Kósa Géza - Mesterházy Zsolt


Conifer Treasury 8.0

of the World


A fenyõk kincsestára 8.0

Fenyõnemesítõk kézikönyve



5 Pinus albicaulis – Pinus morrisonicola


Pinus cembra ’Leo’ of Franz Etzelstorfer  Mesterházy Zsolt photo



A http://www.conifertreasury.org publication 2016 ©

Warning! This paper is published by the ConiferTreasury.org. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the permission of the copyright owner.





PINUS                                             Linnaeus 1753                                               PINACEAE


Pinus – Erdeifenyõ - Pine

Pinus Linnaeus 1753 - Pinaceae – Fenyõfélék - Pines


   ABASICA                                        Carr. 1855

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/

   ABCHASICA                                  Fisch.

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/

   ADUNCA                                       Bosc.

                                                           /P. RADIATA/

   ALBA var. CANADENSIS              Provancher 1862

                                                           /P. STROBUS/


   ALBICAULIS                              1863                           CAN BC - USA CA - OR

                                                           Engelm.                                                                     Kr PG

Pinus albicaulis Engelm. 1863 - Amerikai fehértörzsû cirbolyafenyõ – Whitebark pine

                                                           P. cembroides Newb. not Zucc. 1857

                                                           P. flexiles Balf./not James/ 1853

                                                           P. flexilis var. albicaulis /Engelm./Engelm.

                                                           P. shasta Carr. 1867

            #1 Dwarf                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Probably the same as /Carlton Ridge # 1/

            # 3                                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Probably the same as /Carlton Ridge # 3/

            Algonquin Pillar                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1987 CAN

                                                                                   T. J.Cole USA

            Carlton Ridge # 1                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as a broom, not so tight, healthy, 20’ up. JM text.

                                                           This slow-growing pine has a handsome form and a heavy texture. Thick, gray-green needles give a wonderful contrast to the prominent bark of this rare species. A choice dwarf for collectors or small gardens! Growth Rate:  3-5" HxW@10yrs:  3'x2'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Carlton Ridge # 1’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Carlton Ridge # 1’

                                                           /Jerry Morris # 1/

            Carlton Ridge # 2                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as an old, tight broom. JM text.

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Carlton Ridge # 2’

                                                           /Jerry Morris # 2/




            Carlton Ridge # 3                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, large, 25’ up, good looking, growth 3-4”.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Jerry Morris #3’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Carlton Ridge # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Carlton Ridge # 3’  Sami Saidi POL photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Carlton Ridge # 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Carlton Ridge # 3’

                                                           /Jerry Morris # 3/

            David                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Duck Pass                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Duckpass’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Duckpass’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Duck Pass’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Duck Pass’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Duck Pass’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Duck Pass’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Holubec CZ find in the States

            Dwarf                                    Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Dwarf Form No.1.               GER

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Edelweiss                               2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Falling Rock                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Falling Rock’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Falling Rock’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Falling Rock’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Falling Rock’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Falling Rock’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Flinck                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                           1978 Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Franz                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Glauca                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Glenn Lake                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Glenn Lake’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Glenn Lake’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Glenn Lake’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Glenn Lake’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Glenn Lake’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Glenn Lake’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Glenn Lake’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Glenn Lake’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Glenn Lake’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Jerry Morris # 1                   Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Probably the same as /Carlton Ridge # 1/




            Jerry Morris # 3                   Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Jerry Morris #3’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Probably the same as /Carlton Ridge # 3/

            King of Rock                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Kostelec                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2002 Jiøí Holata CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a seedling, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Semenáè, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Kroc                                       Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Kroc CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Kroc’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Kroc’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Kroc’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Lake Sabrina                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Lake Sabrina’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Lake Sabrina’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Lake Sabrina’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Lake Sabrina’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Lake Sabrina’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Landis                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1981 CAN

                                                                                   G. Bentham, Victoria BC CAN

            Little Rock                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Little Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Little Rock’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Michálek                                2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 4.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Michálek’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Michálek’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Michálek’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Mini                                       Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Morena                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Nana                                      Hillier 1964     /Nobles Dwarf/

            Nobles Dwarf                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           den Ouden 1965

                                                           James Noble Collection, San Francisco CA USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Dwarf Whitebark Pine. Plant grows about 4-6 inches a year. Leaves are green-blue and coarse, plant upright and sparse. Stanley text.

                                               Introduced in 1965 from the Noble Collection it is dwarf and compact with grayish green needles. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Number One Dwarf             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1987 USA

                                                                                   E. A. Cope USA

            Polyhill SDL # 1                    2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Rock Creek                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Rocking Rio                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Rocking Rio’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Rocking Rio’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Rockin’ Rio’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Rockin’ Rio’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Rocking Rio’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Rock’n Roll                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Rock’n Roll’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Rock’n Roll’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Rock’n Roll’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Special Rock                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Special Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Special Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Special Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Special Rock’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Special Rock’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Special Rock’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Special Rock’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Special Rock’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Special Rock’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Springarn Form                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ‘Springarm Form’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Springarn Form’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Tioga Creek                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Tioga Lake                            2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Tioga Lake’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Tioga Lake’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Tioga Lake’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus albicaulis ’Tioga Lake’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Tioga Pass                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            WB                                        Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ


   ALEPENSIS                                               Poir.

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/

   ALTAMIRANI                                 Shaw



   AMAMIANA                                1924                           JPN

                                                           Koidzumi                                                                  DG

Pinus amamiana Koidzumi 1924

                                                           P. armandii var. amamiana K.Hatus


   ANTOINEANA                               Rözl

                                                           /P. PSEUDOSTROBUS/

   APACHEA                                      Engelm.

                                                           /P. ENGELMANNII/

   APACHEA                                      Lemm. 1894

                                                           /P. PONDEROSA/

   APULCENSIS                                Lindl.

                                                           /P. PSEUDOSTROBUS ssp., var. APULCENSIS/

   ARABICA                                       Sieber 1826

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/

   ARACANENSIS                              Knight

                                                           /P. PINEA/

   ARCTICA                                       Hort.

                                                           /P. PINEA/


   ARISTATA                                              1863                           USA AR NE CO MEX

                                                           Engelm.                                                                     Kr P

Pinus aristata Engelm. 1863 - Gyantástûjû szálkásfenyõ – Bristlecone pine

                                                           Pinus aristata  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           P. balfouriana var. aristata Engelm.

             ssp. LONGAEVA               /Bailey/Murray 1984

Pinus aristata var. longaeva (Bailey) Little 1979 - Simatûjû szálkásfenyõ - Bristlecone pine

                                                           P. longaeva Bailey

             var. LONGAEVA               /Bailey/Little 1979

                                                           P. longaeva Bailey




Pinus aristata  Jerry Morris CO USA




Pinus aristata  Jerry Morris CO USA




Pinus aristata dwarf selection  Nate Cassell CO USA




Pinus aristata broom seedling  Nate Cassell CO USA




Pinus aristata broom seedling 2  Nate Cassell CO USA




Pinus aristata broom seedling 3  Nate Cassell CO USA


Pinus aristata broom seedling  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo


Pinus aristata selection  Nate Cassell photo


            2 Bits                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, thick, short needles, 6-8’ up,

                                                           north of Weston Pass. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘2 Bits’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 105’

            4 Bits                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Very tight, yellowish, round, 3” x 3”, 10’ up.

                                                           South of Weston Pass. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 106’

            5 WN                                     2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wies³aw Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wies³aw Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’5 WN’  Wies³aw Wnuk photo

            6 Bits                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as an average broom between 6-10’ up, large, old.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 107’. JM text.

            # 24                                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom 35’ up, 8’ x 8’, east of Kristin. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 24’

            # 28                                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom south of Hoosier Pass – last on left side, -

                                                           15’ x 15’, large, deep green, thick,

                                                           400 yds. east of Cabin. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 28’

            # 66 (Hawk)                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, low, 50’ to south of

                                                           Silver Love # 65. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 66’

            # 74                                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, highest uphill past small aspen patch while

                                                           looking for # 71. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 74’

            # 80                                        deleted

            # 90 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, low 8’, thick, dark green, below

                                                           Limber Grove on left – see stacked rock – behind Aspen.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 90

            # 115                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Dwarf tree, low mound, 18” + 20” wide, thick, in Clearing,

                                                           north of # 114. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 115’

            # 116                                       deleted

            # 123                                       deleted

            # 137                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a fastigiate upright tree, 45’ tall, thick, trunk 20”

                                                           near Red Hill Ranch, northeast of Barns in Sadole.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 137’. JM text.

            # 141                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a dwarf fastigiate tree, thick - 9’ tall – lots of

                                                           low branches. Red Hill Ranch, east side.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 141’. JM text.

            # 142                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Nr. 142’

                                                           Pinus aristata 142 

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, good, low branch on ground.

                                                           North of Packer road on road off Corner,

                                                           to bottom up to Sadole.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 142’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 142’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 142’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 142’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 142’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 142’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 142’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 142’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 142’. JM text.

            # 144                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, looks like Curley or # 129 Ding Dong.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 144’. JM text.

            # 145                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 145’  Jörg Kohout photo

            #146                                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a dwarf tree, 3’ tall, two tops, short needles, fine

                                                           texture, Red Hill ranch, northwestern corner.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 146’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 146’  Jörg Kohout photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 146’. JM text.

            # 147                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, everything on broom hangs down, and has

                                                           only one bud on most branches, some of them are hanging. 36”.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 147’. JM text.

            # 150                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, average, on west side of tree 10’ up, on road

                                                           before ridge of Red Hill ranch.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 150’. JM text.

            # 154                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Dwarf tree east of Curley.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 154’. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 154 Broom’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 154’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 154’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 154’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            # 155                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, yellow, east of Curley. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 155 Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 155 Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 155’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 155’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 155’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 155’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 155’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 155’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 155’

            # 156                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 156 Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 156’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 156’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 156’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 156’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 156’

            # 157                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found in the Alma area.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 157’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 157’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 157’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 157’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 157’. JM text.

            # 158                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Yellow, normal, ridge.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 158’. JM text.

            # 159                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found above Ancients to the left.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 159’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 159’. JM text.

            # 162                                      deleted record

            A # 163                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom on Mt. Evans, ¼ mile south from Forest

                                                           Service building.

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘A # 163’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 163 Broom’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 163’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 163’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 163’. JM text.

            Alma                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x 6’, 10’ up, 50 yds southeast of # 4.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 5’. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Alma’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            B # 164                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom on Mt. Evans, ¼ mile south from Forest

                                                           Service building.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 164’. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’B # 164’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’B # 164’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘B # 164’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’B # 164’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’B # 164’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Baldwin Dwarf                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. W. Springarn 1971

                                                                                   J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA


            Bandito                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, average, first north of Curley – uppon of 3. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 30’


82119439  81499663


            Bashful #75                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Bashful’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom 15’ up, 8’ wide x 5’ tall, north of Big Scamp,

                                                           4 miles road. JM text.

                                                           One of the Seven Dwarfs Series from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Conifer Collection. All Seven Dwarvs were found on a plateau around South Park, Colorado. Small needles and big buds with white resin on leaves. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful #75’  Larry Stanley OR USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Bashful’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Bashful’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bashful # 75’

            Beaverdam                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 5’ x 5’, low on branch, hangs, but not as

                                                           much as Kristin, between Goliath and x 13, but close to

                                                           lower road to Mt. Evans. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beaverdam # 14’

            Beran                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1985 Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a seedling in Pøerov nad Labem, growth rate a year

                                                           over 3-4 cm, needles 3 cm.

                                                           Zakrslá forma Pinus aristata, vyselektována z botanického

                                                           druhu,             ve školkách Pøerov nad Labem. Vzrùst konický, pøírustek

                                                           3 – 4 cm, délka jehlice 3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran’  CZ Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran SDL’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Beran’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Beran 2                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2004 Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Selekce výsevu z náhodného èarovìníku Pinus aristáta. Pøírustek

                                                           do 3 cm. Rostliny jsou sledovány. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran 2’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran 2’  Jiøí Balatka photo

            Beran 3                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2004 Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Selekce výsevu z náhodného èarovìníku Pinus aristáta. Pøírustek

                                                           do 3 cm. Rostliny jsou sledovány. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran 3’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran 3’  Jiøí Balatka photo

            Beran 4                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2004 Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Selekce výsevu z náhodného èarovìníku Pinus aristáta. Pøírustek

                                                           do 3 cm. Rostliny jsou sledovány. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran 4’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Beran 4’  Jiøí Balatka photo

            Beran 5                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2004 Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Selekce výsevu z náhodného èarovìníku Pinus aristáta. Pøírustek

                                                           do 3 cm. Rostliny jsou sledovány. Balatka text.

            Beran SDL                            2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 4.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Beran SDL’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Best Bet                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, average, 8’ up, 3’ x 3’. Just north of # 30. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 118’

            Betsy B.                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, 15’ up a 50’ tree on Mt. Evans road,

                                                           short way above Limber # 45 on same side,

                                                           uphill 200 yds. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 26’




            Between #73                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Between 73’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Dutch Conifer Society HOL

                                                           Broom, 4’ x 4’, 6’ up, on 2nd road where cabins on left below

                                                           Alma. JM text.

                                                           Plant part of The Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. A dwarf plant that will not get more than 1 ft. high. Pitch on leaves. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Between #73’  Dutch Conifer Society

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Between # 73’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Between’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Between’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 73’




            Betwixt                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Betwixt’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 10’ diameter, 6’ up to 16’, on road going east

                                                           and north about a mile from Alma on the straight part of

                                                           the road on left in flat. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Betwixt’  Jörg Kohout GER

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Betwixt’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Betwixt’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Betwixt’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 46’

            Bickelhaupt                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2012 Diane Dave IA USA

                                                           Found in the Bickelhaupt Arboretum Clinton IA USA.

                                                           First harvested in January 2013 by conifer propagators.

                                                           Pinus aristata (Bickelhaupt WB) is a witches broom located on a seedling-tree which was in 2012 donated to The Bickelhaupt Arboretum by Diane Dave of Iowa, USA. The broom/tree came to her as a purchase from Iseli Nursery, and she decided it would be best-situated at Bickelhaupt’s ’Heartland Collection’ located in Clinton, IA, USA. The first scions were cut during winter of 2013 by nurserymen and grafters, and the broom was given it's (provisional name) of (Bickelhaupt WB).  It is possible this name may change in the future or, it may stay the same, hence the current (provisional) status. Dax Herbst text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bickelhaupt’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bickelhaupt’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA photo

            Bicton                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Big Scamp                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 9’ tall, 4’ wide, tree form, 20’ up. First

                                                           broom on left near road below Limber Grove parking

                                                           going east. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf plant             that will not get more than 1 ft. high.

                                                           Pitch on leaves. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 59’

            Bill                                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tree, very dwarf, special, below road down from

                                                           Sharon’s Star. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 81’

            Bingo                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata Bingo 

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, west of Curley, lower of 2’. JM text.

                                                           Leaves blue-green and 1” long.

                                                           Plant grows 1” a year with light resin. Stanley text.

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bingo’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bingo’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bingo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bingo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Bingo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Bingo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 91’

            Blauweng                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Blauweng’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Blauweng’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Blauweng’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013




            Blue Bear                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Blue Bear’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                           The handsome sap-flected blue-green needles of this selection make it a standout from the typical green bristlecone pine. 'Blue Bear' is a full sized grower with a nice tight, full branched growth habit. Plant in a well drained soil and give it plenty of sun. Once established you can expect 4-8" of annual growth. A superb cultivar selection made by Kirk Feiseler of Laporte Ave. Nursery in Ft. Collins, CO. Zones 3-7.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Blue Bear’  dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Blue Bear’  High Country Gardens NM USA

            Blue Bear                              2016 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 5.0

                                                           1990 Kirk Fieseler CO USA

                                                                                  Laporte Avenue Nursery CO USA

                                                           A Laporte Ave. Nursery seedling selection about 25 years old. This tree is extremely thickly branched, with a blueish green coloring that is quite different from the normal green of most Bristlecones. A very healthy plant that maintains vigorous upright growth after grafting. Growth rate: 4-6”/year. Fieseler text.

            Blue Beetle                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Blue Heron                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jean Iseli USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Blue Heron’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           A seedling selection from Iseli Nursery, 'Blue Heron' has a narrow habit when young and a more open, pyramidal habit with age. A cultivar of the Great Basin Bristlecone Pine, a species known for extreme longevity, with specimens recorded at well over 4,000 years old, it makes a great choice for cold climates and long life. Iseli text.

            Bohatý Hexe                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2004 Karel Bohatý CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Heømanùv Mĕstec, 530 cm up as a 10x10 cm

                                                           broom, 0,3 cm long needles.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bohaty Hexe’  Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bohaty Hexe’  Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’1100 Bohaty C # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’1100 Bohaty Hexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’1100 Bohatý Hexe’

            Boyko # 3                              2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Bright Ray                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bright Ray’  Etz.  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bright Ray’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bright Ray’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bright Ray’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bright Ray’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Bright Ray’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Bright Ray’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Bright Ray’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Bright Ray’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Bright Ray’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Bright Ray’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Bright Ray’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Buckskin                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, vigorous, flat, wide, 10’ high, 5’ x 5’,

                                                           uphill from Mose Greek. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Buckskin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Buckskin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 22’

            Buffalo                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Bunny Paws                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Butnam                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            C # 165                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom on Mt. Evans, ¼ mile south from Forest

                                                           Service building. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 165’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 165’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 165’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 165’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 165’




            Cassie                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Dennis Hermsen USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Cassie’  Dennis Hermsen USA

            Cecilia                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. W. Springarn 1979             USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Cecilia’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Cheery                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Clark Coe in Rock Garden Quarterly

                                                           Found as a broom, 16” half ball on the trunk, 5’ up on same

                                                           slope as Kristin, but to the east. JM text.

                                                           Jerry Morris found as a WB near Mt. Bross, CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 38’

            Cherry                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Chief                                      2011 Mesterházy, Cassell, Herbst & al. in

                                                           Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0, Budapest HUN-Denver CO

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom average, good looking, low on tree. 4 miles road

                                                           north of Happy. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 95’

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Chief # 95’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Chief # 95’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Chief’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Chip C.                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, 15’ up, good, Tarryall road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 119’

            Chubby Chip                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x6’, 8’ up, east of Democrat # 20. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 33’

            Clank                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x 8’, Red Hill ranch.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank # 160’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank # 160’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank # 160’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank # 160’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Clank’ # 160  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Clank’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Clank’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Clank’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Clank’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 160’. JM text.

            Colorado                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Colorado’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Colorado’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Colorado’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Colorado’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Colorado’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Colorado’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Colorado’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Como                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Como’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

                                                           Found a s a broom, 4’ tall x 3’ wide, 8’ up,

                                                           west of Como exit. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Como’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Como’  Jorg Kohout GER

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 9’

            Como II                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Como 2’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom 4’ x 4’, 15’ up, about 50 yds. north of Como. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Como 2’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Como 2’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Como 2’  Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Como 2’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Como 2’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 76’

Pinus aristata compact SDL  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Compacta                                                     Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Cookie                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, average, 10’. Just east Limber Grove on

                                                           north side of road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 93’

            Corner                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Crafty                                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, everything points up, 12’ tall, 6’ wide.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 152’. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Crafty’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Crafty’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Crafty # 152’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Crazy Frog                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Crazy Frog’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            CSRG                                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Curley                                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x 6’, low up 4 mile where 6 are found,

                                                           just north of Aspen Patch that interrupts PB’s. JM text

                                                           A dwarf plant             that will not get more than 1 ft. high.

                                                           Pitch on leaves. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 71’

            D # 166                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom on Mt. Evans, ¼ mile south from Forest

                                                           Service building.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’D # 166’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 166’. JM text.

            D. Lorraine                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 3’ x 3’, 12’ up, 10’ from # 35 in Alma area. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 34’

            Dakota                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Dancing „D”                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, low on branch, 5’ x 4’,

                                                           Mt. Evans below road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dancing D # 23’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dancing D # 23’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dancing D # 23’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dancing D’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dancing D’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 23’

            Danny Silba                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Democrat                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, low on tree, north of Democrat. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Democrat’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Democrat’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Demokrat’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Democrat’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 20’

            Denis                                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Denis’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Denny                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Broom, 2’ x 3’, tight, next to road, Hwy 9, 3 or so miles south

                                                           of Hwy # 285, on east side south of ranch. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Denny’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Denny’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Denny’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Denny’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 83’

            Dent                                       Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Dexi                                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dexi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dexi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dexi’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Dexi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Dexi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Dexi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Dexi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dexi’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Ding Bat                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in northwest corner of Red Hill Ranch,

                                                           across of Hanger.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 138’. JM text.

            Ding Dong                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, large, 8’ diameter, tree top. Very odd, looks

                                                           a lot like (Curley PB), short needles, each years growth about

                                                           1”, and first ½ has no needles, thick. Located about 1 mile west

                                                           of Tarryall Res. on southern side of road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 129’




            Doc #89                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Doc’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Found as a broom, low on tree, 5’ x 5’, on Hoosier Pass,

                                                           west side. JM text.

                                                           One of The Seven Dwarfs Series from the Jerry Morris Rocky

                                                           Mountain Conifer Collection. All Seven Dwarfs were found on

                                                           a plateau around South Park, Colorado. Small needles and big

                                                           buds with white resin on leaves. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Doc’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Doc’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Doc’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Doc’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 89’

            Dokey                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 30’ up, medium size.

                                                           Half mile south of Engleman # 19 up hill 200 yds. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 27’

            Dollar                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, average tight, up on ridge South Weston Pass,

                                                           on north of a doug fir broom. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 108’

            Donna Kay                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Leaves blue-green and 1 inch long.

                                                           Plant in ball growing 1 inch a year. Stanley text.




            Dopey #88                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Found as a broom, 20’ up, 10’ x 10’, next road south of Alma,

                                                           by ditch near rich. JM text.

                                                           One of The Seven Dwarfs Series from the Jerry Morris Rocky

                                                           Mountain Conifer Collection. All Seven Dwarfs were found

                                                           on a plateau around South Park, Colorado. Small needles and

                                                           big buds with white resin on leaves. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dopey’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dopey’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dopey’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dopey’  Mesterhazy & Kalous 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Dopey’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Dopey’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Dopey’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dopey’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 88’

            Drahthaar                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           /Kohouts Drahthaar/

            Ducky Duck                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Ducky Duck’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Ducky Duck’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Ducky Duck’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Dwarf Bun                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Dwarf Tree                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a dwarf tree, 4’ tall, thick and vigorous. Red Hill

                                                           ranch. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 149’

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Dwarf Tree R.H.R’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Dwarf Tree Upper               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree Upper’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree Upper’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree Upper’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree Upper’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree Upper’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree Upper’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree Upper’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree Upper’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree Upper’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Dwarf Tree Upper’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Dwarf Tree Upper’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Dwarf Tree Upper’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dwarf Tree Upper’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Dykstra WB SDL                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                           First documented in January 2013 in Dykstra Gardens IA USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Dykstra WB SDL’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL in Dykstra Gardens IA USA photo

            E 5                                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            E # 167                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom on Mt. Evans, ¼ mile south from Forest

                                                           Service building. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 167 Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 167 Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 167 Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 167 Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Mt. Evans South Group #167’ 

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 167’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 167’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 167’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 167’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘E # 167’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’E # 167’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’E # 167’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 167’

            Eager                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 36” diameter, low on tree, up 4 miles out up Fairplay, in

                                                           2nd grove of PB’s. Up road past 1st road going right. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 61’

            Eagles Eyrie                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 24” x 24”, low on tree, located at

                                                           Eagles Eyrie Campground, Squaw Pass. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Eagles Eyrie’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Eagles Eyrie’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Eagles Eyrie’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Eagles Eyrie’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Eagles Eyrie’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Eagles Eyrie’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Eagles Eyrie’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Eagles Eyrie’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Eagles Eyrie’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Eagles Eyrie’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 55’

            Echo                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 4’ x 4’, 10’ up, on a leaning tree,

                                                           west of Goliath on Mt. Evans road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 13’

            Ekstrom                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Ekstrom Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A dwarf, upright evergreen conifer with a narrow pyramidal habit. Silver blue-green needles are flecked with white resin. Discovered as a seedling by Ekstrom Nursery in Oregon. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Ekstrom’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Ekstrom’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Elk Run                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Empire                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as an old broom, tight, 6’ x 5’, north of Empire up to top.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 120’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 120’. JM text.

            Engelmanni                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0


                                                                                   Lytomisl Nurs. CZ

            F # 168                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom on Mt. Evans, ¼ mile south from Forest

                                                           Service building. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’F # 168’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’F # 168’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘F # 168’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’F # 168’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’F # 168’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’F # 168’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’F # 168’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 168’. This is the last numbered Pinus aristata

                                                           broom of Jerry Morris.

            Fager                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ




            Fairplay                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 4’, 20 up, about 2 miles north of

                                                           Fairplay. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Fairplay’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Fair Play’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Fair Play’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Fairplay’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 3’

            Fast                                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org


                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

            Fatso                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 5’ x 5’, 6’ up, many needles per inch, up north of

                                                           summit of Red Hill on knob. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Fatso’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 117’

            Feelmyage                             2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1998 Hódi Tóth József HU from seed of

                                                           Sheffield’s Seed, USA

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Brother of /Szálka/. Very slow growing, juvenile needles

                                                           like a leaf of grasses, thin, blueish-bloomy such a long time.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Juvenilis alak, a fiatalkori tûk szálasak, vékonyak, kékes-hamvasak – sok évig ilyenek is maradnak. Növekedése még lassabb, mint társáé. Egymás mellé ültetve mintha nem is ugyanaz a faj lennének.

                                                           Anyatõ az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Feelmyage’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Feelmyage’  conifertreasury.org photo

            Formal Form                        Hort.

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Formal Form’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Formal Form’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Formal Form’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013




            Foxy                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom on lower branch at Geneva Basin,

                                                           5-6’ in diameter. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Foxy’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Foxy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Foxy’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 1’

            Franzi Windy 2                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’JM Windy 2’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Windy Ridge # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Windy Ridge # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Franzi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Funny Boy                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.


83996330  83996331


            Geneva                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom 15’ up large tree, 10’ wide, 6’ tall, south of

                                                           road on rock slide area, below ski area entrance, up hill about 80

                                                           yds (at Geneva Basin). Sign on road side. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Geneva’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Geneva’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 2’

            Go Fot It                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom 30 up, 24” x 20”, thick, darkgreen,

                                                           east of ’Foxy’

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Go For It’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 139’. JM text.

            Goliath                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, 12’ up, below praying mantis tree on

                                                           lower side of road on Mt. Evans road. Boswell type. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 12’

            Goosey                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Goosey’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Goosey’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Goosey’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Goosey’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Goosey’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Goosey’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Gosey’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Goosey’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Goosey’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Goosey’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Grand Pass                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Pinus aristata ’Grand Pass’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Grand Pass’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Grand Pass’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Grand Pass’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Grand Pass’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Grasse                                               Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Grasse’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Great Guy                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a low broom, thick, dark green, next to Antero,

                                                           first seen from road. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf plant             growing 1” a year. Leaves touched with resin.

                                                           Plant upright. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Great Guy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Great Guy’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Great Guy’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Great Guy’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Great Guy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Great Guy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Great Guy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 121’

            Grumpy #15                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 8’ x 8’, on Red Hill Pass, east side last tree

                                                           group on way east, up in tree. JM text.

                                                           One of the Seven Dwarfs Series from the Jerry Morris Rocky

                                                           Mountain Conifer Collection. All Seven Dwarfs were found on

                                                           a plateau around South Park, Colorado. Small needles and big

                                                           buds with white resin on leaves. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Grumpy’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 15’

            Grüne Kugel                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Grüne Kugel’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Grüne Kugel’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Grüne Kugel’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Grüne Kugel’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Haley                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom – open – in shade on Red Hill Ridge, north of Clearing.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 114’ JM text.

            Hank S.                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, fairly tight, large, 6’ x 5’, 15’ up, yellowish but healthy.

                                                           Up Packer road up to right. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 122’




            Happy                                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Broom on down tree, 5’ x 5’, north of top draw on

                                                           Windy Ridge. JM text.

                                                           One of the Seven Dwarfs Series from the Jerry Morris Rocky

                                                           Mountain Conifer Collection. All Seven Dwarfs were found on

                                                           a plateau around South Park, Colorado. Small needles and big

                                                           buds with white resin on leaves. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Happy’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Happy’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Happy’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 45’

            Heft                                        Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Heike                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER in  the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Henga                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Henga’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Henga’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Henga’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Henga’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Hevi Kevi                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Tree, very thick, below Alma to road to left on first right,

                                                           left side. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 85’

            Hexenbesen                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1983 Horstmann GER

                                                           /Auslese Horstmann/

            Hi Point                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 3’ x 3’, Waldorf area above Cabin on highest large tree

                                                           on mountain, looking up from Cabin to left. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 56’

            Hip Pocket                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom by trail limber grove. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Hip Pocket # 146’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Hip Pocket’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Hip Pocket’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Hip Pocket’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 156’

            Hoosier                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, low on large tree, about 180 yds.,

                                                           south of # 4 along road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Hoosier’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Hoosier’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 6’

            Horak                                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1980 Libuše Horak CZ

                                                                                  Horak Gardens, Bystrice pod Hostýnem CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Horak’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Horak’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

            Huibert ten Dungen             Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Huibert ten Dungen’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Itsy Bitsy                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on same tree as Cheery # 38, 10” x 8” on trunk at 6’.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 39’

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Itsy Bitsy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Itsy Bitsy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Itsy Bitsy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Ity Bity’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Ity Bity’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Ity Bity’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Itsy Bitsy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Ity Bity’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Itsy Bitsy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Itsy Bitsy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Ity Bity’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Itsy Bitsy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Itsy Bitsy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 39’

            Jackpot                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, low, vigorous, good looking.

                                                           4 miles southeast of ’Low Boy’. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jackpot’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jackpot’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jackpot’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jackpot’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jackpot’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 132’

            Jackson’s Prostrate              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Jackson’s Prostrate’

            Jeff                                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Leaves bluish green and 1 inch long.

                                                           Miniature ball, dusted with pitch. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jeff’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jeff’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jeff’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jeff’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jeff’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jeff’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jeff’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Jeff’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Jeff’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Jeff’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Jeff’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Jeff’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jeff’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Jerry                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jerry’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Jerry’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Jerry’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jerry Morris’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jerry Morris’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jerry Morris’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jerry Morris’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jerry Morris’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jerry Morris’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jerry Morris’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jerry Morris’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Jo Ann                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, average, good looking, silver trunk,

                                                           Red Hill Ridge. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 111’

            Joe’s Bess                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1975 Jean Iseli USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           An Iseli seedling selection, this gorgeous Great Basin Bristlecone Pine is possibly the most refined pine we grow. It has a compact, uniform shape, larger than 'Sherwood Compacta', but smaller than 'Formal Form'. Dense clusters of two-toned needles point towards the tip of each ascending branch and create a consistent shape that hides the stems and buds until new growth emerges in late spring. Jean noted the origin of this beauty as 1975, and conifer great Joe Reis, given the task of naming the remarkable tree in 1982, chose to honor his wife Bess. It has proven difficult to propagate, but is worth the wait. The formal, slow-growing tree requires little or no pruning, but wants full sun. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Joe’s Bess’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Joe’s Bess’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata(longaeva) ‘Joe’s Bess’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Joe’s Bess’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Joe’s Bess’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Joe’s Bess’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Joe’s Bess’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Joe’s Bess’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Joe’s Bess’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Joe’s Bess’  Dax Herbst photo 2015

            Jonny Boy                             Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Jordi                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Upright mound, long needles, lots of resin. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 104’

            Jörg                                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER in the USA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jörg’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jörg’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Jörg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Jörg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Jörg’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jörg’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Jörg’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           /Windy # 1/

            Karel Bohatý                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2004 Karel Bohatý CZ

                                                                                  2008 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 500 cm up as a 20x20 cm

                                                           broom, 1 cm long needles.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’1099 Karel Bohatý’

            Kari Ann                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, average, 10’ up, fairly tight,

                                                           on Red Hill Ridge. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 110’

            Karma                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, average, 8’ up. 4 miles road south of Low Boy. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Karma’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Karma’  Mesterházy & Verbín photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Karma’  Mesterházy & Verbín photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Karma # 94’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Karma’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Karma’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Karma # 94’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Karma’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Karma’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Karma’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Karma’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 94’

            Kathy Ann                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a fairly tight broom, south of Haley,

                                                           east side of Clearing. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 113’

            Kawina                                  2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 


                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kawina’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Kawina’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kavina’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kavina’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kavina’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kavina’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            KDC                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 3’ x 3’, 15’ up, next to # 34. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’KDC’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 35’

            Kelly Ann                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, very tight, short needles, Red Hill Ridge,

                                                           south of Clearing. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 112’

            Kelly Girl                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, short needles, best PB broom, in

                                                           Red Hill Ranch, north middle.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kelly Girl #140’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kelly Girl’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kelly Girl’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kelly Girl’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Kelly Girl’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kelly Girl’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kelly Girl’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 140’. JM text.

            Kershaw                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as an average large broom, 6’ x 6’, 6’ up near Alma.

                                                           Leaves green and 1 inch long.

                                                           Dwarf ball growing 1-2 inches a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 134’ See #45 Happy

            Ketterers Weeping               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Kite                                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 15’ up, 20” x 20”,

                                                           down road from Alma on left. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kite’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kite’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kite’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Kite’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kite’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 17’

            Kohout’s Drahthaar                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kohout’s Drahthaar’  František Topinka photo

            Kohout’s Gem                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kohout’s Gem’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Kohout’s Gem’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Kohout’s Hexe                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Kohout Hexe’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kohout Hexe’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Kohout’s Miniatur               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kohout Miniatur’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Kohout WB SDL                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER in  the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kohout SDL WB’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Kohouts Select I                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kohouts Select II                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kohouts Select III                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kohouts Select IV                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kopienica                              2015 Trochonowicz, Mesterházy & Szewczyk in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Poland 4.0

                                                           S³awomir Skórka POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Kopienica’  Sylwester Tomszak photo 2013

            Kora WN                              2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wies³aw Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wies³aw Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kora WN’  Wies³aw Wnuk photo

            Kristen                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           The Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. A dwarf

                                                           growing 2” a year. Leaves bluish 1” long and has resin.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA




            Kristin                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 8’ x 2’, low on tree about 12’, a hanging

                                                           broom on south of # 6 about 80 yds. on curve on left. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf growing 2” a year.

                                                           Leaves bluish 1” long and has resin. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kristin’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kristin’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Kristen’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 7’

            Kyle’s Best                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, downhill about 15’ from Mosquito

                                                           & a little west. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 37’

            Lady Bag                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lady Bag’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lady Bag’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lady Bag’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lady Bag’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lady Bag’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lady Bag’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lady Bag’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lady Bag’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lady Bag’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Lakewood                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lakewood’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lakewood’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lakewood’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lakewood’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lakewood’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lakewood’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lakewood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013




            Lemon Frost                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           maybe Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                                                  Dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lemon Frost’  dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lemon Frost’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lemon Frost’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lemon Frost’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lemon Frost’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lemon Frost’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lemon Frost’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lemon Frost’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Levi Alone                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 5’ x 6’, 8’ up, very good looking tight, thick on ridge to

                                                           east from Beaver Creek by Fair Play. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 52’




            Lil Rocky                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lil Rocky’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lil Rocky’  Nate Cassell photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lil Rocky’  Nate Cassell photo

                                                           Probably the same as /Little Rocky # 109/

            Lincoln                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x 6’, downhill & east

                                                           of # 8 Mosquito. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lincoln’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lincoln’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lincoln’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lincoln’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lincoln’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 36’

            Little B.                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, tiny, 12”, pincushion tight, east of # 28 about 40’.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 29’ JM text.

            Little Doll                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Doll’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Doll’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Doll’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Little Gem                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1995 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                   Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiøí Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Little Lady                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Lady’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Lady’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Lady’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Lady’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Lady’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Lady’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Little Mound                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1981 CAN

                                                                                   G. Bentham, Victoria BC CAN

            Little Rocky                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, large, thick, strong grower, below # 108,

                                                           South Weston road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 109’




            Little Scamp #54                   Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Little Scamp’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Broom, 4’ x 4’, 4’ up near Squaw Pass, east side of Warrior

                                                           Campground. JM text.

                                                           Squaw Pass S. of Idaho Springs CO. Gardenweb, ’sluice’ text.

                                                           The Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Leaves 1” long

                                                           on round bun. Plant grows 1” a year. Heavy resin, cones.

                                                           Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp # 54’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp # 54’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp # 54’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp # 54’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Little Scamp’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’ # 54  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’ # 54  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’ # 54  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’ # 54  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Little Scamp’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Little Scamp’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 54’

            Loren                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Loren’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Lovely Heike                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                   Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Lovely Heike’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lovely Heike’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Low Boy                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 18” diameter, below Limber Grove parking,

                                                           4th broom on left, going east, low on tree,

                                                           20” near small gulley. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 58’

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Low Boy’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Low Boy’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Low Boy’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Low Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Low Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Low Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Low Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Low Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Low Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 58’

            Lower Dwarf Tree               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           The Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. A dwarf upright

                                                           conical plant growing 2” ayear. No resin. Stanley text.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lower Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Lower Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Lucky Nugget                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 3’ x 3’, low, up Beaver Creek by fairplay on right

                                                           at turn going up to top. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 47’

            Magpie                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, large, old, 8’ x 8’, low 6’, fairly tight,

                                                           healthy. West of Tarryall Res. uphill from road between 2 trees.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           The Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Leaves bluish

                                                           green and 1 1/4 inch long. Dwarf ball growing 2 inches a year.

                                                           Dusted with pitch. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Magpie’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Magpie’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 126’

            Margaret Mason’s RG        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           The Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. A dwarf plant

                                                           that will not get more than 1 ft. high. Pitch on leaves.

                                                           Stanley text.

            Mie van D                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Mie van D’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Mie van D’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Mie van D’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Mighty Mite #57                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Broom, low on tree, 18” to 24” diameter, up road on right short

                                                           way from Limber Grove parking area, 4 miles. JM text.

                                                           The Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. A miniature

                                                           plant growing 1 inch a year. Leaves resin, ½ inch long.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Mighty Might’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Mighty Might’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 57’

            Mikee                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, mostly yellow, 24” x 24”, 12’ up.

                                                           Very tight.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 145’. JM text.

            Minijehlan                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1988 Panoch CZ in Arboretum Pilsen

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtení

            Miss B.                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 15’ up, 3’ x 4’, above Alma.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 32’

            Moose Creek                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 10’ x 10’, 25’ up, could be near or over

                                                           200 years old, branches far apart, but where foliage is it is tight.

                                                           Good colour. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 21’

            Mosey                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Broom, 8’ up, medium size, east of Kristin, Cheery

                                                           and Itsy Bitsy. JM text.

                                                           Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Leaves are a emerald

                                                           green with the needles facing upward with stem and shorter

                                                           than species. All branches going upward

A dwarf form of Bristlecone Pine. This plant is part of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Leaves are an emerald green with the needles facing upward with stem and shorter than species. All branches going upward. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Mosey’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Mosey’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 43’

            Mosquito                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 4’, 35’ up, east of # 7.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 8’

            Mr. Right                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           A branch from under ground or maybe a tree, up Beaver Creek

                                                           and on road to the west. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 49’

            Mt. Bross                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, low tight, it is on a tipped tree

                                                           above Alma, Colorado on Mt. Bross, first broom east

                                                           of parking area. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Mt. Bross’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Mt. Bross’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Mt. Bross’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Mt. Bross’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Mt. Bross’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Mt. Bross’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 4’

            Mt. Evans South Group      Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           A group of brooms found in one location. See A # 163, B # 164,

                                                           C # 165, D # 166, E # 167, F # 168.

                                                           Pinus aristata Mt. Evans South Group  

            MVM                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’MVM’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata MWM 

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley Nurs. USA

            Nancy Kaye                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 30” diameter, 20’ up, north of Como II. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 77’

            New Broom                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom JM’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’ JM  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘New Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘New Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘New Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘New Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘New Broom’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘New Broom’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom J.M.’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom J.M.’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom J.M.’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom J.M.’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’New Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Nr. 142                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Nr. 142’

                                                           /# 142/

            Oops                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom 10’ up, 6’ x 6’, downhill to west of Varden. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 62’

            Oops # 2                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom 6’ x 5’, low, downhill and to west across road from

                                                           Kristin # 7. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 63’

            Ossorio Variegated               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1988 USA

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

            P. Wee                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 4’ x 4’, 8’ up. Turn right down road before mine,

                                                           on left by two other brooms. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 44’


82119954  82119955


            Packer                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom (?), average compact, low, small twigs,

                                                           lots of pitch. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Packer’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Packer’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Packer’  Nate Cassell photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 125’

            Paiute                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Paiute’  Jerry Morris  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Pay Dirt                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 16” x 16”, 15’ up, deep, dark green,

                                                           50 yds. east of # 24. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 25’

            Pchelka WN                          2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wies³aw Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wies³aw Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Pchelka WN’  Wies³aw Wnuk photo

Pinus aristata ‘Pendula’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Pendula Špaèek                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Špaèek CZ

                                                                                  Špaèek Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Pendula Špaèek’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Špaèek photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Pendula Špaèek’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Špaèek photo

            Pepek Námoøník                  2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 3.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  František Topinka Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Pepek Námoøník’  František Topinka photo

            Pešek                                      2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 4.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Pesek’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Pešek’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Play Boy                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a large broom, 6’ x 6’, rounded, much of it is weeping.

                                                           South of Pinus flexilis ’Yellow’ – 4 mile road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 133’

            Pluto                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Pluto’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Pluto’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Pluto’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Pluto’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Porterhowse Dwarf              2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Porterhowse Midget             2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Don Howse OR USA

                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           A very dwarf mounding seedling found growing in the fields at Porterhowse Farms. Don Howse text.

            Putnam                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, low on tree, north of Democrat. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Putnam’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Putnam’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Putnam’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Putnam’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Putnam’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Putnam’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 19’

            Red Bird                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Broom, south of Red Ridge, 8’ up, on east side of tree.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Bird’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Bird’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Bird’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Bird # 161’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Bird # 161’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 161 Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Bird # 161’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 161’. JM text.

            Red Hill BC                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, low 6’6’ wide. Hangs, vigorous,

                                                           very green, thick. A short way south of Red Hill Mini. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 131’

            Red Hill Mini                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a drawf tree, 18” + 18” wide, tight, short growth.

                                                           At Cleaning at Saddle to south of Hiway Red Hill Pass. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 130’

            Red Horse                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, average, 8’ up, some short needles. East of

                                                           Ancients, about 200 yds. of # 152. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 153’

            Red Ridge                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, large, thick, deep green, north of Pinus

                                                           flexilis broom. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 151’

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Ridge # 151’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Ridge # 151’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Ridge # 151’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Ridge # 151’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Ridge’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Red Ridge # 151’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Rezek’s Doll                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Ed Rezek USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           When a cultivar bears the name of a conifer icon like Ed Rezek, you know it is among the best. Such is the case with this beautiful Great Basin Bristlecone Pine, named for Rezek's wife Maureen and originating from the same seed group as 'Joe's Bess'. It is a fine pine with a compact form, a little larger and more open than 'Joe's Bess', similar to 'Formal Form'. Dense clusters of two-toned needles point towards the tip of each ascending branch, hiding the stems and buds until new growth emerges in late spring. The formal, slow-growing tree requires little or no pruning, but needs full sun. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rezek’s Doll’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rezek’s Doll’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rezek’s Doll’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rezek’s Little Doll’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rezek Doll’  Henk van Kempen photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Rezek’s Doll’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Rezek’s Doll’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rezek’s Doll’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Rich                                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Rich-W.B.’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, off color, low by ditch, Alma road south over to left,

                                                           2 brooms, smallest one. (see 46). JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 84’

            Øíha Plazivá                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Rocky                                    2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rocky’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Rocky’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Rolling Rock                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Rock’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Rolling Rock’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Rolling Rock’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Rolling Rock’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Rolling Thunder                   2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Rolling Thunder’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Ryki                                       2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Artur Maj POL

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery POL

                                                           Seedling selection. Lewandowski text.

                                                           Pinus aristata Ryki

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Ryki’  Artur Maj photo

            Samantha # 150                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, average, on west side of tree 10’ up, on road

                                                           before ridge of Red Hill ranch.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Samantha’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Samantha’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Samantha # 150’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Samantha’ # 150  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Samantha’ # 150  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Samantha’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Samantha’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Samantha’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Samantha’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 150’. JM text.

            San José                                2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík 

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 3.0

                                                           2012 Hort. USA

                                                                                  František Topinka Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’San José’  František Topinka photo

            Sara E.                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a top broom, northwest of Barns, Red Hill Ranch.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sara E. # 136’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sara E. # 136’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sara E # 136’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sara E # 136’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sara E’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sara E’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sara E. # 136’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sara E # 136’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sara E # 136’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 136’. JM text.

            Saundra M. M.                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom 20’ up, 24” x 24” globe, uniform texture.

                                                           Tight, short needles. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Saunora M Broom’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Saunora M Broom’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Saunora M Broom’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Saundra M Broom’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Saundra M. Broom’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Saundra M Broom’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Saundra M Broom’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Saundra’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Saundra’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Saundra’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Saundra’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Saundra M Broom’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Saundra M Broom’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Saundra M Broom’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Saundra M Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 135’

            Sawmill                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, 20 ’ up, uphill beside road above

                                                           Mosquito broom. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 11’

            Schneverdingen                    2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Schneverdingen’

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Schneverdingen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Schneverdingen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Schneverdingen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Schneverdingen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            SDL # 387                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus aristata ’SDL # 387’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 387’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 387’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 387’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 387’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 387’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 387’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 387’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 387’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            SDL # 388                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 388’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’JM SDL # 388’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 388’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘# 388’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 388’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 388’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 388’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 388’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            SDL Amerika 1                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Amerika SDL 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Amerika SDL 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’SDL Amerika 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            SDL JM                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’SDL JM’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            SDL USA                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’SDL USA’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            SDL WB JK Kohout           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ




            Selection                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata Selection  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Selekt Wüstemeyer               2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Wüstemeyer GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Selektion                                                       Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Semenac                                2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 4.0


                                                           Pinus aristata ’Semenac’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Semenac’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Semenac’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Semenac’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Sharon’s Star                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, on leaning tree, low in open area,

                                                           up Beaver Creek on road over to west. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 51’

            Sherwood Compact              Krüssmann 1983

                                                           Found by Andy Sherwood of Gresham, OR USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Sherwood Compact’

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA

                                                           This handsome, slow-growing Great Basin Bristlecone Pine develops a perfectly conical shape and a dense, formal appearance. Tightly packed tufts of medium-long, green needles with white undersides radiate around the ascending branches of the long-lived conifer. Related to the oldest-living known organism, this selection was found and named by late Oregon nurseryman Andy Sherwood. Iseli text.

                                                           A dwarf conical tight form of Bristlecone Pine. Leaves have no

                                                           resin, cultivar is probably a balfouriana species of Bristlecone

                                                           Pine. Very tight and nice, upright. Found by Andy Sherwood

                                                           of Gresham, OR. Description from:

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sherwood Compact’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sherwood Compact’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sherwood Compact’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sherwood Compact’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus aristata(longaeva) ’Sherwood Compacta’  Iseli photo

                                                           Pinus aristata(longaeva) ‘Sherwood Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sherwood Compact’  Henk van Kempen photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sherwood Compact’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sherwood Compact’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Short Change                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 10” diameter, up 4 miles out up Fairplay, in 2nd grove

                                                           of PB’s. Up road past 1st road going right. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 60’

            Sidekick                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom on same tree like # 147, 10’ to east. Just

                                                           average on low limb. Red Hill ranch.

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Sidekick’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 148’. JM text.




            Silver Alibi                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Alibi’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Bob Fincham USA, Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as a broom, north of Sharons Star. JM text.

                                                           One of 17 aristata found in a two day witch’s hunt by Jerry

                                                           Morris and Rich Eyre.

                                                           Green leaves 1” long, Grows 1 1/2 “ a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Alibi’  Bob Fincham WA USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Alibi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Alibi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Alibi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Alibi’  USA  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Alibi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Alibi’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 92’

            Silver Bee                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Bee’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x 6’, 10’ up,

                                                           in area in west of Levi Alone. JM text.

                                                           One of 17 aristata found in a two day witch’s hunt by Jerry

                                                           Morris and Rich Eyre. Needles thick and 1 ½ inch long.

                                                           Resin. Grows 1” a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Bee’  USA  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Bee’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Bee’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Bee’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 69’

            Silver Bet                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a dwarf tree, tight. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf form of Bristlecone Pine. This plant is part of the

                                                           Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Bet’  Jorg Kohout GER

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 100’

            Silver Bird                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom east of Silver Bug. JM text.

                                                           Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant has smaller

                                                           needles than species and is a very small plant in sort of a globe.

                                                           Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Bird’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Bird’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Bird’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Bird’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 98’




            Silver Boy                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine BEL

                                                           Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles are as long

                                                           as species but thiner and blue green with much pitch on the

                                                           resin ducks. Globose dwarf plant. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Clement Anthoine BEL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Silver Bug                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, large, 15’ up, northwest of Mr. Right. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 97’

            Silver Bun                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Broom, 15’ up on trunk, hanging down, 6’ x 3’ on same tree as

                                                           Silver Dust # 67 in area of Levi Alone. JM text.

                                                           Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection plant. Found in 1997

                                                           on a expedition with Rich Eyre.

                                                           Plant very small with large pitch resin on needles. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 68’

            Silver Dad                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, east of Levi Alone, accross road. JM text.

                                                           One of 17 aristata found in a two day witch’s hunt by Jerry

                                                           Morris and Rich Eyre. Needles bluish and 1” long.

                                                           Plant grows 2” a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Dad’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 99’

            Silver Day                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a large broom, low, 10 ’ or so. Across from Betwixt.

                                                           One of 17 aristata found in a two day witch’s hunt by Jerry

                                                           Morris and Rich Eyre. All different and dwarf.

                                                           Most only 1 ft. in 10 years. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Day’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Day’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 103’. JM text.

            Silver Dog                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           One of 17 aristata found in a two day witch’s hunt by Jerry

                                                           Morris and Rich Eyre.

                                                           Leaves dark, heavy resin 1 ¼” long. Grows 2” a year.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Dog’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Stanley text.

            Silver Doll                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Broom, small, low, above Silver Bug. JM text.

                                                           Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant has needles

                                                           smaller than the species on a small conical plant.

                                                           Very pitchey. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 96’

            Silver Dust                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Broom, 4’ x 4’, 20 up, two brooms on same tree in area west

                                                           of Levi Alone. JM text.

                                                           One of 17 aristata found in a two day witch’s hunt by Jerry

                                                           Morris and Rich Eyre. All different and dwarf.

                                                           Most only 1 ft. in 10 years. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Duck’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 67’

            Silverheels                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tree, tight, bunch, upright. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silverheels’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 10’

            Silver Heels                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Dwarf tree, found north of Betwixt. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Heels’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Heels’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Heels’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Heels’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Heels’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Heels’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Heels’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Heels’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 101’




            Silver Joy                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, tight on bent of tree,

                                                           to north of Silver Boy. JM text.

                                                           One of 17 aristata found in a two day witch’s hunt by Jerry

                                                           Morris and Rich Eyre. All different and dwarf.

                                                           Most only 1 ft. in 10 years. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Joy’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Joy’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Joy’  Clement Anthoine BEL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Joy’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 79’

            Silver Love                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Love’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Broom 6’ x 6’, 6’ low in area west of Levi Alone. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Love’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Love’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Love’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Love’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Love’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 65’

            Silver Shaker                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata Silver Shaker 

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a tree, very dwarf, special, below road down from

                                                           Sharon’s Star, beside #81. JM text

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 82’

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Shaker’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Shaker’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Silver Shaker’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Shaker’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013




            Silver Wonder                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Darek Burdan POL

                                                           Found as a broom accross from Betwixt. JM text.

                                                           One of 17 aristata found in a two day witch’s hunt by Jerry

                                                           Morris and Rich Eyre. Resin like snow on blue leaves 1 ½”.

                                                           Grows 2” a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Wonder’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Wonder’  Dariusz Burdan POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Wonder’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Silver Wonder’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 102’




            Sleepy                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Sleepy’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Dutch Conifer Society HOL

                                                           Found as a broom, large , low on tree, east broom on 2nd road

                                                           below Alma to first right on left. JM text.

One of the Seven Dwarf Series from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Conifer Collection. All Seven Dwarvs were found on a plateau around South Park, Colorado. Small needles and big buds with white resin on leaves. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sleepy’  Dutch Conifer Society

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sleepy’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sleepy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sleepy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Sleepy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Sleepy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Sleepy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Sleepy’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Sleepy’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 87’

            Slowpoke                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 12” diameter, east of Kristin # 7. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 41’

            Sneezy                                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Broom, 6’ x 3’, low on large tree, up road from Lucky Nugget,

                                                           Beaver Creek and Fairplay. JM text.

                                                           One of the Seven Dwarfs Series from the Jerry Morris Rocky

                                                           Mountain Conifer Collection. All Seven Dwarfs were found on

                                                           a plateau around South Park, Colorado. Small needles and big

                                                           buds with white resin on leaves. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sneezy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sneezy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 72’

            So Tight                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom near Tarryall Res., very tight – 24” high,

                                                           15” wide. JM text.

                                                           A miniature plant that grows ½ inch a year.

                                                           Leaves ½ inch long. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’So Tight’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’So Tight’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 128’

            Sonny Boy                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sonny Boy’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sonny Boy’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sonny Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sonny Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            South Park                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘South Park’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’South Park’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Special Ann                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, tight, 20’ up, good looking, located on top, where

                                                           Packer road goes to Turner, 100 yds from So Tight. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 127’

            Spooky                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, double needles, on north side of tree, above Lincoln a

                                                           little to left. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 70’

            Spingarn SDL 2000             Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Spingarn WB #111               Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Stanwood                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, hangs 8’ up, up 2nd road on right, first road

                                                           below „Between”. Road from Alma to Beaver Creek. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 78’

            Starne’s Littleleaf                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Stata                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A miniature plant that grows ½ inch a year.

                                                           Leaves green and ½ inch long. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Stata’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Steven                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Steven’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Steven’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Steven’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Steven’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Steven’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Steven’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Steven’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Steven’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Steven’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Steven’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Steven’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Steven’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Steven’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Steven’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Steven’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Steven’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Steven’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Sticky Whiskers                    2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sticky Whiskers’  Dax Herbst photo

            Sunbeam                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sunbeam’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sunbeam’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sunbeam’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sunbeam’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Sunbeam’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Sunbeam’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Sunshine                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Szálka                                    2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1998 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed of

                                                           Sheffield’s Seed, USA

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Selection from seed of living area. Very slow growing,

                                                           smaller than 1 m high in 10 years old. Short, massive,

                                                           slighty curved, bright deep green needles, big red-brown

                                                           buds. All endured.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           A gyantástûjû szálkásfenyõ magszelekciója, amely – igaz, nagyon rossz talajon – 10 éves korára sem érte el az 1 méteres magasságot. Vastag, merev, fényes, enyhén görbülõ mélyzöld tûk, nagy barnásvörös rügyek, végtelen szívósság jellemzi.

                                                           Anyatõ az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Szálka’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Szálka’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Szálka’  conifertreasury.org photo

            Tahoe                                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2008 Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Tahoe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Tallman                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tree, not a dwarf, 20 yds. from Mr. Right # 49

                                                           downhill. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 50’

            Tansi                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 6’ x 8’, east of Kristin, 12’ up. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Tansi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Tansy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Tansi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 42’

            Terinka                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ


83996333  83996332


            The Sage                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Dwarf tree south of parking lot by Bross and Alma is a tree

                                                           broom or dwarf „very”. 69” circumference,

                                                           one 3” limb is 288 years old. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf plant that grows 3 inchs.a year.

                                                           Leaves bluish, heavy resin, 1” long. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata 'The Sage' (a dwarf bristlecone pine, in summer)

                                                           Jerry reckons this tree is about 1,000 years old.

                                                           Nate Cassell text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’The Sage’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’The Sage’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’The Sage # 16’


82119957  82119958


            Tickle                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Tickle’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Tickle’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Timberline                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Timberline’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Timberline’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Timberline’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Timberline’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Timberline’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Timberline’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Timberline’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Timberline’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Timberline’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Tiny Fox                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 10” diameter, 40-60’ east of the

                                                           Alma broom. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 40’

            Tippy                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a small broom, 20” x 20”, average,

                                                           up Packer to the right. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 124’

            Tlatla                                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Václav Tlatla CZ

                                                                                  Jiøi Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a seedling, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Semenáè na soukromé zahradì. Pan Tlatla, Prusice.

                                                           Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Tlatla’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Tlatla’ 

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Tlatla’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Tlatla’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Top Draw                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, found on north end Windy Ridge, low, very tight.

                                                           Just south of # 45. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 86’

            Topsy 83’                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

            Tow Out                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Broom, 15’ up, 3’ x 4’, west of road by Old Cabin up

                                                           from Alma. JM text.

                                                           A miniature plant that grows ½ inch a year.

                                                           Leaves dark blue, heavy resin, ½ inch long. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 31’

            Tripper                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 4’ x 4’, low, across creek above road

                                                           up Beaver Creek. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 48’

            Unnamed                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

            Upper Dwarf Tree               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A dwarf plant that will not get more than 1 ft. high.

                                                           Pitch on leaves. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Upper Dwarf Tree’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Upper Dwarf Tree’  Jörg Kohout photo

            Vanc Gold                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Pavel Vanc CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Vanc Gold’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Vanc Gold’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Varden                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, medium size, low 10’,

                                                           west of # 19 Putnam. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Varden’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Varden’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Varden’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Varden’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Varden’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Varden’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Varden’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Varden’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 18’

            Vlèkov                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vaclav Kolár Nursery CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Vlckov’  Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Vlckov’  Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Vlckov’  Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Vlckov’  Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012

            Všejany                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1985 Jiøí Balatka CZ in Všejany

                                                                                  Jiøi Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a pendulous seedling, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Selekce z výsevu, soukromá zahrada Všejany. Vzrùst

                                                           poléhavý, po vyvázání se chová jako Pendula.

                                                           Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Vsejany’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘Vsejany’

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Vsejany’  (Balatka CZ)

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Vsejany’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Vsejany’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo


84205462  84205459  84205455


            Waldorf #1                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #1’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #1’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #1’  Jerry Morris CO USA




            Waldorf #2                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #2’  Jerry Morris CO USA


84205469  84205472  82793654


            Waldorf #3                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #3’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #3’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #3’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf # 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013




            Waldorf #4                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #4’  Jerry Morris CO USA




            Waldorf #5                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #5’  Jerry Morris CO USA




            Waldorf #6                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #6’  Jerry Morris CO USA




            Waldorf #7                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #7’  Jerry Morris CO USA


84205761  84205762


            Waldorf #8                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #8’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #8’  Jerry Morris CO USA




            Waldorf #9                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Waldorf #9’  Jerry Morris CO USA

            WB SDL JM                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus aristata ’WB SDL JM 2004’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’WB SDL JM’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            WB SDL JK                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘WB SDL JK’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ‘WB SDL JK’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus aristata ’WB SDL J.K.’ 2003  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Weeping                                Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Weston                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 5’ x 6’, 6’ up, east side of Weston Pass on

                                                           north side of road across from a campground. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 53’

            Wildwood #143                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, very tight, a little yellow.

                                                           Leaves bluish green and 1 inch long.

                                                           Miniature ball, dusted with pitch. Stanley text.

