

Van Gelderen, Van Hoey Smith: Conifers

   London 1986

H.J. Welch & G. Haddow: The World Checklist of Conifers                                   WCC

   The World Conifer Data Pool

   1993, The Landsmans Bookshop Ltd. Buchenhill, Bromyard GBR


Literature 2005-2010

Irodalom 2005-2010


Mesterházy, Zsolt: Conifer Treasury of the World 1995, 1st Edition, Budapest HUN

Mesterházy, Zsolt: Conifer Treasury 2.0 2005, 2nd, Digital Edition, Budapest, HUN


Gymnosperm Database                                                                                              GD

   Edited by Christopher J. Earle



Full Digital Sources


Mesterházy, Zsolt & al.: Conifer Treasury of New Zealand & Australia 1.0, 2010 Budapest

Mesterházy, Zsolt: Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0,  2010 Budapest

Mesterházy, Zsolt & al.: Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0, 2010 Budapest

Mesterházy, Zsolt: Virtual World Pinetum 2010, Budapest, partly based on:

   Debreczy, Zsolt – Rácz, István: Fenyők a Föld körül – Conifers Around the World, 2000. in naming of genuses and species


Sources of the available photos from the web collected by Google: more ten thousands of sites


Sources of individual photos













LARIX [1]                                         L. [2]                                                  PINACEAE [3]

   DECIDUA [4]                                1768 [5]                      EUR [6]

                                                           Mill. [7]                                                                      Kr[31]

                                                           L. vulgaris [8] Fisch.[9]

                                                           L. sudetica [8] Domin[9]1930[10]

             f. ADENOCARPA [11]        /Borb./Fitsch. [12]                               AUT [13]

             ssp. POLONICA [14]          /Racib./Domin [12]

                                                           [15]Larix decidua var. carpathica Domin 1936 [16]

             var. POLONICA [17]          /Racib./Ostenf. & Syrach-Larsen [12]

                                                           [15] L. decidua x L. sibirica[18]

            Cervicornis [19]                    1909 AUT [20]


   POLONICA                                    Racib.                          POL                                       

                                                           /L.DECIDUA var. POLONICA/ [30]


                        Complete information about a record:

            Cervicornis                            Publicator of  Cultivars: Year, Person, Source

                                                           Beissn.1891 [22]

                                                           Author and date

                                                           before 1909 Dr. Dieck on Mt. Semmering AUT [21]

                                                           Date of origin, founder, the place of origin

                                                           Photos collected by Google

                                                                                  Dr. Dieck, Zoeschen AUT [29]

                                                                                  Introducer or lister


                                                           Old synonyme cultivar names

                                                           Living synonyme cultivar name  /Fastigiata/

                                                           Photos collected from individual site sources


                        In case of uncomplete information the position of the datas show their meanings.


            Steinplatte [19]                      1991 Horstmann GER [21]

            Tortuosa [19]                         Booth ex Koch 1873 [22]

            Pesek [19]                             Horstmann GER [23]

            Puli [19]                                 HUN  [24]       /pend./  [25]

            Pyramidalis [19]                    /Fastigiata/ [26]















Mesterházy Zsolt – The Conifer Treasury of the World 2.0®

2nd edition, 1st digital edition, 2005. Budapest, Hungary




[ 1] The name of the genus    Level 1.

[ 2] The name of the botanist, who described the genus

[ 3] Name of the family

[ 4] The name of the species   Level 2.

[ 5] The earliest date the species ever mentioned

[ 6] Area Code - see Geographical List below

[ 7] The name of the botanist, who described first the species

[ 8] Unvalid or synonym name for Level 2.

[ 9] Botanist of [ 8]

[10] Date of [ 8]

[11] "f." is the sign of "forma" of the species

[12] Author of [11],[14],[17]

[13] Geographical origin

[14] "ssp." is the sign of "subspecies"

[15] Additional line for more informations

[16] Unvalid or synonyme name for Level 3.:

"f.","ssp.","var." and "cv."

[17] "var." is the sign of "varietas"

[18] The parents of a hybride plant

[19] The name of the "cultivar" /"cv."/

[20] Origin of date and country

[21] Date,name,country of founder of a "cv."

[22] Botanist's name,date of a "cv." /Author/

[23] Name,country: usually a nursery, where the plant

is cultivated

[24] Country code of origin without more informations

[25] Type of the plant  /with small letters/

[26] Living synonyme cultivar name  /Fastigiata/

[27] Natural hybryde Species name with "X" behind the name

[28] "--." , "--.--." : Sign for replaceing a repetition

[29] Introduced or listed

[30] Synonym species showing the valid name

[31] Literature of the species






1. genus

2. species

3. varietas, subspecies, forma and "CULTIVARS"








Mesterházy Zsolt – The Conifer Treasury of the World 2.0®

2nd edition, 1st digital edition, 2005. Budapest, Hungary



Kezelési útmutató





LARIX [1]                                         L. [2]                                                  PINACEAE [3]

   DECIDUA [4]                                1768 [5]                      EUR [6]

                                                           Mill. [7]                                                                      Kr[31]

                                                           L. vulgaris [8] Fisch.[9]

                                                           L. sudetica [8] Domin[9]1930[10]

             f. ADENOCARPA [11]        /Borb./Fitsch. [12]                               AUT [13]

             ssp. POLONICA [14]          /Racib./Domin [12]

                                                           [15]  L .d. var. carpathica [16]

                                                           Domin 1936

             var. POLONICA [17]          /Racib./Ostenf. & Syrach-Larsen [12]

                                                           [15] L. decidua x L. sibirica[18]

            Cervicornis [19]                    1909 AUT [20]


   POLONICA                                    Racib.

                                                           /L.DECIDUA var. POLONICA/ [30]


                        Teljes információ a növényről:

            Cervicornis                            A leírás közzétételének ideje, kiadója, forrása

                                                           Beissn.1891 [22]

                                                           Leiró szerző és évszám

                                                           before 1909 Dr. Dieck on Mt. Semmering AUT [21]

                                                           A származás ideje, helye és a megtaláló személy neve

                                                           Google által látható képanyag

                                                                                  Dr. Dieck, Zoeschen AUT [29]

                                                                                  A bevezető, listázó személy neve

                                                           Növények leírása

                                                           Régi szinoním nevek sora

                                                           A kerti változat élő egyenértékű szinoním neve   /Fastigiata/

                                                           Egyedi honlapokról érkező egyedi képek


                        Természetesen ennyi adat nincs minden tételről, a közölt adatok pozíciója mindenképpen egyértelművé teszi annak jelentését.


            Steinplatte [19]                      1991 Horstmann GER [21]

            Tortuosa [19]                         Booth ex Koch 1873 [22]

            Pesek [19]                              Horstmann GER [23]

            Puli [19]                                 HUN  [24]       /pend./  [25]

            Pyramidalis [19]                    /Fastigiata/ [26]








Mesterházy Zsolt – The Conifer Treasury of the World 2.0®

2nd edition, 1st digital edition, 2005. Budapest, Hungary




[ 1] Nemzetségnév      1. szint: genus

[ 2] A nemzetséget leˇró botanikus neve

[ 3] Nemzetségnév

[ 4] Fajnév                 2. szint: species

[ 5] A faj leírásának évszáma


[ 6] Jellemző elterjedési terület kódja

            A kódlistát lásd a 21. oldalon

[ 7] A fajt először leíró botanikus neve

[ 8] Szinoním vagy érvénytelen név a 2. szinten

[ 9] A [ 8] leíró botanikusa

[10] A [ 8] leírásának évszáma

[11] Az "f." jelzés a fajta alakváltozatát jelöli         (forma)

[12] A [11], [14], [17] leíró botanikusa

[13] Földrajzi származás

[14] Az "ssp." jelzés a faj alfaját jelöli                     (subspecies)

[15] További sorok a szinonímák felsorolására

[16] Szinoním vagy érvénytelen név a 3. szinten

     "f.", "ssp.", "var.", "cv."

[17] A "var." jelzés a fajta változatát jelöli             (varietas)

[18] Hibrid fajok szülői

[19] Kerti változatok neve                                        (cultivar)

[20] Évszám és országnév vagy nemesítő neve a feltalálás idejére, helyére vagy személyre utal

[21] A kerti változat megtalálójának adatai: évszám, név, ország

[22] A kerti változat leírója

[23] Név vagy faiskola neve és országnév, ahol a kerti

változatot művelik vagy először forgalomba hozták

[24] Egyéb információ híján a származási ország neve

[25] A növény alakjára utaló zárójeles, kisbetűs megnevezés

[26] A kerti változat szinoním neve   /Fastigiata/

[27] Az "X" jelzés a természetes és mesterséges keresztezések megjelölésére szolgál

[28] Az ismétlések kiváltására alkalmazott jelzések:

     "--." és "--.--." mindig a szóbanforgó fajra, fajtára és harmadik szintű növényekre vonatkoznak

[29] Bevezető vagy forgalomba hozó személy vagy faiskola

[30] Szinoním név, zárójelben az érvényes névvel

[31] Irodalmi hivatkozás a speciesre






1. Nemzetség


2. Faj


3. Forma, alfaj, változat és kerti változat