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Wildwood # 143’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Wildwood’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Wildwood # 143’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 143’. JM text.

            Windy                                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x 6’, 25’ up, about 50 or so yds. south of

                                                           Alma # 5. JM text.

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Windy Ridge # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Windy Ridge # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Windy Ridge’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’# 64’

            Windy 1                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Jörg Kohout GER & Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’JM Windy 1’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Windy Ridge’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Windy 2                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Jerry Morris CO USA & Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’JM Windy 2’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Windy Ridge # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus aristata ’Windy Ridge # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Woods                                               Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Yellow Bird                           Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Zwerg Jeddeloh                    zu Jeddeloh GER

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ


Pinus aristata broom seedling  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo


   ARIZONICA                                1909                           MEX USA AR 

                                                           Engelm.                                                                     Kr

Pinus arizonica Engelm. 1909 - Arizonai erdeifenyõ – Arizona pine

                                                           P. ponderosa var. arizonica /Engelm./Shaw

             var. STORMIAE                Martinez 1948                                    N-E-MEX



   ARMANDII                                  1884                           W-, C-CHN TIB

                                                           Franch.                                                                      Kr PG P

Pinus armandii Franch. 1884 - Kínai selyemfenyõ - Chinese silk pine

                                                           Pinus armandii  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus armandii  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus armandii  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus armandii  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           P. koraiensis Mast. not Zucc.

                                                           P. mastersiana Hayata

                                                           P. levis Lemee & Leveille

                                                           P. quinquefolia David

                                                           P. scipioniformis Mast. 1898

             var. AMAMIANA                  /Koidzu/K. Hatus                              JPN

                                                           /P. AMAMIANA/

             var. DABESHANENSIS    /Cheng & Law/Silba

             var. MASTERSIANA        /Hayata/Hayata                                  TWN


            Bellis                                      2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport  a plant protected from

                                                           seed collected in NE-CHN by DAP

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Main grow, conical habit in young. Distinct from type color

                                                           and position of needles: needles bloomy and blue, stand down

                                                           and multiple broken, not curved.

                                                           Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Átlagos növekedésû, kúpos koronát nevelõ. A típustól a tûk színében és alakulásában tér el: hamvas kék tûi nem lefelé hajlók, hanem többszörösen megtörtek és így lógnak lefelé. Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus armandii ’Bellis’

            Gold Tip                                                       Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Hoyt                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Kouty                                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1995 Jiøí Holata CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a seedling, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Semenáè, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Pendula                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA

                                                           Weeping form. Rich Eyre text.

                                                           Pinus armandii ‘Pendula’

            Spice                                      2011 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant in a

                                                           Budapest suburb, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           6 m tall, globose crown. Quick grow, bark of boughs quick

                                                           chap. Sprouts from beginning to end with relative long needles

                                                           /10-15 cm./, dense foliage. Bark strongly frayed, chaped.

                                                           A compact handsome beauty.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           2010-ben 6 méteres, szabályos gömb alakú koronájú fa. Gyorsan növõ, ágai pár évesen már repedezett kérgûek. Hajtásai végig berakottak a viszonylag hosszú, 10-15 centis tûkkel. Lombja sûrû. Kérge erõsen foszlik, repedezik.

                                                           Anyanövény / oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus armandii ’Spice’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus armandii ’Spice’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus armandii ’Spice’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus armandii ’Spice’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus armandii ’Spice’

            Szecsuán                                2014 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 4.0

                                                           2013 Hódi Tóth József from seed collected by Zs. Debreczy

                                                           and I. Rácz in Sichuan, CHN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Crown narrower as type, leaders upward. Branches and branchlets thick, stubby. Buds large, conical, like a brush, pale brown. Needles more silvery as the type, almost strongly broken, bizarre.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Koronája keskenyebb, mint a tipusé, az oldalvezérek felfelé törnek. Az ágak és hajtások vastagok, zömökek. A rügyek nagyok, kúposak, ecsetszerûek, halványbarnák. A tûk ezüstösebbek, mint a tipusé, rendszerint erõsen megtörtek, bizarrak.

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus armandii ’Szecsuán’

            Vanc Gold                             2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 4.0

                                                           2005 Pavel Vanc CZ

                                                                                  Balatka Gardens, Všejany CZ

                                                           Found as a golden seedling in Bydžovská Lhotka.

                                                           Místo nálezu, Bydžovská Lhotka. SDL. Zlatá forma semenáèe, z

                                                           klasické Pinus armandii. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus armandii ‘Vanc Gold’


Pinus armandii x lambertiana

                                                           Armand's Chinese Pine crossed with Sugar Pine. Two long-needle species result in an attractive hybrid with green foliage. A vigorous tree with large cones. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.


            Pinus armandii x Pinus koraiensis

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                               A great looking hybrid armandii is a bit like strobus; this cross would be worth repeating with named forms of koraiensis. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Pinus armandii x Pinus lambertiana

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                               This cross was made back in the 50s and described in USDA bul. 1345; it should be an excellent plant for the southeast and has been hardy at Gees. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA


   ARMENA                                        Koch  

                                                           /P. SYLVESTRIS/


   ATTENUATA                              1892                           USA OR - CA N-MEX

                                                           Lemmon                                                                    Kr PG

Pinus attenuata Lemmon 1892 - Kaliforniai kampósfenyõ - Knobcone pine

                                                           Pinus attenuata  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus attenuata  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           P. californica Hartw. not Loisel. 1847

                                                           P. tuberculata Gord. not D.Don. 1849

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh GER

            Ralf                                        Hort.

                                                           Pinus attenuata ’Ralf’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Pinus attenuata ’Ralf’  Clément Anthoine BEL photo

                                                           Pinus attenuata ‘Ralf’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            San Gabriel                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Ševèik                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ

                                                           Pinus attenuata ’Sevcik’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

            WB                                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus attenuata ’Sevcik’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo



   ATTENURADIATA  X               1946                           USA CA

                                                           Stockwell & Richter                                                  Kr

                                                           P. attenuata  x  P. radiata

                                                           Placerville CA USA


   AUCKLANDII                                Lodd. ex Gord.

                                                           /P. GERARDIANA/

   AUSTRALIS                                               Hort.

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/

   AUSTRALIS                                               Michx. 1810

                                                           /P. PALUSTRIS/


   AYACAHUITE                            1838                           GUA - MEX - USA border

                                                           Ehrenbg. & Schlecht.                                    Kr PG P

Pinus ayacahuite Ehrenbg. & Schlecht. 1838 - Mexikói selyemfenyõ - Mexican silk pine

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite  conifertreasury.org photo HTJ

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012


             ssp. LOUDONIANA           P. loudoniana Gord.

             ssp. STROBIFORMIS           /Engelm./Murray 1982

                                                           /P. STROBIFORMIS/ Engelm.

             var. BRACHYPTERA           Shaw

                                                           P. brachyptera Shaw

                                                           /P. STROBIFORMIS/ Engelm.

             var. STROBIFORMI             Lemm. 1892

                                                           /P. REFLEXA/ Engelm. 1882

             var. VEITCHII                   /Roezl/Shaw 1909

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite var. veitchii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite var. veitchii  GW eric9b USA photo

                                                           P. veitchii Roezl.

                                                           P. loudoniana Gord.

                                                           P. bounapartea Roezl.

            Forest Green                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            H.B. Eschrich                       Pinus ayacahuite’ H.B.Eschrich’

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’WB’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’WB’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo


            Maya                                      2012 Mesterhazy in Conifer Treasury 4.0

                                                           1995 Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in GER.

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden in Deutschland.

                                                            Pinus ayacahuite’ H.B.Eschrich’

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’Maya’  GER  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’Maya’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’Maya’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’Maya’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’WB’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’Maya’  Clément Anthoine BEL photo

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’Maya’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ‘Maya’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ‘Maya’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ‘Maya’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’Maya’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           /HB Eschrich/ /WB/

            Veracruz                               2014 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 4.0

                                                           2013 Hódi Tóth József, HUN from sport of a plant grown from

                                                           seed collected by Zs. Debreczy in Veracruz, Mexico, MEX

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Slow grow, short branchlets. Buds very little, conical. Needles relative short /5-7 cm/, smooth, olivegreen, very dense stands on brachlets. Young plant, man don’t know will be half dwarfish or very slow but normal sized.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Lassan növekszik, hajtásai rövidek. Rügyei nagyon kicsik, kúposak. A tûk viszonylag rövidek /5-7 cm/, puhák, olajzöldek, nagyon sûrûn állnak a hajtásokon. Még fiatal növény, nem tudható, hogy féltörpe lesz vagy lassú növésû ugyan de normál méretû.

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’Veracruz’

            WB                                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’WB’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus ayacahuite ’Eschrich WB’  Jiøí Balatka photo



   BAHAMENSIS                                Griseb.

                                                           /P. CARIBEA var. BAHAMENSIS//


   BALFOURIANA                          1853                           USA  CA

                                                           Jeffrey ex A.Murray                                      Kr P KeI

Pinus balfouriana Jeffrey ex A. Murray 1853 – Rókafarkfenyõ – Foxtail pine

             ssp. AUSTRINA                 /Mastro. & Mastro. 1980/Silba 1984 USA S-CA

             ssp. LONGAEVA                  /Bailey/Murray 1984                                                 KeI

                                                           /P. LONGAEVA/

             var. ARISTATA                     /Mastro. & Mastro./Silba 1984

                                                           /P. ARISTATA/

             var. AUSTRINA                 /Mastro. & Mastro./Silba 1984


            # 60                                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 1’ 60  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 1’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana WB 60 Ševèík USA 

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 1’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ‘# 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            # 61                                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in California

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 61’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 61’ Sevcik  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 2’ 61  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 2’ 61  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana WB 61 Ševèík USA

            # 62                                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in California

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 62’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 62’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ‘# 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ‘# 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ‘# 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus balfouriana WB 62 Ševèík USA 

            # 63                                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in California

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 63’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 63’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 63’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 4’ 63  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 4’ 63  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 4’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 4’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 4’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ‘# 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus balfouriana WB 63 Ševèík USA 

            # 64                                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in California

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 64’ Sevcik  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 64’ Sevcik  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 5’ 64  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 5’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 5’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’# 5’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 5’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’WB # 5’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana WB 64 Ševèík USA 

            Dwarf                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2004 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Dwarf Form                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. W. Springarn

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Springarn Form’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Golden Trout Lake              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Horseshoe                              2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom, low, round, on route before road to

                                                           Horseshoe Meadow. JM text.

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Horseshoe # 4’

            Horseshoe East                     2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 25’ up, 3x4’, good looking, east of

                                                           camp at Horseshoe Meadow. JM text.

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Horseshoe # 2’

            Horseshoe Hilltop                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Horseshoe Hilltop’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Horseshoe Hilltop’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Horseshoe Needle                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Horseshoe Needle’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Horseshoe North                   2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a dwarf tree, to north of # 1 about 200 yds or less,

                                                           Horseshoe Meadow. JM text.

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Horseshoe # 3’

            Horseshoe Pillar                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Horseshoe Pillar’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Horseshoe West                    2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 15’ up, 4-5’ diameter, fairly tight, west of

                                                           camp at Horseshoe Meadow. JM text.

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Horseshoe # 1’

            Jezero                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Mindy                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Dennis Hermsen USA


                                                           Pinus balfouriana ‘Mindy’  Dennis Hermsen photo 2014

            Robertson’s Fox                   2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           A large, globe-shaped pine found as a witch's broom by Dan Spear in the Sierra Nevada Mts. Growth Rate:  2-4". Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ‘Robertson’s Fox’  Dan Spear photo 2015

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ssp. austrina ‘Robertson’s Fox’

            Shelby                                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Dennis Hermsen IA USA

                                                                                  Dennis Hermsen gardens USA

                                                           Dwarf broom seedling from Jerry Morris seeds.

                                                           Named for the oldest granddaughter of Dennis. Hermsen text.

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ‘Shelby’ - 2002 wb sdl of Jerry Morris 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst photo 2015

            Springarn Form                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Springarn Form’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ‘Springarn Form’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Springarn Form’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           /Dwarf Form/

            Van Hoey                              2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a 20’ high pyramidal shape tree. JM text.

                                                           Pinus balfouriana ’Horseshoe # 5’


   BANATICA                                     1936                           BAL ROM

                                                           Georgescu & Ionescu                                                KeI

                                                           /P. NIGRA var. BANATICA/


   BANKSIANA                               1803                           USA CAN

                                                           Lamb.                                                                        Kr PG

Pinus banksiana Lamb. 1803 - Banks fenyõ - Jackpine

                                                           Pinus banksiana  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           P. divaricata /Ait./ Dumont de Courset 1811

                                                           P. hudsonica Poir. 1804

                                                           P. rupestris Michx. 1810


            3 M                                        2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in 3 M Plant, Cordova, Illinois, small size, low,

                                                           motherplant dead 1989. Harper text.

            # 150                                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            1401 Bety                              Hort. CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1401 Bety’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1401 Bety’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1401 Bety’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1401 Bety’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1401 Bety’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            1404 Martin Novak              Hort. CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1404 Martin Novak’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            AA2                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1991 GER

                                                           Trompenburg Arboretum, Rotterdam HOL

            Abs                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1988 /Kysihybl/

                                                           1985 K. Jiskra CZ renamed as /Jiskra/

                                                                                   2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtìní

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Abš’  Jiøí Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Abs’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Abs’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Adášek                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2002-2011 František Adášek CZ

                                                                                  Adášek Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Adasek’  Mesterházy & Adášek photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Adasek’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Adasek’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Al Johnson                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1990 USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           A unique, slow-growing, character tree, this North American pine has an open, irregular habit that suggests exposure to harsh conditions. The rustic look is accentuated by silver bark and by candles that are so pitch-covered they look as if they have been dipped in wax. The extremely hardy conifer takes tough conditions and makes a striking feature in the rock garden or patio container. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Al Johnson’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL


Pinus banksiana Ala

            Ala                                         2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0


                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Ala’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Ala’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            All Jacked Up                       Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Alton                                      2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in State Mental Hospital, Alton, Illinois, medium size,

                                                           low, flat, weeping. Harper text.




            Angell                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Angell’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 3x3’, 20’ up, good looking. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf form of Jack Pine. This plant is part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles are very small

                                                           like 3/8 of an inch. Needles are bright kelly green.

                                                           Plant is a dwarf mounding plant. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Angell’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Angel’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Angel’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Angel’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Angel’  Larry Stanley USA photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Angell # 2’

            Annae                                    Schwerin 1909

                                                           P. banksiana var. annae Schwerin

            Arctis                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Arctis’

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Arktis’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Bald Bluff                             2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found on Bold Bluff Road, Keithsburg, small size, medium

                                                           height, compact. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Bald Bluff’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Bald Bluff’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Banská Štiavnica                  2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 4.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                           Short, light-green needles on this slow-growing, narrow pyramidal pine give the tree an attractive color, even in winter. An uncommon European selection. Growth Rate:  1-3" HxW@10yrs:  2.5'x1'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Banská Stiavnica’

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Banska Stiavnica’  conifertreasury.org photo

            Bed Rock                               2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Don Avery USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           The short, spreading form and miniature needles of this pine make it truly fascinating. Looks like a sheet of bedrock when mature. Found as a witch’s broom mutation by Don Avery of Cady’s Falls Nursery. Growth Rate:  1-2" HxW@10yrs:  1'x4'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Bed Rock’  Brent Markus photo 2014




            Beehive                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                            2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as WB

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                                                  Jiri Holata CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Beehive’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Beehive’  Jiri Holata CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Beehive’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Beehive’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Beehive’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Beehive’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Beehive’  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Beehive’  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Beehive’  Mesterházy photo 2015

            Bìleèko                                  2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Bell                                         2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in Bell farm, Fulton, Illinois, small size, medium height,

                                                           compact. Harper text.

            Benny                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Benny’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Benny’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Benny’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Bety                                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2009 Martin Novák & Jiøí Balatka CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1401 Bety’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1401 Bety’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1401 Bety’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1401 Bety’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1401 Bety’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Bety’  Mesterházy & Adášek photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Bety’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Bety’ 1401  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Bety’ 1401  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Bety’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Bety’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Found as a broom.

                                                           Èarovĕník, vrcholový, hustý, veliký.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1401 Bety’

            B-G-K                                               2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           2014 Gary Gee, Bill Barger & Kelly Wright USA

                                                                                  Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Found as a broom in a broom hunting expedition 2014.

                                                           A somewhat upright witch's broom with slender, very short foliage. A unique broom found by Gary Gee and company in the Minnesota Broomhuntings. Growth Rate:  2-4" HxW@10yrs:  2'x1'. Brent Markus text.

            Big River No. 1                     2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in Big River State Forest, Keithsburg, Illinois, medium

                                                           size and height, shiny green. Harper text.

            Black Duck                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Don Avery USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a witch’s broom seedling by Don Avery of Cady’s Falls Nursery. Grows to be a small bush. Markus text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Black Duck’  Brent Markus photo 2014

            Broom                                               2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           1980 Eddie Rezek USA

                                                                                  Paul Halladin of Iseli Nurs. USA

                                                           "A witches' broom selection growing in an irregularly upright

                                                           manner with dense foliage to ground level. The branching

                                                           structure is irregular and curving." Iseli text.

                                                           This dwarf witch's broom selection of Jack Pine develops an uneven, curving branch structure and an irregular, upright habit with dense foliage to ground level. Extremely hardy and adaptable, it tolerates heat, cold, and dry, sandy or poor soils. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Broom’

            Bush’s Twister                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Dick Bush of Canby, OR USA

                                                           A dwarf form of Jack Pine. This plant is part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles are very small

                                                           like 3/8 of an inch. Needles are bright kelly green.

                                                           Plant is a dwarf mounding plant. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Bush’s Twister’  Brent Markus photo 2014

                                                           /Pendula/ as of Don Howse

            Chastplatz                             Hort.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Chastplatz’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Chippewa                              Welch 1979

                                                           1979 A. Fordham, Arnold Arboretum, MA USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Chippewa’

                                                           A very dwarf form, leaves are bright green.

                                               A 1979 Al Fordham Arnold Arb introduction, it forms a low cushion of short needled upward facing shoots, its one of the best banksiana brooms and well deserving of garden space.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A miniature conifer with bright-green needles. It forms a low-growing mound with age. Perfect for the rock garden. Prefers full sun in a well-drained soil. 1' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Chippewa’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Chippewa’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Chippewa’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Chippewa’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Chippewa’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Chippewa’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Chippewa’  USA  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Chippewa’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Chippewa’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Chippewa’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Chippewa’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Cline                                      2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in Big River State Forest, Keithsburg, Illinois, small

                                                           Size, low, motherplant dead 1993. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Cline’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Compacta                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Compacta Kalouš                 2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 4.0

                                                           Kalouš CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Cyrus                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Cyrus’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Daughter                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Daughter’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Daughter’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Don Smith                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Barger in ACS database

            Double Header                      2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           2014 Gary Gee, Bill Barger & Kelly Wright USA

                                                                                  Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom in a broom hunting expedition 2014.

                                                           This dwarf pine was found as a very unique witch's broom. The center of the broom was dead, with two "heads" on either side. Short, light-green needles accent the resinous buds and stems. Growth Rate:  1-3" HxW@10yrs:  1'x2'. Brent Markus text.

            Dwarf Seedling                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Ebner                                    2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found north of Ebner Sta., Fulton, Illinois, small size, medium

                                                           height, not unusual. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Ebner’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Ebner’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Ebner’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Elkin’s Dwarf                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1967 USA                  /Tucker’s Dwarf/

            Ely 300                                   2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0


                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Short, light-green needles are relatively thick, with a slight twist circling the orange-brown buds at the tips. Growth Rate:  1-1.5" HxW@10yrs:  1'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.

            Emerald Hill                         2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in Emerald Hill GC, Sterling, Illinois, medium size, low,

                                                           compact, nice. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Emerald Hill’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Emerald Hill’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Fastigiata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Fernberg Trail                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2012 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA

                                                                                  Horky Gardens MN USA

                                                           Collected East of Ely, MN. Horky text.

            Filip’s Jumping Jack            2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           2013 Edwin Smits NED/HOL

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           This compact witch's broom has rich green foliage that lasts throughout the year. The original broom was discovered by Edwin Smits on a broom-hunting expedition to Minnesota, upper midwest USA. Growth Rate:  1-3" HxW@10yrs:  1'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.

            Flach Creeper                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 GER

            Flat Top                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Flat Top’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Flat Top’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Flat Top’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Flat Top’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Flat Top’  Zdìnek Novák CZ photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Flat Top’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Flat Top’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Flat Top’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Freddy Krueger                   2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Ted Krueger USA

                                                                                  Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA

                                                           Irregular pyramid from a witches' broom. Aka 'Teddy Krueger'. Found by Ted Krueger, named by Rich Eyre. Rich Eyre text.

            Frodo                                     2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Miros³aw Lewandowski POL

                                                                                   Lewandowski Gardens POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Frodo’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Frodo’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

            Garfield                                 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Gathe’s Global Legacy        2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           2011 Sam Pratt OR USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           One of the first witch’s brooms I ever discovered back in 2011 was finally retrieved and propagated! I decided to name this find after my mother’s family name because she did not have a brother to carry on the last name--Gathe. (This name was fitting not only because it has a globose shape but also because this new dwarf pine will be propagated in several different countries, preserving the family name for years to come!) Pratt text.

                                                           This slow-growing, globose pine was the first witch's broom that Sam Pratt discovered. He named it in honor of his mother's family who had no male heir to carry on the family name. A dense pine with light-green needles. Growth Rate:  1-2" HxW@10yrs:  1.5'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Gathe’s Global Legacy’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Gathe’s Global Legacy’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Gathe’s Global Legacy’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Gathe’s Global Legacy’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

            Gelbblaulig                            Hort.

                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           A new variety of Jack Pine from Europe with yellow-green foliage. Brent Markus text.

            Geneseo Prairie                    2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found on Route 81, North of Geneseo, Illinois, small size, very

                                                           low, hanging, nice. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Geneseo Prairie’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Geneseo Prairie’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Geneseo Prairie’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Geneseo Prairie’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Girard Weeper                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Girard’s Weeper/

            Girard’s Weeper                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database


                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Girard’s Weeper’

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Girard’s Weeper’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Girard Weeper’  Igor Uspenskiy photo


Pinus banksiana G³owno 110908 LEWANDOWSKI

            G³owno                                  2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Miros³aw Lewandowski POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘G³owno’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Glowno’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Glowno’  Miroslaw Lewandowski photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Glowno’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana G³owno 110908 LEWANDOWSKI

            Gola                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1995 E. Gola CZ

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtìní

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Gola’

            Golden Strike                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ


Pinus banksiana Gosia HB (Maj)

            Gosia                                     2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0

                                                           Maj POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Gosia’ 

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           A compact, slow-growing pine found as a witch's broom in Europe. Growth Rate:  1-2" HxW@10yrs:  1.5'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Gosia’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Gosia’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Gosia’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana Gosia HB (Maj)

            Graveyard Witch                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Graveyard Witch’

            Green Snow                          Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Harbor                                  2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Joe Stupka USA

                                                                                  2001 Joe Stupka Broom & Form List

                                                           Found near Harbor Road, New Castle, Pennsylvania, good color.

                                                           Stupka text.

            Hardesty                                2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in Hardesty residence, Milan, Illinois, small sze, low,

                                                           extra nice. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Hardesty’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Hardesty’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Hexenbesen                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 GER

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Hillman                                  2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Vibrantly-green needles are fairly short on this globose pine. It was found as a witch's broom in Michigan. Growth Rate:  1-2" HxW@10yrs:  1.5'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.

            H. J. Welch                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1980 GBR

                                                           1974 A. G. Johnson, Minnesota Bot. Garden USA

            Hobl                                       Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Honolulu                                2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           A slow-growing pine with light-green color. Not much is known about this very uncommon variety! Growth Rate:  1-2". Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Honolulu’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Honolulu’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Hornet’s Nest                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                   Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Horstmann 7 Dwarfs           2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           G. Horstmann in Manitoba CAN

            Hwy 1 St. Louis                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Hwy 4 3679                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Hwy 4 8214                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Hwy 4 CT RD 1                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Jack’s Bean Stalk                 2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Mike & Cheryl Davison USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           This incredibly narrow Jack Pine was found by Mike & Cheryl Davison. A unique find with a clever name: It is a Jack Pine, after all! Growth Rate:  4-8". Brent Markus text.

            Jiskra                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtìní


                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Jiskra’  Jiøí Balatka photo

            JK 15-12                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER in the USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Johnson                                 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in Johnson farm, Fulton, Illinois, medium size, low,

                                                           motherplant dead 1989. Harper text.7

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Johnson’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Johnson’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Josh’s Ornament                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2012 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA

                                                                                  Horky Gardens MN USA

                                                           Collected in Northern Minnesota, this broom grows in a dense

                                                           ball, with annual growth of 1”-1.5”. Horky text.

            Kaiser                                    2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 14” dia, 20” tall, tight. JM text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Kaiser # 1’

            Kaye                                      Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Kaye’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Kaye’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Kimmerholz                          Hort.

                                                                                   Tånum Planteskole, Randers DEN

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Kimmerholz’ Pinus banksiana ‘Kümmerholz’

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Kimmerholz’ Edwin Smits Nursery, HOL

            Knudsen                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2013 Rob Tudehope IA USA

                                                                                  Tudehope Gardens USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Found as a broom in western Iowa, USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Knudsen’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Knudsen’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Knudsen’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Knudsen’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Knudsen’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Knudsen’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Knudsen’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Knudsen’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Knudsen’  Rob Tudehope USA photo

            Kocourov                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2004 Ernest Szuma CZ/HUN

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found near Krusne Hory, 150 cm up as a 110x70 cm

                                                           broom, 3 cm long needles.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Kocourov’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Kocourov’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1103 Kocourov’

            Kokoøin                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Martin Novak CZ

                                                           Wild found pendulous type narrow columnar form.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Kokorin’  Martin Novak photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Kokorin’  Martin Novak photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Kokorin’  Martin Novak photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Kokorin’  Martin Novak photo

            Last Chance                          2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found on Highway ROW, Albany, Illinois, small size, low,

                                                           motherplant dead 1990. Harper text.


Pinus banksiana HB (Lewandowski)

            Lewandowski                                   2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Miros³aw Lewandowski POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Lewandowski’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana HB (Lewandowski)

            Lockport                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2012 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA

                                                                                  Horky Gardens MN USA

                                                           A nice weeping broom that forms a ball, found in Northern

                                                           Minnesota along the north shore of Lake Superior. Annual

                                                           growth is 2”-4”. Horky text.

            Lucky                                    2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Lucky # 13 Midge, dwarf seedling

            Mainline                                2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found along RR tracks, Fulton, Illinois, small size, medium

                                                           height, motherplant dead 1988. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Mainline’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Manomet                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1979 A. Fordham, Arnold Arboretum, MA USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           A great little, emerald green witch's broom from the extremely hardy Jack Pine, this tight, irregular globe is perfect for rock garden or trough. Older plants eventually stretch up into a pyramidal shape. Hardy and adaptable, it tolerates heat, cold, and dry, sandy or poor soils. Iseli text.

                                                           A dwarf globe when young this tends to leader with age, yet another of the Arnold Arb introductions it grows at about half the rate of ’Schoodic’. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Manomet’  USA  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Manomet’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Manomet’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Manomet’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Manomet’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Manomet’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Martin Novák                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2009 Martin Novák CZ in AUT

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Tannenmoor, Austria.

                                                           A slow-growing pine with rich, dark-green foliage that is quite short! Found as a witch's broom in the Czech Republic. Growth Rate:  1-2". Brent Markus text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Tannenmoor, Rakousko.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1404 Martin Novak’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Martin Novak’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Martin Novak’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Martin Novak’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Martin Novak’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Martin Novak’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1404 Martin Novak’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1404 Martin Novak’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1404 Martin Novak’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Martin Novak’  Mesterházy & Adášek photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Martin Novak’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Martin Novak’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Martin Novák’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Martin Novák’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Martin Novák’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            McKenzie                              2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in a private residence, Fulton, Illinois, medium size and

                                                           height, motherplant dead 1990. Harper text.

            Meredosia                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as WB seedling

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found on Highway ROW, Albany, Illinois, medium size, low,

                                                           motherplant dead 1989. Harper text.

            Meridosa Nr. 1.                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as WB seedling


            Meridosa Nr. 2.                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as WB seedling


            Midge                                     2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a dwarf seedling.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Midge’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Midge’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Mini Blato                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Mini Blato’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1404 Martin Novák’

            Mini Kingdom                      2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Brent Markus OR USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           This low-growing pine was found as a stunted witch's broom by Brent Markus on Schoodic Peninsula in Maine. Very short, dark-green needles are fairly wide and slightly cupped, giving this miniature conifer an exquisite texture. Growth Rate:  0.5-1". Brent Markus text.

            Mitch                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Mitch’

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Nana’

                                                                                   1987 Esveld Nurs. into HOL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Nana’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Nana’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Nana’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Natalia                                   Hort. POL

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Natalia’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Natalia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Nature Preserve                   2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in Natural Preserve, Fulton, Illinois, small size, medium

                                                           height, motherplant dead 1988. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Nature Preserve’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Nature Preserve’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Navrátil                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

            Neponset                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1979 A. Fordham, Arnold Arboretum, MA USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Neponset’

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Neponset’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Neponset’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Neponset’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Neponset’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Nidiformis                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 GER

            New Broom                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘New Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘New Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’New Broom’ A.M.  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’New Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            North Ebner Upright           2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found on Ebner Station, Fulton, Illinois, normal, 30 foot high,

                                                           upright, dark green. Harper text.

            Novák                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2009 Martin Novák & Jiøí Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Novak’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Nuclear No. 1                                   2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found east of nuclear plant, Cordova, Illinois, medium size, low,

                                                           motherplant dead 1988. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Nuclear Broom’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Nuclear No. 2                                   2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found east of nuclear plant, Cordova, Illinois, small size, low,

                                                           compact. Harper text.

            Old Swanzy                           2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Mike & Cheryl Davison USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           This pine with chartreuse-colored foliage was found as a witch's broom by Mike & Cheryl Davison in Gwinn, MI. It was named "Swanzy" for the founder of this small town. Brent Markus text.

            Osm                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1972 S. Holenka CZ

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtìní

                                                           Syn. Pinus banksiana ’Sofronka 8’

            Park 13 Broom                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Park Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Park Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a main leader and weeping side branches. Needles are olive-green. A 10-year-old specimen looks ancient. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

                                               A weeping form introduced by Foxborough nurseries in 1991.

                                                           Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1977 Karel Kalouš CZ

                                                                                  Kalouš Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtìní

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Nalezena v lesním porostu nedaleko N. Strašecí. Je nepravidelného rùstu, vyvázaná ve stáøí 25 let dosahuje 3,5 m výšky, šíøe 1,4 m. Zajímavì bizardní tvar se svìtle zeleným jehlièím délky 4,5-5 cm, vlnité vìtve, nepravidelnì pøepadavé. Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku nad 3 cm. K. Kalouš text.

            Pine Glen                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Pine Glen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Piwowar                                2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Plocar                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1992 Plocar CZ

                                                                                  Jiøi Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Plocar’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Plocar’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Pospíšil                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2009 Martin Novák & Jiøí Balatka CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1402 Pospisil’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Pospíšil                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2009 Jaromír Pospíšil CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found as a broom.

                                                           Velmi hustá, svĕtle zelená.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Pospisil’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Pospisil’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Pospisil’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Pospisil’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Pospíšil’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Pospíšil’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Pospíšil’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1402 Pospíšil’

            Potters                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                                                   2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as WB

                                                           Found in Potters farm, Fulton, Illinois, medium size and height,

                                                           not unusual. Harper text. WB.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Potters’

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’PottersWB’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Potters’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Potters’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Potters’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Potters’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Prairie Union                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                                                  2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as WB

                                                           Found in Prairie-Union Cemetery, Low Moor, Iowa, medium

                                                           size and height, compact, nice. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Prairie-Union’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Prairie-Union’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Ray’s Random Point                        2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Mike & Cheryl Davison USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Short, light-green foliage is fairly thick on this slow-growing pine. Found as a witch's broom by Mike & Cheryl Davison on their neighbor, Tom Ray's, property. The broom has a slightly random growth habit. Brent Markus text.

            Relief                                     2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found on Wilmont Road, Lyndon, Illinois, medium size, low, not

                                                           unusual. Harper text.

            Repens                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 GER

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Repens’

                                               A rather flat growing plant introduced from Germany in 1992.

                                                           Arrowhead text.

                                                                                   Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Repens                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1972 Kroc CZ

                                                                                  Jiøi Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Repens’  Jiøí Balatka photo

            RKR Broom                         2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found on East side Henry Road, Fenton, Illinois, medium size,

                                                           low, nflat growth. Harper text.

            Rochester Weeper                2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

                                                           Bizarre tree with twisted, semi-weeping habit. Rich Eyre text.

            Roshana                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Route 84                                2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found on Route 84, Cordova, Illinois, medium size and height,

                                                           motherplant dead 1987. Harper text.

            Sam                                        Hort.

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           A new variety of Jack Pine from Europe found as a witch's broom. Brent Markus text.

            Sand Ridge                           2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found at Gun Club, Thomson, Illinois, medium size and height,

                                                           compact. Harper text.

            Sauk Valley                           2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in a Golf Course, Sterling, Illinois.

                                                           down 1988. Harper text

            Scenic Surprise                     2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Schneverdingen                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Uwe Horstmann GER

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Schneverdingen’

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Schneverdingen’  GER  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Schneverdingen’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Schneverdingen’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Schneverdingen’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Schoodic                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1979 A. Fordham, Arnold Arboretum, MA USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           'Schoodic' (pronounced skoo dik') is an exceptional, dense, ground-hugging native selection of Jack Pine found on Schoodic Peninsula in Maine. Use the spreading, low-growing plant with short, emerald green needles to drape down a bank or sprawl over another challenging site. Typical of the species, 'Schoodic' is extremely hardy and adaptable, it tolerates heat, cold, and dry, sandy or poor soils. Iseli text.

                                               A prostrate mat with irregular twisted branches and fairly short needles, another distinctive selection from the Arnold Arb. At one time Punnett had a fantastic collection of Jack Pine brooms, all sacrificed for house construction, anyone wanting to do some broom hunting should check out the Au Sable River area of Michigan, most of Dick’s brooms are probably still in the trees. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Schoodic’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Schoodic’  USA  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Schoodic’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Schoodic’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Schoodic’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Schoodic’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Schoodic’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Schoodic Point                      2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb

                                                           Sidney Waxman USA

                                                                                  University of Connecticut USA

                                                                                  Kevin Fechke USA

            Skjak Flach                           2016 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 5.0


                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           This dwarf, spreading form of Jack Pine has a rich dark-green color. Its unique form and slow growth rate make it an excellent rock garden selection! More commonly known incorrectly as Pinus sylvestris ‘Skjak Flach’. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Skjak Flach’  Sam Pratt photo 2015

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Skjak Flach’  Sam Pratt photo 2015

            Školka                                               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2009 Martin Novák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom.

                                                           This slow-growing Jack Pine has rich, dark-green foliage that is very short and congested. It was found as a witch's broom in the Czech Republic, and it seems fairly upright. A new introduction from Europe. Growth Rate:  1-2". Brent Markus text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, øidší, menší destník.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Skolka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Skolka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Skolka’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Skolka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Skolka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’1403 Školka’

            Sky Pilot                                2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           2014 Gary Gee, Bill Barger & Kelly Wright USA

                                                                                  Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom in a broom hunting expedition 2014.

                                                           This dense, slow-growing pine has a beautiful, light-green color and rather short needles. An excellent dwarf, almost miniature! Growth Rate:  0.75-1" HxW@10yrs:  1'x1'. Brent Markus text.

            Snow Trail 665                     2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           2014 Gary Gee, Bill Barger & Kelly Wright USA

                                                                                  Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Bright green needles on this dwarf pine are fairly short. A new witch's broom recently discovered in the upper midwest. Growth Rate:  1-2" HxW@10yrs:  1'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Found as a broom in a broom hunting expedition 2014.

            Sofronka 8                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1972 Kroc CZ

                                                                                  Jiøi Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Sofronka 8’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Sofronka 8’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Sparky                                   2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in a private farm, Thomson, Illinois, small size, low, cut

                                                           down 1988. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Sparky’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Sparky’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Sparky No. 2                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                                                   2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found in a private farm, Thomson, Illinois, small size, low,

                                                           compact. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Sparky 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Sparky No.2’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Springarn                              2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            St. Ores                                  2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in a private farm, Thomson, Illinois, small size, medium

                                                           height, dead 1990. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘St. Ores Broom’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘St. Ores Broom’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘St. Ores Broom’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Stara Tura                            Hort.

                                                           Pinus banksiana Stara Tura 

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Stara Tura’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Stubka                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Stubka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Stubka’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Stubka’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Szuma                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2007 Szuma Ernõ, Ipolynyék HUN/CZ/SLK

                                                                                  Jiøí Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Szumaapi                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Szuma Ernõ HUN/CZ/SLK

                                                                                  Szuma Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Szumaapi’  Szuma Ernõ photo

            Szumako                               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Szuma Ernõ HUN/CZ/SLK

                                                                                  Szuma Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Szumako’  Szuma Ernõ photo

            Szumabez                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2010 Szuma Ernõ HUN/CZ/SLK

                                                                                  Szuma Gardens CZ

            Tabermorti                           Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Tear Drop                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                                                   2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Found on Highway ROW, Fulton, Illinois, small, spreading,

                                                           hanging-tight. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Teardrop’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tear Drop’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tear Drop’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Teardrop’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Teardrop’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tear Drop’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tear Drop’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tear Drop’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Teardrop’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Teardrop’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Teddy Kruger                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Ted Krueger USA

                                                                                  Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA

                                                                                  2012 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Irregular pyramid from a witches' broom. Aka 'Teddy Krueger'. Found by Ted Krueger, named by Rich Eyre. Rich Eyre text.

            Thomson                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                           Randy Dykstra USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                                                   2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Found on Route 84 North, Thomson, Illinois, medium size, very

                                                           low, flat, open. Harper text.

            Tin Can Alley                       2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Tobermonti                           Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tobermonti’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Trio                                        Hort.

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Flattened, dark-green needles shelter resinous buds at each branch tip. A fantastic new dwarf form from Poland. Growth Rate:  1-2". Brent Markus text.

            Tripo                                     2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Trout Lake                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Trout Lake’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Trout Lake’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Trout Lake’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Tucker’s Dwarf                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           1978 GER

                                                           H. Elkin USA to T. Lundell SWE

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Tucker’s Dwarf’

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                               A plant with a history Harry Elkins, who is 90 something, now, sent this to Lundell in Sweden. A nice compact bun it is named for Tuckers Nursery (also known for Daphne ’Tuckers Sickly Yellow’) the remains of the nursery survive to this day on property owned by General Motors. Arrowhead text.

                                                           Hardy, adaptable and tough, this selection of Jack Pine forms a dense, compact bun with short, green needles. It slowly spreads out, making an attractive groundcover, even on dry, sandy soils. Native farther north than any other American pine, banksiana displays a natural tolerance to tough conditions. Its cones point towards the tips of the branches, another feature that distinguishes this species. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tucker’s Dwarf’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tucker’s Dwarf’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Tucker’s Dwarf’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tucker’s Dwarf’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tucker’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tucker’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Tucker’s Dwarf’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tucker’s Dwarf’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Tucker’s Dwarf’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           /Elkin’s Dwarf/

            Týnec                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ (Loužil)

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

            U Školky                                2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’U Školky’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’U Školky’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Uncle Foggy                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Arnold Arb. 1970

                                                           Wild found in Richfield, Minnesota USA (ACS database)

                                                                                  A. G. Johnson, Minneapolis USA

                                                           A contorted weeping Jack Pine. Smaller than species with large dark green leaves. Plant grows upward with sprawling limbs in all directions. Cones wrap themselves around stem like a leech. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Uncle Foggy’

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Uncle Fogy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Uncle Fogy’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           A mistake: Uncle Fogey

            Vanc                                      2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Vìžka                                     2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 4.0

                                                           2014 Zdenìk Jelínek CZ

                                                                                  Balatka Gardens, Všejany CZ

                                                           Found as a 100x80 cm broom in Drustov.

            Vitek Fric                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Vitek Fric’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Vladaø                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           A slow-growing pine with light green needles and a compact form. Growth Rate:  1-3". Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Vladar’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Vladar’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Vladar’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Vladaø’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Watt’s Golden                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs., ML  USA

            WB SDL Valenta                 Lada Valenta CZ

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’WB SDL’ Valenta 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’WB SDL’ Valenta 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

            Weeper                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1980 USA

                                                           J. W. Springarn, Baldwin NY USA


            Welch                                    Hort.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Welch’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Welch’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Welch’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Westhawk Lake                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 Günther Horstmann GER in CAN

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’West Hawk Lake’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’West Hawk Lake’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’West Hawk Lake’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’West Hawk Lake’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Wilmont No. 1                      2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found on Wilmont Road, Lyndon, Illinois, medium size, low,

                                                           dead 1989. Harper text,

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Wilmont No. 1’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Wilmont No. 1’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Wilmont No. 1’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Wilmont No. 2                      2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found on Wilmont Road, Lyndon, Illinois, medium size, low, not

                                                           unusual. Harper text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Wilmont No. 2’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Wilmont No. 2’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Winnipek                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 Günther Horstmann GER in Winnipeg CAN

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Winnipeg’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Winipek’  GER  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Winnipek’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Winnipeg’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Winipek’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Winnipek’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Wisconsin                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1979 A. Fordham, Arnold Arboretum, MA USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           A compact round miniature variety of Jack Pine. Leaves are green on all stems making an outward face together. Smallest cultivar of this species we have. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Wisconsin’ report

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Wisconsin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ‘Wisconsin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Wisconsin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Wolf                                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           2010 Josh Horky, Duluth MN USA

                                                                                  Horky Gardens MN USA

                                                           A medium sized broom growing to 1.5' wide - 2' tall. Horky text.

                                                           This dense, globose pine was found as a witch's broom by Josh Horky and Josef Braeu. Very short needles stay green year-round, unlike many other cultivars which acquire a yellow-brown cast in cold winter months. Part of the Minnesota Broomhuntings since about 2010 organized by Josh and Josef. Growth Rate:  1-3" HxW@10yrs:  1'x1'. Brent Markus text.


Pinus banksiana x contorta ’Dwarf Seedling’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

Pinus banksiana x contorta  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

Pinus banksiana ‘Witches Broom’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

Pinus banksiana ‘Witches Broom’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014



   BEARDSLEYI                                 A. Murr. 1855

                                                           /P. PONDEROSA/

   BEISSNERIANA                             Roezl

                                                           /P. TEOCOTE/

   BENTHAMICA                               Hartw. 1847

                                                           /P. PONDEROSA/


   BHUTANICA                               1980                           E-HIM C-BHU - ASS

                                                           Grierson, Long & Page                                             WCC

Pinus bhutanica Gierson, Long & Page 1980 – Bhutáni selyemfenyõ – Bhutan pine

            Baraka                                   2011 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant living in a

                                                           public park of Budapest

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           10 m tall, conical habit. Very sparse foliage, long axises without

                                                           needles. Needles green, hang towards board. Vagina brachyblasti

                                                           /lat./not grey /P. wallichiana/ but goldyellow, long time remains.

                                                           Cones little /10-12 cm/ like a P. wallichiana, long handle

                                                           /4-6 cm/. Bark grey, in  scales peel. Bizarre.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           2010-ben 10 méteres, kúpos alakú., a korona alsó harmadában

függönyszerûen leomló. Lombozata ritkás, a hajtástengelyeken hosszú szakaszokon tûk nélküli. A tûk zöldek, a föld felé lógók. A hajtástengelyek zöldesbarnák /nem szürkék/. A tûnyalábhûvely pikkelyei aranysárgák, hosszan megmaradnak. A tobozok kicsik, /10-12 centisek/, a P. wallichianara hasonlítók, hosszú, 4-6 centis nyéllel. A kéreg szürke, pikkelyesen hámló.

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus bhutanica ’Baraka’  Arizonica Arboretum HUN

                                                           Pinus bhutanica ’Baraka’  Arizonica Arboretum HUN

                                                           Pinus bhutanica ’Baraka’  Arizonica Arboretum HUN

                                                           Pinus bhutanica ’Baraka’  Arizonica Arboretum HUN

                                                           Pinus bhutanica ’Baraka’  Arizonica Arboretum HUN

                                                           Pinus bhutanica ’Baraka’


   BOLANDERI                                  Parl.

                                                           /P. BOLANDERI/

   BOURSIERI                                               Carr.

                                                           /P. BOLANDERI/

   BRACHYPTERA                            Engelm. 1848

                                                           /P. PONDEROSA/


   BRUTIA                                        1811                           E-MED ASM KUD CAL CRE CYP

                                                           Tenore                                                                       KeI Cz

Pinus brutia Tenore 1811 - Keleti v. ciprusi aleppófenyõ - Aleppo pine

                                                           Pinus brutia  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus brutia  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus brutia  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus brutia  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           P. conglomerata Graebn.

                                                           P. eldarica Medw.

                                                           P. halepensis var. brutia /Ten./Henry

                                                           P. pallasii Parl.

                                                           P. penicillus Lapey

                                                           P. pseudohalepensis Dernh.

             ssp. ELDARICA                 /Medw./R. Kam.

                                                           P. eldarica Medw.

             var. ELDARICA                /Medw. 1886/Silba

                                                           P. eldarica Medw.

             var. PITYUSA                       /Stev./Silba 1986

                                                           /P. PITYUSA/

                                                           Pinus brutia var. pithyusa

             var. PYRAMIDALIS         Selik

             var. STANKEWICZII                        /Sukaczev/Fomin 1914

                                                           /P. PITYUSA var. STANKEWICZII/


Pinus brutia 800 m  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo in the Toros Mts. TUR

Pinus brutia forest 400 m  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

Pinus brutia forests  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

Pinus brutia, Abies cilicica  conifertreasury.org photo

Pinus brutia  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

Pinus brutia  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

Pinus brutia ’Antalya’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

Pinus brutia ’Antalya’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo


            Big Lettuce                            2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of Atatürk

                                                           Kültürparki, Antalya, TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           A witches broom on a 15 meters high Pinus brutia. Needles

                                                           longer, straighter and stronger green than on the normal growing

                                                           tree. Very denser than foliage of tree, very slow growing, maybee

                                                           3-6 cm per year. View as a big lettuce in salad-bowl.

                                                           Original plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           15 méter magas Pinus brutia boszorkányseprõje. Tûi hosszabbak, egyenesebbek és erõsebb zöldek, mint a normál növekedésû fán. Sokkal sûrûbb, mint a fa többi részének lombozata. Nagyon lassan növekszik, talán évi 3-6 centit. A látvány összességében olyan, mint egy nagy fejes saláta a salátástálban.

                                                           Anyatõ /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus brutia ’Big Lettuce’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Pinus brutia ’Big Lettuce’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

            Christmas Blue                     Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Corvinus                               2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Az aleppófenyõ kisázsiai, télálló rokona. Derûs, fûzöld tûk, gyors növekedés, nagy szárazságtûrés,, gyenge talajon is jó teljesítmény, mediterrán hangulat. Saját fajtánk, több, mint 30 éve él Magyarországon az anyanövény.

            Long                                      2014 Mesterházy & Hódi Tóth in Conifer Treasury of HUN 4.0

                                                           2013 Hódi Tóth József from sport of a plant in Beach Park in

                                                           Antalya, TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Big tree, very strong grower. Boughs and branches stubby, strongly. Buds large, like a brush. Needles quite long /15-25 cm/, fresh green, flexibile but most often straight, on upright branchlets pendoulus. Many cones, relatively large, serotinous.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Hatalmasra nõ, nagyon erõs növekedés jellemzi. Az ágak és a hajtások zömökek, erõteljesek. Nagy rügyei vannak, melyek ecsetszerûek. A tûk nagyon hosszúak /15-25 cm/, hajlékonyak, de többnyire egyenesek, a felfelé törõ hajtásokon lefelé hajlók. Sok tobozt terem, melyek viszonylag nagyok, sok éven át a fán maradnak.

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus brutia ‘Long’  Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013

                                                           Pinus brutia ‘Long’  Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013

                                                           Pinus brutia ‘Long’  Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013

                                                           Pinus brutia ‘Long’  Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013

                                                           Pinus brutia ‘Long’  Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013

                                                           Pinus brutia ‘Long’  Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013

                                                           Pinus brutia ‘Long’  Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013

                                                           Pinus brutia ‘Long’  Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013

                                                           Pinus brutia ’Long’

            Runaway                               2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of suburban

                                                           Korkuteli 1050 m, TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           4 meters in height, lonely stands near an old planted forest.

                                                           Spontaneous reproduction in maquis /Quercus coccifera/.

                                                           Needles 8-15 cm, straight, bright, lively green. On bark of adult

                                                           twigs striking marks of bundles. Cones 10 cm long, regular,

                                                           sharp. One years axis brown with violet touch.

                                                           Original plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           4 méteres, szabályos koronájú fa egy régi, telepített erdõ közelében. Spontán szaporulat a makkia-bozótban /Quercus coccifera/ Tûi 8-15 centisek, egyenesek, fényesek, élénkzöldek. A tobozok szabályos kúp alakúak, 10 centisek, éles csúcsúak. Az éves hajtások tengelye barna, lilás fedõszínnel.

                                                           Anyatõ /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus brutia ’Runaway’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Pinus brutia ’Runaway’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Pinus brutia ’Runaway’  Hodi Toth, Jozsef photo

                                                           Pinus brutia ‘Runaway’  Hódi Tóth HUN photo 2013

            Susan Forreyan                    G. Haddow 1992

                                                           S. Forreyan, Leicester GBR

                                                                                  Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR


   BUNGEANA                                1831                           C-CHN

                                                           Zucc. ex Endl.                                                           Kr P

Pinus bungeana Zucc. ex Endl. 1831 - Kínai platánkérgû fenyõ - Lacebark pine

                                                           Pinus bungeana  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus bungeana  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus bungeana  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus bungeana  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus bungeana  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           P. excorticata Lindl. ex Gord.


            Aurea WN                             2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wies³aw Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wies³aw Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Pinus bungeana ’Aurea WN’  Wies³aw Wnuk photo

            B Dwarf                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Buchholz Nurs., OR USA

            Broom                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Broom’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                               We found this down at Gee’s labeled simply ’Broom’; Gary can’t remember where it came from but is seems distinct from all the named forms we have compared it to. It was photographed extensively during the conifer society meetings but no one offered a name, habit is of a medium sized bun with 2-4” of annual growth. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Compacta                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Rissberger West Coast Nursery Stock, USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A dwarf upright evergreen conifer with ascending, compressed branches. Needles are green. Prune to reveal colorful exfoliating trunk. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Compacta’

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Compact Form’

                                                           Pinus bungeana ’Compact Form’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Probably the same as /Compacta/

                                                           Yet another dwarf form with uncertain origins. Arrowhead text.

            Diamant                                 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           1990 Diamant Nurs., Duisburg GER

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Diamant’

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                               A witches broom found by Diamont Nurseries in Germany with short yellowish green needles. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus bungeana ’Diamant’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus bungeana ’Diamant’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Diamant’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Dwarf Fairway                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           A dwarf variety with multiple trunks. Growing about 6 inches

                                                           a year with rich green leaves.

                                                           Bark is exfoliating just like species.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Fastigiate                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1975 USA

                                                                                   Raraflora Nurs., PA USA

            JN Compact                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            June’s Broom                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           1995? found by June Hutson in St. Louis Botanical Gardens USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A miniature Lacebark Pine. Just a little ball of pure green –

                                                           yellow buds. Really can’t see the bark at this age. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘June’s Broom’

                                                           Pinus bungeana ’Jones Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Junes Broom’  Larry Stanley USA photo

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘June’s Broom’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Rel WB                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus bungeana ’REL WB’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Rowe                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1988 USA

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

                                                           A dwarf variety of Chinese Lacebark Pine. Grows about 4

                                                           inches a year. Will probably reach maturity at 8 ft.

                                                           (Description of:)

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Rowe Arboretum                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2002 Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                  2002 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Rowe Arboretum’

                                                           Named for the Ohio arboretum where it was found, this form of Chinese Lacebark Pine is noteworthy for its habit, which is neater, more compact, and more uniform than the open, irregular branching of the species. The tree's narrow needles have an interesting, waxy look, and the beautifully shaped tree displays showy bark, a patchwork of white, green, and brown, as it matures. Iseli text.

                                               The folks at Rowe cleared up the mystery, an interesting plant with an open multitrunked look. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus bungeana ’Rowe Arboretum’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Rowe Arboretum’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Probably the same as /Rowe/

            Semi Dwarf                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Silver Bark                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A selected cultivar of Chinese Lace-Bark Pine. Plant grows in a multi-branched fashion with silver stems. Stems turn blothches of brown, orange, and tan with age. Open plant up with pruning for best affect. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Silver Bark’  Sam Pratt photo 2015

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Silver Bark’  Sam Pratt photo 2015

            Silver Ghost                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Barger in ACS database

                                                           1949 Ellis Nurs. NJ seedlings to Dawes Arboretum ACS 2004

                                                                                  1996 R. Larson of Dawes Arboretum USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A bright silver sheen to Bark. Plant loves to open up and show

                                                           the characteristic. Grows about 1 foot a year.

                                                           The Dawes Arboretum selection.

                                                           An upright evergreen conifer selected at The Dawes Arboretum. Famous for its fantastic mottled, exfoliating bark with large portions colored in silver. Limb up gradually to reveal the wonderful trunk. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus bungeana ’Silver Ghost’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus bungeana ’Silver Ghost’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

            Spring Grove                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Temple Gem                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A slow-growing, broad upright coniferous tree. Needles are a rich emerald-green. Bark exfoliates into plates of gray, orange and brown adding winter interest. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Discovered and introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                               We once thought this might be the same as „Broom however now that we have seen it ’Temple Gem’ is clearly distinct. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A dwarf variety of Chinese Lacebark Pine. Grows about 4

                                                           inches a year. Will probably reach at maturity 8 ft.

                                                           Pinus bungeana ’Temple Gem’  Talon Buchholz photo

                                                           Pinus bungeana ’Temple Gem’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Temple Gem’  Sam Pratt photo 2015

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Temple Gem’  Sam Pratt photo 2015

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Temple Gem’  Sam Pratt photo 2015

            The Great Wall                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Twisted Rich                         2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Slightly twisted branches and an open branching pattern in combination with the trademark flaking bark of this species, makes it a fascinating cultivar. Markus text.

                                                           Pinus bungeana ‘Twisted Rich’  Brent Markus photo 2014

            UCD                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            UNL 96 3254                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            White Ghost                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Witch’s Broom                      Hort.

                                                           Kenwith Nurs., GBR


   BUONAPARTEA                           Roezl

                                                           /P. AYACAHUITE var. VEITCHII/

   CALIFORNIANA                           Loisel.

                                                           /P. RADIATA/

   CALIFORNICA                              Hartw. not Loisel. 1847

                                                           /P. ATTENUATA/


   CALIFORNIARUM                    1987                           USA SE-CA - N-MEX

                                                           Bail.                                                                           DG

Pinus californiarum Bailey 1987 – Kalifornia fenyõ – California pine

             ssp. FALLAX                      /Little./Bail. 1987       USA SW-AR

                                                           P.edulis var. fallax Little 1968




                                                           /P. STROBUS/


   CANARIENSIS                            1825                           CNR

                                                           C. Smith ex DC. Pl.                                                  Kr P

Pinus canariensis C. Smith ex DC. Pl. 1825 - Kanári hosszútûs fenyõ – Canary Island pine

            Chira                                     2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 3.0

                                                           2012 Jan Vebr CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a broom.

                                                           Pinus canariensis ’Chira’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus canariensis ’Chira’  Milan Šimánek photo

            IFG                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Jericho                                   2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1993 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Pete’s Pygmy                         2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1993 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            UCD                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Zulu                                       2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1993 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS


   CARIBEA                                     1950                           INO W-CUB C-AME HON GUA NIC

                                                           Morelet                                                                      Kr PG P

Pinus caribea Morelet 1950 - Karibi erdeifenyõ - Caribean pine

                                                           P. bahamensis Griseb.

                                                           P. hondurensis Senecl.

                                                           P. recurvata Rowley

             var. BAHAMENSIS           /Griseb./Barrett & Golfoni 1962

             var. HONDURENSIS         /Senecl./Barrett & Golfoni 1962

                                                           Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

            Hondurensis                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Sheffield’s Tree & Shrub Seed Inc. USA

                                                           Pinus caribea var. hondurensis  GW eric9b USA photo


   CARICA                                          D. Don 1841

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/


   CATARINAE                               1981                           MEX

                                                           Robert-Passini                                                                       WCC

                                                           P. remota /Little/Bail. & Hawkesw.


   CAVENDISHIANA                         Hort.

                                                           /P. KESIYA/

   CAVENDISHIANA                         Carr.

                                                           /P. TABULIFORMIS/

   CEDRUS                                        Uspensk.

                                                           /P. CEMBRA/

   CEDRUS                                        Roezl

                                                           /P. LEIOPHYLLA/


   CELAKOFSKIORUM  X                                                          EUR

                                                           Aschers. & Graebn.                                                   WCC

                                                           P. silvestris x P. mugo var. pumilio


   CEMBRA                                        Thunb. 1784 non L.

                                                           /P. PARVIFLORA/

   CEMBRA var. JAPONICA             Nelson

                                                           /P. PARVIFLORA/


   CEMBRA                                      1753                           C-EUR ALP N-KAR

                                                           L.                                                                               Kr PG P Cz

Pinus cembra Linnaeus 1753 - Havasi cirbolyafenyõ – Alpine stone pine

                                                           Pinus cembra  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus cembra  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus cembra  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           P. cedrus Uspensk.

                                                           P. humistrata Carr.

                                                           P. montana Lam. 1778

                                                           P. mandschurica Rupr. 1884

             ssp. PUMILA                      /Pall./Murray 1983

                                                           P. pumila Regel 1858

             ssp. SIBIRICA                    /Du Tour/Murray 1983

                                                           P. cembra var. sibirica /Du Tour/Loud.

                                                           P. sibirica Mayr 1906

                                                           P. cembra ssp. sibirica /Du Tour/Murray 1983

             var. CHLOROCARPA      Beissn.1899

             var. CHLOROCARPA      H. G. Hillier 1964

                                                           P. pumila compacta

             var. PUMILA                      Pall. 1784

             var. PYGMAEA                 Loud. 1838

             var. SIBIRICA                    /Du Tour/Loud. Pinus cembra var. sibirica

                                                           P. sibirica Du Tour.

This is a full world version paper of Pinus cembra, included Pinus cembra sibirica cultivars, thanks to an international cooperation of austrian, czech, german and russian conifer breeders in the last 15 years. The Pinus cembra Saga is now one of the hottest breeding action, organized by excellent breeders as Franz Etzelstorfer, Frantisek Borovec, Miroslav Malik, Ladislav Krejci, Jörg Kohout, Franz Pirklhuber, Milan Simánek, Zdenek Novák, Vasek Vostrák, Miroslav Komárek and Sergey Goroshkevich. The extended possibilities in the documentation activity are radically changed in the last years, we see no more borders in the breeding, which happens overhelmingly in the Austrian Alps, the Home of Cembras. (Editor’s text)


The Turrach up to 2200 meters  František Borovec photo

On the Turrach Mountain AUT  František Borovec photo

The Turrach Mts. waiting for snow  Šimánek photo

The Turrach Mts.  Milan Šimánek photo


Pinus cembra series on the Gardenweb

Broom Universe 9 The Pinus cembra Saga 1

Broom Universe 10 The Pinus cembra Saga 2

Broom Universe 11 The Pinus cembra Saga 3

Broom Universe 12 The Pinus cembra Saga 4

Broom Universe 13 The Pinus cembra Saga 5

Broom Universe 14 The Pinus cembra Saga 6

Broom Universe 15 The Pinus cembra Saga 7

Broom Universe 16 The Pinus cembra Saga 8

Broom Universe 23 The Pinus cembra Saga 9 

Broom Universe 24 The Pinus cembra Saga 10 

Broom Universe 25 The Pinus cembra Saga 11 

Broom Universe 29 The Pinus cembra Saga 12 

Broom Universe 30 The Pinus cembra Saga 13 

Broom Universe 31 The Pinus cembra Saga 14 

Broom Universe 32 The Pinus cembra Saga 15

Broom Universe 38 The Pinus cembra Saga 16


The Turrach Expedition 2011 

Pinus cembra ’Olga’ 

Pinus cembra Schneekugel

The Pampeago Expedition 2011 Italy

The Turrach Expedition 2 2011

The Turrach Expedition 3 2011

2011 Sichote-Alin Mts. Expedition RUS

The Turrach Expedition 4 2011

The Turrach Expedition 5 2011

Expedition to Moravia 2012

Expedition Komarek in March 2012

Expedition Simanek to the Alps

Expedition to the Seetaler Alps, Austria

Expedition Simanek to the Dachstein

Expedition to Nockalmstrasse, Austria

Expedition to Nockberge, Austria

Expedition to East of Turrach, Austria  


Etzelstorfer’s coning dwarf cembras  Mesterházy photo 2013

Etzelstorfer’s coning dwarf cembras  Mesterházy photo 2013

Etzelstorfer’s coning dwarf cembras  Mesterházy photo 2013



            ’1 48’                                      2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2006 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica 1 48

                                                           ВМ, Сохо, пл. часть, 2006л, нет

            # 2                                          /Schlegeis # 2/

            # 3                                          /Schlegeis # 3/

            # 4                                          /Schlegeis # 4/

            # 5                                          /Schlegeis # 5/

            20.8.03. # 7                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Schlegeis AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’20.8.03. # 7’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’20.8.03. # 7’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’20.8.03 # 7’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           /No. 7/

            A1 65                                     2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1992 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’А1 65’ Н-С, 1992, нет

            Aachener Höhenweg            2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Aachener Höhenweg’, normal wachsend, Fundort: neben Aachener Höhenweg, ca. 1,5 m hoch, an den Enden relativ dicht, schlecht zu fotografieren. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 614, found on 2nd July 2015.

            Adášek                                   2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 4.0

                                                           Frantíšek Adášek CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Adige # 1                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2007 Vasek Vostøák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in Adige ITA, 1000 cm up as a 60x60 cm broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 1’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 1’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 1’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 1’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Adige # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1244 Adige # 1’

            Adige # 2                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2007 Vasek Vostøák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                   Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in Adige ITA 1000 cm up as a 40x20 cm broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 2’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 2’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Adige # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Adige # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1245 Adige # 2’

            Adige # 3                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2007 Vasek Vostøák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in Adige ITA, 1000 cm up as a 30x15 cm broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Adige # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Adige # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adige 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1246 Adige # 3’

            Adrenalin                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found as a broom in Turrach, Austria on 13th November 2011.

                                                           Èaroveòík, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Franz Etzelstorfer on the Turrach AUT  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Franz with the ’Adrenalin’ tablet  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adrenalin’  Franz Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adrenalin’  Franz Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adrenalin’  Franz Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Adrenalin’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Adrenalin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Adrenalin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Aktru 82                                2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                            2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Актру 82’ НК2 С.Груздева, в10

            Alba                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Nelson 1866

            Alex                                       2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a 4 x 2 m old fastigiate broom on the Dachstein,

                                                           near the Ahornsee. Growth rate 10 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Alex“, GPS 081, PCIII, neben Weg 618, wenige Gehminuten vor dem Ahornsee – Panoramaausblick, Dachsteingebirge. Hexenbesen, ca. 4m hoch, Durchmesser ca. 2m, Zuwachs ca. 10cm. Bemerkenswert ist, dass der Baum praktisch nur mehr durch den Hexenbesen am Leben ist. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 80, found on 12 July 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alex’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alex’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alex’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alex’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alex’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alex’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alex’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alex’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alex’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alex’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

            Algonquin Pillar                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Algonquin Pillar’

                                                           This narrow, upright selection of Swiss Stone Pine is a gorgeous tree with long, two-toned needles that twist and weave together to form lustrous, bushy branches. It is extremely hardy and needs little pruning to maintain a large, but slender stature. As yet underused, it makes a vastly superior alternative for Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid', especially in suburban landscapes. With slower growth, it fits in many positions and stays in scale. Trees develop large trunks and retain foliage to the base, unlike other pines that lose needles on shaded lower branches. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Algonquin Pillar’  Iseli photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Algonquin Pillar’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Alm 6                                     2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 5.0

                                                           2014 Jan Veirauch CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a broom near Schladming AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Alm 6’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Alm 6’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Alm 6’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

            Almkegel                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Zirbitz

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almkegel’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almkegel’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almkegel’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Almkegel’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almkegel’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almkegel’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almkegel’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Almrausch                            2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Frieda Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a conical 70 cm broom 15 m up in Nockberge AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockberge, Rakousko

                                                           Nockberge National Park  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrausch’  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrausch’  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrausch’  Zdenìk Novák photo

            Almrauschhütte                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Zirbitz

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrauschhütte’  Clément Anthoine photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrauschhütte’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrauschhütte’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrauschhütte’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrauschhütte’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrauschhütte’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrauschhütte’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrauschhütte’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Simunek photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrauschhütte’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrauschhütte’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Almrauschhütte’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Almrauschhütte’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Almrauschhütte’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almrauschhütte’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Almsteig                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almsteig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almsteig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almsteig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almsteig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almsteig’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Almsteig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Almsteig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Almsteig’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Almsteig’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Almweide                              2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Almweide’, Hexenbesen (?), Fundort: Nähe Schönfeld, konnte nicht nahe genug herangehen,  wegen weidender Kühe. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 610, found on 25th June 2015.

            Alphorn                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Found in Kühtai Valley, AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alphorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alphorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alphorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alphorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alphorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alphorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Alphorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Alphorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Alphorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Alphorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alphorn’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alphorn’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alphorn’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Altai 95                                  2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Altai 95’ ВМ Алтай Когут, 09.2010

            Alter Hund                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in Selajoch ITA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alter Hund’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alter Hund’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alter Hund’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Alter Hund’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Alter Hund’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Altyn Kelj 56                         2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Altyn Kelj 56’

                                                           P. sib. Алтын-Кель 56, ВМ, Кыга Алтай, л2007, Олег

            Angelina                                2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 5.0

                                                           2013 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Thomatal AUT

                                                           Bluish-green needles are fairly long on this dwarf pine. It originated as a witch's broom. Growth Rate:  1-2" HxW@10yrs:  1.5'x1.5'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Angelina’  Miloslav Komárek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Angelina’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Angelina’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

            Apolo                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Apolo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Apolo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Argentea                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Schelle 1909               /Glauca/

            Aristocrate                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           This incredibly-narrow pine was selected at Hidden Lake Gardens for not only its narrow form but also its lucious blue-green color year-round. A spectacular pine that is very uncommon. Growth Rate:  3-5" HxW@10yrs:  5'x2'. Brent Markus text.

                                               A columnar form that is rare in cultivation. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Aristocrate’  Brent Markus photo 2014

            Auf dem Stein                       2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Auf dem Stein’, GPS 842 PCHB II IA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Nahe Wanderweg 666, Gebiet Maisenbergalm, Dachstein, Durchmesser ca. 60 cm, Höhe ca. 70 cm, enorm dicht, stark verzweigt, kompakt, fruchtend, Zuwachs – 3 cm, Nadellänge um 3 cm. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 692, found on 5th October 2015.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Auf dem Stein’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Auf dem Stein’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Auf dem Stein’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Auf dem Stein’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Aurea                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Hort. ex Fitschen in Beissner

                                                           The Golden Swiss Stone Pine. Leaves green with a yellow over

                                                           color. Plant grows 6 inches a year. Mature at 16 ft. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Aurea’

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Aurea’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Aurea’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Aurea’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Aurea’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Aurea’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Aurea’  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Aurea’  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Aurea’  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Aurea’  Mesterházy photo 2015

            Aureovariegata                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Senecl. 1868

                                                           1868 Seneclause Nurs. Bourg-Argental FRA

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Aureovariegata’

                                                           P. cembra var. aurea Fitsch.

            Austrian Mountains             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Austrian Mountains’  Clément Anthoine photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Austrian Mountains’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Austren Mountain’ ?:)

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Austrian Mountains’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Austrian Mountains’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Austrian Mountains’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Austrian Mountains’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Austrian Mountains’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Avrov 12                               2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2000 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 12’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 12’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Primorsko # 12’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Avrov 012’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Biosfera 012’  Irina Mersianova RUS photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Biosfera 012’  Irina Mersianova RUS photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Авров (Биосфepa 3) 12

                                                            ВМ, Авр. пл., 2000, нет

            Bábovka                                2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Roman Kupec CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 70 cm broom 12 m up in Nockalmstrasse, Austria.

                                                           Šimánek text.

                                                           Hexenbesen aus Nockalmstrasse, AUT, Durchmesser cca 70 cm,

                                                           in Höhe cca 12 m.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockalmstrasse, Rakousko

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bábovka’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bábovka’  Lenka Šimánková photo

            Baita Caserina                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Bambi                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found in Tyrol AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bambi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bambi’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Bambina                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found in Tyrol AUT as a broom 25 meters up, 7 cm diameter.

                                                           Probably died.

            Bambino                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found in Tyrol AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bambino’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bambino’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bambino’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Bambino’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Bambino’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bambino’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bambino’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bambino’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bambino’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Bambino Wojs³awice           2014 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Poland 3.0

                                                           Sylwester Dera POL

                                                           Arboretum Wojs³awice POL

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Bambino Wojs³awice’ 

                                                                                  Sylwester Dera photo

            Barbarossa                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Zdĕnek Novák CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found as a broom in Turrach, Austria on 13th November 2011.

                                                           Èaroveòík, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Barbarossa’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Barbarosa’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Barbarosa’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Barnhourie                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           G. Haddow 1987

                                                           E. King, Delbeattie SCO GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Bennett Dwarf                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           1975 USA

                                                                                   Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA

            Benno                                    2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Benno’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Dachsteingebirge über Schildenwangalm, Durchmesser ca. 40 cm, offenbar schwach wachsend. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 684, found on 1st October 2015.

            Berggeist                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berggeist’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berggeist’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berggeist’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Berggeist # 1                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berggeist # 1’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berggeist # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Berggeist 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berggeist 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Berggrüss                              Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Berghexe                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found on the Turrach as a 80 cm diameter broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berghexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berghexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berghexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berghexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berghexe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Berghexe’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berghexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berghexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berghexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Berghexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Bergkönig                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönig’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönig’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönig’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönig’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Bergkönig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönig’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Bergkönigin                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönigin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönigin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönigin’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkonigin’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Bergkönigin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Bergkönigin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönigin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergkönigin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Bergsonne                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Jörg Kohout GER in AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergsonne’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Bergsonne’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bergsonne’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Beshenaya Reka 76              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009-2010 Baikal & Altai Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, 2011 Malik Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Beshenaya Reka’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Beshenaya Reka’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Beshenaya Reka’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Beshenaya Reka’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Beshenaya Reka’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Beshenaya Reka 76’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Beshenaya Reka 76’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Beshenaya Reka 76’

                                                           ВМ № 2, С.Байкал, л09

            Big Blue                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                           Upright, glaucous pine. Rich Eyre text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Big Blue’

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Big Blue’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Biosfera 1 08                         2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1994 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Biosphera 1 08’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Biosphera 1 08’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica Биосфера 08, ВМ, Н-С, 1994, жива

            Blaue Form                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           G. Horstmann 1978

                                                                                   Watnong Nurs., NJ USA

            Blauspinne                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           1986 HOL

            Blue Mops                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           1986 HOL

            Blue Mound                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           G. Bentham 1987

                                                           Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Blue Mound’

                                                                                   Floravista Gardens BC CAN

                                               Introduced by Floravista Gardens the original plant was mound shaped however grafted plants are more conical with good blue foliage. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           This compact, wider selection of Swiss Stone Pine grows slowly and has such a soft, fluffy look that it begs to be touched. Branches have a lush, bushy look, the result of 5-needle clusters of long, two-tone needles that twist and weave together. Extremely hardy, it maintains its form with little pruning and makes an elegant pyramidal addition to open spaces in full sun. It grows more slowly than 'Algonquin Pillar' or 'Silver Sheen' and performs admirably as an accent or in a mass. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Blue Mound’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Blue Mound’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Blue Mound’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Bomerang                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bomerang’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bomerang’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bomerang’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bomerang’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Bomerang’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Bomerang’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bomerang’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Bomerang’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Borovec                                 2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Broom                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Brunno                                  2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Brunno’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Dachsteingebirge über Schildenwangalm; Durchmesser ca. 80 cm, Höhe 40 cm, dicht benadelt. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 683, found on 1st October 2015.

            Canzei                                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Süd-Tirol

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found 6 meters high as a 60 cm diameter globe.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Canzei’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Canzei’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Canzei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Canzei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Canzei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Canzei’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Canzei’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Canzei’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Canzei’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Canzei’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Chahlik                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Chahlik’

            Chalet                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Vermeulen 1972

                                                           Vermeulen & Sons Nurs., Neshanic Station NJ USA

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Chalet’

                                                                                   Vermeulen & Sons Nurs., NJ USA

                                                           This selection has a very tight narrow pyramidal habit, dark green color, and exceedingly stout new leader growth. I graft this on Limber pine root stocks and haven’t seen any chlorosis in the seven years I’ve grown these trees in the ground. Laporte Avenue Nurs. text.

                                                           A beautiful, narrowly conical form of Swiss Stone Pine, 'Chalet' grows slowly into a dense, compact tree that is perfect for today's smaller landscapes. Clusters of soft-to-the-touch, blue-green needles with white undersides add a fluffy elegance to this extremely hardy choice, and colorful cones add character. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Chalet’  Iseli photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Chalet’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Chalet’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Chalet Turrach                     2016 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek-Trojan

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 6.0

                                                           2015 Milan Šimánek CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a 100 cm broom around Turrach Höhe AUT

                                                           Nález Milan Šimánek v okolí Turrache Höhe, Rakousko, prùmìr

                                                           cca 100 cm. Šimánková text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Chalet Turrach’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

            Chamolet                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1988                               USA

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Chamolet’

                                               A slow growing columnar form introduced by Hatch in 1988.

                                                           Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

            Chlorocarpa                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           /var. CHLOROCARPA/

            Chorgo                                  2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtení

                                                           1990 Vojtech Holubec CZ in Chorgo National Park MON

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Chorgo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Chorgo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Chorgo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Chorgo’

            Chotek                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1980 Špaèek CZ

                                                                                  Špaèek Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Chotek’  Mesterházy & Špaèek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Chotek’  Mesterházy & Špaèek photo

            Cima                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found in South-Tirol, ITA

            Cleson                                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Adámek CZ in Zirbitz SWI

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cleison’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cleison’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cleison’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cleison’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cleison’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cleison’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cleison’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Cleison’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cleison’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cleison’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            CM-E2                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’CM E2’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’CE M2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’CM E2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’CE M2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ‘M-CEM2’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila CE M2  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Columnaris                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Hellemann 1987                                 GER

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Columnaris’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           An upright, narrow evergreen conifer with soft, blue-green foliage. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

            Compacta                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Compacta’

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Compacta Glauca                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           den Ouden 1965

                                                           Frets & Sons Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Compacta Glauca’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Compacta Glauca’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Compacta Glauca’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Compacta Glauca’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Glauca Compacta’

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Compacta Glauca’

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Compacta Glauca’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Cortina d’Ampezzo              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2010 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Cortina, Süd-Tirol, ITA as a broom.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Cortina d’Ampezzo ITA

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cortina ’D’Ampezzo’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Cortina d’Ampezzo’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Cortina d’Ampezzo’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cortina d’Ampezzo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1444 Cortina d’Ampezzo’

            Cristal                                               Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Cristal’

            Cristallo                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cristallo’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cristallo’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cristallo’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cristallo’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cristalo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cristalo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cristallo’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cristallo’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Cristalo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cristalo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Cristalo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Cristata                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Dachsteinblick                      2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Dachstein, Stoderzinken Alps, AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Stoderzinken, Rakousko

                                                           Dachstein top  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Dachstein Stoderzinken area  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Dachstein Stoderzinken peak  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dachsteinblick’  Šimánek CZ photo

            Dachsteinkugel                     2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Dachsteinkugel’, Hexenbesen; Fundort: Dachsteingebirge über Schildenwangalm, ca. 1,5 m Durchmesser und Höhe, wunderbare Form, kompakt. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 689, found on 1st October 2015.

            Dario                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Ladislav Vohryzek CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                           Found in the Dolomiten Mts. ITA

            David                                     2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtení

                                                           1997 Vojtech Holubec CZ in Northern Dolomits ITA

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘David’

                                                           Pinus cembra ’David’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’David’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’David’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’David’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’David’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘David’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘David’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘David’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘David’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘David’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’David’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’David’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’David’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Davsha 22                             2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2005 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Давша 22  ВМ, Барг. зап, берег, юг, 2005

            Diamant                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in Selajoch

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a 35 cm globe broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Mesterházy & Krejèí photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Diamant’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Diamant’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Diamant’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Diamant’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Diamant’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Dirk                                       2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra „Dirk“, HB, 1A, sehr klein, dicht, Durchmesser ca. 20 cm. Finder: Franz Etzelsdorfer, Fundort: Stoderzinken, in ca. 10 m Höhe. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dirk’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dirk’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Dolomiten                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 x 30 cm broom with 3 cm long branchlets.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dolomiten’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dolomiten’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dolomiten’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dolomiten’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dolomiten’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dolomiten’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dolomiten’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dolomiten’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Dolomiten’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Dolomiten’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dolomiten’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Dominikhütte                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom 15 m up, 30x40 cm, growth rate 3 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dominikhütte’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dominikhütte’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dominikhütte’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Dominikhütte’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Dominikhütte’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Drahdiwaberl                       2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 352, found on 9th October 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Drahdiwaberl“, GPS 434 PCHB V, HB, Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteingebirge, der HB ist der höchste Teil des Baumes in ca. 20 m Höhe. Ca. 2/3 des Stammes sind glatt. Ob er geborgen werden kann, ist sehr ungewiss. Durchmesser ca. 0,75 cm, gut verzweigt. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drahdiwaberl’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drahdiwaberl’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Drei Zinnen                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1996 Vitek Fritsche CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Drei Zinnen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Drei Zinnen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Edelweis                                Hort.

                                                                                  František Topinka Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Edelweis’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Edelweis’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Edelweis’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Edelweiss’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Edsel Wood                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Egli                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           A columnar large growing variety.

                                                           Leaves green and growing about 1 foot a year.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Elegantissima                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


            Elena                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 Franz Pirklhuber AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom 7-8 m up, 40 cm globe.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Elena’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Elena’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Elena’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Elena’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Elfi                                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1998 Franz Pirklhuber AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Found as a broom, 40 cm diameter globe.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Elfi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Elfi’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Elfi’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Elfi’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Elfi’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Franz Etzelstorfer on Sabathy top Austria  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Elfi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Elfi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Elfi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Elfi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Elfi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Elfi’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Elfi’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Elfi’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Elfi’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Elina                                      Hort.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Elina’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Emièka                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Emicka’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Emièka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Emièka’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Eyecatcher                            2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Eyecatcher’, GPS 739 PVHB IV AAA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteinplateau, in 5 m Höhe, ca. 100 x 70 cm, ca. 60 cm hoch, enorm dicht, sehr stark verzweigt, Nadellänge ca. 3 cm, blaugrün, Zuwachs ca. 3 cm, ein außergewönlich schöner HB, 1.718 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 603, found on 6th June 2015.

            F. F.                                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           An evergreen conifer with a fast-growing narrow form. Long soft needles are blue-green. Makes an attractive exclamation point in the landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

            Falkertsee                              2016 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek-Trojan

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 6.0

                                                           2015 Lenka Šimánková CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 cm very nice broom around Turrach Höhe AUT

                                                           Nález Lenka Šimánková v Rakousku v okolí Falkertsee, velmi pìkný èarovìník, prùmìr asi 40 cm. Šimánková text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Falkertsee’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Falkertsee’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Falkertsee’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

            Falzerego                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1997 Vitek Fritsche CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Falzerego’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Falzerego’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Falzerego’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Falzerego’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Falzerego’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Falzerego’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Falzerego’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Falzerego’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Falzerego’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Falzerego’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Falzerego’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Fanda                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Valha CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in Zillertal, Austria, as a broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fanda’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Fanda’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Fanda’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Fanda’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fanda’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1432 Fanda’

            Fanda 2                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Zillertal, syn. ’Míra’

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fanda # 2’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fanda # 2’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Fastigiata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           F. G. Meyer 1963                   /Stricta/

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Fastigiata’

            Fata Morgana                       2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Fata Morgana’, GPS 762 PCHB II, Hexenbesen (?), Fundort: Hochtischl, Dachsteingebirge, ca. 15 cm Durchmesser, treibt relativ stark. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 619, found on 14th July 2015.

            FDA 30                                  2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2000 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ФДА 30  Скоропл., Авр. пл., 2000

            Felina                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Hort. 2008

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Felina’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Fodora                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fodora’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fodora’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fodara’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fodora’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fodora’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Franz                                     2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2009 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER in Siberia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Franz’

            Frieda                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1998 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra Frieda 

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 40 cm diameter globe.

                                                           A miniature variety of Swiss Stone Pine. Named after Franz Etzelstorfer wife, Frieda. Franz and Frieda live in Austria. Franz is the best `Broomer' in all of Europe. A retired iron worker, but a truely great plantsman of the horticultural society. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Frieda’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Frieda’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Frieda’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Frieda’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Frieda’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Frieda’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Frieda’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Frieda’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Frieda’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Fussball                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2000 Jörg Kohout in Tirol, AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fussball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fussball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fussball’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Fussball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Fussball’  Larry Stanley USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Fussball’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Gams                                     2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Grafenbergalm, AUT. Schneider text.

            Gelbbunt                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                                                  Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Gepatsch Speichersee          2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gepatsch Speichersee’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Gepatsch Speichersee, rechte Ufer, Forstrasse hoch, in ca. 12 m Höhe, mit Steigeisen, ca. 4 m breit, 2 m hoch, relativ dicht, kompakt. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 613, found on 1st July 2015.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gepatsch Speichersee’  Josef Schneider photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gepatsch Speichersee’  Josef Schneider photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gepatsch Speichersee’  Josef Schneider photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gepatsch Speichersee’  Josef Schneider photo

            Gepatschhaus                       2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gepatschhaus’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: nahe Gepatschhaus, Kaunertal, Tirol, der Hexenbesen weist ein riesiges Astgerüst auf, ich schätze sein Alter auf rund 100 Jahre!!, in ca. 5 m Höhe, ist nur an den Triebenden grün, dort relativ dicht. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 615, found on 3rd July 2015.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gepatschhaus’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gepatschhaus’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gepatschhaus’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gepatschhaus’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gepatschhaus’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Gjaidalmweg I                      2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Grafenbergalm on the Dachstein,

                                                           10-12 m up, diameter 150 x 80 cm, growth rate 10 cm.

                                                           Smaller as Nr. 80 ‘Alex’.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Gjaidalmweg I“ GPS 83, PCI, neben Wanderweg 666, Grafenbergalm, Richtung Gjaidalm, ca. 3/4h Gehzeit von Grafenbergalm aus, Dachsteingebirge, Hexenbesen, ca. 1,5m hoch, Durchmesser ca. 80cm Zuwachs – 10cm. Es ist eine etwas kleinere Ausgabe von Nr. 80, Pinus cembra „Alex“, Im Erscheinungsbild weisen sie Ähnlichkeiten auf. Hexenbesen, ca. 10 -12m oben, sehr schwer erreichbar. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 82, found on 14 July 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gjaidalmweg I’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Gjaidalmweg II                    2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Grafenbergalm on the Dachstein,

                                                           8-10 m up, diameter 100 x 100 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gjaidalmweg II’ GPS 84 PMII, neben Wanderweg 666, Grafenbergalm, Richtung Gjaidalm, ca. 1 1/2 h Gehzeit von Grafenbergalm aus, Dachsteingebirge. Hexenbesen, Durchmesser ca. 1m. Höhe ca. 1m, in 8 – 10m Höhe. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 83, found on 14 July 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg II’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg II’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg II’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg II’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg II’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg II’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gjaidalmweg II’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

            Glauca                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Nelson 1866

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Glauca’

                                               A glaucous form of the Swiss Stone Pine that dates back to 1866, although there may well be more than one clone in cultivation under this name, Krüssmann says the original glauca is no longer in cultivation. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           P. cembra var. glauca Nelson 1866

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Glauca’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Glauca’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

            Glauca Compacta                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Glauca Compacta’

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Glauca Compacta’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Glauca Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst photo in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

            Glauca Fastigiata                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Glauca Nana                         Hort.

                                                                                  Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA

                                                           Superior dwarf form with excellent color and dense habit. Just a little slower growing than 'Glauca.' Rich Eyre text.

            Globe                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           1949 HOL

                                                           1949 Gimborn Pinetum, Doorn HOL

                                                                                   L. Konijn & Co. Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

                                                           P. cembra globosa Hort. HOL

                                                           P. strobus pygmaea den Ouden 1949

                                                           P. pumila globe den Ouden 1949

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Globus’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Glockner                                2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 3.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  2012 Šimùnek Gardens Index CZ

            Gloria                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Turrach, Austria as a broom.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Summer discovery 2011 by Milan & Lenka Šimánek

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gloria’  Milan & Lenka Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Gloria’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gloria’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Goldtal                                   2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 5.0

                                                           2013 Milan Šimánek CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Found in Thomatal AUT as a yellow sport of Pinus cembra.

                                                           Šimánek text.

                                                           Gefunden als eine gelbe Mutation von Pinus cembra.

                                                           Lush, silver-green needles are splashed with a bright golden-yellow variegation. A fantastic find, which may be the first variegated Pinus cembra! Growth Rate:  4-6" HxW@10yrs:  6'x4'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Goldtal’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Goldtal’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

            Goluboy Aktru  19               2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Голубой Актру 19

                                                            №1 С.Груздева, в10

            Goluboy Aktru  28 29          2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, 2011 Malik Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 28’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 29’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Goluboy Aktru 28 29’

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Голубой Актру 28 29

                                                           №4 С.Груздева, в10

            Goluboy Aktru 2 57             2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Goroshkevich’  Irina Mersianova RUS photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Goluboy Aktru 2’

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Голубой Актру 2 57  №3 С.Груздева, в10

            Goretz 46                              2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, 2011 Malik Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 46’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Primorsko # 46’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Goretz’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Goretz 046’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Goretz 046’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Goretz 046’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Goretz 046’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Горец 46

                                                           ВМ, З. Саян, 1750 м., 1997, нет

            Grafenberg Gnom               2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 355, found on 15th October 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Grafenberg Gnom“, GPS 437, HB, alt, Fundort nahe Gjaidalmweg, Dachsteingebirge, lebender Teil ca. 80 cm Durchmesser, ca. 2,5 m hoch, Zuwachs – 7 cm, Nadeln blaugrün in ca. 5 m Höhe. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenberg Gnom’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenberg Gnom’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Grafenbergalm                     2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom on Grafenbergalm, Dachstein. 20-25 cm

                                                           diameter, partly dried.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Grafenbergalm“, HB, GPS 050, ca. 5 Min. von der Grafenbergalm, Nadeln grün, Durchmesser 20 - 25 cm, HB teilweise noch grün, eine Bergung im Herbst, scheint mit Hilfe, möglich. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 57, found on 19 June 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenbergalm’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenbergalm’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenbergalm’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenbergalm’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenbergalm’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenbergalm’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Grafenbergalm  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Grafenbergalm  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Grafenbergalm  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Grafenbergalm  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Grafenbergalm  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Grafenbergalm  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Grafenbergalm  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Grafenbergalm  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Grafenbergalm  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenbergalm  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenbergalm’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

            Grafenbergsee                      2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 307, found on 20th July 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Grafenbergsee“, GPS 370 PCHB V, 1795 m ü., HB, 1A, Fundort: Nahe Wanderweg 618, Ri. Grafenbergalm, Durchmesser ca. 60 cm, sehr dicht, kompakt, alt, Zuwachs – 5 cm, Nadeln grün/blau (die Ausfärbung der Nadeln war im Oktober deutlich intensiver blau). Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenbergsee’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenbergsee’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Grafenzwerg                        2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a small dwarft tree in Grafenbergalm on the Dachstein,

                                                           diameter 30 x 20 cm, growth rate 5 cm, tight, about 10 years old.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Grafenzwerg“, GPS085, PCIII, Fundort Grafenbergalm, Dachsteingebirge. Naturzwerg. Durchmesser ca. 30cm, Höhe ca. 20cm, Zuwachs ca. 5cm, gute Verzweigung. Er dürfte ca. 10 Jahre alt sein. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 84, found on 14 July 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenzwerg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenzwerg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenzwerg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenzwerg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grafenzwerg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

            Gralba                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

            Granitzen                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1997 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Clément Anthoine photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  AUT  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Granitzen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Granitzen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Granitzenbach I                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1997 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzenbach’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen 1’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen 1’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzen 1’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Granitzenbach’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Greifwald                              2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Greifwald’, Hexenbesen; Fundort in Krimmler Achental, IA, in ca. 15 m Höhe, Durchmesser ca. 40 cm, sehr dicht, grün.

                                                           Schneider # 617, found on 5th July 2015.

            Greisenhaupt                                    2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Greisenhaupt’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Dachsteingebirge über Schildenwangalm, Durchmesser bis 2 m, Höhe ca. 1,5 m, kompakt, dicht wachsend. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 685, found on 1st October 2015.

            Grobe                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Pyramidaal opgaande groei met grove blauwe naalden.

                                                           Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Grobe’ ? Misspelling of /Globe/?

            Grün                                      2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Lenka Šimánková CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 90 cm broom 6 m up in Nockalmstrasse, Austria.

                                                           Šimánek text.

                                                           Hexenbesen aus Nockalmstrasse, AUT, Durchmesser cca 90 cm

                                                           in Höhe cca 6 m.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockalmstrasse, Rakousko

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grün’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grün’  Lenka Šimánková photo

            Grünsee                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Tirol

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found in Tyrol AUT as a WB.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Grunsee’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Günther Eschrich                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Gunther Esrich’ (Günther Eschrich)

            Gustoy B-kross 87                2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Густой Б-кросс 87’

                                                           Чертовы ворота, л10

            Habarovsk                            2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Habarovsk’

            Hachmann 3                         Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hachmann 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Hagengebirge                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hagengebirge’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hagengebirge’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hagengebirge’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hagengebirge’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hagengebirge’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hagengebirge’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hagengebirge’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hagengebirge’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hagengebirge’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Haxberg                                2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom west of Stoderzinken, 1 m diameter, growth

                                                           rate 15 cm, upright, somehow opened form, easy to harvest.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Haxberg“, HB, GPS 056, Nadeln grün, Höhe und Durchmesser ca. 1 m, Zuwachs – 15 cm, eher locker wachsend, HB leicht erreichbar, liegt ziemlich genau westlich vom Stoderzinken. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 61, found on 21 June 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Haxberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Haxberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Haxberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Haxberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Haxberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Haxberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Haxberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

            Haxberg Besen                     2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 328, found on 29th August 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Haxberg Besen“, GPS 399 PCHB II. HB, Fundort: Haxberg, Dachsteingebirge, ca. 1 m hoch, Durchmesser ca. 80 cm, locker, starkwüchsig. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Haxberg Besen’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Haxberg Besen’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Haxberg Hexe                       2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 327, found on 29th August 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Haxberg Hexe“, GPS 398 PCHB I. HB, A, Fundort: Haxberg, Dachsteingebirge, Durchmesser ca. 60 cm, Nadeln blaugrün, Zuwachs – 5 cm, stark verzweigt, sehr dicht. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hexberg Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Haxberg Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            HB SDL # 1 1998                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1998 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’HB SDL # 1 1998’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’HB SDL # 1 1998’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            HB SDL # 3 1998                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1998 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’HB SDL # 3 1998’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            HB SDL # 4 1998                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1998 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’HB SDL # 4 1998’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Heike                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Heike’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Heike’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Heike’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Heike’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Heike’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Heimo                                    2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Heimo’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Dachsteingebirge über Schildenwangalm, Durchmesser ca. 1,2 m, Höhe ca. 1,5 m, sehr locker, kaum vermehrungswürdig. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 690, found on 1st October 2015.

            Heinrich E.                            2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 274, found on 9th June 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Heinrich E.“, GPS 328 HB II, Fundort: Kleiner Kümpfling, Dachsteingebirge, HB, 1A, Durchmesser ca. 50 cm, grüne, dichte Kugel, in ca. 12 m Höhe, Zuwachs – 5 cm, sehr dicht, fruchtend, Nadeln ziemlich blau, sehr gute Verzweigung. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Heinrich E.’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Heinrich E.’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Heinrich E.’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Heinzi                                    2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Heinzi’; Hexenbesen, Fundort: Dachsteingebirge über Schildenwangalm, Durchmesser bis 1,2 m, Höhe ca. 2 m, sehr locker wachsend, kaum vermehrungswürdig. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 686, found on 1st October 2015.

            Helvetica                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Forbes 1839                                       GBR

            Herbstwind                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Jörg Kohout GER in AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Herbstwind’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Herbstwind’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Herbstwind’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Herbstwind’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Herman                                 2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  North Dakota State University, Fargo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Herman’ – This selection of Swiss stone pine is often promoted under the trademark name of Prairie Statesman, which attests to its origin and to its prominent, refined appearance. 'Herman’ is an extremely hardy, drought-resistant specimen, suitable for harsh, natural or urban settings and yet has an elegant, stately manner. It has a narrow form with a strong central leader and lateral branches which curve upward and inward, allowing it to resist snow loads well. USDA Zone 3 to 7. ACS text.

                                                           /Prairie Statesman/


            Hexenbesen 1.                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           G. Horstmann GER in Tamangur Mts.

                                                           Pinus cembra HB 1 

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Horstmann’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Horstmann’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

            Hexenbesen 2.                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           G. Horstmann GER in Tamangur Mts.


            Hexenbesen 3.                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           G. Horstmann GER in Tamangur Mts.

            Hibrid                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica x Pinus pumila ‘Hibrid’

                                                                                   Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Hintertux                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hintertux’  Clément Anthoine photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hintertux’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hintertux’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hintertux’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hintertux’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Hirschbichlalm                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom, 600 cm up, 80x40 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschbichlalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschbichlalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschbichlalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschbichlalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschbichlalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschbichlalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschbichlalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschbichlalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hirschbichlalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hirschbichlalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Hirschkeule                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Jörg Kohout GER in Zillertal AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom 500 cm up, 20x20 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschkeule’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschkeule’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschkeule’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschkeule’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschkeule’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschkeule’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hirschkeule’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschkeule’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschkeule’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschkeule’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschkeule’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Hirschsteig                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Hirschzunge                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Jörg Kohout GER in Zillertal AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschzunge’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschzunge’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirschzunge’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Hirzberg                                2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Hirzberg on the Dachstein,

                                                           diameter 70 cm, tight, green.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hirzberg’, GPS 086, PM Hirzberg, Fundort Hirzberg, Dachsteingebirge. Hexenbesen, Durchmesser und Höhe ca. 70 cm, sehr schön dicht, grüne Nadeln, Erreichbarkeit gut, keine Wege! Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 85, found on 15 July 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

            Hirzberg Besen                     2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 303, found on 19th July 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Hirzberg Besen“, GPS 365 PCHB I, HB, Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteingebirge, Durchmesser ca. 1,2 m, Höhe 1,5 m, Nadelfarbe grün, fruchtend, dicht wachsend, Zuwachs ca. 10 cm, in ca. 7 – 8 m Höhe. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg Besen’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg Besen’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Hirzberg Laurin                   2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 406, found on 5th December 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Hirzberg Laurin“, HB, 1A, Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteingebirge, ca. 40 x 30 cm, Höhe 40 cm, sehr stark verzweigt, sehr dicht, Zuwachs – 3 cm, fruchtend. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg Laurin’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg Laurin’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg Laurin’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Hirzberg Mini                       2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 306, found on 19th July 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Hirzberg Mini“, GPS 368 PCHB IV, HB, 1A, Fundort Hirzberg, Durchmesser gesamt ca. 40 cm, Mitte abgestorben, Zuwachs ca. 3 cm, grüner Teil sehr dicht, langsam wachsend, in ca. 10 m Höhe. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg Mini’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Hirzberg Troll                      2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 350, found on 9th October 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Hirzberg Troll“, GPS 432 PCHB I. HB, Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteingebirge, rel. grob, starkwüchsig, jung, Durchmesser ca. 40 cm, Höhe 50 cm, Zuwachs ca. 10 cm. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hirzberg Troll’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Hirzbergzwerge                    2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Several seedling dwarfs are found on Hirzberg, Dachstein.

                                                           Some of them are hopeful finds.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hirzbergzwerge’ GPS 087, 088, PCII, Fundort Hirzberg, Dachsteingebirge. In einer steilen Felswand finden sich einige Pinus cembra, auch schon relativ alte, mit Zwergwuchs. Ich bin schon der Meinung, dass interessante dabei sind. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 86, found on 15 July 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra Hirzbergzwerge  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra Hirzbergzwerge  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra Hirzbergzwerge  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra Hirzbergzwerge  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra Hirzbergzwerge  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra Hirzbergzwerge  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra Hirzbergzwerge  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra Hirzbergzwerge  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra Hirzbergzwerge  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra Hirzbergzwerge  Josef Schneider AUT photo

            Hochalm                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hochalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hochalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hochalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hochalm’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hochalm’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hochalm’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Hochstube                             2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hochstube’; GPS 770 PCHB VII B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteingebirge, in ca. 18 m Höhe, ganz oben, ca. 1,5 m hoch, 1 m Durchmesser, auseinandergefallen, nur ganz oben dicht, 1.775 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 626, found on 16th July 2015.

            Hochtischl                             2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hochtischl’,  GPS761 PCHB I AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Gebiet Hochtischl, Dachsteingebirge, ca. 1 m hoch, ca. 1 m Durchmesser, 1.752 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 618, found on 13th July 2015.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hochtischl’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hochtischl’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Hochtischl Super                  2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hochtischl Super’; GPS 763 PCHB III A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Hochtischl, Dachsteingebirge, ca. 40 cm Durchmesser, 80 cm Höhe, sehr dicht, in ca. 8 m Höhe, 1.734 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 620, found on 14th July 2015.

            Hollodrio                               2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hollodrio’; Hexenbesen, Fundort: Dachsteingebirge über Schildenwangalm, Durchmesser und Höhe ca. 2,5 m, sehr locker wachsend, mit einer kleinen Kugel, vermehrungswürdig? Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 687, found on 1st October 2015.

            Honza                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2005 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found on Passo Limo ITA as a broom 600 cm up,

                                                           190x140 cm, St. Vigil.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Honza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Honza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Honza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Honza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Honza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Honza’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Honza’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Honza’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Honza’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Honza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Honza’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Honza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Honza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Honza’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Horák                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Horák’ Sofronka 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Horstmann                            Günther Horstmann GER

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Stoderzinken AUT.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Horstmann’ Stoderzinken  

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Hütberg                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hutberg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hutberg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hutberg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Hutberg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hütberg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Hütberg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Ice Crystal 79                        2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2009 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ‘Ice Cristal 79’ ВМ № 4, С.Байкал, л09

            Ideal 10                                  2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1992 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 10’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 10’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 10’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Ideal 010’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Идеал (Биосфера 2 10

                                                            ВМ, Н-С, +92, 1992, нет

            Igel                                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Jörg Graeser GER

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Igel’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Igel’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Igel’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Igel’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Igor Uspenskiy                     2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Tresury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 1m broom 15 m up on the Turrach. Named to Igor

                                                           Uspenskiy, russian conifer collector, breeder honoured to his

                                                           60th birthday. Simanek text.

                                                           Krejci, Vostrak, Etzelstorfer, Novak  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Krejci, Vostrak, Hieber, Etzelstorfer  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Igor Uspenskij’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Igor Uspenskij’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Igor Uspenskij’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Igor Uspenskij’  Zdenek Novak photo

            Ikar # 14                                2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2000 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 14’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’014’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Ikar’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Ikar 014’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Ikar 014’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Ikar 014’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Ikar 014’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Ikar 014’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Ikar 014’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica 14  ВМ, Авр. пл., 2000, нет

            Ikarus                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ikarus’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ikarus’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Innerkrems                           2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm broom 2 m up in Nockalmstrasse, Austria.

                                                           Šimánek text.

                                                           Hexenbesen aus Nockalmstrasse, AUT, Durchmesser cca 50 cm,

                                                           in Höhe cca 2 m

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockalmstrasse, Rakousko

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Innerkrems’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Innerkrems’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Innerkrems’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Inverleith                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           G. Haddow 1989

                                                           1933 E. King, Delbeattie SCO GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Iochka 96                              2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Iochka 96’ ВМ Алтай Когут, 09.2010

            Iris                                         2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Tresury of Austria 3.0

                                                           2012 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom on Stoderzinken, AUT

                                                           Hexenbesen, gefunden am Stoderzinken, AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Iris’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Iris’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

            Issalm                                     2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 5.0

                                                           2014 Lenka Šimánková CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens, Velešín CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Kühtai AUT 10 m up, well coned.

                                                           Fund von Lenka Šimánková CZ bei Kühtai AUT, in Höhe cca 10

                                                           m, sehr viele Zapfen, September 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Issalm’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Issalm’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Issalm’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

            Izumrud 34                           2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1996 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Izumrud # 34’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Izumrud 034’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica 034  Irina Mersianova RUS photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Izumrud’  Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Izumrud 034’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Изумруд 34  ВМ, З-С пер., 1600 м., 1996

            J - #1                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT on Patscherkofel AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mercedes J-1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J – 1 Mercedes’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘J - 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            J - #2                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 Jörg Kohout GER on Patscherkofel AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J - # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘J - 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            J - #3                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 Jörg Kohout GER on Patscherkofel AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J - # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J - # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J - # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J – 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J – 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            J - #4                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 Jörg Kohout GER on Patscherkofel AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J - # 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J - # 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J – 4’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘J - 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘J - 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘J - 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘J - 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘J-4’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-4’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-4’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’J-4’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Jacobsen Gelb                      Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Jacobsen Gelb’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Jacobsen Gelb’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Japonica                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Nelson 1866                                       GBR

            Jermyns                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Hillier 1971

                                                           1964 Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR

                                                                                   Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR

            Johnny Blue                          2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Ján Weihrauch CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the Seetaler Alps, AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Seetaler, Rakousko

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Expedition members  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Johnny Blue’  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Johnny Blue’  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Johnny Blue’  František Borovec CZ photo

            Josef                                      2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ


Pinus cembra Sibirica K

            K                                            2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0


                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ‘K’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Pinus cembra Sibirica K

            Kairamo                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Schwerin 1926

                                                           1926 A. O. Kairomi, Pekola FIN

                                                           P. cembra var. sibirica f. kairamoi Schwerin

            Kaiser Fred                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2000 Alfred Kaiser AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaiser Fred’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Kája                                       2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Kalinovskiy                           2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           2010 Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS

                                                                                  Kalinovskiy Gardens, Pereslavl RUS

                                                           Found as a mutant seedling

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica H1-002 SDL

            Kamchatka                           Hort. RUS?

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kamcatka’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kamcatka’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kamchatka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kamchatka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kamchatka’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Kamèatka’

            Kamenniy Cvetok                2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0


                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Kamenniy Cvetok’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Kamikaze 36                         2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

            Kapaus                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in Zillertal, Austria, 1500 cm up as a 60x60 cm


                                                           Zillertal, Rakousko, Výška nález. 1500 cm,

                                                           velikost 60x50 cm WB.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kapaus’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kapaus’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kapaus’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kapaus’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1376 Kapaus’

            Karlhütte                              2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Lenka Šimánková CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Collection CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Turrach AUT, 2,5 meters up, partly

                                                           dried, diameter 60 cm.

                                                           Fund von Lenka Šimánková, in Turracher Höhe Gebiet AUT, beim Wanderweg gefunden, innen gründlich getrocknet, Durchschnitt cca 60 cm in Höhe cca 2,5 m. Šimánek text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Karlhütte’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Karlhütte’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Karlhütte’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Karlhütte’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Karlhütte’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

            Katy                                       2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Kaunertal                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Pirklhuber AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in the Kaunertal/Tirol AUT 300 cm up, 20x20 cm broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kaunertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kaunertal’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            KBN Variegated                   2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Greg Williams VT USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Silver-blue foliage has golden-yellow variegation throughout, giving the soft needles of this pine a wonderful array of color. Found by Greg Williams of Kate Brook Nursery. Growth Rate:  3-6" HxW@10yrs:  4'x2'. Brent Markus text.

            Kekristal                               /Ice Crystal/

            Kelesh                                               2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           Mikhail Kelesh RUS

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Kelesh’  Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo

            King’s Dwarf                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           G. Haddow 1989

                                                           1933 E. King, Delbeattie SCO GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘King’s Dwarf’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Klein’s Silver Whispers       2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           This is an upright form of Swiss Sone Pine. Howse text.

            Kleine Kümpfling                2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a 70 cm broom, green, growth rate 5 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Kleine Kümpfling“ GPS 076, Kümpfling PCI, Fundort,  Kleine Kümpfling, Dachsteingebirge, Hexenbesen, Durchmesser ca. 70 cm, Nadeln grün, Zuwachs ca. 5 cm, mittelschwer erreichbar. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 76, found on 12 July 2013, Kleine Kümpfling.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kleine Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kleine Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kleine Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kleine Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kleine Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kleine Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kleine Kümpfling’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kleine Kümpfling’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kleine Kümpfling’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

            Kleiner Krauskopf               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kleiner Krauskopf’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kleiner Krauskopf’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kleiner Krauskopf’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Kleines Hocheck                   2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kleines Hocheck’; GPS 796 PCHB II IA, Hexenbesen, ca. 40 cm Durchmesser und Höhe, schön blau, sehr sehr dicht, in ca. 3 m Höhe, Fundort: Gebiet Kleines Hocheck, Dachsteingebirge, 1.784 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 659, found on 11th August 2015.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kleines Hocheck’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kleines Hocheck’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kleines Hocheck’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kleines Hocheck’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kleines Hocheck’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kleines Hocheck’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Knot                                      2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Lenka Šimánková CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Collection CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Turrach AUT, 3,5 meters up,

                                                           narrow conical form.

                                                           Fund von Lenka Šimánková in Turrachee Höhe Gebiet AUT, konische Form, in Höhe cca 3,5 m. Šimánek text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Knot’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

            Kochhütte                              2016 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek-Trojan

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 6.0

                                                           2015 Milan Šimánek CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a 80 cm broom around Turrach Höhe AUT

                                                           Nález Milan Šimánek v Rakousku v oblasti Turracher Höhe, prùmìr cca 80 cm. Šimánková text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kochhütte’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kochhütte’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kochhütte’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

            Kocour                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kocour’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kocour’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Kohout #1 Dwarf                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kohout #1 Dwarf’

            Kohout #3                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kohout #3’

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

            Kohout’s Auslese                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kohout’s Auslese’

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

            Kohutka 1                             2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Alexander Kohutka RUS

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Kohutka 2’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Kohutka 2’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Kohutka 2                             2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Alexander Kohutka RUS

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Kohutka 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Kohoutka 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Kohoutka 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Kohutka 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Kohutka 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Kohutka 3                             2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Alexander Kohutka RUS

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Kohutka 4                             2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Alexander Kohutka RUS

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Kohutka 4’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Kohutka 5                             2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Alexander Kohutka RUS

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kohout 5’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Kohutka 5’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kohutka 5’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kohutka 5’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kohutka 5’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Kohutka 5’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Kohutka 5’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Komander                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Komander’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Komander’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Komander’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Komander’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Komander’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Komárek Hexe                     Komárek CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Komarek Hexe’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Komarek Hexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Komárek Hexe’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1489 Komárek Hexe’  

            König Barbarossa                2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 275, found on 9th June 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „König Barbarossa“, GPS 329 PC HB III, Fundort: Nahe Wanderweg 618, Ri. Grafenbergalm, Dachsteingebirge, ein sehr alter Hexenbesen, wahrscheinlich über 100 Jahre alt, hat sich nahe der Stammbasis gebildet, Durchmesser ca. 3 m, Höhe ca. 4 m. Nadeln blaugrün, Zuwachs – 8 cm, eher locker wachsend Stammdurchmesser des Baumes in 1m Höhe ca. 70 cm, Maße des Hexenbesenastes ca. 40 x 70 cm! Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’König Barbarossa’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’König Barbarossa’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’König Barbarossa’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’König Barbarossa’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Kornock                                2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Collection CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Turrach AUT, 7 meters up,

                                                           healthy, coned, diameter 30 cm.

                                                           Fund von Milan Šimánek, in Turracher Höhe Gebiet AUT, gesundes Hexenbesen mit Zapfen, in Höhe cca 7 m, Durchschnitt cca 30 cm. Šimánek text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kornock’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kornock’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kornock’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

            Korona 94                             2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ‘Korona 94’ ВМ Алтай Когут, 09.2010

            Kosta                                     2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kosta’; GPS 798 PCHB IV B, Hexenbesen, ca. 50 cm Durchmesser, 40 cm Höhe, locker, starkwüchsig, Fundort: Gebiet Mooseck, Dachsteingebirge, 1.713 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 661, found on 12th August 2015.

            Kotek                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’Kotek’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’Kotek’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’Kotek’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’Kotek’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’Kotek’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’Kotek’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’Kotek’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’Kotek’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra x pumila ’Kotek’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Krejèí 2                                 2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Grafenbergalm, AUT. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci II’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci II’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci II’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Krejci II                                2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Schneider Collection AUT

                                                           Found as a broom on the Dachstein Mts., 80-70 x 50 cm

                                                           growth rate 3 cm, partly deer destructions.

                                                           Nahe Weg 666, von Grafenbergalm Richtung Gjaidalm, 04.09. – 07.09.13 von der Lodge am Krippenstein aus. Pinus mugo ‘Speikhexe’, GPS 200 PM XXXIV, Fundort: Niederer Speikberg, Hexenbesen? Ca. 80 x 70 cm, Höhe 50cm, Zuwachs – 3 cm, teilweise Verbissspuren. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci II’  Schneider photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci II’  Schneider photo 2013

            Krejci III                               2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Schneider Collection AUT

                                                           Found as a broom on the Dachstein Mts., 70 x 50 cm

                                                           growth rate 3 cm.

                                                           Nahe Weg 666, von Grafenbergalm Richtung Gjaidalm, 04.09. – 07.09.13 von der Lodge am Krippenstein aus. Pinus mugo ‘Speikhexe’, GPS 200 PM XXXIV, Fundort: Niederer Speikberg, Hexenbesen? Ca. 70 cm, Höhe 50cm, Zuwachs – 3 cm. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci III’  Schneider photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci III’  Schneider photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Krejci III’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Krejci III’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Krejèí Hexe                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in St. Vigil, South Tirol ITA, 600 cm up as a 45x50 cm

                                                           broom, 2 cm long needles.

                                                           Èarovĕník, St. Vigil, ITA. Výška nález. 600 cm,

                                                           velikost 45x50 cm WB, velikost jehlic 2 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí Hexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí Hexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí Hexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí Hexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Krejci Hexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí Hexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí Hexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí Hexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí Hexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1438 Krejèí Hexe’

            Krejèí SDL 1                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci SDL WB # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci SDL WB # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Krejci SDL WB # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’SDL 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Krejèí SDL 2                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci SDL WB # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Krejci SDL WB # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Krejèí SDL 3                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci SDL WB # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Krejci SDL WB # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Krejci SDL WB # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Krejci SDL WB # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’SDL 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Krejèí SDL 4                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejci SDL WB # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Krejèí 4’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Kremsursprung                    2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kremsursprung’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Nahe der Krems, in ca. 15 m Höhe, nur mit Steigeisen,  ca. 1,5 m hoch, bis 1,2 m breit, Zweige locker angeordnet, wurde vom  Schnee auseinandergedrückt, Triebe relativ dicht. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 612, found on 26th June 2015.

            Kress 04                                2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1992 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Кресс 04, НК, Н-С, 1992, нет

            Kreuzleitenkogel                  2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a blue-green broom, 4-5 m up, diameter 50-60 cm,

                                                           growth rate 5 cm, easy to harvest.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Kreuzleitenkogel“, HB, GPS 055, Nadeln blaugrün, Durchmesser 50 – 60 cm, Zuwachs ca. 5 cm, leicht erreichbar, er befindet sich in 4 -5 m  Höhe. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 60, found on 21 June 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzleitenkogel’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzleitenkogel’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzleitenkogel’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzleitenkogel’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzleitenkogel’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzleitenkogel’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzleitenkogel’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzleitenkogel’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzleitenkogel’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzleitenkogel’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Kreuzwies                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 V. Koláø CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in Zillertal, Austria, 700 cm up as a 60x50 cm broom.

                                                           Zillertal, Rakousko, Výška nález. 700 cm,

                                                           velikost 60x50 cm WB.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzwies’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzwies’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzwies’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kreuzwies’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzwies’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kreuzwies’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1380 Kreuzwies’

            Kristat                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kristat’

            Kroc                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Kufsteinweg                          2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 353, found on 10th October 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Kufsteinweg“ GPS 435 PCHB VI IA, HB, 1A, Fundort: Kufsteinweg 667, Dachsteingebirge, ca. 60 x 30 cm, Höhe 40 cm Zuwachs – 3 cm, fruchtend, Zapfen – 2 cm, Nadeln schön blau, sehr dicht gewachsen. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kufsteinweg’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kufsteinweg’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kufsteinweg’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Kugelhexe                             2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 85, found on 19th July 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Kugelhexe“, GPS 366 PCHB II, HB, 1A, Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteingebirge, Durchmesser ca. 80 cm, Höhe ca. 80 cm, sehr kompakt und dicht, stark verzweigt, langsam wachsend, Nadeln blaugrün, in ca. 7 m Höhe, Zuwachs – 3 cm! Schneider text.

            Kuhhexe                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER in Rühtai, Tirol AUT

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kuhhexe’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kuhhexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kuhhexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kuhhexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Kümpfling                            2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom, 50 cm diameter, growth

                                                           rate 3 cm, green, hard to harvest.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Kümpfling“, HB, GPS 057, Hilsfspunkt GPS058.

Zugang am besten vom Gipfel her, rechts neben Steilwand. Der Baum steht in einem extrem steilen, felsigen Abhang. Nadeln grün, Durchmesser ca. 50 cm, Zuwachs ca. 3 cm, Bergung sehr schwierig. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 62, found on 21 June 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Kümpfling’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

            Kümpfling Gipfel                 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kümpfling Gipfel’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Kümpfling, Dachsteingebirge, ca. 1,5 m Durchmesser und Höhe, relativ dicht wachsend, Entnahme 30 %. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 682, found on 1st October 2015.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kümpfling Gipfel’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kümpfling Gipfel’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Kundun 98                            2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Kundun 98’ ВМ Алтай Когут, 09.2010

            Kurt                                       2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Kurt’; GPS 794 PCHB I B, Hexenbesen, ca. 1,8 m lang, max. 1 m hoch – wo er aufrecht wächst, ist er dicht, in ca. 6 m Höhe, auf einer alten Pinus cembra ein weit herabhängender Ast, Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteingebirge. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 658, found on 10th August 2015.

            Lacrimosa                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Lenka Šimánková CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           The Turrach Expedition 2 2011

                                                           Found as a 60x30 cm broom at age of 25 years in Turrach,

                                                           Austria on the 2nd November 2011

                                                           Našla Lenka Šimánková v oblasti Turrachu, Rakousko

                                                           2. 11. 2011, 60x30 cm, spoèítáno 25 letokruhù. Šimánek text.

                                                           Fall in Turrach 2011  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lacrimosa’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lacrimosa’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lacrimosa’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lacrimosa’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lacrimosa’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Lacrimosa’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Lacrimosa’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lacrimosa’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1488 Lacrimosa’  

            Lada                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Ladislav Krejèí CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           This broad, globose pine was found as a witch's broom by Ladislav Krejèi of the Czech Republic. It has long, silvery-green needles. Growth Rate:  2-4" HxW@10yrs:  3'x3'. Brent Markus text.

            Lada Krejèí                          2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Schneider Collection AUT

                                                           Found as a broom on the Dachstein Mts., 150 x 150 cm

                                                           growth rate 8 cm.

                                                           Nahe Weg 666, von Grafenbergalm Richtung Gjaidalm, 04.09. – 07.09.13 von der Lodge am Krippenstein aus. Pinus mugo ‘Speikhexe’, GPS 200 PM XXXIV, Fundort: Niederer Speikberg, Hexenbesen? Ca. 150 x 150 cm, Zuwachs – 8 cm. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lada’  Schneider photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lada’  Schneider photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lada’  Schneider photo 2013

            Lagazuoi                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Ladislav Vohryzek CZ in the Dolomiten Mts. ITA

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lagazuoi’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lagazuoi’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Lagazuoi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Lagazuoi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Lago di Anterselva               2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2012 Václav Koláø & Roman Kupec CZ in Südtirol ITA

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lago di Anterselva’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Lago di Misurina                  Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Landis                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           1981 CAN

                                                                                   G. Bentham, Victoria BC CAN

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Lärchenkogel                                   2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 310, found on 21st July 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Lärchenkogel“, GPS 373 PCHB VI, HB, A, Fundort: Lärchenkogel, Dachsteingebirge, Durchmesser ca. 40 cm, sehr kompakt, Nadeln grün, in ca. 10 m Höhe, teilweise braun. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lärchenkogel’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lärchenkogel’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Latemar                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a 200 cm diameter broom in Südtirol ITA.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Latemar’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Latemar’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Latemar’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Latemar’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Latemar’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Latemar’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Latemar’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Latemar’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Latemar’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Legalm                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 V. Koláø CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in Zillertal, Austria, 800 cm up as a 80x70 cm

                                                           broom, # 3 in the Zillertal.

                                                           Zillertal, Rakousko, Výška nález. 800 cm,

                                                           velikost 80x70 cm WB.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Legalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Legalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Legalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Legalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Legalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Legalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Legalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Legalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1378 Legalm’

            Lenz                                       2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 395, found on 29th November 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Lenz“, GPS 508 PCHB I. HB, Fundort: Kleiner Kümpfling, Durchmesser ca. 40 cm, Höhe ca. 50 cm. Schneider text.

            Leo                                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found on the Dachstein Mt. AUT 800 cm up, 130x150 cm broom

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leo’  Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leo’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leo’  Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leo’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leo’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leo’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leo’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leo  Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leo’  Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leo’  Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Leo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Leon                                      2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT, Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                           & Zdìnek Novák CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Schneider Collection AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Am Brennten, 2100 m elevation, 8 m up, 40 x 40 cm, growth rate 3-5 cm, green. Named after grandson of Josef Schneider.

                                                           Krimmler Achental, Salzburger Land, vom Tauernhaus aus, Richtung Rainbachtal, mit Herrn F. Etzelstorfer und Herrn Z. Novák. Pinus cembra ‘Leon’, GPS 201 PC Hexenbesen, Fundort: Am Brennten, auf ca. 2.100 m Seehöhe, Südhang. Hexenbesen, ca. 40 cm Durchmesser, ca. 40 cm hoch, grünnadelig, Zuwachs 3 -5 cm. Name nach meinem einjährigen Enkel Leon. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 145, found on 24th September 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leon’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leon’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leon’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leon’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leon’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

            Leutnant                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found 12 m up, as a 80 cm diameter broom in AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leutnant’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Leutnant’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Lilliput                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                                                   Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Lisa                                        2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Tresury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the Stoderzinken Alps, Austria

                                                           Èarovĕník, Stoderzinken, Rakousko

            Lola                                        2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Tresury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Zdenìk Novák CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the Stoderzinken Alps, Austria

                                                           Èarovĕník, Stoderzinken, Rakousko

            Lollipop                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           The Turrach Expedition 2 2011

                                                           Found as a 30x30 cm globe broom in Turrach,

                                                           Austria on the 2nd November 2011

                                                           Našel Milan Šimánek v oblasti Turrachu, Rakousko

                                                           2. 11. 2011, koule 30x30 cm. Šimánek text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lollipop’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lollipop’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Lollipop’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1487 Lollipop’  

            Looney Bin                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           1985 Ted Krueger and Rich Eyre at the

                                                           Elgin State Hospital in Elgin, IL USA

                                                                                  2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                                                  Bickelhaupt Arboretum Clinton IA USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst Aledo Gardens IL USA

                                                           Ted Krueger found this dense, upright seedling at the Elgin State

                                                           Mental Hospital in Elgin, IL. Rich Eyre text.

                                                           A narrow upright form with dense medium green foliage.

            Magdalena                            2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 5.0

                                                           2013 Lenka Šimánková CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a cristatous broom, Nockalmberge AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Magdalena’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Magdalena’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Magdalena’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Magdalena’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

            Maisenbergalm                     2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Schneider Collection AUT

                                                           Found as a broom on the Dachstein Mts., 10 m up, 100 x

                                                           100 cm, growth rate up to 10 cm, irregular.

                                                           Vom Gjaidhaus aus, ist in der Nähe der Dachstein Seilbahnstation Gjaidalm, 04.09. – 07.09.13 von der Lodge am Krippenstein aus. Pinus cembra ‘Maisenbergalm’, GPS 196 PCHB, Fundort: Maisenbergalm, Dachsteingebirge. Hexenbesen, Durchmesser ca. 100 cm, Höhe 100 cm, Zuwachs ca. 10 cm, locker wachsend. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 140, found on 3rd September 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maisenbergalm’  Schneider photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maisenbergalm’  Schneider photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maisenbergalm’  Schneider photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maisenbergalm’  Schneider photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maisenbergalm’  Schneider photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Maisenbergalm’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Maisenbergalm’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Majka                                    2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 5.0

                                                           2012 Lenka Šimánková CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Stoderzinken AUT in 2012,

                                                           harvested October 11, 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Majka’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Majka’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Majka’  Milan Šimánek photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Majka’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Majka’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

            Malga                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found in Süd-Tirol, ITA as a 60 cm diameter broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Malga’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Malga’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Malga’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Malga’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Malga’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Malga’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Malga’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Malga’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Malga’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Malga’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Malga’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Malga’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Maria Flora                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a 70 x 30 cm broom in Selajoch, ITA

.                                                          Pinus cembra ’Maria Flora’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maria Flora’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maria Flora’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maria Flora’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maria Flora’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maria Flora’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maria Flora’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maria Flora’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maria Flora’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maria Flora’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Maria Flora’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maria Flora’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Mariko                                   2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0


                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Mariko’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Mariko’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Mariko’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Mariko’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Mariko’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Mariko’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Markéta                                Pampeago Markéta

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Markéta’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Mars                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 David Holubec CZ in Steiermark AUT

                                                                                   Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom 500 cm up, 60x60 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mars’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mars’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mars’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mars’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mars’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mars’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mars’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mars’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mars’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mars’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mars’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Marta                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 František Borovec CZ in Seethaler Alpen AUT

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a 45 x 30 cm broom with 2-3 cm long branchlets.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Martha’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Marta’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Marta’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Marta’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Marta’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Marta’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Marta’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Marta’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Marta’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Maru                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Zdenek Novák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in St. Vigil, ITA, 700 cm up as a 40x40 cm


                                                           Èarovĕník, St. Vigil, ITA. Výška nález. 700 cm,

                                                           velikost 40x40 cm WB.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maru’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maru’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maru’  Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maru’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1436 Maru’

            Maruschka                            2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Tresury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the Stoderzinken Alps, Austria

                                                           Èarovĕník, Stoderzinken, Rakousko

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maruschka’  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maruschka’  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maruschka’  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Maruschka’  Milan Šimánek photo

            Matterhorn                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           1977 Günther Horstmann GER

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Die erste echte Zwergform von P. cembra. 1977 von uns im Wald von Tamangur gefunden. Der Wuchs ist straff aufrecht und sehr dicht, bei einem Jahreszuwachs von 4 cm. Sehr schöne bläuliche Benadelung. Horstmann text.

                                                           The best blue, dwarf variety of Swiss Stone Pine. Leaves very aqua blue when flushing in Spring. Cones spread throughout plant at angles to each other. Conical. Plant Grows 3-4 inches a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Matterhorn’

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Matterhorn’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Matterhorn’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Matterhorn’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Matterhorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Matterhorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Matterhorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Matterhorn’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Matterhorn’  Larry Stanley USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Matterhorn’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Matterhorn’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Matterhorn’ HB-2  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Matterhorn HB-2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           /Horstmann 2/ WB

            Maty                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Miroslav Komárek CZ

                                                                                   2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Sabathy, AUT

                                                           Èarovìník, nalezen pøi expedici v Rakouských Alpách, lokalita Sabathy. Vzdálený 500 m od již nalezeného Pinus cembra Granitzen 1. Rostl ve výšce 15 m, na boèní vìtvi. Prùmìr èarovìniku 50 cm, rùst kulovitý, hustý, kompaktní. Pøírustek 4-5 cm. Perspektivní èarovìník. Balatka text.

                                                           The Turrach Expedition 6 2011

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maty’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maty’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maty’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maty’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maty’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maty’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Maty’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Maty’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Maty’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Maty’  Miroslav Komárek photo 2014

            Mercedes                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           /J - # 1/

            Metallkerze                           2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Miroslav Komárek CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a conical broom 12 m up in Nockberge AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockberge, Rakousko

                                                           Èarovìník, nalezen na podzim 2013, pøi expedici v Rakouských Alpách. Ve výšce 12 m, asi 1 m, pod vrcholem, na boèní vìtvi. Prùmìr èarovìniku 1 m, rùst trychtýøovitý, silné prýty. Pøírustek 4-8 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Nockberge National Park  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Metallkerze’  Miroslav Komárek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Metallkerze’  Miroslav Komárek photo 2014

            Michl                                     2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Michl’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Dachsteingebirge über Schildenwangalm, Duchmesser ca. 3 m, Höhe 2 m, sehr locker wachsend, kaum vermehrungswürdig. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 688, found on 1st October 2015.

            Milan                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                           Pinus cembra ’Milan’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Milan’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Milan’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Milan’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Milan’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Milan’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Milan’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Milan’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Milan’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Milan’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Milan’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Milan’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Milka                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Zdenek Novák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Turrach, Austria as a broom.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Milka’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Milka’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Milka’  Šimánek photo

            Mimi                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mimi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Mini Dolomity                       2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 František Borovec CZ in Selajoch

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a 8-10 cm globe broom, 0,5-1 cm long needles.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mini’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mini’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mini’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mini’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mini’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mini’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Minima’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            MiniOle                                 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Reitz Jörg AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘MiniOle’, Finder: Reitz Jörg, Hexenbesen, Fundort: direkt neben Pinus cembra ‘Alex’, Wanderweg 618, in ca. 6 m Höhe, Durchmesser ca. 12 – 15 cm, gesund, blaugrün, der erste Pinus cembra HB Fund von Jörg. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘MiniOle’  Jörg Reitz photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘MiniOle’  Jörg Reitz photo 2015

            Míra                                       2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Valha CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Zillertal, Austria, as a broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1433 Míra’

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mira’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mira’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Model                                    2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 305, found on 19th July 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Model“, GPS 367 PC III

Schlank aufrechte Wuchsform. Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteingebirge. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Model’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Model’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Mongolei                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Jörg Köhout GER

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mongolei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mongolei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mongolei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mongolei’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mongolei’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mongolei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mongolei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mongolei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mongolei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mongolei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mongolei’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mongolei’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mongolei’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Monophylla                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Carr. 1855                                          FRA

                                                           P. cembra var. monophylla Carr.

            Moosberg                              2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Moosberg; GPS 767 PCHB VI A, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Mooseck, Dachsteingebirge, ca. 1 m Durchmesser, 1,2 m Höhe, dicht, Zuwachs. unter 5 cm, in ca. 2,5 - 3 m Höhe, leicht erreichbar, 1.779 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 624, found on 15th July 2015.

            Moosriese                              2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Moosriese’; GPS 765 PCHB IV BB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Mooseck, Dachsteingebirge, bis 4 m Durchmesser, 1,5 m Höhe, locker, starkwüchsig, in ca. 10 m Höhe, 1.731 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 622, found on 15th July 2015.

            Mooszwerg                            2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Mooszwerg’; GPS 766 PCHB V IA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Mooseck, Dachsteingebirge, in 15 – 18 m Höhe, ca. 70 x 50 cm, sehr dicht, kompakt, 1.771 m ü. Schneider.

                                                           Schneider # 623, found on 15th July 2015.

            Mozart                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Turrach, Austria as a broom.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Summer discovery 2011 by Milan & Lenka Šimánek

                                                           Lady Lenka and Pinus cembra ’Mozart’ 

                                                                                  Milan & Lenka Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mozart’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mozart’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mozart’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Mozart’  Šimánek photo

            MTS 90                                 2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’МТС 90’

                                                           ВМ(рыхлая внизу) МС Х-Дабан

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Gordon 1815

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Nana’

                                                                                   Lawson & Sons Nurs., Edinburgh SCO GBR

            Nana Glauca                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Nana Glauca’

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Nana Glauca’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nana Glauca’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Napoleon                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Napoleon’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Napoleon’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Narciss # 06                           2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1994 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 06’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 06’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Narciss’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Narciss 06’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Narciss’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Нарцисс 06, ВМ, Ал. Сл., 1994, нет

            Nase                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                  Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nase’ Eschrich  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Nase’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Nase’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nase’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013


Pinus sibirica


            Natalya Zarucheyskaya 107

                                                           2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           2009 Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS

                                                           К вопросу о метлах - вот такая макушка у небольшого кедра(Pinus sibirica) на Хамар-Дабане. на заднем плане - результат деятельности БЦБК.

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Natalya Zarucheyskaya 107’ 

                                                                                  Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS photo


            Natalya Zarucheyskaya 108

                                                           2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           2009 Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS

                                                           Это соселднее растение с онрмальными побегами...

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Natalya Zarucheyskaya 108’ 

                                                                                  Natalya Zarucheyskaya RUS photo

            Nauders                                 2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Hexenbesen, Durchmesser und Höhe ca. 70 cm, gute Verzweigung. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nauders’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nauders’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nauders’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Negro                                     2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 70 cm broom 2,5 m up in Nockalmstrasse, Austria.

                                                           Šimánek text.

                                                           Hexenbesen aus Nockalmstrasse, AUT, Duchmesser cca 70 cm,

                                                           in Höhe cca 2,5 m

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockalmstrasse, Rakousko

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Negro’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Negro’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Negro’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Niederalm                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederalm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederalm’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederalm’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Niederalm’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederalm’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederthai’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Niederthai                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederthai’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederthai’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederthai’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederthai’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederthai’  Clément Anthoine photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederthai’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niederthai’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Niedertai’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Niederthai’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Niederthai’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Niederthai’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Nockalm                                2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a conical broom in Nockberge AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockberge, Rakousko

                                                           Nockberge National Park  Zdenìk Novák photo

            Nocki                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nocki’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nocki’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nocki’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nocki’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nocki’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nocki’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nocki’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nocki’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nocki’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Notgasse                                2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Notgasse’; GPS 736 PCHB I AAA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Notgasse, Dachsteinplateau, in ca. 12 m Höhe, direkt neben dem Weg, (links), Durchmesser ca. 15 cm, vorne grün, sehr dicht, war nicht möglich, das zu fotografieren, 1.557 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 600, found on 6th June 2015.

            Nova                                      2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Zdenìk Novák CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a dense, globose, 70 cm broom in Nockberge AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockberge, Rakousko

                                                           Nockberge National Park  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nova’  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nova’  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nova’  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Nova’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Novák Gelb                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Zdenek Novák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Zillertal, Austria, 500 cm up as a yellow top broom.

                                                           Zillertal, Rakousko, Výška nález. 500 cm, špíèká žlutá

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1377 Novák Gelb’

            Novák Hexe Kristata           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2010 Zdenek Novák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Turrach, Austria as a broom.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Novak Hexe’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Novak Hexe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Novák Hexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Novák Hexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Novák Hexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Novák Hexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Novák Hexe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1441 Novák Hexe Kristata’

            Nr. 7 Südtirol                        /Pinus cembra ’20.8.03. # 7’

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Nr. 7 Südtirol’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Nr. 7 Südtirol’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Nr. 7’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’NR 7’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’NR 7’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’NR 7’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Obertauern                           2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2011-12 Lenka Šimánková CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the Obertauern Alps, AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Obertauern, Rakousko

                                                           Expedition Obertauern AUT  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Obertauern’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Obertauern’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Obertauern’  Simanek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Obertauern’  Simanek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Obertauern’  Simanek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Obertauern’  Simanek CZ photo

            Obervaser                             2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Okken Selection                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           George Okken NJ USA

                                                                                  2004 Blue Sterling Nurs., Bridgeton NJ USA

            Oleg 50                                  2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2006 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Олег 50  ВМ, Сохо, рых. часть, 2006л 

            Oleg Rihli                              Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Oleg Rihli’

            Olga                                       2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Komarek CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Olga’  Gardenweb publishing

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Olga’  Komarek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Olga’  Komarek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Olga’  Komarek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Olga’  Komarek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Olga’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Olga’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Olga’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Olga’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Olga’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Oligarch 03                           2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1992 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, 2011 Malik Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Oligarch’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Primorsko # 03’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Primorsko # 03’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Oligarch 03’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Oligarch 03’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Oligarcha’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Oligarcha 03’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Олигарх 03, ВМ, Н-С, 1992, нет

            On y Ona 1 38                       2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, 2011 Malik Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 38’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘On i Ona 1 038’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica 038  Irina Mersianova RUS photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica 038  Irina Mersianova RUS photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Он-и-Она 1 38

                                                           ВМ, З. Саян, 1100 м., 1997, нет

            On y Ona 2 40                       2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 040’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 040’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’On I Ona 2 040’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Он-и-Она 2 40

                                                           ВМ, З. Саян, 1350 м., 1997, нет

            On y Ona 3 42                       2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 42’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Он-и-Она 3 42

                                                           ВМ, З. Саян, 1400 м., 1997, нет

            On y Ona 4 44                       2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Он-и-Она 4 44

                                                           ВМ, З. Саян, 1450 м., 1997, нет

            Ongodoi 93                            2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Ongodoi 93’ ВМ Алтай Когут, 09.2010

            Ortler                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ortler’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ortler’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ortler’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ortler’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ortler’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ortler’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ortler’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ortler’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ortler’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ortler’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ortler’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ortler’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Ötztal                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2000 Franz Pirklhuber AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, 100 cm diameter, 2-3 cm growth rate.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal’  (Oetztal)  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ötztal’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ötztal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ötztal  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Pagoda                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pagoda’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pagode’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pagode’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pagoda’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pagoda’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Pampeago Ála                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Jan Veirauch CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Pampeago, Italy

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           The Pampeago Expedition 2011 Italy

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pampeago Ala’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pampeago Ala’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pampeago Ala’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pampeago Ala’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pampeago Ala’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pampeago Ala’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pampeago Ala’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ala’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ala’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ala’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pampeago Ála  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Pampeago Markéta              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Jan Veirauch CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Pampeago, Italy

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           The Pampeago Expedition 2011 Italy

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pampeago Marketa’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pampeago Marketa’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pampeago Marketa’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Marketa’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Marketa’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Marketa’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Marketa’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Marketa’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Markéta’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Parabola                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Parapola’  Mesterházy & Krejèí photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Parapola’  Mesterházy & Krejèí photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Parabola’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Parabola’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Parapola’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Parapola’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Parapola’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Parapola’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Parapola’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Parapola’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Parapola’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Parabola’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Paradekissen                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER in AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Paradekissen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Paradekissen’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Paradekissen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Paradekissen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Passo Erbe                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Passo Erbe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Passo Erbe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Passo Erbe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Passo Erbe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Passo Erbe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Passo Erbe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Passo Erbe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Passo Erbe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Passo Limo                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2010 Zdenek Novák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Passo Limo, ITA as a broom.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Passo Limo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Passo Limo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1445 Passo Limo’

            Passo Sella                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Komárek CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Pampeago, Italy

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           The Pampeago Expedition 2011 Italy

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Passo Sella’  Jan Veirauch photo

            Passo Stalle                            2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2012 Václav Koláø & Roman Kupec CZ in Südtirol ITA

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Passo Stalle’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Pavouk                                  2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 5.0

                                                           2013 Václav Koláø CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Thomatal AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Pavouk’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Pavouk’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Pavouk’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

            Pendula                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Nelson 1866                                       GBR

            Perla                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 František Borovec CZ in Stoderzinken AUT

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Perla’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Perla’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Perla’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Perla’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Perla’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Perla’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Perla’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Perla’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Peter Franta                         2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 396, found on 29th November 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „Peter Franta“, GPS 509 PCHB II. HB, Fundort: Kleiner Kümpfling, Durchmesser ca. 1 m, Höhe ca. 1,5 m, der HB ist schon relativ alt und stark beschädigt, gibt jedoch genug Reiser. Schneider text.

            Pian Maccetto                       2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2012 Václav Koláø & Roman Kupec CZ in Südtirol ITA

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pian Maccetto’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Pillar                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                                                  Helmers Baumschulen, Westersteede GER

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Pillar’

                                                           Schlank säulenförmig wachsende Form der Zirbelkiefer, die

                                                           Benadlung ist cembra-typisch grün-blau-silbrig. Langsam und

                                                           kompakt wachsend, Jahreszuwachs maximal 10 cm.

                                                           Helmers text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pillar’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pilar’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pillar’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pillar’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Pirklhuber                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1998 Franz Pirklhuber AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Found as a 100 cm diameter broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pirklhuber’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pirklhuber’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pirklhuber’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pirklhuber’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pirklhuber’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Piz Boe                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in Selajoch ITA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found 500 cm up as a 20x40 cm globose broom, 2-4 cm growth.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Piz Boe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Piz Boe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Piz Boe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Piz Boe’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Piz Boe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Piz Boe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Piz Boe’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Piz Boe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Plankenalm                           2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Plankenalm’; GPS 799 PCHB V A, Hexenbesen, lebender Teil, ca. 40 cm Durchmesser und Höhe, dicht, in ca. 12 m Höhe, Fundort: Gebiet Plankenalm, Dachsteingebirge, 1.746 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 662, found on 12th August 2015.

            Plankenalmweg                    2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Plankenalmweg’; GPS 800 PCHB VI B, Hexenbesen, Durchmesser ca. 1 m, locker gewachsen, beinahe in einer Ebene, Fundort: Plankenalmweg, Richtung Schildenwangalm, Dachsteingebirge, 1.708 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 663, found on 12th August 2015.

            Plantacionniy # 54                2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1998 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 50’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Плантационный 54

                                                            ВМ, Н-С, 123с, 1998, нет

            Podrost 88                             2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica (подрост 88)   ВМ(рыхлая) Ч. ворота, л10

            Polaris                                   2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtení

                                                           1982 (2001) B. Kroc CZ in Pilsen

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Pordoi                                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Selajoch ITA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found 900 cm up, as a 45 x 30 cm broom

                                                           with 2-3 cm long branchlets.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pordoi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pordoi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pordoi’  Mesterházy & Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pordoi’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pordoi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pordoi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pordoi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pordoi’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Pordoi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Pordoi’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pordoi’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pordoi’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Poseidon                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found as a broom on Turrach, AUT, 30 x 20 cm.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko,

                                                           našel Milan Šimánek, cca 30x20 cm.

                                                           Turrach 5 Expedition  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Turrach 5 Expedition  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Poseidon’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Poseidon’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Poseidon’  Milan Šimánek photo

            Prairie Statesman                 /Herman/

            Prezident 02                          2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1992 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                                                   Jiøi Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’# 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Президент 02, ВМ, Н-С, 53БП, 1992, нет

            Pumila Compacta                 2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtení

                                                           1973 F. Špaèek in Holice CZ

                                                           /Pumila Špaèek/

            Pumila Poplze                       Hort.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pumila Poplze’  Mesterhazy & Kalous photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pumila Poplze’  Mesterhazy & Kalous photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pumila Poplze’  Mesterhazy & Kalous photo 2012

            Pygmaea                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Pygmaea’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                               A dense selection, Welsh claims this should actually be

                                                           Pinus pumila 'Pygmaea' a cultivar of Japanese Stone Pine, not

                                                           Swiss Stone Pine. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pygmaea’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Pygmaea’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pygmaea’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Pygmaea’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           P. cembra var. pygmaea Loud.

                                                           P. pumila pygmaea

            Pyramidalis                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           1985 GBR

                                                                                   Windsor Great Park GBR

            Rainbachegg                         2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Rainbachegg’, Hexenbesen (?), Fundort: Gebiet Rainbachegg, Krimmler Achental, in ca. 15 m Höhe, ließ sich nicht feststellen, ob es ein HB ist. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 616, found on 5th July 2015.

            Ralf                                        2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0


                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ralf’  Jörg Kohout photo

            Rambo                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Zdĕnek Novák CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found as a broom in Turrach, Austria on 13th November 2011.

                                                           Èaroveòík, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rambo’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rambo’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rambo’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Rambo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rambo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Rautal                                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2005 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rautal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rautal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rautal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rautal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rautal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rautal’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rautal’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rautal’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rautal’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Rautal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rautal’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Rautal’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Recordistka 32                      2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1995 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           This selection got his name of the biggest number of cones, as

                                                           the mother plant brougth 1000 cones.

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Rekordistka # 032’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ‘Rekordistka’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Rekordistka’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Rekordistka’  Mikhail Kelesh RUS photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Рекордистка 32

                                                           ВМ, Б. Яр, 1995, нет

            Reidr                                     2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Lenka Šimánková CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 70 cm broom 12 m up in Nockalmstrasse, Austria.

                                                           Šimánek text.

                                                           Hexenbesen aus Nockalmstrasse, AUT, Durchmesse cca 70 cm,

                                                           in Höhe cca 12 m

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockalmstrasse, Rakousko

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Reidr’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Reidr’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Reidr’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo


            Reintal                                   2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as my first Pinus cembra broom, 2 m diameter, light lime

                                                           coloured, growth rate 10 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Reintal’, HB, GPS 059, Weg 618,  Ri. Lerchenkogel, Nadeln gelbgrün (Chlorose), ca. 2m Durchmesser, ca. 10 cm Zuwachs, mein erster Pinus cembra Hexenbesen. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 55, found on 9 June 2013.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Reintal’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Reintal’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Reintal’  Josef Schneider AUT photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Reintal’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Reintal’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Reintal’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Reintal’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Reintal’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Reintal’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Renata                                   2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Tresury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the Stoderzinken Alps, Austria

                                                           Èarovĕník, Stoderzinken, Rakousko


                                                           Pinus cembra ’Reschenpass’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Reschenpass’  Josef Schneider photo 2014


            Ried                                       2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in Zillertal, Austria, 250 cm up as a 10x15 cm


                                                           Zillertal, Rakousko, Výška nález. 250 cm,

                                                           velikost 10x15 cm WB.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1375 Ried’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ried’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Riedl’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1375 Ried’

            Rif. Vaiolet                            2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2011 Miroslav Komárek CZ

                                                                                  Komárek Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Jiøi Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Èarovìník, nalezen 2013, pøi expedici v Italských Alpách, lokalita Rossen Pass. Pojmenován, podle jména chaty, Rifugio Vaiolet u které rostl. Prùmìr èarovìniku 1 m, rùst kulovitý, silné prýty. Pøírustek 3-7 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Rif. Vaiolet’  Miroslav Komárek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Rif. Vaiolet’  Miroslav Komárek photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Rif Vaiolet’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Rif Vaiolet’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Rinsennock                           2016 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek-Trojan

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 6.0

                                                           2015 Lenka Šimánková CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm partly dried broom around Turrach Höhe AUT

                                                           Fund von Lenka Šimánková CZ in AUT, in Umgebung der Turracher Höhe, Durchschnitt cca 50 cm, teilweise trocken.

                                                           Nález Lenka Šimánková v Rakousku v okolí Turracher Höhe, prùmìr asi 50 cm, èásteènì suchý. Šimánková text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Rinsennock’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Rinsennock’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

            Robel                                     2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Ronol                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Pampeago, Italy

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           The Pampeago Expedition 2011 Italy

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ronol’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ronol’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ronol’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ronol’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Roselialm                               2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Schneider Collection AUT

                                                           Found as a broom on the Dachstein Mts., 30 x 30 cm

                                                           growth rate 3 cm.

                                                           Speikberg, Hexenbesen. Ca. 30 x 30 cm,  Zuwachs – 3 cm.

                                                           Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Roselialm  Schneider photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Roselialm’  Schneider photo 2013

            Roughills                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           G. Haddow 1991

                                                           1933 E. King, Delbeattie SCO GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Russian Summer 26             2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2009 Jörg Kohout GER in Russia

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009-2010 Baikal & Altai Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, 2011 Malik Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Russian Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Russian Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Russian Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Russian Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Russian Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Russian Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Russian Summer’ 

                                                                                   Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Russian Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Russian Summer’ 

                                                                                   Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Russian Summer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Russian Summer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Russian Summer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Russian Summer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Russian Summer 26

                                                            ВМ №1, С.Байкал, л09

            Sabathyhütte                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Sabathyhütte’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Sabathyhütte’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Sabathyhütte’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sabathyhütte’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sabathyhütte’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sabathyhütte’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Sabtny                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sabtny’


            Sam                                        2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2013 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Collection CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Turrach AUT, 2 meters up,

                                                           diameter 30 cm, nice, small.

                                                           Fund von Milan Šimánek in Turracher Höhe Gebiet AUT, Durchschnitt cca 20 cm, in Höhe cca 2 m, sehr schön und klein. Šimánek text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sam’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sam’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sam’  Milan Šimánek photo 2013

            Säntis                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                                                  Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Sasso Lungo                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Ján Sláma CZ in Selajoch ITA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found 150 cm up as a 30 x 40 cm broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sasso Lungo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Satori                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Honemann Arboretum AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sartori’

            Schilcherhaus                       2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Ladislav Krejèí CZ.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schilcherhaus’  Jiøí Balatka photo

            Schildenhexe                         2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schildenhexe’; GPS 771PCHB VIII AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Richtung Kleines Hocheck, Dachsteingebirge, ca. 1,8 x 1 m, sehr dicht, kompakt, 1.806 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 627, found on 17th July 2015.

            Schildenwang                       2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schildenwang’, GPS 737 PCHB II B, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteinplateau, in ca. 8 m Höhe, rund 2 x 1,2 m, 1 m hoch, schön dunkelgrün, Nadellänge normal, eher locker, 1.658 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 601, found on 6th June 2015.

            Schildenwangalm-Weg        2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schildenwangalm-Weg’, GPS 591 PCHB I AB, Hexenbesen, Fundort: nahe Schildenwangalm – Weg, Stoderzinken, gesamt ca. 1,5 m hoch, grüner Teil ca. 1 m hoch und 1 m Durchmesser, Zuwachs ca. 5 cm, dicht, gute Verzweigung. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 475, found on 12th April 2015.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schildenwangalm-Weg’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schildenwangalm-Weg’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schildenwangalm-Weg’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Schlechte Straße                   2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           HB, Durchmesser ca. 60 cm, 100 cm hoch, sehr gute Verzweigung, dicht, Nadeln blaugrün. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlechte Strasse’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlechte Strasse’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Schlegeis                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schlegeis # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schlegeis # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis # 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Schlegeis # 2                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Jörg Kohout GER in Schlegeis AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’# 2’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’# 2’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis # 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Schlegeis # 3                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 František Borovec CZ in Schlegeis AUT

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’# 3’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’# 3’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schlegeis # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schlegeis # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis # 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Schlegeis # 4                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Jörg Kohout GER in Schlegeis AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis # 4’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis # 4’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schlegeis # 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis # 4’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Schlegeis # 5                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Schlegeis AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’# 5’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’# 5’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Found as a broom of 1 meter diameter.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schlegeis # 5’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schlegeis # 5’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Schneekönig                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2005 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekönig’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekönig’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schneekönig’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Schneekugel                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Václav Koláø CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found as a dense fastigiate broom in Thomatal, Austria.

                                                           Pinus cembra Schneekugel  Gardenweb publishing

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekugel’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekugel’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekugel’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekugel’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekugel’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekugel’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekugel’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekugel’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekugel’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schneekugel’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schneekugel’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Schönfeld                              2015 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 5.0

                                                           2013 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Thomatal AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schönfeld’  Komárek photo 2013

                                                           Pinuc cembra ‘Schönfeld’  Milan Šimánek photo 2014

            Schütter                                 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schütter’, GPS 738 PCHB III BC, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteinplateau, ca. 1,5 x 1,5 m, sehr locker, fraglich ob vermehrungswürdig, 1.706 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 602, found on 6th June 2015.

            Schwarzsee                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Found as a 70 cm diameter broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schwarzsee’  Clément Anthoine photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schwarzsee’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schwarzsee’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schwarzsee’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schwarzsee’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Schwarzsee’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schwarzee’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schwarzee’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Schweiz                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Adámek CZ in Zirbitz SWI

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schweiz’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Schweiz’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            SDL Franz                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

            Seeblick                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Found as a 45 x 30 cm broom with 2-3 cm long branchlets.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Seeblick’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Seeblick’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Seepod                                   2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtení

                                                           1978 J. Posanym CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Seerose                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Seerose’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Seerose’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1490 Seerose’

            Seetaler                                  2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 František Adášek CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the Seetaler Alps, AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Seetaler, Rakousko

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Expedition members  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Seetaler’  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Seetaler’  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Seetaler’  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Seetaler’  František Borovec CZ photo

            Selajoch                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Selajoch ITA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found 600 cm up as a 200 x 80 cm globose broom,

                                                           3 cm long branchlets.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Selajoch’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Selajoch’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Select                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Esveld HOL

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Select Esveld’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Selektion Eschrich                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Günther Eschrich GER

                                                                                   Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           P. pumila /Säntis/ Draijer

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Selektion Eschrich’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Select Eschrich’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Selection Eschrich’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Selection Eschrich’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Seminskiy 16                         2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2004 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Seminskij 016’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Семинский 16

                                                           ВМ, Олег, Сем. пер., 2004, нет

            Sergey 78                               2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2009 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Found as a broom in 2009 Siberia Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Sergey’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Serge’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Sergey’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Sergey’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Sergey’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Sergey 78

                                                           ВМ № 3, С.Байкал, л09

            Short Stuff                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           A dense, upright evergreen conifer with soft blue-green needles. Becomes more columnar with age. Selected at Johnson Nursery in Wisconsin. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Short Stuff’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Short Stuff’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Short Stuff’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Short Stuff’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Silver Sheen                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Vermeulen 1985

                                                           1968 Vermeulen Nurs., Neshanic Station NJ USA

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Silver Sheen’

                                                           /Glauca/ until 1971

                                                           A full, open habit distinguishes this Swiss Stone Pine, the largest of those we grow. Like other cembras, it produces long, two-toned needles that twist and weave together, forming bushy, blue-green branches with a "silver sheen". The beautiful, extremely hardy tree needs little pruning to stay in scale and makes a vastly superior alternative for Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid', especially in suburban landscapes. Deserving of greater use, it resists pests and disease, grows slowly and produces year-round beauty in many landscape positions. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Silver Sheen’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Silver Sheen’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Šimánek Hexe                       2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2010 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Turrach, Austria as a broom.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Simanek Hexe’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1440 Šimánek Hexe’

            Šimánková Hexe                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Lenka Šimánková CZ

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           The Turrach Expedition 2 2011

                                                           Found as a 25x25 cm globe broom, partly dried in Turrach,

                                                           Austria on the 2nd November 2011

                                                           Našla Lenka Šimánková v oblasti Turrachu, Rakousko

                                                           2. 11. 2011, koule 25x25 cm, znaènì proschlý. Šimánek text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Simankova Hexe’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Simankova Hexe’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Simankova Hexe’  Milan Šimánek photo

            Šimánková Lenka                2016 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek-Trojan

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 6.0

                                                           Lenka Šimánková CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Fund von Lenka Šimánková in Österreich. Šimánková text.Pinus  Ši-moon                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Turrach, Austria as a broom.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Summer discovery 2011 by Milan & Lenka Simanek

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Si-moon’  Milan & Lenka Simanek photo

                                                           Summer discovery 2011 by Milan & Lenka Simanek

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Si-moon’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Si-moon’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Si-moon’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Ladislav Krejèí, Milan Simanek and František Borovec posing

                                                           with the harvested Moon-like broom of Milan.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Si-moon’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Milan Simanek and Zdenek Novak

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Si-moon’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Si-moon’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Si-moon’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Si-moon’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Si-moon’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ši-Moon  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1466 Ši-Moon’

            Sirene                                     2016 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek-Trojan

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 6.0

                                                           2015 Lenka Šimánková CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a 60 cm upright broom around Turrach Höhe AUT

                                                           Fund von Lenka Šimánková CZ in Umgebung der Turracher Höhe AUT, säulenartigen Form, Höhe cca 60 cm, teilweise trocken.

                                                           Nález Lenka Šimánková, v Rakousku v oblasti Turracher Höhe, sloupovitá forma, výška asi 60 cm, èásteènì suchý. Šimánková text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sirene’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sirene’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

            Sláma                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2000 Jan Sláma CZ

                                                                                  Jiøi Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom in AUT, growth rate over 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, Rakousko. skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku

                                                           nad 3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Slama’  Jiøí Balatka photo

            Šmudla                                  2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Roman Kupec CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 70 cm broom 8 m up in Nockalmstrasse, Austria.

                                                           Šimánek text.

                                                           Hexenbesen aus Nockalmstrasse, AUT, Durchmesser cca 70 cm,

                                                           in Höhe cca 8 m

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockalmstrasse, Rakousko

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Smudla’  Roman Kupec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Smudla’  Roman Kupec photo

            Sohodno 52                           2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2006 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Сохондо 52

                                                           ВМ, Сохо, плот. на ст., 06л, нет

            Sommerwind                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Sommerwind’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Sommerwind’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sommerwind’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sommerwind’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sommerwind’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Sonnenschein                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Sonnenstrahl                         2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sonnenstrahl’, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Forstrasse vom Speichersee Parkplatz aus, letzte Lichtung vor Ende der Forstrasse, ca. 20 m Hang aufwärts. Eine gelbnadelige, schwachwachsende Pinus cembra, der „Baum“ ist, ca. 1,2 m groß, und weist auch ein paar normal wachsende Triebe auf, Reiserentnahme ca. 90 %. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 706, found on 15th November 2015.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sonnenstrahl’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sonnenstrahl’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Sonnenstrahl’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            St. Christina                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Christina  Mesterházy & Krejèí photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Christina’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Christina’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Christina’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Christina’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Christina’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Christina’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Christina’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Christina’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            St. Jakob                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2003 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in East Tirol

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Jakob’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Jakob’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Jakob’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘St. Jakob’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            St. Katarina                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Katarina’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Katarina’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Katarina’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Catarine’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Catarine’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘St. Catarina’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘St. Catarina’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Catarina’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Catarina’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Catarina’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            St. Leonardo                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found as a broom in Turrach, Austria on 13th November 2011.

                                                           Èaroveòík, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Leonardo’  Miroslav Komarek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘St. Leonardo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘St. Leonardo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘St. Leonardo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            St. Maria                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Zdenek Novák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found as a broom on Turrach, AUT, 40 x 40 cm.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko,

                                                           našel Zdenek Novák, cca 40x40 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Maria’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Maria’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Maria’  Zdenek Novak photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘St. Maria’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            St. Ulrich                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Ulrich’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Ulrich’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Ulrich’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Ulrich’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Ulrich’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Ulrich’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Ulrich’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Ulrich’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Ulrich’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘St. Ulrich’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘St. Ulrich’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘St. Ulrich’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Urlich’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Urlich’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Urlich’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            St. Veit                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2010 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            St. Vigil                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in St. Vigil, ITA, 800 cm up as a 50x70 cm

                                                           broom, 2,5 cm long needles.

                                                           Èarovĕník, St. Vigil, ITA. Výška nález. 800 cm,

                                                           velikost 50x70 cm WB, velikost jehlic 2,5 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’St. Vigil’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1437 St. Vigil’

            Stanley                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Jörg Kohout GER in Tirol

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom 500 cm up, 50 cm diameter.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stanley’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stanley’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stanley’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stanley’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Star                                        2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Dachstein, Stoderzinken Alps, AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Stoderzinken, Rakousko

                                                           Dachstein top  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Dachstein Stoderzinken area  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Dachstein Stoderzinken peak  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Star’  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Star’  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Star’  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Star’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Steiner                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2004 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Selajoch

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a 1 meter globose broom with 3 cm branches.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Steiner’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Steiner’  Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Steiner’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Steiner’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Steiner’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Steiner’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Steven                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Tirol

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom 800 cm up, 50 cm diameter.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Steven’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Steven’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Steven’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Steven’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Steven’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Stoderzinken 1                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1996 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stoderzinken’

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stoderzinken-B’

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Stoderzinken 2                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1996 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                   2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Stoderzinken 3                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1997 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Stoderzinken 4                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1997 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stoderzinken 4’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken 4’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Stoderzinken 5                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1997 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 5’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 5’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 5’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 5’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken 5’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken 5’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken 5’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Stoderzinken 6                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1998 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 6’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 6’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 6’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 6’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 6’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken 6’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Stoderzinken 7                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1998 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 7’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 7’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 7’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 7’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 7’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken 7’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Stoderzinken 8                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1998 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 8’  Clément Anthoine photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 8’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 8’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 8’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 8’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken 8’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Stoderzinken # 9                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2010 Zdenek Novák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Stoderzinken, Austria as a broom.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzinken # 9’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1442 Stoderzinken # 9’

            Stoderzwerg                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found in Stoderzinken AUT as a 40 cm diameter broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stoderzwerg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stoderzwerg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stoderzwerg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzwerg’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stoderzwerg’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Stricta                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Carr. 1855

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stricta’

                                                           P. cembra columnaris Hellemann 1897

                                                           A dense, upright evergreen conifer slightly more narrow than the type. Needles are soft blue-green. 'Stricta' has been in cultivation since 1855. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stricta’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stricta’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stricta’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Stricta’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stricta’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stricta’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Stricta’  Dax Herbst photo 2015

            Studlalm                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found 1200 cm up as a conical, coned broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Studlalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Studlalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Studlalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Studlalm’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Studlalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Studlalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Studlalm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Studlalm’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Studlalm’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Studlalm’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Studlalm’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Studlalm’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Subalpiyskiy 20                    2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1995 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Субальпийский 20

                                                            ВМ, З-С пер, 1700 м, 95, жива

            Super                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found as a broom on Turrach, AUT, 8 x 8 cm.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko,

                                                           našel Milan Šimánek, cca 8x8 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Super’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Super’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Super’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Super’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Superstar                              2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as an old, tight 60 cm broom 15 m up in Nockalmstrasse,

                                                           Austria. Šimánek text.

                                                           Hexenbesen aus Nockalmstrasse, AUT, Durchmesser cca 60 cm,

                                                           am Ende der Ast, in Höhe cca 15 m, sehr alt und sehr dicht.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockalmstrasse, Rakousko

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Superstar’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Superstar’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Superstar’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Superstar’  Lenka Šimánková photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Superstar’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Surpriz 58                             2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2009 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Sjurprise 58’ (Surprise)

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Сюрприз 58 

                                                           ВМ (у болота, Курлек), л2009

            Süss                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2003 Jiøi Holata CZ

                                                                                  Jiøi Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Süss’  Jiøi Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Süss’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Süss’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Svaty Vaclav                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Milan & Lenka Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Summer discovery 2011 by Milan & Lenka Šimánek

                                                           Ladislav Krejèí and Milan Simanek before the nice old broom,

                                                           which is named after the Holy king of the czechs, St. Vaclav.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Svaty Vaclav’  Milan & Lenka Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Svaty Vaclav’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Svaty Vaclav’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Svaty Vaclav’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Svaty Vaclav’  Miroslav Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Svaty Vaclav’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Svaty Vaclav’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Svaty Vaclav’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Svaty Vaclav’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Sverdlovsk                             2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 4.0

                                                           J. Kaòák CZ

                                                                                   Arboretum Sofronka CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Under this name we had seedlings from Sverdlovsk, RUS. The seedlings have normal stature and are labeled Pinus cembra subsp. sibirica (Sverdlovsk), Siberian native of Sverdlovsk. Between seedlings (about 5 years) appeared broom, we grafted it under the name Pinus cembra subsp. sibirica 'Sverdlovsk'. The broom was recognized by the spherical growth without leader. Text J. Kaòák, Abroretum Sofronka, CZ.

                                                           Semenáèe mají normální vzrùst a jsou oznaèeni Pinus cembra subsp. sibirica (Sverdlovsk), tedy limba sibiøská pùvodem ze Sverdlovska. Mezi semenáèi (cca 5 let) se objevil èarovìník, který jsme roubovali a expedovali pod názvem Pinus cembra subsp. sibirica ´Sverdlovsk´. Ten poznáte podle kulovitého rùstu, bez terminálu.

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Sverdlovsk’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Sverdlovsk’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Sverdlovsk’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Sverdlovsk’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ‘Sverdlovsk’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Sverdlovsk’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Sverdlovsk’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Svetasheviy 24                      2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2009 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Светашевы 24

                                                           ВМ (Светашевы), л09

            Svetlana 97                            2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Svetlana 97’ ВМ Алтай Когут, 09.2010

            Tamagochi 36                       2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Тамагочи 36 

                                                           ВМ, Олег, Сем. пер., 1997, нет

            Tamangur                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Günther & Uwe Horstmann in Tamangur Forest

                                                           Pinus cembra Tamangur 

                                                                                   2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Ein Hexenbesen aus dem Wald von Tamangur (Schweiz). Wir haben ihn vor 35 Jahren gefunden. Er hat einen dichten und kompakten, allerdings etwas unregelmäßigen Wuchs. Die Nadeln sind blau, der Jahreszuwachs beträgt nur 2-3 cm. Horstmann text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tamangur’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tamangur’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Horstmann’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tamangur’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tamangur’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tamangur’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tamangur’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tamangur’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tamangur’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tamangur’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tamangur’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tamangur’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           HB # 1

            Tamasur                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tamasur’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tamasur’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tamasur’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tamasur’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tamasur’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Tanneralm                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in Zillertal, Austria, 400 cm up as a 100x80 cm


                                                           Zillertal, Rakousko, Výška nález. 400 cm,

                                                           velikost 100x80 cm WB.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tanneralm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tanneralm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tanneralm’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tanneralm’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1379 Tanneralm’

            Tarmus                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ


Pinus cembra Tatra

            Tatra                                     2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0


                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tatra’  Pinus cembra ’Tatra’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Thomatal                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Thomatal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Thomatal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1475 Thomatal’

            Tiefgruben                            2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tiefgruben’, GPS 797 PCHB III IAA, Hexenbesen, ein Superstück, Durchmesser und Höhe ca. 60 cm, Zuwachs – 3 cm, sehr, sehr dicht, Nadeln blaugrün, gesund, in 1,5 m Höhe, Fundort: Gebiet Tiefgruben, Dachsteingebirge, 1.747 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 660, found on 11th August 2015.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tiefgruben’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tiefgruben’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tiefgruben’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tiefgruben’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Timmelsjoch                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Timmelsjoch

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a 60 cm diameter broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Timmelsjoch’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Timmelsjoch’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Timmelsjoch’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Timmelsjoch’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Timmelsjoch’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Timmelsjoch’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Timmelsjoch’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Timmelsjoch’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Timmelsjoch’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Timmelsjoch’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Timmelsjoch’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Tip Top                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                               Found growing way up firm and high, what to do, shinny on up and check it out or frag it with a shotgun? Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A dense, upright evergreen conifer with soft silver-blue needles. Dwarf, eventually forming a columnar tree. Selected at Johnson Nursery in Wisconsin. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tip Top’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tip Top’  Brent Markus photo 2014


Pinus cembra sibirica Tiumen

            Tiumen                                  2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0


                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ‘Tiumen’ 

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica Tiumen

            Tom                                       2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Miroslav Komárek CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm broom in Nockberge AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Nockberge, Rakousko

                                                           Èarovìník, nalezen na podzim 2013, pøi expedici v Rakouských Alpách. Ve výšce 0,5 m, u paty stromu. Prùmìr èarovìniku 0,5m, rùst trychtýøovitý, øidký, slabší letorosty. Ujímavost dobra. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tom’  Miroslav Komárek photo 2014

                                                           Nockberge National Park  Zdenìk Novák photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tom’  Miroslav Komárek photo

            Tomskaja                              2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, 2011 Malik Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ’Tomskaja’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Trio Hexe I                            2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 351a, found on 9th October 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra „ Trio Hexe“, GPS 433 PCHB II + HB III. HB, Fundort: Hirzberg, Dachsteingebirge, 3 verschiedene Hexenbesen auf einem Ast in ca. 8 m Höhe, zuerst sah ich nur 2 HB.  Trio Hexe I  Vg. 142,  HB Nr 1, Durchmesser ca. 30 cm. kugelig, Zuwachs – 7 cm. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Trio Hexe’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Trio Hexe’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Trio Hexe’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Trio Hexe’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Trio Hexe’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Trio Hexe I’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Trio Hexe I’  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Trio Hexe II                          2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 351b, found on 9th October 2014.

                                                           Trio Hexe II  Vg. 143,   HB Nr 2, Durchmesser ca. 25 - 30 cm, Zuw ca. 10 cm, bildet mit Nr 3 eine Kugel, ist etwas dichter wie Nr. III. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Trio Hexe II’ + ’III’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Trio Hexe III                         2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Schneider # 351c, found on 9th October 2014.

                                                           Trio Hexe III Vg. 144  HB Nr 3, Durchmesser ca. 40 cm, Zuwachs  ca. 10 cm, bildet mit Nr 2 eine Kugel mit ca. 60 cm Durchmesser. Schneider text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Trio Hexe II’ + ’III’ 

                                                                                  Josef Schneider photo 2014

            Tumerach                             2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tumerach’; GPS 740 PCHB I, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Tumerach, Dachsteinplateau, ca. 15 cm Durchmesser, Qualität sehr schwer feststellbar, 1.649 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 604, found on 10th June 2015.

            Turrach # 1                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 1’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Turrach # 2                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 František Borovec CZ

                                                                                  Borovec Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 2’  Clément Anthoine photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 2’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 2’  Mesterházy & Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 2’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Turrach # 3                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Turrach # 4                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach # 4’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Turrach # 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach 4’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Turrach # 5                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Ladislav Krejèí CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach Novy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach Novy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach Novy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turrach Novy # 5’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Turracherstrasse                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found as a broom on Turrach, AUT, 100 x 70 cm.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko,

                                                           našel Miroslav Malík, cca 100x70 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turracherstrasse’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turracherstrasse’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Turracherstrasse’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Turrachstrasse’   Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Turrachstrasse’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Turrachstrasse’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Turrachstrasse’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1496 Turracherstrasse’  

            Tuxer                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Jörg Kohout GER in Zillertal AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tuxer’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tuxer’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tuxer’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tuxer’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tuxer’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tuxer’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Tuxer’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tuxer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tuxer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tuxer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Tuxer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Twister                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                               A fantastic contorted form we give this a five on the Fuji cool

                                                           conifer scale. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                   Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A dense slow-growing evergreen conifer with a columnar habit. Needles are soft, silvery blue-green and display a slight twist at branch terminals. This adds a dimension of rhythm to 'Twister'. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -50 degrees. USDA zone 2. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Twister’  Brent Markus photo 2014

            Ultental                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Ultental, Südtirol ITA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental # 1’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ultental’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Ultental’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Ultental’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Val Gardena                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in Selajoch ITA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found 400 cm up as a 40x40 cm broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Val Gardena’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Val Gardena’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Valgardena’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Valgardena’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Valgardena’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Val Gardena’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Val Gardena’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Val Gardena’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Val Gardena’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Val Gardena’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Variegata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           R. Smith 1864                                               GBR


Pinus sibirica

            Veresh 83                              2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           2009 Alexander Vereshchak RUS

                                                           Всем участникам группы Новогодний привет от С. Горошкевича !  Pinus sibirica. Забайкалье.

                                                           Pinus sibirica ’Veresh 83 Zabaykale’ 

                                                                                  Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo

            Victoria                                 2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Victoria’; GPS 841 PCHBI IA, Hexenbesen, Fundort: Gebiet Maisenbergalm, Dachsteingebirge, Durchmesser und Höhe ca. 1 m, sehr sehr dicht, Nadellänge 3 – 4 cm, Zuwachs. unter 3 cm,      ca. 50 % Entnahme, in 8 m Höhe, fruchtend. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 691, found on 4th October 2015.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Victoria’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Victoria’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Victoria’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Victoria’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Villa di Sopra                        2014 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 4.0

                                                           2012 Václav Koláø & Roman Kupec CZ in Südtirol ITA

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Villa di Sopra’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Villa Rondo                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           Vladimír Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Villa Rondo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Villa Rondo’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Villa Rondo’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Villa Rondo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Villa Rondo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Villa Rondo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Villa Rondo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Violet                                     2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Viridis                                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           Senecl. 1868                                      FRA

            Vltava                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Milan & Lenka Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Summer discovery 2011 by Milan & Lenka Šimánek

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Vltava’  Milan & Lenka Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Vltava’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Vltava’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Vltava’  František Borovec photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Vltava’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Vltava’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Vltava’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Vostrák                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 František Adášek CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Pampeago, Italy

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           The Pampeago Expedition 2011 Italy

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Vostrak’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Vostrak’  Jan Veirauch photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Vostrak’  Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Vostrak’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Vltava’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1476 Vostøák’ 

            Wandeln                                2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           GPS 816 PCHB I IA, Hexenbesen, ca. 40 cm Durchmesser, ca. 50 cm Höhe, enorm dicht, schwachwachsend, sehr verzweigt, Zuwachs unter 3 cm, blaugrün, wurde 2014 nur mit Fernglas, bzw. mit Teleobjektiv gesehen, bzw. fotografiert, nahm ursprünglich an, dass es sich um einen normalen Baum mit einem Gipfel HB handelt, von dem man vom Standort nicht mehr sieht. Das war eine große Täuschung. Der Baum steht in Latschen, ist nur ca. 2,5 m groß, nur der HB ragt über die Latschen, die Pflanze zu finden dauerte beinahe den ganzen Tag. Sie hat nur sehr wenige „normale“ Zweige und dürfte zum Großteil vom HB gelebt haben. Von Franz sofort mitgenommen. 1.805 m ü. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 324, found on 18th August 2014.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Wandeln’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Wandeln’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Wandeln’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Wandeln’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Wandeln’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Wandeln’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            WB 3                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0


                                                           /Schlegeis # 3/

            Weg 618                                2016 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 6.0

                                                           2015 Josef Schneider AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Weg 618’, Hexenbesen, 1A, Fundort: Stoderzinken, Dachsteinplateau, Steiermark, AUT, Nahe Dachsteinrundweg 618, ca. 1 Gehstunde Ri. Grafenbergalm, in ca. 15 m Höhe, ca. 60 x 40 cm, nur teilweise lebend, Zuwachs – 4 cm, schön blau, mit reichem Knospenansatz, sehr dicht. Schneider text.

                                                           Schneider # 469, found on 24th March 2015.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Weg 618’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Weg 618’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Weg 618’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Weg 618’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Weg 618’  Josef Schneider photo 2015

            Westerstede                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 3.0

                                                           2009 Helmers Baumschulen, Westerstede GER

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Westerstede’

                                                           Kleiner Baum mit durchgehendem Stamm. Die Äste wachsen in der Jugend mehr aufrecht, später waagerecht. Die Endwuchshöhe ist etwa 2 bis 3 m, dabei 1 bis 1,5 m breit wachsend. Die bläulichen Nadeln haften bis zu 3 Jahre an der Pflanze, dadurch entsteht ein volles Aussehen, was bei der Art (Pinus cembra) nicht immer gewährleistet ist. Vom Boden her anspruchslos, wächst auf allen trockenen bis frischen Böden, von sauer bis schwach alkalisch. Liebt sonnige und luftfeuchte Lagen. Der Wurzelballen ist frostunempfindlich, daher auch in Gefäßen ohne Schutz voll winterhart. Helmers text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Westerstede’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Westerstede’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Westhur                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           A dwarf conical upright. Leaves are green.

                                                           Grows 1 inch a year.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Wildsee                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2000 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Wildsee’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Wildsee’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Wildsee’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Wildsee’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Wildsee’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Wildsee’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Wildsee’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Winkleralm                           2016 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek-Trojan

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 6.0

                                                           2015 Lenka Šimánková CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Šimánek Gardens CZ

                                                           Found as a 60 cm almost dried broom around Turrach Höhe AUT

                                                           Fund von Lenka Šimánková in AUT, in Umgebung der Turracher Höhe, Durchschnitt cca 60 cm, fast trocken.

                                                           Nález Lenka Šimánková, Rakousko, okolí Turracher Höhe, prùmìr cca 60 cm, témìø suchý, podle letokruhù odhadujeme stáøí na cca 20 let. Šimánková text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Winkleralm’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Winkleralm’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Winkleralm’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

            Winter Lake                         2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Ján Weihrauch CZ

                                                                                   Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the Seetaler Alps, AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Seetaler, Rakousko

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Seetaler Alps, Austria  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Expedition members  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Winter Lake’  František Borovec CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Winter Lake’  František Borovec CZ photo

            Witches Broom                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

            Wolkenstein                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT in Selajoch, Südtirol ITA

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a 50 cm diameter broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Wolkenstein’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Wolkenstein’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Wolkenstein’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Wolkenstein’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Wolkenstein’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Wolkenstein’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Würzjoch                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2010 Milan Šimánek CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found in Würzjoch, Südtirol, ITA as a broom.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Würzjoch.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Würzjoch’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Wircoh’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Würzjoch’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Würzjoch’  Milan & Lenka Simanek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Würzjoch’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Würzjoch’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1443 Würzjoch’ syn. Vircoh

            Wycoff                                  2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in Wycoff residence, Roanoke, Illinois, 4’ x 2’ tree,

                                                           dwarf. Harper text.

            Wycoff’s Compact               2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Found in Wycoff residence, Roanoke, Illinois, 3’ x 2’ tree,

                                                           compact, dwarf. Harper text.

            Zauberflöte                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in AUT.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zauberflöte’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zauberflöte’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Zdeno                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2009 Zdenek Novák CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found in St. Vigil, ITA, 600 cm up as a 45x50 cm

                                                           broom, 2 cm long needles.

                                                           Èarovĕník, St. Vigil, ITA. Výška nález. 600 cm,

                                                           velikost 45x50 cm WB, velikost jehlic 2 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zdeno’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zdeno’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Zdeno’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zdeno’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zdeno’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zdeno’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1435 Zdeno’

            Zillertal                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 Franz Pirklhuber AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found in Zillertal AUT 400 cm up as a

                                                           50 cm diameter conical broom.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zillertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zillertal’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zillertal’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Zillertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Zillertal’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zillertal’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Zirbenhäher                          2015 Mesterházy, Etzelstorfer & Schneider in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Austria 5.0

                                                           2014 Ladislav Krejèí CZ in AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Grafenbergalm, AUT. Schneider text.

            Zirbitz                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           1999 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  2001 Jiøi Balatka in Evidence

            Zirmstadl                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2001 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom 6 meters up, 80 cm broad x 50 cm high.

                                                           Etzelstorfer text.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zirmstadl’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Zirmstadl’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zirmstadl’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zirmstadl’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            ZSP 22                                   2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2004 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus cembra sibirica ЗСП 18

                                                           ВМ, Олег, З-C пер., 2004, нет

            Zwerg                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2011 Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                                                  2011 Miroslav Malík in „Thousand WB”

                                                           Found as a broom on Turrach, AUT, 7 x 7 cm.

                                                           Èarovĕník, Turrach, Rakousko,

                                                           našel Miroslav Malík, cca 7x7 cm.

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zwerg’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zwerg’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zwerg’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zwerg’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zwerg’  Milan Šimánek photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zwergform’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembra ‘Zwerg’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembra ’1500 Zwerg’  

            Zwilling                                 2013 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 3.0

                                                           2012 Lenka Šimánková CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Dachstein, Stoderzinken Alps, AUT

                                                           Èarovĕník, Stoderzinken, Rakousko

                                                           Dachstein top  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Dachstein Stoderzinken area  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Dachstein Stoderzinken peak  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zwilling’  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Happy end  Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zwilling’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus cembra ’Zwilling’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo


Pinus cembra x pumila  Mesterházy & Malík photo

Pinus cembra x sibirica 06  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

Pinus cembra x pumila 6  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

Pinus cembra x sibirica  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

Pinus cembra x sibirica  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012


   CEMBROIDES                               Newberry 1857

                                                           /P. ALBICAULIS/ Engelm.

   CEMBROIDES                               Gord. not Zucc. 1846

                                                           /P. PINCEANA/


   CEMBROIDES                            1832                           MEX USA AR

                                                           Zucc.                                                                         Kr PM PG

Pinus cembroides Zucc. 1832 - Mexikói diófenyõ – Mexican nutpine

                                                           Pinus cembroides  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           P. fertilis Roezl

                                                           P. futilis Sarg.

                                                           P. fremontiana Gord.

             ssp. LAGUNAE                  /Robert-Passini/Bail. 1983                 MEX

                                               Pinus cembriodes ssp. lagunae – Lagunai diófenyõ – Laguna nutpine

             ssp. ORIZABENSIS           Bail. 1983                                          MEX

                                                           Pinus cembroides ssp. orizabensis

             var. CEMBROIDES           Zucc.                                                  MEX

             var. EDULIS                       /Engelm./Voss 1907                           MEX

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. edulis

                                                           P. edulis Engelm. 1948

                                                           P. monophylla var. edulis /Engelm./Jones

             var. MONOPHYLLA         /Torr./Voss 1908                                MEX

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla Torrey & Frémont 1845

Pinus monophylla Torrey & Frémont 1845 – Egytûs diófenyõ – Singleleaf nutpine

                                                           P. monophylla Torr.

             var. PARRYANA               /Engelm./Voss

                                                           P. quadrifolia Parl. ex Sudw. 1897

                                                           P. parryana Engelm. 1862

             var. QUADRIFOLIA         /Parl./de Laubenf. 1984                     MEX

             var. REMOTA                    Little 1966                                         MEX


Cultivars listed here of Pinus cembroides, Pinus edulis and Pinus monophylla in one. Not labeled cultivars are Pinus cembroides.





Pinus edulis dwarf selection  Nate Cassell CO USA


83996335   83996334


Pinus edulis large broom  Jerry Morris CO USA


Pinus dwarf in Denver BG  Nate Cassell CO USA


Pinus edulis  Jerry Morris CO USA


            # 1                                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Pinus monophylla ’# 1’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’# 1’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

            # 6 Broom                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus edulis # 6. JM text.

            # 7 Broom                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus edulis # 7. JM text.

            # 8 Broom                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, found 12-15’ up, rather open, up a small road east of # 3

                                                           Farmy, about 200 yds. up road.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 8. JM text.

            # 21 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, large, open, on west and south of # 13

                                                           pinion, low on hillside-

                                                           Pinus edulis # 21. JM text.

            # 23 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, open, green thick, north of Gypson,

                                                           6’ x 6’, 12’ up.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 23. JM text.

            # 32 Broom                           deleted

            # 36 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a small tight broom near Hiway 50.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 36. JM text.

            # 37 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom at MM 472.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 37. JM text.

            # 38 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1988 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tree with yellow sense.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 38. JM text.

            # 39 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom on top of tree, thicks.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 39. JM text.

            # 40 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, west side of the road.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 40. JM text.

            # 41 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a very nice small broom near Buena Vista.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 41. JM text.

            # 42 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom south of Cuchara Pass, 6” x 6”.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 42. JM text.

            # 45 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a small, tight broom on road below Trant Creek Pass.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 45. JM text.

            # 47 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Unnamed Cultivar’ # 47. Editor’s name.

            # 459                                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a WB SDL

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’# 459’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembroides ‘Broom #459’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembroides ‘Broom SDL #459’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            # 460                                      2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery GER

                                                           Found as a WB SDL

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’# 460’  Jörg Kohout photo

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Broom SDL #460’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Albovariegata                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schwerin 1910

                                                           Count Schwerin GER

            Asterix                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Asterix’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Asterix’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Asterix’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Asterix’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Asterix’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Asterix’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Asterix’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Asterix’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Baby Boy                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Baby Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Baby Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Baby Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Baby Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Baby Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Baby Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Baby Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Baby Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Baby Boy’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Baby Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Baby Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Baby Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Baby Boy’

            Barb’s Best                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla Barb’s Best

            Beat Mouse                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Beat Mouse’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Beat Mouse’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Beat Mouse’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Beat Mouse’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Beat Mouse’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Beat Mouse’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Beat Mouse’

            Big Nuts                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                               A customer sent us this, his selection of a free fruiting tree with big nuts, selected for commercial nut production. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Birdy                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Birdy’

            Blandsfortiana                      Gibbs. 1932

                                                           1923 Hornibrook Nurs., GBR

            Blue Column                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

            Blue Eye                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Eye’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Eye’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Eye’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Eye’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Eye’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Eye’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Eye’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Blue Eye’

            Blue Jazz                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Bleu Jazz’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Jerry Morris introduction. A single-leaf pinyon selection. Has an intense blue color and develops into a tight ball shape with age. Scion wood was collected from a broom in a tree growing along a highway in Nevada. Laporte Avenue Nurs. text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Bleu Jazz’

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Jazz’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Jazz’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Jazz’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Jazz’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Jazz’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides monophylla ’Blue Jazz’




            Blue Jazz                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Blue Jazz’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus cembroides edulis ’Blue Jazz’

            Blue Column                                                Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

            Blue Sun                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Sun’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Sun’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Sun’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Sun’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Sun’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Sun’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Blue Sun’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Blue Sun’

            Boøkovec                               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Boøkovec’

            Branson                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, fair, 6’ below top, south of Branson.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 22. JM text.

            Broom SDL # 460                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Broom SDL # 460’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           /# 460/

            Bull Pass                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla Bull Pass

            Burr                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom out of Boulder, Utah. Good.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 44. JM text.

            Candy Cane                          2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           A very slender, fastiagate seedling, 16’ tall and 4’ wide found by Dan Spear in the San Bernadino Mts. of Southern California. Needles shorter than the species are bluish green. Growth Rate:  4-6". Dan Spear text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Candy Cane’  Dan Spear photo 2015

            Carbondale                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 3’ across, dark green, somewhat upright, past

                                                           Carbondale, Colorado, just past a red cliff about 100 yds.

                                                           uphill, across from 3 homes. Pinus edulis # 5. JM text.




            Carmel                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, north of Orderville, ½ mile to right, 4’

                                                           diameter. JM text.

                                                           Pinus edulis monophylla ’Carmel’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Carmel # 2’

            Chamisal                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, low, med, 3’ x 3’ on left after you turn left

                                                           from Pinasco, north of pink house, about 100 yds. from road.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 20. JM text.

            Cheese Box                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x 6’, up 12’, near Lake Powell, Utah on

                                                           south side of the road. Average.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 24. JM text.

            City Park Blue                      2016 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 5.0

                                                           2005 Kirk Fieseler USA

                                                                                  Laporte Avenue Nursery CO USA

                                                           Slight name change from City Park Nine. A Laporte Ave. Nursery introduction that was selected from a tree growing on a golf course across from Laporte Ave. Nursery. The original tree has bright blue needle color, a conical shape, and vigorous growth habit. Growth rate: 2-6”/year. Fieseler text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘City Park Blue’

            Cliffside                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 2’ x 2’, thick, dark green, low on tree, north

                                                           of # 17, 500 yds. Pinus edulis # 18. JM text.

            Conway Summit # 1             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit # 1’ CZ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Conway Summit 1’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Conway Summit 1’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit 1’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit 1’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla

            Conway Summit # 2             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit # 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Conway Summit 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Conway Summit 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Conway Summit 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla

            Conway Summit # 3             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Conway Summit 3’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Conway Summit 3’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit 3’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Conway Summit 3’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla

            Curly Blue                            2016 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 5.0

                                                           1995 Dan Johnson CO USA

                                                                                  Laporte Avenue Nursery CO USA

                                                           A name change from Nevada North. A standard grower, from Denver BotGard, very full and tight. Needles have a slight inward twist, fast growth habit. Found by Dan Johnson of the Denver Botanic Gardens in 1995. Growth rate: 3-6”/year. Fieseler text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Curly Blue’

            Current Pass                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a left lone pine near Current Pass, California.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 46. JM text.

            Daisy                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Daisy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Daisy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Daisy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Daisy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Daisy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Daisy’

            Dominguez                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, low on branch, take road left to Dominguez

                                                           Res. Conservation area, into open area over hill, first road to

                                                           right & about 40 yds. Tree about 40 yds from road.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 10. JM text.

            Downhill                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom out of Boulder, Utah. Good.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 43. JM text.

            Dream Boy                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Dream Boy’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Dream Boy’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Dream Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Dream Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Dream Boy’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Dream Boy’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Dream Boy’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Dream Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Dream Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Dream Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Dream Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Dream Boy’

            E. T.                                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’E. T.’



            Eeney                                     2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 3x3’, 12’ up, on hill to north of campground

                                                           at Wheeler Park, Nevada, closest broom to road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Eeney’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Eeney’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Eeney’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Eeney’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Eeney’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Eeney’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Eeney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Eeney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Eeney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Eeney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Eeney # 3’

            Eureka                                   2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, green, from east as you enter canyon on

                                                           route up to Eureka. JM text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Eureka’  Nate Cassell USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Eureka # 17’

            Fancy Nancy                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Fancy Nancy’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Fancy Nancy’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Fancy Nancy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Fancy Nancy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013


82120473  81499933  81499934  81499935  81499936


            Farmy                                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1988 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ‘Farmy’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  1993 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                                                  Dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                           Found near Gibbler, looks much like this.

                                                         Jerry Morris introduction. Collected from a broom in 1988.

                                                         This tree was growing on the Uncompahgre Plateau in western Colorado. Very slow growing, plant develops a wide body look, as tall as it is wide. Another perfect plant for the small xeric yard with a berm or a rock garden. Picture

                                                         Growth rate: 1-2”/year

                                                                                 Laporte Avenue Nurs. text.

                                                         Pinus edulis ’Farmy’ & ’Trinidad’ 

                                                                                 Laporte Avenue Nursery USA

                                                         Pinus edulis ’Farmy’ & ’Trinidad’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                         Pinus edulis ’Farmy’  dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                         Pinus edulis ’Farmy’  High Country Gardens USA

                                                         Pinus edulis ’Farmy’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis # 3. JM text.

            Finger                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Finger’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Finger’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Finger’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Finger’

            Gibbler                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found near Grand Junction LT, 10’ x 6’ tall.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 2. JM text.

            Glauca                                   1985 GBR

                                                                                   Windsor Great Park GBR

            Grizzly                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Haber’s Twisted                   2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Lynn & Ralph Haber CA USA

                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           This is a bushy form of the Single Needle Pinyon Pine in the yard of Lynn & Ralph Haber of Swall Meadows, California. Howse text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides monophylla ‘Haber’s Twisted’

            High Right                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Holubec                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Holubec Compact’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Holubec’

            Hot Summer                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Hot Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Hot Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Hot Summer’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Hot Summer’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Hot Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Hot Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Hot Summer’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Hot Summer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Hot Summer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Hot Summer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Hot Summer’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Hot Summer’

            Icy Stone                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Icy Stone’

            Idefix                                     Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Idefix’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Idefix’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Idefix’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Idefix’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Idefix’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides monophylla ’Idefix’

            Juno                                       G. Haddow 1987

                                                           Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Juno’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Juno’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Kyle’s Blue                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla Kyle’s Blue

            Labry’s Blue                         2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a tree, very blue, fairly compact and narrow. JM text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Labry’s Blue # 7’

            Larry’s Blue                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla Larry’s Blue




            Lil Jake                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           A miniature pinon broom from Jerry Morris. The form is typical of these little guys. Miniature pinon pines are fantastic for both the rock garden and in the waterwise landscape. Very drought tolerant once established, 'Lil Jake' can be used as a handsome, small evergreen shrub. A wonderful alternative to Junipers. High Country Gardens text.

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Lil Jake’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Lil Jake’  High Country Gardens NM USA

            Lime                                      2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.

                                                           A wintergold type beauty.

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Lime’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Lime’  Nate Cassell USA photo

            Little Jare                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom 10’ up, large, tight, bright green with bluish

                                                           cast on Cliff Rd. South of Canyon City – about ¼ mile up road

                                                           from Grape Creek access.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 35. JM text.

            Marshall                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 18” diameter, vigorous, just below juniper

                                                           #9, about 10 ’ up. Pinus edulis # 17. JM text.

            Meeney                                  2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 2x2’, 20’ up, upright, above Eeney near top,

                                                           over to left, Wheeler Park, Nevada. JM text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Meeney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Meeney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Meeney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Meeney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Meeney # 4’

            Meeny                                                                       Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA


            Michele                                  Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Michele’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Michele’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Miney                                     2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 2x2’, 20’ up, fairly upright, below Meeney a

                                                           little to east, Wheeler Park, Nevada. JM text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Miney’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Miney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Miney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Miney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Miney’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Miney # 5’

            Moe                                        2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 2x2’, 6’ up, top of fairly old tree, mounding

                                                           branches go down, then up, below Miney, and beside an other

                                                           broom, which is a side branch. JM text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Moe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Moe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Moe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Moe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Moe’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Moe # 6’

            Mono Elegance                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1978 Larry Stanley USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with an irregular but narrow form. Needles are light blue, short and stiff. Can have juvenile and adult foliage. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Buchholz text.

                                                           A very narrow Blue Mexican Pinyon Pine. Leaves are a beautiful blue and juvenile. Plant is very narrow. This plant was a chance seedling at Stanley & Sons Nursery, Boring, Ore. The seed was sown around 1978. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides ‘Mono Elegance’  Larry Stanley USA photo

            Monophylla Tioga Pass       1986 zu Jeddeloh GER in Yosemite Nat. Park USA

            Montrose                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom 15’ up, 4’ x 4’ on tree top, up Uncompaghre

                                                           from Montrose, Colorado on south side of road, 15 miles.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 19. JM text.

            MPH Liza                              2014 Conifer Treasury of Hungary 4.0

                                                           2013 Mesterházy Zsolt HUN

                                                                                   Mesterházy Pinetum HUN

                                                           Selected as a dwarf seedling in the Mesterházy Pinetum, Erdõtarcsa, HUN. 150 cm diameter greeny-silvery globe in 25 years. Needs summer heat, full burning continental or mediterrain sun. If not, may turn to juvenile form.

                                                           Törpe magcsemeteként keletkezett a Mesterházy Fenyõgyûjteményben. 25 év alatt másfél méter átmérõjû zöldes-ezüstös gömb alakot fejlesztett. Igényli a nyári forróságot, égetõ napsütést. Ennek hiányában hajlamos juvenilis hajtásokat képezni.

            My Nancy                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Dennis Hermsen IA USA


                                                                                   Dennis Hermsen IA USA

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’My Nancy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus edulis ’My Nancy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’My Nancy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus edulis ’My Nancy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘My Nancy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘My Nancy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘My Nancy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’My Nancy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’My Nancy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Obelix                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Obelix’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Obelix’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Obelix’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Obelix’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Obelix’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Obelix’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Obelix’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Obelix’ 2008  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Obelix’ 2008  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Obelix’ 2008  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Obelix’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Obelix’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides monophylla ’Obelix’

            Obelix WB                            Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Obelix’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Obelix’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Obelix’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembroides monophylla ’Obelix WB’ 2008

            Ojo                                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tree, south of Oho Feliz, 10’ tall and wide, to the

                                                           west in open area by dry pond with dam, very compact, green.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 12. JM text.

            Old Yellow                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Yellow tipped needles, above first tunnel & before steel bridge

                                                           on left going up from south to Victor, Colorado before mile

                                                           marker 6, below 2nd tunnel. Pinus edulis # 15. JM text.

            Oregon                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Oregon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Oregon’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Oregon’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Oregon’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides monophylla ’Oregon’

            Owens Ball                            2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           A round dwarf tree found by Dan Spear in the Sierra Nevada Mts. of California. Needles shorter than the species are bluish green. Growth Rate:  2". Dan Spear text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Owens Ball’  Dan Spear photo 2015

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Owens Ball’  Dan Spear photo 2015

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Owens’  Milan Šimánek photo 2015

            Owens View                          2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           A very tight ball found as a witch’s broom by Dan Spear in the Sierra Nevada Mts. of California. Needles shorter than the species are bluish green. Growth Rate:  1-2". Dan Spear text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Owens View’  Dan Spear photo 2015

            Owl Canyon                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  High Country Nursery, Santa Fe, USA

            Park City Select                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  High Country Gardens CO USA

                                                           A full sized monophylla selection with outstanding blue foliage, 'Park City Select' is an eye catching xeric beauty. Like a drought tolerant blue spruce that's also small enough at maturity to fit into a courtyard or patio! This small pine tree needs well drained soil and not too much irrigation once established. This is a fabulous western native pine selection. High Country Gardens text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Park City Select’ 

                                                                                  High Country Gardens NM USA




            Penasco                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ‘Penasco’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  1997 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Broom found east of Penasco in tree top, tight, short needles.

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Penasco’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis # 4. JM text.

            Pina Nevada                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus cembroides Pina Nevada 

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Extremely rare, upright evergreen pine with bright green needles featuring a yellow band. This "dragon's eye" effect is very clear, and Pina Nevada positively glows in the winter landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Pina Nevada’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Pina Nevada’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Pina Nevada’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembroides ‘Pina Nevada’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

            Piune                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Poncha                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, below Poncha Douglas fir on west side up in

                                                           rock cliffs, about 500 yds. up, across from red rooted buildings,

                                                           3’ x 3’. Pinus edulis # 13. JM text.

            Pudgy                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom near Hiway 7.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 30. JM text.

            Raton                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, on west side of a farly large tree, up hill from

                                                           exit sign, 200-400 yds uphill, south side Raton Pass on east side,

                                                           Raton exit #455, down a few feet is welcome sign.

                                                           Pinus edulis #16. JM text.

            Salida                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom Pinus edulis # 14, found at Poncha Pass, north of # 13,

                                                           Poncha. 5’ diameter, in a small canyon. JM text.

            San Bernadino                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1971 van Hoey-Smith in CA USA

            Sassy                                      2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembroides edulis ’Sassy’

            Sharps                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, east of Dove Creek, east of Dump, part alive.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 25. JM text.

            Show Low                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom 6-8’ near Show Low, Arizona.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 1. JM text.

            Sleepy Hollow                       2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.




            Snow                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’x4’, 15-20’ up, tight, way up Snow

                                                           Canyon. JM text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Snow’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’# 1’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’# 1’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Snow # 1’

            South Park                            Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Space Cowboy                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Space Cowboy’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Space Cowboy’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Space Cowboy’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Space Cowboy’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Space Cowboy’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Space Cowboy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Space Cowboy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Space Cowboy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Space Cowboy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Space Cowboy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Space Cowboy’

            Stanley’s Pyramid                Larry Stanley OR USA

                                                           Selection made at Stanley & Sons Nursery. Leaves blue on a

                                                           conical upright almost columnar. Will reach 10 ft. at maturity.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus cembroides ‘Stanley’s Pyramid’  Brent Markus photo 2014

            Stargate                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Starlight                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Starlight’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Starlight’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Starlight’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Starlight’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Starlight’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Starlight’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Starlight’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Starlight’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Starlight’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Starlight’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Starlight’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Starlight’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Starlight’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Starlight’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Starlight’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Starlight’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Starlight’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Starlight’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Starlight’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Starlight’

            Strybing                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Sugarloaf                               2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           A somewhat elongated ball with needles about the same as the specie found by Dan Spear in the San Bernadino Mts. of Southern California. Needles are bluish green., but greener than other cultivars. Growth Rate:  2-3". Dan Spear text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Sugarloaf’  Dan Spear photo 2015

            Sunrise                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunrise’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunrise’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunrise’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunrise’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunrise’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunrise’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Sunrise’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Sunrise’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Sunrise’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Sunrise’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunrise’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunrise’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Sunrise’

            Sunset                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                   Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunset’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunset’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Sunset’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Sunset’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunset’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Sunset’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Sunset’

            Sweet Dream                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Sweet Dream’

            Terinka                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Terinka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Terinka’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Terinka’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Terinka’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Terinka’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Terinka’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Terinka’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Terinka’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Terinka’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Terinka’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Terinka’


82120963  82120964


            The Brad                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, round ball, many many braches, so is

                                                           very thick, vigorous. East of Eureka on A50. JM text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’The Brad’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’The Brad’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’The Brad’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’The Brad’  Nate Cassell photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’The Brad’  Nate Cassell photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘The Brad’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘The Brad’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘The Brad’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘The Brad’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’The Brad’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’The Brad’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’The Brad’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’The Brad # 15’

            The Jazz                                2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Blue Jazz’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, small, 14” x 14”, top of tree, 10’ up, blue

                                                           tight, west of top of Sacramento Pass. JM text.

                                                           Jerry Morris introduction. A single-leaf pinyon selection. Has an intense blue color and develops into a tight ball shape with age. Scion wood was collected from a broom in a tree growing along a highway in Nevada. Laporte Avenue Nurs. text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’The Jazz # 16’

            Tiny Pout                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom, very tight, small, 6’ up,

                                                           Hiway 12 south of Cuchara Pass.

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Tiny Proud’ 

                                                                                  Jorg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Tiny Prout’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus edulis # 31. JM text.

            Tiny Ration                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tight broom 10’ up near Buena Vista. JM text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Tiny Ration’ 

                                                                                  Jorg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Tiny Ration’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembroides ‘Tiny Ration’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Tiny Ration’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Tiny Ripple’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Tiny Ripple’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Tiny Ripple’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus edulis # 34. JM text.

            Tiny Ripple                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tree, 14” tall, tight, lots of juvenile foliage, west of

                                                           Bryce at Red Canyon, Utah, road to north.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 33. JM text.

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Tiny Ripple’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Tiny Ripple’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Tiny Riple’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Tiny Riple’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Tiny Riple’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembroides edulis ’Tiny Riple’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembroides edulis ’Tiny Riple’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembroides ‘Tiny Riple’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus edulis ‘Tiny Ripple’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus edulis ‘Tiny Ripple’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus edulis ‘Tiny Ripple’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides edulis ’Tiny Riple’

            Tiny Taylor                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  High Country Gardens CO USA

                                                           A tiny broom of the beautiful Single Leaf Pinon pine, ‘Tiny Taylor’ has bright blue foliage and a tight, rounded form. This monophylla selection is very new to the conifer world and will be beautiful growing in our Western xeriscapes and rock gardens. Note that young brooms grow faster and slow down considerably after a few years in the ground.  High Country Gardens text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Tiny Taylor’ 

                                                                                  High Country Gardens NM USA

            Tioga Pass                             2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in USA, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Tioga Pass’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Tioga Pass’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Tioga Pass’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Tioga Pass’  Larry Stanley USA photo

                                                           Pinus cembroides monophylla


81499933  81499934  81499938


            Trinidad                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1993 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ‘Trinidad’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  1997 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                                                  HighCountryGardens USA

                                                           Found as a broom 5’ x 5’ near Trinidad, Colorado, south of

                                                           Holiday Inn and church yard in top of 15’ tree.

                                                           Jerry Morris introduction. From a very large broom growing in a tree just south of Trinidad, CO. Very similar to ‘Farmy’ in shape and growth. Picture Laporte Avenue Nurs. text.

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Trinidad’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Trinidad’  High Country Gardens USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Farmy’ & ’Trinidad’ 

                                                                                  Laporte Avenue Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Farmy’ & ’Trinidad’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis # 11. JM text.

            UFO                                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’UFO’

            Uniweep                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 10’ x 10’, large, old, compact. Across Gully

                                                           & west of # 8 about 100 yds.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 9. JM text.

            Unnamed Cultivar               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Pinus cembroides edulis

            Unnamed Jerry Morris Selection

                                                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla Unnamed

                                                           Jerry Morris Selection

            You Name It                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                                                  Timothy Kasch Nurs., Gresham OR USA

            WB 01                                                2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’WB # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’WB 01’

Pinus monophylla ‘WB 2’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

            Wheeler Peak                       2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 24”x24”, on tree top, 18’ up, thick, not tight,

                                                           up Baker Creek road on right, Wheeler Peak. JM text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Wheeler Peak # 9’

            Whiskey                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, blue, 15’ up, 3’ x 3’ in tree top, approx.

                                                           5 miles north of hiway 50 on north side of road in Nevada.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Whiskey # 10’

            Whistle                                   2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, blue, tight, growth 3-4”, 15’ up, further on

                                                           south of Wiggle to fresh clear cut on road to south of ridge.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Whistle’

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Whistle’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Whistle’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Whistle’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Whistle’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Whistle’  Larry Stanley USA photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Whistle’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Whistle # 13’

            White Sand                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2009 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla White Sand’


83996638  82794683  


            Whoopy                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 4’ tall x 3’ wide, extra thick, special, below

                                                           road and below north most curve – Wheeler Peak. JM text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Whoopy’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Whoopy’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Whoopy’  High Country Gardens NM USA

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla Whoopy # 8’

            Wiggle                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, blue, tight, 15’ up, 6’ x 4´tall, on Sacramento

                                                           Pass, in Nevada. JM text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Wiggle’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus cembroides monophylla ’Wiggle’ 

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Wiggle’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Wiggles’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Wiggle’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Wiggle’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Wiggle’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Wiggle # 12’

            Wizzard                                 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, very tight, bluish, beside road off

                                                           Sacramento Pass top to south. JM text.

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Wizzard # 14’

            WPR                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla WPR

            Wrinkle                                  2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 3x3’, 20’ up in tree top, upright, tight, short

                                                           needles, west side of Sacramento Pass on south side a few

                                                           yards, west of summit. JM text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Wrinkle’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Wringle’

                                                           Pinus monophylla ‘Wrinkle’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Wrinkle’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Wrinkle’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus cembroides var. monophylla ’Wrinkle # 11’

            Xeric Blue                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           1980’s Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Laporte Avenue Nursery CO USA

                                                                                  High Country Gardens NM USA

                                                           A Laporte Ave. Nursery introduction that has exceptional blue needles and a vigorous growth habit with a narrow upright shape. This is a standard grower. Growth rate: 3-6”/year. Found by Jerry Morris in the 1980’s.  Fieseler text.

                                                           'Xeric Blue' is a full sized monophylla selection with outstanding blue foliage and an upright habit as a young tree. It will likely spread out a bit as it matures. This small growing evergreen tree needs well drained soil and drier conditions once established. This is a fabulous western native pine selection. High Country Gardens text.

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Xeric Blue’  High Country Gardens NM USA


   CHIAPENSIS                               1964                           MEX

                                                           /Martinez/Andresen                                                   KeI

Pinus chiapensis (Martinez) Andresen 1964 - Csiapaszi selyemfenyõ - Chiapas silk pine

                                                           P. strobus var. chiapensis Martinez


   CHIHUAHUANA                         1848                           MEX

                                                           Engelm.                                                                     Kr P

Pinus chihuahuana Engelm. 1848 - Csuvávai erdeifenyõ - Chihuahua pine

                                                           P. leiophylla var. chihuahuana Shaw


   CHILGOZA                                    Elpf.

                                                           /P. GERARDIANA/

   CHYLLA                                         Lodd.

                                                           /P. WALLICHIANA/


   CLAUSA                                       1884                           USA AL FL

                                                           /Chapman ex Engelmann/ Vasey & Sargent 1880

                                                                                                                                             Kr WCC

Pinus clausa /Chapman ex Engelmann/ Vasey & Sargent 1880 - Fövenyfenyõ - Sand pine

             ssp. IMMUGINATA          Ward/Murray 1983

                                                           P. clausa var. immuginata Ward 1961

            Broom                                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Pinus clausa Broom in FL USA  reported from a nursery

            Fincham                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            William Quell                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Found by William Quell of Florida

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Tree is a natural dwarf.


   COATEPECENSIS                     1960                           MEX

                                                           /Martinez/Gaussen                                                     KeI

                                                           P. pseudostrobus var. coatepecensis Martinez


   COLCHICA                                               Booth

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/

   COMONFORTII                            Roezl

                                                           /P. LEIOPHYLLA/

   CONGLOMERATA                                   Graebn.

                                                           /P. BRUTIA/


   CONTORTA                                1831                           NW-AME S-AL - CA CO

                                                           Dougl. ex Loud.                                                        Kr PW PM

Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. 1831 - Csavarttûs erdeifenyõ - Lodgepole pine

                                                           Pinus contorta  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus contorta  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           P. bolanderi Parl.

                                                           P. boursieri Carr.

                                                           P. inops Bong. 

                                                           P. mcintoshiana Hort.

                                                           P. muricata Bolander

                                                           P. tenuis Lemm.

             ssp. BOLANDERI              /Parl./Murray 1982                                                    KeI Kr

                                                           Pinus contorta ssp. bolanderi

                                                           P. contorta var. bolanderi Lemm. 1894

             ssp. LATIFOLIA                /Wats./Murray 1982                                                  KeI Kr

                        Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia - Szikláshegységi csavarttûs fenyõ – Rocky lodgepole pine

             ssp. MURRAYANA                       /Grev.& Balf./Murray 1982                                       KeI Kr

                        Pinus contorta ssp. murrayana - Szierrai csavarttûs fenyõ – Sierra lodgepole pine

             var. CONTORTA               The type of the species





Pinus contorta broom seedling  Jerry Morris CO USA





Pinus contorta broom seedling  Nate Cassell CO USA


Pinus contorta from Jerry Morris  Mesterhazy & Malik photo


            # 1 Broom                             empty record

            # 11 Broom                           empty record

            # 18 Broom                            2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, 15’ up, up Bard Creek. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’# 18 Broom’

            #20                                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

            #501                                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2005 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2005 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


Pinus contorta Anna Aurea (Ciep³ucha)

            Anna                                      2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           Jan Ciep³ucha POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                           Selection of moderate strength and cylindric growth, dense habit. Leaves light-green or yellow-green. Found and brought into cultivation by Jan Ciep³ucha of Konstantynow in Lodz. Adam Marosz text.

                                                           Odmiana o umiarkowanej sile wzrostu i stoŸkowatym, gêstym pokroju. O ig³ach jasnozielonych lub Ÿó³tozielonych. Znaleziona i wprowadzona do uprawy przez Jana Ciep³uchhê z Konstantynowa £ódzkiego. Adam Marosz text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Anna Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Anna Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Anna’  Dariusz Burdan photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Anna’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Pinus contorta Anna Aurea (Ciep³ucha)

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Anna’

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Anna’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Anna’  Dariusz Burdan photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Anna Aurea’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus contorta Anna Aurea (Ciep³ucha)

            Arrowhead Lake                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Aurea                                    /Frisian Gold/

            Aurea Pendula                     Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           The semi-weeping form of this narrow golden pine makes it more slender than many other cultivars of Pinus contorta. Growth Rate:  3-6" HxW@10yrs:  4'x2'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Aurea Pendula’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

            Asher                                     G. Haddow 1992

                                                           R. Watson, Treborth Nurs.. Bangor, Wales GBR

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Asher’

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Asher’  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Banff                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1983 G. Horstmann GER found in the USA

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Broom                                                2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           2013 Janusz Redyk POL

                                                                                  European Nursery OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom in  the USA, not yet named

                                                           Pinus contorta Broom report

            Chief Joseph                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Doug Wilson USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Chief Joseph’

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A dwarf conical Lodgepole Pine found in the Wallowa Mts.

                                                           Plant has rich green leaves in summer. Starting in October

                                                           plant turns brilliant gold. Found by Doug Wills of Sandy, OR.

                                                           The deep, rich, golden-yellow winter color of 'Chief Joseph' creates a striking beacon of brightness in the drab winter landscape. Light to medium green during spring, summer and well into fall, this very slow-growing Lodgepole Pine changes color dramatically as days shorten and temperatures drop. Found by Doug Will in the Wallowa Mountains of northeastern Oregon, it has proven difficult to propagate. Iseli text.

                                                           Chief Joseph (1840-1904) was the chief of the Wallow Valley Nez Perce tribe. He became famous in 1877 for leading a three and a half month defensive war against the US Army who was attempting to forcibly remove the Natives to a reservation in Idaho. Brent text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Chief Joseph’

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Chief Joseph’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Chief Joseph’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Chief Joseph’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Chief Joseph’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Chief Joseph’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Chief Joseph’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Chief Joseph’ 

                                                                                  Will Fletcher USA four years report

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Chief Joseph’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Chief Joseph’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Chief Joseph’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Chief Joseph’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Close to Road                       2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, up road # 225 of hiway 130, 11/2 miles on

                                                           right, close to road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Close to Road # 9’

            Compact                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Compact’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Compact’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Compacta                              EUR

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Compacta’

                                                                                   1982 Esveld Nurs., HOL

            Conica Pygmaea                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1970 USA

                                                                                   F. W.Bergman, Feasterville PA USA

            Dwarf Pleasure                    2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, on Squaw Pass road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Dwarf Pleasure # 19’

            Echo Lake                             2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, good looking, 20-30’ up, east side of

                                                           road below Echo Lake. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Echo Lake # 20’

            Fastigiata                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           A very narrow upright form of unknown origin. Arrowhead text.

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with ascending branches and a dense, narrow form. Stiff needles are green. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Fastigiata’ 

                                                                                  Brent Markus photo 2014

            Franz                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Franz 4’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Franz’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Franz’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Franz’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Franz’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Frisian Gold                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           1962 zu Jeddeloh Nurs. GER

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Frisian Gold’

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense flat-bun shape. Foliage is vivid gold. Originated as a witch's broom mutation at Jeddeloh Nursery in Germany. Prefers AM sun/PM shade in well-drained soil. 18" tall x 24" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Frisian Gold’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Frisian Gold’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Frisian Gold’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Frisian Gold’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Frisian Gold’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Frisian Gold’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Frisian Gold’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Goldchen                               Welch 1979                /Frisian Gold/

            Golden Striker                      John Proudfoot SCO

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery HOL

                                                           This bright golden cultivar was selected as a seedling from the popular Chief Joseph. The color is not as intense in the winter as Chief Joseph, b ut it has a nice golden color that intensifies to the branch tips throughout the year. Growth Rate: 2-3" HxW@10yrs: 2'x3'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus banksiana ’Pendula’ x Pinus contorta ’Frisian Gold’

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Golden Striker’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Golden Striker’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Golden Striker’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta latifolia ’Golden Striker’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Golden Striker’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Golden Striker’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ’Golden Striker’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013




            Goose P.                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 4x4’, low on tree above Breckenridge on east

                                                           next to road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Goose P.’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Goose P. # 3’

            Hanging C.                            2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a weeping branch on medium size tree. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Hanging C. # 21’




            Herman                                  2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 4’ tall x 3’ wide, top of tree west of Herman

                                                           Gulch near large slide area on interstate I-70. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Herman’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Herman # 8’

            Hidden Lakes                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Hindu Pan                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Holubec Compact                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Holubec Compact’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Hunter                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Hunter’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Hunter 5’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Hunter 5’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Hunter 6’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Hunter’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Hunter’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Hunter’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Hunter 5’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Independence                       2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, small, light, special, 30’ up, on Independence

                                                           Pass. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Independence # 17’

            Interewe                                R. Fulcher 1988                                 GBR

            Jasper                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1983 G. Horstmann GER found in the USA

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            JM                                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus contorta from Jerry Morris  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta JM  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta JM  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta JM  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta JM  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Jerry SDL’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Kristins Beaut                       2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, small cones, high in tree, good looking,

                                                           Gold Hill. JM text.

                                                           next to road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Kristins Beaut # 5’

            Krnak                                               Pinus contorta ‘Krnak’

            Lemonka WN                       2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wies³aw Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wies³aw Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Lemonka WN’  Wies³aw Wnuk photo

            Little Ox                                Hort. USA

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

            Little Piney                            2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 12x12”, tight, in Hoback Canyon uphill to

                                                           east 100 yds from Colorado spruce ’Pinedale’. JM text.

                                                           next to road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Little Piney # 4’

            Logging                                  2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, low on tripped tree, on logging road out of

                                                           Rand on right, near Rand road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Logging # 15’

            Mammouth                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Minima                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Minima’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Monte Robsen                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Mountain Home                   2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Mountain Home’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Mountain Home’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Mountain Home’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Mt. Hood Marble                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Larry Stanley USA

                                                           Plant was found in the walk of the alpines on the ACS National

                                                           meeting in Oregon in 1999. Brought back to the nursery a

                                                           variegated form of Lodge Pole Pine. Plant dwarf.

                                                           Pinus contorta Mt. Hood Marble 

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Mt. Hood Marble’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Mt. Hood Variegated           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Dan Luscombe USA

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with an open pyramidal form. Beautiful green needles are variegated with patches of lemon-yellow. Some needles are half and half. Discovered on Mt. Hood in Oregon by Dan Luscombe. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholt text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Mt. Hood Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Mt. Hood Variagated’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            No Trespassing                     2014 Mesterhazy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 3.0

                                                           2013 Meredith Griffith USA

                                                                                  Griffith Gardens USA

                                                           This is one of the first brooms I found - on a Pinus contorta var. latifolia tree in WA. It was right on the side of the road on a busy highway. Since the branch was hanging over the ditch (public right-of-way), I figured that it was fair game. My dad and I stopped by with a pole pruner one December morning several years ago and got some cuttings.

Remember Pinus contorta var latifolia 'No Trespassing'? I got a number of seeds off the original broom. I was able to get two to germinate, and one of them is dwarfed. I think it has some serious potential. Everyone who sees it thinks it is cute. I think I'll try grafting it this winter. Griffith text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’No Trespassing’ 

                                                                                  Meredith Griffith USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contotra ’No Trespassing’ 

                                                                                  Meredith Griffith USA photo 2013

            Oxe Yoke                              2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

            Oxyoke                                   2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 4x6’ tall, top of tree, 45’ up, ½ mile from Ox

                                                           Yoke ranch on right or south of Beaver Dam. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Oxyoke’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Oxyoke’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Oxyoke # 10’

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Hort. 1986

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Pendula’

            Pendula Aurea                      2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wies³aw Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Janusz Szewczyk Nursery POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Pendula Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Pendula Aurea’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Szewczyk photo 2012

            Pice                                        Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Pineapple Chunks                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Mike McGarvey WA & Dax Herbst IL, USA

                                                                                  Aledo Pinetum IL USA

                                                           Found as a golden variegated conifer.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Pineapple Chunks’  Dax Herbst IL USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Pineapple Chunks’  Dax Herbst IL USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Pineapple Chunks’  Dax Herbst IL USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Pineapple Chunks’  Dax Herbst IL USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Pineapple Chunks’  Dax Herbst IL USA photo




            Rand                                      2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 500 yds west of # 6 on same side of road,

                                                           pincushion, 10x14”. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf form of Lodgepole Pine. This plant is part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Moutain Collection. Plant is a tight globe with

                                                           green leaves growing about 2’ a year. Buds very large. Found

                                                           as a broom in northern Colorado. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Rand’  Larry Stanley OR USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Rand’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus contorta Rand 

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Rand’  Larry Stanley USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Rand’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Rand’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Rand # 7’

            Randolph                              2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Carl Wildrick USA

                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           This is a broom found by Carl Wildrick of Utah in a tree. The broom was about 25’ up into the tree, and about 30" in diameter. Howse text.

            Real Sunshine                       Hort.

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Real Sunshine’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt photo 2014

            Rock Creek                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Rock Creek’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Rock Creek’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Rock Creek’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Rock Creek’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Route 26                                2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           Chub Harper Heritage USA

                                                                                  2001 Harper’s Heartland Broom & Form List

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Route 26 Upright’ 

                                                                                  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Route 26’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Route 26’  Harper Archives by Dax Herbst 2014

            Rustic                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            San Bernadino                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. R. P. van Hoey-Smith HOL in San Bernadino, CA USA

            San Francisco                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1983 G. Horstmann GER found in the USA

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Savory                                   2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a dwarf tree, 20’ tall, double trunk is green, thick,

                                                           about 10’ tall, on road Savory Encampment, south of 2nd major

                                                           creek. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Savory # 2’

            Ševèík WB                            2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Sevcik’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Sevcik’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

            Shaw                                      Hort.

                                                           Pinus contorta Shaw

                                                           Pinus contorta Shaw WB

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Shaw’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Shaw’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Shaw’  Jiøi Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Shot Gun                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 4x4’, top of tree, 25’ up, near top of Old

                                                           Laveta Pass to east. JM text.

                                                           A witch’s broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain

                                                           Collection. Dwarf plant with rich green leaves.

                                                           Plant grows 1/ ½ inches a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Shot Gun # 14’

            Silver Creek                          2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, small, short growth, average tight, good

                                                           green, above Idaho Springs and up from Silver Creek road on

                                                           south. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Silver Creek # 22’

            Slavia                                     2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtení

                                                           1992 R. Panoch CZ as a WB

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Slavia’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Slavia’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Slavia’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Small                                      2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Small # 23’

            Sonora Pass                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 Günther Horstmann on the Sonora Pass USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Sonora Pass’

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Ein kleiner unregelmäßig wachsender Hexenbesen, gefunden 1982 von Günter Horstmann am Sonorra Pass in den USA. Sehr schwachwüchsig. Die erste Pflanze ist jetzt 30 cm hoch und breit. Horstmann text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Sonora Pass’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Sonora Pass’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Sonora Pass’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Sonora Pass’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Spaan’s Dwarf                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           Jon Spaan OR USA

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                                           Short, closely set, dark green needles and a sweeping, irregular habit give this dwarf Shore Pine an unusual look that suggests coral. Named for the nurseryman who found it in Washington state, 'Spaan's Dwarf' develops a sturdy, open, upright branch structure and dramatic character with age. Slow growth and a wider-than-tall form make it a natural for rock garden, bonsai and container culture. Iseli text.

                                                           A mistake: Spanish Dwarf

                                                           P. contorta minima

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Spaan’s Dwarf’  USA  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Spaan’s Dwarf’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Spaan’s Dwarf’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Spaan’s Dwarf’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Spaan’s Dwarf’  Jiøi Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Spaan’s Dwarf’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Spaan’s Globe                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Sphene                                   2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.

                                                           A medium size wintergold beauty, wild found.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Sphene’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Sphene’  Mesterhazy photo 2011

            Sunrise Sparkle                    2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Appears to be a standard grower, with bright yellow tips, found by Dan Spear in the Sierra Nevada Mts. Growth Rate:  6". Dan Spear text.

                                                           Pinus contorta var. murrayana ‘Sunrise Sparkle’ 

                                                                                  Dan Spear photo 2015

                                                           Pinus contorta var. murrayana ‘Sunrise Sparkle’ 

                                                                                  Dan Spear photo 2015

                                                           Pinus contorta var. murrayana ‘Sunrise Sparkle’

            Taylor’s Goldtip                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           USA               /Taylor’s Sunburst/

            Taylor’s Sunburst                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. Iseli 1982

                                                           Alan Taylor in Colorado USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Taylor’s Sunburst’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           Brilliant, golden-yellow, new growth erupts in spring and makes 'Taylor's Sunburst' a vibrant show-stopper. The striking color lasts for weeks, then gradually softens to a light, yellow-green as the foliage hardens. Red pollen cones add contrast to this extraordinary Lodgepole Pine that was introduced by Alan Taylor, who found it high in the Colorado Rockies. Iseli text.

                                               The emerging new growth on ’Taylor Sunburst’ is outrageous, brilliant school bus yellow against the deep green older foliage. The big plant in our front garden is like a magnet, sucking trespassing customers right through the garden to get a closer look. Really folks this is plainly visible from a quarter mile away is it necessary to tromp through our beds. Now you can own your very own and walk up to it any time you please. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                   Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Taylor’s Sunburst’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Taylor’s Sunburst’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Taylor’s Sunburst’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Taylor’s Sunburst’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Taylor’s Sunburst’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Taylor’s Sunburst’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Taylor’s Sunburst’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Taylor’s Sunburst’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Taylor’s Sunburst’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Taylor’s Sunburst’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Taylor’s Sunburst’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Taylor’s Sunburst’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Taylor’s Sunburst’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Taylor’s Sunburst’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Taylor’s Sunburst’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Taylor’s Sunburst’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Taylor’s Sunburst’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

            Tiger                                      2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Tioga                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Tioga’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Tioga Pass Hexenbesen        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1983 G. Horstmann GER found in the USA

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Tioga 6’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Treborth                               G. Haddow 1992

                                                           R. Watson, Treborth Nurs., Bangor, Wales GBR

            Tucker’s Dwarf                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Tuckers Dwarf’

            Twister                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Upright                                  2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, upright, open, good looking, at mile marker

                                                           129, in Wyoming. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Upright # 13’

            Vanc                                       2014 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Holata-Šimánek in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 4.0

                                                           2009 Pavel Vanc CZ

                                                                                  Balatka Gardens, Všejany CZ

                                                           Found as a seedling in Bydžovská Lhotka.

                                                           Místo nálezu, Bydžovská Lhotka. SDL. Semenáè vzrùstného rùstu,

                                                           konce jehlic jsou bílé. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Vanc’

            Vladar                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0


                                                           Pinus contorta ’Vladar’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Waldorf                                 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, high, 36x36”, tight, on left going up to

                                                           Waldorf CO. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Waldorf # 16’

            War Bonnet                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’War Bonnet’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            WB 888-30                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’WB 888-30’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            WB SDL Jerry                     Hort.

                                                           Possibly a Jerry Morris originated conifer.

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘WB SDL Jerry’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘WB SDL Jerry’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’WB SDL Jerry Morris’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Wenus WN                            2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wies³aw Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wies³aw Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Wenus WN’  Wies³aw Wnuk photo

            West Hawk Lake                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus contorta ‘West Hawk Lake’


83142660  82120471  81503073


            Willow Creek                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Willow Creek’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst USA

                                                                                  Rossford Garden USA

                                                           Found as a broom, on low limb on west side of Willow Creek

                                                           Pass, 5’ wide, but tall. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf form of Lodgepole Pine. This plant is part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant is a tight globe with

                                                           green leaves growing about 2" to 4" a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Found at Willow Creek Pass, Granby, CO. Gardenweb text.

                                                           Found as a broom in northern Colorado.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Willow Creek’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Willow Creek’  Rossford Garden

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Willow Creek’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Willow Creek’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Willow Creek’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ‘Willow Creek’  Larry Stanley USA photo

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Willow Creek’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Willow Creek # 6’

            Willow Creek WB SDL       2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0


                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Wilson’s Wanderer              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Wilson OR USA

                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           A sprawling prostrate form of the Shore Pine. Howse text.

                                                           A weeping form of Coast Pine. Leaves dark green and long.

                                                           Plant forms a Cascading shrub or weeping plant. Plant found

                                                           beside a freeway by Bill Wilson of Wilsonville, Oregon.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Wilton                                               2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Wyoming                               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, 20x20”, 30’up, hiway # 26, south of

                                                           mile marker 129, about 200 yards, in Wyoming. JM text.

                                                           Pinus contorta ’Wyoming # 12’


Pinus contorta from Jerry Morris  Mesterházy & Malík photo


   COOPERI                                     1945                           MEX

                                                           Blanco                                                                       WCC

Pinus cooperi Blanco 1945 – Durangói moktezumafenyõ – Durango or Cooper pine


             var. ORNELASII                Martinez                     MEX


   COULTERI                                  1836                           USA CA

                                                           D. Don                                                                                  Kr

Pinus coulteri D. Don 1836 - Óriástobozú fenyõ - Coulter pine

                                                           Pinus coulteri  conifertreasury.org photo HTJ

                                                           Pinus coulteri  conifertreasury.org photo HTJ

                                                           Pinus coulteri  conifertreasury.org photo HTJ

                                                           Pinus coulteri  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus coulteri  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           P. macrocarpa Lindl.


            Central                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Makkos                                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2005 Debreczy Zsolt & Rácz István HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Hazai klón, több mint 35 év viszontagságait bírta ki különösebb gondozás nélkül, erõsen meszes talajon. Eredeti tulajdonosának

Ausztráliában élõ rokonai küldtek 12 fiatal magoncot, melyek közül mára három maradt és nõtt

meg közel 10 méteresre. A fák talpig lombosak, koronájuk átmérõje azonos a magassággal. 2005-ben egy véletlennek köszönhetõen bukkant rájuk Debreczy Zsolt és Rácz István egy üdülõtelken. Harminc centis capuccino-barna tobozok, 30 centis kékes mélyzöld tûk, robusztus, vaskos hajtások, 3-5 centis vöröslõ végrügyek jellemzik. Szívós, mésztûrõ.

                                                           Anyatõ az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Makkos’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Makkos’ & ’Maria’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Makkos’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Makkos’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Makkos’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Makkos’  conifertreasury.org photo

            Maria                                     2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2005 Debreczy Zsolt & Rácz István HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Ugyanabban a kertben áll, egyidõs a „Makkos”-sal. Valamivel zöldebb tónusúak, de éppoly hosszúak a tûi, tobozainak pikkelyei tompábbak, kevésbé karmosak, mint testvéréé. Éppoly impozáns, éppoly tûrõképes és talpig lombos, szubtrópusi hangulatú és fenséges.

                                                           Anyatõ az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Maria’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Maria’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Makkos’ & ’Maria’  conifertreasury.org photo

            Northern                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Sweet                                     2011 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           1997 Hódi Tóth József HUN of seed of Sheffield’s Seed, USA

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           4 m tall, broad conical habit. Sparse foliage in silverly-blue

                                                           colour. Very long needles, big brown-red buds. Boughs arched,

                                                           axis of sprouts bloomy, silverly. Bark grey and red,

                                                           in scales peel. Hardy, drought tolerant.

                                                           Original plant / seedling/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           2010-ben 4 méteres, széles kúp. Lombozata átlátható, ezüstös kék színû. Tûi nagyon hosszúak, rügyei nagyok, vörösesbarnák. Az ágak íveltek, a hajtástengely hamvas, ezüstös. A kéreg  szürke és vörös, pikkelyekben válik le.

                                                           Anyanövény /magonc/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Sweet’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Sweet’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus coulteri ’Sweet’


   CRAIGIANA                                   A. Murr. 1855

                                                           /P. PONDEROSA/


   CUBENSIS                                               1862                           CUB

                                                           Sarg.                                                                          KeI

Pinus cubensis Sarg. 1862 – Kubai erdeifenyõ – Cuban pine


   CULMINICOLA                          1961                           MEX

                                                           Andresen & Beaman                                                 Kr

Pinus culminicola Adresen & Beaman 1961 - Mexikói henye diófenyõ – Potosi silkpine

                                                           Pinus culminicola  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Pinus culminicola  Gymnosperm Database

                                                           Pinus culminicola  Gymnosperm Database


             var. DISCOLOR                 /Bail. & Hawksw./Silba 1985                                               KeI

             var. JOHANNIS                  /Rob./Silba 1985                                                        KeI


            Two Miles High                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           An evergreen conifer from high elevation in the mountains of Mexico. Our form is a spreading bush with an "alpine" look. Needles are a dark blue-green. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -10 degrees. USDA zone 6. Discovered and introduced by the Flora Wonder(tm) Collection of Buchholz Nursery. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus culminicola ’Two Mile High’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus culminicola ’Two Mile High’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo


   DABESHANENSIS                     1975                           CHN

                                                           Cheng & Law                                                            SS


   DALATENSIS                                 1960                            ICH S-VIE

                                                           de Ferre                                                                     PW P

                                                           /P. WALLICHIANA var. DALATENSIS/

   DECANDOLLEANA                      Roezl

                                                           /P. LEIOPHYLLA/


   DENSA                                          1960                           MEX USA FL

                                                           /Little & Dorman/Gaussen                                        KeI

Pinus densa (Little & Dorman) Gaussen 1960 – Délfloridai fövenyfenyõ - South Florida slash pine

                                                           P. elliottii ssp. densa /Little & Dorman/ Murray 1982


   DENSATA                                    1906                           CHN

                                                           Mast.                                                                         SS

                                                           Pinus densata Masters 1906

             var. PYGMAEA                 Hsueh ex Cheng, Cheng & Fu           CHN


   DENSIFLORA                             1842                           JPN KOR

                                                           Sieb.& Zucc.                                                             Kr FK PG

Pinus densiflora Sieb. & Zucc. 1842 - Japán erdeifenyõ - Japanese red pine

                                                           P. japonica Forb.

                                                           P. scopifera Miq. 1854

                                                           P. funebris Komarov 1901

                                                           P. densiflora var. funebris /Komarov/Liou & Wang 1958

                                                           P. densi-thunbergii Uyeki 1926

             f. AGGREGATA               Nakai 1911

             f. AURESCENS                  Uyeki 1925

             f. BREVIFOLIA                 /Liou & Wang/Kitagawa 1979

             f. CONGESTA                    Uyeki 1925

             f. ERECTA                         Hyun

             f. ERECTA                         Krüssmann 1983

             f. FUNEBRIS                        /Komarov/Liou & Wang 1955

                                                           /P. FUNEBRIS/

             f. LIAOTUNGENSIS         /Liou & Wang/Kitagawa 1979

             f. OCTOPARTINA                        Mayr 1890

                                                           P. densiflora f. multicaulis Uyeki 1926

                                                           P. densiflora f. globosa Mayr. 1938

             f. PARVIPHYLLA             Uyeki in Kobayashi 1975

             f. SUBTRIFOLIATA         Hurusawa in Kobayashi 1975

             f. USSURIENSIS                /Liou & Wang/Kitagawa 1979

             f. VITTATA                                    Uyeki 1925

             var. FUNEBRIS                    /Komarov/Liou & Wang 1958

                                                           /P. FUNEBRIS/

             var. TABULIFORMIS           Fort. 1902

                                                           /P. TABULIFORMIS/


            Aka-bandaisho                     Mayr 1890                                         JPN 

            Aka-fuiri                               Mayr 1890      /Variegata/                  JPN

            Aka-Hitoba-no-matsu          Mayr 1890      /Monophylla/  JPN

            Akasemmosho                      Mayr 1890      /Tortuosa/                   JPN

            Aka-semmo-matsu               Mayr 1890      /Tortuosa/                   JPN

            Akebono                                Kobayashi 1975                                 JPN

            Albo-terminata                     Mayr 1890                                         JPN 

            Alice Verkade                       Welch 1979

                                                           Verkade Nurs., Wayne NJ USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Alice Verkade’

                                                                                   Verkade Nurs., Wayne NJ USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Alice Verkade’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL


            Alice Verkade Dwarf Seedlings

Pinus densiflora Alice Verkade seedlings Edwin Smits HOL


            Anguina                                Kobayashi 1975                                 JPN

            Arakaba-sho                         Mayr 1890      /Tortuosa/                   JPN

            Argentea                               Kobayashi 1975                                 JPN

            Argenteovariegata                Dall. & Jacks. 1923                            JPN

            Asamamatsu                         Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Asamensis                             Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Aspera                                   Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Aurea                                    Mayr 1890                                         JPN

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Aurea’

                                               A golden form of Japanese red pine, an upright conical plant, the

                                                           color is best in winter. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A small evergreen conifer with a round bushy form. Thin needles are yellow-green in summer, but become intensely golden in winter. A nice addition to the winter landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           The Golden Japanese Red Pine. A large growing, large yellow leaf pine. Is not as gold as some golden pines, this one is a light gold with green tint. Good plant for sculpturing. Stanley text.

            Aurea Feuchars                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA

            Aureopendula                       Kobayashi 1975                                 JPN

                                                           /Aureovariegata Pendula/ ?

            Aureovariegata                     Dall. & Jacks. 1923                            JPN

            Aureovariegata Pendula      Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Aurescens                              Pinus densiflora f. aurescens

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Aurescens’

            Bandai-sho                            Mayr 1890      /Octo-partita/  JPN

            Barbata                                 Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Bedgebury WB                     Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Benelux                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Benelux’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Benelux’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Beni Kujaku                         P. densiflora-thunbergii Beni Kujaku

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A hybrid conifer between two Japanese species that results in a very ornamental, variegated selection. 'Beni kujaku' has rich, dark green needles banded with yellow. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora x thunbergii ‘Beni kujaku’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus densiflora x thunbergii ‘Beni kujaku’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

            Bergman                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1988

                                                           F. Bergman, Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA

            Boyko’s Tanyosho                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jim Boyko USA

                                                           A Tanyosho type form of Japanese Red Pine. A table top

                                                           form with green leaves. Selected for its tighter but fast growth

                                                           for commercial growing.

                                                           Found by Boyko Nursery in Boring, OR.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Burke                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1988 USA

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

            Burke’s Red Variegated      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Burke’s Red Variegated’

                                                           A variegated from of Japenese Red Pine. Very fast grower with

                                                           a bright yellow band on every yellow-green stem. Very nice

                                                           plant for the middle of the United States. In colder climates

                                                           variegation is stronger.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Burke’s Red Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Burke’s Red Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Burke’s Red Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Burke’s Red Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Red OD Burke’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Burke’s Red Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Burke’s Red Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Burke’s Red Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Burke’s Red Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Burke’s Red Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Burke’s Red Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy photo 2015

            Cedar Ridge Weeper           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1992 Mat Wingle as a seedling in PA USA

                                                           Mounding weeping form with medium green and very fine needles. Wood of this plant is not brittle as with most plants of this species so it can easily be trained and tied up without breaking. ACS text.

            Cesarini’s Pendula               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Joe Cesarini USA

                                                           A weeping form of Japanese Red Pine. Long green needles on

                                                           a totally weeping plant. Is not brittle !

                                                           Wrap it around your arm.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Cesarini’s Variegated          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Joe Cesarini USA

                                                           A variegated form of Japanese Red Pine. Found and named by

                                                           Joe Cesarini from a selection of seed off of ‘Oculous Draconis’.

                                                           Plant is just a light in the garden.

                                                           Each leaf is painted with yellow or white.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Cesarini’s Variegated’

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Cesarini’s Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Cesarini’s Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Cesarini’s Variegated’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Chuya-matsu                        Welch 1979                                        JPN

            Compacta                              Hort. SWE

                                                           Goteborg SWE

            Cristata                                 Kobayashi 1975                                 JPN

            Deni Kujaku                         Hort.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Deni Kujaku’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Densa                                     Hort.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Densa’  Edwin Smits photo

            Ecificade                               2010 Hort. LIT

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Ecificade’

                                                                                  2010 Sodogeles Nurs. LIT Lithuania

            Edsal Wood                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Edsal Wood USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Edsal Wood’

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           A miniature evergreen conifer with a dense flat-bun form. Tiny, thin green needles are bright green. Perfect for a rock garden or in a trough. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10" tall x 12" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Edsal Wood’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Edsal Wood’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Edsal Wood’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Edsal Wood’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Edsal Wood’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Edsal Wood’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Edsal Wood’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Edsal Wood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Elmwood Compacta             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Rich’s Foxwillow Pines Nurs., IL USA

            Elmwood Dwarf                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Elmwood’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Elmwood’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Elmwood’ (Stupka) 

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Enko-sho                               Mayr 1890      /Longiramea/   JPN

            Enko-sho                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1988 USA

            Erecta                                    1984 GBR

                                                           Kew Gardens GBR

                                                           A slender, fairly dense pine with bright green foliage. Develops with a somewhat formal appearance and handsome foliage. Growth Rate:  6-9" HxW@10yrs:  8'x3'. Brent Markus text.


Pinus densiflora Flaming Pinus densiflora Flaming 2

            Flaming                                 2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0


                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Flaming’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Ganseki-matsu                      Mayr 1890      /Aspera/                      JPN

            Glitzer’s Twister                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1994 Skeeter Rodd, Rarafolia Nursery, Kintnerville, PA USA

                                                           discovered this plant growing in a neighbours back yard. The

                                                           name "Glitzer" comes from the last name of the land owner.

                                                           A sister plant called 'Glitzer's Weeping' was discovered at the

                                                           same location and time. ACS text.

                                                           This plant exhibits a strange twist at the ends of each branch.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Glitzer’s Twister’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Glitzer’s Twister’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Glitzer’s Weeping                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1994 Skeeter Rodd, Rarafolia Nursery, Kintnerville, PA USA

                                                           discovered this plant growing in a neighbours back yard.

                                                           The name "Glitzer" comes from the last name of the land owner.

                                                           ACS text.

                                                           Curious weeping low mounding form

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Giltzer’s Weeping’

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Glitzer’s Weeping’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Glitzer’s Weeping’ 

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Glitzer’s Weeping’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Globosa                                 Mayr 1890                                         JPN

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Globosa’

                                                                                   Sylva Sinica in CHN

                                                           Beautiful dark green globe with shorter needles on lateral branches. Often turns into windswept form. Rich Eyre text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Globosa’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Globosa’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Globosa’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Globosa’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Globosa’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

            Goblin’s Nest                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979    /Tengu-su/

            Golden Ghost                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Golden Ghost’

                                                           A dense evergreen conifer with a broadly upright shape. Glossy green needles are variegated with yellow. One of the most impressive of the variegated pines. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                               A new dragon eye, with better variegation than ’Oculus Draconis’ I still think ’Burke’ is the best but this is definitely nice. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Golden Ghost’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Golden Ghost’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Golden Ghost’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Golden Ghost’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Golden Ghost’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

            Griffen’s Prostrate               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Griffith’s Prostrate/?

            Griffith Prostrate                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1988

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

                                                           A low-growing groundcover conifer with long, bright-green needles. Leaders could form and should be pruned out to keep low. Prefers full sun in a well-drained soil. 1' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

            Hai-iro-matsu                        Welch 1979                                        JPN

            Hase-matsu                           Mayr 1890      /Möllis/                       JPN

            Hay Bud                                                       2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Hay Bud’

            Heavy Bud                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Heavy Bud’

                                                                                   Vermeulen Nurs.,Neshanic Station NJ USA

                                                           An evergreen conifer with a dense round form. Slender needles are bright green. Reddish-brown, fissured trunk is ornamental on older specimens. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

            Hebe                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Name of the next entry in the USA

            Hebe-matsu                           Welch 1979    /Anguina/

            Henry Burk    ?                                            Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Hitotsuba-matsu                   /Monophylla/

            Hospitalis                               Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Ippon-matsu                         Mayr 1890      /Monophylla/  JPN

            Iseli Soft Green                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Soft Green’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

            Jane Kluis                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1988

                                                           Rudolph Kluis NJ USA

                                                                                  Kluis Nurs. USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora x nigra ‘Jane Kluis’

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Jane Kluis’

                                                           Japanese Red Pine and Japanese Black Pine meet up in this attractive tuffet of a tree. With a flat top and rounded shape, the pine lends reliable, medium-green, mid-size structure to the landscape. Straight, stiff, green needles swirl radially around stiff, upright, light tan stems. This beauty comes from a seedling found by Rudolph Kluis in Marlboro, New Jersey in the 1970's. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora x nigra ’Jane Kluis’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora x nigra ’Jane Kluis’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Jane Kluis’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Jane Kluis’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Jane Kluis’  USA  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus densi-thunbergii ‘Jane Kluis’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Jane Kluis’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Jano-me                                 Mayr 1890                                         JPN

                                                           /Oculus Draconis/

            Jeffreyi                                  The Conifer Garden Nurs. GBR

            Jim Cross                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1991 USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Jim Cross’

                                                                                   Rarafolia Nurs., Kintersville PA USA

                                                           /Jim Cross 168/

            Judy’s Gem                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

            Kakuyo-sho                          Mayr 1890      /Hospitalis/                 JPN

            Kim                                        2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 3.0

                                                           2008 Václav Novák CZ

                                                                                  Karel Kalouš Collection, Evidence 2013

                                                           Found as a broom at a bonsai friend Vaclav Novak in Libochovice. Exotic plant got the name because it came from a supplier in South Korea, Mr. Kim.

                                                           Èarovìník nalezený u kamaráda, na bonsaji, známého bonsajisty Václava Nováka z Libochovic, Exotické jméno rostlina dostala proto, že pocházela od dodavatele z Jižní Koreje, od pana Kima. Velmi zajímavá densiflora, sporého rùstu, jehlice 2 - 4 cm dlouhé, jsou pìknì svìže zelené, pøírùstek u tøíletých rostlin zatím do 3 cm. Roubujeme na nízký kmínek. Roubovaná u zemì trpí plísní. Pøíhoda spojená s Pinus densiflora Kim, stojí pøi nejmenším za zamyšlení. Z rostliny Karel Kalouš odebral 7 roubù, z toho jich 6 rostlo. Jednu rostlinu si vzal Václav Novák ještì ze skleníku stím, že pøijede Kim aby mu ji ukázal. Zakrátko na to zbývajících 5 nìkdo ukradl i z jmenovkou. Zbylá rostlina byla vysazená do zahrady. Pozdìji z ní opìt Karel Kalouš odebral dalších 7 roubù. Pìt rostlin zùstalo v Èesku a jedna je v Holandsku. U Karla Kalouše je záruka že tato rostlina se brzo dostane mezi zbìratele. Karle díky. Novák text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Kim’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Kokin-sho                             Mayr 1890      /Rubroaurea/               JPN

            Koyomatsu                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Laver’s Broom                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1988                               USA

            Little Christopher                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 Ed Rezek USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Little Christopher’

                                                                                   1991 Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           A dwarf form of Japanese Table Top Pine. Leaves are a light lime green on a flat globose plant. Can be pruned into globe instead of flat top. A seedling found by Ed Rezek in 1991. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Little Christopher’  Sam Pratt photo 2015

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Little Christopher’  Sam Pratt photo 2015

                                                           /Rezek Seedling/

            Longiramea                          Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Low Glow                             2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb

                                                           1990 Sidney Waxman USA

                                                                                  University of Connecticut USA

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           The short, thick, bright green needles of this vibrant, dwarf Japanese Red Pine keep their color all year long. They grow densely along stout horizontal branches that give the unusual pine a flat-topped, low-growing habit. Prominent tan buds add interest to this seedling introduction from a witch's broom selected by Sydney Waxman, University of Connecticut. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Low Glow’

                                                           A witch's broom seedling. A low mound with

                                                           short needles; bright yellowish-green foliage.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Low Glow’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Low Glow’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Low Glow’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Low Glow’ 

                                                                                  Nate Cassell CO USA in Denver Botanic Garden

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Low Glow’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Low Glow’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Low Glow’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Low Glow’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Maria                                     2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Hort. POL

                                                                                  Miroslaw Lewandowski Collection POL

            Matsudo Band                      Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Mini Kin                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1992 GER

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

            Mitsuba-akamatsu               Welch 1979

                                                           P. densiflora f. subtrifoliata

            Meylan Compact                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           An exceptionally dense pine with rich, light-green foliage and orange-brown buds.  Will form a low cushion with age. Growth Rate:  1-3" HxW@10yrs:  2'x2'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Meylan Compact’

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Meylan Compact’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Meylan Compact’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Meylan Compact’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Meylan Compact’ 

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Meylan Compact’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Meylan Compact’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Meylan Compact’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Meylan Compact’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Moellis                                   Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Monophylla                           Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Morris Arboretum Witches’ Broom

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Morris Arboretum USA

                                                                                  Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA

                                                           Dwarf compact Japanese red pine arising from a witches' broom at Morris Arboretum. Rich Eyre text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Morris Arboretum WB’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

            Multicaulis                            Pinus densiflora f. multicaulis Uyeki

            Nana                                      USA   

                                                                                  Washington Evergreen Nurs. USA

            Nishiki-akamatsu                 Welch 1979    /Aspera/

            Octo-partita                          Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Oculus-Draconis                   Mayr 1890                                         JPN

                                                           A variegated form of Japanese Red Pine. Called the Dragons Eye Pine. Each needle has a yellow hash mark, and from the top looks like a circle or an eye. Great plant to sculpture. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Oculus Draconis’

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Oculus Draconis’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Oculus Draconis’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Oculus Draconis’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Oculus Draconis’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Oculus-Draconis Eechee      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           F. Bergman 1975                               USA

            Oculus-Draconis Nee           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           F. Bergman 1975                               USA

            Oculus-Draconis Pendula

                                                           Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Oculus-Draconis Shee

                                                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           F. Bergman 1975                               USA

            Oculus-Draconis Sun           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           F. Bergman 1975                               USA

            Oculus-Draconis WB           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Oculus Draconis HB’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Ogon-akamatsu                    Mayr 1890      /Aurea/                        JPN

            Ogon-shibore                        Mayr 1890      /Aurescens/                 JPN

            Ori-tsuru                               Mayr 1890      /Recurva/                    JPN

            Orizuru Ichiyo                      Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Pendula                                 Mayr 1890                                         JPN

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Pendula’

                                               A strongly weeping plant introduced from Japan around 1890,

                                                           very graceful but on the brittle side. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           P. densiflora f. pendula Mayr.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Pendula’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Pendula’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Pendula’  JPN  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Pendula’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Pendula’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Pendwick                                                      Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Pope                                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A variegated pine with green, yellow and pink needles. Originated as a seedling of 'Oculis draconis'. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. Height and width unknown. Hardy to -40 degress. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

            Prolifera                                Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Prostrata                               /Pendula/

            Prùhonice 1                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1997 Kisenbauer CZ

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtìní

                                                                                  Jiøí Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Pruhonice 1’  Jiøí Balatka photo

            Prùhonice 2                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2000 Kisenbauer CZ

                                                                                   2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtìní

                                                                                  Jiøí Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Probably a hybrid of Pinus densiflora ’Jane Kluis” x Pinus nigra,

                                                           as of Karel Hieke, 2004.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Pruhonice 2’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Pruhonice 2’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Pumila                                   den Ouden 1965

                                                                                   1930 H.A. Hesse Nurs., GER

            Pygmaea                                1985 GBR

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Pygmaea’

                                                                                  Windsor Great Park GBR

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Pygmaea’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Quarryhill                             2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           2010 Tom Cox USA

                                                                                  Cox Arboretum, Canton GA USA

                                                           Pinus densifloraQuarryhill’ is a recently-discovered diminutive dwarf selection of Japanese Red pine. It’s needles are bright and shiny and can act as a beacon drawing the observer closer to its place in the garden. They are somewhat shorter than those of the species and are carried on dense little branchlets that grow less than 2 inches (< 5 cm) a year in all directions, but primarily upward. Over time ‘Quarryhill’ is expected to become a small upright tree worthy of inclusion in a rock garden or an eclectic collection of rare conifers.

Tom Cox of Canton, Georgia discovered the witch’s broom which was to become ‘Quarryhill’ while touring the grounds of Quarryhill Botanical Garden, Glen Ellen, California with the garden’s Executive Director, Bill McNamara sometime before 2010. Gee Farms of Stockbridge, Michigan is credited with its U.S. introduction in 2012. Up until now, production of this fine and promising cultivar has been limited in the U.S., but nonetheless, it is worth seeking out among specialty growers. ACS text. http://conifersociety.org/conifers/conifer/pinus/densiflora/quarryhill/

            Radiant                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Rainbow                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Rainbow’

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           A lovely variegated pine that is a slower-growing substitute for 'Burke's Red Variegated'. Showy, cream-yellow variegation is absolutely stunning, especially in winter. In some climates, the bands even turn a pink/orange/red color! Growth Rate:  3-6" HxW@10yrs:  3'x3'. Brent Markus text.

            Ratta                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1989 USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Ratta’

                                                                                   Vineland Nurs. USA

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense compact form. Foliage is a rich green. Like a miniature version of 'Tanyosho'-the "table-top pine." Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                               A flat-topped short-needled dwarf form with an unmarketable name, surely they could have come up with something better than ’Rata’. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Recurva                                 Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Red Eye                                 Hort.

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Red Eye’  USA  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Red Eye’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Red OD Burke                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           /Burke’s Red Variegated/

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A compact, dwarf evergreen conifer with green needles banded with white. A vigorous, easy-to-grow and attractive selection. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Red OD Burke’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Rezek Seedling                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1990 USA                  /Little Christopher/

            Robinson’s Bonsai                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A natural windswept look Japanese Red Pine. Leaves green on a plant that twists and contorts as it grows upward. Has almost self-defining shelves like sculptured pines possess. Grows 2 ft. a year. Stanley text.

            Rubroaurea                          Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Ryo-no-higo                          Mayr 1890      /Barbata/                     JPN

            Sagari-matsu                         Mayr 1890      /Pendula/                    JPN

            Sekka-akamatsu                   Kobayashi 1975         /Cristata/         JPN

            Shidare-akamatsu                Mayr 1890      /Pendula/                    JPN

            Shidare-janome-matsu         Welch 1979

                                                           /Oculus-draconis Pendula/

            Shidare-ogon-akamatsu       Welch 1979                                        JPN

                                                           /Aurea Pendula/

            Shiraga-matsu                      Welch 1979    /Variegata/                  JPN

            Soft Green                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Iseli Soft Green/

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Soft Green’

            Stupka Selection                   Hort.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Stupka Variegated’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Sunburst                                2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb

                                                           1989 Sidney Waxman USA

                                                                                  University of Connecticut USA

                                                           A golden form of Japanese Red Pine. Needles very large, 4 inches in length. Fast grower, putting on one to three feet a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Sunburst’

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Sunburst’  University of Connecticut USA

            Tagyo-sho                             /Tanyosho/

            Tanyo-akamatsu                  Welch 1979                /f. PARVIPHYLLA/

            Tanyosho                              /Umbraculifera/                                  JPN

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Tanyosho’

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a broad rounded form. Compact foliage is bright green. Reddish-brown fissured trunks are attractive on older specimens. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Tanyosho’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Tanyosho Compacta                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Tanyosho Compacta’

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense flat-topped form. Short thin needles are bright green. Especially attractive in the winter landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 30" tall x 36" wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Tanyosho Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Tanyosho Dwarf                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Tanyosho Dwarf’

            Tanyosho Nana Compacta  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Tanyosho Pygmy                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Tanyosho Seedling               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA

            Tanyosho Special                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Tanyosho Witch’s Broom    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Tatejima-akamatsu              /Vittata/

            Tengu-su                               Kobayashi 1975                                 JPN

            Tiga                                       Pinus densiflora ‘Tiga’

            Tigrina                                  Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Tora-fu akamatsu                /Tigrina/

            Tortuosa                                Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Tsukiyama                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Tsuma-jiro akamatsu           /Albo-terminata/

            Type Lausanne                                            Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Umbraculifera                      Mayr 1890

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Umbraculifera’

                                                           Pinus densiflora 'Umbraculifera' - Tanyosho Pine. Japanese Red Pine cultivar. This tree develops a rounded dome-shaped or umbrella crown, achieving 4 metres tall by 6 metre spread with time. Common in Cultivation around the world. Very attractive. It is very slow growing.1.5 metres high x 2 metres wide in 7 years. Zone 5. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           P. densiflora var. umbraculifera Mayr.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Umbraculifera’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Umbraculifera’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

            Umbraculifera Compacta   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Greer Gardens, USA

                                                           Dwarf, compact Tanyosho pine. With minimum shearing, plant can be held to 5-6' tall with 6- 8" caliper trunk. Rich Eyre text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Umbraculifera Compacta’

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Umbraculifera Compact’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

            Umbraculifera Nana            Hort.

                                                           Le Feber & Co. Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                                                                  Washington Evergreen Nurs. into USA

            Utsukushi-akamatsu                        /Albo-terminata/

            Utsukushi                              Kobayashi 1975                                 JPN

            Vanc Variegated                  2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Variegata                              Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Vibrant                                  2010 Mesterházy & al. in Breeder’s Hall 31, Gardenweb

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling

                                                           Sidney Waxman USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Kevin Fechke USA

                                                           Dwarf variety of Japanese Red Pine. Makes a flat shrub and tight with vibrant green color.Parentage of plant has some Austrian Pine. Same kind of plant as `Low Glow' or `Jane Klius'. But not globular. University of Wisconsin plant. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Vibrant’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Vibrant’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Vibrant’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Vibrant’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ’Vibrant’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Vibrant’  Larry Stanley USA photo

            Virides                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  The Perennial Gardener

                                                           Pinus densiflora ‘Virides’

            Vittata                                   Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            White Band                           Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Witch’s Broom N.1               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA

            Witch’s Broom N.7               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 USA

                                                                                   1991 Iseli Nurs., OR USA

            Yatsubusa-akamatsu           Mayr 1890                                         JPN

                                                           Dwarf table-top form of Japanese Red Pine. Plant could be a missed named cultivar. Mature at 20 ft. Stanley text.


            Zyo-no-mi                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0



   DENSI-THUNBERGII                   Uyeki 1926

                                                           /P. DENSIFLORA/

   DEPENDENS                                Roezl

                                                           /P. LEIOPHYLLA/


   DEVONIANA                               1839                            C-, S-MEX GUA

                                                           Lindl.                                                                         DG WCC

Pinus devoniana Lindl. 1839 - Misoakáni v. nagytobozú moktezuma-fenyõ – Michoacan Montezuma pine

                                                           /P. MICHOACANA/


   DICKSONII                                    Hort.

                                                           /P. WALLICHIANA/


   DIGENEA  X                                1890                           CZ AUT

                                                           Beck.                                                                         Kr

                                                           P. uncinata  x  P. sylvestris

                                                           P. wettsteinii  x  Fritsch

            Dáøko                                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           2000 Hamerník CZ

                                                                                   2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtení

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus x digenea ´Dáøko´  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus digenea x ’Darko’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus digenea x ’Darko’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012


   DISCOLOR                                  1979                           SW-MEX USA SE-AR

                                                           Bail. & Hawksw.                                                       WCC

Pinus discolor Bail. & Hawksw. 1979 – Kétszínû fenyõ – Bicolor pine

                                                           P. cembra var. discolor Lit.


   DIVARICATA                                 /Ait./ Dumont de Courset 1811

                                                           /P. BANKSIANA/

   DOMESTICA                                 Matth.

                                                           /P. PINEA/

   DONNELL-SMITHII                      Mast. 1891

                                                           /P. MONTEZUMAE var. HARTWEGII/


   DOUGLASIANA                         1943                           W-MEX

                                                           Martinez                                                                    Kr

Pinus douglasiana Martinez 1943 - Kistobozú moktezuma-fenyõ – Smallcone Montezuma pine


   DURANGENSIS                          1942                           MEX

                                                           Martinez                                                                    Kr

Pinus durangensis Martinez 1942 - Durangói erdeifenyõ - Durango pine

Pinus durangensis - Durango Pine. 5-7 needles Native to the Sierra Madre Occidental mountains of northwestern Mexico. Related to Ponderosa Pine. Tree reaches 25-40 m in height, with a trunk up to 1 m diameter and a broad, rounded crown. The bark is thick, dark grey-brown, and scaly or fissured. Cedar Lodge text.


   ECHINATA                                  1768                           SE-USA

                                                           Mill.                                                                           Kr

Pinus echinata Mill. 1768 – Sünfenyõ – Shortleaf pine

                                                           P. mitis Michx. 1803

                                                           P. royleana Jamieson 1854

                                                           P. squarrosa Walter 1788

                                                           P. taeda var. echinata /Mill./Cast.

                                                           P. variabilis /Ait./Lamb. 1803

                                                           P. virginiana var. echinata /Mill./Du Roi

            Broom 1                                2014 Mesterhazy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 3.0

                                                           2013 Johnny Withrow USA

                                                           Soft, fairly short needles are a nice rich green color. This small conifer originated as a  broom found in the southeast. A unique species and a special broom! Growth Rate:  2-4" HxW@10yrs:  2.5'x3'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus echinata Broom 1  Johnny Withrow USA photo

                                                           Pinus echinata brooms  Johnny Withrow USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus echinata brooms  Johnny Withrow USA photo 2013

            Broom 2                                2014 Mesterhazy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 3.0

                                                           2013 Johnny Withrow USA

                                                           Pinus echinata Broom 2  Johnny Withrow USA photo

            Clines Dwarf                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979                                        USA

            Lacronata                              2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0


                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Thin, light-green needles make this unique pine very attractive. Its slow growth rate and its rarity in cultivation classify this dwarf pine as a great plant for collectors! Growth Rate:  1-3" HxW@10yrs:  2'x2'. Brent Markus text.

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1972 USA

                                                                                   Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA


   EDULIS                                         1848                           MEX USA

                                                           Engelm.                                                                     DG WCC

Pinus edulis Engelm. 1848 - Kéttûs diófenyõ - Pinyon pine

Pinus edulis - Pinyon Pine. Colorado/Rocky Mountain Pine. 2 needles. Native of Mexico, S. West U.S.A. Admirable for landscape work. A small neat pleasing tree. Seeds nutlike and edible. 70 cm high x 45 cm wide in 8 years in our Nursery/Garden. Tree 6 to 15 metres in natural habitat. Zone 7-8. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Pinus edulis  conifertreasury.org photo


             var. FALLAX                        Little 1968

                                                           Pinus edulis var. fallax Little 1968

                                                           /P. CALIFORNIARUM ssp. FALLAX/

                                                           Pinus edulis var. fallax - A rare local variant reported from Arizona, South west Utah and South west New Mexico. Juvenile growth blue. Choose a dry, well drained site. Growth rate very slow. 3 metres high x 1 metre wide in 12 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7 – 8 Cedar Lodge text.





Pinus edulis dwarf selection  Nate Cassell CO USA


83996335   83996334


Pinus edulis large broom  Jerry Morris CO USA


Pinus dwarf in Denver BG  Nate Cassell CO USA


Pinus edulis  Jerry Morris CO USA


            # 6 Broom                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus edulis # 6. JM text.

            # 7 Broom                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus edulis # 7. JM text.

            # 8 Broom                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, found 12-15’ up, rather open, up a small road east of # 3

                                                           Farmy, about 200 yds. up road.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 8. JM text.

            # 21 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, large, open, on west and south of # 13

                                                           pinion, low on hillside-

                                                           Pinus edulis # 21. JM text.

            # 23 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, open, green thick, north of Gypson,

                                                           6’ x 6’, 12’ up.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 23. JM text.

            # 32 Broom                           deleted

            # 36 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a small tight broom near Hiway 50.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 36. JM text.

            # 37 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom at MM 472.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 37. JM text.

            # 38 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1988 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tree with yellow sense.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 38. JM text.

            # 39 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom on top of tree, thicks.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 39. JM text.

            # 40 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, west side of the road.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 40. JM text.

            # 41 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a very nice small broom near Buena Vista.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 41. JM text.

            # 42 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom south of Cuchara Pass, 6” x 6”.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 42. JM text.

            # 45 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a small, tight broom on road below Trant Creek Pass.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 45. JM text.

            # 47 Broom                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Unnamed Cultivar’ # 47. Editor’s name.




            Blue Jazz                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Blue Jazz’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Branson                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, fair, 6’ below top, south of Branson.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 22. JM text.

            Burr                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom out of Boulder, Utah. Good.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 44. JM text.

            Carbondale                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, 3’ across, dark green, somewhat upright, past

                                                           Carbondale, Colorado, just past a red cliff about 100 yds.

                                                           uphill, across from 3 homes. Pinus edulis # 5. JM text.




            Carmel                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus edulis monophylla ’Carmel’  Jerry Morris CO USA

            Chamisal                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, low, med, 3’ x 3’ on left after you turn left

                                                           from Pinasco, north of pink house, about 100 yds. from road.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 20. JM text.

            Cheese Box                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x 6’, up 12’, near Lake Powell, Utah on

                                                           south side of the road. Average.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 24. JM text.

            Cliffside                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 2’ x 2’, thick, dark green, low on tree, north

                                                           of # 17, 500 yds. Pinus edulis # 18. JM text.

            Current Pass                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a left lone pine near Current Pass, California.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 46. JM text.

            Dominguez                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, low on branch, take road left to Dominguez

                                                           Res. Conservation area, into open area over hill, first road to

                                                           right & about 40 yds. Tree about 40 yds from road.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 10. JM text.

            Downhill                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom out of Boulder, Utah. Good.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 43. JM text.


82120473  81499933  81499934  81499935  81499936


            Farmy                                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1988 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ‘Farmy’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  1993 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                                                  Dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                           Found near Gibbler, looks much like this.

                                                         Jerry Morris introduction. Collected from a broom in 1988.

                                                         This tree was growing on the Uncompahgre Plateau in western Colorado. Very slow growing, plant develops a wide body look, as tall as it is wide. Another perfect plant for the small xeric yard with a berm or a rock garden. Picture

                                                         Growth rate: 1-2”/year

                                                                                 Laporte Avenue Nurs. text.

                                                         Pinus edulis ’Farmy’ & ’Trinidad’ 

                                                                                 Laporte Avenue Nursery USA

                                                         Pinus edulis ’Farmy’ & ’Trinidad’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                          Pinus edulis ’Farmy’  dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                         Pinus edulis ’Farmy’  High Country Gardens USA

                                                         Pinus edulis ’Farmy’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis # 3. JM text.

            Gibbler                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found near Grand Junction LT, 10’ x 6’ tall.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 2. JM text.




            Lil Jake                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           A miniature pinon broom from Jerry Morris. The form is typical of these little guys. Miniature pinon pines are fantastic for both the rock garden and in the waterwise landscape. Very drought tolerant once established, 'Lil Jake' can be used as a handsome, small evergreen shrub. A wonderful alternative to Junipers. High Country Gardens text.

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Lil Jake’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Lil Jake’  High Country Gardens NM USA

            Lime                                      2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.

                                                           A wintergold type beauty.

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Lime’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Lime’  Nate Cassell USA photo

            Little Jare                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom 10’ up, large, tight, bright green with bluish

                                                           cast on Cliff Rd. South of Canyon City – about ¼ mile up road

                                                           from Grape Creek access.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 35. JM text.

            Marshall                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 18” diameter, vigorous, just below juniper

                                                           #9, about 10 ’ up. Pinus edulis # 17. JM text.

            Montrose                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom 15’ up, 4’ x 4’ on tree top, up Uncompaghre

                                                           from Montrose, Colorado on south side of road, 15 miles.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 19. JM text.

            My Nancy                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Dennis Hermsen IA USA


                                                                                   Dennis Hermsen IA USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’My Nancy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Ojo                                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tree, south of Oho Feliz, 10’ tall and wide, to the

                                                           west in open area by dry pond with dam, very compact, green.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 12. JM text.

            Old Yellow                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Yellow tipped needles, above first tunnel & before steel bridge

                                                           on left going up from south to Victor, Colorado before mile

                                                           marker 6, below 2nd tunnel. Pinus edulis # 15. JM text.

            Owl Canyon                          2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  High Country Nursery, Santa Fe, USA

            Park City Select                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  High Country Nursery, Santa Fe USA

                                                           Pinus monophylla ’Park City Select’ 

                                                                                  High Country Gardens NM USA




            Penasco                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ‘Penasco’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  1997 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Broom found east of Penasco in tree top, tight, short needles.

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Penasco’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis # 4. JM text.

            Poncha                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, below Poncha Douglas fir on west side up in

                                                           rock cliffs, about 500 yds. up, across from red rooted buildings,

                                                           3’ x 3’. Pinus edulis # 13. JM text.

            Pudgy                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom near Hiway 7.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 30. JM text.

            Raton                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, on west side of a farly large tree, up hill from

                                                           exit sign, 200-400 yds uphill, south side Raton Pass on east side,

                                                           Raton exit #455, down a few feet is welcome sign.

                                                           Pinus edulis #16. JM text.

            Salida                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom # 14, found at Poncha Pass, north of # 13, Poncha. 5’

                                                           diameter, in a small canyon. JM text.

            Sharps                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, east of Dove Creek, east of Dump, part alive.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 25. JM text.

            Show Low                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom 6-8’ near Show Low, Arizona.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 1. JM text.

            The Brad                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

            Tiny Pout                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom, very tight, small, 6’ up,

                                                           Hiway 12 south of Cuchara Pass.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 31. JM text.

            Tiny Ration                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tight broom 10’ up near Buena Vista

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Tiny Ration’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus edulis # 34. JM text.

            Tiny Ripple                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tree, 14” tall, tight, lots of juvenile foliage, west of

                                                           Bryce at Red Canyon, Utah, road to north.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 33. JM text.

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Tiny Ripple’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Tiny Ripple’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Tiny Riple’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Tiny Riple’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus cembroides ’Tiny Riple’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembroides edulis ’Tiny Riple’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus cembroides edulis ’Tiny Riple’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012


81499933  81499934  81499938


            Trinidad                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1993 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ‘Trinidad’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  1997 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                                                  HighCountryGardens USA

                                                           Found as a broom 5’ x 5’ near Trinidad, Colorado, south of

                                                           Holiday Inn and church yard in top of 15’ tree.

                                                           Jerry Morris introduction. From a very large broom growing in a tree just south of Trinidad, CO. Very similar to ‘Farmy’ in shape and growth. Picture Laporte Avenue Nurs. text.

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Trinidad’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Trinidad’  High Country Gardens USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Farmy’ & ’Trinidad’ 

                                                                                  Laporte Avenue Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus edulis ’Farmy’ & ’Trinidad’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus edulis # 11. JM text.

            Uniweep                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 10’ x 10’, large, old, compact. Across Gully

                                                           & west of # 8 about 100 yds.

                                                           Pinus edulis # 9. JM text.

            Unnamed Cultivar               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


   EHRENBERGII                              Endl. 1847

                                                           /P. MONTEZUMAE var. RUDIS/

   ELDARICA                                     1903                           TCA

                                                           Medw.                                                                       Cz KeI WCC

                                                           Pinus eldarica  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus eldarica  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           P. brutia auct. p.p.

                                                           P. brutia ssp. eldarica /Medw./Nakai

                                                           P. brutia ssp. eldarica /Medw./R.Kam

                                                           /P. BRUTIA ssp., var. ELDARICA/

            Christmas Blue                     Monrovia 1986

                                                                                   Monrovia Nurs., Azusa CA USA


   ELLIOTTII                                   1880                           SE-USA S-CR - FL - LU

                                                           Engelm.                                                                     Kr P

Pinus elliottii Engelm. 1880 - Floridai parti fenyõ – Florida slash pine


                                                           P. cubensis Engelm. non Sarg.

                                                           P. heterophylla /Elliott/Sudw. non Koch non Presl.

                                                           P. taeda var. heterophylla Elliott

             ssp . DENSA                          /Little & Dorman 1952/Murray 1982

                                                           Pinus elliottii ssp. densa – Törpe partifenyõ - Slash pine

                                                           Pinus elliottii var. densa  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Pinus elliottii var. densa  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

Pinus elliottii var. densa  GW eric9b USA photo

                                                           P. elliottii var. densa /Little & Dorman/Gaussen 1960


   ENGELMANNII                             Shaw 1909 non Carr.

                                                           /P. PONDEROSA f. MAYRIANA/


   ENGELMANNII                          1854                           MEX SW-USA

                                                           Carr.                                                                          Kr P

Pinus engelmannii Carr. 1854 - Engelmann erdeifenyõ - Apache pine

                                                           Pinus engelmannii  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Pinus engelmannii  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Pinus engelmannii  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           P. apachea Engelm.

                                                           P. macrophylla Engelm.

             var. BLANCOI                   /Martinez/Martinez 1948


Pinus engelmannii x ponderosa  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo


   ESCANDONIANA                          Roezl

                                                           /P. PSEUDOSTROBUS/

   ESCARINA                                     /Risso/Loud. 1838                                                     WCC

                                                           /P. PINASTER /Aberdoniae//


   ESTEVEZII                                  1982                           MEX

                                                           /Martinez/Perry                                                          KeI

Pinus estevezii (Martinez) Perry 1982 - Újgalliai álselyemfenyõ – Nuevo León false silkpine

                                                           P. pseudostrobus var. estevezi /Martinez/Silba

Pinus estevezii  GW eric9b USA photo


   EXCELSA                                       Hook. 1865 non Wall. & D. Don

                                                           /P. PEUCE/

   EXCELSA                                       Wall. ex Lamb. 1824

                                                           /P. WALLICHIANA/

   EXCORTICATA                             Lindl. ex Gord.

                                                           /P. BUNGEANA/


   FENZELIANA                             1931                           CHN KW GU HA

                                                           Hand.-Mazz.                                                             SS PW

Pinus fenzeliana Hand.-Mazz. 1931 – Hainani fehérfenyõ – Hainan white pine

                                                           Pinus fenzeliana   Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus fenzeliana  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013


   FENZLII                                         Ant.& Kotschy

                                                           /P. LEIOPHYLLA/

   FERTILIS                                       Roezl

                                                           /P. CEMBROIDES/

   FESTUOSA                                    Salisb.

                                                           /P. PINEA/

   FILIFOLIA                                     Lindl.1840

                                                           /P. MONTEZUMAE/

   FINLAYSONIANA                          Wallich ex Blume 1847

                                                           /P. MERKUSII  ssp. LATTERI/


   FLABELLIFOLIA                                                         JPN

                                                           Ogura                                                                        KM


   FLEXILIS                                     1823                           CAN AB - USA NE AR CO

                                                           James                                                                         Kr P

Pinus flexilis James 1823 - Sziklás-hegységi v. nevadai cirbolyafenyõ - Limber pine

             ssp. REFLEXA                      /Engelm.1882/Murray 1982

             var. REFLEXA                      Engelm. 1882

                                                           /P. REFLEXA/

                                                           P. strobiformis Sudw. not Engelm.

                                                           P. ayacahuite var. strobiformis Lemm. 1892



Pinus flexilis dwarf  Jerry Morris CO USA



Pinus flexilis compact and prostrate form  Jerry Morris CO USA



Pinus flexilis compact and prostrate form  Jerry Morris CO USA



Pinus flexilis broom  Jerry Morris CO USA



Pinus flexilis broom seedling  Nate Cassell CO USA




Pinus flexilis dwarfs of broom seed  Nate Cassell CO USA


Pinus flexilis ’# 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012





            # 11                                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a tree abour ½ mile east of Grove. Green, compact,

                                                           tall, narrow. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#11’  Jerry Morris CO USA

            #17                                         empty record


83595778  82120704  81499940  81499941


            #83                                         /Niceiam/

            # 99                                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom in northwest corner of Red Hill ranch.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant in 10 years no bigger

                                                           than 1 foot. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 99’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 99’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 99’

            # 111                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom at Jackson Hole, across river, near top of hill. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 111’

            # 112                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom up to Limber Grove on route. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 112’

            # 113                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on road and trail up Wheeler Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 113’

            # 114                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on road and trail up Wheeler Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 114’

            # 115                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on road and trail up Wheeler Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 115’

            # 116                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on road and trail up Wheeler Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 116’

            # 117                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on road and trail up Wheeler Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 117’

            # 118                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on road and trail up Wheeler Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 118’

            # 119                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on road and trail up Wheeler Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 119’

            # 120                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom in Vedauvoo to east of big pondy broom. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 120’

            # 121                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom in Vedauvoo to west 30’ up, tight but large. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 121’

            # 122                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on Red Hill, 30’ up. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 122’

            # 123                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on north of road from Elt to Cherokee, across from

                                                           Sheep Creek sign. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 123’

            # 124                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on north of road from Elt to Cherokee, across from

                                                           Sheep Creek sign. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 124’

            # 125                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on road from Cherokee to tie siding on west, small.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 125’

            # 126                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on Blackhawl road south of Dufunny. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 126’

            # 127                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on Blackhawl road south of Dufunny. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 127’

            # 128                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom at Damfino. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 128’

            # 129                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom at top of Hells backbone. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 129’

            # 130                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom at top of Hells backbone. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 130’

            # 131                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on Lost Park road on east close. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 131’

            # 132                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on road Enchampment-Blackhawl. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 132’

            # 133                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom on road Enchampment-Blackhawl. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 133’

            # 134                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom, small, below # 83 doug fir, some dead. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’# 134’


82793667  82793668


            #351                                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#351’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#351’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#351’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’351’  Nate Cassell photo

            1990 WB SDL                      Hort. USA

                                                                                  Randy Dykstra Gardens IA USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’1990 WB SDL’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL in Dykstra Gardens IA USA photo


81499939  83996358  83996359


            2 Mile High #50                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘2 Mile High’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, 12’ up, delicate, small broom above

                                                           Limber Grove, 4 Mile and Fairplay. JM text.

                                                           A miniature green globe with brown buds. Leaves half the size

                                                           of the species. Grows 1/2’ a year. Found in the Colorado

                                                           Rockys by Jerry Morris and Larry Stanley in ‘The Grove’ 2

                                                           miles high.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#2’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#2 Mile High’  Larry Stanley OR USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#2’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’2 Mile High’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’2 Mile High’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘2 Mile High’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘2 Mile High’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘2 Mile High’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘2 Mile High’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘2 Mile High’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’2 Mile High’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’2 Mile High # 50’

            A.C.S. 94074                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Albovariegata                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Schwerin 1910

                                                           1907 Count Schwerin GER from USA AR seed

            Alex                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Alice                                       2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Alice’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Amy Marie                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2005 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2005 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, might grow 4”-6”, on bottom 30’ up,

                                                           west of ranch buildings, first one found. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Amy Marie # 97’

Name: Pinus flexilis Amy Marie
Accession Date: 1 Nov 2005
Accession Number: 052350
Garden Location Code(s): GDCBSOUTH
Source: Morris
Provenance Type: cultivated plant of known (indirect) wild origin

Denver Botanic Garden access


            Andy D.                                 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 8” x 8”, 10’ up, southwest of Carbon County

                                                           about 60’. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis Andy D. # 37’

            Angel                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                                                  2005 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


83595778  83595780  81502127


            Antero                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Antero’

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, average, large, on low, and old, tight, thick.

                                                           North of Pinus aristata Great Guy, on east side of road that goes

                                                           south from Jefferson. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection.

                                                           Plant in 10 years no bigger than 1 foot. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Antero’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Antero’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Antero’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Antero’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Antero’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Antero’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Antero # 91’

            Apache                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tight broom, 15’ up, 100 yards north of

                                                           Blackfoot # 60. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Apache’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Apache’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Apache’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Apache’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Apache’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Apache’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Apache’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Apache’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Apache’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Apache # 46’

            Arapaho                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as a broom, 30” x 30”, 10’ up, tight, average, north side

                                                           of Happy Jack road. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection.

                                                           Plant in 10 years no bigger than 1 foot. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Arapaho’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Arapaho’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Arapaho’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Arapaho’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Arapaho # 69’

            Arnold Broom                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Barger in ACS database

            Aztec                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2005 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2005 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, green, short needles, tightest yet, 6’ up,

                                                           14” diameter, on ridge in Wheeler Draw. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Aztec’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Aztec’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Aztec # 65’


Name: Pinus flexilis Aztec
Accession Date: 1 Nov 2005
Accession Number: 052352
Garden Location Code(s): GDCBWEST
Source: Morris
Provenance Type: cultivated plant of known (indirect) wild origin

Denver Botanic Garden access

            B. Mine                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, dark green, on same ridge with one and two

                                                           is another; short way to south of # 2. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’B. Mine # 22’

            Bannock                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1999 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 20’ up, foliage is good looking, near Red

                                                           Canyon. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles stiff and green.

                                                           Plant grows upright 1 inch a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Bannock # 49’

            Beefi                                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Beefi’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Beefi’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Bergmann Dwarf                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                                                   L. C. Hatch 1985

            Big Saddle                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 24” diameter, tight, half dead, low on tree,

                                                           below rocks nearest state line ranch buildings and Three Way.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Big Saddle # 48’




            Blackfoot                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Blackfoot’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, good looking, Red Hill Pass. JM text.

                                               Jerry Morris found this in central Colorado, an upright to globular plant with very short needles and prominent brown buds; it will grow 4-6” a year.

Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Blackfoot’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Blackfoot’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Blackfoot’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Blackfoot’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Blackfoot’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Blackfoot # 60’


Name: Pinus flexilis Blackfoot

Accession Date: 10 Jun 2003

Accession Number: 032085

Garden Location Code(s): GDCBSOUTH

Source: Morris

Denver Botanic Garden access



            Blue Heron                            Hort. maybe Jerry Morris

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Blue Heron’ maybe  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Blue Heron  Dax Herbst IL USA

            Blue Pyramid                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Barger in ACS database




            Boswell #12                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found about ½ mile west of Grove, thick stems. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#12’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Boswell # 12’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Boswell’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Boswell’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Boswell’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst photo in Dykstra garden IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Boswell’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Brad Dean                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, 18” diameter, east road off

                                                           Cunningham to left. JM text. Formely ’Sazzy Sue’.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Brad Dean # 100’

            Brandon GGS                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 8’ up, average, vigorous, by parking Mock

                                                           Draw at border West of Wyoming. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Brandon GGS # 82’

            Brevifolia                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1972 USA

                                                                                   Longwood Gardens PA USA

            Broom Seedling                    2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Broom Seedling’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Broom SDL # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Campy                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           2001 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom, about 75 yards to west of Broccoli, about 20’

                                                           up, 8’ x 10’ across. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Campy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Campy # 35’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Campy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Campy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Campy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Campy # 35’


Name: Pinus flexilis Campy

Accession Date: 10 Jun 2003

Accession Number: 032084

Garden Location Code(s): GDCBSOUTH

Source: Morris

Denver Botanic Garden access

            Canyon 1                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           /First Canyon/

            Carbon County                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x 6’, 15’ up, vigorous, at state line in

                                                           Wyoming, to north of road going east,

                                                           east of Hunter Creek. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Carbon County # 29’

            Cesarini                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Joe Cesarini USA

                                                           A narrow blue form of Limber pine. Very long powder blue

                                                           needles on a very narrow plant.

                                                           Plant named after Joe Cesarini of Maryland.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Cesarini Blue’

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cesarini Blue’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cesarini Blue’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cesarini’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Cesarini Blue’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

            Cesarini Blue                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2005 Hort. USA

                                                                                  2005 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Upright with excellent blue foliage. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Probably a mistake of /Cesarini/




            Cheers                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cheers’  Nate Cassell CO USA


Name: Pinus flexilis Cheers

Accession Date: 10 Jun 2003

Accession Number: 032087

Garden Location Code(s): GDCBSOUTH

Source: Morris

Denver Botanic Garden access




            Cherokee                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                   Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 8’ diameter, blue/green, compact, vigorous.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Stanley text.

                                                           Plant in 10 years no bigger than 1 foot.

                                                           I think Jerry has more of these than there are Indian tribes,

                                                           a foot or so in ten years. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                   Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#4’ & ’#5’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Cherokee’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Cherokee’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cherokee # 4’




            Cheyenne                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, 30” x 30”, as good as any, at Vedawoo

                                                           campground, across doug fir # 69 Yahoo and 2 pondy brooms.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant upight and flat sided.

                                                           Needles green on stems that grow 1 ½ inches a year.

                                                           Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cheyenne’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cheyenne’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cheyenne’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Cheyenne’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Cheyenne’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cheyenne’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cheyenne’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cheyenne # 62’

            Chickasaw                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 25’ up, 24” x 24”, tight. North side od road –

                                                           Cherokee Park. JMtext.

                                                           A miniature Limber Pine found orginal as a broom. Part of the

                                                           Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant has green

                                                           leaves that are 1/2 inch long.

                                                           The plant grows 1/2 inch a year in a tight ball. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Chickasaw’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Chickasaw’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Chickasaw’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Chickasaw # 75’

            Choctaw                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, large – low – average, 3-6” growth. 500

                                                           yards to south of doug fir Elt, Cherokee Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Choctaw # 74’

            Columnaris                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


82120941  82120942  81502130  81502131  81502132


            Commanche                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Commanche’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  2006 Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Arrowhead Nursery USA

                                                                                  Tom Joswick, Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, large, thick, low, nice, Vedawoo to east of

                                                           big pondy # 79 – up by rocks on south of road. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry Morris

                                                           Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles blue-green, and 1 inch

                                                           long. Plant grows 2 inches a year in a upright conical form.

                                                           Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  David Stegmaier USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  Arrowhead Alpines USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  Tom Joswick USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  Nate Cassell photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Commanche # 64’

            Compacta                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Compacta’

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Cow Creek                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                            Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, tight, 12’ up, round ball, down ridge

                                                           from Doane # 30. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cow Creek’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Cow Creek # 41’

            Crow                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a dwarf tree, thick, very green, 15’ tall, Vedawoo road.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Crow # 63’

            Dakota                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as a broom, tight – low – very good.

                                                           Vedauwoo area. JM text.

                                                           A miniature broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry Morris

                                                           Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles only ¾ of an inch long,

                                                           with the plant growing 1 inch a year in a tight bun. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dakota’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dakota’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dakota’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dakota’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dakota’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Dakota’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Dakota’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dakota’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dakota # 68’


82120943  81499942  91930344  83996336


            Damfino                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           2004 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 15-30’ wide tree, 30” tall x 16” wide, north

                                                           of Pearl CO, very green, compact. JM text.

                                                           Jerry Morris wild found as a WB near Pearl CO USA

                                                           Arrowhead Nurs. MA USA text.

                                                           A dwarf Limber Pine from southern Wyoming. One of the

                                                           Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Green in a tight flat

                                                           top bun growing 2’ to 4’ a year. Found as a broom. Broom was

                                                           almost 23 years old and 30’ high and 15’ wide. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Damfino’  Laporte Avenue Nurs. USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Damfino’  Laporte Avenue Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Damfino’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Damfino’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           /Damifino/ /Dam Fino/

                                                           Pinus flexilis # 1

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#1’  Jerry Morris CO USA

            David                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.




            Dean’s Mountain                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Dax Herbst USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 20” x 20”, near Six Mile Gap. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dean’s Mountain’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Deans Mountain’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dean’s Mountain’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dean’s Mountain’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Dean’s Mountain’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Dean’s Mtn.’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dean’s Mountain’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dean’s Mountain # 25’

            Dennis                                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dennis’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Domingo                                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Doane                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a large broom, 8’ x 8’, 15’ up, upright, old, down the

                                                           road from the Medicine Bow on right at left turn corner.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Doane # 30’

            Drulast                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Dufunny                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 20’ up, southwest of Encampment on

                                                           Blackhall road, a few miles on east side of road, close to road.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           A dwarf Limber Pine from southern Wyoming. One of the

                                                           Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Green globe tight

                                                           growing 2’ to 3’ a year.

                                                           Found as a broom near De Funny Creek. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dufunny’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dufunny’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dufunny’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dufunny’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dufunny’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dufunny SDL’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Dufunny’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Dufunny’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Dufunny’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Dufunny’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dufunny WB SDL’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dufunny WB SDL’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Dufunny # 38’

            Dwarf Form                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Elliot                                      2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA

                                                           Very narrow pyramid. Rich Eyre text.

            Elmwood Foxtail                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1991 USA

                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA




            Elton                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Elton’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                                                  Stephen Grubb GBR

                                                           Found as a tree, 10’ tall, near Pearl Limber Pine, compact, deep

                                                           green, north of Pearl, north of Mine, but west & downhill a

                                                           little, on a hill where 3 other Limber brooms are. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf Limber Pine from southern Wyoming. One of the

                                                           Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Bright green in a

                                                           tight bun growing 2’ to 4’ a year. Found as a broom.

                                                           Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Elton’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Elton’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Elton’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Elton # 21’

            Empty                                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Squaw Pass on curve at top on west side of road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Empty # 54’

            Evermore                              2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           2011 Nate Cassall USA

                                                                                  Cassell Gardens USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as an old broom in Colorado.

                                                           Pinus flexilis 'Evermore'  Nate Cassell CO photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis 'Evermore'  Nate Cassell CO photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Evermore’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Evermore’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Evermore’  Nate Cassell USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Evermore’  Nate Cassell USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Evermore’  Nate Cassell USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Evermore’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Extra Blue                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Extra Blue’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           A blue form of Limber Pine. Plant grows upright some what

                                                           columnar. Leaves are a gray powdery blue. Very nice Accent

                                                           plant. Cut terminal wood every other year to keep more

                                                           columnar. (Description of L. Stanley)

                                                           Aptly named, the standard size Limber Pine 'Extra Blue' boasts outstanding blue color on its clusters of five, long, slightly twisting or curving needles. The fast-growing tree, which prefers moist, well-drained soil, develops an attractive pyramidal habit and 3-6" long, light brown, resinous cones. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Extra Blue’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

            Fast Fred                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 4’ wide x 2’ tall, 8-10’ up, grows faster than

                                                           the tree, which is healthy. Blacktop parking, Red Canyon.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Fast Fred’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Fast Fred # 84’

            Fastigiata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           R. M. Nordine 1961                          USA

            Firmament                            H. J. van Gelderen 1982

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Firmament’

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER


            Firement                                /Firmament/                                                               DCC

            First Canyon                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom in Red Canyon. JM text.

                                                           A witch’s broom from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain

                                                           Collection. Dwarf plant, 2inch green leaves.

                                                           Plant grows 2-4 inches a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘First Canyon’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’First Canyon # 104’

            Flathead                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Flathead # 77’




            Flexy                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom near Mock Draw, North-CO, 15-20’ tall x 10-

                                                           15’ wide, fastigiate, pale green. JM text.

                                                           An irregular shaped upright plant. Leaves are a blue green.

                                                           Cones of plant red. Mature plant will reach 20 ft. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#3’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Flexy # 3’

            Fleyii                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           An irregular shaped upright plant. Leaves are a blue green.

                                                           Cones of plant red. Mature plant will reach 20 ft.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Probably a mistake of /Flexy/




            Florie                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found on east of # 8 as a broom of 6’ x 6’.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#9’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Florie # 9’

            Foxtail                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Frisby                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Frisby’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Fugate                                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a large broom, 8’ diameter, east of Thickstem, 30’

                                                           away from Little Small, up in rocks & a little toward northeast.

                                                           JM text.

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Fugate # 16’

            GH-2                                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Gilpin Glory                         2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Gilpin Glory’  Nate Cassell CO USA




            Ginger Quill                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 10-15” diameter, tight, almost a pincushion,

                                                           on road up to ’Broccoli Juniper”. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL in Dykstra Gardens IA USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL in Dykstra Gardens IA USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Ginger Quill’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Ginger Quill’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ginger Quill # 18’

            Glauca                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           GER               /Firmament/

            Glauca                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA

                                                           Bluish twisted foliage on open pyramidal habit. Great tree for

                                                           soft textured screening. Rich Eyre text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Glauca’

            Glauca Compacta                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1968 USA

            Glauca Pendula                    1970 GBR

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Glauca Pendula’

                                                                                   Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           The unique, sculptural character of this “flexible” Limber pine comes from its free-flowing branches. They might grow upright, or at an angle, or horizontal above the ground, or even as a groundcover. In addition, the dramatic conifer produces long, distinctly blue, silver-banded needles. Grown upright, its swooping branches fill a large area; grown low, the branches flow nicely beneath taller, deciduous trees. New growth is more green and lush. Likely introduced as 'Pendula,' "Glauca" was apparently added later to denote the blue foliage. Sometimes labeled 'Glauca Reflexa.’ Growth Rate:  12-15" HxW@10yrs:  8'x8'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Glauca Pendula’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Glauca Prostrata                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Foxborough Nurs. USA

            Glauca Reflexa                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley Nurs. USA

                                                           A weeping blue Limber Pine. Leaves are gray blue on a plant

                                                           that has a central leader. But all the limbs come down and then

                                                           head up again. Plant likes to lean over and hit the ground and

                                                           go up again. Large red cones. (Description of L. Stanley)

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Glauca Reflexa’  Larry Stanley USA photo

            Glenmore                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1949 USA      /Glenmore Silver/

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                               Also known as Glenmore Silver this is a very long needled extremely blue form introduced by Robert More in 1950. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Glenmore Dwarf                  1970 GBR

                                                           1949 Scott Wilmore

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Glenmore Dwarf’ 

                                                                                   Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR

                                                           An old selection made by Scott Wilmore in 1949, which forms a

very narrow pyramidal shape. New growth is very stout and stiff. The foliage has a dark olive green color and is quite dense. This plant and could be placed on 5’ centers for screening in tight areas.

                                                           Picture Laporte Avenue Nurs. USA text.

            Glenmore Silver                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1950 R. E. Moore USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Glenmore’

                                                                                   Scott Wilmore, Wheatridge CO USA

            Globosa                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA




            Good Pine                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Good Pine’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 4’, 25’ up, blueish, on east side of Lost

                                                           Park road. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. A green irregular upright

                                                           globe growing 2 inches a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Good Pine’  dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Good Pine’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Good Pine’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Good Pine’ # 89  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Good Pine # 89’

            Gracilis                                  1970 FRA


81620323  81620322  81620321  81502657


            Grandby                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Grandby’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst, Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, nice, average tight, 2”-3” growht, 6’ up,

                                                           down river past Willow Creek. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Grandby’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Grandby’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Grandby’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Grandby’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Grandby # 93’

            Great Guy                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found north of Damfino, north of road, fairy tight. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Great Guy # 107’

            Grove No. 1                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Limber Grove Gallery of Nate Cassell CO USA

            Grove No. 2                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

            Grove No. 3                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Grove # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Grove # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Grove # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Grove # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Grove # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Grove No. 4                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Grove #4’  Dax Herbst photo 2015

            Grove No. 5                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

            Grove No. 6                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

            Grove No. 7                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling

            Grove No. 8                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

            Grove No. 9                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

            Grove No. 10                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

            Grove No. 11                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

            Grove No. 12                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Grove # 12’ Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

            Grove No. 13                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB seedling

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

            Grove No. 14                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

            Gully Plug                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 36” x 36”, 20’ up, not very tight. On road

                                                           west and south of Lindolc Memorial near Vedauwoo. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Gully Plug # 86’

            Haledon                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Plant in 10 years no bigger

                                                           than 1 foot. Stanley text.

            Haywood Select                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Henksgarden                        Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           WB SDL

            Hexenbesen 1.                       2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           G. Horstmann GER


                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hexenbesen’ 

                                                                                  Horstmann in USA  Jiøí Balatka photo

            Hexenbesen 2.                       G. Horstmann GER found in Rocky Mts. USA

                                                           A very tight compact broom. Growing 1 inch a year. Leaves

                                                           are blue-green. Makes a table top miniature plant.

                                                           (Description of L. Stanley)

            Hopi                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, good looking, but average, about 1

                                                           mile in on west road from Happy Jack, on route up a hill – near

                                                           a pondy broom (Pinus ponderosa). JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles stiff, green.

                                                           Shoots grow 3 inches a year in all directions. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hopi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hopi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hopi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hopi’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hopi # 73’

            Horstmann                            /Hexenbesen 1/

            Howie                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as a broom, round, but taller than wide, near top of tree,

                                                           near Pearl by bridge. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles blue-green on a

                                                           upright globe. Plant grows 1 ½ inch a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Howie # 14’

            Hownice                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom up Losee Canyon. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hownice # 80’

            Hunter Creek                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, low on tree, 8’ x 6’, upright, at state line to

                                                           north of road going east in Wyoming. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hunter Creek # 28’


83142667  91930352  


            Hyland                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pincushion, 14-16”, round ball, lower part of # 14, located

                                                           Northern Colorado near Pearl, east of bridge over big creek and

                                                           up the hill JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland’ # 15  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Hyland # 15’

            Imtiny                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 20” diameter, green, not tight, low 6’ on tree.

                                                           30 yards east of # 86, near Vedauwoo. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Imtiny # 87’

            J. Keith                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 20’ up on top of hill to north of mine road

                                                           and J. Michael. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J. Keith # 39’


82793901  81760543


            J. Michael #40                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘J. Michael’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine BEL

                                                           Found as a broom, 4’ x 4’, near ground, 12’ up, tight round ball

                                                           on east of mine road off Big Creek road. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf form of Limber Pine found in Southern Wyoming.

                                                           This is one of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection.

                                                           Very tight and miniature. Leaves are gray green with dwarf

                                                           cones. Named after Jerry’s grandson. Stanley text.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J. Michael’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J. Michael’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J. Michael’  Dariusz Burdan POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J. Michael’  Clement Anthoine BEL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J. Michael # 40’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J. Michael # 40’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J. Michael’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL in Dykstra Gardens IA USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘J. Michael’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘J. Michael’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘J. Michael’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘J. Michael’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J. Michael’ # 40  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J. Michael # 40’



            J. Pies                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found near Du Funny. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#10’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis J. Pies # 10’

            Jackpot                                  2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            JM SDL 1                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘JM SDL # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘JM SDL 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘JM SDL 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J.M. SDL 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            JM SDL 2                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’JM SDL # 2’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘JM SDL 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘JM SDL 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J.M. SDL 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J.M. SDL 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            JM SDL 3                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘JM SDL # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘JM SDL # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘JM SDL # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J.M. SDL 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J.M. SDL 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J.M. SDL # 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’J.M. SDL # 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013




            Jerry’s Bonsai                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Jerry’s Bonsai’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Jerry Minl                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Joe Stupka                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tree top broom, many branches, always exposed to

                                                           wind. South Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis Joe Stupka # 108’

            Joe’s Gem                              2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0


                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           This slow-growing pine was found as a witch's broom on a 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid' at a nursery on the east coast. Appears to be a dwarf, semi-globose form with silver-blue foliage. Growth Rate:  2-3". Brent Markus text.




            Joker                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Joker’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Joker’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Joy Morgan                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, green, 8’ up, 24” x 24”, on left going

                                                           up ’Squaw Pass; there is a road above it also. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Joy Morgan’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Joy Morgan # 51’

            Julie Kay                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tight broom, near to Finger Ridge, JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Julie Kay’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Julie Kay # 105’

            Karen                                    Hort.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Karen’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst photo in Dykstra garden IL USA

            Kieth                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2004 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


84205778  82793903  81502658


            Kinzie Rose                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Kinzie Rose’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens database search

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst, Kevin Fechke USA

                                                           Found as a broom, large, old, low on tree, fine needles, short,

                                                           good looking. Across Johnson flat and a short way up – on way

                                                           to towers – near Bryce. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf form of Limber Pine found in Southern Utah. This is

                                                           one of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. grows 2-3

                                                           inches a year and should be a wide globe. Stanley text.

                                                           Named after Jerry’s granddaughter. Dax Herbst text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kinzie Rose’  Kevin Fechke USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kinzie Rose’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kinzie Rose’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kinzie Rose’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kinzie Rose’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kinzie Rose’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kinzie Rose’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kinzie Rose’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kinzie Rose’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kinzie Rose’ # 79  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kinzi Rose # 79’

            Kiowa                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1998 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, half dead, but live is vigorous, 3’ x 3’, very

                                                           thick, low on tree, 8’ up on west side of tree. Vedawoo south of

                                                           next hillside from # 83 pondy. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Kiowa # 66’

            Kohout WB                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER in USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Kohouts’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Laj                                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           A narrow upright plant. All stems head straight up.

                                                           Leaves blue not outstanding. Mature at 25 ft.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A vigorous evergreen conifer with a narrow open form. Foliage is gray blue-green. Makes a stately tree at maturity. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

            Lav                                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2006 Dax Herbst in ACS database

                                                           Maybe the same as /Laj/?

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lav’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA




            Lazy II                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 16” x 8”, very green, south of Six Mile Gap

                                                           near top of the mountain on west side of the road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lazy II’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lazy II # 24’

            Lil Wolf                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Lush, silver-green needles of uniform length decorate the short branches of this dwarf pine. A nice slow growth rate and beautiful color scheme make it a choice small conifer. Growth Rate:  3-4" HxW@10yrs:  2.5'x2'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lil Wolf’  Brent Markus photo 2014

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lil Wolf’  Eric Bizon photo 2014

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lil Wolf’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Limber Grove                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Two brooms, # 58-1, # 58-2, without decription. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Limber Grove # 58’

            Linda Jane                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 3’, 15’ up, on ridge in Saddle above 3

                                                           miles, toward 6 miles; very tight. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Linda Jane # 42’

            Lisa                                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a seedling

                                                           Found as a tree, 10’ tall dwarf, tight, very green, south of Six

                                                           Mile Gap. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis Lisa # 19’

            Lisa Seedling WB                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa Seedling WB’

            Lisa WB SDL # 1                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 1’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Lisa WB SDL # 2                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL #2’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL #2’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Lisa WB SDL #3                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL #3’

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 3’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Lisa WB SDL #4                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lisa WB SDL #4’

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lisa WB SDL # 4’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Lisa WB SDL # 23               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Lisa WB SDL # 33               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Little Indian                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Andy D. & Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a small broom, 18” x 18”, very tight, 50’ up, on Mt.

                                                           Evans road just above 2nd hairpin. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis Little Indian # 45’

            Little Small                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Randy Dyskra & Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 8” x 8”, 10’ up, 30’ from Fugate.

                                                           Pinus flexilis Little Small # 36’

            Little Wolf                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Little Wolf’  Will Fletcher USA photo

            Long Arm                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Found as a broom, low branch, 10’ and hanging down, 6-8’ long

                                                           branches, full with short thick branches, on road west from

                                                           Antero. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf flexilis Pine from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain

                                                           Collection. Leaves are very long, at least two inches.

                                                           Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Long Arm # 88’




            Losee                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 20” x 20”, thight, 50’ up, Losee

                                                           campground, Red Canyon, Utah. JM text.

                                                           Found as a broom in Idaho by Jerry Morris it is compact and

                                                           somewhat upright growing 2-4” a year. Arrowhead text.

                                                           Broom found in Idaho. Very nice compact plant with green

                                                           leaves. Plant only grows 2-4 inchs a year. Somewhat upright.

                                                           Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee’  Larry Stanley OR USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Losee’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Losee’  Larry Stanley USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Losee # 59’

            Lucky Len                             2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as abroom, very very tight, almost too tight. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lucky Len # 101’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lucky Len’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lucky Len’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Lucky Len # 101’

            Lynne WB SDL                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Lynne WB SDL’

            Mariko                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Mariko’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Mariko’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Mariko’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Mariko’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Markay                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           A dwarf flexilis Pine from the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain

                                                           Collection. Leaves green in a tight compact globe. Found in

                                                           Big Timber, Montana. Jerry named this plant after Marlene

                                                           Stanley, of Stanley & Sons Nursery, Boring, OR USA.

                                                           Stanley text

                                                           /Marlene Stanley/

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Markay’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Markay’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Markay’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Markay’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Markay’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Markay’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Markay’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Marlene Stanley                    /Markay/

            M&D Pine Bluff                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                               A rather large growing upright green plant. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA




            Medicine Bow                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom west of Encampment on last open hill to right

                                                           up hill about 60 yards, 3’ x 3’, fastigiate. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Medicine Bow’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Medicine Bow # 23’

            Millcreek                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           A medium-size evergreen conifer with a pyramidal form. Needles in fascicles of five are gray-blue. Makes a neat formal appearance in the landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Millcreek’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Millcreek’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Millcreek’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Mini                                       Hort.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Mini’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Mini’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Mini’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL




            Mohawk                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 12’ up, unusual with a great many stems

                                                           coming from a center extending upward. Very thick, attractive,

                                                           these stems have very little branching.

                                                           Red Canyon find. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles green on a loose

                                                           upright that grows 3-4 inches a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Mohawk’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Mohawk’  Nate Cassell photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Mohawk # 67’




            Mr. Slim #13                          2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a young tree, 25’ tall, very slim, near road of north

                                                           Three Way & close to doug fir, Three Way. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#13’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Mr. Slim # 13’

            Mt. Evans                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as a broom, 6’ x 6’, 30’ up, on right going east up Squaw

                                                           Pass from Mt. Evans road, less than a mile from Echo lodge.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection.

                                                           Plant in 10 years no bigger than 1 foot. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Mt. Evans’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Mt. Evans’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Mt. Evans’ # 31  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Mt. Evans # 31’

            Musso Nr. 1                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database


            Musso Nr. 2                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database


            Nambe Dwarf                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. Noble 1951

                                                           1947 J. Noble in Sierra Nevada CA USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Nana’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Nana’  Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Nana’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Natchez                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom, small, 20”, tight, to northeast of Pinus

                                                           aristata ’Low Boy’ 4 mile. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Natchez # 95’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Natchez’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Natches’ # 95  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Natchez # 95’




            Navajo                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Navajo’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 8’ up, medium, thick, going up from east to

                                                           Brice on left on curve. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles 2 inches long on a

                                                           upright globe. Plant grows 1 ½ inch a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Navajo’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Navajo’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Navajo’  Arrowhead Alpines USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Navajo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Navajo’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Navajo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Navajo’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Navajo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Navajo’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Navajo’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Navajo’ # 55  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Navajo # 55’

            New Broom                           Jerry Morris USA ?

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ


82120946  81502661  83595778  82120704  81499940  81499941


            # 83                                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

            Niceiam                                 2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Niceiam’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                                                  Dr. Daniel Wols USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 8’ up, 30” x 30”, good broom, silver broom,

                                                           in Red Canyon, across from camping area on south of Hiway.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           A dwarf silverish-green globe that is round to flat. Plant is a

                                                           part of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection.

                                                           Found in South Utah. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#83’  dr. Daniel Vols USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#83’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#83’ aka Niceiam  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#83’ aka Niceiam  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Niceiam’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Niceiam’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘#83’

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Niceiam # 83’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Niceiam’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Niceiam’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Niceiam’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Niceiam’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Niceiam’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Niceiam # 83’

            Odd Broom                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA



            Ojibwa                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, large – old – 20’ up, very thick, broom is

                                                           dieing slowly. Cherokee Park north side between # 76 and # 4.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           A miniature broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry Morris

                                                           Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles green and ½ inch long.

                                                           Plant grows in a round ball about ¼ inch a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ojibwa’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ojibwa’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ojibwa’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ojibwa’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ojibwa’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Ojibwa’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ojibwa # 76’

            Old Timer                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, South Park on trail to Limber Grove.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Oldtimer’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Old Timer # 110’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Old Timer’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Old Timer’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Old Timer’ # 110  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Old Timer’ # 110  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Old Timer # 110’

            Osage                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a small broom, open, good looking, 15’ up, parking by

                                                           Damfino. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Osage # 81’

            Overlook                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, thick, not a tight bun, at Overlook up

                                                           Wheeler Park by snow gate. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Overlook # 52’

            Paiute                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                                                  Clément Anthoine BEL

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, medium, 15’ up, above lookout on

                                                           Bristlecone trail at Brice at cliffs edge. JM text.

                                                           Looks like a baseball with eyes. Very nice and tight.

A very small variety of Limber Pine. This plant is part of the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Leaves are green with many brown buds. Looks like a baseball with eyes! Very nice and tight. Excellent !! Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Larry Stanley OR USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Clement Anthoine BEL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Paiute’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Paiute # 56’

            Papago                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, upright, vigorous, short needles, low on

                                                           trunk. Close to outhouse, Yedauwoo. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Papago # 78’




            Parsons                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Nate Cassell & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Found as a broom, small, low on tree, soutwest from Florie,

                                                           downhill. 40 yards of 2 Stem. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Parsons’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Parsons # 27’




            Pearl                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 8’ x 8’, north of Pearl, Colorado, more open

                                                           than Damifino # 1. JM text.

                                                           Limber Pine from Southern Wyoming. It has coarse short

                                                           needles with single buds coming out in different directions.

                                                           Looking like single pearls. Color is a little bit grayish on this

                                                           cultivar. Grows 1 inch a year. Cones early.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pearl’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pearl’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pearl’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pearl’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pearl’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pearl’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pearl’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pearl’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pearl # 2’

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Welch 1979

                                                           1941 Vermuelen & Sons Nurs. PA USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Pendula’

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Pendula’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Pendula’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Pendula Glauca                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Glauca Pendula/

            Persberks                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Hulsdonk Nursery BEL

                                                           Vrij smal opgaande groeiwijze. Geen te natte standplaats.

                                                           Hulsdonk text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Persberks’

            Pima                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA        

                                                           Found as a broom, 12’-15’ up, about 1 mile up road on route on

                                                           top of the ridge from # 68 Dakota, Vedauwoo. JM text.

                                                           A miniature broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry Morris

                                                           Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles are green and ½ inch

                                                           long. Plant grows ½ inch a year in a flat bun. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pima’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pima # 72’

            Pondensis Iowa                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pondensis Iowa’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pondensis Iowa’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pondensis Iowa’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pondensis Iowa’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Pøedèice                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Miroslav Malík CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Predcice’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Predcice’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Pygmaea                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1972 GER

                                                           1965 zu Jeddeloh Nurs. GER

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Pygmaea’

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pygmaea’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Pygmaea’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Pygmaea’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Pygmaea’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Pyramidal Compact             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA


83142668  82793904  81502673  


            Rapaho                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA




            Red Elk                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Stephen Grubb GBR

                                                           Found as a broom, large, tight, old, vigorous, near Fairplay.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Red Elk’

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Red Elk’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Red Elk’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Red Elk’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Red Elk’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Red Elk’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Red Elk’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Red Elk’ # 109  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Red Elk’ # 109  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Red Elk # 109’

            Red Hill                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a large broom, low 15’ up, Red Hill ranch, average

                                                           broom, on top to northwest of buildings. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Red Hill # 98’

            Reflexa                                  1970 GBR

                                                           Probably the same as Pinus flexilis var. reflexa




            Ririe                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Ririe’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, upright, 4’ tall x 3’ wide, in Idaho, near

                                                           bottom of Teton Pass. JM text.

This broom was found in Idaho. So full of buds in spring, you cannot see the needles. May be the smallest and most miniature grows ¼ inch a year. Jerry found this cultivar when out looking for Larch brooms. Round bun. Stanley text.

                                                                                  Larry Stanley in ACS Bulletin          ACS

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Clement Anthoine BEL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Ririe’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ririe # 44’

            Riverbend                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           A dwarf globose type broom. Leaves blue-green. Needles very

                                                           large for species. Plant grows about 6 inches a year.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Romana                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2000 Pavel Kovalsky CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a tree, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Výsev, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Ron D                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Ron D. & Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Ron D’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found by Ron. D. as a broom, 3’ x 3’, in Wheeler

                                                           Draw to southwest. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D. Broom’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D Broom’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D Broom’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Ron D’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Ron D’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Ron D’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D’ # 43  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Ron D # 43’

            Ron D WB SDL # 2             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Sarah WB SDL                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Václav Kolár CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Sarah WB SDL’  Mesterhazy & Kolar photo 2012




            Saunny                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1993 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Saunny’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a dwarf tree, 3’ in diameter x 18” tall, very compact,

                                                           colorful foliage, 100’ from Lisa dwarf. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Saunny’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Saunny’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Saunny’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Saunny # 20’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Saunny’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Saunny’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Saunny’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis Saunny # 20’

            Scot                                        2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

            Scratch Gravel                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Arnold Arboretum 1970

                                                           1963 wild found in the USA

                                                                                   1969 V. A. Berg

            SDL 1                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            SDL BF # 1                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL BF # 1’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

            SDL Mini                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL Mini’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘SDL Mini’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL Mini’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013




            Select                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org


                                                                                  Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA

                                                           Extra blue pyramid. Rich Eyre text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Select’

                                                           Pinus flexilis Selection  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Semivirgata                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Schwerin 1932

                                                           Count Schwerin in Wendisch-Wilmendorf GER

            Shadow Lake                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           An irregular dwarf mound. Leaves green with some blue.

                                                           Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Shadow Lake’

            Shadow’s Blue                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Bill Barger in ACS database

                                                           1991 USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           A large blue tree

            Shika                                     Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Shika’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Silver                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  1975 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

            Sioux                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a large, thick broom, 10’ up, 4 mile road beside to

                                                           south of Low Boy. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Sioux # 61’


82120948  91930379  83996362  83996363


            Smile                                      2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                                                  Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom south of Six Mile Gap. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Smile’

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Smile’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Smile’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Smile’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#6’ & ’#7’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#6’ & ’#7’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Smile’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Smile # 7’

            Snowy                                               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Snowy # 1                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Snowy # 2                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 2’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Snowy # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Snowy # 3                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


            Snowy # 4                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Snowy # 5                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


            Snowy # 6                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


            Snowy # 7                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


            Snowy # 8                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


            Snowy # 9                              2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


            Snowy # 10                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


            Snowy # 11                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 11’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 11’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 11’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Snowy # 11’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Snowy # 11’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Snowy # 11’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 11’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 11’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Snowy # 12                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


            Snowy # 13                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 13’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 13’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Snowy # 13’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Snowy # 13’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Snowmill                               2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.

            So Tight                                 2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’So Tight’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’So Tight’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘So Tight’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘So Tight’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’So Tight’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            South Park                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, south of the Buffalo on county 15, on east in

                                                           South Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘South Park’  Nate Cassell USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’South Park # 33’

            South Park                            2012 Mesterhazy in Organic Conifering conifertreasury.org

                                                           2010 Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Aged experimental organic wild find of Nate Cassell.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’South Park’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Southbridge                          Hort. variegated

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           A beautifully variegated cultivar that was first thought to be a Pinus strobus due to their similar needles. The variegation contrasts nicely with the blue-green color typical of the species. Growth Rate:  8-10" HxW@10yrs:  9'x4'. Brent Markus text.

            Spider                                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Found as a broom, many stams – 50 or so – each 15” to 20”

                                                           long, 5’ up on 8” diameter trunk – only broom on top. Red

                                                           Canyon, up from parking. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection.

                                                           A green irregular upright growing 2 inches a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Spider # 85’

            Stanley                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Stanley’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Stanley’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013




            Sugarloaf                               2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1993 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  1993 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a broom, Bosworth type, 4’ x 4’, tight, across gulley

                                                           from Broccoli, to the west about 150 yards and 15’ up. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Sugarloaf’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Sugar Loaf # 34’

            Sunrise                                   2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Carl Wildrick USA

                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           This is a witch’s broom found by Carl Wildrick of Utah, in a tree in the northern part of the state. It was about 30" in diameter, and about 25’ up into the branches of the tree. Howse text.

            Sunsport # 1                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Sunsport # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Sunsport # 2                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Sunsport # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Super Amerika                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Super Amerika’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Super Amerika’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Suzy’s Softy                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a large broom, 4’ x 6’, needles the same, are all soft

                                                           green, Castro Canyon up to left where to top, way up then up to

                                                           route. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Suzy’s Softy # 103’

            Taos                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Broom tree, wide as tall, 10’, tight, up road to north off Happy

                                                           Jack. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles bluish and 1 inch

                                                           long. Round ball growing 1 ½ inch a year. Stanley text.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Taos’  Jörg Kohout photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Taos # 70’




            Tara May                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Tara mac’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, good looking, blueish long needles,

                                                           Red Canyon. JM text.

                                                           A miniature broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry Morris

                                                           Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles are green, stiff and are 1

                                                           inch long. Plant grows ½ inch a year in a flat bun. Stanley text.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Tara Mae’  Larry Stanley OR USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Tara May’ # 94  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Tara May’ # 94  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Tara Mae’  Larry Stanley USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Tara May # 94’

            Tarryall                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom, odd looking, short needles, with thin twigs,

                                                           6’ up, looks a lot like Flexy twigs do, on road from Antero.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain A green irregular upright growing 4

                                                           inches a year. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Tarryall’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Tarryall’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Tarryall’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Tarryall # 90’

            Temple                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA




            Thickstem                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a tree, over hill from Three Way, deep green, compact,

                                                           upright. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#8’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Thickstem # 8’

            Tickle                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a dwarf tree, Brice on west, 4’ tall, special. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Tickle’  Nate Cassell photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Tickle # 57’

            Tiny Temple                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. Vermeulen 1972

                                                           Verrmeulen & Sons Nurs., Neshanic Station NJ USA

                                                           Leaves are blue on a dwarf upright compact plant. Grows at a good pace about 8-12 inches a year. Stanley text.

            Toady                                     2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, average, low – 6’ up. Wheeler Park, Berido.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Toady # 92’

            Unnamed 070798                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

Name: Pinus flexilis [unnamed cultivar]
Accession Date: 20 Mar 2007
Accession Number: 070798
Garden Location Code(s): GDCBSOUTH
Source: Morris












Denver Botanic Garden access

            Unnamed 070799                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


            Unnamed 070800                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


            Unnamed 070801                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


            Unnamed 070802                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


            Unnamed Jerry Morris Selection #1

                                                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                   Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                                                  Denver access #1 - #8

            Unnamed Jerry Morris Selection #2

                                                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA



            Unnamed Jerry Morris Selection #3

                                                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Unnamed Jerry Morris Selection 3’ 

                                                                                  Nate Cassell CO USA


            Unnamed Jerry Morris Selection #4

                                                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


            Unnamed Jerry Morris Selection #5

                                                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


            Unnamed Jerry Morris Selection #6

                                                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA


            Unnamed Jerry Morris Selection #7

                                                           2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA




            Unnamed Jerry Morris Selection #8

                                                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Unnamed Jerry Morris Selection 8’ 

                                                                                  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Vanderwolf’s Pyramid        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           J. Vermeulen 1972

                                                           Vermeulen & Sons Nurs., Neshanic Station NJ USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Vanderwolf’s Pyramid’

                                                           A beautiful blue pyramid. Large growing tree with blue

                                                           stomates on leaves that give this cultivar its color. Candling in

                                                           summer makes plant even more tight. Found by Peter

                                                           Vanderwolf of Vermuelen Nursery in New Jersey.

                                                           (Description by L. Stanley)

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Vanderwolf’s Pyramid’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Vanderwolf’s Pyramid’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Vanderwolf’s Pyramid’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Verkade’s Dwarf                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

            Vista                                       2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom near Three Way, 24” diameter, too tight.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#4’ & ’#5’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Vista # 5’




            Waldorf #1                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2007 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2007 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Waldorf’  Nate Cassell CO USA

            Watnong                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

            WB                                         2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           A very tight compact broom. Growing 1 inch a year. Leaves

                                                           are blue-green. Makes a table top miniature plant.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            WB Grove #13                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           /Grove # 13/

            WB SDL # 1                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL WB # 1’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Broom SDL # 1’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Broom Seedling’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            WB SDL # 2                         2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL # 2’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL # 2’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Witch’s Broom No. 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL WB # 2’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’JM SDL # 2’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL # 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL # 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL # 2’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL # 2’

            WB SDL JM # 3                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL WB JM # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL WB JM # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            WB SDL # 2 1996                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘WB SDL 2 1996’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL # 2 1996’

            WB SDL # 21                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL # 21’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL # 21’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL # 21’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL # 21’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL # 21’

            WB SDL Amerika               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL Amerika’

            WB SDL JK 2003                2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. Jörg Kohout

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL JK 2003’

            WB SDL JM # 3                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. Jerry Morris

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL WB JM # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL WB JM # 3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            WB SDL of Lisa                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL of Lisa’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL of Lisa’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL of Lisa’

            WB SDL Mini                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’SDL Mini’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012


83996637  82793908


            WB Seedling #417                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Rich Eyre of Jerry Morris broom seed

                                                                                  Dax Herbst USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis 'WB Seedling 417' Rich Eyre grown from Jerry

                                                           Morris witches broom seed. Dax Herbst text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB Seedling #417’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB Seedling #417’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB Seedling 417’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB Seedling 417’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB Seedling 417’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’WB SDL JM’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

Pinus flexilis ’SDL # 435’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Wee Rogue                            2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Mike M. & Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found by Mike M. as a broom, 2’ x 2’, thight, 15’ up, north side

                                                           of first road to south; west of Kenosha Pass, first limber on left.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Wee Broom’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Wee Rogue’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Wee Rogue’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Wee Rogue’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Wee Rogue # 53’

            Weston                                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, fairly tight, top of tree, 30’ up, east side of

                                                           Weston Pass, almost to bottom, where its get flat, on north side

                                                           of road. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Weston # 47’


            White Bark Flex                   2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a tree with white bark in the Red Canyon, Utah.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’White Bark Flex # 106’




            Wigwam                                2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Found as a broom, average, close to Great Guy to south.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection.

                                                           Plant in 10 years no bigger than 1 foot. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Wigwam’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Wigwam’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Wigwam’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Wigwam’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Wigwam # 102’




            Witches’ Broom                    2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Witches’ Broom’

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘W.B.’

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Witch’s Broom’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Witches Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Witches Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Witch’s Broom No.1.           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1984 USA

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

            Witch’s Broom No.2.           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1984 USA

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Witch’s Broom No. 2’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012


91930380  83996362  83996363


            Woodland                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  ACS database

                                                                                  Nate Cassell USA

                                                           Found as a broom, 8’ diameter, Woodland park area,

                                                           a little open. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Woodland’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Woodland’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#6’ & ’#7’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’#6’ & ’#7’  Jerry Morris CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Woodland’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Woodland’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Woodland’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Woodland’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Woodland’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Woodland’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Woodland’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Woodland’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Woodland’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Woodland’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Woodland’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Woodland’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Woodland’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Woodland’ # 6  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Woodland # 6  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Woodland’ # 6  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Woodland # 6’

            Wyoming Broom                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a WB

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as a large broom, 15’ up, 10’ wide x 8’ tall, north of # 12

                                                           on hill top. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ‘Wyoming’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Wyoming’ # 26  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Wyoming # 26’

            Wyoming                               2011 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.1

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Slow growth, blue, irregular, of seed.

                                                           Nagyon lassú növésû, kék, „borzas” tûkkel díszít. Olyan helyrõl kaptuk a magot, ahol télen -40 fok is van, a nyár meg száraz és forró. Valószínûleg elpusztíthatatlan.




            Yellow 1                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2004 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2004 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Found as a yellow tree with normal growth. 4 miles above road,

                                                           where 2 brooms at end. JM text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Yellow’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Yellow # 96’

Jerry Morris videos by Nate Cassell

Juniperus monosperma ’Ute’  video 

Abies concolor ’Charming Chub’  video 

Pinus flexilis ’Yellow’  video 

Dwarf Picea selection of Jerry Morris in Denver BG  video 

Picea pungens ’Dove’  video 


            Yellow 2                                 2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2005 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2005 Denver Botanic Gardens CO USA

                                                           Denver Botanic Garden access


            Yellowstone Park                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Tresury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1982 Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a broom in Yellowstone Park, growth rate over 3 cm.

                                                           Èarovìník, pøivezl a zavedl do kultùry Jan Beran, nález,

                                                           Yelewstonský Park USA.

                                                           Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Yellowstone’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Zuni                                        2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as a broom, 4’ x 4’, not tight, average, vigorous,

                                                           Vedauwoo, 10 yds east of # 68 Dakota. JM text.

                                                           A dwarf witch’s broom of Limber Pine. Part of the Jerry

                                                           Morris Rocky Mountain Collection. Needles blue-green and 1

                                                           ½ inches long. Grows 2 inches a year in a conical upright.

                                                           Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Zuni’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Zuni’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst photo in Dykstra garden IL USA

                                                           Pinus flexilis ’Zuni # 71’


Pinus flexilis x cembra’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012


            Pinus flexilis x Pinus aristata

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

Pinus flexilis x aristata  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

Pinus flexilis x aristata  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

Pinus flexilis x aristata  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Pinus flexilis x Pinus wallichiana

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

Pinus flexilis x albicaulis ’Sunshine’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

Pinus flexilis x albicaulis ’Sunshine’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

Pinus flexilis x cembra  Miroslav Malík photo 2013


Pinus flexilis x parviflora ’Mariken’  František Topinka photo



   FOMINII                                       1950                           UKR

                                                           Kondr.                                                                                   Cz


   FORMOSANA                                Hayata

                                                           /P. MORRISONICOLA/

   FRASERI                                        Lodd.

                                                           /P. RIGIDA/

   FREMONTIANA                            Gord.

                                                           /P. CEMBROIDES/


   FRIESIANA                                                                     N-EUR

                                                           Wichura                                                                     Cz

                                                           Pinus friesiana Wichura

                                                           P. lapponica /Fries ex C.Hartm./Mayr

                                                           P. sylvestris L. var. lapponica Fries ex C.Hartm.

                                                           P. sylvestris L. ssp. lapponica /Fries ex C.Hartm./Holmb.

                                                           P. sylvestris L.


   FUNEBRIS  X                              Komarov                                                                   Cz

                                                           P. densiflora Sieb. & Zucc.  x  P.sylvestris L.

                                                           Pinus funebris Komarov

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA


   FUTILIS                                         Sarg.

                                                           /P. CEMBROIDES/


   GALAIANA                                 1938                           GRE

                                                           Papaioannes & Mon.                                     KeI


   GENUIENSIS                                 Cook.

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/

   GEORGICA                                               Hort.

                                                           /P. PALUSTRIS/


   GERARDIANA                           1832                           NW-HIM KAS TIB N-AFG

                                                           Wallich ex D. Don                                                    Kr P

Pinus gerardiana Wallich ex D. Don 1832 – Afgán diófenyõ – Chilgoza pine

                                                           Pinus gerardiana  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus gerardiana  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           P. aucklandii Lodd. ex Gord.

                                                           P. chilgoza Elpf.

                                                           P. neosa Grovan.

            33080-1949                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Khyber Pass                         G. Haddow 1992

                                                           Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

                                                                                   Kenwith Nurs., Bideford GBR

            Yogi                                       2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           2000 Liptai István HUN from seed of Forest Service of India

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Rigid, straight, deep green / bloomy-blueish needles, straight

                                                           lateral heads, bark a long time smooth, grey, later like a

                                                           Platanus. Very persistant, drought tolerant.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Nepál, Bhutan, Kashmir a hazája, ehhez képest öntözetlenül bírja nyarainkat egy homokdomb déli oldalában. Merev, egyenes, mélyzöld/ kékes hamvas tûi, viszonylag nagy rügyek díszítik. Kérge sokáig sima szürke, késõbb platán szerûen hámlik. Nagyon ellenálló, szárazságtûrõ.

                                                           Anyatõ az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus gerardiana ’Yogi’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus gerardiana ’Yogi’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus gerardiana ’Yogi’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus gerardiana ’Yogi’  conifertreasury.org photo


   GLABRA                                      1738                           USA

                                                           Walter                                                                        Kr

                                                           Pinus glabra Walter 1738 - Spruce pine

Pinus glabra - Spruce Pine. 2 needles. Confined to the Coastal Plain of South East USA from South Carolina to North Florida. Likes moist sub-tropical areas. Stands shade when young. Will survive in temperatures down to minus 7 degrees Celsius. May need a sheltered site. Tree to 20 metres in native habitat. Zone 9. Cedar Lodge text.

            Globosa                                 1985 GBR

                                                                                   Windsor Great Park GBR

            Woodland                              2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           Hódi Tóth József HUN

                                                           Debreczy Zsolt HUN bought as a young seedling from

                                                           Woodland Nursery, USA

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Mediterrain touch, reminds P. halepensis. Bright green

                                                           needles, bark like P. bungeana or P. gerardiana. Very drought

                                                           tolerant, in one season three growth as well. Irregular habit,

                                                           bizarre, cheerful.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           A mediterrán aleppó-fenyõre emlékeztetõ fényeszöld, egyenes tûk, de a P. bungeana-ra és P. gererdiana-ra emlékeztetõ foltokban leváló, platánszerû kéreg jellemzi ezt az Észak-Amerika keleti felében, silány talajokon honos fenyõt. Nagyon szárazságtûrõ, egy vegetációs idõszakban akár háromszor is beindul, mégis biztonságosan beérnek hajtásai. Koronája ritkán szabályos, inkább a mediterrán és a japán Pinusok bizarr, aszimmetrikus sziluettjére emlékeztet. Sajátos színfoltja lehet a kertnek, vidám tagja egy komorabb zöld Pinus-csoportnak.

                                                           Anyatõ az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus glabra ’Woodland’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus glabra ’Woodland’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus glabra ’Woodland’  conifertreasury.org photo


   GLOMERATA                                Salisb.

                                                           /P. PINASTER/

   GORDONIANA                              1847                           SW-MEX

                                                           Hartw. ex Gord.                                                        DG

                                                           /P. MONTEZUMAE/

   GRACILIS                                      Roezl

                                                           /P. LEIOPHYLLA/


   GREGGII                                     1868                           C-MEX

                                                           Engelm. ex Parl.                                                        Kr DG PM

Pinus greggii Engelm. ex Parl. 1868 – Gregg fenyõ – Gregg pine

Pinus greggii - Gregg Pine. 3 needles. Native of Mexico. Closely related to Pinus patula, but with shorter coarser needles - growth rate similar. Occurs on dry cold areas. Cones remain closed on tree for several years. A medium sized tree. 4 metres high x 3 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Zone 7. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Pinus greggii  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus greggii  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus greggii  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           P. patula var. macrocarpa Mast. 1891

                                                           P. patula var. stricta Benth. 1847

                                                           P. pseudo-patula H. ex Bois.


            Mex                                        2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.0

                                                           1996 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed collected by

                                                           Debreczy Zsolt & Rácz István in Central- Mexico 1994

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           Irregular, conical habit, fast growing. Very drought tolerant,

                                                           in one season three growth as well. Middle needles, rigid,

                                                           straight, lively green, bright. The axis of sprouts blueish. Bark

                                                           in youth smooth, grey. Full hardy.

                                                           Original plant in Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Szabálytalan, kicsit kusza koronaalak, még silány homokon is jól növekszik. Nagyon szárazságtûrõ, öntözés nélkül is akár három növekménye van egy szezonban. 5-8 cm tûhossz, egyenes, merev, erõteljes fényeszöld tûk. A hajtástengely hamvas, kék. A fiatal kéreg sima, szürke. Teljesen télálló.

                                                           Anyatõ az Arizonica Arborétumban, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus greggii ’Mex’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus greggii ’Mex’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus greggii ’Mex’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus greggii ’Mex’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus greggii ’Mex’  conifertreasury.org photo


   GRENVILLEAE                             Gord. 1847

                                                           /P. MONTEZUMAE/

   GRIFFITHII                                   McClelland 1854       

                                                           /P. WALLICHIANA/

   GROZELIERI                                 Carr.

                                                           /P. MONTICOLA/


   HAKKODENSIS  X                     1931                           JPN

                                                           Nakino                                                                                  Kr

                                                           Pinus hakkodensis x  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus hakkodensis x  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus hakkodensis x  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           P. parviflora  x  P. pumila

            Hvožïany                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1993 Karel Malý CZ

                                                                                   Malý Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2001 Jiøí Balatka CZ

                                                           Found as a SDL hybrid of Pinus hakkodensis x Pinus

                                                           cembra. Balatka text.


   HALEPENSI-PINASTER          1889                           FRA

                                                           Saporta                                                                      WCC


   HALEPENSIS                                 Bieberst.

                                                           /P. LEIOPHYLLA/


   HALEPENSIS                              1768                           POR - MED - ASM - AFG

                                                           Mill.                                                                           Kr P

Pinus halepensis Mill. 1768 - Aleppófenyõ - Aleppo pine

                                                           P. abasica Carr. 1855

                                                           P. abchasica Fisch.

                                                           P. alepensis Poir.

                                                           P. arabica Sieber 1826

                                                           P. australis Hort.

                                                           P. carica D.Don 1841

                                                           P. colchica Booth

                                                           P. genuensis Cook.

                                                           P. hierosolymitiana Duham.

                                                           P. hispanica Cook. 1834

                                                           P. loiseleuriana Carr.

                                                           P. maritima Lamb. 1803

                                                           P. minor Hort.

                                                           P. parolinii Visiani 1856

                                                           P. persica Strang. 1847

                                                           P. pyrenaica David 1833

                                                           P. resinosa Loisel. 1812 auct. non Ait.

                                                           P. sylvestris Gouan 1762. auct. non L.

                                                           P. tatarica Hort.

             ssp. BRUTIA                         /Ten./Elwes & Henry 1910                MED

                                                           P. halepensis var. brutia /Ten./Henry 1815


             ssp. PITHYUSA                    /Stev./Gord. 1838

                                                           P. brutia var. pithyusa /Stev./Silba1986


             ssp. STANKEWICZII            /Sukaczev/Fomin 1930

                                                           /P. PITYUSA var. STANKEWICZII/

             var. BRUTIA                         /Ten./Henry

                                                           /P. BRUTIA/

             var. CECILIAE                  Llorens 1979

             var. ELDARICA                    Medw. 1902

                                                           /P. BRUTIA var. ELDARICA/

             var.HALEPENSIS              Mill. 1768

            Brevifolia                              Carr. 1867                                          FRA

            Cedar’s Lemon                     2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1983 Cedar Lodge NZL

                                                           Pinus halepensis ‘Cedar’s Lemon’

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           Found in a batch of seedlings grown at our nursery in 1983. Lemon stripe on needles. Colour stronger in a cooler climate. A very attractive pine that would be a talking point in any garden. Conditions for growth same as the species. Salt wind hardy. Approx. 3 metres high x 1.5 metres wide in 10 years in our Nursery/Garden. Round to oval bush. Zone 8 - 9. Cedar Lodge text.

            Kapunda                               2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           1979 P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

                                                                                   P. C. Nitschke, Hahndorf AUS

            Murat                                    2011 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 1.2

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant in Antalya,

                                                           in the garden of Murat Pasha Djami, TUR

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár HUN

                                                           4 m tall, regular, slender conical habit. Dense foliage, needles

                                                           in lively green and longer than type. Quick growing, axis

                                                           massiver than type.

                                                           Original plant /graft/ Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           2010-ben 4 méteres fiatal növény szabályos, karcsú kúp alakú koronával. Sûrû lombozat, élénkzöld és a típusnál lényegesn hosszabb tûk jellemzik. Gyorsan nõ, a hajtástengely vaskosabb a típusnál.

                                                           Anyanövény /oltvány/ Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus halepensis ’Murat’

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

                                                           wild found in Catalonia ESP

            Rotundata                             Carr. 1867                                          FRA

            Variegata                              Carr. 1867                                          FRA


   HAMATA                                        /Stev./Sosn.                

                                                           /P. SYLVESTRIS/ L.

   HAMILTONII                                 Tenore 1845

                                                           /P. PINASTER/


   HARTWEGII                               1839                           C-, S-MEX - HON

                                                           Lindl.                                                                         DG

Pinus hartwegii Lindl. 1839 - Háromtûs szirti moktezuma-fenyõ – Mexican mountain pine


   HARTWEGII                                  Parl. 1868

                                                           /P. MONTEZUMAE var. RUDIS/


   HELDREICHII                            1863                           BAL

                                                           Christ                                                                         Kr

Pinus heldreichii Christ 1863 – Páncélfenyõ - Steelpine

                                                           P. laricio var. heldreichii /Christ/ Mast.

             f. VIVIPARA                      Tuk & Stilin 1974

             ssp. LEUCODERMIS                       /Ant./Murray 1982

Pinus heldreichii ssp. leucodermis - Boszniai feketefenyõ – Bosnian black pine

                                                           Pinus heldreichii leucodermis 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii var. leucodermis 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii var. leucodermis 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           P. heldreichii var. leucodermis /Ant./Markgr. ex Fitsch./ 1930

                                                           P. heldreichii var. leucodermis /Ant./ Markgraf & Fitschen 1930

                                                           P. laricio var. leucodermis /Ant./Christ


Cultivars of Pinus heldreichii and ssp. leucodermis are listed here in one.


            1 WN                                     2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wies³aw Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wies³aw Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’1 WN’  Wies³aw Wnuk photo

            2 WN                                     2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wies³aw Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wies³aw Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’2 WN’  Wies³aw Wnuk photo

            3 WN                                     2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wies³aw Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wies³aw Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’3 WN’  Wies³aw Wnuk photo

            4 WN                                     2013 Mesterházy - Szewczyk in Conifer Treasury of Poland 2.0

                                                           Wies³aw Wnuk POL

                                                                                  Wies³aw Wnuk Nursery, Dobron POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’4 WN’  Wies³aw Wnuk photo

                                                           Jörg Kohout brooms from Greece

            # 1                                          /Zeptar/

            # 2                                          Hort.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Keule # 2’ JK  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Keule # 2’ JK  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Keule # 2’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Keule # 2’ JK’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Keule # 2’  Jörg Kohout photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Keule # 2 J.K.’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013


            # 3                                          Hort.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘# 3’  Jiøi Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘WB3’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            # 4                                          /Luna/

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Luna # 4’  Jörg Kohout photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (leucodermis) ‘Luna’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            # 5                                          Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Aphrodite # 5’  Jörg Kohout photo


            # 6                                          /Zeus/

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Zeus # 6’  Jörg Kohout photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Zeus’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            # 7                                          /Helios/

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Helios # 7’  Jörg Kohout photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Helios’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            # 8                                          Hort.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Tessaloniki # 8’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo


            # 9                                          Hort.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Grüne Lagune # 9’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Grüne Lagune # 9’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Grüne Lagune # 9’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Grüne Lagune # 9’  Jörg Kohout photo

                                                           /Grüne Lagune/

            2001                                       Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Achilles H 34                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 cm dense globe broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, hustá koule, pr. 40 cm,

                                                           Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

            Amfitriti H 31                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 60 cm dense cushion broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, velmi hustá placka, pr. 60 cm,

                                                           Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Amfitriti H # 31’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Adášek photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Amfitriti H 31’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Amfitriti H 31’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Amfitriti H 31’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Amfitriti H 31’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Amidy                                               Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Aphrodite 5                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER & Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Aphrodite 5’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Apollo OL 7                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER & Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Apollo OL 7’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Arachné H 32                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 60 cm dense globe broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, hustá koule, pr. 60 cm,

                                                           Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Arachne # 32’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Arachne # 32’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Arachne # 32’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Artemis # 60                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Josef J. Halda CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 60 cm dense cushion broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, hustá placka, pr. 60 cm,

                                                           Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Artemis # 60’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Artemis # 60’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Artemis H 60’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Artemis OL 5                                    2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER & Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Artemis OL 5’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Athena H 63                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, husté ploché hnízdo, pr. 40 cm,

                                                           Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Athena H 63’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Atze Saule                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                           This dense, pyramidal pine has dark-green needles that first emerge in short clusters at each branch tip. The contrast of needle length is truly outstanding! Growth Rate:  2-4" HxW@10yrs:  4'x2.5'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Atze Saule’

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Atze Saule’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Aureospica                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Hesse 1955

                                                           H. A. Hesse Nurs., GER

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Aureospicata’

                                                                                   H. A. Hesse Nurs., GER

                                                           A slow-growing, broadly pyramidal evergreen conifer. Thick, lush green needles tipped in yellow. Introduced by Hesse Nursery of Germany in 1955. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.


                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Aureospicata’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Aureospicata’  Brent Markus photo 2014

            B58                                        Hort.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘B58’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii leucodermis ’B58’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Banderica                              Hort.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Banderica’

                                                           Pinus leucodermis Banderica

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Banderica’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus leucodermis (heldreichii) ‘Banderica’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Banderica’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Barabits Compact                1995 Mesterházy Zsolt in the Conifer Treasury

                                                           1982 Barabits Miklós HUN in Bulgaria as a WB,

                                                           named by Barabits Elemér

                                                           An irregular globe from a witch’s broom.

                                                                                  Mesterházy Pinetum, Erdõtarcsa HUN

                                                           Original plant in the Barabits’s Lõvér Pinetum, Sopron HUN

                                                           1976-ban szelektált szabálytalan gömb alakú rügymutáció.

                                                           Anyatõ Barabits Elemér soproni Lõvér kertjében található.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Barabits Compact’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Barabits Compact’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Barabits Compact’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Barabits Compact’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Barabits Compact’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Barabits Compact’  conifertreasury.org photo

            Beran Conica                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           Jan Beran CZ

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A miniature vareity of Bosnian Pine. Plant grows in a conical

                                                           shape. Leaves very nice green. Introduced by Jan Beran.

                                                           Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Beran Conica’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Beran Conica’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Beran Conica’  Larry Stanley USA photo

            Bunt Kohout                         2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Clumpleaf                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jean Iseli USA

                                                           This plant is the utmost for avid conifer collectors. Tight clusters of fused needles create a needle assortment of various lengths, some straight, some twisted, and some with hooks on the end, all of which are spirally arranged around the stem. Widely spaced clumps form an open silhouette on this upright grower. Found as a seedling at Iseli Nursery. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis Clumpleaf

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Clumpleaf’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus leucodermis (heldreichii) ‘Clumpleaf’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Clumpleaf’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Clumpleaf’

            Compact Gem                      H. G. Hillier 1964                              GBR

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Compact Gem’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Compact Gem’

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A dwarf, dense evergreen conifer with dark green needles. Eventually forms a broad pyramid. Introduced in 1964 by Hillier nursery in England. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Compact Gem’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Compact Gem’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Compact Gem’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Compact Gem’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Compact Gem’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Compact Gem’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Compact Gem’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus leucodermis (heldreichii) ‘Compact Gem’ 

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Compact Gem’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Compacta Horák                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                                                   2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtení


            Compacta SDL                     Hort.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Compact SDL’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Compact SDL’  conifertreasury.org photo

            Creamy                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

            Den Ouden                                                   Helmers Baumschulen GER

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Den Ouden’

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Den Ouden’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Dimitra H 61                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 20 cm super globe broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, superkoule, pr. 20 cm,

                                                           Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Dimitra # 61’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Dimitra # 61’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Dimitra H 61’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Dimitra H 61’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Dimitra H 61’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Dolce Dorme                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Dolce Dorme’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Dolce Dorme’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Dolce Dorme’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Dolce Dorme’  Dax Herbst photo 2015

            Easybark                               2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           2010 Hódi Tóth József HUN from sport of a plant in a suburb park

                                                           in Budapest, HUN

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Slow growing, broad conical habit with wery dark foliage

                                                           and shortes needles than type. Maybe 20 years old tree, bark

                                                           from ground very easy, almost white. This is a big bonsai.

                                                           Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Lassan nõ, széles kúpos alakú nagyon sötét lombozattal és a típusosnál rövidebb tûkkel. A körülbelül 20 éves fa kérge még mindig teljesen sima és majdnem fehér. Olyan benyomást kelt, mint egy nagy méretû bonsai.

                                                           Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Easybark’

            Echiniformis                         Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Echiniformis’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii leucodermis ’Echiniformis’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Emerald Arrow                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           of seed in 1986 USA                                                ACS 2004

                                                           2003 Jean Iseli USA

                                                                                  2001 Iseli Nurs. USA

                                                           Our ongoing efforts to find improved compact conifers resulted in the discovery of this outstanding narrow pine. Upright branches on the tall, trim tree display pairs of elegant, dark green needles accented by silvery white fascicles and bark. 'Emerald Arrow' gives the impression of being a big tree, yet it stays decidedly narrow. Whether used as an individual focal point, paired to mark the entrance to house or garden, or grouped in an informal cluster, this beautiful garden pine scores a bull's eye on the designer's dartboard. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Emerald Arrow’ 

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Emerald Arrow’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Emerald Arrow’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Emerald Arrow’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus leucodermis (heldreichii) ’Emerald Arrow’ (Iseli)

                                                                                  Iseli photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis (heldreichii) ‘Emerald Arrow’ 

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

            Euriali H 29                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 40 cm dense globe broom on Pindhos, Smolikass

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, velmi hustá koule, 40 cm, Øecko, Pindhos, Smolikass.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Euriali’  Jiøí Balatka photo

            Fastigiate                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1985 USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Fastigiata’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii leucodermis ’Fastigiata’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

            Foma Smidt                          Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Gladiator OL 6                     2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER & Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Gladiator OL 6’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Gnome                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           A dwarf, broadly pyramidal evergreen conifer with dark green needles. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Gnome’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Gold Tip                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Greece                                   2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER & Franz Etzelstorfer AUT

                                                           Pinus leucodermis x halepensis ’Greece’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Greece’ (heldreichii x halepensis)

            Green Brush                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Green Brush’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Green Brush’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii leucodermis ’Green Brush’ 

                                                                                  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Green Brush’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Green Bun                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Green Bun’

                                                           Pinus leucodermis Green Bun 

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                               A 1982 Iseli Introduction reasonably compact with good green

                                                           color. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Green Bun’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Green Bun’  David Stegmaier USA

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Green Bun’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Green Ghost                         2016 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 5.0

                                                           Neil G. Hall WA USA

                                                                                  Wells Nursery, Mt. Vernon WA USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Green Ghost’

            Green Giant                          Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Green Globe                         Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Green Pyramid                                            Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Green Shag                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

            Grün                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1987 GER

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                                           /Groene/ /Grun/ /Gruen/ /Grunwell/

            Grünes Kissen                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Grünes Kissen’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           /Kohouts Grünes Kissen/

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Grünes Kissen’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Halda Olymp-koryto            2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Josef J. Halda CZ

                                                                                   Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Greece GRE

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Olimp’ Halda  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Olimp’ Halda  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Halda Koryto’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Helmers Japan                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                  2009 Helmers Baumschulen, Westerstede GER

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Helmers Japan’

                                                                                   2009 Helmers Baumschulen, Westerstede GER

                                                           Sehr kompaktwachsende Selektion der Schlangenhautkiefer

                                                           Kompakt-gedrungener Wuchs. Dunkelgrüne Benadlung.

                                                           Helmers text.

            Hera H 64                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, velmi hustá koule, pr. 50 cm,

                                                           Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis Hera 64

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Hera # 64’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Hera # 64’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Hera 64’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Hera H 64’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Hesse                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           H. A. Hesse Nurs., GER

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Hesse’

            Hexe                                       Hort.

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Horák                                    H. J. van de Laar 1986

                                                           Kvetoslav Horak, Bystrice pod Hostynem CZ

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Horák’

                                                                                   K. Horak Nurs., Bystrice pod Host. CZ

                                                           /P. heldreichii compacta/

            Horak                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1960 Libuše Horáková CZ in Bystrice pod Hostýnem

                                                                                   2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtìní

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Horak’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Horak’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Horak’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           /Compacta Horák/

            Indigo Eyes                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Named for the eye-catching, cobalt blue cones that decorate each shoot tip in spring, this precocious "coner" demands attention and deserves greater use in gardens. From an early age, cones appear up and down every branch, bright blue at first, then gradually softening to brown during summer. Attractive, broadly upright trees develop an open, slightly asymmetrical shape, which affords each tree a unique character that will intrigue gardeners in their outdoor living spaces. The healthy, easy-to-grow trees retain their ornamental cones and their stiff, dark green needles, giving trees a beautiful, tidy, clean appearance throughout the year. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Indigo Eyes’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Indigo Eyes’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Indigo Eyes’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus leucodermis (heldreichii) ‘Indigo Eyes’  Iseli Nursery USA

            Irish Bell                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           of seed in 1986 USA                                                ACS 2004

                                                           2003 Iseli

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Irish Bell’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Irish Bell’

                                                                                  2000 Iseli Nurs. USA

                                                           This sturdy, dwarf Bosnian Pine boasts a handsome, broadly pyramidal form that stays compact, neat and well-mannered. Trees gradually widen into a classic bell shape, narrow at the top, broader near the ground and about as wide as tall. A mature 'Irish Bell' displays a colony of upright branches, each one decorated with tufts of straight green needles and glistening white fascicles. The bright white accent gives the impression that light dances among the needles, a feature that accentuates the beauty of this useful ornamental pine and adds to its value as a striking garden specimen. Well regarded in the trade, this selection is a good choice for urban and suburban gardens for year-round impact. Iseli text.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Irish Bell’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Irish Bell’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus leucodermis (heldreichii) ‘Irish Bell’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Irish Bell’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Irish Bells’  Larry Stanley USA photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Irish Bell’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Iseli Fastigiate                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           of seed in 1985 USA                                                ACS 2004

                                                           2001 Jean Iseli USA

                                                                                  1999 Iseli Nurs. USA

                                                           A superior cultivar to fit today's smaller outdoor living spaces, the narrow, tall tree provides a stately architectural presence without overwhelming its space. Long, upright branches, covered with pairs of long, lush, dark green needles, practically parallel the trunk, giving the shapely columnar tree a distinctly vertical posture. 'Iseli Fastigiate' makes a significant statement through all seasons, but its big, lush form fits comfortably into a surprisingly compact space. Utilize its unique, structural qualities to provide dynamic vertical accents in the garden, to frame an attractive view, to screen an unsightly one, or to provide privacy. Iseli text.

            Julius                                     2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           Alexander Vereshchak RUS

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Julius’  Alexander Vereshchak RUS photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Julius’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Kalouš                                    2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1979 Karel Kalouš CZ

                                                                                  Kalouš Gardens CZ

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtìní

                                                           Found as a seedling, growth rate up to 4-5 cm a year.

                                                           Nahodilý semenáè velmi pìkného kompaktního rùstu, vyplòuje svým tvarem a vzrùstem mezeru mezi Pinus leucodermis Smidt a Compact Gem. V 15-ti letech dosahuje V.-55 cm, Š.-45cm. Roèní pøírùstek èiní 4-5 cm. Výrazné svítivì zelené zbarvení jehlic o délce 5 cm. K. Kalouš text.

            Karmel                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Jiøí Obdržálek CZ in Prùhonice

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Kostelníèek Gardens CZ

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Karmel’  Mesterházy & Kostelníèek photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Karmel’  Mesterházy & Kostelníèek photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Karmel’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Karmel’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Karmel’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Karmel’  Kostelníèek photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Karmel’  Kostelníèek photo

            Keule                                     Hort.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Keule’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Klatovy                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           A. Papež CZ in Klatov

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtìní

            Klymeni H 15                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 60 cm cushion broom on Pindhos, Smolikass

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, placka, 60 cm, Øecko, Pindhos, Smolikass.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Klymeni H 15’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Klymeni H 15’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Klymeni H 15’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Ko - #1                                   Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Ko - #6                                   Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Ko - #7                                   Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Ko - #8                                   Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Kohouts Grünes Kissen       2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kohouts Select I                    2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kohouts Select II                  2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kohouts Select III                 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kohouts Select IV                 2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Lapacik                                 2013 Balatka-Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 3.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Lapacik’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Leden                                    Hort.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Leden’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Lindenhof                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Lindenhof’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Lindehof’

            Little Dracula                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Little Dracula’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Little Dracula’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

            Little Gem                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Little Gem’

            Luna                                      Hort.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Luna’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           /# 4/

            Malink                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1995 Wüstemeyer Nurs. GER

                                                                                  Tånum Planteskole, Randers DEN

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Malink’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Malinki’

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Malink’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Malink’  POL  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Malink’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Mecky                                                Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Minaret                                 1992 Le Feber & Co. HOL

                                                                                   Le Feber & Co. HOL

            Mint Truffle                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           of seed in 1984 USA                                                ACS 2004

                                                           2001 Iseli

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Mint Truffle’

                                                                                  2001 Iseli Nurs. USA

                                                           Shaped more like a broad teardrop than a gourmet truffle, this highly useful Bosnian Pine is nevertheless a wonderful treat. Dense, finely textured, green needles cover every shoot completely, in contrast to some cultivars that reveal bare stems. Characterized by restrained, slow growth, gently incurving branches and a compact, well-proportioned form, 'Mint Truffle' offers gardeners a tasty option for adding year-round beauty to a small garden. Very little needle drop and exceptionally good health, including resistance to disease and pests and tolerance of a variety of conditions, contribute to the value of this unique plant. Iseli text.

                                               I predict we will sell a ton of these, not only is the plant great looking, it has a name people will buy. Arrowhead text. You are very very right, Bob. We need good plants with loveable names, this is the key to any success.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Mint Truffle’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Mint Truffle’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus leucodermis (heldreichii) ‘Mint Truffle’ 

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA

            Moires H # 52                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Josef J. Halda CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Greece GRE

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Moires # 52’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Montenegro                          Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Nana                                      Hort.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Nana’  Jiøí Balatka photo

            Nase                                                              Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Nigra                                     Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Helmut Honemann Gartenbau, Wien AUT

            Nileas H 27                            2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm dense globe broom on Pindhos, Smolikass

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, velmi hustá koule, 50 cm, Øecko, Pindhos, Smolikass.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Nileas # 27’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Nileas # 27’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Nileas # 27’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Nileas # 27’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Nileas # 27’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis Nileas

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Nileas’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Nileas H 24’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Nileas H 24’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Obdrzalek                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Obdržálek CZ

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Obdrzalek’  Mesterházy & Adášek photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Obdrzalek’  Mesterházy & Adášek photo

            Odysseus H 33                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm dense globe broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, hustá koule, pr. 50 cm,

                                                           Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Odysseus H # 33’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Adášek photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Odysseus H # 33’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Adášek photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Odyseus’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Odyseus’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Odysseus H 33’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Oil 10                                     2010 Mesterházy in the Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0

                                                           Wlochy POL

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Oil 10’  (Wlochy)

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            OL Compact                         2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE

            OL 2                                       2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE

            OL 3                                       2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Orion OL 3

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Orion OL-3’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Orion OL-3’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Orion OL 3’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Orion OL 3’  Jörg Kohout photo

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE


            OL 4                                       2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pharao OL 4

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pharao OL-4’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pharao OL-4’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pharao OL # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pharao OL # 4’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE


            OL 4a                                     2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Zigauner OL 4a

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Zigauner OL-4a’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Zigauner OL-4a’ 

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Zigeuner OL 9’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE


            OL 5                                       2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Artemis OL-5’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Artemis OL 5’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Artemis OL 5’  Jörg Kohout photo

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE


            OL 6                                       2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Gladiator OL 6

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Gladiator OL-6’ 

                                                                                  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Gladiator OL-6’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Adášek photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Gladiator OL # 6’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Gladiator OL # 6’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Gladiator OL 6’  Jörg Kohout photo

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE


            OL 7                                       2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Apollo OL 7’  Jörg Kohout photo


            OL 8                                       2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE


            OL 9                                       2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Zigauner OL 9’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE


            OL 10                                     2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Spartacus OL-10’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Spartacus OL-10’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Spartacus OL-10’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Spartacus OL 10’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012


            OL 11                                     2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Caesar OL-11’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           /Ceasar/  /Zaesar/

            OL 30                                     2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           2002 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Found as a broom in Smolikas, Greece GRE

                                                           Pinus leucodermis OL 30

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’OL-30’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Olimp                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Halda CZ

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Olimp’ Halda  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Olimp’ Halda  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Orionas H 30                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 50 cm dense globe broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, velmi hustá koule, pr. 50 cm,

                                                           Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

            Ottocek                                  G. Haddow in CRO

                                                                                  Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Pelias H 28                            2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 60 cm dense cushion broom on Pindhos, Smolikass

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, hustá placka, 60 cm, Øecko, Pindhos, Smolikass.

            Perseus H 35                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 20 cm dense broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, malièká hustá kulièka, pr. 20 cm,

                                                           Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

            Pirin                                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Vítek Fritsche CZ

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Pirin # 1                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Vítek Fritsche CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 1’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 1’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 1’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 1’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 1’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 1’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Pirin 1’

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin 1’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin 1’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (leucodermis) ‘Pirin 1’ 

                                                                                  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Pirin # 2                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Vítek Fritsche CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 2’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 2’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 2’  Mesterházy & Horak photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 2’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin 2’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 2’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 2’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 2’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 2’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin 2’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Pirin # 3                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Vítek Fritsche CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 3’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 3’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 3’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 3’  Mesterhazy & Fritsche photo 2012

                                                           Pinus leucodermis Pirin 3

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin # 3’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 3’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin 3’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin 3’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Pirin 3’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Pirin # 4                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Vítek Fritsche CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin # 4’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Pirin 4’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pirin 4’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin 4’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Pirin Pyramidata’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Poseidon H 62                       2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a 30 cm globe broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, hustá koule, pr. 30 cm,

                                                           Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Poseidon H 62’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Pygmaea                                Krüssmann 1962                    /Pygmy/

            Pygmy                                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           den Ouden 1965                                GER

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Pygmy’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Pygmy’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Pygmy’

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Pygmy’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Recko 1                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Recko 2                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Øecko 3                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

            Øecko A                                2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

            Øecko A 4                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

            Satellit                                    D. M. van Gelderen 1971

                                                           in Gimborn Arboretum, Doorn HOL

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Satellit’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Satellit’

                                                                                   L. Konijn & Co. Nurs., Reeuwijk HOL

                                               A small fastigiate form (eventually reaching 3-4m) of Bosnian Pine from the Gimborn Arboretum; needles are tightly arranged giving a shaving brush look. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Satellit’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Satellit’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Satellit’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Satellit’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Satellit’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Satellit’  Dax Herbst IL USA

            Schmidtii                               Mistake of /Smidt/

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Schmidt’

            Schneverdingen                    /Zwerg Schneverdingen/

            Select #3                                Hort.

                                               Well somebody liked it enough to select it but apparently not enough to actually register a name and description, actually Gary Gee has been collecting Bosnian pines lately and they impress me more each time I see them. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Selektion                                                        Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Šenkeøík                                2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Shamrock Shorty                 Hort.

                                                           Tiny needles are densely arranged on short, stubby branches on this cute little dwarf found as a seedling. Growth Rate:  1-3" HxW@10yrs:  1.5'x1'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Shamrock Shorty’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

            Shina                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR US

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Shira’


Pinus leucodermis Skórka

            Skórka                                   2010 Mesterházy Zsolt in Conifer Treasury of Poland 1.0 

                                                           S³awomir Skórka POL

                                                                                  S³awomir Skórka Nursery POL

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Skórka’

                                                                                  Sylw. Tomszak Nurs., Bielsko-Biala POL

            Skysign                                  2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           1998 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seedling buyed in Silvanus

                                                           Nursery, Budapest

                                                                                   Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Main growing, habit very slender, slenderer than Pinus

                                                           heldreichii Satelit. Foliage very dark and dense, side

                                                           leaders form regular storied crown which almost cylindrical.

                                                           Needles fully cover the buds.

                                                           Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Átlagos növekedésû, de nagyon karcsú, karcsúbb, mint a Pinus heldreichii Satelit fajta. Lombozata nagyon sötét és sûrû, az oldalvezérek szabályos ágemeleteket formálnak, amelyek majdnem henger alakú koronává állnak össze. A tûk eltakarják a rügyeket.

                                                           Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Skysign’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Skysign’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Skysign’

            Slim Whitey                          2016 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 5.0

                                                           1980’s Gary Eastman Fieseler USA

                                                                                  Laporte Avenue Nursery CO USA

                                                           A Laporte Ave. selection that has a narrow upright habit and expressive whitish young bark coloring, grows to 25’ in 25 years. Found by Gary Eastman of Ft. Collins Retail Nursery in the 1980’s. Growth rate: 3-6”/year. Fieseler text.

            Smidt                                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1926 wild found by Eugene Smidt CZ in Bosnia

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Smidt’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Smidt’

                                                                                   Pilat 1964

                                                                                   Pruhonice Arboretum, CZ

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                               A spectacular Bosnian Pine which should properly be spelled 'Smidtii', very tight and dense, the original is at the Pruhonice Research Station in the Czech Republic. It was found in the wild in 1926 by Eugene Smidt, 100 years old the original stands 10” tall. Arrowhead text.

                                                           This dense, globose selection of Bosnian pine has a wonderful rich green color and short needles that form a cup at the branch tips. A wonderful, slow-growing selection, perfect for a rock garden. Growth Rate:  1-3" HxW@10yrs:  1'x1'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Slow growing clone. Globose when young becoming pyramidal

                                                           with age. Aka ’Schmidtii’. Rich Eyre text.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Smidt’ 55 years old 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Halda photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Smidt’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Smidt’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Smidt’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Smidt Conica Form’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Smidt’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus leucodermis Smidt’  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Smidt’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus leucodermis (heldreichii) ‘Smidt’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Smidt’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Smidt’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Smidt’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Smidt’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Smidt’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Smidt’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Smidt’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ‘Smidt’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Smidt’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Šubrt Hoøice                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           J. Šubrt Hoøice CZ

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Šubrt Hoøice’ Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Subrt’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Syn. Pinus heldreichii Nidiformis (J. Šubrt Hoøice)

            Tiny Kick                              Hort.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Tiny Kick’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Tiny Kick’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA

            Typ Kalous                           Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Valenta                                  2012 Vladimir Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           WB of ’Dimitra’.

            Vichren                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Banderica’  Mesterházy & Halda photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Vichren Banderica’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Vichren Banderica’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Vichren Banderica’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Vichren’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Vichren’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis Vichren

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Vichren’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

            Wayne                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Talon Buchholz OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Wayne’  Talon Buchholz photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Wayne’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Wayne’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            WB                                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0


                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus leucodermis x halepensis WB /K +F/

            WB-2                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0


                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

            WB J.K.è2                            2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                   Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’# 2’ JK  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’# 2’ JK  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’WB 2’ Jörg  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            WB I                                      Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            WB II                                    Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’WB2 Jörg’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’WB2 Jörg’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            WB III                                   Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            WB IV                                   Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            WB V                                    Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            WB VI                                   Hort.

                                                                                   Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            WB VII                                 Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            WB VIII                                Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            WB IX                                   Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            White Cloud                         Krysztof Wolski POL

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           This brand new selection from Poland shows beautiful creamy-white new growth in the spring which fades to the dark-green color by the end of June. A very choice new variety! Growth Rate:  2-4" HxW@10yrs:  2'x2.5'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘White Cloud’  Anton Klemens photo 2014

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘White Cloud’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013 J

            Zefyros H 13                         2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef J. Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a 60 cm cushion broom on Parnassos, Gavia

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, placka, 60 cm, Øecko, Parnassos, Gavia.

            Zeus 6                                    Hort.

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Zeus 6’  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Zeus H 65                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2005 Josef Halda CZ

                                                           Found as a broom on Olymbos, Mytikas

                                                           GRE. Halda text.

                                                           Èarovĕník, hustá kulièka, pr. 20 cm, Øecko, Olymbos, Mytikas.

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Zeus H 65’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Zwerg Schneverdingen        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1991 G. Horstmann GER

                                                           Pinus heldreichii (P. leucodermis) ‘Zwerg Schneverdingen’

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ‘Zwerg Schneverdingen’

                                                                                   Horstmann Nurs. GER

                                                           Pinus heldreichii ’Schneverdingen’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus leucodermis ’Schneverdingen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus leucodermis (heldreichii) ‘Zwerg Schneverdingen’ 

                                                                                  Iseli Nursery USA


   HENRYI                                          Mast.

                                                           /P. TABULIFORMIS var. HENRYI/

                                                           Pinus henryi  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus henryi  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA


   HERRERAE                                 1940                           W-, SW-MEX

                                                           Martinez                                                                    P

Pinus herrerae Martinez 1941 – Nyugatmexikói erdeifenyõ - Western Mexican pine


   HETEROMORPHA                                   Roezl

                                                           /P. PSEUDOSTROBUS/

   HETEROPHYLLA                         /Elliott/Sudw. non Koch non Presl.

                                                           /P. ELLIOTTII/

   HETEROPHYLLA                         Small 1903

                                                           /P. TAEDA/

   HIEROSOLYMITIANA                  Duham.

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/

   HIMEKOMATSU                           Miyabe & Kudo

                                                           /P. PARVIFLORA var. HIMEKOMATSU/


   HINGGANENSIS                        1985                           CHN

                                                           Zhang                                                                        KeI


   HISPANICA                                               Cook. 1834

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/


   HOLFORDIANA  X                    1933                           GBR

                                                           Jacks.                                                                         Kr

Pinus holfordiana x Jacjs. 1933 (Pinus ayacahuite x Pinus wallichiana) Holford hibrid – Holford hybrid

                                                           P. ayacahuite var. veitchii  x  P. wallichiana

                                                           Westonbirt Arboretum, Tetbury GBR


   HONDURENSIS                            Senecl.

                                                           /P. CARIBEA var. HONDURENSIS/

   HOSERIANA                                  Roezl

                                                           /P. PSEUDOSTROBUS/

   HUDSONICA                                 Poir. 1804

                                                           /P. BANKSIANA/

   HUISGUILUCAENSIS                  Roezl

                                                           /P. LEIOPHYLLA/

   HUMISTRATA                               Carr.

                                                           /P. CEMBRA/


   HUNNEWELLI   X                     1952                           USA

                                                           A. G. Johns.                                                              Kr

                                                           P. parviflora x P. strobus

                                                           Hunnewell Arboretum MA USA

                                                           Pinus hunnewelli x  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA


   HWANGSHANENSIS                 1936                           CHN AN

                                                           Xia ex Tsung                                                             SS DG

Pinus hwangshanensis Xia ex Tsung 1936 – Huanghegyi táblásfenyõ – Mt. Huang tablepine

                                                           Pinus hwangshanensis  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus hwangshanensis  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus hwangshanensis  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

Pinus hwangshanensis  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo


   INOPS                                            Bong.

                                                           /P. BOLANDERI/

   INOPS                                            Ait. 1789

                                                           /P. VIRGINIANA/

   INSIGNIS                                        Dougl. ex Loud. 1838

                                                           /P. RADIATA/


   INSULARIS                                  1847                           PHI 

                                                           Endl.                                                                          Kr

                                                           P. kesiya Royle ex Gord. ?

             var. YUNNANENSIS            /Franch./Silba 1986                            CHN YU

                                                           /P. YUNNANENSIS/


   JALISCANA                                1983                           MEX

                                                           Perez                                                                          KeI

Pinus jaliscana Perez 1983 – Jaliszkói ocote fenyõ – Jalisco ocote pine


   JAPONICA                                     Forb.

                                                           /P. DENSIFLORA/


   JEFFREYI                                    1853                           USA S-OR - MEX

                                                           Grev. & Balf. ex A. Murray                                      Kr P

Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf. ex A. Murray 1853 - Nagytobozú sárgafenyõ - Jeffrey pine

                                                           P. ponderosa var. jeffrey /Murray/Vasey

             var. DEFLEXA                   /Torr./Lemmon

                                                           P. deflexa Torr.

                                                           P. ponderosa var. deflexa Shaw

                                                           Pinus jeffrey  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus jeffrey  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013


            Babicka Vcelca                     Hort.

                                                                                   Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Ball                                        Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Drn                                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘DRN’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘DRN’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Drn’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Gelle Nalden                         Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

                                                           Pinus jeffrey ’Gelle Nadel’  Mesterházy photo

                                                           Pinus jeffrey ’Gelle Nadel’  Mesterházy photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Gelle Nalde’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Gelb’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Glauca                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1990 GER

            Gold                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘Gold’

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                           A golden form of Jeffrey Pine. Fast growing, open tree. Leaves

                                                           4-6 inches long and orange yellow in winter. Leaves are lime

                                                           green in summer. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Gold’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Graeton                                 2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           1998 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed of Bob Graeton, CA,

                                                           USA 1995

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Robust habit, nearly broad cylindrical crown. Rapidly growing,

                                                           very strong trunk and branchlets. Very long /longer than 20 cm/

                                                           needles, dark gray-green color. Relatively sparse boughs and

                                                           arms, big red buds.

                                                           Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Robusztus, gyors növésû, széles, közel hengeres koronát nevel. 20 centisnél hosszabb tûi szürkés sötétzöldek. Nagyon erõteljes  törzse és ágai vannak, ugyanakkor viszonylag kevés hajtás, kevés elágazás jellemzi, nagy vörös rügyek.

                                                           Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Graeton’

            Joppi                                      H. J. van de Laar 1990

                                                           P. Vergeldt, Lotum HOL

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘Joppi’

                                                           A dwarf, globose evergreen conifer with long green needles in fascicles of three. Shoots are stout, with needles radiating horizontally. Originated as a witch's broom. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.


                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Joppi’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Joppi’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Joppi’  conifertreasury.org photo HTJ

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Joppi’  HOL  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Joppi’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Joppi’  Mesterhazy & Simanek photo 2012

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘Joppi’  Iseli Nursery USA

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Joppi’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Kohout                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Kohout’s Mini                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi Kohouts Mini

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Kohout’s Mini’  GER  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Kohout’s Mini’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Kohout’s Mini’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Kohout’s Mini’  Mesterhazy & Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘Kohout’s Mini’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Kohout’s Mini’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Kohout’s Mini’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

            Lemon Frost                         2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0


                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           A large form of Jeffrey Pine with lemon yellow needles. Howse text.

                                                           Long, thin needles have a golden-yellow color throughout the year, turning to more of an orange color in the winter, especially towards the tips. Growth Rate:  9-12". Brent Markus text.

            Lemon Mist                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Will Fletcher’s Hobbiton Gardens OR USA

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Lemon Mist’  Will Fletcher USA photo

            Lenka                                    Hort. POL in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Litomyšl                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the Czech Republik 1.0

                                                           1971 in Litomysl CZ

                                                                                  2004 Karel Hieke in Èeské šlechtení

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘Litomyšl’  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           /Pinus ponderosa ’Drn’/

            Lower Rock Creek               2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Don Howse OR USA

                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Don Howse found this seedling tree along Lower Rock Creek, near Swall Meadows, California. It has long pendulous needles. The tree is upright and fast growing. Howse text.

            Meek                                      2012 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of Hungary 3.0

                                                           1996 Hódi Tóth József HUN from seed of a plant in Forest

                                                           Seed Plantation, Acsád, W-HUN 1992

                                                                                  Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           20 years old tree 2 m tall, regular, conical habit. Foliage

                                                           bloomy and blue, needles longer than 20 cm, strong,

                                                           mostly straight. From many buds a lot of sprouts grows

                                                           which remains relativelly short with big new red buds.

                                                           Mother plant Arizonica Arboretum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           A 20 éves fa 2 méter magas, szabályos, kúpos koronával. A lomb hamvas és kék, a tûk hosszabbak 20 centinél, erõsek, drótszerûek,többnyire egyenesek. A számos rügybõl sok de viszonylag rövid hajtás nõ új, nagy, vöröslõ rügyekkel.

                                                           Anyanövény Arizonica Arborétum, Csákvár, HUN

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Meek’  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Meek’

            Misty Lemon                         2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Mono Lake WB 01               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mono Lake # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Mono Lake WB 02               2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mono Lake # 2’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Mt. Shasta WB                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta Sevcik’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta Sevcik’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus jeffrey ’Mt. Shasta’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘Mt. Shasta’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘Mt. Shasta’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘Mt. Shasta’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘Mt. Shasta’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Owen’s Gorge                       2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           2007 Don Howse OR USA

                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           A broom found by Don Howse on a Jeffrey Pine along Owen’s Gorge Road, near US Highway 395, and near Tom’s Place Resort in fall of 2007. Howse text.

            Paula                                     Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Pendula                                 Hort.

            Pondosa # 1                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

            Pondosa # 2                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

            Pondosa # 3                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Pondosa # 3’  Mesterházy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Pondosa # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Pondosa # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Pondosa # 4                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Pondosa # 4’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Pondosa # 5                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Pondosa # 5’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Pondosa # 5’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Pondosa # 5’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Shadow                                  2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Shadow was found as a witch's broom by Dan Spear in the San Bernadino National Forest near Angeles Oaks, CA. Its incredibly long needles but slow growth rate make it a unique and interesting find! Growth Rate:  1-3" HxW@10yrs:  1.5'x2'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘Shadow’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

            Shasta 1                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Mt. Shasta # 1’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Shasta 2                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

            South Fork                            2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           A slow-growing, compact pine that was found as a witch's broom by Dan Spear in the San Bernadino Mts. Growth Rate:  2-4". Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ‘South Fork’  Dan Spear photo 2015

            Station WB                            2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Station’  Mesterházy & Malík photo

            Station # 3                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Station # 3’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Station # 4                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Station # 4’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Station # 4’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Station # 6                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Station # 6’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Station # 7                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Ševèík CZ in the USA

                                                           Pinus jeffreyi ’Station # 7’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Toppi                                     /Joppi/

            X                                            Hort. - a compacta aurea type clone

            Yellow Form                         1991 HOL

            Yellow Needles                     Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ


   JOHANNIS                                               1978                           NE-MEX

                                                           Robert                                                                       KeI WCC

Pinus johannis Robert 1978 – Johannis törpe diófenyõ – Johannis dwarf nutpine

            UCD                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA


   JUAREZENSIS                            1974                           MEX USA CA

                                                           Lann.                                                                         KeI

Pinus juarezensis Lann. 1974 – Juárez hegységi diófenyõ – Sierra Juárez nutpine

                                                           P. cembroides var. quadrifolia /Parl./Silba 1984


   KAYSA                                            Parl.

                                                           /P. KESIYA/


   KESIYA                                                                ICH: N-BUR VIE ASS CHN YU LAO -THA

                                                           Royle ex Gord.                                                          Kr DG

Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gord. – Saleng fenyõ – Saleng pine

                                                           P. cavendishiana Hort.

                                                           P. kaysa Parl.

                                                           P. khasya Royle 1868

                                                           P. khasia Engelm.

                                                           P. khasiana Griff.

             var. LANGBIANENSIS    /A. Cheval/Gaussen                                                   SS


   KHASYA                                         Royle 1868

                                                           /P. KESIYA/

   KHASIA                                          Engelm.

                                                           /P. KESIYA/

   KHASIANA                                     Griff.

                                                           /P. KESIYA/

   KOCHIANA                                               1849                           TCA

                                                           Klotzsch ex C. Koch                                                 Cz

                                                           P. armena C. Koch

                                                           P. hamata /Stev./Sosn. 1925, non Roezl. 1857

                                                           P. sosnowskyi Nakai

                                                           P. sylvetris ssp. hamata /Stev./Fomin

                                                           P. sylvestris ssp. kochiana /Klotsch ex C. Koch/Elicin

                                                           /P. SYLVESTRIS/ L.

            Kalinovskiy 1                                    2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           Dmitriy Kalinovskiy RUS

                                                           Pinus kochiana ’Kalinovskiy 1’  Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo

            Kalinovskiy 2                                    2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           Dmitriy Kalinovskiy RUS

                                                           Pinus kochiana ’Kalinovskiy 2’  Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo

            Kalinovskiy Compact          2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           Dmitriy Kalinovskiy RUS

                                                           Pinus kochiana ’Kalinovskiy Compact’ 

                                                                                  Dmitry Kalinovskiy RUS photo

   KORAIENSIS                                 Mast. not Sieb. & Zucc.

                                                           /P. ARMANDII/


   KORAIENSIS                              1842                           KOR JPN RUS AM MAN

                                                           Sieb. & Zucc.                                                            Kr DG

Pinus koraiensis Sieb. & Zucc. 1842 - Koreai cirbolyafenyõ – Korean Chosen pine

                                                           P. mandschurica Ruppr. 1857

                                                           P. strobus Thunb. not L. 1784

                                                           Pinus koraiensis  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013


            Amba                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Vladimír Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Silvery-green needles on this dwarf Korean Pine are soft to the touch. Found as a witch's broom. Growth Rate:  1-2" HxW@10yrs:  1'x1'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Amba’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Amba’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Amba’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Amba’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Amba’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Amba’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus korainensis ’Amba’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus korainensis ’Amba’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus korainensis ’Amba’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Amur                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

            Anastasia                               2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           2011 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Anastasia’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Anastasia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Anastasia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Anastasia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Anastasia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Anastasia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Anastasia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Anastasia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Anastasia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Anna                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a seedling

                                                                                  2003 Chub Harper USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Chub Harper's Blue Korean Fir. Named for his wife Anna. Plant found in the arboretum he built in Michigan. Stanley text.

                                               A seedling Chub named after his late wife, upright thick growing with good color, this has a lot of potential for the general landscape trade. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Anna’  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Anna’  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Anna’  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Anna’  Brent Markus photo 2014

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Anna’  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Anna’  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Anna’  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Anna’  Sam Pratt photo 2015

            Avogadro                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Avogagio                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1988                               USA

                                                                                  Rich’s Foxwillow Pines IL USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Avocadra’

                                                           Dense, blue-green cultivar. Great shape and color. Rich Eyre text                                                 Pinus koraiensis ’Avocadra’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Avocadra’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Possibly the same with /Avogadro/.

            Baishan                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Baishan’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Baishan’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Baishan’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Baishan’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Baishan’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Baishan’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Baishan’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Baishan’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Baishan’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Baldwin                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Baldwin WB                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Bergman                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1974 USA

                                                           Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Bergman Best’  Henk van Kempen HOL

            Bergman’s Best                    /Bergman/

                                                           An upright, compact evergreen conifer with soft blue-green needles. Easily touchable, Korean pine is becoming more and more popular in today's landscapes. Hardy and easy to grow. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

            Blue Ball                                2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Böhlje GER

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           A miniature variety of Korean Pine. Leaves are blue-green.

                                                           Makes a perfect little ball. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Blue Ball’

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’ 

                                                                                  (Böhlje)  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’ 

                                                                                  (Böhlje)  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’HB Böhle’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’HB Böhle’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’ Böhle 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Blue Ball’ (HB) 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Blue Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Blue Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Blue Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Blue Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Blue Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Blue Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’HB Böhlje’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’HB Böhlje’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Blue Ball’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Blue Ball’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Blue Form                             2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                           Chub Harper Collection

                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Brookside Variegated          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           1988 USA

                                                                                   Mitsch Nurs., Aurora OR USA

            Chanbai                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chan Bai’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chanbai’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chanbai’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Chanbai’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chanbai’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chanbai’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chanbai’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Chichi                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

            China Baby                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Baby’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Baby’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Baby’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Baby’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Baby’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘China Baby’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘China Baby’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Baby’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Baby’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Baby’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Baby’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Baby’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            China Boy                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koreiensis ’China Boy’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Boy’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Boy’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Boy’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘China Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘China Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘China Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘China Boy’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’China Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Chityen                                  2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chityen’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chityen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chityen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chityen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Chityen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Chityen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Chityen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Chityen’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chityen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chityen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chityen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chityen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Chityen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Chosen-fuiri matzu              Mayr 1890      /Variegated/

            Compacta Glauca                H. G. Hillier 1971

                                                                                   since 1949

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Compacta’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Compacta’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Compacta’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Compacta’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Compacta Glauca’  Jiøí Balatka photo

            Deja Vu                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2011 Vladimír Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Sichote-Alin Mts. RUS.

                                                           Èarovĕník, nález. Sicote-Alin Mts., Rusko.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Deja Vu’  Valenta photo

            Dongling                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Dongling’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Dongling’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Dongling’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Dongling’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Dongling’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Dongling  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Dongling’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Dongling’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Dongling’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Dongling’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Dongling’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Dragon Eye                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           R. L. Fincham 1987

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Dragon Eye’

                                                                                   Coenosium Gardens OR USA

                                                                                   Coenosium Gardens OR USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Dragon Eye’  Edwin Smits Nursery, HOL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Dragon Eye’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Dragon Eye’  Edwin Smits photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Dragon Eye’  Edwin Smits photo

            Dwarf Form                          2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1982 USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Dwarf’

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                                           An upright dwarf form introduced by Iseli in 1982.

                                                           Arrowhead text.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Dwarf’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Dwarf’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL


            Edelweiss                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Fatsy                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database as a seedling


            Gee Broom                            2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Gary Gee USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee Broom’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           A dwarf, squatly globose evergreen conifer with short blue-green needles. This soft bun was discovered as a witch's broom at Gee Farms in Michigan. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. Too new to know growth rate. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Gary found this on the nursery; in my estimation, it is the best koraiensis broom in cultivation, very compact, good color. All in all a great plant. Arrowhead text.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Winton Gee Broom’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee Broom’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’K. Gee’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’K. Gee’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Winton Gee Broom’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Winton Gee Broom’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Winton Gee Broom’ (K. G.-Kary Gee) 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee Broom’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Gee’s WB’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Gee Broom’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Glauca                                   HOL                           /Silveray/

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Glauca’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Glauca’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Glauca’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Glauca’  Dax Herbst in US Nat Arb USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Glauca Compacta’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA


                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Glauca’  Jiøí Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

            Gornolyzhnaja                     2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Gornotajuzhnaja                  2016 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury 8.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            HB                                          2013 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 2.0

                                                           Böhlje GER

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’HB Böhlje’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hexenbesen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hexenbesen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hexenbesen’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hexenbesen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hexenbesen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hexenbesen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hexenbesen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hexenbesen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hexenbesen’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           /Blue Ball/

            HLG                                      2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Hvezda                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2011 Vladimír Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Sichote-Alin Mts. RUS.

                                                           Èarovĕník, nález. Sicote-Alin Mts., Rusko.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hvezda’  Valenta photo

            Hvezda vychodu                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2011 Vladimír Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Sichote-Alin Mts. RUS.

                                                           Èarovĕník, nález. Sicote-Alin Mts., Rusko.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hvezda vychodu’  Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hvezda Východu’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hvezda Východu’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hvìzda Východu’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Hvìzda Východu’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Inner Peace                           2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           This beautiful dwarf pine was found as a witch's broom hidden inside a dense branch on a 'Silveray'. It has the same silver-blue needles but it grows much more slowly. Growth Rate:  1-2" HxW@10yrs:  1.5'x1'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Inner Peace’  Gardenweb photobucket

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Inner Peace’  Dax Herbst USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Inner Peace’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Inner Peace’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Inner Peace’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Inner Peace’  Dax Herbst USA photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Inner Peace’  Dax Herbst USA photo

            Jack Corbit                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                           1986 USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Jack Corbit’

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

                                                           A slow-growing upright evergreen conifer with lush blue-green needles. In colder climates a slight yellow-banding variegation will be noticed, but still beautiful if no variegation is present. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jack Corbit’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jack Korbit’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jack Corbit’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jack Corbit’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Jack Corbit’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Jilin                                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jilin’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jilin’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jilin’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jilin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jilin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jilin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Jilin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Jilin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Jilin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Jilin’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Jilin’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jilin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jilin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Jilin’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jilin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Jilin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Kamurogoyo                         Mayr 1890                  /Tortuosa/

            K. G.                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           /Gee Broom/

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘K. G.’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’K. G.’  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

            Kavalerovo                           2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Kavalerovo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Kavalerovo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Kavalerovo’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Keta 4                                    2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           2011 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Keta’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Keta’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Keta 4’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Keta 4’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Korin                                     Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            La Lao Yang                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’La Lao Yang’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’La Lao Yang’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’La Lao Yang’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’La Lao Jang’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’La Lao Yang’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘La Lao Yang’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’La Lao Yang’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’La Lao Yang.’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Lee’s Blue                              2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dennis Lee OH USA

                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           A nice blue selection of Korean Pine given to me by Dennis Lee, of Stow, Ohio. Howse text.

            Lilu                                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Lilu’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Lilu’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Lilu’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Lilu’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Lilu’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Lilu’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Lilu’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Lilu’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Lilu’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Lilu’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Lilu’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Li Lu’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Lilu’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Lilu’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Lilu’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Lilu’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Maitai                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Maitai’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

            Marino                                   Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Matsue Stripes                      Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers

            Minnen Sun                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

            Morris Blue                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1992 Morris Arboretum USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Morris Blue’

                                                                                   Buchholz Nurs., Gaston OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           A slow-growing evergreen conifer with silver blue-green foliage. No one can resist touching the needles of a Korean Pine. Originated from the Morris Arboretum of Pennsylvania. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Morris Blue’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Morris Blue’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Morris Blue’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Morris Blue’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Morris Blue’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Morris Blue’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Morris Blue’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Morris Blue’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Morris Blue’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Morris Blue’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Morris Blue’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Nahodka 66                          2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2011 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Находка 66’ ВМ № 1 в11, Симоненко

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Nana’

                                                                                   Kristick Nurs., Wellsville PA USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nana’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nana’  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nana’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nana’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nana’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nana’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

            Nìkteré                                  2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2011 Vladimír Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Sichote-Alin Mts. RUS.

                                                           Èarovĕník, nález. Sicote-Alin Mts., Rusko.

            Nesbirano                              2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2011 Vladimír Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Sichote-Alin Mts. RUS.

                                                           Èarovĕník, nález. Sicote-Alin Mts., Rusko.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nesbirano’  Valenta photo

            Nihao                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nihao’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nihao’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nihao’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Nihao’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nihao’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Nihao’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Non Plus Ultra                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2011 Vladimír Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Sichote-Alin Mts. RUS.

                                                           Èarovĕník, nález. Sicote-Alin Mts., Rusko.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Non Plus Ultra’  Valenta photo

            Oculus Draconis                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           A variegated form of Korean Pine. The variegation does not

                                                           show very well, but the leaves make up for that. The leaves are

                                                           extra long and green blue, and have a kink to the needle, giving

                                                           the plant a false weeping look.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Oculus Draconis’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Oculus Draconis’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Oculus Draconis’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Oculus Draconis’

            Pancuj                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Vladimír Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Pancuj’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Pancuj’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Pancuj’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Pancuj’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Pancuj’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Pancuj’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Pancuj’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Pancuj’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Pancuj’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Pancuj’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Patriarch                               2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           2011 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  František Topinka Gardens CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Patriarch’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Patriarch’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Patriarch’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Patriarch’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Patriarch’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Patriarch’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Patriarch’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Renata                                   2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2011 Vladimír Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in Sichote-Alin Mts. RUS.

                                                           Èarovĕník, nález. Sichote-Alin Mts., Rusko.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Renata’  Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Renata’  Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Renata’  Valenta photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Renata’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Renata’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Renata’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Renata’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Rowe                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           A dwarf variety of Korean Pine. Leaves light green with

                                                           stomates. Plant grows upright and narrow but only 4 inches

                                                           year. Mature at 8 ft.

                                                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Rowe Arboretum’

            Rowe Arboretum                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           2001 Chub Harper in ACS database

                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Rowe Arboretum’

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Rowe’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Rowe Arboretum’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

            Select Blue                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1981 CAN

                                                                                   G. Bentham, Victoria BC CAN

            Shasha                                   Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Shasha’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Shasha’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Shasha’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Shiba michi                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           J. zu Jeddeloh 1980

                                                           1980 Shiba michi Nurs. JPN

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs. GER into EUR

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Shibamichi’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Shibamichi’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

            Shlie Kan                              Hort.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Shlie Kan’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Sichote-Alin                          2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Vladimír Valenta CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Sichote Alin’  Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Sichote Alin’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Sichote Alin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Sichote Alin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Sichote Alin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Sichote Alin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Sichote Alin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Silveray                                 H. J. Grootendorst 1979

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Silveray’

                                                                                   1978 F. J. Grootendorst Nurs., Boskoop HOL

                                               A 1979 Grootendorst introduction, semi dwarf with excellent silvery blue needles, this is an excellent plant for general landscape use. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Silveray’  Mesterhazy photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Silveray’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Silveray’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Silveray’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Bickelhaupt Arb IA USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Silveray’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Harper Collection USA

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Silveray’  Igor Uspenskiy photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Silveray’  Jiøí Balatka photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Silverray’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

            Silvergrey                                                     Kenwith Nurs., GBR

            Silverlining                            Hort.

                                                           1992 GBR

                                                                                  Foxhollow Gardens GBR

            Simonenko 99                       2012 Mesterházy & Goroshkevich

                                                           in Conifer Treasury of Russia 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2011 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Симоненко 99’ ВМ № 2 в11, Симоненко

            Spring Grove                                    2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Hort. USA

                                                                                  Bickelhaupt Arboretum Clinton IA USA

                                                                                  Dax Herbst Aledo Gardens IL USA

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found by the groundskeepers of Spring Grove Cemetery,

                                                           Ohio, USA. Dax Herbst text.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Spring Grove’

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Spring Grove’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Spring Grove’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Spring Grove’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Grove’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Spring Hill                             Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Spring Hill’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Hill’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Hill’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Spring Hill’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Hill’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Spring Hill’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Stanleyray                             2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           An evergreen conifer with a pyramidal form. Soft needles are silvery blue-green. Especially elegant in the winter landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

            Tabuliformis                         2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Tabuliformis’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                               These should develop into a flat-topped ’Tanyosho’-like plant with perhaps a bit of help from some pruning shears. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                   Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           A broad evergreen conifer with an irregular form. Can be trained to be "tree"-shaped, but grows nearly as wide as tall. Needles soft blue-green. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -40 degrees. USDA zone 3. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tabuliformis’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Hermsen’s Garden USA

            Tortuosa                                Mayr 1890                                         JPN

            Tong Hua                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tonghua’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tonghua’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tonghua’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tonghua’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Tsing Tao                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2008 Etzelstorfer AUT & Kohout GER in Russia & China

                                                           Found as a broom in 2008 China Expedition

                                                                                  Kohout Nursery GER, Etzelstorfer Nursery AUT

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tsing Tao’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tsingtao’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tsingtao’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tsing Tao’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Tsingtao’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Tsing Tao’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tsing Tao’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tsing Tao’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tsing Tao’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Tsing Tao’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Valenta Star                          /Hvezda Vychodu/

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Valenta Star’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Valenta Star’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Valenta Star’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Valenta Star’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Valenta Star’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Valenta Star’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Variegata                              Mayr 1890                                         JPN

                                                           A pyramidal Korean pine with long, blue-green needles that are splashed with a remarkable golden-yellow variegation! Growth Rate:  6-9" HxW@10yrs:  7'x4'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Variegata’

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Variegata’  Edwin Smits Nursery, Volkel HOL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Variegata’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Variegata’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Verkade’s Select                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Veselij Jar                             2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík, Èeské Budìjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Veselij Jar’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Veselij Jar’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Veselij Jar’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Winton                                  H. G. Hillier 1964

                                                           Hillier & Sons Nurs., Winchester GBR

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Winton’

                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA

                                                           This rounded, dwarf Korean Pine has long blue-green needles. Growth Rate:  3-5" HxW@10yrs:  3'x3'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Winton’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Winton’  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Winton’  Edwin Smits photo

            Xenia                                     2014 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Russia 2.0

                                                           2011 Sergey Goroshkevich RUS

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Xenia’  František Topinka photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ‘Xenia’  Milan Šimánek CZ photo

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Xenia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Xenia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Xenia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus koraiensis ’Xenia’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013


   KREMPFII                                               1921                           S-VIE

                                                           Lecomte                                                                    Kr

Pinus krempfii Lecomte 1921 – Thong lá det fenyõ – Thong lá det pine

                                                           Ducampopinus krempfii /Lecomte/Chevalier

             var. POILANEI                  Lecomte 1921


   KRYLOVII                                      Serg. & Kondr.

                                                           /P. SYLVESTRIS/


   KWANGTUNGENSIS                1964                           CHN KW

                                                           Chun ex Tsiang                                                         SS P

Pinus kwangtungensis Chun & Tsiang 1964 - Guangdongi fehérfenyõ – Kwangtung white pine

                                                           Pinus kwangtungensis  Daglezja Nursery, Ryki POL


            WB                                        Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus kwangtungensis ’WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus kwangtungensis ‘WB’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus kwantungensis ’WB’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus kwantungensis ’WB’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013



   LAGUNAE                                      /Robert-Passini/Passini 1987 MEX                          KeI

                                                           /P. CEMBROIDES ssp. LAGUNAE/


   LAMBERTIANA                         1827                           N-W-AME USA N-OR - CA - N-MEX

                                                           Dougl.                                                            Kr DG

Pinus lambertiana Dougl. 1827 - Kaliforniai cukor selyemfenyõ – Californian sugar silkpine

            Cousin It                                2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           This upright pine has a semi-weeping habit and dense growth. Found in the mountains of California by Dan Spear. Growth Rate:  6-9". Brent Markus text.

            Glauca                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


            Hidden Sugar                        2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                   Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           This slow-growing pine was found as a witch's broom by Dan Spear hidden at the base of a tree in the San Bernadino Mts. of California. Globose form and needles a fraction of the length of the species make this rare find even more spectacular. Growth Rate:  1-2". Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus lambertiana ‘Hidden Sugar’ on the left 

                                                                                  Dan Spear photo 2015

            Lindleyi                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Mount Baden-Powell           2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           A compact pine found as a witch's broom in the San Gabriel Mts. by Dan Spear. The foliage is half the length of the species and much darker in color. Growth Rate:  1-2". Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus lambertiana ‘Mount Baden-Powell  Dan Spear photo 2015

            Poodle Skirt                          2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           A broad, globose pine with a somewhat open habit and blue-green needles found as a witch's broom near the base of a tree by Dan Spear in the San Bernadino Mts. Growth Rate:  3-5". Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus lambertiana ‘Poodle Skirt’  Dan Spear photo 2015

                                                           Pinus lambertiana ‘Poodle Skirt’  Sam Pratt photo 2015

            Rost Resistent                                               2003 Uwe Horstmann Baumschulen GER

            Secret Sugar                          2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0

                                                           Dan Spear CA USA

                                                                                  Rare Tree & Conifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           A unique pine found as a witch's broom by Dan Spear in the San Bernadino Mts. of Southern California. Needles shorter than the species are bright green. Growth Rate:  2-4". Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus lambertiana ‘Secret Sugar’  Dan Spear photo 2015



   LANGBIANENSIS                          1944                           ICH LAO

                                                           A. Cheval                                                                  SS

                                                           /P. KESIYA var. LANGBIANENSIS/

   LATISQUAMEA                             Engelm. 1883

                                                           /P. PINCEANA/


   LATTERI                                     1849                           S-CHN N-VIE

                                                           F. Mason                                                                   SS

Pinus latteri F. Mason 1849 – Trópusi Tenasserim fenyõ – Tenasserim pine

                                                           P. tonkinensis A. Chev.

                                                           P. merkusii ssp. latteri F. Mason ?


   LAWSONII                                   1862                           MEX

                                                           Roezl ex Gord.                                                          PG

Pinus lawsonii Roezl ex Gord. 1862 - Dél-mexikói erdeifenyõ – South Mexican pine

                                                           Pinus lawsonii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Pinus lawsonii  GW eric9b USA photo

                                                           P. altamirani Shaw

                                                           Roezl ex Gord.                                                          PG

             var. GRACILIS                  1995                           MEX OA

                                                           Debreczy & Rácz                                                      PH

                                                           Pinus lawsonii var. gracilis

                                                           Discovered on March 24, 1994 in the area of the town of

                                                           Oaxaca, 4 km below El Estudiantes, Oaxaca State MEX,

                                                           at an altitude of 1650 m.

                                                           1994. március 24-én fedezték fel 1650 méteres tengerszint

                                                           feletti magasságban Oaxaca városa környékén, 4 km-rel

                                                           El Estudiantes alatt, Oaxaca államban, MEX.


   LEIOPHYLLA                                Schiede & Deppe

                                                           /P. LEIOPHYLLA/


   LEIOPHYLLA                             1832                           MEX

                                                           Schlechtend. & Chamisso                                         Kr PM P

Pinus leiophylla Schlechtend. & Camisso 1832 - Mexikói álaleppófenyõ – Chihuahuan pine

                                                           P. cedrus Roezl non Uspensk.

                                                           P. comonfortii Roezl

                                                           P. decandolleana Roezl

                                                           P. dependens Roezl

                                                           P. fenzlii Ant.& Kotschy

                                                           P. gracilis Roezl

                                                           P. halepensis Bieberst. non Mill.

                                                           P. huisguilucaensis Roezl

                                                           P. leiophylla Schiede & Deppe

                                                           P. lerdoi Roezl

                                                           P. monteallegrii Roezl

                                                           P. verrucosa Roezl

             var. CHIHUAHUANA          /Engelm./Murray 1982

                                                           /P. CHIHUAHUANA/

            Bowie                                     2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus leiophylla ’Boowie’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus leiophylla ’Boowie’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013




            Cochise                                  2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus leiophylla ’Cochise’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus leiophylla ’Cochise’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus leiophylla ‘Chochise’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus leiophylla ‘Chochise’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013


   LEMONIANA                                 Benth. 1835

                                                           /P. PINASTER/

   LERDOI                                         Roezl

                                                           /P. LEIOPHYLLA/


   LEUCODERMIS                         1868                           BAL ITA

                                                           Ant.                                                                           Kr P

            Cultivars see under                /P. HELDREICHII/

Pinus heldreichii ssp. leucodermis - Boszniai feketefenyõ – Bosnian black pine


   LEUCOSPERMA                           Maxim. 1881

                                                           /P. TABULIFORMIS/

   LEVIS                                             Lemee & Leveille

                                                           /P. ARMANDII/

   LINDLEYANA                                Gord. 1858

                                                           /P. MONTEZUMAE var. LINDLEYI/

   LODDIGESII                                 Loud.

                                                           /P. RIGIDA/

   LOISELEURIANA                          Carr. 1855

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/


   LONGAEVA                                1971                           USA NE AR

                                                           Bailey                                                                        P

Pinus longaeva Bailey 1971 - Simatûjû szálkásfenyõ – Great Basin bristlecone pine

                                                           /P. ARISTATA ssp., var. LONGAEVA/


            # 2 Broom                             2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 3’ x 4’, tight, off color, short needles, 15’ up,

                                                           Wheeler Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’# 2 Broom’

            # 4 Broom                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1998 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, Red Canyon, Utah, 30’ north of Pseudotsuga

                                                           menziesii # 71 De Bun. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’# 4’

            Beatle                                     2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Beatle’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Beatle’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Beatle’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Beatle’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Big Fun                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Big Mountain                        2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Big Mountain’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Big Mountain’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Big Mountain’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Big Mountain’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Big Mountain’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Big Mountain’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Blue Fly                                 2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1998 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR US

                                                           Found as a broom, tight, 18” diameter, 10’ up, nice, on route to

                                                           tower – Johnson Flats – Bryce. JM text. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Blue Fly # 3’

            Blue Rain                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Bobo Roy                              2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1998 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR US

                                                           Found as a broom, 15” x 20”, 30’ up, upright growth, tight.

                                                           JM text.

                                                           A dwarf Bristle Cone Pine form the Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Conifer Collection. Dwarf green bun with no pitch on leaves. Named by Stanley & Sons Nursery. Found in south central Utah in Red Canyon. All growth is upright. Stanley text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Bo Bo Roy’  Henk van Kempen HOL

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Bo Bo Roy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Bobo Roy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Bobo Roy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Bobo Roy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Bobo Roy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Bobo Roy # 4’

            Break Down                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Down’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Down’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Down’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Down’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Down’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Down’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Down’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Down’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Down’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Break Down’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Break Down’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Break Down’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Break Down’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Break Down’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Break Down’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Down’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Break Up                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Up’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Up’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Break Up’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Break Up’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Buddy                                               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, very short growth, has cones, dark green,

                                                           low on tree, way up trail on Wheeler Park. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Buddy # 1’

            Cherry Lady                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Cherry Lady’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Cherry Lady’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Cherry Lady’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Cherry Lady’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Cherry Lady’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Cherry Lady’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Colin                                      Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Coney Ball                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Coney Ball’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Coney Ball’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Coney Ball’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Coney Ball’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Coney Ball’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Coney Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Coney Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Coney Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Coney Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Coney Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Coney Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Coney Ball’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Coney Ball’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Coney Ball’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Coney Ball’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Corner                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR US

            Donna Kay                           2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, 30” x 30”, 6’ up, not tight, good looking, on

                                                           Windy Ridge at Red Canyon. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Donna Kay # 5’

            Dwarf Tree                           2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Dwarf Tree’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Dwarf Tree’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Dwarf Tree’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Dwarf Tree’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Dwarf Tree’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Dwarf Tree’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Dwarf Tree’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Dwarf Tree’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Dwarf Tree’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Eager                                     Hort.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Eager’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Frankie Boy                          2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Frankie Boy’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Frankie Boy’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Frankie Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Frankie Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Frankie Boy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Frankie Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Frankie Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Frankie Boy’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Franky Boy’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Franz                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Grandfather                         2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Grandfather’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Grandfather’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Gregor                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Gregor’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Gregor’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Gregor’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Gregor’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Gregor’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Gregor’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Gregor’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Gregor’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Gregor’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Grovy                                    2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Grovy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Grovy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Grovy’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Grüne Kugel                         Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Hexenbesen 1.                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           G. Horstmann GER found in the USA

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Horstmann’  Mesterhazy & Valenta photo


                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Hexenbesen 1’ Horstmann 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Horstmann’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Hexenbesen 2.                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           G. Horstmann GER found in the USA

            Holubec                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Horstmann                            2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Günther Horstmann GER as a WB in  the USA

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Hexenbesen 1’ Horstmann 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Horstmann’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

            Hot Sun                                 2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Hot Sun’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Hot Sun’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

            Ice Baby                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Ice Baby # 9’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Ice Baby’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Ice Baby’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Ice Baby’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Ice Baby’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Ice Baby’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Ice Baby’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Ice Baby’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

            Independence                       2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Independence’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Independence’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Independence’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Independence’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Independence’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Independence’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Independence’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Inpedendence’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Joy Morgan                           2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0


                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Joy Morgan’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Jerry Lady                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            King Cone                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Klara                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Left Tree                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR US

            Lenka                                    2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Lenka’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Lenka’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

            Lil’ Pat                                  2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  Buchholz Nursery OR USA

            Little Lady                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Little Lady’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Little Lady’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Little Lady’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Little Lady’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Little Lady’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Little Lady’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Little Lady’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Little Lady’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Mamouth                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Mountain Fair                      2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Muffin                                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Muffin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Muffin’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Muffin’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Peat Lee                                Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Phantomas                            2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Phantomas’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Fantomas’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Fantomas’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Fantomas’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Fantomas’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Phantomas’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Phantomas’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Phantomas’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Right Tree                             2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR US

            Rockford                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Rockford’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Rockford’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Rockford’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Rockford’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Rockford’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Rockford’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Rockford’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Rockford’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Rockford’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Sasha                                     2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Schulman                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman Grove’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman Grove’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                            Pinus longaeva ‘Schulmann Grove’ 

                                                                                  Jiri Holata Nursery, Kouty CZ

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman Grove’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman Grove’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Schulman’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman Grove’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman Grove’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Schulman Grove’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Sherwood Compact             Andy Sherwood of Gresham OR USA

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Sherwood Dwarf’

                                                           A choice, dwarf evergreen conifer with a dense, broadly pyramidal shape. Needles are short and dark green. Pinus longaeva from the White Mountains of California are the oldest living trees on earth, nearly 5,000 years old. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Sherwood Compact’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Sherwood Compact’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Sherwood Compact’ 

                                                                                   Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Sherwood Compact’ 

                                                                                  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

            Sky Mountain                       2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Sky Mountain’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Sky Mountain’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Sky Mountain’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Sky Mountain’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Spice Girl                              2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

            Starlight                                2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Starlight’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Starlight’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Starlight’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Starlight’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ

            Sunbeam                               2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Sunbeam’  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Sunbeam’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘Sunbeam’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’Sunbeam’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Vojta                                      2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           2001 Vojtech Holubec CZ

                                                                                  Holubec Gardens, Praha CZ

                                                           Found as a broom, growth rate up to 3 cm a year.

                                                           Èaroveník, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku do

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            WB                                        2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           Hort. CZ

                                                                                  Vladimír Valenta, Bìleèko CZ

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’WB’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘WB’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘WB’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’WB’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            White Mountain                   2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountain’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountain’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountain’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus longaeva ‘White Mountain’ 

                                                                                  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountain’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            White Mountains 1               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, at least 10 brooms in one location. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountains # 6’

            White Mountains 2               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, at least 10 brooms in one location. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountains # 7’

            White Mountains 3               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, at least 10 brooms in one location. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountains # 8’

            White Mountains 4               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, at least 10 brooms in one location. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountains # 9’

            White Mountains 5               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, at least 10 brooms in one location. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountains # 10’

            White Mountains 6               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, at least 10 brooms in one location. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountains # 11’

            White Mountains 7               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, at least 10 brooms in one location. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountains # 12’

            White Mountains 8               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, at least 10 brooms in one location. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountains # 13’

            White Mountains 9               2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, at least 10 brooms in one location. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountains # 14’

            White Mountains 10             2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           1997 Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom, at least 10 brooms in one location. JM text.

                                                           Pinus longaeva ’White Mountains # 15’

            White Sun                             2012 Mesterházy & Etzelstorfer in Conifer Treasury of AUT 2.0

                                                           2006 Franz Etzelstorfer AUT & Jörg Kohout GER

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer & Kohout Collection

                                                           Found as a broom in the USA.


   LONGIFOLIA                                Salisb. non Roxb.

                                                           /P. PALUSTRIS/

   LONGIFOLIA                                Roxb. ex Lamb. 1803

                                                           /P. ROXBURGHII/

   LOUDONIANA                              Gord.

                                                           /P. AYACAHUITE ssp. LOUDONIANA/


   LUCHUENSIS                             1894                           TWN JPN OKI RYU

                                                           Mayr                                                                          Kr P

Pinus luchuensis Mayr 1894 - Okinavai v. Riukiu táblásfenyõ – Okinawa tablepine

Pinus luchuensis - The Luchu Pine. The Okinawa Pine. Native of the Luchu Islands between Japan and Taiwan, in the Ryukyu chain of island. Many stands of this pine were destroyed during World War II. According to one book this pine is not known in cultivation. However this pine was collected during a trip in New Zealand by a friend many years ago and kept in a pot for a very long time. When it was gifted to us we noticed just how well it has grown and seems to love the climate. Salt wind does not worry it at all. This pine growing in our Nursery/Garden is 6 metres high x 3.5 metres wide in 10 years. Unfortunately it does not seem to grow from cuttings but we have managed to root one by Aerial Layering. Tree to 30 metres in natural habitat. Zone 9. Cedar Lodge text.

                                                           Pinus luchuensis  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus luchuensis  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus luchuensis  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus luchuensis  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus luchuensis  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus luchuensis  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus luchuensis  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus luchuensis  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo

                                                           Pinus luchuensis  Hódi Tóth, József HTJ photo


            UCB 1968-40                        2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR US


   LUMHOLTZII                             1894                           MEX

                                                           Robinson & Fernald                                                  Kr P

Pinus lumholtzii Robinson & Fernald 1894 - Csüngõtûjû álaleppofenyõ – Weeping Lumholtz pino triste pine

                                                           Pinus lumholtzii  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Pinus lumholtzii  GW eric9b USA photo

                                                           P. patula Seemann 1852

             var. MICROPHYLLA       Caravajal 1986                                   MEX               KeI


   LUTEA                                           Walt. 1788

                                                           /P. TAEDA/


   LUTEA                                          1945                           MEX

                                                           Blanco                                                                       KeI

                                                           Pinus lutea Blanco 1945 > Pinus taeda

                                                           P. cooperi Blanco

             var. ORNELASI                 /Martinez/Blanco

                                                           P. cooperi var. ornelasi Martinez


   MACROCARPA                             Lindl.

                                                           /P. COULTERI/

   MACROPHYLLA                           Engelm.

                                                           /P. ENGELMANNII/

   MACROPHYLLA                           Lindl. 1839

                                                           /P. MONTEZUMAE/


   MACVAUGHII                            1986                            MEX

                                                           Caravajal                                                                   KeI


   MADERENSIS                                Ten. 1854

                                                           /P. PINEA/


   MAESTRENSIS                           1975                           CUB

                                                           Bisse                                                                          KeI


   MANDSCHURICA                         A.Murr.

                                                           /P. PUMILA/

   MANDSCHURICA                         Rupr. 1884

                                                           /P. CEMBRA/

   MARITIMA                                     Lamb. 1813

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/

   MARITIMA                                     Poir. 1804

                                                           /P. PINASTER/


   MARTINEZII                               1964                           MEX

                                                           Lars.                                                                          KeI


   MASSONIANA                               Sieb. & Zucc. non Lamb.

                                                           /P. THUNBERGII/


   MASSONIANA                            1803                           S-E-CHN KW - SE

                                                           Lamb.                                                                        SS PG

Pinus massoniana Lamb. 1803 - Dél-kínai vörös erdeifenyõ – South-Chinese red pine

                                                           P. canaliculata Miquel 1861

                                                           P. sinensis Lamb. non Mayr

                                                           P. rubra Miq.

             var. HAINANENSIS          Cheng, Cheng & Fu 1975 in Sylva Sinica

             var. HUANGLINGSONG Hort. CHN in Sylva Sinica

             var. LINGNANENSIS       Hort. CHN in Sylva Sinica

             var. WULINGENSIS         C. J. Qi & Q. Z. Lin 1988      CHN                           KeI


   MASTERSIANA                              Hayata

                                                           /P. ARMANDII/


   MAXIMARTINEZII                   1964                           MEX

                                                           Rzedowski                                                                PW

Pinus maximartinezii Rzedowski 1964 - Mexikói óriástobozú diófenyõ – Martinez pine

                                                           Pinus maximartinezii  Jaro Franta CAN photo


            UCB                                       2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR US

            UCD                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR US


   MAXIMINOI                                1966                           MEX

                                                           H. E. Moore.                                                             DG

Pinus maximinoi H. E. Moore 1966 – Hosszúhajú fenyõ – Longhair pine

                                                           Pinus maximinoi  Leu Gardens, Orlando FL USA

                                                           Pinus maximinoi  GW eric9b USA photo


   MAYRIANA                                    Sudw. 1897

                                                           /P. PONDEROSA/

   MCINTOSHIANA                           Hort.

                                                           /P. BOLANDERI/

   MERCURY X                              Hort.

                                                                                  Anthoine Pinetum, Jamioulx BEL

                                                           Pinus mercury x (Pinus parviflora x Pinus armandii)

                                               A cross between Pinus griffithii and Pinus parviflora, fast growing with a horizontal branching habit and long drooping needles.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Photos from the Anthoine Pinetum in 2006 made by the author.


   MERKUSII                                               1921                           ICH INDO SUM PHI THA

                                                           Jungh. & De Vriese                                                   Kr PG P

Pinus merkusii Jungh. & De Vriese 1921 – Szundaföldi óriás erdeifenyõ – Sundaland giant pine

             ssp. LATTERI                    F. Mason

                                                           P. sylvestris Laureiro 1790 non L.

                                                           P. finlaysoniana Wallich ex Blume 1847

                                                           P. latteri Mason 1849 ?


   MICHOACANA                           1944                           MEX

                                                           Martinez                                                                    Kr PM

                                                           P. devoniana Lindl. 1839

             f. PROCERA                      Martinez

             f. TUMIDA                          Martinez

             var. CORNUTA                  Martinez 1944

                                                           P. winchesteriana Gord. 1858

             var. CORNUTA f. NAYARITANA


             var. QUEVEDOI                /Martinez/Gaussen 1960


   MICROCARPA                              Roezl

                                                           /P. TEOCOTE/

   MINOR                                           Hort.

                                                           /P. HALEPENSIS/

   MITIS                                              Michx. 1803

                                                           /P. ECHINATA/

   MONOPHYLLA                             Torrey & Fremont 1845 

                                                           /P. CEMBROIDES var. MONOPHYLLA/

Pinus monophylla Torrey & Frémont 1845 – Egytûs diófenyõ – Singleleaf nutpine

Cultivars see: Pinus cembroides


             var. EDULIS                         /Engelm/M.E.Jones 1891

                                                           /P. CEMBROIDES var. EDULIS/

   MONSPELIENSIS                          Hort.

                                                           /P. PINASTER/

   MONTANA                                     Mill.    

                                                           /P. MUGO/

   MONTANA                                     Lam. 1778

                                                           /P. CEMBRA/

   MONTANA                                     Noll. 1852 non Mill.

                                                           /P. PUNGENS/

   MONTEALLEGRII                         Roezl

                                                           /P. LEIOPHYLLA/

   MONTEREYENSIS                        Ranch.

                                                           /P. RADIATA/

   MONTEZUMAE                             Gord. 1846

                                                           /P. MONTEZUMAE var. RUDIS/


   MONTEZUMAE                          1832                           MEX GUA

                                                           Lamb.                                                                        Kr PM

Pinus montezumae Lamb. 1832 - Azték v. Montezuma fenyõ – Montezuma pine

                                                           Pinus montezumae  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           Pinus montezumae  Mesterházy photo 2015

                                                           P. filifolia Lindl.1840

                                                           P. grenvilleae Gord. 1847

                                                           P. gordoniana Hartw. 1847

                                                           P. macrophylla Lindl. 1839

                                                           P. russelliana Lindl. 1839

             f. MACROCARPA            Martinez 1948

             var. HARTWEGII                 /Lindl./Engelm. 1847             C-MEX

                                                           /P. HARTWEGII/

                                                           P. donnell-smithii Mast. 1891

             var. LINDLEYI                  Loud.1883                             N-MEX

                                                           P. lindleyana Gord. 1858

             var. RUDIS                          /Endl./Shaw 1909                  C-N-MEX

Pinus rudis Endl. 1847 – Öttûs szirti moktezumafenyõ – Fiveneedle Montezuma pine

                                                           P. rudis Endl. 1847

                                                           P. montezumae Gord. 1846

                                                           P. ehrenbergii Endl. 1847

                                                           P. hartwegii Parl. non Lindl. 1868


            Seedling                                 2010 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of NZL & AUS

                                                           2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                                                  2009 Cedar Lodge Nurs. New Plymouth NZL

                                                           A seedling mutation much like a bundle of long grass. 4 to 5 needles which are 25 cm long. Found amongst Pinus montezumae seedlings at Cedar Lodge. A mid green colour held in tufts on the ends of short stubby branches which themselves are 15 cm long. 60 cm high x 1 metres wide in 8 years in our Nursery/Garden. Cedar Lodge text.

            Sheffield Park                       Hort.

                                                                                  2012 Encyclopedia of Conifers


   MONTEZUMAE X PATULA    Mitchell 1972                         IRL


   MONTICOLA                              1832                           CAN BC - USA CA - MO

                                                           Dougl. ex Lamb.                                                       Kr PG P

Pinus monticola Dougl. ex. Lamb. 1832 - Nyugati v. kolumbiai simafenyõ - Western white pine

                                                           P. grozelieri Carr.

                                                           P. nivea Booth

                                                           P. porphyrocarpa Laws. 1884

                                                           P. strobus var. monticola /Dougl.ex D. Don/Nutt.

             var. MINIMA                      Lemm.                                    USA CA

            Ammerland                           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Ammerland’

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., Oldenburg GER

                                               A Jeddeloh selection with bluish green needles, it is a bit loose

                                                           when young. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Ammerland’  Mesterhazy photo

            Chad                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           L. C. Hatch 1988


82120965  82120966  81502998


            Crawford                              2011 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 1.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           2003 Jerry Morris USA

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Crawford’

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                  2003 Denver Botanic Gardens USA

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                                                  2010 Coenosium Plant List

                                                           Found as a broom.

                                                           Silvery, blue-green foliage is soft on this compact, fairly slow-growing pine tree. Its dense, upright form and beautiful color give it a formal appearance. Growth Rate:  4-7" HxW@10yrs:  6'x2.5'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Crawford’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Crawford’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Crawford’  Nate Cassell CO USA

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Crawford’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Crawford’  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Crawford’  Nate Cassell photo

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Crawford’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Crawford # 1’

            Glauca                                   2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Glauca’

                                                                                   zu Jeddeloh Nurs., into GER

            Halloween Broom                 2014 Mesterházy, Herbst & Cassell in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 3.0

                                                           2013 Sam Pratt OR USA

                                                                                  Konifer Kingdom Nursery OR USA

                                                           Light-green foliage has a silver-blue hue. This unique broom was discovered by Sam Pratt in Port Orchard, Washington on Halloween Day. This unique variety is from a species that scarcely produces witch's brooms! Growth Rate:  3-5" HxW@10yrs:  3'x4'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Broom harvest report

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Halloween Broom’  Sam Pratt photo 2014

            Kirkwood                              2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                           Found as a broom.

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Kirkwood’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Kirkwood’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Kirkwood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Kirkwood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Kirkwood’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Kohout’s Select # 1               2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0

                                                           Jörg Kohout GER in the USA

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Kohout’s Select # 1’ 

                                                                                  Talon Buchholz OR USA photo

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Kirkwood # 3’

            Kostelec                                 2012 Mesterházy-Valenta-Malík-Balatka in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of Cesko/ Èeské šlechtìní jehlièin 2.0

                                                           1998 Jiøí Holata CZ

                                                                                  Jiøí Balatka Collection, Evidence 2011

                                                           Found as a seedling, growth rate a year over 3 cm.

                                                           Semenáè, skupina výpĕstkù podle roèního pøírùstku nad

                                                           3 cm. Balatka text.

            Minima                                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           Lemmon 1888

            Nana                                      2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Don Howse’s Porterhowse Farms OR USA

                                                           A slow-growing, irregular evergreen conifer with short, soft blue-green needles. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Nana’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Nana’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Nana’  Will Fletcher USA photo

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Nana’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Nana’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Nana’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Nana’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Nana’  Miroslav Malík photo 2013

            Ondulata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           1960 Wüstemeyer, Schermbeck GER

                                                           This irregular-growing pine has an open branching habit and thick, twisted deep blue-green foliage. A unique variety selected in Germany, sometimes found under the name 'Undulata'. Growth Rate:  6-9" HxW@10yrs:  6.5'x4'. Brent Markus text.

            Pendula                                 2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0

                                                           Krüssmann 1979

                                                           zu Jeddeloh GER in a forest at Schermbeck

                                                           An evergreen conifer with an ascending leader and weeping lateral branches. Foliage is soft blue-green. Found in Germany. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -20 degrees. USDA zone 5. Buchholz text.

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Pendula’

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Pendula’  Jiøí Balatka photo

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Pendula’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Pendula’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Pendula La Feber                Hort.

                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Pendula Wilson                     2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

            Pendula Wüstemeyer           2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of Germany 1.0


                                                                                  Etzelstorfer Koniferensammlung AUT

            Pygmaea                                2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1980 Raraflora Nurs., Feasterville PA USA


            Raraflora                                                     Kenwith Nurs., GBR

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Raraflora’  Clément Anthoine Pinetum BEL

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Raraflora’  Clément Anthoine BEL photo

            Rigby’s Weeping                  2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0

                                                           1986 USA

                                                                                   Iseli Nurs., OR USA

                                               A strongly weeping form of Western White Pine introduced by Iseli, this one definitely needs some staking or it will be a ground cover. Arrowhead text.

                                                                                  Arrowhead Alpines Nursery MI USA

            Siskiyou Mt.                                                  Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Sisk Mt’ ?

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Siskiyou Mt.’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Siskiyou Mt.’ 

                                                                                  Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Siskiyou Mts.’ 

                                                                                  Jörg Kohout Nursery, Prietitz GER

            Skyline                                   D. M. van Gelderen 1982                  HOL

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Skyline’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Skyline’  conifertreasury.org photo


82794685  82794684

            Snow White                           2012 Mesterhazy-Cassell-Herbst

                                                           in Life Monument of Jerry Morris 2.0 conifertreasury.org

                                                           Jerry Morris USA

                                                                                  Jerry Morris Rocky Mountain Collection

                                                                                   Stanley & Sons Nurs. Inc. Boring, OR USA

                                                           Found as a broom.

                                                           Jerry Morris is responsible for discovering this beautiful, compact pyramidal pine with blue-green needles. It is one of the very few cultivars of Pinus monticola! Growth Rate:  3-5" HxW@10yrs:  4'x3'. Brent Markus text.

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Snow White’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Snow White’  Dax Herbst IL USA

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Snow White’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Snow White’ 

                                                                                  Dax Herbst in Rich’s Foxwillow Pines USA

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Snow White’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Snow White’  Mesterhazy & Malik photo 2012

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Snow White’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Snow White’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Snow White’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Snow White’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Snow White’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Snow White’  Mesterházy & Malík photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Snow White’  Sam Pratt USA photo 2013

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Snow White # 2’

            Strobicola                              2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                                                  Clement Anthoine, Jamioulx BEL

            Tiny Tim                               2015 Mesterházy, Herbst, Cassell, Markus & Pratt in

                                                           Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 4.0


                                                                                  Porterhowse Farms OR USA

            Undulata                               2010 Mesterházy in Conifer Treasury of the USA & Canada 1.0


                                                           Pinus monticola ’Undulata’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus monticola ’Undulata’  conifertreasury.org photo

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘Undulata’

            WB 2                                     Hort.

                                                           Pinus monticola ‘WB2’  Burdan Nursery, Lubska POL

            Windsor Dwarf                    G. Haddow 1993

                                                                                   Windsor Great Park GBR

            Wüstemeyer                          Hort.

                                                                                  Miroslav Malík Nursery, Èeské Budĕjovice CZ


   MORRISONICOLA                    1908                           TWN

                                                           Hayata                                                                       Kr SS PW P

Pinus morrisonicola Hayata 1908 - Tajvani cirbolyafenyõ – Taiwan white pine

                                                           P. formosana Hayata

                                                           P. parviflora var. morrisonicola /Hayata/Wu

                                                           P. uyematsui Hayata

            Pal Maleter                           HOL

                                                                                   1982 Esveld Nurs., HOL

            Wilson                                   2013 Mesterházy & al. in Conifer Treasury of  USA & CAN 2.0


                                                                                  2010 Gee Farms Nursery MI USA



CT 4.0 2012 – 1947 cultivars, 840 of them with photos

CT 5.0 2013 – 2069 cultivar records, 1085 of them with photo

CT 6.0 2014 – 2206 cultivar records, 1201 with photos